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Nargis Anjum CV

DR.NARGIS ANJUM (MBBS. M.Phil, Ph.D) B-301, Rim Jhim Towers, Scheme 33, KARACHI 9221-4622920, 0300-2123257, nargisanjum2007@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: I am a very dedicated and diligent teacher with strong verbal communication skills. Flexible to different situations, I possess a positive and effective teaching style with the willingness to work above and beyond the call of duty. By virtue of being a teacher, I wish to revolutionarize the undergraduate and postgraduate medical teaching by infusing new techniques and strategies. I am willing to use my vast teaching experience to promote research culture amongst students to inculcate innovative and creative ideology in them and also to make them more humane and top-notch professionals. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: PhD ( 2014) University of Karachi M.Phil (1997): Basic Medicine Sciences Institute, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi. University of Karachi MBBS 1991; University of Sindh TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Total teaching experience of about 22 years in Medical and Dental College at various positions including; Professor and head of the Physiology department Karachi Medical and Dental College (KMDC) (6th June 2005 - to date) Associate Professor Department of Physiology, KMDC Under the supervision of Dr. Moinuddin Ghori PhD, CEC Fellow (Dublin) (Dec 2000 – June 2005) Associate Professor and head of Department Department of Physiology, KMDC (July 2001 – July 2003) Assistant Professor Department of Physiology, KMDC Under the supervision of Dr. Moinuddin Ghori PhD, CEC Fellow (Dublin) (Oct 1997 – Sep 2001) Demonstrator Department of Physiology, KMDC Under the supervision of Dr.Moinuddin Ghori PhD, CEC Fellow (Dublin) (Oct 1991- Oct1997) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Member of board of examiners for evaluation of M.Phil thesis at LUHS, Jamshoro,DUHS Karachi. Baqui Medical University, Hamdard University. On panel of examiners for “Post graduate Examinations” at Liaquat university of health Sciences, Jamshoro. Member of board of examiners for evaluation of M.Phil thesis at DUHS, Karachi On panel of examiners for “Post graduate Examinations” at DUHS university of health Sciences, Karachi Certified master Inspector/ Convenor Pakistan Medical and Dental Council of Pakistan for Medical and Dental Institution. Member faculty of Medical Science, Karachi University. Member Board of examiners for Karachi University. Member for review committee for publication in journal of the College of Physician and Surgeons Pakistan. On the penal of examiner at Dow University of health sciences, Ziauddin University, Baqai University, Hamdard University. Member Board of studies Karachi University. Member Selection Board of Karachi University. Dow University of health sciences, Ziauddin University, Baqai University, Hamdard University and Liaquat university of Health sciences Jamshoro. RESEARCH INTEREST: Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology Cardiovascular Physiology Exercise Physiology RESEARCH THESIS: THESIS AS A PART OF M.Phil degree programme “Hormone profile in acne vulgaris and its association with polycystic ovaries” THESIS AS A PART OF Ph.D degree programme “Prevalence and characteristics of metabolic syndrome in premenopausal Pakistani women with polycystic ovarian syndrome” PAPERS PUBLISHED: Nargis Anjum (1996)Serum testosterone levels in acne vulgaris. Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi Medical and Dental College VOL: 2 , p 69-71 Nargis Anjum. (1998) Prevalence of aligomenorrhea and amenorrhea in college students. Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi Medical and Dental College VOL: 3, p97-9 Nargis Anjum, Irfan safi Rizvi,Zeenat Ayub.(2002) Incidence of hirsuitism in different grades of acne. Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi Medical and Dental College VOL: 7, 2002, p298-301 Nargis Anjum, Irfan safi Rizvi,Zeenat Ayub.(2002) Association of polycystic ovaries with acne vulgaris.Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi Medical and Dental College VOL: 7, 2002, p310-312 Nargis Anjum, Irfan safi Rizvi,Zeenat Ayub. (2002Changes in thyroid hormone levels in pregnant women residing in iodine deficient areas. Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi Medical and Dental College VOL: 7(2), p346-349 Nargis Anjum, Irfan safi Rizvi (2002) Control of early morning sickness by acupressure technique. Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi Medical and Dental College VOL: 7(2), p369-373 Irfan safi Rizvi ,Nargis Anjum, (2002) “Serum Cystatin C: A better predictor of decreased creatinine clearance than serum creatinine in cancer patients on cisplatin”. Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi Medical and Dental College VOL: 7, p278-285 Irfan safi Rizvi ,Nargis Anjum, (2002) Cyst tin-C as a new marker of decreased creatinine clearance. Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi Medical and Dental College VOL: 7(2), 2002, p354-358 Erum Ashraf, Muhammad Adil Ramzan, Sheema Akram and Nargis Anjum.(2010) Serum lipids in Normotensive and Preeclamptic Pre gnanies. Annals. Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi Medical and Dental college ;15(1):70-74. Erum Ashraf, Muhammad Adil Ramzan, Sheema Akram and Nargis Anjum. Serum lipids in Normotensive and Preeclamptic Pre gnanies. Annals. Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi Medical and Dental College 2010;15(1):70-74. Erum Imran, Faiz-ur-Rehman Farooqui, Gulafshan et al. color vision Deficiency In Medical Students of Karachi. Med. Forum. 2009;20(6):26-29. Faiz-urRehman Farooui, Gulashan, Shahzaib Pervez, Nargis Anjum, Erum Imran and Naveed Ahmed. Prevalence of Sub-Types & Severity of Red – Green color vision Deficiency in Medical Students of Karachi. Med. Forum. 2009; 20(8):3-9. Dr.Humaira Nawab, Dr. Akber Khoja, Dr. A. Shakoor Memon, Dr. Nargis Anjum and Dr. Erum Imran. Comparison of serum Adiponectin Concentration in Coronary disease subjects with Normal Healthy Subjects with Normal Healthy Individuals. Dr. Uzma Tasneem, Dr. Abdul shakoor Memon, Dr. Nudrat Anwer Zuberi, Dr. Akber Khoja, Dr. Nargis Anjum. Post-memopausal changes of pulse pressure in early age menopause and normal age menopause women . Medical Channel. Faiz-urRehman Farooui, Gulashan, Shahzaib Pervez, Nargis Anjum, Erum Imran and Naveed Ahmed. Prevalence of Sub-Types & Severity of Red – Green color vision Deficiency in Medical Students of Karachi. Med. Forum. 2009; 20(8):3-9. Dr.Humaira Nawab, Dr. Akber Khoja, Dr. A. Shakoor Memon, Dr. Nargis Anjum and Dr. Erum Imran.(2010) Comparison of serum Adiponectin Concentration in Coronary disease subjects with Normal Healthy Subjects with Normal Healthy Individuals. Dr. Uzma Tasneem, Dr. Abdul shakoor Memon, Dr. Nudrat Anwer Zuberi,(2010) Dr. Akber Khoja, Dr. Nargis Anjum. Post-memopausal changes of pulse pressure in early age menopause and normal age menopause women . Medical Channel M.Akbar Mughal ,Abdul Shakoor Memon, Bashir Hanif, Nargis Anjum(2012)“Thrombomodulin ,A Protective Marker Againt coronary artery Disease”Annals Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi Medical and Dental College.Vol:17 (2):17-21 Nargis Anjum, Sitwat Zehra, Afsheen Arif, Abid Azhar,Masood Qureshi.(2013) “Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Pakistani women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome” .PJBMB,46 :221-224 Nargis Anjum, S Zehra2, A Arif, A Azhar, M Qureshi“ DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY IN WOMEN WITH POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME FROM PAKISTAN” in press AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS Received National award in acknowledgment of outstanding performance and contribution towards the Medical profession from Ministry of National Regulations and Services Government of .Pakistan Certified Master inspector / convener for conducting the inspection of Medical and Dental Colleges from PMDC Organized first White coat ceremony in year 2009 in collaboration of Arnold P gold Foundation USA and received a grant for it. BOOK WRITTEN/ EDITED: a) Manual of practical physiology for first Prof MBBS Part – A students. b) Manual of practical physiology for first Prof MBBS Part – B students. c) Manual of practical physiology for first Prof BDS students. REPERESENTATION ON EXPERT COMMITTEES/BODIES . Life member of “Pakistan Physiological Society. Regular member of “American Physiological Society. Member Tender Committee for purchase of Medical Equipments. SEMINAR / SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION: “Development of Network of women Neuroscientist in Pakistan” jointly organized by Dr. Panjwani Centre for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research and World Neuroscience held on 1-2 July 2010. Training Course in physiology held at Department of Physiology, University of Karachi, in collaboration with higher education commission, Islamabad, 7-12th August, 2006. Pre- Symposium workshop on “Experimental Physiology” held at DOW University of Health Sciences, Karachi, on 23rd Feb, 2007. Workshop on “Experimental Physiology” held at Department of physiology, University of Karachi, on 5th and 6th May, 2006. 1) Lecture on “Diuretics and their mechanism of actions on 12th July 2012. Lecture on “Mechanism of hormonal actions, on 13th July 2010. Followed by BCE, SEQ, OSCE, OSPE &. Discussion on the topic C.D .presentation on “ECG, on 10th Sep 2010. A wonderful display of various leads of ECG was done. Normal and abnormal patterns were shown. Followed by BCE, SEQ, OSCE, OSPE &. Discussion on the topic Yoga training: - 27th Sep 2010. Demonstrated Yogic exercise for treatment of Dysmenorrhea, Departmental members and students participated with real and enthusiasm. Lecture on “ Regulation of Blood Pressure”:- , on 4th October 2010.Lecture for a MBBS students and all staff . . Followed by BCE, SEQ, OSCE, OSPE &. Discussion on the topic Lecture on Pulmonary Function Test: on 22nd Sept.2010. Followed by BCE, SEQ, OSCE, OSPE . Discussion on the topic. Lecture on Renal Function Test: - On 23rd Sept 2010. . Followed by BCE, SEQ, OSCE, OSPE &. Discussion on the topic Lecture on Anemia on 10th July 2011. Nutritional aspects and drugs causes Anemia was discussed. . Followed by BCE, SEQ, OSCE, OSPE &. Discussion on the topic Lecture on Immunity on 21st August 2011. . Followed by BCE, SEQ, OSCE, OSPE &. Discussion on the topic Lecture on EEG Waves on 23rd February 2012. for all faculty members of Physiology department. . Followed by BCE, SEQ, OSCE, OSPE &. Discussion on the topic CME’S-ATTENDED: Awarded 7 CME Credits on performing duties as chairperson Scientific Session in 13th Biennial Conference of Physiology held on 7-9 September 2012 Workshop on Research Methodology at Karachi Medical & Dental College held on 5- 7 Feb 2010. Workshop on Research Methodology at Karachi Medical & Dental College held on 5- 7 Oct 2010. Community Oriented Medical Education Tutor Training Workshop at Karachi Medical & Dental College held on 15-17 Jan, 2005. Community Oriented Medical Education Tutor Training Workshop at Karachi Medical & Dental College held on 25-29 Feb, 2004. Community Oriented Medical Education Tutor Training Workshop at Karachi Medical & Dental College held on 29-31 May, 2001. CONFERENCES / SYMPOSIUM ATTENDED: Pakistan Physiological Society 13th Biennial Conference on “Standardizing Physiology Teaching through Research” held on Sep 7-9, 2012, at Saidu Medical College, Swat. Development of Network of women Neuroscientist in Pakistan jointly organized by Dr. Panjwani Centre for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research and Women in world Neuroscience held on 1-2 July 2010. Pakistan Physiological Society 10th Biennial International Conference with collaboration of Higher education commission Pakistan on “Physiology is Basis of Medicine” held on April 7-9, 2006, at Liaquat University of Health Sciences, Jamshoro. Conference on “Transforming Pedagogies Emerging Contexts and Educational Development Karachi held on November 26-29, 2010, at Aga Khan University, Karachi. Pakistan Physiological Society 7th Biennial International Conference with collaboration of Higher education commission Pakistan on “Physiology is Basis of Medicine” held on April 3-5, 2000, at Department of Physiology, university of Karachi, Karachi. WORKSHOPS Workshop on teaching and learning Methodology held on 26th and 27th Nov 2010, at KMDC. Workshop on DNA extraction and its amplification by PCR organized by the Aga Khan University, Karachi May 2001. A three-day nationwide patch clamp workshop was held at the International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi (KU), from December 21 to 23, 2009. The workshop is being organized by Dr. Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research ( PCMD), KU, in collaboration with COMSTECH. Workshop on “Gender mainstreaming in Project Cycle” held at women study center university of Karachi in July 2010. Pre- Symposium workshop on “Experimental Physiology” held at DOW University of Health Sciences, Karachi, on 23rd Feb, 2007. Workshop on “Experimental Physiology” held at Department of physiology, University of Karachi, on 5th and 6th May, 2006. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS “Physiology teaching in the developing world models for quality learning” held at Aga Khan University, on April 5-8, 1999. “Development of network of Women neuroscientist in Pakistan” held at Dr. Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research in collaboration with Women In world neuroscience, on 1-2nd July, 2010. “First IBRO school of neuroscience- Pakistan” held at Dr. Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research, International Center for chemical and biological science University of Karachi in collaboration with The Aga khan University, on 26 – 30 March, 2007. OTHER SKILLS: An effective interpersonal communicator and possess good presentational skills Enthusiastic and committed to maintain quality and efficiency Leadership and management qualities FACTFILE Father’s Name: Badaruddin Ahmed Nationality: Pakistani Domicile: Karachi NIC# : 42201-1114708-0 PMDC #: 22337- S Date of Birth: 26th February 1967 Religion: Islam Marital Status: Married