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RemembeRINGs The Development and Application of Local and Regional Tree-Ring Chronologies of Oak for the Purposes of Archaeological and Historical Research in the Netherlands Esther Jansma COLOFON NAR 19 is een ongewijzigde uitgave van het academisch proefschrift van E. Jansma. / This volume of the NAR presents the original version of the Ph.D. thesis of Ms E. Jansma. Uitgever / Publisher Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek, A. Haytsma Kerkstraat 1, 3811 CV Amersfoort / Postbus 1600, 3800 BP Amersfoort, the Netherlands Redactie / Editors nr. 19 Prof.Dr. W. Groenman-van Waateringe, Prof.Dr. H. Kars (eindred.), Prof.Dr. J. Strackee, Dr. A. Voorrips Pre-press & layout ROB, Amersfoort Omslagontwerp / Coverdesign Ingrid Jansen, Amersfoort; foto / photograph Ernst Voller, Berlin Druk / Printed by Casparie Heerhugowaard B.V. Besteladres / Distribution U kunt dit boek bestellen door fl. 25,-- plus fl. 7,50 verzendkosten over te maken op postbanknummer 4792702 ten name van de Joan Willems Stichting te Amersfoort onder vermelding van NAR 19. / You can order this volume from the Joan Willems Stichting, Kerkstraat 1, 3811 CV Amersfoort, the Netherlands, tel. +31 033 - 4634233, fax (31) 033 - 4653235, E-mail info@archis.nl Subscription fl. 25,--, postage and packing are not included. CIP-GEGEVENS KONINKLIJKE BIBLIOTHEEK, DEN HAAG Jansma, Esther RemembeRINGs : the development and application of local and regional tree-ring chronologies of oak for the purposes of archaeological and historical research in the Netherlands / Esther Jansma. - Amersfoort : Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek. - Ill. (Nederlandse archeologische rapporten, ISSN 0169-3859 ; nr. 19) Ook verschenen als proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1995 - Met lit. opg. ISBN 90-73104-26-2 Trefw.: archeologie ; Nederland / dendrochronologie. All rights reserved © 1995 E. Jansma & ROB, Amsterdam & Amersfoort ISBN 90-73104-26-2 ISSN 0169-3859 RemembeRINGs The Development and Application of Local and Regional Tree-Ring Chronologies of Oak for the Purposes of Archaeological and Historical Research in the Netherlands ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, op gezag van de Rector Magnificus Prof. Dr. P.W.M. de Meijer ten overstaan van een door het college van dekanen ingestelde commissie in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Aula der Universiteit op maandag 4 december 1995 te 12.00 uur door Esther Jansma geboren te Amsterdam Promotores: Prof. Dr. J. Strackee Prof. Dr. W. Groenman-van Waateringe Co-promotor: Dr. A. Voorrips CONTENTS 11 PREFACE 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 INTRODUCTION Dating in archaeology and historical research A brief history of dendrochronology Dendrochronology in the Netherlands Research outline THE STATISTICAL PROPERTIES OF ‘MEAN SENSITIVITY’ - A REAPPRAISAL (Corrected version of Strackee, J. and E. Jansma, 1992. Dendrochronologia 10, 121-135) Abstract Introduction Statistical aspects General The bivariate Gamma density function The bivariate Lognormal density function Experimental assessment Discussion 15 15 17 18 19 23 23 23 25 25 26 28 30 30 DENDROCHRONOLOGICAL METHODS OF DETERMINING THE ORIGIN OF OAK TIMBER: A CASE STUDY ON WOOD FROM ’S-HERTOGENBOSCH (Corrected version of Jansma, E., 1992. Helinium 32, 195-214) Abstract Introduction Material Statistical method Results Discussion Conclusion 33 33 33 36 40 42 44 45 4 AN 1100 YEAR TREE-RING CHRONOLOGY OF OAK FOR THE DUTCH COASTAL REGION (2258 - 1141 BC) (Jansma, E., 1995. In: J. S. Dean, D. M. Meko and T. W. Swetnam (eds.), Tree-Rings, Environment and Humanity - Proceedings of the International Tree-Ring Conference 1995, Univ. of Arizona (provisional title). Radiocarbon, Tucson (in print)) 47 Abstract Introduction Material Methods Results Discussion Conclusion 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 OAK TREE-RING CHRONOLOGIES FOR THE NETHERLANDS BETWEEN AND AD 5.6 5.7 325 BC 57 57 57 58 60 60 60 61 62 62 62 65 65 65 65 66 67 MEDIEVAL TREE-RING CHRONOLOGIES OF OAK FROM DUTCH ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SITES (AD AD 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 563 (Jansma, E., 1994. Helinium 34 (in print)) Abstract Introduction Terminology Material Methodology Methods of dating Chronology development Estimating the chronology signal Results General The local eastern chronology NLRom_E (AD 190-395) Local western chronology NLRom_W1 (84 BC - AD 50) Local western chronology NLRom_W2 (140 BC - AD 87) The regional low altitude chronology NLRom_R (325 BC - AD 563) Interpretation and discussion Conclusion 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.5.5 6 47 47 49 50 51 54 55 427 - 1752 ; 1023 - 1666 ; AD 1041 - 1346) Abstract Introduction Material Methodology Quality control The detrending of tree-ring patterns Methods of dating The clustering of tree-ring index series Assessment of the reliability of tree-ring chronologies The environmental signal of the Dutch cluster chronologies Results General The signal within the chronologies Growth regions Crossdating with existing master chronologies 69 69 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 71 71 73 73 73 75 76 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.5.4 Interpretation and discussion Chronology NLHist_1 (AD 427 - 1752) Chronology NLHist_2 (AD 1023 - 1666) Chronology NLHist_3 (AD 1041 - 1346) The use of the cluster chronologies for dating Dutch sites and objects Conclusions 6.6 7 79 79 THE MEAN CORRELATION TECHNIQUE: THE ‘EFFECTIVE CHRONOLOGY SIGNAL’ AS AN ESTIMATOR OF THE SIGNAL IN TREE-RING CHRONOLOGIES Abstract Introduction The Mean Correlation Technique The behaviour of r̄eff Discussion The domain of r̄eff and r̄bt Estimating the mean of correlation coefficients The hyperbolical relationship between r̄wt and r̄eff Conclusion 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.5 8 77 77 78 79 SYNTHESIS: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 8.1 8.2 Introduction Methodological aspects: the estimation of the signal in tree-ring chronologies The application of chronologies from Dutch contexts Prehistory The Iron Age/Roman period The Merovingian and Carolingian periods The Late Middle Ages 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 81 81 81 82 84 85 85 85 86 87 89 89 89 93 93 95 96 97 SAMENVATTING 99 REFERENCES 107 APPENDIX A- Absolutely dated tree-ring series of oak from anthropogenic and natural sites in the Netherlands 115 APPENDIX B- Tree-ring chronologies of oak used for dating 139 APPENDIX C- Average growth-index values of some Dutch chronologies NLPre_ZH (2258 - 1141 BC) NLRom_E (AD 190-395) NLRom_W1 (84 BC - AD 50) NLRom_W2 (140 BC - AD 87) NLRom_R (325 BC - AD 563) 143 Perhaps old mayflies sit around complaining how life this minute isn’t a patch on the good old minutes of long ago. Whereas the trees, which are not famous for their quick reactions, may just have time to notice the way the sky keeps flickering before the dry rot and woodworms set in. Terry Pratchett PREFACE In this volume absolutely dated tree-ring chronologies are presented from oak series derived from Dutch anthropogenic and natural sites from the past. This study has been funded by the ‘Albert Egges van Giffen’ Institute for Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology (IPP, Univ. of Amsterdam (NL); 1985 - 1987), the archaeological section of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (ARCHON/NWO, Doss. No. 280-151-040; 1987-1991); the Dutch State Service for Archaeological Soil Research (ROB; 1991 - present); and the many archaeological and historical organizations that from 1985 onwards funded the dating of archaeological structures and historic buildings conducted by the former tree-ring laboratory of the IPP and the current Dutch Centre for Dendrochronology (RING Foundation, ROB). The verification of the datings on which this study is based was funded by the EC as part of the project ‘Temperature Change over Northern Eurasia during the last 2500 Years’ (Contract no. CV5V CT94 0500; 1994-1996; under supervision of the Climatic Research Unit, Univ. of East Anglia (GB)). The tree-ring data discussed in this thesis that date after 500 BC were incorporated in this project in January 1995; the remaining tree-ring series will be incorporated in 1996 as part of the continuation of this project, entitled ‘Analysis of Dendrochronological Variability and Associated Natural Climates in Eurasia - the last 10,000 years’ (1996-1998, forthcoming). Parts of this study have appeared previously in the journals Dendrochronologia (Chapter 2) and Helinium (Chapter 3; Chapter 5 (in print)); Chapter 4 is published in the proceedings of the 1994 International Tree-Ring Conference (Tucson, Univ. of Arizona (US)). Apart from my promoters Dr. J. Strackee and Dr. W. Groenman-van Waateringe and my co-promoter Dr. A. Voorrips, many people have contributed to the separate chapters in this volume: Dr. A. van Oosterom (Dept. of Medical Physics, Univ. of Nijmegen (NL)) was consulted during the analyses described in Chapter 2; A. van Drunen and E. Vink (Bouwhistorische Dienst ’s-Hertogenbosch (NL)) provided part of the historical facts mentioned in Chapter 3; H. van Haaster and Dr. J.P Pals (IPP) made valuable suggestions on the content of Chapter 3; the bog oak samples discussed in Chapter 4 were collected by V. van Amerongen (IPP), P. van Rijn (RING) and members of ARCHEON Archaeological Theme Park (Alphen a/d Rijn (NL)); V. van Amerongen also sampled part of the bog oaks discussed in Chapter 5; and P.P.Th.M. Maessen (Holtland Dendroconsult, Veenendaal (NL)) gave valuable suggestions on the classification of ecological growth regions in the Netherlands used in Chapter 6. This study would have been impossible without the earlier research of Dr. J. Bauch and Dr. D. Eckstein (Ordinariat für Holzbiologie, Univ. of Hamburg (D)), and Dr. J.A. Brongers (ROB); they were the first to apply dendrochronology in a systematic way as a dating technique on tree-ring series from Dutch contexts and objects, and their work has been of paramount importance in convincing archaeologists and historians in the Netherlands that  Preface Dutch timbers from the past can be dated dendrochronologically. I am grateful to Dr. B. Schmidt (Labor für Dendrochronologie, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Univ. of Köln (D)) for the dendrochronological training I received in 1984; to Dr. H. Kamermans (IPP) for helping me to develop software in 1984 for crossdating and printing tree-ring curves; and to Dr. M.A.R. Munro (Paleoecology Centre, Queens Univ. of Belfast (Ireland)) for supplying his crossdating program for the Apple IIe computer in 1986. This study could not have taken place without the support of an international group of dendrochronologists for the development of tree-ring research in the Netherlands as a dating technique and as an independent analytical field with applications in archaeological and historical studies, geology, forestry and climatology. I especially thank Dr. F.H. Schweingruber (Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf (CH)) for introducing me to dendrochronology, creating an European network of young dendrochronologists through the annual Swiss fieldweek, and continuously reminding the statisticians and archaeologists among us that a tree is a living organism. I am very grateful for the biological, analytical and practical background provided by R.K. Adams, Dr. H.C. Fritts, Dr. L.J. Graumlich, T.P. Harlan, R.L. Holmes, Dr. M.K. Hughes, G.R. Lofgren, Dr. T.W. Swetnam and Dr. F.W. Telewski of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (LTRR, Univ. of Arizona (US)), where I spent the academic year 1989/1990 as a visiting scholar and turned into a dendrochronologist. The analytical programs distributed by the International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB; NOAA Palaeoclimatology Program/World Data Centre A; Boulder, Colorado (US)), which have been written by, or after suggestions of R.K. Adams (LTRR), Dr. E.R. Cook (Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Univ. of Columbia (US)), Dr. H.C. Fritts (LTRR), Dr. H.D. Grissino-Mayer (LTRR) and R.L. Holmes (LTRR) have been of great value during all parts of the analysis. Dendrochronological dating requires access to absolutely dated tree-ring chronologies, and I thank all dendrochronologists who have made their chronologies accessible through publications or personal communication. Most helpful were chronologies provided by: Dr. D. Eckstein (Ordinariat für Holzbiologie, Univ. of Hamburg (D)); Dr. A. Delorme (Institut für Forstbenutzung, Univ. of Göttingen (D)); Dr. P. Hoffsummer (Laboratoire de Dendrochronologie, Univ. of Liège (B)); Dr. H.-H. Leuschner (Institut für Palynology, Univ. of Göttingen (D)); J. Hillam (Archaeology Research School, Univ. of Sheffield (GB)); H. Tisje (Neu-Isenburg (D)); I. Tyers (Museum of London (GB)); and Dr. T. Wazny (Academy of Fine Arts, Conservation Faculty, Warschau (P)). The support of the Dutch archaeological and historical community is greatly appreciated. Dr. W.A. Casparie (Biological Archaeological Institute, Univ. of Groningen (NL)), Dr. H.A. Heidinga (IPP), Dr. H. Kars (RING/ROB) and Dr. D.J. de Vries (State Service for the Preservation of Historic Buildings and Monuments (RDMZ), Zeist (NL)) have helped me considerably throughout the years. My deepest gratitude goes to Dr. J. Strackee (Laboratory of Medical Physics and Informatics, Univ. of Amsterdam) who has guided me through many statistical labyrinths and eliminated my fear of formula’s by his elegant and practical use of blackboard and chalk; Dr. W. Groenman-van Waateringe (IPP), who never stopped believing that the current volume would be produced and always picked the right time to remind me of this; Dr. A. Voorrips and S. Loving (IPP), who during the past decade have garnished their theoretical, practical and moral support with marvellous dinners and conversations about poetry; Dr. H. Kars who for years has been supporting dendrochronology as a science; Dr. H.-H. Leuschner who has welcomed me into his laboratory and home, has introduced me to ‘big science’ (the more exciting elements of current dendrochronological research in Northwest Europe), and as long as I know him has been such a loyal and inspiring colleague; P.P.Th.M. Maessen, whom I can talk to endlessly about all kinds of forest research; Dr. H.D. Grissino-Mayer, who has always reminded me that science and fun are not mutually exclusive  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 and in the process has provided me with excellent computer programs, his extensive bibliography and all reprints I could wish for; and my co-workers Pauline van Rijn and Elsemieke Hanraets (RING), who have run the tree-ring lab of RING so excellently during the periods I worked on this thesis and without whom the dating business would have been a lone venture indeed. I thank Sue McDonnell for the correction of the English text, Ingrid Jansen (ROB) for designing the current volume and Bert van As (ROB) for typing all the formula’s and general advice. Mireille, Maaike and Barbara Jansma have patted my back during all phases of this research. My friends Marion Oskamp, Rita Horst and Inger Kolff have hauled me through the more difficult times, as has my friend and colleague in poetry Nydia Ecury. This study could not have been completed without Casper le Fèvre, who stuck with me for better and worse during the past decade, never tired of discussing tree-rings with me, and has given me all support a female doctor-to-be asks for in this liberated era - which is a lot. Thank you all.  1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1. The French physicists Antoine Henri Becquerel (1852 - 1908), Marie Curie (1867 - 1934) and Pierre Curie (1859 1906). 2. Varve analysis was developed by Swedish scientists in the early twentieth century. A varve is a sediment layer or a sequence of sediment layers deposited within a single year in stagnant water. Geologists can establish the age of a geological event in years from the number of varve units deposited after this event (Dalrymple 1991). 3. Obsidian hydration dating calculates the age of volcanic glass from 200 to 200 000 years old by determining the thickness of hydration rinds produced by water vapour diffusing into their freshly chipped surfaces (Dalrymple 1991). 4. Thermoluminescence dating is based on the phenomenon of natural ionizing radiation inducing free electrons in a mineral that can be trapped in defects of the mineral’s structure. These trapped electrons escape as thermoluminescence when heated to a certain temperature. By recording the thermoluminescence of a mineral the last drainage of the trapped electrons can be dated back to several hundred thousand years (assuming a constant natural radiation level; O’Reilly 1984). DATING IN ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORICAL RESEARCH The dating of structures and objects from the past is a prerequisite for most archaeological and historical research. Different methods have been devised to date the past. These approaches can be classified into a number of categories (Michels 1973): (a) periodization: the delineation of synchronic segments, (b) relative dating: establishing the correct order of events, and (c) absolute dating: relating events to an absolute time scale. The earliest dating method, developed in the nineteenth century and often used in geology and archaeology, was based on relative time scales determined on the basis of stratigraphy. The main principle of stratigraphy is the ‘law of superposition’, which states that in an undisturbed succession of strata, the youngest deposits are on top and the oldest ones at the bottom. Dating by means of stratigraphy can give only relative dates. The development of radiometric methods, after the discovery of radioactivity at the end of the nineteenth century1, led to the first breakthroughs in establishing an absolute time scale. In addition to radiometric techniques, such as the radiocarbon method, in the twentieth century other absolute methods (with varying chronological precision) were devised, among which are varve analysis2, obsidian hydration dating3, thermo-luminescence dating4, and dendrochronology. In research of the past, the intended precision of dating depends on the investigated period and region (the research topic), whereas the feasible precision is determined by the material remains that are available and the dating methods that are used. In the Netherlands, for instance, the intended chronological precision with regard to the tenth century is high, because a major cultural shift took place (the transition from the Carolingian period to the Late Middle Ages) and it is not clear when exactly this happened. The feasible precision in the tenth century is, however, low, because ceramics associated with the remains of settlements from this century cannot be placed on a refined time scale and, due to the spread of Christianity, finds associated with burials are scarce. Besides stratigraphy, modern archaeology uses dating methods such as typochronology (the application of more or less precisely dated calendars of artefact types), the radiocarbon method and dendrochronology. Building history uses typochronology, dendrochronology, written sources and additional data. For certain periods and regions, dating by means of typochronology results in chronological information that is exact to a few decades; applied to imported ceramics, for example, it results in satisfactory dates for Roman and Iron Age structures throughout the Netherlands (1st to 4th/5th century AD). Archaeological sites from this period that do not contain imported ceramics as well as sites from the following centuries are more difficult to date. In the northern Netherlands the period between the fifth and eighth century and the tenth century are problematic in terms of dating; in the southern Netherlands this applies to the sixth, early seventh and tenth century; the province of Drenthe is difficult throughout the Early Middle Ages (AD 500 - 1000). The  chapter 1 | Introduction 5. Conifers sometimes form one or more ‘false’ rings during a single year. Using a microscope these can, however, be distinguished from annual rings. 6. Sometimes a dendrochronological date is subject to a certain margin, in consequence of the fact that the outer, last formed, rings are not present in a wood sample. In this case the year of death is estimated by adding an estimated number of (missing) growth rings to the last ring in the sample. The rings that are present in the sample are, however, dated to the year. 7. Oak settled in Europe after the last ice age ended (around 8000 BC). Only a few Northwest European chronologies of oak extend back this far; the majority covers the last thousand years only. fact that it is sometimes difficult to date archaeological sites from the Late Middle Ages (AD 1000 - 1500) by, for instance, ceramics and brick types, is illustrated by the discrepancy between the typochronological and dendrochronological dates of the recently excavated ‘Castle of the Lords of Amstel’ (Amsterdam; Jansma and Kars 1995). To summarize, we can say that for many historical periods typochronology does not result in the precise dates that are required within the research setting. In order to refine dates established through typochronology, and for independent verification, physical dating techniques are required. The radiocarbon method, first developed by the American chemist W. F. Libby at the University of Chicago in 1947, estimates the age of organic material on the basis of the fraction of radioactive carbon it contains. During their life, organisms take up carbon from the atmosphere (13C and 14C). A fraction of this assimilated carbon is radioactive (14C). After the death of an organism, this fraction decreases according to a known rate; 14C has a half-life of 5730 ± 40 years. The approximate moment of death can be calculated from the remaining fraction of 14C in organic material. The radiocarbon method can be used to date material up to 50 000 years old, although it is sometimes extended to 70 000 years. Radiocarbon estimates of dendrochronologically dated tree rings have shown that the fraction of 14C in organisms at the time of death is variable, i.e., atmospheric 14C is not constant. In the curve of 14C measured in tree rings dated by means of dendrochronology, the ‘radiocarbon calibration curve’, changes of atmospheric 14C show up as wiggles and horizontal intervals (‘plateaus’); the precise age of organisms that lived during these periods cannot be deduced from their radiocarbon content. Furthermore, a radiocarbon date is often based on a single measurement of 14C, which has an inherent uncertainty. Another basic problem is postdepositional contamination of the material (incorporation of younger and older carbon) by, for example, percolating groundwater and by contamination during and after sampling. Wiggles and plateaus in the calibration curve and statistical fluctuation mean that radiocarbon dates often have a broad chronological margin. The method does not improve datings of material from periods that are well-known chronologically, such as the Roman period (AD 1 - 450) and the Late Middle Ages (AD 1000 - 1500), and periods that have anomalous values of 14C (e.g., 800 - 400 BC, the 14C ‘Hallstatt Plateau’). Dendrochronology makes use of the growth rings in trees. In tree species from the temperate climatic zone the growth rings represent single years, i.e., they are ‘annual’ rings.5 Because trees grow very old, their trunks contain many rings: from between 100 - 300 (oak) to 2000 - 5000 (Giant sequoia, Bristlecone pine). As a result, single tree-ring measurement series consist of many observations and are more precise than a single observation of 14C. In Europe, oak is most commonly used for dendrochronological dating (Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl.). The growth patterns of oak reflect climatic conditions that operated over relatively large areas, with unfavourable conditions expressed as narrow rings and favourable conditions as wide ones. Because of their similar response to annual weather conditions, the patterns in oaks that grow in these areas can be matched, i.e. ‘crossdated’. Long chronologies of oak have been established through crossdating for different regions in Europe; the patterns in living oaks were matched with the patterns in timbers used in buildings from earlier times, and these were matched with even older material, etc. If a measurement series of an undated growth pattern of oak is matched with a dated oak chronology, a calendar date can be determined; each ring width in the undated pattern is matched with an annual value in the dated chronology, including the last ring in the pattern, which is closest to, or formed during, the year in which the tree died.6 Dendrochronology has a chronological restriction in comparison to the radiocarbon method: it cannot be used to date material older than 10 000 years, because absolutely dated oak chronologies do not extend back further.7 For the last 10 000 years it has an advantage over all other methods, because it is exact to the year.  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 1.2 8. The authorized text of this lecture was printed in the newspaper Pasadena Star (19 December 1908, 11-12; Eckstein et al. 1975). 9. Since the mid 1960’s European dendroclimatology has mostly used radiodensitometric data, i.e. wood densities determined by X-ray procedures, since these are better suited for climate reconstructions than total ring-width. Radiodensitometry is only suitable for the research of coniferous tree species. Since the wood must not be decomposed, recent material is used and most density chronologies do not extend back more than a few centuries. Climate reconstructions derived from these chronologies are necessarily short. A BRIEF HISTORY OF DENDROCHRONOLOGY The earliest application in Europe of dendrochronology as a climateanalysing method was by the Dutch astronomer J. C. Kapteyn (1851-1922). He measured the ring widths in groups of Dutch and German oak, produced chronologies that extended back for several centuries, and compared these to existing meteorological records (Kapteyn 1914). As early as 1908, Kapteyn gave a lecture in Pasadena (US) entitled ‘Tree growth and meteorological factors’.8 It was A. E. Douglass (Flagstaff, Arizona) who formulated the principles and techniques of dendrochronology as a tool to study climate and by crossdating built the first long chronologies of tree rings (Douglass 1909; Douglass 1914; Douglass 1919). The subsequent earliest applications of dendrochronology mainly involved living trees, concentrating on questions regarding forestry, biology and climate. In the 1940’s, B. Huber introduced dendrochronology to Europe in a systematic way. From tree-ring patterns that reflect more or less continental growth conditions, long chronologies of oak were developed in Germany (e.g., Huber 1941; Huber and Holdheide 1942; Huber et al. 1949). Dendrochronology was considered unsuitable for dating oaks from regions where oceanic conditions prevail. Botanists and palaeobotanists in England and Ireland in the 1960’s were still convinced that climate and the multiplicity of site conditions affecting tree growth would make dendrochronology unworkable in their countries (Baillie 1982). The relatively high amount of rainfall was considered an impediment to crossdating; the absence of droughts was believed to result in tree-ring patterns with a low ‘mean sensitivity’, i.e. little variation of the annual widths. The focus of European dendrochronology broadened from the late 1960’s onwards. Researchers found that the narrow rings in tree-ring patterns of oak, which allow these patterns to be crossdated over relatively large regions, also occur in oak growing in wet surroundings and that the causes are also climatic; for example, the trees respond negatively to spring frost and drastic changes in the water table. From this time onwards, dendrochronological dating was more and more routinely applied to oak from wet, oceanic sites and long ‘oceanic’ oak chronologies began to be developed (e.g., Delorme 1974; Delorme 1976; Baillie and Pilcher 1976). In addition, dendrochronological methods of studying the European climate were devised (Schweingruber et al. 1978; Schweingruber et al. 1979). In Europe, palaeodendrochronology concentrates on oak and is focused on the dating of cultural objects, whereas research on living trees involves a variety of coniferous species and is focused on climatology (e.g., Hughes 1987; Hughes et al. 1984; Briffa et al. 1988, Schweingruber et al. 1987; Schweingruber et al. 1991; Briffa and Schweingruber 1992).9 This approach is in marked contrast to the US, where most sub-fields of dendrochronology, including palaeodendrochronology, have always concentrated on climate studies. There are several reasons for this difference. First, palaeodendrochronologists in northwestern Europe work with relatively short series (mainly based on oak) in regions where natural old-growth forests no longer exist; if long chronologies are to be produced, series from historical and archaeological structures have to be used. Dendrochronologists in the US, on the other hand, mainly use long-lived coniferous species from natural forests, and the dead trees in these forests are used to obtain tree-ring series from earlier periods. Second, the anthropogenic past that can be studied dendrochronologically extends back further in Europe than in the US, and the demand for dendrochronological dating of cultural objects in Europe is large. Third, climate studies using series of oak in northwestern Europe are complicated and do not result in unambiguous data due to (a) anthropogenic factors such as forest management, pollution and managed water tables, and (b) the fact that oak in many regions is not very climate sensitive because it does not grow at the limits of its natural distribution. Despite these complicating factors the focus in European palaeodendrochronology is currently shifting from chronology development to climatology, among other reasons because data  chapter 1 | Introduction sets of absolutely dated oak tree-ring series are now available up to 8000 BC (Irish oak: 5289 BC - present (Pilcher et al. 1984); North German oak: 6255 BC - present (Leuschner and Delorme 1988); Central German oak: 8021 BC - present (Becker 1993)). In Europe, climate studies oak have been undertaken by, among others, Briffa et al. 1986, Hughes et al. 1978 and Kelly et al. 1989. Climate studies on a large temporal and spatial scale, based on combined data sets of coniferous species and oak, are currently undertaken by collaborating dendroclimatological and palaeodendrochronological laboratories.10 1.3 10. ‘Temperature Change over Northern Eurasia during the last 2,500 Years’ (EC, Contract No. CV5V CT94 0500); ‘Analysis of Dendrochronological Variability and Associated Natural Climates in Eurasia - the last 10,000 years’ (EC, forthcoming). 11. At about the same time, Munaut investigated sub-fossil pine from Terneuzen (province of Zeeland; Munaut 1966) and Emmen (Province of Drenthe; Munaut and Casparie 1971). 12. Of the hundreds of dates obtained for medieval wood samples from Dutch contexts, only five were made through matching with Chronology 1 (Molengat: 1 sample; Genhoes: 2 samples; Yerseke: 2 samples (Appendix A)). DENDROCHRONOLOGY IN THE NETHERLANDS In the Dutch archaeological and historical fields there was little interest in dendrochronology until the dating of oak panel paintings by 17th century Dutch artists began in 1965 (Bauch 1968; Bauch and Eckstein 1970; Bauch et al. 1972). In the early 1970’s, J. A. Brongers of the State Service for Archaeological Research (ROB; Amersfoort) produced chronologies of living oaks growing on various habitats on the Pleistocene soils, and crossdated these with German master chronologies (Brongers 1973). His collaboration with J. Bauch and D. Eckstein (Ordinariat für Holzbiologie, Univ. of Hamburg) lead to the establishment of Chronology 1 (AD 1385 - 1973) representing living trees, timbers from windmills and panel paintings dating from after AD 1650. This chronology represents oak from the eastern higher parts of the Netherlands and from Germany. Chronology 2 (AD 1140 - 1623), from panel paintings dated before 1650, was presumed to represent oak from coastal sites in the Netherlands and England (Bauch et al. 1972; Eckstein et al. 1975; Bauch 1978).11 Efforts to establish a ‘Dutch’ dendrochronology were complicated by crossdating problems whose causes were not well understood. Unfortunately, Chronologies 1 and 2 did not result in many new datings of timbers from Dutch buildings and archaeological structures. We now know that the early interval of Chronology 1 probably contains an amorphous signal12, and therefore most likely represents oak from a variety of environmentally different regions in Germany (and possibly the Netherlands), and that Chronology 2 represents oak that grew in the Baltic region. This could not be established at the time, for a number of reasons. First, the extent of Medieval importing of oak timber in the Netherlands was underestimated, in part because few regional chronologies from adjacent countries existed that could be used as a reference. Second, the lack of crossdating among ring-width patterns of ‘Dutch’ timbers from archaeological and historical contexts was still interpreted as the result of the oceanic conditions in the Netherlands. Third, computers were not widely available; tree-ring patterns were measured and plotted by hand, and the analysing techniques were simple. Fourth, no dendrochronological infrastructure existed nationally within which these and other research problems could be solved. In the early 1980’s, the fact that oak in oceanic regions can be crossdated had become widely recognized throughout northwestern Europe. (e.g., Baillie and Pilcher 1976; Baillie 1982; Delorme 1974; Delorme 1976; Delorme et al. 1981; Leuschner et al. 1987). Furthermore, E. Hollstein (Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier) had published his Central German master chronology and the constituent regional chronologies (690 BC - present), which proved to be well suited to date oak from Dutch archaeological and historical contexts (Hollstein 1980). As a result, dendrochronology in the Netherlands began to develop more quickly. Using a home-made computer program, D. J. de Vries of the State Service for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Buildings (RDMZ, Zeist) dated eleven oak staves from Voorst Castle (province of Overijssel) using the Central German master chronology (De Vries 1983). I dated oak posts from the Roman fortress Velsen 1 (province of NoordHolland; Jansma 1985) and bog oaks from the vicinity of Abcoude (province of Utrecht; Jansma 1987). The latter datings, which were also made using the  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 chronologies of Hollstein, led to the establishment of a small dendrochronological laboratory at the ‘Albert Egges van Giffen’ Institute for Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology (IPP, Univ. of Amsterdam) in 1985.13 The work by J. Bauch, J. A. Brongers and D. Eckstein was followed-up in 1986, when a dendrochronological laboratory was created at the ROB.14 1.4 13. The programs used for crossdating at the IPP were written by Munro (1984), and, after Baillie and Pilcher (1973) and Hollstein (1980), by Jansma and Kamermans. An automated measuring table was designed by Jansma and built at the instrument workshop of the Medical Faculty of the University of Amsterdam. 14. The crossdating and plotting programs used at the ROB were written by Aniol (1983), who also designed the automated measuring equipment (Aniol 1987). The dendrochronological datings between 1986 and 1991 were carried out by P. Schut (1986-1987); M. van Veen (1987); G. Vervoort (1987-1988); A. Runhardt (1988); and E. Hanraets (1988-1991), under the supervision of J. A. Brongers (ROB). RESEARCH OUTLINE The main objective of this study was to provide archaeology and building history in the Netherlands with a dendrochronological yardstick based on oak, sufficiently refined to date Dutch archaeological and historical contexts which otherwise could not be dated, or only roughly. In the archaeological field, in the first millennium BC, these are contexts from the period between 800 and 400 BC, for which the radiocarbon method does not result in precise enough dates. In the first millennium AD, these include contexts from the Iron Age/Roman period that do not contain imported ceramics, as well as the period between the fifth and eighth centuries in the northern Netherlands, the sixth and early seventh century in the southern Netherlands, and the tenth century throughout the country. Building history requires precise datings for any historical period from which buildings exist, i.e. the twelfth century and later, in order to link construction dates of (phases of) buildings to events described in written sources. The Dutch Chronology 1 could be matched with German chronologies, whereas Chronology 2 could not (Eckstein et al. 1975). This indicated that in the Netherlands distinct, and unique, groups of indigenous oak exist. Therefore, methods had to be selected, or new ones developed, to distinguish between these groups. The first efforts to analyse the different signals in tree-ring series were based on the dendrochronological parameter ‘Mean Sensitivity’ (␨); see Chapter 2). This parameter, developed by A. E. Douglass (1928), was commonly used in early dendrochronology to estimate the variability and climate sensitivity in tree-ring series (e.g. Fritts 1976). In Europe this parameter played a role in the argument that oak from oceanic regions is less suited for dendrochronological analyses (Fürst 1963; Fürst 1978). I used ␨ to compare the signal in dated growth patterns of oaks from the Iron Age/Roman period that in all likelihood grew in surroundings with different hydrological characteristics (wet versus dry). The purpose was to establish whether marked differences occur in their values for ␨ over time, and whether these differences reflect the growth response of oak to different types of environment. Although different signals were indeed found (Jansma, unpublished data), this approach was abandoned; in collaboration with Prof. Dr. J. Strackee (Department of Medical Physics and Informatics, Univ. of Amsterdam) it was established that ␨ is an ambiguous parameter that is dependent on other statistical parameters (the auto-correlation and standard deviation of a time series), and that it does not give an accurate estimate of the variability present in a time series (Chapter 2). In the early phases of this study two assumptions were common in European dendrochronology as regards the provenance of timber: (a) the location where timbers were used was in general close to the location of the forest where the oaks were felled, and (b) the strength of a dendrochronological match between tree-ring series from different trees is a function of the absolute distance between the locations where the trees grew, i.e., the provenance of imported timber is in the region represented by the chronology that produces the best match (Hollstein 1980). It took some years of dating research and (efforts towards) developing Dutch chronologies before I realized that these assumptions are invalid for the Netherlands. The first assumption does not hold for the Roman and Medieval periods because timber was often brought here from elsewhere; the second one does not hold for any period because coastal regions such as the Netherlands are characterized by a variety of micro-environments, in which case the strength of a match is related to the similarity between the environmental conditions of  chapter 1 | Introduction 15. An example is the dating of the Roman Meuse bridge at Cuyk (province of Limburg; Chapter 5), an archaeological under-water site from the fourth century that could not be dated accurately by either the contextually related material finds or the radiocarbon method. The Cuyk chronology, which at the time consisted of six series only, could not be dated with established chronologies. It could, however, be matched with the chronologies of two fourth-century water wells in Gennep. Cuyk and Gennep are situated only 15 kilometres apart. The Gennep chronologies were well replicated and had been matched with the Central German chronology of Hollstein (1980). the sites where the trees grew, not to geographical distance. I therefore adopted the assumption that data sets of tree-ring series from Dutch archaeological and historical structures do not contain a homogeneous environmental signal. Given heterogeneous data sets, the following is feasible: (a) using correlation techniques it might be possible to discern sub-groups with a similar signal; (b) chronologies of indigenous oak can be produced from trees that died naturally and are preserved in former bogs (‘bog oaks’); if these chronologies can be dated by matching with chronologies from coastal regions in the neighbouring countries it is precisely because distance is less important for crossdating in the coastal region of Northwest Europe; (c) given an international dendrochronological data set that is large enough, and given correlation techniques that are suited to distinguish sub-groups in this set, in the future it might be possible to assess in detail the provenance of groups of tree-ring series representing imported oak. At this point (1990) I concentrated, with regard to the Middle Ages, on oak from the Dutch town of ’s-Hertogenbosch (province of Noord-Brabant), for which written sources referring to local oak plantations and a regional wood trade are available. The aim was to determine whether it is possible, using correlation techniques, to distinguish between locally grown and imported oak, and whether it is possible to assess in a general way from which region imported timber was derived. For this analysis I applied the ‘Mean Correlation Technique’ (Wigley et al. 1984), which is used in dendroclimatological studies to determine whether chronologies from trees that grow at the same forest site are suitable for climate reconstructions (Chapter 3). In 1992, in order to collect a data set of oak that unquestionably grew in the Netherlands, I started the Sub-Fossil Forests (SFF) Project, which is dedicated to the research of bog oaks (RING/ROB). The methodological purpose of the study was to determine the strength of the ‘Expressed Population Signal’ (EPS) in tree-ring patterns of bog oaks from single locations using the Mean Correlation Technique, to be used later as a criterion for clustering tree-ring series of unknown provenance. For the analysis a bog oak chronology was produced that runs from 2258 to 1141 BC (NLPre_ZH; Chapter 4). Another reason for analysing oak trunks from former forests was that dated growth patterns of oak from natural contexts could possibly cover chronological gaps in the existing archaeo-dendrochronological data set. The dating by dendrochronology of cultural structures in the Netherlands had become more successful. By developing and applying local Dutch chronologies derived from archaeological material it had become possible to date structures that were undatable with the established, mainly German, chronologies.15 However, in the historical part of the Dutch data set chronological gaps still existed in the second century AD, and in the fourth up to the sixth century. These could be finally covered by tree-ring series of bog oaks collected in the SSF project. An Iron Age/Roman period chronology for the central Netherlands was developed which runs from 325 BC to AD 563 (NLRom_R; archaeological material and bog oaks). Three shorter chronologies that exclusively represent archaeological timbers run from 84 BC to AD 50 (NLRom_W1), 140 BC to AD 87 (NLRom_W2), and AD 190 to 395 (NLRom_E; Chapter 5). The clustering of medieval oak tree-ring series in the Netherlands is complicated compared to clustering series from prehistoric times and the Roman period. Few Medieval oak finds date from before AD 1300 and those that do were often derived from objects that are relocatable, such as barrels, whose origin is necessarily uncertain. Furthermore, after AD 1300 in the Netherlands all tree-ring series that can be dated through dendrochronology are derived from timber that may have been imported. Also, no sub-fossil remains of natural forests have been found in the Netherlands that date from after the sixth century AD, i.e., there is no set of indigenous oak samples dating from after AD 600 that can be used as a starting point for a Dutch chronology. The analysis of Medieval oak was therefore postponed until analytical methods to discern groups of tree-ring data that differ in terms of their signal had been tested, and until the dendrochronological data set was sufficiently large to be  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 reliable. This point was reached in 1995, when the data set contained about six-hundred dated Medieval tree-ring series. Using correlation techniques, 80% of the series could be clustered into distinct groups (Chapter 6). Three historic chronologies resulted that differ in terms of length, sample size, and geographical distribution of the locations where the timbers were used. The longest chronology, NLHist_1, runs from AD 427 to 1752 and mainly contains series from timber used in the southern Netherlands (the provinces of Limburg and Noord-Brabant). Chronology NLHist_2 runs from AD 1023 to 1666 and represents timber used in the central and northern Netherlands. Chronology NLHist_3 runs from AD 1041 to 1346 and represents timber from the coastal region and the IJssel and Vecht Valley. The ‘Mean Correlation Technique’ is applied in this study to assess the strength of the signal shared by tree-ring series in a data set. With this technique, the ‘Expressed Population Signal’ (EPS) is calculated; this parameter estimates how well a tree-ring chronology resembles the hypothetical perfect chronology. The higher the value for EPS, the more the series in the data set resemble each other. In dendroclimatology this is taken as an indication of the trees’ climate sensitivity (Wigley et al. 1984), and in the current study as an indication that the trees reacted to similar environmental influences, i.e., grew in approximately the same region, under approximately the same hydrological, pedological and climatic regimes. During the first analyses based on this technique (Chapters 3 and 4), I used an adapted version published by Briffa and Jones (1990), which distinguishes correlation coefficients between series representing samples from the same tree (the ‘within-tree signal’) and correlation coefficients between series representing samples from different trees (the ‘between-tree signal’). During these and subsequent analyses I stumbled on some problems regarding the statistical relationship between these estimators and EPS, the most important one being that the within-tree-correlation is hyperbolically related to EPS, i.e., as the former increases the latter decreases. These and other problems associated with the Mean Correlation Technique are described in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 contains a summary of this study as well as a critical discussion of the results and some considerations about the direction in which dendrochronology in the Netherlands is currently developing or might be developed in order to extend its application in archaeological and historical research and palaeo-environmental studies.  2 THE STATISTICAL PROPERTIES OF ‘MEAN SENSITIVITY’ A REAPPRAISAL 1 ABSTRACT - This paper investigates some statistical properties of the dendrochronological parameter ‘Mean Sensitivity’, s, referred to in this chapter by ␨. It is demonstrated that if the underlying time series obeys a Lognormal distribution, ␨ is directly related to the variance and the first order autocorrelation coefficient of the series. A model of this relationship is developed and applied to experimental tree-ring data. The main finding is that ␨ is an ambiguous parameter and that, when characterizing time series, the combination of variance and first order autocorrelation is to be preferred. 2.1 INTRODUCTION A variety of parameters and descriptive measures are routinely used to describe the characteristics of tree-ring chronologies. Of the basic measures, we mention average, variance and first order autocorrelation coefficient (e.g. Box and Jenkins 1971). In this paper we investigate the Mean Sensitivity (␨) of tree-ring series. This measure is often cited in dendrochronology as an indicator of the climate sensitivity of tree growth at different types of site. Mean Sensitivity is usually presented as a descriptive parameter comparable to mean, standard deviation and first order autocorrelation (e.g., Fritts 1976, 300-311; Cook and Briffa 1990, 157). It was introduced by Douglass to assess the usefulness of particular tree-ring series for absolute dating purposes (Douglass 1928). He defined it as with xn the ring-width in year n and N the number of observations. Douglass added that ‘the practical application of handling mean sensitivity is to take the sum of all changes in 10 years without regard to the sign and divide them by the sum of the 10 years growth’ (Douglass 1928, 30). This is expressed as: 1. Corrected version of Strackee, J. and E. Jansma, 1992. Dendrochronologia 10, 121-135.  chapter 2 | The statistical properties of ‘mean sensitivity’ - a reappraisal Huber and Holdheide (1942) restricted the domain of xn to xN, such that Fritts (1976) nearly returned to Douglass’ original definition, proposing Notwithstanding the slight differences, these ␨ all measure the local deviations of a time series. However, during the last decades some problems have arisen regarding the interpretation of ␨: i) ␨ measures year-to-year variations of the ring widths. Although high values of ␨ have been shown to reflect the influence of growth-limiting phenomena (e.g. drought in semi-arid regions; Fritts 1976), the exact nature of these phenomena cannot be deduced from the value of ␨. However, in studies of undetrended ring-width series of oak, fir, silver fir and spruce from western and central European sites, the value of ␨ has been used to deduce the degree of continentality of the central european climate during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages (Fürst 1963; Fürst 1978). Interpreting the value of ␨ in terms of the continental climate only ignores the possibly growth-limiting effect of (a) local endogenous and exogenous environmental factors and (b) growth-limiting phenomena related to climate in oceanic regions. ii) Modifying the original time-series, e.g., by removing the slope and/or low frequencies, may result in a decrease of ␨. However, the value of ␨ is often treated as being relatively independent of the method of standardization. The exact stage at which ␨ is calculated during the multistage process of chronology building generally remains implicit in the literature; the same is true of the detrending method that is used. iii) The value of ␨ is dependent on the variance of the variable represented by a time series. In living matter the magnitude of the variance is nearly always related to the nature of the variable itself. Whether or not standardization is performed, a series representing cell-wall thickness shows less variability, and therefore lower values for ␨, than a series comprised of ring width. This often remains implicit when the values of ␨ for different tree-ring variables are compared. Because methods to assess the magnitude of the climate signal within ring series have been refined or altered, the emphasis placed on ␨ as a parameter for characterizing tree-ring time series has diminished. Currently, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are among the methods commonly used (Fritts 1976; Hughes et al. 1982; Cook and Kairiukstis 1990). However, to our knowledge, the assumption that ␨ is a reliable parameter for characterizing time series has never been formally questioned. We have therefore looked in more depth at the statistical properties of ␨. The original ring series we used were detrended by division with values from an  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 estimated growth curve, rather than by subtraction. Standardizing by subtraction results in data with zero mean. This renders ␨ meaningless; the summation in the denominator of a positive value and a negative one can result in a small value, thereby inflating ␨ to infinity. 2.2 STATISTICAL ASPECTS 2.2.1 General To investigate the statistical properties of ␨, we introduce a bivariate density - with positive variates - for the dendrochonological indices xn and xn+1. In the sequel the subscript n turns out to be redundant and is therefore dropped. Denoting this density by f(x,y), we compute the density, f(␨), of a variate ␨ defined by ␨ = (x-y)/(x+y). Both the factor 2 (factor ½ in the denominator of Douglass’ original formula), and the fact that the ␨ of interest involves the absolute value of (x-y), 兩 x-y 兩, is dealt with afterwards. For the computation, let t be an auxiliary variable such that (x-y)/(x+y) = ␨ x=t Solving these equations for x and y and denoting the solution as xo and yo, we first create a bivariate density f(␨,t) f(␨,t)d␨dt = f(xo,yo)dxodyo / J; -1 ≤ ␨ ≤ +1, t ≥ 0 with xo and yo the solution of the above equations and J the Jacobian of the transformation, i.e., the determinant of the matrix ␦␨ ␦␨ ␦x ␦y ␦t ␦t ␦x ␦y For our transformation, J reduces to J = - ␦␨ / ␦y. Now xo and yo solve as xo = t and yo = t (1-␨)/(1+␨), and one has J = - (1+␨)2/(2t). The density of ␨ follows from integrating f(␨,t) over t from 0 to ⬁. Since ␨ as defined is symmetric on [-1,+1], the change to 兩 x-y 兩 and the factor 2 are introduced by mapping f(␨) onto [0,+2]. Possible candidates for f(x,y) were restricted to those that complied with the following two conditions:  chapter 2 | The statistical properties of ‘mean sensitivity’ - a reappraisal a) b) f(x,y) should be meaningful with respect to the data, i.e., x and y should have a positive domain; to facilitate further analysis, f(␨) should have a closed analytical form. The following two densities meet these conditions: a) b) the bivariate Gamma density (as product of two independent Gamma densities); the bivariate Lognormal density. 2.2.2 The bivariate Gamma density function The bivariate Gamma density can be used to describe series of treering data in which the autocorrelation is insignificant. In practice, this implies that the series have been pre-whitened. It can be represented as with ⌫(x) the gamma function (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965). This function contains the parameters ␭ and k and arises as the product of two identical independent Gamma densities. The marginal expectations and variances of x and y are E[x] = E[y] = k/␭ Var[x] = Var[y] = k/␭2 The density of ␨ = ½兩 x-y 兩 /(x+y) turns out as 0 ≤ ␨ ≤ 2. Figure 2.1 depicts f(␨) for some values of k. FIGURE 2.1 - Density f(␨) for a bivariate Gamma density, k being a descriptive parameter of the latter density  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 The expectation and variance of ␨ equal ; see Table 2.1. With respect to this outcome, we note the following: a) For k = 1, f(x,y) reduces to the product of two simple Exponential densities f(x,y 兩 k=1)dxdy = ␭2e-␭(x+y)dxdy, and f(␨) becomes the uniform density with f(␨)d␨ = ½d␨, 0 ≤ ␨ ≤ 2; E[␨] = 1 and Var[␨] = ⅓. However, for biological material the value of k is generally larger than 1. b) For large values of k (k > 8), one has E[␨] ⬇ 1.13/公k, Var[␨] ⬇ 0.73/k; (1.13 ⬇ 2/公␲, 0.73 ⬇ 2(␲-2)/␲). c) For the interpretation of k, note that for large values of k (k > 8), Gamma distributions approximate Normal distributions (mean ␮ and variance ␴2). Equating first and second order moments from both densities shows that ␭ = ␮/␴2 and k = (␮/␴)2, the approximation holding well for ␮ - 3␴ > 0. Because the coefficient of variation, CV[x], has CV[x] = ␴/␮ = 1/公k, for large values of k we have the useful relation Eappr[␨] ⬇ 1.13CV[x] (1.13 ⬇ 2/公␲) (1) As k increases, E[␨] decreases while SD[␨], due to the finite domain of ␨, first increases and then decreases (Table 2.1). As an example, let a series of xn be bivariate normally distributed with ␮ = 12 and ␴ = 3. Approximating these data with a bivariate Gamma density function yields k = 16, and according to Table 2.1 E[␨] = 0.280 and SD[␨] = 0.207. Since CV[x] = 3/12 = 0.25, we derive from equation (1) Eappr[␨] = 0.282, demonstrating that the approximation works rather well. However, the large value for SD[␨] indicates weak reliability of the estimation for ␨.  chapter 2 | The statistical properties of ‘mean sensitivity’ - a reappraisal k E[␨] SD[␨] k E[␨] SD[␨] 0.0625 1.845 0.390 2.0 0.750 0.487 0.125 1.719 0.496 4.0 0.547 0.381 0.25 1.526 0.583 8.0 0.393 0.285 0.5 1.273 0.616 16.0 0.280 0.207 1.0 1.000 0.577 32.0 0.199 0.149 TABLE 2.1 - E[␨] and SD[␨] (= 公Var(␨) for different values of k) 2.2.3 The bivariate Lognormal density function The second density for f(x,y) we considered, was the standard bivariate Lognormal density function. This density function introduces a mutual dependence between x, y, i.e. between xn and xn+1. It can be used to describe autocorrelated tree-ring series. Let Q = [{ln(x)-␣}2 -2r{ln(x)-␣}{ln(y)-␣}+{ln(y)-␣}2], then containing the three parameters ␣, ␤ and r. For the marginal expectations and variances of ln(x) and ln(y) one has E[ln(x)] = E[ln(y)] = ␣ Var[ln(x)] = Var[ln(y)] = ␤2, and for the covariance Cov[ln(x),ln(y)] = r␤2 From this we see that ␣ and ␤2 represent the mean and variance of the logarithmically transformed data, while r is the correlation coefficient between ln(x) and ln(y). In our situation r also equals r1. The density of ␨ can be computed as ; 0≤ ␨≤ 2 with D = ␤2(1-r). Figure 2.2 gives f(␨) for a series of values for 公D.  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 FIGURE 2.2 - Density f(␨) for a bivariate Lognormal density, 公D being a descriptive parameter of the latter density E[␨] and Var[␨] are expressed by the following integrals (2) (3) TABLE 2.2 - Expectation (E[␨]) and standard deviation (SD[␨]) of the Mean Sensitivity as function of a series of values of ␤公(1-r), computed with equations 2 and 3 We failed to solve these integrals analytically. Table 2.2 lists E[␨] and SD[␨] (= 公Var[␨]) for a series of values of 公D = ␤公(1-r), with ␤ the standard deviation and r the first order autocorrelation of the logarithmically transformed data. Note that E[␨] and SD[␨] depend solely on the value of D, i.e. ␤2(1-r). This implies that differences between experimental values of ␨ can arise from changes in ␤, in r or in a combination of both. ␤公(1-r) E[␨] SD[␨] ␤公(1-r) E[␨] SD[␨] 0.0625 0.070 0.053 4.0 1.629 0.537 0.125 0.140 0.105 8.0 1.806 0.424 0.25 0.276 0.203 16.0 1.902 0.315 0.5 0.525 0.362 32.0 1.951 0.228 1.0 0.901 0.532 64.0 1.976 0.163 2.0 1.312 0.599  chapter 2 | The statistical properties of ‘mean sensitivity’ - a reappraisal FIGURE 2.3 - Histogram and fitted frequency distribution of series 5288 (left) FIGURE 2.4 - Histogram and fitted frequency distribution of series 5291 (right) 2.3 EXPERIMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2.4 DISCUSSION To test our theory, we randomly selected seven index series of oak from a Dutch archaeological context (the Roman fortress Velsen 1; Jansma 1985). The indices had been derived by dividing raw ring widths by predicted values, the latter obtained by fitting an exponential or linear growth curve on the data, using least squares. Each series was first tested against a Lognormal density by comparing the frequency histograms of the log-transformed data with their theoretical counterpart based on estimates of ␮ and ␴2. None of the series deviated (p < 0.05) from a Lognormal density (Figs. 2.3 and 2.4). Table 2.3 summarizes the results for the seven series. For each logarithmically transformed series we calculated the mean (␣est), the standard deviation (␤est) and the first order serial correlation coefficient (rest). ␨est is an estimator for ␨ using the non-log-transformed data. 公Dest represents the estimated 公D = ␤公(1-r). It is apparent that while for some series (numbers 5288, 5291, 5292 and 5293) ␨est hardly differs, the corresponding ␤est and rest are markedly different. When substituting 公Dest into equations (2) and (3) to obtain E[␨] and SD[␨], we find little difference between E[␨] and ␨est, thus confirming that the standard deviation and first order autocorrelation of a series can indeed be successfully used for predicting ␨. Like estimates of the mean and standard deviation, ␨ is also a stochastic variable. Assuming different bivariate densities for the tree-ring data xn, we obtained two closed analytical expressions for the density of ␨. We actually found a third expression, using the dependent bivariate Exponential density (Johnson and Kotz 1969); this latter function is not, however, meaningful for biological data. The bivariate Gamma density appears useful because it approximates bivariate Normal densities. However, detrended tree-ring time series may show small values for the coefficient of variation with corresponding small values for ␨. In pre-whitened tree-ring series the dependence between xn and xn+1 is weak, such that ␨ mainly reflects the standard deviation of the series. As previously noted, the large magnitude of SD[␨] indicates weak reliability in the estimation of ␨. As was shown for the indexed tree-ring series, the bivariate Lognormal density represents the statistical aspects rather well. Mean Sensitivity may therefore be redundant. Since E[␨] depends solely on ␤公(1-r1), ␤ being the estimated standard deviation of the series, the value of ␨ can be derived from ␴ and r1 of the series. Any change in ␤ can be compensated for by a change in r1 and vice versa. A large value for ␨ may therefore result from a large value of ␴2, a small value for r1, or a combination of the two. This indicates that the use of ␨ will yield more ambiguous information than the use of r1 and ␴2.  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 Sample No. # Rings ␣est ␤est rest ␨est 公Dest E[␨] SD[␨] 5269 61 -0.051 0.316 0.659 0.189 0.184 0.206 0.153 5271 75 -0.067 0.364 0.571 0.274 0.238 0.264 0.195 5288 79 -0.041 0.296 0.580 0.202 0.192 0.214 0.159 5289 101 -0.072 0.382 0.628 0.248 0.233 0.259 0.191 5291 106 -0.084 0.385 0.770 0.209 0.190 0.211 0.157 5292 74 -0.052 0.337 0.686 0.199 0.189 0.210 0.156 5293 73 -0.045 0.306 0.629 0.207 0.186 0.208 0.155 TABLE 2.3 - Results for seven index series of Dutch oak. # Rings: the number of growth rings measured in each sample; ␣est, ␤est and rest: estimates of the mean, standard deviation and autocorrelation coefficient of the logarithmically transformed data; ␨est: estimated Mean Sensitivity (no logarithmical transformation); 公Dest = ␤est公(1-rest); E[␨] and SD[␨] again from equation (2) and (3), respectively. To summarize, Mean Sensitivity is simply related to the variance and first order autocorrelation of a time series. The estimator for ␨ is not consistent since its variance does not converge to zero for increasing N. In addition, its variance is large over the domain of interest of ␨, making ␨ even less attractive and its interpretation more problematic. Because of these questionable assets, data are better assessed solely by their mean, variance and first order autocorrelation.  3 DENDROCHRONOLOGICAL METHODS OF DETERMINING THE ORIGIN OF OAK TIMBER: A CASE STUDY ON WOOD FROM ’S-HERTOGENBOSCH 1 ABSTRACT - Dendrochronological methods to determine the origin of wood are few and unreliable. In the study presented here, dendroclimatological correlation techniques are used that have been developed for assessing the homogeneity of the growth patterns in living trees. The data set consists of fifteenth century oak timber applied in the Dutch town of ’s-Hertogenbosch. The tree-ring series, with felling dates between AD 1463 and 1465, are compared to regional oak chronologies from Belgium and Germany. They are found to crossdate best with a chronology from the eastern Belgian Meuse Basin. The hypothesis of a Belgian origin for the timber is examined in the light of historical information on local trade and wood management. The correlation techniques are applied to the series from ’s-Hertogenbosch and the Meuse Basin. The results of the analysis confirm that the timber came from eastern Belgium. 3.1 1. Corrected version of Jansma, E., 1992. Helinium 32, 195-214. INTRODUCTION Current dendrochronological research in the Netherlands focuses on the construction of average tree-ring chronologies of oak for dating purposes. In order to generate meaningful tree-ring chronologies of timber from archaeological and historical contexts, the origin of this timber should be known. In this chapter, methods are discussed with which the origin of oak timber can be established dendrochronologically. Dendrochronology is a relatively young discipline in the Netherlands, and valid regional chronologies do not yet exist. Dated short chronologies of oak from Dutch locations range from 325 BC to AD 150, from AD 250 to 400 and from AD 825 to about 1800. Most of this data set has been derived from beams, planks and posts from archaeological and historical structures. The scarcity of quality construction wood in the Netherlands dates at least from the fourteenth century, when the expansion of urban centres must have involved the use of large quantities of timber. In historical terms, the local scarcity of tree species suitable for construction purposes is evidenced by the importance of centres of the wood trade like Dordrecht and Maastricht in the fourteenth and fifteenth century (Fig. 3.1), and, in the seventeenth century and later, by trade connections with areas as remote as the Baltic region. In dendrochronological terms, the application of timber from trees that grew outside the current Dutch borders is evidenced by the ease with which oak tree-ring patterns from Dutch Medieval contexts can be absolutely dated by means of regional chronologies from the surrounding countries. The regional chronologies best suited for dating timber from Dutch Medieval contexts have been derived from forested areas in Germany and Belgium (Table 3.1, Fig. 3.2). When discussing tree-ring chronologies, we distinguish between site chronologies and regional chronologies. A site chronology represents the growth of trees at a single, well-defined site. A dendrochronological site is characterized by homogeneous growth conditions, such as altitude and slope,  chapter 3 | The origin of oak timber (’s-Hertogenbosch) 2. Climatological signal: the pattern or variation in a series of ring widths that can be contributed to climate (Keannel 1992). soil type and hydrology, distribution of light and shadow, and rain and temperature. A regional chronology represents the growth of trees at a large number of sites within a broadly defined geographical and climatological region. When analysing samples from living trees, the location of the site(s) and the nature of the growth conditions are known, but they are unknown for archaeological and historical samples. The environmental influences that cause trees to grow as they do cannot be deduced from tree-ring patterns in any straightforward manner, because tree growth is influenced by a combination of factors. These factors can be divided into five categories (Cook 1990): (1) the age of the tree (the older the tree, the narrower its annual rings); (2) tree-specific, or endogenous, conditions such as the social position of a tree compared to the surrounding trees (a dominant tree has access to more light and food than its subdominant neighbours, and as a result forms wider rings); (3) exogenous non-climatological influences operating upon all trees growing at the same site (pollution, insect outbreaks, fires, flooding etc.); (4) climatological conditions such as rainfall and temperature; and (5) a random component, i.e., growth that cannot be explained in any of the above terms. When tree-ring patterns from relatively large areas are found to crossdate, this is mainly due to the influence of the climatic conditions (4). In a chronology that is constructed for purposes of dating, the climate signal2 should therefore be strong. Because climatological and exogenous factors both influence all trees that grow at the same site, good dendrochronological crossdating between the trees from a single site can be explained in both climatological and nonclimatological terms. Whenever chronologies from different sites are found to crossdate, however, it is most likely caused by the fact that the climatological signal in the chronologies agrees well. The reason is that exogenous influences vary from site to site, whereas climatological influences are less variable. When site chronologies that represent the same type of site and climatological region are averaged into a regional chronology, the effects of exogenous influences tend to cancel each other out while the climatological signal is strengthened. This means that a regional chronology should be better suited for the purposes of dating than the separate site chronologies that were used to generate the regional chronology. Which kind of climatological signal a chronology contains (e.g., a precipitation signal, a temperature signal, or a combination of the two), is dependent on the type(s) of site where the trees grew. Several statistical methods exist with which one can establish the nature of the climatic variables to which living trees from a given site or region respond (e.g., Response Function Analysis; Fritts 1976). These methods assume that the location of the site(s) is known, and involve the use of average monthly meteorological data. It is impossible to establish the exact nature of the climatological signal contained in a chronology that is based on archaeological or historical material. First of all, no monthly meteorological data exist for Medieval and earlier times. Second, the location of a wooden structure does not necessarily coincide with the place where the timber came from. The exact location of the site(s) where such trees grew is always unknown, which means that the site conditions that influenced the growth of the trees (altitude, slope, soil type, etc.), cannot be known. When the absolutely dated tree-ring series from a single wooden structure are averaged, the result is not necessarily a meaningful chronology; the inclusion of trees from different types of site could (and often does) result in a chronology that does not represent specific climatologic and exogenous influences, but an amorphous mixture of growth conditions. A chronology that, for example, would include oaks from both extremely wet and extremely dry sites, the former yielding trees that are mainly stressed by moisture, the latter yielding trees that are mainly stressed by drought, would not contain a clear signal. In years in which the former trees would show a narrow ring, the latter ones would show a wide ring (and vice versa). When these ring widths were averaged, the values would cancel each other out. In the resulting chronology, the growth response  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 3. Within a climatologically homogeneous region oak a, which grows on a site of type x, should crossdate well with oak b which grows kilometres away but also on a type x site, whereas it should show less similarity with oak c, which grows only a few hundred meters away but on a site of type y. This phenomenon occurs when the environment is characterized by a diversity of microenvironments (e.g., in mountains and coastal regions). to precipitation and ground water levels would therefore be absent. The quality of such a chronology would be low, because it would be difficult to date and not well suited for the absolute dating of as yet undated tree-ring patterns. For Medieval times, the Dutch data set of absolutely dated tree-ring patterns in part consists of locally grown oak, and in part of oak that was brought here from what is currently Germany and Belgium. Before these treering patterns are averaged into chronologies, we suggest that statistical techniques be applied in order to establish which of these patterns represent the same general (unknown) growth conditions. Based on the outcome, the available patterns could then be clustered into homogeneous groups, each group yielding an average chronology with as strong a signal as possible. As long as the nature of such a signal remained unexplained, the signal could be described in statistical terms. Comparison with available regional chronologies from the neighbouring countries and with the ring-patterns of sub-fossil oaks from Dutch contexts, i.e. indigenous oak found in situ, could provide information about the type(s) of site such a chronology would represent and the nature of its signal. This would allow for a discussion of the signal in more geographical, environmental and climatological terms. Trees growing at the same site often show remarkably similar ring-width patterns. This observation has prompted efforts to express the degree of similarity between any two tree-ring patterns as a function of the distance between the two trees from which the samples were taken (Hollstein 1980, 18-24). Determinations of the origin of oak timber have accordingly been based on the degree of crossdating between patterns of unknown origin and regional tree-ring chronologies representing the growth of oak in well-defined regions (Hollstein 1980; Weiss, verbal communication 1992). According to this approach, the regional chronology that most resembles the tree-ring patterns is taken to represent the area where the trees came from. Some objections can be raised against this approach. First of all, one may not have access to the regional chronology that represents the area where the studied timber came from, in which case a region of origin might be deduced that does not coincide with the region the wood actually came from. Second, the region formally represented by a published chronology may differ from the region it represents in reality. Hollstein (1980) assumes that the region where the wooden structures he dated were located is the region where the trees actually grew (although he makes an exception for relocatable objects like barrels and ships). As will be shown below, this assumption is wrong for at least part of one of the regional chronologies he published. Third, the majority of the regional chronologies that are available, like the chronologies from Germany (Table 3.1, Fig. 3.2), have not been tested for homogeneity. Whenever these chronologies are used for determining the origin of timber, it is only assumed that they do not include tree-ring patterns from multiple climatological and geographical regions. Fourth, within a climatologically homogeneous region the climatic variables are constant, and only the exogenous factors and site characteristics vary. When the average rainfall and temperature are the same for all trees, oaks that grow at similar sites must broadly respond in the same manner. This means that the degree of similarity between oaks that grow in a climatologically homogeneous region can not be a function of distance.3 Finally, the similarity between tree-ring patterns is in part influenced by the severity of the climatic conditions in the studied period and region. When a severe summer drought occurs in Northwest Europe, for instance, oaks growing in its more southern parts, and on well drained soils, tend to form a narrow ring (Kelly et al. 1989). When summer droughts occur during several years, the section of the ring pattern formed by these oaks during this period should crossdate well and show strong similarity. During years in which weather conditions are less growth-limiting for oak, the growth of the trees would in part be determined by weather conditions, and in part by site-related (exogenous) or even tree-specific (endogenous) factors. During such a period, their patterns should not crossdate as well and their degree of  chapter 3 | The origin of oak timber (’s-Hertogenbosch) similarity should be lower. In other words, both the severity of the weather conditions and the size of the region where these conditions occur vary through time. The relationship of the distance between trees to their degree of crossdating varies accordingly. By generalizing observed values of statistical agreement and distance between trees into one single formula, assumed to be valid for all times and regions, this variability is ignored. This study uses a more careful approach. The dendrochronological data set is derived from fifteenth century buildings in the Dutch town of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Van Drunen and Glaudemans 1995). The bulk of the oak timber applied in Medieval ’s-Hertogenbosch and studied dendrochronologically contains wide ring widths and can neither be dated relatively (by means of other undated tree-ring patterns from ’s-Hertogenbosch and other locations), nor absolutely (by means of absolutely dated chronologies). The samples that could be dated, on the other hand, contain small ring widths and crossdate well among each other. This means that this subset of trees must have come from a region and/or type of site that differs from the region(s) and/or type(s) of site where the majority of the wood applied in ’s-Hertogenbosch came from. The absolutely dated subset of timber mainly consists of beams from oaks that were felled between AD 1463 and 1465. The degree of crossdating between their average chronology (CsH) and the available regional chronologies from the surrounding countries is used to develop a hypothesis regarding the origin of the timber. The regional chronology that most resembles CsH is taken to represent the area where the timber came from. Dendroclimatological methods are then used to estimate the strength of the climatological/exogenous signal common to (1) the individual tree-ring series contained in the average ’s-Hertogenbosch chronology (CsH), (2) the individual series included in the selected regional chronology, and (3) the combination of the individual series contained in CsH and in the selected regional chronology. The underlying assumption is that if the tree-ring series contained in CsH do not reflect the same growth conditions as the tree-ring series contained in the selected regional chronology, the combination of these series should result in an average chronology in which the signal is weaker than the signal that is present in the original two chronologies. The results of the analysis are compared to historical evidence of transactions in timber by merchants and institutions in fifteenth century ’s-Hertogenbosch. 3.2 4. Radius: a stretch of wood which runs from the pith (or oldest ring present) to the bark (or youngest ring present). When more radii are measured on a piece of wood, the approximation of the average growth pattern of the tree becomes more accurate. 5. The number of separate trees in this data set is smaller than the number of sampled beams (table 3.2), because occasionally several beams had been cut out of a single tree. MATERIAL The wood samples that provided the tree-ring patterns used in this study were taken from Medieval houses in the Dutch town of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Van Drunen and Glaudemans 1995). This town, founded in the twelfth century by the Duke of Brabant, is situated near the river Meuse in the southern part of the Netherlands. Over the next few centuries it developed into one of the major towns in the Duchy of Brabant, which stretched southward into Belgium and included towns like Leuven and Brussels (Fig. 3.1). In AD 1419 and again in AD 1463, part of ’s-Hertogenbosch was destroyed by fire. The consequent building activity and expansion lasted well into the sixteenth century. The wood samples mainly consist of complete cross-sections of oak beams. Two radii were measured on each of these cross-sections.4 When cores had been taken with an increment borer, only one radius was available. Of the wood that could be dated, the timber with felling dates in and just after AD 1463 should, in combination with incomplete samples that crossdate well with this timber, provide a data set suitable for determining the origin (Table 3.2, Fig. 3.3).5 In and outside the recorded area of the fire of AD 1463, felling dates between AD 1463 and 1465 are common, which means that timber must have been bought in large quantities during this period. This improves the chance that the wood originated from a restricted number of areas. The ring patterns in this data set crossdate well with each other and cover the period between AD 1299 and 1465. They overlap optimally between 1360 and 1460.  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 FIGURE 3.1 - The Duchy of Brabant in the fifteenth century. 1 = ’s-Hertogenbosch; 2 = Brussels; 3 = Leuven; 4 = Maastricht; 5 = Schijndel; 6 = Dordrecht; 7 = Liège FIGURE 3.2 - Geographical origin of the regional oak chronologies (assumed). Abbreviations: see Table 3.1  chapter 3 | The origin of oak timber (’s-Hertogenbosch) Region Author First year Last year Abbrev. Ardennes-Eiffel Hollstein (1980) AD 94 AD 1756 DLAE Central and eastern Netherlands De Vries (unpubl.) AD 1272 AD 1578 NLCE Ems-Weser Hollstein (1980) AD 1314 AD 1618 DLEW Lower Rhine Hollstein (1980) AD 1327 AD 1631 DLLR Lower Saxony Leuschner (unpubl.) AD 915 AD 1873 DLNS Meuse Basin Hoffsummer (1989) AD 672 AD 1986 BMBA Ostfriesland Leuschner (unpubl.) AD 18 AD 1873 DLOF Rhine-Main Hollstein (1980) AD 440 AD 1787 DLRM Schleswig-Holstein Eckstein et al. 1970 AD 436 AD 1968 DLSH Saar-Mosel Hollstein (1980) AD 730 AD 1975 DLSM Weserbergland Delorme (1972) AD 1004 AD 1970 DLWB Westphalia Tisje (unpubl.) AD 1260 AD 1669 DLWF Westerwald-Sauerland Hollstein (1980) AD 1369 AD 1773 DLWS TABLE 3.1 - Regional chronologies that are relevant to the Netherlands Most of the regional oak chronologies used in this study (Table 3.1, Fig. 3.2) consist of averaged yearly growth values. They represent areas in Germany and Belgium. A preliminary chronology compiled from oak timber applied in the central and eastern parts of the Netherlands was used (De Vries, unpublished data). Both the average yearly growth values and the individual tree-ring series were available of the Meuse Basin (Hoffsummer 1989). No individual measurement series were available for the other chronologies; the dendrochronological quality of these chronologies could therefore not be established. Documentary evidence of the trade in wood in the Duchy of Brabant is available from various sources. Written agreements dating from the end of the fourteenth and the beginning of the fifteenth century show that in this period hundreds of living oaks were bought and sold in the region around Schijndel, situated southeast of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Fig. 3.1; Leenders 1991). Evidently, in this part of the Duchy of Brabant, oak was a valuable but common commodity during the fifteenth century. The trade in locally grown oak lasted well into the sixteenth century, and for the northern part of the Duchy does not seem to have been restricted to any specific area (Vink 1990). The written sources that are relevant to this study consist of financial accounts kept by two ecclesiastical charitable institutions in ’s-Hertogenbosch, De Tafel van de Heilige Geest and Het Gasthuis. They date from AD 1453 to 1515 and from AD 1471 to 1502 respectively, and contain records of the trade in timber in which the institutions engaged (Vink 1993). This information is not necessarily meaningful for this study, because it concerns wood used in buildings that at the time were owned by the institutions themselves, whereas most houses in ’s-Hertogenbosch that were investigated dendrochronologically had private owners. However, civilians may have bought wood from these institutions from time to time. Furthermore, the accounts sometimes mention the origin of the timber that was bought, and in this manner provide information about the trade routes that were commonly  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 used, and the nearby and more distant regions where wood was abundant enough to be exploited on a large scale. The fifteenth century accounts from De Tafel van de Heilige Geest en Het Gasthuis have no bearing on forest management policies. Sixteenth century sources from ’s-Hertogenbosch refer to oak being planted, protected and harvested, and explicitly mention disasters befalling the forests, like flooding and the effects of war (Vink 1993). This means that oak, although available, must have been a valuable commodity during the sixteenth century in ’s-Hertogenbosch. The account from De Tafel van de Heilige Geest affirms that during the fifteenth century part of the demand for wood could be met using trees that grew on the properties of local land-owning institutions. Between AD 1460 and 1480, for instance, De Tafel sold large quantities of wood from sick and dead oak trees (Vink 1993). FIGURE 3.3 - Map of ’s-Hertogenbosch: the houses that provided the timber used in the ’s-Hertogenbosch chronology CsH; A = timber felled between AD 1463 and 1465; B = timber dated terminus post quem; 1 = Hinthamerstraat 36/38; 2 = Hinthamerstraat 85/87; 3 = Hinthamerstraat 89/91; 4 = Hinthamerstraat 113; 5 = Orthenstraat 23/25; 6 = Orthenstraat 41; 7 = Verwerstraat 78; 8 = Visstraat 23 TABLE 3.2 - Tree-ring series used in chronology CsH Building No. of Timbers No. of Trees Hinthamerstraat 36/38 1 1 Hinthamerstraat 85/87 2 2 Hinthamerstraat 89/91 7 4 Hinthamerstraat 113 5 4 Orthenstraat 23/25 4 4 Orthenstraat 41 4 4 Verwerstraat 78 1 1 Visstraat 23 1 1  chapter 3 | The origin of oak timber (’s-Hertogenbosch) Maps dating from the eighteenth century show that the southern part of the former Duchy of Brabant was largely deforested at that time (Tulippe 1942). Regardless of the degree of forestation in this part of the Duchy during the fifteenth century, it is questionable whether it was worth exploiting the area. No water routes connected ’s-Hertogenbosch to this part of the Duchy, which means that the utilization of any trees growing here would have involved their transport over land. In periods of wood scarcity, it may well have been more profitable to buy wood that could be rafted most of the way to ’s-Hertogenbosch. During the fifteenth century Maastricht (province of Limburg) and Liège (Belgium), both situated along the Meuse, were important regional centres of the wood trade (Hoffsummer 1989). The Dieze connected ’s-Hertogenbosch with the Meuse. This means that wood could easily be rafted from Maastricht and Liège to ’s-Hertogenbosch. The accounts of De Tafel van de Heilige Geest and Het Gasthuis confirm that some of the wood that was bought was transported along the Meuse and Rhine rivers, the former being the route most often mentioned in sources dating from the fifteenth century, the latter route appearing more often in sources from the sixteenth century (Vink 1993). 3.3 5. Student’s t-values are usually referred to by t. In this study t stands for the number of trees; in order to avoid confusion we refer to Student’s t-values by St. STATISTICAL METHOD For all statistical analyses a time interval of 150 years was used, running from AD 1316 to 1465. In order to obtain a clearer understanding of the geographical domain of each regional chronology, the correlation between the regional chronologies was calculated. Then, standard statistical dating techniques were applied to determine which available regional chronologies crossdated best with the mean chronology from ’s-Hertogenbosch. The parameters describing the goodness-of-fit are PV (the coefficient of parallel variation); r (the correlation coefficient between two series), and St (the value resulting from a Student’s t-test on the highest value of r found when comparing the two series5; Hollstein 1980; Baillie 1982; Munro 1984; Chapter 5, section 5.4.1). The regional chronology showing the best fit was renamed Creg. For Creg, the similarity between the individual tree-ring series in this time interval was assessed using COFECHA, a computer program designed for dendrochronological quality control at the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, Univ. of Arizona, USA (Holmes 1983). Using this program and a collection of individual tree-ring series, each series was broken up into segments of 50 years and then compared to the mean chronology of all other series. Individual treering series that did not agree with the overall signal, and series that appeared to contain measurement errors, were removed from Creg. The signals in the corrected regional chronology Creg*, the ’s-Hertogenbosch chronology CsH and their combined chronology Call were analysed by means of dendroclimatological procedures. The signal of a chronology is defined as a statistical quantity that represents the common variability present in all of the tree-ring series at a particular site (Briffa and Jones 1990). The climatological research of tree-ring patterns, of which this and similar statistics are an inherent part, usually involves living trees that grow at sites whose environmental conditions are well known. Because working with living trees implies the possibility of site selection (i.e., the selection of trees that optimally respond to the environmental factor(s) one seeks to investigate or reconstruct), the statistical criteria that climatological tree-ring data have to meet are quite strict. One of two methods is in general used to assess in detail the strength of the signal that is contained in a tree-ring chronology. Both methods are based on the assumption that a group of tree-ring series from a specific site makes up one sample from a hypothetical population that represents the perfect chronology (Briffa and Jones 1990). The first method is Analysis of Variance (ANOVA; Fritts 1976). This method of measuring the common variability within and between trees can only be applied to sections where all tree-ring series overlap (the common interval). Since some of the series in both Creg* and CsH are short and the series in general do not overlap very well, the common interval in this  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 case covers only a few decades. We did not, therefore, apply this method. The second method is the Mean Correlation Technique. This method is discussed in detail in Briffa and Jones (1990). It consists of calculating the correlation between all pairs of series, using the maximum overlap between them. We used a minimum overlap of thirty years between each pair of series, hence correlations between series with a shorter overlap were omitted from the calculations. Second, it requires that the means of the individual series are the same. This demand was met by detrending all series in CsH and Creg* before the analysis took place.6 The mean correlation between the series that represent different trees ( r̄bt ) was calculated for Creg*, CsH and Call. For CsH the mean correlation was calculated between series that represent the same trees ( r̄wt ). It was impossible to calculate r̄wt for Creg because here all trees were represented by a single series of ring widths. Consequently, the value for r̄wt was the same for CsH and Call. The effective mean correlation r̄eff , which is an estimate of the chronology signal that includes both the signals within trees ( r̄wt ) and between trees ( r̄bt ), was calculated using the method described by Briffa and Jones (1990). First, one computes ceff, the effective number of measurement series per tree: (1) where t is the number of trees, ci the number of samples taken from tree i, and ceff the effective number of samples in the chronology. Briffa and Jones (1990) define r̄eff by (2) Note that when each tree is represented by one single sample, ceff equals 1 and r̄eff equals r̄bt . For Creg*, CsH and Call the degree was quantified to which the chronology signal is expressed when the individual series in the respective data sets are averaged. When expressed as a fraction of the total chronology variance, the chronology signal quantifies the degree to which this particular sample chronology reflects the hypothetical perfect chronology. This Expressed Population Signal (EPS; Briffa and Jones 1990) is calculated as: (3) 6. The ’s-Hertogenbosch chronology consisted of detrended and pre-whitened growth indices of which the variance was stabilized. The regional chronologies used in the analysis were standardized in exactly the same way. The detrending of tree-ring patterns, in this case the removal of low frequency variations in order to enhance the high frequency climate signal, is discussed in Fritts (1976) and Cook et al. (1990). Pre-whitening, i.e. the removal of the autocorrelation in tree-ring series, is discussed in Box and Jenkins (1970) and Cook et al. (1990). In tree-ring patterns, autocorrelation is a function of the growth conditions in previous years. Its removal enhances the climate signal. where t is the number of separate trees included in the chronology. Wigley et al. (1984) suggest that values for EPS of 0.85 and higher are of acceptable statistical quality for dendroclimatological studies. The standard error (SE) of the chronologies is calculated as (4) with t the number of separate trees.  chapter 3 | The origin of oak timber (’s-Hertogenbosch) From (3) it can be seen that the values of EPS and SE are dependent on both the value of r̄eff and on the number of trees (t) included in the chronology. As t becomes smaller, the chronology error increases. How well a chronology based on a subset of t' samples (here Creg* and CsH) estimates a chronology based on t samples (here Call), is expressed by the sub-sample signal (SSS): (5) Briffa and Jones (1990) suggest that SSS values of 0.85 or higher are of acceptable statistical quality when reconstructing climate from tree rings. They are less explicit about advisable levels of SE (standard chronology error). However, values of SE equal to or lower than 0.15 should be adequate in most cases. 3.4 TABLE 3.3 - Correlations between the regional chronologies; n = 150 except in comparisons of DLWS (n = 97) and DLLR (n = 139); ◆ = correlation not significant at level of significance ␣ = 0.01; abbreviations: see Table 3.1 Abbrev. DLAE NLCE DLEW RESULTS Of the thirteen regional chronologies included in the analysis (Table 3.1, Fig. 3.2; AD 1316 to 1465), in particular the Lower Rhine and Ems-Weser chronologies crossdate poorly with the chronologies from the adjacent areas (Table 3.3). The Lower Rhine chronology (first year: AD 1327) correlates negatively with five chronologies, the lowest correlation (r = -0.60) occurring with the Ardennes-Eiffel chronology. The Ems-Weser chronology correlates negatively with three chronologies, the lowest correlation (r = -0.52) occurring with the Rhine-Main chronology. Both chronologies crossdate well with the WesterwaldSauerland chronology (first year: AD 1369), the Lower Rhine chronology giving a correlation of 0.72 and the Ems-Weser one of 0.68 (Table 3.3). DLLR DLNS BMBA DLOF DLRM DLSH DLSM DLWB NLCE 0.48 DLEW -0.50 ◆ DLLR -0.60 -0.44 0.42 DLNS ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ BMBA 0.25 ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ DLOF ◆ ◆ ◆ -0.29 0.89 ◆ DLRM 0.32 ◆ -0.52 ◆ 0.27 0.30 ◆ DLSH 0.31 0.52 ◆ -0.50 0.48 ◆ 0.66 ◆ DLSM 0.45 ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ 0.54 ◆ 0.53 ◆ DLWB ◆ -0.27 ◆ ◆ 0.76 0.23 0.55 0.40 ◆ ◆ DLWF 0.45 0.52 -0.30 -0.40 ◆ 0.29 0.34 ◆ 0.53 0.23 ◆ DLWS ◆ ◆ 0.68 0.72 -0.37 0.31 -0.42 ◆ -0.36 0.48 -0.40  DLWF ◆ Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 Oak timber from Dutch fifteenth century contexts usually crossdates well with the Westphalia chronology. The Westphalia chronology in fact constitutes one of the most useful chronologies for obtaining absolute dendrochronological dates for fifteenth century timber from Dutch contexts (Jansma, unpublished data; De Vries, unpublished data). However, the material from ’s-Hertogenbosch does not crossdate well with this chronology (r = 0.22; Table 3.4). The ’s-Hertogenbosch chronology crossdates best with the Saar-Mosel and the Meuse Basin chronologies (r = 0.50 and 0.51 respectively). Of these two chronologies, the Meuse Basin chronology yields the highest values of PV and St (Table 3.4) and is included in the subsequent analyses as Creg. TABLE 3.4 - CsH compared to regional chronologies; n = 150 except in comparisons made with DLWS (n = 97) and DLLR (n = 139); PV = coefficient of parallel variation; r = correlation coefficient; St = Student’s t-value Abbreviation PV r St C reg * 79% 0.67 11.7 BMBA 74% 0.51 10.4 DLSM 71% 0.50 9.4 DLRM 64% 0.26 7.0 DLWB 66% 0.25 6.6 DLAE 66% 0.20 5.8 DLWF 62% 0.22 5.0 DLWS ⬇50% - - DLNS ⬇50% - - DLSH ⬇50% - - DLEW ⬇50% - - NLCE ⬇50% - - DLOF ⬇50% - - DLLR <50% - - It proved possible to correct Creg by the removal of individual tree-ring series that showed no agreement with the overall signal. In the corrected chronology Creg* the average correlation between each separate series and the mean chronology of the other series has improved from 0.38 to 0.55 (program COFECHA; Holmes 1983). The correction of Creg caused the correlation with CsH to increase from 0.51 to 0.67, and the coefficient of parallel variation (PV) from 74% to 79% (Table 3.4). The corrected chronology Creg* is shown together with CsH in Fig. 3.4. The chronology statistics are listed in Table 3.5. All three chronologies CsH, Creg* and Call have a value for EPS (Expressed Population Signal) that is higher than 0.85; all three therefore adequately represent the hypothetical perfect chronology. Both CsH and Creg* have sufficiently high values for SSS (Sub Sample Strength). However, their values for SE (Chronology Standard Error) exceed 0.15. The highest value for EPS and the lowest value for SE belong to the combination of the two chronologies, Call.  chapter 3 | The origin of oak timber (’s-Hertogenbosch) TABLE 3.5 - Chronology statistics Number of trees (t) Number of cores ceff r̄bt r̄wt r̄eff EPS SE SSS 3.5 CsH Creg* Call 21 46 2.10 0.37 0.81 0.43 0.94 0.20 0.98 17 17 1 0.32 0.32 0.89 0.23 0.93 38 63 1.78 0.35 0.81 0.39 0.96 0.15 - DISCUSSION Strong negative correlations like those that occur between the Lower Rhine and Ems-Weser chronologies and some of the other regional chronologies used in this study (Table 3.3), cannot be completely explained in terms of the climatological and ecological differences between the regions. The samples used to construct the Ems-Weser chronology, for instance, were in part derived from sites in the province of Westphalia (Hollstein 1980, 4), whereas this chronology does not crossdate at all with the independently constructed Westphalia chronology. A similar problem exists for the chronology of the Lower Rhine. Although this chronology is considered to include Dutch tree-ring patterns (and therefore to represent Dutch growth conditions; Hollstein 1980), it is in our experience not useful for dating wood from Dutch archaeological and historical contexts. It is possible that the Lower Rhine chronology was compiled from wood from multiple climatological regions and types of site, and that the resulting signal is amorphous. However, between AD 1369 and 1465 the Lower Rhine chronology is almost identical to the Westerwald-Sauerland chronology (r = 0.72), which implies that the Lower Rhine chronology in this time interval, when oak was becoming scarce, most likely represents trees from the forested Westerwald-Sauerland area. In other words, between AD 1369 and 1465 the origin of the tree-ring series that were used in the Lower Rhine chronology is different from that previously assumed. In addition, this chronology is clearly not suitable for determining the origin of oak from this period that did in fact grow in the region of the Lower Rhine. FIGURE 3.4 - The detrended chronologies from the Meuse Basin and ’s Hertogenbosch between AD 1316 and 1465; upper: ’s-Hertogenbosch chronology; lower: corrected Meuse Basin chronology  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 From the documentary evidence it is clear that during the fifteenth century the demand for construction wood in ’s-Hertogenbosch could in part be met by using trees from the properties of local land-owning institutions (Leenders 1991; Vink 1993). Since no fourteenth and fifteenth century absolutely dated oak chronologies exist for the vicinity of ’s-Hertogenbosch, it is impossible to assess whether CsH (the ’s-Hertogenbosch chronology) represents local growthconditions. However, many of the fifteenth and sixteenth century oak samples from ’s-Hertogenbosch cannot be dated by means of either CsH or any of the available regional chronologies (section 3.1). Given the fact that locally grown oak provided the fifteenth century institutions in ’s- Hertogenbosch with part of the timber that was needed, this undatable timber may well have come from the vicinity of ’s-Hertogenbosch. If this is true, the lack of agreement between this material and CsH would indicate that the trees included in CsH did not come from the vicinity of ’s- Hertogenbosch. The values of r̄bt , r̄eff , EPS, SE and SSS are higher for CsH (’s- Hertogenbosch chronology) than for Creg* (Meuse Basin chronology), which means that CsH contains the stronger signal. This might in part be caused by the larger number of samples included in CsH. In addition, more series of measurements per tree are available for CsH. This allowed an estimate of an improved r̄eff for CsH, which resulted in more accurate and higher values for EPS, SE and SSS. The highest value for EPS and the lowest value for SE belong to the combination of the two chronologies, Call. This means that no statistical objection exists against averaging the series constituting CsH and Creg* into a new chronology, Call. If the signal in Creg* is indeed a climatological one and reflects the growth responses of oak that grew in the Meuse Basin between AD 1316 and 1465, then the extended chronology Call reflects these responses more accurately and is a better Meuse Basin chronology for oak than Creg* . The higher values for EPS and SE in the combined chronology Call mean that in this chronology the ring-width variations that were caused by exogenous and endogenous factors are less marked than in the original CsH and Creg* chronologies. The removal of such non-climatic variations improves the usefulness of a chronology for the purposes of dating. Even if both CsH and Creg* would reflect a wide range of climatological conditions (which is unlikely because of their high values for EPS), their combined chronology Call should, on the grounds of its stronger signal, be better suited for dating purposes. The documentary evidence of the use of timber from eastern Belgium is indirect: occasionally the sources mention the Meuse as a route of transportation (Vink 1993), but the exact geographical origin of the timber that was transported along this river remains implicit. The high degree of crossdating between CsH and the Meuse Basin chronology, and the improved quality of their combined chronology Call , indicate that the timber used in ’s-Hertogenbosch after the fire of AD 1463 came from eastern Belgium. The application of the Mean Correlation Technique, in other words, results in independent data that complement the information contained in documentary sources on the trade in wood in ’s-Hertogenbosch during the fifteenth century. 3.6 CONCLUSION The dendrochronological quality of the Meuse Basin chronology improves when tree-ring series of fifteenth century timber from ’s-Hertogenbosch are included. If, for the period between AD 1316 and 1465, the Meuse Basin chronology is indeed compiled from oaks that grew in the Meuse Basin, and the exact soil and weather conditions that influenced the growth of oak in the Meuse Basin did not occur elsewhere, then the improvement of the Meuse Basin chronology points to an eastern Belgian origin for the timber. This means that during periods of increased building activities (e.g. after the fire of AD 1463), locally grown oaks could not fulfil the demand for timber in ’s-Hertogenbosch. Current dendrochronological research in the Netherlands aims to construct average chronologies of oak for dating purposes. The stronger the signal in a  chapter 3 | The origin of oak timber (’s-Hertogenbosch) chronology, the better suited it is for dating tree-ring patterns from the same climatological region and/or type(s) of site. The dendroclimatological techniques used in this study prove useful for grouping tree-ring series of unknown origin into climatologically homogeneous chronologies with a strong signal, and in this respect contribute to current tree-ring research. Moreover, these techniques constitute a quantitative and verifiable approach to questions that concern the origin of timber.  4 AN 1100-YEAR TREE-RING CHRONOLOGY OF OAK FOR THE DUTCH COASTAL REGION (2258 - 1141 BC)1 ABSTRACT - The Dutch Sub-Fossil Forests (SFF) Project was initiated in 1992. The aim of the project was to extend oak tree-ring chronologies in the Netherlands back in time, using tree-ring data of known origin. One of the results of the project is an 1100-year bog oak chronology, that runs from the Late Neolithic Period to the Middle Bronze Age (2258 to 1141 BC). The overall value for its Expressed Population Signal (EPS) is high. The values for EPS and sample depth at different times, however, indicate that more samples should be included in order for EPS to reach acceptable levels at some intervals of the chronology. The results of the statistical analysis indicate that for a long chronology, which in part consists of series that do not overlap, an overall estimate of the signal may result in values that overestimate the actual chronology signal. 4.1 1. Jansma, E., 1995. In: J. S. Dean, D. M. Meko and T. W. Swetnam (eds.), Tree-Rings, Environment and Humanity - Proceedings of the International Tree-Ring Conference 1995, Univ. of Arizona (provisional title). Radiocarbon, Tucson (in print). INTRODUCTION During the last decade, dendrochronology in the Netherlands has become an accepted tool for archaeological, historical and environmental studies. Currently, in this country, two organizations are engaged in treering analysis: Holtland Dendroconsult (Veenendaal), which deals with living trees (e.g. forestry, climate), and the Centre for Dendrochronology RING (Amersfoort), which researches oak and other tree species from archaeological/historical and natural contexts from the past. RING was founded in 1992 to replace the dendrochronological laboratories of the University of Amsterdam (‘Albert Egges van Giffen’) Institute for Pre- and Protohistorical Archaeology (IPP, Univ. of Amsterdam) and the State Service for Archaeological Research (ROB). Its activities include dating and chronology development (Fig. 4.1), the reconstruction of forest management in the past (Jansma and Casparie 1993) and, occasionally, the study of living trees (e.g. the reconstruction of former layouts of parks and gardens on the basis of the planting dates of living trees (Jansma 1993). Until 1992, the efforts to generate Dutch reference chronologies, i.e., chronologies that are useful for crossdating undated tree-ring patterns from contexts in the Netherlands, mainly involved oak timber from archaeological and historical sites. This approach is subject to several restrictions. First, the provenance of the majority of timbers from Dutch cultural contexts is unknown. In cases where the region of origin could be estimated with statistical methods, the studied material (fifteenth century timber) has proven to be unsuitable for the construction of Dutch reference chronologies, because the statistical evidence implied that it was brought in from neighbouring countries (Chapter 3). Second, the selection of dendrochronological samples from these sites, which in general is made by archaeologists and historians, often does not correspond to the dendrochronological aim of building well-replicated chronologies. Due to lack of funds, for example, there is a tendency to keep the number of dendrochronological wood samples from archaeological and historical structures at  chapter 4 | An 1100-year tree-ring chronology of oak (2258 - 1141 BC) a minimum. As a result, many data sets of absolutely dated tree-ring series from Dutch sites are at this moment too small to be used independently to generate average chronologies. Last, the supply of oak samples from archaeological sites depends on the extent to which the material has been preserved. In the Netherlands, prehistoric sites are mainly located in soils that have been well-drained since the fifties and sixties (sand and boulder clay; Fig. 4.2), and the organic component of these sites has been deteriorating quickly. As a consequence, in the Netherlands there is only a limited supply of prehistoric wood samples from cultural contexts. This means that other sources of samples are needed. FIGURE 4.1 - Oak tree-ring chronologies with 2 ≥ t ≥ 40 ( t = number of series; data set of RING (1994)) German and Irish laboratories have in the past overcome these and related restrictions of their data sets by collecting samples from bog and river oaks that belonged to natural forests and were deposited in the soil without human interference (Pilcher 1973; Baillie 1982; Baillie et al. 1983; Leuschner et al. 1987; Becker 1993). Bog oaks are particularly well-suited for chronology development. First, their provenance is known; it coincides with, or was situated near, the location where their remains are found today. Provided that they can be absolutely dated, they can therefore be used to generate chronologies whose environmental context is known. Second, bog oaks are often found together in large numbers; they appear in former bog peat, where they have been preserved in large numbers below the water table. In terms of sample size, therefore, tree-ring data that are derived from bog oaks are well suited for the generation of average chronologies. In addition, bog oaks that are found together reacted to the same general environmental conditions. This means that their patterns as a rule have a strong common signal. They are therefore easy to crossdate with each other and with absolutely dated chronologies that represent similar environmental conditions (in this case existing bog oak chronologies from North Germany), and they are well suited for the generation of average chronologies with an unambiguous environmental signal. Last, the number of growth rings in bog oaks is relatively high, compared to the number of rings in oak from archaeological and historical sites. This means that relatively few samples  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 FIGURE 4.2 - Soil types in the Netherlands between 1800 and 1200 BC ( after van Es et al. 1988; schematic representation): 1 = bog and fen peat; 2 = sand/dunes; 3 = fluvial deposits; 4 = marine deposits; 5 = boulder clay and sand; 6 = löss Bog oak sites: A = Alphen aan de Rijn; H = Hazerswoude; Z = Zoeterwoude are needed in order to generate average chronologies that span centuries. Based on the Dutch situation and on the experiences of foreign laboratories, in 1992 I decided to broaden the strategy of sample collection and drew up plans for the Sub-Fossil Forests (SFF) Project. In its first year, the SSF project included a survey of locations in the Netherlands where tree trunks had been reported, sample collection and measurement, and the generation of average chronologies from those samples that could be crossdated. This was followed by efforts to absolutely date the chronologies. 4.2 MATERIAL In the province of Zuid-Holland (western coastal region) samples were taken at three sites situated in former bog peat (Fig. 4.2): Alphen aan de Rijn (18 trees), Hazerswoude (24 trees) and Zoeterwoude (13 trees). Sapwood is absent on most of the trunks.  chapter 4 | An 1100-year tree-ring chronology of oak (2258 - 1141 BC) 4.3 METHODS We measured the ring widths in hundredths of millimeters. In most cases, two radii were measured per cross-section. Whenever the tree-ring patterns were difficult to read or measurement errors were suspected, more radii were measured. Occasionally, we used microscopic slides. The quality of the measurement series was verified visually and with COFECHA (Holmes 1983).2 The samples were relatively dated by visual comparison of their plotted curves and with computerized dating methods. Computerized crossdating involves sliding two tree-ring series past each other in increments of one year; at each position of overlap, three values are calculated (see Chapter 5, section 5.4.1). The first value is PV: the coefficient of parallel variation between two tree-ring curves (Baillie 1982). Whether a value for PV is meaningful depends mainly on the length of the overlap between the series. The second value is the correlation coefficient (r) between the two series. To assess whether a value for r deviates from zero, the Student’s t-test is invoked. The Student’s t-value (St) indicates the probability that the observed and more extreme values for r deviate from r = 0 for a sample size of n (n being the overlap between the series). This test requires that the series are pre-whitened, i.e., that the auto-correlation has been filtered out. In practice, this requirement is often ignored. The ring-width series were detrended and standardized into indices with ARSTAN (Cook 1985). I used a flexible spline in order to suppress the low frequency variance and to enhance the dating potential of the series.3 In order to arrive at absolute dates, the resulting average chronologies were compared to bog oak chronologies from North Germany (Leuschner et al. 1987; Leuschner and Delorme 1988). Two methods are available to assess in detail the strength of the signal that is contained in an index chronology: analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Mean Correlation Technique (Briffa and Jones 1990). ANOVA requires that the series have a large interval in common. The Mean Correlation Technique, which already proved useful for the analysis of the provenance of oak timber (Chapter 3), only requires a minimum of 30 years of overlap between the series. Sub-fossil trunks are the residual of natural forests that existed for centuries or even millennia, and their index series do not meet the common interval criterion of ANOVA. I therefore used the Mean Correlation Technique to estimate the Expressed Population Signal (EPS) of the chronologies. This method requires that the means of the individual series are the same. This demand was met by standardizing all series before the analysis was carried out. The Mean Correlation Technique uses an improved estimate of the average cross-correlations among all series. This effective mean correlation, r̄eff , is an estimate of the chronology signal that includes both the signals within trees (r̄bt ) and between trees (r̄wt ). First one computes ceff , the effective number of measurement series per tree, (1) 2. The computer programs COFECHA (quality control and crossdating), ARSTAN (chronology development) and CHRONOL (chronology development) were provided by the International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB); we also used CATRAS (measurement and crossdating; Aniol 1983) and programs developed by the author (for the calculation of correlations and values for EPS). where t is the number of trees and ci the number of samples taken from tree i. Briffa and Jones (1990) define r̄eff as (2) 3. The concept is described in detail by Fritts (1976), Cook (1985) and Cook et al. 1990.  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 Note that when each tree is represented by one sample, ceff equals 1 and r̄eff equals r̄bt . When expressed as a fraction of the total chronology variance, the Expressed Population Signal (EPS) quantifies the degree to which this particular sample chronology reflects the hypothetically perfect chronology (Briffa and Jones 1990). EPS is calculated as (3) where t is the number of separate trees included in the chronology. Wigley et al. (1984) suggest that values for EPS of 0.85 and higher indicate that a chronology is of acceptable statistical quality for dendroclimatological studies. The standard error (SE) of the chronologies is calculated as (4) with t the number of separate trees. From (3) it can be seen that the values for EPS and SE are dependent on both the value for r̄eff and the number of trees (t). As t becomes smaller, the chronology error increases. The Mean Correlation Technique was then used to estimate the changes within the signal. The values for EPS of the standard and residual chronologies were calculated in 100 year segments (using lags of 50 years), and compared to (a) changes within the sample depth (the number of treering series included in the chronology), and (b) changes within the correlation with the reference chronology used to absolutely date the material. 4.4 RESULTS Of the 55 trunks that were sampled in the province of ZuidHolland (Fig. 4.2), at first only 26 could be relatively matched. From this material three separate index chronologies were generated. Although I noted that these chronologies probably overlapped, the length of the overlap (and therefore the strength of the match) was minimal and I refrained from averaging the material into a single chronology. The three chronologies were recently matched against the North German bog oak chronology that was developed by the tree-ring laboratory in Göttingen (Germany; Leuschner and Delorme 1988). This chronology, which runs from 6069 BC to AD 928, represents about 1600 bog oaks from 100 sites in Lower Saxony and the Emsland region, including sites at the eastern border of the Netherlands (Leuschner, personal communication). The statistics that accompany the match are given in Table 4.1. The match showed that the expected overlap between the ZH chronologies was correct. At this stage, the measurement series of ten as yet undated bog oaks from the same sites could be dated and included in the data set. This extended the chronology from 1163 to 1141 BC.  chapter 4 | An 1100-year tree-ring chronology of oak (2258 - 1141 BC) TABLE 4.1 - The match with the North German bog oak chronology; n = length of compared interval; St = Student’s t-value; PV = coefficient of parallel variation First Year Last Year n St PV ZH Interval 1 2258 BC 1690 BC 569 7.2 61% ZH Interval 2 1727 BC 1358 BC 370 6.7 62% ZH Interval 3 1393 BC 1163 BC 231 6.2 61% The dated series, 70 in total, were converted into indices and compiled into the 1118 year NLPre_ZH chronology (Appendix C).4 Its match with the North German bog oak chronology is given in Table 4.2. TABLE 4.2 - The match between NLPre_ZH and the North German bog oak chronology; n = length of compared interval; St = Student’s t-value; PV = coefficient of parallel variation 4. Because of the large number of series, the program CHRONOL was used at this stage and no ‘arstan’ chronology could be produced. Program ARSTAN can now only be applied to data sets that consist of less than 60 series, whereas CHRONOL accepts larger data sets. CHRONOL produces two types of chronologies: (a) a ‘standard’ chronology, compiled of detrended tree-ring series; (b) a ‘residual’ chronology, consisting of series that also have been pre-whitened, i.e. from which the autocorrelation has been removed. ARSTAN also produces an ‘arstan’ chronology: the residual chronology in which the estimated autocorrelation has been re-introduced. Chronology n St PV Standard NLPre_ZH 1118 11.7 61% Residual NLPre_ZH 1116 10.2 60% Figure 4.3 shows the sample depth of NLPre_ZH, its running correlations with the North German bog oak chronology, and its values for EPS versus time. Here, the sample depth reflects the actual number of samples at each point in time shown on the X-axis. It varies from 1 to 21 series, with minima at the beginning and end of the chronology and at 1750, 1700, 1550 and 1400 BC (3, 5, 5 and 4 samples respectively). The running correlation with the North German bog oak chronology varies between 0.48 and 0.02, and is somewhat higher for the standard than for the residual chronology (Fig. 4.3). Minimal correlations occur at the end of NLPre_ZH and around 2050 - 1950, 1750 - 1700, 1300 and 1200 BC. Maxima occur at 2200 - 2150 BC, 1800 BC, 1650 BC and 1400 - 1350 BC. The running values for EPS are somewhat higher for the standard than for the residual chronology; they vary around 0.82 and 0.80 respectively (Fig. 4.3). Minima occur at the end of NLPre_ZH and at 2100 - 2050 BC, 1750 1650 BC and 1400 BC (residual chronology only). Figure 4.4 shows the relationship between sample depth and EPS, again calculated for intervals of 100 years (lag = 50 years). Here, the sample depth reflects the number of series that have contributed to each value for EPS, i.e., the total number of series that during each 100 year interval overlap more than 30 years with any of the other series. It is clear that the value for EPS depends on the sample size: for intervals where the chronologies consist of 5 to 10 series, most values for EPS are lower than 0.85, whereas intervals that contain 10 or more series are mostly, and intervals containing 15 and more are always characterized by values for EPS higher than 0.85. The chronology statistics are listed in Table 4.3. The overall value for EPS is 0.96 (SE = 0.15) for both the standard and residual chronology. This is markedly higher than the average values for EPS in intervals of 100 years.  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 FIGURE 4.3 - The standard and residual ZH chronology versus time; sample size (t), correlation with the North German bog oak chronology (r) and values for EPS (100 - yr. intervals, lag = 50) FIGURE 4.4 - The relationship between sample depth and values for EPS in the ZH standard chronology  chapter 4 | An 1100-year tree-ring chronology of oak (2258 - 1141 BC) TABLE 4.3 - Chronology Statistics NLPre_ZH (standard)5 Length in years 1118 Number of trees (t) 36 Number of cores 70 Effective number of cores/tree (ceff ) 1.71 Between-tree signal (r̄bt ) 0.38 Within-tree signal (r̄wt ) 0.74 Effective chronology signal (r̄eff ) 0.42 Expressed Population Signal (EPS) 0.96 Standard Error (SE) 0.15 4.5 5. The residual chronology shows slightly higher values for r̄wt and r̄bt , and a lower value for r̄eff . DISCUSSION The values for EPS indicate that the NLPre_ZH chronology contains a strong environmental signal. The investigated sites in Zuid-Holland are situated below sea level in an area of former bog peat (Fig. 4.2), where the growth limiting environmental conditions must have included periodic high ground water levels. Provided that ground water levels in the Dutch coastal region were in the past related to large scale phenomena such as oceanic transgressions/regressions and changing precipitation levels and/or evaporation rates, the NLPre_ZH chronology probably contains information about these phenomena. Low correlations between NLPre_ZH and the North German bog oak chronology occur simultaneously with small sample sizes and low values for EPS (for NLPre_ZH) during the intervals 2100 - 2000 BC, 1800 - 1650 BC and 1250 - 1150 BC (Fig. 4.3). For these intervals the low correlation between the chronologies is most likely the result of small sample sizes in NLPre_ZH. The good match between NLPre_ZH and the German chronology during the interval 1850 - 1750 BC is probably also related to the number of series in NLPre_ZH (> 10). However, the relatively high correlation between the chronologies that occurs between 1450 and 1350 BC does not coincide with maxima of sample depth and EPS for NLPre_ZH. During this interval the low replication of NLPre_ZH (4 ≤ t ≤ 8) does not impair its match with the North German bog oak chronology. This means that between 1450 and 1350 BC similar growth limiting conditions may have influenced the growth of the oaks in both regions. Given the locations of the sites this suggests raised ground water levels and an increased development of bogs during this period in both regions. For the NLPre_ZH chronology a minimum sample depth of 10 to 15 is required in order to obtain a chronology signal of 0.85 or higher (Figs. 4.3 and 4.4). In about one third of the chronology, between 2020 - 1790 BC, 1680 - 1580 BC and 1320 - 1250 BC (400 years in total), this requirement is met. In the other two thirds of the chronology (700 years) the number of samples is too small. Provided that the Expressed Population Signal adequately measures the quality of a chronology, this means that more samples from the investigated sites, or from similar ones, should be included. This may be difficult to attain for periods during which oaks could not germinate in this region because of an increased development of bogs. However, due to stress the few oaks that remain from such periods should have an environmental signal that is strong enough to be expressed by the variability of their annual ring widths and therefore in their average  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 chronology, even if the small number of series in such a chronology prevented this quality from being expressed by values for EPS. Although NLPre_ZH has an overall estimated value for EPS of 0.96 (Table 4.3), its values for EPS through time vary around 0.81 (Fig. 4.3). It has already been noted that EPS is in part a function of sample size: the overall value for EPS is related to the total number of series that are included in a chronology and does not reflect the strength (and periodic weakness) of the signal in different intervals of the chronology. When the Mean Correlation Technique is applied to long chronologies that largely consist of series that do not overlap at all, it is therefore advisable to treat the results with caution. 4.6 CONCLUSION The SFF project, which the Dutch Centre for Dendrochronology (RING) initiated in 1992, has already contributed to the data set of indigenous absolutely dated oak tree ring series. For the Late Neolithic period to the Middle Bronze Age, the project has resulted in an 1100 year chronology for the Dutch coastal region. This chronology, which runs from 2258 to 1141 BC, may contain information on changes in the water table during this period. However, its Expressed Population Signal is insufficient during at least half of this time interval. Given the relationship between values for EPS and sample size, and provided that the signal of a chronology is related to its quality as a reference chronology, i.e., as a tool for dating as yet undated tree-ring series, this means that we have to sample more bog oaks in the Dutch coastal region and include them in the chronology. The value for EPS overestimates the actual signal in long chronologies; with such chronologies it is better to analyse the signal in shorter intervals. The advantage of such interval-analysis is that the results show clearly which parts of the chronology have a sufficient sample size, and which parts require additional series.  5 OAK TREE-RING CHRONOLOGIES FOR THE NETHERLANDS BETWEEN 325 BC AND AD 563 1 ABSTRACT - An 888-year oak chronology is presented, developed from archaeological material as well as from bog oaks collected through the Dutch SubFossil Forests Project (RING/ROB). This chronology, NLRom_R (46 trees), runs from 325 BC to AD 563 and represents the growth of oak on low, wet sites in the central Netherlands. In addition, three shorter chronologies are presented from oak timber from Iron Age/Roman sites in the East and the coastal region in the West of the Netherlands: NLRom_E (92 trees; AD 190 - 395 (Cuyk, Gennep, Heeten)); NLRom_W1 (14 trees; 84 BC - AD 50 (Leidschendam, Velsen)); and NLRom_W2 (42 trees; 140 BC - AD 87 (Nieuwenhoorn, Velsen)). These four chronologies contain a strong signal and are used as a reference for dating oak timber from this period in the Netherlands. 5.1 1. Jansma, E., 1994. Helinium 34 (in print). INTRODUCTION The growth of oak trees is affected by yearly fluctuations in weather conditions. In large numbers of trees from the same area, favourable and unfavourable conditions are recorded by the trees in the form of sequences, or patterns, of wide and narrow growth rings. Dendrochronology is a method of dating these patterns absolutely. To that end patterns in undated wood are matched with absolutely dated chronologies that represent the average growth of the same tree species. In the Netherlands the dating of Roman structures with dendrochronology goes back about ten years (Jansma 1985). In order to date tree-ring patterns, suitable chronologies must be available as a reference. Best suited are chronologies that represent the same growth conditions as samples bearing the undated patterns. Dutch local and regional oak chronologies are best suited for dating oaks that once grew in the Netherlands. This is why dendrochronology in the Netherlands focuses not only on the dating of oak from Dutch excavations, but also on the development of average chronologies from this material. Until 1992, efforts towards generating Dutch chronologies for the Iron Age and Roman period mainly involved dated patterns from oak derived from archaeological sites. Various short archaeological chronologies were constructed (Jansma 1985; Van Rijn 1987; Van der Sanden 1987; Bult et al. 1989; RING, unpublished data). These, however, do not overlap sufficiently in time to allow the construction of a long, well-replicated, chronology. To improve the data set the dendrochronological laboratory of the State Service for Archaeological Research (RING/ROB, Amersfoort) broadened its strategy of sample collection in 1992 through the Sub-Fossil Forests (SFF) Project, which involved the collection and research of ‘bog oaks’, i.e., oak trunks preserved in bogs. Bog oaks are well suited for chronology development. First, bog oaks that are found together grew on the same site and often at the same time. This means that their patterns as a rule crossdate well, and can be used to construct average chronologies with a strong signal. We found that  chapter 5 | Chronologies between 325 BC and AD 563 chronologies from Dutch bog oaks crossdate well with absolutely dated chronologies from different locations where the environmental conditions were similar (Chapter 4).2 Second, bog oaks contain more rings than oak timber (the trees grew older), so fewer crossdated bog oak series are needed in order to generate long chronologies. Last, bog oaks grew near the bogs (or former bogs) in which their remains are found today, i.e., they can be used to generate chronologies from trees whose provenance is known. This paper presents the average chronologies that are now used to date oak from Iron Age/Roman and Early Medieval excavations in the Netherlands. The longest chronology was developed through the SFF project and represents bog oaks and archaeological timber. Three shorter chronologies represent archaeological timber derived from Dutch Iron Age/Roman sites. 5.2 2. The water table is the main condition assumed to have governed the growth of ‘bog oaks’ in North Germany (Leuschner et al. 1985; Leuschner 1990). Research into the environmental growth responses of oaks that have been deposited in bogs is only just beginning (EC Research Project EV5V CT94 0500; ‘Temperature Change over Northern Eurasia during the last 2500 years’). The growth responses of trees are usually assessed by the correlation of their ring widths to monthly temperature, precipitation, ground water levels, etc. Given the time interval spanned by the meteorological record (a few centuries at most), this is only possible with living trees. Research on the growth responses of bog oaks is complicated by the fact that no living stands of oaks that border on bogs are known today throughout Northwest Europe. Because the environmental causes of the ring-width variability in bog oaks cannot be assessed through the study of living trees, these causes will to a degree remain a matter of conjecture. TERMINOLOGY A tree ring is the layer of wood that most trees in the temperate climatic zone produce annually. The distance from one ring boundary to the next, nearly always expressed in hundredths of millimetres, is referred to as a ring width. A tree-ring pattern is the sequence of growth rings in wood. When the successive ring widths are measured, a tree-ring measurement series results which can be plotted as a tree-ring curve. A tree-ring pattern reflects the growth response of a tree to various types of environmental influences. In a tree-ring curve this response shows up as abrupt and gradual changes in the ring widths. A tree-ring curve is regarded as the sum of various growth responses, or signals, with different periods (Cook 1990). Growth signals comprise ring-width variability related to (1) the age of the tree (the ‘age trend’), (b) local ‘endogenous’ factors (e.g. competition of a tree with its neighbours for light/food), (c) stand-related ‘exogenous’ factors (e.g., insect attacks, forest fires), and (d) climate (fluctuations of temperature and precipitation). The subject of a dendrochronological study determines which signal is studied. For dating purposes the most important one is the climate signal, which in a tree-ring curve is expressed by the variation of the ring widths from year to year. Detrending entails the removal of growth signals that obscure the studied signal from a tree-ring measurement series. A detrended measurement series is called a growth-index series. The common signal of crossdated growth-index series is the fraction of the growth signal(s) the series have in common. It is estimated from the correlation coefficients between the series. TABLE 5.1 - Classification of tree-ring chronologies Chronology type Living trees Dead wood Observation valid for Geographical Scale Tree curve 1 tree 1 tree 1 tree point Site chronology 1 forest stand 1 bog oak site 1 forest stand micro scale Object chronology - 1 arch./hist. object 1 forest stand? Local Chronology 2 to 5 forest stands 2 to 5 arch./hist. objects ≥ 1 forest stand in ≥ 1 forest? local scale Regional chronology ≥ 6 forest stands in well-defined geographical region ≥ 6 arch./hist. objects and bog oak sites in broadly defined geographical region > 1 forest stand in > 1 forest regional scale  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 FIGURE 5.1 - Soil types in the Netherlands during the Iron Age and Roman period (after van Es et al. 1988; schematic representation): A = bog and fen peat; B = marine deposits; C = fluvial deposits; D = sand; E = boulder clay and sand; F = dunes; ▲ = archaeological site; ● = bog oak site; 1 = Abcoude (ABC); 2 = Colmsgate (COW); 3 = Cuyk (CUY); 4 = Emmeloord (EOF); 5 = Empel (EMP); 6 = Flevopolder (FLE); 7 = Gennep (GENa; GENb); 8 = Heeten (HRWa; HRWb); 9 = Leidschendam (LRC); 10 = Mariënberg (FMB); 11 = Nieuwenhoorn (NWH); 12 = Olst (OLF); 13 = Ouderkerk a/d IJssel (OKF); 14 = Velsen (VELa; VELb; VELc) Dendrochronological dating is referred to as crossdating. It involves finding the correct match of two series. If one of the series is dated and the other one is not, this process results in a dendrochronological date for the latter. It is easier to date an average chronology than single tree-ring series, since averaging reduces part of the non-climatic variability that is present in single series. An average chronology consists of the yearly averages of crossdated growthindex series. In this chapter several types of tree-ring chronologies are distinguished (Table 5.1). A site chronology represents series from a single, known location. This term is used for chronologies of living trees and the in situ remains of past forests. Archaeological and historical object chronologies represent series from one single archaeological or historical object (e.g., a water well, bridge, ship or (phase of) a building). Archaeological and historical local chronologies represent series from two to five archaeological or historical  chapter 5 | Chronologies between 325 BC and AD 563 objects. A regional chronology represents series from six or more locations in a broadly defined geographical region, such as the province of Ostfriesland in Germany (Leuschner, unpublished data) or the Meuse Basin in eastern Belgium (Hoffsummer 1989). This concept is used for chronologies of bog oaks, archaeological/historical timber, living trees, and combinations thereof. 5.3 MATERIAL 5.4 METHODOLOGY The aim of this study was to produce chronologies with a strong common signal, so tree-ring series from the same archaeological object that did not crossdate with each other were excluded from the analysis, as were deviating tree-ring series from imported barrels and ships’ timbers. Eight archaeological and six bog oak sites contributed to the current study (Fig. 5.1). The archaeological sites are: Colmsgate (a water well), Cuyk (a bridge; Goudswaard 1995), Empel (a water well; Hiddink 1994), Gennep (two water wells; Heidinga and Offenberg 1992), Heeten (two water wells; Erdrich and Verlinde 1995), Leidschendam (the Canal of Corbulo), Nieuwenhoorn (a farmhouse; van Trierum 1992) and Velsen (the Roman fortress Velsen 1: the western jetty (Morel 1988), ships’ timbers and the foundation of a watch tower (Bosman, unpublished data)).3 The bog oaks were derived from Abcoude (Jansma 1987), Emmeloord, the Flevopolder, Mariënberg, Olst and Ouderkerk a/d IJssel (RING, unpublished data). 5.4.1 Methods of dating . The reference chronologies used for dating Only a few oak chronologies available to RING extend back as far as the Iron Age/Roman period. These are the North German bog oak chronology (6069 BC AD 928; Leuschner and Delorme 1988; Leuschner, unpublished data) and the Central German oak chronology (690 BC - AD 1975; Hollstein 1980). The former reflects the average growth of oak in oceanic regions east of the Netherlands (Ostfriesland and Lower Saxony), the latter the growth in regions southeast of the Netherlands, where a continental climate prevails. Both are well suited as a reference to date oak from Dutch archaeological and natural contexts. . Visual comparison The most important crossdating technique is visual comparison of plotted curves (tree rings as well as indices), which is done by sliding curves alongside each other on a light table. An experienced dendrochronologist can at a glance shift the two curves for a proper match, at least with series up to a few hundred years in length. When longer series are compared, a computer is used to give a first indication of possible matches, each of which is checked on the light table. . The coefficient of parallel variation 3. The ships’ timbers from Velsen were included because their measurement series crossdate well with the series from Nieuwenhoorn. A non-parametric test for dating involves sliding two series alongside each other and calculating the coefficient of parallel variation (PV) for each position of overlap. This test can be used to compare undetrended series, because it only takes into account the differences between directly adjacent ring widths. PV expresses the fraction of ring widths that at a given position simultaneously show an increase or decrease relative to the preceding width. It is usually expressed as a percentage. If there is no match, the expected value for PV is 0.5, with a standard deviation (S) of 1/(2公n), n being the overlapping years between the curves. The significance of an observed PV is calculated by transforming it into a z-score:  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 (1) The standard normal curve is used to determine the probability (P) that the observed or an extremer value of z occurs when in reality no match exists between the series (the probability of exceedence).4 The dating of a tree-ring curve, by sliding it alongside dated chronologies, involves the examination of hundreds of possible matches. For example, 900 possible matches exist between a curve of 100 rings and a 1000 year master chronology, and non-matches with a probability of exceedence (P) of 0.01 will crop up about 9 times when these series are compared. Therefore, in dendrochronologocal dating only those matches that have a value for P smaller than 0.001 are considered, and also other dating techniques are used. . Correlation coefficients and Student’s t-values The second statistical procedure involves calculating the coefficient of correlation, r, between the two series at each position of overlap. This procedure is unsuitable for undetrended ring-width series, because non-zero correlations may occur between their non-climatic low frequency components. The correlation between the detrended series x and y is estimated by: (2) with n the number of values in each series; xi and yi the observed values in year i; x̄ and ȳ the mean of the series; and Sx and Sy their standard deviation. To assess whether rxy deviates from zero one uses the fact that the stochast 4. The foregoing holds only if approximately 0.2 < PV < 0.8, since PV is not normally distributed. For PV < 0.2 and PV > 0.8, which seldom occurs in dendrochronological dating, more precise estimators should be used, e.g. arcsine transformation of PV, which is a variance stabilization transformation (Strackee, personal communication). 5. This applies to series that have not been pre-whitened, i.e. auto-correlated series. Prewhitened series require less high St-values in crossdating. 5. COFECHA computer program (Holmes 1983). has a Student distribution (St distribution; see Chapter 3, footnote 5) with (n-2) degrees of freedom. The distribution of this statistic is well tabulated (e.g. Thomas 1976). In dendrochronological dating an St-value of less than 3 is meaningless and a value over 6 almost always indicates that two patterns can be matched visually.5 5.4.2 Chronology development For all object/site chronologies we estimated the average correlation (r̄) between each individual growth-index series (gi) and the average chronology of the remaining series (all series in the data set except gi; with i = 1 to t and t the number of trees in the chronology).6 Next, we looked at the degree of crossdating among the chronologies. The index series from chronologies that crossdate were combined, after which the signal was again assessed. If all series fitted well, i.e. r̄ did not decrease, the combination was considered a success. Then, the same procedure was repeated with the extended chronology and the remaining (unclustered) site/object chronologies. This procedure was repeated until the cluster chronologies could not be improved further with the available material.  chapter 5 | Chronologies between 325 BC and AD 563 5.4.3 Estimating the chronology signal The common signal of the average chronologies was estimated according to the Mean Correlation Technique. This technique is well-suited for analysing tree-ring series from the past, because it does not require that the series completely overlap. The Mean Correlation Technique was first presented by Wigley et al. (1984). They defined the Expressed Population Signal (EPS) of a chronology as (3) with t the number of trees and r̄bt the average correlation between the series. This definition only considers data sets that consist of one measurement series per tree. If a tree is represented by more series, these are averaged before the analysis takes place.7 Wigley et al. (1984) suggest that values for EPS of 0.85 and higher indicate that a chronology is of acceptable quality for dendroclimatological analyses. 5.5 RESULTS 5.5.1 General FIGURE 5.2 - The position of the object and site chronologies in time (gray bar = bog oaks) A total of 194 trees were used in the analyses. The series represent 12 archaeological objects and 6 bog oak sites. One archaeological site (Colmsgate) and one bog oak site (Mariënberg) are represented by a single tree curve only. The two tree curves and 16 object/site chronologies are listed in Table 5.2, together with the number of trees, the first and last year, details of their signal (r̄ and EPS), and their match with the Central German oak chronology (Hollstein 1980) and the North German bog oak chronology (Leuschner and Delorme 1988, Leuschner unpublished data). Figure 5.2 shows the position of the chronologies in time. Three local chronologies and one regional chronology were constructed based on (a) the degree of crossdating among the Dutch object/site chronologies (Table 5.3) and (b) the correlation (r̄) among the index series in combined data sets. 7. An alternative that considers more than one measurement series per tree was developed by Briffa and Jones (1990). It involves estimates of the average between-tree signal (r̄bt ; the average correlation between cores from different trees), and the within-tree signal (r̄wt ; the average correlation between cores from the same tree over all trees). From these two estimates, the effective chronology signal (r̄eff ) is estimated, from which EPS is derived. In Chapter 7 it is shown that the mathematical relationship between the within-tree signal and the effective chronology signal is statistically problematic. This approach was not, therefore, used.  Location Context t n Number Length of Trees in Years First Yr. Last Yr. Chronology Statistics The match with the Central The match with the German chronology North German chronology r̄ EPS St PV P < than St PV P < than  ABC* Abcoude bog oaks 10 355 325 BC AD 30 0.53 0.92 5.67 62% 0.0001 6.16 60% 0.0002 COW Colmsgate water well 1 217 AD 35 AD 251 - - 2.09 54% ◆ 5.35 62% 0.0005 CUY Cuyk bridge 74 143 AD 245 AD 387 0.34 0.97 5.96 61% 0.01 5.62 65% 0.0005 EOF* Emmeloord bog oaks 2 144 AD 305 AD 408 0.74 0.85 4.07 66% 0.0002 4.50 63% 0.005 EMP Empel water well 9 173 67 BC AD 106 0.36 0.84 5.70 67% 0.0001 6.23 62% 0.005 FLE* Flevopolder bog oaks 8 410 AD 68 AD 477 0.39 0.84 6.60 60% 0.0001 10.22 68% 0.0001 GENa Gennep A water well 7 111 AD 248 AD 373 0.50 0.87 5.51 65% 0.005 9.30 79% 0.0001 GENb Gennep B water well 6 112 AD 284 AD 395 0.65 0.92 3.55 59% ◆ 3.26 51% ◆ HRWa Heeten A water well 5 126 AD 190 AD 315 0.40 0.77 4.41 70% 0.0001 6.74 76% 0.0001 HRWb Heeten B water well 4 200 AD 136 AD 335 0.45 0.77 3.75 58% 0.025 6.25 65% 0.0001 LRC Leidschendam canal 8 134 84 BC AD 50 0.44 0.86 4.55 65% 0.001 2.39 57% ◆ FMB* Marienberg bog oak 1 149 AD 415 AD 563 - - 2.35 59% 0.03 5.99 64% 0.001 NWH Nieuwenhoorn farmhouse 39 227 140 BC AD 87 0.51 0.98 8.26 65% 0.0001 7.29 66% 0.0001 OLF* Olst bog oaks 2 117 AD 424 AD 540 0.78 0.88 1.87 61% 0.02 2.96 61% 0.02 OKF* Ouderk. a/d IJssel bog oaks 2 244 AD 81 AD 324 0.63 0.77 4.33 62% 0.0005 5.91 65% 0.0001 VELa Velsen Velsen 1 Western jetty 7 109 88 BC AD 21 0.53 0.89 3.56 62% 0.02 3.95 60% 0.04 VELb Velsen Velsen 1 ships timbers 3 121 91 BC AD 28 0.57 0.80 5.88 60% 0.0001 4.85 64% 0.005 VELc Velsen Velsen 1 watch tower 6 65 28 BC AD 37 0.57 0.89 3.68 65% 0.02 5.89 68% 0.005 Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 Code COW - ABC* CUY EOF* EMP FLE* GENa GENb HRWa HRWb LRC FMB* NWH OLF* OKF* VELa VELb VELc - - 63% - - - - - 65% - 60% - - 66% 63% 55% - - 53% 61% - - 63% 67% - - 51% - 58% - - - 54% - 54% 72% 70% 71% 51% - - - - 54% - - - - 60% 66% 58% - 52% - 53% - - - - - - COW - CUY - - EOF* - - 3.79 EMP 3.13 1.99 - - FLE* - 6.70 2.82 4.71 3.27 GENa - - 7.97 3.96 - 4.92 GENb - - 7.81 4.49 - 3.28 4.23 HRWa - 1.97 4.29 - - 4.53 4.77 3.21 HRWb - 5.08 1.27 0.41 - 4.14 0.86 0.80 6.63 LRC 2.29 - - 3.38 - - - - - FMB* - - - 0.81 - 1.94 - - - - - NWH 4.28 0.80 - - 4.24 - - - - - 3.15 - OLF* - - - - - 4.73 - - - - - 4.25 - OKF* - 2.74 1.34 - - 4.77 1.83 0.71 2.74 6.39 - - - - VELa 5.16 - - - 4.10 - - - - - 2.50 - 4.78 - - VELb 2.88 - - - 4.39 - - - - - 3.43 - 10.75 - - VELc 1.24 - - - 3.00 - - - - - 4.21 - 1.86 - 74% - - - - 60% - 67% - - 66% 69% 59% 61% 60% 64% 62% - 58% - 79% 63% - - - 67% 74% 54% - - - - 61% - - - 68% 62% - - - - 57% - - - 75% - - - - 57% - - - - - - - 58% - - - - 65% - - 61% 60% 73% - 60% - - - - - - 65% 76% 57% - - - - - - - 65% 48% 4.00 1.09 53% 1.56 chapter 5 | Chronologies between 325 BC and AD 563 TABLE 5.2 - Oak object and site chronologies from Dutch locations between 325 BC and AD 563; * = bog oaks; r̄ = average correlation between each individual index series and the average chronology of all other series in the data set; EPS = Expressed Population Signal; St = Student’s t-value; PV = coefficient of parallel variation; P = probability of exceedence; ◆ p > 0.05; - = single curve TABLE 5.3 - The degree of crossdating between the Dutch object and site chronologies; upper right: PV = coefficient of parallel variation; lower left: St = Student’s t-value; 30 ≤ n ≤ 244 (n = length of overlap between the series); * = bog oaks; - = n < 30  ABC* Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 5.5.2 The local eastern chronology NLRom_E (AD 190 - 395) Chronology NLRom_E (Fig. 5.3; Appendix C) consists of the series from Cuyk (Roman bridge; 74 trees), Gennep (two water wells; 13 trees) and Heeten (HRWa; a water well; 5 trees). Their object chronologies crossdate with values for PV that lie between 67% and 74%; the values for St vary between 3.21 and 7.97 (Table 5.3). NLRom_E consists of 92 trees and has a value for EPS of 0.98 (r̄ = 0.57; Table 5.4). 5.5.3 Local western chronology NLRom_W1 (84 BC - AD 50) FIGURE 5.3 - Oak tree-ring chronologies for the Netherlands between 325 BC and AD 563 Chronology NLRom_W1 (Fig. 5.3; Appendix C) consists of the series from Leidschendam (the Canal of Corbulo; 8 trees) and Velsen (Roman fortress Velsen 1 (watch tower foundation); 6 trees). The two object chronologies crossdate with PV = 73% and St = 4.21 (Table 5.3). They do not crossdate well with any other chronology from the same period. NLRom_W1 consists of 14 trees and has a value for EPS of 0.92 (r̄ = 0.59; Table 5.4). 5.5.4 Local western chronology NLRom_W2 (140 BC - AD 87) Chronology NLRom_W2 (Fig. 5.3; Appendix C) consists of the series from Nieuwenhoorn (farmhouse; 39 trees) and Velsen (Roman fortress Velsen 1 (ships’ timbers); 3 trees). The two object chronologies crossdate well: PV = 76% and St = 10.75 (Table 5.3). Their plotted curves are very similar; it is likely that the trees were collected in the same forest. NLRom_W2 consists of 42 trees and has a value for EPS of 0.98 (r̄ = 0.66; Table 5.4). 5.5.5 The regional low altitude chronology NLRom_R (325 BC - AD 563) Chronology NLRom_R (Fig. 5.3; Appendix C) consists of the archaeological series from Colmsgate (a water well; 1 tree), Empel (a water well; 9 trees), Heeten (a water well; 4 trees) and Velsen (Roman fortress Velsen 1 (western jetty); 7 trees), and all bog oak series: Abcoude (10 trees), Emmeloord (2 trees), Flevopolder (8 trees), Mariënberg (1 tree), Olst (2 trees) and Ouderkerk a/d IJssel (2 trees). The crossdating between their chronologies in terms of PV and St is shown in Table 5.3. NLRom_R consists of 46 trees and has a value for EPS of 0.96 (r̄ = 0.53; Table 5.4).  chapter 5 | Chronologies between 325 BC and AD 563 Name Sites/Objects First Yr. Last Yr. Number Avgerage of Trees Tree Age r̄ EPS NLRom_E CUY, GENa, GENb, HRWa AD 190 AD 395 92 69 0.57 0.98 NLRom_W1 LRC, VELc 84 BC AD 50 14 81 0.59 0.92 NLRom_W2 NWH, VELb 140 BC AD 87 42 102 0.66 0.98 NLRom_R ABC*, COW, EMP, EOF*, FLE*, HRWb, FMB*, OLF*, OKF*, VELa 325 BC AD 563 46 131 0.53 0.96 TABLE 5.4 - Local and regional chronologies for the Netherlands (325 BC - AD 563); * = bog oaks; r̄= average correlation between each individual index series and the average chronology of all other series in the data set; EPS = Expressed Population Signal 5.6 INTERPRETATION AND DISCUSSION The Expressed Population Signal (EPS) of the 16 separate object/site chronologies varies between 0.77 and 0.98 (Table 5.2). If the 0.85 criterion of Wigley et al. (1984) is applied, six out of these 16 chronologies are of insufficient statistical quality. These are the chronologies from Empel (EMP), the Flevopolder (FLE*), Heeten (HRWa, HRWb), Ouderkerk a/d IJssel (OKF*) and Velsen (VELb), which all consist of less then 10 trees. These chronologies do, however, crossdate with at least one of the two German master chronologies with a probability of exceedence (P) < 0.0001 (Table 5.2). This indicates that they are very similar to the master chronologies and that their low values for EPS reflect small sample sizes only (equation (3)). The clustered chronologies NLRom_E, NLRom_W1, NLRom_W2 and NLRom_R, which consist of between 14 and 92 trees, all have an Expressed Population Signal over 0.90. The provenance of the trees used for archaeological chronologies cannot be established in detail by dendrochronological methods. The general region from which the timbers were derived can be determined by combining various types of information: (a) the degree of crossdating with available regional and/or local chronologies; (b) characteristics of the timbers themselves (e.g. the age of the trees); and (c) the wood spectra of the archaeological sites where the timbers have been found. NLRom_W1 represents timber from Leidschendam (the Canal of Corbulo) and Velsen (Roman fortress Velsen 1, watch tower foundation); NLRom_W2 timber from Nieuwenhoorn (farmhouse) and, again, Velsen (Velsen 1, ships’ timbers). These chronologies, both from archaeological sites situated directly behind the western coastal dunes, overlap between 84 BC and AD 50 (Fig. 5.3), but do not crossdate well (St = 3.15; PV = 63%; P < 0.005; Table 5.5). This indicates that NLRom_W1 and NLRom_W2 represent different environments. Several arguments exist for a more eastern provenance of NLRom_W2. First, NLRom_W2 crossdates better with the German chronologies than NLRom_W1 (Table 5.5). Second, NLRom_W1 in part represents young undressed timber (Velsen 1, watch tower foundation), whereas NLRom_W2 represents older and more slowly grown trees, i.e., timber that is rarer and more expensive, and therefore more likely to have been transported over a distance. Last, tree species that are less suitable for construction than oak, such as ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), were utilized in the harbour works of Velsen 1 (Morel 1988). This means that oaks in the vicinity of Velsen must have been scarce in the first century. Given the many building activities of the Romans along and below the Central Dutch rivers, it is also unlikely that in the vicinity of Nieuwenhoorn old-growth  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 TABLE 5.5 - The degree of crossdating between the local and regional chronologies; upper right: PV = coefficient of parallel variation; lower left: St = Student’s t-values; P = probability of exceedence; X = n < 30; n = length of the overlap between the chronologies Chronology forests still existed in the last quarter of the first century AD. One object chronology from Heeten is incorporated in NLRom_R (HRWb), whereas the other belongs in the eastern chronology NLRom_E (HRWa). Heeten is situated in a transitional area between the IJssel and higher sandy soils (Fig. 5.1). In the fourth century the inhabitants of Heeten must have derived their timber from different forests situated to the west and east of their village. NLRom_E crossdates well with NLRom_R (P < 0.001), but better with the German chronologies (P < 0.0001; Table 5.5). This chronology contains the ring patterns of both young, undressed trees (the bridge in Cuyk) and worked timber (two water wells from Gennep and one from Heeten). Given the difference between its signal and the signal in NLRom_R, the trees did not grow on low, wet sites. The young age of the trees from Cuyk (Table 5.4; Appendix A) indicates that they were collected close to the building site, which means that the trees grew on well-drained sandy soils near Cuyk in the southeastern Netherlands. It is possible that NLRom_E represents trees from the same area as NLRom_W2, but because the chronologies do not (yet) overlap in time, this cannot be confirmed. NLRom_E NLRom_E NLRom_W1 NLRom_W2 NLRom_R Central Germany North Germany X X 62% P < 0.001 67% P < 0.0001 66% P < 0.0001 63% P < 0.005 66% P < 0.0002 64% P < 0.005 59% P < 0.04 63% P < 0.0002 64% P < 0.0001 67% P < 0.0001 63% P < 0.0001 64% P < 0.0001 NLRom_W1 X NLRom_W2 X 3.15 NLRom_R 6.97 4.65 5.78 Central Germany 7.89 4.61 8.37 11.24 North Germany 8.03 3.55 7.35 15.22 62% P < 0.0001 17.13 The chronologies from bog oaks, which all fit into NLRom_R, represent sites that were situated near bogs and lakes in the central Netherlands, where high ground water levels are assumed to have been the main growth limiting factor (Fig. 5.1). The archaeological material included in NLRom_R must represent similar conditions, i.e., the trees used in Colmsgate (a water well), Empel (a water well), Heeten (a water well; HRWb) and Velsen (the Roman fortress Velsen 1; western jetty) grew in the vicinity of lakes and bogs in the central Netherlands. 5.7 CONCLUSION After ten years of dendrochronology in the Netherlands, the data set of absolutely dated tree-ring series from archaeological Iron Age/Roman contexts has become large enough to construct meaningful average chronologies. Three archaeological chronologies have been produced (Fig. 5.3).  chapter 5 | Chronologies between 325 BC and AD 563 NLRom_E, which runs from AD 190 to 395, represents timber derived from forests in the southeastern Netherlands. NLRom_W1, which runs from 84 BC to AD 50, represents timber from forests in the western Netherlands. NLRom_W2, which runs from 140 BC to AD 87, most likely represents timber derived from forests in the eastern Netherlands and/or adjacent areas of Germany. A fourth chronology, NLRom_R, was developed through the SubFossil Forests (SFF) Project (RING/ROB) and represents bog oaks as well as archaeological timbers (Fig. 5.3). It runs from the Middle Iron Age to the Early Middle Ages (325 BC to AD 563) and reflects the growth of oaks on low, wet sites in the central Netherlands. The chronologies have a strong signal and crossdate well with existing regional chronologies from Germany.  6 MEDIEVAL TREE-RING CHRONOLOGIES OF OAK FROM DUTCH ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SITES (AD 427 - 1752; AD 1023 - 1666; AD 1041 - 1346) ABSTRACT - Absolutely dated tree-ring series from the Early Middle Ages and later, derived from Dutch archaeological and historical contexts, are clustered into three master chronologies. In geographical terms, the distribution of the sites represented by the chronologies differs markedly. Chronology NLHist_1 (AD 427 - 1752; 259 series) mainly represents sites in the south of the Netherlands; NLHist_2 (AD 1023 - 1666; 195 series) consists of timbers applied in the central and northern parts, and NLHist_3 (AD 1041 - 1346; 30 series) is composed of timbers from sites along the coast and in the IJssel and Vecht Valley. The new chronologies are well suited as a reference to date oak from Medieval archaeological sites and historical buildings in the Netherlands. 6.1 INTRODUCTION 6.2 MATERIAL 6.3 METHODOLOGY The aim of the research presented here was to produce average treering chronologies of oak for the last 1500 years that are suited for dating oak from Dutch contexts. Such chronologies should meet the following criteria: (1) they should represent absolutely dated tree-ring series of oak from Dutch archaeological and historical contexts; (2) they should have a strong signal. Because the signal in a chronology depends both on the between-tree correlation as well as on the number of trees included in the chronology (Wigley et al. 1984), criterion (2) implies that the chronologies should consist of tree-ring series that crossdate well in terms of their correlation coefficients, and should include as many tree-ring series as possible. At the end of 1994, the dendrochronological data set at the Dutch Centre for Dendrochronology (RING/ROB, Amersfoort) consisted of 611 tree-ring series with end-dates in the seventh century or later (Appendix A). The series were dated in previous years using chronologies from abroad (Appendix B) and our own chronologies.1 6.3.1 Quality control 1. Jansma, unpublished data, in part available through the International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB, NOAA/NGDC; Boulder, Colorado). Usually, several wood samples are available from the same cultural object, and the ring widths in each sample are measured at least twice along a different radius of the wood. The ring widths are plotted logarithmically along the y-axis and the (as yet undated) years along the x-axis. The graphs are compared visually, using a light table. By the comparison of independent measurement series from the same sample, errors can easily be detected and corrected. The similarity between graphs of different samples from the same  chapter 6 | Medieval tree-ring chronologies of oak object is a first indication of the degree of crossdating between the samples and also of the likelihood that the samples can be absolutely dated. After a wood sample has been dated with statistical methods, the date is checked visually by comparing its tree-ring curve with the curve of the chronology that produced the date. 6.3.2 The detrending of tree-ring patterns The dendrochronological dating of ring-width patterns makes use of the variations of the ring widths that have been caused by climate, i.e. changes in temperature and precipitation. A series of values that represents the exact width of the growth rings in a tree often reflects more than the yearly fluctuations of the weather conditions: e.g., the increasing age of the tree, which is expressed by a gradual decrease in the ring widths towards the outside of the stem, the effects of competition with neighbouring trees for food and light, or the long-term influences of a sudden disaster like fire or an insect outbreak (Cook 1990). If the non-climatic component in a tree-ring pattern masks the ring-width variability caused by climate, the pattern does not resemble that of other trees from the same region and period and cannot be dated. Detrending is the removal of unwanted information from tree-ring series. The assumption is that a ring-width pattern is the sum of various signals with different periods (Cook 1990). Detrending involves fitting a more or less flexible estimated growth curve (a model fitted to the data), to the ring-width series. A detrended series of growth indices is produced either by division of the original values by the estimated ones or by subtracting the estimated values from the original ones. The focus of the dendrochronological study (e.g. climate, forest dynamics, dating) determines how the growth curve is estimated and which ring-width variability it is designed to remove. The influence of climate is mainly expressed in the difference between ring widths from year to year. When the objective is to date a pattern, detrending methods are therefore used which remove some of the gradual increases and decreases in the ring widths. 6.3.3 Methods of dating Tree-ring patterns are dated by matching their growth-index series with dated master chronologies. The master chronologies used by RING are listed in Appendix B. The most useful Medieval chronologies are those of Lower Saxony and Ostfriesland (Leuschner, unpublished data), Weserbergland (Delorme 1972), Twente (NL) and Westphalia (Tisje, unpublished data), the Meuse Basin (Hoffsummer 1989), and the Central German master chronology (Hollstein 1980). The most important dating technique is visual comparison of plotted curves. When long series are compared, the computer is used to give an indication of possible matches through (a) the coefficient of parallel variation (PV), and (b) the Student’s t-value (St) derived from the correlation coefficient between the series. All possible matches are inspected visually. Further details are given in Chapter 5 (section 5.4.1). 6.3.4 The clustering of tree-ring index series In view of the aim of the study, which was to produce average oak chronologies for the Netherlands that can be used to date as many dendrochronological samples as possible, the series were not clustered prior to the analysis according to their date or other a priori defined criteria. Instead, all 611 tree-ring series were combined into one large group, and those series that show least agreement with the behaviour of the majority of the series were identified. These series were removed from the data set. The assumption underlying this procedure is that no matter how heterogeneous the Dutch collection of absolutely dated tree-ring series is, the average variation of the  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 annual values is most likely determined by some dominant environmental signal(s); these should become stronger as more and more tree-ring series with deviating characteristics are removed. Furthermore, any climatic signal that is not dominant in the complete data set, but is nonetheless shared by a substantial number of trees, should become recognizable by the clusters that occur among the deviating series. The estimates of the degree of similarity between the tree-ring series are based on the correlation coefficient (ri) of each single growth-index series gi with the average chronology of all series except gi (1≤ i ≤ t, with t the total number of trees in the data set).2 Data sets of index series from the Netherlands that, when averaged, result in a chronology that is a suitable reference for dating, are characterized by a mean correlation (r̄ , the average of all ri’s) of 0.50 to 0.65 (Chapter 5, Table 5.4). Therefore, during the analysis a minimum criterion of 0.50 is used, and clusters of tree-ring series that show a lower value for r̄ are rejected. To determine which series should be removed from a cluster to increase r̄, the correlation between gi and the average chronology excluding gi is calculated in 50-year intervals (rik), using an overlap of 25 years. Here, k is 1 to q and q is the number of 50 year intervals in gi. Values for rik equal to or lower than 0.32 are not significant at ␣ = 0.05. Series with more than two intervals showing values for rik ≤ 0.32 are rejected. 6.3.5 Assessment of the reliability of tree-ring chronologies The Mean Correlation Technique is used to assess the strength of the chronology signal (Wigley et al. 1984; Chapter 7). With this technique the Expressed Population Signal (EPS) is calculated. EPS is a function of both the number of series in a chronology and the average correlation between these series. A value for EPS of 0.85 or higher is taken to indicate that a chronology is of sufficient quality for dendroclimatological analyses (Wigley et al. 1984). The value for EPS overestimates the signal in long chronologies, i.e., chronologies in which not all tree-ring series overlap (Chapter 4). EPS is therefore calculated in 100-year intervals (using an overlap of 50 years). Intervals that have a value for EPS lower than 0.85 require more samples and better internal crossdating. To determine which intervals of the new chronologies are suited as a reference for dating regardless of EPS, the correlation with the available master chronologies from adjacent countries is calculated in hundred-year intervals. Chronology intervals that have a low value for EPS and a high correlation with the master chronologies probably reflect climatic conditions well and do not require additional sampling, in contrast to intervals that have a low value for EPS and show low correlations with the existing chronologies. 6.3.6 The environmental signal of the Dutch cluster chronologies Two types of information are used to determine the geographical domain represented by the new chronologies. The first is their degree of crossdating with available chronologies from adjacent countries. The second is the distribution of the locations where the timbers represented by each chronology were put to use. The locations are classified according to the criteria defined by Wolff, who designated the major ecological systems in the Netherlands according to the so-called information-carrying functions of nature, as expressed by a large range of geological and ecological criteria, and on these grounds divided the Netherlands into 26 geogenetical growth regions (Figure 6.1; Wolff 1989).3 2. COFECHA computer program (Holmes 1983). 3. This classification was chosen in consultation with Dutch foresters (Maessen, personal communication).  chapter 6 | Medieval tree-ring chronologies of oak FIGURE 6.1 - Growth regions in the Netherlands (after Wolff 1989): (I) Pre-Pleistocene: a = cretaceous deposits; b = löss; c = Winterswijk sediments; (II) Pleistocene: d = Drenthe Plateau (including northern lateral morenes); e = central Netherlands lateral moraines; f = Twente Formation; g = Hunze Depression; h = IJssel and Vecht Valley; i = ‘Gelderse Vallei’; j = western Brabant; k = central Brabant; l = eastern Brabant; m = Zeeuws Vlaanderen Pleistocene sand area; n = Meuse terraces; o = Oude IJssel valley; p = Vecht valley; (III) Holocene: q r s t u v w x y z = central Netherlands river area; = (former) perimarine peat area; = Dutch Wadden; = (closed) estuaries; = former sea; = northern marine sediments; = southwestern marine sediments; = IJsselmeer polders; = IJsselmeer and peripheral lakes; = coastal dunes TABLE 6.1 - Chronology statistics before and after clustering; r̄ i = average correlation between single series and mean chronology of all other series; rik = correlation between single series and mean chronology of all other series in 50-year intervals (overlap = 25). No. Trees First year Last year Length in years Total No. of Rings r̄ i rik ≤ 0.32 All series 611 AD 427 AD 1752 1326 63 157 0.44 24% NLHist_1 259 AD 427 AD 1752 1326 27 100 0.53 4% NLHist_2 195 AD 1023 AD 1666 664 17 326 0.53 4% NLHist_3 30 AD 1041 AD 1346 306 3359 0.55 6% Unclustered 127 AD 906 AD 1749 844 15 373 0.30 59%  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 6.4 RESULTS 6.4.1 General The averaging of all 611 series that cover the period between AD 427 and 1752 results in a chronology of which the quality is doubtful. The correlation between each individual series and the average chronology of all other series in 50-year intervals (rik) is equal to or lower than 0.32 for 24% of the intervals and r̄ is 0.44, i.e., lower than the 0.50 criterion employed (Table 6.1). After the series that show low correlation coefficients are removed, the data set is reduced to 259 tree-ring series (Table 6.1; NLHist_1). Like the complete data set, this cluster covers the interval between AD 427 and 1752, but now only 4% of the 50-year intervals of the tree-ring series have a value for rik ≤ 0.32, and the value for r̄ has increased to 0.53. Within the remaining data set of ‘dissimilar’ series (469 trees), two clusters can be distinguished (Table 6.1). NLHist_2, representing 195 trees, has a value for r̄ of 0.53, and only 4% of the 50-year intervals of the individual treering series show values for rik ≤ 0.32. The respective values for NLHist_3, representing 30 trees, are 0.55 and 6%. The three clusters contain a total of 484 series; 127 series remain unclustered. Figure 6.2 shows the shape of the average chronologies; the number of trees in the chronologies is shown in Figure 6.3. FIGURE 6.2 - Historical oak tree-ring chronologies for the Netherlands: NLHist_1 (AD 427 - 1752); NLHIst_2 (AD 1023 - 1666); NLHist_3 (AD 1041 - 1346) 6.4.2 The signal within the chronologies NLHist_1 (AD 427 - 1752) has a value for EPS of 0.85 or higher between AD 1150 and 1650 (Fig. 6.4; calculation interval AD 1100 - 1700). Before AD 1150 the signal is generally lower. However, the correlation between the chronology of NLHist_1 and the available chronologies from abroad is not much lower before AD 1150 than afterwards (Fig. 6.5). The lowest correlation between NLHist_1 and the master chronologies occurs at at the end of NLHist_1 (AD 1650 - 1750). The correlation between NLHist_1 and the master chronologies before AD 900 is higher than the correlation among the master chronologies themselves. NLHist_2 (AD 1023 - 1666) has a value for EPS of 0.85 or higher from 1300 onwards (Fig. 6.4; calculation interval AD 1250 - 1650). The correlation with the chronologies from abroad before AD 1300 is low. NLHist_3 (AD 1041 - 1346) shows values for EPS of 0.85 or higher for all intervals (Fig. 6.4; calculation interval AD 1050 - 1346). The correlation with the master chronologies is low (Fig. 6.5).  chapter 6 | Medieval tree-ring chronologies of oak FIGURE 6.3 - The number of samples in the cluster chronologies FIGURE 6.4 - The Expressed Population Signal (EPS) in hundred year intervals (lag = 50 years)  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 FIGURE 6.5 - The running correlation between the reference chronologies, and between the cluster and reference chronologies. Calculation interval: 100 years (lag = 50). Table 6.2 shows the reference chronologies used in the analysis 6.4.3 Growth regions Figure 6.6 shows the number of samples per cluster and per growth region. Geographically, NLHist_1 is dominant in regions a, b and n (Fig. 6.1; province of Limburg); k and j (province of Noord-Brabant); z (the coastal dunes, in this case in the province of Zuid-Holland); and w (province of Zeeland). In other words, NLHist_1 is dominated by oak from sites that are located south of the central Dutch rivers. The trees in this cluster, which represent timber from ’s-Hertogenbosch (region k) and have felling dates between AD 1463 and 1465, belonged to forests in the Belgium Meuse Basin (Chapter 3). NLHist_2 dominates in regions c, d, e, f, i, q, r, s, v and x: all of the Netherlands north of the provinces of Limburg, Noord-Brabant and Zeeland, except region h. NLHist_3 mainly represents timber from regions h (IJssel and Vecht Valley), v (marine sediments in the northern Netherlands and x (IJsselmeer polders), and only dominates in the first region. In Figure 6.2 the growth regions that are represented by 10 tree-ring series or more are shaded according to the dominant chronology.  chapter 6 | Medieval tree-ring chronologies of oak FIGURE 6.6 - The number of samples per clusters and per growth region 6.4.4 Crossdating with existing master chronologies The correlation between the cluster and master chronologies, which is a measure of their degree of similarity, varies considerably (Table 6.2; see Appendix B for the abbreviations of the master chronologies). NLHist_1 crossdates best with the Central German oak chronology (DLCE; r = 0.62; overlap = 1326 years). The next best match is with growth region 9 in Lower Saxony (DLS9; r = 0.50; overlap = 877 years), which represents the area of Lower Saxony adjacent to the Dutch province of Overijssel. NLHist_2 crossdates best with chronologies of more northern and easterly regions in Lower Saxony (DLS5, 6 and 7), and with the Ostfriesland chronology (DLOF; Leuschner, unpublished data; r ⬇ 0.60). NLHist_3 does not crossdate well with any master chronology: not a single correlation over 0.40 was found.  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 NLHist_1 NLHist_2 NLHist_3 St PV r n St PV r n St PV r n DLS1 21.71 71% 0.49 838 16.59 73% 0.51 644 6.08 62% 0.21 306 DLS3 21.60 70% 0.49 838 17.32 74% 0.54 644 6.83 62% 0.22 306 DLS4 16.83 67% 0.41 878 16.64 73% 0.56 644 6.77 60% 0.23 306 DLS5 17.45 69% 0.43 873 18.34 74% 0.61 644 7.28 64% 0.27 306 DLS6 13.70 65% 0.31 872 16.19 71% 0.60 644 7.26 62% 0.24 306 DLS7 15.91 65% 0.41 888 17.44 72% 0.59 644 7.74 61% 0.27 306 DLS9 22.57 71% 0.50 877 17.79 74% 0.55 644 7.11 62% 0.23 306 DLNS 16.63 66% 0.26 838 18.42 74% 0.45 644 8.58 64% 0.22 306 DLOF 17.18 64% 0.36 1326 17.97 72% 0.59 644 7.74 62% 0.25 306 DLWB 19.11 72% 0.24 749 14.62 71% 0.24 644 4.04 56% 0.15 306 DLWF 12.44 69% 0.30 410 19.36 76% 0.47 407 1.76 56% -0.04 87 NLTF 12.76 70% 0.33 713 11.11 74% 0.46 627 7.24 66% 0.30 306 NLTW 9.49 68% 0.23 368 18.17 76% 0.54 310 - - - 0 BMBA 23.85 73% 0.28 1081 10.32 64% 0.18 644 6.13 61% 0.24 306 DLCE 35.81 76% 0.62 1326 12.59 67% 0.42 644 6.46 62% 0.36 306 NLHist_1 - - - - 12.87 71% 0.42 644 6.70 62% 0.34 306 NLHist_2 12.87 71% 0.42 644 - - - - 4.50 57% 0.26 306 NLHist_3 6.70 62% 0.34 306 4.50 57% 0.26 306 - - - - TABLE 6.2 - The crossdating between the Dutch cluster chronologies and available reference chronologies; St = Student’s t-value; PV= coefficient of parallel variation; r = correlation coefficient; n = length of compared interval (years) 6.5 INTERPRETATION AND DISCUSSION 6.5.1 Chronology NLHist_1 (AD 427 - 1752) Geographically, NLHist_1 represents oak timber that was used in the provinces of Limburg, Noord-Brabant and Zeeland (Figs. 6.6 and 6.7). The interval AD 1316 - 1465 mainly consists of trees derived from eastern Belgian forests (Chapter 3). However, the strong agreement with the Central German chronology (r = 0.62) indicates that outside this interval the timbers were derived from a wider area, viz., eastern Belgium and adjacent Germany. Earlier, we defined the chronology intervals for which more samples are needed as those intervals where minimum values occur for both the  chapter 6 | Medieval tree-ring chronologies of oak FIGURE 6.7 - The dominance of the Dutch cluster chronologies in growth regions represented by ≥ 10 samples chronology signal (EPS) and the correlation with other chronologies. Problematic in terms of EPS are the intervals AD 450 - 850/900, AD 900/950 1100/1150 and AD 1650 - 1750 (Fig. 6.4). Less than average correlation with existing chronologies occurs during the interval AD 1650 - 1750 (Fig. 6.5). This interval is covered by two series only (Fig. 6.3), and the conclusion that more samples are needed for this interval is justified. It is interesting to note that some intervals with a low signal synchronize with known atmospheric 14C anomalies. These anomalies, above average 14C production related to sunspot minima, are termed 14C minima. For some periods, an association exists between 14C minima and global cooling events (Davis et al. 1992). 14C minima in the first millennium BC coincide with low similarity between existing chronologies of oak, which is interpreted in terms of a climatic change towards cooler and wetter conditions (Schmidt and Gruhle 1988). The 14C minima that occurred during the interval covered by NLHist_1 are: the Roman Minimum (AD 660 - 770); the Medieval Minimum (AD 940 1140); the Wolff Minimum (AD 1290 - 1350); the Sporer Minimum (AD 1400 - 1510); and the Maunder Minimum (AD 1645 - 1715; terminology by Davis et al. 1992). The chronology intervals that simultaneously show a weak value for EPS are: (a) AD 660 - 770; (b) AD 950 - 1150; and (c) AD 1650 - 1715. EPS is, however, in part a function of sample size, and each year of the chronology should represent the same number of tree-ring series (preferably ten or more) for a valid attempt to explain the values for EPS in terms other than sample size. Given the low replication of the first and last part of NLHist_1, it is too early for such an attempt. 6.5.2 Chronology NLHist_2 (AD 1023 - 1666) The timbers in NLHist_2 mainly were used in the central and northern Netherlands, and its match with NLHist_1 is not optimal (r = 0.42; Table 6.2). It is therefore unlikely that the timbers in NLHist_2 have a southern provenance. NLHist_2 crossdates best with several Lower Saxony chronologies  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 (r ⬇0.60) and the Ostfriesland chronology (r = 0.59), closely followed by the Twente/Westphalia chronology (r = 0.54). This indicates a more northern provenance than NLHist_1, most likely Twente/Westphalia and adjacent North Germany. The chronology signal is mainly determined by the sample size: the earlier part of NLHist_2 consists of a few trees only (Fig. 6.3), and the low correlation with the master chronologies during this earlier interval, which coincides with low values for EPS, must also be related to sample size (Figs. 6.4 and 6.5). The first 200 years of this chronology would therefore improve if tree-ring series were added. 6.5.3 Chronology NLHist_3 (AD 1041 - 1346) The signal in NLHist_3 is high and cannot be improved further by adding samples. Its correlation with the existing master chronologies is low (Table 6.2; maximum r = 0.36 (Central German chronology)). NLHist_3 includes ship timbers from Zeeland (Fig. 6.1; growth region w), a tree that died naturally near Baarn and was found in situ (region r), thirteenth century posts from Hoorn (region v), staves from a barrel found in Alkmaar (region v) and foundation timber from Apeldoorn (region h). In terms of provenance, the fact that this chronology includes a tree found in situ might indicate that it represents indigenous oak. On the other hand, the chronology also includes ship timbers and a barrel, i.e. wood from relocatable objects, which means that the provenance of the wood could be further away. At this point of our research, the provenance of NLHist_3 cannot be established with certainty. 6.5.4 The use of the cluster chronologies for dating Dutch sites and objects Oak timbers that were used in the Netherlands during the Middle Ages came from different regions (e.g., De Vries 1994; Jansma 1995; Chapter 3), and their tree-ring patterns reflect a variety of different growth conditions (e.g. soil and forest types and meteorological conditions). By clustering these patterns into separate groups, chronologies result that also reflect different conditions or combinations of conditions. The precise location of the forests where these conditions occurred cannot be ascertained. Fortunately, the location of the forests does not need to be established in order for the chronologies to be useful for dating. Together, NLHist_1, NLHist_2 and NLHist_3 represent 80% of the tree-ring series from Medieval contexts that were available at the time of the analysis. Separately, they summarize the ring-width characteristics of three different groups of dated timbers used in the Netherlands. Our experience with the new chronologies is positive: at present more than half of the datings by RING are achieved using these chronologies as a reference.4 Noteworthy is the fact that it proved possible during the clustering to date some timbers that were previously undatable, and include them in the new chronologies.5 6.6 4. The next most successful chronology is the Ostfriesland chronology (Leuschner, unpublished data), followed by the chronologies of Twente (NL) and Westphalia (Tisje, unpublished data). 5. Dendrochronological codes (RING laboratory): NLE01005; NLE08001; NLE08002; NLR33001; NLR34001; NLV17007 (Appendix A). CONCLUSIONS Three historical chronologies of oak have been produced.6 Together, they represent 80% of the 611 medieval tree-ring patterns from Dutch locations available at the time of the analysis. NLHist_1, which runs from AD 427 to 1752, represents oak that grew in the southern part and south/southeast of the Netherlands. NLHist_2, which covers the interval between AD 1023 and 1666, represents oak from the eastern part of the central and northern Netherlands and areas to the east of the country. The geographical domain of NLHist_3, which runs from AD 1041 to 1346, is unknown. These chronologies are now used as a reference for dating oak from Dutch archaeological and historical contexts. 6. The unpublished chronologies are property of the RING tree-ring laboratory (ROB; Amersfoort (NL)).  7 THE MEAN CORRELATION TECHNIQUE: THE ‘EFFECTIVE CHRONOLOGY SIGNAL’ AS AN ESTIMATOR OF THE SIGNAL IN TREE-RING CHRONOLOGIES ABSTRACT - The Mean Correlation Technique estimates the signal that a tree-ring chronology contains. Unlike ANOVA, it allows for different numbers of cores per tree. In this context it involves the definition of an ‘effective number of cores’ (ceff). Using (1) ceff, (2) the average correlation between cores from the same tree over all trees (r̄wt) , and (3) the average correlation between cores from different trees over all trees (r̄bt) , an ‘effective chronology signal’ (r̄eff) is estimated. From r̄eff and the number of trees (t), the chronology signal (EPS) is derived. The relationship between and domain of r̄bt, r̄wt and r̄eff is analysed. It is shown that the effective chronology signal (r̄eff) is inversely related to the within-tree signal (r̄wt), and therefore cannot be an adequate measure of the chronology signal. The fact that r̄eff is not restricted to the domain [-1,1] is problematic. Although anomalous values occur only when r̄wt< r̄bt , i.e., outside the domain that is relevant for dendrochronological analyses, it disqualifies r̄eff as a ‘correlation coefficient’. 7.1 INTRODUCTION All forms of tree-ring research include (1) data collection and measurement, (2) assessment of signal and noise in the tree-ring series according to the aims of the study, (3) detrending and standardization of the series into indices, and (4) the development of average chronologies (Cook and Kairiukstis 1990). Before a chronology is used for the purpose for which it was developed (i.e. environmental studies or crossdating), its quality, which depends on the strength of its signal, is estimated. The chronology signal is a stochastic quantity which expresses the fraction of ring-width variability that the set of tree-ring series has in common (Briffa and Jones 1990). One may choose from two methods to calculate the chronology signal. Both measure the amount of variability that is shared by a set of indices from different trees (the between-tree signal) and the amount of variability that is shared by the set representing the same trees (the within-tree signal). The first method, analysis of variance (ANOVA; Fritts 1976), must have fixed time intervals for which all individual series overlap completely. This means that series that are shorter than the selected interval have to be omitted from the analysis. ANOVA furthermore requires that all trees in the data set are represented by the same number of measurement series. The second method, the Mean Correlation Technique (MCT; Wigley et al. 1984; Briffa and Jones 1990), is less demanding in terms of replication; it does not require a common interval and can be applied to any interval where two or more series overlap for a number of years. In addition, it allows for a different number of measurement series per tree. Tree-ring data from living trees often have a common interval that is larger than a hundred years, running from the year in which the trees reached ‘breast height’ (cores as a rule are taken at a stem height of 1.30 m.) to the year in which they were sampled. In addition, for living trees the sampling strategy is generally determined by dendrochronologists, which means that an equal  chapter 7 | The ‘effective chronology signal’ number of cores is taken from each tree. Therefore ANOVA is well suited to estimate the signal in chronologies from living trees. Many tree-ring series from archaeological, historical and bog oak sites, on the other hand, do not overlap for long intervals. In addition, the dendrochronologist often cannot control the number of samples that is taken from this material. When analysing the signal in chronologies that represent bog oaks or archaeological and historical timber, MCT, with its less strict demands, is often preferred to ANOVA (Chapter 3). When estimating a chronology signal from correlation coefficients, one would expect the chronology signal to be positively related to both the between-tree signal (the average correlation between cores that represent different trees) and the within-tree signal (the average correlation between cores that represent the same trees). However, during a recent application of MCT I noted that while the values for the between-tree signal and the overall chronology signal showed a positive relationship, the values for the within-tree signal and the chronology signal were negatively related. In order to understand this phenomenon more fully, I analysed the domain of and the relationship between the variables that are used to calculate the chronology signal according to the Mean Correlation Technique. 7.2 THE MEAN CORRELATION TECHNIQUE The Mean Correlation Technique was first presented by Wigley et al. (1984). They define the ‘Expressed Population Signal’ (EPS) of a chronology as (1) with N the number of trees and r̄ the average correlation between the series. This definition only considers data sets that consist of one measurement series per tree. However, Wigley et al. (1984, 211) suggest that this method can also be applied when several cores per tree are available. In such a case, the series of each tree should be averaged into one single time series before the analysis takes place. Briffa and Jones (1990) have adapted the definition of EPS to data sets that include more than one series per tree. They first calculate the correlation coefficients between all series of indices in the data set. Then, a total correlation mean is computed. The total number of coefficients involved is: (2) with i = 1 to t trees, each tree is represented by j = 1 to ci #cores/tree, and Ntot is the number of correlations that is computed. A within-tree signal is then estimated by averaging the correlation coefficients between series from the same tree over all trees. It is expressed as (3.1) where (3.2)  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 A between-tree signal is estimated as the average correlation between all possible pairs of series that represent different trees: (4.1) where Nbt = Ntot -Nwt (4.2) If the number of cores per tree is unequal, ci is replaced by ceff , the effective number of trees: (5) where i = 1 to t trees and ci is the number of series from tree i. Using ceff, an effective chronology signal is calculated that includes both the between-tree and the within-tree signal: (6) If only one core is available per tree, ci equals 1 and r̄eff equals r̄bt. Briffa and Jones (1990, 143) state that since by definition r̄wt has a lower limit equal to r̄bt it can be shown that equation (6) gives an estimated value of the chronology signal that is almost invariably higher and more accurate than measures derived solely from r̄bt. The Expressed Population Signal (EPS) quantifies the degree to which the chronology signal is expressed when series are averaged: (7) with t the number of trees.  chapter 7 | The ‘effective chronology signal’ 7.3 THE BEHAVIOUR OF r̄eff In equation (6) r̄eff depends on r̄bt, r̄wt and ceff. Because r̄bt is in the nominator, its relationship to r̄eff is proportional, i.e., y times larger values for r̄bt result in y times larger values for r̄eff. Because r̄wt is in the denominator, this variable is hyperbolically related to the value for r̄eff. FIGURE 7.1 - The domain of r̄eff (ceff= 2 and 3) Figures 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 show the relationship between r̄eff, r̄bt and r̄wt for several values of ceff. This relationship has the following characteristics: i r̄eff is discontinuous for r̄wt = 1 / (1 - ceff) (Fig. 7.1) ii if 0 ≤ r̄wt ≤ 1 then ceffr̄bt ≤ r̄eff ≤ r̄bt (Fig. 7.2) iii if r̄wt = 1 then r̄eff = r̄bt (Fig. 7.2) iv if r̄wt = 0 then r̄eff = ceffr̄bt (Figs. 7.2 and 7.3) FIGURE 7.2 - The domain of r̄eff (r̄wt ≥ 0; ceff = 1, 2 and 3)  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 FIGURE 7.3 - The domain of r̄eff (r̄wt ≥ 0, r̄bt ≥ 0, r̄wt ≥ r̄bt ; ceff = 1.78 (arbitrary value)); the right Y-axis shows the values for r̄bt that characterize the adjoining curves In other words, (i) in the negative domain of r̄wt the value for r̄eff can become indefinite (Fig. 7.1). This occurs when the denominator of (6) equals 0; (ii) in the positive domain of r̄wt the value for r̄eff becomes no larger than ceffr̄bt and no smaller than r̄bt (Fig. 7.2); (iii) in the positive domain of r̄wt the value for r̄eff reaches its minimum value of r̄bt when r̄wt = 1 (Fig. 7.2); (iv) in the positive domain of r̄wt the value for r̄eff approaches its maximum value of ceffr̄bt if the value for r̄wtconverges to 0 (Figs 7.2. and 7.3). Figures 7.1 and 7.2 show furthermore that if r̄bt < 0, the values for r̄eff are positively related to r̄wt and always lower than the corresponding values for r̄bt . Figure 7.3 shows r̄eff for r̄wt > 0, r̄bt > 0 and r̄wt ≥ r̄bt, which is the domain of these variables when the chronology signal is calculated. In this case the values for r̄reff are always higher than the values for r̄bt , and do not become larger than 1. 7.4 DISCUSSION 7.4.1 The domain of r̄eff and r̄bt In practice, only tree-ring patterns that match well are used for analyses of the chronology signal. This means that the correlation between the series is verified before the analysis takes place. Although the domain of r̄eff that involves negative values for both r̄bt and r̄wt (Fig. 7.1) is not relevant in a dendrochronological context, its definition, as given by equation (6), disqualifies the variable as a correlation coefficient: it is not restricted to the domain [-1,1]. The problem does not occur if both r̄wt and r̄bt are positive and r̄wt is larger than or equal to r̄bt (Fig. 7.3). 7.4.2 Estimating the mean of correlation coefficients 1. The transformation of r is given by zr = 0.5 loge((1+r)/(1-r)) (Thomas 1976, 393). The population correlation coefficient (␳) applies only to correlation in a bivariate normal distribution. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) estimates ␳ from a sample of variates. Finding the confidence limits about r is complicated by the fact that ␳ must be known prior to finding the standard error of r. This led Fisher (1935) to derive a second index, known as z.1 To average correlations without previously transforming them to Fisher’s zscores is problematic, especially when the correlations approach the limits of the domain of r [-1,1]. Averaging always results in an underestimation of the true correlation: if r1 is 0.7 and r2 is 0.9, then r equals 0.82 (not 0.80); if r1 is 0.4 and r2 is 0.6, then r equals 0.507 (not 0.50). It will be clear that the calculation of a chronology signal from r̄wt and/or r̄bt as defined in equations (3.1) and (4.1), whether by the Mean Correlation Technique or ANOVA, leads to an underestimation.  chapter 7 | The ‘effective chronology signal’ r̄wt and r̄eff Briffa and Jones (1990, 143) state that since r̄wt has a lower limit equal to r̄bt , the value for r̄eff gives a measure of the chronology signal that is almost always larger than measures derived solely from r̄bt. Within the domain given by r̄wt > 0, r̄bt > 0 and r̄wt ≥ r̄bt, the one exception occurs when r̄wt equals 1: then, r̄eff reaches its lower limit of r̄bt (Fig. 2). This is because the values for r̄eff and r̄wt are hyperbolically related; a stronger within-tree signal results in a weaker chronology signal as calculated from equation (6). The implications of this relation can be illustrated by an example from our own research. When estimating the signal in a bog oak chronology that runs from 2258 to 1141 BC (Chapter 4), the following values were found: detrended (‘standard’) chronology: 7.4.3 The hyperbolical relationship between ceff = 1.708; r̄bt = 0.377; r̄wt = 0.740; detrended and pre-whitened (‘residual’) chronology: ceff = 1.708; r̄bt = 0.379; r̄wt = 0.764. These values result in an effective chronology signal ( r̄eff ) of 0.423 (standard chronology) and 0.419 (residual chronology). In other words, although the residual chronology has both a higher within-tree signal and between-tree signal due to the removal of auto-correlation, its effective chronology signal as estimated by the Mean Correlation Technique is lower. According to the linear aggregate model of tree growth defined by Cook (1990), on which many forms of dendrochronological signal improvement (e.g. detrending, pre-whitening) are based, any ring-width series (t) is the sum of various sub-signals. These are: (1) the age-size-related trend in ring width (At); (2) the climatically related environmental signal (Ct); (3) the disturbance impulse caused by a local ‘endogenous’ disturbance (D1t); (4) the disturbance impulse caused by a standwide ‘exogenous’ disturbance (D2t); and (5) the mainly unexplained variability not related to the other signals (Et). Because truly endogenous disturbances will be random events in space and time within a forest stand of sufficient size, the endogenous disturbance impulse in the ring widths of a given tree will be largely uncorrelated with endogenous disturbance impulses in other trees from the same stand (Cook 1990, 100). The detrending of single measurement series before they are averaged into tree curves is in part based on the fact that these disturbance impulses can even be limited to a restricted area in the stem of a tree, in which case they are uncorrelated with the disturbance impulse in other stem areas of the same tree. From the linear aggregate model it can be seen that in a ring-width series the proportional contribution of the exogenous and climatic components (D2t and Ct) should increase as the endogenous signal becomes weaker. The removal from ring-width series of fluctuations that reflect growth responses limited to restricted areas in the trees’ stems, therefore not only improves the within-tree signals (r̄wt), but also the signal shared by different trees from the same forest stand (r̄bt and r̄eff). The hyperbolical relationship between the within-tree and effective chronology signal defined by the Mean Correlation Technique contradicts the fact that the ring-width variability caused by tree-specific ‘endogenous’ influences reduces or conceals the variability caused by more general environmental (exogenous and climatological) influences. If the chronology signal would be in truth hyperbolically related to the within-tree  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 signal, the model by Cook (1990) would be invalid and the application of noise reducing techniques to tree-ring series from the same tree superfluous or even counterproductive. 7.5 CONCLUSION The Mean Correlation Technique (Wigley et al. 1984, Briffa and Jones 1990) results in ambiguous, not wholly comprehensible estimates of the chronology signal. The derivation of r̄bt and r̄wt according to equations (3.1) and (4.1) results in an underestimation. The estimation of the ‘effective’ chronology signal (r̄eff), from which the Expressed Population Signal (EPS) is derived, contains irregularities that are incompatible with the dendrochronological assumptions and statistical demands. Problems include (1) the interpretation of the effective chronology signal (r̄eff) as a correlation coefficient, and (2) the inadequate expression of the within-tree signal (r̄wt) in r̄eff. On these grounds, we suggest that the within-tree signal be omitted from the Mean Correlation Technique and that correlation coefficients are averaged using Fisher’s z-scores. In cases where more than one measurement series is available per tree, prior to the analysis for each tree the same number of series should be averaged into a single series. Averaging reduces noisy components, and the correlation coefficients between averaged (crossdated) series should be higher than the correlation coefficients between single observations. The use of averaged series and the transformation of their correlation coefficients into z-scores prior to estimating their average function should result in more comprehensive estimates of the chronology signal.  8 SYNTHESIS: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 8.1 INTRODUCTION 8.2 METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS: THE ESTIMATION OF THE SIGNAL IN This study has looked at different methods and applications of dendrochronology. The outcomes are discussed in this chapter. Section 8.2 presents a discussion of the methods that were used; section 8.3 discusses the manner and results of applying the new chronologies to actual data sets. In this chapter directions for future research are suggested. TREE-RING CHRONOLOGIES In the mid-1980’s, not much was known about the sensitivity of oak to climate in the Netherlands. It had been demonstrated that growth patterns of oak from living trees, timbers and panel paintings could be matched, which had resulted in the construction of Chronology 1 and Chronology 2 (Eckstein et al. 1975). No match could be established between these chronologies, indicating that in the Netherlands distinct groups of indigenous oak existed, which are characterized by a different climate signal (ring-width variability that trees from different sites have in common), and that some of these groups were exploited in the past to such an extent that they became extinct (Eckstein et al. 1975). Chronology 1 and 2 were not useful as a reference to date oak tree-ring series from locations in the Netherlands (Chapter 1), which suggested that the signal in indigenous oak is frequently dominated by local growth signals, viz., ring-width variability that only occurs in the trees at one site, or only in one tree. However, the fact that patterns of bog oaks from the western Netherlands could be matched with the Central German oak chronology (Jansma 1987), showed that indigenous oak from oceanic sites could contain a climate signal similar to that in patterns from more continental regions. In order to investigate the types of variability present in the ring-width patterns of Dutch oak, I analysed the descriptive parameter ‘Mean Sensitivity’ (␨) for oak from natural and cultural sites from the Iron Age/Roman period. ␨ was developed by A. E. Douglass (1928) to assess the year-to-year variability in tree-ring series, which to a degree reflects the sensitivity of tree growth to climate. High values for ␨ were interpreted chiefly in terms of stress caused by continental climatic factors (Fritts 1976; Fürst 1963; Fürst 1978). Because trees that respond to climatic stress often have patterns that can be matched, ␨ was furthermore taken as an indication of the value of tree-ring patterns for dating purposes. The main finding was that series of oak from natural and cultural sites in the western Netherlands show values for ␨ that are as high as those of series from more continental regions (Jansma, unpublished data), i.e., if ␨ is related to stress, oceanic sites can be as extreme as continental sites in terms of tree-growth. Furthermore it was established that ␨ cannot reflect continuous environmental stress, since lasting stress results in sequences of narrow rings with little variation, hence low values for ␨. This study was not published because the data set on which these findings were based is small and, more importantly, ␨ proved to be an ambiguous parameter.  chapter 8 | Discussion and Conclusions We demonstrated that if the underlying time series is lognormally distributed, which is the case with indexed tree-ring series, ␨ is directly related to the standard deviation and the first-order autocorrelation coefficient of the series (Chapter 2). A model of this relationship was developed and applied to experimental tree-ring data. The main finding is that ␨ depends solely on ␤公(1-r1), ␤ being the estimated standard deviation of the series and r1 the estimated first-order autocorrelation. This means that the value of ␨ can be derived from the standard deviation (␴) and first-order autocorrelation (r1) of the series; a large value for ␨ may result from either a large value of ␴, or a small value for r1, or a combination of the two. This, by the way, explains why ␨ does not reach a high value for tree-ring series that reflect continued environmental stress; intervals of narrow rings (small values) are characterized by small values for ␴ and high values for r1, which leads to low values for ␨. Because ␨ had proven ambiguous, I turned to dendroclimatology for techniques to assess the signal in tree-ring series. ANOVA (Fritts 1976) and the ‘Mean Correlation Technique’ (Wigley et al. 1984) are used in climatological studies to estimate the signal in series from living trees from the same forest or forest stand. Unlike ANOVA the Mean Correlation Technique does not require that all tree-ring series overlap; it is therefore suitable for analysing long chronologies that consist of short series (e.g. oak). The adaptation published by Briffa and Jones (1990) distinguishes between the ‘within-tree signal’ (the average correlation between series that represent the same tree) and the ‘between-tree signal’ (the average correlation between series that represent different trees). From these the ‘effective chronology signal’ is derived, from which the ‘Expressed Population Signal’ (EPS) is estimated. Because in climate studies EPS is required to be 0.85 or higher (Wigley et al. 1984), a threshold value of 0.85 was used throughout the analyses, i.e., chronology intervals with EPS < 0.85 were considered unreliable. The first step was to assess whether or not EPS can be applied to estimate the strength of the signal in Dutch tree-ring data (Chapter 3). A data set was used from a limited period and restricted geographical domain, consisting of timbers used between AD 1463 and 1465 in the town of ’s-Hertogenbosch (province of Noord-Brabant) to rebuild houses destroyed by fire. ’s-Hertogenbosch is situated near the Meuse. The oak chronology of eastern Belgium, produced from the patterns in timbers from historical buildings in the Meuse Basin, had just become available (Hoffsummer 1989) and, upon request, the individual measurement series were also made available. The historical information on trade and forest management in the region shows that fifteenth century oak timber used in ’s-Hertogenbosch was collected locally as well as being imported along the Rhine and Meuse rivers (Vink 1990; Vink 1993; Chapter 3). Over a hundred timbers from historical buildings were analysed. Most of the data set consists of undatable patterns from rapidly grown, young trees; they most likely represent locally grown oak. Different groups could be not distinguished in the set of 21 timbers with felling dates around 1465. The match of the average ’s-Hertogenbosch chronology with the chronologies from adjacent countries indicates that the timbers were derived from eastern Belgium. The average chronology of ’s-Hertogenbosch has a higher EPS than the eastern Belgium chronology. This might in part be caused by the larger number of series in the ’s-Hertogenbosch chronology. When the series from eastern Belgium and ’s-Hertogenbosch are combined, the value for EPS increases and the match with established German chronologies improves. This indicates that in the combined chronology the ring-width variations caused by local factors are less marked than they are in the separate chronologies, i.e., the combined chronology reflects general climatic conditions more accurately than the separate chronologies. Some of the regional chronologies used in the analysis represent different geographical regions than previously assumed. The most serious problem concerns the chronology of the Lower Rhine, which in part consists of tree-ring patterns from Dutch locations (Hollstein 1980). Between AD 1327 and 1465 it  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 shows a correlation of -0.60 with the Ardennes-Eiffel chronology of Hollstein (1980), and the interval between AD 1369 and 1465 is practically identical to his more northern chronology of the Westerwald/Sauerland area (r = 0.72). This indicates that the provenance of the oak series used in the Lower Rhine chronology is in another region than Hollstein assumed. It also concurs with my experience that the Medieval part of the Lower Rhine chronology does not match with patterns of oak from Dutch contexts. Several conclusions were based on these findings: (1) given restricted, geographically and chronologically well-defined data sets it is possible to produce oak chronologies with a homogeneous signal in the Netherlands; (2) the Mean Correlation Technique can be used to estimate the strength of the signal in oak chronologies from Dutch contexts; (3) access is required to the measurement series included in a chronology if the quality of this chronology is to be assessed; (4) parts of Hollstein’s regional chronologies are not useful for establishing the provenance of oak timber; (5) many oak timbers used in the Netherlands were imported, i.e., cannot be used to construct chronologies of indigenous oak. The Sub-Fossil Forests project was partly launched in order to collect a data set of indigenous oak. The methodological purpose was to empirically establish the strength of the environmental signal, estimated through the Expressed Population Signal (EPS), in data sets derived from oaks that simultaneously grew at the same (oceanic) site. The largest data set was derived from the province of Zuid-Holland, from locations near Alphen aan de Rijn, Zoeterwoude and Hazerswoude (Chapter 4). Of the 55 trunks that were sampled, 36 were found to match, resulting in a chronology of 1118 years (NLPre_ZH, 2258 -1141 BC). NLPre_ZH could be matched with the North German bog oak chronology (Leuschner and Delorme 1988). One of the main findings was that EPS should be estimated on short consecutive intervals of a long chronology, not on the complete interval; in the latter case, the value for EPS overestimates the signal (Chapter 4). Hundredyear intervals of NLPre_ZH require 10 to 15 series in order to reach values for EPS higher than 0.85. This contrasts with chronologies of arid-site conifers in the western United States, which require a minimum of four series, and with chronologies of deciduous oak in the United Kingdom, which require a minimum of 25 series (Briffa and Jones 1990). It was noted that although the residual NLPre_ZH chronology has both a higher within-tree and between-tree signal than the standard chronology due to the removal of the auto-correlation, its effective chronology signal as estimated by the Mean Correlation Technique is lower. This was ignored because the differences between the values were small. NLPre_ZH matches well with the North German bog oak chronology (Chapter 4). Both this match and the values for EPS indicate that the patterns of bog oaks from Zuid-Holland contain a strong environmental signal. This means that contrary to former expectations oaks in the western Netherlands are stressed by non-local environmental factors. Given the fact that bog oaks are found in former bogs, whereas living oaks in the Netherlands prefer welldrained Pleistocene soils, the bog oaks started growing in relatively dry conditions and became stressed as a result of raised water tables (which also increased the development of local bogs, in which the remains of the trees were preserved). The water table is related to precipitation and temperature, i.e. climate. This means that the variability in bog oak chronologies reflects climate as well. The main conclusion is that, contrary to the dendrochronological findings of the 1960’s and 1970’s, oaks from Dutch sites are well-suited for developing climate-sensitive, indigenous chronologies. This finding was tested by the analysis of a heterogeneous data set from the Iron Age/Roman period, consisting of 195 series of dated bog oaks and archaeological timbers from a wide variety of sites (Chapter 5). Using correlation techniques and dendrochronological matching, four groups could be distinguished. NLRom_R, from 46 trees derived from six natural and four archaeological sites throughout the Netherlands, runs from the end of the  chapter 8 | Discussion and Conclusions Middle Iron Age to Early Merovingian times (325 BC - AD 563; EPS = 0.96). Given the fraction of bog oaks in this chronology, NLRom_R represents indigenous oak. The three other chronologies exclusively represent timbers from archaeological sites. The first, NLRom_W1 (84 BC - AD 50), consists of 14 series from Leidschendam and Velsen and has an Expressed Population Signal (EPS) of 0.92. This chronology most likely represents indigenous oak from the western Netherlands, since it contains young, undressed timber and matches better with NLRom_R than with established chronologies from neighbouring countries. The second chronology, NLRom_W2 (140 BC AD 87; EPS = 0.98), represents 42 timbers from Nieuwenhoorn and Velsen. In Chapter 5 it was argued that this chronology represents trees from the eastern Netherlands and adjacent areas of Germany, but this is contradicted by new evidence (see below). The third chronology, NLRom_E (AD 190 - 395; EPS = 0.98), represents the series of 92 trees from archaeological sites at Cuyk, Gennep and Heeten. Given the distribution of the sites and the number of young, undressed trees (Cuyk), this chronology most likely represents forests in the southeastern Netherlands that were situated close to the archaeological sites. In other words: (1) in Dutch tree-ring data from cultural contexts (about which no a priori assumptions can be made regarding the provenance) subgroups are characterized by different signal contents; (2) the most likely provenance can be deduced from the geographical distribution of the sites represented by these groups and from additional evidence such as the age of the trees and whether oak was commonly used in this period and district. Over 80% of the dated series of timber from Dutch Medieval contexts were clustered according to their match as expressed by correlation coefficients (Chapter 6). Three historical chronologies resulted: NLHist_1, running from AD 427 to 1752 (259 trees), NLHist_2, running from AD 1023 to 1666 (195 trees) and NLHist_3, running from AD 1041 to 1346 (30 trees). The analysis of EPS showed that NLHist_1 and NLHist_2 contain too few samples before AD 1100 and 1300, respectively, but that NLHist_3 contains sufficient samples. It was noted that intervals in NLHist_1 with low values for EPS synchronize with intervals in the radiocarbon calibration curve that are characterized by anomalous values for 14C. Based on the match with chronologies from neighbouring countries it was established that (1) the variability in NLHist_1 closely matches that in the established chronologies, with the exception of the first and last century. Excluding the first and last part NLHist_1 should be useful as a reference for dating, even if no series are added; (2) NLHist_2 does not match well with established chronologies before AD 1300. It requires more series between AD 1023 (its first year) and AD 1300; (3) NLHist_3 does not match with any established chronology and this situation is not likely to improve if series are added. In the Netherlands the provenance of Medieval timbers is heterogeneous, which is illustrated by the problems of interpretation regarding the provenance of Chronologies 1 and 2 (Eckstein et al. 1975). In order to investigate the provenance of Dutch timbers, and to reduce the chance that chronologies of locally grown oak would not be recognized, a regional analysis of the new timber chronologies was attempted. To this end, the classification by Wolff (1989) was used; he divides the Netherlands into 26 geogenetical growth regions. This classification does not result in detailed information, but nonetheless shows that NLHist_1 dominates in the southern Netherlands, NLHist_2 in the central and northern Netherlands, and NLHist_3 in coastal regions and an occasional river valley. From this it can be concluded that the signal in the tree-ring patterns of Medieval timbers used in the central and northern Netherlands differs markedly from the signal in the patterns from timbers used in the southern Netherlands. This difference might be caused by (1) different trade routes for importing oak in the southern and central/ northern Netherlands, and/or (2) differences in the environmental conditions that govern the growth of indigenous oak in both regions. Given the early date of NLHist_3, and given the fact that it does neither match with established chronologies nor with NLHist_1 and NLHist_2, the  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 timbers in this chronology may be indigenous. If this is the case, dendrochronology in the Netherlands should accept the explanation for deviating characteristics in Dutch chronologies offered by Eckstein et al. (1975), namely that some areas in the Netherlands were exploited to such an extent that in later times no wood from these areas was available, and hence chronologies that represent wood from these areas cannot be matched with established chronologies. Before doing so, however, one should investigate the possibility that NLHist_3 represents trees from one of the neighbouring countries. I then turned to the question of why, compared to the standard chronology, the residual NLPre_ZH chronology is characterized by a higher within-tree and between-tree signal, but by a lower effective chronology signal. The introduced hyperbolical relationship between these variables (Briffa and Jones 1990) contradicts the fact that ring-width variability caused by tree-specific endogenous influences reduces and/or conceals the variability caused by more general environmental (exogenous and climatological) influences. If the chronology signal is indeed hyperbolically related to the within-tree signal, the application of noise reducing techniques to series that represent the same tree would be superfluous or even counterproductive. In order to investigate the relationship between the within-tree and effective chronology signal the domain of these variables was analysed (Chapter 7). It was found that: (1) the derivation of the signals according to the definition by Wigley et al. (1984) and Briffa and Jones (1990) results in an underestimation of the actual signal, especially when the correlations approach the limits of the domain of r [-1,1]. The correlation coefficients from which the signal is estimated should be transformed to Fisher’s z-scores before they are averaged; (2) the effective chronology signal, from which the Expressed Population Signal (EPS) is derived (Briffa and Jones 1990), is treated as, but in fact is not, a correlation coefficient; (3) the within-tree signal is inadequately expressed in the effective chronology signal. In view of conclusion (3), the values for EPS in Chapters 5 and 6 are derived from the between-tree signal only. Conclusion (1) was established too late during the analysis to be put into effect. The implication of conclusion (1) is that the values for EPS established throughout this study underestimate the actual strength of the signal in the chronologies (the resulting error is largest for the highest values for EPS). Conclusion (2) was also established too late. Once more tree-ring series have been added to the chronologies, i.e. the overlap between the series has improved, the chronologies should be analysed using other techniques for time-series analysis. 8.3 THE APPLICATION OF CHRONOLOGIES FROM DUTCH CONTEXTS 8.3.1 Prehistory The prehistoric chronology NLPre_ZH, developed from bog oaks found in the province of Zuid-Holland, contains series of 36 trees and runs from the Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age (Chapter 4). The chronological position of this and all other chronologies is shown in Figure 8.1; further details are given in Table 8.1. We refer to these summaries in the sequel. The signal contained in NLPre_ZH, as estimated by EPS, is insufficient over two-thirds of the interval. This indicates that more series should be added. Recently, the series from three bog oaks from Papendrecht (province of ZuidHolland) and one from Wageningen (province of Gelderland) were dated against this chronology. The Papendrecht series cover the period between 1406 and 1035 BC, i.e., since its construction NLPre_ZH has been extended from 1141 to 1035 BC. Interestingly, a fourth bog oak series from Papendrecht matches well with archaeological series from Ede, Oss-Mettegeupel and  chapter 8 | Discussion and Conclusions Spijkenisse (provinces of Gelderland, Noord-Brabant and Zuid-Holland) and with a single bog-oak series from Weesp (province of Noord-Holland; RING, unpublished data). The combined chronology of the five locations, which was matched against the North German bog oak chronology, runs from the eleventh to the seventh century BC; a gap of seven years (1034 - 1028 BC) separates it from the extended, as yet unpublished, NLPre_ZH chronology. These new results show that (1) NLPre_ZH is suitable as a reference for dating bog oak series and (2) the tree-ring patterns in bog oaks from the first 350 years of the first millennium BC do match with the patterns in timber from cultural contexts. This is especially important in view of the chronological gap in the Dutch chronologies between 1141 (currently 1035) and 325 BC. FIGURE 8.1 - The chronological position of oak tree-ring chronologies for the Netherlands. Chronologies 1 and 2 are described by Eckstein et al. 1975 TABLE 8.1 - Overview of new treering chronologies for the Netherlands Chronology First Year Last Year No. of trees Context natural archaeol. Reference historical NLPre _ZH 2258 BC 1141 BC 36 + - - Chapter 4 NLRom_R 325 BC AD 563 46 + + - Chapter 5 NLRom_W2 140 BC AD 87 42 - + - Chapter 5 NLRom_W1 84 BC AD 50 14 - + - Chapter 5 NLRom_E AD 190 AD 395 92 - + - Chapter 5 NLHist _1 AD 427 AD 1752 259 - + + Chapter 6 NLHist _2 AD 1023 AD 1666 195 - + + Chapter 6 NLHist _3 AD 1041 AD 1346 30 + + - Chapter 6  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 The first millennium BC is somewhat of an enigma in palaeodendrochronology. First, established oak chronologies that cover this period show minimal replication at various intervals between 800/700 and 400 BC (Schmidt and Gruhle 1988; Baillie 1993; Becker 1993). Second, during this period the similarity between the established chronologies is low (Schmidt and Gruhle 1988). Of course, these phenomena could be related, since the reliability of the signal in a chronology (in part expressed by the strength of the match with other chronologies) is, among other things, related to the number of samples. On the other hand, they could also be the expression of climatic factors, such as a sudden environmental change that caused (1) the death of oaks on low sites (fewer bog oaks) and (2) an increased local signal in surviving oaks (decreased correlations among established chronologies). In view of the anomalous 14C production during this interval (the ‘Hallstatt Plateau’), Schmidt and Gruhle (1988) opt for the latter explanation and state that the climate in general became cooler and wetter. They argue that established chronologies do not match well during this period as a result of the increased locality of the signal in patterns of oak. The recently found match between series from Papendrecht, Weesp, Ede, Oss-Mettegeupel and Spijkenisse (and between their average chronology and the North German bog oak chronology) contradicts this line of reasoning, at least for the period between 1027 and 658 BC; it proves that oak series from this period, derived from different natural and archaeological sites, can be matched. In other words, oak series from the first 350 years of the first millennium BC contain a strong, and similar, environmental signal. This indicates that it is only a matter of time before NLPre_ZH can be linked to the newly dated series and extended into the first millennium BC. In the Netherlands no bog oaks have been found that lived from the mid-eighth century to the fourth century BC. This may indicate that oaks growing on sites at low elevations did not survive past the eighth century BC. Possible explanations are a raised water table, increased marine/fluvial activity at low sites, and increased development of bogs. However, the lack of bog oak samples in the Netherlands for this period may also, at least in part, be the result of sample bias. Linking NLPre_ZH to the more recent chronology NLRom_R (325 BC AD 563) is one of the current priorities in Dutch dendrochronology, because it will allow not only a closer look at the impact of the assumed environmental change on the distribution and growth characteristics of indigenous oak during this period, but also enhance the possibility of dating archaeological contexts from the first millennium BC. To this end two floating chronologies have already been established that contain oak tree-ring series from archaeological sites dated to the first millennium BC. The first chronology represents archaeological series from the Velserbroekpolder (province of Noord-Holland); the second chronology represents one archaeological series from Wommels (province of Friesland) and bog oak series from Papendrecht (province of Zuid-Holland) and Vriezenveen (province of Overijssel). 8.3.2 The Iron Age/Roman period NLRom_R represents bog oaks and archaeological material from a variety of locations. Its signal was not analysed for different intervals. Initially, its use as a reference chronology for dating appeared to be limited; the first and last parts of NLRom_R (the segments before 100 BC and after AD 400) do not match well with established chronologies, and its use as a reference chronology did not result in any new dates for undated oak series for this period. Given that the first and last interval of NLRom_R consist of only a few series, more samples should be included. Nonetheless, the dendrochronological dates of about ten archaeological timbers from sites in Oss-Ussen and Valkenburg (provinces of Noord-Brabant and Zuid-Holland), which I established in the earliest phase of my research, were confirmed by matching with NLRom_R (Appendix A). And, more recently, two archaeological samples from Eme (Zutphen, province of Gelderland), which were undatable  chapter 8 | Discussion and Conclusions with any other chronology, could be dated to the sixth century by matching with NLRom_R (RING, unpublished data). This indicates that also in its current form NLRom_R is suitable as a reference chronology for dating. No problem exists regarding the sample size of the three archaeological chronologies from this period. Only one timber, derived from Valkenburg (province of Zuid-Holland), has been dated so far by a match with NLRom_W1. NLRom_W2 was recently used as a reference to date timbers from archaeological sites at Alphen aan de Rijn and Spijkenisse (province of ZuidHolland; RING, unpublished data). In Chapter 5 it was argued that, in view of the match with established German chronologies, NLRom_W2 represents trees that grew in the eastern Netherlands. The new dates established through this chronology, however, exclusively apply to archaeological sites in the province of Zuid-Holland. This indicates that the interpretation presented in Chapter 5 may be wrong and that NLRom_W2 instead consists of series from ZuidHolland, i.e. the western Netherlands. NLRom_E has been used as a reference to date timbers from archaeological sites at Bergeijk (province of NoordBrabant) and, in an earlier version, Wehl (province of Gelderland). Given the distribution of the sites represented by NLRom_E (situated in the provinces of Limburg and Noord-Brabant) as well as that of the sites that can be dated by it, this chronology represents forests located in the southeastern Netherlands. Linking the Iron Age/Roman period chronologies to the historical timber chronologies NLHist_1, NLHist_2 and NLHist_3 is a second priority in current Dutch dendrochronological research. Although NLRom_R overlaps with NLHist_1 for more than a hundred years, the chronologies do not crossdate and cannot be combined. This could be related to differences in their geographical distribution; NLRom_R represents oak from low, wet locations in the central Netherlands, whereas NLHist_1 represents oak from a broad geographical region that ranges from the Pleistocene soils in the southern Netherlands and Belgium to Central Germany. If NLHist_1 can be linked to an earlier chronology, the most likely candidate is NLRom_E, which represents oak that grew in the southeastern Netherlands. NLRom_E runs no further than AD 395 (Table 8.1). Given that dendrochronological matching requires an overlap of 80 years or more, this chronology needs to be extended at least a hundred years before the link with NLHist_1 can be established. It is, however, uncertain whether an extended version of NLRom_E will match with NLHist_1, because the size of the regions represented by both chronologies differs considerably. 8.3.3 The Merovingian and Carolingian periods Given the geographical differences between the newly established historical chronologies and the fact that the more recent chronologies among them are either of insufficient quality before AD 1000 (NLHist_1) or do not even extend back this far (NLHist_2 and 3), more dendrochronological data are needed for the period between AD 400 and 1000. It has been shown that archaeology will profit greatly from precise dating for this particular interval (Chapter 1). Dendroclimatology provides additional reasons to focus on this period. In AD 536, either a volcano erupted or meteors struck. A cooling of the climate resulted that lasted at least a decade, and is recorded in tree-rings from Ireland and Germany (Baillie 1994). We cannot look at the environmental impact in the Netherlands, because this particular year occurs only in two bog oak series (NLRom_R) and one archaeological series (NLHist_1). The tenth century, also characterized by climatic anomalies (a cooling of the climate caused by an eruption of the Icelandic vulcano Eldgjá in about AD 940 (Zielinski et al. 1995); extreme drought in the Netherlands (Heidinga 1987)), is represented by about ten series (NLHist_1). Given their weak match (represented by a slight dip in the value for EPS; Chapter 6), more series should be added to this interval, both to strengthen the chronology signal and its quality for dating and to improve the quality of NLHist_1 for climate studies. A recent success in this respect was the dating of four oak posts from Tiel (province of Gelderland) to the tenth century by matching their series with NLHist_1 (RING, unpublished data).  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 8.3.4 The Late Middle Ages NLHist_1 is the longest and best-replicated of the newly established Medieval chronologies. It has, however, resulted in only a few new dendrochronological dates after AD 1100. This is related to a tautology that was implicit in the research from the very beginning. The undertaking was to match samples from Dutch locations with established chronologies from neighbouring countries, and then to compile the dated series into new Dutch chronologies. In this way, a ‘Dutch’ chronology resulted that mirrors an established chronology abroad: NLHist_1 strongly resembles, and possibly repeats, Hollstein’s Central German oak chronology (r = 0.62; Chapter 6), and to a lesser extent resembles the chronology of eastern Belgium, which was produced from patterns matched with the Central German chronology (Hoffsummer 1989). In other words, the reason that the interval of NLHist_1 after AD 1100 is not important in dendrochronological dating is because wellreplicated chronologies for eastern Belgium and adjacent areas of Germany already exist for this period. Tree-ring series that can be matched with the established chronologies of eastern Belgium and Central Germany can also be matched with NLHist_1, and vice versa; hence the lack of unique dating results through the application of NLHist_1. The historical chronology NLHist_2 has proven to be the most useful of the new Medieval chronologies in recent dating research; quite a few tree-ring patterns that were undatable with established chronologies could be matched with NLHist_2. Although its Expressed Population Signal (EPS) between AD 1023 and 1300 is weak, this early interval is nevertheless suitable for dating oak from cultural contexts. This is illustrated by recent datings for the N.H. Kerk in Oudewater (province of Utrecht), a church with building phases in the fourteenth to sixteenth century. The oldest timbers in this church are in the roof of the tower and the nave. Their tree-ring series match well with NLHist_2 and run back to AD 1182, i.e., well into the interval of NLHist_2 that is characterized by low values for EPS. In summary, it can be stated that the objectives as outlined in the introduction were well achieved. New oak chronologies have been produced from series derived from natural sites and archaeological and historical structures in the Netherlands. These chronologies allow excellent dating of archaeological and historical material for the periods 2258 - 1141 BC and 325 BC - AD 1752.  SAMENVATTING In dit proefschrift komen diverse methoden en toepassingen van dendrochronologie aan de orde. Hieronder zijn de resultaten samengevat. Paragraaf A bevat een discussie over de gebruikte methoden, paragraaf B een discussie over de wijze waarop de nieuwe jaarringkalenders sinds hun vervaardiging worden toegepast. A METHODOLOGISCHE ASPECTEN: HET SCHATTEN VAN HET SIGNAAL IN JAARRINGKALENDERS Hoofdstuk 1 In het midden van de 80er jaren was weinig bekend over de reactie van Nederlandse eiken op het klimaat. Gebleken was dat de groeipatronen van levende bomen, bouwhout en schilderijpanelen (alle eik) dateerbaar waren met Duitse kalenders; dit had geleid tot de samenstelling van Chronologie 1 en Chronologie 2 (Eckstein et al. 1975). Chronologie 1 en 2 vertoonden echter geen onderlinge overeenkomst, wat erop leek te wijzen dat in Nederland in het verleden duidelijk onderscheiden bosbestanden bestonden, elk gekenmerkt door een ander klimaatsignaal (de variatie van ringbreedten die bomen op verschillende standplaatsen gemeen hebben), en dat deze bestanden ten dele zodanig werden geëxploiteerd dat ze later voorgoed verdwenen waren. Voorts was gebleken dat Chronologie 1 en 2 niet goed bruikbaar waren als standaard ter datering van ongedateerd eikehout uit Nederlandse vindplaatsen en gebouwen. Dit leek erop te wijzen dat het signaal in Nederlandse eiken in het verleden gedomineerd werd door lokale groeisignalen (ringbreedtevariaties die alleen voorkomen in bomen op een enkele standplaats, of slechts in een enkele boom). Aan de andere kant was het mogelijk gebleken om de jaarringpatronen van veeneiken uit het West-Nederlandse kustgebied te correleren met de Centraal-Duitse eikkalender van Hollstein (Hollstein 1980; Jansma 1987); dit wees er juist op dat de groeipatronen van in Nederland gegroeide eiken wèl een algemeen klimaatsignaal kunnen bevatten, en zelfs een signaal dat overeenkomsten vertoont met het signaal in patronen van eiken uit regio’s met een landklimaat. Hoofdstuk 2 Om meer inzicht te verkrijgen in de soorten variabiliteit die aanwezig zijn in de jaarringpatronen van Nederlands eiken, analyseerde ik de ‘Mean Sensitivity’ (␨) van eiken uit natuurlijke en antropogene contexten uit de IJzertijd/Romeinse Tijd. De beschrijvende parameter ␨ werd door A.E. Douglass (1928) ontwikkeld als schatter van de variatie van ringbreedten van jaar tot jaar; deze variatie reflecteert tot op zekere hoogte de mate waarin boomgroei afhankelijk is van, en onderdrukt wordt door het klimaat (de sterkte van het klimaatsignaal). Hoge waarden voor ␨ werden vooral verklaard  Samenvatting in termen van stress die samenhangt met continentale klimatologische omstandigheden (Fritts 1976; Fürst 1963; Fürst 1978). Omdat de patronen van bomen die reageren op klimatologische stress vaak dateerbaar zijn, werd de waarde voor ␨ daarnaast opgevat als een indicatie van het daterend potentieel van jaarringpatronen. Mijn belangrijkste bevinding was dat jaarringpatronen van eiken uit natuurlijke en antropogene vindplaatsen in West-Nederland gekenmerkt worden door even hoge waarden voor ␨ als patronen uit gebieden met een landklimaat, zoals Centraal-Duitsland (Jansma, ongepubliceerde gegevens). De conclusies waren: (1) de waarde voor ␨ weerspiegelt niet alleen continentale, maar ook oceanische omgevingsinvloeden; (2) indien de waarde voor ␨ gerelateerd is aan stress kunnen de groeiomstandigheden voor eiken in regio’s met een zeeklimaat even extreem zijn als in regio’s met een landklimaat. Verder werd vastgesteld dat langdurige stress niet kan worden uitgedrukt in ␨, omdat langdurig onderdrukte groei resulteert in reeksen jaarringen die zeer smal zijn en daardoor weinig variatie vertonen van jaar tot jaar, dus in lage waarden voor ␨. Dit onderzoek werd niet gepubliceerd; het gegevensbestand waarop de analyse was gebaseerd, bleek te klein te zijn en ␨ bleek als parameter problematisch. In samenwerking met Prof. Dr. J. Strackee (Afd. Medische Fysica en Informatica, Universiteit van Amsterdam) werd vastgesteld dat een tijdreeks die een lognormale verdeling heeft, zoals een reeks geïndexeerde jaarringbreedten, een waarde voor ␨ heeft die afhankelijk is van de standaarddeviatie en de eerste-orde autocorrelatie van de reeks. Er werd een model van deze relatie ontwikkeld en toegepast op bestaande jaarringseries. De belangrijkste conclusie was dat ␨ volledig afhankelijk is van ␤公(1-r1), waarbij ␤ de geschatte standaarddeviatie van de reeks is en r1 de geschatte autocorrelatie. Dit houdt in dat de waarde voor ␨ afgeleid kan worden uit de standaarddeviatie (␴) en de eerste-orde autocorrelatie (r1) van een reeks (een hoge waarde voor ␨ kan het resultaat zijn van een hoge waarde voor ␴, een lage waarde voor r1, of een combinatie van beide). Dit verklaart overigens waarom ␨ slechts lage waarden bereikt voor jaarringpatronen die langdurige onderdrukte groei vertonen; reeksen smalle ringen (lage meetwaarden) worden gekenmerkt door lage waarden voor ␴ en hoge waarden voor r1, hetgeen tot lage waarden voor ␨ leidt. Hoofdstuk 3 1. Veldatum: het jaar waarin een boom is geveld. Omdat ␨ problematisch was gebleken, richtte ik mij op dendroklimatologische methoden om het signaal in jaarringreeksen te schatten. ANOVA (variantieanalyse; Fritts 1976) en de ‘Gemiddelde Correlatietechniek’ (Wigley et al. 1984) worden in de dendroklimatologie gebruikt om het signaal te schatten in jaarringreeksen van levende bomen die tot hetzelfde bosbestand behoren. In tegenstelling tot ANOVA vereist de Gemiddelde Correlatietechniek niet dat alle jaarringreeksen volledig in de tijd overlappen; daarom is deze methode goed toepasbaar bij de analyse van lange kalenders die uit korte jaarringreeksen zijn opgebouwd, zoals kalenders van eik. Aanvankelijk werd de aangepaste correlatietechniek van Briffa en Jones (1990) gebruikt, waarbij het in-de-boom signaal (de gemiddelde correlatie tussen jaarringreeksen die dezelfde boom vertegenwoordigen) wordt onderscheiden van het tussen-de-bomen signaal (de gemiddelde correlatie tussen reeksen die verschillende bomen vertegenwoordigen). Uit deze beide wordt het effectief chronologiesignaal afgeleid, waaruit het ‘Populatie Signaal’ (EPS) wordt geschat. Omdat EPS in klimatologische studies 0.85 of hoger moet zijn (Wigley et al. 1984), werd tijdens alle analyses een drempelwaarde van 0.85 aangehouden, wat inhoudt dat (intervallen van) kalenders met lagere waarden voor EPS als onbetrouwbaar werden beschouwd. Als eerste werd de bruikbaarheid getest van EPS als schatter van het signaal in Nederlandse jaarringreeksen. Hierbij werd een gegevensbestand gebruikt uit een beperkt geografisch en temporeel domein: bouwhout met veldata1 tussen 1463 en 1465 n. Chr., dat in ’s-Hertogenbosch (Noord-Brabant) was gebruikt om huizen te renoveren die in 1463 door brand waren verwoest. ’s-Hertogenbosch ligt vlakbij de Maas. De Oostbelgische eikkalender, vervaardigd uit de  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 patronen in bouwhout uit de Maasvlakte, was zojuist beschikbaar gekomen (Hoffsummer 1989), en op verzoek werden ook de individuele metingen beschikbaar gesteld. De historische informatie over de houthandel en het bosbeheer in de regio laat zien dat in ’s-Hertogenbosch in de vijftiende eeuw zowel lokaal gegroeide eiken werden gebruikt, als eikehout dat van elders werd aangevoerd via de Rijn en Maas (Vink 1990; Vink 1993). Meer dan honderd stukken bouwhout werden geanalyseerd; de meeste hiervan vertegenwoordigden ondateerbare, jonge en snelgegroeide bomen uit de onmiddellijke omgeving van ’s-Hertogenbosch. Binnen het bestand van 21 houtmonsters met veldata tussen 1463 en 1465 konden geen verschillende groepen worden onderscheiden; uit deze jaarringseries werd een ’s-Hertogenbosch kalender vervaardigd. De overeenkomst van de ’s-Hertogenbosch kalender met bestaande kalenders uit de omringende landen geeft aan dat het bouwhout met veldata tussen 1463 en 1465 afkomstig was uit Oost-België en daarom waarschijnlijk via de Maas moet zijn aangevoerd. De ’s-Hertogenbosch kalender heeft een hogere waarde voor EPS dan de Oost-België kalender. Dit zou ten dele veroorzaakt kunnen zijn door het grotere aantal jaarringpatronen in de ’s-Hertogenbosch kalender. Wanneer de reeksen in beide kalenders worden gecombineerd, neemt de waarde voor EPS toe en wordt de overeenkomst met de overige kalenders sterker. Met andere woorden, in de gecombineerde ’s-Hertogenbosch/België kalender zijn de door lokale invloeden veroorzaakte ringbreedtevariaties zwakker, en de door algemeen klimatologische invloeden veroorzaakte variaties sterker, dan in de afzonderlijke kalenders. Enkele van de regionale kalenders die tijdens de analyse werden gebruikt, bleken een andere regio te vertegenwoordigen dan algemeen werd aangenomen. Het grootste probleem betrof de Neder-Rijn kalender, die ten dele bestaat uit patronen van hout uit Nederlandse vindplaatsen (Hollstein 1980). Tussen 1327 en 1465 n. Chr. heeft deze kalender een correlatie (r) van -0.60 met Hollstein’s Ardennen-Eiffel kalender, en het interval tussen 1369 en 1465 n. Chr. is praktisch identiek aan Hollstein’s meer noordelijke Westerwald-Sauerland kalender (r = 0.72). Dit houdt in dat de herkomst van het hout waarop de Neder-Rijn kalender is gebaseerd, in een ander gebied ligt dan Hollstein aannam. Ook komt het overeen met mijn ervaring dat deze kalender onbruikbaar is ter datering van eik uit Nederlandse vindplaatsen. Deze bevindingen leidden tot de volgende conclusies: (1) gegeven beperkte en in geografisch en chronologisch opzicht goed gedefinieerde jaarringbestanden is het in Nederland mogelijk om jaarringkalenders te vervaardigen met een homogeen signaal; (2) de Gemiddelde Correlatietechniek kan inderdaad gebruikt worden om de kracht van het signaal te schatten in kalenders van hout uit Nederlandse vindplaatsen; (3) om de kwaliteit van een kalender te kunnen vaststellen, is toegang tot de individuele jaarringreeksen waaruit de kalender is opgebouwd onontbeerlijk; (4) Hollstein’s regionale kalenders zijn ten dele onbruikbaar als standaard ter bepaling van de herkomst van eiken bouwhout; (5) veel van het in Nederland toegepaste bouwhout is van elders afkomstig en is daarom onbruikbaar als uitgangspunt voor Nederlandse jaarringkalenders. Hoofdstuk 4 Het Subfossiele Bossenproject (RING/ROB) werd onder andere gestart om een gegevensbestand van inheems eiken te verzamelen. In methodologisch opzicht was het doel empirisch vast te stellen hoe sterk het omgevingssignaal, zoals geschat door EPS, is in patronen van inheemse eiken die tegelijk groeiden op dezelfde oceanische standplaats. Het grootste bestand werd verzameld in de provincie Zuid-Holland, op lokaties bij Alphen a/d Rijn, Zoeterwoude en Hazerswoude. Van de 55 bemonsterde stammen konden 36 onderling gedateerd worden, hetgeen resulteerde in een 1118 jaar lange kalender, NLPre_ZH, die loopt van 2258 tot 1141 v. Chr. NLPre_ZH kon absoluut gedateerd worden met behulp van de Noordduitse veeneikkalender (Leuschner and Delorme 1988).  Samenvatting Een van de belangrijkste bevindingen was dat EPS geschat dient te worden voor korte opeenvolgende intervallen van lange kalenders, niet voor het hele interval; in dat laatste geval overschat de waarde voor EPS het feitelijke signaal. In NLPre_ZH moeten intervallen van 100 jaar gerepresenteerd worden door minstens 10 à 15 jaarringpatronen, om waarden voor EPS te bereiken die hoger zijn dan 0.85. Dit in tegenstelling tot kalenders van naaldbomen op droge lokaties in het westen van de Verenigde Staten, die minimaal 4 patronen nodig hebben, en kalenders van eik in Engeland, die gerepresenteerd moeten worden door minstens 25 patronen (Briffa en Jones 1990). Voorts werd opgemerkt dat het effectief chronologiesignaal in de ‘residu’-kalender van NLPre_ZH (de versie waaruit de autocorrelatie is gefilterd) lager is dan in de ‘standaard’-kalender (waarin de autocorrelatie aanwezig is), terwijl zowel het in-de-boom signaal als het tussen-de-bomen signaal in de eerste sterker is dan in de tweede. Dit werd genegeerd, omdat het verschil tussen de waarden klein was. NLPre_ZH komt goed overeen met de Noordduitse veeneikkalender. Zowel deze overeenkomst als de waarden voor EPS geven aan dat de groeipatronen van de Zuidhollandse veeneiken in sterke mate een door maritieme omgevingsinvloeden gestuurd signaal bevatten. Met andere woorden, in tegenstelling tot wat men eerder aannam werd de groei van eiken in West-Nederland niet gedomineerd door lokale, maar over grotere gebieden werkzame omgevingsinvloeden. Gegeven het feit dat deze eiken in (voormalige) venen worden aangetroffen, terwijl eik nu vooral groeit op de Pleistocene zandgronden, moeten de in venen gevonden eiken in relatief droge omstandigheden zijn ontkiemd, waarna ze in problemen kwamen door een verhoging van het grondwaterniveau (die eveneens resulteerde in een uitbreiding van de bestaande venen). Het grondwaterniveau is gerelateerd aan het klimaat, wat inhoudt dat de variatie van de ringbreedten in veeneiken een klimatologische component heeft. In tegenstelling tot de dendrochronologische bevindingen van de 60er en 70er jaren is de belangrijkste conclusie hieruit dat eiken uit Nederlandse vindplaatsen goed bruikbaar zijn voor de ontwikkeling van aan het klimaat gerelateerde kalenders. Hoofdstuk 5 Bovenstaande conclusie werd geverifieerd met behulp van een heterogeen bestand van jaarringpatronen uit de IJzertijd/Romeinse Tijd, bestaande uit 195 patronen van zowel veeneiken als archeologisch materiaal uit zeer diverse vindplaatsen. Met behulp van correlatietechnieken en dendrochronologische dateringsmethoden konden in dit bestand vier groepen worden onderscheiden, die ieder tot een afzonderlijke kalender leidden. De kalender NLRom_R vertegenwoordigt 46 bomen uit zes natuurlijke en vier archeologische vindplaatsen en loopt van de Midden IJzertijd tot de vroeg-Merovingische periode (325 v. Chr. - 563 n. Chr.; EPS = 0.96). Gegeven het feit dat hier veeneiken in opgenomen zijn moet deze kalender inheemse eiken vertegenwoordigen. De overige drie kalenders vertegenwoordigen uitsluitend bouwhout dat in archeologische vindplaatsen is aangetroffen. De eerste archeologische kalender, NLRom_W1 (84 v. Chr. - 50 n. Chr.), bestaat uit series uit Leidschendam en Velsen (14 totaal) en heeft een waarde voor EPS van 0.92. Gegeven de sterke overeenkomst met NLRom_R en het aandeel van jonge onbewerkte bomen in deze kalender vertegenwoordigt NLRom_W1 waarschijnlijk eiken die in West-Nederland zijn gegroeid. De tweede archeologische kalender, NLRom_W2 (140 v. Chr. - 87 n. Chr.), bestaat uit series uit Nieuwenhoorn en Velsen (42 totaal) en heeft een waarde voor EPS van 0.98. In Hoofdstuk 5 wordt beargumenteerd dat deze kalender eiken uit Oost-Nederland en aangrenzend Duitsland vertegenwoordigt, maar dit wordt tegengesproken door nieuwe gegevens (zie onder). De derde archeologische kalender, NLRom_E (190 - 395 n. Chr.; EPS = 0.98), bestaat uit series uit Cuyk, Gennep en Heeten (92 totaal). Gegeven de lokatie van de vindplaatsen en het aandeel van jonge onbewerkte bomen vertegenwoordigt deze kalender waarschijnlijk eiken die in Zuidoost Nederland groeiden, niet ver van hun archeologische vindplaatsen. De conclusie was dat in bestanden van jaarring-  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 series uit Nederlandse antropogene vindplaatsen subgroepen kunnen worden onderscheiden die gekenmerkt worden door verschillende signalen. De regio waar de bomen in deze subgroepen groeiden kan worden afgeleid uit de geografische ligging van de vindplaatsen en aanvullende gegevens zoals de leeftijd van de bomen en de mate waarin eik in het betreffende gebied en dezelfde periode als bouwhout werd gebruikt. Hoofdstuk 6 Vervolgens werd ruim 80% van de gedateerde jaarringreeksen uit middeleeuwse vindplaatsen in Nederland geclusterd naar aanleiding van de overeenkomst tussen de reeksen zoals deze tot uitdrukking komt in correlatiecoëfficiënten. Hieruit resulteerden drie historische kalenders: NLHist_1 loopt van 427 tot 1752 n. Chr. (259 bomen), NLHist_2 van 1023 tot 1666 n. Chr. (195 bomen) en NLHist_3 van 1041 tot 1346 n. Chr. (30 bomen). Uit de waarden voor EPS blijkt dat NLHist_1 en NLHist_2 te weinig jaarringreeksen bevatten voor respectievelijk 1100 en 1300 n. Chr., en dat NLHist_3 over zijn gehele lengte uit voldoende reeksen bestaat. Interessant is dat intervallen van NLHist_1 die worden gekenmerkt door lage waarden voor EPS, synchroniseren met uit de calibratiecurve bekende perioden van afwijkende 14 C-produktie. Op basis van de overeenkomst met bestaande kalenders uit de omringende landen werden de volgende conclusies getrokken: (1) met uitzondering van de eerste en laatste honderd jaar komt de variatie van de jaarlijkse groeiwaarden in NLHist_1 overeen met die in de bestaande kalenders; dit betekent dat NLHist_1, met uitzondering van het eerste en laatste deel, goed bruikbaar is als standaard voor dateren, zelfs indien geen nieuwe series worden toegevoegd; (2) het interval voor 1300 n. Chr. van NLHist_2 correspondeert niet goed met de bestaande kalenders; met andere woorden, aan de eerste tweehonderd jaar van deze kalender dienen series te worden toegevoegd; (3) NLHist_3 correspondeert slechts zwak met de bestaande kalenders en deze situatie zal niet verbeteren wanneer reeksen worden toegevoegd. De herkomst van eikehout dat in de Middeleeuwen in Nederland werd gebruikt is divers, hetgeen geïllustreerd wordt door de interpretatieproblemen rond de herkomst van Chronologie 1 en 2 (Eckstein et al. 1975). Om meer inzicht te krijgen in de herkomst van Nederlands bouwhout en om de kans te verkleinen dat kalenders van lokaal gegroeid eiken niet herkend zouden worden, werd een regionale analyse gemaakt van de nieuwe bouwhoutkalenders. Hierbij werd de classificatie van Wolff (1989) gebruikt, volgens welke Nederland opgedeeld wordt in 26 geogenetische groeigebieden. Hoewel deze analyse niet tot gedetailleerde nieuwe informatie leidde, werd toch duidelijk dat NLHist_1 dominant is in Zuid-Nederland, NLHist_2 in Centraalen Noord-Nederland, en NLHist_3 in de kustgebieden en een incidentele riviervallei. Hieruit blijkt dat het signaal in de jaarringpatronen van Middeleeuws eiken dat in Centraal- en Noord-Nederland werd toegepast, sterk verschilt van het signaal in eikehout dat zuidelijker werd gebruikt. Dit verschil kan op twee manieren verklaard worden: (1) in Centraal- en NoordNederland werd eikehout aangevoerd vanuit andere herkomstgebieden, en langs andere routes, dan in Zuid-Nederland; (2) de omgevingsfactoren die de groei van inheems eiken in Centraal- en Noord-Nederland beïnvloeden, zijn wezenlijk anders dan de omgevingsfactoren in Zuid-Nederland. Zowel de vroege datering van NLHist_3 als de zwakke overeenkomst met de bestaande kalenders (inclusief NLHist_1 en NLHist_2) wijzen uit dat deze kalender mogelijk inheemse eiken vertegenwoordigt. Als dit zo is moet dendrochronologie in Nederland de verklaring van Eckstein et al. (1975) weer aanvaarden, volgens welke bepaalde bosbestanden in Nederland in het verleden zodanig zijn geëxploiteerd dat ze verdwenen zijn, waardoor kalenders van patronen uit deze bosbestanden niet overeenkomen met andere kalenders. Voordat deze verklaring wordt aanvaard, dient echter te worden nagegaan of NLHist_3 wellicht bomen uit een van de andere Europese landen vertegenwoordigt.  Samenvatting Hoofdstuk 7 Tot slot werd de vraag gesteld waarom de ‘residu’-kalender van NLPre_ZH in vergelijking met de standaardkalender een hoger in-de-boom signaal en tussen-debomen signaal bevat, maar een lager effectief chronologiesignaal (en dus een lagere EPS; Hoofdstuk 7). Briffa en Jones (1990) introduceerden een hyperbolische relatie tussen het in-de-boom signaal en het effectief chronologiesignaal (naarmate het eerste sterker wordt, wordt het tweede zwakker). Dit is in tegenspraak met het gegeven dat ringbreedtevariaties veroorzaakt door endogene (voor een enkele boom geldende) omgevingsinvloeden de variaties verhullen die veroorzaakt zijn door meer algemene (exogene en/of klimatologische) invloeden. Als het effectief chronologiesignaal inderdaad hyperbolisch gerelateerd zou zijn aan het in-de-boom signaal, zou de toepassing van ruis-reducerende technieken op jaarringseries die dezelfde boom vertegenwoordigen, contraproduktief zijn. Uit de analyse van het domein van, en de relatie tussen, deze variabelen blijkt: (1) de wijze waarop het signaal wordt geschat door Wigley et al. (1984) en Briffa and Jones (1990) leidt tot een onderschatting van het feitelijk signaal, met name wanneer de correlatiecoëfficiënten de grenzen van het domein van r naderen [-1,1]; de coëfficiënten dienen getransformeerd te worden tot Fisher’s z-scores voordat hun gemiddelde wordt bereken; (2) het effectief chronologiesignaal (Briffa en Jones 1990) wordt behandeld als een correlatiecoëfficiënt, maar is dit niet; (3) het in-de-boom signaal komt onvolledig tot uitdrukking in het effectief chronologiesignaal. Gegeven conclusie (3) werden de waarden voor EPS in Hoofdstukken 5 en 6 afgeleid uit het tussen-de-bomen signaal, en bleef in deze hoofdstukken het in-deboom signaal buiten beschouwing. Conclusie (1) werd te laat getrokken om nog in de berekeningen te worden opgenomen; de hier gepubliceerde waarden voor EPS onderschatten daarom het feitelijk signaal in de kalenders (de onderschatting is groter naarmate de waarden voor EPS hoger zijn). Ook conclusie (2) werd te laat getrokken. Gesteld dat meer jaarringreeksen aan de kalenders kunnen worden toegevoegd, waardoor de individuele reeksen beter overlappen, dienen de kalenders geanalyseerd te worden met behulp van andere technieken van tijdreeksanalyse dan de Gemiddelde Correlatietechniek. B DE TOEPASSING VAN KALENDERS UIT NEDERLANDSE VINDPLAATSEN . Prehistorie NLPre_ZH is opgebouwd uit 36 veeneiken uit Zuid-Holland en loopt van 2258 tot 1141 v. Chr. Het signaal is onvoldoende in tweederde van de chronologie, wat betekent dat er meer jaarringpatronen in moeten worden opgenomen. Drie recent onderzochte veeneiken uit Papendrecht (ZuidHolland) konden met NLPre_ZH gedateerd worden, waardoor de kalender met ruim honderd jaar kon worden verlengd tot 1035 v. Chr. Ook een veeneik uit Wageningen kon met NLPre_ZH worden gedateerd. Dit betekent dat NLPre_ZH goed bruikbaar is als standaard voor het dateren van in Nederland gegroeide eiken uit de betreffende periode. Een vierde veeneik uit Papendrecht vertoont een sterke overeenkomst met archeologische series uit Ede, Oss-Mettegeupel en Spijkenisse (Gelderland, Noord-Brabant en Zuid-Holland) en een veeneik uit Weesp. Uit dit nieuwe materiaal is onlangs een kalender vervaardigd die met de Noordduitse veeneikkalender gedateerd kon worden en loopt van 1027 tot 658 v. Chr., wat betekent dat NLPre_ZH nog maar met enkele jaren verlengd hoeft te worden voordat koppeling met de nieuwe, jongere, kalender mogelijk is. Dit is vooral van belang gezien het feit dat in Noordwest-Europa voor het eerste millennium v. Chr maar weinig jaarringkalenders bestaan. Een van de prioriteiten van het huidige dendrochronologische onderzoek in Nederland is het koppelen van NLPre_ZH, via de nieuwe kalender, aan NLRom_R, waardoor (1) de mogelijkheid tot het dateren van archeologisch materiaal uit het eerste  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 millennium v. Chr. toe zou nemen, en (2) jaarringonderzoek mogelijk wordt naar de veronderstelde klimaatverandering in het eerste millennium v. Chr. (Schmidt en Gruhle 1988). . De IJzertijd/Romeinse Tijd NLRom_R vertegenwoordigt veeneiken en archeologisch materiaal uit zeer diverse vindplaatsen, en loopt van 325 v. Chr. tot 563 n. Chr. De intervallen voor 100 v. Chr. en na 400 n. Chr. worden door slechts enkele jaarringreeksen vertegenwoordigd en komen niet optimaal overeen met de bestaande kalenders; deze delen van NLRom_R dienen daarom verfijnd te worden met behulp van meer jaarringreeksen. De dateringen van tien archeologische jaarringreeksen uit Oss-Ussen en Valkenburg (Noord-Brabant en Zuid-Holland) konden met behulp van deze kalender bevestigd worden (Appendix A). Onlangs konden twee archeologische houtmonsters uit Eme (Zutphen, Gelderland) met behulp van NLRom_R in de zesde eeuw worden gedateerd. De conclusie is dat NLRom_R bruikbaar is voor dateren, inclusief het laatste segment dat uit slechts enkele jaarringreeksen bestaat. De drie archeologische kalenders uit deze periode bevatten voldoende jaarringseries. NLRom_W1, die uit 14 series bestaat en loopt van 84 v. Chr. tot 50 n. Chr., heeft tot dusver slechts een enkele nieuwe datering opgeleverd. NLRom_W2 (42 series; 140 v. Chr. - 87 n. Chr.) is zeer bruikbaar gebleken ter datering van archeologisch materiaal uit Alphen a/d Rijn en Spijkenisse. In Hoofdstuk 5 werd beargumenteerd dat deze kalender een Oost-Nederlandse of zelf Duitse herkomst heeft. De nieuwe dateringen echter betreffen alle materiaal dat, evenals het in NLRom_W2 opgenomen materiaal, afkomstig is uit vindplaatsen in Zuid-Holland. Een Zuid-Hollandse herkomst van het materiaal mag daarom niet uitgesloten worden. NLRom_E, die bestaat uit series uit Cuyk, Gennep en Heeten (92 totaal), loopt van 190 tot 395 n. Chr. en vertegenwoordigt eiken die in Zuidoost Nederland groeiden. Deze kalender heeft geleid tot dateringen van archeologisch materiaal uit Bergeijk en Wehl. Samenvattend zijn ook de archeologische kalenders NLRom_W1, NLRom_W2 en NLRom_E goed bruikbaar als standaard bij het dateren van eikehout uit Nederlandse vindplaatsen. . De Merovingische en Karolingische perioden NLRom_R loopt door tot 563 n. Chr. Slechts een van de drie historische kalenders, NLHist_1, bestrijkt het hierop volgende interval tussen 564 en 1000 n. Chr. Er zijn met andere woorden meer dendrochronologische gegevens nodig voor deze periode. Een recent succes in dit opzicht is de datering met behulp van NLHist_1 van vier eiken palen uit Tiel in de 10e eeuw n. Chr. . De Late Middeleeuwen NLHist_1 (427 - 1752; 259 bomen) is de langste van de historische kalenders en vertegenwoordigt de meeste bomen. Toch heeft deze kalender voor de periode na 1100 n. Chr. tot weinig nieuwe dateringen geleid. Dit komt door de herkomst van de jaarringpatronen die in NLHist_1 opgenomen zijn. De betreffende eiken groeiden in Zuid-Nederland, Oost-België en aangrenzend Duitsland; globaal hetzelfde gebied als dat waar de kalenders van CentraalDuitsland (Hollstein 1980) en Oost-België (Hoffsummer 1989) betrekking op hebben. Jaarringpatronen die gedateerd kunnen worden met de Belgische en Duitse kalenders, kunnen gedateerd worden met NLHist_1, en omgekeerd. NLHist_2 (1023 - 1666 n. Chr.) is de meest bruikbare van de nieuwe historische kalenders; met deze kalender, die eiken vertegenwoordigt uit Centraal- en Noord-Nederland en aangrenzend Duitsland (Westfalen, Nedersaksen) zijn al vele nieuwe dateringen verricht. Het signaal in de eerste tweehonderd jaar (1023 - 1300) is zwak. Uit recente dateringen van bouwhout uit de N.H. Kerk in Oudewater (Utrecht) blijkt echter dat ook dit vroege interval geschikt is als standaard bij dateringen.  Samenvatting Samenvattend kan gesteld worden dat de onderzoeksdoeleinden die in de introductie (Hoofdstuk 1) werden omschreven, zijn bereikt. Nieuwe jaarring kalenders zijn vervaardigd uit eikehout dat afkomstig is uit natuurlijke, archeologische en historische vindplaatsen in Nederland. Deze kalenders, die ruim 3000 kalenderjaren bestrijken, zijn goed bruikbaar als standaard voor het dateren van in Nederland aangetroffen eikehout dat stamt uit de perioden 2258 - 1141 v. Chr. en 325 v. Chr. - 1752 n. Chr.  REFERENCES Abramowitz, M. and I.A. Stegun, 1965. Handbook of mathematical functions. National Bureau of Standards, Washington. Aniol, R.W., 1983. Tree-ring analysis using CATRAS. Dendrochronologia 1, 45-53. Aniol, R.W., 1987. A new device for computer assisted measurement of tree ring widths. Dendrochronologia 5, 135-141. Arts, N., (ed..), 1992. 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The research was performed for many organizations, including the ‘Albert Egges van Giffen’ Institute for Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology (IPP/Univ. of Amsterdam), the State Service for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Buildings (RDMZ, Zeist), the State Service for Archaeological Research (ROB, Amersfoort), the Bouwhistorische Dienst ’s-Hertogenbosch, and universities and municipal archaeological and historical organizations in the Netherlands. The statistics that accompany the dates are not always identical to the information made available to the organization(s) and persons for which the research was conducted. As part of the EC-programme Temperature Change over Northern Eurasia during the last 2500 Years (Contract No. CV5V CT94 0500) all dates were verified in 1994 by the author and her co-workers P. van Rijn and E. Hanraets (RING). During this process chronologies that have become available in recent years were used as a reference; this has resulted in new values for St and PV. When these are listed instead of the original values, it is because they provide a better argument for a dendrochronological date. For each archaeological/historical object and natural site the following details are given: First line location; type of object; institute for which the research was conducted; references; Object sample description (e.g., find number, construction element, assembly-mark); the terms used for construction elements in buildings were derived from Haslinghuis (1986). Ships’ elements have been named in consultation with Dr. J. H. G. Gawronski (IPP); Filename the name of the computer file at RING; Dendro-code the dendrochronological code of the sample; this code is based on the country (first two digits), ecological growth-region (third digit, after Wolff et al. 1989), site number (fourth and fifth digits) and sample number (last three digits); No. the number of rings that were measured on the sample; Date the calender date of the last, outer, ring that was measured; in most cases this date is earlier than the actual felling date of the tree, as a result of the fact that rings are missing on the outside of the sample. Reference the code of the chronology used to date the sample (see Appendix B for a description of the chronologies); St the Student’s t-value that accompanies the match with the reference chronology; PV the Coefficient of Parallel Variation that accompanies the match with the reference chronology; NL the name of the Dutch chronology into which the series has been incorporated; Remarks further details.  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix A  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix A  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix A  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix A  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix A  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix A  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix A  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix A  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix A  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix A  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix A  APPENDIX B TREE-RING CHRONOLOGIES OF OAK USED FOR DATING Appendix B  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix B  APPENDIX C AVERAGE GROWTH-INDEX VALUES OF SOME DUTCH CHRONOLOGIES (2258 - 1141 BC AND 325 BC - AD 563) Appendix C  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix C  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19  Appendix C  Esther Jansma RemembeRINGs | Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19 