ExoBuilding – Breathing Life into Architecture
Holger Schnädelbach, Kevin Glover, Ainojie Alexander Irune
Mixed Reality Laboratory
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham NG8 1BB, UK
ExoBuilding explores the novel design space that emerges
when an individual‟s physiological data and the fabric of
building architecture are linked. In its current form
ExoBuilding is a tent-like structure that externalises a
person‟s physiological data in an immersive and visceral
way. This is achieved by mapping abdominal breathing to
its shape and size, displaying heart beat through sound and
light effects and mapping electro dermal activity to a
projection on the tent fabric. The research is positioned in
relation to previous work and the iterative development of
ExoBuilding from to-scale to full-size prototype is
described. The design process, feedback gathered alongside
and observations allow the discussion of wider issues: the
different scales possible, the temporal nature of the data,
ownership and ambiguity of that data, ranges of control and
the aggregation of data in a building context. This leads to
the presentation of directions for future research at this
exciting boundary between Architecture, HCI and medical
Physiological Data, Biofeedback, Adaptive Buildings,
Iterative Prototyping
J.5[COMPUTER APPLICATIONS]:Arts and Humanities -- Architecture
Over the last decades, various initiatives spanning the
disciplines of Architecture, Engineering and Computer
Science have explored how to design buildings specifically
for flexibility, interactivity and reactiveness. Sometimes
this is concerned mainly with providing flexible
infrastructure that allows adaptation over the long term
[12]. More commonly, control technologies are being
employed to be able to respond to various sets of data.
Environmental controls for temperature, lighting and
shading, as well as technologies for home automation and
control are becoming more widespread, with considerable
interest in both the architectural and the HCI research
community [16, 26].
© ACM, 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here
by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The
definitive version was published in the proceedings of NordiChi 2010,
Beyond this, there are also much more fundamental
developments such as smart materials. These have the
potential to be used on interior surfaces and external
facades, thereby making use of building surfaces as
communication media to enable interactivity [5]. Partly
inspired by Price‟s work on reconfigurable buildings in the
1960‟s [22]and made possible by new technologies,
architects are exploring physically dynamic buildings that
change shape, orientation and even location [3, 15, 16].
Developments in this area are frequently referred to as
Adaptive Architecture, an area that is concerned with
buildings that are adaptive to their environment, their
inhabitants and objects contained within them.
Adaptiveness is achieved by drawing on various types of
data streams. Environmental data (internal and external)
might control the ambiance of a building; person related
data (e.g. presence, identity, activity) might drive the
„permeability‟ of a place and object related data might be
used to configure the infrastructure of a warehouse, for
Physiological data such as heart rate, skin temperature and
respiration might be considered one such data stream and it
has seen considerable interest recently alongside the
traditional use of obtaining physiological data for
diagnostic information in health care. For example,
educational and theatrical projects have used physiological
data to drive visual displays [1], arts projects like Breathe,
have explored how respiration of one person can affect that
of another [13] and the nature of Thrill has been
investigated through the visualisation and study of
physiological data [24, 31]. In addition, the treatment of a
wide variety of disorders with a psychosomatic component
have been explored through the non-medical process of
measuring and conveying a person‟s physiological data to
them, in real-time, commonly referred to as biofeedback
Beyond conveying physiological data, the area of affective
computing is concerned with deriving emotional state from
physiological data and the use of the state information in
building and controlling devices and systems [28]. One key
motivation for research in this area is to simulate empathy.
A system should be able to interpret the emotional state of
humans and adapt its behaviour accordingly, giving an
appropriate response to those emotions [17]. More recently,
affective computing has seen criticism because of the
difficulty of deriving emotional state merely based on
physiological data. Cohn argues that “efforts at emotion
recognition, however, are inherently flawed unless one
recognizes that emotion – intentions, action tendencies,
appraisals and other cognitions, physiological and
neuromuscular changes, and feelings – is not an
observable.” [7]. Boehner et al also argue that
methodological rendering of emotional experience in
informational terms, though convenient, tends to neglect or
obscure a range of considerations that are critical to
understanding not just what emotion is, but also what it
does [4].
In response to the limitations of substituting objective
measures for subjective experiences of emotions, some
researchers have responded by eliminating direct
representation of emotions altogether. Systems like eMoto
[27], Affector [25], and MoodJam [19] explicitly avoid
modeling emotions; rather they focus on communicating
emotion through ambiguous and evocative aesthetics
derived from captured images of users and/or from userselected parameters. As we describe below, the work
presented here must be seen in this context, as it
deliberately side steps the automatic interpretation of
physiological data and focuses on the relationship between
its display and the user experience.
mapped to the ambiance of a space; in the case shown here
this is achieved through changing the colour of the lighting.
In sketch C, the respiration of a person drives the size or
form of the building fabric. Sketch D suggests how a
person‟s body temperature (core and/or skin temperature)
might be used to adapt the cooling or heating of a space.
These initial ideas were presented for discussion at an
internal workshop centred on the exploration of
physiological data in the context of previous work within
the theme park environment [24, 31]. From the feedback
gathered informally during the session and comparisons to
existing background work, it emerged that the most
interesting and innovative aspect of the investigation was
the mapping of the physiology data to building extent,
shape and form.
The development of ExoBuilding began with a speculative
research question: In which ways can physiological data be
related to the fabric of a building? This was posed in the
context of previous work highlighted prior, with the
emphasis placed on Architecture, where this relationship
has not been investigated so far to the best of our
The term ExoBuilding then refers to the idea that buildings
might externalise some otherwise internal functions of the
human body, make them visible and may be support the
person themselves, similar to the concept of the artificial
Exoskeleton. To explore the design space, an iterative
development process was followed, that included sketching
and physical prototyping in turn interspersed with review
and feedback sessions, a process very commonly adopted
in Architecture and Design.
Formulation of ideas
Initially, sketches of general ideas were formulated and a
range of different possibilities were explored graphically.
The use of heart beat, skin conductance, body temperature,
breathing and physical interaction were briefly considered
in this context. They were hypothetically mapped to sound
output, changes in lighting, sizes in extent of space,
environmental temperature and the movement of elements.
The following concept sketches illustrate some of these
possible mappings (see Figure 1).
Sketch A shows the mapping of an individual‟s pulse to
audio signals emitted from a sound system embedded into
the building. Sketch B details Electrodermal Activitiy
(EDA (GSR)), Heart Rate or even Heart Rate Variability
Figure 1 Physiological Data Mappings explored
Conceptually, this was also of greatest interest, because
buildings tend to be physically static in the majority of
cases. However, when they do physically adapt, this is
typically motivated and driven by other considerations, for
example adapting to different environmental conditions,
differences in event requirements, or artistic endeavours [2,
14, 23]. To the best of our knowledge, investigations into
the direct connection between physiological data and the
extent, shape or form of building fabric have not yet been
conducted to date. The contribution of this research can
therefore be described as the exploration of this novel
design space at the boundary between Architecture, HCI
and medical science, the resulting working prototype and
the discussion of the issues that are emerging.
To-scale prototype
Following the sketches, a physical prototype was built. The
aim was to create a building-like enclosure that could
accommodate an individual in a sitting or lying position. In
that regard, a functional to-scale prototype seemed an ideal
starting point. This was designed such that it could be
scaled up to a much larger size in the future.
The servos and LEDs were connected to a PC via the
Phidgets toolkit [21]. The Phidgets toolkit provides
standardised, plug and play sensing and control connected
to PCs via USB. A Mindmedia Nexus 10 physiological
monitoring and feedback platform [18] was used to prerecord heart beat and respiration data (see more details
about this equipment below). This was played back through
the ExoBuilding prototype using an open-source
middleware platform [9] [11]. This platform allowed the
connection of sensors, software components and actuators
using a graphical programming approach. In this instance it
was used to read in the heart rate, EDA and respiration data
from the Biotrace software.
In this initial to-scale prototype, the respiration trace, i.e.
the data generated by monitoring the extent of the abdomen
of a breathing person, was directly mapped to the dynamic
extent of the tent-structure. At this initial stage, the
breathing data was recorded and replayed, the structure
expanded during inspiration and contracted during
expiration. Each heart beat was directly mapped to the
LEDs lighting up, as well as to a heart beat sound being
played through the speakers.
Figure 2 To-scale Prototype Front
The result was an artefact that attained some properties of
an animate organism and externalised those properties for
others to view. As already mentioned, breathing was
displayed through movement, but also through the sounds
of the servo motors driving the structure. The artefact was
illuminated with a red light which appeared in synch with
the replayed heart beat sound.
Prototype discussion
Figure 3 To-scale prototype Side
Stretchable fabric was chosen because of its malleability
and also because of previous experience working with such
materials [10]. The prototype constituted a tent-like
structure of approximately 20 by 30cm in base dimension
mounted on a wooden platform at five fixed points (see
Figure 2 and Figure 3). The centre of the fabric was reenforced with a „spine‟ made from flexible plastic. Two
points on the „spine‟ where attached to two servos,
mounted on a wooden frame attached to a base platform,
subsequently creating a deformable enclosure.
Mechanically, this setup allowed the fabric to be pulled
upwards causing it to expand, and let back down, inversely
causing it to contract. LEDs were added to the base under
the fabric to facilitate the exploration of lighting effects. A
stereo speaker system was also connected to the setup in
order to explore a range of sound effects.
The first proof-of-concept demonstrator described above
was subjected to an informal internal review. The idea was
deemed to be unusual and it certainly prompted discussions
around the range of possible mappings between
physiological data and building, issues of data ownership
and privacy and the temporal and spatial dimensions of the
data stream. There was also consideration of whether data
(in a building context) would come from individuals or
whether it could be aggregated. In addition, the potential
ambiguity of data ownership during the display caused
further debate.
The audio component appeared to have some interesting
potential. As a speaker system with a subwoofer was used,
the sound play-back actuated some vibration in the floor
and table, highlighting the potential for a more visceral
feedback than was previously envisaged.
For the design process, the most relevant issue was that of
scale. The intention was always to build a room-sized
prototype. The to-scale version prompted speculation about
the potential differences between, an artefact visualising
physiological data seen from outside, versus an immersive
environment. Although potential for the smaller version
was identified (e.g. It could more easily be assembled into
larger feedback installations, visualising data from multiple
people and to larger audiences); an immersive version had
Scaling up to a room-sized prototype
The resulting physical prototype (see Figure 5) was a tent
structure of roughly room-size. It is large enough to sit in
on a reclined chair or to lie in on the floor or a low bench.
ExoBuilding has the following adaptive features: Its shape
and size can be altered using the drive mechanism. A data
projector can be used to project dynamic information on the
tent surface. LEDs embedded into the fabric can be used to
display further information. A sound system can be used to
display sound through audio and associated vibrations of
the floor.
Figure 4 Front section of fabric layout
The fabric was scaled up, sewn together from stock
stretchable jersey material in white, using a domestic
sewing machine. In a similar way to the to-scale prototype,
the spine of the structure was re-enforced, this time using
aluminium tubing. At two points on that spine, the fabric
was pulled up towards a ceiling-mounted sub-frame. At
five points on the floor, the fabric was pinned down with
the help of cast iron stage weights. Counterbalanced drive
arms pull the fabric up and then release it back down, with
the tension in the fabric providing the downward pull. The
arms were driven by large but standard model servo motors
strengthened by additional gear boxes which were in turn
driven through the Phidget interface kit [21].
1.3m minimum height
Midway point
The scaling up process started with taking measurements of
the to-scale prototype and translating those into the volume
of the available space (approx 6mx6mx2.70m) while
making sure that the resulting structure was still
„inhabitable‟. A working drawing for the fabric was
produced (see Figure 4) in addition to sketches for the
mechanism and ceiling mount.
1.6m maximum height
the possibility to give a much more private experience,
while data could also be visible from the outside [10, 32].
Its immersive properties could only be investigated once a
full-size prototype was available and only this would then
allow experimentation with different design options and
usage scenarios.
Figure 5 ExoBuilding movement sequence expanded (top) and
contracted (bottom)
Figure 5shows the range of the physical movement of the
prototype, from 1.3m to 1.6m shoulder height. The
seemingly subtle change in size belies the effect felt inside
ExoBuilding, as the change in overall volume is much
larger than the photos could illustrate.
A Mindmedia Nexus 10 device was employed to gather
live physiological data. [18]. The Bluetooth enabled and
battery powered device is roughly 10cmx10cmx4cm and
easily portable. It offers 10 hardware channels which allow
measurement of physiological data (e.g. EEG, ECG,
respiration and skin temperature). Via Bluetooth it was
connected to a PC running the associated Biotrace
software. Biotrace takes the 10 hardware channels and
provides a series of live data channels. As an example, one
data channel derives heart rate and heart rate variability
from ECG. Taking this one step further, the combination of
data from different hardware sensors then also allows the
analysis of derived channels such as HR/Respiration
Breathing life into Architecture
As already highlighted, we made use of a subset of the
available channels to drive ExoBuilding.
The ECG signal, measuring the heart muscle activity, was
gathered using three electrodes placed on the participant‟s
chest and torso. Biotrace only made the signal available as
heart rate, which was then converted to heart beat events
inside the aforementioned middleware platform. The heart
beat was played through the speaker system using a prerecorded heart beat sample and displayed on the tent fabric
via the embedded LED. Via a subwoofer the floor was
made to vibrate in sync with the sound output.
Respiration data was gathered using a respiration belt fitted
around the participant‟s torso, measuring the rising and
falling extent of their abdomen. Through Biotrace and our
middleware, this was converted to the full range of the
servo motors to be able to change the extent of the fabric
structure. The participant‟s respiration drives the shape and
size of ExoBuilding, so that the spatial volume expands
during inhalation and it contracts during exhalation. This
also creates air flow into and out of the structure which can
be felt by the participant.
Heart beat
Heart beat sound
and LED
RSP belt
on the outside of the fabric. When their EDA signal rises,
the image fades in and when the signal declines, the image
fades out.
This project began with an open research question: how
could physiological data and the architectural building
fabric be connected? This was the key overarching interest
running through the project. This question and resulting
iterative prototyping process lead to an interesting artefact
and new building type, exemplified through a full-scale and
fully working demonstrator. This aspect of ExoBuilding
was already of great interest and the paper will return to the
potential of this idea in the discussion. In addition to the
above, ExoBuilding can also be described as a different
type of display for physiological data. Deliberately, it does
not interpret physiology to derive mental or emotional
state; it is not an affective computing device for that matter.
Instead, it allows a person to explore and maybe better
understand aspects of their physiology in a specific manner.
Figure 6 Back view of the ExoBuilding during use
Visibility of graphic
Figure 7 View of participant inside ExoBuilding
It is worth summarising its most interesting properties:
Table 1Physiological data - Actuation mapping
Finally, using two finger electrodes, electrodermal activity
(EDA (frequently called GSR)) was measured. Over brief
periods, EDA is useful for detecting events that impact a
person, such as when they get startled. Over longer periods,
a falling trend can indicate that a person is in a relaxed
state. The participant‟s EDA drives the display of an image
The data display is multi-sensory, as information can be
seen (e.g. the projected graphics and movement of the
fabric), heard (e.g. the sound system) and felt (e.g.
vibrations of the floor, air flow generated by the moving
fabric and the fabric occasionally touching the faces of
The data display is immersive in the sense that it
physically immerses the entire body of an end-user into the
data to be displayed, in this particular case their own
Taken together, this resulted in an almost visceral
experience. Especially when the sound was turned up and
the floor started to vibrate, it clearly felt that one‟s whole
body is affected by the experience.
In a similar manner to the to-scale prototype, informal tests
were conducted throughout the development process of the
full-scale prototype described above. Reaction to the fullscale version was positive and it seemed pertinent to
capture some of these reactions to shape our ideas and
inform future work.
Formative study
To understand the effect of the ExoBuilding on people, a
formative study exploring the issues that appeared most
relevant was conducted. This study was aimed at gauging
and fully understanding the functionality of the prototype
and getting a very initial idea of people‟s reactions to it. It
was also hoped that the feedback gathered would inform
and guide future research. In what follows, we describe the
study and the implications of the results obtained for the
ExoBuilding design.
The prototype was mounted in a dark space with a desk
light pointing towards the ceiling placed within the same
space. Three participants between 30 and 50 years of age,
all with a technical background, volunteered to take part in
the study. Two different conditions were explored with
each condition lasting exactly 3 minutes. The first
condition required participants to sit on a fully reclined
office chair within the tent (see Figures 6 and 7), while the
second condition required participants to lie on the floor,
inside the tent. Participants were briefed on the study
procedure, kitted up and then placed inside ExoBuilding.
After each condition, participants were requested to leave
the tent. In addition, each condition was followed by a very
simple structured questionnaire, posing three questions:
„What did you like about the experience?‟, „What did you
not like about the experience?‟ and „Other comments?‟.
The Questionnaire was designed to prompt but mainly to
allow participants as much space as possible to describe
their experience freely. All physiological data necessary to
drive the prototype as well as evaluate the participant‟s
reaction to the ExoBuilding were recorded.
Questionnaire feedback
All three participants found the experience relaxing in both
conditions. One commented: „… a moment of real calm‟,
while another stated „… very relaxing – almost asleep –
soporific!‟. Two participants expanded this by commenting
on how unusual and interesting the experience was and this
was mainly a result of their breathing and the movement of
ExoBuilding being in sync. One participant stated:
„(The) synchronised motion and breathing is really
nice and very relaxing … heartbeat was very
comforting (inducing almost womb-like feelings)
… may be it was because it wasn‟t my own heart,
but someone else‟s beating in time to mine that
made it so re-assuring.‟
All three participants commented on how the sound of the
ExoBuilding machinery (servos and mechanism) was also
relaxing. It appeared that as the machinery was in sync with
the participants‟ breathing, the similarity to a breathing
sound was re-enforced. However, one of the participants
characterised the sound as „not quite‟ right and occasionally
too loud.
One participant commented on the physical nature of the
prototype. They liked the fabric caressing their face in the
sitting condition, and they contrasted the warmth at the top
of the tent inside with the occasional breeze coming in
generated by the movement of the fabric. They also
commented on how the prototype seemed to have become
an extension of their body:
„… when the tracking was turned off and the tent
rose to its default position, I physically felt my
chest muscle tighten in sympathy (as if the tent
were controlling my chest) – or at least, it felt very
odd that the tent was moving and my chest was
A number of issues were also raised in relation to each
condition. All three participants preferred the sitting
condition. They commented that lying down on the floor
was too hard, too cold and much less immersive as they
could see out through the gaps of the fabric at the bottom.
They were also much more aware of the machinery (wires,
fixings, etc.) and one participant stated that it was difficult
to get in and out with the Nexus device already attached to
Participants did not find the LED visualisation of their
heart beat attractive or useful. Also, the display of the EDA
signal as a projected image appeared to be unreadable by
participants. When asked they were not able to interpret the
mapping of signal to display, but they liked the aesthetics
of the overall effect. Finally, all three participants stated
that they felt that the correlation between their breathing
and the fabric was not exactly accurate, with the occasional
Physiological data
The physiological data recorded provided another
important source of information. Although both conditions
were recorded, the data analysed below only concerns the
latter, lying on the floor. The reason for omitting the first
condition, although people clearly preferred it, was the fact
that people used it to get acquainted with the system. This
typically involved playing with the range of the physical
movement mapped to the movement of their abdomen and
with general responsiveness, for example by holding breath
for a little while. It was visible in the data, but more
importantly, all three people verbally reported that there
were periods in the first condition, when they „played
around‟, simply a result of the interface being so unusual.
Each session lasted for 3 minutes. As it could not be
guaranteed that recording and the start of the operation of
the prototype were in sync. The first 15s of each of the data
samples was rejected. The following 2min 45s were
retained for the following analysis. As there are only three
data sets, no statistical analysis was conducted. It is
important to point out that the analysis is purely descriptive
with the aim to inform the development during prototyping.
Electrodermal activity (EDA)
The following graph represents a typical EDA trace from
all three participants. Time is displayed on the X axis and
the raw EDA value in microsiemens on the Y axis.
The following graph shows a HR and Respiration trace
over 2mins 45s for a single participant. As before, time is
displayed on the X axis. HR computed from ECG is
displayed on the left hand Y axis fixed to 40-100 BPM.
Raw respiration values (RSP) are displayed on the right Y
axis, with the axis being scaled in a way that ensures
readability. Over the measured period of 2min 45s, the
participants averaged approximately 6.75. The measured
breathing rates are substantially lower than average
standard breathing rates which are around 18 per minute
[6]. These lower rates are an interesting indicative finding.
A visual inspection of the data and a superficial comparison
to data we collected in other situations, also suggests that
breathing is much deeper and more regular than we
observed previously. This is an interesting area for future
investigation. Finally, the graphs also show that HR
oscillates as one would expect and that those fluctuations
are mostly in sync with the respiration trace, an effect
known as Respiratory Sinus Arrythmia (RSA).
Study summary
Time m:ss
Figure 8 EDA - Participant 1
A simple visual inspection of the EDA traces confirms
what participants had indicated in the questionnaire
responses. The falling overall trend without many
The short trial reported here was part of our overall
iterative design process. The aim was to decide on design
features, ideas for further research questions and types of
possible evaluation. Clearly, because of the small number
of study participants and the uncontrolled nature of this
study, the results are not directly generalisable.
However, in what follows an outline of the most relevant
features of ExoBuilding and an initial interpretation of the
results obtained is provided, before discussions of wider
issues and how the design of the prototype will be
influenced by these findings.
HR (bpm)
Respiration and heart rate
Figure 9 HR and RSP - Participant 3
time m:ss
RSP (raw)
significant shorter-term upwards spikes is an indication of
their relaxation during their experience. All three EDA
traces recorded exhibited this same basic pattern.
A display of physiological data
ExoBuilding allows people to be aware of their own
physiological data. This in turn allows the modulation of
one‟s own behaviour to „achieve‟ certain types of patterns
(e.g. regular and deep breathing). This awareness is
achieved through an intuitive and legible display of the
physiological data, arguably in contrast to other displays
which display information on a flat screen, for example
Constructing and studying the full-scale version of
ExoBuilding has indeed hinted at the powerfulness of an
immersive, physically dynamic display of physiological
data. The tension remains between displays as artefacts
such as the to-scale model developed first, where many
such artefacts could sit along side each other and be viewed
externally and something larger to be viewed from the
inside. Having both prototypes operational allows for
comparative studies of the two models in future, but also
for scenarios where both are used alongside each other.
Raising awareness
In particular, it externalises aspects of people‟s physiology
that many were not aware of, similar to the art installation
Sonic Body [20]. Heart beats naturally fluctuate and the
level of Heart Rate Variability is a marker for certain
medical conditions [29]. For many people this can sound
disconcerting, as they might expect an evenly spaced series
of beats. In a similar way, the prototype made people aware
of their own breathing. As breathing is mostly autonomic,
people tend to take no notice unless they are in specific
situations where it comes to the fore (sport activities,
playing a wind instrument and singing, extremely quiet
A relaxing experience
The short study suggests that ExoBuilding provides for a
relaxing experience. This is mainly emerging from the
questionnaire feedback and seems to suggest that it is the
combination of the different elements of ExoBuilding,
synchronisation of breathing and movement, the various
sounds and the immersive nature that make this work. The
EDA traces back this up, through displaying generally a
downwards trend without significant upwards spikes (see
Figure 8 ).
Feedback loop
This is arguably because of the very immersive feedback
loop that ExoBuilding presents people with. We did not
provide any kind of prompt of what people were supposed
to be doing within the structure. It seems plausible that the
display itself of one‟s own physiological data triggered the
responses that are seen in terms of relatively regular and
deep breathing in sync with heart rate variability.
At this point it is worth returning to where this work started
out from, the application of physiological data to the
physical building fabric. Across the entire development and
evaluation cycle of the ExoBuilding prototype, ongoing
discussions and participant feedback have highlighted a
number of wider issues that it is worth returning to here.
While these are applicable to other forms of display of
physiological data, they are particularly pertinent when
considered in the context of building Architecture. In what
follows the scale, temporal nature, data ownership, the
ambiguity of data ownership, ranges of control and the role
of aggregation in the use of physiological data in an
architectural context are discussed.
The initial intention of the development was always to be
able to display live data, especially with the view to explore
how this type of display would feed back on behaviour. On
route, playing back recorded data came as a by-product.
Playing back recorded data in the physically animated
fashion of the to-scale artefact already felt slightly
uncomfortable because the object attained a life-like
appearance. This would be further reinforced whenever
data is stored for longer times, potentially past somebody‟s
death and ExoBuilding becomes an ethically questionable
playback platform for someone‟s „life‟.
Very much related to this, data ownership was raised in
discussion. The starting point for our experimentation was
always that the physiological data of the current inhabitant
of ExoBuilding would be displayed. Technically, there is
no reason why this data could not be of another person,
whether this is live or recorded, whether that person is local
to the installation or remote to it. Experimentally, it would
be interesting to see how the display of somebody else‟s
data might influence the physiology of the current
inhabitant, which could be expressed as an experimental
condition in future work.
Can an inhabitant even be sure who owns the currently
displayed physiological data? In all our current
experimentation, this relationship is very clear. But it is
conceivable that one might experiment with this, feeding
through other inhabitants‟ data, switching over to people
located elsewhere or to recordings, without necessarily
alerting the trial participant.
Ranges of control
The prototyping process also highlighted that there are
different ranges of control that one might expect over one‟s
own physiology. For example, breathing is typically
controlled autonomically, but can also be controlled
voluntarily (e.g. breathing exercises). EDA and heart rate
are in a separate category as control is much more indirect.
With experience, one might know what to do to affect the
signal (running to raise heart rate or pinching oneself to
raise EDA). However, it is already much harder to lower
the signals or to prevent them from rising (e.g. training to
avoid detection through a lie detector). Signals such as
peripheral skin temperature are perhaps even much harder
to control. These different ranges of control and the ways
that they are brought to the attention of building inhabitants
are clearly important in the design of such environments
but also in the study of them.
Finally, in a building context, the issue of data aggregation
becomes relevant. One might speculate about more general
building architecture, where building elements might be
driven by physiological data, for example in entertainment
or health related venues. Practically, with large populations,
there would not be enough building elements to allow
individual control. How could the aggregation of data
streams be used to combine multiple streams of
physiological data to drive a single building element and
would this be meaningful to inhabitants?
We are beginning to actively explore the above issues
together with architects, HCI experts and experts in
medical science, and the key question in this context is:
where might such a building or building element find its
The health club and spa segment of the built environment
shows the greatest potential. Whether driven by actual
physiological data or with simulated data for practical
reasons (e.g. regular breathing cycles), the interior of
buildings would be physically animated first of all as a
teaching and exploratory environment but also to help
induce a relaxed state in spa visitors, for example. Work
environments present another opportunity, where structures
like ExoBuilding could be set up as „time-out‟ pods that are
available to workers when they need a break (compare to
Google‟s Zurich offices[30]). Both would probably need to
explore less intrusive ways of capturing the physiological
data to make this aspect of the experience more
manageable and socially acceptable.
For this to be a viable route to explore, more evidence for
the effectiveness of the concept will be required. The
prototype development and initial evaluation has since
taken us to pose a much more focussed research question:
What is the effect of this particular form of physiological
data display on occupants of the affected space? While the
prototyping process provided some initial pointers, we are
now proceeding to study ExoBuilding more formally in a
controlled lab experiment, drawing on the experience that
we have gathered so far.
A much more challenging avenue lies in the application of
physiological data to Architecture more generally. While
the examples above place the prototype into the building
context, they do so at the current scale of ExoBuilding
which is roughly room sized and the temporal horizon of
the prototype, which is in minutes of use. But what about
applications of physiological data to entire building
structures over the entire life-time of a building with everchanging populations. It is likely, that physiological data
would take on a very different role in these circumstances
In this paper the concept, design and prototyping process
for ExoBuilding has been outlined. ExoBuilding is a
prototypical piece of architecture that maps a person‟s
physiological data to its building fabric. Through sketches,
a to-scale artefact and a full-size immersive lab
demonstrator the potential of this idea in its various forms
has been explored. ExoBuilding demonstrated clear
potential as a biofeedback environment, triggering changes
in people‟s physiological behaviour, without the need for
prompting, and this is currently being investigated more
formally. The contribution of this work lies in the
exploration of this novel design space and the discussion of
the emerging issues. These are centred around issues of
scale, the temporal properties of Exobuilding, ownership
and ambiguity of ownership of the data to be displayed,
ranges of control and the possibilities that arise when data
is aggregated.
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Leverhulme Trust and the invaluable in-depth discussions
with members of the Mixed Reality Lab that have helped
shape this work. In particular we are indebted to Stefan
Rennick-Egglestone, Brendan Walker, David Kirk, and
Steve Benford.
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