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Several newly decades, it appears the phenomenon of the revival of religious spirit over all social levels, especially on urban society. This phenomenon is indicated by a great number of religious studies and religious morements in cities conducted both conventionally-traditionally and in new forms that have methods and ways which are different from other forms. These groups are frequently called harakah. This articel describes the phenomenon of harakah groups in Cilegon, Banten: Jamaah Tabligh, Jamaah Tarbiyah, Iembaga Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia (LDII), and Hizhut Tahrir Indonesia. It is clear to demonstrate that the harakah community in Cilegon tends to increase. Keywords: Harakah, Religious Movement, Urban Community, Cilegon City, Jamaah Tahligh, Jamaah Tarbiyah, LDII, and Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia.
The purpose of writing this article is to introduce to readers of all ages in the community about Urban Social Change. The results of the discussion compiled in this article indicate that urban society is experiencing a form of social change in society. According to Max Weber, social change is a situation that occurs in society caused by the unequal elements that already exist. One of the factors that causes social change in urban society is acculturation. , where acculturation is a meeting of two cultures from different nations and influence each other. The acculturation process does not just happen, but through a process that occurs continuously, so that there is no sense of cultural change. As a young generation for the nation, we should be a generation that can understand this social change with the aim of preventing social problems that arise from the changes that occur.
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia, 2017
The task of educating children, not only the task of educators in schools, but also parents. Therefore, good communication is required in the family. This study aims to describe how the description of the communication problems of urban families and at the same time to provide recommendations as suggestions for improvement. Using the phenomenology approach, the authors found some description of the problems of urban community communication in the city of Jakarta. First, the problem of planting the value and attitude of children in home study, especially in fulfilling the obligation of praying five times. Second, the role of parenting father is less in the family. Third, the harmonious communication between mother and father around parenting, which affects the nurturing style. Fourth, contemporary family issues such as drugs and divorce. To overcome these problems, the authors provide recommendations to build affective communication to children, through six ways. First, say in the right words to the child. Second, communicate with good word to the child. Third, communicate with a gentle word to the child. Fourth, communicate with appropriate words for the child's age. Fifth, communicate with the things that imprint on the child's soul. Sixth, Saying with honorable words and act to children. Abstrak Tugas mendidik anak, tidak hanya tugas pendidik di sekolah, namun juga orangtua. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan komunikasi yang baik dalam keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengambarkan bagaimana gambaran permasalahan komunikasi keluarga masyarakat urban dan sekaligus untuk memberikan rekomendasi sebagai saran perbaikan. Menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi, penulis menemukan beberapa gambaran permasalahan komunikasi masyarakat urban di kota Jakarta. Pertama, masalah penanaman nilai dan sikap anak dalam belajar dirumah terutama dalam menunaikan kewajiban sholat lima waktu. Kedua, peran pengasuhan ayah yang kurang dalam keluarga. Ketiga, komunikasi yang tidak harmonis antara ibu dan ayah seputar pengasuhan, yang berimbas terhadap gaya pengasuhan. Keempat, masalah keluarga kontemporer seperti narkoba dan perceraian. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, penulis memberikan rekomendasi untuk membangun komunikasi afektif kepada anak, melalui enam cara. Pertama, berkata dengan perkataan yang benar kepada anak. Kedua, berkomunikasi dengan perkataan yang baik kepada anak. Ketiga, berkomunikasi dengan perkataan yang lembut kepada anak. Keempat, berkomunikasi dengan perkataan yang pantas untuk usia anak. Kelima, berkomunikasi dengan hal yang membekas kepada jiwa anak. Keenam, Berkata dengan tutur kata yang mulia dan penuh penghormatan kepada anak.
Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, 2017
Admitted or denied, the gap in life which leads to the strata in society can be found in any society. The social strata and its consequence is the phenomenon of urban society which is universal, including Bengkalis society. It can easily be seen in the daily life of its people. Each person can place him/herself and be placed by others in certain social strata. Social stratification is one of the elements of social system analysis. Social stratification pattern develops and is realized in various forms influenced by complexity of a society. In this analysis, the data collected based on Rogers’ (1960) social stratification measurement method, i.e objective and subjective measurement. Different criteria used may result on different strata formed which can be seen on respondents’ frequency level on each social strata. Objective criteria consists of the measurements on education, income, power, prestige, type of house, number of children, resident-owned status. Based on objective criteri...
Academia Green Energy, 2024
This work explores the kinetics of producing sustainable hydrocarbons from oil palm empty fruit bunch fibre (EFB). A one-step global model was used to study the dynamics of the EFB fibre using the Coats and Redfern (CR) model-fitting kinetics technique. The non-isothermal iso-conversional methods of Friedman, KAS, and FWO were also examined. Different heating rates (5, 10, and 15°C/min) were used for the thermogravimetric analysis. The best-fitting equations were used to fit the CR model and determine the thermodynamic parameters. The reaction is diffusion controlled by nucleation and nuclei growth models, according to the Zhuravlev-Lasokin-Tempelman model, which produced the highest regression value and the best acceptable fit. Out of all the model-free methods, Friedman showed the greatest apparent activation energy levels when compared to the iso-conversion procedure's KAS and FWO. The changes in entropy (-123 to 135), Gibbs free energy (150 to 156 kJ/mol), and activation enthalpy (63 to 71 kJ/mol) were computed using the best-fitting model. The maximum apparent activation energy was found using the FD iso-conversion technique.
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Theory & Psychology, 2024
Atti del II Congresso “Beni Culturali in Puglia – Il patrimonio culturale pugliese. Ricerche, applicazioni e best practices” (Bari, 28-30 settembre 2022), 2023
Viśvabhāratī National Journal for Sanskrit Studies [Felicitation Volume of Prof. C.S. Radhakrishnan], 2019
Confronti. -Quaderni di restauro architettonico. Il restauro nell’/dell’ottocento, 2022
Continental Philosophy Review, 2024
The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy, 2015
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Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2020
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR, 2016
Endoscopy, 2014
Human Molecular Genetics, 2009