TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.27 No.4 April 2004
The dynamic clamp comes of age
Astrid A. Prinz, L.F. Abbott and Eve Marder
Volen Center and Department of Biology, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02454-9110, USA
The dynamic clamp uses computer simulation to introduce artificial membrane or synaptic conductances into
biological neurons and to create hybrid circuits of real
and model neurons. In the ten years since it was first
developed, the dynamic clamp has become a widely
used tool for the study of neural systems at the cellular
and circuit levels. This review describes recent state-ofthe-art implementations of the dynamic clamp and
summarizes insights gained through its use, ranging
from the role of voltage-dependent conductances in
shaping neuronal activity to the effects of synaptic
dynamics on network behavior and the impact of
in vivo-like input on neuronal information processing.
The term dynamic clamp refers to a variety of hardware
and software implementations used to create artificial
conductances in neurons. Since its introduction more than
ten years ago [1 – 3], the dynamic clamp has become a
standard tool of electrophysiology, used in a wide variety of
experimental preparations to address a host of different
issues. This review describes how the dynamic clamp
creates an artificial conductance, provides an overview of
some of the different dynamic-clamp systems currently in
use and discusses what can and has been achieved using
the technique.
What is the dynamic clamp?
In contrast to conventional voltage- or current-clamp
recording configurations, the dynamic clamp effectively
alters the conductance of a neuron [1,2]. It does so by using
the measured membrane potential to control the amount
of current injected into a neuron. To simulate a particular
conductance, the dynamic clamp computes the difference
between the measured membrane potential and the
reversal potential for that conductance, multiplies this
‘driving force’ by the desired amount of conductance, and
injects the resulting current into the neuron. Accurate
dynamic-clamp performance requires uninterrupted,
rapid sampling of the membrane potential and fast
computation of the current to be injected. If the sampling
and computation are fast enough, the electrophysiological
effects of any set of ion-conducting channels can be reproduced as if these were located at the site of voltage
measurement and current injection.
Any time- or voltage-dependent conductance that has
been described mathematically and can be simulated on a
computer can be introduced into a neuron using the
dynamic clamp. For a voltage-dependent conductance, the
injected current is determined by a set of differential
Corresponding author: Astrid A. Prinz (
equations that describe the voltage and time dependence
of the conductance. For a synaptic conductance, the
current injected by the dynamic clamp is computed on
the basis of presynaptic input that is either recorded from
another neuron, or generated by a model neuron or by a
descriptive model of typical in vivo input.
Dynamic-clamp implementations
Obtaining sufficiently high update rates in the first
dynamic-clamp implementations of the early 1990s
pushed the limits of computer and data acquisition
board technologies available at that time. As a result,
some of the earliest dynamic-clamp programs were
written in machine language [1,2] and used look-up
tables [3], and some implementations used digital
signal processing (DSP) boards to achieve the required
speed [4]. Today, computers and boards are so fast that
hardware speed is no longer a significant issue, and
many different dynamic-clamp systems have been
developed and used in several laboratories around
the world. These systems vary considerably in their
front-end user interfaces, in how readily programmable
they are, in how many different conductances can be
simulated, in how many neurons can be studied
simultaneously, in whether they display and save
voltage and current traces online, and in their cost.
Our conservative estimate is that there are at least 20
different dynamic-clamp setups in use in laboratories
around the world today, and many more papers than
can be cited here have been published with some
version of dynamic-clamp implementation. Table 1 lists
several of the dynamic-clamp systems presently in use
to illustrate the diversity of approaches, hardware, and
features. Because computers and boards change so
quickly, this list provides only a snapshot of the
present situation.
Currently available implementations of the dynamic
clamp include applications that run under the Windows or
Real-Time Linux operating systems, systems that use
embedded processors or DSP boards, and versions that use
analog devices. The advantages and disadvantages of
these different approaches are outlined briefly below.
Windows-based applications
Windows-based dynamic-clamp systems typically
achieve update rates of 2 – 20 kHz, depending on the
computational load for the particular conductances
being simulated [5 – 7]. This is fast enough for most
purposes, but extremely fast conductances, such as
those of fast Naþ currents, can only be approximated
crudely. An additional problem stems from the fact that 0166-2236/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2004.02.004
TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.27 No.4 April 2004
Table 1. Recent examples of dynamic-clamp implementationsa
Programming language
Update rate
Existing applications
Number of channelsc
User interface
Saves traces?
Displays traces?
Real-time Linux-based
C, Cþ þfor user interface
Cþ þ
10 kHz
Artificial conductances;
artificial chemical or
electrical synapses
between up to four cells
Four in, four out
20 kHz
Artificial conductances;
hybrid two-cell networks;
adding multiple
Two in, two outd
MRCI modeling
language, C
30 kHz
Artificial synaptic
inputs; hybrid twocell networks
Two in, two out
Command line
Embedded processor or
Analog device
Real-Time LabView
40 kHz
Artificial conductances;
artificial chemical
synapses; recording
current– voltage curves
Two in, one out
Artificial synaptic inputs
50 kHz
Artificial synaptic
Four in, four out
Four in, four out
Instrutech, ITC-18
Abbreviations: DSP, digital signal processing; MRCI, model reference current injection; NA, not available.
Update rates vary depending on the computational load. Updates rates given here are maximum values of published versions of the systems and will increase with time.
Channel numbers given here are those of published versions of the systems. Most systems can be modified to handle larger channel numbers if different hardware is used.
Newer, unpublished versions of this system can achieve update rates of up to 40 kHz, and can handle as many as 16 input and 2 output channels (J. White, pers. commun.).
any Windows-based program must deal with operating
system interrupts through which Windows distributes
processor time between different tasks. These can lead
to discontinuities and gaps in dynamic-clamp operation
and prevent real-time performance, even at low update
The Windows-based dynamic clamp described by Pinto
and colleagues [6] uses a Digidata 1200 board (Axon
Instruments, for data acquisition
and digital-to-analog conversion. Because such boards are
commonly used (and this dynamic-clamp software is
available for free download from the developers), this
particular implementation requires no more of a financial
investment than that required for a standard electrophysiology rig.
Real-Time Linux-based applications
Recently developed versions of the dynamic clamp that
operate under Real-Time Linux avoid the interrupt
problem of a Windows-based system and can achieve
update rates of 20– 50 kHz, depending on the data
acquisition board [8– 10]. At the moment, the installation
and operation of the real-time operating system requires
considerable expertise, which can deter some users. However, with several laboratories developing more userfriendly Real-Time Linux-based dynamic-clamp systems,
the installation and use of these systems is rapidly
becoming easier.
Embedded-processor and DSP-based systems
Update rates of 20– 50 kHz can also be achieved by using
an embedded processor or DSP board [4,11 – 13]. These
devices can be controlled by a host computer and
programmed through a graphical programming language
with a user-friendly interface [12] or through Real-Time
Workshop (The MathWorks,,
but these advantages literally come at a high price. The
costs for the additional hardware, necessary drivers, and
compiler software can be between US$5000 and US$10 000.
Analog devices
For some applications, the dynamic clamp can be implemented using analog circuits that perform the basic
subtraction and multiplication operations needed to
convert a desired conductance and a measured potential
into an injected current [14]. These analog circuits are
commercially available (e.g. SM-1 from Cambridge
conductance; or ITC-18 from Instrutech Corporation, The advantage of an analog
approach is its high speed, which is essentially instantaneous on the scale of typical membrane and synaptic
time constants. However, the basic analog system only
makes the conversion from conductance to injected
current. For any application other than the simulation of
a constant conductance, these systems must be driven by a
digital computer programmed to calculate the desired
conductance and drive the analog circuitry. As a result,
analog systems are most useful in cases where synaptic,
rather than voltage-dependent, conductances are being
Applications of the dynamic clamp
Uses of the dynamic clamp have been divided here into five
broad categories: simulation of voltage-independent conductances, simulation of voltage-dependent conductances,
simulation of synapses between neurons, construction of
biological –computer hybrid circuits, and simulation of
in vivo synaptic input. For each of these categories, a single
example from the many possibilities in the literature has
been chosen to illustrate what can be achieved and what
has been learned using these approaches. Additional
selected studies using the same dynamic-clamp approach
are briefly summarized for each category.
Effects of voltage-independent conductances
Simulating a voltage-independent conductance is the
simplest thing that can be achieved with the dynamic
clamp (Figure 1a) but, nevertheless, it is useful for
studying the effects of leakage conductances or ligandgated conductances on neuronal dynamics. Figure 1b
provides an example in which a dynamic clamp was used to
duplicate the effect of a ligand-gated conductance with a
reversal potential of 275 mV in a neuron of the crustacean
stomatogastric ganglion to study the effects of a voltageindependent GABA conductance [2].
TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.27 No.4 April 2004
Dynamic-clamp conductances act in parallel with the
normal membrane conductances of the neuron, and the
interaction between the added and existing conductances
is what makes such manipulations interesting. In the
example shown in Figure 1b, current pulses of constant
amplitude were introduced to show that the dynamic
clamp was modifying the conductance of the neuron
(Figure 1b, bottom) in exactly the same way as a bath
application of GABA (Figure 1b, top). The dynamic clamp
mimics both the GABA-induced hyperpolarization and the
reduction in the voltage response to constant-amplitude
current pulses caused by the GABA conductance. In a
related approach, the dynamic clamp has been used to add
artificial GABA conductances in thalamocortical relay
cells to elucidate the role of GABA-mediated inhibitory
postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) in rebound burst firing
and burst inhibition [15,16].
I = g*(V–E)
–46 mV
10 mV
Dynamic clamp
In addition to being added, conductances can, with some
restrictions, be subtracted using the dynamic clamp.
Figure 1c shows an example. The leakage conductance
introduced by the electrode penetration required for
intracellular recordings made with sharp electrodes is a
potential source of distortion of the natural activity of the
recorded neuron. Figure 1c shows an example in which the
dynamic clamp was used to simulate a negative conductance designed to cancel out the impact of the leakage
introduced by electrode penetration [17]. Addition of an
artificial leak conductance had been shown previously to
switch leech heartbeat interneurons from an active state
with high-frequency bursting to an inactive state [18].
Because of this sensitivity of bursting to additional leak
conductance, the electrode leak was removed by the
dynamic clamp. The bursting activity that is the natural
mode of operation for this neuron was revealed only after
the leakage conductance introduced by electrode penetration was subtracted using the dynamic clamp.
Taken together, dynamic-clamp studies that simulate
voltage-independent conductances in different preparations demonstrate important roles for seemingly simple
leak and ligand-gated currents in shaping neural activity.
The importance of voltage-independent conductances is
further supported by reports that dynamic-clamp simulated leak current can increase motoneuron spiking in the
mammalian spinal cord [19] and that adding a Ca2þ
window current or subtracting leak current can render
thalamocortical neurons bistable [20].
Adding or subtracting
–46 mV
I = g(V)*(V–E)
Dynamic clamp leak subtraction
–50 mV
Cell 1
10 mV
TRENDS in Neurosciences
Figure 1. Using the dynamic clamp to simulate voltage-independent conductances.
(a) Schematic of the experimental configuration. The dynamic clamp computes
the current, I, flowing through a voltage-independent conductance, g, as g multiplied by the instantaneous driving force, V –E, where E is the reversal potential and
V is the membrane potential. In every cycle of dynamic-clamp operation, V is
measured and fed into the computer, I is computed based on the momentary
value of V, and I is injected into the cell. Voltage measurement and current injection can be made through the same electrode with discontinuous clamp techniques, or through two separate electrodes. (b) Voltage traces recorded from a
cultured crab stomatogastric neuron during 30 s bath application of 0.1 mM GABA
(top) and during dynamic-clamp injection of an exponentially rising (t ¼ 5 s) and
falling (t ¼ 15 s) GABA conductance with a reversal potential of 2 75 mV (bottom).
The starts of bath and dynamic-clamp application are indicated by asterisks.
During both runs, current pulses of 2 0.5 nA were applied every 3 s to illustrate the
change in input conductance. Adapted, with permission, from Ref. [2]. (c) Voltage
trace from a leech heart interneuron before and during injection of a negative leak
conductance of 26 nS with a reversal potential at 0 mV. The leak subtraction compensates for the effect of sharp microelectrode penetration, which suppresses
bursting. Adapted, with permission, from Ref. [17] q (2002) by the Society for
Cell 2
40 mV
20 ms
TRENDS in Neurosciences
Figure 2. Adding or subtracting voltage-dependent conductances. (a) Schematic of
the experimental configuration. The dynamic-clamp current is computed as in
Figure 1, but in this case the conductance, g, varies with time and depends on the
membrane potential, V. (b) Each panel shows 65 superimposed spikes from an
Aplysia R20 neuron in response to 7 Hz current pulse injection. In control conditions, the action potential is initially narrow and broadens during the spike train
(top-left). Spike broadening is abolished in 50 mM tetraethylammonium (TEA) and
10 mM 4-aminopyridine (4-AP; top-middle) and rescued when an A-type and a
delayed-rectifier Kþ current are added with the dynamic clamp (top-right). In a
different cell (bottom), the action of the blockers was approximated by subtracting
these two conductances with the dynamic clamp. Adapted, with permission, from
Ref. [21] q (1996) by the Society for Neuroscience.
Effects of voltage-dependent conductances
The dynamic clamp can be used to introduce voltagedependent conductances into a neuron (Figure 2a),
which is useful for exploring the impact of different
intrinsic membrane conductances on neuronal activity.
Specific conductances already present in the ensemble
of intrinsic conductances in the neuron can be
augmented or decremented to reveal the role that
they play in generating its particular pattern of firing.
Used in this manner, the dynamic clamp supplements
more traditional methods of blocking conductances
pharmacologically because it allows for very specific
targeting and very precise control of the amount of the
modification being made on any conductance. In
addition, non-native voltage-dependent conductances
can be added to the natural complement of the neuron
to see what novel dynamics can be generated.
Figure 2b provides an example of this type of manipulation [21]. Each panel shows 65 superimposed spikes
recorded from an Aplysia R20 neuron responding to the
injection of current pulses at 7 Hz. In control conditions,
the action potential broadens during repetitive spiking
(Figure 2b, top-left). This broadening was abolished when
A-type and delayed-rectifier Kþ conductances were pharmacologically blocked because the initial spikes were already
broad (Figure 2b, top-middle). Spike broadening was
restored under the pharmacological block by adding
these conductances back using the dynamic clamp
(Figure 2b, top-right). This result clearly implicates
A-type and delayed-rectifier Kþ conductances in the
phenomenon of spike broadening. The dynamic clamp
could also partially duplicate the effect of the pharmacological blockade when it was used to subtract these two
conductances (Figure 2b, bottom).
Dynamic-clamp simulation of voltage-dependent conductances has been used in stomatogastric ganglion
neurons to investigate the roles of transient Kþ
currents and hyperpolarization-activated inward currents [22,23], to study the effects of a neuromodulatory
peptide-elicited current on the output of a rhythmic
network [24], to show that a slow Kþ conductance can
underlie cellular short-term memory [25], and to
demonstrate how the relative amounts of different
TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.27 No.4 April 2004
Simulating synapses
Ca2þ and Kþ conductances can determine whether a
neuron is silent, spikes tonically, or bursts [26].
Artificial voltage-dependent currents have been used
in preparations as diverse as pancreatic b-cells
[27,28], thalamocortical [29] and neocortical neurons [5],
and hippocampal interneurons [11]. The dynamic-clamp
studies in these systems have identified individual
voltage-dependent conductances involved in subthreshold membrane resonances [5], high-frequency spiking
[11], bursting [27 – 29] and delta oscillations [29], and
have thus contributed considerably to our understanding of dynamic processes in these systems.
Building and modifying neuronal circuits with artificial
Thus far, we have focused on applications in which the
dynamic clamp is used to introduce or remove
membrane conductances to assess their role at the
single neuron level. The remaining examples show uses
of the dynamic clamp for creating artificial synaptic
conductances. In these applications, the neuron being
dynamically clamped acts as the postsynaptic element,
and another neuron or a computer model acts as the
source of presynaptic input. Here, cases in which the
presynaptic element is another neuron are considered.
As illustrated in Figure 3a, this approach requires
recording the membrane potential of the ‘presynaptic’
neuron and using it and the dynamic clamp to control
current injection into the ‘postsynaptic’ neuron. A
synapse in an existing circuit can be augmented or
decremented to study its effect on network activity, or a
simulated synapse can be introduced where none
existed before, allowing for the construction and
study of completely novel neural circuits. The dynamic
clamp provides the experimenter with complete control
over the strength and other properties of these
artificial synapses.
Figure 3b shows an example in which a so-called ‘halfcenter’ oscillator was constructed by connecting two
stomatogastric ganglion neurons with reciprocally inhibitory synapses that were simulated with the dynamic clamp
[6]. To construct the half-center oscillator, the two neurons
were first isolated and then connected by artificial
Dynamic clamp off
Dynamic clamp on
ILP = g(VPD)*(VLP–E)
10 nA
IPD = g(VLP)*(VPD–E)
20 mV
TRENDS in Neurosciences
Figure 3. Creating artificial synapses between real neurons. (a) Schematic of the experimental configuration. The current that is injected into the postsynaptic neuron (IPD or
ILP) is the product of the synaptic conductance, which depends on the membrane potential of the presynaptic neuron, and the driving force. (b) Voltage and dynamic-clamp
current traces for a pyloric dilator (PD) and a lateral pyloric (LP) neuron of the lobster stomatogastric ganglion before and after the dynamic clamp was switched on. The
artificial synapses induced the neurons to oscillate in antiphase. Adapted, with permission, from Ref. [6].
to model
TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.27 No.4 April 2004
20 mV
model neuron
TRENDS in Neurosciences
Figure 4. Building hybrid circuits of real and model neurons. (a) Schematic of the experimental configuration. The computer integrates the differential equations that
describe the digital model neuron (dig) and its synaptic connections, while the analog model (ana) is an electrical circuit that mimics another neuron and its synapses.
(b) Voltage traces from a thalamocortical cell (V), an analog retinal model neuron (Vana) and a digital model reticular interneuron (Vdig). The thalamocortical neuron receives
excitation from the analog and inhibition from the digital model neuron and excites the digital model neuron. The hybrid circuit generates spontaneous spindle activity
similar to that in the sleep-like state. Adapted, with permission, from Ref. [13].
synapses. The anti-phasic oscillations exhibited by the two
cells with artificial synapses are reminiscent of
their behavior in the intact circuit, where they mutually
inhibit each other through biological synapses. In an
earlier study connecting two other stomatogastric
ganglion neurons with reciprocal inhibitory connections,
artificial synaptic connections allowed the examination
of how the presence, frequency, and phase relations of
oscillations depended on synaptic parameters and on
intrinsic membrane conductances [30].
The approach of coupling two or more biological neurons
with artificial inhibitory [6,30 – 33] or electrical [34– 37]
synapses has been used to study the effects of synapse
strength [38] and dynamics on neuronal firing patterns
[36], on the synchronization between oscillatory neurons
[30,33,36,37] and rhythmic circuits [32], and on the intraburst firing pattern of bursting neurons [31].
Building hybrid computer –biological neural circuits
The dynamic clamp can provide an approach to the study
of neural systems that falls midway between computer
modeling and experimental electrophysiology. In modeling
studies, we often want to assess the role of certain
elements, such as individual conductances or synapses,
that we might be able to model accurately. However, in a
conventional modeling approach, we must incorporate
these well-described elements into a model of a neuron or
neural circuit that is inevitably much cruder. The dynamic
clamp allows us to manipulate the well-modeled elements
we wish to study with the same degree of precision and
freedom that we have in a model, while allowing them to
interact with real neurons or neural circuits, with all their
complexities intact. Used properly, the dynamic clamp
allows studies that combine the best features of computer
modeling and experimental electrophysiology. An excellent example is the construction of hybrid circuits that
involve interacting computer-modeled and biological
elements (Figure 4a).
Figure 4b shows an example in which a real thalamocortical neuron was coupled using the dynamic clamp to
two model neurons, one simulated by a digital computer
and the other by an analog circuit [13]. The digital model
neuron represented a reticular interneuron, while the
analog circuit modeled a retinal ganglion cell. When
coupled together, these three elements formed a circuit
that could generate the type of spindle activity seen in the
thalamus during sleep states. During sleep, the correlation between spikes in retinal ganglion cells and spikes
in thalamocortical neurons is low, so that the cortex is
functionally disconnected from its sensory drive. Systematic variation of the artificial inhibitory synapse from the
model reticular interneuron to the biological thalamocortical neuron showed that the strength of this connection
regulates the temporal correlation between the sensory
input and the thalamocortical cell firing pattern [13].
Similar hybrid network configurations have been used
to determine the effect of synaptic depression on oscillation
frequency and bistability in reciprocally inhibitory pairs of
neurons [7,39], to probe aspects of pain processing in the
spinal cord [40], and to examine the effect of electrical
coupling strength on synchronization of rabbit sinoatrial
node cells [41].
Simulating in vivo conditions
Neurons and neural circuits are frequently studied in slice
preparations. Slice preparations have distinct advantages
in terms of accessibility for visualization and recording,
but the disadvantage of being relatively silent. Because
each neuron receives much less ongoing synaptic input in
the slice than it would in an intact brain, neurons in slices
are studied in an environment that is significantly
different from that in which they normally operate. The
dynamic clamp offers a way of studying neurons in slices
while simulating in vivo synaptic input.
Figure 5a shows a dynamic clamp setup used to
simulate in vivo-like synaptic input, both excitatory and
inhibitory, entering a cortical pyramidal neuron [14]. In
the absence of this input, the neuron fired regularly in
response to current injection (Figure 5b, top), but when the
simulated synaptic bombardment was introduced, the
response was irregular with large subthreshold voltage
fluctuations, as seen in vivo (Figure 5b, bottom). Figure 5c
TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.27 No.4 April 2004
Simulating in vivo conditions
Dynamic clamp off
Dynamic clamp on
I = ge*(V–Ee)
+ gi*(V–Ei)
Firing rate (Hz)
20 mV
500 ms
Current (nA)
TRENDS in Neurosciences
Figure 5. Simulating in vivo conditions in a slice preparation. (a) Schematic of the experimental configuration used to simulate balanced excitatory and inhibitory synaptic
background conductances in a pyramidal neuron from a slice of rat somatosensory cortex. The dynamic clamp computes the total synaptic current produced by a stochastic model of ongoing cortical activity. The total synaptic current is the product of in vivo-like conductances ge and gi and the appropriate driving forces for excitatory (e) and
inhibitory (i) synapses. (b) Voltage traces from a pyramidal neuron in response to constant driving current without (top) and with (bottom) artificial background synaptic
input. (c) Firing rates of a neuron as a function of constant driving current without simulated background synaptic input (diamonds), with a given amount of background
synaptic input (circles), with twice that amount (squares) and with three times that amount (triangles). Changing the level of synaptic background input modulates the gain
of the neuron. Reproduced, with permission, from Ref. [14].
indicates that modulation of this synaptic bombardment
can have important functional consequences. The slopes of
the firing-rate versus input current curves shown in this
figure decrease for increasing amounts of total dynamicclamp simulated background synaptic input. This
suggests that background synaptic input in vivo can act
as a gain control mechanism [14,42,43]. The results of
Figure 5c depend on the conductance modification that is
due to the simulated synaptic input, so they could not have
been obtained on the basis of current injection without
using the dynamic clamp.
The dynamic clamp has been used to mimic realistic
synaptic input patterns in many different neural
systems, including auditory brainstem [44], lateral
geniculate nucleus [45], basal ganglia [46], cerebellum
[43,47 – 49], cortex [14,50,51], and avian nucleus laminaris [52]. In these systems, the technique has
provided insights about the role of timing [47,48],
rate [46], and synchrony [50,52] of synaptic inputs in
postsynaptic signal processing.
Limitations of the dynamic clamp
A major limitation of the dynamic clamp is that the
conductances it simulates are restricted to the site of
current injection. As a result, conductances located far
from the injection site can be mimicked only approximately. Normally, the injection site is the soma, but the
advent of dendritic patch recording makes it feasible to
simulate and apply conductances to dendrites. It would
be particularly interesting to compare the effects of
dynamic-clamp simulations carried out using dendritic
and somatic injection sites. An alternative approach,
which is useful for simulating dendritic conductances
with somatic current injection, is to modify the current
being injected by the dynamic clamp to include
dendritic cable effects on the basis of a multi-compartment model.
Another limitation is that the dynamic clamp duplicates
the electrical but not the signal conduction consequences
elicited by specific ionic currents. In particular, with
conventional electrode solutions, the dynamic clamp
can simulate the electrical current from a set of Ca2þ
channels, but it does not reproduce the changes in
intracellular Ca2þ concentration that normally accompany the gating of such channels. In some cases, this
limitation can be exploited to isolate voltage-mediated
effects from other mechanisms.
Finally, the dynamic clamp shares a limitation with
traditional current- and voltage-clamp techniques: artifacts of electrode resistance and capacitance. These
artifacts can be minimized by using low-resistance
electrodes, by using separate electrodes for voltage recording and current injection, or by temporally separating
recording and injection through a single electrode using
the discontinuous current-clamp technique.
Concluding remarks
To understand how neurons and neural circuits work,
we must do more than simply watch them in action.
We must probe and perturb them in various ways and
study how they respond. Current clamping is one
method for probing neuronal dynamics, and voltage
clamping to realistic waveforms can provide interesting
insights into the currents flowing during neuronal
activity. The dynamic clamp, which creates a programmable conductance, provides yet another probe – one
that permits a sophisticated range of perturbations.
Dynamic-clamp experiments allow simulations with
biological neurons or the creation of hybrid circuits of
biological and model neurons. The dynamic clamp
breaks down barriers between mathematical modeling
and experimental electrophysiology by allowing theorists to model ‘in the dish’ and experimentalists to
perturb their system in ways that, perhaps, only a
modeler would imagine. It is our hope that use of the
method will continue to expand as new and clever
applications are devised, and that these applications
will continue to reveal new aspects and marvels of
neural circuit dynamics.
TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.27 No.4 April 2004
Our research is supported by MH46742 and the Sloan/Swartz Center for
Theoretical Neurobiology at Brandeis University.
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