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29 pages
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Prior to the analysis of the dynamic tables, the data are presented without any treatment, organized in quadrants in Excel. This shows us the data set that we will subsequently use to prepare the dynamic tables. Table 1.1. presents the data for an example that we will work on, which in this case are the kilograms that a corporation handles and recycles of different products (plastic, paper and cardboard, glass, metals and textiles) in its various facilities or dumps located in different areas. Table 1.1. Baseline data to analyze the processed kilos of different products from a landfill in the first quarter Quarter Month Month_ name Landfill Product Kilograms 1st Quarter 1 January Landfill 1 Plastic 600 1st Quarter 1 January Landfill 1 Paper and cardboard 300 1st Quarter 1 January Landfill 1 Glass 900 1st Quarter 1 January Landfill 1 Metal 400 1st Quarter 1 January Landfill 1 Textile 300 1st Quarter 1 January Landfill 2 Plastic 700 Contents Basic Concepts in Pivot Tables
Una vez que los gerentes terminaron con la planeación ¿qué sigue? Éste es el momento en que los gerentes deben comenzar a "trabajar el plan". Y el primer paso para hacerlo implica diseñar una estructura organizacional adecuada. Este capítulo aborda las decisiones involucradas en el diseño de esta estructura.
Journal of Jewish Thought & Philosophy, 2024
This paper examines Emmanuel Levinas's philosophical development from Totality and Infinity to Otherwise than Being as a self-critique and revised understanding of Martin Heidegger. It focuses on later Levinas's analysis of language in terms of the difference between Saying and Said. For Levinas, the Said represents the betrayal of ethical Saying into ontological essence. This echoes Heidegger's notion of the forgetfulness of Being in beings. However, Levinas critiques Heidegger's own philosophy as remaining within the Said. The paper explores three strategies of "unsaying" that Levinas discerns in Western philosophy to disrupt ontological Said: ontology itself, skepticism, and philosophical conversation. It argues that Levinas ultimately seeks an alternative "prophetic" mode of language beyond philosophy that enacts difference, which the paper relates to Talmud. The paper claims that the later Levinas no longer simply opposes Greek to Jewish thought, but rather seeks to deploy a specifically Jewish form of language to interrupt Western metaphysics from within.
Topoi, 2024
This paper explores some features of the epistemic environment in social media and online communication. We argue that digital environments differ from offline ones in at least two ways: (a) online environments are thoroughly structured and programmed. Every action is defined and limited by the underlying code created by the system's developers, providing the tools users need to navigate the online space. In contrast, offline environments are open to chance and unpredictability, allowing for events and actions that the system has not predetermined; (b) every action is traced and used to evaluate levels of engagement with content and posts, with significant epistemic consequences. This creates a "dense" environment in which users are deeply entangled. In this regard, the concept of purely passive engagement is challenged, since activities such as just watching a video or reading a post can alter the epistemic landscape and promote specific content with which a person interacts. As a result, online social environments facilitate a variety of indirect communicative and epistemic activities across the network. Given this, the paper suggests that in such settings, attentional disengagement and avoidance should be considered a potential proactive way to modulate self-exposure. This strategy is aimed not only at protecting individuals from harmful content but also at actively shaping the information flow and knowledge structure within the environment. Managing one's own attention can thus significantly influence how information is perceived and disseminated, essentially controlling the personal and collective epistemic environment.
O uso de novas ferramentas tecnológicas enseja atividades específicas para a sociedade atual, a fim de evitar a perda maciça dos documentos produzidos. Os desafios de preservar a decisão judicial do Tribunal Regional Federal da 2a Região é tema de trabalho de conclusão de curso em arquivologia. Como primeiro ponto, identifica-se a natureza arquivística daquele documento dispositivo, ressaltando que se trata de prova de ação daquele órgão judicial que demanda guarda permanente. Posteriormente, faz-se uma análise do contexto de sua produção e sua análise diplomática, a partir da metodologia do projeto InterPARES 3, antes de se concluir pela necessidade de migrar os documentos para um formato que assegure a estabilidade da entidade digital e de se indicar a formulação de um plano de preservação digital do conjunto documental analisado.
Journal of Contemporary Southeast Asian Affairs, 2016
The rise of China is the most important development in East Asia of recent times. It presents a major challenge for ASEAN as a collective entity, and for the individual countries that compose it. China’s rise presents both opportunities as well as challenges - if not threats. Whether ASEAN can develop a collective, much less an effective, response is far from clear. This paper explores and analyzes the forces that are likely to determine the outcome.
Background: Many interventions have been implemented to improve maternal health outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Currently, however, systematic information on the effectiveness of these interventions remains scarce. We conducted a systematic review of published evidence on non-drug interventions that reported effectiveness in improving outcomes and quality of care in maternal health in SSA. Methods: African Journals Online, Bioline, MEDLINE, Ovid, Science Direct, and Scopus databases were searched for studies published in English between 2000 and 2015 and reporting on the effectiveness of interventions to improve quality and outcomes of maternal health care in SSA. Articles focusing on interventions that involved drug treatments, medications, or therapies were excluded. We present a narrative synthesis of the reported impact of these interventions on maternal morbidity and mortality outcomes as well as on other dimensions of the quality of maternal health care (as defined by the Institute of Medicine 2001 to comprise safety, effectiveness, efficiency, timeliness, patient centeredness, and equitability). Results: Seventy-three studies were included in this review. Non-drug interventions that directly or indirectly improved quality of maternal health and morbidity and mortality outcomes in SSA assumed a variety of forms including mobile and electronic health, financial incentives on the demand and supply side, facility-based clinical audits and maternal death reviews, health systems strengthening interventions, community mobilization and/or peer-based programs, home-based visits, counseling and health educational and promotional programs conducted by health care providers, transportation and/or communication and referrals for emergency obstetric care, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, and task shifting interventions. There was a preponderance of single facility and community-based studies whose effectiveness was difficult to assess.
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Ruth Berman (ed.), Usage-based studies in modern Hebrew . John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2020
Ιερά και Λατρείες της Μεσσήνης, Αθήνα, ΕΜΑΣ, 2017
Journal of Dental Education, 2008
BMJ Open, 2022
International Journal of Public Health Science, 2025
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2017
Sustainability, 2023
Ophthalmology Retina, 2017
Chemistry Education Review (CER), 2017
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 2020