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Minutiae extraction for fingerprint recognition
Conference Paper · August 2008
DOI: 10.1109/SSD.2008.4632892 · Source: IEEE Xplore
2 authors:
Yusra Al-Najjar
Alaa F. Sheta
King Faisal University
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
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Yusra Al-Najjar, Alaa Sheta
Information Technology Department
Al-Balqa Applied University
Salt, Jordan.,
Automatic Personal Identification (API) represents a
challenge for tremendous life applications such as in passports, cellular telephones, automatic teller machines, and
driver licenses. It is important to achieve a high degree of
confidence when handling such types of application. Biometrics is being more and more adopted in such cases. In
the past years, the development of fingerprint identification systems has received a great deal of attention. The
goal of this paper is to represent a complete identification
process for fingerprint recognition throughout the extracting of matching minutiae. The performance of the proposed system is tested on a database with fingerprints from
different people and experimental results are presented.
Index Terms— Fingerprint, minutiae extraction, termination, bifurcation.
Fingerprint technology is the most widely used form of
biometric technology. Traditional knowledge-based (password or personal Identification Number (PIN)) and tokenbased (password, driver license, and ID card) identifications are prone to fraud because PINs may be forgotten or
guessed by others and the token may be lost or stolen [1].
Therefore, biometric, which refers to identifying an individual based on the physiological or behavioral characteristics has been more reliable. For decades, fingerprints
have been in use for biometric recognition because of their
high immutability and individuality [2]. Immutability refers
to the persistence of the fingerprints over time whereas
individuality is related to the uniqueness of ridge details
across individuals. The probability that two fingerprints
are alike is 1 in 1.9 × 1015 [3]. These features give the fingerprint its importance; they are extremely effective where
high degree of security is an issue.
Minutiae detection can be categorized into two types:
global and local. A global representation gives an overall
characteristic of the finger where a single representation
is valid for the entire fingerprint. Whereas, a local representation consists of segments derived from regions of the
fingerprint. Typically global representations are used for
classification of fingerprints into different categories such
as right loop, left loop, and arch etc. The global classification schema of fingerprints in provided in [4] and shown
in Figure 1. Major local representations of fingerprints are
based on finger ridges.
Fingerprints possess many features called local features. Minutiae are minute details of the fingerprint [5].
The most two used minutiae are ridge endings (a point
where a ridge ends suddenly) and ridge bifurcation (where
a ridge breaks up into two ridges) [6]. The global features are used to classify fingerprints into six major classes
whereas the minutiae details are used for fingerprint based
person identification.
In this paper, we adopt the method of fingerprint enhancement proposed in [7]. As for feature extraction, we
employed the technique proposed in [8]. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we discuss the proposed
methodology used for enhancing fingerprint image. Also,
we describe the proposed methodology for extracting fingerprint characteristics. In Section 3, we present our experimental results which justify the method used.
The proposed methodology is based on collecting a database
of different persons by scanning fingerprints using a fingerprint reader. Images taken will be of the size 390 × 355
with a device resolution of 512 dpi (i.e. Microsoft Fingerprint Reader). In Figure 2, we show a block diagram
of the approach which we are adopting in this study. The
proposed methodology consists of five stages. They are 1)
image acquisition 2) image enhancement 3) image binarization 4) image thinning and 5) image feature extraction.
2.1. Image Acquisition
The images are obtained in two different ways, accordingly:
• Live scan print: The images is obtained by scanning
the fingertip using the flat bed scanner or any other
• Offline print: This is the traditional method where
the fingerprint is obtained by taking the impression
Figure 1. Global Classification Schema of Fingerprints [4]
Figure 2. Fingerprint Recognition System
on a card/paper in ink and which is later fed to system database [9].
There are number of sensors to obtain fingerprint images. They include:
• Optical Sensor uses a small camera to take an image
of a fingerprint pressed against a clear screen. Since
FTIR (Frustrated Total Internal Reflection) devices
sense a three-dimensional surface, it is difficult to
fool them with a photograph or image of a fingerprint.
• Thermal Sensor measures temperature difference between the ridges and valleys of the fingerprint surface.
• Capacitive Sensor measures the pressure difference
between the ridge and valleys to cause a capacitance
difference in sensor surface [10].
2.2. Image Enhancement
Image enhancement is a critical step in automatic fingerprint matching. The objective of this stage is to help in
extracting minutiae from the input fingerprint images. Extracting minutiae strongly rely on the quality of the input
fingerprint images. Enhancement is a pre-process contains
the stages listed below.
where V (k) is the variance for block k, I(i, j) is the
grey-level at pixel (i, j), and M (k) is the mean grey-level
value for the block k.
Normalization offsets and rescales image so that the
minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 1. Normalization is implemented upon the image to have zero mean,
and a unit standard deviation.
M + V0 (I(i,j)−M )2 , ifI(i, j)iM,
N (i, j) =
M − V0 (I(i,j)−M )2 , otherwise,
where M and V are the estimated mean and variance
of I(i, j), respectively [7].
2.2.2. Orientation Estimation
This stage estimates the local orientation of ridges in a
fingerprint of a normalized image. It requires three variables as an input. They are 1) Sigma of the derivative of
Gaussian used to compute image gradients 2) block sigma
which is sigma of the Gaussian weighting used to sum the
gradient moments, and 3) Orient smooth sigma which is
sigma of the Gaussian used to smooth the final orientation
vector field [1].
2.2.1. Segmentation and Normalization
2.2.3. Frequency
Segmentation is the process of separating the foreground
regions in the image from the background regions. Firstly,
the image is divided into blocks and the grey-scale variance is calculated for each block in the image. If the variance is less than the global threshold, then the block is assigned to be a background region; otherwise, it is assigned
to be part of the foreground. The grey-level variance for a
block of size W × W is defined as:
Frequency is an important parameter that is used in the
construction of the filter. Frequency image represents the
local frequency of the ridge in a fingerprint. The image
is divided into blocks of size W × W then the grey level
values of all pixels located inside the block are projected
along a direction orthogonal to local ridge orientation. The
ridge spacing S(i, j) is computed by counting the median
number of pixels [7]. The frequency F (i, j) for a block
centered at pixel (i, j) is define as:
V (k) =
W −1 W −1
1 X X
(I(i, j) − M (k))2
W 2 i=0 j=0
F (i, j) =
S(i, j)
2.2.4. Filtering
This process enhances fingerprint image by using oriented
filters, it requires normalized, oriented, and frequency images. The process is done by convolving the image with
the filter. The convolution of a pixel (i, j) in the image
requires the corresponding orientation value O(i, j) and
ridge frequency value F (i, j) of the pixel [7]. Hence, the
application of the filter G to obtain the enhanced image E
is performed in Equation 4.
Good fingerprint thinning algorithms should preserve
the topology of the image, and keeping the original connectivity. Ridge thinning was implemented to eliminate
the redundant pixels of ridges [13].
2.5. Feature Extraction
Extraction of appropriate features is one of the most important tasks for a recognition system [14]. Feature extraction is done by applying a filter of a 3 × 3 over the
thinned image according to the following rules:
wx /2
E(i, j) =
X Xwy /2
G(u, v; O(i, j), F (i, j))N (i − u, j − v)
v=−wy /2
u=−wx /2
where O is the orientation image, F is the frequency
image, N is the normalized image, whereas wx and wy
are the width and height of the filter mask [11, 1]. Figure
3 displays the proposed enhancement process.
Binarization is the process where a grayscale image is decimated or categorized into two levels, black and white (0
and 1). Binarization is implemented over ridge/valley of
filtered image with threshold of 0 [7]. Pixels below a
certain level are turned into black, and ones above it are
turned into white. After this operation, ridges in the fingerprint will be highlighted with black color while valleys
are white.
• if the central pixel is ’1’ and the sum other than ’2’
or ’4’, then the central pixel is a usual pixel [15].
Skeletonization or thinning is the process applied over binarized image, from previous step, by thinning certain pattern shapes until it is represented by 1-pixel wide lines.
Fingerprint thinning is usually implemented via morphological operations such as erosion and dilation to reduce
the width of ridges to a single pixel while preserving the
extent and connectivity of the original shape [12]. The
mathematical definition of erosion is explained in the following equation. The erosion of A by element B, is denoted by:
• Extracting minutiae: In this stage we find all the terminations and bifurcations in the fingerprint.
• Terminating false minutiae: This stage excludes lots
of minutiae (terminations and bifurcations). Removing false minutiae is done according to the following
– if the distance between a termination and a bifurcation is smaller than a specified number
’D’, then we removes this minutia.
2.4. Thinning (Skeletonization)
Ac 6= φ}
Sometimes using erosion might cause some features
to be corrupted, so we use another function called dilation, its mathematical definition is shown in the following
A ⊕ B = {z|(B̂)z
• if the central pixel is ’1’ and the sum is ’4’, then the
central pixel is a bifurcation.
In [16] two stages procedure was presented for extracting minutiae:
2.3. Binarization
A ⊖ B = {z|(B)z
• if the central pixel is ’1’ and the sum of pixels inside
the block is ’2’, then the central pixel is a termination.
A 6= φ}
Implementing dilation before erosion stores small gaps
before thinning the image. The morphological closing of
image A by element B, denoted A • B, is simply dilation
of A by B, followed by erosion of the result by B:
A • B = {A ⊕ B} ⊖ B
– if the distance between two bifurcations is less
than D, then we removes this minutia.
– if the distance between two terminations is less
than D, then we removes this minutia.
2.5.1. Region Of Interest (ROI)
ROI is the region of the image in which we are interested.
To determine this region, we consider the thinned image,
and we apply morphological operations such as closing,
filling, opening area, and erosion on it. After specifying
the ROI, we can suppress minutiae outside it.
2.5.2. Minutiae Orientation
Once we determined the true minutiae, we have to find the
orientation of both terminations and bifurcations [17].
• Termination Orientation: We have to find the orientation of the termination. For finding that, we use a
table of 5 × 5 for different angles of theta, analyze
the position of pixels connected to the center in a
boundary of a 5×5 block. By keeping only the edge
pixels, we take the first non-zero pixel and compare
its location to the table to get the corresponding angle for the termination.
Figure 3. Image enhancement stages
• Bifurcation Orientation: For each bifurcation, we
have three bounding non-zero pixels so we operate
the same process as in the termination case but for
three times instead of just one [18].
A 5×5 boundary is used since 3×3 does not show enough
information while a 7 × 7 might show much information.
2.6. Exporting minutiae
In this stage the extracted data are exported to a file. The
file will contain the Termination as given in Table 1 and
the Bifurcations as given in Table 2. Extracted data are the
x, y location of each minutia and its orientation θ.
Table 2. Bifurcations
-2.62 -1.05
3.14 -1.57
172 -2.62 -1.57
204 -2.36 -1.57
3.14 -1.57
223 -2.62
229 -2.62
2.36 -2.36
2.36 -2.09
Figure 4 shows the stages of the enhancement process.
Figure 4-a displays the original image; the binary image is
shown in Figure 4-b, while Figure 4-c displays the thinned
image. Figure 4-d illustrates the region of interest overlapped by the thinned image and plotted by extracted minutiae. Figure 5 displays the thinned image with true extracted minutiae plotted on it.
Table 1. Termination
160 27
231 87
138 -1.57
137 163
227 173 -1.57
162 174
205 174 -1.57
105 185 -0.79
243 189 -1.57
199 2.36 -1.57
In this paper we presented a complete fingerprint recognition methodology to extract matching minutiae. The proposed methodology consists of five stages. They are image acquisition, image enhancement, image binarization,
image thinning and image feature extraction. The performance of the proposed system was tested on a database
with fingerprints from different people. The experimental
results are promising.
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a) Original Image
Figure 5. Extracted Minutiae
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d) Region Of Interest
Figure 4. Stages of processing fingerprint image
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[18] A. Jain, Y. Chen, and M. Demirkus, “A fingerprint recognition algorithm combining phase-based image matching and
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