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Student police cadet is a voluntary student organization which seeks to prepare students to be responsible citizens and socially committed individuals willing to perform selfless service to their communities. The goal of spc is to free young minds from narrow minded interpretations of duty in to a wider, free thinking, understanding of citizenship, there by helping to evolve a vigilant but peace ful development oriented law abiding society. SPC has implemented jointly by the Departments of Home and Education, and supported by Departments of Transport, Forest, Excise and Local Self-Government, the SPC project was launched in August 2010 in 127 schools across Kerala, with 11176 students – both boys and girls – enrolled as Cadets (Ref: G.O (P) No 121/2010/Home dtd 29-05-2010).

1 STUDENT POLICE CADET PROJECT OF KERALA Dr Baiju K.Nath Assistant Professor Dept. of Education, University of Calicut Kerala, India and Soumya M.S. M.Ed. 2014 – 15 Dept. of Education, University of Calicut Kerala, India 2 Student police cadet is a voluntary student organization which seeks to prepare students to be responsible citizens and socially committed individuals willing to perform selfless service to their communities. The goal of spc is to free young minds from narrow minded interpretations of duty in to a wider, free thinking, understanding of citizenship, there by helping to evolve a vigilant but peace ful development oriented law abiding society. SPC has implemented jointly by the Departments of Home and Education, and supported by Departments of Transport, Forest, Excise and Local Self-Government, the SPC project was launched in August 2010 in 127 schools across Kerala, with 11176 students – both boys and girls – enrolled as Cadets (Ref: G.O (P) No 121/2010/Home dtd 29-05-2010). Both the government and the parents of students have equal responsibility to give children education which is purposeful and of high quality, and through it developing their capacity for action, which can be harnessed for social development. Revolutionary strides are being made in the field of scientific knowledge. As a result technical knowledge is expanding rapidly. This, in turn, augmented the possibilities and social relevance of education. The student community of Kerala in general is of high quality and these changes have electrified this youthful brigade .all the same , theoretical knowledge may not enable students to grow up in to citizens possessing social awareness. This is especially true in the present context, Where market culture which is based on selfish motives, is enslaving society in general and the youth in particular The future of India is shaped in the schools and universities .students are the future leaders, police officers, industrialists, farmers, etc, so a conscious and vigorous effort is essential along with acquisition of knowledge through the curriculums, to evolve students in to adults possessing civic awareness ,social commitment and the readiness to serve. SPC aims at shaping a community which is conscious of its rights and duties, capable of acting against social evils and respecting the rule of law and possessing democratic awareness. This novel curricular scheme is being implemented jointly by the departments of Education and Home in the state of Kerala. This will be a model evolved by Kerala to maintain law and order and internal security. Objectives of Student Police Cadet Project 1. Molding a society Which is law abiding 2. Inculcating the values of civic sense, a sense of equality, a secular outlook and the spirit of enquiry, the power of observation, leadership qualities and the love of adventure among students. 3. Fostering students in social commitments, the readiness of service and love of fellow member of society. 4. Equipping students to react against social evils like terrorism , separatism, communalism and drug addiction. 5. Enabling students to work along with the police in ensuring internal security, eradicating crimes, maintain law and order, traffic control and social services. 6. Bring up SPC an independent action force like any other voluntary organizations such as NCC, NSS etc. 7. Promoting among students the readiness to face calamity and in solving social problems. 8. Promoting among students love of nature and awareness regarding the protection of the environment and readiness to be active in managing disasters 9. Molding a mode student community that upholds high values in character and conduct 10. Shaping a young community which strives selflessly for the all round progress of the society as a whole. 3 Frame Work of SPC This novel venture was organized in generally in an hierarchical order from the top state nodal officer to the SPC wing at the High school and higher secondary at the bottom. Each of them can be assigned some kind of functions. The frame work of SPC can be illustrated as below State nodal officer District nodal officer Police students laison officer Community laison officer SPC HS Wing SPC HSS Wing Student Police Cadet High School Wing SPC is to be implemented from the 8 standard on words for 2 years and shall be called by name SPC HS wing Student Police Cadet Higher Secondary Wing Cadets from plus one level shall be named as SPC HSS Wing and stars will be awarded to cadets on completion of each year training 1. Community police officer Principal will select two dedicated and service minded teachers as community police officers and additional community police officer Who will be responsible for implementing the SPC scheme at schools. One of them must be a lady. Teacher Who have experience in NSS and Scouts may also be considered for the selection of CPO. District police superintendent of police will give training they will be given honorary rank equal to the sub inspector of police. CPO will undergo SPC project related training at designated location ,such as AR camp ,police academy, police training college, etc 2. Police student Liaison officer A police officer not below the rank of circle Inspector may be employed to act as Police student Liaison officer Who will deploy sufficient policemen during training programs,He should also play an important role to maintain good relationship between the police and the school .He has to ensure smooth running of SPC in schools. 3. Drill instructor Selected police personnel of the rank of ASI/HC/PC are designated as Drill instructors with responsibility to impart physical training to SPCS in the school premises on a regular basis. They are responsible for ensuring that the cadets attain a desirable level of physical fitness and stamina, and are capable of participating in formation marching parade drills during National festivals such as Republic day and independence day. The success of the SPC training program in a school depends up on the effective execution of duties and responsibilities by the drill instructors  Drill instructor shall visit the school to conduct training for SPCs in parade and PT as per Activity Calendar. 4        Drill instructor shall be in neat and proper turn out during such visit to the school Drill instructor will coordinate with the CPOs in the school to arrange and conduct SPC training Activities, visits and camps etc. Drill instructor shall ensure that the ground and other arrangements for such training is adequate for the required purpose Drill instructor shall be responsible for well being of cadets during the training activities, visits and Camps Drill instructor will assist CPO to prepare monthly report, maintain school records with regards to SPC Project Drill instructor shall arrange and coordinate inspection visits to the school by officials ,and have the Responsibility of following up on instruction issued after such inspection Drill instructor shall, at all times ,maintain decorum and dignity of police while carrying out assigned duties and responsibilities Responsibilities and Activities 1. participate effectively in sports events ,drills, parades, camps, study classes and tour programs organized for student police cadets. 2. Conduct law literary programs for peers in collaboration with various governmental and non governmental organizations. 3. Present short plays, mono acts, essay writing competition, film show and organize the public against narcotic drugs and terrorism. 4. Keep an eye on instances of indiscipline in and outside the classroom and bring them to the notice of the class teachers and principals. 5. Be devotees of patriotism and earnest aspirants of the development of the nation. 6. Celebrate National festivals, salute national symbols and feel proud of growth and prosperity of the country 7. Frame a Network of young generation to stay united with the police force to eradicate offensive acts and retain law and order. 8. popularize phone numbers of such services as crime stopper, police Help line etc. among students, prompt family members and friends to hand over relevant information to the police for resisting crimes. 9. Put in efforts to bring the police and the public closer. 10. Conduct visit of police stations courts and prison to understand the procedures and prepare activity report. 11. .Arrange classes for polishing personality skills and leadership qualities. Qualification of a School to Apply for SPC Unit 1. 2. 3. 4. There should be an active and service oriented PTA committee There must be one mail teacher and at least one female teacher to work as CPOs. There shall be a play ground suitable for physical training The institution must be a government or aided school with a minimum strength of 500 students both from High school and Higher secondary school. 5. All the existing schools Which already implemented in one school under a police circle with maximum of six schools in a police district. 5 Qualifications for Enrollment as SPC 1. Must have secured a minimum of 50% marks or c+ grade in the previous annual examination. 2. Must possess required physical and medical fitness 3. Must produce the conduct certificate from the head master or the principal and consent letter from parent or guardian Governance Advisory committee: Multi level advisory committee with the responsibilities of making policy decision and to greater efficiency and effectiveness in implementing SPC project. It may be illustrated as follows. Advisory Committee State level advisory committee School level advisory committee District level advisory committee State Level Advisory Committee Chairman Director General of police Convener Education Secretary Members DPI, Directors of HSE and VHSE, Head of the institutions form forests, Excise, Motor vehicle Departments, Local self Govt . NSS state liason office Nodal officers  State nodal officer  District Nodal officer District level advisory committee Patron District collector Chairman Supdt. Of police/commissioner Members Deputy Directors under DPI,HSE&VHSE- 6 Districts level officers from Excise Dept, Motor vehicle Dept, And reps of Districts panchayath School level Advisory committee Chairman Members ,Principal Circle inspector, Sub inspector of the region, PTA president staff secretary, representatives from Departments like Education, Forest, Excise, Motor vehicle and local governing institution Finance Plan funds of departments of Home, Education.Forest,Excise,Motor vehicle and Local self Government.  Road safety fund  Rashtreeya Madhyama siksha Abhyan  Janamaitri suraksha fund Training Programme Training program aims to enable each cadet to carry out responsibility entrusted with them effectively and courageously. Training programs are grouped in to three types. 1. Physical training(out door classes) 2. Study classes(indoor classes) 3. Practical training 1. physical training For discipline mind and body and performing the activities to be undertaken in a bold and efficient manner, physical training is given to the cadets. Time duration of one and a half hours shall be spared in a week(from 7 o clock to 8.30)for this 45 minutes for pt and 45 minutes for parade. Opportunity for games shall be provided according to convenience. Once in a 7 month[preferably organized. on second Saturday holiday],Route march ,cross country etcs . should be 2. Study classes Study classes on police related topics, legal matters, constitutional principles, community policing, national movements and development related subject have to be conducted with the aim of grooming the cadets to become active and confident citizens. Apart from the vacation classes atleast 40 hours shold be spent for study classes. Three hours should be year marked for study classes after performing route march/cross country in a month.cadet centered study classes must be arranged preferably shadow of trees by engaging experts. 3. Practical training Cadet should visit the institutions that create, implement and execute law and also the place of historical. Cultural, Technological and national importance further it is required that the cadet must submit his/her observation and findings in black and white.    To classes to fellow students on the matter of avoidance of law insults To involve in voluntary medical services To take part as volunteers in school kalolsavam and in other educational festivals and take the responsibility in maintaining law and order with the police For these CPO with the help of laison officer has to implements in accordance with the aims schedule of the school. Camps During their two-year training period, SPCs take part in camps, both residential & nonresidential these camps    Provide cadets with opportunities for leadership development, life skills acquisition and personality enhancement Enable creation of healthy team spirit and self-esteem with in each cadet Creating better understanding of the spc project and its objectives in cadets 1. Mini camps: During onam & Christmas vacations, junior cadets and senior cadets participate in 3-day camps in the respective schools. These camps are residential in nature, and comprices activities meant to build team spirit and promote personality development for cadets. One camp each year is to be conducted as a nature camp. 2. Annual District summer camp: For senior SPCs, at the end of the academic year, a 5-day residential camp is organized in each district at a central location in the district, such as District armed resesve camps, Battalion Head quarters, police training college, or police academy. 3. Annual state summer camp :Every year , a 7-day state-level SPC summer camp is conducted at a central location for selected senior SPCs from all over the state. This 8 residential camp comprises life-skills enhancement workshops ,interactions with renowned and prominent personalities, senior government officials and political leaders, and other personality development components. Uniform of SPC Pants and shirts in khaki (similar to police uniform)Black shoe, khaki socks and blue Barrack cap. During physical training uniform should be white . T shirts, Black pants and canvas shoe. Community Projects Leadership qualities of SPCs are strengthened by participation in various community issues such as road safety ,drug and sub stance abuse, environmental protection ,and aspects of law and crime .they are also encouraged to participate in social service projects, take responsibility during school festivals, sports meets, and traffic control duties.     Community projects Are supervised activities that form an integral part of the SPC training program Are meant to achieve/put in to practice one or more of the overall objectives of the SPC project. Involve school level coordination with officials of supporting Department viz, Transport, Forest, LSG, Excise, Health etc. Deliver measurable results in terms of learning outcomes, personal development , skill acquisition and increased effectiveness. The student police cadet project does not create more policemen rather it seeks to grow the police man within each young member of our communities. the field level experiences of SPC officials prove without doubts that the SPC project can facilitate positive change with in the student community ,which would prove beneficial to society in the long run .and generate significant nation wide positive returns, such as greater internal security. Healthier and safer communities. And create responsible future citizens of a stable democracy. Reference http://studentpolicecadet.org/ http://www.spckerala.in/2016/02/student-police-cadet-project-21st.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTd8eQSZUjk