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RÉSUMÉ A process for managing air speed of an aircraft in flight. The method includes a first step of determining a point on the flight path at which it is theoretically possible to comply with a required time constraint by following a pre-established speed profile. In a second step, a speed is computed and a fresh speed profile is determined. This is obtained by determining speed corrections segment-by-segment from the point up to the last modifiable segment. The speed change in each segment is restricted to a maximum value. The new speed is computed on the basis of the curve showing the flight time t as a function of the speed V. This curve is approximated by a curve satisfying an equation with three coefficients (C1, C2, C3): V=c 1 /t+c 2 /t 2 +c 3 /t 3 Compliance with time constraints are ensured by this method while meeting the requirements of the pilot and air traffic controllers.
Summary. Air traffic management is a complex hierarchical system. Hierarchy levels can be defined according to decision making time horizon or to analyze area volume. For medium time horizon and wide analysis area, the air traffic flow management services were established. Their main task is to properly co-ordinate air traffic in European airspace, so as to minimize delays arising in congested sectors. Those services have to assure high safety level at the same time.
Air & Space Europe, 1999
This document describes the Air Traffic Management model (ATMmodel) software design. The model has been developed by GSAF (Cranfield University) to be used within the Greener Aircraft Trajectories under ATM Constraints (GATAC) framework. The principle of operation of the model is presented together with the implementation. The document also provides the users with appropriate sample schematics built in the GATAC environment.
IJNTR Journal, 2017
Abstract-Traditional "Air traffic control system " is working on the ideas of DBS(Distance Based Separation) and TBS (Time Based Separation) which leads to some minor issues regarding collisions. But here I want to design a new system to make technology highly efficient by managing the air traffic and managing the routes for flights so that they fly in different lanes. Also, it manages the free slots in the runway. There are multiple stations available in the space in which flight can travel from one station to another via multiple routes, the selection of two stations from which the flight can depart and can land so that it would not obstruct the other flight routes and no two flight would crash and maximum number of passengers can travel from one station to another. Along with that, my second primary objective is to almost choose the optimal path between the source and destination Prim's algorithm is being used in order to calculate the shortest path between the stations and after among the different shortest path the selection of optimal path is being done, so that the overall cost would be minimum.The result would show the different path among various different station so that the maximum number of passengers can travel from one place to another (source and destination) and all that paths would represent the optimal path between the stations.
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 2004
The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 2011
Proceedings. The 21st Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 2003
ABSTRACT By taking into account the capabilities of modern computer-based control systems, and modern knowledge of human cognitive capabilities and limitations, it is possible to produce an 'en route' air traffic management system which has a considerably greater capacity than the existing system - although this requires considerable changes in the way that control is exercised. The model described included checks for unintentionally unsolved conflicts and incorrect departures, improved symbology for errors in departures and a provision for a rapid switch between the two aircraft in a conflict. It also included more detailed recording of simulation events, and more precise calculations of departure times. The time, place and flight level for exit for each aircraft were planned as they were generated, and aircraft were required to leave at that spacetime point, unless this would involve a conflict.
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Anyanyelvi Kultúraközvetítés
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