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Phronesis, 2024
There is prima facie evidence that Theophrastus naturalized nous to the extent that he spoke of it in naturalizing terms. But our evidence also suggests that Theophrastus accepted the reasons Aristotle had for excluding nous from the reach of natural philosophy. We show that, far from revealing an inconsistency on Theophrastus' part, this apparent tension results from a consciously adopted strategy. Theophrastus is developing one aspect of Aristotle's account of nous he found underdeveloped and feared might be misunderstood, namely the infrangible organic unity of the whole human being, including its nous. That is why he insists that nous, although 'from outside,' is 'grown together' with us, why he speaks of it as a nature (phusis), and why he insists that thought is a motion (kinêsis). We show how these striking claims can be understood against the broader background of Theophrastus' natural philosophy.
كتابي السادس عشر في: تطبيقات الفيزياء في علوم الجيوماتكس. ويضم 6 أبواب: الفيزياء و مبادئ الضوء، قياس المسافات الكترونيا و المحطة الشاملة، تحديد المواقع و الجي بي أس، التصوير الجوى، الاستشعار عن بعد، الجيوديسيا الطبيعية و الجاذبية الأرضية و الجيويد
I luoghi e le forme del Potere dall’antichità all’età contemporanea, 2019
[ENG] Far from being a rigid designator, the term power takes on several meanings and forms, so much so that the history of mankind can be read as the history of power. The associations it triggers are actually multifaceted as they range from power as the monopoly of force and violence or as a legitimate form of political behaviour, to power as potentiality. What these meanings point to is that the notion of power is an inescapable feature of the history of human social life. Inevitably, human beings are subjected to power and exercise power; ultimately, their very existence has to be related to power conceived as potentiality. The transversal nature of this complex topic is at the core of this volume that stems from the insights developed within the PhD program “History, Cultures and Knowledge of Mediterranean Europe from Antiquity to the Contemporary Age” held at the University of Basilicata. The different disciplinary backgrounds of the contributors (history, philosophy, philology, language history, literature and art history) have informed the different approaches adopted, all of them unveiling the multiple and changing faces of power, its places and developments. [ITA] Il termine potere, lungi dal possedere una designazione rigida, gode di svariate accezioni e di molteplici forme. Proprio in virtù della sua pervasività nonché della sua incoercibile multiformità, è possibile leggere la storia dell’uomo come una storia di potere o di poteri. Diverse sono le declinazioni del termine: da quella che permette di interpretarlo come possibilità di azione da parte di ciascun soggetto, a quella che lo intende quale monopolio della forza o ancora legittima forma di amministrazione politica. Tanto come sostantivo quanto come verbo, il potere racconta una storia necessaria: la storia di un consorzio umano che non può prescindere dal subire o dall’esercitare potere e di un uomo che per essere deve potere. La necessità e la trasversalità della articolata tematica sono al centro di questo volume, che scaturisce da uno sforzo di riflessione nato nell’ambito del Dottorato di ricerca in “Storia, Culture e Saperi dell’Europa mediterranea dall’antichità all’età contemporanea” del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane dell’Università degli Studi della Basilicata. La formazione ampia ed eterogenea degli autori, spaziando dalla storia alla filosofia, dalla filologia alla letteratura, dalla storia della lingua alla storia dell’arte, ha consentito di affrontare l’argomento a partire da punti di vista e da discipline differenti, nel tentativo di mostrare e di problematizzare la sua complessità, i suoi molteplici e cangianti volti, i suoi luoghi e i suoi sviluppi.
U radu se na osnovu arhivskih izvora i relevantne literature opisuje osnivanje Hrvatske pravoslavne crkve (HPC) u ustaškoj Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj u lipnju 1942. godine i uloga koju je crnogorsko-hrvatski publicist Savić Marković Štedimlija (1907.-1971.) imao unutar HPC na političko-propagandnom polju po nalogu režima NDH. Njegovi članci i rasprave (ali i praktični organizacijski rad na otvaranju novih crkava HPC) kako u glasilima listova NDH tako i u listovima i kalendarima HPC imale su zadatak da stvore političku ideologiju te Crkve „u ustaškom ruhu“ koja je primarno stvorena u funkciji „pacifikacije“ srpskog stanovništva nakon što su ustaške vlasti uvidjele da neće moći obuzdati partizanski ustanak na prostoru NDH, ali i radi tumačenja povijesti pravoslavnog stanovništva u NDH gdje je uglavnom naglašavana njegova prevladavajuća nesrpska etnogeneza. Štedimlija se u nizu svojih rasprava u glasilima HPC obračunava sa Srpskom pravoslavnom crkvom i njenim izjednačavanjem pravoslavlja sa srpstvom jer se nova koncepcija pravoslavlja u NDH nakon osnivanja HPC suprostavljala „svetosavskoj ideologiji“.
Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation, 2023
M. García Morcillo – C. Rosillo-López (eds.), The Real State Market in the Roman World, Oxford – Nueva York, 131-147, 2023
Nadia Balkowski / Isabel Hohle / Kerstin P. Hofmann / Almut Schülke (Hrsg.), Mensch - Körper - Tod. Der Umgang mit menschlichen Überresten im Neolithikum Mitteleuropas (Leiden: Sidestone 2023). , 2023
Toplumsal Tarih Akademi, 2024
Il laboratorio di letteratura inglese, 2002
Chemical and Process Engineering Research, 2014
Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society, 2018
Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie [Journal of the German-Speaking Society of Music Theory], 2011
International Journal of Oral Implantology & Clinical Research, 2014
Tissue Antigens, 2008
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2020
Land Degradation & Development, 2015