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A new design of a hysteresis chaotic circuit is proposed. The simple circuit consists of one capacitor, one inductor, one resistor (negative) and one hysteresis VCVS. Computer simulation results, showing the existence of the double scroll attractor, are reported.
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2000
A systematic method for realizing a class of hysteresis RC chaotic oscillators is described. The method is based on direct coupling of a general second-order sinusoidal oscillator structure to a passive non-monotone current-controlled non-linear resistor. Owing to this passive non-linearity, the power consumption, supply voltage and bandwidth limitations imposed upon the chaotic oscillator are mainly those due to the active sinusoidal oscillator alone. Tunability of the chaotic oscillator can be achieved via a single control parameter and the evolution of the two-dimensional sinusoidal oscillator dynamics into a three-dimensional state-space is clearly recognized. The #exibility of this method is demonstrated by two examples using PSpice simulations and experimental results. Numerical simulations of derived mathematical models are also shown.
The fact that there exists a core sinusoidal oscillator at the heart of Saito's double-screw hysteresis chaotic oscillator is demonstrated. By applying Bruton's transformation to the active linear part of the circuit, which is shown to be a classical LC-R negative resistor sinusoidal oscillator, an inductorless realization based on a frequency-dependent negative resistor (FDNR) is obtained. The LC-R sinusoidal oscillator is replaced by an FDNR-R oscillator. Furthermore, we show that chaotic behaviour can be preserved when a simple minimum component 2R-2C sinusoidal oscillator is used. Two different realizations of the non-monotone current-controlled hysteresis resistor, one of which is completely passive, are investigated. Experimental results of selected circuits, PSpice and numerical simulations are included.
Chaos Theory and Applications, 2019
Chaotic systems and signals are used in a variety of technical and technical applications due to their wide range of noise-like performance and random behavior. In this study to diversify potential chaotic signal generator circuits; Lu-Chen 2003 system with multi-scroll attractors was first designed an electronic oscillator circuit in a computer environment and then a real electronic circuit was manufactured. The presented results of the comparison simulation and the oscilloscope show that a successful design has been achieved.
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2009
We propose a multi-hysteresis voltage controlled current source (multi-hysteresis VCCS). The multi-hysteresis VCCS consists of multiple single-hysteresis VCCSs in parallel. The multi-hysteresis VCCS can exhibit various kinds of i − v characteristics. In addition, we introduce a chaotic oscillator by applying the multi-hysteresis VCCSs. The proposed oscillator is suitable for the IC implementation. A fully-differential multiscroll chaotic oscillator circuit is designed. The SPICE simulation results confirm the multi-hysteresis characteristics and various chaotic attractors.
A new implementation of an autonomous hysteresis chaotic circuit using only two primitive cellular neural networks (CNN) cells is presented. Both computer simulations and laboratory measurements have confirmed the chaotic behavior and show the existence of the double scroll attractor.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2019
A new chaotic system with line equilibrium is introduced in this paper. This system consists of five terms with two transcendental nonlinearities and two quadratic nonlinearities. Various tools of dynamical system such as phase portraits, Lyapunov exponents, Kaplan-Yorke dimension, bifurcation diagram and Poincarè map are used. It is interesting that this system has a line of fixed points and can display chaotic attractors. Next, this paper discusses control using passive control method. One example is given to insure the theoretical analysis. Finally, for the new chaotic system, an electronic circuit for realizing the chaotic system has been implemented. The numerical simulation by using MATLAB 2010 and implementation of circuit simulations by using MultiSIM 10.0 have been performed in this study. 1. INTRODUCTION Discovering chaotic attractor is an important issue in chaotic systems. We can classify two kinds of chaotic attractors: self-excited attractors and hidden attractors [1-2]. The chaotic system such as Lorenz system [3], R̈ssler [4], L̈ [5], Chen [6], Rucklidge [7] Sprott [8] etc, belongs to the self-excited attractors. The chaotic systems with hidden attractors are divided into three parts: (a) system with no equilibria [9] (b) system with stable equilibria [10] and (c) system with infinite number of equilibria [11]. Hidden attractors have been used in applied models such as a model of the phase-locked loop (PLL) [12], aircraft flight control systems [13], drilling system actuated by induction motor [14], Lorenz-like system describing convective fluid motion in rotating cavity [15] and a multilevel DC/DC converter [16]. Motivated by the major work of Jafari and Sprott, researchers focused on chaotic systems with line of equilibria. The nine simple chaotic flows with line of equilibria were proposed by Jafari and Sprott [17]. Five novel chaotic system with a line of equilibria and two parallel lines were proposed by Li and Sprott [18]. Li and Sprott have presented chaotic systems with a line of equilibria and two perpendicular lines of equilibria by using signum functions and absolute-value functions [19]. In addition, Li et al reported a hyperchaotic system with an infinite number of equilibria and circuit design [20]. Hyperchaos and horseshoe in a 4D memristive system with a line of equilibria were proposed in [21]. The simplest 4-D chaotic system
IEEE Access
Recent evidences suggest that complex behavior such as chaos can be observed in a nonlinear system with stable equilibria. However, few studies have investigated chaotic systems with only one stable equilibrium. This paper introduces a new 3-D chaotic system having only one stable equilibrium. Dynamics of the new system are discovered by using phase portraits, basin of attraction, bifurcation diagram, and maximal Lyapunov exponents. It is interesting that the system has a state variable related with the freedom of offset boosting. In addition, we have investigated the anti-synchronization of the system via an adaptive control. Furthermore, the feasibility of the system is also discussed through presenting its electronic circuit implementation.
This article shows the simulation and experimental realization of a multi-scroll chaotic oscillator based on saturated nonlinear function (SNLF) series. First, the simulation is performed by MATLAB using the mathematical description of the oscillator. At this step, it is shown how to increase the number of scrolls by augmenting the SNLF. Second, the mathematical description is implemented with electronic devices and simulated by using the behavioral model of commercially available operational amplifiers. The circuit simulation of the multi-scroll chaotic oscillator is performed showing how to generate even and odd number of scrolls. Finally, the simulated circuit is realized experimentally and the results confirm good agreement with theoretical simulations.
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2021
A new multi-stable system with a double-scroll chaotic attractor is developed in this paper. Signal plots are simulated using MATLAB and multi-stability is established by showing two different coexisting double-scroll chaotic attractors for different states and same set of parameters. Using integral sliding control, synchronized chaotic attractors are achieved between driveresponse chaotic attractors. A MultiSim circuit is designed for the new chaotic attractor, which is useful for practical engineering realizations.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology
This paper reports the finding a new four-scroll chaotic system with four nonlinearities. The proposed system is a new addition to existing multi-scroll chaotic systems in the literature. Lyapunov exponents of the new chaotic system are studied for verifying chaos properties and phase portraits of the new system via MATLAB are unveiled. As the new four-scroll chaotic system is shown to have three unstable equilibrium points, it has a self-excited chaotic attractor. An electronic circuit simulation of the new four-scroll chaotic system is shown using MultiSIM to check the feasibility of the four-scroll chaotic model.
Człowiek i Społeczeństwo, 2014
Neumología Pediátrica
PhD Thesis by Creative Works, 2024
Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia, 2017
Praksis, 2006
Cognitive Development, 2001
Immunogenetics, 2018
Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2019
Imagen y Simulación en la Literatura, 2024
Anais do I Congresso Brasileiro On-line de Pesquisas e Inovações em Saúde
Developmental Neurobiology, 2007
Радиоэлектроника, наносистемы, информационные технологии, 2018
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Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2018