A Project Presented to the School of Science & Technology,
Nigerian National Open University, Lagos, Nigeria.
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science
In Information Technology
OJEDIRAN, Alaba Bolaji (NOU120101902)
November, 2014.
Approval Page
This is to approve and attest to the originality of this research report carried out by
In my own opinion, it is adequate both in scope and quality as a project for the award
of the degree of Masters of Science in Information Technology, by the School of
Science and Technology, National Open University.
Dr Oyelade Jelili
Date and Signature
Head of Department
Date and Signature
External Examiner
Date and Signature
Dean of the Faculty
Date and Signature
I dedicate this research work to God Almighty, for the wisdom and insight given to me,
and also to my best friend and wife, Bolanle and my lively son, Samuel and beautiful
daughter, Oluwakayowa. You are all precious to me.
My unreserved appreciation and acknowledgement goes to my supervisor, mentor and
teacher, Dr. Jelili Oyelade, for his untiring support, tutoring and inspiration for this
work. Also, my profound gratitude goes to my entire family, my colleagues at the Data
Processing Unit of Lagos State University, Ojo. To my mentor and teacher – Dr. Moses
Adebowale Akanbi, Sir your motivation and drill is responsible for me going this far.
I also appreciate the input and intelligent interaction with my colleagues at the Forensic
Focus Community, CyberinfoCTS Ethical Hackers and Security Community-Deborah,
keep up the good work.
Digital Forensic is the preservation, identification, recovery, documentation, analysis,
and interpretation of digital evidence.
Digital evidences are electronically stored records, facts, signs, information of probative
value that shows clearly that an event occurred or that a crime has been committed.
Preservation of Digital Evidence is the crux of Digital Forensics. As such, it must be
handled in a way to ensure that it is promptly identified, preserved, collected, examined,
analyzed and documented appropriately so that it is evidently weighty, authentic,
reliable, believable, complete and that it passes the test of legal admissibility.
Evidence Preservation is being constantly plagued with issues needed to be technically,
administratively and legally resolved. Of which is, the rate of standardization of Digital
Forensics Processes, particularly evidence preservation, by International standardizing
bodies is slower than the challenges and continuously evolving digital technology.
Consequently, Proactive, Sustained and Non-fragmented Research and Practitioner
Communities must be established, where they do not exist and also supported by
national and regional standardization organizations, to see to faster and up-to-date
solutions. Such communities have greatly helped to sustain continuous growth and
standardization in other fields such as software engineering, web frameworks, and
mobile technology.
A consolidated framework, the Enhanced Generic Digital Forensic Investigation Model
(EGDFIM), is proposed in this work.
Signature Page .................................................................................................... ii
Dedication ........................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................... iv
Abstract ............................................................................................................... v
Keywords ........................................................................................................... ix
List of Tables ..................................................................................................... x
List of Figures .................................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION............................................................. 1
1.1 Background of the Study ................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Problem and Objectives ..................................................... 6
1.3 Objective of the Study ....................................................................... 7
1.4 Significance of the Study .................................................................. 7
1.5 Organization of Work ........................................................................ 8
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................... 9
2.1 Background……………………………………………………….…. 9
2.2 Reviews of the Development of Digital Forensics Investigation Model.....12
2.2.1 Computer Forensic Investigative Process ........................... 13
2.2.2 DFRWS Investigative Model ............................................. 13
2.2.3 The Integrated Digital Investigation Model (IDIP) ........... 15 Readiness Phase ………………………………….15 Deployment Phase …………....………………….16 Physical Crime Scene Investigation Phase …...….16
OJEDIRAN ALABA BOLAJI Digital Crime Scene Investigation Phase …..…….17
2.2.4 Enhanced Digital Investigation Process Model (EDIP) ..... 19 Readiness Phases... ................................................ 20 Deployment Phases... ............................................ 20 Traceback Phases... ............................................... 21 Dynamite Phases... ................................................ 22 Review Phases... .................................................... 22
2.2.5 Abstract Digital Forensics Model (ADFM) ....................... 23
2.2.6 Digital Forensic Model based on Malaysian Investigation Process…..26
2.2.7 Scientific Crime Scene Investigation Model ...................... 27
2.2.8 End to End Digital Investigation ........................................ 28
2.2.9 Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigation .................... 28
2.2.10 A HOB Framework for the Digital Investigations Process…....29
2.2.11 Framework for a Digital Forensic Investigation ............... 29
2.2.12 Computer Forensics Field Triage Process Model ............ 30
2.2.13 Common Process Model for Incident and Computer Forensics ……31
2.2.14 Dual Data Analysis Process ............................................. 31
2.2.15 Network Forensic Generic Process Model ....................... 32
2.3 Identifying the Common Phases of the Models ................................ 33
2.4 Generic Computer Forensic Investigation Model (GCFIM) ............. 37
2.5 Literature Summary ........................................................................... 41
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................... 42
3.1 Grounded Theory............................................................................... 43
3.2 Research Methods ............................................................................. 45
3.2.1 Grounded Theory Methods .........................................….....45
CHAPTER FOUR: RESEARCH MODEL.................................................... 48
4.1 The Proposed Model.......................................................................... 48
4.2 Most Important Factors in a Digital Forensic Model ........................ 53
4.2.1 Cost... ................................................................................... 54
4.2.2 The Administration ............................................................. 54
4.2.3 Technical issues .................................................................. 55
4.2.4 Legal issues …………………………..…………………... 55
4.3 Enhanced Generic Digital Forensic Investigation Model (EGDFIM)....... 56
4.4 Applying the EGDFIM Model .......................................................... 59
REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 65
Digital Forensic, Evidence Preservation, Digital Forensic Model, Digital Investigation
Process, Forensic Framework, Digital Evidence
List of Tables
Table 2.1: List of the examined Models ............................................................. 33
Table 2.2: Common Phases of the examined Models ....................................... 34
Table 2.3: Generic Phases .................................................................................. 37
Table 2.4: Phase expansion of GCFIM .............................................................. 49
List of Figures
Figure 2.1: Computer Forensic Investigative Process ........................................ 13
Figure 2.2: DFRWS Investigative Model ........................................................... 13
Figure 2.3: Phases of the IDIP Model ............................................................... 14
Figure 2.4: Enhanced Digital Investigation Process Model .............................. 18
Figure 2.5: Abstract Digital Forensics Model ................................................... 22
Figure 2.6: DFMMIP Model .............................................................................. 24
Figure 2.7: SCSI ................................................................................................ 25
Figure 2.8: EEDI Model .................................................................................... 26
Figure 2.9: EMCI Model .................................................................................... 26
Figure 2.10: HOBF Model ................................................................................. 27
Figure 2.11: FDFI Model ................................................................................... 27
Figure 2.12: Computer Forensics Field Triage Process Model ......................... 28
Figure 2.13: CPMICF Model ............................................................................ 29
Figure 2.14: DDAP Model ................................................................................ 29
Figure 2.15: NFGP Model ................................................................................. 30
Figure 2.16: Generic Computer Forensic Investigation Model (GCFIM) ........ 38
Figure 4.1: Process Flow between the Roles in Digital Forensics Investigation….....53
Figure 4.2: Most Important Factors in a Digital Forensic Model ..................... 54
Figure 4.3: Enhanced Generic Digital Forensic Investigation Model (EGDFIM) .............. 57
The term ‘forensic’ is derived from the Latin word ‘forensis’ and it refers to of or
before the forum.
“In Roman times, a criminal charge meant presenting the case before a group of
public individuals in the forum. Both the person accused of the crime and the accuser
would give speeches based on their sides of the story. The individual with the best
argument and delivery would determine the outcome of the case”(Wikipedia, 2014)
This alludes to the fact that, evidences and how well it’s been presented in a case,
determine the outcome of the case. Obviously, that has mostly been the situation for
centuries of court case and corporate investigation.
1.1. Background of the Study
Since IBM introduced the PC to the world in 1981, down to these recent times, more
records are being processed and stored digitally than on analog mediums. Computers
have become an important part of our lives and as such are involved in almost
everything we do from paying bills to space exploration. Government agencies now
host online Open Data Portal as a data collection cum retrieval point, e.g. Edo State,
Nigeria; Academic records from Educational Institutions are now stored
electronically and are also accessible online too, e.g. Nigerian National Open
University; and e-Governance is gaining ground daily as well.
As digital data are consistently growing in size and complexity and the amount of
stored digital records is doubling at an estimated rate of every 18 to 24 months(NIJ,
2010), the majority of crimes committed today has digital component, e.g.
Cybercrime, data theft, hacking, etc.
However, when an individual is brought before the courts or summoned for corporate
investigation, innocence or guilt is basically decided by testimonies and evidence. Of
the two areas, the evidence is probably the most key area(Walker, 2007).
The ISO 15489-1:2001 defines records as "information created, received and
maintained as evidence and information stored by an organization for legal
obligations or in the transaction of business"(Gingrande, 2013). By the above
definition, we could infer that all records are evidence.
Computer Forensic is frequently used interchangeably with Digital Forensic, but their
exit some representative differences between them. The term Computer Forensic
would conveniently represent forensic of all types of computer systems and their
peripheral devices. Meanwhile, Digital Forensic covers not only computers and their
peripherals, but also mobile devices, cell phones, PDAs, Game Consoles, Kindles,
Network devices, and Cloud computing.
For almost two decades, the field of digital forensics has greatly been helpful in
examination, analysis, and interpretation of digitally stored records.
“While dictionary definitions of ‘forensics’ typically specify legal processes, it is also
used (to some extents metaphorically) to allude to the notion of exhaustive
investigation and argument”(John, 2012).
Though the Digital Forensic Research Workshop (DFRWS) of 2001, defined digital
forensic as the use of scientifically derived and proven methods toward the
documentation and presentation of digital evidence derived from digital sources for
the purpose of facilitating or furthering the reconstruction of events found to be
criminal, or helping to anticipate unauthorized actions shown to be disruptive to
planned operations (Palmer, 2001).
Digital forensics is not concerned mainly about computers and computer networks,
but is rather mainly concerned with forensic procedures, rule of evidence and other
legal processes as they pertain to computers and computer networks(Vacca, 2005).
Digital evidences are electronically stored records, facts, signs, information of
probative value that shows clearly that an event occurred or that a crime has been
The use of digital evidence has increased in the past few decades as courts have
allowed the use of e-mails, digital photographs, ATM transaction logs, word
processing documents, instant message histories, files saved from accounting
programs, spreadsheets, internet browser histories, databases, the contents of
computer memory, computer backups, computer printouts, Global Positioning
System tracks, logs from a hotel’s electronic door locks, and digital video or audio
files(Casey, 2009).
In recognition of digital involvement in our daily life, with to regards law enforcement
and judiciary pursuit, the Evidence Act 2011 (also referred to as the Act) which
introduces the "Admissibility of Statements in Documents Produced by Computers",
has become enforced on June 3rd, 2011 when it received the assent of President
Goodluck Jonathan of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Thus, evidences obtained from
computers, mobile phones and other electronic gadgets/devices are now admissible
in the Nigeria’s law courts.
Apart from the use of digital evidence for legal cases, corporate organisations are also
faced with the need to preserve evidence of actions/records for Disaster Recovery or
Business Contingency Plan, so as to make their organisation proofed against
unanticipated and anticipated catastrophic incidence, and even more serious,
incidence whose occurrence threatens the continued existence of the organisation.
However, the cost of preserving digital evidence is high and organisations are faced
with the tough decision of formulating enabling policies and committing their scarce
resources to ensure the appropriate preservation of digital evidence or to channel these
scarce resources only to their core business. Nevertheless, if they decided to commit
some of their resources to preserving digital evidence, they expect the return on such
investment to be optimal, in terms of adopting a consolidated solution that will
preserve evidences for Investigative Process, Regulatory Obligation, Disaster
Recovery or Business Contingency Plan and Daily Transactions.
Thus, Peter Sommer in (Sommer, 2012), advocated that we embed into our regular
investigative processes, the specific skills and resources needed to handle evidence in
digital form.
Though, the types of evidence that an organization may need to collect and the
methods that it uses to carry out the acquisition emerges from the risk analysis carried
out, but unfortunately, “regular risk analysis often fails to identify the types of
evidence that could and should be captured”(Sommer, 2012). Likewise, to store all
digital records as digital evidences generated in the course of our planned and
unplanned operations, will amount to an unrealistic storage burden, with a high
probability of unusable content.
Despite this conundrum, a systematic framework must be developed and adopted to
effectively identify the type of digital evidences that should be captured amongst the
torrent of digital records that are generated daily in the course of our planned and
unplanned operations.
Other challenges that ensue apart from the ones stated above are: identifying the
sources of the evidences, preserving identified evidences, Legal approval and
constraints in evidence acquirral, determining who to collect & how to collect digital
evidences and the pattern of analysing the potential digital evidences identified.
‘Digital preservation is concerned with the sustainability of digital information,
notably the resilience and perceptibility of digital objects in the long term’(John,
One of the tenets of digital forensics is to assure that the original media is not altered,
and the methods used to create forensic quality copies of meta data, assures that the
integrity of the original is maintained(Crim, 2006).
From the above paragraph, it is obvious that the quality of digital evidence hinges on
the processes of Digital Forensic used to obtain, preserve and analyze it. However,
“Digital Forensics as a Discipline is the Bridge from Computer Science to Judicial
Science. This creates risks for both the administration of justice and confidence in the
discipline of digital forensics and computer science. Thus, there are perils that must
be identified and addressed”(Losavio, 2010).
1.2 Research Problem and Objectives
The research problem of the study is stated as follows:
How can Digital Forensic processes ensure that Digital Evidences involved,
are preserved?
In order to venture in solving the main research problem, the research problem is
further divided into three sub-questions, the sub-questions are:
1. What is the relationship between Digital Forensic Process and Digital
Evidence Preservation?
2. How should a Digital Forensic process be structured and executed to ensure
that digital evidences are preserved?
3. Is it possible to have a Consolidated Digital Evidence Preservation Framework
that can fit into any Digital Forensic Model?
1.3 Objective of the Study
The main objective of the research is to:
Identify the key factors that a Digital Forensic Process Model must have to
ensure that digital evidence involved, is effectively preserved.
This objective can be reached by first dealing with the research problem subquestions. The objectives related to the sub-questions are
1. To extract the basic relationship between digital forensic process and digital
evidence preservation.
2. To identify the factors within a digital forensic process that ensures that digital
evidences are preserved throughout the process.
3. To construct a framework from the factors identified in (2) above, and use the
framework to analyze different Digital Forensic Models for improvement or
further development.
Based on the knowledge gained from answering the sub-questions, the main research
question can be answered and the main objective reached.
1.4 Significance of the Study
The study is significant, as the resultant consolidated framework, will be very useful
for the application to Digital Forensic Investigation as well as an application outside
of criminal or legal investigation and computer security.
1.5 Organization of Work
This research work will start by introducing the historical background of the study in
the first Chapter called Introduction. Also, in this Chapter the problems to be solved
is also stated.
This will be followed by the second Chapter to review literatures on our research. The
Research Methodology will then be presented in the third chapter, to lay out the plan
of the researcher’s investigation, aimed at identifying factors and relationship
between these factors in a Digital Forensic Process aimed at obtaining evidence
The Grounded Theory will be used as the choice methodology during the course of
the research project”
The fourth chapter will be on the Implementation and Evaluation of the researcher’s
investigation and an Enhanced Generic Digital Forensic Investigation Model
(EGDFIM) will be proposed in this chapter. This is an improvement on the Generic
Computer Forensic Investigation Model (GCFIM) proposed by Yunus Yusoff, Roslan
Ismail and Zainuddin Hassan(Yusoff, Ismail, & Hassan, 2011), which is itself a
distillation of several digital forensic investigation models.
The last chapter, the fifth chapter, will present the researcher’s conclusions,
recommendations and suggestion(s) for future research
Though, several definitions have been given in the previous chapter above, it will be
useful to evaluate Digital Forensic in the context of this work.
(Nikkel, 2006) defined digital forensic as the use of scientifically derived and proven
methods toward the identification, preservation, collection, validation, analysis,
interpretation, documentation and presentation of digital evidence derived from
digital sources for the purpose of facilitating or furthering the reconstruction of events
found to be criminal, or helping to anticipate unauthorized actions shown to be
disruptive to planned operations.
While the definition above is comprehensive, it is useful to consider another. In 2001,
at the first meeting of the Digital Forensics Research Workshop (DFRWS), the
following was adopted as a definition for digital forensics:
The use of scientifically derived and proven methods toward the preservation,
collection, validation, identification, analysis, interpretation, documentation and
presentation of digital evidence derived from digital sources for the purpose of
facilitating or furthering the reconstruction of events found to be criminal, or helping
to anticipate unauthorized actions shown to be disruptive to planned
operations(Palmer, 2001).
These two definitions above clearly articulates the steps that sums up the Digital
Forensic process and also with it, stipulates that these processes are scientifically
derived and proven for the purpose of preserving digital evidences involved in a
Digital Forensic Investigation in order to reconstruct the events involved that is found
to be criminal or disruptive to planned actions.
We must note that Digital Forensic processes are not just for criminal investigations,
but also for examining the disruption of planned action which may not be caused
directly or indirectly by a person or machine, criminally oriented or not.
The above paragraphs highlight one of the problems examined in this work, which is
to examine the relationship between Digital Forensic and Digital Evidence
(Kaur & Kaur, 2012) stated that the way Digital Forensic Process is implemented has
a direct impact on:
The prevention of further malicious events occurring against the intended
The successful tracing back of the events that occurred which led to the crime,
and determining the guilty parties involved.
Bringing the perpetrators of the crime to justice.
The improvement of current prevention mechanisms in place to prevent such
an event from occurring again.
Improving standards used by corporate security professionals to secure their
respective corporate networks.
How everyone “plugged" into this digital environment can increase their
awareness about current vulnerabilities and prevention measures.
Likewise, (Nikkel, 2006), statement that digital evidence as a data that support theory
about digital events, agrees with Carrier and Spafford’s(Carrier & Spafford, 2003)
definition of digital evidence as a digital data that supports or refutes a hypothesis
about digital events or the state of digital data.
This definition includes evidence that may not be capable of being entered into a court
of law, but may have investigative value(Ademu, Imafidon, & Preston, 2011).
Evidence can be gathered from theft of or destruction of intellectual property, fraud,
or anything else criminally related to the use of a digital device. Evidence which is
also referred to as digital evidence is any digital data that can provide a significant
link between the cause of the crime and the victim(Perumal, 2009).
By examining the characteristics of Digital Evidence, that is, data of investigative
value that is stored or transmitted by a digital device; it found to be fragile by nature,
can be easily altered, damaged or destroyed by improper handling or improper
examination, it is hidden in its natural state and cannot be know by the content in the
physical object that holds such evidence(Ademu et al., 2011), It is clear that a Digital
Forensic Investigative reports may be required to explain the examination process or
model used and identify any limitation it posses by its application to the investigation
been carried out(Mark M Pollitt, 2007).
This has corroborated the fact that Digital Forensic process must be structured and
executed in such a way to ensure that digital evidences involved are preserved
accordingly. Thus leading us to review some of the numerous literatures that have
contributed to the evolution and development of Digital Forensic Process Models.
However, note that in this work, Digital Forensic Process Model is used
interchangeably to Digital Forensic, Digital Forensic Model and Digital Forensic
Investigation Model.
2.2 Reviews of the Development of Digital Forensics Investigation Models
Computer forensics can be traced back to as early as 1984 when the USA Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) laboratory and other law enforcement agencies begun
developing programs to examine computer evidence
The relationship between Digital Forensic and Digital Evidence Preservation is so
intrinsic, as Digital Forensic heavily hinges on how digital evidences are treated, i.e.
preserved, extracted, identified, stored, analyzed and presented and vice versa.
However, in order to address the second research question, which is to find out how
Digital Forensic processes are structured and executed to ensure that digital evidences
are preserved, we would review some Digital Forensic Models with its embedded
There are a large number of literatures on Digital Forensic Models and it will be
overwhelming to review all of them within the space allowed in this work. However,
out of all these numerous literatures, we have selected some of them for review, based
on divers’ representation of technology in the model and abstraction in
presentation. These criteria were chosen to ensure that the models reviewed are not
limited in application and that it could also fit in for use in present times as technology
evolves daily irrespective of the geographical location or jurisdiction. They eventually
selected models do not suggest that they are better than the other models that were
2.2.1 Computer Forensic Investigative Process (1995)
(M. M. Pollitt, 1995) has proposed a methodology for dealing with the digital
evidence investigation so that the results to be scientifically reliable and legally
acceptable. It comprises of 4 distinct phases.
Figure 2.1 : Computer Forensic Investigative Process
In Acquisition phase, evidence was acquired in an acceptable manner with proper
approval from authority. It is followed by Identification phase whereby the tasks to
identify the digital components of the acquired evidence and converting it to the
format understood by human.
The Evaluation phase comprises of the task to determine whether the components
identified in the previous phase, is indeed relevant to the case being investigated and
can be considered as a legitimate evidence. In the final phase, Admission, the acquired
& extracted evidence is presented in the court of law.
2.2.2. DFRWS Investigative Model (2001)
In 2001, the First Digital Forensics Research Workshop (DFRWS) (Palmer, 2001),
proposed a general
Purpose digital forensic investigation process. It comprises of 6 phases.
Figure 2.2: DFRWS Investigative Model(Palmer, 2001)
DFRWS Investigative model started with an Identification phase, in which profile
detection, System monitoring, audit analysis, etc., was performed. It is immediately
followed by Preserving phase, involving tasks such as setting up a proper case
management and ensuring an acceptable chain of custody. This phase is crucial so as
to ensure that the data is collected free from contamination. The next phase is known
as Collection, in which relevant data are being collected based on the approved
methods utilizing various recovery techniques.
Following this phase are two crucial phases, namely, Examination phase and Analysis
phase. In these two phases, tasks such as evidence tracing, evidence validation,
recovery of hidden/encrypted data, data mining, timeline, etc., were performed. The
last phase is Presentation. Tasks related to this phase are documentation, expert
testimony, etc.
2.2.3 The Integrated Digital Investigation Model (IDIP)
This investigation process was proposed by Carrier & Spafford (Carrier & Spafford,
2003) in 2003, with the intention to combine the various available investigative
processes into one integrated model. The author introduces the concept of the digital
crime scene which refers to the virtual environment created by software and hardware
where digital evidence of a crime or incident exists.
Phases of the IDIP Model
The model organizes the process into five (5) phases, consisting all in all 17
Figure 2.3: Phases of the IDIP Model(Carrier & Spafford, 2003) Readiness phases
The goal of this phase is to ensure that the operations and infrastructure are able to
fully support an investigation. It includes two phases:
1. Operations Readiness Phase; which ensures that human capacity is fully trained
and equipped to deal with an incident when it occurs.
2. Infrastructure Readiness Phase; that ensures that the underlying infrastructure is
sufficient enough to deal with incidents that come. For example equipment like video
cameras and card readers being there and in good working condition.
The purpose is to provide a mechanism for an incident to be detected and confirmed.
It includes two phases:
1. Detection and Notification phase; where the incident is detected and then
appropriate people notified.
2. Confirmation and Authorization phase; which confirms the incident and obtains
authorization for legal approval to carry out a search warrant. Physical Crime Scene Investigation phases
The goal of these phases is to collect and analyse the physical evidence and
reconstruct the actions that took place during the incident. It includes six phases:1. Preservation phase; which seeks to preserve the crime scene so that evidence can
be later identified and collected by personnel trained in digital evidence identification.
2. Survey phase; that requires an investigator to walk through the physical crime scene
and identify pieces of physical evidence.
3. Documentation phase; which involves taking photographs, sketches, and videos of
the crime scene and the physical evidence. The goal is to capture as much information
as possible so that the layout and important details of the crime scene are preserved
and recorded.
4. Search and collection phase; that entails an in-depth search and collection of the
scene is performed so that additional physical evidence is identified and hence paving
the way for a digital crime investigation to begin.
5. Reconstruction phase; which involves organizing the results from the analysis done
and using them to develop a theory for the incident.
6. Presentation phase; that presents the physical and digital evidence to a court or
corporate management. Digital Crime Scene Investigation phases
The goal is to collect and analyse the digital evidence that was obtained from the
physical investigation phase and through any other future means. It includes similar
phrases as the physical investigation phases, although the primary focus is on the
digital evidence. The six phases are:1. Preservation phase; which preserves the digital crime scene so that evidence can
later be synchronized and analysed for further evidence.
2. Survey phase; whereby the investigator transfers the relevant data from a venue out
of physical or administrative control of the investigator to a controlled location.
3. Documentation phase; which involves properly documenting the digital evidence
when it is found. This information is helpful in the presentation phase.
4. Search and collection phase; whereby an in-depth analysis of the digital evidence
is performed. Software tools are used to reveal hidden, deleted, swapped and
corrupted files that were used including the dates, duration, log file etc. Low-level
time lining is performed to trace a user’s activity and identity.
5. Reconstruction phase; which includes putting the pieces of a digital puzzle together,
and developing investigative hypotheses.
6. Presentation phase; that involves presenting the digital evidence that was found in
the physical investigative team. Review phase
This entails a review of the whole investigation and identifies areas of improvement.
The IDIP model does well at illustrating the forensic process, and also conforms to
the cyber terrorism capabilities(Rogers, Goldman, Mislan, Wedge, & Debrota, 2006),
which require a digital investigation to address issues of data protection, data
acquisition, imaging, extraction, interrogation, ingestion/normalisation, analysis and
reporting. It also highlights the reconstruction of the events that led to the incident
and emphasizes reviewing the whole task, hence ultimately building a mechanism for
quicker forensic examinations.
However, the IDIP model is open to some criticisms. First, despite encompassing all
the earlier models, there is reason to question the IDIP model’s practicality. It for
instance depicts the deployment phase which consists of confirmation of the incident
as being independent of the physical and digital investigation phase. In practice
however, it seems impossible to confirm a digital or computer crime unless and until
some preliminary physical and digital investigation is carried out. Secondly, it does
not offer sufficient specificity and does not, for instance, draw a clear distinction
between investigations at the victim’s (secondary crime) scene and those at the
suspect’s (primary crime) scene. Neither does it reflect the process of arriving at the
Since a computer can be used both as a tool and as a victim(Perumal, 2009), it is
common for investigations to be carried out at both ends so that accurate reflections
are made. Henry Lee(Ciardhuain, 2011) defines the primary crime scene as the place
where the first criminal act occurred. The process of tracing back to it can be
when dealing with larger networks and in particular, the
Internet(Perumal, 2009).
2.2.4. Enhanced Digital Investigation Process Model (EDIP) (2004)
As the name implies, this investigative model is based on the previous model,
Integrated Digital Investigation Process (IDIP), as proposed by Carrier & Spafford.
The Enhanced Digital Investigation Process Model, also known as EDIP
(Baryamureeba & Tushabe, 2004), introduces one significant phase known as
Traceback phase. This is to enable the investigator to trace back all the way to the
Figure 2.4: Enhanced Digital Investigation Process Model(Baryamureeba &
Tushabe, 2004)
The investigation process started with Readiness phase and the tasks performed are
the same as in IDIP. The second phase, Deployment phase, provides a mechanism
for an incident to be detected and confirmed. It consists of 5 sub-phases namely
Detection & Notification, Physical Crime Scene Investigation, Digital Crime Scene
Investigation, Confirmation and lastly, Submission. Unlike DIP, this phase includes
both physical and digital crime scene investigations and presentation of findings to
legal entities (via Submission phase). In Traceback phase, tracking down the source
crime scene, including the devices and location is the main objective. It is supported
by two sub-phases, namely, Digital Crime Scene Investigation and Authorization
(obtaining approval to perform investigation and accessing information). Following
Traceback phase is Dynamite phase. In this phase, investigation are conducted at the
primary crime scene, with the purpose of identifying the potential culprit(s). Consist
of 4 sub-phases, namely, Physical Crime Scene Investigation, Digital Crime Scene
Investigation, Reconstruction and Communication. In Reconstruction sub-phase,
pieces of information collected are put together so as to construct to possible events
that could have happened. The Communication sub-phase is similar to the previous
Submission phase. The investigation process ended with Readiness phase and the
tasks performed are the same as in IDIP.
Phases of the EIDIP Model Readiness phases
The goal of this phase is to ensure that the operations and infrastructure are able to
fully support an investigation. It includes two phases:
1. Operations Readiness Phase; which ensures that human capacity is fully trained
and equipped to deal with an incident when it occurs.
2. Infrastructure Readiness Phase; that ensures that the underlying infrastructure is
sufficient enough to deal with incidents that come. For example equipment like
video cameras and card readers being there and in good working condition. Deployment phases
The deployment phases provide a mechanism for an incident to be detected and
They take place at the place where the crime was detected and consist of five phases:20
1. Detection and Notification phase; when an incident is detected and the appropriate
people notified.
2. Physical Crime Scene Investigation; when a physical examination of the scene is
performed and potential digital evidence identified.
3. Digital crime scene investigation phase; when an electronic examination of the
scene is performed and digital evidence obtained with possibly an estimation of the
extent of the impact or damage.
4. Confirmation phase; when the incident is confirmed and authorization given to
obtain legal approval to carry out a search warrant and further investigations at
suspect premises.
5. Submission phase; which involves presenting the physical and digital evidence to
legal entities or corporate management. Traceback phases
Within these phases, the perpetrator’s physical crime scene of operation is tracked
down, leading to identification of the devices that were used to perform the act. They
consist of:1. Digital crime scene investigation; whereby primary crime scene is traced from the
clues obtained from the previous phases. For example acquiring public and private IP
addresses and mapping them to the country and institution will eventually lead to the
host computer. IP addresses can be easily obtained by using the following commands:
ping, nslookup, dig, tracert from a DNS server(N. L. Beebe & Clark, 2005). Locating
the country and institution is simplified by various tools and websites like ip-to-
OJEDIRAN ALABA BOLAJI and & Schwittay, 2007; Köhn, Olivier,
& Eloff, 2006).
2. Authorization phase; when authorization from local legal entities is obtained to
permit further investigations and access to more information. Dynamite phases
These phases investigate the primary crime scene. They aim at collecting and
analysing the items that were found at the primary crime scene to obtain further
evidence that the crime originated from there and they help identify the potential
culprits. They would consist of:1. Physical Crime Scene Investigation phase; when a physical examination of the
scene is carried out to identify potential digital evidence.
2. Digital crime scene investigation phase; when an electronic examination of the
scene is performed to obtain digital evidence of the incident and possibly an
estimation of the time and dates when the incident was launched.
3. Reconstruction phase; that includes putting the pieces of a digital puzzle together
and identifying the most likely investigative hypotheses.
4. Communication phase; which involves presenting the final interpretations and
conclusions about the physical and digital evidence that has been investigated to a
court or corporate management. Review phase
The whole investigation is reviewed and areas of improvement identified.
Abstract Digital Forensics Model (ADFM) (2002)
Drawing from the previous forensic protocols, there exist common steps that can be
abstractly defined to produce a model that is not dependent on a particular technology
or electronic crime. The basis of this model is to determine the key aspects of the
aforementioned protocols as well as ideas from traditional forensics, in particular the
protocol for an FBI physical crime scene search(Reith, Carr, & Gunsch, 2002a). This
proposed model can be thought of as an enhancement of the DFRW model since it is
inspired from it.
Figure 2.5: Abstract Digital Forensics Model(Reith, Carr, & Gunsch, 2002b)
The key components of this model include the following:
1. Identification – recognizing an incident from indicators and determining its
type. This is not explicitly within the field of forensics, but significant because
it impacts other steps.
2. Preparation – preparing tools, techniques, search warrants, and monitoring
authorizations and management support.
3. Approach strategy – dynamically formulating an approach based on potential
impact on bystanders and the specific technology in question. The goal of the
strategy should be to maximize the collection of untainted evidence while
minimizing impact to the victim.
4. Preservation – isolate, secure and preserve the state of physical and digital
evidence. This includes preventing people from using the digital device or
allowing other electromagnetic devices to be used within an affected radius.
5. Collection – record the physical scene and duplicate digital evidence using
standardized and accepted procedures.
6. Examination – in-depth systematic search of evidence relating to the suspected
crime. This focuses on identifying and locating potential evidence, possibly
within unconventional locations. Construct detailed documentation for
7. Analysis – determine significance, reconstruct fragments of data and draw
conclusions based on evidence found. It may take several iterations of
examination and analysis to support a crime theory. The distinction of analysis
is that it may not require high technical skills to perform and thus more people
can work on this case.
8. Presentation – summarize and provide explanation of the conclusions. This
should be written in a layperson’s terms using abstracted terminology. All
abstracted terminology should reference the specific details.
9. Returning evidence – ensuring physical and digital property is returned to
proper owner as well as determining how and what criminal evidence must be
removed. Again, not an explicit forensics step, however, any model that seizes
evidence rarely addresses this aspect.
Note that these steps are not unlike traditional methods used to collect physical
evidence, but in fact the abstraction of current practices applied to crimes that involve
digital evidence(Reith et al., 2002a). “A large body of proven investigative techniques
and methods exists in more traditional forensic disciplines. Most are applicable in
cyberspace, but are not yet considered strongly”(Reith et al., 2002a). Also observe
that the type of digital technology involved in these steps can be abstractly defined up
to this point. This is important because it allows a standardized process to be defined
without specifying the exact technology involved. This allows a consistent
methodology for dealing with past, present, or future digital devices in a wellunderstood and widely accepted manner. For example, this methodology can be
applied to a range of digital devices from calculators to desktop computers, or even
unrealized digital devices of the future. Using this model, future technologies and the
technical details required to forensically analyse them, can be instantiated to provide
a consistent and standardized methodology for providing electronic evidence. This
would enhance the science of forensics because it provides a basis for analysing new
digital/electronic technology while at the same time providing a common framework
for law enforcement and the judicial system to feasibly work within a court of law.
2.2.6. Digital Forensic Model based on Malaysian Investigation Process
In 2009, Perumal, S. (Perumal, 2009) proposed yet another digital forensic
investigation model which is based on the Malaysian investigation processes. The
DFMMIP model consist of 7phases
Figure 2.6: DFMMIP model(Yusoff et al., 2011)
Upon completion of the 1st phase, Planning, the next phase, Identification, followed.
After that, Reconnaissance phase is conducted. This phase deals with conducting the
investigation while the devices are still running (in operation) which is similar to
performing live forensics.
The author argued that the presence of live data acquisition that focuses on fragile
evidence does increase the chances of positive prosecution. Before data can be
analyzed, they must be securely transported to the investigation site and be properly
stored. This is indeed done in Transport & Storage phase. Once the data is ready,
Analysis phase is invoked and the data will be analyzed and examined using the
appropriate tools and techniques. Similar to the Presentation phase in the previous
models, the investigators will be required to show the proof presented to support the
case. This is done in Proof & Defense phase. Finally, Archive Storage phase is
performed, whereby relevant evidence are properly stored for future references and
perhaps can also be used for training purposes.
2.2.7 Scientific Crime Scene Investigation Model (SCSI) -2001
Figure 2.7: SCSI Model(Yusoff et al., 2011)
2.2.8 End to End Digital Investigation Model (EEDI) – 2003
Figure 2.8: EEDI Model(Yusoff et al., 2011)
2.2.9 Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigation (EMCI) - 2004
Figure 2.9: EMCI Model(Yusoff et al., 2011)
2.2.10 A Hierarchical, Objective-Based Framework for the Digital Investigations
Process (HOBF)
Figure 2.10: HOBF Model(Yusoff et al., 2011)
2.2.11 Framework for a Digital Forensic Investigation (FDFI) - 2006
Figure 2.11: FDFI Model(Yusoff et al., 2011)
2.2.12. Computer Forensics Field Triage Process Model (CFFTPM)
The CTTTPM (Rogers et al., 2006) proposes an onsite approach to providing the
identification, analysis and interpretation of digital evidence in a relatively short time
frame without the need to take back the devices or media back to the lab. Nor does it
require taking the complete forensic images. The CFFTPM consist of 6 primary
phases that are then further divided into another 6 sub-phases.
Figure 2.12: Computer Forensics Field Triage Process Model(Yusoff et al., 2011)
2.2.13 Common Process Model for Incident and Computer Forensics
Figure 2.13: CPMICF Model(Yusoff et al., 2011)
2.2.14 Dual Data Analysis Process (DDAP)
Figure 2.14: DDAP Model(Yusoff et al., 2011)
2.2.15 Network Forensic Generic Process Model (NFGP)
Figure 2.15: NFGP Model(Yusoff et al., 2011)
It is of uttermost importance to know that all the above highlighted models operated
within the confines of the legal rule of the region or geographical location it is been
Thus a clear understanding of what the legal requirements are must be established
right at the start of the investigation and this will informs each subsequent step or
phase. By focusing on this end goal and deciding what legal norms are to be used, the
most applicable framework and integral steps will become clear(Köhn et al., 2006).
However, since the Generic Computer Forensic Investigation Model (GCFIM) is a
distillation of all the models reviewed in the literature review, we start by an exegesis
of the Generic Computer Forensic Investigation Model (GCFIM).
In furtherance to our review, we will also review the previous digital forensic model
comparison tables, in order to identify the factors within the digital forensic process
that ensures that evidences are preserved throughout the process.
Considering the fifteen (15) models reviewed above in this chapter, we therefore
begin by identifying the common phases in each model.
2.3 Identifying the Common Phases of the Models listed above
In order to identify the common phases shared by all of the presented models, we
started by assigning the investigation models with unique id and sorted them in
chronological order. The result is displayed in the table below;
Table 2.1: List of the examined Models(Yusoff et al., 2011)
Computer Forensic Investigative Process
DFRWS Investigative Model
Scientific Crime Scene Investigation Model
Abstract Digital Forensic Model
Integrated Digital Investigation Process
End to End Digital Investigation
Enhance Digital Investigation Process
Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigation
A Hierarchical, Objective-Based Framework for the Digital
Computer Forensic Field Triage Process Model
Framework for a Digital Forensic Investigation
Dual Data Analysis Process
Common Process Model for Incident and Computer
Digital Forensic Model based on Malaysian Investigation
Process (DFMMIP)
Network Forensic Generic Process Model
The next step is to Qualitized, that is, changing variables into Codes, we extract all of
the phases within each of the digital forensic investigation process models. The
extracted phases were also assigned with unique ID. Phases with similar tasks are
grouped together.
Table 2.2: Common Phases of the examined Models(Yusoff et al., 2011)
Name of phases
Available in
M02,M04.M13, M14,M06,M09,M15
Approach Strategy
Archive Storage
Case Specific Analysis
Chronology Timeline Analysis
Digital Crime Investigation
Dissemination of Information
Hypothesis creation
M01,M02,M04, M14,M03,M06
Incident Closure
Incident Response
Internet Investigation
M11, M15
Physical Crime Investigation
M10, M14,M08
Proof & Defense
Returning Evidence
Search & Identify
Transport & Storage
User Usage Profile Investigation M10
Based on the above list of phases (Table 2.2), Yunus, Roslan and Zainuddin(Yusoff
et al., 2011) stated that it is apparent that a number of those phases do indeed
duplicated or overlapped each other. Taking into account of the tasks performed in
each of the phases, and not just relying on the actual naming, we were able to observe
that the phases can be grouped into 5 generic grouping namely, pre-process,
acquisition & preservation, analysis, presentation and post-process. Table 2.3 below
demonstrates how the phases were grouped into their respective generic grouping.
Table 2.3: Generic Phases(Yusoff et al., 2011)
Generic Phases
Available phases
P01, P05, P07, P08, P26, P28, P30, P31, P35, P36,
& P02, P11, P12, P13, P20, P30, P33, P42, P44
P04. P09, P10, P13, P14, P16, P17, P18, P19, P23, P24,
P25, P27, P37, P38, P42, P43, P45, P46
P03, P29, P32, P34, P39,
P06, P15, P21, P22, P40, P41,
2.4 Generic Computer Forensic Investigation Model (GCFIM)
Considering the generic phases identified above, a generic investigation process,
known to be Generic Computer Forensic Investigation Model (GCFIM) was
developed by Yunus,Roslan and Zainuddin. Figure 2.16 below, illustrate the
proposed GCFIM.
Figure 2.16: Generic Computer Forensic Investigation Model (GCFIM)(Yusoff
et al., 2011)
Phase 1 of GCFIM is known as Pre-Process. The tasks performed in this phase relates
to all of the works that need to be done prior to the actual investigation and official
collection of data. Among the tasks to be performed are getting the necessary approval
from relevant authority, preparing and setting-up of the tools to be used, etc.
Phase 2 is known as Acquisition & Preservation. Tasks performed under this phase
related to the identifying, acquiring, collecting, transporting, storing and preserving
of data. In general, this phase is where all relevant data are captured, stored and be
made available for the next phase.
Phase 3 is known as Analysis. This is the main and the center of the computer forensic
investigation processes. It has the most number of phases in its group thus reflecting
the focus of most models reviewed are indeed on the analysis phase Various types of
analysis are performed on the acquired data to identify the source of crime and
ultimately discovering the person responsible of the crime.
Phase 4 is known as Presentation. The finding from analysis phase are documented
and presented to the authority. Obviously, this phase is crucial as the case must not
only be presented in a manner well understood by the party presented to, it must also
be supported with adequate and acceptable evidence. The main output of this phase
is either to prove or refute the alleged criminal acts
Phase 5 is known as Post-Process. This phase relates to the proper closing of the
investigation exercise. Digital and physical evidence need to be properly returned to
the rightful owner and kept in a safe place, if necessary. Review of the investigative
process should be done so that the lesson can be learnt and used for improvement of
the future investigations. Instead of moving sequentially from one phase to another,
the ability to go back to the previous phases must always be present. We are dealing
with the situations that are forever changing in terms of the crimes scenes (physical
and digital), the investigative tools used, the crime tools used and the level of expertise
for the investigators. As such, it is much desired to be able to go back to the previous
phases that we have done, not only to correct any weaknesses but also to acquire new
We wish to note that phase numbered P22 (in Table 2.2) was put in Post-Process
phase (in Table 2.3) which is due to the fact that action or response to any incident
should be done after the incident was properly analyzed and presented to the authority.
Nevertheless, should the investigator find a very risky and high impact incident,
prerogative is up to the investigator to take any proper immediate actions. However,
this is a deviation to a normal process and should be treated on a case to case basis.
The GCFIM has illustrated the process of digital forensic in a generic and simple way.
Each of the steps can be well adapted for previous, recent and emerging digital
terrains. It also allows for the dynamic interaction of the Physical Crime Scene with
the Digital Crime Scene which is often a major source of confusion in applying most
models to solve digital forensic issues.
Also,” instead of moving sequentially from one phase to another, the ability to go
back to the previous phases must always be present. We are dealing with the situations
that are forever changing in terms of the crimes scenes (physical and digital), the
investigative tools used, the crime tools used and the level of expertise for the
investigators. As such, it is much desired to be able to go back to the previous phases
that we have done, not only to correct any weaknesses but also to acquire new
However, the GCFIM model is open to some criticisms. As general as the model is,
it only considered technologies that are currently existing and did not include
emerging digital technologies, as new or emerging technologies will engender new
processes of investigation, which may not fall into the current processes of the
GCFIM generic model.
Likewise, with the need for extending non-digital concepts (legal, accreditation, etc.)
to the digital domain(N. Beebe, 2009), models borne out from non-technical sources
like legal, but has a strong input in digital forensic investigation - in proving the
eventual evidence, must actively considered in formulating a model to be truly
considered to be generic.
2.5 Literature Summary
From the literature review, it was seen that there exists an abundance of process
models for digital forensic investigations.
The number of forensic models that have been proposed reveals the complexity of the
computer forensic process. The following can be seen quite clearly:
- Each of the proposed models builds on the experience of the previous;
- Some of the models have similar approaches;
- Some of the models focus on different areas of the investigation”(Köhn et
al., 2006).
However, this work seek to identify the factors within a digital forensic process that
ensures that digital evidences are preserved throughout the process in order to achieve
the leading goal of digital forensic, which is to produce concrete evidence suitable for
presentation in a court of law.
Leedy (Remenyi, 1998) formally defines research methodology as an operational
framework within which the facts are placed so that their meaning may be seen more
clearly. Research methodologies can also be viewed as ways of thinking about and
studying social reality(Corbin & Strauss, 2008). That is, they can be viewed as stands
towards the question of how can researchers find out what they believe can be known
of social reality. Moreover, methodologies can be considered as overlapping
viewpoints on the study of social reality(Mäkelä & Turcan 2007).
Selection of research methodology depends on the research questions and objectives
(Remenyi, 1998). The selection is affected by the following factors:
- A topic to be researched and the specific research question
- Methodologies which have been applied to similar type of research questions in
previous research projects
- Strengths and weaknesses of the methodologies
- Researcher’s own preferences
- Interests of stakeholders such as sponsors, companies/institutes under research,
university and supervisor
- Time and money restraints
In the literature review, it was established that most of the digital forensic models
proposed have its merits, yet requires that the main goal of forensic: evidence
preservation and presentation, take priority over every other goal, irrespective of the
type and area of focus of the process used. This requirement calls for models that are
not too complex to be realistically used to solve real-world digital forensic issues, as
well as not too abstract to be void of bearing. Though we do not attempt to “re-invent
the wheel”, we want to ensure the focal point of forensic is achieved in our proposed
model in this work, by identifying clearly the factors that must be included in the
process to achieve this.
Therefore, a grounded theory, methodology is chosen to develop a suitable theoretical
model for analysing these factors.
3.1. Grounded Theory
Grounded theory, methodology was first developed by Barney G. Glaser and Anselm
L. Strauss(Strauss & Corbin, 1990). They presented the first account of how to build
grounded theory in their book “The discovery of grounded theory” in 1967(Mäkelä
& Turcan 2007).
Grounded theory is defined as theory derived inductively from the studied
phenomenon. The theory is thereby discovered, developed and preliminary verified
by systematically gathering and analysing information concerning the phenomenon.
Therefore, data collection, analysis and theory are in a reciprocal relationship(Strauss
& Corbin, 1990)
Strauss and Corbin (1990) state that a well-developed, grounded theory fulfils four
central criteria when the relationship of the theory and the phenomenon it describes
are assessed. These criteria are: (1) fit, (2) understanding, (3) generality and (4)
If the theory is believable in relation to the day-to-day reality of the substantive area
and is carefully derived from diverse raw data, then the theory should fit that
substantive area. Because theory represents that reality, it should have a wide scope
and feel sensible, thus supporting understanding of the persons studied and who
practice in that area. If the raw data upon which the grounded theory is based is wide,
and the interpretations conceptual and diverse, the theory should be abstract enough
and include enough generality to be applicable to contexts similar to the phenomenon.
Finally, the theory should offer the possibility of actions to control the
phenomenon(Järvinen, 2004).
Theoretical sensitivity, then again, refers to the awareness of the researcher to the
subtleties of meaning of data. It means the ability to give meaning to data, the capacity
to understand, and capability to separate the pertinent from that which is not.
Theoretical sensitivity arises from knowledge in literature, professional experience,
personal experience and the analytic process itself(Strauss & Corbin, 1990).
Theoretical sensitivity can be increased by: (1) periodically stepping back and asking
what is really going on, (2) maintaining an attitude of scepticism and (3) following
the research procedures(Järvinen, 2004).
3.2 Research Methods
Research methods are a set of procedures and techniques for collecting and analysing
data (Strauss & Corbin, 1998). These are for example, interviewing, collecting
documents, observational techniques, personal experience methods, various visual
methods and coding and iteration procedures (Mäkelä & Turcan 2007).
3.2.1 Grounded Theory Methods
In grounded theory, Strauss & Corbin (1990) consider technical literature to include
research reports and theoretical or philosophical discussions that have been made
professionally and according to scientific rules. These serve as background material
to which the researcher compares the results of his own empirical study. Other, nontechnical literature is considered to include biographies, diaries, documents,
manuscripts, records, reports, catalogues and other material that can be used as source
material or to complement interviews and field observations. The empirical data
material is gathered using various data collection methods, usually interviews and
observations (Järvinen, 2004).
The literature and existing theory were searched using journal databases
(EBSCOHost, ScienceDirect, etc.), books and finally Internet search for proper
coverage. The searches were made using keywords such as virtual community, online
community, and so on. Searches were expanded as significant quotations and
references were found.
The analysis of grounded theory is constructed of three coding steps. These are: (1)
open coding, (2) axial coding and (3) selective coding (Järvinen, 2004; Strauss &
Corbin, 1990)
Open coding means the analysis process of the data material. Concepts are conceptual
assignments, which are attached to separate events and other representations of the
phenomenon. Properties are characteristics, which relate to a category. A category,
then again is a classification of concepts, which has been found by comparing
concepts and by stating that some concepts relate to similar kind of phenomena.
Concepts are grouped under a more abstract concept of a higher degree, which is
called a category(Järvinen, 2004).
The second phase of the analysis process is called axial coding. It means a group of
procedures with which the categories are linked together by examining conditions,
contexts, interrelationships and causality regarding the phenomenon. Axial coding
includes constant change between inductive and deductive thinking. When the data
material is studied, relationships or possible properties are deductively suggested,
which are then related to the whole material and checked the expression by
expression. Suggesting and checking is constantly made. That way it is assured that
the emerging theory is based (grounded) on the material(Strauss & Corbin, 1990).
Finally, selective coding means the search process for finding a core category, and in
which other categories are related to the core category, relations are validated and
categories are specified if necessary. Core category is a category that centrally relates
to the phenomenon and integrates other categories around it. Throughout the analysis
and proposition formulation stages of the process, intensive rotation between data, the
emerging theory and earlier literature has to be sought(Strauss & Corbin, 1990).
As earlier stated that we do not attempt to “re-invent the wheel”, we want to ensure
the focal point of forensic is achieved in our proposed model in this work, by
identifying clearly the factors that must be included in the digital forensic process to
achieve this.
Therefore, a grounded theory, methodology is chosen to develop a suitable theoretical
model for analysing these factors.
4.1 The Proposed Model
As it is noted, that if previous research had identified particular variables or
constructs, but no theory had been generated that speculated on the relationship
between those variables or constructs(Kelleher, 2010) a grounded theory can be
employed to deduce a relationship between those variables or construct.
Yunus Yusoff, Roslan Ismail and Zainuddin Hassan, have identified some common
phases that constitute a Generic Computer Forensic Investigation Model (GCFIM),
see Table 2.2 above.
This was done by Open Coding, the first of the three coding steps for analysis of our
research problem using the grounded theory methodology described in chapter 3.
Moving on to the second step of the analysis, which is axial coding of the generic
phases. Yunus Yusoff, Roslan Ismail and Zainuddin Hassan(Yusoff et al., 2011) also
took into account of the tasks performed in each of the phases, and not just relying on
the actual naming, it is apparent that a number of those phases do indeed duplicated
or overlapped each other. As shown in Table 3 above, they were able to observe that
the phases can be grouped into 5 generic grouping namely, pre-process, acquisition
& preservation, analysis, presentation and post-process.
In order to identify the relationship between these phases, we will forge further in this
work, using the third step of the analysis; that is, the Selective Coding.
This is the search process for finding a core phase amongst all digital forensic
investigation phases. The Core Phase is a phase that centrally relates to the
phenomenon and integrates other phases around it.
We will commence this process by considering table 2.3 with our methodology, from
the literature review above, which has identified the basic processes of the Generic
Computer Forensic Investigation Model.
By expanding the table 2.3 in relation to table 2.2, from the literature review in chapter
2, we have the table 4.1, which expanded the phases of the Generic Computer Forensic
Investigation Model (GCFIM).
Table 4.1: Phase expansion of the Generic Computer Forensic Investigation
Model (GCFIM)
Feasible Processes Per Phase
Notification, Planning, Pre-Analysis, Preparation, Readiness,
Acquisition & Acquisition, Collection, Deployment, Detection, Identification,
Pre-Analysis, Preservation, Search & Identify, Transport &
Analysis, Case Specific Analysis, Chronology Timeline Analysis,
Detection, Digital Crime Investigation, Dynamite, Evaluation,
Examination, Hypothesis creation, Individualization, Internet
Investigation, Investigation, Physical Crime Investigation,
Reconnaissance, Reconstruction, Search & Identify, Traceback,
Triage, User Usage Profile Investigation.
Admission, Post-Analysis, Presentation, Proof & Defense,
Archive Storage, Dissemination of Information, Incident Closure,
Incident Response, Returning Evidence, Review.
By critical examination of the table 4.1 above, the generic phases would have meaning
and connection if we consider the feasible process per each phase.
Should/Can the Pre-Process phase commence with or without an investigation
in sight?
It is observed that the Pre-Process phase has processes that are carried out as the
investigation commences. The process; Access, Approach Strategy, Authorization,
Awareness, Notification, Planning, Pre-Analysis, Preparation and Recognition, all
suggest that an investigation is in sight for them to commence. However, the process;
Readiness suggests that this process can be carried out with or without a digital
forensic investigation in sight at the moment.
Forensic Readiness, alternatively cited as proactive digital forensics (P. G. Bradford,
M. Brown, Perdue, & Self, 2004), ensures that a system that has digital forensic
readiness integrated into it, is better positioned to guarantee digital evidence
preservation, as the system will be ready to support evidence acquisition and
preservation than a system that is not ready.
This Readiness Phase is indeed an ongoing phase throughout the Lifecycle of an
organization. It also consists of 2 sub-phases, namely, Operation Readiness and
Infrastructure Readiness(Carrier & Spafford, 2003).This approach is in tandem with
fact that each phases of a digital forensic model should be structured such that it solves
a problem(s) consistently and continuously.
Mark Pollitt highlighted in (Mark M Pollitt, 2007) that digital forensics is not an
elephant; it is a process and not just one process, but a group of tasks and processes
in the investigation. Consequently, since its only Readiness that stands out, as a
continuous and constant process with or without an investigation in view, of all the
other processes of the Pre-Process phase, we have decided to separate it out of the
Pre-Process phase, in order to further examine its possibility of it being a phase in a
digital forensic investigation (DFI).
Forensic Readiness is the ability of an organization to maximize its potential to use
digital evidence while minimizing the cost of an investigation(Murphy, 2006).
Also, readiness ensures a proactive establishment of capability to securely gather
scientifically and legally admissible evidence and as well put in place, sure legal
review to facilitate action in response to an incident. This enhances the timely
commencement of the other Pre-process processes. When this capability is built into
a model, it ensures that not just a technical model has been established for a DFI but
also a legally-sound model put in place, which keeps too many hands off the evidence
and alleviates any chain of custody concerns while ensuring minimal disruption to the
business in the event of an incident. After all, the actual purpose and core concept of
digital forensics investigation is acquisition, preservation and presentation of legally
admissible evidence.
Likewise, with the need for extending non-digital concepts (legal, accreditation, etc.)
to the digital domain, models borne out from non-technical sources like legal, but has
a strong input in digital forensic investigation - in proving the eventual evidence, must
actively consider in formulating a model to be truly considered to be generic.
We considered the Zachman framework derivatives – FORensics ZAchman
framework (FORZA) framework, a technology-independent digital forensics
investigation framework which bind roles, responsibilities and procedures together.
The entire process flow is described in the figure below. We considered this particular
model, due to its coverage.
investigation(Ieong, 2006).
Through this framework, different standards and procedures could be linked together
in a more holistic way. Digital forensics investigation is no longer viewed from pure
technical aspects. Business, system and legal aspects are incorporated.
4.2. Most Important Factors in a Digital Forensic Model
From the further examination of the above, we were able to summarise that there are
some major factors, if not handled properly, could mar the whole process of executing
a successful Digital Forensic Investigation (DFI). These factors are; Legal Issues,
Technical issues, Administrative Issues and Cost.
Of the four (4) most important factors of executing a successful DFI, as noted above,
the survey we conducted amongst DF Practitioners reveals interestingly that
Technical, Administrative and Cost issues have the same percentage of importance.
Meanwhile, Legal issues are observed to be the most important.
The above outcome has successfully answered our research objective which is to
identify the key factors that a Digital Forensic Process Model must have to ensure
that digital evidence involved, is preserved.
Figure 4.2: Most Important Factors in a Digital Forensic Model
4.2.1 Cost
Cost is very critical, especially in developing nations like Nigeria, where the other
several national agenda seems to be more pressing and Digital Forensic as not fully
been institutionalized. This cost could either be cost of hardware, software, training,
certifications, time, hiring personnel and infrastructure, even though the eventual
result may not justify the cost involved. Thus DFI models must be cost effective.
4.2.2 The Administration
The Administration, which means getting through administrative bottlenecks,
obtaining approval and bureaucracy, as a DF Investigators probe into an organization
or system under investigation. Also, getting the administrator of DF investigators to
acquire updated or more tools for DF investigations could also be challenging, as the
cost and annual subscription fees for tools that are needed are not getting any cheaper.
Except that you decide to go the way of open source tools, which may not be adequate
to be solely used to collect, preserve and analyse digital evidences. These
administrative issues can halt or delay a digital forensic process if not carefully
handled, or more importantly affect the quality of evidence to be presented at the end
of the investigation. Thus DFI models must be DF ready to pre-address this issue even
before the initiation of an investigation.
4.2.3 Technical issues
Technical issues, assert the fact that the rate of technological innovation is faster than
the pace of evolution of digital forensic models. Thus, models should be reviewed
and implemented in line with technological advancement.
4.2.4 Legal issues
The Legal issues are very germane to the successful execution of DF investigation.
Simson L. Garfinkel reported that “legal challenges increasingly limit the scope of
forensic investigations” as well as “a variety of legal challenges are combining to
make the very process of computer forensics more complicated, time consuming, and
expensive” (Garfinkel, 2010).
How should a Digital Forensic process be structured and executed to ensure that
digital evidences are preserved?
Digital Forensic processes are to be structured to allow connections and quick reviews
in each process steps and well as adaptability and flexibility of the process to changing
technological platforms.
Enhanced Generic Digital Forensic Investigation Model (EGDFIM)
An Enhanced Generic Digital Forensic Investigation Model (EGDFIM) is hereby
proposed. It is presented in Figure 4.3 below.
Figure 4.3: Enhanced Generic Digital Forensic Investigation Model (EGDFIM)
The First Phase of the Enhanced Generic Digital Forensic Investigation Model
(EGDFIM) is Readiness. The phase is a proactive phase. The activities involve in this
phase include setting up of both personnel and technological systems to Identify
possible situations that Evidence is required; Recognize sources of evidence; Collect
Information; Preserve the gathered Information; Planning the Response; Personnel
Training and Roles delegation; Ensure effective Information Retrieval to Fast-track
Investigation; Preventing Anonymous Activities; Protecting the Evidence.
The Readiness Phase being introduced as the first is an enhancement to the previously
described phases of the Generic Computer Forensic Investigation Model (GCFIM)
proposed by Yunus Yusoff, Roslan Ismail and Zainuddin Hassan.
When an incident is reported and DFI is to commence, it affords the benefit of having
a means of acquiring and preserving evidence, in a way that is legally admissible, precollected even before an incident occurs or reported. Since in executing the Readiness
Phase, the legal advisor would have given his/her legal advice and determine which
range of evidence set would be required to initiate or defend a litigation. Of which if
the readiness phase can meet at earlier stage of an investigation, time and expenses
could be reduced. However, if not sufficient, the investigator can then concentrate
more on seeking data from the devices that are relevant to the dispute.
Forensic readiness planning ensures legal issues do not hamper future investigations.
The Pre-Process, Acquisition & Preservation, Analysis, Presentation and PostProcess Phases have been earlier described in chapter two.
Is it possible to have a Consolidated Digital Evidence Preservation Framework
that can fit into any Digital Forensic Model? YES, if the Model is not rigid. If the
model is generic, allow for quick reviews and not cumbersome.
Taking a clue from Software Engineering; back in the 1970s, 'Software Engineering'
was thought to be about fairly large development models in projects with unchanging
phases, and relative lack of concern about cost efficiency. However software
development today is very much different. Rapid prototyping (short bursts of work,
followed by reviews), but even that has been modified on, and seemingly occasionally
also improved on.
Applying the EGDFIM Model
We hereby tested the validity and applicability of the EGDFIM Model on a Data
alteration fraud in Data Processing Center.
A student record was altered; in which scores were credited in two courses he had
previously failed. The department discovered this alteration and raised the alarm.
Though, prior to this incidence, there have been speculations of attempts to alter
students' records unlawfully, there has not been a formal report in this regards.
However, the Readiness Phase has put in place;
1. Windows Active Directory Login on all computers in the Data Center.
2. Authorization level to alter records was restricted to few supervisors only.
3. For every alteration made on a student, the database keeps a log of the user
that executed the alteration.
4. Physical security was put in place to prevent unauthorized personnel from
entering the Data Center.
All the above readiness measures were carried out with or without a digital forensic
investigation in sight at the moment. These actions were more of a broad systemic
step rather than a narrow preparation for a particular incident.
When an awareness and notification came up about the incident, the Pre-Process
Phase was initiated. This phase ensured:
1. An Investigation panel was step up with Authorisation of the Head of the Data
Center, the Department Head and the organisation’s Central Investigation
2. An approach strategy was drafted.
3. Plans were developed according to pre-analysis of the incident.
4. Then all possible evidence sources recognized.
Note that the Pre-process phase is narrowed towards a particular incidence.
The pre-analysis of the incident has the log on the server reveals that the login detail
of a particular male staff of the Data Center was responsible for the alteration. Hence,
the accused male staff was investigated for a start.
This phase was followed quickly by the Acquisition & Preservation Phase, which
1. Search and Identification of digital from the computer of the male staff and the
server and non-digital evidences from the personnel of the Data Center. On
scanning the desktop of the male personnel, a PDF that showed the records
was altered, was discovered in the Recycle bin with the “Date Modified” been
the said date that the server also reported that the alteration was done.
2. The discovered PDF should not be restored, as these will change the “Date
Modified” of the PDF file and thus destroy the legal admissibility of the
evidence, hence, deployment of mechanism to collect the evidences and as
well preserving it was setup.
3. Transportation of digital evidences found on the computer that was logged into
and used to alter the record, which was tracked by the windows active directory
4. Then storage of the evidence in such a way that its legal admissibility is not
The Analysis Phase then followed to:
1. User Usage Profile Investigation.
2. Legal and Technical Analyse of the evidences acquired thus far, to determine
the actual culprits.
3. Chronology Timeline Analysis, Trace back and Reconstruction of the
4. Case Specific Analysis and Hypothesis creation
5. Evaluation and determining if further evidences are required.
The evidences of the generated PDF found in the Recycle bin, together with other
digital and non-digital sources were analysed accordingly.
The Presentation Phase followed the analysis phase, where the Reports of the
analysis were presented to the Investigation sponsor.
The presentation phase was then preceded by the Post-Process Phase, which Archive
the evidence collected, Returning the computer on which digital evidences were
found, the culprit was dismissed from the organization, dissemination of necessary
information as regards the Closure of this Incident and a Review of the incident was
done, with due check on the phases used to investigate the incident, to ensure that it
is in tandem with best practices and organizationally and legally admissible.
The outcome of these reviews was integrated into Readiness Phase for the
Thus, we see that the EGDFIM Model is a continuum with phases that are subject to
review, rather been a rigid straight-through process.
It was however noted that the stages of the EGFIM is a technically independent
framework, as the various personnel and concerned bodies that are involved in the
stages of the model could easily understand and relate to the activities therein without
forgetting the actual purpose and core concept of digital forensics investigation.
The Enhanced Generic Digital Forensic Investigation Model (EGDFIM) proposed in
this work can robustly fit in and consistently resolve any Digital Forensic search for
Digital Evidence. This Model is also abstracted to accommodate application to current
and future digital technologies, as well as incorporating steps to assure complete
interpretations and presentation of the evidence collected; a great need for Judiciary
members and corporate management, for just and effective decisions.
Howbeit, with further implementation and evaluation, the EGDFIM framework will
is suitable for cyber and emerging cloud-computing crime investigation, and it is
practically applicable in Nigeria.
Also as a follow-up to this proposed model, we propose to start incorporating the
framework questions together with the necessary workflow into an intelligence data
acquisition scripts generator. Using this model, questions and answers in a digital
forensics investigation could be systematically simulated. Then based on the analysis
of the simulation, scripts would be tuned to assist digital forensic investigators, legal
practitioner, law enforcement agents in a semiautomatic analysis of digital forensic
investigations. By these automatic scripts, investigators can perform fast and zeroknowledge digital forensic acquisition and analysis. Thus, Enhanced Generic Digital
Forensic Investigation Model (EGDFIM) will be formulated as a semiautomatic
investigation toolbox.
Summarily, for Digital Forensic to be a true panacea for evidence preservation;
1. An effective digital forensic process must be used,
2. There must be strict compliance to the rule of evidence, and
3. A Systematic follow-through of relevant legal process should be incorporated
into the digital forensic processes.
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