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TECHNICAL REPORT: CVEL-08-011.2 Survey of Current Computational Electromagnetics Techniques and Software T. Hubing, C. Su, H. Zeng and H. Ke Clemson University September 21, 2008 This work was supported by the ARMY RESEARCH OFFICE (W. Devereux Palmer) under the auspices of the U.S. Army Research Office Scientific Services Program administered by Battelle (Delivery Order 0271, Contract No. W911NF-07-D-0001). Table of Contents I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3 A. B. Purpose of This Report ................................................................................................................. 3 Categorizing CEM Modeling Tools .............................................................................................. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C. II. Time vs. Frequency Domain ........................................................................................ 4 IE vs. PDE .................................................................................................................... 4 2D vs. 3D ...................................................................................................................... 5 Static, Quasi-static, Full-wave or Asymptotic .............................................................. 5 Circuit-based Field Solvers .......................................................................................... 6 Linear vs. Higher-order Methods ................................................................................. 7 Outline of This Report .................................................................................................................. 7 The Method of Moments ........................................................................................................ 7 A. B. III. IV. V. VI. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Equation Options .......................................................................................................................... 9 Basis and Weighting Functions..................................................................................................... 9 The Boundary Element Method ............................................................................................ 10 The Finite Element Method .................................................................................................. 13 The Finite Difference Time Domain Method ....................................................................... 15 Other Popular CEM Modeling Techniques .......................................................................... 18 The Finite Integration Technique ................................................................................................ 18 The Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method ......................................................................... 20 The Transmission Line Matrix Method ...................................................................................... 20 The Finite Volume Time Domain Technique ............................................................................. 21 The Finite Element Time Domain Technique ............................................................................. 22 The Time Domain Method of Moments ..................................................................................... 23 The Generalized Multipole Technique........................................................................................ 24 The Finite Difference Frequency Domain Technique ................................................................ 25 VII. Asymptotic-Expansion Based Methods ................................................................................ 25 A. B. C. D. Physical optics ............................................................................................................................ 26 Geometrical Optics (Ray Optics) ................................................................................................ 27 Geometrical Theory of Diffraction ............................................................................................. 27 Uniform Theory of Diffraction ................................................................................................... 28 VIII.Hybrid Methods .................................................................................................................... 28 A. B. C. Hybrid FEM/BEM ...................................................................................................................... 28 Hybrid MOM/GTD, MOM/PO ................................................................................................... 29 Hybrid FEM/PO .......................................................................................................................... 29 IX. Commercial CEM Software Survey ..................................................................................... 30 A. B. C. D. E. F. 3D Full-Wave Codes................................................................................................................... 30 3D Quasi-Static Codes ................................................................................................................ 32 2D High-Frequency Codes.......................................................................................................... 34 2D Quasi-Static Codes ................................................................................................................ 35 Hybrid Codes .............................................................................................................................. 36 Special Purpose Codes ................................................................................................................ 36 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 39 2 I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose of This Report James Clerk Maxwell’s presentation titled, “A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field” in 1864 established the foundation for electromagnetic field theory as we know it today [1]. His work, which drew upon the observations of Faraday, Ampere, Oersted, Gauss and others, introduced equations describing the relationship between electric and magnetic fields, electric charges and electric currents. From these equations, Maxwell was able to postulate the existence of electromagnetic waves, calculate the velocity of these waves and show that electromagnetic waves traveled at a velocity consistent with the velocity of light; suggesting that light could be a form of electromagnetic radiation. The next 100 years witnessed the development of the first antennas, the wireless telegraph, radio, radar, television and digital telemetry. Yet one of the most significant breakthroughs in electromagnetic analysis, the ability to solve Maxwell’s equations on a computer, did not occur until late in the 20th century. Maxwell’s equations 1 (Table 1) govern all electric, magnetic and electromagnetic behavior. They accurately describe electromagnetic behavior in any situation without making any assumptions about materials, linearity or relativity. They are the basis for all electrical interactions and they play a particularly important role in the design of antennas, EM wave propagation analysis, microwave circuit analysis, signal integrity and electromagnetic compatibility. Table 1: Maxwell’s Equations ∫ E idl = − δ t ( ∫ B ids ) Integral Form Faraday’s Law: δ S Ampere’s Law: ∫ H idl = δ t ( ∫ D ids ) + ∫ δ S Gauss’ Law: ∫ D ids = ∫ S Gauss’ Magnetic Law: S ∫ S V ρ dV B ids = 0 J id s Differential Form ∇×E = − ∇×H = δB δt δD +J δt ∇ iD = ρ ∇ iB = 0 As robust and powerful as these 4 equations are, they are virtually impossible to solve analytically for all but a small set of canonical configurations. Virtually all of the progress in this field in the 100 years following Maxwell’s 1864 publication was accomplished without the 1 The set of 4 equations commonly referred to as Maxwell’s equations were actually derived from Maxwell’s theory by Oliver Heaviside and Heinrich Hertz (independently) more than 20 years later. 3 ability to find exact solutions to the problems of greatest interest. As a result most antennas tended to resemble cones, rods, spheres and other canonical structures; and antenna design was a mixture of science, art and trial-and-error. With the advent of reasonably powerful computers in the mid-1960s, a new form of electromagnetic analysis emerged; Computational ElectroMagnetic (CEM) modeling. Pioneers in this field such as Yee [2], Harrington [3], and others demonstrated that numerical solutions of Maxwell’s equations could be used to accurately describe the electromagnetic behavior of real antenna configurations. For the first time, it became possible to analyze a wide range of structures and accurately determine current and field distributions without building and measuring these structures in a lab. Of course, computers have come a long way since the 1960s, roughly doubling in speed and memory capacity every couple of years. Advances in CEM modeling techniques and software have also experienced exponential growth. A 1991 publication [4] briefly surveyed the progress in electromagnetic modeling up to that time. This report provides an expanded summary of the various EM modeling techniques and software that are currently available. B. Categorizing CEM Modeling Tools 1. Time vs. Frequency Domain All CEM modeling codes use numerical techniques to solve Maxwell’s equations in some form. However, the specific technique employed, and the form of the equations solved, have a tremendous impact on the suitability of a given code to analyze a given problem. For example, some codes solve Maxwell’s equations in the frequency domain (i.e. one frequency at a time), while others work in the time domain (usually calculating a system impulse response). This is not unlike circuit theory, where circuits can be analyzed in the time or frequency domains. Frequency domain techniques tend to be more efficient when modeling problems with narrow bandwidths or high Q-factors. Time domain techniques are often more appropriate for modeling broadband structures and sometimes larger structures with complex geometries. It is interesting to note that the nature of the excitation (transient or swept-frequency) and the desired output format (function of time or frequency) are relatively minor considerations when choosing the optimum technique for a specific problem. This will become apparent as the techniques are described in more detail later in this report. 2. IE vs. PDE Another important way that CEM modeling techniques are categorized is based on the form of Maxwell’s equations that they solve. As indicated in Figure 1, Maxwell’s equations can be expressed in two fundamental forms. The integral form of Maxwell’s equations describes the behavior of fields and currents over closed loops or closed surfaces of arbitrary size and shape. For example, Gauss’ Law in integral form effectively states that the net electric flux passing through any closed surface is equal to the total electric charge enclosed. The differential form of Maxwell’s equations describes the behavior of fields and currents at points in space. For example, Gauss’ Law in differential form simply states that the net change in the electric flux at any point is equal to the electric charge density at that point. 4 The differential forms of each equation can be derived from the integral form by taking the limit as the radius of a loop or surface approaches zero. Similarly, the integral forms can be derived from the differential forms. Nevertheless, CEM modeling techniques based on solutions of the integral form of Maxwell’s equations are fundamentally different from techniques based on the solution of the differential form. Techniques based on the solution of the differential form of Maxwell’s equations (Partial Differential Equation or PDE techniques) generally analyze a problem’s geometry by dividing the whole structure and the space around it into small pieces. The EM interactions in each region are modeled independently. Each piece interacts only with the other pieces that are nearby. Problems that involve radiation that propagates to infinity (open geometries) must utilize an “absorbing boundary” that defines the edge of the problem space. The effectiveness of PDE techniques applied to open geometries is highly dependent on the effectiveness of the absorbing boundaries. Integral Equation (IE) techniques generally segment only the boundaries between regions of the problem with different electromagnetic properties. For example, in a 3D structure, the “pieces” would be 2D surface patches or 1D wire segments. IE techniques generally require fewer pieces than PDE techniques; however every piece in an IE technique usually interacts with every other piece no matter where it is located, so the amount of calculation involved to solve the problem is not necessarily lower. 3. 2D vs. 3D CEM modeling techniques can be implemented in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. 1-dimensional codes are generally only of interest to students and academicians, though they can be useful in specialized applications. 2D codes are commonly used to obtain the per-unit-length transmission line parameters corresponding to circuit board trace geometries or cable cross-sections. They can also be used to model certain structures with symmetry in one dimension (e.g. a biconical antenna). Although most 2D problems could theoretically be analyzed using a 3D code (for example by modeling a length of cable and determining the fields in a single cross-section), this is rarely done. 2D modeling is much more efficient than 3D modeling (e.g. N2 vs. N3 unknowns corresponding to N6 vs. N9 calculations) and 2D codes optimized for a particular application will generally be much easier to use and more accurate than similar 3D codes. Most problems of interest however, are 3-dimensional and require a 3-dimensional modeling code. “Full wave” modeling codes calculate time-varying fields in 3 independent dimensions without placing any special restrictions on the behavior of the fields in any given dimension. All of the CEM modeling techniques described in this report can be implemented in 2 or 3 dimensions. However, 2D and 3D implementations of a given technique can be very different. It is not necessarily true that the best technique for analyzing a particular 2D problem will be the best technique for analyzing a “similar” 3D problem. 4. Static, Quasi-static, Full-wave or Asymptotic Claims that a particular technique works “from DC to daylight” are not uncommon, but CEM modeling codes are only accurate and efficient over a limited band of frequencies. Actually, it is not the frequency itself that matters as much as the size of the structure to be modeled relative to the wavelengths of the analysis. 5 Full wave modeling techniques, which are the main focus of this report, are most effective when the size of the structure being analyzed is within an order of magnitude of one wavelength (e.g. 0.1λ to 10λ). Smaller objects are often more readily modeled with static or quasi-static codes. Larger objects are often better suited for analysis using asymptotic techniques. There are two categories of static modeling codes: electrostatic and magnetostatic. Since the electric and magnetic fields are uncoupled at DC, an electrostatic solver yields no information about the magnetic fields. Similarly, a magnetostatic solver does not calculate electric field distributions. The sources in an electrostatic analysis will be DC voltages or static charge distributions. All materials behave like perfect conductors or perfect dielectrics. Electrostatic solvers are used to determine induced charges or voltages, electric field distributions, or capacitances. The sources in a magnetostatic analysis are DC current distributions. Magnetostatic solvers are used to determine induced currents, magnetic field patterns or inductances. Static field solvers do not employ time or frequency domain techniques, because neither time nor frequency is variable. Static solvers can be either IE or PDE, however, the primary difference being whether the entire volume or just the material interfaces are sectioned. Static field analysis requires much less computation and tends to be more stable than fullwave analysis. For these reasons, static field solvers are capable of analyzing configurations with significantly greater complexity than full-wave solvers using similar computer resources. Quasi-static modeling codes generally employ static field solvers with some allowance made for the solution to vary (slowly) with time. For example, an analysis of an electric motor may employ a magnetostatic solver to recalculate the magnetic field over and over as the rotor changes position. Similarly, an analysis of dielectric breakdown in a capacitor may rely on an electrostatic field solver while adjusting static charge distributions in response to the calculated field strengths and non-linear properties of the dielectric. At high frequencies, where the structure being analyzed is many wavelengths, full-wave solutions are less attractive because the number of electrically small “pieces” required to represent the entire problem space can quickly grow to a number that exceeds the computer resources available. At these frequencies, codes employing asymptotic techniques are usually more efficient and accurate. Asymptotic techniques model radiated fields as if they were rays of light; emanating from a source and traveling in a straight line to the point where the field is calculated. These rays may be absorbed, reflected or diffracted by objects in the problem space. The calculated field at a given point is the vector sum of all rays reaching that point from all sources. There is no need to grid the entire volume as in full-wave PDE techniques; and there is not an interaction between every pair of elements as in IE-based full-wave methods. 5. Circuit-based Field Solvers There are at least two CEM modeling techniques that convert a field problem to an RLC circuit analysis problem that can then be solved using SPICE-like circuit modeling tools. An advantage of these techniques is that the resulting circuit can be analyzed in either the time or frequency domain. Another advantage is that these techniques can make it easier to incorporate linear or non-linear circuit elements into the field analysis. 6 6. Linear vs. Higher-order Methods Since virtually all general purpose CEM modeling codes break the problem space into a set of pieces (or elements), it is useful to categorize techniques depending on how the charge, current or field quantities within these elements are defined. Most CEM modeling tools employ linear elements, meaning that the quantities within a single element are described by a linear function whose entire domain is confined within the boundaries of that element. Specifying the amplitude of that function completely determines the quantity within the element independent of the amplitudes specified outside the element. Higher-order techniques employ elemental functions that are not confined to the boundaries of a single element. These functions are normally nth-order polynomials where n>1. This formulation allows complex charge, current or field distributions to be represented accurately with fewer (i.e. larger) elements. Fewer elements generally translates to less computation time and memory, so the primary advantage of higher-order techniques is that they solve problems more quickly and accurately than their linear counterparts. The primary disadvantage of higher-order techniques is that they can require significantly more effort to segment properly and the additional “bookkeeping” required to set up a problem for analysis can sometimes consume the resources that were saved by using the higher-order formulation. Virtually all of the full-wave modeling techniques discussed in this report can be formulated with higher-order elements, but moment method and finite element codes are perhaps better suited for this than codes based on other techniques. C. Outline of This Report The next five sections of this report describe various CEM modeling techniques commonly employed by commercial software or used to model specific problems of interest. The focus of these sections is on full-wave EM modeling, though several of these techniques can also be formulated to solve quasi-static problems. Section VII reviews high-frequency (asymptotic) techniques. Section VIII discusses hybrid methods, which combine two or more techniques to create codes that can analyze a wider variety of problem geometries. Finally, Section IX provides a brief summary of commercially available CEM modeling software available as of the date of this report. II. THE METHOD OF MOMENTS In the 1960s, R.F. Harrington [5] and others applied a technique called the Method of Moments to the solution of electromagnetic field problems. The Method of Moments (also called the Method of Weighted Residuals) is a technique for solving linear equations of the form, L (φ ) = f (II-1) where L ( •) is a linear operator, f is a known excitation or forcing function, and φ is an unknown quantity. To solve this problem on a digital computer, we start by expressing the unknown solution as a series of basis or expansion functions, v n , 7 φ = ∑ an vn N (II-2) n =1 where a n are unknown coefficients describing the amplitude of each term in the series. Now instead of one equation with a continuous unknown quantity, f , we have an equation with N scalar unknowns, L ( a1v1 + a 2 v 2 + … + a N v N ) = f (II-3) To solve for the values of a n , we need N linearly independent equations; so N different weighting or testing functions, w n , are applied. This yields the following system of N equations in N unknowns: < w 1 , L (φ ) > = < w 1 , f > < w 2 , L (φ ) > = < w 2 , f > (II-4) < w N , L (φ ) > = < w N , f > Or, expressed in matrix form, ⎡ < w 1 , L ( v1 )) > < w 1 , L ( v 2 )) > ⎢ < w , L ( v )) > < w , L ( v )) > 2 1 2 2 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣< w N , L ( v1 )) > < w N , L ( v 2 )) > [ Z ][ A ] = [ B ] < w 1 , L ( v N )) > ⎤ ⎡ a1 ⎤ ⎡ < w 1 , f1 > ⎤ < w 2 , L ( v N )) > ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ a 2 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ < w 2 , f 2 > ⎥⎥ = ⎥ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ < w N , L ( v N )) > ⎦ ⎣a N ⎦ ⎣< w N , f N > ⎦ (II-5) This linear system of equations has the form, (II-6) where the elements of [ Z ] are known quantities that can be calculated from the linear operator, L ( •) , and the chosen basis and weighting functions. The elements of [ B ] are determined by applying the weighting functions to the known forcing function. The unknown elements of [ A ] can be found by solving the matrix equation. After solving for [ A ] (i.e. the unknown coefficients, a n ), the value of φ is determined using Equation (II-2). The Method of Moments (MoM) can be used to solve a wide range of equations involving linear operations including integral and differential equations. This numerical technique has many applications other than electromagnetic modeling; however the MoM is widely used to solve equations derived from Maxwell’s equations. In general, moment method codes generate and solve large, dense matrix equations and most of the computational resources required are devoted to filling and solving this matrix equation. The particular form of the equations that is solved and the choice of basis and weighting functions have a great impact on the size of this matrix and ultimately the suitability of a given moment method code to model a given geometry. 8 A. Equation Options The most common equation form solved by CEM modeling codes based on the Method of Moments is the Electric Field Integral Equation (EFIE). This is an equation of the form, E = fe (J ,M) (II-7) where E is the impressed (i.e. source) electric field and J and M are the induced electric and magnetic current densities, respectively. The EFIE will be discussed further in the section describing the Boundary Element Method. Generally, codes that solve a form of the EFIE excel at modeling open (unbounded) geometries in which the electric field dominates in the near-field region of the source. Another equation solved by Moment Method codes is the Magnetic Field Integral Equation (MFIE), which has the general form, H = fm (J , M) (II-8) where H is the impressed (i.e. source) magnetic field intensity. Codes that solve a form of the MFIE are best suited for modeling geometries with circulating currents, where the magnetic near field is dominant. Moment Method codes based on the EFIE or MFIE alone, may exhibit unstable behavior when the modeling surfaces form a resonant cavity at a particular frequency. To avoid this, many moment method codes solve a linear combination of the EFIE and MFIE known as a Combined Field Integral Equation (CFIE). This requires more calculations to fill the matrix, but results in a more stable solution when the modeling surface is large enough to support an interior resonance. Some CEM modeling codes employ the Method of Moments to solve other equations. For example, static modeling codes often solve a form of Laplace’s equation relating electric field strengths to charge densities or magnetic field strengths to current densities. The Generalized Multiple Technique (GMT), which is described in another section of this report, employs a moment method to solve equations for the electric field generated by multipole sources. B. Basis and Weighting Functions An appropriate choice of basis and weighting functions can make a tremendous difference in the number of elements, N, required to obtain an accurate solution. Since the solution is represented as a summation of basis functions [see Eq. (II-2)], it is important to choose basis functions that accurately represent the solution with a small number of terms. For example, when solving for the current distribution on a surface, the basis functions should be current distribution elements that can be summed together in a way that is able to efficiently approximate any overall current distribution that might result from the analysis. Weighting functions should be chosen that maximize the linear independence of the various weighted forms of the equation. Often, the best choices of weighting functions are functions that are identical to the basis functions. Moment method techniques that employ identical basis and weighting functions are called Galerkin techniques. 9 III. THE BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD Boundary Element Method (BEM) codes use the method of moments to solve an EFIE, MFIE or CFIE for electric and/or magnetic currents on the surfaces forming the interfaces between any two dissimilar materials. Most CEM modeling codes that bill themselves as simply “moment method” codes employ a boundary element method. i E,H s E,H i i S μ, ε , σ s E,H i Js EQUIVALENCE THEOREM s E,H Object with properties different from free space s Ms Object replaced by free space and surface currents Figure 1: Principle of Equivalence. The first step in a boundary element analysis is to represent the problem geometry as a distribution of equivalent surface currents in a homogeneous medium (usually free space). As illustrated in Figure 1, the fields exterior to an object consist of fields incident on the object, fields reflected from the object and fields emanating from the object. The Equivalence Theorem [6] states that any field distribution exterior to an object can be exactly duplicated by removing the object and replacing it with a set of equivalent electric and magnetic currents on the boundary surface. Since the forms of EFIE and MFIE used by boundary element methods are only valid for current distributions in a uniform homogeneous medium, all objects in the problem space must be removed and replaced with (initially unknown) surface currents conforming to their boundaries. Equations (III-1) and (III-2) below show a common form of the EFIE and MFIE employed by boundary element method codes that model metallic objects only (i.e. there are no equivalent magnetic surface currents); E(r ) = H (r ) = − jη J S ( r ')iG e ( r , r ') dS ' 4π k ∫S 1 4π ∫ S J S ( r ') × ∇ ' G m ( r , r ') dS ' . (III-1) (III-2) 10 In these equations, ∫ dS ' represents integration over all boundary surfaces. Note that since S the boundary only exists at places where an interface between two different materials occurred, the size of the boundary is limited (i.e. there is no integration to infinity). The functions Ge and Gm in these equations relate source currents to the electric and magnetic field generated by those currents, respectively. Ge and Gm are called Green’s functions [7] and they play a central role in boundary element analysis. Free-space Green’s functions express the field emanating from the surface current represented by an individual basis function (e.g. the current on an individual surface patch). However, other Green’s functions can be employed to express the field emanating from more complex structures that are common to a particular problem geometry. For example, a geometry consisting of metal surfaces coated with a thin dielectric may employ a special Green’s function that expresses the fields emanating from the combined surfaces of the metal-dielectric and dielectric-air interfaces. This can substantially reduce the number of surface elements required to model the problem. All Green’s functions are approximate expressions that are accurate for a limited range of frequencies, distances and source geometries. Many boundary element methods employ several Green’s functions to model different regions of a problem or different problem environments. General purpose 3D BEM codes usually employ basis and weighting functions that are linear current distributions on a rectangular or triangular surface patch. There are generally two unknowns per patch corresponding to two orthogonal current vectors. Thin wires can be represented very efficiently with a single unknown representing the amplitude of the current distribution on each wire segment. Point matching techniques employ basis and weighting functions that are simple impulse functions often at the center of each patch or segment. Pulse matching techniques employ basis and weighting functions that have a constant value everywhere on the patch or segment. More accurate implementations employ basis and weighting functions that transition smoothly from one patch to the next. Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG) [8] basis functions are a popular choice for codes that employ triangular surface patch elements. Roof-top basis functions [9] are often employed by codes that use rectangular elements. Generally, CEM software employing a boundary element method excels at modeling unbounded problems, particularly when it is not necessary to model regions of great complexity in detail. Structures that can be adequately represented with a wire grid can be analyzed very effectively using boundary element methods, because these methods model wires very efficiently. Table 2 lists various strengths and weakness of BEM modeling techniques. Note that the capabilities of any particular modeling software depend strongly on the form of the integral equation solved, the choice of basis and weighting functions, the Green’s function(s) employed, and the matrix solver and any optimization techniques employed. 11 Table 2: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Boundary Element Method BEM Modeling Strengths BEM Modeling Weaknesses − Excellent for modeling unbounded (radiation) problems. − Does not model inhomogeneous or complex materials well. − Good for modeling structures with lumped circuit elements included. − CFIE formulation required to model enclosed structures of resonant size. − Excellent for modeling metal plates and thin wires. − Not good for modeling problems that combine small detailed geometries with larger objects. Table 3 lists various CEM modeling codes that are based on a boundary element method. The codes listed and the comments in Table 3 are based on the information available to the authors as of the publication date of this report. Table 3: CEM Modeling Codes that use the Boundary Element Method Software Title Description Source Amperes/Coulomb/Faraday 3D quasi-static Integrated Eng. Software Antenna Model wire structures Teri Software CableMod 2D cable modeling CST/Simlab CONCEPT-II 3D full-wave TU Hamburg-Harburg Efield FD start-pack 3D full-wave efield Electro/Oersted 2D quasi-static Integrated Eng. Software EM3DS MMIC Modeling MEM Research EZNEC Pro Wire structures EZNEC FEKO 3D full-wave EM Software and Systems GEMACS 3D full-wave (wires and plates) Advanced Electromagnetics NEC2 3D full-wave (wires and plates) Open Source OPERA 2D 2D quasi-static Vector Fields OPERA 3D 3D quasi-static Vector Fields PCBMod 2D circuit board structures CST/Simlab SuperNEC Wire structures Poynting Antennas WIPL-D Pro 3D full-wave WIPL-D 12 IV. THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Scalar finite element methods have been used by civil and mechanical engineers to analyze material and structural problems since the 1940s. However it wasn’t until the 1960s that FEM codes were developed to solve problems in electromagnetics. Some of the pioneers in this field were Silvester [10], Zienkiewicz [11], and Wexler [12]. Initial FEM-based CEM modeling codes were applied to problems in electrostatics and magnetostatics. Later they were used to solve high-frequency problems in 2 dimensions. Practical 3-dimensional codes did not appear until the 1980s due largely to problems with vector parasites [13, 14] and unreliable absorbing boundary conditions [15]. Unwanted reflections from absorbing boundaries continue to be a problem with full-wave 3D FEM codes even today. Like BEM techniques, finite element methods can be based on different formulations (even the method of moments). However BEM techniques always solve an integral equation and FEM techniques always solve a differential equation. Every FEM code divides the entire problem domain into small elements. For 2D problems the elements are usually triangles or rectangles. For 3D problems, the elements are usually tetrahedra (4 faces) or bricks (6 faces). The domain must be finite and bounded. Modeling an unbounded (e.g. radiation) problem requires that the problem domain be bounded with special elements that absorb all incident energy. These elements are called ABC (Absorbing Boundary Condition) elements. The unknowns in scalar FEM codes are the three orthogonal components of the field at the “nodes” (vertices) of each element. The unknowns in vector FEM codes are the field components along the edges of each element. Scalar codes are conceptually simpler, but they are unsuitable for full-wave modeling, because they are susceptible to spurious solutions that can cause significant and unpredictable errors in the solution. Vector FEM codes are much less likely to exhibit these parasitics. To form a linear system of equations, the governing differential equation and associated boundary conditions are converted to an integro-differential form using either a variational method or a weighted-residual (moment) method. Variational methods solve for the unknown quantity by minimizing an energy functional. Weighted-residual methods multiply a weak form of Maxwell’s equations by a weighting function and integrate over each element. Ultimately, a matrix equation is generated in the form, [ A ][ X ] = [ B ] (IV-1) where [ X ] is a vector of the unknown field quantities, [B ] is a vector of source terms, and [A ] is a sparse matrix whose only non-zero values correspond to positions in the matrix corresponding to edges that share an element. Generally, the matrices generated by FEM codes are must larger than the matrices generated by BEM codes applied to similar geometries. This is because gridding an entire problem volume requires many more elements than gridding just the material interfaces. However, because FEM matrices are very sparse, they do not necessarily require more storage or computing resources to solve than the small, but dense, matrices generated by BEM codes. As indicated previously, modeling unbounded problems requires special absorbing elements (ABCs). Many formulations of these elements have been proposed [15-22]. The ABCs that have 13 been developed for 2D FEM codes work very well; however 3D FEM ABCs work well only at prescribed angles of incidence resulting in the need to locate the boundaries sufficiently far from other structures. Hybrid FEM/BEM codes terminate open surfaces of the FEM volume with a BEM surface negating the need for ABCs [23]. Unfortunately, the BEM portion of the resulting matrix is dense, which can significantly increase the amount of computational resources required. Perhaps the most attractive feature of the finite element method is its ability to model configurations that have complicated geometries and incorporate various materials. The electrical properties of each element are defined independently and elements can be as small or as large as needed to facilitate the analysis. Table 4 lists various strengths and weakness of FEM modeling techniques. Note that the capabilities of any particular modeling software depend on the specific formulation, the matrix solver and any optimization techniques employed. Table 4: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Finite Element Method FEM Modeling Strengths − Excels at modeling inhomogeneous or complex materials − Excels at modeling problems that combine small detailed geometries with larger objects FEM Modeling Weaknesses − Absorbing boundary required for modeling unbounded (radiation) problems − Difficult to model thin wires accurately − Excels at modeling structures in resonant cavities or waveguides Table 5 lists various CEM modeling codes that are based on the finite element method. The codes listed and the comments in Table 5 are based on the information available to the authors as of the publication date of this report. 14 Table 5: CEM Modeling Codes that use the Finite Element Method Software Title Description Source Amaze (HiPhi/Magnum) 3D quasi-static Field Precision Analyst 2D and 3D full-wave STAAR Microwave Studio –FDS 3D full-wave CST EMDS 3D full-wave Agilent Technologies EMS 3D quasi-static ElectromagneticWorks, Inc. FEMM 2D quasi-static Dr. David Meeker Flux2D/3D 2D and 3D quasi-static Magsoft HFSS 3D full-wave Ansys / Ansoft JCMsuite optics JCMwave MagNet / ElecNet 3D quasi-static Infolytica Magneto / Oersted 2D quasi-static Integrated Eng. Software Maxwell 2D/3D quasi-static Ansys / Ansoft Opera 2D/3D 2D/3D quasi-static Vector Fields Q3D Extractor 2D/3D quasi-static Ansys / Ansoft QuickField 2D quasi-static Tera Analysis Tricomp EStat/PerMag 2D quasi-static Field Precision Tricomp WaveSim 2D high-frequency Field Precision V. THE FINITE DIFFERENCE TIME DOMAIN METHOD The Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method, as first proposed by Yee [2], is a direct solution of Maxwell’s time dependent curl equations. It uses simple central-difference approximations to evaluate the space and time derivatives. A basic element of the FDTD space lattice is illustrated in Figure 2. An electric-field grid is offset from a magnetic-field grid in both space and time. A first-order central-difference approximation can be expressed as, μ 1 ⎡ Ez1 ( t ) + E y 2 ( t ) − Ez 3 ( t ) − E y 4 ( t ) ⎦⎤ = − 0 ⎡⎣ H x 0 ( t + Δt ) − H x 0 ( t − Δt ) ⎤⎦ ⎣ 2Δt Δl (V-1) where Δl is the length of one side of the cubical cell in Figure 2. Hxo(t+Δt) is the only unknown in this equation, since all other quantities were found in a previous time step. In this way, the electric field values at time t are used to find the magnetic field values at time t+Δt. A similar central-difference approximation of Equation (V-1) can then be applied to find the electric field 15 values at time t+2Δt from the magnetic field values at time t+Δt. By alternately calculating the electric and magnetic fields at each time step, fields are propagated throughout the grid. Time stepping is continued until a steady state solution or the desired response is obtained. The required computer storage and running time is proportional to the electrical size of the volume being modeled and the grid resolution. Figure 2: Basic Element of the FDTD Space Lattice. For an open region problem, an absorbing boundary condition (ABC) is used to truncate the computational domain. One technique, which is obtained by factoring the wave equation to permit only outgoing waves, is differential based ABCs, such as those proposed by Engquist [24], Lindman [25], Mur [26], Liao [27], Keys [28], and Higdon [29]. Another is material based ABCs that are constructed so that the fields are dampened as they propagate into an absorbing medium. Rappaport [30] proposed an ABC employing pyramid-shaped absorber material. In 1994, Berenger [31] introduced the perfectly matched layer (PML) absorbing boundary condition. This ABC outperforms any that had been proposed previously and is widely used today. Andrew [32] compared the accuracy of the Berenger perfectly matched layer and the Lindman higher-order ABCs for the FDTD method. Accuracy studies of ABCs have also been conducted for dispersive media [33, 34]. In 2003, Diaz [35] introduced a new radiation boundary condition for FDTD based on self-teleportation of fields. Because the basic elements are cubes, curved surfaces on a scatterer must be staircased. For many configurations this does not present a problem. However for configurations with sharp, acute edges, this approximation may lead to significant errors [36-37], and an adequately staircased approximation may require a very small grid size. Surface-conforming FDTD techniques with non-rectangular elements have been introduced to combat this problem [38-45]. Since all of the elements in an FDTD analysis must generally be the same size, the size of the elements is determined by the smallest structural details that need to be modeled. If an object under consideration contains small-scale geometries, such as a narrow slot or a very thin wire, an excessively fine grid would have to be used to accurately model the associated fields. To overcome these shortcomings, sub-cellular structures [46-55] have been introduced. Sub-cellular structures are essentially special FDTD cells whose boundary conditions have been altered to model small structures contained within the cells. 16 One major advantage of the FDTD method is the ability to obtain wideband results using a transient excitation in one simulation. Frequency domain results can be obtained by applying a discrete Fourier transform to the time domain results. Since many materials have frequency dependent properties, it is necessary to take special precautions to model these materials correctly with a time-domain technique. In 1990, Luebbers [56] used a recursive convolution scheme to model a Debye media; this was the first frequency dependent FDTD formation. Kashiwa and co-workers [57-59] published the first papers utilizing the auxiliary differential equation (ADE) method to model Debye media, Lorentz media, and media obeying the ColeCole Circular Arc law. In 1992, Sullivan [60] proposed a dispersive formulation based on Z transforms. Petropoulos [61] provided a comparison of the stability and phase error among frequency dispersive FDTD methods. Lossy surfaces can be modeled in FDTD codes by utilizing a surface impedance boundary condition (SIBC) [62-64]. A thin material sheet model has also been developed for the FDTD method [65-67]. A primary advantage of FDTD methods is their great flexibility. Arbitrary signal waveforms can be modeled as they propagate through complex configurations of conductors, dielectrics, and lossy non-linear non-isotropic materials. Another advantage of FDTD techniques is that they are readily implemented on massively parallel computers, particularly vector processors and SIMD (single-instruction-multiple-data) machines. Time stepping techniques like FDTD are subject to dispersion errors when the time step is too large for the given problem size. Many researchers have studied the numerical dispersion error inherent in the FDTD method [68-76], but it is easily controlled by using appropriately small time steps. Table 6 lists various strengths and weakness of FDTD modeling techniques. Table 7 lists various CEM modeling codes that employ an FDTD solver. Table 6: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Finite Difference Time Domain Method FDTD Modeling Strengths FDTD Modeling Weaknesses − Excels at modeling inhomogeneous or complex materials − Absorbing boundary required for modeling unbounded problems, but PML boundaries work very well. − Runs efficiently on highly parallel computers − Uniform cells must be small enough to model necessary detail, but still fill the entire volume. − Excels at modeling very large problems − Difficult to model thin wires − High Q structures are not modeled efficiently 17 Table 7: CEM Modeling Codes that use the Finite Difference Time Domain Method Software Title Description Source ApsimFDTD 3D full-wave Applied Simulation Tech. CST M. Studio - TS 3D full-wave CST EMA3D 3D full-wave Electromagnetic Appl. EMPIRE XCcel 3D full-wave Empire EZ-FDTD 3D full-wave EMS-Plus Fidelity 3D full-wave Zeland Software GEMS 3D full-wave 2COMU LC 3D full-wave Cray Research PAM-CEM 3D full-wave ESI Group SEMCAD X 3D full-wave Schmid & Partner Eng. Toy 3D full-wave The CEMTACH Group XFDTD 3D full-wave Remcom VI. OTHER POPULAR CEM MODELING TECHNIQUES A. The Finite Integration Technique The Finite Integration Technique (FIT) is a consistent formulation for the discrete representation of Maxwell's equations on spatial grids. First proposed by Weiland [77] in 1977, the finite integration technique can be viewed as a generalization of the FDTD method. It is also similar to the finite element method. Weiland [77, 78] proposed exact algebraic analogues to Maxwell’s equations that guarantee physical properties of computed fields and lead to a unique solution. By discretizing the integral form of Maxwell’s equations on a pair of dual interlaced discretization grids, the finite integration technique generates so-called Maxwell’s Grid Equations (MGEs) that guarantee the physical properties of computed fields and lead to a unique solution. Ce = − Ch = d b dt (VI-1) d d+ j dt (VI-2) Sb = 0 Sd = q (VI-3) (VI-4) 18 where e is the electric voltage between the grid points and h is the magnetic voltage between dual grid points. d , b and j are fluxes over grid or dual grid faces. The allocation of the voltage and flux components on the dual grids is shown in Figure 3. dual grid element h, b e, d grid element Figure 3: Allocation of the voltage and flux components in the mesh. Due to the consistent transformation, the analytical properties of the fields are maintained resulting in corresponding discrete topological operators on the staggered grid duplet. The topology matrices C , C , S and S correspond to the curl- and the div- operators. The tilde means that the operator is performed on the dual grid. After discretization, the material property relations become d = Mε e (VI-5) b = Mμh (VI-6) j = M κ e + jA (VI-7) where Mε, Mμ and Mk are matrices describing the material properties. The relations in (VI-1) (VI-4) are exact on a given mesh, however, the material matrices contain the unavoidable approximations of any numerical procedure. In addition, these matrices have diagonal form [78]. Employing a so-called leap-frog scheme which samples values of e and h at times separated by a half time step, the MGEs can be rewritten as a set of two recursion formulas: hi +1 = hi − ΔtM μ−1Cei +1/ 2 ( ei +3/ 2 = ei +1/ 2 + ΔtM ε−1 Chi +1 − j i +1 ) (VI-8) (VI-9) The recursion is stable if the time step inside an equidistant grid is restricted by the Courant criterion to Δt ≤ 1 1 1 1 c + 2+ 2 2 Δx Δy Δz (VI-10) 19 The calculation of each further time step only requires one matrix-vector multiplication. Thus it has the advantage being an explicit algorithm. The FIT can be applied to different mesh types [79, 80]. On Cartesian grids, the time-domain FIT is equivalent to FDTD. B. The Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method The Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) Method was developed by Ruehli [81, 82] in the 1970s and 1980s. This electromagnetic modeling technique does not solve Maxwell’s equations directly. Instead, it models electric field interactions as capacitances and magnetic field interactions as inductances. Metallic geometries are segmented on their surfaces, much as they would be using other integral equation techniques. Dielectrics (other than free space) are segmented throughout their volume. Each segment is then represented as a node in a large circuit model. The currents flowing in these segments are determined by analyzing the circuit using a SPICE-like circuit solver. This technique has the advantage that it is reasonably intuitive to many electrical engineers and it is easy to integrate the field solver with real circuit elements. Problems can be solved in the time domain or in the frequency domain, Static modeling with PEEC codes is particularly powerful and intuitive [83-86]. Full-wave modeling requires a circuit solver that can handle time-retarded values of mutual capacitance and inductance. Since this is not a normal feature of SPICE solvers, the circuit solver for full-wave PEEC codes must generally be distributed with the PEEC software. C. The Transmission Line Matrix Method The Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) method, introduced by Johns [87], is similar to the FDTD method in terms of its capabilities, but its approach is unique. Like FDTD, analysis is performed in the time domain and the entire region of the analysis is gridded. Instead of interleaving E-field and H-field grids however, a single grid is established and the nodes of this grid are interconnected by virtual transmission lines. Excitations at the source nodes propagate to adjacent nodes through these transmission lines at each time step. The symmetrical condensed node formulation introduced by Johns [88] has become the standard for three-dimensional TLM analysis. The basic structure of the symmetrical condensed node is illustrated in Figure 4. Each node is connected to its neighboring nodes by a pair of orthogonally polarized transmission lines. Figure 4: The Symmetrical Condensed Node. 20 Absorbing boundaries are easily constructed in TLM meshes by terminating each boundary node transmission line with its characteristic impedance. Simons and Bridges [89, 90] derived 2D TLM absorbing boundaries, Saguet [91] proposed matched load simulation based on a Taylor series expansion technique for 2D TLM waveguide problems. Morente et al. [92] investigated TLM absorbing boundaries based on a one-way equation technique for three-dimensional problems. Chen [93] implemented absorbing and connecting boundary conditions into a 3D TLM simulation based on Higdon’s absorbing conditions, a Taylor expansion algorithm, and connecting boundary conditions. Kukutsu [94] presented a super absorption boundary condition for guided waves. Eswarappa [95] and Pena [96] describe an algorithm that interfaces the threedimensional (3D) transmission-line matrix (TLM) with an absorbing-boundary condition (ABC) based on the perfectly matched-layer (PML) approach. Shao [97] implemented a Z-transform based absorbing boundary condition. Generally, dielectric loading is accomplished by loading the nodes with reactive stubs. These stubs are usually half the length of the mesh spacing and have a characteristic impedance appropriate for the amount of loading desired. Lossy media can be modeled by introducing loss into the transmission line equations or by loading the nodes with lossy stubs. De Menenes [98100] presented the modeling of a nonlinear Lorentz dielectric and a frequency independent dielectric with a Kerr nonlinearity. Hein [101, 102] developed the TLM model for propagation in both magnetized plasma and ferrite. Paul [103-105] designed TLM algorithms for onedimensional (1D) and three-dimensional (3D) models involving linear frequency-dependent isotropic dielectric media, anisotropic materials, and frequency dependent nonlinear dielectric materials. The strengths of the TLM method are similar to those of the FDTD method. Complex, nonlinear materials are readily modeled. Impulse responses and the time-domain behavior of systems are determined explicitly. And, like FDTD, this technique is suitable for implementation on massively parallel machines. Both the TLM and FDTD techniques are powerful and widely used. For many types of EM problems they represent the only practical methods of analysis. Deciding whether to utilize a TLM or FDTD technique is often based on personal preference. Many engineers find the transmission line analogies of the TLM method to be more intuitive and easier to work with. On the other hand, others prefer the FDTD method due to its simple, direct approach to the solution of Maxwell’s field equations. For modeling propagation in complex materials, TLM may offer a more straightforward solution than FDTD. Also, the TLM method generally does a better job of modeling complex boundary geometries, because both E and H are calculated at every boundary node. However, TLM methods require more computer memory per node than FDTD. D. The Finite Volume Time Domain Technique The Finite Volume Time Domain (FVTD) method was first applied to electromagnetic problems in the early 1990’s [106, 107]. This technique is based on Maxwell’s curl equations in their conservative form [108], − ∂ Bdυ = ∂t ∫∫∫ V ∫∫ n × Eda ∂V (VI-11) 21 ∂ Ddυ = ∂t ∫∫∫ V ∫∫ n × Hda ∂V (VI-12) where ∂V represents the boundary enclosing V. The FVTD method solves the above form of Maxwell’s equations numerically by integration over small elementary volumes. Because there are no limitations for selecting the shape of the elementary volumes, the FVTD is well suited for implementation with unstructured meshes. It has become a powerful alternative to the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method for electromagnetic problems where conformal meshing is advantageous. Like FDTD, FVTD methods can take advantage of PML absorbing boundaries. Bonnet [109] presented a vertex-centered FVTD model of the PML for scattering problems. Sankaran [110] extended the PML concept to the cell-centered FVTD approach and systematically characterized its performance using both structured and unstructured finite volume meshes. He introduced a uniaxial Maxwellian absorber using PML to solve the waveguide truncation problem [111] and extended the absorber to incorporate radial anisotropy for modeling cylindrical geometries [112]. Fumeaux [113] presented a spherical perfectly matched absorber for finite-volume 3D domain truncation. Pinto [114] incorporated the uniaxial perfectly matched layer in the analysis of light propagation in photonic bandgap devices. The FVTD method is a promising numerical technique with good potential for the simulation of a variety of complex electromagnetic problems [115-118]. Bonnet [119] presented a method for the resolution of electromagnetic diffraction by complex structures; results obtained for an aircraft were compared with results from a classical FDTD code. Lacour [120] described a multidomain decomposition method using an FVTD technique for the resolution of an electromagnetic problem on vehicles and evaluated the current on a cable inside the volume of an airplane. Applications of the technique in microwave engineering require both the implementation of electromagnetic sources and the characterization of ports. Baumann [121, 122] introduced new schemes for full-wave field excitation and full-wave S-parameter extraction that make the FVTD method especially well suited for microwave device simulations. To improve the computational efficiency of the FVTD method, Fumeaux [123] introduced a new generalized local time-stepping scheme, which is based on an automatic partition of the computational domain into subdomains where local time steps of the type 2l-1∆t ( l = 1 2 3 . . .) can be applied without violating the stability condition. E. The Finite Element Time Domain Technique The finite-element time-domain (FETD or TDFEM) method combines the advantages of a time-domain technique with the versatile spatial discretization options of the finite element method. A variety of FETD methods have been proposed. These schemes generally fall into two categories. Methods in the first category directly discretize the time-dependent Maxwell’s equations, yielding an explicit, conditionally stable, time-marching algorithm that can be viewed as a generalization of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method for unstructured grids [124-133]. Methods in the second category discretize the second-order vector wave (curl-curl) equation, obtained by eliminating one of the field variables from Maxwell’s equations. The 22 solution of a linear system of equations is required at each time step, but this implicit method can be formulated to be unconditionally stable [134-146]. The explicit FETD has less computational complexity, however the maximum time-step must be constrained to insure stability and it can be relatively difficult to achieve convergence. In implicit FETD methods, the time step is not constrained by a stability criterion and these methods can be extended to higher-orders in a relatively straightforward manner. However, implicit schemes have greater computational complexity because they require a global linear system of equations to be solved at each time step. This can make the simulation of large-scale electromagnetic problems relatively inefficient. Lou [147] presented a dual-field FETD formulation that computes both the electric and magnetic fields in a leapfrog fashion. This formulation has the advantages of implicit FETD schemes while reducing the computational complexity significantly when the computational domain is split into non-overlapping smaller subdomains. He extended the domain decomposition to the element level in [148]. For unbounded problems, the truncated boundaries of the FETD computational domain need to be properly treated. This is usually done by using conventional absorbing boundary operators [149, 150], boundary integral (BI) methods [151], or PML boundaries [152-160]. As discussed in Section IV, absorbing boundary operators are easy to implement but can exhibit large reflection errors [150]. Boundary integral methods are theoretically exact but computationally expensive. PML implementations yield very small reflection errors in other time-domain methods, such as the FDTD method. However, the FETD formulation of the PML has not been thoroughly investigated. F. The Time Domain Method of Moments Most moment method codes solve integral equations in the frequency domain, but it is also possible to use the method of moments to solve time-domain integral equations [161-190]. Consider a perfect electric conductor in free space excited by an incident field E i ( r , t ) . This incident field induces a current J (r , t ) on the surface S of the conductor that in turn radiates a scattered field. Enforcing the boundary condition on the total magnetic field or electric field on S gives rise to a time domain magnetic field integral equation (TDMFIE) or a time domain electric field integral equation (TDEFIE), respectively. J ( r , t ) = 2nˆ × H i ( r , t ) + ⎡ J ( r ′, t ′ ) × R 1 ∂J ( r ′, t ′ ) ⎤ 1 + × Rˆ ⎥ds′ nˆ × ∫ ⎢ 2 s 2π R Rc ∂t ′ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 4π ∂ i 1 ∂2 E (r ,t ) = c ∂t 2 η ∂t Tangent to S J ( r ′, t ′ ) ⎛1⎞ ∫s R ds′ − c ∫s ∇′ ⋅ J ( r ′, t ′) ∇ ⎜⎝ R ⎟⎠ds′ ( ) (VI-13) (VI-14) Note that in the principal value, we essentially exclude the part where the source and observation points are the same (i.e. R=0). Since t ′ = t − R / c , and R ≠ 0 , it is always true that t ′ < t . The main difficulty in extending the approach used to solve the frequency domain integral equations comes from the retarded time variable. However, the TDIEs can be solved numerically by means of a marching-on-in-time (MOT) procedure. 23 Like the method of moments in the frequency domain, the MoM-TD method discretizes the scatterers or targets into segments or patches. The time axis is then divided into equal increments or time steps. The triangular patches and vector basis functions proposed by Rao–Wilton– Glisson (RWG) [8] are commonly used to discretize the current in space and time by expanding the current J (r , t ) as a finite linear combination of products of spatial basis functions S n ( r ) and temporal basis functions Tk ( t ) J ( r , t ) = ∑∑ I j ,n Sn ( r )Tk ( t ) Nt Ns j = k n =1 (VI-15) where the temporal basis functions are generally versions of the same function shifted by a certain number of time steps, Tk ( t ) = T ( t − k Δt ) with T ( t ) = 0 , ∀ t < Δt . To determine the expansion coefficients I j ,n , Galerkin testing functions are applied in space and point matching is applied at times t j = j Δt , j = 1, 2,3... , leading to a set of matrix equations that can be written as, [V ] = [ Z ][ I ] . (VI-16) The vector [V] contains the known incident field quantities and the terms of the Z-matrix are functions of the geometry. The unknown coefficients of the induced current are the terms of the [I] vector. These values are obtained by solving the system of equations iteratively. For example, Andriulli [188] proposed an explicit iterative scheme, Z 0 I j = V j − ∑ Z k I j −k j k =1 (VI-17) where I j is a N s ×1 vector, Z k is a N s × N s matrix relating the currents on the body at time tk = k Δt . The current coefficient vector I j can be obtained once the current coefficient vectors I k , k = 1,..., j − 1 are known. The TDIEs have applications and limitations similar to their frequency domain counterparts. The EFIE is suitable for closed and open bodies, while the MFIE is only suitable for smooth, closed bodies. MoM-TD techniques are not very effective when applied to arbitrary configurations with complex geometries or inhomogeneous dielectrics. They also are not wellsuited for analyzing the interior of conductive enclosures or thin plates with wire attachments on both sides. However, the time domain MoM is especially well suited for dealing with fast transient electromagnetic fields incident on or radiated from structures in free space. G. The Generalized Multipole Technique The Generalized Multipole Technique (GMT) was developed in the 1980s by C. Hafner [191] and implemented in software known as the Multiple Multipole (MMP) programs. It is essentially a frequency-domain moment-method technique where the basis functions are analytic solutions of the fields generated by sources located some distance away from the surface where the boundary conditions is being enforced. These basis functions are spherical wave field solutions 24 corresponding to multipole sources. By locating these sources away from the boundary, the field solutions form a smooth set of basis functions on the boundary and singularities on the boundary are avoided. Like the method of moments, a system of linear equations is developed and then solved to determine the coefficients of the basis functions that yield the best solution. Since the basis functions are already field solutions, it is not necessary to do any further computation to determine the fields. Conventional moment methods determine the currents and/or charges on the surface first and then must integrate these quantities over the entire surface to determine the fields. This integration is not necessary at any stage of the GMT solution. There is little difference in the way dielectric and conducting boundaries are treated by the GMT. The same multipole expansion functions are used. For this reason, a general purpose implementation of the GMT models configurations with multiple dielectrics and conductors much more readily than a general purpose moment method technique. Despite the advantages of this technique for certain types of modeling, it is not widely used. This may be partly because this technique is a little less intuitive to use and it can be difficult to learn to locate the multipole sources optimally. Note that the Generalized Multipole Technique should not be confused with the Fast Multipole Method (FMM), which is a technique for exploiting symmetry or periodicity in structures to accelerate some types of electromagnetic modeling codes. H. The Finite Difference Frequency Domain Technique Like the finite difference time domain method, the finite difference frequency domain (FDFD) method is based on a finite differential approximation of the derivative operators in the Maxwell curl equations. However, in FDFD, the time-harmonic version of these equations is employed. While time-domain finite difference schemes are very popular, the finite difference frequency domain method has received little attention in the literature. It is essentially similar to the finite element method, but it requires a uniform grid. VII. ASYMPTOTIC-EXPANSION BASED METHODS The techniques described in the previous sections are exact methods in that the error in the numerical solution only comes from the discretization. The numerical solution approaches the exact solution as the discretization is refined. However, as the number of unknowns grows, the demand for computer memory and calculation time also grows. This prohibits these methods from being applied to high frequency problems where the size of the object is much larger than the wavelength. The methods described in this section are based on asymptotic high-frequency expansions of Maxwell’s equations. They are high frequency methods that are only accurate when the dimensions of the objects being analyzing are large compared to the wavelength of the field. The asymptotic techniques introduced in the following sections include physical optics, geometrical optics, geometrical theory of diffraction, and uniform theory of diffraction. 25 A. Physical Optics The Physical Optics (PO) approximation is a well known and efficient method for analyzing large scatters [192]. PO reduces the cost of memory and CPU-time by performing a high frequency approximation. It is a current-based method in which the physical optics approximation is used to obtain the current density induced on a surface. The surface current density, Js, can be determined by, ( J S = n̂ × H i + H r ) (VII-1) where Hi and Hr represent the incident and reflected magnetic field components evaluated on the surface. n̂ is the unit vector normal to the surface. If the surface can be approximated as an infinite plane surface, then by image theory, nˆ × H i = nˆ × H r ( (VII-2) ) and Equation (VII-1) reduces to J S = nˆ × H i + H r = 2nˆ × H i = 2n̂ × H r (VII-3) The electric and magnetic field radiated by the surface current on the illuminated side of the reflector can be determined by [194], E(r ) = w ε0 j ∇ × ∇ × ∫ J S ( r , r ' ) g ( r , r ') dS ' Sr H ( r ) = ∇ × ∫ J S ( r , r ' ) g ( r , r ') dS ' Sr where g ( r , r ') = (VII-4) (VII-5) jk r −r ' e . r −r ' Equation (VII-3) is exact only when the surface is infinitely large. The accuracy of the approximation depends on the transverse dimensions of the reflecting surface, the radius of curvature, location of edges, and the angle of the incident field. Generally, PO works well for large, smooth surfaces with low curvature. The implicit assumption for the physical optics approximation is that the incident field is treated as a locally planar wave. Also, it assumes that the reflector surface is perfectly conducting. It has been found that PO provides an accurate prediction of far-field patterns of reflected antennas in the main beam region and out to several side lobes [196]. The major disadvantage of PO is that the integration over the surface of the reflector may be quite complicated and time consuming when the feed is placed off-axis or the feed pattern is asymmetric [197]. Moreover, the radiation integral has to be evaluated each time the observation point is changed. Fast and efficient evaluation of the radiation integral was proposed using a fast series approach [196], incorporating a multilevel fast multipole method [197], or decomposing the scatterer into subdomains [198]. Initially applied in the frequency domain, PO has also been extended into the time domain [199]. 26 B. Geometrical Optics (Ray Optics) Geometrical Optics (GO) [202] or geometrical optics with aperture integration (GO/AI) is a ray-based method intended for the consideration of electrically large dielectric structures in applications like the analysis of reflector antennas. In GO analysis, geometrical optics techniques (ray tracing) are used to set up equivalent currents on an aperture plane which is normal to the axis of the reflector. Then, the tangential aperture fields are constructed and used to determine the radiated fields utilizing the Fourier transform. Different formulations are obtained based on the use of aperture electric fields, magnetic fields or their combinations [201]. The advantage of the GO/AI method is that the integration over the aperture plane can be performed with equal ease for any feed pattern or feed position [195]. The relationship between GO and PO was demonstrated in [201]. It was shown that the PO integral can be represented as a summation of many Fourier transforms, such that the first few terms resemble the GO representation. Using the “extinction theorem” [194], the fields predicted by the integration of PO surface currents were shown to agree with the geometrical optics aperture fields on the aperture plane to within the local plane wave approximation. It was concluded that the accuracy obtained by the two methods is comparable. C. Geometrical Theory of Diffraction The approximations in both physical optics and geometrical optics are based on the following assumptions [194]: • The current density is zero on the shadow side of the reflector • The discontinuity of the current density over the rim of the reflector is neglected • Direct radiation from the feed and aperture blockage by the feed are neglected. Both PO and GO ignore the edge diffractions which are highly dependent on the whether the edges of the reflector are flared, sharp, absorber lined or serrated. Thus, they cannot accurately predict the far fields beyond the first few side lobes. For predicting the patterns more accurately in all regions, geometrical diffraction techniques are required. As an extension of GO, the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD) overcomes the limitations of GO by introducing a diffraction mechanism [203]. The diffracted field is determined at the points on the surface where there is a discontinuity in the incident and reflected field. The value of the diffracted field is evaluated at these points with the aid of an appropriate diffraction coefficient. Usually, the coefficient is determined from asymptotic solutions of simple boundary-value problems with so called canonical geometries, such as a conducting wedge, cylinder or sphere. Since the solutions of these canonical problems are known, the object under investigation can be partitioned into smaller components, so that each component represents a canonical geometry. The ultimate solution is a superposition of the contributions from each component [193]. Two major advantages of GTD over other high frequency asymptotic techniques are that it provides insight into the radiation and scattering mechanisms from the various parts of the structure, and it can yield more accurate results. The method has attracted increasing attention; especially for applications to reflector antennas [204-209]. Unfortunately, GTD fails in the transition region adjacent to the shadow boundary, at caustics (points through which all the rays 27 of a wave pass), or in close proximity to the surface of the scatterer. In these zones, the field cannot be treated as a plane wave. Thus, ray techniques become invalid. To deal with this problem, a number of alternative approaches have been proposed: uniform solutions [211-212], methods for dealing with caustic curves [213-215], physical theory of diffraction (PTD) [216], and the spectral theory of diffraction (STD) [217-218]. A comprehensive introduction to these methods can be found in [210]. D. Uniform Theory of Diffraction The Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD) is a uniform version of the geometrical theory of diffraction. It was initially proposed [219] to deal with the problem that GTD produces inaccurate results at the shadow boundaries. The uniform theory of diffraction approximates near electromagnetic fields as quasi-optical and uses ray diffraction to determine diffraction coefficients for each diffracting object-source combination. These coefficients are then used to calculate the field strength and phase for each direction away from the diffracting point. VIII. HYBRID METHODS Many practical problems are too complicated to be solved accurately by a single numerical or asymptotic method. It is often advantageous to combine two numerical modeling techniques in a single field solver in order to take advantage of the strengths of each technique to solve problems that neither technique alone could model efficiently. For example, a finite element method can be combined with a boundary element method to form a more powerful hybrid numerical technique for analyzing both open-region problems and complex inhomogeneous objects. A full-wave numerical technique can also be combined with an asymptotic method to model very large objects with small features that require detailed analysis, such as an antenna mounted on an airplane. Hybrid methods are not simply two separate modeling codes with a common user interface. A hybrid method generally divides a problem into two parts and applies a different technique to each part while matching the currents or fields at the boundary to ensure a unique solution. Some hybrid codes solve one part first, and then use the boundary fields as the sources when solving the second part. Other hybrid codes solve both parts simultaneously allowing the solution of each part to influence the solution of the other. Formulations for many hybrid techniques have been developed and reported in the literature. Some of the more common (and useful) hybrid techniques are described in the following sections. A. Hybrid FEM/BEM Finite element methods excel at modeling complex volumetric structures, but are weak when it comes to modeling thin wires and unbounded radiation problems. Boundary element methods excel at modeling wires and unbounded geometries, but do not model complex structures that include a variety of materials well. The complementary strengths of these two methods make them ideal candidates for hybridization. Full-wave FEM/BEM (also called FEM/MOM, FE-BE and FE-BI) techniques have been successfully used to model many problems that could not be modeled effectively using either of the two techniques alone [220-227]. 28 Hybrid FEM/BEM techniques introduce a fictitious surface (which may or may not coincide with an actual material surface) that separates an interior volume from an exterior volume. The interior region is analyzed using a finite element method with unknown electric or magnetic surface currents establishing the boundary condition on the outer surface. The exterior region is analyzed using a boundary element method, with unknown electric or magnetic currents on the fictitious surface. Two sets of matrix equations are developed that share unknowns on the boundary between the interior and exterior volumes. By forcing the fields on both sides of the fictitious surface to be consistent with each other, the two matrix equations can be combined into one larger equation with a unique solution. In practice, it is relatively inefficient to generate one large matrix that is partly dense and partly sparse. Inward looking techniques repeatedly solve the finite element portion of the problem, while populating the boundary element method matrix. Outward looking techniques repeatedly solve the boundary element method portion while populating the finite element matrix. Choosing the right hybrid technique for a particular application greatly increases the efficiency of a hybrid FEM/BEM approach [228]. B. Hybrid MOM/GTD, MOM/PO Asymptotic methods can deal with objects whose overall dimensions are large in terms of the wavelength. However, if large objects contain features that are too fine to be analyzed by an asymptotic method, it becomes necessary to employ hybrid methods that combine asymptotic techniques with numerically rigorous methods. Techniques that combine a moment method with an asymptotic method can be broadly categorized as either ray-based or current-based. Raybased methods, such as MOM/GTD, provide a considerable speed advantage, but can be difficult to implement for arbitrary and complex objects [237]. Hybrid MOM/GTD techniques were first described in the 1970s [229-230]. Since GTD fails in regions where the field cannot be approximated by a local plane wave, uniform solutions have been developed that overcome some of the limitations of GTD. Hybrid approaches combining MOM and UTD are discussed in [231-233]. Physical optics is a current-based asymptotic method. The hybridization of PO with MOM has two advantages over the combination of ray-based methods and MOM. First, since both MOM and PO are current-based, they can be easily blended on the same surface. Second, MOM/PO is relatively general in that there are no specific restrictions on the geometries that can be modeled [234]. Consequently, this hybrid technique has received considerable attention in the literature [234-241]. It has also been implemented in a commercial numerical code [242]. C. Hybrid FEM/PO Hybrid methods that combine high-frequency asymptotic techniques with the method of moments are not suitable for solving problems with inhomogeneous or anisotropic materials. These types of problems are better suited for analysis by a hybrid FEM/PO technique. The hybridization of FEM and asymptotic techniques is described in [243-244]. 29 IX. COMMERCIAL CEM SOFTWARE SURVEY As part of this project, lists of free and commercial CEM modeling codes were developed and published on the web at the following URLs, Free CEM Codes: Commercial CEM Codes: http://www.cvel.clemson.edu/modeling/EMAG/free-codes.html http://www.cvel.clemson.edu/modeling/EMAG/csoft.html. The companies or contacts associated with each code in these lists were asked to complete a brief online survey describing the general features, capabilities and costs of their products. Their responses are summarized in the following tables. In some cases, the responses received on the survey forms were inconsistent with the information on the company’s web site or with the first hand experience of the authors. We’ve done our best to insure that the information provided in the tables below is accurate. Any errors or omissions can be reported to CVEL-L@clemson.edu. Reported corrections will be made to the information posted on the web site. A. 3D Full-Wave Codes The main emphasis of this survey was on general purpose 3D full-wave codes. Twelve of the codes included in the survey responses were placed in this category. Note that some of the codes in the “hybrid” category can also be used as general purpose full-wave codes. Table 8: General Purpose 3D Full-Wave Codes Software Name Company Technique Cost Agilent FDTD between AMDS Antenna $10,000 Modeling Design and System $50,000 Applied Simulation FDTD between ApsimFDTD Technology $10,000 and $50,000 Computer FDTD between CST Microwave $10,000 Studio – Transient Simulation Technology and Solver $50,000 Computer FEM between CST Microwave Simulation $10,000 Studio – Technology and Frequency $50,000 Domain Solver Comsol FEM between Comsol $10,000 Multiphysics – RF and Module $50,000 Comment for wireless appliance design and modeling part of a suite of tools for IC and package analysis part of a suite of tools part of a suite of tools part of a suite of tools 30 EMA3D Electro Magnetic Applications FDTD EMDS-for-ADS Agilent Technologies FEM emGine Environment Petr Lorenz TLM EMPIRE XCcel Empire FDTD EZ-EMC EMS-Plus FDTD EZ-FDTD EMS-Plus FDTD EZNEC Pro EZNEC BEM Fidelity Zeland Software FDTD GEMS Computer and Communication Unlimited FDTD HFSS Ansys/Ansoft FEM IE3D Zeland Software BEM LC MaX-1 LC John Wiley & Sons FDTD GMT MEEP MIT FDTD between $10,000 and $50,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $1000 and $10,000 between $1000 and $10,000 between $200 and $1000 not reported between $10,000 and $50,000 greater than $50,000 not reported FREE between $1000 and $10,000 FREE EMDS was integrated into Agilent ADS in Aug. 2008. GUI is open source. Binaries are free for non-commercial use. wire and wire-grid modeling did not respond to survey Did not respond to survey package includes 2D and 3D FDTD solvers Free software under the GNU GPL. 31 numerical TLM simulation engines for 2D problems are also included. wire grid modeling plus simple plates modeled by point matching, text file input and output U.S. export controlled MEFiSTo-3D Pro Faustus Scientific Corporation TLM between $1000 and $10,000 NEC2 Lawrence Livermore Lab BEM FREE NEC4 Lawrence Livermore Lab BEM PAM-CEM ESI Group FDTD PhysPack Physware BEM SEMCAD X Schmid & Partner Engineering FDTD Toy FDTD TLM FREE for educational use WIPL-D Pro The CEMTACH Group The CEMTACH Group WIPL-D between $200 and $1000 between $10,000 and $50,000 greater than $50,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 FREE BEM metallic and dielectric 3D structures with wires and plates XFDTD Remcom FDTD between $10,000 and $50,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 ToyTLM chip-package-board simulation package includes quasistatic solvers for educational use B. 3D Quasi-Static Codes In many situations, it is better to use a quasi-static modeling code to model components that are small relative to the wavelengths of interest, even when these components are used at RF or microwave frequencies. Generally, quasi-static modeling codes are more powerful and more efficient for modeling complex electrically small geometries than full-wave codes. The codes listed in the Table 9 are electrostatic and/or magnetostatic modeling codes. 32 Table 9: 3D Quasi-Static Codes Software Name Company Field Precision AMaze - HiPhi Technique FEM AMaze Magnum Field Precision FEM Amperes Integrated Engineering Software BEM Coulomb Integrated Engineering Software BEM Comsol Multiphysics – AC/DC module Comsol FEM EMS ElectromagneticWorks FEM EMPLab EM Photonics FDTD Faraday Integrated Engineering Software BEM Flux3D Magsoft FEM Opera 3D Vector Fields Inc. FEM MagNet Infolytica Corporation FEM Maxwell Ansys/Ansoft FEM Cost between $1000 and $10,000 between $1000 and $10,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $1000 and $10,000 between $1000 and $10,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $1000 and $10,000 between $1000 and $10,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 not reported Comment electrostatic (part of a suite of tools) magnetostatic (part of a suite of tools) magnetostatic electrostatic electrostatic, magnetostatic suite of tools electrostatic, magnetostatic suite of tools MATLAB based software magnetostatic electrostatic and magnetostatic tools electrostatic and magnetostatic tools magnetostatic 2D/3D electrostatic / magnetostatic (includes 2D tool) 33 ElecNet Infolytica Corporation FEM PCBMod Simlab GmbH 2D BEM or 3D PEEC Q3D Extractor Ansys/Ansoft FEM between $10,000 and $50,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 greater than $50,000 electrostatic 2D/3D electrostatic electrostatic and magnetostatic tools C. 2D High-Frequency Codes Great insight into wave propagation, reflection, diffraction, shielding, etc. can be obtained from 2D high-frequency modeling codes. 2D codes use a fraction of the computational resources required by 3D codes; and it is much simpler to generate 2D inputs and visualize 2D outputs. Table 10: 2D High-Frequency Codes Software Name Company Faustus Scientific MEFiSTo-3D Corporation Pro Momentum Agilent TriComp WaveSim Field Precision Technique Cost TLM between $1000 and $10,000 BEM between $10,000 and $50,000 FEM between $1000 and $10,000 Comment 2D simulation engines packaged with 3D tool 2.5D code for planar circuits part of a suite of tools 34 D. 2D Quasi-Static Codes 2D quasi-static codes are excellent tools for visualizing electric and magnetic field distributions. Generally, these tools have a relatively low cost and do not require a lot of computer resources. Table 11: 2D Quasi-Static Codes Software Name Company Field Precision TriComp - EStat TriComp - PerMag Field Precision Finite Element Method Magnetics (FEMM) Electro Dr. David Meeker Flux2D Magneto Maxwell Oersted Technique Cost Comment FEM between $200 electrostatic and $1000 FEM between $200 magnetostatic and $1000 FEM FREE electrostatic / magnetostatic Integrated Engineering Software Magsoft BEM Integrated Engineering Software Ansys/Ansoft FEM / BEM Integrated Engineering Software FEM / BEM FEM FEM pdnmesh Q2D Ansys/Ansoft FEM FEM QuickField Tera Analysis FEM between $10,000 and $50,000 between $1000 and $10,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 not reported between $10,000 and $50,000 FREE greater than $50,000 not reported electrostatic electrostatic, magnetostatic suite of tools includes BEM and FEM solvers electrostatic / magnetostatic (includes 3D tool) includes BEM and FEM solvers electrostatic bundled with Q3D Extractor did not respond to survey 35 E. Hybrid Codes Hybrid codes combine the features of two different modeling techniques in order to be able to model a wider range of problem geometries. Hybrid codes are not suites of tools that share a common user interface. Hybrid codes are capable of simultaneously applying two different solvers to different regions of a problem geometry. Each of the codes below is also capable of employing just a single technique and therefore could have been included with the 3D full-wave codes listed in Table 8. Table 12: Hybrid Codes Software Company Name CONCEPT- Technical University of II Hamburg-Harburg Applied Research GEMACS Associates FEKO Singula SuperNEC efield EMAP5 Technique Hybrid BEM and PO Cost between $1000 and $10,000 BEM-FDFD-UTD between $200 and $1000 EM Software and BEM-FEM-PO between Systems $10,000 and $50,000 Integrated BEM-PO between Engineering $10,000 and Software $50,000 Poynting Antennas BEM -PO between $1000 and $10,000 Efield AB hybrid FDTD-FEM- greater than TD hybrid MoM$50,000 MLFMM-PO Clemson BEM-FEM FREE University Comment large wire and thin plate structures large wire and thin plate structures, with dielectric capability two different hybrid tools F. Special Purpose Codes The codes below employ numerical electromagnetic modeling techniques, but are optimized for specific applications. 36 Table 13: Special Purpose Codes Software Company Name Field Precision AMaze OmniTrak Technique FEM Analyst Simulation Technology & Applied Research FEM-TD, FEM Antenna Model Teri Software BEM AXIEM AWR BEM CableMod Simlab GmbH BEM Compliance Quantic EMC BEM EM Explorer EM Explorer FDTD EM3DS MEM Research BEM EMFlex Weidingler Associates Inc. FEM-TD EZPowerPlane EMS-Plus Cavity Resonance FlexPDE PDE Solutions FEM-TD Cost between $1000 and $10,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 less than $200 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $1000 and $10,000 between $1000 and $10,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $1000 and $10,000 between $1000 and $10,000 Comment 3D charged particle beam analysis suite of tools for designing microwave and accelerator components antenna model uses the MININEC code, used for the analysis of wire antennas for modeling planar circuits 2D electrostatic solver for calculating transmission line parameters and crosstalk calculates currents on circuit traces (2D BEM), then calculates radiated fields in 3D solver for scattering problems of periodic structures MMIC modeling optical modeling modeling power bus noise in printed circuit boards general PDE solver can be 1D, 2D or 3D 37 GSolver Grating Solver Development Company between $1000 and $10,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 FREE HFWorks ElectromagneticWorks FEM JCMsuite JCMwave GmbH FEM Open FMM Open FMM BEM OptEM Inspector OptEM Engineering not reported OptEM Cable Designer OptEM Engineering not reported ScatLab ScatLab FREE Speed2000 Sigrity Mie theory, T-Matrix method FDTD Trace Analyzer Trace Analyzer BEM or MOM between $200 and $1000 TriComp Trak Field Precision FEM XGtd Remcom UTD/GTD between $1000 and $10,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 between $10,000 and $50,000 not reported periodic (grating) boundaries RF, Microwave and MMwave component analysis For optical modeling Large scattering problems RC extraction software tool for deep submicron (DSM) IC designs For modeling multiconductor flex, unshielded twistedpair and twisted-pair cables Large Scattering Problems for modeling interactions in multilayer chip packages and printed circuit boards Electrostatic solution to calculate the [C] matrix, and the R/L/G matrices are derived from [C] 2D charged particle beam analysis 3D high-frequency ray tracing code. 38 REFERENCES [1] Maxwell, James Clerk, "A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 155, pp. 459-512, 1865. 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