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CV in English

Short biographical note Ioannis M. Konstantakos (born Athens, 22-6-1972) studied classical philology at the universities of Athens (BA 1995) and Cambridge (MPhil 1996, PhD 2000). His teachers, to whom he owes the greatest debt for his initiation into scholarship and learning, were Richard L. Hunter, George A. Christodoulou, Patricia E. Easterling, James Diggle, Nikolaos Bezantakos, and Athanasios Kominis. Since 2003 he teaches ancient Greek literature and culture at the Faculty of Philology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where he is now a full Professor of Greek. His scholarly interests include Greek and Roman comedy, the history of European comic theatre, Herodotus, ancient fiction, folktales and popular lore, the literatures and cultures of the ancient Near East, and the reception of classical texts in East and West. He has published widely on all these topics. His articles have appeared in many Greek and international periodicals. He has given papers and lectures in various conferences, learned societies and university institutions. He has received student grants and scholarships from the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation and the Greek State Scholarships Foundation. His monograph Akicharos: The Tale of Ahiqar in Ancient Greece, vol. 1-2 (Athens 2008) was awarded in 2009 the prestigious prize of the Academy of Athens for the best classical monograph published within the last five years. Another book of his, Legends and Folktales about the Land of Gold: Archaeology of a Folktale Motif (Athens 2011), was shortlisted for the State Prize of Essay and Criticism in 2012. 1 He reads literature and poetry voraciously, from Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Rabelais to Kafka, Yeats, Eliot, Borges, Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, George Seferis, and M. Karagatsis. He also loves detective and thriller fiction, fantasy, folktales, and campus novels (the latter presumably as a result of professional neurosis). He is a fan of the opera (with a strong preference to Mozart), follows arthouse films, and goes to the theatre as often as he can. He enjoys good food, especially Mediterranean and Asian cuisines (from Middle Eastern to Indian and Chinese). He detests theoretical jargon, intrigues, and hastiness. He lives with his wife in Marousi, a suburb in the north of Athens, once widely known as the domicile of Henry Miller's Colossus. Like Voltaire, he spends the greatest part of his life behind his reading desk. 2 Ioannis M. Konstantakos Professor of Ancient Greek Literature National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Faculty of Philology, Department of Classics Panepistimioupoli Zografou 157 84 Athens Tel.: +30-210-7277638 (Block 603) email: iokonstan@phil.uoa.gr, ioan.konstan@gmail.com Home address: Nemeseos 7 Agios Thomas, Marousi 151 24 Athens Webpages: http://en.phil.uoa.gr/the-faculty/department-of-classics/members-of-thedepartment/ioannis_konstantakos_en.html http://www.phil.uoa.gr/tomeis/tomeas-klasikis-filologias/melh-dep-klasbiografika/ioannis_konstantakos_gr.html http://uoa.academia.edu/IoannisKonstantakos http://scholar.uoa.gr/iokonstan STUDIES  National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 1990-1995, B.A. (Classical Philology).  University of Cambridge (Pembroke College), 1995-1996, M.Phil. (Classics).  University of Cambridge (Pembroke College), 1996-2000, Ph.D. (Classics). ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT  National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Philology, Professor of first rank, 2019‒.  National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Philology, Associate Professor, 2014-2019.  National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Philology, Assistant Professor, 2008-2014 (tenured 2012).  National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Philology, Lecturer, 2003-2008. SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES (SELECTION)  Scholarship for undergraduate studies from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation.  Scholarship from the “Alexander S. Onassis” Public Benefit Foundation for doctoral studies (1997-2000).  Prize of the Academy of Athens (2009) for the best classical monograph published within the last five years, awarded to my two-volume work Akicharos. The Tale of Ahiqar in ancient Greece (Athens 2008).  My book Legends and folktales about the land of gold: Archaeology of a folktale motif (Athens 2011) was shortlisted for the State Prize for Literary Essay (2012). UNIVERSITY TEACHING Since 2003 I have repeatedly taught:  Undergraduate courses on the following subjects: “Advanced Ancient Greek”, “Greek tragedy”, “Greek comedy”, “Sophocles”, “Euripides”, “Aristophanes”, “Middle and New Comedy”, “Attic orators”.  Undergraduate seminars on the following topics: “Persian and Egyptian tales in Herodotus”, “Mythological burlesque in ancient drama”, “Folktales and popular narrative lore in the ancient world”.  Postgraduate seminars on the following topics: “Greek comedy in the 4th century BC”, “Introduction to the research methods of Classical Philology”, “Types and 3 characters in the history of ancient comedy”, “Ancient comedy, fantasy and popular culture”, “Persian and Egyptian stories in Herodotus”. SUPERVISION OF POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Since 2003 I have directed or am directing seven doctoral dissertations as main advisor, and co-supervised another nine as second advisor. In the same period, I have directed or am directing nine master’s theses as main advisor, and co-supervised another eleven as second advisor. Topics include the following:  “Female figures in the History of Herodotus: Literary formation and influences”.  “Menander and the spectator’s education: The educative function of Menandrian comedy as displayed in its themes and dramatic techniques”.  “Slapstick and stage violence in Greek comedy”.  “Costume in Greek comedy: Historical development, comic use, and scenic function”.  “In search of Cypriot epic poetry: The Cypria and the mythical tradition of Greece and the Orient”.  “Parody of gods and mythical heroes in Lucian”.  “Sosipater, the poet of the Katapseudomenos”.  “The hyporchema in Archaic Greek lyric and ancient drama. A generic and thematic approach”  “Fragments of mythopoeia. Ancient Greek myth in the fragments of the minor tragic poets of the fifth and the fourth century”.  “The Aristophanic translations of Pavlos Matessis. Aspects of interpretation and reception”.  “A commentary on comic poets of the fourth century BC”.  “Parody in the pictorial tradition of Boeotia, Corinth, and Laconia during the Archaic and Classical age”  “Heracles’ figure in Greek comedy during the fourth century BC”.  “Egyptian tales in Herodotus, book 2. Sources, Egyptian background and narrative material”.  “The obsessive characters in ancient comedy (misanthrope, miser, obsessive juror)”.  “The adventures of Odysseus in Attic comedy”.  “Old age as an element of comic effect with regard to the comic heroes of Aristophanes”.  “Traversing rivers and channels as a motif in the History of Herodotus”.  “Dionysus takes action: The god, the poetic contest and the city in Aristophanes’ Frogs”.  “Eroticism, blame and stock characters in Archilochus”.  “Egypt as a land of the imagination in Classical Greek literature”.  “The figure of Hermes in ancient comedy”.  “The senex amator in ancient comic drama, from Aristophanes, Pherecrates, and Plato Comicus to New and Roman comedy”.  “Traces of lyric poetry in Sophocles’ Ajax”.  “Ludus breviter de passione: A new reading based on Aristotle’s Poetics”.  “The use of Egyptian myth in Plutarch’s De Iside et Osiride”.  “Libanius, Declamationes 31 and 32, and comedy”.  “The influence of the Second Sophistic on the Alexander Romance”. 4 COMMITTEES FOR THE ELECTION OF UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS OR RESEARCHERS Since 2009, I have served in eleven committees for the evaluation of candidates and the election of university professors in all academic ranks (lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor, professor of first rank) at the universities of Athens, Thessaloniki, Crete, Ioannina, and Patras. I have also served in one committee for the election of a research fellow in the Academy of Athens. OTHER UNIVERSITY TASKS (SELECTION)  Examiner for scholarships funded by legacies and bequests donated to the University of Athens (2004–).  Member of the editorial committee, “The Student’s Guide to the Faculty of Philology”, in Greek and in English (2004-2008).  Member of the executive committee, “Sophia N. Saripolou” legacy (2010–).  Editor-in-chief of the “Sophia N. Saripolou” Library, published by the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Athens (2014–).  Member of the examining board for scholarships from the “Maria Stai” bequest (2011).  Member of the examining board for the University Prize in Honour of Petros Koskorozis (2012).  Member of the examining board for entry to the postgraduate (MA) programme of the Faculty of Philology, University of Athens (2014–).  Member of the faculty board for the postgraduate programme (MA and PhD) of the Faculty of Philology, University of Athens (2015-2018).  Director of the postgraduate (MA) programme of the Department of Classics, University of Athens (2018–). OTHER ACADEMIC AND SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES (SELECTION)  Examiner for postgraduate and post-doctoral scholarships, Greek State Scholarships Foundation (2004, 2008-2010).  Advisor and evaluator of postgraduate scholarship-holders studying in universities abroad, on behalf of the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (2004-2007, 20102014).  Member of the editorial board, Logeion. A Journal of Ancient Theatre, University of Patras, Department of Drama – Crete University Press (2011–).  Member of the scientific committee for the scholarly series Gli Allori Boreali, Leonida Edizioni, Reggio Calabria (2014–).  Scientific advisor and evaluator of candidates (Greek postgraduate students, foreign postgraduate students, foreign academics) for scholarships awarded by the Onassis Foundation in the fields of humanistic and literary studies (2015-2020).  Referee for the journals Philologus, Classical Philology, American Political Science Review, Studi Classici e Orientali, Trends in Classics, Polish Journal of Aesthetics, Ariadne, Parabasis, Parousia, Comparative Literature Review, and for Crete University Press (2015-2021).  Participation as a guest speaker in many documentary episodes and talk-shows in television and radio (Greek State Television, Cosmote TV-History Channel, SKY radio, Canadian television and TV5 Monde), concerning the following topics: ancient drama, ancient Greek music, ancient democracy, the Persian Wars, Homer, the Greeks and the Near East, ancient Egypt. 5  Member of the editorial committee, Carpe Diem: Editio periodica litterarum Graecarum Latinarumque, Universities of Ioannina, Thrace, and Athens (20162020).  Member of the scientific committee of evaluation and selection for a position of adjunct professor of ancient and modern Greek, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul (2017).  Member of the scientific committee of evaluation and selection for a lectureship in ancient Greek language and literature, Theological University of the Greek-Orthodox Church of Cyprus (2018).  Member of the editorial committee, Εpistēmēs Metron Logos. A Journal of Epistemology, University of Athens, Faculty of Philosophy, Education and Psychology and Laboratory of Applied Philosophy – National Centre of Documentation (2018–).  Member of the scientific committee, I quaderni del ramo d’oro, Centro interdipartimentale di studi antropologici sulla cultura antica, Università degli Studi di Siena (2019–).  Member of the international scientific committee, programme of doctoral studies, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (2019‒). LECTURES AND CONFERENCE PAPERS 1. Comic theatre in the fourth century BC. Conditions of production and evolutionary tendencies. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Philology, January 2006 (in Greek). 2. Il teatro comico del IV secolo a.C.: Εvoluzione della drammaturgia e della performance. Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità, March 2006 (in Italian). 3. The fragments of ancient comedy. Research prospects and instructions for users. University of Patras, Department of Theatre Studies, November 2006 (in Greek). 4. Castelli in aria: Aristofane, il fantastico e la tradizione fiabesca nell’ antichità. Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità – European Cultural Centre of Delphi, August 2008 (in Italian). 5. La commedia greca del IV secolo a.C.: panellenizzazione e evoluzioni della drammaturgia. Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità – European Cultural Centre of Delphi, August 2008 (in Italian). 6. Invited response to a lecture by G. M. Sifakis on Orality and Literacy: Collaboration or Conflict? Hellenic Humanistic Society, December 2008 (in Greek). 7. Organization and chairing of a special session on “Transmission and adaptation of folktales in antiquity”. 15th conference of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, in collaboration with the Centre for Research in Hellenic Folklore, Academy of Athens (conference theme: “Narratives across space and time. Transmissions and adaptations”), June 2009. 8. Mountains of gold: Aristophanes, Herodotus and ancient Persian folktales. Paper presented during the session listed above (no. 7, in English). 9. Adventures in the land of gold: Aristophanes’ Persia (Acharnians 65–114) and the ancient folktale tradition. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Philology, April 2010 (in Greek). 6 10. Mythological comedy in the 4th century B.C. Antecedents, comic techniques and legacy. European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Seminars of Greek Literature and Culture, July 2010 (in English). 11. Vom Mythos zum Gelos: Mythological burlesque in ancient drama. International conference: New research trends in ancient Greek comedy. University of Crete, Faculty of Philology, February 2011 (in Greek). 12. Ephippos’ Geryones: A comedy between myth and folktale. Fourth Panhellenic Conference of Theatre Studies: Ancient theatre and its reception. University of Patras, Department of Theatre Studies, May 2011 (in Greek). 13. It is a fashion, it will come back: Aristophanes in the 4th century. “Ancient comic discourse”: A one-day conference in memoriam George D. Katsis. The “En Kyklo” Society for Culture and Education, in collaboration with the Faculty of Philology, University of Athens, June 2011 (in Greek). 14. Between myth and folktale: Mythological burlesque in Greek literature. European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Seminars of Greek Literature and Culture, July 2011 (in English). 15. The riddles of Vera or The nihilists’ zero quotient. Critical presentation of Oscar Wilde, Vera the Nihilist, translation, introduction and commentary by Konstantinos Poulis (Athens 2011). Ianos Bookstore, April 2012 (in Greek). 16. All the word’s a stage: Plato and the players of thought. Reflections on the recent book by Nikos Charalabopoulos, Platonic drama and its ancient reception (Cambridge 2012). University of Patras, Department of Philosophy (“Authors meet Critics” sessions), May 2012 (in Greek). 17. Tendencies and variety in Middle Comedy. Workshop-Conference on ancient Greek comedy. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Seminar für Klassische Philologie, July 2012 (in English). 18. Mythological burlesque and the folk tradition in the ancient world. European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Seminars of Greek Literature and Culture, July 2012 (in English). 19. Once upon a time: The archaeology of folktales and the popular narrative traditions in the ancient world. Petronian Society Munich Section, Munich, May 2013 (in English). 20. Once upon a time: The archaeology of folktales and the popular narrative traditions of the ancient world. European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Seminars of Greek Literature and Culture, July 2013 (in English). 21. Plautus’ Aulularia and popular narrative tradition. 8th Trends in Classics International Conference: Roman Drama and its Contexts. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, May 2014 (in English). 22. The Alexander Romance and the archaeology of folk narratives. International Conference on Orality and Greek literature in the Roman Empire. Roman Theatre Museum, Cartagena, Murcia – Universidad de Murcia, May 2014 (in English). 7 23. The Alexander Romance, folk narrative and pseudo-historical fiction. European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Seminars of Greek Literature and Culture, August 2014 (in English). 24. Aristophanes, comic fantasy and political satire in the 4th century B.C. European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Seminars of Greek Literature and Culture, August 2014 (in English). 25. Cambyses and the sacred bull (Herodotus 3.28-29 and 64): Oriental fiction and propaganda behind historical narrative. Science, Fiction, History: The Literary in Classical Historiography. International Conference. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – President Hotel, September 2014 (in English). 26. Politicizing a comic type: Aristophanes’ Lamachos and Mnesimachos’ Philip. Fifth Panhellenic Conference of Theatre Studies: Theatre and Democracy, in honour of Professor Walter Puchner. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Theatre Studies, November 2014 (in Greek). 27. Very tragical mirth: Myth and the tragic in Pavlos Matesis’ Towards Eleusis. Open University of Cyprus, Programme of Theatre Studies – The «Eumenides» Project, Nicosia, December 2014 (in English). 28. Time, Thy Pyramids: The family novella of Mycerinus (Herodotus 2.129-134). Herodotus: Narrator, Scientist, Historian. International conference. European Cultural Centre of Delphi, July 2015 (in English). 29. La commedia greca del IV secolo a.C.: panellenizzazione e tendenze evolutive. Ufficio scolastico per la Lombardia, Seminario di formazione per docenti di materie classiche e umanistiche, Tolò, August 2015 (in Italian). 30. The publishing programme and the recent editions of the “Sophie N. Saripolou Library”. A presentation in an event organized by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in order to promote the publishing activities of the Saripolos Legacy. Athens, October 2015 (in Greek). 31. Comic theatre in the 4th century B.C. Conditions and metamorphoses. Lecture in the Open University of Cyprus, Programme of Hellenic Studies, March 2016 (in Greek). 32. Metres and prosody of ancient Greek poetry. University of Athens, Department of Music, Laboratory of Musical Acoustics and Technology, March 2016 (in Greek). 33. Munchausen in Rome: Plautine braggarts and Hellenistic storytelling. Plautus doctus: Plautine comedy and its intellectual context. International conference. Faculty of Philology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Swedish Institute at Athens, June 2016 (in English). 34. La divina commedia: gli dei greci e il comico, da Omero al dramma del IV secolo a.C. Ufficio scolastico per la Lombardia, Seminario di formazione per docenti di materie classiche e umanistiche. Kavala, August 2016 (in Italian). 35. Fairytale and politics in ancient comedy. Academy of Athens, Seminar of the Centre for Research in Greek and Latin Literature, December 2016 (in Greek). 36. Iranian and Greek narratives: Exchanges and mutual influence. Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Greek Literature, December 2016 (in Greek). 8 37. Fairytale, parable, and politics: The trial of the dogs in Aristophanes’ Wasps. University of Cyprus, Department of Classics and Philosophy, January 2017 (in Greek). 38. The pronunciation of the Classical Attic dialect. University of Athens, Department of Music, Laboratory of Musical Acoustics and Technology, January 2017, and repeated with some revisions in December 2017 (in Greek). 39. Car je est un autre: Otherness and travel narrative in ancient comedy. Sixth Panhellenic Conference on Theatre Studies: Theatre and Otherness. University of the Peloponnese, Department of Theatre Studies, May 2017 (in Greek). 40. Aristophanes in the new millennium. Proagon for a student performance of the Frogs. University of Patras, Department of Philology, June 2017 (in Greek). 41. The Alexander Romance, folk narrative and pseudo-historical fiction. European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Seminars of Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, August 2017 (in English). 42. Fairytale, satire, and politics in Aristophanic Comedy. European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Seminars of Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, August 2017 (in English). 43. Natura, finzione, satira: fiabe e favole di animali nel mondo antico. Ufficio scolastico per la Lombardia, Seminario di formazione per docenti di materie classiche e umanistiche, Kyparissia, September 2017 (in Italian). 44. Daniel’s Holocausts: Persecution and the religious transformation of the NearEastern court novella. The Holocaust: Diachronic and Interdisciplinary Approaches. International Conference. University of Athens, Faculty of Theology, October 2017 (in English). 45. Divided audiences and how to win them over: The case of Aristophanes' Acharnians. International Conference: The Rhetoric of (Dis)Unity. Community and division in Greco-Roman prose and poetry. University of Athens, in collaboration with the Universities of Cyprus and Siena, November 2017 (in English). 46. Fairytale comedies and animal tales, from Crates to Aristophanes. University of Patras, Department of Theatre Studies, December 2017 (in Greek). 47. Ancient Greek comedy: periods and historical survey. University of Patras, Department of Theatre Studies, December 2017 (in Greek). 48. The book of laughter and memory. Reflections on the volume Sublime laughs: Laughter in ancient Greek literature (ed. M. I. Yossi - A. D. Melista, Athens 2017). Presentation of the book, University of Athens, January 2018 (in Greek). 49. Ibn Tufayl and the conte philosophique. The Way of Reason translated by Pavlos Kalligas. Presentation of the book, “Epi leksei” bookstore, Athens, January 2018 (in Greek). 50. Le più antiche “riviste di enigmistica”: miscellanee raccolte di giochi d’intelligenza, da Ahiqar a Aristofane. Giochi e giocattoli: parole, oggetti e immaginario. International conference. Università degli Studi di Milano, March 2018 (in Italian). 51. Board games in ancient fiction: Egypt, Iran, Greece. XXI Board Games Studies Colloquium. Conference of the International Society for Board Games Studies. Athens, Benaki Museum, April 2018 (in English). 9 52. The sciences of antiquity and the methodology of historical analepsis. Presentation of the scholarly journal Εpistēmēs Metron Logos: A Journal of Epistemology, under the auspices of the Laboratory of Applied Philosophy of the University of Athens and the National Centre of Documentation. House of Cyprus, Athens, May 2018 (in Greek). 53. The adventures of Heracles at the inn, or How fragments and plays converse. 12th Trends in Classics International Conference: Reconsidering fragmentation in ancient Greek drama. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, May 2018 (in English). 54. Pathological love in the “open” or “fringe” novels: Aesop, Alexander, Apollonius, Secundus. International conference: The pathology of love in Greek and Roman art and literature. University of Oxford, June 2018 (in English). 55. Il fiabesco e il tragico nel mito greco: Aiace, Dioniso, Edipo. Ufficio scolastico per la Lombardia, Seminario di formazione per docenti di materie classiche e umanistiche, Neapoli, September 2018 (in Italian). 56. Homeric epic and the Archaic Ionian novella. International conference: From Homer to Hatzi-Yavrouda. Aspects of oral narration in the Greek tradition. University of Athens – Danish Institute at Athens, September 2018 (in English). 57. A rendez-vous with methodology. Presentation of the volume of M. Tamiolaki (ed.), Methodological issues in Classical studies. Old problems and new challenges, Crete University Press, Heracleion 2017. Athens, Benaki Museum, November 2018 (in Greek). 58. The beginnings of the conte philosophique in Classical Athens. Mythical roots and philosophical adaptations. Academy of Athens, Centre of Research in Greek Philosophy, November 2018 (in Greek). 59. Door, window, proscaenium. Indications from Aristophanic comedy for the organization of scenic space. Two-day conference: The Theatre of Dionysus in Athens, the oldest known theatre of the world. An interdisciplinary approach. University of Patras, Department of Theatre Studies – Department of Architecture, November 2018 (in Greek). 60. Portrait of Alexander as Achilles and as Odysseus: Homeric echoes and narrative meaning in the Alexander Romance. VIII Simpósio Antigos e Modernos: Alexandre ... Alexandre! Alexandre: aspectos do guerreiro, do sábio e do soberano na narrativa. Universidade Federal do Paraná - Curitiba (Brazil), December 2018 (in English). 61. Aversion and the geloion in ancient comedy: Foods, secretions, monsters. Research seminar: Reflections of aversion in the ancient world. University of Crete, Department of Philology, May 2019 (in Greek). 62. The maiden that knew nothing about sex: A scabrous theme in novella and comedy. International conference in honour of Professor Christopher Carey: Sex and the ancient city. Aspects of sexual intercourse in Graeco-Roman antiquity. University of Cyprus, June 2019 (in English). 63. Aristofane, poeta di Atene. Ufficio scolastico per la Lombardia, Seminario di formazione per docenti di materie classiche e umanistiche, Paros, September 2019 (in Italian). 10 64. The beginnings of the Märchenkomödie in Classical Athens. International conference: Frammenti e dintorni — Fragmente im Kontext. Accademia di Studi ItaloTedeschi, Merano & Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, November 2019 (in English). 65. The experience of persecution in the Jewish parable, from Rabbi Akiva to Franz Kafka. International conference: Antisemitism, the Holocaust, and philosophical thought. Laboratory of Political Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, November 2019 (in Greek). 66. Aristophanes, fantasy and politics. One-day conference on ancient drama, Euroclassica Association & The Homeric Academy of Chios, Maria Tsakou Foundation, December 2019 (in Greek). 67. Herodotus, the sophistic movement, and the conte philosophique. Academy of Athens, Seminar of the Research Centre for Greek Philosophy, February 2020 (in Greek). 68. Ancient Greek and our national identity. Reflections on the uncertain future of humanistic education. Book presentation, The “Pyrinos Kosmos Publications” Bookshop, February 2020 (in Greek). 69. An encyclopaedia on stage: Cooks and other professional types in Hellenistic comedy. Dramatic Poetry in the Hellenistic Period: VI Semana de Estudos sobre o Período Helenístico, University of Sao Paulo, March 2020 (in English). 70. La campagna di Serse contro la Grecia: mito poetico e pensiero storico, da Eschilo a Erodoto. Seminar for High School Teachers in the Classics: 2500 years afterwards The Persian Wars in Ancient History, Literature and Fine Arts. Ufficio Scolastico per la Lombardia, Ouranoupoli, September 2020 (in Italian). 71. Digressive anecdotes, narrative excursus, and historical thought in Herodotus. Digressions in Classical Historiography: International Conference, University of the Peloponnese, September 2020 (in English). 72. The play of characters in the fragments of Middle Comedy. International conference: Sub palliolo sordido. Studi sulla commedia frammentaria greca e latina. University of Padova, October 2020 (in English). 73. Mythological comedy and tragic dramaturgy in the theatre of ancient Athens. Research seminar: Special Issues in Ancient Drama. University of Patras, December 2020 (in Greek). 74. Presentation of AA. VV., Teatro tragico greco: ricostruzioni e interpretazioni, ed. G. Zanetto. Consulta Universitaria del Greco, Seminari 4, Fabrizio Serra, Pisa-Roma 2020. Webinar della Consulta Universitaria del Greco, December 2020 (in English). For the texts of all these lectures, as well as announcements of my upcoming talks, see my webpage: uoa.academia.edu/IoannisKonstantakos/Talks PUBLICATIONS A. Books and monographs 1. A commentary on the fragments of eight plays of Antiphanes, doctoral dissertation, University of Cambridge 2000, pp. vii + 303. 11 2. Ακίχαρος. Η Διήγηση του Αχικάρ στην αρχαία Ελλάδα, τόμος Α΄: Γένεση και αφηγηματικό υλικό [Akicharos: The Tale of Ahiqar in ancient Greece, vol. I: Origins and narrative material], Athens 2008 (Stigmi Publications), 334 pp. 3. Ακίχαρος. Η Διήγηση του Αχικάρ στην αρχαία Ελλάδα, τόμος Β΄: Από τον Δημόκριτο στους Περιπατητικούς [Akicharos: The Tale of Ahiqar in ancient Greece, vol. II: From Democritus to the Peripatetics], Athens 2008 (Stigmi Publications), 426 pp. 4. Θρύλοι και παραμύθια για τη χώρα του χρυσού. Αρχαιολογία ενός παραμυθιακού μοτίβου [Legends and folktales about the land of gold. Archaeology of a folktale motif], Athens 2011 (Stigmi Publications), 346 pp. 5. Ακίχαρος, τόμος Γ΄: Η Διήγηση του Αχικάρ και η Μυθιστορία του Αισώπου [Akicharos, vol. III: The Tale of Ahiqar and the Aesop Romance], Athens 2013 (Stigmi Publications), 616 pp. 6. (ed. with Vasileios Liotsakis), Suspense in Ancient Greek Literature, Berlin-Boston 2021 (De Gruyter), 418 pp. B. Essays. 7. «Notes on the chronology and career of Antiphanes», Eikasmos 11 (2000) 173-196. 8. «Παρατηρήσεις στο ‘Άνθος του γιαλού’ του Παπαδιαμάντη και την ‘οριστική’ έκδοσή του» [“Notes on ‘The sea-flower’ by Papadiamantis and its ‘definitive’ edition”], Hellenika 51 (2001) 363-376. 9. «Towards a literary history of comic love», Classica et Mediaevalia 53 (2002) 141171. 10. Κριτικό άρθρο για το βιβλίο του Ι. Ν. Καζάζη, Λυρική ποίηση. Ο αρχαϊκός λυρισμός ως μουσική παιδεία, τόμ. Α΄ (Θεσσαλονίκη 2000) [Review article of J. N. Kazazis, Greek lyric poetry. Archaic lyric as musical education, vol. I (Thessaloniki 2000)], Hellenika 52 (2002) 373-382. 11. «Un échantillon d’Aristophane: Οι Σφήκες του Αριστοφάνη και οι Διάδικοι (Les Plaideurs) του Ρακίνα» [“Un échantillon d’Aristophane: Aristophanes’ Wasps and Racine’s Les Plaideurs”], EEAth 54 (2002-2003) 233-275. 12. «Και πάλι για τις παπαδιαμαντικές αναδημοσιεύσεις του Μπουκέτου» [“Once again on the reprints of Papadiamantis in the Bouketo magazine”], Hellenika 53 (2003) 399404. 13. «Riddles, philosophers and fishes: Aesop and the θαλάσσιον πρόβατον (Vita Aesopi W 24, G 47)», Eranos 101 (2003) 94-113. 14. «This craft of comic verse: Greek comic poets on comedy», Archaiognosia 12 (2003-2004) 11-53. 15. «Ο Σολομών αγωνιστής: Οι αγώνες γρίφων του βασιλιά Σολομώντα στην Παλαιά Διαθήκη και στην ελληνιστική ιστοριογραφία» [“Solomon Agonistes: The riddlecontests of King Solomon in the Tanakh and in Hellenistic Historiographers”], Hellenika 54 (2004) 221-271. 16. «Antiphanes’ Agroikos-plays: An examination of the ancient evidence and fragments», Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale 46 (2004) 9-40. 12 17. «Trial by riddle: The testing of the counsellor and the contest of kings in the legend of Amasis and Bias», Classica et Mediaevalia 55 (2004) 85-137. 18. «Aspects of the figure of the ἄγροικος in ancient comedy», Rheinisches Museum 148 (2005) 1-26. 19. «The drinking theatre: Staged symposia in Greek comedy», Mnemosyne (ser. 4) 58 (2005) 183-217. 20. «Amasis, Bias and the Seven Sages as riddlers», Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft 29 (2005) 11-46. 21. «Το κωμικό θέατρο από τον 4ο αιώνα στην ελληνιστική περίοδο. Εξελικτικές τάσεις και συνθήκες παραγωγής» [“Comic theatre from the 4th century BC to the Hellenistic period. Evolutionary tendencies and conditions of production”], EEAth 57 (2005-2006) 47-101. 22. «Aesop adulterer and trickster: A study of Vita Aesopi ch. 75-76», Athenaeum 94 (2006) 563-600. 23. «The lady and the loser: Aristodemos and Lynkeus on love-affairs of New Comedy poets», Hermes 134 (2006) 150-158. 24. «Το αποστομωτικό ερώτημα: Ένας τύπος γρίφου σε αρχαίες διηγήσεις», στο Π. Βαλαβάνης & Ι. Κ. Προμπονάς (επιμ.), Ευεργεσίη. Τόμος χαριστήριος στον Παναγιώτη Ι. Κοντό [“The unanswerable question: A type of riddle in ancient tales”, in P. Valavanis & I. K. Prombonas (ed.), Euergesie. Festschrift for Panagiotis I. Kontos], Athens 2006, 265-276. 25. «Από τον Τάνταλο στον Πυργοπολυνίκη: Οι πρόδρομοι του Δον Ζουάν», στο Κωνσταντίνου Πουλή, Δον Ζουάν (πρόγραμμα παράστασης) [“From Tantalus to Pyrgopolinices: The ancestors of Don Juan”, in Konstantinos Poulis’ Don Juan (performance booklet)], Athens 2007, 11-21. 26. «The warlike and the wary: The council of Xerxes in Herodotus VII 8-11 and some Near Eastern tales», Eikasmos 18 (2007) 219-244. 27. «Rara coronato plausere theatra Menandro? Menander’s success in his lifetime», Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica n.s. 88 (2008) 79-106. 28. «Cuckoo’s fruit: Erotic imagery in Vita Aesopi ch. 75-76», in E. Karamalengou & E. Makrygianni (eds.), Ἀντιφίλησις. Studies on Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek literature and culture in honour of John-Theophanes A. Papademetriou, Στουτγάρδη 2009, 453-460. 29. «Nektanebo in the Vita Aesopi and in other narratives», Classica et Mediaevalia 60 (2009) 99-144. 30. «The miserly monarch: Nektanebo’s tribute to Babylon in the Vita Aesopi», Symbolae Osloenses 84 (2009) 90-110. 31. «Characters and names in the Vita Aesopi and in the Tale of Ahiqar. Part 1: Lykoros and Hermippos», Hyperboreus 15.1 (2009) 110-132. 32. «Characters and names in the Vita Aesopi and in the Tale of Ahiqar. Part 2: The adoptive son», Hyperboreus 15.2 (2009) 325-339. 13 33. «Η αβάσταχτη ελαφρότητα των στίχων: Παιχνίδια γρίφων στον ποιητικό αγώνα των Βατράχων του Αριστοφάνη», στο Σ. Τσιτσιρίδης (επιμ.), Παραχορήγημα. Μελετήματα για το αρχαίο θέατρο προς τιμήν του καθηγητή Γρηγόρη Μ. Σηφάκη [“The unbearable lightness of verses: Riddle-games in the poetic contest of Aristophanes’ Frogs”, in S. Tsitsiridis (ed.), Parachoregema. Studies on ancient theatre in honour of Professor Gregory M. Sifakis], Herakleion 2010, 317-341. 34. «Aesop and riddles», Lexis 28 (2010) 257-290. 35. «A passage to Egypt: Aesop, the priests of Heliopolis and the riddle of the year (Vita Aesopi 119-120)», Trends in Classics 3 (2011) 83-112. 36. «Conditions of playwriting and the comic dramatist’s craft in the fourth century», Λογείον 1 (2011) 145-183. 37. «Ephippos’ Geryones: A comedy between myth and folktale», Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (2011) 223-246. 38. Κριτικό άρθρο για το βιβλίο του Μ. Παπαθωμόπουλου, Βίβλος Ξάνθου φιλοσόφου και Αισώπου δούλου αυτού περί της αναστροφής Αισώπου. Κριτική έκδοση με εισαγωγή και μετάφραση (Αθήνα 2010) [Review article of M. Papathomopoulos, Book of the philosopher Xanthos and of his slave Aesop, concerning Aesop’s career. Critical edition with introduction and translation (Athens 2010)], Hellenika 61 (2011) 295-308. 39. «Divine comedy: Demodocus’ song of Ares and Aphrodite and the mythicization of an adultery tale», Maia 64 (2012) 12-34. 40. «My kids for sale: The Megarian’s scene in Aristophanes’ Acharnians (729-835) and Megarian comedy», Λογείον 2 (2012) 121-166. 41. «Life of Aesop and adventures of criticism: A review-article on Manolis Papathomopoulos’ recent edition of the Vita Aesopi, version G», Myrtia 28 (2013) 355392. 42. «Zeus», in R. W. Brednich et al. (eds.), Enzyklopädie des Märchens, vol. 14/3, Berlin-New York 2013, 1327-1332. 43. «Comedy in the fourth century I: Mythological burlesques», in A. Scafuro & M. Fontaine (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Comedy, Oxford-New York 2014, 160-180. 44. «Από τον μύθο στο γέλιο: Θαυμαστά μοτίβα και κωμικές στρατηγικές στη μυθολογική κωμωδία», στο Μ. Ταμιωλάκη (επιμ.), Κωμικός στέφανος: Νέες τάσεις στην έρευνα της αρχαίας ελληνικής κωμωδίας [“From Mythos to Gelos: Wondrous motifs and comic strategies in mythological burlesque”, in M. Tamiolaki (ed.), Corolla Comica: New trends in research on ancient Greek comedy], Rethymno 2014, 75-102. 45. «Adventures in the land of gold: Tales of precious lands in the ancient Greek and Near-Eastern traditions», in A. Polymerou-Kamilaki, E. Karamanes & I. Plemmenos (eds.), Narratives across space and time: Transmissions and adaptations. Proceedings of the 15th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, Academy of Athens, Hellenic Folklore Research Centre, Athens 2014, vol. 2, 163-183. 46. «Zeus on a see-saw: Additional remarks on comic themes», Logeion 4 (2014) 28-39. 47. «Machon’s Alexandrian comedy and earlier comic tradition», Aevum 89 (2015) 1336. 14 48. «Tendencies and variety in Middle Comedy», in S. Chronopoulos & C. Orth (eds.), Fragmente einer Geschichte der griechischen Komödie — Fragmentary History of Greek Comedy, Mainz 2015, 159-198. 49. «Όταν ο Κρόνος συνάντησε τη Γη: Ο αρχαίος κοσμολογικός μύθος στη Βιοχημεία του Παύλου Μάτεσι» [“When Kronos met Gaia: Ancient cosmological myth in Pavlos Matesis’ Biochemistry”], Parabasis 13.1 (2015) 57-74. 50. «Alexander and Darius in a contest of wit (Alexander Romance 1.36-38): Sources, formation, and storytelling traditions», Acme 68 (2015) 129-156. 51. «Death in Babylon: Alexander and the fatal portent (Alexander Romance III 30)», Eikasmos 27 (2016) 253-274. 52. «Plautus’ Aulularia and popular narrative tradition», in G. Manuwald, S. Harrison & S. Frangoulidis (eds.), Roman Drama and its Contexts, Trends in ClassicsSupplementary Volumes, Berlin-Boston 2016, 143-166. 53. «The magical transformation contest in the ancient storytelling tradition», Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos 26 (2016) 207-234. 54. «On the early history of the braggart soldier. Part one: Archilochus and Epicharmus», Logeion 5 (2015) 41-84. 55. «Cambyses and the sacred bull (Herodotus 3.27-29 and 3.64): History, fiction, propaganda», in V. Liotsakis & S. Farrington (eds.), The art of history: Literary perspectives on Greek and Roman historiography, Berlin 2016, 37-72. 56. «On the early history of the braggart soldier. Part two: Aristophanes’ Lamachus and the politicization of the comic type», Logeion 6 (2016) 112-163. 57. «Ο Αριστοφάνης ξαναγελάει». Κριτικό δοκίμιο για το βιβλίο του Θεόδωρου Παππά, Αριστοφάνης. Ο ποιητής και το έργο του (Αθήνα 2016) [“Aristophanes laughs again”. A critical essay on the book of Theodoros Pappas, Aristophanes. The poet and his work, Athens 2016], Logeion 6 (2016) 401-418. 58. «La divina commedia: gli dei greci e il comico, da Omero al dramma del IV secolo a.C.», Nuova Secondaria Ricerca 34/8 (aprile 2017) 13-32. 59. «Οι αρχαιότεροι διδακτικοί μύθοι του κόσμου: Μεσοποταμιακές παραβολές και αισωπικά παράλληλα» [“The most ancient didactic fables of the world: Mesopotamian parables and Aesopic parallels”], Carpe Diem 2/2 (2017) 11-68. 60. «The wisdom of the hidden old man: An ancient folktale of the East in the Alexander Romance», Athenaeum 105 (2017) 444-481. 61. «Aristophanic shape-shifters: Myth, fairytale, satire», Logeion 7 (2017) 108-144. 62. «Time, Thy Pyramids: The novella of Mycerinus (Herodotus 2.129-134)», in E. Bowie (ed.), Herodotus: Narrator, Scientist, Historian, Berlin 2018, 77-107. 63. «Natura, finzione, satira: fiabe e favole di animali nel mondo antico», Nuova Secondaria Ricerca 35/6 (febbraio 2018), 16-39. 64. «Ο Ιμπν Τουφάυλ και το φιλοσοφικό διήγημα» [“Ibn Tufayl and the conte philosophique”], Athens Review of Books 93 (March 2018) 44-48. 15 65. «Very tragical mirth: Myth and the tragic in Pavlos Matessis’ Towards Eleusis», in V. Liapis, A. Petrides & M. Pavlou (eds.), Debating with the Eumenides. Aspects of the reception of Greek tragedy in Modern Greece, Newcastle 2018, 169-201. 66. «Το λιονταράκι που τσεβδίζει: Ο Αλκιβιάδης στην αρχαία κωμωδία» [“The stammering lion-cub: Alcibiades in ancient comedy”], Parousia 21 (2019) 21-70. 67. «Το βιβλίο του γέλιου και της μνήμης. Στοχασμοί γύρω από μια πρόσφατη έκδοση σχετικά με το γέλιο των αρχαίων» [“The book of laughter and memory: Reflections on a recent volume concerning the laughter of the ancients”], Philosophia 48 (2018) 312326. 68. «Il fiabesco e il tragico nel mito greco», Nuova Secondaria Ricerca 36/5 (gennaio 2019) 33-57. 69. «Παραμύθι, πολιτική και σάτιρα στην αρχαία κωμωδία» [“Fairytale, politics, and satire in ancient comedy”], in E. Papadodima (ed.), Αρχαίο δράμα και λαϊκή ηθική [Ancient drama and popular morality], Academy of Athens, Centre of Research in Greek and Latin literature, Athens 2019, 175-204. 70. «Από τους αοιδούς των Μυκηνών στους Καππαδόκες πατέρες. Μια νέα ιστορία της αρχαίας ελληνικής λογοτεχνίας» [“From the bards of Mycenae to the Cappadocian Church fathers. A new history of ancient Greek literature”], Athens Review of Books 104 (March 2019) 43-47. 71. «The most ancient ‘puzzle magazines’: Miscellaneous collections of intellectual games, from Ahiqar to Aristophanes», Enthymema 23 (2019) 303-347. 72. «The island that was a fish: An ancient folktale in the Alexander Romance and in other texts of late antiquity », in C. Ruiz Montero (ed.), Aspects of orality and Greek literature in the Roman Empire, Newcastle 2019, 281-301. 73. «Πόρτα, παραθύρι, παλκοσένικο. Ενδείξεις της αριστοφανικής κωμωδίας για τη διάταξη της σκηνής», [“Door, window, proscaenium. Indications from Aristophanic comedy for the organization of scenic space”], Logeion 9 (2019) 243-300. 74. «Aristofane, poeta di Atene», Nuova Secondaria Ricerca 37/7 (marzo 2020) 287312. 75. «Αριστοφάνης, φαντασία και πολιτική. Πρώτο μέρος» [“Aristophanes, fantasy and politics. First part”], Kampanes 16/1 (April 2020) 30-37. 76. «The flying king: The novelistic Alexander (Pseudo-Callisthenes 2.41) and the traditions of the ancient Orient», Classica ‒ Revista Brasileira de Estudos Clásicos 33 (2020) 105-138. 77. «The characters of Doric comedy», in A. Fries & D. Kanellakis (eds.), Ancient Greek comedy. Genre - Texts - Reception. Essays in honour of Angus M. Bowie, BerlinBoston 2020, 7-27. 78. «Munchausen in Rome: Plautine braggarts and Hellenistic storytelling», in S. Papaioannou & C. Demetriou (eds.), Plautus’ erudite comedy. New insights into the work of a doctus poeta, Newcastle 2020, 121-152. 79. «Heracles’ adventures at the inn, or How fragments and plays converse», in A. Lamari, F.Montanari & A. Novokhatko (eds.), Fragmentation in ancient Greek drama, Berlin-Boston 2020, 379-405. 16 80. «Παίζοντας κωμωδία στον καιρό του Αριστοφάνη και του Μένανδρου» [“Performing comedy at the time of Aristophanes and Menander”]. Review article of A. Hughes, Performing Greek Comedy, Greek transl. by Agis Marinis, Herakleion 2019. The Athens Review of Books 120 (sept. 2020) 12-17. 81. «Popular biography», in K. de Temmerman (ed.), The Oxford handbook of ancient biography, Oxford-New York 2020, 45-57. 82. «Αίνος, αίνιγμα, μυθόγριφος: Εκφάνσεις μιας ειδολογικής συνάφειας στον αρχαίο κόσμο» [“Ainos, enigma, mythogriph: Aspects of a generic affinity in the ancient world”], in E. Gasti (ed.), ΔΟΣΙΣ ΑΜΦΙΛΑΦΗΣ. Festschrift for Emer. Prof. Katerina Synodinou, Ioannina 2020, 251-289. 83. «Αριστοφάνης, φαντασία και πολιτική. Δεύτερο μέρος» [“Aristophanes, fantasy and politics. Second part”], Kampanes 16/2 (December 2020) 22-30. 84. «Οι απαρχές του φιλοσοφικού διηγήματος στην αρχαία Αθήνα» [“The beginnings of the conte philosophique in ancient Athens”], Philosophia 49/2 (2020) 88-132. 85. (with J. R. Green), «A calyx-krater of the Varrese Painter and a glimpse of Alexis’ Agonis or Hippiskos», Logeion 10 (2020) 1-42. 86. «Divided audiences and how to win them over: The case of Aristophanes’ Acharnians», in A. Serafim, F. Beneventano della Corte, A. Michalopoulos & A. Vatri (eds.), The rhetoric of unity and division in ancient literature, Berlin-Boston 2021, 191211. 87. «The Märchenkomödie in Classical Athens: Fragments, pictures, contexts», in V. Mastellari (ed.), Fragments in context - Frammenti e dintorni, Göttingen 2021, 99-144. 88. «Staged suspense: Scenic spectacle, anxious expectation, and dramatic enthralment in Aristophanic theatre», in I. M. Konstantakos & V. Liotsakis (eds.), Suspense in ancient Greek literature, Berlin-Boston 2021, 191-226. 89. «Geometry of allusions: The reception of earlier poetry in Aristophanes’ Peace», in T. Whitmarsh, H. Morales & M. Fantuzzi (eds.), Reception in the Greco-Roman world. Literary studies in theory and practice, Cambridge 2021, 92-118. 90. «Car je est un autre: Ετερότητα και ταξιδιωτική αφήγηση στην αρχαία κωμωδία» [“Car je est un autre: Otherness and travel narrative in ancient comedy”], in M. Velioti, V. Georgopoulou, I. Karamanou, M. Kotzamani & I. Leontaris (eds.), Θέατρο και ετερότητα: Θεωρία, δραματουργία και θεατρική πρακτική. Πρακτικά του Στ΄ Πανελλήνιου Θεατρολογικού Συνεδρίου [Theatre and otherness. Theory, dramaturgy, and scenic practice. Proceedings of the sixth Panhellenic conference on theatre studies], Nafplion, forthcoming (18 pp.). 91. «Όταν οι ήρωες του μύθου διαβάζουν μυθολογία: Από τον Επίχαρμο στον Κρατίνο» [“When the heroes of myth read mythology: From Epicharmus to Cratinus”], in D. Angelatos, C. Dounia, P. Karpouzou & T. Karavia (eds.), Ο περίπλους της θεωρίας. Τιμητικός τόμος Άννας Τζούμα [The periplous of theory. Festschrift for Anna Tzouma], Athens, forthcoming (16 pp.). 92. «Board games in ancient fiction: Egypt, Iran, Greece», in B. Carè, V. Dasen & U. Schaedler (eds.), Back to the game: Re-framing games and play in context. Proceedings of the XXI Board Game Studies Annual Colloquium, Annuario della Scuola 17 Archeologica Italiana di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente, Suppl., forthcoming (27 pp.). 93. «Pathological love in the ‘open’ or ‘fringe’ novels», in D. Kanellakis (ed.), The pathologies of love in ancient literature, Berlin-Boston, forthcoming (24 pp.). 94. «Daniel’s Holocausts: Persecution and the religious transformation of the NearEastern court novella», in S. Despotis & P. Stamatopoulos (eds.), The Holocaust: Diachronic and interdisciplinary approaches, Athens, forthcoming (23 pp.). 95. «The Odyssey and the ancient Greek travel novels», in M. de Fátima Silva & D. Konstan (eds.), Classical motifs in Portuguese novel and short narrative, Leiden, forthcoming (30 pp.). 96. «Homeric epic and Ionian novella», in B. Olsen, M. Kaplanoglou, G. Katsadoros & C. Zafiropoulos (eds.), Aspects of oral narration in the Greek tradition, The Danish Institute at Athens, forthcoming (37 pp.). 97. «La campagna di Serse contro la Grecia: mito poetico e pensiero storico, da Eschilo a Erodoto», Nuova Secondaria Ricerca 38 (2021), forthcoming (37 pp.). 98. «Η εμπειρία του διωγμού στην εβραϊκή παραβολή, από τον Ακίβα στον Κάφκα» [“The experience of persecution in the Jewish parable, from Akiva to Kafka”], in V. Nikolaidou-Kyrianidou et al. (eds.), Αντισημιτισμός, Ολοκαύτωμα και φιλοσοφική σκέψη, Athens, forthcoming (19 pp.). 99. «Political rhetoric and comic invective in fifth-century Athens: The trial of the dogs in Aristophanes’ Wasps», in S. Papaioannou & A. Serafim (eds.), Comic Invective in Greek and Roman oratory, Berlin-Boston, forthcoming (23 pp.) 100. «The maiden that knew nothing about sex: A scabrous theme in ancient novella and comedy», in A. Serafim, G. Kazantzidis & K. Demetriou (eds.), Sexuality in the ancient world, Berlin-Boston, forthcoming (24 pp.). 101. «Greece’s next top monster: Τέρατα και τερατομαχίες στην αρχαία παραμυθοκωμωδία» [“Greece’s next top monster: Monsters and battles with monsters in the ancient Märchenkomödie”], in A. Markantonatos & V. Liotsakis (eds.), Denkschrift for Phanis I. Kakridis, Ioannina, forthcoming (48 pp.). 102. “An encyclopedia on stage: Cooks and other professional types in Hellenistic comedy”, in F. Rodríguez Junior et al. (ed.), Dramatic poetry in the Hellenistic period, Coimbra, forthcoming (68 pp.). 103. “The play of characters in the fragments of Middle Comedy”, in M. De Poli et al. (eds.), Sub palliolo sordido. Studi sulla commedia frammentaria greca e latina, Göttingen, forthcoming (30 pp.). C. Briefer contributions. 104. «Στις απαρχές της ευρωπαϊκής λογοτεχνικής θεωρίας: Δ. Ι. Ιακώβ, Ζητήματα λογοτεχνικής θεωρίας στην Ποιητική του Αριστοτέλη (Αθήνα 2004)» [“At the origins of European literary theory: D. I. Iakov, Questions of literary theory in Aristotle’s Poetics (Athens 2004)”], Nea Hestia 158 (2005) 148-151. 105. «Η γέννηση της ιστορίας στην αρχαία Ελλάδα: Α. Β. Ρεγκάκος, Επινοώντας το παρελθόν. Γέννηση και ακμή της ιστοριογραφικής αφήγησης στην κλασική αρχαιότητα (Αθήνα 2009)» [“The birth of history in ancient Greece: A. B. Rengakos, Inventing the 18 past. Origins and acme of historiographical narrative in classical antiquity (Athens 2009)”], Kathimerini, 2 February 2010. 106. «Αρχαίες τραγωδίες, σύγχρονες σκέψεις: J. Gregory (εκδ.), Όψεις και θέματα της αρχαίας ελληνικής τραγωδίας. 31 εισαγωγικά δοκίμια, μτφ. Μ. Καίσαρ, Ό. Μπεζαντάκου, Γ. Φιλίππου, επιμ. Δ. Ι. Ιακώβ (Αθήνα 2010)» [“Ancient tragedies, modern thoughts: J. Gregory (ed.), A companion to Greek tragedy, transl. by M. Kaisar, O. Bezantakou, G. Philippou, ed. by D. I. Iakov (Athens 2010)”], Kathimerini, 13 July 2010. 107. «Εμείς και εμείς: Σκέψεις και ερωτήματα» [“Us and us: Thoughts and questions”], Εμείς [Us: Electronic Journal] 2 (July 2013) 48-51. 108. «Ο Αίσωπος, ο Κάφκα και η σάτιρα της ακαδημαϊκής φιλοσοφίας» [“Aesop, Kafka, and the satire of academic philosophy”], Εμείς (Ηλεκτρονικό περιοδικό – ιστολόγιο) [Us: Electronic Journal and Blog], 27/2/2014. 109. «Ο δράκος και ο καπιταλισμός: Ένα αλληγορικό παραμύθι από τον Φαίδρο έως τον Τόλκιν» [“The dragon and capitalism: An allegorical fairytale from Phaedrus to Tolkien”], Εμείς [Us: Electronic Journal] 11 (April 2014) 24-31. 110. «Τέσσερεις και μία ιστορίες παντός καιρού» [“Four and one stories of all time”], Εμείς [Us: Electronic Journal] 12 (May 2014) 16-25. 111. «Κάφκα, ή Ο κόσμος ως παραβολή» [“Kafka, or The World as a Parable”], Εμείς (Ηλεκτρονικό περιοδικό – ιστολόγιο) [Us: Electronic Journal and Blog], 4/6/2014. 112. «Διαβάζοντας τις ζωές των άλλων» [“Reading the lives of others”], in Who is Who (Internet blog, http://www.whoiswhogreece.com/). 113. «Η Θήβα και η Σαμαρκάνδη, ή Οι μηχανές του πεπρωμένου» [“Thebes and Samarkand, or The machinery of fate”], De Profundis 1 (January 2015) 16-23. 114. «Οι αρχαιότερες ιστορίες μαγείας και φαντασίας στην παγκόσμια γραμματεία (Πρώτο μέρος)» [“The earliest tales of magic and fantasy in world literature (Part I)”], De Profundis 2 (March 2015) 14-21 (reprinted in Trito Mati 255, 2017, 50-53). 115. «Οι αρχαιότερες ιστορίες μαγείας και φαντασίας. Δεύτερο μέρος: Μάγοι μαθητευόμενοι και ατελείς» [“The earliest tales of magic and fantasy. Part II: Apprentice and imperfect sorcerers”], De Profundis 3 (May 2015) 14-21 (reprinted in Trito Mati 256, 2017, 34-37). 116. «Οι αρχαιότερες ιστορίες μαγείας και φαντασίας στην παγκόσμια γραμματεία. Τρίτο μέρος: Αγώνες μαγείας» [“The earliest tales of magic and fantasy in world literature. Part III: Contests of magic”], Trito Mati 257 (2017) 56-59. 117. Review of Benjamin M. Lazarus, Humanist Comic Elements in Aristophanes and the Old Testament (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2015), Classical Journal Online, 16.02.05. 118. Review of J. Wilkins & R. Nadeau (eds.), A Companion to Food in the Ancient World (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World, Malden, MA-Oxford-Chichester 2015), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.06.06. 119. Review of D. Parker (transl.), Aristophanes and Menander. Three Comedies: Peace, Money, the God, Samia, edited with introductions and notes by Timothy J. Moore, Indianapolis-Cambridge 2014, Classical Review 66 (2016), forthcoming. 19 120. Review of C. A. Shaw, Satyric play: The evolution of Greek comedy and satyr drama, Oxford-New York 2014, Journal of Hellenic Studies 136 (2016), forthcoming. 121. Review of S. Beta, Il labirinto della parola: enigmi, oracoli e sogni nella cultura antica (Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore, 2016), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.11.03. 122. Review of M. G. Meraklis, Τραγωδία και λαϊκός πολιτισμός στην αρχαία Αθήνα [Tragedy and folk culture in ancient Athens] (Thessaloniki 2017), Journal of Folklore Research Reviews, March 2018. 123. Review of K. Savrami, Ancient dramatic Chorus through the eyes of a modern choreographer: Zouzou Nikoloudi (Newcastle 2016), Classical Journal Online 2018.03.06. 124. Preface to the book of S. Anastasopoulos, Τα αρχαία ελληνικά στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση. Πρόταση διδασκαλίας αγνώστου κειμένου [Ancient Greek in secondary education. A proposal for the teaching of unseen texts], Athens 2019, 13-18. 125. «Το γνωστό άγνωστο θέατρο του Διονύσου» [“The Theatre of Dionysus, a wellknown stranger”], Ta Nea, 12-13 January 2019. 126. Review of M. Yossi & A. Melista (eds.), Εξαίσιοι γέλωτες. Το γέλιο στην αρχαία ελληνική γραμματεία, Athens 2017, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.12.26. 127. Compte-rendu of S. Beta, Il labirinto della parola: enigmi, oracoli e sogni nella cultura antica (Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore, 2016), Poiesis. Bibliografia della poesia greca, forthcoming (7 pp.). 128. «Adultery», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. Ι, 17-18. 129. «Antiphanes», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. Ι, 59-60. 130. «Deikelistai», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. Ι, 242-243. 131. «Glycera», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. Ι, 389-390. 132. «Lynceus of Samos», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. ΙΙ, 508. 133. «Machon», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. ΙΙ, 516-517. 134. «Maeson», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. ΙΙ, 517-518. 135. «Megara», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. ΙΙ, 535. 136. «Megarian comedy», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. ΙΙ, 536-537. 137. «Persia», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. ΙΙ, 689-690. 20 138. «Riddles», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. ΙΙΙ, 826-827. 139. «Susarion», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. ΙΙΙ, 914-915. 140. «Thais», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. ΙΙΙ, 934-935. 141. «Timon», in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Hoboken 2019, vol. ΙΙΙ, 956. SCHOLARLY INTERESTS          Greek and Roman comedy History of European comic drama Herodotus Ancient fiction and narrative Riddles Folktales and folklore Near-Eastern literatures Ancient Egypt Influence of Egypt and the Near East on Greek literature and culture EPIMYTHIUM Quand’io dismento nostra vanitate, trattando l’ombre come cosa salda. Dante, Purgatorio XXI 135-136 Palabras, palabras desplazadas y mutiladas, palabras de otros, fue la pobre limosna que le dejaron las horas y los siglos. Jorge Luis Borges, «El inmortal», from the collection El Aleph 21