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volcanic eruptions Future research directions on the physics of explosive service Email alerting new articles cite this article to receive free e-mail alerts whenhereclick request Permission part of this article
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John Sarno-translator-În sfârșit! Alinare fără analgezice și operație. O abordare radical nouă a diagnosticului și tratamentului durerilor de spate "La majoritatea victimelor durerilor de spate, TENSIUNEA duce la un proces fizic care implică mușchii și nervii gâtului, umerilor și spatelui. Eu numesc această afecțiune sindromul miozitei de tensiune (TMS). "TMS se caracterizează prin diferite tipuri de dureri la nivelul gâtului, umerilor, părții superioare sau inferioare a spatelui și, adesea, la nivelul picioarelor și brațelor. Durerea poate apărea cu o frecvență din ce în ce mai mare de-a lungul mai multor ani, iar la unele persoane devine în cele din urmă cronică. Ea poate domina viața unei persoane. Durerea și teama de durere restricționează brusc activitatea fizică.
Predicting Stock Market Trends for Japanese Candlestick Using Cloud Model, 2021
Cloud model covers the randomness gap in fuzzy logic model and represents the uncertainty transformation between two different concepts. First concept is the linguistic term that represent the qualitative mean. While the second is the crisp term which represent the quantitative mean. The proposed work presents promising model which combines cloud model, fuzzy time series, and Heikin-Ashi candlestick to predict and confirm accurate stock trend. The model solves several challenging such as: nonlinearity, uncertainty and noises in stock market trend. Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks are an extended branch of Japanese candlesticks, such candlestick filters out stock noise and effort to highlight the trend. Heikin-Ashi Candlestick is constructed by calculating averages of the previous and current period prices. Cloud model handle the ambiguous and uncertainty in the Japanese candlestick definitions (qualitative information) and actual stock prices (quantitative data). It is applied to build membership functions by handling the uncertainty and vagueness of the stock historical data. Then the suggested model constructs dynamic weighted fuzzy logical relationships based on the membership functions to predict the next open and close prices of the stock as well as the high and low values. Finally it constructs the next Heikin-Ashi Japanese candlestick pattern that clarify the trend direction based on the patterns sequence. The imperial evaluation proves that the proposed model has high forecasting accuracy and is feasible to be implemented. Keywords: Cloud model Á Fuzzy time series Á Stock trend Á Heikin-Ashi candlestick Á Japanese candlestick
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