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Problems of Sustainable Water Sources: Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting By Mr. Kashi Nath Bose Ex-Executive Engineer West Bengal Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (WBIIDC) Kolkata E-mail: kashirchithi@yahoo.com Mobile: +919434227586 & Dr. Buddhadeb Ghosh Scientist Economic Research Unit Indian Statistical Institute 203, B. T. Road, Kolkata & Principal Investigator Evaluation of BADP & MGNREGA Planning Commission, GOI, New Delhi E-mail: buddhadeb_ghosh@yahoo.com Mobile: +919433164711(prepaid), +918902496475(postpaid) 1.0 Introduction No other natural resource is as fundamental as water for creating and sustaining life on this planet. Nobody could willingly accept just a quarter century ago that water and air would no longer remain free in a short while, though history is abound with documented facts that all the old civilizations such as Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, Egyptian and others flourished on the banks of rivers and major water bodies. Arrogance of the humans has nowhere been as vividly naked as with water. The present water crisis - particularly drinking water is doubtlessly an outcome of two major factors: disproportionate growth of human population over other species on Earth and misuse of water by no other species than humans. Proximate factors popularly discussed such as green house gases, global warming, deforestation, misuse of technology and others are derivative factors of geometric growth of humans. The ghost of Malthus will not let the humans go without severe penalty. Scarcity of other essential natural resources like energy may be some day substituted by human ingenuity but water will continue to pose the greatest threat to human civilization and the 1 life support system of the lonely planet (Arrow et al., 1995). Increasing scarcity of water is likely to bring a direct and substantial impact on economic progress, employment, income distribution, health and above all, on social stability. It is doubtless that total water supply on Earth is finite. And water is not evenly distributed across the globe. Moreover, regional distribution of water over long period of time changes significantly to make a region either fertile or arid. History of desertification in Egypt and the Middle East proves this dynamics awfully true. In our country, history of Indus Valley civilization, Rajgir, Nalanda, Fatehpur Sikri and Agra Fort speak the same truth. But misfortune will upon which region is not known in advance, and even if known, can not be easily controlled. However, existing water may not be depleted in a short while either because it recycles, or because sea water evaporates to rain that falls on the earth, gathers in rivers and flows down to the seas again (Jagadish Chandra Bose: Untold Truth). Unless a planetary massacre happens, such as an asteroid hit or resurgence of volcanism, the earth will not run dry very soon. But the end process has already begun. Symptoms are everywhere across the globe. The problem is that most of the available water can not be easily used as drinking water or irrigation water without incurring huge costs. The largest proportion of water on planet Earth is in the oceans and in the polar ice caps. That leaves less than one percent of water to be considered as "fresh" water for farming, cooking, drinking, etc. Another major problem is that water molecules, or the elements that they are composed of (hydrogen and oxygen) are very slowly escaping from Earth's atmosphere to space, but this rate is so slow that we may not have to be nervous to further endanger the crisis. Theoretically, Earth will lose the entire atmosphere someday, perhaps billions of years from now, including all of the water in the atmosphere. At that point, without an atmosphere, Earth's surface will be much colder. However, some water will probably remain frozen in the soil and some will remain beneath the Earth's surface, just as apparently happened on Mars. As we all know, water co e s % of the Ea th's su fa e, he eas . % of Ea th’s ate is found in oceans, 1.7% in groundwater, 1.7% in glaciers and the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland, a small fraction in other large water bodies, and 0.001% in air as vapour, clouds and precipitation. The tragedy is that only 2.5% of Earth's water is fresh water, and 98.8% of 2 that water is in ice and groundwater. The crux of the matter is that less than 0.3% of all freshwater is in rivers, lakes and atmosphere. The condition of fresh water is one of the worst in India, although we have one of the largest coastal line and we are the luckiest to have the great Himalaya on our entire North. What is more, gender inequality is as evident elsewhere as in case of water resource in spite of concerted efforts by Government of India in creating awareness towards water resource. During dry seasons, women from various corners of rural India wander on an average 14,000 km per year to fetch drinking water for the family. Normally, 3000L of water needs to be converted from liquid to vapour to proportionate a dietary meal of an adult. Thus, if per capita water reserve is less than 1700m3, it is to be called water stressed condition. Let us have a glimpse on the availability of fresh water. Table 1. Availability of Fresh Water Year Population Per Capita Fresh Water Reserve 1951 361 Million 5117 m3 1955 395 Million 4732 m3 1991 846 Million 2209 m3 2001 1027 Million 1820 m3 2025 1394 Million 1341 m3 * (projected) 2050 1640 Million 1140 m3 * (projected) * indicates Water Stressed Condition It is obvious from Table-1 that presently India has been passing through a water stressed condition, which is getting worse day by day and may soon reach a situation of no return. Privatization of drinking water supply by multi-national and national private companies has been an evolutionary outcome of free market competitive activity to meet the growing demand for drinking water. While WTO and World Bank also assure with GOLDEN MYTH the privatization of water, the ground reality is far from the ideal with such a natural gift as water. One should not forget the welfare implications of private economic rationality with a special resource like water particularly in a country like India where no less than 50% are vulnerable in terms of water and subsistence. What is more, the largest majority of these 3 people live in rural areas, where the essentiality of drinking water is only redundant compared to irrigation for majority of Indian farmers who are basically small and marginal. The present study will address the novel ways of supplying water requirements from natural cycle, while it also aims to suggest solution for water stress condition in domestic use especially in arid and contaminated regions with special emphasis on West Bengal. 2.0 Present Scenario of Water in India In terms of fresh water quality and quality, India is at 120th and 133th positions amongst 122 and 180 nations respectively, far lagging behind her neighbours. (Source: The Indian Express, 06.03.2003). 2.1 Quality of Water – Contamination of Water by Heavy Toxic Metals and Chemicals The main heavy toxic metals that are contaminating safe aquifers are: ARSENIC The first case of contamination of ground water was reported in the year 1983 when 63 people reportedly suffered from Arsenic poisoning. In 2000, nine districts of West Bengal were under the threat of Arsenic contamination. Jadavpur University and UNICEF have been playing leading role to map the Arsenic affected areas. Major Arsenic beyond permissible limit is found in the following areas of Patna, Bhojpur, Buxar, Saran ( Chapra) and Vaishali in Bihar, Ballia district in Uttar Pradesh, and 24 Pgs (N), 24 Pgs (S), Nadia, Murshidabad, Burdwan, Howrah in West Bengal. Arsenic is found even within the vicinity of Kolkata Municipal Corporation. By World Health Organization standard, permissible limit of Arsenic, is 5 ppb but as per Indian standard, it is 10 ppb. Arsenic causes diffuse and spotted melanosis followed by keratosis leading to gangrene and cancer. 4 FLUORINE Fluoride compounds are listed as one of the top 20 substances that pose significant threat to human health. It demands for prevention only as there is no treatment for fluoride related human disorders (Sarkar, 2004). In India, Fluorosis has spread over 19 states. As per WHO, nearly 66 million i.e. about 9.4% of the total rural population is under impact of fluorosis. Though the prescribed limit of fluoride is 1.5 mg/l, even 48 mg/l have been reported in various regions. Contamination of Fluorine is apparent in areas like: • Many villages of southern bank of the Brahmaputra River; • Nalhati, Suri, Rampurhat, Sainthia in Birbhum district of West Bengal; • Nagaur, Bhilwara, Ajmer regions in Rajasthan; • The worst affected block is Liliya of Amreli district in Gujarat. OTHER TOXIC METALS Zinc, Lead, Chromium etc. are other heavy toxic metals, which contaminate the ground water. Recent studies show that contamination due to Zinc, Iron and Chromium are in six districts of three states, 26 districts in seven states and one district in one state respectively (Patel, 2003). Pesticide is one of major source of heavy toxic chemical, which contaminates ground water due to stagnation or run-off of rain water. The usage of them increases due to lack of awareness towards the standardization without bothering for the environment. Contamination due to Nitrate, Chloride and Sulphide are in 68 districts of 12 states, 17 districts of five states, three districts of one state. The crux of the matter is that removal of Pesticides from water is very difficult (Patel, 2003). 5 Table 2. Contamination Nature of quality problem Number of affected Villages Excessive Fluoride 36988 Excessive Arsenic 3553 Excessive Salinity 32597 Excessive Iron 138670 Excessive Nitrate 4003 Other Element 1400 (Source: Chand, Dinesh, Oct. 2003) 2.2 Quantity of Water The estimated amount of total water reserve in India is about 1853 Trillion Liters out of which 1076 Trillion Litre is usable, even though annual precipitation is almost 4000 Trillion Liter (Water for People, Water for life: UN World Water Dev. Report 2006). More than 92% of total precipitation is being wasted due to run-off. Growth of Indian economy including faster rate of urbanization has resulted in increased water usage across sectors with changing consumption patterns. Wastage is very rampant in India due mainly to absence of proper treatment and management related factors thus polluting the existing fresh water reserves of the country (Water – A shared responsibility: UN World Water Development Report 2003 & Water for People, Water for life: UN World Water Development Report 2006). We know that India has the highest irrigated area in the world (55.14 out of 255.46 mn hectare). Thus an urgent attention on possible sets of long term solution is needed, instead of allowing less investment exploration of ground water which in turn would cause major havoc on the Hydrological Cycle. Ground water has plunged in more than 206 districts in India, where pumping of water is now more than double the natural rate of aquifer recharge from rainfall. 2.2.1 Present Scenario of Domestic Water Supply • One of every three persons in India is facing water problem and water is rationed twice a week in Bangalore. 6 • 30 minutes/day supply of water in Bhopal and routinely water cut in Mumbai from January to June. • 250 tankers make 2250 trips for supplying of drinking water at Chennai. • Queue of people are found in midnight in Vypuri, an island off the mainland of Kochi. • Due to Coca-cola plant at Plachimida severe water crisis is noticed in adjoining districts. People of some places of Kottayam district hesitate to offer a glass of water to a visitor. In upper Kottanadu district people collect water from a distance of 3-4 Km. • In some parts of Rajasthan in summer, people have to walk more than 14000 Km per year for collecting water and some areas of Hyderabad get water once in three days (Report of National Women Commission, New Delhi, 2005). To get a bucket of drinking water is a struggle for most women in the country. The virtually dry and dead water resources have led to acute water scarcity, which is seriously affecting the socio-economic conditions of neighbouring society. The drought conditions have pushed villagers to move to cities in search of jobs. The time lost in fetching water, if translated into financial gains, with the opportunity costs taken into account, it would be clear that water has become more costlier in most rural areas than in urban areas. Also, if this cost of fetching water which is almost equivalent to 150 million women day each year, is covered into a loss for the national exchequer it translates into a whopping 10 billion rupees per year, calculated in the financial year 2003-04 when average minimum wages was Rs. 160.00/day “ i asta a “u i a, Goi g pa hed i the la d of t ou led ate , The Sahara Times (New Delhi) 18.05.2003)    2.2.2 National Water Resources Potential Precipitation of 4,000 BCM with average Run-off in rivers of 1,869 BCM Utilizable Surface Water of 690 BCM with replenish able ground water of 432 BCM Total Water Availability of 1,122 BCM with irrigation and hydropower (L) Potential of 140 million hectares and 84,000 MW @ 60 per cent respectively (Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India). 7 2.2.3 Shortfall & Requirements of Water in 12 Major Cities Table 3. Shortfall & Requirement of Water Cities in India Requirements Shortfall (M Shortfall (M Lts/day) Lts/day) percentage Delhi 3830 880 23 Lucknow 560 120 21 Kolkata 2268 690 30 Jaipur 349 313 90 Jabalpur 239 45 19 Bhopal 335 70 21 Indore 318 134 42 Visakhapatnam 305 146 48 Mumbai 4000 1030 26 Hyderabad 956 186 19 Chennai 300 105 35 Bangalore 840 135 16 (Source: Iyar V.R. Krishna, India Today (New Delhi) (09.06.2006) 2.2.4 Role of Multi-National Foreign Soft Drinks Corporation Two MNCs of this industry operating in India manage to extract huge amount of water earning a sum of Rs. 4000 Crores per year, which is two-thirds of the total in this industry. Their operation causes inordinate pollution in surrounding areas. The dwellers from surrounding areas are facing acute water scarcity. Some such negative effects are:  Villagers living near 55 and 38 plants operating under Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo India Holdings Pvt. Ltd. respectively are forced to witness the decline in quantity and quality of  precious water resources. The villagers of Plachimada in Kerala living near one of Coca-Cola’s la gest bottling plants commissioned in March 2000 to produce 12,24,000 bottles of soft drinks experience the impact of extraction of 1.5 mn L of water a day from 65 bore wells with electric pumps on depletion of ground water supplies from 150 to 500 feet. 8  The villagers of Mehdiganj, 20km from Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, are protesting against the unjust practices of the Bharat Coca-Cola Bottling North East Private Limited, operating under the Coca-Cola Company since 1999, which is designed to produce 600 bottles per minute of Coca-Cola a d e e ages. The o pa ’s e t a tio of enormous water has contributed to a 40-foot drop in community water resources. Due to inadequate regulations on groundwater extraction to distinguish between the secondary (to facilitate the creation of non-potable products) and primary use of water by the beverage industry to manufacture products containing water as main component, the discrepancy has arisen. Unlike in Europe, where such industries are not allowed to draw groundwater, in India beverage companies can deplete groundwater levels for a pittance (Report of National Women Commission, New Delhi, 2005). 2.2.5 Subsidence of Land due to Excessive Extraction of Ground Water Ground water related subsidence is the sinking of land resulting from ground water extraction. Prevalent estimate reveals that 80% of serious land subsidence problems are associated with the excessive extraction of ground water. Thus, extraction of ground water in a very unscientific fashion leads to tragedy of commons with high economic externalities. Unfortunately, not all ground water related subsidence is benign. It has already been recorded in Mexico City that the buildings interact with the settlement and cause cracking, tilting and other major damages. In many places, large sinkholes open up and surface cavity appears. Damage from hurricane Katrina was exacerbated due to costal sinking associated with large scale ground water withdrawal. This consolidation is non-reversible. The engineering law pertaining to this fatal manmade disaster is clearly defined in Structural Manual: “pe iall epeated lo e i g a d aisi g of water level in loose granular soils tend to compact the soil and cause settlement of footings. Prolong lowering of the water table in fine grained soils may introduce settlement because of extrusion of water from the voids. Pumping of water or draining of water from granular soils without adequate filter materials as protection may over a long period of time carry a sufficient amount of fine particles away from the soil a d ause settle e t Refe to Clause . . . C of I“: -1978 (Code of 9 Practice for Structural Safety of Building) & Clause 3.1.1 (III) of IS: 1080- 1980 (Code of Practice for Design and Construction of Simple Spread Foundation). 3.0 The Project It is now understandable that the state of water India is alarming. So we propose a project such that the problems related to supply of drinking water in arid and contaminated zone gets partially addressed. Several projects are either in progress or in planning stage. Our project is a self-managed project. Both operational and maintenance cost of this proposed project is very low with a very small amount of energy required for daily use. In this project, rain water is collected from roof and recycled to meet our daily use without affecting the existing Ground Water strata. During recharging, chance to contaminate the existing safe aquifer by heavy metals or toxic chemicals is very fair. This project is based on roof top rain water harvesting as per Texas Manual with slight modification with indigenous technology. In this method, the initial rainwater is not collected and diverted to FIRST FLUSH DIVERTER pipe (FFD), as the initial rain contains Carbonyl Acid (H2CO3) and Sulfurous Acid (H2SO3) apart from roof wash materials. FFD has been designed in such a way that about 5 mm rain water can be easily diverted from roof. The remaining water is collected by a byepass pipe, which is mentioned as COLLECTING PIPE (CP). Thus water passing through CP after roof wash, is cleaner as it contains only some foreign matters (Dust) and pathogens, which could be filtered easily. To avoid any turbulent flow at the junction of FFD and CP, a Tennis Ball is used, which acts as non-return valve. Due to kinetic force of falling water, through CP, into sand filter, it may affect the filter machineries. To avoid this, the free flow end of CP may be kept on upward direction (anti-gravitational flow) and covered with gravels (frictional force). Thus stream line flow is observed. Finally, the water will be collected in a Collection Tank, which should be R.C.C Tank. To avoid any seepage through it, the tank may be treated with Pressure Grouting. The internal walls, floor and ceiling are to be painted with Anti-Bacterial cum Anti-Fungal paint. The finishing coat will be as per specification of Food Laboratory or Pharmaceutical Laboratory so that growth of any bacteria or fungi can be prevented during storage of water. There might be pathological bacteria in the collected water. At the top of the tank there will be detachable manhole 10 where two UV tubes will be fitted, which might be turned on 5 minutes prior to use the water domestically in order to kill the pathogens, if any. Moreover, it is suggested to use one tablespoon full of Sodium-bicarbonate with 1KL of water during drinking purpose to neutralize acid in rain water. Detailed drawings of the project step by step are appended below: 11 12 13 14 3.1 Advantages of Rain Water Collection for Household Consumption • Rain water provides a source of water at the point where it is consumed. It is o e ’s operated and managed with a very low running cost. • It provides an essential reserve in time of emergency and/ or break down of public water supply system particularly in disaster. • Construction technique is simple, economical, and local people can easily be trained. • Technology-poor households can start with a single small tank and add more when they can afford them. This method is ideal for heavy metal and pesticide contaminated zones. • Physical and chemical property of rain water is superior to surface and/or ground water. • Construction, operation and maintenance are neither labour-intensive, nor capitalintensive. • It is free from sodium and chemical contamination and also helpful for persons on lowsodium diet. • Rainwater harvesting reduces flow to storm water drains and also reduces non-point source pollution and is superior for landscape irrigation. • Rainwater harvesting helps to fight the summer demand peak and delay expansion of existing water treatment plants. 3.2 Disadvantage of Rain Water Collection for Household Consumption • Success of Rain Water Harvesting depends upon frequency and amount of rainfall. • Low storage capacity will limit the project. • Regular observation and maintenance is required in order to avoid contamination and emergency failure, which is, though, common in any fixed infrastructure project. • Measures to be taken that storage tank should not be breeding ground for mosquitoes. 3.3 Project Drawing The project is a Guest House, a double storied building having 6 Single bedded Guest room and 8 double bedded rooms at 1st floor. Ground floor comprises of car parking, meeting & conference room, common room, gymnasium and dining hall with kitchen. It is intended to be located in and around Kolkata as well South and North Bengal where intensity of rainfall is 1440 mm per year or more. Roof area of Guest House is 560 Sqm. 15 Civil Structure of Concept Vision of Proposed Guest House: 3.4 Project Cost (Based on Market Rate of Kolkata) 1 Earth Work for excavation of Tank Rate Expense (Rs.) A upto1.5 m depth 90Cum @ Rs. 73.00/Cum 6570.00 B up to 3.0 m depth 30 Cum @ Rs. 119.00/Cum 3570.00 2 Brick Flat soling 60Sqm @ Rs. 265.00/Sqm 15900.00 3 P.C.C 1:3:6 15 Cum @ Rs. 4170.00/Cum 62550.00 4 R.C.C M-20 grade 25 Cum @ Rs. 5675.00/Cum 141875.00 5 Shuttering 180Sqm @ Rs. 310.00/Sqm 55800.00 6 Pressure Grouting 100Nos. @ Rs. 250.00/Each 25000.00 7 Flooring I.P.S 50 Sqm @ Rs. 272.00/ Sqm 13600.00 8 Reinforcement 3000Kg @ Rs. 55.00/ Kg 165000.00 9 Plastering & rendering 170 Sqm @ Rs. 145.00/ Sqm 24650.00 10 Epoxy Anti bacterial paint 195 Sqm@Rs.350.00/Sqm 68250.00 11 P.V.C pipe line & UV tube L.S 30000.00 Total Rs.6,12,765.00 16 This amount (Rs.6,12,765.00) is incurred for rain water harvesting, which is about 2 % of total building cost. 3.5 Operational Cost The main work is to unplug the FFD after every shower and re-fixing in position including cleaning the same. Apart from that cost of electricity of UV tube fitted in Rain water collecting tank is required just for a maximum time of 5 minutes. Hence operational cost is negligible. 3.6 Depreciation Depreciation of P.V.C Pipes and fitting 10 % per Year Depreciation of Pump and motor 12.5 % per Year Depreciation of Epoxy paint 12.5 % per Year Depreciation of other Civil structure 2 % per Year 3.7 Project Benefit Our project is a Guest House having 8 double bedded rooms and 6 single bedded rooms. Considering 50% of double bedded along with an extra guest and 100% are being daily occupied by the Guest. Apart from Guest, if there are10 residential employees and 5 non-residential employees in the Guest House, then:No of Total Guest and residential employees 28 No of non residential employees 5 Consumption of guest and residential employees @ 150 4200 Litres litres/day per person Consumption of non residential employees @ 50 litres/day per 250 Litres person Total consumption of water for Guest and employees 4450 Litres Consumption for Gardening, Laundry etc 1550 Litres Total (Avg.) consumption of water of the Guest House / day 6000 Litres 17 Area of Roof 560 Sqm Average Annual rain fall (in Kolkata) 1440 mm Total Rain water 806.4 KL Considering 60 % efficiency of Rain Water Harvesting system, collection of total rain water = 806.4X60/100 = 484 KL or 4,84,000 Litres. The rain water can meet the demand for water of the Guest House for 80 days. To make more efficient harvesting of rain water we may collect the bathing water to another tank. From that tank we may supply water to the cistern of Water Closet. Water required for bathing = 28.29 % of total consumption Water required for toilet = 20.20% of total consumption So by recycling the bathing water to toilet flushing about 20.20% of total consumption will be reduced. So 20 % of 6000 litres = 1200 Litres/day Hence consumption will be = (6000-1200) = 4800 Litres/ day Therefore, Rain water can meet water demand of that Guest House for 100 days 3.8 Cost and Area of Roof required for Safe Drinking Water per 100 People in a Contaminated Location in and around Kolkata (W.B) Prevention is measure meaningful only for people in affected zones. Safe drinking water is cheapest and lone medicine for them. For that Government is constructing Arsenic Removing Plant in affected areas. Per capita consumption of drinking water per day 3 Litres Daily consumption of drinking water 300 litres Yearly consumption of drinking water 1,09,500 Litres Considering 60 % efficiency of Rain water harvesting system:Thus total rain water required is 18 1,09,500 Litres X 100 / 60 = 1,84,000 Litres (approximately) Since the annual rainfall in and around Kolkata is 1440 mm, the roof area required is 128 Sqm or 1375 Sft. Project cost is around Rs. 4.0 – Rs. 4.5 Lakhs (Based on area). 4.0 Conclusion In order to minimize the adverse impacts of climate change on water resources along with depletion of ground water level and attaining its sustainable development and management, there is a need for developing rational adaptation strategies. All sections of the society have to join hands and contribute to addressing the challenges in water sector. Unless local and national communities come together and dramatically improve the way we envision and manage water, there will be thousands of thirsty and waterless villages, where ulk of I dia’s ul e a le poo li e. There is an urgent need to upscale the efforts for ground water recharge augmentation and to take it up as a national mission. In India, where there is so much of pressure on water resources due to growing population density, it makes immense sense to store up this water and put it to good use. This water can be a useful supplement to the water available from other sources, thereby augmenting the total water availability. In fact, in some regions, rain is the only source of available water, and that too, in highly erratic spurts. In such regions harvesting of rainwater is the only option available to people, and has been known to bring about marked betterment in their living conditions. It is useful not only to recharge ground water, but also in preventing local flooding in many areas, caused by the run-off water or droughts. Many state governments have passed laws making rainwater harvesting mandatory for all new buildings/apartments etc. Some are even giving incentives in the form of rebate on property taxes. Looking ahead to rainwater harvesting and groundwater management, we can achieve the national goal of water selfsufficiency and poverty eradication. In hundreds of thousands of village schools in remote districts of India away from State capitals, there is no other sustainable ways to supply water to those who supply food to us and who are the future of India. 19 References: 1. Arrow, Kenneth., Bolin, Bert., Costanza, Robert., Dasgupta, Partha., Folke, Carl, Holling, C. S., Jansson, Bengt-Owe., Levin, Simon., Maler, Karl-Goran., Perrings Cha les. a d Pi e tel, Da id. : E o o i G o th, Ca i g Capa it , a d the E i o e t , “ ie e, Vol. . 2. Bernal, J. D. 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