Global Cities
Secondary Cities and the Global Economy
By Xiangming Chen and Ahmed Kanna
Cities operate today in a more complex, indeed, global world. Cities help shape the global economy and culture, and are afected by it as they grow or decline. Cities change in varying ways in response to local and extra-local conditions. In this article, we
address the understudied but distinctive conditions and roles of so-called secondary cities in the global economy. he critical
importance of many secondary cities stems from and sustains their historical path of development and their shiting positions in
national and global urban systems.
he 21st century is the “Century of Cities,” when and
where cities have become more critical to the global
connection and organization of economic activities
and everyday life. But we often do not look at the importance
of cities beyond a short list—New York, London, Paris—
to which we have correctly and, in a timely fashion, added
the dynamic megacities of Shanghai and Mumbai from the
rising economic powers of China and India.1 This is a narrowminded and short-sighted gaze at the interconnected world of
cities. Although much less known, many secondary cities are
playing increasingly stronger roles in the global economy than
expected of their size and status, and thus deserve a focused
understanding of why and how this is so.
In a new edited book, Rethinking Global Urbanism:
Comparative Insights from Secondary Cities (Routledge, 2012),
we have brought together a set of less familiar cities that are
Although much less known, many secondary cities are playing increasingly
stronger roles in the global economy than
expected of their size and status.
The European Financial Review August – September 2012
not usually part of conversations about globalization or global
cities (see Map 1). This will at first appear to be a counterintuitive approach. Hardly any of the cities examined in our
volume approach the physical scope, demographic size or economic power of such world metropolises as New York and
London. In some cases, the volume’s contributors write about
urban areas caught up in trajectories radically different from
that of globalization’s winners: cities and urban regions, as
Brent Ryan did with regard to Detroit, that inexorably spiraled
toward a condition of “de-globalization.” Our unconventional choice of cities, however, is directly connected to our argument in this book: “secondary,” that is, less well-examined
cities bring better to light global processes that have been marginalized or neglected in research on global cities. Such processes include: 1) alternative and new cartographies of globalization; 2) the role of local, regional, and “deep” histories in
contemporary urban globalization; and 3) the complex role of
culture in urban experience and global urban circuits.
New Cartographies of the Global Urban
A few years ago, John Short pointed out that globalization
“act(s) in and through” all cities: “almost all cities can act
as a gateway for the transmission of economic, political and
As the model of the industrial city anchoring a modernizing national economy recedes
further into the past, a global circuit of ideas and symbolic capital emerges in which all
cities strive toward a single ideal: the city of consumption and spectacular urbanscapes.
cultural globalization.”2 We agree but
also caution against what still appear
to be the vestiges of a reifying language
which opposes “globalization” and “the
city,” such that the former, like an external object, acts upon or through the
latter. One of the contributions we seek
to make to the discussion of global urbanism is to point to what such new, alternative cartographies of the global3
look like in the emerging 21st century.
Using their familiarity with a number of
somewhat unfamiliar cities, the contributors collectively reveal multiple layers
of the global urban landscape that have
tended to be hidden and latent.
Strongly evident in Zukin’s opening
chapter is such an appreciation of how
an “aesthetic mode of production”
services the remaking of many cities.
Museums, artists’ enclaves, and iconic
“starchitecture” have become central
to urban entrepreneurialism and redevelopment. Major world cities such as
New York and Shanghai become linked
with aspiring, or “secondary,” world
cities, some discussed in our book. As
the model of the industrial city anchoring a modernizing national economy
recedes further into the past, a global
circuit of ideas and symbolic capital
emerges in which all cities strive toward
a single ideal: the city of consumption
and spectacular urbanscapes.
In discussing Harare, Zimbabwe and
Johannesburg, South Africa, Tyanai
Masiya (Chapter 8) like Zukin engages
processes of localization, if from a slightly different angle. His study of participatory budgeting examines, like Zukin,
the outcomes of the circulation of urban
expertise. Participatory budgeting, pioneered by Brazil in the late 1980s, has
been more recently adapted in Africa,
more successfully in Johannesburg,
much less so in Harare. If the transnational transfer and imitation of cultural
strategies and renewal projects end up, as
Zukin argues, homogenizing cities, the
application of participatory budgeting to
unfavorable national political and local
contexts can largely fail, as in Harare.
Sarah Moser’s study of PutrajayaMalaysia
(Chapter 9) is another striking illustration of such less well-examined or
emerging alternative cartographies of
the global. Moser’s analysis of these
new administrative capitals demonstrates a process she terms “serial seduction,” which questions the assumption
that cities are stratified in a Western-
Map 1: Locations of some secondary cities.
Source: The map was drawn by Nick Bacon
dominated urban hierarchy. Both administrative capitals generally eschew an
orientation to the West, opting instead
for a Singapore-influenced model. For
example, both of the new administrative capitals seek to emulate the synthesis of neoliberalism, public hygiene,
and greenery of their well-established
Southeast Asian cousin. Both cities,
moreover, attempt to embody a vision
of the “progressive Muslim city” of the
21st century, an alignment of neoliberal
“best practices” and Muslim values. In
turn, they are influencing other urban
areas in the Muslim world, cities such as
Astana, Kazakhstan and Abuja, Nigeria,
an emerging globality of “hi-tech cities
with Muslim values.”
New transnational maps, in a more
literal sense, have also been emerging
more broadly across Asia during the
past three decades. For example, the
rise of the Tianjin Binhai New Area
(TBNA), China, according to Chang
Liu and Xiangming Chen (Chapter 7),
represents a large global-city region
that incorporated Saskia Sassen’s insights about the denationalized, autonomous character of the global city.4
One of the fastest growing local economies in China, TBNA has been dubbed
“China’s third growth engine” (after
Shenzhen, which is also covered in our
book, and Pudong-Shanghai) by the
Chinese media. However, “Tianjin is by
no means a global city,” write Liu and
Chen, due to its lack of financial service
functions under the large shadow of
nearby Beijing as a politically motivated
powerful center of producer services.
Whereas the TBNA city-region reflects the potent policies of the post-Mao
Chinese state, the rise of Dubai demonstrates urban-scale adaptations to wider
regional political-economic shifts. In
Chapter 2, Kanna shows how interconnected Dubai’s fortunes are to the wider
Eurasian and African regions in which
Global Cities
The deep economic history of regions such as Detroit-Windsor and the Connecticut River
Valley has profoundly shaped the ways in which these regions have adapted to major
shifts in the global economy over the past half century.
it is situated.5 Over the past forty years, Dubai has become an
important node, if not one of the most important nodes, in a
transnational region connecting the Middle East, the Indian
Ocean, Africa, East Asia, and Russia. The factors at play—the
rise of the UAE petro state, regional and world geopolitics—
are many and complex. Among other things, the case of Dubai
shows how a free-trade, politically semiautonomous city-state
can act as an extraterritorial financial and export hub for other
nation-states.6 Dubai further questions conventional notions of
global urban hierarchy and the boundedness of global cities.
If the notion of a hierarchical global urban network is sustainable, then this framing must account for maps of the global,
which accommodate the globalization of non-Western types
of symbolic capital and expertise, as well as new geographies
of economic exchange and interconnections.
In considering the cases of two former motors of North
American industrialism, Springfield, Massachusetts, and
Detroit-Michigan–Windsor-Ontario, Robert Forrant (Chapter
4) and Brent Ryan (Chapter 5) both make the intriguing case
that, although the capitals of global financial and services
economy are still mainly located in the Global North, much of
the remainder of the Global North is now dotted with dying
cities. This is a condition that Ryan terms “de-globalization,”
by which he means that these cities are no longer the economic
engines that had benefited from the expanding global economy
and market. The results for these former industrial capitals
have been catastrophic. The solutions proposed by influential
urban actors are predictably corporatist and neoliberal: the creation of consumption-oriented, “parasitic” megaprojects (as
Ryan puts it) such as casinos, museums, and outdoor urban
streets-cum-shopping malls. It is tempting to conclude that
cities such as Springfield, Detroit, and Windsor, Canada, are
now disconnected from the main action of globalization. In
fact, these city-regions’ current struggles are exactly a direct
result of the shifts in the global economy.
Deep Urban Economies and Histories
“The deep economic history of a place matters,” argues
Saskia Sassen in a recent article, and is important in shaping
how a city develops. Homogeneity is not desirable for globalizing institutions because “the global economy needs diverse
specialized economic capabilities.”7 Globalization is multifarious, fractured, and plural. Different globalized circuits
connect particular countries and cities: Mumbai to London
and Bogotá via real-estate investment; New York to Brazil,
Kenya, and Indonesia via circuits of trade in coffee futures;
São Paulo, Johannesburg, and Sydney through metal wholesale circuits; and Mumbai and Dubai via retail circuits.8
The European Financial Review August – September 2012
This point can be extended to urban areas which have been
adversely affected by global processes. The deep economic
history of regions such as Detroit-Windsor and the Connecticut
River Valley has profoundly shaped the ways in which these
regions have adapted to major shifts in the global economy
over the past half century. This often results in disconnection
from the most profitable circuits of the global economy, but
can bring with it other kinds of global interconnection, as can
be seen, for example, in increasingly transnational, migrant
demographics of deindustrializing cities such as Hartford and
Springfield in the Connecticut River Valley. Writing about a
totally different context, Liu and Chen in our book show how
the national state is centrally involved in shaping China’s economic trajectory and structuring China’s urban articulations
with the global economy. Urbanization and city-building are
central to the position that China wants to assume as a leader
in the 21st century manufacturing and transshipment economies, with another secondary city Shenzhen (and relative to
Shanghai), and now Tianjin Binhai New Area (relative to
Beijing) spearheading this process.
Moving from strict economics to the political-economic,
Kanna focuses on how the imperial encounter shaped both
Dubai’s and Singapore’s postcolonial and global development. The tradition of being a politically authoritarian, economically free market entrepôt is a continuous thread running
through both cities’ deep economic histories. Between the
early 19th and mid-21st century, Singapore became central to
British expansion in the Malay Peninsula, a focal point of free
trade in Southeast Asia, and a premier global free port; Dubai
was far more isolated and impoverished (again, as a result of
British colonial policy), but it too was operating as a free port
as early as the first decade of the 20th century. Moreover, the
governmental institutions in Dubai, as in other parts of the
British-dominated Arab Gulf, still follow the mold crafted
by the British in collaboration with local princes during
the colonial period. In Singapore, the Japanese occupation
(1942–1945) had an ironic effect: it both mobilized an antioccupation movement and fatally delegitimized British rule in
the Malay region, setting the scene for the rise of the People’s
Action Party (PAP) with, again, profound consequences for
contemporary Singaporean globalization and urbanism.
Culture Matters in Multiple Ways
Anthropologists and other students of culture generally look
at cultural processes through one (or a combination) of at
least three lenses: culture as a symbolic resource in political
or economic agendas, culture as structure for experience, and
culture as source of agency (i.e., cultural practices). The theme
of cultural experiences and practices as carriers and shapers of
globalization has been underemphasized in research on global
cities. Beth Notar (Chapter 10 in our edited book) is concerned
with how cultural worldviews intersect with status and class in
a rapidly globalizing provincial city in China. “China,” writes
Notar, “is rebuilding cities on an arguably unprecedented
scale: there has been no other country which has engaged in
such radical ‘creative destruction’ of all of its cities in such a
short span of time.” Kunming, the capital city of the Yunnan
province, caught up in this process and, situated in the Greater
Mekong Subregion, China’s hub and pathway to Southeast
Asia, is becoming an “intensely global” city. Notar focuses in
particular on the experiences of Kunming taxi drivers, whose
ranks consist of people who have not benefited from China’s
reform period: people who lost land or businesses as a result
of the reforms. To impose some meaning on such an urban
milieu, Kunming’s cabdrivers draw upon traditional Chinese
urban symbolism, in which a liminal zone of vague unease
separates the urban and the rural. “The cab drivers label as
dangerous those places that are liminal ones between urban
and rural space, where marginalized people enter the city.”
Familiar categories of sociocultural outsider often date back
to the 19th century. Notar suggests that these categories “represent an effort to try to assert an older conceptual order on
the radically new physical and social landscapes of the city, to
harness old scapegoats for new conditions.”
Rodney Collins (Chapter 11) discusses the intersection
between cultural and social structures, the colonial legacy, and
capitalism in his analysis of how everyday Tunis residents experience the city, as can be seen in attitudes toward and frequentation of the city’s varied coffeehouses. One of Collins’s interlocutors, a male government employee, produced an impromptu
mental map of the city, simultaneously spatial, social, and gendered: “He pointed out that not only are there [mixed gender
cafés] and [men’s cafés], but that these are also found in distinct
neighborhoods.” The male-dominance of men’s cafés, usually
unnoticed by men, contrasts with the cafés on the Avenue Habib
Bourguiba, which since 2003 has been subjected to gentrification. Here, the cafés evidence gender mixing, as opposed to the
mostly male-dominated cafés of the nearby medina (old city)
and the popular neighborhoods. But this apparent embrace of
diversity is not without irony. Freed from official pricing regulation (as stipulated by an elaborate state categorization of coffeehouses), the mixte cafés of the Avenue Bourguiba charge twice
to ten times the sha‘by price for a cup of coffee.
Chapter 12 is a reflection by Keisha-Khan Perry on the tyrannies, both subtle and not so subtle, of gentrification. A project
by a Brazilian development firm in Gamboa de Baixo, a classand racially mixed neighborhood of Salvador, brings with it an
apparatus of segregating walls. Concrete walls, argues Perry,
index racial boundaries, segregation, and the illegalization of
life among the urban poor in Brazil. Black and poor urbanites become entangled in a state-neoliberal matrix of exclusion, racialization, and disposability, both of their bodies and
their dwelling spaces. Urban peripherlization actually helps
to produce awareness and resistance. Black women in Latin
America and throughout the black diaspora, writes Perry, and
in particular those who live in the poorest neighborhoods, have
been regarded as de facto noncitizens, facing the constant threat
of expulsion to the peripheries of cities such as Salvador. It is
black women’s participation and grassroots organizing in this
secondary city that creates new ways of understanding the
meaning of citizenship and the deep legacies of race in Brazil.
Second to None
While the urban literature has become more comparative,
diverse, and global over the last two decades or so, it has sustained
a strong focus on scale and power, often in combination, as two
salient features that draw most research attention to only certain
cities. To redress the bias toward large scale and great power in
choosing cities to study, we need to note the relative weights
of different-sized cities in shaping the present and future urban
world. According to UN-HABITAT,9 in 2000, 60.7 percent of
the urban population in developing countries lived in either intermediate (500,000–1 million) or big (1–5 million) cities, while
large (5–10 million) and mega- (more than 10 million) cities
accounted for only 17.7 percent of the total. In addition, 47.2
percent of intermediate cities and 47.7 percent of big cities experienced high growth (2 to 4 percent per annum) or very high
growth (above 4 percent per annum) during 1990–2000, compared to 42.1 percent for large and megacities, which also had
a larger percentage of them in slow growth or decline. In all
United Nations’ forecasts on urban growth to 2030 and beyond,
intermediate and big cities (with less than 5 million people), not
megacities, will account for the largest share of urban growth in
developing countries. In both China and India, which will contribute the most people toward future urban growth in developing countries and the entire world, intermediate or midsized
cities (a size designation by China for those cities with populations up to 5 million) will absorb almost half of their urban
expansion. The economic importance of these cities “in the
middle” will also rise. Midsized Chinese cities will account for
34 percent of the GDP in 2025, up from 29 percent in 2007.10
Besides their aggregate demographic and economic significance, each of the midsized cities, sometimes also called second-tier or secondary cities, in different ways face a similar set
of challenges: sufficient economic growth, job creation for large
numbers of in-migrants, balance between wealth and poverty,
improving urban governance, social conflict, spatial segregation,
and dealing with historical legacy and recent globalization. We
In all United Nations’ forecasts on urban
growth to 2030 and beyond, intermediate
and big cities, not megacities, will account
for the largest share of urban growth in
developing countries.
Global Cities
simply do not know enough about how
this large category of cities, their diverse
communities and residents experience
and respond to these varied challenges
because we have not studied enough of
them, and rarely through a comparative
lens on the different facets of these issues.
This empirical neglect has limited our
ability to theorize the wide variations in
global urban processes along and beyond
the dominant vectors of scale and power.
What can secondary cities, or better,
those in the middle range of the spectrum
just mentioned, teach us that we would
not otherwise learn from and about?
First of all, their relative status not only
makes them vertically connected to the
first-tier cities that are often much larger
and much more global but also maps
them horizontally onto the global circuit
of ideas and practices that flow and traverse across national boundaries and
locate them deeply into the local cultural and economic milieus. The horizontal flow of urban governance ideas and
practices among secondary cities manifests itself both in Johannesburg, South
Africa, and Harare, Zimbabwe, adopting participatory budgeting from Porto
Alegre (population 1.5 million), Brazil,
albeit with differential success in their
respective African local contexts.
The next lesson pertains to how the
study of secondary cities can help us critique the dominant globalization and
global city discourse that features hierarchical power and inter-city competition,
in light of complicating historical and political forces operating at the subnational
and regional levels. Whereas globalization
or global competition has undoubtedly
eroded manufacturing in old American
cities of the Northeast and Midwest,
local and regional responses to this grave
erosion have varied considerably, reflecting the severe limits to, and the big failures of, urban regeneration strategies no
matter how radical they may be. Despite
their very different scales and industrial traditions, Springfield, Massachusetts,
and Detroit, Michigan, have both experienced a protracted decline in machine
tools and automobile manufacturing for
the last several decades, respectively. The
two cities, however, diverged in the major
strategies they have used to deal with the
budgetary malaise of lost tax bases.
Other such cities covered in our edited
book offer fresh empirical evidence on the
spatial construction and manifestation of
national identity, social imagination, and
political exclusion that challenge our expectations. Whereas the increasingly
open and ‘borderless’ world is supposed
to weaken the nation-state, the national
governments of Malaysia and Indonesia
have devised new strategies to maintain
and materialize the ‘imagined community’ of the nation by designing Muslimstyle architecture for their new small cities
of Putrajaya and Dompak, respectively. Having found taxi drivers in Yunnan,
China, perceiving dangerous people, or
those they don’t want to carry such as
the peasant or ethnic minority groups, as
from outside the city, Beth Notar sees this
as reinforcing the old urban-rural divide
and category that should be in retreat
under the more open and fluid conditions
of China’s economic reform.
The lessons we have identified above
may or may not be sufficiently robust
and representative of all secondary cities
for advanced and systematic theorizing
of the evolving global urban literature.
Without the large-scale and dominant
positions of top-tier cities in the global
urban hierarchy, several secondary cities
in this book are still strongly plugged into
the global flows of cultural strategies,
urban practices, and economic activities,
but in different ways. More importantly,
by turning to local histories and politics,
some chapters in our book have successfully situated their cases in an alternative framework that favors looking at
de-globalizing and resurgent national and
local forces as mattering more directly to
urban restructuring and practices. In all
these regards, we have made secondary
cities “second to none” for understanding the global economy and culture and
its diverse and deep local impact.
About the authors
Xiangming Chen is Dean and Director of
Center for Urban and Global Studies and
Raether Distinguished Professor of Global
The European Financial Review August – September 2012
Urban Studies and Sociology at Trinity
College, Hartford, Connecticut, and
Guest Professor in the School of Social
Development and Public Policy at Fudan
University, Shanghai. His many books
include As Borders Bend: Transnational Spaces
on the Pacific Rim (Rowman & Littlefield,
2005) and Introduction to Cities: How Place
and Space Shape Human Experience (with
Anthony M. Orum and Krista Paulsen,
Wiley-Blackwell, 2012).
Ahmed Kanna is assistant professor of anthropology at the School of
International Studies, University of the
Pacific. His Dubai, The City as Corporation
was published in 2011 by the University
of Minnesota Press. He has also published numerous essays in journals such
as Cultural Anthropology, City, Traditional
Dwellings and Settlements Review, Review of
Middle East Studies and various others. He
is currently researching the cultural politics of sustainability, “green” urbanism,
and gentrification in Berlin, Germany.
"A great collection that takes
us to the next phase of global
urbanism" - Saskia Sassen,
Columbia University
"This volume is a departure
because it takes seriously the
idea that global processes are at
work in cities of all sizes and in
all regions of the world."
- Dennis R. Judd, University
of Illinois at Chicago
1.See Xiangming Chen, ed. 2009. Shanghai Rising:
State Power and Local Transformations in a Global
Megacity. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Press. Xiangming Chen, Lan Wang, and Ratoola
Kundu. 2009. “Localizing the Production of Global
Cities: A Comparison of New Town Developments
Around Shanghai and Kolkata,” City & Community
8 (4), 433-465.
2.John Rennie Short. 2006. Urban Theory: A Critical
Assessment. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 65.
3. Ashley Dawson and Brent Hayes Edwards. 2004.
“Global Cities of the South: Introduction,” Social
Text 22 (4), 1–7.
4.Saskia Sassen. 1991. The Global City: New York, London,
Tokyo. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
5.Ahmed Kanna. 2011. Dubai, The City as Corporation.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
6. Roland Marchal. 2005. “Dubai: Global City and
Transnational Hub,” Pp. 93-110 in Transnational
Connections and the Arab Gulf, edited by Madawi
Al Rasheed. New York: Routledge.
7. Saskia Sassen. 2009. “Cities in Today’s Global
Age,” SAIS Review 29 (1), 7-8.
8. Ibid, 5-6.
9. UN-HABITAT. 2008. State of the World’s Cities
2008/2009. Sterling, Virginia: Earthscan.
10. Jinamitra Devan, Stefano Negri, and Jonathan R.
Woetzel. 2008. “Meeting the Challenges of China’s
Growing Cities,” McKinsey Quarterly 3, 107–116.