RESEARCH refers to search for knowledge. More appropriately,
research is a scientific and systematic search for pertinent
information on a specific topic. Actually, research is an art of
scientific investigation. Research can be considered as a movement
from the known to the unknown. It is a voyage of discovery. All of
us possess the vital instinct of inquisitiveness because when the
unknown confronts us, we wonder and our inquisitiveness makes
us probe as well as get full and fuller understanding of the
unknown. Such inquisitiveness is the mother of all knowledge and
the method that a human employs for obtaining knowledge of
whatever the unknown, can be termed as research.
Indeed, research is an academic endeavour and as such, the term
should be used in a technical sense. Research comprises defining
and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis/hypotheses or
suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data,
making deductions and reaching conclusions; and finally, carefully
testing conclusions to determine whether or not they fit the
formulated hypothesis.
Thus, research is an original contribution to existing stock of
knowledge making for its advancement. It is the pursuit of truth
with the help of study, observation(s), comparison(s) and
experiment(s). In short, it can be asserted that research is search for
knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding
solution/solutions to a research problem. Systematic approach
concerning generalization and formulation of a theory is also
research. Therefore, the term ‘research’ refers to systematic
method consisting enunciating the problem, formulating a
hypothesis, collecting facts or data, analyzing the facts/data and
reaching certain conclusions either in form of solutions towards the
concerned problem or in certain generalizations for some
theoretical formulation.
Objectives of research
The purpose of research is to discover or unravel answers to
questions by applying scientific procedures. The main aim of
research is to find out truth, which is hidden and that has not been
discovered. Though each research has its own purpose, research
objectives fall into several of the following broad groupings:
- To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new
insights into it, such studies with this object are termed
exploratory or formulative research studies;
- To portray accurately characteristics of a particular
individual, situation or a group, such studies with this object
in view are known as descriptive research studies;
- To determine frequency with which something occurs or with
which it is associated with something else, such studies with
this object in view are called diagnostic research studies; and
- To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between
variables, such studies are known as hypothesis-testing
research studies.
Motivation in research
There are possible motives for doing research. They may be either
one or more of the following:
- Desire to get a research degree along with its consequential
- The need to face a challenge is solving unresolved problems,
that is, concern over practical problems initiates research;
- The need to get intellectual joy of doing some creative work;
- The need to be of service to society; and
- The need to get respectability.
Note, there could be many more factors such as government
directives, employment conditions, curiosity about new things,
need to understand causal relationships, social thinking as well
awakening and so on. All may motivate or at times compel people
to undertake research works.
- Types of Research
Basic types of research include the following:
Descriptive Research versus Analytical Research;
ii) Applied Research versus Fundamental Research;
iii) Quantitative Research versus Qualitative Research;
iv) Conceptual Research versus Empirical Research; and
v) Some Other Types of Research.
(i) Descriptive Research versus Analytical Research
Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of
different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is
description of state of art affairs that it exists at the moment. In
social sciences and business research, proponents usually use the
term Ex post facto research for descriptive research studies. In this
type of research, the researcher has no control over variable.
He/she can only report what has happened or what is happening.
Most ex post facto researches are used for descriptive studies in
which the researcher seeks to measure items such as frequency of
shopping, preferences of people, say over a certain mobile phone
provider like TIGO or similar data. Ex post facto researches also
include attempts by researchers to discover causes even when they
cannot control variables. Methods of research utilized in
descriptive studies are survey methods of all kinds that include
comparative and correlation methods. On the other hand, in
analytical research, the researcher has to use facts or pieces of
information already available and analyze them to make a critical
evaluation of the material.
(ii) Applied Research versus Fundamental Research
Research can either be applied (or action) research or fundamental
(or basic or pure) research. The former aims at finding a solution
for an immediate problem facing society or an industrial/business
organization, whereas the latter is mainly concerned with
generalizations and formulation of a theory. Thus, gathering
knowledge for knowledge’s sake is known as ‘pure’ or ‘basic’
research. Research concerning some natural phenomenon or
relating to pure mathematics are examples of fundamental
research. In the same vein, research studies concerning human
behaviour carried out with a view to make generalizations about
human behaviour are also examples of fundamental research. But
research aimed at certain conclusions, for example, a solution
facing a concrete social or business problem is an example of
applied research. In addition, research to identify social, economic
or political trends that may affect a particular institution or copy
research (research to find out whether or not certain
communications will be read and understood) or marketing
research or evaluation research are all examples of applied
research. Therefore, the central aim of applied research is to
discover a solution for some pressing practical problem(s),
whereas basic research is directed towards finding information that
has a broad base of application and thus, adds to already existing
organized body of scientific knowledge.
(iii) Quantitative Research versus Qualitative Research
Quantitative research, as the name implies, is based on
measurement of quantity or amount. Quantitative research is
applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in terms of
quantity/quantities. On the other hand, qualitative research is
concerned with qualitative phenomena, phenomena relating to or
involving quality or kind. For example, when scientists are
interested in investigating reasons for human behaviour, that is,
why people think or do certain things, scientists often think of
‘Motivation Research,’ an important type of qualitative research.
Such type of research aims at discovering underlying motives and
wants to use in-depth interviews for the purpose. Other data
collection methods for such research are word association tests,
sentence completion tests, story completion tests and similar other
projective data collection methods. Attitude or opinion research,
that is, research designed to find out how people feel or what they
think about a particular subject or institution is also qualitative
research. Qualitative research is especially important in
behavioural sciences where the aim is to discover underlying
motives of human behaviour. Through such research, scientists can
analyze various factors, which motivate people to behave in a
particular manner or which make people like or dislike a particular
thing. However, in practice, to undertake qualitative research is a
relatively difficult job and thus, while doing such research, one
should seek for guidance from experimental psychologists.
(iv) Conceptual Research versus Empirical Research
Conceptual research is research related to some abstract idea(s) or
theory. Conceptual research is generally used by philosophers and
thinkers to develop new concepts or to re-interpret existing
concepts. On the other hand, empirical research relies on
experience or observations alone, often without due regard for
system and theory. Empirical research is data-based research,
coming up with conclusions that are capable of being verified by
observation or experiment. It can also be called experimental type
of research. In such a research, it is necessary to get at facts firsthand, at their source and actively go about doing certain things to
stimulate production of desired information. In such a research, the
researcher must first provide himself/herself with a working
hypothesis or guess as to probable results. He/she then works to get
enough facts (data) to prove or disprove his/her hypothesis. He/she
then sets up experimental designs, which he/she thinks will
manipulate persons or materials concerned so as to bring up the
desired information. Thus, such research is characterized by the
experimenter’s control over variables under study and his/her
deliberate manipulation of one of them to study its effects.
Empirical research is appropriate when proof is sought that certain
variables affect other variables in some way. Evidence gathered
through experiments or empirical studies is considered to be the
most powerful support possible for a given hypothesis.
(v) Other types of Research.
All other types of research are variations of one or more of the
presented research approaches based on either purpose of research
or time required to accomplish research or environment in which
research is done or on the basis of some other similar factor. Thus,
research can be thought either as one-time research or
longitudinal research. In the former, research is confined to a
single-time period, whereas in the latter case, research is carried
out over several time-periods. Research can be field-setting
research or laboratory research or simulation research,
depending on environment in which it is to be conducted. Also
research can be understood as clinical or diagnostic research.
Such research follows case-study methods or in-depth approaches
to reach basic causal relations. Such researches are carried out
deep into causes of things or events of interest by using very
simple samples and very deep probing data collection instruments.
The research may be exploratory or may be formalized. The
objective of exploratory is development of hypotheses rather than
their testing, whereas formalized researches are researches with
substantial structure and are with specific hypotheses to be tested.
Historical research utilizes historical sources such as documents,
material object/remains, oral history and so n to study events or
ideas of the past including philosophy of persons and groups at any
remote point of time.
Also there could be conclusion-oriented and decision-oriented
research. While undertaking conclusion-oriented research, the
research is free to pick up a problem, redesign the enquiry as
he/she proceeds and prepared to conceptualize as he/she wishes.
On the other hand, decision-oriented research is always for the
need of a decision-maker and, in this case, the researcher is free to
embark upon research according to his/her own inclination.
Operations research is an example of decision-oriented research
because it is a scientific method of furnishing departments with a
quantitative basis for decisions regarding operations under their
Research Approaches
There are three types of research approaches, namely, Quantitative
Research Approach; Qualitative Research Approach; and Mixed
Research Approach. The first involves generation of data in
quantitative form that can be subjected to rigorous quantitative
analysis in a formal and rigid fashion. The approach can be further
classified into the following approaches: inferential, experimental
and simulation approaches to research.
The gist of inferential approach to research is to form a data base
from which to infer characteristics or relationships of population. It
usually means survey research where a sample of population is
studied (questioned or observed) so as to determine its
characteristics and then it is inferred that the population has the
same characteristics.
On the other hand, experimental approach is characterized by
much greater control over the research environment. In this
approach, some variables are manipulated to observe their effect(s)
over other variables. Then, simulation approach involves
construction of an artificial environment within which relevant
information and data can be generated. That permits an observation
of dynamic behaviour of a system (or its sub-system) under
controlled conditions. Simulation approach can be useful in
building models for understanding future conditions.
Qualitative research approach is concerned with subjective
assessment of attitudes, opinions and behavior. In such a situation,
research is a function of the researcher’s insights and impressions.
Such an approach generates results either in non-quantitative form
or in form, which are not subjected to rigorous quantitative
analysis. Generally, techniques of focus group interviews,
projective techniques and depth interviews are used.
Mixed Research Approach is one that uses both Quantitative
Research Approach and Qualitative Research Approach.
There is a difference between research methods and research
methodology. Research methods are all methods/techniques that
are used for conducting research. Research methods or techniques
refer to methods researchers use in performing research operations.
That means all methods that are used by the researcher during the
course of studying his/her research problem are termed research
methods. As long as the object of research, in particular, applied
research, is to arrive at a solution for a given problem, available
data and unknown aspects of the problem have to be related to
each other to make solution possible. There are three groups of
research methods:
- First, methods concerned with data collection. Such methods
will be used where already available data are insufficient to
arrive at the required solution.
- Second, statistical techniques that are used for establishing
relationships between data and the unknown.
- Finally, methods that are used to evaluate accuracy of
obtained results.
It has to be noted that research methods under the last two
groups are generally taken as analytical tools of research.
Research methodology is a way of systematically solving a
research problem. It is a science of studying the manner research is
done scientifically. In it, various steps are studied that are generally
adopted by a researcher in studying his/her research problem along
with the logic behind them. Thus, it is necessary for the researcher
to know not only research methods/techniques but also the
research methodology. Researchers not only need to know the
manner to develop certain indices or tests, the way to calculate the
mean, the mode, the median or the standard deviation or chisquare, but also they need to know which of these methods or
techniques are relevant and which are not, and what would they
mean and indicate and get reasons. Also researchers need to
understand assumptions underlying various techniques and they
need to know criteria by which they can decide that certain
techniques as well as procedures will be applicable to certain
problems and others will not. It means that it is necessary for the
researcher to design his/her methodology for his/her problem
because they may differ from problem to problem. Thus, in doing
research, the scientist has to expose the research decisions to
evaluation before they are implemented. He/she has to specify very
clearly as well as precisely what decisions he/she selects and why
he/she selects them so that they can be evaluated by others.
In due regard, research methodology has many dimensions, while
research methods constitute part of the research methodology, the
scope of research methodology is wider than that of research
methods. That means by referring to research methodology we not
only refer to research methods but also consider the logic behind
the methods we use in the context of our research study and
explain why we are using a particular method or technique and
why we are not using others so that research results are capable of
being evaluated by the researcher himself/herself or by others.
Thus, why a research study has been undertaken, how the research
problem has been defined, in what way and why the hypothesis has
been formulated, what data have been collected and what particular
method has been adopted, why particular technique/techniques of
data analysis have been used and a lot more similar questions are
usually answered when we talk of research methodology
concerning a research problem or study.
Science as process and product
Scientific Epistemology
Indeed, it is essential that in order to plan research effectively, the
researcher should understand how his/her activities fit into the
endeavour of science as whole. Some explanations of the
“scientific method” confound epistemology – the manner we
accumulate knowledge and understanding through science – with
specific research activities of the investigator.
Science can be conceived as a cycle of activities as well as results
based on procedures that are often referred to as the “hypotheticodeductive” method. The method evaluates a hypothesis (more
generally a model) of the manner the world might work and
deduces consequences that must be true if the world actually works
in the way posited. One can then check the real world to see if
these predicted consequences are verifiably true. The process is
cyclical because if consequences cannot be verified, a new
hypothesis (model) must be tried. Even if predicted consequences
can be verified, however, that result might be coincident.
Therefore, one strives to deduce new predictions from the same
hypothesis and test these as well. The cycle, known as the
epistemological cycle, can be represented schematically as shown
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: A schematic representation of the epistemological cycle
Figure 1 uses some simple conventions of illustration. Boxes,
which are labeled in FULL CAPS, represent statements that can be
written down: products of processes. Arrows, which are labeled in
lower case, represent processes that give statements in the boxes to
which they point. Furthermore, each arrow originates at a
statement and points to another statement so as to show the
sequence of steps in the process of science. As the diagram
represents a cycle, we can scrutinize its parts beginning at any
arbitrary place and then return to that place by completing the
cycle. The practicing scientist, however, usually enters the cycle at
one of the two places: creating (or revising) a model from data at
hand, or drawing testable predictions from an existing model. Let
us begin our discussion at the latter point, assuming that a model of
some natural phenomenon already exists.
Deduction and prediction
Deduction is a type of reasoning that in logic leads from a set of
premises to a conclusion. In science, logical premises constitute
the model, which is a speculation of the manner things work in
nature and the logical conclusion is a specific prediction that is
testable by observation. In other words, a deduction is the result of
the process of deducing, but that use would give two meanings to
the same word, thus, we restrict “deduction” to the process itself.
Deductive process can be thought of as a rearrangement of
knowledge. In the terminology of logic, deductive reasoning
extracts from a set of premises (the MODEL of Figure 1) one or
more conclusions (the PREDICTION of Figure 1). There is no new
knowledge to the prediction; everything in the prediction is already
inherent in the model. The deductive process simply isolates part
of the model, or isolates several parts and combines them.
For example:
MODEL: the earth rotates on its axis, spinning
counterclockwise when viewed from above the North pole.
From this model, one can deduce the prediction that the sun (and
the other stars, for that matter) should rise above the Eastern
horizon, travel across the sky and set in the West. The model
embeds some hidden assumptions, such as all these celestial bodies
being fixed in space relative to the earth. Almost all models have
implicit assumptions and failing to recognize them could lead to
problems in reasoning. The prediction deduced can be written
down and it can be checked empirically, which means that one
uses the process of observation, including informal measurement,
to see if the predictions match reality as we view it.
Deduction is at heart a stipulated set of rules for assuring this
relationship between model and prediction: if the model is true, the
prediction deduced from it must also be true. The rules take many
forms, the oldest of which is Aristotelian syllogism. In its
commonest form, the syllogism produces a conclusion (prediction
of scientific epistemology) from two premises (together making
the model in epistemological terms).
For example:
PREMISE 1 (part of model): If only Mazengo drives the four
wheel drive vehicle
PREMISE 2 (part of model): And if the four wheel drive
vehicle is on a field trip
CONCLUSION (prediction): Then Mazengo is on a field trip
Of course science does not depend upon syllogistic reasoning,
which is full of pitfalls because of the inherent impression of
language. For example, consider the following syllogism: Goats all
have horns (premise 1), and this animal has a horn (premise 2),
therefore, this animal must be a goat (conclusion). The logical
error in that syllogism is termed a fallacy of affirmation and is
common in reasoning with language; just because A implies B (if
it is a goat, it has horns) does not necessarily mean that B implies
A (if it has horns, it is a goat). The error leads to apparent
substantiation that goats exist. Anyone can see through the
problem in a simple syllogism like this one, but much reasoning
from scientific model is similarly, linguistic in nature and so
entails all dangers of language itself.
Linguistic reasoning does not have to be in syllogistic form. For
example, it is possible to draw a conclusion from only one
PREMISE: If a horse is an animal
CONCLUSION: Then a horse’s head is an animal’s head
Most scientific deduction is basically mathematical in nature and,
conversely, most mathematics taught in secondary schools is
deductive in nature, for example, Euclidian geometry and algebra.
Simple algebraic deduction can be written in syllogistic form:
PREMISE 1: If x + y = 6
PREMISE 2: And if y = 4
CONCLUSION: Then x = 2
Note that the deductive logic underlying the earlier example
concerning rotation of the earth on its axis was geometric.
The link between linguistic reasoning and mathematics is symbolic
logic. Many such logic systems have been devised from different
starting points and, in most cases, different systems are easily
shown to be equivalent. Thus, given the same set of premises
(together, the model of Figure 1), deduction by rules of any given
system leads validly to the same conclusion (the prediction of
Figure 1). Boolean algebra is a form of symbolic logic that stands
kind of midway between linguistic reasoning and traditional
mathematics. The Boolean system uses linguistic-like operators
AND, OR, IF, THE, and EXCEPT to relate variables such as
propositions. Formal set theory is even more mathematical-like,
using symbols for operators. All systems of deduction have in
common the key property: if premises (model) are true, then the
conclusion (prediction) deduced from them is true, assuming that
the deductive process followed the rules of the system.
Observation and Data
Observation in Figure 1 is the process that leads to data.
“Observation” might connote merely not visually what an animal
is doing or some other aspect of the world. “Observation” is used
as a general term to include all types of ways in which human
senses are extended by instruments to record data. Ultimately, the
investigator observes: for example, observes a digital display on an
instrument, or observes sound spectrograms made from tape
recordings. Thus, observation in Figure 1 means any sensing and
recording process that leads to data that can be written down (or
otherwise represented in hard copy).
The term “observation” might also be applied to data produced by
observing. In order to avoid confusion, “observation” is restricted
to the process and “data” should mean to describe results of that
In Figure 1, the arrow originates at PREDICTION because
prediction specifies the kinds of data that are needed to be
observed. The prediction states what must be the case if the model
is true and data show whether or not the prediction is upheld in the
real world. Data that have nothing to do with the prediction might
be an informative sidelight to a particular investigator’s activities,
but they have no direct bearing on the empirical test of the model.
Observation with no particular model in mind can produce data
that ultimately lead to a hypothesis. Recall, it has been mentioned
before that the investigator usually enters the epistemological cycle
with a model to be tested or with data (often from literature) for
generating or revising hypotheses. Thus, mentoring the scientific
cycle through simple observation without starting predictions is an
The term “experiment” does not appear in Figure 1. It has been
avoided because it tends to connote a carefully controlled
laboratory environment in which every attempt is made to control
extraneous variables that could influence data.
There is no fundamental difference, in terms of epistemology,
between a laboratory experiment and field observations. Each
approach to data collection relevant to a prediction has its
advantages and disadvantages. Laboratory experiments usually
provide considerable control over extraneous variables that could
influence results, but the laboratory environment may produce
artifacts. Field studies may be greatly natural and realistic, but they
generally exercise little control over extraneous variables that
could influence results. Both laboratory experiments and field
observations play a role in research and can provide a particularly
powerful approach when used in concert.
Comparison and decision
As with deduction and observation, the term “comparison” could
be applied to both the process and results of that process. In order
to avoid confusion, the term “comparison” is used to refer only to
the process. Results of the process constitute the “decision”
(whether or not results fit the prediction).
The process of comparison commonly uses statistical methods for
comparing data with predicted results. For example, a model might
predict that older animals of some species tend to dominate
younger ones. Data could show that the predicted relationship is an
imperfect one. Thus, the question becomes whether dominance
structure is unrelated to age or is influenced by age as predicted or
by some other age-associated traits. The investigator would
probably employ some appropriate statistical test to see if
dominance relations were random or non-random with respect to
Comparison between data observed and the prediction deduced
from the model gives a decision. Ideally, the decision is simply
whether or not data fit the prediction, but things do not always turn
out so nicely. One may decide that it is impossible to tell whether
or not there is a match. A common outcome of the process of
comparison is that some expected difference is not statistically
reliable and yet, there is a trend in the predicted direction.
Therefore, the difference could be real but not established by data,
either because extraneous variables unduly influenced the data (as
commonly occurs in the field studies) or because the sample size
was insufficient to provide statistical reliability. In such cases, the
main recourse is to collect better data, either with improved control
over extraneous variables or with larger samples.
Yet, another way in which comparison between predictions and
data can fail to yield an unambiguous decision about the model is
when some predictions are supported and others are not. Any
validly deduced prediction that is rejected by empirical data
falsifies the model, but when the deductive chain is not tight and
other predictions are consistent with data, researchers sometimes
refer to “partial confirmation” of the model. Such a situation
usually suggests that the model is not quite right but has merit that
could be improved by modifications based on careful scrutiny,
without having to “go back to the drawing board.”
Induction and model
The decision resulting from comparison between data observed
and the prediction deduced from the model dictates the next step in
doing science. As noted before, three kinds of decisions are
possible. They include the following: first, data do not resolve the
question because they are inadequate or conflicting; second, data
do not match the prediction; or third, data do not confirm the
In the first case, if data are insufficient there is nothing to do
except to go back and collect data adequate to the task. On the
other hand, if results testing different predictions conflict, the
model is probably not quite right and needs to be modified.
Suppose data show unambiguously that the prediction cannot be
correct, the data are simply not as predicted if the model is true.
The only explanation for that situation is that the model is false. It
is said in science that data reject the model because they do not
match the prediction deduced from the model. In this case, it is
necessary to produce a new model, or at least revise the old one
and then proceed with making and testing new predictions.
The creative process of proposing how nature works involves
induction. Induction is sometimes characterized as reasoning from
particulars to generalities, but that seems vague and, in any case,
may not always apply. Induction is thought of a cluster of very
complicated creative processes in which the thinker identifies
possible patterns from available facts and proposes causal
relationships that might explain the patterns.
There are no rules for creative induction. Thus, induction involves
many complex mental processes that find a pattern where none was
previously recognized. Most of the famous scientific models have
come from persons who reflected on disparate empirical data and
somehow united them into a coherent framework. For example, Sir
Charles Darwin realized that traits of parents and their offspring
tend to be similar (note that genetic inheritance was not yet
understood by then), that more offspring are born than can survive
to reproduce themselves and that survival probably depends at
least partly on traits of the individual. From such empirically
verifiable facts, Darwin reasoned correctly that if the survival traits
are heritable, evolution must occur. That was Darwin’s model of
natural selection.
The example from Darwin is what the historian of science, Thomas
Kuhn, has called paradigm shifts or revolutions. These are whole
reorganizations of thinking in a given area of science. Kuhn first
believed that progress in scientific understanding was completely
dependent upon such revolutions. However, he later realized that
stepwise revision of models also moved science forward. Thus, an
entire spectrum exists from minor polishing (or sharpening)
models through substantial revisions and generalizations to major
shifts in paradigms. All have their place in the progress of science.
Uniqueness of models
As long as induction is a type of creativity, scientific models that
result from it are unique to their creators. Next are some examples
that illuminate the nature of both the inductive process and models
that result from it.
First, radar was invented nearly simultaneously and independently
on both sides of the Atlantic at about the time of the Second World
War. Radar was a marvelous technological innovation, but it was
not a scientific model. Modern inventions are hardly the product of
experimenting. They usually incorporate all kinds of science in
their development, but they are not scientific models. Essentially,
the same invention may be developed independently by two
different parties.
Second, there was the famous independent creation of the Calculus
by Leibnitz and Newton. The two geniuses quarreled over priority,
each believing that he had conceived the Calculus first. However,
it has to be noted that Mathematical techniques are not scientific
models. They cannot be rejected by empirical facts, but rather, they
are logic systems that must be evaluated by their natural internal
Third, the planet Neptune was discovered independently and
almost simultaneously by different astronomers. That was a
scientific discovery, but it was not the creation of a causal model
of how nature works. In fact, discovery of Neptune was at DATA
in the sense of our illustration and had been predicted on the basis
of a model erected to account for perturbations in the orbit of
Uranus. Of course, two scientists can make the same empirical
discovery wholly independently of one another.
Finally, the most celebrated proposal for independent creations of
the same model is the idea of natural selection proposed
simultaneously in 1858 by Alfred Wallace and Charles Darwin in
separate essays published together. Darwin was convinced that
they had said exactly the same thing and had even used some of
the same examples such as domestication as a form of selection.
There is no doubt that Wallace and Darwin had similar ideas and
used related examples, but a close comparison of their original
essays shows that the models were distinctly different.
In sum, two scientific models may appear similar and even be
virtually identical in some respects. Nevertheless, it is unlikely that
all underlying premises will be the same. Thus, each model is truly
Models: hypothesis, theory and law
Back to our epistemological cycle, there arises a question, what
happens when data observed match the prediction deduced from
the model? One may be first tempted to say that the empirical test
has proven the model to be true. However, this cannot be the case
simply because false models can make verifiably true predictions.
Let us consider the model that the earth is fixed in space and the
heavens rotate about it from East to West. The model predicts that
the sun should rise from the East, move across the sky, and set in
the West. As early risers know, such a prediction can be verified
empirically on a clear day. Yet, science holds that the model from
which it was validly deduced is FALSE. The reason we reject the
model is that it makes certain other, more subtle and detailed,
predictions that are not upheld by comparisons with other data.
An inevitable consequence of scientific epistemology is that no
model can ever be proven true. The inevitability is inherent in the
method of science. The only certainty achievable is rejection of a
false model, as true models generate only true predictions. False
models can generate predictions that fail to match reality and thus,
may be discovered to be false, but false models can also generate
true predictions. Therefore, finding that observed data match a
deduced prediction merely suggests that the model might be true.
Data can confirm a prediction but they cannot prove as true the
model from which the prediction was generated.
The diagram of the epistemological cycle of science (Figure 1)
might be somewhat misleading when it comes to a decision that
data match the prediction. Here, no new revised model is called
for, but merely further testing of the model that survived the
current test. The arrow from DECISION to MODEL is correct, but
it indicates that the process of science cycles anew. In this case, the
label “induction” may not be applicable. The only process
represented by the arrow is that of beginning the cycle of
epistemology for another round. Nevertheless, it has been argued
that because few models correspond with reality exactly, practicing
scientists really modify their underlying models at least a little with
every pass through the epistemological cycle.
Each pass of the cycle that fails to reject the model under scrutiny
increases our confidence that the model might be true. Labels are
commonly used to indicate the degree of confidence placed in a
model. There is no special name for very preliminary models,
especially those of which have not been checked against already
available facts. Such models are informally referred to as ideas,
suggestions, hunches, possibilities and so forth.
“Hypothesis’ is the name given to a well-stated model that is
already known to be in accordance with the existing body of
evidence and may even have survived some formal, empirical
tests. Thus, a hypothesis is a proposition or set of propositions set
forth as an explanation for occurrence of some specified group of
phenomena either asserted merely as a provisional conjecture to
guide some investigation or accepted as highly probable in light of
established facts. Quite often a research hypothesis is a predictive
statement, capable of being tested by scientific methods, that
relates an independent variable to some dependent variable.
“Theory” designates a well-tested model, one in which the
scientific community places a great deal of trust because it has
survived repeated attempts to prove it false (for example, theories
of dinosaur extinction – Decan traps in India, volcanism and so
on). “Law” applies to only the best-tested models, those so robust
that they are unlikely ever to be rejected entirely, for example,
Newton’s laws of motion in mechanics. Occasionally, laws fail to
make true predictions in unexpected realms, so they have less than
universal generality. In such cases, the laws might turn out to be
special cases of a more general model – as classical Newtonian
mechanics proved to be a special case of Einstein’s general
relativity model.
Role of the individual researcher
Every scientist does at least some of the things shown in Figure 1 –
deduction, observation, comparison and induction – but not
necessarily all of them, especially on a given research project. For
example, Physicists commonly characterize themselves as either
theoreticians or empiricists. The former spend most of their
energies devising mathematical models, while the latter devote to
experimental data collection in order to test the models. Similar
divisions, usually not so clear-cut occur in biological disciplines
such as community and population ecology. Even if such a
division is not general for all research undertakings, Biologists and
other scientists may restrict their activities to one or several parts
of the epistemological cycle for a given research project.
In addition, most biological research projects are multifaceted
involving several related but different phenomena to which several
different models may apply. The multifaceted approach is
especially common in field studies such as of behavioural ecology.
That fact means that the researcher may be involved with different
parts of the epistemological cycle for different aspects of the study,
as in data collection about one aspect while attempting to devise a
model about another aspect.
2.0 Planning Research
Planning is the essence of success in science because when things
go in an unanticipated direction, it is easier to make viable
adjustments in a well-conceived plan rather than when the
approach was hazy to begin with. It is important to plan carefully
as there may be no second opportunity. Consider the fact that
funding for research is a golden opportunity and an unplanned field
research may fail such that there may be consequences.
Simple good fortune can play an important role in science, but the
general saying that chance favours the prepared mind cannot be
overlooked. The prepared mind in science ranges broadly in
background reading and familiarity with other disciplines. Students
frequently make the mistake of concentrating extremely narrowly
on materials of their chosen discipline. It is strongly recommended
that students should seek out interdisciplinary seminars, go to talks
outside their immediate fields and read journals and books in other
disciplines. A general background in the sciences and social
sciences pays good dividends when trying to find a problem, to
formulate a model and to devise testable predictions in your own
area of science.
For example, a sociologist seeking for data on behavioural aspects
related to HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Illnesses (STIs)
may need to have general background to Pathology, Epidemiology
and so on such that he/she can read books, journals from such
2.1 Finding a problem
Students or novice researchers often experience difficulties in
getting started on doing research because they do not yet know
how to find a problem worthy of investigation. They may be
familiar with many theoretical issues in their field but do not yet
know how to translate generalities into specific problems for
Some comments that may help to identify a feasible problem. First,
the student/novice researcher should go to her or his academic
advisor/supervisor. One should not make the mistake of believing
that he or she must have a well-articulated research problem ready
for scrutiny. Instead, such a person must be prepared to explain
things that seem to motivate her or him most: field versus
laboratory work, observation versus experimentation and kinds of
phenomena that grab one’s attention. In other words, the
student/novice researcher has to try to circumscribe the sphere of
possibilities within which she or he might work. Good advisors do
not want to assign specific problems in concert with and tailored to
the individual advisee. A first experience in science, such as an
honours (seniour) thesis (one that is done in the third year for our
case), usually requires the advisor to impose a lot of structure
based on her or his own research experience. As one progresses to
master or doctoral studies, the advisor will expect the student to
show greater independence and to arrive at the office door with
more specific problems in mind form discussion.
The general strategy for successful scientists is to choose the most
important problem that they may think they may be able to solve.
There are many ways of finding a problem worthy of investigation.
Sometimes a problem is more or less provided to an investigator,
especially a thesis problem of a (senior) third/fourth year
undergraduate or beginning postgraduate student. In other cases,
particularly involving technological or other practical research, a
funding source may encourage selection of one of the problems
that the agency or foundation would like to have solved. Although
having a funding source dictates a problem may sound queer, it is
not necessarily so. For example, HELSB is funding academic
members of staff for their graduate schools at our higher learning
institutions. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation on Baldwin fellowship
grants students who can pursue master degrees on research based
on human evolution (Physical Anthropology) in Africa.
More commonly, problems arise from ideas, encouragements or
interactions with other scientists. For example, many advisors may
present their students with a list of possible problems or a problem
area within which specific problems might be identified. Another
source of ideas includes gurus of a discipline: seniour scientists
who write review papers and books and so on. The other and
probably, the richest source of ideas for problems come from the
discipline in general. They include the fact that one can read
technical journals, electronic mail communications, go to
professional meetings where one can here oral papers and talk with
other practitioners, listen to talks on campus and finally, discuss
issues with peers and others on the home campus.
No one is uninfluenced by what has transpired in a given field and
what is going on currently. Thus, really there is no such thing as
finding a research problem readily.
It has to be noted that it should become the mind-set of every
scientist to find as good a problem as she or he thinks solvable. In
most cases, it has been asserted that the most creative aspect of
science lies in asking a good question and identifying a good
problem. One has to launch her or his career by asking good
questions of nature right from the beginning.
One has to try also to calibrate her or his own expectations and
perceptions of a good research project with those of her or his
advisor, committee members and other more experienced
colleagues. An interesting research question might be solvable
once a particular technique is mastered, validated and applied, but
if it is going to take four or five years to develop the technique, it
may not be an appropriate problem for a student to tackle. Frequent
consultations with the advisor and other teaching members of staff
establish good communication skills that are necessary to the
enterprise of science.
Some few points that are helpful for selecting a research problem
or a subject for research:
a) The subject, which is overdone, should not be normally
chosen because it will be a difficult task to throw any new
light in such a case.
b) A controversial subject should not become the choice of an
average researcher.
c) Too narrow or too vague problems should be avoided.
d) The subject selected for research should be familiar and
feasible so that related research materials or resources for
research are within one’s reach.
e) The importance of the subject, qualifications and training of a
researcher, costs involved and time factor are few other
criteria that must be considered in selecting a problem. Thus,
one has to consider the following aspects:
Whether or not the researcher is well equipped in
terms of her or his background to carry out the
ii) Whether or not the study falls within the budget she
or he can afford.
iii) Whether or not necessary cooperation can be
obtained from those who must participate in research
as subjects.
iv) Selection of a problem must be preceded by a
preliminary study.
2.2 Formulating a hypothesis/model
The second major hurdle in planning research is to formulate
potential explanations for phenomenon chosen for study. It is
usually as difficult to build a testable model as it is to identify a
good problem. Yet, sometimes problems suggest potential
There are many paths to developing a model for a chosen problem.
The paths range from adopting a pre-existing model (for instance,
from literature) to constructing one wholly from scratch. In most
cases, some complicated path between these extremes is followed,
amalgamating elements and aspects for various sources. One
ordinarily adopts a model totally from literature for the explicit
purpose of testing an idea that has interested researchers in the
field but is rather neither well confirmed nor convincingly rejected.
When the problem to be tackled is already well recognized but
available models have proven inadequate, a new model is
frequently developed by modification of a pre-existing one.
In cases where a familiar problem has been broadened for revived
study, pre-existing models may also be useful. One may be able to
extrapolate from older, more limited models.
On the other hand, when the problem to be solved is unfamiliar in
literature, pre-existing models may still prove useful in developing
a new model by analogy. Borrowing an idea from one field of
study to use in another is quite common in science, in particular,
where mathematical models are concerned.
It has to be noted that it is not always possible to modify,
extrapolate from or make an analogy with a pre-existing model.
Thus, one must nurture other strategies in formulating a new
model. One strategy is to discuss the problem to be solved with
peers and more experienced scientists. Sometimes, other persons
may have suggestions that can, with development, become the
basis for a new model. Perhaps more frequently, questions of
others can rekindle one’s thinking and elicit new ideas about
possible explanations for the phenomenon to be studied. Group
discussions can be particularly useful in this regard.
Another strategy for formulating a model is to generalize from a
particular instance. For example, something observed in nature. It
is suggested that in developing models, one should think broadly,
formulate general classes of possible explanations and, wherever
possible, develop two or more different models to account for the
same phenomenon.
2.3 Devising testable predictions
The last difficult aspect of planning research is to devise testable
predictions from the model or models to be evaluated empirically.
As with finding a problem and formulating models that might
explain the chosen phenomenon, devising predictions can be aided
by existing literature. The best straightforward way of devising a
prediction is to adopt a standard testing method that has been used
by many others to test similar models.
In a similar vein, even if no standard methodology exists, it may be
possible to adopt ideas in literature for applying to your particular
model. For example, suppose the model states that younger
monkeys are especially exploratory of new potential foods. One
might begin to test this model through observations by recording
for animals of different age on kinds of plants or animals they
attempt to eat, predicting that the diversity of items will be larger
in younger monkeys. Even if data are consistent with the
prediction, they do not account for reasons younger monkeys have
more diverse diets than older ones. Therefore, one may also devise
an experiment based on previous works, for example, experiments
conducted to Japanese macaques (monkeys), where primatologists
provisioned macaque troops with unfamiliar foods. Here one
would predict from the model that younger animals are most likely
to be the first to try the new food provided.
In many cases, past literature will be of limited help and thus, one
must devise testable predictions more or less freshly. The task is
usually not as easy as it might seem at first trial. One approach is
to scrutinize the model and follow any line of deductive reasoning
that might lead to an observable result. For example, if the model
states that butterflies meet at wet spots on the ground in order to
obtain one or more critical nutrients, the prediction is that all such
spots will contain at least one such nutrient – a prediction testable
by chemical analyses of samples from the spots.
Another approach to devising testable predictions is to make
further observations while keeping in mind the model to be tested.
New observations may suggest predictions that had not been
evident through initial scrutiny of the model. Back to the example
of butterflies, further observations in the environment might turn
up wet spots at which butterflies do not gather. The model predicts
that these spots should lack nutrients found in spots where insects
gather. In this case, one could consider this a new prediction or,
taken together with the first one, a stronger single prediction from
the model.
Whatever strategy used for devising predictions from the model to
be tested, it is always good science to devise multiple predictions
from the same model. Although results consistent with a model
increase our confidence in that model, they cannot prove it to be
true, so the more predictions that are tested, the more the
confidence we can place in the model. There are inherent
difficulties in testing predictions convincingly, but if several
predictions are derived from the same model, chances of obtaining
a good test of a model are obviously enhanced.
2.4 Implementing the plan
The next Topic will offer a guide in preparing a proposal for
funding the planned research. Of course after the research is
completed, one must write up results (as an honour’s thesis,
dissertation or for publication).
3. How to Write a Research Proposal
Research proposals are of course required by funding agencies, but
undergraduate and postgraduate students usually must submit a
formal proposal of thesis/dissertation research. There are occasions
upon which established scientists must write proposals.
Research is a systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of
data to answer a certain question or solve a problem. There are
several characteristics of research that include the following:
research demands a clear statement of the problem; research
requires a plan (it is not aimlessly looking for something in the
hopes that you will come across a solution); it builds on existing
data using both positive and negative findings; and finally, new
data should be collected as required and be organized in such a
way that they answer the original research question(s).
Explain what you want to do, how you will do it and why it is
It is assumed that a disorganized or poorly written proposal reflects
a disorganized or poorly conceptualized study. In due regard,
organization, content and clear writing are essential aspects to
success of a proposal, whatever its purpose. Even if no funding or
prior approval is required, the thoroughness demanded by
articulating your knowledge of a subject and your research
intentions can help you to identify inconsistencies in logic and
inappropriate fits between questions you ask, data you intend to
collect and your methods. Describing what you plan to study, how
you will do so and why it is important is a vital, and in many cases
mandatory, precursor to conducting scientific research.
Successful scientific research proposals convey good
salesmanship: you are selling a future product, your research idea
and protocol, to critical audience that must select from among
many such products. To sell your proposal effectively, you must
know who your audience is, whether they are highly trained
specialists in your field, established researchers in related fields, or
board members seeking for research that is consistent with their
foundation’s funding directives. Persuasive writing does not
compensate for scientific competence, but many good ideas and
research designs are undermined by explanations that are either too
vague or too specific to the audience evaluating them.
Funding agencies and university programmes may differ in their
format and content requirements for scientific proposals. Before
one begins to write, one should obtain all of available information
and forms from all funding agencies and programmes to which one
expects to submit the proposals. Books listing funding agencies
can be found in reference sections of most university libraries.
Also, some funding agencies have their web pages that give details
for funding procedures including application for funding. Such
guides to grants and foundations include addresses of funding
sources as well as summaries about the programmes. You will
need to write e-mail or call to request application materials, which
usually take several weeks to arrive. Some other funding agencies,
for example, National Geographic, requires applicants to apply
Many professional societies publish guidelines and other ethical
considerations. When you receive application materials from the
granting source, read the instructions carefully, paying particular
attention to the following aspects:
the number of copies you will need to submit;
ii) page limits;
iii) funding criteria and amounts available;
iv) deadlines; and
v) supporting documents.
Supporting documents include things such as letters of
recommendation, academic transcripts, evidence of collaboration
and research permits.
Whatever grant is being applied for, follow precisely all
instructions including those for specific format. A very important
set of instructions is that relating to length and format of sections,
especially the heart of the proposal where you explain hypotheses
to be tested and methods to be used. You have to note that
reviewers are inevitably overworked persons who must read a
number of proposals in a short period. Do everything possible to
make your proposal easy to read.
Criteria for evaluation
Each funding agency has its own criteria for evaluating proposals.
Scrutinizing such criteria before you write or adapt your proposal
will help you to avoid off-target or inappropriate submissions.
Some funding agencies provide written evaluations when they
announce their results. Others will discuss reasons for a negative
decision if they are asked. Still, others provide little or no feedback
even on request.
Criteria used by reviewers may change from submission to
submission, so it is wise to verify what the current criteria will be.
Many foundations and agencies make available to investigators
printed information concerning how their proposals will be
The topic will elucidate how to prepare and submit a research
proposal. You have to note that there are differences between fieldand laboratory – based behavioural research, between
observational and experimental research, and among kinds of
questions and methods that can be applied to particular
topics/problems. Be sure to take these differences into account
when using these suggestions to guide your own proposal.
3.1 Significance of a title
The title of your proposal should state precisely what your study is
about. Many first-time proposal writers underestimate the
importance of an informative title. If you cannot state concisely
what you intend to study, you may need to clarify your thinking on
the subject.
One of the most common problems with titles is that they claim to
cover more than the research will actually achieve. For example, a
proposal titled “The Effects of Nutrition on Baboon Reproduction”
implies that nutritional intake and reproductive condition will be
measured and correlated. Suppose the study actually involved use
of feeding observations without corresponding nutritional analyses
and focused exclusively on female reproductive status. A more
appropriate title to the research would then be “The Effects of
Food (or Diet) on Reproduction in Female Baboons.”
However, at the same time, a title should not be so narrowly
defined that it fails the broader scientific context in which the
research is situated. Correlations between variables other than diet
and reproduction such as dominance rank or age might constitute
equally important questions in the proposed research. Note the
different emphasis and what each implies about research goals in
the following possible titles:
- The Effects of Diet on Age, Rank and Reproduction in
Female Baboons
- The Effects of Reproduction on Diet, Age and Rank in
Female Baboons
- The Relationships Among Diet, Rank and Reproduction in
Female Baboons
Proposals rarely fail solely due to an inappropriate or misleading
title. But like all first impressions, titles set up expectations for
what will follow. An accurate and informative title will help ensure
that your proposal is sent to appropriate reviewers and that they
will not need to readjust their expectations once they begin to read
your proposal.
A) Background Information
In this section, one presents a general background to the problem.
That should be well written such that it enlightens people about the
problem that needs to be researched. It builds upon the foundation
of the proposal for the subsequent sections. That means if not well
presented, the next section, Statement of the Problem cannot be
formulated. Likewise, Research Objectives, Literature Review,
Methodology and Work Plan are built upon this section such that if
improperly presented, the proposal will be bad.
B) Statement of the Problem
This is another major section in a research proposal.
Why is it important to state and define the problem well?
Because you will find out that a clear statement of the problem:
- Is the foundation for further development of the research proposal
(research objectives, methodology, work plan, budget and so on);
- Makes it easier to find information and reports of similar studies
from which your own study design can benefit; and
- Enables you to systematically point out why the proposed
research on the problem should be undertaken and what you hope
to achieve with the study results. This is important to highlight
when you present your project to community members, relevant
ministry and donor agencies that may need to support your study
or give their consent.
Information that should be included in the statement of the
1. A brief description, depending on the study, say, of socioeconomic and cultural characteristics and an overview of the
status in the country or district in as far as these are relevant
to the problem. Include a few illustrative statistics, if
available to help describe the context in which the problem
2. A concise description of the nature of the problem (the
discrepancy between what is and what should be) and of its
size, distribution, and severity (if it is a health problem, say,
who is affected, where, since when and what are the
consequences for those affected and for the services?)/
3. An analysis of major factors that may influence the problem
and a convincing argument that available knowledge is
insufficient to solve it.
4. A brief description of any solutions that have been tried in
the past, how well they have worked and why further
research is needed.
5. A description of the type of information expected to result
from the project and how this information will be used to
help solve the problem.
6. If necessary, a short list of definitions of crucial concepts
used in the statement of the problem.
A list of abbreviations may have to be annexed to the proposal,
but each abbreviation also has to be written out in full when
introduced in the text for the first time.
3.2 Identifying objectives
The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions
through application of scientific procedures. The main aim of
research is to find out the truth, which is hidden and that has not
been discovered. Though each research has its own specific
purpose, research objectives fall into a number of the following
broad groups:
1. to gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new
insights into it (studies with this objective in view are termed
exploratory or formulative research studies);
2. to portray accurately characteristics of a particular individual,
situation or a group (studies with this objective in view are
known as descriptive research studies);
3. to determine the frequency with which something occurs or
with which it is associated with something else (studies with
this objective in view are known as diagnostic research
studies); and
4. to test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables
(such studies are known as hypothesis-testing research
Thus, usually research objectives are meant to examine, expand,
investigate, explore, develop or evaluate a set of data relevant to
a set of questions that inform the overall research. Objectives
should be concise statements that provide enough detail to
communicate the scientific focus of the study.
In defining your objectives, it is helpful to think in terms of
three or four broad aims. The aims may be parallel or an
organized gradient from specific to general. For example, a
study on “Sex Differences in Territorial Behaviour in a
Polgynous Bird (Species)” may have three objectives. They
include the following: i) to evaluate the presence and degree of
sex differences in territorial defense; ii) to explore the
reproductive correlates of territorial defense for males and
females; and iii) to develop a model of dynamics of polygyny.
Note that you have to elaborate on each of your objectives in the
body of your proposal. Thus, when formulating your objectives,
as in the case of title, be careful that you do not set yourself an
objective that your research cannot address. Objectives, like
titles, may require fine-tuning as you develop the body of your
The following are further main points for consideration while
formulating research objectives:
In due regard, objectives should be closely related to statement
of the problem. For example, if the problem is low utilization of
child welfare clinics, the general objective of the study could be
to identify reasons for the low utilization to find solutions.
The general objective of a study states what is expected to be
achieved by the study in general terms. An important aspect to
note is that it is possible (and of course, advisable) to break
down a general objective into smaller, logically connected
parts. These are normally referred to as specific objectives.
Specific objectives should systematically address various
aspects of the problem as defined under “Statement of the
Problem” and key factors that are assumed to influence or cause
the problem. They should specify what you will do in your
study, where and for what purpose.
The general objective “to identify reasons for low utilization of
child welfare clinics in Manyoni district to find solutions” can
be broken down into the following specific objectives:
1. To determine the level of utilization of child welfare clinics
in Manyoni district over years 1999 and 2000 as compared
with the target set;
2. to identify whether there are variations in utilization of child
welfare clinics related to reason, type of clinic and type of
children served;
3. to identify factors related to child welfare services offered
that make them either attractive or not attractive to mothers
(this objective may be divided into smaller sub-objectives
focusing on distance between the home and clinic,
acceptability of services to mothers, quality of services and
so on);
4. to identify socio-economic and cultural factors that may
influence the mothers’ utilization of services (Also this may
be broken down into several sub-objectives);
5. to make recommendations to all parties concerned
(managers, health staff and mothers) concerning what
changes should be made and how to improve use of child
welfare clinics; and
6. to work with all parties concerned to develop a plan for
implementing the recommendations.
The first specific objective focuses on quantifying the problem.
This is necessary in many studies. Often use can be made of
available statistics or of health information system. Specific
objective two further specifies the problem, looking at distribution.
Specific objectives three and four examine possible factors that
may influence the problem and objectives five and six indicate
how results will be used.
An objective focusing on how results will be used should
be included in every applied research study.
Thus, formulation of objectives will help you to:
- focus the study (narrowing it down to essentials);
- avoid collection of data that are not strictly necessary for
understanding and solving the problem you identified; and
- organize the study in clearly defined parts or phases.
Properly formulated specific objectives will facilitate development
of your research methodology and will help to orient the
collection, analysis, interpretation and utilization of data.
How should you state your objectives?
Take care in such a way that objectives of your study:
- cover the different aspects of the problem and its
contributing factors in a coherent way as well as in a logical
- are clearly phrased in operational terms, specifying what
you are going to do, where and for what purpose;
- are realistic considering local conditions; and
- use action verbs that are specific enough to be evaluated.
Examples of action verbs are: to determine, to compare, to
verify, to calculate, to describe and to establish.
Avoid use of non-action verbs such as: to appreciate, to
understand or to study.
Keep in mind that when the project is evaluated, results will be
compared to objectives. If objectives have not been spelt out
clearly, the project cannot be evaluated.
Using the example on utilization of child welfare clinics, we
may develop more specific objectives such as the following:
. To compare the level of utilization of the child welfare
clinic services among various socio-economic
. To establish the pattern of utilization of child welfare clinic
services in various seasons of the year;
. To verify whether increasing distance between the home and
the health facility reduces the level of utilization
of the child welfare clinic services; and
. To describe mothers’ perceptions of the quality of services
provided at the child welfare clinics.
3.3 Literature review
The background to your proposal provides formal scientific
context from which your study is derived and to which your
research will ultimately contribute. It is a section in which you
review what is already known and what the outstanding
questions in your study are. In essence, it is a formal review that
should outline, usually in a third person, what stimulated your
interest in your proposed research. The section cannot be
written until one has a thorough command of literature in
his/her field and has identified existing questions or gaps in this
literature. How you focus this section – what you choose to
include or omit – will depend on what your study proposes to
accomplish. You have to relate your stated objectives to existing
If one of your objectives is to evaluate an existing model with
data, you will need to review the model and provide evidence
for why such a test of the model is important. Exceptions that
challenge the model of your study subject are examples of how
you may be able to situate your research contribution within a
broader context.
It is important to recognize that your preparatory reading is
likely to be much more extensive than what you will have space
to review in the background section of your proposal. It is also
the case that not all of your prior reading will be equally
relevant to your proposed research.
Choose your examples and citations carefully being sure to
indicate whether your list is inclusive or selective. Profiling an
example as being “… the sole exception …” when there are
others that you fail to acknowledge will raise doubts in
reviewers’ minds about your ability to integrate your proposed
work with existing knowledge. The background section should
demonstrate that you have a clear idea of what is new about
your proposed research. Inappropriate claims about your own
originality may offend reviewers who have done similar work or
know of other work in the area, undermining the credibility of
your proposal and assessments of your ability to interpret your
data if you are given the opportunity to collect them.
Then, there is the following question, why is it important to
review already available information when preparing a
The following reasons help to give an understanding for
literature review:
It prevents you from duplicating work that has been done
ii) It helps to find out what others have learned and reported
on the problem you want to study. This may assist you in
refining your statement of the problem.
It helps you to become more familiar with various types of
methodology that might be used in your study.
It should provide you with convincing arguments for
reasons your particular research project is needed.
Again, possible sources of information can be obtained from the
Individuals, groups and organizations;
ii) Published information (books, articles, indexes and
abstract journals); and
iii) Unpublished information (other research proposals in
related fields, reports, records and computer data base).
There are several places to find these such as the following:
Community and district or regional levels;
ii) National level; and
iii) International level.
The following are strategies that may help one to gain access to
each source and obtain information in the most productive
Identifying a key person (a research or decision-maker)
who is knowledgeable on the topic and asking if he/she
can give you a few good references or names of other
people whom you could contact for further information;
ii) Looking up for names of speakers on your topic at
conferences who may be useful to contact;
iii) Contacting librarians, research institutions, responsible
ministry and newspaper offices and requesting for relevant
iv) Examining bibliographies and reference lists in key papers
as well as books to identify relevant references;
v) Looking up for references in indexes (for example, Index
Medicus for Health Systems Research and so on) and
abstract journals; and
Requesting for a computerized literature search (for
example, Medline, Google and the like).
Note: You may get assistance from agencies for your literature
search through telephone or in writing. However, the request
should be specific. A computerized search should be used
through key words that can be used in locating relevant
What can you do after identifying the references?
References that are identified:
- should first be skimmed or read.
- Then, summaries of important information in each of
references should be recorded on separate index cards or as
computer entries. These should then be classified so that
information can easily be retrieved.
- Finally, a literature review should be written.
The following are several steps that you should take when
preparing a review of available literature and information:
- First, organize your index cards in groups of related
statements according to which aspect of the problem they
touch upon.
- Second, decide in which order you want to discuss various
issues. If you discover you have not yet found literature or
information on some aspects of your problem that you
suspect are important, make special efforts to find that
- Third, write a coherent discussion of one or two pages in
your own words, using all relevant references.
Possible bias
Bias in literature or in literature review is a distortion
of available information in such a way that it reflects
opinions or conclusions that do not represent the real
The following common types of bias in literature review have to be
Playing down controversies and differences in one’s own
study results;
ii) Restricting references to those of which support the point
of view of the author; and
iii) Drawing far reaching conclusions from preliminary or
shaky research results or making sweeping generalizations
from just a case or small study.
Ethical considerations
The presented forms of bias would put the scientific integrity of
the responsible researcher in question. Moreover, careless
presentation and interpretation of data may put readers who
want to use the study’s findings on the wrong track. That may
have serious consequences in terms of time and money spent on
the research.
A similarly serious act, for which a researcher can be taken to
court, is presentation of research results or scientific
publications from other writers without quoting the author(s).
Therefore, appropriate referencing procedures should always be
followed in research proposals as well as in research reports.
3.4 Defining a theoretical framework
Etymology of the word theory
The word ‘theory’ derives from the Greek ‘theorein,’ which
means ‘to look at.’ According to some sources, it was used
frequently in terms of ‘looking at’ a theatre stage, which may
explain why sometimes the word ‘theory’ is used as something
provisional or not completely resembling real. The term
‘theoria’ (a noun) was already used by scholars of ancient
To a scientist, theories are statements about relationships
between abstract concepts or variables. A simple theory might
specify how only two or three variables are related. Thus, a
theory designates a well-tested model, one in which the
scientific community places a great deal of trust because it has
survived repeated attempts to prove it false.
Problems do not exist in nature but in the minds of people. This
can be seen from an examination of the definition of problem:
problems stem from the juxtaposition of factors, which results in a
perplexing or enigmatic state of mind (a cognitive problem), an
undesirable consequence (a psychological or value problem), or a
conflict, which obscures the appropriate course of action (a
practical problem). Cognitions, values and practices are attributes
of persons, not the objective world (whatever that is).
Problems cannot be articulated except within a conceptual system.
No inquirer can investigate a problem from all perspectives
simultaneously. Also that is what a logical structure or theoretical
framework is all about. It establishes a vantage point, a
perspective, a set of lenses through which the researcher views the
problem. In this sense, selection of a logical framework is both a
clarifying and exclusionary step in the research process. While it
sharpens focus and consequently increases clarity brought to the
problem area, it excludes from the view of the inquirer other
perspectives that might be brought to bear on the problem, but does
so in explicit recognition of those perspectives and the rationale for
their rejection.
In fact, it is the choice of frameworks chosen by the researcher that
has contributed to new understandings or problem solutions by
some researchers or to inadequate inquiry or false conclusions by
others. For example, decades of research on organizational
management and behavior viewed organizations from the classic,
rational model of hierarchical bureaucracy with tightly coupled
substructures and linked and linear organizational processes (as
posited by the German sociologist Max Weber in the early part of
the last century). But that perspective never led to adequate
understandings of how organizations, such as corporations and
universities, actually work. Recent researchers, working from the
vantage point of alternative perspectives, using metaphors derived
from long-term observation of life in universities and other
organizations, have broken away from the image of organizations
as bureaucracies to study them as "organized anarchies" and
"loosely coupled systems." They have created a powerful new line
of inquiry that has greatly enhanced our understanding of the
structures and processes of work life in public institutions. Thus,
there are usually multiple frameworks from which to view the
same problem, the more viable often being obscured by dominance
of a worn-out paradigm that blinds the observer to alternative
views of the world.
The framework used by the researcher is not always explicit (as in
the example of "organized anarchy" when first used as a
perspective for studying organizations); but the burden of the
argument is that to the extent possible the framework should be
explicated for several reasons:
1. Since the problem is a function of its framework, the problem
can be better articulated and understood if its basic system is
well understood and articulated. Additional facets of the problem
may be generated as a result, and the known facets will take on
greater clarity and form.
2. When the framework is well articulated, it is possible to
conceive and consider alternative frameworks. The explication
of behaviorist theory in early psychology made it possible to see
what its strengths and weaknesses were and to develop alternative
theories that ultimately had high payoff (for example, the advent of
cognitive psychology and one of its offspring, Rational Emotive
Therapy). Given several possible frameworks, the researcher
chooses from among them on the basis of criteria such as heuristic
value, inclusiveness, efficiency, and the like. The power of a
proposed solution to the problem may thus be considerably
3. The explication of a theoretical framework or logical structure
provides focus to all the subsequent steps in planning and carrying
out the proposed inquiry, for example, charting variables and their
relationships. It makes it possible to generate a relatively complex
set of objectives and questions; it provides a basis for including
and excluding literature and research that is actually related to the
inquiry by identifying the variables of greatest interest and
concern; and it provides focus to the inquirer's procedural planning
and choices from initial design selection, through instrument
development or adoption, to the organization, analysis and
interpretation of data, for example, research design, statistical tests,
making sense of empirical findings.
4. Perhaps most important is the impact of the explicit theoretical
structure on subsequent inquiry in the same area. The investigation
no longer hangs loose but becomes part of a line or tradition of
inquiry, which other researchers can check, replicate or build upon.
Knowledge growth in a field becomes an additive phenomenon of
increasingly useful structures or concepts with which inquirers can
5. Without a clear explication of the problem and a workable
perspective with which to view it, it is likely that the research
project will be flawed by uncontrolled extraneous variables,
overlooked variables, faulty instruments, haphazard procedures
and the like. "You cannot get there from here" without taking this
step. A failure in this regard is why so many graduate students end
up with a procedural plan that runs them in circles.
Defining a Logical Structure or Theoretical Framework
A logical structure or theoretical framework is the set of terms and
relationships within which the problem is formulated and solved.
Such frameworks may vary greatly in format and sophistication.
In its simplest form, a conceptual framework may be no more than
a set of descriptive categories. For example, one may decide to
investigate teacher behavior by noting whether a teacher's verbal
statements are questions, informational comments, supportive
comments or disciplinary comments. Such a set of terms would be
quite useful in categorizing behavior even though there is no
pretense that all behavior could be categorized this way, or that the
terms were pre-selected to conform to some particular point of
view. Maslow's Hierarchy of Need is another example of a
conceptual framework that has been heavily used in social science
research, including efforts to refute its utility as a classification
scheme for human behavior.
When such a set of categories meets the additional criteria that all
categories are independent of each other and are (together)
necessary and sufficient to encompass all relevant phenomenon,
they may be said to comprise a taxonomy, as, for example, the
biological taxonomy of life forms.
A theory interconnects categories (whether or not they form a
taxonomy) through a set of relationships. Both categories and/or
relationships may be derived from a basic set of postulates.
Hypotheses may be derived by deduction from the theory for
In short, a conceptual framework is a concise description
(often accompanied by a graphic or visual depiction) of the
major variables operating within the arena of the problem to
be pursued together with the researcher's overarching view of
how variables interact (or could be made to interact under
manipulated conditions) to produce a more powerful or
comprehensive "model" of relevant phenomena than has
heretofore been available for shedding light on the problem.
Think of it as a MAP with conceptual directions. The framework,
in fact, either anticipates or directly presents the basic design of
the study.
The figures at the end of this section attempt to depict example
structures for two hypothetical studies. Figure 1 is a "lick the
world" structure examining the effectiveness of an in-service
training program for teachers that would take a well funded staff of
researchers to complete if left as it is. Figure 2 is a model for
investigating factors that shed light on the problem of antisocial
behavior among youth, and is considerably less complicated than
Figure 1, although it poses some formidable measurement
challenges. A little narrative has been put with those figures to aid
comprehension. It might be helpful to examine these figures and
then re-read this section a few times.
Functions of a Logical Structure or Theoretical Framework
1. Expounding - To explain the structure or framework within
which the situation will be investigated, that is: (1) in case of the
logical structure, to provide a rationale for the perspective from
which the investigator will examine the problem; or (2) in case of
the theoretical framework, to conceptualize or state the theory in
which terms the investigator will examine the problem.
2. Validating - to validate application of the particular logical
structure or theoretical framework in the investigation of the
problem in terms of its anticipated advantages and consequences.
The process of structure building is the researcher's creative step in
research design that minimizes irrelevancies, tightens focus on
constructs that comprise the relevant substance of the inquiry, and
maximizes the "real world" utility of the inquiry; that is, it is the
means by which validity in its various forms is achieved.
Therefore, structure or framework embodies the ontological and
epistemological character of the study and anchors the
methodological phases of inquiry (sampling procedures, choice of
research questions, statistical design for each question, hypothesis
and so on).
The following are common deficiencies in proposal structures
-- Failure to offer any framework - raw empiricism
-- The inappropriate framework
-- The overly complex framework
-- The framework unrelated to other competing structures
-- The imprecise framework
Generating a Framework or Structure
Many researchers find themselves perplexed by the notion that
they are responsible for positing a theoretical structure on which
their inquiry is to be based, or they are just perplexed.
Consequently, no framework is offered at all or they end up as
overly complex, sophisticated structures and statements, which the
researcher finds dysfunctional to the conduct of the inquiry. The
framework, in effect, becomes an independent step in the inquiry
process carried to a successful conclusion as an academic exercise.
But it misses the central point of the activity. The theoretical or
conceptual grounding of a study is designed to help the inquirer -not boggle his/her mind. It is undertaken not simply for the
advantage of the reader of a proposal, but for the researcher as a
conceptual map to the investigation.
As was noted, a conceptual framework is the necessary
concomitant of any problem, for the problem could not be stated
except within at least an implicit framework. Thus, the task is
simply to make explicit what is already there at the implicit level in
the statement of the problem. The researcher may begin by simply
noting key terms and basic assumptions underlying the inquiry
(variables and their interactions). Several structures, classification
systems, taxonomies, and theories may already have been
explicated precisely in the field in which the researcher is working;
or, in other cases, in fields that could be applied. For example, use
of the social psychological structure of interaction analysis in
observation of classroom teacher behavior (that is, Flanders'
interaction analysis); or the notion of political cultures borrowed
from political science, applied to a study of state level social
service policy development (that is, the legislative or regulatory
decision process).
Sources to support the inquirer in theory development are no
different from those will be turned to for support in other areas of
planning the research, that is:
-- Extant structures of varying levels of sophistication in the
literature of the field.
-- Structures from related fields that could be adopted for, or
adapted to, the inquiry.
-- Previous research studies that have employed either
implicit or explicit structures pertinent to the inquiry.
-- De Novo explication of structures -- these usually occur at
simple rather than complex levels of structure building or the
research itself must be geared first to a theory development
Investigations frequently employ not one but several structures to
clarify dimensions of the inquiry. For example, a "futures" study
may posit one structure to support the substance of the inquiry, a
second to organize the futures view, and perhaps a third to clarify a
methodological orientation toward data collection (probably
detailed in the procedures section). The critical point is that
multiple structures should be truly complementary and exclusive in
their orientation. If they overlap, an effort should be made to
synthesize the structures and postulate a new, more comprehensive
It is virtually always beneficial to create a drawing or figure at
early stages of conceptualization that depicts the major variables
and categories, connected by lines and arrows to show
relationships and interactions, in much the same way that an
architect or designer might make preliminary sketches of a
building or landscape. "How can I know what I think until I see
what I say?" The narrative for the conceptual framework describes
and justifies the elements of the figure. The figure serves two
important purposes. First, it helps the researcher think about
his/her own thinking but also aides in the preparation of the
narrative for the conceptual framework. Second, when included in
the proposal, it can be helpful, even essential, to the reader who
seeks to understand what the researcher is trying to do.
Although structures sometimes get needlessly complicated or
overly sophisticated (thus, obligating the researcher to an
unrealistic project), an essential step in structure building is to
PURPOSELY complicate and make more comprehensive the
initial structure so that the scope of the inquiry can be examined
for missing categories or inappropriate causal constructs; that is, to
make sure the bases are covered with regard to issues of validity
and utility. The researcher is then in a better position to make
appropriate limiting and delimiting choices that shrink the
endeavor back down to manageable parameters and at the same
time ensure his/her efforts will be fruitful.
Once a framework has been prepared, it is important to ask what
advantages and disadvantages may accrue as a result of using it. In
the event that there seems to be available only a single alternative
framework, its use is mandated even though it may have some
obvious drawbacks. In other cases where multiple frameworks may
be available, as for example, in learning research (behaviorism
against constructivism), the choice of the particular framework
should certainly be made to maximize those advantages that are
most salient for the investigation or development project and to
minimize those disadvantages that are most inimical to it. In
general, when one who proposes is able to demonstrate that first,
the proposed framework has relevance to the study, and second,
the particular framework has more advantages and/or fewer
disadvantages than some other framework that might have been
used, then the validating function of this section of the proposal
has been met.
*Additional Readings for the Section
Brody, H.S., Ennis, R. H. & Krimerman, L.I. (1973). Philosophy
of Educational Research. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Chap. 5,
pp. 271-79; Chapter 8.
Kaplan, A. (1964). The Conduct of Inquiry. San Francisco:
Chandler. Chapters 7-8.
Kerlinger, Fred (1986). Foundations of Behavioral Research (3rd.
ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Chapters 2-3.
Rudestam. K. & Newton, R. (1992). Surviving Your Dissertation:
A Comprehensive Guide to Content and Process. Newberryi Park,
CA: Sage. Chapter 2.
In case of qualitative studies, a theoretical framework may not be
explicitly articulated since qualitative inquiry typically is often
oriented toward grounded theory development in the first place;
the exception is a study that tests or makes more comprehensive an
existing theory. If the study is about theory development, the
researcher is still not off the hook. Some kind of overarching
conceptual framework is still necessary and will test the writer's
creative use of existing, related theory, intuition and tacit
Figure 1 Effectiveness of in-service training for teachers
Figure 2. A model of antisocial behavior
Examples of Theoretical Frameworks
Note: These are not meant to be models to which you should
necessarily aspire. They are just examples. Some are overly
complex and needlessly verbose. Nevertheless, the collection
should provide you with a good idea of how structures are
presented and what they accomplish. The last one is from the first
dissertation completed at Arkansas State University.
Example 1
School or Library Staff Reactions to Challenges to School or
Library Materials
Hall and Fagen (1956) define a social system as a bounded set of
elements (sub-systems) and activities in mutual interaction that
constitute a single social entity. A given social system must have
distinct boundaries, which separate it from the environment,
defined as anything outside the system that can affect and is
affected by the social system. Social systems may be open or
closed, depending on their interaction with the environment. Social
systems strive to maintain homeostasis and equilibrium, using
internal and external feedback loops to identify imbalances.
Public schools can be defined as open social systems. The GetzelsGuba Model (Hoy and Miskel, 1978) identifies their structural
elements as:
Institutional -- the organization's formal bureaucratic structure,
encompassing hierarchy or authority; policies, rules and
procedures; and specialization.
Individual -- the varying behavior of individuals in similar
Informal Group -- the formation of groups by individuals to
balance bureaucratic expectations and individual needs. Groups
also establish an organizational climate that will affect individual
Internal Feedback Loop -- tells individuals how their behavior is
viewed by the organization's formal and informal structure and can
also influence individual behavior.
External Feedback Loop -- provides an opportunity for input from
the environment which may influence bureaucratic expectations
and group intentions.
As pointed out by Tumin (l977), the heterogeneous nature of social
organizations and their environments lend themselves to conflict -to situations where values, goals, interests, and ideologies are in
disagreement, result in confrontation, and must be resolved.
The conflict under consideration in this study is the challenge,
made by some person or persons from within the environment, to
materials used in or acquired by a school or school library with a
written collection development policy. Thus, bounded systems to
be studied are schools or school libraries, which have written
collection development policies and which have had at least one
challenge to their materials from someone within their
environments, (that is, communities, which they serve).
Adapting the Getzels-Guba Model, the independent variables in
the study can be grouped into Formal, Informal, and External
groups. Staff is defined as teachers, librarians, administrators, and
school boards.
Formal (Institutional) Factors
As previously stated, there have been guidelines established by the
national professional associations for writing of policy statements
and procedures for handling complaints. Serebnick (l979), in A
Review of Research Related to Censorship in Libraries, found that
research studies accepted that there was a distinction between
selection and censorship and that the Library Bill of Rights was
accepted as the librarians' official statement on professional
guidelines for selecting materials.
The roles that public library and school boards of education can
play in initiating or supporting censorial action in libraries and
schools are critical. "Decision in Tulsa: An Issue of Censorship"
and "Innocence Lost: One Librarian's Experience," two journal
articles recapping the successful stand taken by two public libraries
against a challenge, report that the library boards stood behind the
rights of freedom of expression guaranteed by the First
Amendment. Conversely, the heated and sometimes violent
censorship fights in Warsaw, Indiana, and Kanawha County, West
Virginia, were precipitated by members of the school boards
(Jenkinson, l979).
The two public library case reports also indicated that the libraries
had written collection policies, complete with procedures to handle
complaints. All members of staff were aware of the policy and
knew exactly what to do when the complaint was received.
In an opinionnaire survey of 900 Midwestern librarians' attitudes
toward intellectual freedom, censorship, and certain authoritarian
beliefs, Busha (l971) found a significant relationship between the
position held by a librarian and his/her attitude toward censorship.
In this survey, which had a 69.3% final response rate, library
directors obtained the highest mean censorship score. A study by
Pope (l973), also an opinionnaire survey, of public, school, and
college librarians' attitudes toward sexually oriented literature,
with a 59.8% final response rate, substantiated Busha's conclusion
that there appears to be a relationship between administrative
responsibility of the librarians and their tendency to restrict
Jenkinson (l979) indicates two possible reasons for the
vulnerability of schools to the attacks of censors -- 1) the lack of
effective communication between schools, students, parents, and
other members of the community, and 2) quick acceptance of
complaints by school personnel who ignore the established
procedures for handling complaints.
Generalizing from the above, the independent variables grouped as
Formal will be:
the content of the policy and procedures
the extent to which current staff participated in the
development of the policy
the extent to which current staff were made aware of the
policy and procedures
the extent to which established procedures were followed
the formal approval of the policy at all hierarchical levels
the extent to which there is a parent/community information
sharing policy
Informal (Individual, Informal Group, Internal Feedback Loop)
One of the most consistent research findings in library censorship
studies is the willingness of the librarian to perform voluntary
censorship of materials, also known as self-censorship.
The Fiske (l959) study of book selection and censorship in
California public and school libraries in the l950's is considered the
most influential research on censorship in United States libraries.
Twenty-six California communities were chosen based on their
size, rate of growth, ethnic composition, geographic location, and
type of library service. 204 municipal, county, and school
librarians and administrators in 48 municipal and county units and
46 senior high schools in the 26 communities were interviewed
using a structured questionnaire. Among other things, Fiske found
--although a majority of librarians stated that they believed in the
freedom to read, large numbers of those same librarians restricted
or condoned restricting materials.
--the qualities of the institution in which the librarian worked had
more impact on the librarians' attitudes and behavior toward
controversial issues than did any characteristics of the community
in which the institution was located.
--although librarians felt few direct pressures for censorship and
they gave verbal allegiance to the idea of intellectual freedom
"because they sense a kind of free-floating anxiety in the air about
them, they are reluctant to put their concepts to the test of practice"
(pp. 73-74).
Busha (l972, p.300) also found that although librarians "did not
hesitate to agree with cliches of intellectual freedom, many of them
apparently did not feel strong enough as professionals to assert
those principles in the face of real or anticipated censorship
In 1979 Woods and Salvatore studied the practice of selfcensorship in the nation's secondary school library media centers.
A one-page questionnaire was sent to a select sample of high
school librarians in the United States asking them to identify, from
a list of controversial titles, the status of those titles held by their
library media centers. One of their conclusions, based on the
presence of large numbers of materials which had some sort of
restricted access, was that many librarians are reluctant to face
censorship battles. The survey had an initial response rate of
76.6%, but only 66.7% were usable returns. No attempt was made
to follow up on non-respondents. Even so, the finding is consistent
with Fiske and Busha such that it indicates the continuing
relevance of the issue.
Generalizing from the above, the independent variables grouped as
Informal will be the non-official behaviors of current staff at all
hierarchical levels in terms of:
awareness of the policy and procedures
informal approval of the policy (i.e., attitude toward intellectual
peer pressure toward accepting or rejecting the policy
willingness to follow established procedures
willingness to be involved in a controversial situation
willingness to implement and support a parent/community
information sharing program
External Factors
In a comparison of the censorship controversies in Warsaw,
Indiana, and Kanawha County, West Virginia, Jenkinson (l979)
indicates that both were fanned by outside agencies that supplied
reviews of the school materials, had proponents and opponents,
and formed local groups of concerned citizens against textbooks.
Similarly, Serebnick's (l979) review includes references to a report
by Wallis about serious censorship cases which were initiated and
prolonged by restrictive mayors who sought and achieved removal
and restriction of controversial publications. Serebnick also
references a report by Good, whose analysis of additional
censorship cases indicated that ministers, chiefs of police, district
attorneys, newspaper editors, and members of parent-teacher
associations had also exerted noticeable influence to provoke or
combat censorship actions.
Another important external factor is publicity. As Jenkinson (l979,
p. 161) indicates:
In far too many incidents of censorship, school officials have
attempted to `keep the matter quiet.' That strategy may well
backfire. Censors are willing to exert a great deal of pressure
because they know that some school officials will respond
favorably in fear that they might otherwise receive negative
publicity. On the other hand, few censors are willing to be exposed
. . . And in many instances the general public would oppose the
censors if they only knew what the censors were after.
Fiske (l959), likewise, found that respondents believed the press
could play a decisive role in the outcome of a censorship incident,
although the role rarely could be predicted.
A fast growing area of external influence are court rulings
regarding censorship incidents. David Alexander (l980), writing
for the National Organization on Legal Problems of Education
three of seven federal court decisions reached during l972-l979 in
the Second Circuit upheld school board decisions to remove
materials from classrooms, libraries, or the curriculum. In three
other federal cases, however, the First and Sixth Circuit courts held
that First Amendment rights to freedom of speech necessarily
implied a "freedom to receive" information and that removal of
books once available on the grounds that their content was
unacceptable abridged that freedom.
Serebnick (l979) indicated that only minimal attention had been
given to many community demographic variables with the
exception of size of population served.
Generalizing from the above, the independent variables in the
External group will be the influence of:
publicity generated about the incident
pressure groups
support groups
community leaders
judicial rulings/legislation
prior censorship incidents in the community
Since little research has been done on community demographic
variables, the political/social climate of the community, also an
external variable, will be used as a descriptor variable.
Communities will be categorized as either conservative, moderate,
or liberal.
The dependent variable is the school or library's reaction to the
challenge. Reactions may range from immediate support of the
challenge at the initial point it was made to overruling of the
challenge at the highest hierarchical level within the system. The
study will consider only schools or libraries which were successful
in having the challenge overruled.
Example 2
Adult Learners
Koffka (l953) defined the environment not as it is, but as it is
perceived and experienced. This phenomenological approach was
expanded by Lewin's (l936) field theory of life space. Lewin
defined behavior not as a function of the objective physical
properties of the stimulus environment, but as environment
transformed into an "inner world" by a cognizing organism. Thus it
is the psychological environment rather than the physical
environment that determines the way an individual will respond.
Of the existing theories of person-environment interaction, some
focus primarily on the subjective frame of reference. Others are
less phenomenologically oriented. Barker's (l968) behavior settings
theory and the subculture approach suggest that environments
select and shape the behavior of people who inhabit them. Both are
primarily concerned with describing the environment and fail to
include a theoretical concept or operational definition of the
individual. Astin and Holland (l96l) suggest that the dominant
features of an environment are dependent upon the typical
characteristics of its members. Although they view behavior as a
function of the person and the environment, their theory
emphasizes the person and neglects the perceptions of the
The need/press/culture theory (Pace & Stern, l958) analyzes the
person and the environment in terms of personality needs and
perceptions of the environment. This theory is based on that of
Lewin (l936) who contended that scientific psychology must take
into account the "whole situation," defined as the state of both the
person and the environment. Stern (l970) also has defined the
important concepts of Murray's (l938) need/press model. In the
broadest sense, the term "need" refers to denotable characteristics
of individuals, including drives, motives, goals, etc. A need state is
characterized by the tendency to perform actions of a certain kind.
Environment is defined in terms of "presses." Press is defined as
the characteristic demands or features of the environment as
perceived by those who live in it. Thus the environment is defined
as it is collectively perceived and reported by its participants. The
frame of reference of this theory will support the procedures used
in this study.
In order to measure student perceptions of college and university
environments, Pace and Stern initially developed the College
Characteristics Index (CCI). The CCI identifies environmental
perceptions according to 30 scales (300 items). The content of the
items is composed of the descriptions of activities, policies,
procedures, attitudes, and impressions that may characterize
college environments.
In his research efforts, Pace became increasingly concerned about
the absence of crucial, personal information which would truly
distinguish one college form another. After several years of work,
he developed the College and University Environment Scales
(CUES). The CUES is a direct outgrowth of the CCI. Using CCI
scores from students in a "norm group" of 50 institutions, the 300
items were reduced by restructuring and selective elimination to
150 items and reorganized into five scales. The CUES measures
perception along five (5) dimensions: practicality; community;
awareness; propriety; and scholarship. Not only is the CUES less
cumbersome for reporting purposes, it also provides a more
parsimonious presentation of differences in college environments
(Michael & Boyer, l965). This instrument, therefore, will be used
in the present study.
Adult Learners Existing studies concerning life-long learning offer
various definitions of the "adult learner." Most studies deal with
students enrolled in continuing education programs. In this study,
adult learners are defined as those persons 23 years of age or older
enrolled in postsecondary education and registered for seven (7) or
more credit hours.
Across the institutions and within them, adult learners compose a
heterogeneous mixture of individuals. Different kinds of adults
seek out different types of educational experiences. In
consolidating data from four (4) reports for College Board,
Arbeiter (l977) used six (6) demographic variables to indicate
trends among these adult populations: age; sex; race;
socioeconomic background; educational level; and rural/urban
setting. In this study, these six (6) demographic variables will be
used. One additional factor -- academic major -- will be
Institutional Type
Colleges and universities differ greatly from one another in many
measurable characteristics. In assessing factors related to the
impact of higher education on student development, institutional
type continues to be an important variable. Various conventional
classification systems have been used. In a study of 935 colleges
and universities, Rogoff (l957) first divided them by curricular
organization and then by type of control. Other classifications have
been made in terms of geographic location and the highest degree
conferred by the institution. Although such nominal classifications
are useful and at times unavoidable, they are not completely
satisfactory as devices either to categorize colleges or to measure
their environments (Barton, l96l).
Other investigators have sought to identify categories of colleges
and universities that would be relatively homogeneous with respect
to the functions of the institution, as well as with respect to
characteristics of students and faculty members. In l970, the
Carnegie Commission on Higher Education developed such a
classification system. The system divides institutions into five (5)
main categories: (l) doctoral-granting institutions; (2)
comprehensive universities and colleges; (3) liberal arts colleges;
(4) two-year colleges and institutes; (5) professional schools and
other specialized institutions. The present study will use this
classification system with certain modifications. Specifically,
environmental perceptions of adult learners enrolled in a research
university II (subcategory of doctoral-granting institutions), a
comprehensive university, and two (2) community colleges will be
studied. Literature concerning community college students
indicates that important differences exist between students
attending urban institutions and those in rural institutions. For this
reason, both types of community colleges will be included in this
Example 3
Investigation of Innovativeness Among Nurses
There have been many research studies which have investigated
the characteristic of innovativeness within groups. There have not
been any which explore the distribution of this characteristic in
populations primarily composed of women. The precedent for
studying innovativeness has been to use self-report data
superimposing categories such as Rogers' within a given time
frame for the adoption of an innovation to occur within a social
This methodology may not give accurate information simply
because of the inability of respondents to remember details as they
actually happened. It may also be true that, depending upon the
innovation in question, the respondent may wish to appear either
more or less committed to the notion than he/she actually was.
For this purpose, of identifying innovative persons, Hurt, Joseph,
and Cook devised an instrument which will predict the
innovativeness of persons within a social group. Their instrument,
though fairly new, and not well utilized on a variety of
populations, has demonstrated high reliability where it has been
used. (Nunnally's split half analysis yielded a reliability of .94).
Based on a definition of innovativeness as "willingness to change"
the authors recommend its use for the prediction of innovativeness
as a single characteristic (Hurt, Joseph & Cook).
The tool has not been used, however, in conjunction with the more
Rogerian self-report of actual practice changes and would be more
useful if such a cross-validation were done. Similarly, other
studies, geared at a predictive model, have established that certain
characteristics are held in common by those who lean toward an
innovative nature. Rogers has referred to these as
"generalizations". They are attributes which seem highly
associated with innovativeness and which might suggest a
predictive model. Most of them were however established on a
post-deductive inquiry methodology.
Therefore, it is desirable to combine the work of Hurt, Joseph and
Cook, using their twenty-item index, and validate this index with a
self-report measure of actual adoption of a given practice. Further
it would serve useful purposes to select certain generalizations
suggested by Rogers and examine the data produced to determine
whether they are genuinely predictive of the innovative
respondents. Similarly, it is advantageous to determine what socioeconomic determinants may also interact with the respondent's
degree of innovativeness.
The finer breakdown of this structure lends itself to a correlative
study. By utilizing demographic information as in the
Hollingshead two-factor index, and by incorporating the Pancratz
and Pancratz index for Autonomy in Nursing Practice, it would be
possible to identify specific characteristics of the individual
respondents who are both innovative by self-report, and who are
"willing to change" according to the Hurt, Joseph and Cook index.
This would allow for three kinds of variables to be superimposed
upon the initial two-by-two. Demographic variables including the
occupation, income, education, and age of both the respondent and
the head-of-household would be available. Personal characteristics
will include willingness to break with tradition, empathy, belief in
practice autonomy, and cosmopolitanism. Finally, environmental
characteristics identified as the degree of specialization in the work
environment, size of agency or facility where employed, hours of
work per week, and level of responsibility would be included.
Example 4
Response to Scarcity in Institutions of Higher Education
The literature on organizational change indicates that to be
effective an organization must not only maintain itself internally,
but it must also adapt to its environment. An effective organization
is stable yet able to change appropriately. Organizational health is
a concept used to describe the degree to which an organization is
capable of managing these two, somewhat at opposing forces.
(Owens, 1981, p. 249) observed that in time organizations tend to
become obsessed with maintaining themselves, increasing
bureaucratic rigidity and seeking to shore up traditional practices.
He labeled this an unhealthy organizational climate which tends to
emphasize maintenance of the organization at the expense of its
need for constant adaptability to keep pace with changing demands
and expectations of the external environment. This description of
organizational climate fits closely the dynamics Whetten (l98l)
listed as responsible for institutions' passive responses to scarcity.
Those institutions which respond to scarcity with innovative
changes can be viewed as having healthy organizational climates
which enable them to adapt to changes in their environment.
One way to produce organizational change is through
organizational self-renewal. An organization capable of selfrenewal is characterized by: (l) a climate that values adaptability
and responsiveness to change, open and upward communications,
and problem-solving; (2) a set of clear-cut, explicit and well
known procedures through which participants can engage in
orderly, systematic, collaborative problem-solving; and (3) an
ability to reach out appropriately for ideas and resources to help
solve problems (Owens, l98l, p. 250). Rensis Likert (l96l)
described ways of managing the interaction-influence system of
the organization in ways that would stimulate creativity, promote
growth of people in the organization, and facilitate a solution of the
organization's problems. He labeled this "organizational climate"
which could be measured through seven organizational processes:
leadership, motivation, communication, interaction, decisionmaking, goal setting and control feedback (Likert and Likert,
l976). Each of these processes can be evaluated in terms related to
one of four "systems" of management ranging from System l,
exploitive-authoritative to System 4, participative. The systems
range from McGregor's (l960) Theory X to Theory Y views of
Likert (l977) found that institutions of higher education having
administrative systems closer to System 4 than l experienced more
favorable outcomes including innovativeness, which is the focus of
this study. Although Smith (l977) did not document his findings,
he reported that liberal arts colleges which were able to effect
renewal possessed three necessary characteristics: (1) effective
leadership, (2) enlistment of widespread support and (3) the
unification of purpose and people. These findings suggest that
differences in organizational climate and leader behavior should be
related to institutional response to scarcity.
Owens' conditions for renewal address five of Whetten's dynamics
which impede innovation: conservative efforts stress, trained
incapacity of administrators to deal with decline, innovation
resistant organizational structure, problem-solving based on
efficiency data and crises leading to espousal of traditional values.
Therefore, measures of organizational climate will produce
information which will deal with the speculations raised in
response to these factors. The other dynamic, the most innovative
members of the organization leave first, is not a plausible
explanation of differences in response to scarcity given today's
limited opportunities for academics to change institutions.
One of the independent variables in this study will be
organizational climate as measured by the Profile of
Organizational Characteristics (Likert and Likert, l976, pp. 91-93).
A second independent variable will be leader behavior as measured
by the Profile of Leadership Behavior (Likert and Likert l976,
pp.111-113). Because adapting institutions must continually assess
and obtain feedback from their external environments, a third
independent variable will be institutional external relations
measured in three ways: (1) institution's public relations budget as
a percentage of total budget, (2) percent of alumni participation
and average gift in annual giving, and (3) percent of trustees who
attend board meetings regularly and contribute annually.
The dependent variable will be response to scarcity at Liberal Arts
Category II colleges. Measures of changes in six institutional
characteristics during a four-year period from 1976-77 to l980-81
will be used to characterize colleges' responses to scarcity on a
scale from passive to intermediate to innovative. The six
characteristics are (1) size of student body, (2) addition and
deletion of programs, (3) size of faculty, (4) total expenditures, (5)
mission and goals and (6) inter-organizational cooperative
arrangements. These measures are similar to those used by
Mayhew (l979, p. 87) in determining when an institution had
ended a creases. Jonsen (l978) included several of these
characteristics in defining criteria for success of liberal arts
colleges in the eighties.
Several variables will be controlled. Institutions which have
benefited from unusual and unanticipated changes in their external
environments, such as the closing of a competing institution or the
receipt of a major gift or grant will be excluded. Institutions in
which the response was precipitated by near insolvency will be
excluded. Institutions which have undergone frequent and drastic
changes in leadership will be treated separately.
Although only Liberal Arts II institutions will be included in the
study, several differing characteristics of these institutions will be
observed to determine their relationship to the dependent variable.
These characteristics are rural or urban location, geographic
region, institutional size, and single-sex or coeducational student
The findings of this study will be compared with the findings of
two studies of innovation at liberal arts colleges, namely, a study
by Smith (l977) and a study of colleges, which had received funds
for innovation from the Hill Family Foundation.
Example 5
Field Independence/Dependence and Classroom Behavior of
In investigating teacher characteristics, one may focus on presage
variables, process variables, or product variables (after Mitzel,
cited in Soar, l964). Presage variables include personality variables
or other characteristics of the teachers themselves. Fieldindependence/field-dependence can be considered a presage
variable. Process variables describe the behavior of teachers in
action. Teacher-student interaction and classroom climate are
examples of process variables. Product variables refer to those
changes which occur in students as a result of the teaching process.
School achievement can be considered a product variable. Presage
variables can be thought of as having some effect on process
variables, both of which in turn affect product variables. As one
moves from presage to process to product variables, a greater
number of variables outside the teacher per se come into play.
Process variables are a function of teacher characteristics,
characteristics of the teaching environment, and characteristics of
the students. Product variables are a function of all these clusters of
variables as they interact over time, allowing for the effects of
history and maturation to become important.
The problem posed here involves one presage variable, fieldinterdependence/field dependence, as it is related to the classroom
behavior of teachers, and observed in process variables. Product
variables lie outside the scope of this study.
As implied by the foregoing, it is unknown at present specifically
what process variables one might observe which might
differentiate field-independent and field-dependent teachers. The
absence of clear conclusions from previous research suggests that a
wide investigative net is appropriate. Of use here is the distinction
made by Barker (l966) between the role of the investigator as
operator and the role of the investigator as transducer. In the
former role, the investigator controls the conditions of input to the
subject, the conditions under which the subject performs, and the
conditions of output from the subject. In the latter role, the
investigator translates the phenomena of interest into data with
relatively little control over input, context, and output. The
investigator as operator contrives a closed system which specifies,
among other things, that only certain types of output from the
subject will become data. As transducer, the investigator strives to
leave the system open which mans, among other things, that
virtually any output from the subject has potential to become data.
It seems clear that the nature of the problem posed is such that the
role of the investigator as transducer is appropriate. Subsequent
considerations of method will reflect this decision.
A significant dimension of the problem posed is the manner in
which the environment is conceived. Willems (l973),
Bronfenbrenner (l976), Moos (l973; l976) and Scott (l977) are
among those who have grappled with this issue. Scott (l977) noted
an absence of an agreed-upon theoretical framework but suggested
that three clusters of work could be identified -- environmental
psychology, ecological psychology,and ecosystem psychology.
Environmental psychology has tended to investigate physical and
social variables as well as their effect on behavior. Here the
concern is with such environmental characteristics as light,
temperature, barometric pressure, noise, crowding, and population
density as they affect human performance. Environmental
psychology deals with behavior at a molecular level and employs
traditional experimental methods.
Ecological psychology views behavior and the environment as
interdependent, and is the behavior setting which consists of the
time, place, and object props and their associated rules and roles of
behavior. A classroom with its teacher, students, books,
blackboards, chairs, syllabus, lecture notes, and explicit and
implicit rules of behavior is a behavior setting. Ecological
psychology studies molar behavior and uses naturalistic methods
of inquiry.
Ecosystem psychology may be defined as the study of behavior as
it is influenced by large social systems. Ecosystem psychology
studies global, presumably group or organizational behavior.
Organization development and process consultation are examples
of ecosystem approaches.
These three clusters of work can be conceptually related within a
number of common themes. One significant theme is the
conception of the environment as a series of nested entities among
which, although each obeys its own laws, mutual influences occur.
Teachers and students, for example, are nested in classrooms,
which are nested in departments or schools, which are nested in
universities, and so on. Because of this conception of the
environment, molecular, molar, and global views each have value,
depending on the nature of the problem.
I contend that the view afforded by ecological psychology, and
specifically by behavior setting theory, has the greatest potential
for exploration of the problems posed here. Since the approach is
in the middle range, further research can move in either the
direction of molecular or global behavior. Furthermore, the central
concept of the theory that of the behavior setting can be applied to
the analysis of the classroom environments within which the
teacher functions. The utility of this concept can best be
demonstrated after having explored the concept in greater detail.
A behavior setting is a naturally occurring unit which has two
major components, the milieu or the time, space, and object props,
and the standing pattern of behavior which describes the behavior
of the participants en masse. An optional example of a behavior
setting was provided by Barker (l963) in the Kurt Lewin Memorial
Address he delivered in Philadelphia:
It is not often that a lecturer can present to his audience an example
of his phenomena, whole and functioning in situ -- not merely with
a demonstration, a description, a preserved specimen, a picture, or
a diagram of it. I am in the fortunate position of being able to give
you, so to speak, a real behavior setting.
If you change your attention from me to the next most inclusive,
bounded unit, to the assembly of people, behavior episodes, and
objects before you, you will see a behavior setting. It has the
following structural attributes which you can observe directly:
1. It has a space-time locus: 3:00-3:50 p.m., September 2, l963,
Clover Room, Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia,
2. It is composed of a variety of interior entities and events: of
people, objects (chairs, walls, a microphone, paper), behavior
(lecturing, listening, sitting) and other processes (air circulation,
sound amplification).
3. Its widely different components form a bounded pattern that is
easily discriminated from the pattern on the outside of the
4. Its component parts are obviously not a random arrangement of
independent classes of entities; if they were, how surprising that all
the chairs are in the same position with respect to the podium, that
all members of the audience happen to come to rest on the chairs,
and that the lights are not helter-skelter from floor to ceiling, for
5. The entity before you is part of a nesting structure; its
components (e.g., the chairs and people) have parts; and the
setting, itself, is contained within a more comprehensive unit, the
Bellevue-Stratford Hotel.
6. This unit is objective in the sense that it exists independently of
anyone's perception of it, qua unit (p. 26).
Ecological psychology attempts to describe how the congruence
between behavior and environment arises, in spite of what are
considerable individual differences, people within a behavior
setting behave in ways that are remarkably homogeneous. Barker
proposed that behavior settings coerce behavior through linkages
within behavior settings called circuits. For example, program
circuits specify the behaviors to be enacted by the behavior setting
inhabitants. In the case of a classroom behavior setting, the
program circuit, which is under the control of the principal
performer, the teacher, might consist of the list of class meetings,
reading assignments, lecture outlines, course requirements, and
grading criteria.
By using Barker's behavior setting theory and its associated
methods, a behavior setting can be described along a number of
dimensions. Behavior settings can then be compared to one
another. In addition, however, an important aspect of behavior
settings is the way people who inhabit the setting are conceived.
Barker (l978) explained the fundamental difference between
behavior settings and their inhabitants:
People have two positions in behavior settings: they are
components, and as such they behave in accordance with behavior
setting requirements, but they are also inhabitants with unique
needs and abilities, and as such they behave in accordance with the
requirements of their own motives and perceptions (p. 200).
This perspective implies that the teacher plays a dual role. The
teacher, like all the components of a behavior setting, is coerced
and constrained by the requirements of the classroom behavior
setting he or she inhabits. At the same time, the teacher acts in
such a way that his or her plan of instruction, needs and motives
are achieved. This perspective urges one, in considering
differences between teachers who are relatively field-independent
or field-dependent, to attend not only to the behavior of the teacher
as actor, but also to the characteristics of the behavior settings
within which the teachers' actions are enmeshed. One may find, for
example, that field-independent and field-dependent teachers differ
in terms of how they respond to the forces within the behavior
settings they inhabit. To do this, the behavior settings must first by
described. At the same time, one may find that these teachers differ
in their plans for controlling the classroom behavior settings in
which they act.
Behavior setting theory and its central concept allows one to
investigate simultaneously the behavior of the individual teacher
and the environment within which that behavior occurs. Since the
problem posed suggests that the behavioral concomitants of fieldindependence/field-dependence are partly a function of the context
within which the individual acts, then a framework which is
applicable to both of these elements is necessary.
In summary, the present study will investigate one presage
variable, that of the field-independence/field-dependence of
teachers, as it takes form in the process variables, which may be
observed in the classroom. Since it is unknown what process
variables might differentiate field-independent and field-dependent
teachers, the investigator will take the role of the transducer.
Further, since process variables are influenced by the context
within which teaching occurs, the ecological perspective afforded
by Barker's (l968; l978) behavior setting theory will be employed
as a way of guiding the analysis of behavior and of the
environment. This perspective appears to provide the greatest
promise for exploration of the problem posed.
Example 6
Arkansas Direct Writing Assessment
Local educators like to feel that they are primarily responsible for
the curriculum taught in public schools and to claim that education
is a local function responsive to the unique needs of children in a
community. In reality, though, local educational decisions,
practices, and performances are influenced by many external
pressures and decisions, most of which are political in nature. The
goals of America 2000, the recommendations in the SCANS report
for workplace "know-how," and the demand by some for a set of
national educational standards demonstrate the increased attention
given to restructuring the nation's educational system.
The discipline of language arts currently serves as a good example
of these and other forces of external influences and pressures on
local curricular decisions as well as instructional practices. In
1992, the National Council on Education Standards and Testing
(NCEST) concluded that "there do not already exist accepted
standards in English/Language Arts for what should be taught, how
it should be taught, or what students should know and be able to
do" (p. H-1). However, this report also notes that several national
organizations are currently working on such standards. NAEP
recently devised a set of reading and writing frameworks for use
with the 1994 assessments, administered in Spring 1994. The
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), the International
Reading Association (IRA), and the Center for the Study of
Reading at the University of Illinois have been cooperatively
awarded funds to develop standards such as those recently
developed for math. Individual states are also developing state
frameworks and attempting to restructure both curriculum and
assessment. Congruency of content standards, performance
standards, teaching practices, and assessment is an issue deserving
serious time and effort on the part of educational leaders.
Arkansas language arts educators, curriculum coordinators, and
assessment specialists face these national agendas as well as statewide attempts to influence local educational practices. The
legislative mandates to restructure education found in Act 236 of
1991 and the transformation of course content guides into learner
goals/curriculum frameworks "fleshed out"with local objectives
and strategies all signal changes for the language arts classroom.
However, of more significance is the state-mandated change in
"high stakes" assessment to include a direct writing assessment for
students in grades 5, 9, and 11.
As local teacher committees across Arkansas work to develop
objectives and indicators for the curriculum frameworks, they are
caught in the middle of two forces--the external pressures noted
above juxtaposed against the local philosophies and resources
available to implement the developed curriculum. For example, if
language arts teachers (as well as those in other disciplines) are
apprehensive about teaching or evaluating student compositions,
the curriculum decisions will be different than if they value writing
and feel comfortable about evaluating student work. Likewise,
language arts indicators for learner outcomes will vary from
district to district depending upon the philosophy, training, and
skills of the local staff. Teachers operating from a traditional base
will probably continue to emphasize basic skills exercises and/or a
product-oriented approach to composition. Those trained through
the Arkansas Writing Project, integrated language arts classes, or
other current methodology instruction will likely favor the newer
process-oriented approach measured by authentic assessments,
such as portfolios. Even after a local language arts curriculum is in
place, its use in classrooms throughout the district depends, to a
large extent, upon each individual teacher's attitude toward writing
and knowledge or skill necessary for its practical implementation.
Based upon an international study reported by Takala and
Degenhart (1988), one would expect classroom practices in
teaching writing to fall within four broad categories, three of which
have traditionally been present in classrooms and only one of
which is consistently congruent with current Arkansas
restructuring efforts and state-mandated assessment decisions.
Upon closing their classroom doors, teachers have always had the
option of ignoring or de-emphasizing teaching writing skills in
favor of some other subject or topic (that is, literature or reading)
they deem more important. A second grouping includes those
teachers who decide to stress only the writing "pre-requisite" skills
of grammar, mechanics, and sentence structure. Whether their
rationale is a lingering pre-occupation with basic skills, a perceived
lack of time to "grade" compositions, or a professed lack of
knowledge about how to teach writing, some language arts
teachers opt for drill and practice exercises in recognizing correct
editing conventions of writing rather than for practice in authentic
writing tasks. A third grouping of classroom practices includes
those teachers who do assign compositions, but who focus on
evaluating the finished product rather than teaching the process of
pre-writing, composing, revising, and editing. Their students do
have practice in writing, but are often uncertain about how to
accomplish the tasks or about the criteria upon which the teacher
assigns the grade. The only group of teachers in sync with the
current external influences impacting language arts instruction and
assessment in Arkansas focus on the process of composing,
affording students the opportunity to practice realistic tasks
involving writing and to learn to self-assess their own writing by
becoming familiar with established criteria and techniques.
Each of these categories of classroom practices obviously impacts
the nature and quality of students' writing experiences and
opportunity to learn the skills assessed on the Arkansas Direct
Writing Assessment. In turn, the quality of those experiences--i.e.,
whether students participate in collaborative activities, write in
contexts outside the English classroom, practice self-assessment,
view the tasks as authentic and meaningful--is very likely related
to the students' attitude toward writing, their confidence in their
ability to write well, and their competence in performing writing
tasks. Various classroom practices may produce different levels of
student competence in writing across topics, for diverse audiences,
and for different purposes. It is significant that students
participating in the 1984 NAEP writing assessment indicated that
they valued the importance of writing, but revealed that their
enthusiasm for writing gradually decreased as they progressed
from elementary school to high school (Applebee, et. al., 1986).
All of these variables--from the external influences impacting local
decisions to teachers' implementation of those decisions in the
classrooms to students' response to those instructional strategies-are linked to student performance on a large-scale assessment such
as the Arkansas Direct Writing Assessment. The part each plays,
however, is unclear. Guskey (1994) points out the dichotomy of
standardized achievement measures and performance assessment
as they influence instructional practice. He says the former tend to
narrow instruction so that teachers teach to the test. The latter,
however, broaden the scope of instruction and may not impact
teaching practices to the same degree. Viewing the impact from
another perspective, Baker (1994) warns that "some thought must
be given to the relationship between assessment and instruction,
and the validity criterion of instructional sensitivity" (p. 60). She
argues that, unless instruction affects performance on alternative
assessments, educators may risk, at the least, misguided inferences
about the reasons for differences in performance and, at the most,
inequitable consequences for individual students in high-stakes
Thus, once student outcomes are documented, the kinds of
influences these bring to bear are two-fold. They may have the
effect of altering classroom practices--the goal of those proponents
of MDI--Measurement Driven Instruction. The may also have an
impact on the external influences by confirming or refuting the
assumptions and/or needs underlying the decisions of
An overview of this conceptual framework is illustrated in Figure
1, and the logic is as follows. External influences on instruction
and assessment are listed in the oval on the far left; these include
national goals and standards, legislative mandates, state-adopted
learner goals and curriculum frameworks, and assessment
decisions made above the district level. All of these are sometimes
influenced by student outcomes on the assessment tools over a
period of time.
As local educators define curriculum objectives for each district,
they must consider both the external influences and the staff who
will implement these objectives in the classrooms. Teachers'
knowledge and skills as well as their attitudes can affect the
instructional practices used in the classroom to afford students the
opportunity to learn the skills necessary to master the objectives.
Over time, the students' performance on the assessment measure
will impact classroom practices by revealing strengths and
weaknesses to teachers and administrators. What happens in the
classroom has a major impact on students' opportunity to learn,
both in the experiences they incur with the skills being assessed
and in the attitudes they develop toward the skills as a result of the
instructional practices and evaluations being used by teachers.
Student performance on an assessment such as the Arkansas Direct
Writing Assessment is a result of all of these factors. However,
like many of the variables, it is both influenced by various
decisions, practices, and attitudes and, in turn, influences decisions
and practices. Unless congruency exists throughout this model, the
assessment cannot be considered a valid measure of what students
know and can do. The design of this study, as depicted by the
model in Figure 1, places the two major variables of classroom
practices and student outcomes within the context of the other
intervening variables and posits the overarching theoretical
perspective that will guide the collection, analysis, and
interpretation of data.
3.5 Hypothesis and prediction
Recall, a hypothesis is a prediction of a relationship between one
or more factors and the problem under study, which can be tested.
Questions that you propose to address in your research will be
clearer if they are framed in terms of specific hypotheses (models)
and predictions. Carefully conceived hypotheses demonstrate that
you are aware of how your research fits into prior theoretical or
empirical work in your research area and carefully deduced
predictions indicate whether or not your reasoning is logically
sound. Examples of research hypotheses were given in Topic 1.
Usually, there are at least two alternative hypotheses that could be
made for any research question raised. The basis for each set of
alternatives should be provided and properly referenced.
Alternative hypotheses should encompass all possible outcomes of
the inquiry. When possible, they should be mutually exclusive,
making different predictions. The proposal should make explicit
reference to how your data will enable you to distinguish among
alternative outcomes.
Basic concepts concerning hypothesis testing
Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis: In the context
of statistical analysis, people talk about null hypothesis
and alternative hypothesis. If we are to compare method A
with method B about its superiority and if we proceed on
the assumption that both methods are equally good, then
this assumption is termed as the null hypothesis. As
against this, we may think that method A is superior or
method B is inferior, we are then stating what is termed as
alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is generally
symbolized as Ho and the alternative hypothesis as Ha.
The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis are
chosen before the sample is drawn (the researcher must
avoid the error of deriving hypotheses from data he/she
collect and testing the hypotheses from the same data). In
the choice of a null hypothesis, the following
considerations must be kept in view:
a) An alternative hypothesis is usually one, which one
wishes to prove and the null hypothesis is the one which
one wishes to disprove. Thus, a null hypothesis represents
the hypothesis we are trying to reject and the alternative
hypothesis represents all other possibilities.
b) If rejection of a certain hypothesis when it is actually
true involves great risk, it is taken as null hypothesis
because then the probability of rejecting it when it is true
is (the significance level, which is chosen very small.
3.6 Methods
3.6.1 Research design
What is a research design?
A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection
and data analysis in a manner that aims to combine relevance to
research purpose with economy in procedure. Thus, it is a
conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It
constitutes the blueprint for collection, measurement and data
analysis. In due regard, the research design includes an outline of
what the researcher will do from writing hypothesis and its
operational implications to final data analysis.
The overall research design may be split into four parts: i) the
sampling design, which deals with the method of selecting items
to be observed of a given study; ii) the observational design,
which relates to conditions under which observations are to be
made; iii) statistical design, which concerns with the question of
how many items are to be observed as well as how information
including data collected are to be analyzed; and iv) the operational
design, which deals with techniques by which procedures specified
in sampling, statistical and observational designs can be carried
Important features of research design:
a) It is a plan that specifies sources and types of
information relevant to the research problem.
b) It is a strategy specifying, which approach will be used
for data collection and data analysis.
c) It includes time and cost budgets since most studies are
done under these constraints.
Thus, research design must, at least contain: i) a clear statement of
the research problem; ii) procedures as well as techniques to be
used for gathering information; iii) the population to be studied;
and iv) methods to be used in processing and data analysis.
An efficient and appropriate research design must be prepared
before starting the operations. It helps the researcher to organize
his/her ideas in form whereby it will be possible for him/her to
look for flaws and inadequacies.
Study area
Study area is the place/places where the study will be carried out.
Usually supplying with maps indicating location of the study area
will be helpful. Depending on the nature of study, some other
aspects may be included such as demographic data, physical
features (with a map/maps), weather patterns and other useful
pieces of information pertaining to the study area.
The Sample and Sample Size
SAMPLING involves selection of a number of study units
from a defined study population
Some studies involve only small numbers of people and thus, all of
them can be included. However, often research focuses on such a
large population such that it is only possible to include some of its
members in the investigation. Thus, we have to draw a SAMPLE
from the total population.
In due regard, we will be confronted with the following questions:
What is the group of people (STUDY POPULATION)
from which we want to draw a sample?
ii) How many people do we need in our sample?
iii) How will these people be selected?
The study population has to be clearly defined, for example,
according to sex, age, residence and so on. Apart from persons, a
study population consists of villages, institutions, records and so
forth. Each study population consists of STUDY UNITS. The
manner we define our study population and our study unit depends
on the problem we want to investigate. See Table below.
Malnutrition related
to weaning in
Study population
All children 6 to 24
months of age in
Study unit
One child between 6
and 24 months in
Manyoni District
High drop-out rates
in primary schools in
Mpwapwa District
Inappropriate recordkeeping for
hypertensive patients
registered in
Dodoma Regional
Manyoni District
Manyoni District
All primary schools One primary school
in Mpwapwa District in Mpwapwa District
All records on
hypertensive patients
in Dodoma Regional
One record on a
hypertensive patient
registered in
Dodoma Regional
If researchers want to draw conclusions that are valid for the whole
study population, they should take care to draw a sample in such a
way that it is representative of that population.
characteristics of the population from which it is drawn.
For example, if you want to interview 100 mothers to obtain a
complete picture of weaning practices in Mpwapwa District, you
would have to select these mothers from a representative sample of
villages. It would be unwise to select them from only one or two
villages because that might give you a distorted or biased picture.
It would also be unwise to interview only mothers who attend the
under-5s clinic because those who do not attend the clinic may
wean their children differently.
However, sometimes representativeness of the sample is not a
major concern. For example, in exploratory studies, where the
main aim is to get a rough impression of how certain variables are
distributed in the population or to identify and explore new
variables, you may deliberately choose to include study units that
are extremes in the study population, with respect to certain
Sampling Procedures
An important issue influencing choice of the most appropriate
sampling method is whether or not a sampling frame is available,
that is, a listing of all units that compose the study population. If a
sampling frame is not available, it is not possible to sample the
study units in such a way that the probability for the different units
to be selected in the sample is known. There are two nonprobability sampling methods, namely, convenience sampling and
quota sampling.
If a sampling frame exists or can be compiled, probability
sampling methods can be used. With the methods, each study unit
has an equal or at least a known probability of being selected in the
sample. Note the following probability sampling methods that will
be discussed;
- Simple random sampling,
- Systematic sampling,
- Stratified sampling,
- Cluster sampling and
- Multi-stage sampling.
Non-probability sampling methods
1. Convenience sampling
CONVIENCE SAMPLING is a method in which for
convenience sake, the study units that happen to be available at
the time of data collection are selected in the sample.
Many clinic-based studies use convenience sample. For example, a
researcher wants to study villagers’ attitudes toward familyplanning services provided by the Maternal Child Health clinic.
He/she decides to interview all adult patients who visit the outpatient clinic during one particular day. This is more convenient
than taking a random sample of people in the village and it gives a
useful first impression.
However, a drawback of convenience sampling is that the sample
may be quite unrepresentative of the population you want to study.
Some units may be over-selected, others under-selected or missed
altogether. It is impossible to adjust for such a distortion. If you
need to be representative, you have to use another sampling
2. Quota sampling
QUOTA SAMPLING is a method that ensures
that a certain number of sample units from
different categories with specific characteristics
appear in the sample so that all such
characteristics are represented.
In this method, the investigator interviews as many people in each
category of study unit as he/she can find until he/she has filled
his/her quota.
For example, the researcher of family-planning study just
mentioned suspects that religion might have a strong effect on
patients’ attitudes toward family-planning services. He/she is
afraid to miss Catholics who are a minority in the area (for
example, in Unguja). Therefore, he/she decides to include in the
study 60 patients from each of the different religious groups
(Hindu, Moslems, Assemblies of God, Catholics and so on) and to
extend the study over 3 or 4 days to obtain the desired sample.
Remarks: Quota sampling is useful when researchers feel that a
convenience sample would not provide the desired balance of the
study units. However, like a convenience sample, it does not claim
to be representative of the entire population.
Non-probability sampling methods are inappropriate if the aim is
to measure variables and generalize findings from a sample to the
total study population. Non-probability sampling, for example,
would not be appropriate in a study that aims to determine
prevalence of malnutrition in a whole region. For that type of
study, a probability sampling method should be used.
PROBAILITY SAMPLING involves random selection
procedures to ensure that each unit of the sample is
chosen on the basis of chance. All units of the study
population should have an equal or at least, a known
chance of being included in the sample.
Probability sampling requires that a listing of all study units exists
or can be compiled. The listing is called the sampling frame.
1. Simple random sampling
This is the simplest form of probability sampling. To select a
simple random sample, you need to:
- Make a numbered list of the units in the population from
which you want to draw a sample;
- Decide on the size of the sample; and
- Select the required number of sampling units, using a
“lottery” method or a table of random numbers.
For example, a simple random sample of 50 students is to be
selected from a school of 250 students. Using a list of all 250
students, each student is given a number (1 to 250), and these
numbers are written on small pieces of paper. All the 250 papers
are put in a box, after which the box is shaken vigorously to ensure
randomization. Then, 50 papers are taken out of the box and the
numbers are recorded. The students belonging to these numbers
will constitute the sample.
2. Systematic sampling
In SYSTEMATIC SAMPLING, individuals are
chosen at regular intervals (for example, every fifth)
from the sampling frame. Ideally, we randomly
select a number to tell us where to start selecting
individuals from the list.
For example, a systematic sample is to be selected from 1,200
students of a school. The sample size selected is 100. The sampling
fraction is:
100 (sample size)
1,200 (study population)
Therefore, the sampling interval is 12.
The number of the first student to be included in the sample
is chosen randomly, for example, by blindly picking one out of
twelve pieces of paper numbered 1 to 12. If number 6 is picked,
then every twelfth student will be included in the sample, starting
with student number 6, until 100 students are selected: the numbers
selected would be 6, 18, 30, 42, and so on.
Systematic sampling is usually less time consuming and easier to
perform than simple random sampling. However, there is a risk of
bias because the sampling interval may coincide with a systematic
variation in the sampling frame. For instance, if we want to select a
random sample of days on which to count clinic attendance,
systematic sampling with a sampling interval of 7 days would be
inappropriate because all study days would fall on the same day of
the week, which might, for example, be a market day.
3. Stratified sampling
The described simple random sampling method does not ensure
that the proportions of individuals with certain characteristics in
the sample will be the same as those in the whole study population.
It is important that the sample includes representative groups of
study units with specific characteristics (for example, residents
from urban and rural areas or different age groups). Then, the
sampling frame must be divided into groups or STRATA,
according to these characteristics. Random or systematic
samples of a predetermined size will have to be obtained from
each group (stratum). This is known as STRATIFIED
Stratified sampling is only possible when we know what
proportion of the study population belongs to each group we are
An advantage of stratified sampling is that we can take a relatively
large sample from a small group in our study population. This
allows us to get a sample that is big enough to enable us draw valid
conclusions about a relatively small group without having to
collect an unnecessarily large (and hence, expensive) sample of the
other, larger groups. However, in so doing, we are using unequal
sampling fractions and it is important to correct for this when
generalizing our findings to the whole study population.
For example, a survey is conducted on household water supply in a
district comprising 20,000 households of which 20% are urban and
80% are rural. It is suspected that in urban areas, access to safe
water sources is much more satisfactory. A decision is made to
include 100 urban households (out of 4,000, which gives a 1 in 40
sample) and 200 rural households (out of 16,000, which gives 1 in
80 sample). Because we know the sampling fraction for both strata,
access to safe water for all district households can be calculated.
4. Cluster sampling
It may be difficult or impossible to take a simple random of the
units of the study population, either because a complete sampling
frame does not exist or because of other logistical difficulties (for
example, visiting people who are scattered over a large area may
be too time consuming). However, when a list of groupings of
study units is available (for example, villages or schools) or can
easily be compiled, a number of these groupings can be randomly
Selection of groups of study units (clusters) instead
of selection of study units individually is known as
Clusters are often geographic units (for example, districts, villages)
or organizational units (for example, clinics, training groups).
For example, in a study of knowledge, attitudes and practices
related to family planning in rural communities of Singida region,
a list is made of all villages. Using the list, a random sample of
villages is chosen and all adults in the selected villages are
4. Multi-stage sampling
In very large and diverse populations, sampling may be done in
two or more stages. This is often the case in community-based
studies in which people to be interviewed are from different
villages and the villages have to be chosen from different areas.
For example, in a study of utilization of pit latrines in Dodoma
district, 150 homesteads are to be visited for interviews with
family members as well as for observations on types and
cleanliness of latrines. Dodoma district is composed of six wards
and each ward has between six and nine villages.
The following four-stage sampling procedure could be performed:
1. select three wards out of six by simple random
2. For each ward, select five villages by simple random
sampling (15 villages in total).
3. For each village, select ten households. Because simply
choosing households in the centre of the village would
produce a biased sample, the following systematic
sampling procedure is proposed:
o Go to the centre of the village.
o Choose a direction in a random way: spin a bottle on
the ground and choose the direction the bottleneck
o Walk in the chosen direction and select every third or
every fifth household (depending on the size of the
village) until you have ten you need. If you reach the
boundary of the village and you still do not have ten
households, return to the centre of the village, walk in
the opposite direction and continue to select your
sample in the same way until you have ten. If there is
nobody in a chosen household, take the next nearest
4. Decide beforehand whom to interview), for example,
the household head, if present or the oldest adult who
lives there and who is available).
A MULTI-STAGE SAMPLING procedure is carried
out in phases and usually involves more than one
sampling method.
The main advantages of cluster and multistage sampling are the
A sampling frame of individual units is not required for
the whole population. Initially, a sampling frame of
clusters is sufficient. Only within clusters that are finally
selected we need to list and sample the individual units.
The sample is easier to select than a simple random
sample of similar size because the individual units in the
sample are physically together in groups, instead of
scattered all over the study population.
The main disadvantage of cluster and multistage sampling is that:
Compared to simple sampling, there is a larger probability
that the final sample will not be representative of the total
population. The likelihood of the sample not being representative
depends mainly on the number of clusters selected in the first
stage. The larger the number of clusters, the greater the likelihood
that the sample will be representative.
BIAS in sampling is a systematic error in sampling
procedures that leads to a distortion in results of the
Bias can also be introduced as a consequence of improper
sampling procedures that result in the sample not being
representative of the study population.
For example, a study was conducted to determine health needs of a
rural population to plan primary health care activities. However, a
nomadic ethnic group, which represented one third of the total
population, was left out of the study. As a result, the study did not
give a picture of the health needs of the total population.
Data collection methods
Data collection methods allow us to systematically collect
information about our objects of our study (people, objects and
phenomena) and about the settings in which they occur. In data
collection, we have to be systematic. If data are collected
haphazardly, it will be difficult to answer our research questions in
a conclusive way.
Various data collection methods can be used such as:
Using available information,
ii) Observing,
iii) Interviewing (face-to-face),
iv) Administering written questionnaires,
v) Focus group discussions (FGD) and
vi) Other data collection methods
There are two types of data:
Secondary data
Information/data from written sources, published and
Primary data
Data collected from the field by the researcher
Such data are collected using the above mentioned data
collection methods.
OBSERVATION is a data collection method that involves
selecting, watching and recording behaviour and characteristics
of living beings, objects or phenomena.
Observation of human behaviour can be undertaken in different
Participant observation whereby the observer takes part in the
situation he or she observes
Non-participant observation whereby the observer watches
the situation, openly or concealed but does not take
Observations may serve different purposes. They can give
additional more accurate information on behaviour of people than
interviews or questionnaires. Questionnaires may be incomplete
because we forget to ask certain questions and informants may
forget or be unwilling to mention certain things. Therefore,
observations can check on information collected (especially on
sensitive topics such as alcohol or drug use or stigmatization of
leprosy, tuberculosis, epilepsy or AIDS patients). Or they may be a
primary source of information (observations of children’s play, for
instance, collected in a systematic way).
Observations of human behaviour can form part of any type of
study but because they are time consuming, they are most often
used in small-scale studies. Observations can also be made on
objects. For instance, the presence or absence of a latrine and its
state of cleanliness may be observed.
If observations are made using a defined scale, they may be called
measurements. Normally, they require additional tools. For
example, in nutritional surveillance, we measure weight and height
by using weighing scales and a measuring board. We use
thermometers for measuring body temperature.
AN INTERVIEW is a data collection method that involves oral
questioning of respondents, either individually or as a group.
Structured or semi-structured interviews
Focus group discussions
Administering written questions
A WRITTEN QUESTIONNAIRE (also referred to as selfadministered questionnaire) is a data collection method in which
written questions are presented that are answered by respondents in
written form.
Can be administered in several ways, for example:
- Sending questionnaires by mail
- Gathering all or part of respondents in one place at one time,
giving oral or written instructions and letting respondents fill
out the questionnaires or
- Hand-delivered questionnaires to respondents and collecting
them later
Questions can be either open-ended or close-ended.
Focus group discussions
discussion composed of between 6 and 12 persons guided
by a facilitator, during which members talk freely and
spontaneously about a certain topic
The purpose of an FGD is to obtain in-depth information on
concepts, ideas, perceptions and ideas of the group. The FGD aims
to be more than a question-answer interaction. The idea is that
group members discuss the topic among themselves.
FGD methods can be used to:
Focus research and develop relevant research hypotheses
by exploring in great depth the problem to be investigated
and its possible causes.
For example: The Bahi District Health Officer had
noticed that there were an unusually large number of
malnutrition cases for under 5 children reported from
one large village in the district. Because he had an idea
of why there might be more information in that village,
he decided to organize three focus groups (one of
leaders, one of mothers and one of health staff assigned
to do home visits in that village). He hoped to identify
potential causes of the problem through focus groups
and then develop a more intensive study, if necessary.
Formulate appropriate questions for more structured,
larger scale surveys.
For example: In planning a study on incidence of
childhood diarrhea and feeding practices, an FGD
showed that in that community under study, children
below the age of 1 year were not perceived as having
“bouts of diarrhea,” but were merely “having loose
stools” that were associated with milestones such as
sitting up, crawling and teething. In the questionnaire
that was being developed, the concept diarrhea was
thus, carefully circumscribed using community’s
iii) Supplement information on community knowledge,
beliefs, attitudes and behaviours already available but
incomplete or unclear.
For example: There is a high drop-out rate in child
welfare clinics among children over the age of six
months. A previous study indicates that mothers give
reasons such as “too busy,” “have other domestic
commitments,” or “experience transport problems.”
Because such same mothers have previously brought
their infants under six months of age regularly, you
suspect that there are other factors. A focus group
discussion, with a few groups of mothers could provide
in-depth pieces of information on reasons for the
changes in their perceptions and behaviour regarding
use of the clinic for children over six months old.
Develop appropriate messages for health-education
For example: A rural health clinic wanted to develop a
health-education programme focused on weaning
problems most often encountered by mothers in the
surrounding villages and sought on how to do about
them. An FGD could be used for exploring relevant
concepts as well as for testing drafts when developing
the messages.
Explore controversial topics
For example: In a household survey, it appeared that
male informants most frequently said that their wives
kept household money, whereas female informants
maintained their husbands kept the money. An FGD
with a group of females and a separate one with a group
of males may bring forward the complicated patterns
and variations of financial responsibility in the
domestic group. It may be interesting to have a third
session of males and females together to discuss the
differences in perception.
It has to be noted that FGDs are not used to test hypotheses or
produce research findings that can be generalized.
How to conduct a focus group discussion
Recruitment of participants:
Participants should be roughly of the same socio-economic group
or have a similar background in relation to the issue under
investigation. The age and sexual composition of the group should
facilitate free discussion.
If you need to obtain information on a topic from several different
categories of informants who are likely to discuss the issue from
different perspectives, you should organize a focus group for each
major category. For example: first, a group for men and a group for
women or second, a group for older women and a group for
younger women.
It may be interesting to have an additional discussion with groups
that are confronted with each other’s opinions. Participants should
be invited at least one or two days in advance and the general
purpose of the FGD should be explained.
Physical arrangements
Communication and interaction during the FGD should be
encouraged in every way possible. Arrange chairs in a circle. Make
sure the area will be quiet, adequately lighted and so on and that
there will be no disturbances. Try to hold the FGD in a neutral
setting that encourages participants to freely express their views.
For example, a health centre is not an ideal place to discuss about
traditional medical beliefs or preferences for other types of
Preparation of a discussion guide
There should be a written list of topics to be covered. It can be
formulated as a series of open-ended questions. Guides for
different groups gathered to discuss the same subject may vary
slightly, depending on their knowledge or attitudes and the manner
the subject can first be explored with them.
Conducting the session
One of the members of the research team should act as “facilitator”
for the focus group. One should serve as “recorder.”
Functions of the facilitator:
The facilitator should not act as an expert on the
topic. His or her role is to stimulate and support
Thus, the facilitator should:
Introduce the session
Introduce yourself as facilitator and introduce the
recorder. Introduce participants by name or ask them to
introduce themselves. Put the participants at ease and
explain the purpose of the FGD, the kind of information
needed and how the information will be used (for
example, for planning of a health programme, an
education programme, a water sanitation programme,
an environment conservation and protection programme
and so on).
Encourage discussion
Be enthusiastic and humorous and show interest in the
group’s ideas. Formulate questions and encourage as
many participants as possible to express their views.
Remember, there are no “right” or “wrong” answers.
React neutrally to both verbal and non-verbal
iii) Encourage involvement
Avoid a question-and-answer session. Some useful
techniques include the following:
o Ask for clarification: “Can you tell me more about…?
o Reorient the discussion when it goes off the track: Say,
“wait, how does this relate to ..?”
o Say, “Interesting point, but how about ..?
o Use one participant’s remark to direct a question to
another, for instance, “Mrs. Q said …, but now how
about you Mrs. R?”
o When dealing with a dominant participant, avoid eye
contact or turning slightly away to discourage the
person from speaking, or thanking the person and
changing the subject.
o When dealing with a reluctant participant, using the
person’s name, requesting his/her opinion, making
more frequent eye contact to encourage his/her
Build rapport, emphasize
Observe non-verbal communication. Ask yourself,
“What are they saying? What does it mean to them? Be
aware of your own tone of voice, facial expressions,
body language and those of participants.
Avoid being placed in the role of expert
When you are asked for your ideas or views by a
respondent, remember that you are not there to educate
or inform. Direct the questions back to the group by
saying: “What do you think?” “What would you do?”
Set aside time, if necessary, after the session to give
participants the information they have asked for.
Do not try to comment on everything that is being said.
Do not feel you have to say something during every
pause in the discussion. Wait a little and see what
Control the rhythm of the meeting, but in an
Listen carefully and move the discussion from topic to
topic. Subtly control the time allocated to various topics
so as to maintain interest. If participants spontaneously
jump from one topic to the other, let the discussion
continue for a while because useful additional
information may surface and then summarize the points
brought up and reorient the discussion.
Take time at the end of the meeting to summarize,
check for agreement and thank the participants.
Summarize the main issues brought up, check whether
or not all agree and ask for additional comments. Thank
the participants and let them know that their ideas have
been a valuable contribution and will be used for
planning the proposed research/intervention/health
education materials and so on.
Listen for additional comments made after the meting
has been closed.
Functions of the recorder
The recorder should keep a record of the content of the discussion
as well as emotional reactions and important aspects of group
interaction. Assessment of the emotional tone of the meeting and
the group process will enable you to judge the validity of
information collected during the FGD.
Items to be recorded include the following:
- Date, time, and place;
- Names and characteristics of participants;
- General description of the group dynamics (level of
participation, presence of a dominant participant, level of
- Participants’ opinion, recorded as much as possible in their
own words, especially for key statements;
- Emotional aspects (for example, reluctance, strong feelings
attached to certain opinions); and
- Vocabulary used – particularly in FGDs that are intended to
assist in developing questionnaire or health-education
It is highly recommended that a tape recorder be used to assist in
capturing information. Even if a tape recorder is used, notes should
be taken as well, in case the machine malfunctions and so that
information will be available immediately after session.
A supplementary role of the recorder could be to assist the
facilitator (if necessary) by drawing his/her attention to:
- missed comments from participants and
- missed topics (the recorder should have a copy of the discussion
guide during the FGD).
If necessary, the recorder could also help resolve conflict situations
that the facilitator is having difficulty handling.
Number and duration of sessions
Number of sessions
The number of focus group sessions to be conducted depends upon
project needs, resources and whether or not new information is still
coming from the sessions (that is, whether contrasting views from
various groups in the community are still emerging).
One should plan to conduct at least two different FGDs for each
sub-group (for instance, two males and two females).
A focus group session typically lasts up to an hour and a half.
Generally, the first session with a particular type of group is longer
than the following ones because all of the information is new.
Thereafter, if it becomes clear that the groups have the same
opinion on particular topics, the facilitator may be able to move the
discussion along more quickly to other topics that still elicit new
points of view.
- After each focus group session, the facilitator and recorder should
meet to review and complete notes taken during the meeting.
This is also the right moment to evaluate how the focus group
went and what changes might be made when facilitating
future groups.
- Then, a full report of the discussion should be prepared that
reflects the discussion as completely as possible, using the
participants’ own words. List the key statements, ideas and
attitudes expressed for each topic of discussion.
- After the transcript of the discussion is prepared, code the
- statements right away, using the left margin. Write
comments in the right margin. Formulate additional questions
if certain issues are still unclear or controversial and include
them in the next FGD.
- Further categorize statements for each topic, if required.
Compare answers of different sub-groups (for example,
answers of young mothers and answers of mothers above
child-bearing age in the FGD on changes in weaning
The findings should be coherent. For example, if young
women in all FGDs state that they start weaning some 3 to 6
months earlier than their mothers did and women above
child-bearing age confirm this statement, one likely has a
solid finding. If findings contradict each other, one may need
to conduct some more FGDs or bring together representatives
from two different sub-groups to discuss and clarify the
- Summarize the data in a matrix, diagram, flowchart or narrative,
if appropriate and interpret the findings.
- Select the most useful quotations that emerged from the
discussions to illustrate the main ideas.
Start with a description of the selection and composition of the
groups of participants and a commentary on the group process so
the reader can assess the validity of the reported findings. Present
your findings following your list of topics and guided by the
objective(s) of your FGD. Include quotations whenever possible,
particularly for key statements.
Plan for data processing and data analysis
Why is it necessary to prepare a plan for data processing and
Such a plan helps the researcher assure that at the end of the study:
- All information he or she needs has indeed been collected
and in a standardized way; and
- He or she has not collected unnecessary data that will never
be analyzed.
In due regard, the plan for data processing and analysis must be
made after careful consideration of objectives of the study and the
list of variables. It has to be known that procedures for analysis of
data collected through qualitative and quantitative research
approaches are quite different. Thus, one must consider the type(s)
of study and the different data collection methods used when
making a plan for data processing and analysis.
For quantitative data, the starting point in analysis is usually a
description of data for each variable for all the study units included
in the sample. For qualitative data, it is more a matter of
describing, summarizing and interpreting data obtained for each
study unit (or for each group of study units). The researcher starts
analyzing while collecting the data so that questions that remain
unanswered (or new questions that come up) can be addressed
before data collection is over.
Preparation of a plan for data processing and analysis will provide
you with better insight into the feasibility of the analysis to be
performed as well as resources that are required. It also provides an
important review of the appropriateness of your data collection
Note: the plan for data processing and analysis must be prepared
before data are collected in the field so that it is still possible to
make changes in the list of variables or the data collection tools.
What should the plan include?
When making a plan for data processing and analysis, the
following aspects should be considered:
- sorting data,
- Performing quality-control checks,
- Data processing and
- Data analysis
Sorting data
An appropriate system for sorting data is important for facilitating
subsequent processing and analysis. If you have different study
populations, for example, village health workers, village health
committee and the general public, you would number the
questionnaires separately.
In a comparative study, it is best to sort the data right after
collection into two or three groups that you will be comparing
during data analysis.
For example, in a study concerning reasons for low acceptance of
family-planning services, users and non-users would be basic
categories. In a study of reasons nurses object to being posted to
rural area, rural and urban nurses would be basic categories. In a
case-control study, the cases are to be compared with the controls.
It is useful to number the questionnaires belonging to each of these
categories separately right after they are sorted. For example, the
questionnaires administered to users of family-planning services
could be numbered U1, U2, U3 and so on and those for non-users
N1, N2, N3 and so on.
In a cross-sectional survey, it may be useful to sort the data into
two or more groups, depending on objectives of the study.
Performing quality control checks
Normally, data have already been checked in the field to ensure
that all information has been properly collected and recorded.
However, before and during data processing, the information
should be checked again for completeness and internal
- If a questionnaire has not been filled in completely, you will
have MISSING DATA for some of your variables. If there
are many missing items in a particular questionnaire, you
may decide to exclude the whole questionnaire from further
- If an inconsistency is clearly due to a mistake made by the
researcher or assistant, for example, if a person in an earlier
question is recorded as being a non-smoker, whereas all other
questions reveal that he is smoking, it may still be possible to
check with the person who conducted the interview and to
correct the answer.
- If the inconsistency is less clearly a mistake in recording, it
may be possible 9in a small-scale study) to return to the
respondent and ask for clarification.
- If it is not possible to correct information that is clearly
inconsistent, you may consider excluding this particular part
of data from further processing and analysis. If a certain
question produces ambiguous or vague answers throughout,
the whole question should be excluded from further analysis.
A decision to exclude data should be considered carefully
because it may affect validity of the study. Such a decision
is ethically correct and it testifies to the scientific integrity
of the researcher. You should keep an accurate account of
how many answers or questionnaires you had to exclude
because of incompleteness or inconsistency and discuss it in
your final report.
If you process your data by computer, quality-control checks must
also include a verification of how the data have been transformed
into codes and subsequently entered into the computer.
Data processing
As you begin planning for data processing, you must make a
decision concerning whether to process and analyze data:
- manually using data master sheets or manual compilation of
the questionnaire, or
- by computer, for example, using a micro-computer and
existing software or self-written programmes for data
Data processing involves:
- categorizing the data,
- coding and
- summarizing the data on a master sheet.
Decisions have to be made concerning how to categorize
Categorical variables that are investigated through closed questions
or observation, for example, observation of the presence or
absence of latrines in homesteads, categories have been decided
upon beforehand.
In interviews, the answers to unstructured questions, for example,
“Why do you smoke?” can be categorized to a certain extent,
depending on knowledge of possible answers. However, there
should always be a category called “others, specify ..,” which can
only be categorized afterwards. These responses should be listed
and placed in categories that are a logical continuation of
categories you already have. Answers that are difficult or
impossible to categorize may be put into a separate residual
category called “others,” but this category should not contain more
than 5% of answers obtained.
For numerical variables, data are usually collected without any precategorization. Because you are often still discovering the range
and dispersion of the different values of these variables when you
collect your sample, for example, home-clinic distance for outpatient, decisions concerning how to categorize numerical data
(and how to code them) are usually made after they have been
If data are entered into a computer for subsequent processing and
analysis, it is essential to develop a CODING SYSTEM.
CODING is a method used to convert (translate) data gathered
during the study into symbols appropriate for analysis.
For computer analysis, each category of a variable is usually given
a number, for example, the answer “yes” may be coded as 1, “no”
as 2 and “no response” as 9. The codes should be entered on the
questionnaire (or checklists) themselves. When finalizing your
questionnaire, for each question, you should insert in a box for the
code in the right margin of the page. These boxes should not be
used by the interviewer. They are only filled in afterwards during
data processing. Take care that you have as many boxes as the
number of digits in each code.
Note: If you intend to process your data by computer, always
consult an experienced person before you finalize your
questionnaire. Also, if analysis is done by hand using data
master sheets, it is useful to code your data.
Coding conventions
Common responses should have some code in each question
because it minimizes mistakes by coders.
For example:
Yes (or positive response) code 1
No (or negative response) code 2
Do not know
code 9
Codes for open-ended questions
This can be done only after examining a sample of questionnaires.
The most frequently occurring responses should be coded. It may
be necessary to group similar types of responses into single
categories in order to limit their number. If there are very many
categories it is difficult to make meaningful summaries during
analysis. Finally, it advised personnel responsible for computer
analysis should be consulted very early in the study as soon as the
questionnaire and dummy tables are finalized.
Data master sheet
If data are processed by hand, it is often most efficient to
summarize the raw research data in a so-called DATA MASTER
SHEET in order to facilitate analysis. On a master sheet, all
answers of individual respondents are tallied by hand.
An example of a master sheet
Respondent Ques. Q2: Sex
1: Age M
Question 4: Smoking
Yes No No
Q5: No.
Data are easier to tally from master sheets than from original
questionnaires. Straight counts can be performed for background
variables (such as sex, residence) and for all independent variables
under study (such as smoke/no-smoker in the exercise).
Questionnaire data may be compiled by hand instead of using
master sheets if it is difficult or impossible to put the information
(such as answers to open-ended questions) in a master sheet. Hand
compilation is also necessary if you want to go back to the raw
data to make additional tabulations in which different variables are
related to each other.
In a comparative (analytical) study, you should use different
master sheets for the two or three groups you are comparing (for
example, users and non-users of family planning services).
In a cross-sectional survey, it may be useful to have master sheets
depending on the nature and objectives of the study and whether
you want to compare two or more groups.
Great care should be taken when filling in master sheets. You
should verify that all totals correspond to the total number of study
units (respondents). If not, all subsequent analytical work will be
based on erroneous figures. There should be special columns for
“no response” or missing data to arrive at accurate total figures.
Hand compilation is used when the sample size is small.
The following procedures will help to ensure accuracy and speed:
1. If only one person is doing compilation, use manual sorting.
If a team of two persons work together, use either manual
sorting or tally counting.
2. Manual sorting can be used only if data on each subject are
on a different sheet(s) of paper.
3. To do manual sorting, the basic procedure is to;
- take one question at a time,
- Sort the questionnaires into different piles representing the
various responses to the questions (examples: male/female;
used hospital/health centre/traditional practitioners),
- Count the number in each pile.
When you need to sort out subjects who have a certain
combination of variables (for example, females who used each
type of health facility) sort the questionnaires into piles
according to the first question, then subdivide the piles
according to the response to the other question.
4. To do tally counting, the basic procedure is:
- One member of the compiling team reads out the information
while the other records it in the form of a tally (for example,
“III” representing three subjects or IIII representing five
subjects who have a particular variable).
- Tally count for no more than two variables at one time (for
example, sex plus type of facility used).
If it is necessary to obtain information on three variables (for
example, sex, time of attendance at health centre and diagnosis),
do a manual sorting for the first question, then tally count for
the other two variables.
After tally counting, add the tallies and record the number of
subjects in each group.
5. After doing either manual or tally counting, check the total
number of subjects/responses in each question to make sure
that there has been no omission or double count.
Researchers often assume that hand compilation is merely
“common sense” and do not train their staff in the correct
procedure. In due regard, many hours of work are wasted in trying
to detect the source of error due to double counts, wrong
categorization and omissions.
Computer compilation
It has to be noted that the larger the sample, the more beneficial the
use of a computer will be. You must ensure that necessary
equipment is available including necessary expertise.
Computer compilation has the following steps:
1. Choosing an appropriate computer programme;
2. Data entry;
3. Verification or validation;
4. Programming (if necessary); and
5. Computer outputs.
1. Choosing an appropriate computer programme
There are several computer programmes that can be sued to
process and analyze research data. The most widely computer
programmes include the following:
- LOTUS spreadsheet programme (from the Lotus
Development Corporation);
- dBase (Version IV, etc), a data management programme
(from Ahston-Tate).
- Epi Info (Version xy), a very consumer friendly programme
for data entry and analysis, which also has a word processing
function for creating questionnaires (developed by Centers
for Disease Control, Atlanta and the World Health
Organization, Geneva).
- SPSS, which is a quite advanced Statistical Package for
Software Systems (by SPSS Inc.).
2. Data entry
To enter data into the computer, you have to develop a data entry
format, depending on the programme you are using. However, it is
possible to enter using dBase (which is relatively good for data
entry) and undertake analysis in LOTUS 1-2-3 or SPSS.
Validation of instruments
Budget and budget justification
Reasons for having a budget
- A detailed budget will help to identify resources that are
already locally available and additional resources that may be
- The process of budget design will encourage you to consider
aspects of the work plan you have not thought about and will
serve as a useful reminder of activities planned, as your
research gets underway.
Time to prepare a budget
A complete budget is normally not prepared until the final stage of
project planning. However, cost is usually a major limiting factor.
Thus, costs must always be kept in mind during planning so that
your proposals will not have an unrealistically high budget.
Remember that donor agencies and the like usually set limits for
research project budgets.
How should a budget be prepared?
It is convenient to use the work plan as a starting point. Specify,
for each activity in the work plan, what resources are required.
Determine for each resource needed the unit cost and the total cost.
For example, in the work plan of a study to determine utilization of
family planning methods in a certain district, it is specified that 5
interviewers will each visit 20 households in clusters of 4 over a
time period of 5 working days. A supervisor will accompany one
of the interviewers each day using a car. The other 4 interviewers
will use motor cycles. The clusters of households are scattered
over the district but are on average 50 kilometres from the district
hospital from where the study is conducted.
The budget for the field work component of the work plan will
include funds for personnel, transport and supplies.
NOTE: Unit cost (for example, per diem or cost of petrol per km),
the MULTIPLYING FACTOR (number of days) and TOTAL
COST should be clearly indicated for all budget categories.
Costs involved in fieldwork for a family-planning study
Budget category
Unit cost
Multiplying factor Total cost
1. Personnel
Daily wage Number of staff- Total
(including days (no. staff x
per diem) no. of working
$ 10
5 x 5 = 25
$ 20
$ 100
2. Transport
3. Supplies
Personnel TOTAL
Cost per
Number of km
(no. vehicles x
no. days x no.
$ 0.10
4 x 5 x 100 =
$ 0.40
1 x 5 x 100 = 500
Transport TOTAL
Cost per
$ 1.00
$ 0.20
Supplies TOTAL
$ 350
$ 200
$ 200
$ 400
$ 12
$ 24
$ 36
$ 786
You have to convert from foreign currency to local currency at the
end, for example, US$ 786 each dollar 1,200 T. Sh. equivalent to
943,200 T. Sh.
Note: there are several formats for budgets.
Consider the following example.
Brain is among many possible phenotypic windows on
evolutionary changes, which occurred in the course of hominid
evolution (Holloway, 1996). It is part of the central nervous system
within the cranial vault (Seeley, et. al., 1999). Its major
subdivisions are the forebrain consisting of the cerebrum and
diencephalons, the midbrain and the hindbrain consisting the pons,
medulla oblongata and cerebellum (Zuckerman, 1988; Van De
Graaf and Stuart, 1999). Cranial nerves from all subdivisions
supplying other parts of the body emerge from the base of the brain
(Zuckerman, 1988). Blood arteries supply these brain areas, while
veins evacuate metabolic wastes from them (Zuckerman, 1988).
Both the cerebrum and cerebellum have cortices including nuclei
of grey matter, whereas the rest have only nuclei but no cortices
(Zuckerman, 1988).
However, it has to be noted that, in the course of brain evolution,
substantial changes have been observed in the cerebrum and
cerebellum, in particular, their corytices (Blinkov and Glezer,
1968; Marilyn, et. al., 1999; Kaas and Preus, 1999; Allman and
Andrea, 1999). The cerebrum is the largest of the subdivisions
accounting for about 80% by mass (Van De Graaf and Stuart,
The following format is suggested:
Allman, J. and Andrea, H. 1999 “Brains, Maturation Time and
Parenting.” Neurobiology of Aging 20: 447-454.
Blinkov, S. M. and Glezer, I. I. 1968 “The Cerebral Cortex:
Volume, Surface Area and Width of Its Layers.” In S. M. Blinkov,
and I. I. Glezer (Eds.). The Human Brain in Figures and Tables: A
Quantitative Handbook, pp 173-185. New York: Plenum Press.
Kapama, Ndili n.d. “Extinct Elephants from Makuyuni.”
Preliminary Field Report to COSTECH
Kothari, C.R. 2003 Research Methodology: Methods and
Techniques. New Delhi: Wishwa Prakashan
Research results are of little use unless reported so that others can
access them. Scientific reports have a standard format that should
always be followed. A usual sequence can be as follows:
Title page
*Declaration and Copyright
*Table of Contents
*List of Tables
*List of Figures
*List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Information
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Research Objectives
1.3.1 Main Objective
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
1.3.3 Hypothesis/hypotheses
1.3.4 And/or Research Tasks
Research Questions
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Definition of Basic Terms and Concepts
1.6 Limitation of the Study
1.7 Organization of the Study
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 General Overview
2.2 **Theoretical Grounding
2.3 Matter related to the Problem
2.4 Synthesis (including highlights to the gap)
3.0 Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Study Area
3.3 The Sample and Sample Size
3.4 Sampling Procedures
3.5 Data Collection Methods
3.6 Validity and Reliability
3.7 Data Analysis Plan
4.0 Results and Discussion
** Use Specific Objectives as Sections (Sub-titles)
5.0 Summary of the Study, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary of the Study
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
5.3.1 Recommendations for Action
5.3.2 Recommendations for Further Research
Appendix I: Interview Schedule
Appendix II: Questionnaire
Appendix III: Focus Group Discussion Guide
Appendix IV: Observation Guide
Front matter (title page and abstract)
Front Matter (in case of journal manuscripts)
A lot of journal manuscripts begin with a title page followed by an
abstract on a separate page. Then, body of the paper begins on the
third page. The title and abstract need to be crafted carefully, for
each need to be concise and informative for inducing the reader to
read further.
Title Page
Many journals require a manuscript to have a separate title page,
although others allow the abstract to appear on the same page. For
manuscripts of monographic length, a table of contents may be
required on or after the title page. In general, a title page consists
of the work’s title, the name(s) of the author(s) and other pieces of
information appropriate to the type of report.
The other pieces of information on the title page vary with the
situation. Student papers often need to bear the course name and
number, the name of the supervisor and date. Journal manuscripts
generally require institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s) and
mailing address of the corresponding author. In addition, some
journals now ask the corresponding author to provide an e-mail
address of fax number. Some require a suggested short title to be
used as a running head in the journal.
The title itself like in research proposal is a trade-off between
conciseness and description of content. Considerations discussed in
the Third Topic apply here, but there are some minor differences
between titles of proposals and reports. It is frequently the case that
one changes the title after drafting the report and may change it
again after revision. Journals, like funding agencies, may have
specific requirements of titles such restriction of their length, but
there are at least two types of titles found in journal articles that
many people would consider inappropriate for proposal: full
questions and questions.
The author’s name: In your very first manuscript for publication
decide upon the name you will use and stick to it forever. For
example, one used Janet Mabuga and later on, after being married
changed to Janet Limo. After divorce, the author switched back to
Janet Mabuga. Listing of publication from the same author will
differ some being in M’s and others in L’s. Thus, do not contribute
to the confusion: pick a publishing name and stay with it.
As with summary of the proposal, write the abstract of a report
last, even though it comes first. Just insert the word “Abstract” on
a page and leave the page blank as a reminder when first drafting
your manuscript.
Granting agencies may provide a form to which the summary is
constrained, the equivalent constraint for journal abstracts being a
word limit. Many journals require that the abstract not exceed 5
percent of the word count of the text (Introduction through
discussion). The UDSM requires a one page abstract for Master
degree dissertations/theses.
Aspects to be included in the Abstract
An abstract should state the problem under investigation and
sketch methods used, but it must go on to concentrate mainly on
results. Generally, restrict the discussion to principal implication of
Why is the Abstract necessary?
The Abstract is the most important part of the report because far
more people will read it than the whole of the paper (or any other
part of it). Thus, save the Abstract to write last and work very hard
to make it clear as well as informative.
4.2 Body of the report (introduction, methods, results, discussion)
The corpus of a scientific report consists of an introduction,
methods used, results obtained and discussion of those results.
Decide on the best sequence of your report. For example, a
hierarchically structured study is ordinarily sequenced with the
general issue first and then more specific ones. Others may be
reported by starting from the simplest issue to the most complex
Once the best sequence has been decided, carry it through all
sections of the report in parallel: identifying points in the
introduction, stipulating methodologies, presenting data in results
section and considering outcomes in the discussion section. When
a major section is divided - like it is often true for Methods,
Results and Discussion - preserve the sequence of issues in the
order and titles of subheads whenever possible.
The introduction is the first major section of a scientific paper: the
guide to what you did and why you did it. The first paragraph of
the introduction is the most important one because it either
succeeds or fails to entice the reader to look at the entire paper. A
common error is attempting to report too much in the opening
paragraph. Keep it short and interesting.
The introduction usually contains the general statement of the
problem and some indication of why the problem is interesting and
important. Such justification often requires citation of what is
already known about the problem, establishing the niche for the
work that will be reported. When appropriate, the introduction
should conclude specific predictions that were tested by the study.
The term “Methods” is generally taken to include both procedures
and physical equipment used in the study. If “methods” is equated
with procedures per se, the section is sometimes entitled Methods
and Materials.
Methods sections are usually subdivided, but the subdivisions are
not standard because they must be appropriate to each individual
report. Consider the following example:
- Field site or study area, with ecological description if
Housing and husbandry of captive animals
Study population, with marking schemes and so on
Division of subjects into experimental and control groups
Field times, including dates and number of hours spent in
observational studies
Experimental design and protocol
Equipment used to take and analyze data
Criteria used in identifying and separating recognized entities
Procedures and protocols followed in taking data
Statistical methods used in data analysis
The methods section needs to be complete and clear such that
another investigator could replicate your study from the
information provided. Inadequately described methods may cast
doubt on the quality and validity of your results. If you followed a
standard, well established protocol or your study area has been
described in detail in a readily accessible source, you may find that
you can summarize the most salient features or cite the more
elaborate reference. If you modify established methodology or
develop wholly new approaches, be certain to explain them in
adequate detail.
Findings are the heart of your report. Thus, they should be
presented clearly and concisely. Where appropriate, provide results
in figures and tables, which are easier to absorb at a glance than are
long explanations. The accompanying text needs to point out what
can be seen in figures and tables, but should not repeat the
information there. Journals are always strapped for space and
cannot permit redundancy among text, figures and tables. Some
journals may also limit number of tables and figures.
In general, results section should contain no discussion or
interpretation of findings.
Results section may be subdivided appropriately for the study.
Subdividing results will also help the reader follow logic of
analyses as in moving from general results (for example, overall
diet) to specific topics (such as seasonal variation).
Discussion sections are nearly always too long. A common mistake
of inexperienced authors is to attempt to wring from their data by
discussion more than data can really show. In a good study, data
speak for themselves if the introduction and results sections have
been well crafted.
Discussion sections deal with three matters: first, an analysis of
sources of error in the data; second, integration with what was
previously known; and finally, implications for future study. The
first matter is too often overlooked, yet it becomes
End matter (acknowledgement and appendices)
Tables and Figures
Submission and review
Research seminars (content and organization, practice, style and
delivery, ending the talk and question and answer period)
Audio visual aids
Talks at scientific meetings
Posters at scientific meetings