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Biennale on Education in Africa (Maputo, Mozambique, May, 5-9 2008) Beyond Primary Education: Challenges and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in Africa Parallel Session 7D Mathematics, Science, Technologies and Information and Communications Technologies in Post-Primary Education Survey of ICT and Education In Africa (Vol. 1) By Glen FARRELL The Commonwealth of Learning Shafika ISAACS Mindset Network Working Document Draft PLEASE DO NOT DISSEMINATE DOC 1.3.09 • Original Version in English • This document was prepared by ADEA for its Biennale (Maputo, Mozambique, May 5-9, 2008). The views and opinions expressed in this volume are those of the authors and should not be attributed to ADEA, to its members or affiliated organizations or to any individual acting on behalf of ADEA. The document is a working document still in the stages of production. It has been prepared to serve as a basis for discussions at the ADEA Biennale and should not be disseminated for other purposes at this stage. © Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) – 2008 Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) International Institute for Educational Planning 7-9 rue Eugène Delacroix 75116 Paris, France Tel.: +33(0)1 45 03 77 57 Fax: +33(0)1 45 03 39 65 adea@iiep.unesco.org website: www.ADEAnet.org 2 + MAINSTREAMING • How are ICTs currently being used in the education sector in Africa, and what are the SURVEY OF ICT AND EDUCATION IN AFRICA • What are the common challenges and constraints faced by African countries in this area? • What is actually happening on the ground, and to what extent are donors involved? • ICT Policies for Education in Africa • ICT Activities and Initiatives in Higher Education in Africa • ICT Activities and Initiatives in Primary and Secondary Schools • ICT Activities and Initiatives in Non-formal Education in Africa A DRAFT infoDEV PUBLICATION PREPARED BY: Glen Farrell The Commonwealth of Learning Shafika Isaacs Mindset Network • Gender Equity and ICT in Education in Africa • Factors Enabling and Constraining ICT Use in Education in Africa • ICT in Education in Africa: A Way Forward ICT and Education Series A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys Algeria • Angola • Benin • Botswana Burkina Faso • Burundi • Cameroon Cape Verde • Central African Republic Chad • Comoros • Congo • Côte d’Ivoire Djibouti • Democratic Republic of the Congo Egypt • Equatorial Guinea • Eritrea • Ethiopia Gabon • The Gambia • Ghana • Guinea Guinea-Bissau • Kenya • Lesotho • Liberia Libya • Madagascar • Malawi • Mali Mauritania • Mauritius • Morocco Mozambique • Namibia • Niger • Nigeria Rwanda • Sao Tome and Principe • Senegal Seychelles • Sierra Leone • Somalia South Africa • Sudan • Swaziland Tanzania • Togo • Tunisia • Uganda Zambia • Zimbabwe ICT AND EDUCATION SERIES SERIES EDITOR: Michael Trucano This Summary Report is complemented by 53 separate Country Reports. Dev is a partnership of international development agencies, coordinated and served by an expert Secretariat housed in the Global ICT Department (GICT) of the World Bank, one of its key donors and founders. It acts as a neutral convener of dialogue, and as a coordinator of joint action among bilateral and multilateral donors—supporting global sharing of information on ICT for development (ICT4D), and helping to reduce duplication of efforts and investments. To this end, Dev sponsors cutting-edge research and analysis to help identify global best practice in the use of ICT4D. Information for Development Program www.infoDev.org SURVEY OF ICT AND EDUCATION IN AFRICA A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys Algeria • Angola • Benin • Botswana Burkina Faso • Burundi • Cameroon Cape Verde • Central African Republic Chad • Comoros • Congo • Côte d’Ivoire Djibouti • Democratic Republic of the Congo Egypt • Equatorial Guinea • Eritrea • Ethiopia Gabon • The Gambia • Ghana • Guinea Guinea-Bissau • Kenya • Lesotho • Liberia Libya • Madagascar • Malawi • Mali Mauritania • Mauritius • Morocco Mozambique • Namibia • Niger • Nigeria Rwanda • Sao Tome and Principe • Senegal Seychelles • Sierra Leone • Somalia South Africa • Sudan • Swaziland Tanzania • Togo • Tunisia • Uganda Zambia • Zimbabwe A DRAFT infoDEV PUBLICATION PREPARED BY: Glen Farrell The Commonwealth of Learning Shafika Isaacs Mindset Network ICT AND EDUCATION SERIES SERIES EDITOR: Michael Trucano Information for Development Program www.infoDev.org To cite this publication: Farrell, Glen and Shafika Isaacs. 2007. Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report, Based on 53 Country Surveys. Washington, DC: infoDev / World Bank. Available at http://www.infodev.org/en/Publication.353.html ©2007 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 U.S.A. All rights reserved The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are entirely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of infoDev, the Donors of infoDev, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank and its affiliated organizations, the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply on the part of the World Bank any judgment of the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Report Limitations vii Project Background ix Overview ix Survey Process ix Project Team x Acknowledgements x Survey Highlights 1 A New Phase: From Projects to Policies 1 Diferential Implementation Progress 1 Macro Trends 1 Donors 3 Enabling and Limiting Factors 3 Enlightened Leadership 3 ICT Policies for Education in Africa 5 General Observations 5 National ICT Policies 5 Education Sector ICT Policies and Implementation Plan 6 Policy Management 7 ICT Infrastructure for Education in Africa General Observations Infrastructure in Higher Education www.infodev.org v 9 9 10 Table of Contents iii Infrastructure in Schools 11 Infrastructure for Non-formal Education and the General Public 11 ICT Activities and Initiatives in Higher Education in Africa 13 Technical/Vocational Education and Training 13 Universities 13 Distance Education and e-Learning in Higher Education 14 Content Development 15 ICT Activities and Initiatives in Primary and Secondary Schools 17 General Observations 17 Equipment and Connectivity 17 Teacher Professional Development and Training Programmes 20 Content Development 21 Cost Models 22 ICT Activities and Initiatives in Non-formal Education in Africa General Observations Gender Equity and ICT in Education in Africa 23 23 25 General Observations 25 Policy Environment 25 Gender Mainstreaming and Targeted Approaches 26 Factors Enabling and Constraining ICT Use in Education in Africa 27 ICT in Education in Africa: A Way Forward 29 Moving Forward on Implementation of ICT in Education 29 Continuing to Build an Information Base for ICT in Education in Africa 30 Notes 31 Annexes 33 1. Regional ICT/Education Initiatives in Africa 35 2. Selected Bibliography 43 iv Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys PREFACE his study aims to bridge a crucial gap in our knowledge of the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Africa. Despite n n n n n n widespread beliefs that ICTs can be important potential levers to introduce and sustain education reform eforts in Africa; anecdotal evidence of increasingly widespread demand for and use of ICTs in education initiatives in African countries; demonstrated interest from African policymakers in using ICTs to help meet Education For All (EFA) objectives; scattered and often uncoordinated initiatives utilizing ICTs to beneit education throughout the continent; and much rhetoric related to the ‘digital divide’; there has been no consolidated documentation of what is actually happening in Africa in this area, nor comprehensive baseline data on the state of ICT use in education in Africa against which future developments can be compared. A lack of information impacts planning Anecdotal evidence suggests that many African countries and donor agencies are struggling to keep track of ICT/education projects over which they have “no control” and about which they often have little knowledge, making it unlikely that lessons learned from these projects can inform strategy and planning related to ICT use in education going forward. Many private sector irms and civil society organizations with an interest in supporting education programmes and technology initiatives in Africa (especially where such projects may intersect) have expressed similar frustrations. A need for coordination Conversations with colleagues at a number of organizations—donors, governments, civil society, universities, and the private sector— interested in ICT and education issues in Africa suggest that many have been contemplating similar or related types of data collection eforts in this area for some time. In order to accelerate such activities, infoDev has coordinated with a wide variety of groups to help support and consolidate the results from on-going data collection eforts and then share the resulting data as widely as possible. At a minimum, we hope that this survey process should help prevent duplication of eforts, as well as ‘survey fatigue’ on the part of potential information sources. No consolidated information resource Much relevant data collection has already occurred, but the results are scattered across a number of publications and databases (many of which are not widely known), held within individual organizations, not easily accessible to the education community, and/or, where public, not widely disseminated. his Survey of ICT and Education in Africa seeks to gather together in a single resource the most relevant and useful information on ICT in education activities in Africa. We hope that this publication is a irst step in a www.infodev.org Preface v larger, on-going, systematic, coordinated initiative to track developments in technology use in the education sector to help inform a wide variety of stakeholders interested in the topic as they seek solutions to larger, more fundamental educational and development challenges in the years ahead. Michael Trucano infoDev vi Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys REPORT LIMITATIONS he following limitations should be noted: n n n he Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys attempts to summarize key indings from the individual country reports produced during this project. As such, it is not an attempt to synthesize all that is known about ICT use in education in Africa, and should be seen as a guide to key indings and assertions that emerged during the country survey processes. he data presented in the individual Country Reports should be regarded as illustrative rather than exhaustive. his survey was not an exercise in primary data collection. he guidelines given to country researchers regarding report length were deliberate in order to ensure a focus on the more salient information and to enable the completion of the project within the established time frame and the available resources. ICT use in education is at a particularly dynamic stage in Africa, which means that there are new developments and announcements happening on a daily basis somewhere on the continent. herefore, these reports need to be seen as “snapshots” that were current at the time they were taken; it is expected that certain facts and igures presented in the Country Reports may become dated very quickly. www.infodev.org Report Limitations vii PROJECT BACKGROUND OVERVIEW his report synthesises the indings from a survey that was initiated by the Information for Development Program (infoDev), a multi-donor partnership housed at the World Bank which investigates issues related to the efective and appropriate use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in developing countries. he survey was undertaken in response to needs expressed by international donor and development agencies, private sector organisations, governments, and NGOs for a consolidated database of information focused on the following key questions: n n n How are ICTs currently being used in the education sector in Africa, and what are the strategies and policies related to this use? What are the common challenges and constraints faced by African countries in this area? What is actually happening on the ground, and to what extent are donors involved? A similar survey was completed in 2003–2004 by UNESCO-Bangkok (Metasurvey on the Use of Technologies in Education in Asia and the Paciic). It is hoped that this Survey will contribute to the building of a global database on ICT and education issues in developing countries, regularly updated with the co-operation of project stakeholders. More complete background information on this project is available on the infoDev web site at http://www. infodev.org/ict4edu-Africa. THE SURVEY PROCESS A request for expressions of interest was issued by infoDev in April 2006. he Commonwealth of Learning (COL) was selected from among the respondents to conduct the survey, and the work began in September 2006.he work process was designed as follows: n n n he irst phase involved an extensive literature search to identify relevant extant information to inform the data-gathering process for the preparation of reports. he resulting English language bibliography was posted on the WikiEducator web site (http://www.wikieducator.org/ICT4EdAfrica) established speciically to solicit public feedback on the survey project. Researchers prepared reports on each country over a three-month period beginning January 2007. he reports were structured to include: n National policies, strategies, and programmes that exist in the country for the use of ICT in education n A brief description of the current level and types of ICT infrastructure being used in the various education sectors including primary, secondary, tertiary and non-formal n A list of the major initiatives underway n Identiication and description of the factors that enable and constrain the use of ICT Data collection was largely done via desk research, using published sources on the Internet, and through www.infodev.org Project Background ix n n telephone and e-mail discussions with country-based contacts. his was supplemented by the personal knowledge and expertise of the ICT in education environment in the countries surveyed by regional and country researchers. he irst drafts of all reports were posted on the WikiEducator web site during a public comment period from March–June 2007. Prior to the preparation of the inal report, drafts of individual country reports and the related Summary Report were submitted to an infoDev review panel for comment. PROJECT TEAM Project Managers n n infoDev Project Manager: Mike Trucano, Education Specialist COL Project Manager: Paul West, Director Project Leaders n n Shaika Isaacs, Schooling Executive, Mindset Network, Johannesburg, South Africa Glen Farrell, Senior Consultant, COL, Vancouver, Canada Country Report Authors n n n n n n n n Amr Hamdy, Manager, Business Development, American University, Cairo, Egypt Babacar Fall, Associate Professor, Faculté des Sciences et Technologies de l’Education et de la Formation, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar Senegal Harry Hare, Executive Director, African eDevelopment Resource Centre, Tanzania Josué Tetang Tchinda, Coordinator, Musa Documentation and Information Network for Africa (REDIMA), Douala, Cameroon Koi Mangesi, Director of Research, Techgov, Accra, Ghana Osei Tutu Agyenman-Duah, Principal Programme Oicer, Community Computer Centre, ECOWAS Secretariat, Togo Shaika Isaacs, Schooling Executive, Mindset Network, Johannesburg, South Africa Glen Farrell, Senior Consultant, COL, Vancouver, Canada Research Support n Florence Ngombo, Pretoria, South Africa ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS he project team would like to kindly acknowledge the many representatives from government, the private sector, civil society, donor organizations, academia and the global on-line community who contributed their time, expertise and/or knowledge to help with the research for this survey. While space does not permit all of these people to be acknowledged here, special thanks is made to the following persons: Mohamed Saad Laib; Pedro Teta, Dimoneken Ditutala; Kouagou Kevin; Archie Makgothi; Issa Boro; Révérien Banteyubwoba, Laurence Jisho, Aloys Ndemeye; Martin Lolo, Claude Tangha, François Donfack, François Giroux, Ebot Ebot Enaw, Pierre Fonkoua, Ekouma Ebo’o Emmanuel, Sidonie Ndemba, Louis Onguene Essono; Daniel Dos Santos Lobo; Denamse Kete André; Doromon Michel; Said Omar; Anne Marie Nzumba; Ongoka Pascal Robin, Nguimbi Etienne; Afeli Kouakou; Faith Ahmed Chamsan, Adbi Ibrahim Haiban; Suzan Marzouk, Samia A. Mashali; Michel Esono Mansogo, Eto Nzo Angono, Fernando Nsolo Essono; Negga Tesfai, Fisseha H; Adebayo Bamitale, Berhan Hailu, Sirak Yohannes; Roger Nzamba Mavioga; Momodou H Njie; Rev. E. K. Dadebo, Denise Clarke; Aissata Traore; Mamadu Danfa; B.K. Sang, x Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys Mary Mmayi, Philip Ouma Ayoo; Dlangamandla Zongezile, Paramente P. Phamotse; Yonton B. Kesselly; Isam Saidi; Olivier Robinson, Lala Samuel Ranaivo Rakotondravelona; Ms Bessie Nyirenda; Mouhamed Hantafaye; Amichia Bosso, Mohamedu Diaby; Prem Ramsurn, Alain Senteni; Mourad Benali, Al Hussein Grad, Abdel Latif Farshoush; Kauxique Maganlal; Joris Komen, Johan Van Wyk; Ahmed Boreau; Nwabuzor Monday, Mohamed Agbali, Grace Iyabo Osuman, Olufemi Adeagbo, Uwem Asomugha; Jerome Gasana, Eugene Karangwa, Oscar Mupenzi; Frederico dos Anjos; Mbaye Diouf; Andrew Benson Greene, Jr.; Abdullahi Duale, Farah Mohamed Jaama, Susan Nkinyangi; Trudy Van Wyk, Janet homson, Mike Chiles, Tom Waspe, Vis Naidoo; Ibtisam M. Hassan, Yossif Altaher, Osman Hassan Arabi, Mhisen Bala; Sbongile Kunene; Joyce Msolla, Godfrey Ponera, Elia Kibga, Paula Uimonen; Awokou Assogba, Nassoma Laye, Arnaud Amelina, Léontine Lanyible; Gamra Zeidani; Humphrey Mukooyo; Silvia Angey Ufoyuru, Philip Ouma Ayoo, Daniel Kakinda; Moses Mwale; Eliada Gudza; Peter Kinyanjui; Edith Adera, Alioune Camara; Cedric Wachholz, Armelle Arrou, Jacques Guidon; Alex Twinomugisha; Kerry McNamara, Peter Materu, Jee-Peng Tan, Bobak Rezaian, Iftekhar Islam, Arleen Seed, Shobhana Sosale, Robert Hawkins, Aidan Mulkeen, Mavis Ampah,Valerie D’Costa, John Middleton. www.infodev.org Project Background xi SURVEY HIGHLIGHTS A NEW PHASE: FROM PROJECTS TO POLICIES he process of adoption and difusion of ICT in education in Africa is in transition. here appears to be the beginnings of a marked shift from a decade of experimentation in the form of donor-supported, NGO-led, small-scale, pilot projects towards a new phase of systemic integration informed by national government policies and multi-stakeholder-led implementation processes. One of the primary features of this new phase is the priority that governments are giving to policy development. All but a handful of countries surveyed already have a national ICT policy in place or under development. While some of these national policies deine goals and implementation strategies for ICT in the education sector, nearly half the countries have chosen to develop an ICT policy that is speciic to the education sector. hus the new phase of ICT for education in Africa is occurring within national, and emerging regional, policy frameworks that are providing the basis for partnerships and donor participation. DIFFERENTIAL IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS While most countries have embraced policy development, there is a notable stratiication in terms of their ability to implement. A country like South Africa, with its extant infrastructure and more mature economy, is clearly an outlier in terms of being able to implement its ICT in education agenda. Many of the countries of North Africa constitute another stratum that has made excellent progress because of their resources and the high bandwidth connectivity they enjoy with Europe. Another group is made up of those countries that are moving steadily toward stable economies and that are placing a high priority on ICT applications. Cameroon, Ghana, Mauritius, and Botswana are examples. he largest group is made up of those countries that are emerging from a period of conlict and authoritarian rule. hey look to ICTs to assist them in their eforts to improve capacity for social and economic development. And, unfortunately, there remains a group of countries that are plagued with internal conlict and political instability that make progress on ICT for education impossible. MACRO TRENDS here are several trends evident in the country reports that appear to be important in terms of enabling implementation of ICT in national education systems. Public-Private Partnerships At the broadest level these are multi-partnerships that involve private companies (usually ICT based), one or more government ministries, educational institutions, donor and development agencies, and civil society organisations working together to garner resources and set priorities for ICT in education projects. he www.infodev.org Survey Highlights 1 Kenya ICT Trust Fund and the Egyptian Education Initiative are examples, as is the Information Society Partnership for Africa’s Development (ISPAD) put together by NEPAD through the e-Africa Commission and ive major ICT companies in part to implement the NEPAD e-Schools Demonstration project. he number of bilateral partnerships between ICT organisations (e.g., Microsoft, Cisco, Intel, Hewlett Packard) and national ministries of education to enable use of speciic ICT products has increased remarkably. International partnerships, particularly in higher education, exist for a variety of reasons, including the development of ICT capacity. Two organisations that are particularly active are the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and the Partnership for Higher Education in Africa that is sponsored by seven American foundations. Digital Content Development he need for digital learning materials relevant to local curricula is becoming more urgent as ICT becomes integrated into the teaching process across the curriculum. At national levels ministries are identifying institutional responsibilities and are beginning to encourage collaborative eforts on a regional basis. he AVOIR project is an example. Open Source Software and Operating Systems Interest in Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) is growing rapidlay in Africa. A constraint in some areas is the lack of skilled personnel available to support such systems. he Free and Open Source Software Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA), Bokjang Bokjef in Senegal, and LinuxChix Africa are examples of organisations promoting the use and development of FLOSS in Africa. Regional Initiatives A wide range of programmes and projects involve one or more African countries in varying numbers. Examples include high-level intergovernmental, multi-stakeholder programmes such as the NEPAD eSchools Program, civil society institutions focused on networking African schools such as SchoolNet Africa (SNA), university partnerships such as the African Virtual University (AVU), and collaborative learning projects that directly involve learners and teachers from schools in several African countries such as the Global Teenager Project (GTP), Mtandao Afrika (MAf ), World Links, and the International Education Resources Network (iEARN). National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) here are several examples of networks that enable connectivity among universities in countries in North, East, and Southern Africa that not only enable collaboration but allow for some cost sharing. Several of these NRENs have formed the UbuntuNet Alliance for Research and Education Networking with a view to becoming the research and education network (REN) backbone of Africa using optical ibre and other terrestrial infrastructure. International Connectivity Several initiatives are emerging to address the fact that Africa has long been disadvantaged by the lack of fast and afordable connectivity with the rest of the globe. One such initiative is the Eastern Africa Submarine Cable System (EASSy) project that is focused on developing an undersea ibre optic cable that will link the countries of East Africa to the rest of the world. Complementing this is the Africa Regional Communications Infrastructure Program (RCIP) that is focused on the terrestrial elements of the overall regional communications infrastructure. he RCIP initiative is inanced by the World Bank. Many of the North Africa countries have had high-speed Internet connectivity with Europe for some time. 2 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys DANTE (Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe), through its EUMEDCONNECT project, has developed a research network within the Mediterranean region that is providing high-speed connectivity for institutions in Mediterranean and North Africa countries with each other. Wireless Networks Wireless networks are developing at a rapid rate in most countries with the goal of facilitating general access to mobile phone technology and to broadband networks. Angola is an example of the latter, as it is upgrading its wireless network to help address growing nationwide demand for advanced wireless data services like telemedicine and Internet access. DONORS During the 1990s, international donor and development agencies like the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the World Bank, UNESCO, UNDP, and USAID’s Leland Initiative invested in grants for pilot projects to test the role of ICTs in promoting education and development. In a similar endeavour, the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) invested in regional programmes such as the Imfundo Project and (later) the Catalysing Access to Information Technology in Africa (CATIA) project. Since 1996, the UN Economic Commission for Africa, through its establishment of Partnerships in ICTs in Africa (PICTA), has also secured support from various donor agencies, particularly the European Union, for the development of what was at the time referred to as National ICT Infrastructure (NICI) plans for individual African countries. Bilateral partnerships between donor agencies and national governments have been instrumental in the promotion of ICT access and use in education institutions. Here the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), USAID, and DFID have been particularly prominent in some African countries such as Tanzania, Namibia, and Ghana. ENABLING AND LIMITING FACTORS A 2006 survey on the state of ICT infrastructure in African universities summed up the situation regarding access to ICT infrastructure as “too little, too expensive, and poorly managed.”1 he country reports conirm this statement for all parts of educational systems. However, this situation is likely to change due to factors such as the emergence of policy frameworks, the evolution of networks, and, perhaps most importantly, the growing commitment to ICT in education on the part of government leaders. ENLIGHTENED LEADERSHIP he ICT in education developments and initiatives chronicled in the country reports are due to many factors, including the sustained eforts of a variety of organisations over the years. But it is also evident that the shift from “projects to policies,” and the more systematic development that that implies, would not be possible without the growing commitment to ICT in education on the part of government leaders across the continent. he following comments are illustrative: n n n President Museveni of Uganda at the launching of the NEPAD e-Schools project: “his technology will enable the young people of this village to tap into the mainstream of information and knowledge, where they learn and play, expand their imagination and creativity, and collaborate with their peers across the African continent and across the world.” Ms Elizabeth Ohene, Ghana’s Minister of State for Education and Sports at the opening of the irst NEPAD e-school in Ghana: “he computer should no longer be seen as a gloriied typewriter, but as a tutor, an organiser, a presentation agent, a search agent, a data processor, a remedial and e-learning interactive agent.” Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia speaking to an ICT conference in Addis Ababa in 2005: “We were convinced that we should invest every penny we have on securing the next meal for our people. We did not www.infodev.org Survey Highlights 3 n n believe serious investment in ICT had anything to do with facing the challenges of poverty that kills. Now I think we know better. We recognise that it is a vital and essential tool for ighting poverty—for beating poverty that kills—and ensuring our survival.” Kenya’s Education Minister Prof George Saitoti speaking at the second International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training held in Nairobi, 2007: “In education, the use of ICTs ofers new ways in which the quality, efectiveness, and in particular, the lexibility of higher education can be improved. When integrated into education, ICTs have the capacity to improve the delivery of education through distance learning.” African Ministers of Education, meeting at the irst African ministerial round table on ICT for education, training, and development in Nairobi on June 1, 2007, stated in their communiqué that: “ICTs are seen as one key solution that will allow African countries to meet the needs in rural and underserved areas and bring education to their citizens rapidly and cost eiciently.” hey also resolved that hundreds of thousands of teachers require ICT skills to help achieve this goal. 4 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys ICT POLICIES FOR EDUCATION IN AFRICA GENERAL OBSERVATIONS here is a great deal of variance in ICT policies for education among the African countries surveyed. South Africa clearly is unique in terms of being able to move its ICT agenda forward. Several of the countries of North Africa that have both resources and high bandwidth connectivity with Europe have also been able to make excellent progress implementing their ICT plans. hose countries that are steadily moving to sustainable economies (Mauritius, Ghana, and Botswana, for example) constitute another group making remarkable progress. Perhaps the largest group is made up of those countries that are in transition from a sustained period of conlict and economic instability and are looking to ICT applications to help them meet myriad challenges—particularly the development of their human resource capacity. hey are among the neediest in terms of assistance. And, unfortunately, there remains a group of countries that are still plagued with political instability and internal conlicts that make progress on the ICT for education agenda impossible. NATIONAL ICT POLICIES he point that future socio-economic development will need to embrace the use of ICT appears to be widely recognised by governments throughout Africa and is evidenced by the number of countries that have a national policy for ICT in place or under development. he data in Table 1 below indicate how the development of these policies has progressed since the turn of the millennium. he policies vary in several ways. First, a few, often those that have been in place for some time, are more likely to focus on telecommunication technologies and their regulation and less on the importance of information technologies for development (ICT4D). More typical, however, are the more comprehensive TABLE 1: Development of National ICT Policies 2000–2007 Status of National ICT Policy Development by Country Policy in place Policy under development No development underway Total 2000* 2005* 13 10 30 53 28 15 10 53 2007** 36 12 5 53 * Source: UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), http://www.uneca.org/aisi/nici/ ** Source: ICT in Education in Africa Survey Reports www.infodev.org ICT Policies for Education in Africa 5 policies such as those developed in Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, and Libya. For example, Libya’s policy focuses on: n n n n Supporting the government's initiatives on the Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Program (iPRSP) using ICT Standardising ICT operational systems and administrative procedures Setting the framework to develop and implement ICT programmes in the counties and local communities Broadening the national academic curriculum to create careers in the ICT sector and raise overall awareness Others, such as Mauritius, Zimbabwe, and Rwanda, are even more comprehensive. Rwanda, for example, focuses on the following 10 pillars: n n n n n n n n n n ICT in education Human capacity development Infrastructure, equipment, and content Economic development Social development E-government and e-governance Private sector development Rural and community access Legal, regulatory, and institutional provisions and standards National security, law, and order EDUCATION SECTOR ICT POLICIES AND IMPLEMENTATION PLANS Determining the status of development of ICT policies in the education sector was one of the primary objectives of the survey. he breakdown is as follows: n n n n Countries with sector ICT plan developed: 17 Countries with sector ICT being developed: 7 Countries with sector goals and strategies included in national ICT policy: 9 Countries with sector goals and strategies referenced in other plans: 6 In the last instance, “other plans” include general education development plans, national poverty reduction strategies, telecommunication acts, national science and technology policy (Sierra Leone), and, in the case of Mali, the plans of a central implementing agency established to implement ICTs across all sectors. here are several faces to the concept of ICT policy in the education sector. Obviously the most prevalent is a policy that has been developed by ministries of education. However, as noted above, education sector policies are often embedded in the country’s national ICT policy, and, less obviously, in general policies on education development, the policies of the national telecom authority, or national poverty reduction strategies. Following are some speciic observations: n ICT policies act as catalyst for ICT policy development in education Of the 48 countries that either have a national ICT policy in place or are in the process of developing one, 39 of them have education sector ICT policies and plans in one form or another or are in the process of developing them. Clearly the development of national ICT policies acts as a catalyst for ICT policy development in the education sector. In fact in some cases (e.g., Botswana, Rwanda) the development of goals and implementation plans for the education sector has been an integral part of the larger process of developing the national plan. 6 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys n n n n n n n Two exceptions to this generalisation are Eritrea and Equatorial Guinea, which do not have a national ICT plan. Eritrea has nevertheless proceeded to develop its education sector policy, and Equatorial Guinea has taken a partial step by passing a law legitimising and encouraging the use of distance education. Most ICT education sector policies developed since 2000 With some exceptions (such as South Africa and Mauritius) the ICT education sector policies have been developed since the turn of the millennium. One gets the sense of a general renaissance having occurred in ministries of education across the continent, particularly over the last ive years. ICT policy development for education is a long and complicated process It is also the case that the process of developing an ICT policy for education is complicated. In many instances the policies that have been recently promulgated are the result of several years of consultation with stakeholder groups.2 Most ICT/education policies are comprehensive Most policies include all the sub-sectors of the education system. However, a few, such as South Africa and Kenya, are speciically focused on the school sub-sector. All ICT/education policies stress enhancing access, some go further All policies surveyed emphasise the importance of enhancing access to ICT tools and Internet connectivity, developing ICT skills among young people and the general population, and the importance of teacher training. However, the policies of some countries are even more comprehensive in that they also stress the need for the development of digital content, education portals, and the need for content in indigenous languages. Donors play an important role in the policy process he international donor community (e.g., UNECA, USAID, UNDP, AfDB, IDRC) continues to play an important role in the policy development process, and the impact is seen in many plans in terms of the detail which purposes, outcomes, performance indicators, monitoring and evaluation strategies, and implementing strategies are set out. he plans developed by South Africa, Kenya, Mauritius, and Rwanda are exemplary in that respect. ICT/education plans aren’t always implemented he development of plans doesn’t necessarily equate with implementation and results on the ground. In most cases implementation remains very dependent on the support of partners from the donor community and the private sector. Indeed, some countries have set up mechanisms speciically to attract investment in the development of ICT in education and through which to involve stakeholders in setting priorities and allocating resources. he Kenya ICT Trust is an example. ICT/education policies typically articulate a vision, while implementation plans focus on the practical For many counties the ICT sector policies constitute a vision for development whereas their implementation plans need to focus on the practical and sustainable initiatives that can be taken in the shorter term to move towards the vision. For this reason, several countries (e.g., Rwanda) have developed their implementation plan in ive-year increments over 15 or 20 years. An interesting example of a pragmatic approach to policy implementation is Cape Verde which has developed a plan that contains a comprehensive list of needs but, faced with a woeful lack of ICT infrastructure, is focusing on the use of radio to provide support for teachers and enriched content for students. POLICY MANAGEMENT he models for managing the maintenance and implementation of ICT education sector policies were of speciic interest in the survey. In virtually all countries surveyed, there is a government-wide steering committee that oversees the implementation of ICT policy generally, negotiates with funding partners, and recommends on priorities and annual budget allocations. Beyond that however, there is a great deal of variance as indicated in the following comments: n Decentralised approach Countries that decentralised or shared responsibility with states/provinces for education, such as Nigeria www.infodev.org ICT Policies for Education in Africa 7 n n n n and South Africa, have mechanisms in place to manage and implement policy at that level; states/ provinces have their own speciic ICT in education policies with appropriate mechanisms for implementation and management. Centralised approach Countries that have adopted a more centralised approach to policy development have opted to create a new agency with a mandate to implement the policy across all sectors. Namibia, Mauritius, Botswana, and Rwanda are examples. Quasi-decentralised approach Uganda is an example of a quasi-decentralised approach to policy management: the line ministries develop their sector policies and plans, with their progress and performance being monitored by a central agency designated by government to ensure implementation of the national plan at the sector level. Ministry of Education role More common, however, is the model whereby the Ministry of Education, sometimes in association with the ministry responsible for telecommunications, takes responsibility for policy development and implementation. Typically the ministry will have established an ICT unit, stafed with the necessary expertise, to act as the locus of responsibility for managing the implementation of the policy. Varied stakeholder involvement An important variable in these models is the amount of stakeholder involvement in the process. In some instances the process is more top down with limited stakeholder involvement. But more often, the sector policy has evolved through an extensive process of discussion with stakeholder groups including civil society, educators, private sector, the donor community, intra-ministerial departments, and other ministries of government. In these instances the management model tends to relect the process of policy development in that stakeholder involvement is maintained through a ministry-led steering committee that ensures co-ordination and advises the ministry on priorities and implementation strategies—which may include agreed-upon implementation roles for stakeholders such as NGOs. Examples are found in Kenya, Namibia, and Ghana. 8 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys ICT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR EDUCATION IN AFRICA GENERAL OBSERVATIONS Most countries surveyed have, or are in the process of, liberalising their telecommunications policies to enable more competition and diversity of service providers in the industry. While this is having the efect of lowering the cost of access to information and telecommunication infrastructure, the costs of connectivity remain unafordable for most education institutions. Furthermore, there are huge gaps between urban and rural areas in terms of access to ICT infrastructure. Access to a reliable supply of electricity is a general problem but is particularly severe in rural areas because of the diiculty of connecting to national electrical grids. here is a general lack of human resource capacity to provide ICT training and equipment servicing, and there is also a lag between the availability of ICT infrastructure and the ability of agrarian societies to integrate it to beneit national development. Djibouti, for example, is at the forefront with a digital telecom network with two earth stations and the landing point for three undersea cables linking to Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. However, the country has yet to develop an ICT education sector policy and has generally not yet beneited from these assets. Nevertheless, the Country Reports describe myriad initiatives that demonstrate that rapid changes are underway—and that there are many instances where this generalised picture does not apply: n n n n n he availability of mobile phone technology is increasing at a remarkable rate. Wireless networks are becoming increasingly common. Undersea cable projects such as the EASSy project are being planned to provide global connectivity for countries that currently lack such access. A variety of public-private partnerships are emerging, particularly in the form of ICT trusts designed to encourage investment and stakeholder participation in ICT infrastructure development in education. (See the country reports for Kenya, Namibia, and Sudan for examples.) In the national ICT policies of several countries (notably Rwanda, Mauritius, Algeria, and Botswana), there is a declared intention to become a regional ICT service hub. However, it is worth noting that, with the development of ICT infrastructure, comes the problem of e-waste— electronic or electrical equipment that has been discarded or has become obsolete. his includes old, end-oflife computers, cell phones, TVs, and radios. E-waste is reportedly one of the fastest growing forms of waste around the world. he United Nations Environmental Program has estimated that up to 50 million metric tons of e-waste are generated every year. Recently, the United Nations has called for policies to protect African countries from unregulated imports of e-waste.3 Schools and universities across Africa have experienced signiicant use of second-hand and refurbished PCs obtained from groups like Computer Aid International, Digital Links, and World Computer Exchange. his has led to the establishment of local PC refurbishment and technical service centres in a few African www.infodev.org ICT Infrastructure for Education in Africa 9 countries. In addition, a very limited number of initiatives and groups have been established in Africa to recycle e-waste products and develop strategies to raise awareness about them. In South Africa, the Information Technology Association has partnered with the Swiss State of Economic Afairs and the eWaste Association of South Africa to play a leading role in developing an efective e-waste model for the country.4 INFRASTRUCTURE IN HIGHER EDUCATION With the exception of South Africa, Mauritius, and most of North Africa, African universities are seriously constrained in the use of ICT by a lack of computer stations and a lack of access to afordable high-speed Internet connectivity. Indeed, the 2006 African Tertiary Institutions Connectivity Survey (ATICS) summed up the situation as “too little, too expensive, and poorly managed.” he survey report goes on to say that “the average African university has bandwidth capacity equivalent to a broadband residential connection available in Europe, [and] pays 50 times more for their bandwidth than their educational counterparts in the rest of the world.”5 hese challenges are being addressed through the development of national research and education networks (NRENs) that, at national levels, will enable connectivity among universities and, eventually all educational institutions. Examples include Morocco’s X.25 Gateway which connects 14 universities to the Internet, the national network of education and research (RENER) in Burkina Faso, and Libya’s higher education and research network (LHERN) that connects universities and other institutions. Other NREN examples are described in the reports for Botswana, Djibouti, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, and Rwanda. he expectation is that by linking these networks to undersea cables via regional networks, global connectivity will be a reality and costs can be reduced to sustainable levels. he Eastern Africa Submarine Cable System (EASSy) project and the Africa Regional Communications Infrastructure Program (RCIP) project are examples of these initiatives. he NREN linking initiative is also being led by the UbuntuNet Alliance that has been established to provide a research and education backbone for Africa based on the emergence of optical ibre and other terrestrial infrastructure opportunities.6 Another example of the development of global connectivity networks is the DANTE (Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe) initiative, through its EUMEDCONNECT project, that has developed a research network within the Mediterranean region providing high-speed connectivity for institutions in Mediterranean and North Africa countries. Wireless networks are emerging as a cost-efective way of establishing connectivity among and within in higher education institutions. he report on Guinea cites an example where the primary universities have created wireless networks to link their central campus with their several remote campuses. Universities are also developing their own internal ICT policies. Many of the South African universities are examples, with several having policies on the manner in which ICT is expected to be integrated into the teaching/learning process. Others have policies on the management of ICT functions. Stellenbosch University has an “e-campus” strategy encompassing all related activities, and the University of Pretoria has a Telematics Learning and Education Innovation plan. he African Virtual Open Initiatives and Resources (AVOIR) project is a collaborative efort involving higher education institutions from Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda in the development of products and expertise in free and open source software. One of the products developed and deployed among the institutions is KEWL.Nextgen e-learning platform.7 10 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys INFRASTRUCTURE IN SCHOOLS African Ministries of Education have begun to be more proactive in co-ordinating and leading the development of ICT infrastructure in school systems as their ICT policies and implementation plans have taken shape. However, civil society, principally NGOs working with donor agencies, continues to play a major role in providing computers to schools and lobbying governments to take a leading role. hat said, their eforts have been frustrated by the lack of connectivity, inconsistent electrical supply, and lack of technical support services—particularly in rural areas. he ICT policies place a great deal of emphasis on providing ICT infrastructure to secondary schools and, eventually, to primary schools as well. But implementing these policies and plans will require time and major infusions of resources. he country reports highlight to a number of phenomena: n n n n Student fees One of the ways schools try to provide sustainable access to ICT infrastructure is to assess additional student fees. While this may be manageable in some contexts, the practice is widely criticised as discriminatory for those who can’t aford it. Using ‘old’ technologies he reports for Guinea, Togo, and Djibouti provide examples of how “old” ICT technologies are being used to support teachers and students. Guinea has a radio-based National Distance Teaching Service that uses radio broadcasts, audiocassettes, and print materials that are produced by the National Institute for Pedagogical Research. he project is supported by USAID. Togo uses an FM radio network to provide supplementary curriculum content for teachers, and Djibouti has a school radio broadcast for secondary schools focused on math and science content. Satellite-based networks Egypt has a seven-channel satellite-based network with receive centres in schools and administrative centres, plus mobile centres that provide support for remote schools in the areas of primary, preparatory, secondary, and technical education plus languages and general knowledge. here are also channels dedicated to upgrading teachers and for literacy programmes. Low-cost computing pilots A number of pilots on low-cost computers in schools are emerging. hese include the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project that involves the distribution of a $175 laptop made of tough white and green plastic, and which has a four-hour battery, a colour screen, and built-in Wi-Fi. OLPC is currently running pilot projects in South Africa and Nigeria. INFRASTRUCTURE FOR NON-FORMAL EDUCATION AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC Public access to ICT is available to various extents in most of the larger urban centres in Africa through cyber cafés, but access is largely non-existent in rural areas. Most of the national ICT policies in Africa identify the need to provide access for the general population as an essential ingredient for development. A common strategy for doing so is the establishment of local centres that provide access to computers and Internet connectivity, and often to TV and peripheral services such as printing, cassettes, and DVD players. Training and information dissemination activities related to ICT, literacy, health, markets, and government services are often part of the operations of such centres. he following are illustrative of examples in the reports: n n Madagascar is establishing “ICT villages” with a digital classroom, health centre, and community ICT access. Mozambique has community multimedia centres resulting from a merger between existing telecentres and some radio stations. www.infodev.org ICT Infrastructure for Education in Africa 11 n Mauritius uses a leet of “cyber caravans” to take ICT facilities to remote areas. However, as far as non-formal education is concerned, the predominant infrastructure used is still the “old” technologies of radio and television. 12 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys ICT ACTIVITIES AND INITIATIVES IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN AFRICA TECHNICAL/VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING As used here, the term higher education refers to both universities as well as post-secondary institutions that provide technical and vocational (TVET) programmes. However, in terms of ICT applications, the conclusion from the reports is that there has been relatively little application of ICTs in the TVET sub-sector either as a teaching tool or to enhance access to programmes. he conclusion is corroborated in a statement by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and the Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA) in advance of a seminar they co-sponsored in Sierra Leone in May 2007 that focused on integrating ICT and e-learning into TVET: Although ICT and e-learning is gaining ground as an efective pedagogical tool in higher education, TVET institutions and polytechnics in Africa are lagging behind. he reason appears to be lack of knowledge and expertise in the use of these new technologies in the area of technical and vocational training, and the absence of institutional and country policies on the integration of ICT and e-Learning into TVET. he point is further supported by the fact that the irst-ever TVET summit was held prior to the Second International Conference on ICT for Development, E-learning and Training held in Nairobi in May 2007. his summit was organised by UNESCO-UNEVOC and focused on access to and inclusion in TVET in Africa through new ICT-based solutions. UNIVERSITIES Generally speaking, the capacity of African universities to lead the process of integrating ICT in education, as has been the case in most of the developed world, is woefully inadequate. hey lack access to infrastructure, afordable and suicient bandwidth, and the human resource capacity to exploit the technology. (hese constraints are summarised in more detail in another section of this report.) As a result, African universities are lagging behind in the global ICT context. he exceptions are universities in South Africa, and most of those in North Africa, where they have well-developed international relationships along with access to highspeed connectivity. he Association of African Universities states that the development and application of ICT in African higher education institutions is critically important if the continent is to reduce the knowledge, technological, and economic gaps between itself and the rest of the world. he survey reports indicate that this is starting to happen, as the following points illustrate: n With some exceptions (such as Kenya), universities are typically included in the ICT policies that have been developed. In instances where they have not they are urged to develop their own ICT policies. www.infodev.org ICT Activities and Initiatives in Higher Education in Africa 13 n n n n n n Institutional policy development is being supported by the Association of African Universities, by regional bodies such as the Inter-University Council for East Africa, and through a growing number of partnerships with foreign universities in North America, Europe, Australia, and, more recently, India. It is notable that governments are looking to their primary universities as the nodes for leadership in implementing national ICT policies as well as those in the education sector. Makerere University in Uganda and the National University of Rwanda are examples. Africa has largely not seen the inlux of for-proit, ICT-based foreign providers of higher education seen in others parts of the world. However the interactions, collaborations, and partnerships between African and foreign universities are increasing—many of them enabled by ICT and by a resurgence of donor interest in higher education. here are two international organisations that deserve special mention because of their work in fostering innovative ICT applications. One is the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), which is extremely active in facilitating partnership arrangements between African francophone universities and ones in France, Canada, and other parts of the French-speaking world. he other is the Partnership for Higher Education in Africa, an initiative supported by seven major foundations in the US with the objective of accelerating the processes of comprehensive modernisation and strengthening of universities in selected countries in Africa. One of the Partnership’s seven major goals focuses on the use of ICT. While not exclusively focused on ICT, the Development Partnerships in Higher Education programme (DELPHE) initiated by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) is likely to result in a number of projects that aim to enhance the ICT capacity of universities. he programme provides support for partnerships between higher education institutions in the UK and those in participating countries in Africa working on collaborative activities related to the MDGs.8 hree Rwandan universities (the National University, the Kigali Institute for Education, and the Kigali Institute for Science and Technology) and the University of Nairobi have partnered with Google to improve access to Web-based communications for staf and students. his will allow free access to Google applications.9 DISTANCE EDUCATION AND e-LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION Traditional print-based distanceducation, assisted by radio and TV, is not new to many parts of Africa, particularly South Africa, Mauritius, and Tanzania, and print remains the predominant delivery tool for distance education in Africa, as the incorporation of the more modern ICTs in the process is constrained by a lack of infrastructure and afordable connectivity in many parts of the continent. Nevertheless, there are numerous examples of innovative applications of ICT in distance education strategies with the result that the terms “e-learning,” “virtual universities,” “open universities,” and “virtual schools” are appearing in policy and planning documents. he country reports cite numerous examples of the growing adoption of ICTs across the continent: n n n he rate of adoption is extremely variable. A 2003 survey commissioned by the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Working Group on Distance Education and Open Learning found that while the Internet and CD-Roms were used in 35% of francophone institutions, only 5% of anglophone and 0% of lusophone institutions were using them.10 hese results are somewhat skewed by the fact that universities in North Africa enjoy much better connectivity with Europe. he work of the AUF is also inluencing ICT adoption in francophone institutions. For example, the AUF has created a centre in Lomé, the capital of Togo, that serves four higher education institutions with 50 computers and high-speed connectivity that enables students to take e-learning courses from institutions throughout the francophone world. his model has been replicated in several other francophone countries in Africa. he African Virtual University (AVU) has established more than 30 learning centres through its partnerships with higher education institutions in 19 countries ofering a variety of courses with a primary emphasis on teacher training and upgrading. 14 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys n n he reports for Libya, Morocco, Sudan, and Tunisia all cite the development of virtual or open universities with the one in Sudan being speciically focused on teacher training. he Moroccan Virtual Campus works with Moroccan universities to enhance access for students. he University of Mauritius has established a centre for lifelong learning that includes a centre for distance education and another one for innovative learning technology. CONTENT DEVELOPMENT At this juncture it appears that less attention is being paid to the development of digital learning materials in higher education than to the schools sub-sector. his is perhaps not surprising, given that the lecturer in the university classroom has always had far more independent control over content than the teacher in a school classroom. Most of the efort to enhance access to content in universities is focused on gaining access to afordable, high-speed Internet connectivity for faculty and students rather than on developing materials at the institutional level, or through collaborative partnerships among universities or countries. Egypt, however, has an ICT project that designs e-learning courses and has established a digital library that serves all universities. Another interesting development is the COL-led Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) project that aims to create post-secondary skills-related courses in areas such as tourism entrepreneurship, professional development, disaster management and a range of technical and vocational subjects.11 hese courses are being created under Creative Commons copyright using WikiEducator, which enables the materials to be readily adapted to the speciic context of each country and used in the ofering of creditbearing qualiications in the countries’ post-secondary institutions. he participating African countries are Botswana, Comoros, he Gambia, Lesotho, Namibia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, and Swaziland. Staf from selected universities in those countries are being trained to develop content for inclusion in the database. www.infodev.org ICT Activities and Initiatives in Higher Education in Africa 15 ICT ACTIVITIES AND INITIATIVES IN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN AFRICA GENERAL OBSERVATIONS he formal schools sector has historically led the way on ICTs in education in most African countries, often before national policies have been adopted. South Africa, Namibia, Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda are a few examples. In these cases, the initiation of ICT access in schools has been supported by large programmes like the World Bank’s World Links for Development, which worked mainly in partnership with ministries of education, SchoolNet Africa, and the IDRC’s Acacia programme. hese initial small-scale projects have been taken to the next level by national programmes that are promoting ICT access to all schools. Much of the emphasis is on secondary school access in almost all countries. A salient feature of national ICT and ICT for education policies in a number of African countries is the promotion of computer science or information technology as a school-based subject in addition to the access, use, and integration of ICTs within the school systems. Botswana, Mauritius, Seychelles, South Africa, and Zambia are countries that have taken such promotion on. he inclusion of schools in national education management and information systems within ministries of education is an added feature of national ICT for education strategies in countries like Botswana and South Africa. EQUIPMENT AND CONNECTIVITY All African countries with national policies on ICTs in education make detailed and speciic reference to issues of universal ICT access and use in all formal schools. Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, and Zambia are examples. hese programmes have been given further impetus by high-level panAfrican programmes such as the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) e-Schools Initiative, which is concluding its irst phase Demonstration Project involving 16 African countries. In Lesotho, this initiative catalysed national interest at the highest level of government. Table 2 illustrates the range of technologies being used to provide connectivity in some form. he country reports highlight the following trends: n Computers labs in schools he dominant ICT access model in schools is the computer lab, involving between one and 40 computers, most of which are networked either by thin client or fat client, although some are standalone PCs as in Mali and Cameroon. hese computers are used both for administration as well as support tools to aid teaching. www.infodev.org ICT Activities and Initiatives in Primary and Secondary Schools in Africa 17 TABLE 2: Access and Connectivity Models Technology/Connectivity Project and Country Radio OLSET (South Africa), KIE (Kenya) Television broadcast Mindset (South Africa), Learning Channel (South Africa Talk Back TV (Botswana) Ethiopian Ministry of Education Centre for Technology Development and Decisionmaking Support (Egypt) Video Discovery Channel Global Education Fund (Angola, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe) DVDs and CDs Learnthings Africa, CurriculumNet Uganda, Mindset (South Africa) Second-hand PCs Schoolnets in Cameroon, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Swaziland, Zambia Zimbabwe PC refurbishment centres SchoolNet Africa and GEEP(Senegal), World Links (Zimbabwe) Computers for Schools Kenya, SchoolNet Uganda, Computer Education Trust (Swaziland), SchoolNet Namibia Dial-up Internet SchoolNet Cameroon, Satellite datacast Mindset (South Africa) Broadband Internet Mauritius Ministry of Education and Ministry of IT VSAT connectivity SchoolNet Uganda, NEPAD e-Schools (Mali, Uganda, Rwanda) Mobile phones Teacher SMS Project (Kenya), Math on MXit, Meraka Institute (South Africa); M-Girls, Mindset (South Africa) OpenLab (SchoolNet Namibia); SchoolNet Mozambique Open source software n n n Television Some countries have used television broadcast as a medium for delivery of education content, as is the case with Mindset Network and the Learning Channel in South Africa, the Talk Back TV on HIV/AIDS programme in Botswana, and the Centre for Technology Development and Decision-making Support in Egypt. In Ethiopia, classrooms are equipped with plasma screens and already receive lessons via video broadcast for eight hours a day by satellite TV. Multichoice Africa has also supported access to a range of educational channels which include National Geographic, the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, and Mindset Learn via satellite broadcast in a number of African countries via its own programme as well as the NEPAD e-Schools Demonstration Project. Organisations like the Discovery Channel Global Education Fund have provided television, video, and education content resources to small numbers of schools in countries such as Angola, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. Radio Organisations like the Open Learning Systems Education Trust (OLSET), based in South Africa, developed audio- and print-based distance education programmes for direct use in classrooms. Interactive radio instruction has also been used extensively by organisations like the Kenya Institute of Education, which has a radio broadcast studio and which has reached up to 400 schools via satellite radio in partnership with WorldSpace. Used computers Many countries have used second-hand and refurbished PCs sourced from groups like Computer Aid International, Digital Links, SchoolNet Africa, and World Computer Exchange. Schoolnet organisations in Cameroon, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe have 18 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys n n n n n n sourced second-hand and refurbished PCs and have imposed minimum speciications when obtaining the PCs. In these cases organisations like SchoolNet Namibia, SchoolNet Mozambique, World Links Zimbabwe, SchoolNet Nigeria (in partnership with organisations like the Education Tax Fund), Computers for Schools Kenya, and SchoolNet Uganda have established PC refurbishment centres or technical services centres that support the deployment of computers, maintenance, and support to schools. VSAT Some countries have experimented with very small aperture terminal (VSAT) solutions that enable remote access through the use of satellite and help overcome limitations imposed by vast distances and rugged terrain. SchoolNet Uganda initiated a pilot with 11 schools in 2001 that brought some beneits but that also proved expensive and unsustainable. he private sector consortia in the NEPAD e-Schools Demo Project promoted VSAT solutions in some countries such as Mali and Senegal. Electricity Lack of access to electricity, especially in rural schools, is an added challenge that some countries have confronted. For example, SchoolNet Namibia piloted the use of solar panels in schools. In Nigeria schools have invested in generators to accommodate regular power outages. he NEPAD e-Schools Demo Project also made use of generators in Uganda. Mobile phones More recently, mobile phones have been used for learning in South Africa with the piloting of the Math on MXit and MobilEd programmes by the Meraka Institute. In Kenya the use of short message system (SMS) among teachers has also been tried. Multi-channel learning Organisations like Mindset Network in South Africa have introduced a multiple platform approach in the distribution of its locally produced electronic education content to schools. hese include satellite broadcast and satellite datacast which accommodate video on demand, content servers networked to PCs, DVDs, the Web, and more recently, mobile devices. Open source Almost all countries surveyed have made use of both open source and proprietary software solutions. In South Africa, even though the government supports open source software, it also has an agreement with Microsoft that promotes free Microsoft software for all schools. his agreement will be under review shortly. SchoolNet Namibia has been in the forefront in promoting FLOSS in schools through the promotion of its OpenLab model Internet access Many schools that do have computers still do not have access to the Internet. he Internet can provide a wealth of learning resources that many African schools at present are not yet able to access because the cost is prohibitive. In South Africa, for example, of the estimated 6,000 schools that have access to PCs, only an estimated 2,500 have Internet access. Connectivity solutions include legislation promoting an e-rate that ofers discounted access to the Internet for schools, even though in some countries (e.g., South Africa) such legislation has faced implementation challenges. In Lesotho, the Ministry of Education has negotiated, at least in principle, Internet access to schools at reduced rates. In Senegal, Sonatel makes discounted Internet access available to schools, and in Namibia, an agreement between SchoolNet Namibia and Telecom Nambia provides 24/7 lat rate access to all schools. Some countries have begun the evolution to broadband access that also supports schools. Mauritius is considered a “cyber island” in this context as 90% of the island to date can be considered a “hot spot” with wireless Internet access. In Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation and a host of partners established a state-of-the-art multimedia broadband backbone infrastructure with a core nucleus of 4,000 kilometres of optical ibre. his same network has provided a backbone for the irst phase of the schoolnet initiative in that country. Table 3 below provides some estimates of numbers of schools reached with computers in a sample selection of African countries. Notably, the NEPAD e-Schools project has targeted the reach of Africa’s full comple- www.infodev.org ICT Activities and Initiatives in Primary and Secondary Schools in Africa 19 TABLE 3: Computer Penetration Ratios at Schools in Selected African Countries, 2006 Country Egypt Ghana Mozambique Namibia South Africa Number of schools Schools with computers Percentage schools with computers 26,000 32,000 7,000 1,519 25,582 26,000 800 80 350 6,651 100%* 2.5% 1.1% 22.1% 22.6% *Based on figures obtained from the Ministry of Education in Egypt, 2006. ment of formal schools—estimated at 600,000—which has been factored into its recently developed business plan. TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAMMES Research conducted by SchoolNet Africa, the Commonwealth of Learning, and the International Institute for Communication and Development (2004) identiied an estimated 61 diferent ICT-related teachertraining and professional development programmes, projects, and courses under way in Africa. Since then, additional national and regional teacher professional development programmes have emerged. It is diicult to estimate the numbers of teachers with access to ICTs and who have been trained in their use for learning and teaching. Most countries surveyed have had some investment in developing the capacity of teachers to use ICTs as a teaching and learning resource through both in-service and pre-service programmes. Most teacher-training programmes in Africa involve the development of basic ICT skills, sometimes as an end in itself, although in some cases these include the application of ICTs as a learning tool for teachers. Teacher training often involves one-of, topic-led, short-term training programmes that aim to develop speciic skills of teachers, but which do not necessarily comply with professional standards of competency development. Training programmes run by Mtandao Afrika and the Global Teenager Project are among these. However, the systematised, initial, continuous, coherent, and modular process of professional development of African educators in accordance with professional competency standards and frameworks is making its way in many African countries through the use of ICTs.12 UNESCO’s Teacher Training Initiative for Sub-Saharan Africa (TTISSA) and the African Virtual University (AVU) Teacher Education Project feature among the most signiicant, multi-country regional programmes promoting teacher professional development and ICT integration. TTISSA is a high-priority programme on teacher professional development in Africa scheduled for 2006–2015 with a focus on supporting the 46 subSaharan countries on restructuring national teacher policies and teacher education. Its main aim is to increase the number of teachers and to improve the quality of teaching in Africa, and it considers the use of ICTs as a strong component of the programme. he AVU established an ambitious teacher education project which involves 10 African countries in partnership with the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) in 2006. he programme focuses on mathematics and science education and the integration of ICTs in and across the teaching of the curricula in these two subject areas. he intention is to contribute to the growth of more and better quality teachers through the use of lexible, open, distance, and e-learning methodologies at an afordable cost for diploma, undergraduate, and graduate levels. he speciic objectives of the project are to enhance the capacity of teachers in the 20 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys use of ICTs in teaching and learning of mathematics and science, to develop the capacity of teachers to deliver ICTs as a subject in secondary education, and to increase the number of mathematics and science teachers by expanding access to training through the open, distance, and e-learning methods.13 he Educator Development Network of SchoolNet South Africa is a good example of an on-line learning model that includes introductory training, materials comprising 20 diferent modules, virtual communities of up to 20 teachers, mentor support for groups and individuals, tracking and archiving through an established database, a Web portal of resources for teachers, and recognition of teacher progress by means of a certiicate of completion for those teachers who complete six introductory modules and credits towards an Advanced Certiicate of Education ofered by the University of Kwazulu Natal. A recent development is South Africa’s plan to introduce a dedicated Advanced Certiicate of Education model on ICT integration that will be delivered by its higher education institutions and that will be compulsory for school principals. Whilst many teacher professional development and training programs in Africa focus on in-service teachers, there is also a shift towards the inclusion of pre-service teacher development on ICTs in education. Tanzania’s attempt at linking all its teacher training colleges for this purpose is a case in point. he e-Africa Commission that manages the NEPAD e-Schools initiative has also developed a comprehensive conceptual framework for teacher training and professional development in Africa. CONTENT DEVELOPMENT he local development of indigenous digital or electronic education content in Africa is very limited. Within a formal school education context, this often refers to the development of digital curriculum content aligned with or directed by national curriculum frameworks. In addition to print-based media, there are also examples of the use of video, audio, and computer-based multimedia formats. n n n n Audio In Kenya, the development of audio-based curriculum content is widespread under the leadership of the Kenya Institute of Education. his role is also played by the Open Learning Systems Education Trust in South Africa, which produces audio content for use by teachers in a number of African countries. Video In South Africa, Mindset Network and the Learning Channel specialise in the development of curriculum-aligned video content in a range of subject areas ofered in South African schools. In Botswana, the Mochudi Media Centre also trains teachers in the development and use of video content. Multimedia content here is a growing trend towards the development of curriculum content in multimedia format. In Uganda, the work of CurriculumNet, a project of the National Curriculum Development Centre in partnership with the International Development Research Centre, invested in the development of local, digitised curriculum content in school-based subjects like mathematics in multimedia format. Organisations such as Learnthings Africa specialise in the development of multimedia content in a range of subjects that have been used extensively in the NEPAD e-Schools Demo Project in a number of countries. Similarly, Mindset Network in South Africa has developed multimedia content directed by South Africa’s National Curriculum Statement in new subjects like information technology for both primary and high school. Local content development he need to develop local digital content is recognised in most of the ICT education sector policies. Several policies specify the agency to assume responsibility for this role. Typically an existing agency that previously had the responsibility for developing print-based curriculum materials assumes this function. www.infodev.org ICT Activities and Initiatives in Primary and Secondary Schools in Africa 21 n n n n n his plan may be problematic unless it is accompanied by an intensive staf development programme in designing materials for e-learning. Localisation In the absence of expertise and capacity to develop indigenous content, there have been attempts at reversioning content produced for an international audience and localising it for use at local level. he Skool.Com project of Intel is a case in point where multimedia content has incorporated local examples in an attempt to promote contextual relevance. International content Short of producing content locally or localising content produced elsewhere, there has also been a tendency to adopt international content for use in African classrooms. National Geographic and the Discovery Channel are good examples. he Discovery Channel Global Education Fund has promoted the use of Discovery content in countries like Zimbabwe and Angola; in the latter, content has been made available in Portuguese. he importation of content of this nature appears to be a growing trend. Learning objects In addition to the design and development of digital curriculum content, the systematic codiication, storage, and management of digital education content is also a growing issue in Africa. he concept of “learning objects” has been introduced, referring to learning resources that can be used for intended learning outcomes and reused in a range of learning environments.14 he African Virtual University has partnered with the Commonwealth of Learning in the development of an African Learning Object Repository. Intellectual property Digital content has either been produced as proprietary content, which is often copyrighted, or licensed under the Creative Commons, which allows for a range of options to render it free and open for adaptation. he establishment of the African Digital Commons to promote Creative Commons is a recent phenomenon that has been established as part of a growing trend towards open education resources. Open educational resources include learning objects such as lecture material, references and readings, simulations, experiments and demonstrations, as well as syllabuses, curricula, and teachers’ guides.15 Education portals he establishment of education portals has also been a feature of learning management systems. he South African Department of Education established its hutong portal as a gateway for aggregating learning objects and resources for use by South African teachers. COST MODELS he promotion of total cost of ownership (TCO) models has become increasingly popular for ICTs in education in the schools sector. Key examples include: n n n n research supported by CATIA: consultative discussions, research, and workshops organised by SchoolNet Africa’s Campaign for One Million PCs; the TCO model developed by SchoolNet Namibia; and the TCO model and work done to date by the Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative (GESCI), and more recently by the NEPAD e-Schools project. hat said, utilization of TCO models in the planning and assessment of ICT and education initiatives in Africa remains quite low. 22 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys ICT ACTIVITIES AND INITIATIVES IN NON-FORMAL EDUCATION IN AFRICA GENERAL OBSERVATIONS he use of ICTs in non-formal education is relatively disparate across Africa. Many of programmes focus on developing ICT literacy among targeted communities: the unemployed; underprivileged youth; women; rural communities; and, in some cases, civil society organisations. Some are distance learning programmes, and many ofer face-to-face training courses, some of which are accredited, while others provide certiicates of attendance. n n n n n n Radio In some countries, radio is used to disseminate education programmes to poor communities. Sierra Leone is one example of this. Internet Guinea is an example of a country conducting adult literacy programmes via the Internet. Open schools consortium A number of countries in southern Africa have established an open schools consortium that involves a range of institutions providing secondary education through distance learning. heir focus is on preparing learners to secure sustainable livelihoods by improving their academic qualiications and providing training to create and maintain income-generating opportunities. hese institutions will be sharing their resources and experience in developing academic and vocational education programmes and materials. Mobile Internet vehicles Mauritius has introduced a Cyber Caravan Project that is aimed at making ICT facilities available in the most isolated areas in Mauritius. he Mauritian National Computer Board operates two cyber caravans, which are equipped with nine and 10 PCs respectively and Internet connection. Training is provided on board based on the needs of the communities and includes ICT literacy and awareness courses, including one speciically targeted at children. he cyber caravan is also used to ofer free skills training for unemployed people in an attempt to increase their prospects for employment. Zimbabwe has also used mobile Internet buses (“Big Blue”). Computer kiosks An initiative that can be considered the South African equivalent of the “hole in the wall” project piloted in India, known as the Digital Doorway, introduces computer literacy to rural and disadvantaged communities by making computer equipment and open source software available in the form of computer kiosks to enable people to experiment and learn without formal training and with minimal external input. hese kiosks will be rolled out to 122 sites across the country. ICT literacy A number of civil society network organisations run digital literacy or ICT awareness programmes for targeted groups, organisations, and individuals. SangoNet and WomensNet in South Africa, WougNet in www.infodev.org ICT Activities and Initiatives in Non-formal Education in Africa 23 n n Uganda, Kubatana.Net in Zimbabwe, the Community Education Computer Society (CECS) in South Africa, and AngoNet in Angola are a few examples operating predominantly in the southern African region. Kenya has the Mkuru Promotion Centre, which develops ICT skills, particularly for underprivileged youth. Community learning centres UNESCO has assisted with the establishment of community learning centres in ive African countries. he project provided the centres with digital radios, data interfacing equipment, and technical backup, and the centres were set up to enable large numbers of local learners to participate in a course on telecentres. he course was delivered using the Combined Live Audio and Slide Show (CLASS) technology of WorldSpace Corporation. Videoconferencing Egypt has a video-conference distance learning centre that links 27 sites across the country to provide learning facilities in remote areas. 24 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys GENDER EQUITY AND ICT IN EDUCATION GENERAL OBSERVATIONS A signiicant body of work demonstrates that ICTs are not gender neutral and that gendered power relations are inherent in the production, distribution, and consumption of ICTs, even within education systems because they take place through institutions with socially embedded gender relations.16, 17, 18 his perspective is relected to some extent in the ICT environment in Africa. It has been argued that the digital divide in Africa is also a gender divide, as evidenced through extensive diferential access, use, and production of digital technologies between girls and women in comparison with boys and men. A study commissioned by World Links for Development found that, in reality, it is harder for girls to access computer laboratories, particularly in Uganda and Ghana, especially after school hours.19 hese indings have been corroborated by other notable studies 20,.21 POLICY ENVIRONMENT n n n n n n A study conducted by the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women in 2002–2003 revealed Guinea to be the only country in Africa with an ICT policy that comprehensively covers gender equity concerns.22 A few examples with speciied references to gender equity and the empowerment of women are: n Mozambique’s ICT policy adopted in 2000; n South Africa’s telecommunications policy; n both Ghana’s National and sectoral education policies; and n Benin’s, Zambia’s, Kenya’s, Tanzania’s, and Uganda’s national ICT policies. In cases where reference to gender equity has been made, they range from dedicated chapters on gender equity that promote women in decision-making, e-commerce, content development, training, and applications (Mozambique), to references to women in the context of human capital development with a women’s desk as a prerequisite for every ministry (Tanzania), to addressing “gender mainstreaming” and gender balance (Uganda).23 In some cases, implementation strategies are inconsistent with policies related to gender equity. For instance, while Mozambique’s ICT policy relects a gender equity perspective, its ICT implementation strategy is silent on these issues with women mentioned only with reference to being victims of pornography, abuse, and violence on the Internet.24 In other instances, countries with no explicit reference to gender equity in their national ICT policies have programmes targeted speciically at women. Mauritius is one example; it has a dedicated ICT literacy programme targeted speciically at women who are certiied for attendance at the end of their training, but no explicit mention is made of gender equity or women’s empowerment in its ICT policy. A few countries like Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Comoros, Madagascar, and Malawi make no explicit references to gender in their national ICT policies. www.infodev.org Gender Equity and ICT in Education 25 GENDER MAINSTREAMING AND TARGETED APPROACHES Conscious interventions to promote gender equity and women and girls’ empowerment have focused on awareness-raising, capacity-building among women and girls, and the development of gender-responsive policy. Some projects across Africa have adopted gender mainstreaming strategies that make the diferential concerns of women and men an integral part of the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies and programmes in all spheres. SchoolNet Africa has demonstrated consistent integration in practice of a gender equity and women’s empowerment perspective within its universal access teacher and learnerbased programmes. In addition to attempts to engender the ICT for education agenda through the adoption of a gender mainstreaming approach, SchoolNet Africa also promoted preferential treatment of women and girls and the development of a cadre of women leaders as part of a strategy for awareness raising and challenging unequal gender power relations. One dedicated project, SchoolNets in Africa: he Female Face, documents stories of leading women digital pioneers in African education in an attempt to demonstrate how ICTs have contributed to the empowerment of women and shifts in perceptions on the capability of women. Organisations like the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) have a Women’s Networking Support Programme (WNSP) with active members in Africa such as WomensNet in South Africa and the Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET). hese have been instrumental in lobbying for gender inclusion in ICT policy at national and international levels including at the World Summit on the Information Society along with and as part of the WSIS Gender Caucus. APC has also developed a gender evaluation methodology to support gender evaluations. Some projects have developed targeted approaches to the development of girls and women, as three examples show: n n n In Angola, a UNICEF-supported EMIS project aims to track girls’ participation in schools. SchoolNet Namibia leads the way in promoting home access to computers for Namibia’s teachers, 75% of whom are women. It also established a dedicated comic magazine with positive female heroes and role models promoting women’s empowerment and gender equality in the use of ICTs. SchoolNet Uganda has trained women teachers in PC refurbishment. Fair use policies involve guidelines established and accepted by school management that encourage gender equitable access and use of ICTs in schools.25 he case has been made for the adoption of fair use policies in schools that promote equitable access to PC labs.26 A number of African schools have adopted use policies for their computer labs, but the adoption of gender-responsive fair-use policies exist mainly in theory at this stage. he African SchoolNet Toolkit produced by SchoolNet Africa and the Commonwealth of Learning takes an important step in promoting this approach.27 26 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys FACTORS ENABLING AND CONSTRAINING ICT USE IN EDUCATION IN AFRICA he factors enabling and constraining ICT applications are essentially the same in both developed and developing economies, although they obviously difer in terms of importance, depending on which side of the digital divide they are viewed from. What diferentiates the rate of adoption and difusion of ICT in education is not the factors at play, but rather the degree to which they have been developed or are present in a given country. Table 4 provides a general picture based on the country reports. TABLE 4: Enabling and Constraining Features Affecting ICT Implementation Factors Enabling Features Constraining Features Policy framework and implementation plans Most countries have developed, or are in the process of developing, a road map for the incorporation of ICT in their education systems. Some have detailed implementation plans with priorities and timetables and measurable indicators in place. The predominant focus is more on the development of ICT operational skills than on the integration of ICT in pedagogical practice. Advocacy leadership Progress in the development of policies and implementation plans has typically had champions for ICT in education from various sources: the office of the president, line ministers and senior staff, and from civil society such as women’s and country-based schoolnet organisations. Advocacy needs to be both visionary and practical in the sense of not raising expectations beyond what is possible in the near term. Gender equity A few policies promote gender equity in terms access to ICT and the development of ICT competencies. A larger number of policies do not consider gender equity issues at all and many implementation strategies have not considered the promotion of gender equity. Infrastructure and access Cyber cafés in urban areas provide public access for those who can afford to pay. Access for secondary and tertiary education institutions is growing rapidly in urban areas through wireless networks. Growth in mobile phone technology is also growing rapidly. The major constraints are inconsistent or unavailable supply of electricity, lack of ICT equipment, overcrowding of computer labs, and lack of affordable access to connectivity with acceptable bandwidth. Collaborating mechanisms Collaboration models are emerging at national levels to involve stakeholders in policy development and implementation, to encourage investment in ICT development, and to share access to, and cost of, network accessing. The notion of international collaboration on matters of content development, training, support services, etc. is not yet being explored aggressively. (Continued on next page) www.infodev.org Factors Enabling and Constraining ICT Use in Education in Africa 27 TABLE 4: Enabling and Constraining Features Affecting ICT Implementation Factors Enabling Features Constraining Features Human resource capacity The need to train teachers in the use of ICT, to develop ICT user skills among education administrators, and a capacity to provide local support for ICT users is recognised in the policies and plans. The shortage of skills limits the implementation process. Fiscal resources Governments are starting to recognise the need for investment and many now have ICT-related line items in their annual budgets. The lack of resources is a serious limitation in all countries. There is a general dependence on donors for the implementation of policy. Learning content Initiatives to develop on-line content repositories of freely available learning materials are becoming commonplace in the global world of education. These are likely to be adopted on a regional basis in Africa. The lack of local digital content is a general problem. There is currently substantial reliance on content from the private sector. There is a need to develop materials in indigenous languages. The predominant use of English on the Internet is also constraining. Procurement regulations While a few countries have modified their policies to eliminate or reduce import duties on ICT equipment and software, this has yet to be adopted as widespread practice. Attitudes Unlike many parts of the developed world, staff and teachers appear to be more welcoming of the prospect of ICT in education. Governments can encounter inter-ministerial jurisdiction issues regarding the control and management of ICT applications. Sustainability There are many examples of schools with ICT equipment and connectivity to the Internet developing services for the wider community on a cost-plus basis in order to generate revenue. Meeting the ongoing costs of maintaining equipment, staff training, connectivity, content materials acquisition, and development and consumables is a major challenge. Some governments are allowing an ICT surcharge to be levied on students, but that is discriminatory. Planners need to improve their analysis of the true cost of ownership of the ICT models they adopt. 28 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys ICT IN EDUCATION IN AFRICA: A WAY FORWARD his survey has demonstrated that the progress being made in the adoption and difusion of ICT in education throughout Africa, particularly in these early years of the 21st century, is remarkable. However, in terms of broad impact on learners, the process is just beginning. What follows are some suggestions and comments regarding actions in key areas of ICT in education that will be important to attend to as the adoption process continues. As well, suggestions for a strategy to maintain and enhance the currency of the data that has been gathered are included. MOVING FORWARD ON IMPLEMENTATION OF ICT IN EDUCATION n n n n n Monitoring implementation here are many excellent models of comprehensive ICT in education policies that can be pointed to as examples of good practice in an African context. It would be useful to monitor the implementation of policies in selected countries in order to investigate the processes used to determine if there are lessons to be learned. ICT as the ‘silver bullet’ here are a few countries that continue to have a rather singular emphasis on the development of ICT infrastructure as the “silver bullet” for achieving socio-economic development. However, as noted in a recent study cited in the Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries, investment in ICT by itself does not foster human development, but must be accompanied by investment in education and health as well.28 Total Cost of Ownership he eforts of organisations such as Global e-Schools and Community Initiatives, schoolnets, and NEPAD e-Schools to develop “total cost of ownership” models for ICT in education are exemplary and should be supported. hey need to be backed by good inancing models that encourage budgetary commitment on the part of governments and incorporates multi-partnership, multi-stakeholder approaches. ICT in Education vs. Education in ICT While the practice of equipping schools with computers and using them to teach computer literacy and use packaged content to augment teaching is useful, the goal of fully integrating ICT in educational administrative and pedagogical processes will continue to be constrained by the lack of access to ICT infrastructure, afordable connectivity with suicient bandwidth, and a reliable supply of electricity. Teacher professional development Teacher training needs to involve much more than the development of computer literacy skills. Teachers need to be able to design and adapt content materials to suit student needs, to search and manage information, and to be aware of the ethics and dangers inherent in the use of ICT technologies. hese are some of the ways in which ICTs need to be integrated into continuing teacher professional development and training programmes. he NEPAD e-Schools project in its Framework for Teacher www.infodev.org ICT in Education in Africa: A Way Forward 29 n n Professional Development and Training, the African Virtual University’s (AVU) Teacher Education Project, and UNESCO’s Teacher Training in Sub-Saharan Africa (TTISSA) programme serve as good examples of continuous, integrated approaches to teacher development in the use of ICTs. Pan-African collaboration he opportunities for regional, and perhaps continental, collaboration in the development of digital learning materials are huge in terms of the quality of the content, their relevance to the lives of learners, and the cost savings that would result from shared development. Cross-border collaborative content development models are emerging rapidly in other parts of the world and are beginning to emerge in Africa. he open education resources movement is growing apace in Africa supported by groups like the Hewlett Foundation. Organisations such as Learnthings Africa and Mindset Network have engaged in capacity-building programmes to promote local digital content development. Leadership he importance of strong leadership in efectively implementing ICT in education is evident from many of the country reports. Building African leadership capacity in this sector will be instrumental in the continuing success of education development on the continent. CONTINUING TO BUILD AN INFORMATION BASE FOR ICT IN EDUCATION IN AFRICA his survey was intended to gather information about the adoption and difusion of ICT in education in Africa in a few key areas. While the results need to be interpreted in the context of the limitations described in the ‘project background’ section of this report, the survey marks the irst time that such data have been gathered and presented in one place. In order for the currency of the data to be maintained, and the database to continue to grow, the following suggestions are ofered: n n n Keeping information current Developments in ICT applications in education in Africa are happening on a daily basis, with the result that the data of the sort collected in this Survey will become dated very quickly. While on-line tools (such as WikiEducator) could be used to keep the data current, the experience from this survey process indicates that it would require an animation strategy that was supported by all stakeholders in order to be successful. here is an opportunity for infoDev and its partners to take exemplary leadership to demonstrate how these collaborative on-line tools can be used to develop information databases and keep the data current. Evaluation he literature pertaining to ICT in education is mostly descriptive of projects and initiatives, and while this is very useful, there is a paucity of data from well-designed evaluation and research studies— particularly in Africa. he developments chronicled in this report provide a myriad of venues for the conduct of such studies across the continent which would provide information that would be of immense value to both practitioners and decision-makers. Resource bibliography A bibliography was developed to assist the regional researchers in the preparation of their country reports, and consideration should be given to identify how this resource might be used a broadly as possible. One option would be to incorporate it into an existing bibliographic project focused in ICT in education such as that currently being led by the South African Association for Distance Education (SAIDE). 30 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys NOTES 1. Steiner, R., T. Nyaska, M. Jensen, and G. Karanja. “African Tertiary Institution Connectivity Survey (ATICS).” World Bank Institute. http://www.gesci.org/iles/Connectivity%20in%20African%20tertiary%2 0institutions.pdf 2. See Mwololo Waema, T. 2005. “A Brief History of he Development Of An ICT Policy In Kenya,” in At he Crossroads: ICT Policy Making In East Africa. IDRC. http://www.idrc.ca/openebooks/219-8/#page_ 25 3. Kezio-Musoke, David. 8 June 2007. “UN takes a byte to save Africa from e-waste.” Highway Africa News Agency. http://hana.ru.ac.za/article.cfm?articleID=1429 4. Grant, L. 2007. “Electronic Waste on World Environment Day.” Tectonic. http://tectonic.co.za/view. php?id=1568 5. Gakio, Karanja. 2006. “ African Tertiary Institutions Connectivity Survey (ATICS) 2006 Report.” http://www.gesci.org/iles/Connectivity%20in%20African%20tertiary%20institutions.pdf 6. UbuntuNet Alliance for Research and Education Networking (website). http://www.ubuntunet.net/ 7. Welcome to AVOIR (website). http://avoir.uwc.ac.za/avoir/index.php?module=cms 8. he British Council. “Development Partnerships in Higher Education” (website). http://www.britishcouncil.org/learning-delphe-what-is-delphe.htm 9. Chege, Kimani. 26 March 2007. “East African universities to gain from web tools deal”. SciDevNet. http://www.scidev.net/news/index.cfm?fuseaction=readnews&itemid=3508&language=1 10. Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) (web site) http://www.adeanet.org 11. he Commonwealth of Learning. 2007. “A Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC)”. http://www.col.org/colweb/site/cache/bypass/pid/100?print=1 12. Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative. 2006. “Towards A GeSCI Initiative on Teacher Professional Development in Africa.” 13. on+madagascar&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=7&gl=za 14. Mills, S. 2002. “Learning About Learning Objects with Learning Objects.” League for Innovations CIT Conference 2002, Long Beach, California. http://www.alivetek.com/learningobjects/site_paper.htm 15. Wiley, David. 3 February 2006. “he Current State of Open Educational Resources”. http://opencontent. org/blog/archives/247 16. UNDAW, ITU, UN ICT Task Force. 2003. “Information and Communication Technologies and heir Impact on and Use as an Instrument for the Advancement and Empowerment of Women.” UNDAW, New York. 17. Marcelle, G. M. 2000. “Transforming Information and Communication Technologies for Gender Equality.” Gender and Development Monograph Series. No 9. UNDP. 18. Isaacs, S. 2005. “Empowering Women in the Information Society: Towards a More Concerted Global and Local Efort.” In Maitland +20 Fixing the Missing Link. he Anima Centre, UK. 19. Gadio, C. 2001. Exploring the Gender Impact of World Links. World Links, Washington, DC. 20. Derbyshire, H. 2003. Gender Issues in the Use of Computers in Education in Africa. Imfundo, London 21. Isaacs, S. 2002. “It’s Hot for Girls.” Paper presented at Expert Group Meeting on Information and Communication Technologies and heir Impact On and Use As An Instrument for the Advancement and Empowerment of Women. Seoul, Korea. http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/egm/ict2002/reports/ Paper%20by%20Isaaks2.PDF www.infodev.org Notes 31 22. UNDAW, ITU, UN ICT Task Force. 2003. “Information and Communication Technologies and heir Impact on and Use as an Instrument for the Advancement and Empowerment of Women.” UNDAW, New York. 23. Huyer, S. 2005. Gender and ICT Policy. 24. Ibid. 25. Derbyshire, H. 2003. Gender Issues in the Use of Computers in Education in Africa. Imfundo, London. 26. Gadio, C. 200. Exploring the Gender Impact of World Links. World Links, Washington, DC. 27. Schoolnet Africa. (website) http://www.schoolnetafrica.net/1500.0 28. Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries. 2007. Vol. 29, No. 5, 1–15. http:// www.ejisdc.org 32 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys ANNEXES www.infodev.org Notes 33 34 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys ANNEX 1: REGIONAL ICT IN EDUCATION INITIATIVES IN AFRICA A wide range of programmes and projects on ICTs in Education in Africa have activities that involve one or more African countries in varying numbers. hese range from high-level intergovernmental, multi-stakeholder programmes such as the NEPAD e-Schools initiative, to institutions focused on networking African schools and universities such as the African Virtual University (AVU), to collaborative learning projects that directly involve learners and teachers from schools in several African countries such as the Global Teenager Project (GTP) and the International Education Resources Network (iEARN). An illustrative (non-exhaustive) list of prominent organisations active in supporting and promoting technology-related activities in the education sector in Africa is provided below. Individual country activities are described in respective country reports available in this Survey. African Academy of Languages | www.alacan.org he African Academy of Languages is a pan-African organisation that was set up in 2001 by Mali’s then president Alpha Konare. It was established under the auspices of the African Union to promote Africa’s many indigenous languages. One of its major projects relates to the promotion of African languages in “cyberspace” and particularly the use of local languages in education in Africa. African Development Bank | www.afdb.org he African Development Bank (AfDB) is a membership-based, regional multilateral development inance institution that mobilises resources to support the economic and social development of its member countries. he AfDB has an education policy which promotes support for basic, vocational, and adult education and training. he AfDB also supports the use of ICTs in education in Africa. To date the AfDB has assisted with open, distance, and e-learning capacity development centres and connectivity provision at Africa Virtual University (AVU) partner institutions to support teacher training and development programmes and to mainstream gender issues, as in the AVU Support Project. African Virtual University (AVU) | http://web.archive.org/web/20060426202907/www.avu.org Initially a project of the World Bank and now an independent intergovernmental organisation, the AVU is an innovative education institution based in Nairobi, Kenya, that services 57 learning centres in 27 African countries. he AVU works with universities based in Africa and other countries such as the US and Australia to provide academic programmes and short courses through open and distance e-learning. he AVU also boasts a digital library that provides resources to African academics and students. AMD | www.amd.com AMD is a leading global provider of innovative processing solutions in the computing, graphics, and consumer electronics markets. AMD introduced the 50x15 Initiative which is an attempt to promote afordable, accessible Internet connectivity and computing capabilities for 50% of the world’s population by 2015. AMD has introduced its personal Internet communicator (PIC) device which it deployed to African schools through its support for the NEPAD e-Schools programme. In Africa, AMD led a consortium of companies in the promotion of the NEPAD e-Schools Demonstration Project in ive African countries (Cameroon, Gabon, Mali, Senegal, and Uganda) where they promoted their 50x15 devices. www.infodev.org ANNEX 1: Regional ICT in Education Initiatives in Africa 35 Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) | www.adeanet.org ADEA is a network of partners promoting the development of efective education policies based on African leadership and ownership. ADEA has produced research and guidebooks on the use of ICTs in education such as Towards and Information System for Non Formal Education: A Practical Guide. Computer Aid International | www.computeraid.org Headquartered in the UK with a dedicated African regional programme comprising oicers in Southern, Eastern, Central, and West Africa, Computer Aid International specialises in sourcing and distributing professionally refurbished computers for re-use in education, health, and not-for-proit organisations in Africa and other developing countries. To date Computer Aid International has distributed more than 80,000 PCs to developing countries. Computers for African Schools (CFAS) | www.cfas.org.uk CFAS is a registered charity in the UK that mobilises computer donations from irms and computer users and distributes them to schools in Southern Africa through partner organisations based in Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Cisco Systems | www.cisco.com Cisco Systems is a global company that promotes networking for the Internet. In Africa, Cisco is a leading partner in the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) e-Schools programme to which it contributed human and inancial resources. Cisco led a consortium of companies in this project in which it promoted the installation of networking equipment for Internet access and satellite connectivity in schools in Algeria, Ghana, Mauritius, Rwanda, Senegal, and South Africa. It also promoted the use of digital education content and teacher training in these countries. In addition, Cisco has established a Networking Academy programme that trains students to design, build, and maintain computer networks. A number of Networking Academies have been established in Africa in countries like, Ghana, Mauritius, and Nigeria. Commonwealth of Learning (COL) | www.col.org he Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is an intergovernmental organisation created by Commonwealth heads of government to encourage the development and sharing of open learning/distance education knowledge, resources, and technologies. COL has historically assisted with the development and support of national ICT for education policies in some African countries that form part of the Commonwealth, and have promoted the growth of national schoolnet organisations through networking workshops, action research, and the publication of guidebooks such as the African SchoolNet Toolkit which it produced in partnership with SchoolNet Africa. COL is also spearheading the establishment of a Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) which involves a number of small states in Africa and which serves as a network committed to the collaborative development of free content resources for education. COL is also involved in a programme on ICTs in support of technical vocational education and training in Africa in partnership with UNESCO. Department for International Development (DFID) | www.did.gov.uk DFID is the oicial ministry within the British government that promotes the ight against world poverty. DFID supports numerous bilateral programmes in Africa in support of education, the Education For All objectives, and the Millennium Development Goals. With particular reference to ICTs in education in Africa, DFID has in the past established organisations such as Imfundo, which has developed a knowledge bank of research on the experiences related to ICTs in education in Africa; DFID has also supported research done by the TESSA programme. Digital Links | www.digital-links.org Digital Links is headquartered in the UK with oices in South Africa and Tanzania. hey provide an IT disposal service to UK companies, and refurbish computers for re-use in schools, NGOs, and small enter- 36 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys prises in Africa and the developing world. To date, Digital Links has distributed more than 50,000 PCs to developing countries Edubuntu | www.edubuntu.org Edubuntu involves a group of people who distribute a complete Linux-based operating system to schools for classroom use, with future versions being made available for university use. Edubuntu also provides community-based support. Edubuntu philosophy promotes free and open source software and espouses that software should be freely available, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language, that software should be used anyone including people with disabilities, and that people should have the freedom to customise and change their software in whatever way they see it. eGranary Digital Library | http://www.widernet.org/digitallibrary/ Supported by partnership between the Hewlett Foundation, USAID, and the McArthur Foundation, among others, the eGranary Digital Library provides millions of digital educational resources to institutions that do not have adequate Internet access. hey deliver digital education resources by gaining permissions, copying Web sites, and delivering them to intranet Web servers in their partner organisations in Africa and other developing countries. hey recently initiated satellite data broadcasting to deliver digital resources to African education institutions. eLearning Africa | www.elearning-africa.com eLearning Africa is an international conference on e-learning which is hosted annually by the government of an African country. he main focus of these conferences is on the experiences of ICTs in education in Africa relative to the rest of the world. he conference is organised by ICWE and Hofmann & Reif Consultants. In 2006 the conference was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; in 2007 it was held in Nairobi, Kenya; and in 2008 it will be held in Accra, Ghana. Free and Open Source Software Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA) | www.fossfa.net FOSSFA was launched in February 2003 as a network of practitioners, professionals, and organisations promoting the use of free and open source software for Africa’s development. FOSSFA has an education subdivision focused on the promotion of open source solutions in education in Africa Geekcorps | www.geekcorps.org IESC Geekcorps is an international non-proit organisation based in the US that promotes digital skills transfer and independence through various programmes that involve volunteers with technical expertise. Geekcorps has supported a few programmes in Africa such its Last Mile Initiative in Mali, which promotes telecommunication-based business models for people without ICT access in rural areas, and the Digital Freedom Initiative in South Africa, which promotes the beneits of ICTs to small businesses. Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) | www.gdln.org he Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) is a global partnership of approximately 120 learning centres that provide tools and services in support of distance learning through ICTs. Learning centres based in a number of African countries, including Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda, form part of the GDLN network. Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative (GeSCI) | www.gesci.org Promoted by Ireland, Switzerland, Sweden, and Canada, GeSCI was established in 2003 by the United Nations ICT Task Force in an attempt to raise global standards of education for communities in the developing world and to help make the UN Millennium Development Goals a reality. In Africa, GeSCI has focused its work in Namibia and Ghana by supporting policy development and implementation. It has expanded its work to Kenya and Rwanda as well. GeSCI has also developed knowledge products such as a toolkit on total cost of ownership. www.infodev.org ANNEX 1: Regional ICT in Education Initiatives in Africa 37 Global Teenager Project (GTP) | www.globalteenager.org he Global Teenager Project is an initiative of the Dutch-based International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD). It was launched in 1999 to promote the use of ICTs in the classroom. he project focuses on collaborative learning among secondary school students and teachers from around the world through a safe, structured virtual environment known as “learning circles.” hus far the project involves about 3,000 teachers and students from 200 classes in over 29 countries. he most participants are from Africa, involving learners, teachers, and schools from 12 countries. Hewlett Foundation | www.hewlett.org Based in San Francisco, the Hewlett Foundation provides resources in support of activities in education, environment, global development, performing arts, and population. In Africa, the Hewlett Foundation has promoted the development of open education resources, and it supported the AVU in the development of a comprehensive open educational resources architecture to ensure the eicient application of the open content movement in African higher education and training institutions. It also supported the Meraka Institute in South Africa to promote the development of a collection of papers describing the use of open educational resources in tertiary education, in primary and secondary schools, and within communities in South Africa. Highway Africa | www.highwayafrica.ru.ac.za Highway Africa is an annual ICT conference hosted by Rhodes University in South Africa. Each year, more than 500 delegates from across the globe attend the conference to discuss issues relating to Internet governance, ICT policy, and media for democracy. Highway Africa also produces a weekly on-line bulletin, the HANA Weekly Digest, which documents progress in ICT for development, including ICTs in education in Africa. International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Acacia |www.idrc.ca he IDRC is based in Canada and its Acacia programme, which was established in 1996, seeks to empower sub-Saharan communities with the ability to apply ICTs to their own social and economic development. he IDRC has supported a number of pilot projects and action research in the area of ICTs in education, particularly the initial establishment of schoolnet organisations in some African countries. International Education Resources Network (iEARN) | www.iearn.org iEARN is one of the largest and oldest global networks of teachers and learners that use ICTs in a diverse range of collaborative learning projects. All iEARN projects are designed, initiated, and run by teachers and learners. Its network in Africa involves learners and teachers from schools in 29 countries. International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) | www.iicd.org he IICD is a non-proit foundation based in the Netherlands that specialises in ICTs for development. he IICD has supported a number of programmes such as its Global Teenager Project as well as projects supporting teacher development through ICTs in Tanzania and ICT for education policy processes in Zambia. Intel | www.intel.com Intel is a global company focused on silicon innovation and development of technologies, products, and initiatives, to continually advance how people work and live. Intel’s education eforts centre on improving teaching and learning through the use of ICTs. he focus is on advancing math, science, and engineering education and research. Intel also works with education leaders worldwide on solutions that support the creation of 21st century skills. heir programme, Intel Teach, which is currently running in Ghana, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa, has reached four million teachers in 40 countries and is targeted to reach 10 million by 2011. Intel recently announced its new Intel World Ahead programme, a project to provide cheaper computers to schools and boost wireless Internet links. Target countries in Africa are Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. 38 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys LinuxChix Africa | www.africalinuxchix.org LinuxChix Africa was formed in 2004 by a group of African women to promote the development of free and open source software, particularly Linux skills. Microsoft | http://www.microsoft.com/education/ Working closely with worldwide education communities, Microsoft has developed technology, tools, programmes, and solutions to help address education challenges while improving teaching and learning opportunities. In countries like Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa, Microsoft has promoted low-cost access to software for schools. In addition, Microsoft established its Partners in Learning programme and its related Innovative Teachers Network which supports teacher development projects in a number of African countries. Mtandao Afrika | www.mtandao-afrika.org Formerly known as hinkQuest Africa, Mtandao Afrika holds a n Internet challenge contest for African youth. he contest focuses on the collaborative development of educational Web sites by youth who work in multinational teams and who are awarded prizes by a panel of international judges. NEPAD e-Schools | www.eafricacommission.org his initiative aims to impart ICT skills to young Africans in primary and secondary schools as well as harness ICT technology to improve, enrich, and expand education in African countries. he aim is to equip all African primary and secondary schools with ICT apparatus such as computers, radio and television sets, phones and fax machines, communication equipment, scanners, digital cameras, and copiers, and to connect them to the Internet. Each school will be equipped with a “health point.” which encourages the use of the schools’ ICT resources by the broader community. NEPAD e-Schools is currently concluding its irst Demo project which involved 16 African country governments collaborating with ive consortia companies in the provision of ICT resources to six schools in each of the 16 countries. One Laptop per Child (OLPC) | www.laptop.org or www.olpc.com OLPC is a non-proit organisation set up to promote a low-cost laptop, known as the “$100 laptop,” in an attempt to promote access to the technology to the world’s children to support their learning. To date interest has been expressed by governments in Libya, Nigeria, and Rwanda. Panafrican Research Agenda on the Pedagogical Integration of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) | www.observatoiretic.org/ A knowledge network, initiated by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), bringing together partners in eleven African countries to help researchers, practitioners, and institutions to collect and share data. Peace Corps | www.peacecorps.gov Peace Corps is an organisation based in the US that encourages US citizens to volunteer their time to work in developing countries in areas such as HIV/AIDS, information technology, and business development. In the ICT for education sector, Peace Corp volunteers have been stationed in a number of African countries to assist with the provision of technical training and support to groups and organisations that use ICTs in education. Schoolnet Africa | www.schoolnetafrica.net SchoolNet Africa is an NGO-based in Senegal that promotes education through the use of ICTs in African schools. SchoolNet Africa functions as a network of schoolnet organisations operating in 33 countries on the basis of regional programmes on ICT access, teacher training, and collaborative learning. To date SchoolNet Africa has produced a range of research reports on the experiences of African countries on the use of ICTs in schools. www.infodev.org ANNEX 1: Regional ICT in Education Initiatives in Africa 39 Teacher Education for Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) | www.tessaprogramme.org TESSA is a partnership led by the Open University and the African Virtual University that includes a range of African universities, the Commonwealth of Learning, and the BBC Trust. It is a research and development programme that creates open multimedia resources for sub-Saharan African teachers and teachereducators. To date TESSA has introduced a BBC radio programme that debates the role of teachers in improving quality primary education and produced a toolkit for educators and planners on designing open and distance learning for teacher education in sub-Saharan Africa. Teacher Training Initiative for Sub-Saharan Africa (TTISSA) | www.unesco.org/education/TTISSA TTISSA is a 10-year programme co-ordinated by UNESCO aimed at improving national teacher policies and strengthening teacher education in 46 sub-Saharan African countries. It is designed to support the development of national teacher education systems in African countries to produce more and better quality teachers. Ubuntu Alliance for Education and Research Networking | www.ubuntunet.net UbuntuNet Alliance has been established to capitalise on the emergence of optical ibre and other terrestrial infrastructure opportunities and thus become the Research and Education Network (REN) backbone of Africa. Tertiary education and research institutions throughout the rest of the world are connected to the Internet using fast, low-cost ibre. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) | www.uneca.org he Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) was established by the United Nations to promote the economic and social development of its member states, foster intra-regional integration, and promote international co-operation for Africa’s development. UNECA has historically led the African Information Society Initiative (AISI) since 1996 and has been instrumental in supporting the development of national information and communication infrastructure (NICI) policies and plans in a number of African countries. Since 1999 UNECA has also adopted the formation of an African Learning Network which incorporated the formation of SchoolNet Africa, Out of School Youth Network, and Varsity Network. United Nations Educational, Scientiic and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | www.unesco.org UNESCO is the UN’s specialised agency for education. UNESCO has had a range of programmes and projects to support the use of ICTs for development, speciically in education. UNESCO promoted the establishment of telecentres and community learning centres in a number of African countries. More recently UNESCO has promoted the development of a regional programme on technical and vocational educational education and training through the use of ICTs in Africa, in partnership with the Commonwealth of Learning. UNESCO also leads the TTISSA programme. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) | www.usaid.org USAID was among the irst donor agencies to support ICTs in education. hrough its Leland Initiative in 1996, USAID provided grant aid for pilot projects in a number of African countries. USAID later supported the establishment of the Dot Com Alliance for e-learning and e-governance programmes in Africa such as the Network for Capacity Building and Knowledge Exchange project. he World Bank | www.worldbank.org Headquartered in Washington, DC, the World Bank is an international development institution that provides low-interest loans, interest-free credit, and grants to developing countries for education, health, infrastructure, communications, and many other purposes. he World Bank has historically supported a variety of programmes and projects for education through ICTs. hese include the African Virtual University, World Links for Development, and the Global Development Learning Network. World Computer Exchange | www.worldcomputerexchange.org 40 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys Headquartered in the US, the WCE sources secondhand computers and support services to partner organisations in developing countries. To date the WCE has established 289 partners in Africa from 25 countries and has sent 42 shipments of computers to these countries. World Links | www.world-links.org World Links is an independent organisation headquartered in Washington, DC spun of from the World Bank to promote ICTs in education in schools in developing countries across the world. In Africa, World Links has historically been a pioneering organisation in the promotion of ICT access and teacher development in eight African countries through various programmes and partnerships. www.infodev.org ANNEX 1: Regional ICT in Education Initiatives in Africa 41 ANNEX 2: A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ICT IN EDUCATION IN AFRICA Please note: his bibliography was developed during the initial phase of a survey initiated by the Information for Development Program (infoDev) , carried out in partnership with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL). he primary purpose of the bibliography was to assist researchers compiling country reports on the state of ICT use in education in Africa in early 2007, it is being shared here in case it might be useful to others and, more importantly, that others will add items and ofer suggestions for improvement. he items in this collection have been selected on the basis that they provide data about ICT in education policy development and implementation processes; current projects; constraints in implementing ICTenabled education; available infrastructure, teacher professional development and training; and digital education content development. he bibliography is therefore a potpourri of studies, evaluation reports, government policy documents, news items, and reports from other surveys that have been written since 2000. Additional resources are listed at the end of each of the 53 country reports. his bibliography should be regarded as a work in progress. It has been posted on the WikiEducator site (http://www.wikieducator.org/ICT4EdAfrica) established to support the survey process; we welcome your input in suggesting additional resources. Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. General ICT in Education References ICT Infrastructure Primary and Secondary Education Tertiary Education Non-formal Education Distance Education and Open Learning Gender and ICT 1. GENERAL ICT IN EDUCATION REFERENCES “African Virtual Open Initiatives and Resources (AVIOR).” http://avoir.uwc.ac.za/avoir/index. php?module=cms. AVOIR is a collaboration project between various universities to create a core of free software developers who are able to create educational and business opportunities that contribute to development on the continent. he site provides current information about projects and activities. “Africa’s e-Learning Program in ICT Policy and Regulation.” 2005. DOT COMments e-newsletter. Issue 14. http://www.dot-com-alliance.org/newsletter/print_article.php?article_id=138. he Network for Capacity Building and Knowledge Exchange (NetTel@Africa) has created a unique on-line learning programme that is changing the way policymakers think about ICT policy reform. Beebe, M.A. et al. (eds.) 2003. Africa Dotedu: IT Opportunities and Higher ED in Africa. New Delhi, India: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. http://www.africadotedu.org/. www.infodev.org ANNEX 2: A Selected Bibliography of ICT in Education in Africa 43 his book chronicles and analyses the growth of the Internet in Africa, provides descriptions of regional initiatives, and highlights the role of ICT in higher education in selected countries. “Bushnet.” http://www.bushnet. his wireless high-speed data network, called Ten by Ten, is currently supporting a range of users across Uganda, including donor-funded teaching colleges, government organisations and commercial enterprises. Butcher, N. “Technological Infrastructure and Use of ICT in Education in Africa.” December 2003. Working Group on Distance Education. http://www.adeanet.org/publications/docs/ICT_eng.pdf. A comprehensive report on existing technology used in education in 14 sub-Saharan countries as of 2000–2001. It includes data on teacher training, tertiary education, primar, /secondary and ABE. Casely-Hayford, L. and P. Lynch. October 2003. “A Review of Good Practice in ICT and Special Education Needs for Africa.” An Imfundo Knowledge Bank Initiative. http://imfundo.digitalbrain.com/imfundo/web/ papers/sen/?verb=view. he study was based on existing research on the global use of assistive technology and ICT-based resources within the special needs sector with particular reference to the African context.. “dot-EDU (Digital Opportunity through Technology and Communication Partnerships-Learning Systems).” International Education Systems. Project dates: 2001–2007. http://ies.edc.org/ourwork/project. php?id=3219&topic=13. dot-EDU is ICT intervention mechanism for USAID missions seeking to improve education systems in their respective countries. Draft National Information and Communications Technology Policy. January 2005. Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology, Republic of Botswana. http://www.maitlamo.gov.bw/docs/draftpolicies/ict_policy_draft_jan_2005.pdf Esselaar, P. Et al. November 2001. “A Country ICT Survey for Tanzania.” Swedish International Development Agency (Sida). http://www.eldis.org/cf/search/disp/docdisplay.cfm?doc=DOC10280&resource=f1. his paper presents the results of a survey of ICT availability, usage and needs in Tanzania. Ethiopia ICT4D National Policy [Draft](2005). July 17, 2006. he Communication Initiative. http://www. comminit.com/ict/ictpolicies/ictpolicies-8.html. Etta, F. and L. Elder (eds.). 2005. At the Crossroads: ICT Policy Making in East Africa. East African Educational Publishers Ltd. http://www.idrc.ca/openebooks/219-8/. he book provides a comprehensive analysis of ICT policy development in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania. “Evaluation Report on UNESCO’s Community Multimedia Centre Initiative(CMC).” May 22, 2006. UNESCO, Internal Oversight Service Evaluation Section. http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/iles/22129/ 11477736959CMC_Evaluation_Final.pdf/CMC%2BEvaluation_Final.pdf. An assessment of UNESCO’s CMC initiative that promotes sustainable local development through community-based facilities combining traditional media like radio, television, and print with ICTs such as computers, the Internet, and mobile devices. “Gaible, Edmond and Mary Burns. “Using Technology to Train Teachers: Appropriate Uses of ICT for Teacher Professional Development in Developing Countries.” 2005. infoDev / World Bank. Helps decision makers in developing-country governments and donor agencies in their eforts to utilize information and communication technologies (ICT) to improve and expand teacher professional development (TPD) activities. http://www.infodev.org/en/Publication.13.html “Gambia ICT4D National Policy.” 2004. July 19, 2006. he Communication Initiative. http://www. comminit.com/trends/ictpolicies/ictpolicies-9.html “Gambia-UNESCO ICT Fellowship Center.” 2006. he Stockholm Challenge. http://www.stockholmchallenge.se/projectdata.asp?id=1&projectid=916. he purpose is to bring ICT infrastructure to the doorstep of the young people, particularly those with disabilities. “Ghana ICT4D National Policy. 2003.” July 5, 2006. he Communication Initiative. http://www.comminit. com/ict/ictpolicies/ictpolicies-2.html. Hawkins, R.J. “Ten Lessons for ICT and Education in the Developing World.” In he Global Information Technology Report 2001–2002: Readiness for the Networked World. http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/ public/documents/apcity/unpan008676.pdf . 44 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys he chapter describes 10 lessons that World Links has learned in its eforts to help developing countries span the knowledge divide. ICT Education Policy for Namibia. August 2004. Republic of Namibia. http://www.gesci.org/gesci/iles/ict_ document.pdf. “ICTs in Education Options Paper.” July 16, 2005. Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, Government of Kenya. http://ict.aed.org/kenya/ICT_in_Ed_options_paper_Kenya.pdf. he paper discusses ways in which ICTs can be leveraged to support and improve the delivery of quality education for all Kenyans. “ICT4D Africa Scan.” http://open.bellanet.org/afscan/. his is a pilot site to experiment with a diferent way of presenting “who is doing what” in the area of ICT for Development (ICT4D) in Africa. ICT Policy for Lesotho. March 4, 2005. he Lesotho Government Portal. http://www.lesotho.gov.is/documents/important.php “IICD Supported Project: ICT Policy and Implementation Strategy for Education in Tanzania.” August 1, 2006. International Institute for Communication and Development. http://www.iicd.org/projects/articles/ iicdprojects.2006-07-03.1541076672/view?searchterm=education%20policy%20tanzania. “Information and Communications for Development 2006: Global Trends and Policies.” April 2006. World Bank. http://publications.worldbank.org/ecommerce/catalog/product?item_id=5558392”14. he report contains lessons from both developed and developing countries and examines the roles of the public and private sectors, identifying the challenges and beneits of adopting and expanding ICT use. he tables enable assessments and comparisons both over time and across economies, so they help gauge ICT capacity, performance, and progress. James, T. (ed.). 2001. An Information Policy Handbook for Southern Africa. IDRC. http://www.apc.org/books/ ictpolsa/ch4/ch4-toc.htm. Chapter 4 of this handbook examines educational technology policy development, particularly as it refers to the use of ICTs in schools. Jensen, N. and N. Ducastel. 2006. “eSchools programme and ICT Integration in Tanzania’s Secondary Education Policy.” http://www.iicd.org/articles/iicdnews.2006-07-03.9949735116. he Ministry of Education and Vocational Training is supported and assisted by Sida to work on two countrywide interventions designed to improve teacher training and support the e-schools programme. “he Kenya ICT Trust Fund.” Republic of Kenya. http://www.education.go.ke/ICTFund.htm. he ICT Trust Fund was formed in February 2004 by the private sector and the public sector with the aim of spearheading the ICT initiatives in the education Sector. he fund has developed a strategic plan for 2006–11 that sets out the goals and outcomes it aims to achieve. “Kenya ICT4D National Policy (2006).” August 9, 2006. he Communication Initiative. http://www. comminit.com/ict/ictpolicies/ictpolicies-10.html. Lenoir, M. “Tanzania: ICT Policy for Education Was Born.” October 31, 2006. IICD. http://www.iicd.org/ articles/iicdnews.2006-10-31.1764031033. he Ministry of Education and Vocational Training invited more than 50 stakeholders to discuss a irst draft of an ICT policy for education. Malawi National ICT for Development (ICT4D) Policy. December 2005. Government of Malawi. http:// www.malawi.gov.mw/publications/nationalICT4DPolicy.htm. “Measuring ICT: he Global Status of ICT Indicators.” 2005. New York: he United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force. http://www.unctadxi.org/Sections/WSIS/docs/other/globalstatusICTIndicators.pdf. he report provides a synthesis of the results of a stocktaking exercise on ICT indicators in ive regions of the world including Africa Menda, A. “ICT in Education: Content Issues as Kiswahili reigns.” iConnect Online. http://www.ftpiicd.org/ iconnect/ICT4D_Education/ICTEducation_Tanzania.pdf. A description of initiatives to make Kiswahili “Internet and ICT ready” for the beneit of the community that speaks Tanzanian language. www.infodev.org ANNEX 2: A Selected Bibliography of ICT in Education in Africa 45 “Mozambique ICT4D National Policy. 2000.” July 19, 2006. he Communication Initiative. http://www. comminit.com/ict/ictpolicies/ictpolicies-12.html “he Namibian ICT Policy for Education”. 2005. he Communication Initiative. http://www.comminit.com/ trends/ictpolicies/ictpolicies-22.html. National Information and Communications Technology Policy. January 2006. Ministry of Information and Communications, Republic of Kenya. http://www.information.go.ke/policy/ICT%20Policy.doc “New Virtual Reality-based Learning Approach in Africa.” June 20, 2006. UNESCO. http://portal.unesco. org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=22398&URL_DO=DO_PRINTPAGE&URL_SECTION=201.html. A recent UNESCO-funded workshop held in Pretoria looked at the creation of VR-based applications in the African learning context with a focus on the localisation of interactive3-D learning objects to suit and address local needs. “Online Education: What Can It Deliver?” e-Learning Africa, News Portal. http://www.elearning-africa.com/ newsportal/english/news8.php. he Development Gateway has posted a special report that looks at lessons learned, innovations that work, and the future of ICTs in education for developing countries. Reduction Strategy (GPRSII) (2006 Republic of Ghana Growth and Poverty—2009). November 2005. National Development Planning Commission, Republic of Ghana. http://www.ndpc.gov.gh/pdf/ Final%20GPRS%20II%202006.pdf. he strategy is intended to introduce a shift of strategic focus between 2006 and 2009 to accelerate the growth of the economy. Speciically the policy addresses issues pertaining to the development and delivery of education, access to diferent levels of the education ladder, ICT, distance education, professional development, and the management and inancing of education. Souter, D. et al. “he Economic Impact of Telecommunications on and Rural Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction.” June 2005. DfID. he research reported in this document assesses the impact of the telephone on the lives of the rural poor in three developing countries—in the state of Gujarat in India, in Mozambique, and in Tanzani . http ://www. telafrica.org/R8347/iles/pdfs/FinalReport.pdf Trucano, M. “ICT and Education Activities Supported by USAID.” November 13, 2006. InfoDev, World Bank. http://www.infodev.org/en/Publication.142.html. A quick guide to ICT and education activities supported by USAID. Trucano, M. “Quick guides to resources and work on ICTs and education in international institutions and donor agencies.” November 13, 2006. InfoDev, World Bank. http://www.infodev.org/en/Publication.141. html. A quick guide to ICT and education activities supported by the World Bank, UNESCO, Did and other international development institutions.. Trucano, Michael. “Knowledge Maps: ICTs in Education”. 2005. infoDev / World Bank. http://www.infodev. org/en/Publication.8.html Summarizes what we know—and what we don’t -- about the efective uses of information and communication technologies in education in developing countries, with a particular attention to Africa. . Wagner, Daniel A., Bob Day, Tina James, Robert B. Kozma, Jonathan Miller and Tim Unwin. “Monitoring and Evaluation of ICT in Education Projects: A Handbook for Developing Countries”. 2005. infoDev / World Bank. his short handbook provides guidance for policymakers struggling with two key issues especially relevant to the Africa context: What is the impact on student achievement of introducing ICTs in educational settings in developing countries? How should this impact be measured, and what are the related issues, especially as they relate to Education For All and other Millennium Development Goals?. http://www.infodev.org/en/ Publication.9.html 2. ICT INFRASTRUCTURE “African Ministers to Sign Fibre Project Protocol.” August 2006. he i4d (Information For Development) print magazine. http://i4donline.net/news/news-details.asp?catid=7&newsid=5266. 46 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys he Eastern Africa Submarine Cable System (EASSy), a NEPAD initiative, will provide a broadband network connecting Burundi, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, with the aim of increasing accessibility to ICTs by reducing the current prohibitive cost of telephony and Internet connectivity. Gillwald, A. (ed.). 2005. “Towards an African e-Index: Household and Individual ICT Access and Usage Across 10 African Countries.”.he LINK Centre, Wits University School of Public and Development Management. http://www.researchictafrica.net/images/upload/Toward2.pdf “Gov’t Unfolds Strategies to Roll Out ICTS in Educational Institutions.” September 2006. allAfrica News. http://allafrica.com/stories/200609210640.html. A description of the deployment of requisite tools and strategies to achieve the broad goal of every learner in Ghana to be able to use ICTS conidently by 2015. Hamilton, P., M. Jensen, and R. Southwood. 2006. “African Internet Country Market Proiles.” Balancing Act News Update. http://www.balancingact-africa.com/proile1.html. An overview of developments in West Africa that summarises the data found in the 22 country proiles, identifying growth opportunities and relevant industry issues. “he Level of Penetration and Use of the Information and Communication Technologies in Cameroon.” 2006. Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. http://www.minpostel.gov.cm/scan-ict2006/template/ Final_SCAN_ICT_Report_english_Modiied_Oct_11_06.doc#_Toc147548908. An overview of the ICT environment in Cameroon, current projects in the education secto,r and development of ICT skills for women. “Mozambique Government Endorses the CMC Model in New Science and Technology Strategy.” September 2006. Communication and Information Daily News Service, UNESCO. http://portal.unesco.org/ ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=22737&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html. he Mozambican government has decided to expand the community multimedia centres as a means of facilitating the general public’s access to the new technologies. Mutume, G. “Harnessing the Internet for Development.” July 2006. Africa Renewal. 20 (2): 14. http://www. un.org/ecosocdev/geninfo/afrec/vol20no2/202-harnessing-internet.html. An overview of initiatives being taken to overcome constraints that limit the use of the Internet in African education. “National Initiatives Concerning the ICT and Education/Training—Ghana.” December 2000. Accra, Ghana. International Labour Oice. www.logos-net.net/ilo/150_base/en/topic_n/t8_gha.htm. he plan for the national information and communications infrastructure of Ghana 2000–2005. Philander, F. “Gov’t Now Budgets for ICT.” September 15, 2006. Windhoek. New Era. http://www.newera. com.na/archives.php?id=13161&date=2006-09-15. For the irst time the government of Namibia has included ICTs as a line item in the education budget. “Protocol of Agreement Between Peace Corps/he Gambia and World Links.” April 27, 2003. Peace Corps Online. http://peacecorpsonline.org/messages/messages/467/2013371.html. A protocol agreement to pool the resources of World Links and Peace Corps/he Gambia to maximise synergies for educational technology. “Report of the Ministerial Conference on the Integration of Education in Western Africa.” July 28–30, 2004. Abuja, Nigeria, Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Newslette. 16 (3). http://www.adeanet.org/newsletter/Vol16No3/V16N3_eng_web.pdf “TUNISIA: New Information and Communication Technologies.” Material received from the Embassy of Tunisia in New Delhi, India. www.namstct.org/tunisiait.htm. he Internet connections of all universities and research centres as well as high schools were inalised in 2001. “World Bank Gives US$10m for ICT.” September 13, 2006. all Africa News. http://allafrica.com/stories/200609130661.html. he grant will help Rwanda to establish and equip ministries and district oices with a standard suite of ICT infrastructure enabling them to improve access to information about basic services including education. www.infodev.org ANNEX 2: A Selected Bibliography of ICT in Education in Africa 47 3. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION Addo, H., N. Butcher, and S. Isaacs. 2002. “SchoolNets in Africa. A Baseline Scan.” SchoolNet Africa & IDRC. Johannesburg. South Africa. www.schoolnetafrica.org/422.0html. An overview of the projects, programmes, donor funding, and partners of 16 schoolnet organisations in Africa belonging to the SchoolNet Africa network. Aduwa-Ogiegbaen, S.E. and E.O.S. Iyamu. 2005. “Using Information and Communication Technology in Secondary Schools in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects.” Educational Technology & Society. 8 (1): 104– 112. http://www.ifets.info/journals/8_1/13.pdf. his paper examines the major obstacles militating against the use of ICT in secondary education in Nigeria. “Africa Drive Project. 2006. North West University. http://www.adp.org.za/images/03_adp/03_adp_ao.gif. In partnership with industry and government, the ADP has developed the Advanced Certiicate in Education—in a nutshell—a project that aims to produce highly competent secondary school educators, who in turn will have the ability to deliver quality learning to students. “Aiti to Train Over 100 Tutors.” 2006. News Item on AllAfrica. http://allafrica.com/stories/printable/200609120015.html. Over100 ICT tutors from 44 senior secondary schools in Ghana are to be trained in Ruby programming language as part of the ongoing collaboration between the Ghana-India Koi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT and the Finatrade Foundation. “Catch ITYoung.” 2005. Ghana: OneVillage Foundation www.onevillagefoundation.org/ovf/projects/ovf_ ghana/catch_it_young.html. CatchITYoung (CITY) is a platform designed to work with educators all over Ghana to develop information technology clubs in primary and secondary schools. Chisholm, L.R. Dhunpath, and A.Paterson. June 2004. “he Use of ICTs in the Curriculum in Botswana, Namibia and Seychelles.” he Southern African Development Community Education Policy Support Initiative (SADC EPSI). http://www.nied.edu.na/publications/other%20resources/ ICTs%20FINAL%20REPORT.ag.8.6.2004.pdf . An overview of how each country has prioritised the implementation of ICTs in schools and developed related policy and curriculum. Commonwealth of Learning and SchoolNet Africa. 2005. “African SchoolNet Toolkit.” Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada. www.col.org/colweb//site/pid/3155. he African Schoolnet Toolkit is designed to support education policymakers and practitioners in their use of ICTs. “Computers for Schools Kenya.” 2006. http://www.cfsk.org. Computers for Schools Kenya has placed over 7,000 computers in more than 300 schools throughout the country. Conway, Kevin. 2003. “Tools for Educational Change”. IDRC http://www.idrc.ca/en/ev-27301-201-1-DO_ TOPIC.html. Students and teachers in the Mozambique SchoolNet network are using the Internet as a learning tool. Cossa, G. and J. Cronje. 2004. “Computers for Africa: Lessons Learned from Introducing Computers into Schools in Mozambique.” International Journal of Learning Technology. Vol 1, No 1. 84–99. www. schoolnetafrica.org/422.0html. An analytical academic journal article which assesses the Mozambican experience with the adoption of ICTs in schools. “CurriculumNet Pilot Project: Integration of Educational Technology into the Curriculum for Primary and Secondary Schools in Uganda.” 2004. IDRC. www.idrc.ca/en/ev-8040-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html. A project in Uganda that specialises in the development of digitised curriculum-aligned content. “Education.”. 2005. iConnect OnLine. http://www.iconnect-online.org/theme/education. Four iConnect Africa correspondents examine ICT and education issues with case studies from Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. “E-Learning: Promoting Distance Education at the Secondary Level.” September 6, 2005. Windhoek, Namibia: UNESCO. http://portal.unesco.org/es/ev.php-URL_ID=28751&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_ SECTION=.html. 48 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys A pilot project to develop efective ICT supported distance education delivery models and methodologies for secondary schools in Namibia. his collaborative venture between UNESCO and the Namibian College for Open Learning was initiated in January 2005. “E-Learning: Promoting Distance Education at the Secondary Level.” 2005. UNESCO. http://portal.unesco. org/en/ev.phpURL_ID=28751&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html. he pilot project to develop efective ICT-supported distance education delivery models and methodologies for secondary schools in Namibia is a collaborative venture between UNESCO and the Namibian College for Open Learning. “Engendering ICT Toolkit.” 2002. World Bank. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTICTTOOLKIT/ Images/Engendering_ICT_Toolkit.gif. A description of the toolkit and a case study of its application in Ugandan schools. Fouldes, S. 2002, Internet-based Teacher Development—Virtual Communities of Practice, School of Education, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. www.school.za/edn/research.htm. his report is based on an analysis of the Educator Development Network model of teacher development by SchoolNet South Africa. Gadio, C.M. 2001. “Exploring the Gender Impacts of World Links in some selected African countries: A Qualitative Approach.” World Links, Washington, USA. http://www.mulonga.net/discus/messages/26/387. html?1019926542. A summary of the indings of an independent study conducted in four African countries. “Global Teenager Project (GTP).” 2005. iConnect Online. http://www.iconnect-online.org/Articles/iconnectarticles.2005-05. An assessment report of the implementation of this project in three schools in Zambia. “Going Forward in Ghana.” 2006. Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative(GeSCI). www.gesci.org/ gesci/publisher/index.jsp?aID=229&nID=111&pID=107. GeSCI has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Government of Ghana to expand the deployment of ICTs in schools in Ghana and to promote the efective use of these ICTs to achieve Ghana’s educational and community development objectives. Hesselmark, O. and J. Miller. 2002. “A Country ICT Study for Namibia.” Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). http://www.eldis.org/cf/search/disp/docdisplay.cfm?doc=DOC177 82&resource=1 his report covers the ifth in a series of country ICT surveys commissioned by Sida as part of its ongoing programme to support the use of ICT in developing countries. Howie, S.J., A.Muller, and A. Paterson. “ICT Development in Schools, An Evaluation of South Africa.” 2005. Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), South Africa / Nexus. http://www.eldis.org/cf/search/ disp/docdisplay.cfm?doc=DOC18476&resource=f1. his study evaluates the use of ICT in South Africa, such as current infrastructure, connectivity, curriculum, and timetable allocations, and to a lesser extent classroom practice of ICT in South Africa. Howie, S.J., A. Muller, and A. Paterson. 2005. Information and Communication Technologies in South African Secondary Schools.” South Africa Human Sciences research Council. http://www.hsrcpress.ac.za/full_title_info. asp?id=1984. his book is based on the results of research undertaken in the Second Information Technology in Education Study (SITES), an international cross-sectional survey evaluating the status of ICT in relation to instructional activities across 26 countries. “Imfundo Programme in Ghana.” 2002. Department for International Development (DfID). http://www. did.gov.uk/research/imfundo-ghana.asp. An Imfundo project to assist Ghana’s Special Education Division with advice on best practice for ICT for special education needs in Africa. “Imfundo Research Programme.” 2002–2004. DfID. http://www.did.gov.uk/research/imfundo.asp. Imfundo was an initiative of DfID which considered ways in which ICT could be used to support education in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa. www.infodev.org ANNEX 2: A Selected Bibliography of ICT in Education in Africa 49 “Intel Gives Nigerian Students Access to e-Classroom in Nigeria.” 2006. http://allafrica.com/stories/200610050173.html. An article that provides details of a new Intel project in Nigeria. Isaacs, S. 2002. “ICTs in African Schools: A Multi-Media Approach for Enhancing Learning and Teaching.” TechKnowLogia. Jan-March, 32–34. Isaacs, S. 2005. “Against All Odds. Critical Relections on SchoolNet Africa. in ICTs For Education, United Nations ICT Task Force, New York, USA. A detailed relective article on the challenges and opportunities faced by SchoolNet Africa since its inception in 2001. Isaacs, S. 2005d. “Empowering Women in the Information Society: Towards a More Concerted Global and Local Efort.” In Maitland +20 Fixing the Missing Link. he Anima Centre, United Kingdom. Isaacs, S. 2005. “School Networking in Africa.” In Emerging Trends in the Development of School Networking Initiatives. Commonwealth of Learning. Vancouver, Canada. www.col.org/colweb/site/pid/3330. An overview of the key challenges and issues facing African schoolnet organisations with references to case studies and examples of good practice. Isaacs, S. and V. Naidoo. 2003. “A Schoolnet Value Chain for Africa—An integrated Model Enhancing Education hrough the Use of ICTs.” he Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver. James, T. (ed.) 2004. “he Role of ICTs. Networking Institutions of Learning—SchoolNet.” Information and Communication Technologies for Development in Africa. Volume 3. IDRC and CODESRIA, Senegal Information and Communication. www.idrc.ca/es/ev-33006-201-1DO_TOPIC.html. An evaluation of school networking projects supported by IDRC in a number of African countries. James, T., O. Hesselmark, and G. Sibiya. 2002. “Final Evaluation of the Computer Education Trust Swaziland.” DfID. http://imfundo.digitalbrain.com/imfundo/web/plan/cet/. An evaluation report produced by DFID on the schoolnet organisation in Swaziland. Useful for the constraints experienced, as well as what works. Kenya National ICT Strategy for Education and Training. 2006. Ministry of Education. http://www. education.go.ke/ICTStrategy.htm “Knowledge Aid for Sierra Leone.” 2004. http://www.knowledgeaid.org/action.htm. Teachers, with the help of Knowledge Aid, are downloading teaching materials (“learning objects”) and will gradually build an electronic virtual library of teaching resources—a progress report to 2004. Leach, J. 2004. “ICTs for teacher training, Egypt and South Africa.” SoulBeat Africa. http://www.comminit. com/africa/strategicthinking/st2004/thinking-759.html. he results of research on the DEEP project shows that new digital technologies can have a signiicant role to play in transforming the opportunities for teacher education in developing countries. Leach, J. et al. 2005. DfID. “DEEP IMPACT: An Investigation of he Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Teacher education in he Global South.” http://www.open.ac.uk/deep/ Public/web/publications/core.html. A report of a survey conducted in 12 primary schools in Egypt and South Africa involving learners and teachers and their use of a range of technologies. Provides some insights into issues related to ICT integration into teaching and learning at the primary school level in both countries. Lesoba Consult. 2001. “Afordable Bandwidth for African Schools.” SchoolNet Africa. www.schoolnetafrica. net. his study provides an overview of e-rate models in the US, Egypt, and Senegal and makes the case for SchoolNet Africa to pursue an e-rate model as part of strategies for promoting afordable access to bandwidth in schools. “Libyan Pupils to Have Laptops.” 2006. BBC News: International version. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6040536.stm. he Government of Libya is reported to have agreed to provide its 1.2 million school children with a cheap, durable laptop computer by June 2008. Microsoft Partners in Learning. 2005. “Evaluation of Microsoft Partners in Learning in South Africa.” www. school.za/research/index.htm. A report of the successes and challenges of the Microsoft PIL programme in South Africa during 2004–2005. 50 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys “Mkusanyiko on School Networking. SchoolNet Africa.” 2004. SchoolNet Africa www.schoolnetafrica. org/422.0html. A compendium of schoolnet and related projects in operation throughout Africa during 2003/2004. “National Initiatives Concerning the ICT and Education/Training—Ghana.” 2000. InFocus Programme on Skills, Knowledge and Employability, International Labour Oice. http://www.logos-net.net/ilo/150_base/en/ topic_n/t8_gha.htm. An overview of initiatives in Ghana as of 2000. Odhiambo, O. October 31, 2006. “Landlocked country may soon become top ICT hub in Africa.” he Daily Nation. http://www.nationmedia.com/dailynation/nmgcontententry.asp?category_ id=39&newsid=84493. All public schools in Rwanda are expected to join the information super-highway by the end of next year. Potter, C. and G. Naidoo. May 2006. “Using Interactive Radio to Enhance Classroom Learning and Reach Schools, Classrooms, Teachers, and Learners.” Distance Education. 27 (1) : 63–86. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/routledg/cdie/2006/00000027/00000001/art00005. his article provides a case study of the development of the Open Learning Systems Education Trust’s “English in Action” programme in South Africa from 1993 to the end of 2004. SchoolNet South Africa, 2003, 2004, and 2005. “Intel Teach to the Future Evaluation.. www.school.org.za/ research/index.html. Successive evaluation reports of the irst three yearsof the Intel Teach to the Future programme in South Africa. SchoolNet South Africa. 2002. “Audit of Major Educational ICT Projects in South Africa: World Economic Forum Global Digital Divide Initiative.” his audit provides an overview of 34 diferent projects involved with ICTs in education in South Africa Seifu, S. May 2006. “How Soon Is Too Soon? Introducing Technology in Primary School Classrooms.” http://topics.developmentgateway.org/elearning/rc/iledownload.do?itemId=1075152. A case study reviewing the challenges, rewards, and lessons learned from a two-year project of introducing the concept of technology to the rural least-privileged schools of Rwanda. “Somali Interactive Radio Instruction Program (SIRIP).” International Education Systems. http://ies.edc.org/ ourwork/project.php?id=3734. Building on the success of the previous Interactive Radio Instruction for Somalis, SIRIP has a series of interactive radio instruction programmes for students in Grades 1 to 6. South Africa Department of Education. 2002. “Audit of Selected Educational ICT Projects in South Africa.”wef-ict-audit-inal.doc. A bit dated, but a useful overview of key ICT4E projects in the schools sector in South Africa. South Africa Draft ICT in Education Implementation Plan. 2006. National Department of Education. he document provides information on the status of access to and use of ICTs in South African schools and a proposed strategy to improve access, use and integration in learning and teaching. South African Institute for Distance Education. 2005. “Online Access and Connectivity of Primary School Teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa.” SAIDE, Johannesburg, South Africa. www.saide.org.za/ his is a report on desktop research on access to on-line resources by teachers in Africa focusing on Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and Tanzania. “State of the Art telecentre in Tunisia.” 2006. telecentre.org. www.telecentre.org/en-tc/node/15674. he Centre National Informartique Pour l’Enfance and the Centre National Informartique Pour l’Handicappe in Tunisia has branches in the 24 governorates of Tunis that allow children access to ICT training in multimedia and the Internet. “Timebound Program on Eliminating Child Labor in Tanzania.”. 2002–2006. International Education Systems (IES). http://ies.edc.org/ourwork/project.php?id=3224&topic=13. A report of an interactive radio instruction series called Mambo Elimu that reached approximately 10,000 children in Tanzania who had no access to formal education. A similar project has been conducted in Somalia. World Links. 2006. “Global Report 2006. www.world-links.org/images/stories/Documents/global%20report. pdf. World Bank, Washington, USA. his report assesses the work of the World Links programme during the eight-year period leading up to 2006. It highlights a few case studies in Africa. www.infodev.org ANNEX 2: A Selected Bibliography of ICT in Education in Africa 51 4. TERTIARY EDUCATION “AAU Newsletter.” September-November 2005. 11(3). http://www.aau.org/newsletters/Vol11No3.pdf. his issue has articles on the Cameroon interuniversity network, Kenya’s education network that provides interconnectivity to all institutions of higher learning, the UbuntuNet Alliance for bandwidth consistency in higher learning institutions, the ICT situation at the Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal, and the Forum, a national network in Nigerian Higher Education Institutions. “African Virtual University “. 2005. Nairobi, Kenya: African Virtual University. http://www.avu.org/about.asp. he objective of the AVU is to build capacity and support economic development by leveraging the power of modern telecommunications technology to provide world-class quality education and training programmes to students and professionals in Africa. he open, distance, and -elearning initiative seeks to enhance the capacity of AVU’s partner institutions to develop, deliver, and manage their own programmes. Aguti, J. N. and William J. Fraser. “Integration of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in he Distance Education Bachelor of Education Programme, Makerere University, Uganda.” July 2006. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE. 7(3) Article 7. http://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr/tojde23/ articles/article7.htm. he study examined what technologies the stakeholders of this programme have access to, what technologies they believe can be used for the programme and for what purpose, and, inally, what prerequisites should be put in place for this technology to work. “A Rural ICT Toolkit for Africa—African Connection. Centre for Strategic Planning.” November 2006. he World Bank. http://www.infodev.org/en/Project.11.html. he toolkit provides a platform for actors in rural ICT development by giving detailed guidelines for preparing, documenting, measuring the impact of, and justifying the inancial start-up support for ICT projects in rural areas. “AVU Capacity Enhancement Program (ACEP) Phase I.” 2005. African Virtual University. http://www.avu. org/acep.asp. his is a comprehensive approach to ofering capacity enhancement opportunities to the AVU’s partner institutions. “he AVU Teacher Education Project.” http://www.avu.org/documents/Fact-Sheet.pdf. A description of how the African Virtual University has implemented a teacher education programme, funded by the African Development Ban), in 20 countries. Ayoo, P.O. “A National Distance Education (DE) Solution for Uganda.” October 2003. he InterUniversity Council for East Africa. http://www.iucea.org/publications.php?publication_id=37. he paper describes the institutions in Uganda, the constraints faced re ICT applications, and suggests strategies for overcoming them. “Continued Assistance to Connectivity for Educator Development (Connect-ED) Phase II, USAID/ Uganda”. International Education Systems. http://ies.edc.org/ourwork/project.php?id=3448. A USAID-funded project that set up computer centres and Internet points at Kyambogo University and eight primary teacher’s colleges throughout the country to provide computer literacy and materials development training for teachers. Project date: 2003–2005. Cisler, S. and K. Yocam. 2003. “Connect-ED Evaluation (Uganda).” EduAction. http://www.eldis.org/static/ DOC7844.htm. he overall task of this project was to integrate computers into the teaching methods of primary teacher college faculty and build capacity among staf by establishing computer-assisted teacher-training laboratories and resource centres. he report outlines project results, impacts, and recommendations for the future of ConnectED. Coupe, J. et al. “Is Constructivism Universal: In Search of Meaningful Technology in Morocco and Namibia.” his paper is reprinted with the permission of UNESCO/IIEP. It will appear as chapter 8 in Adapting Technology for School Improvement: A Global Perspective, edited by D.W.Chapman and L. Mahlc. 2003. http://www.eldis.org/cf/search/disp/DocDisplay.cfm?Doc=DOC7879&Resource=f1ict. he experience suggests that education technology programmes can enhance the quality of professional training as well as strengthen education reforms by giving ownership to the involved teachers. 52 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys “Education—Under Construction.” November 2003. UNESCO. http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.php-. here is growing commitment by African governments to the development of ICTs and using these technologies for distance education. Additionally, there are strong indicators that open and distance learning is becoming more central to the education policy of many countries. Edukugho, E. October 5, 2006. “Teachers Must Pass ICT test —TRCN.” Vanguard Media Ltd. http://www. vanguardngr.com/articles/2002/features/education/edu105102006.html. he acquisition of basic ICT skills and capabilities is now part of the National Minimum Standards for Teacher Education and Practice in Nigeria. “Internet in Higher Education, Research, Science, and Technology Development in Sub-Saharan Africa.” 2006. Dgroups. http://www.dgroups.org/groups/cgiar/InternetAfrica/index.cfm?op=dsp_resource_ details&resource_id=33068&cat_id=17316. Summary of three weeks’ on-line discussion on the Internet in higher education and science and technology development in sub-Saharan Africa, with about 280 participants, the majority from difering African countries. Jallow, A.K. 2002. “Report On ICT Use In Gambia College.” http://www.widernet.org/projects/gambia/ IctInGambiaCollegeReprot.htm. A needs assessment of ICT use in Gambia’s tertiary institutions of learning for the WiderNet Project. Jokivirta. L. 2006. “Foreign Higher Education Activity in Francophone Africa. “ World Education News and Reviews. http://www.wes.org/ewenr/06apr/feature.htm. A description of the most recent online foreign initiatives in francophone Africa. Josué, T.T. September 2006. “Some Facts about Cameroon.” Development through Dialogue, an online discussion forum. http://www.dgroups.org/groups/cgiar/InternetAfrica/index.cfm?op=dsp_showmsg&listname =InternetAfrica&msgid=444617&cat_id=17314. Juma, M.N. and S. D’Antoni (eds). 2006. “he Virtual University: Models and messages, Lessons from Case Studies”. UNESCO (IIEP). http://www.unesco.org/iiep/virtualuniversity/media/document/Ch10_ AVU_Juma.pdf. he report, based on the experience of Kenyatta University, as part of the AVU, highlights the challenges faced by many African institutions as well as experiences gained in using technology to address some of them. “Kampala Varsity in e-Library Bid.” October 2006. Uganda: East African Business Week. http://www.busiweek. com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2174&Itemid=39. Kampala International University is to launch a digital library to support distance learning programmes. Liverpool, S. 2002. “ICT in Education in Gambia: An Overview of Gambian Tertiary Education.” Widernet.org. http://www.widernet.org/projects/gambia/reportgambia.htm. A needs assessment of the use of ICT in Gambia’s tertiary institutions of learning conducted for the WiderNet Project. “Makerere to Set Up an ICT Centre in Africa.” August 14, 2006. i4d. http://i4donline.net/news/news-details. asp?catid=13&newsid=5264. he Makerere University Faculty of Computing and Information Technology has won an Africa Union bid to set up an ICT institution to ofer ICT training for 13 countries. Martey, A. “ICT in Distance Education in Ghana.” 2004. Library Hi Tech News Incorporating Online and CD Notes. 21(5):16–18(3). Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mcb/2 39/2004/00000021/00000005/art00006. his study describes the ICT scene in Ghana from 1996 to 2004. he emphasis is on the beneits that distance learners in Ghana will derive from an ICT-enhanced distance education. Murray, L. “AVU Gap Analysis Report: August 2005.” http://www.avu.org/acep.asp. his report describes the capacities of all potential partners in the consortium of universities. “National ICT Strategy for Education and Training.” 2006. Kenya Ministry of Education. http://www.education.go.ke/ICTStrategy_Team.htm. he strategy outlines outcomes, implementation, management, cost analysis and monitoring, and the evaluation processes. Ng’ethe, N. et al. 2003. “Higher Education Innovations in Sub-Saharan Africa: With Speciic Reference to Universities.” ADEA Working Group on Higher Education for the Partnership on Education. http:// www.infodev.org ANNEX 2: A Selected Bibliography of ICT in Education in Africa 53 www.aau.org/wghe/publications/wghe_innovations_ref_univ.pdf. he survey sought to identify and document higher education innovations currently underway in Sub-Saharan Africa. “Nigeria Gets $200m to Boost ICT in Rural Areas.” October 27, 2006. he Tide Online. http://www. thetidenews.com/article.aspx?qrDate=09/23/ 2006&qrTitle=Nigeria%20gets%20$200m%20to%20boost%20ICT%20in%20rural%20areas&qrColum n=NEWS. he loan will be used to deploy the National Technology Development Agency’s mobile internet units to rural areas as part of the efort to stimulate interest in ICT in the country. Ouma, A.P. “A National Distance Education (DE) Solution for Uganda: Innovative Application of Digital ICTs to Overcome the Barriers of the Existing Digital Divide.” October 29, 2003. Paper presented at the IITE Specialized Training on ICTs for Distance e-Learning for Countries in sub-Saharan Africa conference at the University of South Africa. http://www.iucea.org/publications/DE_Solution_%20Uganda.doc. A comprehensive analysis of the Ugandan higher education system in terms of the opportunities for ICT applications and the constraints that need to be addressed. Perraton, H. October 2001. “Teacher Education hrough Distance Learning.” UNESCO. http://portal. unesco.org/education/en/ev.php-URL_ID=45578&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html. A summary of case studies in Burkino Faso, Nigeria, and South Africa to ascertain what methods were being used and how efective they were. Sagna, O. and S. D’Antoni (eds). “he Virtual University Models and Messages.” 2006. UNESCO (IIEP). http://www.unesco.org/iiep/virtualuniversity/media/document/Ch5_CNFD_Sagna.pdf. he Campus numérique francophone de Dakar, Senegal, inaugurated in 2000, functions essentially as a wellequipped resource centre, promoting and supporting distance and ICT-enabled education through the production of multimedia content, the promotion of distance education courses and CD-Roms, an incubator for innovative irms, the development of digital literacy in students and teachers, and access to on-line information. “Somalia: Online Distance Learning Initiative Fact Sheet.”. August 2006. UNDP and World Bank. http:// www.reliefweb.int/library/documents/2006/undp-som-26aug.pdf. he ODL Learning Initiative is using VSAT to access Internet connectivity for knowledge resources and interactive learning in selected Somali universities/tertiary institutions. Steiner, R. et al. “he African Tertiary Institutions Connectivity Survey Report.” 2004. http://www.dgroups. org/groups/cgiar/InternetAfrica/docs/ATICS2004Report.pdf. he report is based on a survey of 83 institutions in 40 countries to discover their needs and willingness to participate in a “bandwidth purchasing club.” “Strategic Development Plan for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) 2003 –2005.” Association for the Development of Education in Africa. http://www.aau.org/wghe/publications/wghe_ict_ strategic_plan_zimbabwe.pdf. his work, for the National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, was encouraged by the Working Group on Higher Education of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa. “Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA).” November 2005. Open University. http://www.open. ac.uk/education-and-languages/about_the_faculty/case_studies/teacher-education.php. TESSA will provide on-line training that educators can download and print or burn on CDs for use in schools across Africa. “Towards a Strategy on Developing African Teacher Capabilities in the Use of Information and Communication Technology.” October 2004. SchoolNet Africa. http://www.schoolnetafrica.net/ileadmin/ resources/Towards_a_Strategy_on_Developing_African_Teacher_Capabilit._01.pdf. A research summary of teacher training in ICT in Africa at pre-service and in-service levels. Twinomugisha, A., J. Magochi and S. Aluoch. “Bandwidth Consolidation and Management for Universities.” October 2000. he Partnership for Higher Education in Africa. http://www.foundationpartnership.org/pubs/avu/index.php. A report prepared by the African Virtual University for the Partnership. “UNESCO Preparing Standards for Integrating ICT into Teaching.” November 1, 2006. ICT in Education. http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=23023&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html. 54 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys A UNESCO initiative designed to develop a common core syllabus deining various ICT competency skills for teachers that professional development providers can use to prepare learning materials is nearing completion. “UNESCO to Sponsor Pilot Satellite Distance Learning Course on Telecentres in Africa.” May 2004. UNESCO Daily News Service. http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=13920&URL_DO=DO_ TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html. his project demonstrated and tested the potential of digital radio to deliver low-budget, efective, multimediabased and real-time distance education to rural learners in Ethiopia, Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. “Virtual University to Become a Reality in August 2007.” September 6, 2006. Commonwealth News and Information Service. Issue 301. COL’s Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) initiative is set to become a reality in August 2007 with the launch of two of its programmes. “VSAT Project for Pan African Countries by Indian Government.” August 2005. Ghana: Ministry of Communications. http://www.moc.gov.gh/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&ile=article&sid=24&m ode=thread&order=0&thold=0. he Minister of Communications has signed a memorandum of understanding with Telecommunications Consultants India to establish a VSAT-based tele-medicine and tele-education infrastructure for African countries. “Work on UNESCO’s ICT Competency Standards for Teachers Enters Final Phase.” October 2006. UNESCO Daily News Service. http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=23023&URL_DO=DO_ TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html. An international standard for integrating ICTs in teaching. Zaparovanny,Y. “Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Higher Education in SubSaharan Africa.”. 2004. UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE). http:// www.iite-unesco.org/. his book contains 22 articles, nine of which are state-of-the art country studies. he largest article is the Pan African Study of “E-Campus” that gives perspectives of several higher education institutions and desk-based research on six other countries. 5. NON-FORMAL EDUCATION “Africa Online’s Ininet Will Boost Basic Education.” September 8, 2006. Ministry of Communications, Republic of Ghana. http://www.moc.gov.gh/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&ile=article&sid=159 &mode=thread&order=0&thold=0. IniNet, Africa Online’s new mobile broad band wireless service, has strong potential for applications in basic education in rural schools. Akinsola, O.S., M.E. Herselman, and S.J. Jacobs. 2005. “ICT Provision to Disadvantaged Urban Communities: A study in South Africa and Nigeria.” International Journal of Education and Development using ICT. 1 (3). http://ijedict.dec.uwi.edu//viewarticle.php?id=57&layout=html. he focus of this research was to develop a ICT model in a Nigerian community. “Computerize Nigeria Project.” October 2006. his Day. http://www.independentngonline.com/news/51/ ARTICLE/13160/2006-10-16.html. he Computerize Nigeria Project, an NGO, has concluded plans to invest over N400 million in two megacomputer training schools as a irst phase in the planned rollout of mega-computer schools across the country. One , to open in January 2007,will be an ICT training school, and the other, when operational, will train civil servants, teachers, lecturers, and unemployed graduates. “dot-EDU Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction (SSIRI) Program.” International Education Systems. http://ies.edc.org/ourwork/project.php?id=3487&topic=13. he SSIRI programme designs, develops, and pilot-tests appropriate and cost-efective technologies in an efort to provide learning opportunities for children, adults, and teachers in southern Sudan. Project will run 2004 to 2008. “Egypt Smart Schools.” 2006. International Education Systems. http://ies.edc.org/ourwork/project. php?id=3600&topic=13. www.infodev.org ANNEX 2: A Selected Bibliography of ICT in Education in Africa 55 An EDC pilot project to build the capacity of teachers to integrate ICTs into teaching and learning and to strengthen the capacity of local NGO members to assist schools and communities to manage school-based community learning centres for community development. “Ethiopian Centre Promoting ICT Use by Blind People Supported by UNESCO.” January 2003. UNESCO Communication and Information Bulletin. http://www.digitalopportunity.org/external/ ?url=http%3A%2F%2Fportal.unesco.org%2Fci%2Fev.php%3FURL_ID%3D6926%26URL_ DO%3DDO_TOPIC%26URL_SECTION%3D201%26reload%3D1041834627. A programme in Ethiopia to support training for the blind and visually impaired through ICTs. “Evaluation Report on UNESCO’s Community Multimedia Centre Initiative(CMC).” May 22, 2006. Internal Oversight Service, Evaluation Section: UNESCO. http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/iles/22129/ 11477736959CMC_Evaluation_Final.pdf/CMC%2BEvaluation_Final.pdf. An assessment of UNESCO’s CMC initiative which promotes sustainable local development through community-based facilities that combine traditional media like radio, television, and print with new ICTs such as computers, the Internet, and mobile devices. “he First Scale-up CMC Gets of the Ground in Mozambique.” 2005. UNESCO Communication and Information Bulletin. http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=19082&URL_DO=DO_ TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html. he irst community multimedia centre with radio and ICTs in Mozambique opened as part of UNESCO’s multi-country scale-up initiative was inaugurated on May 9, 2005. “he ICT Programme.” 2006. Mauritius National Computer Board. http://www.gov.mu/portal/site/ ncbnew?content_id=04c5542c04f7d010VgnVCM1000000a04a8c0RCRD. An ambitious programme for training 400,000 Mauritians in ICT over four years began on September 4 in the ICT labs of 60 secondary schools across the country. “IICD Supported Project: Kalomo Bwacha Women’s ICT Club.” April 2006. International Institute for Communication and Development. http://www.iicd.org/projects/articles/iicdprojects.2006-0425.0903449865. Women in a rural area of Zambia are using ICTs in a women’s resource centre to improve money-making activities by using the Internet to market their produce. Laureys, F. November 2006. “ICTs and Rural Development: a case from Burkina Faso.” International Institute for Communication and Development. http://www.iicd.org/articles/iicdnews.2006-1106.1897137599. his article describes three of the ive IICD supported projects in Burkina Faso focusing on rural development using ICTs “Nigerian Government Kick Starts Computer for All Nigerians Initiative (CANi).” June 10, 2006. Highway Africa News. http://hana.ru.ac.za/article.cfm?articleID=1180. he Nigerian federal government has placed an order for 14,500 units of personal computers under the CANi initiative. Pigato, M. 2001. “Information and Communication Technology, Poverty, and Development in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.” World Bank. http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/WDSP/ IB/2001/09/28/000094946_01091404003925/Rendered/PDF/multi0page.pdf. Examines patterns of tilization, ownership, and afordability of ICTs. “Using Information and Communication Technology to Combat HIV/AIDS—Uganda.” March 24, 2004. he Communication Initiative. http://www.comminit.com/experiences/pds32004/experiences-1900.html Implemented by the USA-based Education Development Center (EDC) and partners, this project uses peer learning, social action, and small business projects that integrate ICTs with information about HIV/AIDS to enable youth to build ICT skills. A broader goal is to test the potential of ICTs as a means of facilitating youth and community learning about HIV/AIDS. Virtual Souk. “E-Commerce for Unprivileged Artisans.” March 25, 2002. iConnect Online. http://www. iconnect-online.org/Stories/Story.import5014/view?searchterm=virtual%20souk. he Virtual Souk is a World Bank-supported project that helps craftsmen from the Middle East and North Africa to become economically competitive. he project trains the craftsmen in small business administration techniques and use of the Internet in Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisi,. 56 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys Wagner, D., B. Day, and J.S. Sun. March 30, 2004. “Information Technologies and Education for the Poor in Africa (ITEPA).” Final Report for Imfundo: Partnership for IT in Education. http://imfundo.digitalbrain.com/imfundo/web/papers/itepa/ITEPA.doc. Report contains recommendations for a Pro-Poor ICT4D Non-Formal Education Policy. Wambui, M. “Development hrough Radio: A Case Study from Sierra Leone.”2005. he Communication Initiative. http://www.comminit.com/ict/ictcasestudies/ictcasestudies-17.html. he Forum of Conscience, a human rights NGO, set out to establish a Development hrough Radio project in Sierra Leone that would provide a channel through which women could voice their views on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission process and bring gender issues to the fore of the process. 6. DISTANCE EDUCATION AND OPEN LEARNING Allais, S.M. 2003. “Distance Education in Francophone African Countries: Report of a Research Visit.” Open Learning hrough Distance Education. 9 (2): 10–13. http://www.saide.org.za/resources/0000000051/2003.pdf. Report of the research indings of a short visit to three francophone African countries. he aim was to gather information on distance education projects to contribute to an international‘knowledge base on distance education and open learning in higher education, and to promote relations and exchange of good practice between African nglophone and francophone practitioners. Butcher, N. December 2003. Technological Infrastructure and Use of ICT in Education in Africa: An Overview. ADEA Working Group on Distance Education and Open Learning. http://www.adeanet.org/ publications/docs/ICT_eng.pdf. his book examines existing technological infrastructure and use of ICTs in education and explores how ICT can support distance education and open learning in Africa. “Developing Efective ICT-Supported Distance Education Delivery Models and Methodologies.” Project dates: September 2004 to December 2005. UNESCO. http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.php-URL_ ID=42892&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html. he project’s purpose was to develop e-learning materials to improve distance education for Namibian secondary schools. “Distance Education, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)– Policy Challenges.” March 27–31, 2006. Association for the Development of Education in Africa, Biennale on Education in Africa held in Libreville, Gabon. http://www.adeanet.org/biennial-2006/D.%20Doc%20Pl%E9ni%E8res/PL5_ 2_GTEDAL_en.pdf#search=%22%22Southern%20African%20Regional%20Distance%20Education%20 Centre%22. Provides an insight into the status of technological infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa needed to support distance education interventions. “South West: UB Armed for Distance Learning.” November 2006. Cameroon Tribune. http://www.cameroontribune.net/article.php?lang=Fr&oled=j15092006&idart=38888&olarch=#. he University of Buea has announced its readiness to make distance learning more realistic in the next academic year. Rumajogee, A.R. February 2002. “Distance Education and Open Learning in sub-Saharan Africa: A Literature Survey on Policy and Practice.” Working Group on Distance Education and Open Learning, Association for the Development of Education in Africa. http://www.adeanet.org/publications/docs/ open%20learning%201.pdf. his report is a review of the literature on current developments and prospects in the ield of open and distance learning in sub-Saharan Africa. “Teacher Education hrough Distance Learning.” October 2001. UNESCO. http://portal.unesco.org/ education/en/ev.php-URL_ID=45578&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html. his document is a summary of case studies that include one in each of Burkino Faso and Nigeria and two in South Africa. “Toolkit Preview: Designing Open and Distance Learning for Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Toolkit for Educators and Planners.” March 2006. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/ www.infodev.org ANNEX 2: A Selected Bibliography of ICT in Education in Africa 57 COUNTRIES/AFRICAEXT/EXTAFRREGTOPEDUCATION/EXTAFRREGTOPDISEDU/ 0,,contentMDK:20821714~pagePK:34004173~piPK:34003707~theSitePK:732264,00.html. he toolkit focuses on the development of open and distance learning and teacher education programmes. “University of Swaziland Institute of Distance Education.”.http://www.uniswa.sz/academics/ide/. he Web site has a summary of programmes ofered. 7. GENDER AND ICT Buskens, I. June 6. 2006. “GRACE Project : State of the Research.” Durban, South Africa: Association for Progressive Communications. http://www.apc.org/english/news/index.shtml?x=5038333. he GRACE (Gender Research in Africa into ICTs for Empowerment) project is focused on researching how women in 12 African countries use ICTs for empowerment. Derbyshire, H. January 2003. “Gender Issues in the use of Computers in Education in Africa”. Imfundo. http://imfundo.digitalbrain.com/imfundo/web/learn/documents/Gender%20Report.doc. he paper draws on research from other jurisdictions because of the lack of African-based research. “GenderIT.org : Changing he Way You See ICT.” Association for Progressive Communications. http:// www.genderit.org/en/index.shtml. A clearinghouse on gender and ICT policy issues. Isaacs, S. November 2002. Seoul, Korea. “It’s Hot for Girls.” Paper presented at Expert Group Meeting on Information and Communication Technologies and heir Impact on And Use as An Instrument for he Advancement And Empowerment of Women..http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/egm/ict2002/reports/ Paper%20by%20Isaaks2.PDF. he paper analyses gender and ICT in education. “Open Learning Communities for Gender Equity with the Support of ICTs.” November 2003. UNESCO, Open Learning Communities. http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=2175&URL_DO=DO_ TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html. Local communities in Mozambique and South Africa use ICTs to develop their own content and learning tools using local telecentres that transform them into places of equity-based learning and community-building. Radlof, J., N. Primo, and A. Munyua. August 2004. “he Role of Information and Communication Technologies in the Development of African Women.” Association for Progressive Communications. http://www.apc.org/english/rights/documents/article_english.pdf. his paper examines the role of information and communication in relation to women’s development in Africa. he paper outlines the issues and challenges faced by African women entering the information society. “Women in Global Science and Technology (WIGSAT).” http://www.wigsat.org/WST.html. his site contains several references relating to women, science, technology, and ICT in development 58 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys About infoDev infoDev is a partnership of international development agencies, coordinated and served by an expert Secretariat housed in the Global ICT Department (GICT) of the World Bank, one of its key donors and founders. It acts as a neutral convener of dialogue, and as a coordinator of joint action among bilateral and multilateral donors—supporting global sharing of information on ICT for development (ICT4D), and helping to reduce duplication of efforts and investments. To this end, infoDev sponsors cutting-edge research and analysis to help identify global best practice in the use of ICT4D. www.infodev.org 60 Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: A Summary Report Based on 53 Country Surveys SURVEY OF ICT AND EDUCATION IN AFRICA A Summary Report, Based on 53 Country Surveys This project seeks to gather together in a single resource the most relevant and useful information on ICT in education activities in Africa. Key questions: • How are ICTs currently being used in the education sector in Africa, and what are the strategies and policies related to this use? • What are the common challenges and constraints faced by African countries in this area? • • • • • • • • • • • • • ICT Activities and Initiatives in Non-formal Education in Africa About infoDev infoDev is a partnership of international development agencies, coordinated and served by an expert Secretariat housed in the Global ICT Department (GICT) of the World Bank, one of its key donors and founders. It acts as a neutral convener of dialogue, and as a coordinator of joint action among bilateral and multilateral donors—supporting global sharing of information on ICT for development (ICT4D), and helping to reduce duplication of efforts and investments. To this end, infoDev sponsors cutting-edge research and analysis to help identify global best practice in the use of ICT4D. www.infoDev.org • • • • • • • • ICT Activities and Initiatives in Primary and Secondary Schools This Summary Report is complemented by 53 separate Country Reports. • • • ICT Activities and Initiatives in Higher Education in Africa + Regional ICT/Education Initiatives in Africa • • • • ICT Policies for Education in Africa • ICT in Education in Africa: A Way Forward • • Contents: • • • • • Factors Enabling and Constraining ICT Use in Education in Africa • • • What is actually happening on the ground, and to what extent are donors involved? • Gender Equity and ICT in Education in Africa • • • • •