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van Leeuwen, C., Verver, S., & Brinkers, M. (2000). Visual illusions and outline-invariance in non-stationary activity patterns. Connection Science, 12, 279–298.

2000, Connection Science

Coupled Map Lattices (CML) offer a new framework for modelling visual information processes. The framework involves computing with nonstationary patterns of synchronized activity. In this framework structural features of the visual field emerge through the lateral interaction of locally coupled non-linear maps. Invariant representations develop independent of top-down, or re-entrant feedback. These representations distort certain features of the pattern, giving rise to visual field illusions. Boundary contours, among others, are emphasized, which suggests that special cases of boundary-contour problem could be solved by the system. Simulation studies were performed to test the hypothesis that the system represents visual patterns in a solid/outline invariant manner. A standard back-propagation neural network trained with a CML-filtered set of solid images and tested with CML-filtered outline versions of the same set of images (or vice versa) showed perfect generalization. Generalization failed to occur for unfiltered or contour-filtered images. The CML-representations, therefore, were concluded to be solid/outline invariant.

Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 1 Visual Illusions, Solid/outline-Invariance, and Nonstationary Activity Patterns Cees van Leeuwen1 University of Sunderland, UK cees-van.leeuwen@sunderland.ac.uk Steven Verver Basket Builders, BV., Amsterdam, NL Martijn Brinkers Tryllian, Amsterdam, NL Keywords: Boundary Contour system, perception, neural network, simulation 1 Aknowledgement: The authors would like to thank the reviewers of Connection Science for their helpful suggestions. Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 2 Abstract Coupled Map Lattices (CML) offer a new framework for modelling visual information processes. The framework involves computing with nonstationary patterns of synchronized activity. In this framework structural features of the visual field emerge through the lateral interaction of locally coupled non-linear maps. Invariant representations develop independent of top-down, or re-entrant feedback. These representations distort certain features of the pattern, giving rise to visual field illusions. Boundary contours, among others, are emphasised, which suggests that special cases of boundary-contour problem could be solved by the system. Simulation studies were performed to test the hypothesis that the system represents visual patterns in a solid/outline invariant manner. A standard back-propagation neural network trained with a CML-filtered set of solid images and tested with CML-filtered outline versions of the same set of images (or vice versa) showed perfect generalization. Generalization failed to occur for unfiltered or contour-filtered images. The CML-representations, therefore, were concluded to be solid/outline invariant. Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 3 1. Introduction Edge, or boundary detection is commonly understood to be the first, primitive stage of visual object recognition (Marr, 1982). Literally dozens of edge detection algorithms have been described in the literature (see Shin et al, 1998, Khvorostov et al, 1996 for reviews). Most of these are computing gradients for each local region of an image (e.g. Canny, 1983). Representations based on gradients differ between solid and outline versions of the same image. While seeing their equivalence is an easy task for human observers (Kennedy, Nicolls, & Desrochers, 1995), it is nontrivial for machines, as the overlap between solid and outline versions of the same image are minimal. Starting from gradient information, subsequent processing would need to take nonlocal information into account in order to complete the task. One way in which this problem can be solved, is by distinguishing boundary from internal contours. In this perspective, solid/outline invariance is a special case of the boundary contour detection problem. By far the most successful algorithm for detecting boundary contours is Grossberg & Mingolla (1985). In this system, boundary contours are obtained through a combination of lateral competition and interactive feedback. The latter involves top-down mediation from stored knowledge of object shapes. A process like that goes through several iterative feedback cycles, before an equilibrium is reached that tells us the solution to the problem. Although we are, in general, sympathetic to the notion of interactive processing, such a solution to our problem is counterintuitive from a psychological point of view. Human observers can easily perceive the equivalence of solid and outline versions, even of entirely unfamiliar shapes. Hebb (1937) reared rats in the dark. In absence of any prior exposure to any patterns, the animals perceived the identity of solid and outline triangles without any difficulty. More generally, we doubt that models of which the relevant system states are static equilibria are the right kind of approach for visual information processing. We believe that computation with nonstationary, chaotic patterns of activity can more flexible and efficient (van Leeuwen, Steijvers, & Nooter, 1997). Solid/outline invariance was chosen to demonstrate the viability of this approach. The approach circumvents the need for gradient-detection, static equilibria, and iterative feedback. It is agreed Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 4 that the invariance requires nonlocal information. But in the proposed system, this information is readily obtained from lateral interactions only. 2. CML We are proposing coupled-map lattices (CML) as models of the perceptual system. CMLs consist of coupled units with an activation function updated in discrete time. The activation function is an arbitrary, nonlinear function of previous activation and input. The presently-used system is shown in Equations 1-2. In Equation 1, the activation value of the i-th unit at time t + 1 is indicated by is a nonlinear function of the netinput xi(1) . This activation value net i . The netinput of the i-th unit is a weighted sum of the activation value of that unit at time t, and that of all connected units. For each individual unit the activation function is controlled by a parameter Ai . This parameter modulates the behaviour of the activation function of the i-th unit. Parameter th unit. ci , j represents the connection strength between the i-and-j- B (i ) is the set of units which are connected to unit i and n is the number of units in B (i ) . Equations 1-2 can be considered a coupled version of the well-known logistic map. The dynamical properties of such systems are relatively well-explored (Kaneko, 1983, 1984, 1989ab; Waller and Kapral, 1984; Schult et al., 1987). In a near-chaotic regime called spatiotemporal intermittency, these systems produce and annihilate activity patterns spontaneously, without ever reaching a stationary equilibrium. These regimes may have a degree of flexibility, optimal for information processing. In these regimes, network units have a tendency to move in and out of synchronised states intermittently. The A and c parameters can be used to induce local biases on synchronization behavior. When two connected units have the same A value, they tend to synchronise. Units which run with a lower A-value have an increased tendency to synchronise through their coupling, for a given value of coupling strength c. The larger the values of c, the more frequent, global, and persistent the synchronizations are. With fixed, uniform values of c, strongly chaotic oscillation induced by a high A value, biases a unit to brief and infrequent synchronization behaviour. Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 5 These observations were considered relevant for visual information processing. Synchronization of oscillatory activity has been claimed as the mechanism for feature binding (Phillips & Singer, 1997; Singer, 1990). This claim has been disputed by those who emphasize that synchronization mechanisms in neural networks in general are too slow to capture the fast feature binding in the visual system, and in particular in the primary visual cortex (Lamme & Spekreijse, in press). Synchronization in intermittent systems, however, will be shown to be fast enough to qualify as a binding mechanism in visual systems. For a simple visual model, it may be assumed that sensory input operates on the oscillation parameters A of the units. An input array of pixels representing sensory stimulation can be mapped topographically on a slab of locally connected units. We assume that A-values of the units remain in the chaotic range (for instance [3.7,3.8]). With no stimulation, A is set at maximum, and with stimulation, the A-value is proportionally lowered. As a result, there will be an increased synchronisation bias when input is of higher intensity and when input in neighboring units is the same. With fixed weights, as in Equations 1-2, the system acts as a non-adaptive filter for sensory information. It is also possible, however, to extend the system of Equations 1-2 by an adaptive algorithm. Like neural networks, these systems enable Hebbian adaptive coupling mechanisms to control the formation and storage of patterns. Adaptive CML systems (CML++) were introduced in our earlier studies. Several alternative algorithms were found to have the same kind of adaptive behaviour. We present one as an example in Equations 3-5 (Simionescu & van Leeuwen, submitted). xi(1) = Ai neti (1− neti ) neti = ∑ j ∈B(i) ( c 1 − ci, j )x i + i, j x j n −1 n −1 diff i ,(1j) = Gdiff i , j + (1 − G )d i , j wi , j = 1 − 1 1+ e ci , j = wi , j C max − H1 ( 2 ( diff i , j / H 2 −1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 6 The system updates the values of its connection strength parameters cij, according to the coherence of the activity in the i and j-th unit. The connections between units are changed dynamically during a run. In equation 3, d i , j is the current difference between units i and j. The diff i , j represents the history of differences between those units. Equation 3 containing the parameter G is used as a leaky integrator and determines the flexibility of the weights. Low value of G causes a large influence of the current difference d i , j . Weight updates will be faster, but less smooth, than with high values of G. Note that with G = 1 and all initial values of diff i , j set to zero, all coupling strengths ci , j get the same, uniform value Cmax. With these parameter settings the adaptive system of Equations 1-5 behaves nonadaptively, as in Equations 1-2. In the present simulations, adaptive characteristics are not the focus of investigation. We therefore used the simple, nonadaptive system of Equations 1-2 with uniform connection weights. 3. Illustrations of CML dynamics: Müller-Lyer and Ehrenstein illusion Some illustration of the spatiotemporal dynamics of CML systems will be helpful before we come to speak about solid/outline invariance. Consider the time course of activation in the Figures 1 and 2, where two familiar illusions, the Müller-Lyer and Ehrenstein illusion, respectively, are presented to the system. Let each pixel in an input-picture array map onto the A-parameter of a corresponding unit in a twodimensional lattice. Ai = 3.7 when the i-th pixel is black; Ai = 3.8 when the i-th pixel is white. This results in a rapidly evolving pattern of activation in the xi values of the CML. With iterations of the system, progressive distortion of the original input structure can be observed in the pattern. As shown in Figure 1, protruding wings of the Müller-Lyer figure are annihilated in several steps, and the surviving central horizontal will be smaller or larger than the original, depending on whether the wings were inward or outward bent. Meanwhile, the system selectively enhances certain spatial contrasts. This effect propagates through the system in the form of what resembles travelling and standing waves in a field. These may be relevant to explain a number of visual field illusions, including the Ehrenstein illusion (Figure 2). Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 7 ____________________________________ Insert Figure 1 here ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Insert Figure 2 here ____________________________________ Visual field effects have been assumed in the Gestalt literature, in order to explain the origin of perceptual structuring principles, including ones that lead to visual illusions. Certainly the currently proposed approach is in accordance with this idea, as the CML activty patterns constitutes a discrete analogon of fields. The activity patterns systematically distort the image, in the direction of, what may be called, global goodness. Protruding parts, for instance, often are annihilated by the system. It, therefore, is tending towards a more convex image (a tendency akin to the Gestalt principle of convexity). Another principle that could be covered by CML activity patterns is that of Symmetry. Compare, for instance, in Figures 3 and 4 the CML patterns created by symmetrical and asymmetrical figures. We observe that those of the symmetrical ones are all characterised by a “holographic regularity”. In the literature on symmetry perception, holographic regularity was considered essential for symmetry detection (van der Helm, 2000). These demonstrations, therefore, seem to suggest that CML patterns capture Gestalt field effects in a manner not easily covered by other models. A systematic exploration of these “distortions”, therefore, is wanting. We will have to suspend a further discussion of the distortion effects to a later stage, however, in order to deal with an even more urgent one. We need to show that the distortions are not arbitrary, but are actually producing invariance. In fact, one of the critiques against the Gestalt approach (for instance, from the viewpoint of Gibsonian ecological realism) has been that these distortions lead us away from the invariances contained in the environment of the individual. The present study provides an occasion to demonstrate that the creation of distortion and the detection of invariance may be two sides of the same coin, as long as chaotic systems concerned. Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 8 4. Simulations We investigate the hypothesis that CML systems represent image structure in a solid/outline-invariant way. Lacking an overall performance criterion (Heath, Sarkar, Sanocky et al., 1997) we used a standard back-propagation algorithm for this purpose (Plunkett & Elman, 1997). Two sets of eight pictures each were used as input. Each picture contained 50 x 50 binary pixel values (representing black or white). The set in Figure 3 contains the solid versions, the one in Figure 4 the outline versions of the same figures. In one condition, the figures were filtered with a CML network before being offered as input to the back-propagation algorithm. Typical outputs resulting from applying the CML filter to solid figures are shown in Figure 3, and to outline ones in Figure 4. In a second condition, the original unfiltered images of Figures 3 and 4 were used. Finally, in a third condition, we used an edge-detector as a filter. For this purpose, we used a gradient-based edge detector (Canny, 1983). The output of this filter is shown for solid images in Figure 3 and for outline ones in Figure 4. We compared the generalisation performance of the back-propagation algorithm in these three conditions. In each condition, either a classification on the solid figures was trained and subsequently tested on the outline figures, or vice versa. For the CML condition, a 50 x 50 CML filter was used, which had each unit (except on the borders of the lattice) connected with its eight direct neighbours (Figure 5). Initial values of the activation xi are homogenous (at 0.5). The value of Cmax was set to 0.2. ____________________________________ Figure 3 ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Figure 4 ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Figure 5 ____________________________________ Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 9 The eight figures in a set each represent a different category, which was trained by the backpropagation algorithm. The back-propagation network consisted of 2500 input units (corresponding to the 2500 pixels in the image), 32 hidden units, and 8 output units (corresponding to the 8 categories). The network was run with the Tlearn simulation environment (Plunkett and Elman, 1997). In the CML-condition, the input to the algorithm consists of subsequent samples from the xvalues of the CML units, after the pictures were fed to the CML. Samples were taken at iterations 90-99 to avoid initial transients. The training set for the back-propagation algorithm thus consisted of 80 learning samples, 10 for each category. The task consists of mapping the filtered input to these 8 categories. The output unit representing the correct category had a target output with an activation of 0.9 while all other output units had an activation of 0.1. The same algorithm was used in the unfiltered and in the Canny edge-detector filtered conditions. After training was successfully completed, generalisation of the representations was tested. In the CML filtering condition, the input to the back-propagation for the test set was created in the same way as the training set: x-values sampled at iterations 90-99 were used for testing the network. 5. Results The result of the CML-filtered images condition is shown in Tables 1 and 2, that of the unfiltered images conditions in Tables 3 and 4, and that of the Canny edge-detector filtered images condition in Tables 5 and 6. During training the back-propagation converged to low error values (MSE < 0.1 after 1000000 epochs) in all conditions. Training, therefore, was successful in all conditions. The generalisation performance, however, differs markedly between the conditions. CML-filtered images condition: Table 1 (upper half) shows the performance of the network on a training set of solid figures. The output unit with the highest activation value is marked grey. Each row in the table shows the average results over the 10 inputs per category. The error column shows the difference between the actual value of the appropriate category for the item and its target value. All categories were recognised properly, even when we take as criterion that the activation of the category should be the highest and its value should be at least .7. Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 10 ____________________________________ Insert Table 1 here ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Insert Table 2 here ____________________________________ The lower half of Table 1 shows the performance of the network on the test set of outline figures. All categories were recognised properly according to our criterion and error was low. This result demonstrates that generalisation from solid to outline versions of the images in the CML condition was good. The results are similar when the outline figures are used as the training set (upper half of Table 2) and the solid ones as test set (lower half of Table 2). We conclude that CML filters offer a solid/outline invariant representation. Unfiltered images condition: The upper half of Table 3 shows the performance of the network on the training set of solid figures and the upper half of Table 4 that of the training set of outline figures. All categories were recognised properly. ____________________________________ Insert Table 3 here ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Insert Table 4 here ____________________________________ Generalization performance, however, is poor, both from solid to outline (lower half of Table 3) and from outline to solid (lower half of Table 4). Only two of the eight categories are recognised properly, for the outline test set (Cat. 1 and 5) as well as for the solid one (Cat. 1 and 4). Edge-filtered images condition: A contour-invariant representation does not imply that the filter should be able to detect edges (like an edge-detection algorithm does), but to provide identical output when the contours of two images are the same. The previous results demonstrate that this effect is indeed achieved Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 11 with CML filtering. An edge detection algoritme does not provide solid/outline invariance. It will detect edges of solid images, but trivially, with contour-images it detects two edges. It remains to show, however, that the output generated by an edge detector does not provide information, from which outlineinvariance can easily be detected. In the edge-filtered images condition, the Backprop algorithm is trained with the output of an edge-detection algorithm of solid images (Figure 4) and tested with the output of the edge-detection algorithm on outline images (Figure 5) as well as vice versa. The results are shown in Tables 5-6. The network is able to learn the training set of both solid images (upper half of Table 5) and those of outline images (upper half of Table 6) perfectly. Generalization, however, is lacking in these conditions. The test set of outline images (lower half of Table 5) and that of solid ones, again, result in nearly random classification. By our criterion, none of the figures is categorised properly. Even by a more relaxed criterion, that considers only which category has the highest activation regardless of its value, only three out of eight images (Cat. 3, 4, and 7) are classified correctly for the outline images and one (Cat. 2) for the solid ones. It may, therefore, be concluded that Canny edgedetection filtering does not support contour invariance. ____________________________________ Insert Tables 5-6 here ____________________________________ Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 12 6. Conclusions and discussion A back-propagation algorithm successfully classified the images filtered by a CML. This observation implies that its pattern of activation, in spite of their chaotic character, represent information about the visual pattern. Our study shows that the CML activation preserves a solid/ outline-invariant representation of the pattern. Trained classification of solid images generalises to outline ones, and vice versa. As solidoutline information has non-local characteristics, the present study constitutes evidence that CMLs process structural information of visual patterns. That outline-invariance is reached by lateral interaction reduces the role of interactive feedback in the perception of structure. Outline-invariance could be treated as a special case of the boundary contour problem. Normally, boundary contour detection requires an extensive, interactive feedback processes. The present approach shows that this is not needed for this special case. Instead, the spontaneous, pattern forming capacities of chaotic activation are used for this purpose. Moreover, they are deployed rapidly, without a system having to settle on a static equilibrium. We may, therefore conclude that CML systems have advantages for processing structural information, that suggest them as candidate models for human visual processing. This enables a new perspective on the role of top-down feedback in visual perception. There are field-like effects in the patterns produced by the model, leading to Gestalt organisation. These effects occur spontaneously, without feedback. It might be that much more than initially thought, could be left to self-organisation, when the rich, complex dynamics of chaotic activity patterns is used. The advantage is, that certain invariances can be obtained, independent of experience with shapes. They are obtained early in visual processing and form part of its innate basis (Hebb, 1937). We may carry the speculation one step further, and suggest that what the visual system does is providing solid/outline representations rather than extracting contours. This assumption doesn’t imply that we are unable distinguish between solid and outline objects, because the visual system still has has parallel systems for features such as colour (Grossberg & Mingolla, 1985). The existence of these parallel systems should explain, among others, why visual orientation illusions, for instance the Bourdon illusion, differ Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 13 between solid and outline versions of the same figure (Rozvany & Day, 1980; Wenderoth & O’Connor, 1987). What is known about early visual processing does not necessary imply that the extraction of local gradients is the most adequate description of its function. Not only is contour extraction plus subsequent processing hopelessly inefficient, as a metaphor for human visual information processing it may actually be misleading. Gradient extraction, one might ask rethorically, for whom? Similarly so for the subsequent processing that should lead to the elimination of internal contours. These transformations can only lead from one “picture in the head” to another, unless an invariant can finally be detected. But than, it is more likely that the visual system uses its representational capacities in a more economical way, and brings about the invariant directly. Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 14 References Canny, J. F. (1983). Finding edges and lines in images. 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Figure 3 Figure categories used in the simulations: Solid images. From left to right, respectively: Original picture, CML filtered, Canny edge detector filtered. Figure 4 Figure categories used in the simulations: Outline images. . From left to right, respectively: Original picture, CML filtered, Canny edge detector filtered Figure 5 Connectivity pattern in coupled map lattice. Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Page 18 Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 19 Van Leeuwen et al. Cross – cat 1 Triangle – cat 2 Circle – cat 3 Line – cat 4 Figure 3 CML++ filter Page 20 Van Leeuwen et al. Irregular 1 – cat 5 Irregular 2 – cat 6 Irregular 3 – cat 7 Figure 3 (continued) CML++ filter Page 21 Van Leeuwen et al. Irregular 4 – cat 8 Figure 3 (Continued) CML++ filter Page 22 Van Leeuwen et al. Cross – cat 1 Triangle – cat 2 Circle – cat 3 Line – cat 4 Figure 4 CML++ filter Page 23 Van Leeuwen et al. Irregular 1 – cat 5 Irregular 2 – cat 6 Irregular 3 – cat 7 Figure 4 (continued) CML++ filter Page 24 Van Leeuwen et al. Irregular 4 – cat 8 Figure 4 (continued) CML++ filter Page 25 Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Figure 5 Page 26 Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 27 Table 1 CML-filtered patterns CML of Radius 2, outputs of iteration 90-99, 32 hidden back-prop units Training set: Solid figures (MSE = 0.099548) Input Output Unit Error Winner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cat 1 0.8772 0.1015 0.0564 0.1088 0.0938 0.1099 0.11 0.1036 0.0228 0.8772 cat 2 0.0867 0.883 0.1061 0.1064 0.0196 0.0862 0.0634 0.1056 0.017 0.883 cat 3 0.0205 0.1201 0.8877 0.0585 0.1058 0.1212 0.0888 0.0964 0.0123 0.8877 cat 4 0.1212 0.1157 0.0555 0.8835 0.1155 0.1046 0.0631 0.1132 0.0165 0.8835 cat 5 0.1092 0.0829 0.1035 0.1053 0.8798 0.0512 0.0965 0.0982 0.0202 0.8798 cat 6 0.105 0.0876 0.1095 0.0587 0.0561 0.8758 0.1156 0.0732 0.0242 0.8758 cat 7 0.1159 0.0889 0.0997 0.029 0.0661 0.1093 0.875 0.0907 0.025 0.875 cat 8 0.1013 0.1006 0.0881 0.0818 0.1076 0.0815 0.0683 0.8776 0.0224 0.8776 Average: 0.02005 0.87995 Test set: Outline Figures Input Output Unit Error Winner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cat 1 0.8524 0.0986 0.0665 0.1091 0.1085 0.1091 0.1088 0.1016 0.0476 0.8524 cat 2 0.1106 0.8037 0.1194 0.1465 0.0231 0.096 0.0588 0.1082 0.0963 0.8037 cat 3 0.0293 0.0981 0.7552 0.048 0.0504 0.2234 0.0688 0.4505 0.1448 0.7552 cat 4 0.125 0.1112 0.0692 0.8676 0.119 0.0927 0.0747 0.1187 0.0324 0.8676 cat 5 0.1266 0.1325 0.0744 0.0927 0.7583 0.0537 0.109 0.1703 0.1417 0.7583 cat 6 0.2166 0.197 0.0603 0.0931 0.0217 0.9059 0.0756 0.1256 -0.0059 0.9059 cat 7 0.1743 0.0515 0.1693 0.0132 0.1737 0.1261 0.8573 0.0457 0.0427 0.8573 cat 8 0.1958 0.1203 0.05 0.1218 0.1426 0.136 0.0534 0.7234 0.1766 0.7234 Average: 0.084525 0.815475 Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 28 Table 2 CML-filtered patterns CML of Radius 2, outputs of iteration 90-99, 32 hidden back-prop units Training set: Outline Figures (MSE = 0.076286) Input Output Unit 1 2 Error 3 4 5 6 7 8 Winner cat 1 0.8853 0.0774 0.1 0.1015 0.1015 0.097 0.1008 0.1033 0.0147 0.8853 cat 2 0.0846 0.8903 0.0975 0.1061 0.1125 0.11 0.0537 0.1075 0.0097 0.8903 cat 3 0.1009 0.0743 0.8898 0.1026 0.0758 0.0726 0.1016 0.0939 0.0102 0.8898 cat 4 0.1028 0.1072 0.1095 0.89 0.1143 0.1039 0.0511 0.097 0.01 0.89 cat 5 0.0939 0.1068 0.0887 0.1019 0.8931 0.0841 0.107 0.054 0.0069 0.8931 cat 6 0.1051 0.117 0.1011 0.0577 0.086 0.8795 0.0961 0.083 0.0205 0.8795 cat 7 0.1049 0.0558 0.0995 0.0591 0.1032 0.1209 0.8867 0.1136 0.0133 0.8867 cat 8 0.1039 0.0987 0.1047 0.1066 0.08 0.0619 0.1044 0.8814 0.0186 0.8814 Average: 0.0129875 0.8870125 Test set: Solid Figures Input Output Unit Error Winner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cat 1 0.8913 0.0751 0.1282 0.119 0.1148 0.0648 0.1542 0.1595 0.0087 0.8913 cat 2 0.0414 0.8051 0.2055 0.1298 0.1046 0.074 0.0662 0.2444 0.0949 0.8051 cat 3 0.0882 0.099 0.8287 0.1321 0.0972 0.1212 0.1483 0.0915 0.0713 0.8287 cat 4 0.1118 0.0956 0.1003 0.8908 0.1113 0.1051 0.0561 0.1356 0.0092 0.8908 cat 5 0.0959 0.1024 0.0799 0.1184 0.8624 0.0919 0.1323 0.0548 0.0376 0.8624 cat 6 0.1777 0.1526 0.1391 0.0532 0.1035 0.8113 0.1023 0.0869 0.0887 0.8113 cat 7 0.1168 0.0301 0.1371 0.0336 0.1532 0.1315 0.8422 0.121 0.0578 0.8422 cat 8 0.1013 0.0998 0.0864 0.0986 0.0973 0.1551 0.1444 0.7608 0.1392 0.7608 Average 0.063425 0.836575 Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 29 Table 3 Non-filtered patterns 32 hidden back-prop units Training set: Solid Figures (MSE = 0.043907) Input Output Unit Error Winner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cat 1 0.894 0.103 0.105 0.103 0.1 0.089 0.104 0.095 0.006 0.894 cat 2 0.108 0.896 0.103 0.101 0.014 0.106 0.107 0.104 0.004 0.896 cat 3 0.096 0.099 0.896 0.098 0.106 0.099 0.1 0.098 0.004 0.896 cat 4 0.103 0.101 0.098 0.9 0.103 0.099 0.104 0.098 0 0.9 cat 5 0.108 0.002 0.103 0.101 0.895 0.106 0.107 0.103 0.005 0.895 cat 6 0.098 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.105 0.897 0.103 0.097 0.003 0.897 cat 7 0.1 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.101 0.103 0.895 0.102 0.005 0.895 cat 8 0.093 0.103 0.096 0.098 0.101 0.1 0.076 0.902 -0.002 0.902 Average: 0.003125 0.896875 Test set: Outline figures Input Output Unit Error Winner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cat 1 0.829 0.023 0.061 0.085 0.419 0.085 0.076 0.036 0.071 0.829 cat 2 0.18 0.153 0.047 0.418 0.116 0.048 0.137 0.097 0.747 0.418 cat 3 0.011 0.027 0.483 0.322 0.413 0.045 0.289 0.055 0.417 0.483 cat 4 0.239 0.078 0.061 0.283 0.191 0.066 0.14 0.071 0.617 0.283 cat 5 0.172 0.002 0.106 0.12 0.857 0.168 0.084 0.109 0.043 0.857 cat 6 0.028 0.033 0.174 0.244 0.329 0.087 0.259 0.072 0.813 0.329 cat 7 0.41 0.01 0.012 0.082 0.68 0.154 0.089 0.119 0.811 0.68 cat 8 0.078 0.393 0.065 0.1 0.04 0.131 0.081 0.511 0.389 0.511 Average: 0.4885 0.54875 Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 30 Table 4 Non-filtered patterns 32 hidden back-prop units Training set: Outline figures (MSE = 0.037272) Input Output Unit Error Winner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cat 1 0.898 0.097 0.101 0.111 0.102 0.099 0.107 0.101 0.002 0.898 cat 2 0.1 0.886 0.074 0.102 0.094 0.107 0.102 0.107 0.014 0.886 cat 3 0.102 0.094 0.891 0.104 0.087 0.1 0.104 0.102 0.009 0.891 cat 4 0.101 0.107 0.109 0.894 0.104 0.1 0.015 0.097 0.006 0.894 cat 5 0.099 0.099 0.1 0.102 0.901 0.101 0.099 0.099 -0.001 0.901 cat 6 0.101 0.101 0.102 0.106 0.097 0.896 0.104 0.099 0.004 0.896 cat 7 0.1 0.11 0.111 0.033 0.106 0.1 0.894 0.097 0.006 0.894 cat 8 0.1 0.1 0.101 0.102 0.104 0.1 0.103 0.9 0 0.9 Average: 0.005 0.895 Error Winner Test set: Solid figures Input Output Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cat 1 0.881 0.086 0.109 0.108 0.12 0.093 0.112 0.099 0.019 0.881 cat 2 0.131 0.242 0.026 0.258 0.198 0.211 0.028 0.096 0.658 0.258 cat 3 0.309 0.126 0.095 0.026 0.043 0.242 0.142 0.394 0.805 0.394 cat 4 0.14 0.17 0.092 0.832 0.14 0.096 0.013 0.083 0.068 0.832 cat 5 0.097 0.141 0.431 0.081 0.618 0.187 0.055 0.012 0.282 0.618 cat 6 0.008 0.079 0.181 0.701 0.092 0.197 0.042 0.227 0.703 0.701 cat 7 0.776 0.057 0.211 0.066 0.106 0.318 0.193 0.106 0.707 0.776 cat 8 0.281 0.144 0.077 0.024 0.04 0.241 0.133 0.462 0.438 0.462 Average: 0.46 0.61525 Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 31 Table 5 Canny-filtered patterns 32 hidden units Training set: Solid figures (MSE = 0.000005) Input Output Unit Error Winner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cat 1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.9 cat 2 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.9 cat 3 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.9 cat 4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.9 cat 5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.9 cat 6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0 0.9 cat 7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0 0.9 cat 8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0 0.9 Average: 0 0.9 Test set: Outline figures Input Output Unit Error Winner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cat 1 0.15 0.155 0.015 0.052 0.261 0.082 0.521 0.048 0.75 0.521 cat 2 0.043 0.324 0.42 0.087 0.04 0.018 0.098 0.078 0.576 0.42 cat 3 0.046 0.463 0.306 0.605 0.171 0.093 0.329 0.05 0.594 0.605 cat 4 0.423 0.528 0.101 0.613 0.191 0.309 0.176 0.072 0.287 0.613 cat 5 0.387 0.124 0.067 0.331 0.391 0.164 0.062 0.15 0.509 0.391 cat 6 0.465 0.04 0.045 0.258 0.173 0.114 0.354 0.04 0.786 0.465 cat 7 0.183 0.421 0.013 0.049 0.214 0.037 0.615 0.035 0.285 0.615 cat 8 0.56 0.187 0.074 0.775 0.485 0.091 0.24 0.074 0.826 0.775 Average: 0.576625 0.550625 Van Leeuwen et al. CML++ filter Page 32 Table 6 Canny-filtered patterns 32 hidden units Training set: Outline Figures (MSE = 0.000007) Input Output Unit Error Winner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cat 1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.9 cat 2 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.9 cat 3 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.9 cat 4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.9 cat 5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.9 cat 6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0 0.9 cat 7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0 0.9 cat 8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0 0.9 Average: 0 0.9 Test set: Solid Figures Input Output Unit Error Winner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cat 1 0.095 0.523 0.123 0.283 0.345 0.568 0.214 0.515 0.805 0.568 cat 2 0.035 0.606 0.155 0.175 0.077 0.097 0.101 0.03 0.294 0.606 cat 3 0.089 0.214 0.184 0.155 0.071 0.47 0.122 0.055 0.716 0.47 cat 4 0.166 0.752 0.374 0.119 0.34 0.305 0.026 0.155 0.781 0.752 cat 5 0.089 0.194 0.43 0.185 0.313 0.018 0.191 0.35 0.587 0.43 cat 6 0.357 0.187 0.356 0.657 0.317 0.054 0.033 0.036 0.846 0.657 cat 7 0.02 0.809 0.051 0.197 0.199 0.288 0.55 0.152 0.35 0.809 cat 8 0.159 0.316 0.31 0.152 0.589 0.364 0.1 0.487 0.413 0.589 Average: 0.599 0.610125