3. Climate
Albert Oost
Gerd Becker
Jes Fenger
Jacobus Hofstede
Ralf Weisse
3.1 Introduction
Since there is little difference within the Wadden
Sea area in major climatic conditions (de Jong,
1999), the main focus should be on climate change
in Northwest Europe and its effects on the Wadden Sea system. The only exception might be local wind climate, a subject which has - until now
- received little attention, but which may be important in understanding future coastal and Wadden Sea development. In this chapter we will apply new insights to consider the present-day situation and look forward into this century to form
an idea of the changes that may be expected.
3.2 Climate change
3.2.1 Global changes
A few years ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change stated that ‘Most of observed
warming over the last 50 years is likely due to
increases in greenhouse gas concentrations due
to human activities’ (IPCC, 2001). Since the 19th
century, average global atmospheric temperature
has risen by some 0.6 ± 0.2 °C. For the future, a
global average temperature rise of 1.4-5.8 °C by
2100 is predicted, with, however, large local differences. As a result, changes in the rate of global
sea level rise between 9 and 88 cm (mean: 48 cm)
are expected for the period 1990-2100. Also,
storminess will probably increase outside the tropics and waves may become higher. In the northern hemisphere, precipitation at higher and intermediate latitudes has increased during the 20th
century by 0.5-1% per decade, coinciding with a
probable increase in the number of extreme rain-
fall events. In the future it is expected that, at
intermediate latitudes, the amount of precipitation will continue to increase and will be accompanied by an increase in extremes (Verbeek, 2003).
3.2.2 Local changes in forcing
parameters in the Wadden Sea
Temperature of atmosphere and water
Temperature records over the past 120 years show
that during the last two decades the air temperatures at the Bilt (The Netherlands) were on average some 0.7 °C higher than in the first two decades (Wessels et al., 2000). In the short term (i.e.
from year to year), the temperature in the Wadden Sea region depends mainly on the dominant
wind direction, but, in the longer term, mainly on
global climate development (Verbeek, 2003). It is
therefore expected that up to 2100 the air temperature in the Wadden Sea region will increase
by on average 2 oC (range: 1-6 oC) (Wessels et al.,
2000; IPCC, 2001; Verbeek, 2003). Sea-water temperature is expected to continue to rise similarly
since it is closely correlated with the temperature
of the atmosphere (Becker and Pauly, 1996; Wessels et al., 2000). It should, however, be noted that
serious cooling in Northwest Europe may occur if
the North Atlantic Current starts flowing northward at a slower rate due to its own warming and
to an increased freshwater influx from the North
Pole (Clark et al., 2002; Dickson et al., 2002). Figure 3.1 shows the long-term development of water temperature in the westernmost part of the
Wadden Sea, which is a reflection of the west
European climatic variability (van Aken, 2003). An
overall increase in water temperature has been
apparent since about 1980.
Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 19 - 2005
Figure 3.1:
Plot of the annual mean
sea surface temperature in
the Marsdiep tidal inlet
from 1861 to 2003. The
thick line shows the 10year running average
(Data: Royal Netherlands
Institute for Sea Research,
Texel, The Netherlands).
3. Climate
Temperature (°C)
Relative sea level
Tide-gauge data indicates a relative sea level rise
of a few mm/year during the last century, about
half of which is attributed to large-scale subsidence (Töppe, 1993; Dillingh and Heinen, 1994).
Also, most stations show a faster rise in Mean High
Water (MHW) level than of Mean Low Water
(MLW). In The Netherlands, there are no indications of an accelerated rise of MHW, MLW or Mean
Sea Level (MSL). In Germany, however, clear accelerations have been observed (Hofstede, 1999a).
Töppe (1993) suggests that these changes are the
result of long-term cyclic processes rather than
of climatic change. The marked differences between the various Danish, German and Dutch
measuring stations in the Wadden Sea, however,
strongly suggest a dominant role for civil engineering works, such as the dredging of channels
(Rakhorst, unpubl.). The rate of relative sea level
rise is expected to increase by 10-100 cm/century
between 2000 and 2100.
Storm activity and the related storm surge and
wave conditions in the Wadden Sea show pronounced inter-annual and inter-decadal variabil-
ity (Figure 3.2). Since ca.1960 storm activity in
the Northeast Atlantic has increased, but storm
activity in the 1990s is comparable to that at the
beginning of the last century (WASA, 1998). Alexandersson et al. (2000) made an update of the
WASA-analysis and showed that in the past few
years the storm activity over the Northeast Atlantic and North Sea had decreased. This is in agreement with the decadal fluctuations in storm activity with maxima around 1920, 1950 and 1990
described by Schmidt (2001) and Weisse et al.,
(2005) for the North Sea. Storm surges and severe
wave conditions also show pronounced annual and
decadal variations (e.g., Flather et al., 1998; Langenberg et al., 1999; Weisse et al., 2002).
Projections of the expected increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations indicate a
moderate increase in storm activity over the North
Sea towards the end of this century. Using different (A2, B2) IPCC SRES emission scenarios (see
Houghton et al., 2001), Woth et al. (2005) forced
a storm surge model for the North Sea with meteorological data sets from various atmosphere
models. The results indicate that the largest increase in storm surges is to be expected along the
Wadden Sea coast, while changes along the En-
No. of storms
Figure 3.2:
Number of times per
winter (1 Oct. – 15 March;
1882-2003) that a storm
over the North Sea
resulted in a water level
enhancement >90 cm
during high water in
Delfzijl, The Netherlands.
Red line: 15-year running
average (Data: Doekes,
RIKZ; Können, 1999).
1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 19 - 2005
3. Climate
glish east coast and the Jutland (Denmark) west
coast are smaller. This large-scale pattern is consistent with results from earlier studies (e.g., Langenberg et al., 1999; Kaas, 2001).
After the little Ice Age, roughly since 1825, the
Wadden Sea climate has become more maritime
in character and precipitation has increased, in
The Netherlands with 12% between 1900 and
2000 (Können, 1999). For the period 2000-2100
a further increase in precipitation in the winter
half year of approx. 12% (range 6-25%) is expected in The Netherlands (Table 3.1). Also for the
summer half year the average precipitation is expected to increase by (central estimate) some 2%
(range 1-4%). These figures are comparable to
those estimated for Germany and Denmark. Extreme precipitation events have gradually increased since the 1970s (Klok, 1998). It is expected that this trend will continue with a 10% increase per degree Celcius (Verbeek, 2003).
Increased precipitation may also lead to increased run-off through rivers to the Wadden Sea.
This may result in a further decrease of salinity of
the Wadden Sea water (cf. Marsdiep tidal inlet;
van Aken, 2003).
3.3 Geomorphological and
ecological changes
3.3.1 Introduction
The geomorphologic response of the Wadden Sea
to the observed and expected changes in forcing
factors varies regionally. The same holds for the
ecological response, which depends on both the
hydraulic and the geomorphological change. Most
important are the changes in wave climate and
the rate of sea level rise. Locally, changed wind
directions, freshwater run-off and precipitation
may be important. Below, the combined effects
will be presented for the salt marshes, the Wadden Sea proper and the North Sea coast.
Mean precipitation in summer + 1 %
Mean evaporation in summer + 4 %
Mean precipitation in winter
Annual maximum for 10-day + 10 %
sum of winter precipitation
+ 12 %
+ 20 %
+ 16 %
+ 25 %
+ 40 %
Table 3.1:
Estimated change in
precipitation and
evaporation in The
Netherlands in 2100 based
on three scenarios. From:
IPCC (2001) and Verbeek
is insufficient to compensate for sea level rise,
causing formation of cliffs.
An accelerated rate of relative sea level rise of
up to 60 cm/century will until 2050 not lead to
large problems for the mainland salt marshes if
these are bordered by brushwood groynes resulting in sedimentation rates which are higher than
sea level rise rates (Oost et al., 1998). Problems
will occur for the pioneer zone where sedimentation cannot keep up with sea level rise. At 85 cm/
century of sea level rise, it is expected that some
mainland salt marshes will start to decay locally.
On the barrier islands (at least in the Dutch Wadden Sea) salt-marsh sedimentation rates are lower than on the mainland. Here, it is expected that
at a sea level rise of 85 cm/century, regression of
the salt marsh vegetation will occur after 2025
(e.g., Dijkema, 1997).
Cliff erosion is already occurring on the salt
marshes on the islands and locally on the mainland (e.g., Janssen-Stelder, 2000). Wave heights
exceeding 20 cm (during storm surges) result in
strong erosion of the marshes and of the mudflats in front (Janssen-Stelder in Brinkman et al.,
2001). It is therefore expected that cliff erosion in
particular will increase when the rate of sea level
rise or of storm frequencies increases (JanssenStelder, 2000; Brinkman et al., 2001). Local ef-
3.3.2 Salt marshes
Higher rates of relative sea level rise (locally enhanced by human-induced subsidence due to extraction of minerals) and higher storm surge frequencies will result in a higher flooding frequency of the salt marshes. This may cause regression
of the plant-cover if the vegetation does not trap
enough sediment to compensate for, or even outpace, mean high-water rise. Furthermore, erosion
will occur when, in the pioneer zone (the border
between marshes and tidal flats), sedimentation
Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 19 - 2005
3. Climate
fects will be strongly dependent on local measures
taken to protect the marshes.
Observations in England showed that a considerable lowering of the intertidal mudflats was
caused by an increase in extreme precipitation (K.
Dyer, pers. com.). If this applies to the Wadden
Sea, this would be another factor causing cliff formation.
Increased cliff erosion due to changed storm conditions and accelerated sea level rise will decrease
the area of salt marshes, and therefore cause loss
of habitat for birds such as Brent geese (Ens in
Brinkman et al., 2001). On the other hand, rapid
relative sea level rise will slow down the rapid
vertical accretion of tidal marshes with respect to
sea level, thus resulting in a slower loss of rare
salt marsh species (Oost et al., 1998).
3.3.3 The Tidal Area
The various geomorphological features of the
Wadden Sea, such as outer deltas, barrier islands,
tidal flats and channels, are in most cases in a
dynamic equilibrium with the prevailing current
and wave conditions. This is caused by the continuous transport and redistribution of sediment.
At a constant rate of sea level rise, a tidal inlet
system will import sediment.
The tidal inlet system is expected to compensate for changes in the rate of sea level rise up to
a critical limit (see Table 3.2). A possible exception is the Lister Tief inlet which is either eroding
or not yet in equilibrium (Wang and van der Weck,
2002). The precise critical limit for the rate of sea
level rise that can still be compensated for by sedimentation depends in part. on the size of the tidal basin. The larger the basin the lower the critical
limit (Oost et al., 1998; Stive et al., 1998; van Goor
et al., 2001; Kragtwijk, 2001). In the Dutch Wadden Sea, assuming the present wave conditions,
this critical limit is thought to be 30 cm/century
for large tidal basins and 60 cm/century for small
tidal basins. Above this limit the tidal flats will
The effects of sea level rise up to 2050 are rather
limited. Models predict a relative lowering of the
intertidal flats of maximally 20 cm. Locally, sub-
Table 3.2:
Loss of relative height of
tidal flats (in cm) according
to various sea level rise
(SLR) scenarios (Oost, in
Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 19 - 2005
Expected loss of relative height (cm)
of tidal flats in 2050
SLR scenario
18 cm/century
60 cm/century
85 cm/century
sidence due to extraction of minerals may result
in an additional lowering of 15 cm.
There has been little study of the effects of
changes in storminess and wave-action in the
back barrier area (Hofstede, 1999b). An increase
in storm frequency might result in a lowering of
the tidal flats (cf. Jansen-Stelder, 2001), possibly
enhanced by the concomitant destruction of seagrass areas and mussel banks. Surprisingly, however, model studies by van Goor (2001) show that
the probability of tidal flats drowning will decrease with increasing storminess. This is due to
increased sand imports from the North Sea coasts
of the barrier islands. If correct, and combined
with the above observation by Jansen-Stelder (in
Brinkman et al., 2001), this may lead to the development of more pronounced inner deltas, while
the more landward parts of tidal flats may become deeper. Another effect of stronger waveaction will probably be increased channel dynamics, especially in the outer deltas and near the
Climate change may change the ecosystems in
the Wadden Sea, the adjacent North Sea zone
and on the mainland. These changes are expected to be minor until 2050. An increase in temperature may lead to changes in species composition, due to species adapted to a cooler environment retreating northward, whereas new species from southern areas will appear.
Climate change may lead to a range of ecological effects, such as an increase in viral infection (cf. Brussaard et al., 1999; Harvell et al., 1999;
Mulder and Peperzak, 2003), and a faster growth
of bacteria causing faster mineralization of organic matter (Mulder and Peperzak, 2003). The
phytoplankton species composition may change
as a result of increasing temperatures and changes
in the nutrient supply (L. Peperzak, pers. com.;
Peeters et al., 1999). Increased occurrence of algal blooms may cause problems because of their
toxicity (e.g. dinoflagellates) and accompanying
oxygen deficiency (e.g., Peperzak, 2003). It is not
known whether the growth rate of zooplankton
species will increase or decrease due to climate
change (Peperzak, 2003). Climatic changes in the
north Atlantic area and changes in position of
the North Atlantic Current are thought to have
already caused shifts in zooplanktic copepod assemblages in European coastal waters (Beaugrand
et al., 2002; Frid and Huliselan, 1996).
Lowering of the tidal flats in the Wadden Sea
is expected to lead to a decrease in zoobenthic
biomass (Beukema, 2002). An increased stormi-
3. Climate
ness may lead to a decrease of epibenthic species
such as oysters, blue mussels and seagrass. Changes in the discharge of fresh water will probably
only have local effects. Milder winters will affect
the reproductive success of bivalves and probably
lead to reduced stocks (see chapter 8.2 Macrozoobenthos).
The Wadden Sea area is important as a nursery
and a migration route for many fish species. Temperature changes may have a significant impact,
for example, on growth (Wanink, 1999), also
changing the species composition of fish (cf. Atrill
and Power, 2002).
Bird numbers, and species composition, may
change 10% or more until 2050, due, for example, to changes in food availability (decrease in
tidal flat benthos) and loss of roosting sites (due
to erosion), this being dependent on the rate of
loss of intertidal area by drowning. Milder winters, on the other hand, may be beneficial for birds
since their energy uptake requirement will be
smaller (Moss, 1998; Mulder and Peperzak, 2003).
For the common seal, suitable haul-out places
may decrease in number, possibly affecting its reproduction success in the Wadden Sea, and causing the population to decrease. Higher temperatures may cause enhanced occurrence of viral infections (Harvell et al., 1999).
3.3.4 Beaches and dunes
Under conditions of sea level rise and changing
wave climate, the reinforced coasts (dikes, tetrapods) will not change much. Sandy coasts, however, will change.
In the long term, the position of the North Sea
sandy coast is determined by the balance between
sand supply from the North Sea and transport of
sand from the coast into the Wadden Sea. Sand
supply from the North Sea is limited (van der Molen
and Swart, 2001; van der Molen, 2002). The transport of sand to the Wadden Sea via the inlets and
wash-overs may thus result in coastal erosion.
Accelerated sea level rise, increasing the sand demand in the back barrier areas, will result in a retreat of the North Sea coasts through faster erosion and faster flooding of the coasts (Mulder,
2002). Locally, however, exceptions occur. At
present, the west coast of the island of Sylt is retreating as a result of sea level rise. The eroded
sediments drift to the north and to the south and
probably partly accumulate on the beaches of
Rømø and Amrum. As a result, the coastlines of
the latter two islands are stable, or even accreting, despite the observed sea level rise.
It can be calculated that the rate of coastal
retreat can increase up to a long-term average of
about 8 m/yr, i.e. until the critical upper boundary
of the rate of sea level rise above which tidal flats
start to drown. It is estimated that for a sea level
rise scenario of 60 cm/century, the total sand demand and sea level rise may result in a coastal
retreat up to 3 times faster than at present, and
up to 3.5 times more rapid in the case of a sea
level rise of 95 cm/century. Such retreats, however, can and probably will largely be counteracted
by sand nourishment of beaches or foreshores, thus
preserving the characteristic sandy coast dynamics of the Wadden Sea coasts.
More frequently occurring storm surges tend
to make the coast more dissipative, resulting in
flat beaches. Calculations indicate that the already
quite dissipative character of the Dutch Wadden
Sea coast is not very likely to change much.
A higher storm surge frequency and higher
water levels will also influence the unprotected
parts of barrier islands, either via wash-overs or
via flooding of the backbarrier side. For several
areas above MHW-level it has been observed that
wash-over and spit-formation may help to keep
up with sea level rise while retreating in a landward direction (Hofstede, 1999a). An increase in
sea level will also result in stronger erosion of the
dunes. The exact rates of such erosion are not yet
known. If dunes are to protect inhabited areas,
more work will be needed to maintain them at
higher rates of sea level rise.
Changes in wind- and thus wave climate may
result in increased dynamics for the coasts and
ebb-tidal deltas. An increase in storm activity has
resulted in a retreat and decrease in sand volume
of the ebb-tidal delta of the Hörnum inlet (German Wadden Sea) since 1960 (Hofstede, 1999a).
This is in contrast with a possible increase in tidal
volume in the backbarrier area if sea level rise cannot be fully compensated by sedimentation, resulting in a larger sand volume of the ebb-tidal
delta. It is unclear which effect will dominate in
the future.
On the barrier islands an increase in sea level may
lead to higher groundwater tables, resulting in vegetation changes in the lower dune valleys and a
possible enhancement of peat growth. Also, salinity gradients may change, resulting locally in a
shift in distribution of plant and animal (mainly
invertebrates) species. More frequent flooding may
also lead to eutrophication and calcification of the
soil, leading to a decrease of species having a preference for poor soil conditions such as orchids and
lichens (Ketner-Oostra and van der Loo, 1998).
Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 19 - 2005
3. Climate
3.4 Conclusions
Climate changes in the Wadden Sea area are mainly related to large-scale (e.g. Northwest European) changes in climate. The precise response of
the Wadden Sea system, however, depends to a
large extent on local conditions and configuration of the tidal basins.
Changing rates of sea level rise, a changing river
discharge and changes in the storminess and
wave-action may change the geomorphology of
the Wadden Sea area. In the Dutch basins and
probably also in most of the others too tidal flats
are expected to be able to keep up with sea level
rise due to faster sedimentation up to a critical
limit of sea level rise of 3 mm/yr (for large tidal
basins) to 6 mm/yr (for small basins). For salt
marshes, this critical limit is at least 8.5 mm/yr,
and for the pioneer zone 3-6 mm/yr. Above the
Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 19 - 2005
critical limit flats and marshes will ‘drown’. The
increasing sediment demand in the tidal basins
will trigger a faster erosion of the sandy North
Sea coasts. Combined with the direct effect of a
rising water level, it is estimated that the total
coastal erosion will increase to 250% of the
present level of 6 mm/yr and to 330% at 8.5 mm/
yr. This can be compensated for by nourishments.
Effects of changes in temperature, in hydrodynamic regime and in geomorphology on the ecology of the coastal zone are expected to be minor
up to 2050, with the exception of the possibility
of more frequently occurring toxic algae blooms.
Possible effects are a shift in species composition,
changed growth rates, a decrease in benthos biomass and of benthos consuming birds (in case of
lowering of the tidal flats), and the risk of increased
viral infections.
3. Climate
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