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El presente artículo trata de descifrar la posible respuesta del cristianismo asiático -minoritario, eso sí, pero seriamente comprometido en su reflexión cristiana- a la pregunta que da título a esta contribución. Naturalmente, habrá que desdoblar la pregunta: ¿Qué Cristo y por qué? Lo primero será especificar los diferentes "Cristos" que reivindican la fidelidad del mundo asiático. En concreto: - el Cristo euro-eclesiástico de la Iglesia oficial, - el Cristo no-occidental de científicos e intelectuales, y - el Cristo asiático. La respuesta de la historia es, ciertamente, muy dura, pero bien clara: En Asia no hay lugar para ningún Cristo, aunque, desde luego, por razones muy diferentes. Y como la historia es la mejor maestra, he pensado que su veredicto podría ser el punto de arranque de mi reflexión.
Belleten, 2023
JALT2018 Kevin Cleary Invited Talk , 2018
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are constantly expanding into various fields of education. Thanks to AR and VR, we can now bring a whole new dimension to the realm of language education resulting in enhanced learning and increased motivation and engagement, as evidenced in the literature (Godwin-Jones, 2016). With ubiquitous devices such as smartphones and inexpensive VR headsets, we are able to take a step forward in blurring the boundaries between the real and the virtual world, giving our students immersive learning experiences. However, similar to any new technology introduced, many ELT practitioners are not familiar with or keen on integrating AR/VR-related learning tools and resources into their classes. In order to get the audience more acquainted with AR/VR uses in language education, the presenter will first outline the basic concepts within this area of research and practice. She will continue with demonstrating an AR mobile application, Blippar, and a VR application, Google Expeditions, using smartphones and Google Cardboard. She will also discuss the use of these apps in language learning contexts while providing ideas for augmented/virtual-reality-enhanced classroom tasks and activities. Finally, JALT’s newly formed Mixed, Augmented, Virtual Realities in Learning (MAVR) SIG will be introduced as a way for attendees to further explore AR and VR applications in language pedagogy. Godwin-Jones, R. (2016). Augmented reality and language learning: From annotated vocabulary to place-based mobile games. Language Learning and Technology, 20(3), 9-19.
Affective Societies – Key Concepts, 2019
Attachment refers to an enduring affectional bond of humans to particular others, whether individual or collective, as well as to non-human actors such as animals, material possessions, places, or spiritual beings. Attachments are distinguished by their tendency to persist over time and across contexts and their profound emotional and affective significance. The concept of attachment allows attending to the diachronic dimension of emotional and affective relationships from the perspective of individual actors. As a fundamental precondition for human existence and the development of all major capacities, attachments are formed from birth onwards. Although early attachments may persist for decades or even a lifetime, individuals usually also lose attachment figures and turn toward new ones over the course of their life. The temporal dimension of attachment transcends particular bonds, since experiences in preceding attachment relationships function as dispositions for future attachments (affective disposition). Such dispositions for attachment are theorized as internal, affective-cognitive working models of the self in relation to particular others. They evolve through past relational experiences and guide ongoing interactions in existing attachment relationships as well as engagement in future relationships, which in turn provide new experiences. Thus, the concept of attachment accounts for both continuity and transformation across the course of life. Attachments are central for affective and emotional processes in several ways. To begin with, attachments themselves can be considered affectional bonds. This becomes apparent, for instance, in the desire for proximity with an attachment figure, the comfort (or discomfort) experienced in their presence , distress upon involuntary separation, or the grief that may be caused by losing them. Moreover, dispositions for attachment can be considered central to the idiosyncratic ways in which individuals tend to emotionally affect and respond to others, and also to the specific patterns of deploying and regulating emotions in relationships and beyond. Such patterns are most fundamentally established through early socialization, as caregivers and other social partners may play a powerful role in amplifying, curbing, or modulating a child's affective environment and their various affective responses to it.
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Humanizing Language Teaching, 2019
Response to Frost, MacFarlane, Rabieh, and Stoner, 2023
Шульга П.И. О контактах населения верхней Оби и Горного Алтая с Синьцзяном и Северным Китаем в VIII-III вв. до н. э. // «Terra Scythica»: Материалы международного симпозиума «Terra Scythica». – Новосибирск: Изд-во Ин-та археологии и этнографии СО РАН, 2011. – С. 370–378., 2011
Experimental Hematology, 2007
Chemischer Informationsdienst, 1980
International journal of health sciences, 2022
Open biology, 2016
Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana, 2013
Redvet Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 2008
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015