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El curso de Matemática General, introduce al estudiante en el amplio mundo de la Matemática Financiera. Le da la herramienta necesaria para apropiarse de los conceptos básicos de interés simple y compuesto; se lleva al estudiante también, al mundo de las anualidades. En este curso se establece también las bases de este ámbito de la matemática. Al concluir el curso, el alumno estará en la capacidad de: • Utilizar términos matemáticos básicos. • Dominar las operaciones relativas a interés simple y compuesto. • Resolver problemas que involucren los conceptos de Interés y anualidades. • El estudiante escribe en forma ordenada y con la utilización adecuada del idioma, un resumen de cada tema del curso. • El estudiante resuelve en forma ordenada y clara los problemas que se le asigna, haciendo uso de los conceptos cubiertos en cada tutoría, con la ayuda complementaria de su libro de texto. • El alumno hace uso de un ordenador, para comunicarse con sus compañeros y su tutor para resolver dudas comunes al grupo. • El alumno hace uso de un ordenador, para ir a los sitios que se indica en el libro de texto, como fuente auxiliar de consulta. • El alumno presenta la resolución y conclusión de casos, los cuales resuelve en forma individual o en forma colectiva, desarrollando un liderazgo cuando forma grupos de trabajo para el desarrollo de los mismos. • El alumno participa activamente en las tutorías, mediante el planteo de dudas acerca de los temas, de una manera ordenada y ética. • El alumno asiste puntualmente y resuelve sus pruebas escritas, parcial y final, en forma individual, apegado al reglamento de evaluación de idea. Conocimiento de las operaciones básicas de Aritmética y Algebra general, así como el manejo de una calculadora científica y/ o financiera. " Estos requisitos académicos no son obligatorios; sin embargo el alumno puede llevar este curso dado que el plan de estudios del programa IDEA es abierto, pero no se trataran los temas del curso anterior y se le recomienda estudiar los contenidos para una mejor comprensión. " (Información establecida en el Documento NYP-IDEA) El curso se estructura en 8 sesiones de tutorías, en las cuales se resuelve dudas que el alumno tiene acerca del contenido del curso que previamente ha leído, con el propósito de aclarar los conceptos, ampliarlos o establecer los parámetros de aplicación de los mismos. Lo anterior conlleva la obligación del alumno de mantener un ritmo de estudio adecuado, para lo cual, los programas se han elaborado de manera tal, que el alumno pueda fácilmente, distribuir su tiempo de estudio de una manera equitativa. Existen también 2 sesiones para el desarrollo de pruebas objetivas escritas. El alumno deberá acceder a las páginas indicadas al final de cada capítulo del libro de texto para ejercitarse continuamente. 8 sesiones de tutoría de 2 horas cada una y 2 sesiones de pruebas escritas. 1 hora diaria, mínimo. *El tutor debe enviar su evaluación a la coordinación académica del área para su autorización. (Información establecida en el Documento NYP-IDEA) NO EXISTE EXONERACIÓN DE EXAMEN FINAL. (Información establecida en el Documento NYP-IDEA) • Texto: Alfredo Díaz Mata & Víctor M. Aguilera Gómez. " Matemáticas Financieras ". Quinta edición. Editorial McGrawHill. Se prohíbe la reproducción parcial o total de la bibliografía. (Información establecida en el Documento NYP-IDEA) • José Luis Villalobos, Matemáticas Financieras, Segunda Edición, Editorial PenticeHall. • Material de apoyo en EvaluaNET • Se hará uso de una hoja electrónica con aplicaciones financieras para facilitar la mecánica operatoria del curso. Información establecida en el Documento NYP-IDEA: • Toda actividad debe regirse por las fechas establecidas en el calendario, los trabajos entregados después de la fecha correspondiente, cuya recepción queda a discreción del tutor, pierde como mínimo el 50% del valor total. • La carátula debe incluir: título del trabajo, nombre completo, no. de carné, centro de estudios, día y hora en que recibe la tutoría, fecha en que entrega la tarea y nombre del tutor. Para la entrega de tareas referirse a la guía para la elaboración y presentación de trabajos escritos. • No se aceptarán trabajos hechos a mano y se restará puntos por deficiencias ortográficas, utilizar sólo letras mayúsculas o un tamaño de letra mayor de 12 puntos. • La bibliografía no puede ser modificada por el tutor o administrador del centro de estudio. • No se realizará ninguna prueba parcial o final en otra fecha que no sea la establecida. • Es indispensable que lea detenidamente el material que corresponde a cada día de clase, ya que le ayudará a una comprensión más profunda del curso. • El curso si tiene la opción de realizar examen de suficiencia; el cual debe aprobarse con 80 puntos como mínimo. • El alumno recibirá en la sexta semana su zona parcial y en la novena semana el punteo total acumulado como zona. • " Todos estos temas son obligatorios de impartir si el tutor no imparte alguno, el alumno debe notificar a Recuerde que estos temas le servirán para los exámenes finales. " PLAN DE ESTUDIOS: 2014 – noveno TRIMESTRE CURSO: matemàtica aplicada 1
OBJETIVOS: Al finalizar el estudio del presente capítulo, el estudiante será capaz de:
American Atheist, 2000
A lecture given by Frank R. Zindler at the 26th National Convention of American Atheists in San Francisco, Saturday, 22 April 2000. "Weak Atheism" and "Strong Atheism" are defined in terms of the verifiability/falsifiability/testability theory of meaning.
The Concept of the Primordial Man (Adam Kadmon) in Jewish Mysticism // St. Tikhon’s University Review. Series I: Theology. Philosophy. Religious studies. 2019. Vol. 84. P. 97–117 [Russian], 2019
The article discusses one of the most important conceptions in Jewish mysticism, according to which the fi rst manifestation of the incomprehensible God is an anthropomorphic structure of light, termed the Primordial Man (Heb. Adam Kadmon). The article studies the origin of this conception, its parallels to other religious and philosophical traditions, as well as diff erences in its interpretation in various versions of Kabbalistic doctrine. Some kabbalists believed that keeping the commandments (Heb. mitzvoth) is of a theurgic, cosmic signifi cance. According to this understanding, the actions of the earthly man, created as an image of the Higher Man (Heb. Adam haelyon), are endowed with special holiness and, in turn, can aff ect the divine world of Adam Kadmon. The Torah itself, the Jewish scripture given in revelation, is understood as a living divine organism, a “divine structure” that has an anthropomorphic form. Special attention is paid in the article to the interpretation of Adam Kadmon in the late Kabbalistic school of Yitzhak Luria (1534–1572), whose cosmogony was rather elaborate and came to be most infl uential in the Kabbalah of the following centuries and in the doctrine of Hasidism. The article also analyses the conception of the Primordial Man in the philosophical system of Abraham ha-Cohen Herrera (1570–1635), who proposed a specifi c synthesis of Jewish Kabbalah and European philosophical ideas, which made it possible for non-Jewish thinkers to become familiar with the conception in question.
Local government is a recognized system of governance which has been in existence well before colonialism. In recent times, reforms have been raised and initiated for the local government to have a smooth running and bring to the people a competent leadership that will see to their utmost needs, and put in place development for people at the grassroots. Part of the initiative proposed from the inception of the reform has been "Local Government Autonomy". Despite the constitutional recognition of this concept, the states have continued to maintain a strong grip of control over local governments. This includes the arbitrary dissolution of elected local government councils by state fiat for varying political reasons. After some decades, this has evolved into a battlefield between those who represent the interest of the people and those against this productive initiative (Local government autonomy). The Supreme Court of Nigeria on July 11 th 2024 ruled in favour of total autonomy for Local Government and directed that allocation should be paid directly to local government. This paper therefore aims to contribute to already existing literature on the concept.
The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. This publication has been issued without formal editing. Mention of firm names and commercial products does not imply the endorsement of the United Nations. Reproduction and dissemination of material in this publication for educational or other noncommercial purposes are authorized without prior written permission from the copyright holder, provided that the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of material in this publication for sale or other commercial purposes, including publicity and advertising, is prohibited without the written permission of the copyright holder. Applications for such permission, with a statement of purpose and extent of the reproduction, should be addressed to the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Regional Office, AP, Thailand. vii For many in Asia and the Pacific, 2011 will be remembered as a year of large-scale disasters with devastating impacts on economies, communities and above all the lives of people across our region. The Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami and the ensuing nuclear disaster, as well as the Southeast Asian floods, which so severely affected Thailand, were major contributors to the staggering $294 billion in regional economic losses-representing 80 per cent of global losses due to disasters in 2011. Disasters can affect developed and developing countries in equal measure. Yet risk accumulation, spurred by rapid economic growth, remains only partially understood. We are still working to identify the ways in which different components of risk-hazards, vulnerability and exposure-interact to increase total risk, and trigger damage. One of the most positive developments, however, is that, despite greater frequency of these events and increased damage to property and livelihoods, the death toll from such disasters as typhoons, floods and landslides in some subregions is decreasing. This is a significant accomplishment, and proves that better disaster risk management-investing in early warning systems, preparedness and social safety nets-saves lives. Economic development creates resilience when invested to reduce the vulnerability of people and communities. Collective actions can mitigate disasters, and protect our populations, but we are in a race against time. Exposure to disaster risk is growing faster than our ability to build resilience. Economic losses are rising, and communities are continually threatened. Rapid regional economic growth is also partially responsible for the rapid growth of disaster exposure. In Asia and the Pacific, over the past four decades, the average number of people exposed to annual flooding has increased from 29.5 to 63.8 million, whilst populations in cyclone-prone areas have grown from 71.8 million to 120.7 million. The region also represents more than 85 per cent of global economic exposure to tropical cyclones-pointing to a pattern of economic growth in typhoon prone coastlines and flood plains. When disasters hit, it is private citizens and communities who pay the highest price. In 2009, when Typhoon Ketsana caused damage of $58 million in the Lao People's Democratic Republic, 50 per cent of the losses were borne by small farmers. In the Philippines, the same typhoon caused damage of $4.3 billion-90 per cent of which were borne by poor urban households. Seventy per cent of the $9.7 billion in flood damage in Pakistan in 2010 was borne by poor households and small farmers. These figures highlight the ways in which socioeconomic vulnerabilities are interlinked. As economies falter, social spending is threatened. It is the poor, and particularly women, children, the elderly and the disabled, who Preface viii are the most vulnerable-first through direct losses and again through subsequent fiscal adjustments. It is therefore crucial that every effort be made to protect development gains which benefit the poorest and most vulnerable. While they are the hardest hit in a disaster, vulnerability can increase for everyone in a community. Our shared challenge is to control both the growing rate of exposure and rising vulnerability. Exposure to hazards has multiplied as urban centers grow and people and economic activities expand into increasingly exposed and hazard-prone land. It is also a concern that smaller economies, those that have less diversified economic structures, and countries with high fiscal deficits, show greater strains of vulnerability even when faced with relatively small-scale disasters. Land use and urban planning, ecosystem management and disaster recovery-the very tools devised to deal with exposure to risks-are not yielding the desired results. Globalization of supply chains means that any disruption to a single node of production may lead to a breakdown of the entire production chain, as happened in 2011 Thai floods and the Great East Japan Earthquake. And, in the developed countries of the Asia-Pacific region, where prosperity should be used to address the many downsides of economic growth, disaster losses are growing most rapidly. There are, however, some outstanding efforts being made to reverse these trends. Bangladesh's investment of more than $10 billion in the past 35 years in disaster risk reduction has resulted in lower disaster losses. It is one of only a handful of countries in the region to have done so. China is another, with its 2011-2015 Comprehensive Disaster Prevention and Reduction Plan which aim to reduce disaster losses annually to less than 1.5 per cent GDP through investment measures across government sectors. Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, the Philippines and Thailand have shown that well-targeted social protection measures are not only affordable but that they also reduce vulnerability to a great extent. Innovative technologies in information, communication and space-based applications have been put to good use by several countries to fill critical gaps in the information supply chain. This report demonstrates that countries increasingly embrace the view that minimizing disaster risk is essential for achieving sustainable development. Many have started to take action-building the resilience of people and communities. One of the key Rio+20 outcomes is stronger political commitment and recognition that disaster risk reduction and building resilience need to be addressed with a "renewed sense of urgency in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication". The disasters of the past two years have defined the consequences of failing to fully apply the combined tenets of disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.-it is now time to act. We are pleased, therefore, to present the Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2012: Reducing Vulnerability and Exposure to Disasters, to the ministers, policymakers and other participants at the Fifth Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. We believe these findings will prove useful in the pursuit of sustainable development and in the implementation of future disaster risk reduction agendas. Our organizations, and those other dedicated partners with whom we work, look forward to joining you in making a safer and continuously prosperous Asia-Pacific region.
Abstrak: Kehidupan di abad ke-21 menuntut berbagai keterampilan yang harus dikuasai seseorang, sehingga diharapkan pendidikan dapat mempersiapkan siswa untuk menguasai berbagai keterampilan tersebut agar menjadi pribadi yang sukses dalam hidup. Keterampilan-keterampilan penting di abad ke-21 masih relevan dengan empat pilar kehidupan yang mencakup learning to know, learning to do, learning to be dan learning to live together. Empat prinsip tersebut masing-masing mengandung keterampilan khusus yang perlu diberdayakan dalam kegiatan belajar, seperti keterampilan berpikir kritis, pemecahan masalah, metakognisi, keterampilan berkomunikasi, berkolaborasi, inovasi dan kreasi, literasi informasi, dan berbagai keterampilan lainnya. Pencapaian keterampilan abad ke-21 tersebut dilakukan dengan memperbarui kualitas pembelajaran, membantu siswa mengembangkan partisipasi, menyesuaikan personalisasi belajar, menekankan pada pembelajaran berbasis proyek/masalah, mendorong kerjasama dan komunikasi, meningkatkan keterlibatan dan motivasi siswa, membudayakan kreativitas dan inovasi dalam belajar, menggunakan sarana belajar yang tepat, mendesain aktivitas belajar yang relevan dengan dunia nyata, memberdayakan metakognisi, dan mengembangkan pembelajaran student-centered. Berbagai keterampilan abad ke-21 harus secara eksplisit diajarkan. Secara singkat, pembelajaran abad ke-21 memiliki prinsip pokok bahwa pembelajaran harus berpusat pada siswa, bersifat kolaboratif, kontekstual, dan terintegrasi dengan masyarakat. Peran guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran abad ke-21 sangat penting dalam mewujudkan masa depan anak bangsa yang lebih baik. Kata-kata kunci: keterampilan abad ke-21, pembelajaran. PENDAHULUAN Keterampilan abad ke-21 menjadi topik yang banyak dibahas beberapa waktu terakhir. Tanggapan setiap orang terhadap topik tersebut bervariasi. Sebagian orang menanggapi dengan serius, sebagian orang menanggapi biasa-biasa saja, dan sebagian lagi tidak menanggapinya. Tidak adanya tanggapan pada kelompok terakhir belum tentu menunjukkan tidak adanya kepedulian, namun kemungkinan juga disebabkan oleh sedikitnya pemahaman terhadap keterampilan abad ke-21. Termasuk ke dalam kelompok manakah kita? Apakah kita sudah mengetahui latar belakang digaungkannya keterampilan abad ke-21? Apakah kita sudah cukup memahami macam-macam keterampilan abad ke-21? Apakah kita sudah memahami bagaimana pembelajaran yang sesuai dalam rangka menyiapkan generasi untuk menguasai keterampilan abad ke-21? Apakah kita mengetahui tentang apa yang harus dilakukan sesuai kemampuan dan kapasitas kita sebagai seorang pendidik dan calon pendidik? Semoga tulisan berikut cukup memberi gambaran tentang hal-hal tersebut. Studi yang dilakukan Trilling dan Fadel (2009) menunjukkan bahwa tamatan sekolah menengah, diploma dan pendidikan tinggi masih kurang kompeten dalam hal: (1) komunikasi oral maupun tertulis, (2) berpikir kritis dan mengatasi masalah, (3) etika bekerja dan profesionalisme, (4) bekerja secara tim dan berkolaborasi, (5) bekerja di dalam kelompok yang berbeda, (6)
Marketing has not been fully understood in the context of the construction industry. This inadequacy is worse for quantity surveying (QS) consultancy firms in developing countries like Nigeria due to the relative ignorance of the general public about the job of a quantity surveyor. Consequently, most QS firms in the country perform poorly while others struggle to survive. The goals of this paper were to identify strategies for marketing by QS firms in Nigeria, and to develop a framework for the adoption of marketing strategies by the firms. The study made use of exploratory research design with secondary sources of data and focus group discussion as instruments for data collection. It found that stringent codes of ethics, insufficient marketing know-how, and difficulty in the measurement of marketing performance are among factors that could hinder the adoption of marketing by QS firms in Nigeria. A number of marketing strategies and criteria for selection of marketing strategies by QS firms were identified and categorised. A pictorial model for the implementation of marketing strategies in QS firms in the country was also derived. The study recommended a reorientation by QS firms to adopt marketing as a key management strategy.
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