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Vision and Scope Document for <Course Management System> Version 1.0 approved Prepared by Mubashra Sajjad, SP15-BSE-097 Muhammad Umair, SP15-BSE-102 Rai Ahmad Fraz, SP15-BSE-104 Sadia Ayub, SP15-BSE-105 Zubair Shaheen, SP15-BSE-106 Submitted to <Mr. Atique Ahmed Zafar> <26/12/2016> Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents ii Revision History ii 1. Business Requirements 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Business Opportunity 1 1.3. Business Objectives and Success Criteria 1 1.4. Customer or Market Needs 1 2. Vision of the Solution 1 2.1. Vision Statement 2 2.2. Major Features 2 2.3. Assumptions and Dependencies 2 3. Scope and Limitations 2 3.1. Limitations and Exclusions 2 4. Business Context 2 4.1. Stakeholder Profiles 2 4.2. Operating Environment 3 5. Use Case 1 6. Business Rules 2 7. Requirements 1 7.1. Function Requirements 2 7.2. Non-Functional Requirements 2 Business Requirements A system to increase the performance of the students by monitoring their progress in the CLOs. Background There is no product present by which the teachers can monitor the progress of the students in the CLOs. There is no product which provide a common platform for both the teachers and students to interact and get the solutions of their problems. These problems have led us to create a new product where the progress of the students can be increased, teachers and students can interact each other and much more. Business Opportunity There is no product by which the progress of the students can be increased, no platform where students and teachers can interact each other and get the course contents etc. Our product will encounter all the main problems of the users and provide value to the users. Our product will have to encounter the following Problems: No product by which the progress of the student can be increased. No single platform for interaction and data sharing. No notification alerts if course contents are uploaded. No product which provide CLO performance sheet of every student. No product which show CLO wise attendance of the students. Why User Need it.? User need our product because there is no product in the market which will have the solution of the problems mentioned above and user faces difficulties regarding their studies. Why it is attractive.? Our product is attractive because it has the solution of its user’s problems. How it Fits in the Market.? Our product will fit in the market in such a way that our product has been made according to our user requirements and there is no product in the market which can give challenge to our product. Business Objectives and Success Criteria The main objective of our product is to create a system that will encounter all the problems that have been discussed in SECTION 1.2 and to provide the following benefits to its users: Automatically check the progress of the students based on their marks and update the CLOs sheet on daily basis. Provide a platform for both teachers and students to interact. Provide a platform for teachers to share the course contents. Notification alerts for both students and teachers. Reduced the checking of social media groups. CLO wise attendance sheet. The main objective of our product is to reduce the problems faced by the students regarding their studies. Our product will automatically monitor their progress on daily basis and update the CLO sheet, provide a common platform for interaction of the students and teachers and a platform to share the course contents. Our product will led to the success if it meet the business objective. Vision of the Solution Vision Statement For users who need a solution of their problems. The Course Management System is a system that will provide a common platform for the interaction and to share course contents. The system will automatically update the CLO sheet on daily basis according to the progress of the student in the CLO. The system will notify the students if course contents being uploaded. The system will keep record of all the registered students and teachers. Our product will provide value to its users. Major Features The major feature of our product is as follows: Data Sharing Notification alerts CLOs Performance sheet Discussion Forms CLOs wise Attendance Online Availability In the following table features are defined by the user requirement along with the functional requirement: Features User Requirement Functional Requirement Data Sharing As a course teacher I can upload the course contents. Teacher shall be able to share the course contents with the students. Notification Alerts A Teacher can notify students and vice versa. Teachers and students shall be able to interact with each other CLOs Performance Sheet A Teacher can check the progress of the students on CLO performance sheet and vice versa. Teachers and students shall be able to check the progress of particular CLO. Discussion Forms A teacher or student can discuss problems on the discussion forms. Teachers or students shall be able to discuss their queries on the discussion forms. CLOs Attendance A student can check his/her attendance in the CLO of every course. A teacher can update the attendance of the students CLO wise. Students shall be able to see their attendance according to CLO. Online Availability A Teacher can share course contents online. User can Access our product online. Students shall be able to download the course contents via Web. User shall be able to get the benefits of our product online. Assumptions and Dependencies Assumptions: The assumption that can be made are as follows: There will be an email or SMS alert service for the users. For Example: if teacher upload any course content then the students will notify by email or SMS that the “Course Teacher has uploaded the file”. We are not adding this feature because it is our assumption if the user willing to add this feature than we will add this in the next release. Scope and Limitations Limitations and Exclusions Some of the feature are as follows: Unregistered students and teachers will not be able to login to system. User can access our product Online from everywhere. Teachers can share course contents. Teachers and students can interact with each other. Notification alerts for both teachers and students. CLO wise attendance. Notification by SMS or E-mail. We are excluding some of the features because it is enough to add the mentioned features (SECTION 2.2) in the first release. But we can add more feature on the user demand in the next release. For Example: Course teacher will be expecting SMS alert for the students and counselor. But this is not the user requirement that’s why we are excluding this and can be added on the user demand. Students will be expecting the automatically section allotting that is also excluded for now but can be added on the user demand. As the excluded features are not the primary features and the product is still good enough as the user require. Business Context Stakeholder Profiles Following would be the main users of this product: Students Teachers Class Counselor User value includes Enhanced interaction between teachers and students. Increase progress of Students in CLO. Easy monitoring of Student’s progress. Sharing contents and discussions on single platform. Enable the attendance system of CLO of every course for the students and teachers. Stakeholder Major Value Major Interests Techers Improved CLOs Results Increase Interaction Share Course Contents Increase interaction, share the course contents and improve the progress of students in CLOs Students Discuss difficulties with the teacher Easy Access to the course contents See the CLO Performance sheet Discuss difficulties on discussion forms, Get the course contents on a common platform and see his/her performance in every CLOs of the courses. Class Counselors Solve student’s issues regarding courses etc. Easily available for the students to solve their problems more efficiently. Operating Environment The Operating environment of the product is as follows: Our product is for universities so the main concentration of users would be in Pakistan. Our product will be available online that’s why users can access this using internet from everywhere. Our product will run on multiple servers so that if the traffic is high than nobody will face difficulty in accessing their data. Data generated by our product will be stored inside the campus in the databases. There will be extra database server placed as a backup for the instant access of data. User may face difficulties in accessing our product at the time of maintenance but this will be done during holidays and the user will know about this. Use Case Use Case Diagram: Use Case List Use Case Author Use case Name Use Case Description Rai Ahmad Fraz View Dashboard Teacher can view his/her Dashboard Rai Ahmad Fraz Upload Quiz Marks Teacher can upload the quiz marks Rai Ahmad Fraz Upload Assignment Marks Teacher can upload the assignment marks Rai Ahmad Fraz Upload Exam Marks Teacher can upload the Exam marks Rai Ahmad Fraz Upload Course Contents Teacher can upload the Course Contents Mubashra Sajjad Edit Marks Teacher can edit the marks of the student. Mubashra Sajjad Edit Info Teacher can edit his/her information. Mubashra Sajjad Register New User Teacher can register himself into the system Mubashra Sajjad Register Course Teacher can register his course which he want to teach. Sadia Ayub Monitor Progress Teacher can monitor the progress of the students. Sadia Ayub View Class Result Teacher can view the result of the class. Sadia Ayub Post On Discussion Forum Teacher can post on the discussion board. Sadia Ayub View Notifications Teacher can view notifications. Sadia Ayub Check Lecture Delivered Teacher can check the lectures delivered. Zubair Shaheen View Dashboard Student can view the dashboard. Zubair Shaheen Register Courses Student can register courses, Zubair Shaheen View Notifications Student can view notification. Zubair Shaheen View Marks Student can view marks, Zubair Shaheen View Registered Courses Student can view the registered courses. Muhammad Umair Monitor Progress Student can monitor his progress. Muhammad Umair View Result Student can view the result. Muhammad Umair Post on Discussion Forum Student can post on the discussion forum. Muhammad Umair View Fee Challan Student can view the fee challan. Muhammad Umair Edit Info Student can edit his/her info. Muhammad Umair Register New User Student can register himself into the system. Feature Name (Course Management System) Feature Process Flow / Use Case Model Use Case(View Dashboard) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.1 Use Case Name: View Dashboard Created By: Rai Ahmad Fraz Last Updated By: Date Created: 18/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Teacher Description: Teacher can view schedule of their lectures, Recent or unread notifications. Trigger: After login the dashboard will be displayed. Preconditions: PRE-1. User must be connected to Internet PRE-2. User must be logged in. PRE-3. The Course Schedule must be in our database. Postconditions: POST-1. Teacher shall be able to see schedule of their lectures POST-2. Teacher shall be able to see recent notifications Normal Flow: Enters user-id and password. Press login button. If the user-id and password are correct then the user will logged in. The first screen will display. i.e. Dashboard. Alternative Flows: In step 2 of the normal flow, if the connection is lost during login process then System cannot be login. If the internet connection established than user has to follow the steps of normal flow. . Exceptions: System will show the following message: Incorrect User-ID and Password. No internet connection. Includes: Lecture Schedule, Notification alerts Business Rules: BR-1,BR-2 Special Requirements/ Other Information: User should be logged in instantly even on low internet connections. Assumptions: NONE Notes and Issues: The id will be locked temporarily after 5 consecutive unsuccessful logins. Use Case(Upload Quiz Marks) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.2 Use Case Name: Upload Quiz Marks Created By: Rai Ahmad Fraz Last Updated By: Date Created: 18/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Teacher Description: Teacher can upload quiz marks for all registered classes. User has to select the class and section before uploading the Quiz Marks. Trigger: User indicates that he wants to enter the quiz marks. Preconditions: PRE-1: User must be logged in. PRE-2: Class and section must be selected. Postconditions: POST-1: Teacher can see the uploaded marks. POST-2: System will show the message Quiz marks are uploaded. Normal Flow: On left side of Dashboard, a panel is available with buttons. One of them is checkbox button select upload quiz marks option. Select the class/Section. Enter the Total quiz marks and than enter one by one marks of the student. Click on done after entering all the marks. System will display a message Quiz marks are uploaded. Alternative Flows: NONE Exceptions: No Internet Connection Includes: Classes/Sections Business Rules: BR-3, BR-6 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System has to be fast and efficient to update the database of marks as the teacher uploaded the Quiz marks. Assumptions: NONE Notes and Issues: At least 4 quiz marks must be uploaded. Use Case(Upload Assignment Marks) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.3 Use Case Name: Upload Assignment Marks Created By: Rai Ahmad Fraz Last Updated By: Date Created: 18/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Teacher Description: Teacher can upload assignment marks for all registered classes. User has to select the class and section before uploading the Assignment Marks. Trigger: User indicates that he wants to enter the assignment marks. Preconditions: PRE-1. User must be logged in PRE-2: Class and section must be selected. Postconditions: POST-1: Teacher can see the uploaded marks. POST-2: System will show the message Assignment marks are uploaded. Normal Flow: On left side of Dashboard, a panel is available with buttons. One of them is checkbox button select upload assignment marks option. Select the class/Section. Enter the Total assignment marks and than enter one by one marks of the student. Click on done after entering all the marks. System will display a message assignment marks are uploaded. Alternative Flows: NONE Exceptions: No internet Connection Includes: Classes/Sections Business Rules: BR-4, BR-6 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System has to be fast and efficient to update the database of marks as the teacher uploaded the Assignment marks. Assumptions: NONE Notes and Issues: At least 4 Assignment marks must be uploaded. Use Case(Upload Exam Marks) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.4 Use Case Name: Upload Exam Marks Created By: Rai Ahmad Fraz Last Updated By: Date Created: 18/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Teacher Description: User can upload exam marks(e.g. Sessional and terminals). User has to select the class and section before uploading the Exam Marks. Trigger: User indicates that he wants to enter the Exam marks. Preconditions: PRE-1. User must be logged in PRE-2: Class and section must be selected. Postconditions: POST-1: Teacher can see the uploaded marks. POST-2: System will show the message: Exam marks are uploaded. Normal Flow: On left side of Dashboard, a panel is available with buttons. One of them is checkbox button select upload Exam marks option. Select the class/Section. Enter the Total Exam marks and than enter one by one marks of the student. Click on done after entering all the marks. System will display a message Exam marks are uploaded. Alternative Flows: NONE Exceptions: No internet Connection Includes: Sessional and Terminal marks. Business Rules: BR-5, BR-6 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System has to be fast and efficient to update the database of marks as the teacher uploaded the Exam marks. Assumptions: NONE Notes and Issues: NONE Use Case(Upload Course Contents) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.5 Use Case Name: Upload Course Content Created By: Rai Ahmad Fraz Last Updated By: Date Created: 18/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Teacher Description: User can upload Course content like assignment, books, quiz and slides for all registered classes. Trigger: User indicates that he wants to upload the course contents. Preconditions: PRE-1. User must be logged in Postconditions: POST-1: Teacher can see the uploaded course contents. Normal Flow: User has to select the course content option. Browse file from the PC which user wants to upload. Than click upload System will display a message files are uploaded. Alternative Flows: Exceptions: Upload only zip file. Upload file less than 25 MB. Includes: Course Contents Business Rules: BR-7, BR-8 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System has to upload the course contents instantly. Assumptions: NONE Notes and Issues: Upload file in .zip Format. Upload files less than 25 MB. Use Case (Edit Marks) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.6 Use Case Name: Edit Marks Created By: Mubashra Sajjad Last Updated By: Date Created: 19th November,2016 Last Revision Date: 20h November,2016 Actors: Teacher Description: Teacher can edit the marks (of quizzes, assignments, sessional and terminal examination) in case of any query, problems or mistake. User would have to open the course page and then access the grade-book and enter the name of student whose marks are to be updated. Trigger: Teacher shall click on “course content” option from left panel. Preconditions: Internet connectivity should be available. Teacher must login the system. Teacher is on grade-book page of the respective course/subject where he wants to make changes or edit the marks. Teacher must press option of edit marks. Post-conditions: Updated marks (changes) of the students are saved successfully. Teacher and student shall be able to see the marks which instructor has recently edited. Normal Flow: Teacher will login the system. After successful login, the first window that will appear is of dashboard, on its left side there is a panel with course content button. System will display list of course content. Teacher will select the course content option from drop down menu. He will select the particular course option. After that teacher will open the grade-book and enter the name/registration number of student whose marks he want to change/edit. Press the save button to make changes. (Upload the edited marks). Student’s marks are updated/ edited. Use-case ends. Alternative Flows: In step 6 of the normal flow, if the connection is lost during upload the edited marks. 1. System will stop uploading the edited marks. 2. Retry again icon appears with message on the screen. 3. Click on the icon. 4. When network available try again. 5. Use case resumes on step 7 of normal flow. Exceptions: 1a. In step 1 of the normal flow, if there is some problem in logging the system (like invalid username or password) then login again Teacher has to enter correct username and password again. Resumes to step 2 of normal flow. 4a. In step 4 of the normal flow, if the teacher didn’t enter exact course title then: He can’t open the course page and ultimately he will not be able find the name of student whom marks he wanted to change. Use Case resumes on step 3 of normal flow 3a. In step 3 of the alternative flow, if the network is still not available then, 1. Resumes to step 2 of alternative flow. Includes: Quiz Marks, Assignment Marks, Sessional Marks and Terminal Marks Business Rules: BR-1, BR-9 Special Requirements/ Other Information: Teacher can edit the marks of a particular course instantly even when there is low internet connection. Assumptions: User has the knowledge of some other system like content management system aka CMS (which may have same functionality as the system which the user is using now) before. Notes and Issues: Teachers have to enter correct password because after five consecutive unsuccessful attempts, the portal/id will be locked for some time. Subject teachers only can edit the marks in the course they are teaching, but in case of councilor, he/she can edit the marks at any course of any student. Use Case (Edit Info) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.7 Use Case Name: Edit Info Created By: Mubashra Sajjad Last Updated By: Date Created: 19th November,2016 Last Revision Date: 20th November,2016 Actors: Teacher Description: Teacher will click on the profile and edit the info (such as display picture, email, and phone-number) at any instance of time. Trigger: Teacher has to click on “profile” option from left panel. Preconditions: Internet connectivity should be available. Teacher must login the system. Teacher has the access of the profile page where he/she wants to make changes or edit contact info. Postconditions: Updated information is saved successfully. Teacher and student shall be able to see the profile of teacher which he had recently edited. Normal Flow: First of all, teacher has to login the system. After successful login, the first window that will display is dashboard, on the left side of the page there is a panel with update-info button. Teacher shall click on the update-info button, which ensures whether he/she wants to edit the profile picture or to edit the contact number or any other item. Then teacher will choose a particular option and make changes. Press the save button to confirm the changes. (i.e. Upload the edited info). Profile is updated. Use-case ends. Alternative Flows: 5A. In step 5 of the normal flow, if the connection is lost during uploading the edited information. 1. System will not update info. 2. Retry again icon appears with message on the screen. 3. Click on the icon. 4. When network is available, try again. 5. Use case resumes on step 5 of normal flow. Exceptions: 1a. In step 1 of the normal flow, if there comes some problem in login (like invalid username or password) then login again Teacher enters correct username and password again. Resumes to step 2 of normal flow. 3a. In step 3 of the alternative flow, if the network is still not available then, 1. Resumes to step 1 of alternative flow. Includes: View Info, Edit Info Business Rules: BR-1, BR-10 Special Requirements/ Other Information: Teacher can edit the info (such as email, image, contact info, etc) instantly even when there is low internet connectivity. Assumptions: Teacher may have the knowhow of some other system which may have the resembling functionality as the system which the user is using now. Notes and Issues: Teachers have to enter correct password because after five consecutive unsuccessful attempts, the portal/id will be locked for some time. The password contains only 8 characters including alphabets and numeric digits. Use Case (Register New User) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.8 Use Case Name: Register New User Created By: Mubashra Sajjad Last Updated By: Date Created: 19th November,2016 Last Revision Date: 20h November,2016 Actors: Teacher Description: User will register to any system by filling a proper registration form. Only teacher/administration can see this registration form. Trigger: User will login to any system/site by entering a particular registration number. User click on the login button to continue. Preconditions: User must be connected to internet. User must be logged in. Post-conditions: User will be able to login with specific registration number which the administration assign to him while logging to this system/site again. User only enters username and password to continue. Normal Flow: User will login the system. After successful login, there is a registration form in the site. System will display the proper detailed registration form. User will fill this form by entering all the necessary details. Press the save button to submit form. Form in the backend goes to administration and they assign a particular user name for user. User is now properly registered. User will now onward use this particular username to login to this system and there is no need to fill the form again and again. Use-case ends. Alternative Flows: In step 5 of the normal flow, if the connection is lost during submitting the form, then 1. System will stop submitting form. 2. Retry again icon appears with message on the screen. 3. Click on the icon. 4. When network available try again. 5. Use case resumes on step 7 of normal flow. Exceptions: 1a. In step 1 of the normal flow, if there is some problem in logging the system then login again Resumes to step 2 of normal flow. 4a. In step 4 of the normal flow, if the user account is inactive for 5 or more than 5 minutes Session Expired Re-Login Resume to step 3 of normal flow 3a. In step 3 of the alternative flow, if the network is still not available then, 1. Resumes to step 2 of alternative flow Includes: User Registration Business Rules: BR-11 Special Requirements/ Other Information: User can register/login to site instantly even on low internet connection. Assumptions: User may have the knowledge of some other system like content management system aka CMS (which may have same functionality as the system which the user is using now) . Notes and Issues: User has to enter correct username and password because after five consecutive unsuccessful attempts, the portal/id will be locked for some time. The password contains only 8 characters including alphabets and numeric digits. Use Case (Registers Course) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.9 Use Case Name: Register Courses Created By: Mubashra Sajjad Last Updated By: Date Created: 19th November,2016 Last Revision Date: 20h November,2016 Actors: Teacher Description: User can view the courses assigned to him and the sections regarding to this particular course. Trigger: User shall click on “course content” option from left panel in order to access the main course page. Preconditions: Internet connectivity should be available. User must have the login access to the system. User is on update dashboard page where he wanted to see the course assigned to him. Teacher must press option of register courses. Post-conditions: User shall be able to see the course register to him and then can share course content here and proceed further. User can see the sections regarding to all courses assigned to him. Normal Flow: User must be logged in. After logged in, the first window that will display is dashboard, on its left side there is a panel with course content button. System shall display list of course content. User shall select the register course content from drop down menu. System shall appear a dialogue box asking user to select the desired course to view. User shall click on “view” button to see register courses. Then user will click on any course and see the details (like the course respective class). System shall display the content. User can view the register courses. Use-case ends. Alternative Flows: 1A. In step 6 of the normal flow, if the connection is lost during connecting. 1. System will stop working. 2. Retry again icon appears with message on the screen. 3. Click on the icon. 4. When network available try again. 5. Use case resumes on step 8 of normal flow. Exceptions: 1a. In step 1 of the normal flow, if there comes some problem in logging (like invalid username or password) then 1. Session expired 2. Login again 3. User enters correct username and password again. 4. Resumes to step 2 of normal flow. 3a. In step 3 of the alternative flow, if the network is still not available then, 1. Resumes to step 1A of alternative flow. Includes: Registered Courses Business Rules: BR-1, BR-12 Special Requirements/ Other Information: User can view the register course content instantly even when the connection is low. Assumptions: User may have used some other CMS (content management system) before which may have same functionality as the system which the user is using now. Notes and Issues: User has to enter correct password because after five consecutive unsuccessful attempts, the portal/id will be locked for some time. There are only 2 classes assigned to a teacher in one semester. Use Case(Monitor Progress) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.10 Use Case Name: Monitor Progress Created By: Sadia Ayub Last Updated By: Date Created: 19/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Teacher Description: Teacher will be able to preview student’s current progress status individually and average progress status of the whole class in this way the teacher will be able to monitor the student progress in every CLO. Teacher will be able watch out the CLO wise outcome of every student. This will provide the user with an overall progress rate of the student from the initial CLO till the current CLO. Trigger: The teacher will click the progress button at the top of every section they teach to and on the top of every student’s mark sheet. Preconditions: The teacher has the login approval. 1-The teacher has to be currently teaching the subject to that specific student or the section he wants to monitor the progress of i.e. the students and the teacher has to be registered in their attendance list and the time table respectively. 2- the student must be currently studying the subject i-e the student should not have dropped / withdraw the subject or changed the section. Post conditions: 1-The teacher will get the progress report of the students in the form of CLO wise graph. 2-The teacher will get a CLO wise progress report of the whole class in the form of a graph and an average report as well. 3- If the student is no longer studying the subject or is not registered with the teacher. the system will give a message that the student has dropped or withdraw the subject. Normal Flow: The teacher will select the section he wanted to see the progress. By clicking the progress button the teacher will be able to see the progress report of the whole section. By clicking the progress button located at the top of the specific student’s mark sheet, teacher will be able to see the progress report of the specific student. Alternative Flows: NONE Exceptions: System displays Message: Error loading data from the database. No internet connection Includes: Marks in the CLO of the course. Business Rules: BR-13, BR-14 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System has to be fast and efficient to convert the data into the Graphical Representation. Assumptions: A student have migrated from some other campus and their all data is not yet received that’s why do not have confirmed registration number . Notes and Issues: NONE Use Case(Post on Discussion Forum) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.11 Use Case Name: Post on Discussion Forum Created By: Sadia Ayub Last Updated By: Date Created: 19/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Teacher Description: Teacher can reply to the queries of the students. More over Teacher also inform the students about the makeup classes or anything related to this. Trigger: Teacher indicates that he want to discuss with the students about the queries, Preconditions: Teacher must be logged in. Post conditions: Teacher respond to the queries of the student. Normal Flow: Teacher will select the Discussion Forum option. A forum will open. If teacher receives notification from the student than he can reply to the student. Else he also inform the students about his thoughts. Click done when teacher want to send the notification. System will inform that the message has sent. Use case ends. Alternative Flows: In step-4 of the normal flow, if internet is not available: System cannot post the discussion. A message will display “Check your internet connection and try again” If internet is connected in 1 minute than discussion will be posted else user has to repeat the step-2 Exceptions: System will display the message: No internet connection. Query cannot be longer than 150 words. Only PNG and JPEG file format is accepted for picture. Session expired, Login again Discussion forum cannot be empty. Includes: Queries, Information about the make up classes Business Rules: BR-15. BR-16, BR-17, BR-18 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System shall be able to send and receive notifications. Assumptions: A student have migrated from some other campus and their all data is not yet received that’s why do not have confirmed registration number and login id . Notes and Issues: NONE Use Case(View Class Result) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.12 Use Case Name: View Class Result Created By: Sadia Ayub Last Updated By: Date Created: 19/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Teacher Description: Through this use case teacher will be able to see its student’s previous semester result and the current quizzes sessional and CLO wise result. Trigger: the teacher will click the result button on the student profile. Preconditions: The teacher has the login approval. The teacher has to be currently teaching the subject to that specific student or the section he wants to have discussion with. i.e. the students and the teacher has to be registered in their attendance list and the time table respectively. The student has to be a regular student of the university. The student profile must be updated and the result of the previous semester must be saved. Post conditions: The teacher will get the whole result of the student, the previous and current semester. The teacher shall be able to see every students CLO wise result and the result of every quiz and assignment result as well. Normal Flow: The teacher will select the section or the student he wanted to view result of. By clicking the result button the teacher /student have to decide whether he want to see his previous result or the current semester current CLO wise result. The teacher will get each detail of the student’s semester vise result. Alternative Flows: If the student is not registered The teacher will not be able to see his result. If the student is no longer studying The system will display a message that the student has dropped/withdrawn the semester the teacher will no longer be able to see his result. Exceptions: If the teacher is not able to view result 1-Displays a message all the necessary information is not yet updated. 2-The section registration is not confirmed. Includes: Overall result of the class. Business Rules: BR-19 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System shall be able to convert the data into tabular and graphical form. Assumptions: A student have migrated from some other campus and their all data is not yet received that’s why do not and previous result available. Notes and Issues: The teacher must have the student name in their student list to view his result. At any time of the day week or semester a teacher shall be able to see result. Use Case(View Notification) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.13 Use Case Name: View Notification Created By: Sadia Ayub Last Updated By: Date Created: 19/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Teacher Description: Through this use case teacher will be able to get the notification for any activity related to course in the app and can view to get the details of the activity that has happened, Trigger: The teacher will click the notification alert corner of the app to view the notification. Preconditions: The teacher has the login approval. The teacher has to be currently teaching the subject to that specific student or the section he want to view the activity of .i.e. the students and the teacher has to be registered in their attendance list and the time table respectively. Post conditions: The teacher will get the whole detail of the discussion, CLOZ wise below average result takers list. The teacher shall be able to answer any query student have asked about and continue discussion. Normal Flow: The teacher will select the notification he wanted to view By clicking on the notification icon, he first gets the message to what the activity is about. Then the activity area opens up. And the teacher can see every little detail of the activity he received the notification about. Alternative Flows: If the teacher is not getting notification The teacher is not yet associated with their students and the updating are not done yet. Either the student is not yet registered or the teachers section is not updated. . Exceptions: NONE Includes: Notification from the students. Business Rules: BR-20 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System shall be able to send and receive the notification. Assumptions: The student has to be of same section The teacher has the list of the registered students and can only get notification from them. Notes and Issues: The teacher must have the section/student name in their student/section list to receive and view notifications. At any time of the day week or semester a teacher shall be able to see notifications. Use Case(Check the Lectures Delivered) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.14 Use Case Name: Checks Lectures Delivered Created By: Sadia Ayub Last Updated By: Date Created: 19/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Teacher Description: Through this use case teacher will be able to review the current course covered and how much is left and how he/she has to manage to cover rest of the course in the given time. Trigger: The teacher will click the lectures option to view the updating. Preconditions: The teacher has the login approval. The teacher has to be currently teaching the subject to that specific student or the section he want to view the activity of .. i.e. the students and the teacher has to be registered in their attendance list and the time table respectively. Post conditions: The teacher will get the whole detail of the lectures he/she has yet delivered which content has been delivered in how much time they have been delivered. The teacher shall be able to edit the numbering of the lectures when to deliver which lecture of a specific CLO. Normal Flow: The teacher will select the lecture option. By clicking the lecture option, the teacher shall be able to see the updated version of the lectures he/she has delivered and which pending. Those lectures which has been delivered are sorted at the top with a line distinguishing between delivered and non-delivered lectures. Alternative Flows: If the teacher is not getting lecture updates the teacher is not yet associated with their students and the updating are not done yet. Either the student is not yet registered or the teachers section is not updated. Exceptions: If the teacher has provided lectures delivery report but can’t view it Displays the message “Lectures details not updated” Includes: The Delivered and un-delivered lectures Business Rules: BR-21 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System shall have the ability to show the total lecture delivered and also shows the non-delivered lectures. Assumptions: 1-sections must be confirmed 2- The teacher has the list of the registered sections and their respective course. Notes and Issues: NONE Use Case(View Dashboard) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.15 Use Case Name: View Dashboard Created By: Zubair Shaheen Last Updated By: Date Created: 19/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Student Description: Student can easily check his attendance, academic performance and notifications. Trigger: It is the first option in portal so student can easily have a quick look on all of the things. Preconditions: Students must log in using their account passwords. User must be enrolled in their courses. Postconditions: Students get their attendance lecture wise. User also get notifications from their teachers and councilor. Students can also check their performance in each subject. And if student is not registered in any of the course than it tells that no course is registered yet. Normal Flow: Student enters his/her user name and password. After that selecting dashboard from the options. If there is any notification, user can check it. After reading that notification user can mark it as read. Student can check his attendance in any particular course. System shows user about the percentage of the attendance as well. Student select any of the course to view his marks. Alternative Flows: Without selecting dashboard student can also check his marks from the view marks section. Similarly user can view any of the notifications from the notifications option, Student can also check his attendance by clicking on individual subjects. Exceptions: If password is incorrect. Message to student to re-enter password. If there is no course selected by the student. Than message is shown to register the course first. Includes: Use case that are used: Register course , View marks , View notification. Business Rules: BR-1 Special Requirements/ Other Information: To show attendance and marks in form of graphs as well so that it becomes easy for the user to understand quickly by looking it. Assumptions: This could save the time of students as they can see everything here. Notes and Issues: Students must change their passwords from the default ones for the safety purpose. Use Case(Register Course) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.16 Use Case Name: Register Course Created By: Zubair Shaheen Last Updated By: Date Created: 19/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Student Description: Students can register their course before starting of new semester. Trigger: Before starting of each semester students must have to get themself register. Preconditions: Student must have a good academic status (GAS). Student must have some free credit hours in order to select any course. Postconditions: Student gets registered in respective courses. If number of credit hours exceeds 20 than the user won’t be able to select any other course. Normal Flow: Student enters his/her registration number. User enters the password. System shows a complete list of courses which the user can select. User can select courses of maximum 20 credit hours. Student can also select any previous course in which he wants to improve marks. After that user gets himself registered in those courses. Alternative Flows: Student can also get the print out of the courses and submit it to the department head. And can get himself registered manually by writing an application or sending an email to the department office. Exceptions: Registration is not allowed. As some dues are not paid by the student. Courses are not shown on the system. As the student is on prob. Includes: Use case that may be used: View courses offered. Business Rules: BR-22 Special Requirements/ Other Information: Students can also edit their selected courses before the last date of registration. Assumptions: Users can easily select their courses from anywhere without doing them manually which is time taking. So this can also save the time of students. Notes and Issues: NONE Use Case(View Notification) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.17 Use Case Name: View Notification Created By: Zubair Shaheen Last Updated By: Date Created: 19/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Student Description: Students can get any important notification from teachers as well as notifications regarding assignments, quizzes and make up classes. Trigger: When there is any notification then there is an alert sign in the dashboard area. Preconditions: Students must be logged in to their accounts. User must be enrolled in courses so that they can get notifications related to that course. Postconditions: Student gets any important message from their course instructor. User gets notification about the deadline of pending assignments. Students can also get message about the arranged make up classes. Normal Flow: Students enter their registration number and password. If there is any notification, there is an alert sign. By clicking that sign they can see all of their important notifications. After reading those notifications, they can also reply to the message. And can mark them as read. Alternative Flows: If user don’t want to view notification, they can simply go to the courses section and can view anything from there. Similarly they can view pending assignments from the assignments section. Exceptions: If there is no notification. Message to user that there are no new notifications for you to read. Includes: Use case that is used: View Dashboard Business Rules: BR-23 Special Requirements/ Other Information: That if there is some new notification than there must be some pop up or alert sign so that the user can see that notification. Assumptions: Students can easily get important information and notification. And they can track the deadline of their pending assignments. Notes and Issues: NONE Use Case(View Marks) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.18 Use Case Name: View Marks Created By: Zubair Shaheen Last Updated By: Date Created: 19/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Student Description: Students can view their quiz, assignment and sessional marks. Trigger: Before viewing marks student must be appeared in any of the test or must have submitted any assignment. Preconditions: Student should be logged in his/her account. User must have registered in course. Postconditions: Student can check marks of quizzes and assignments. User can see that how is he performing in different subjects. Student can also see the GPA forecast of any particular subject. Normal Flow: Student enters the registration no. and password. Clicks the view marks option System shows different courses After selecting the course, user can see the marks. Quiz, Assignment and sessional marks can be seen. Student can also check the percentage. And GPA forecast is also shown. Alternative Flows: Students can also see their marks from the dashboard. Exceptions: If the student is absent or didn’t appear in the test. Zero marks are given to that student. If student fails in final exam. Prob status is given to that student. Includes: Use cases that are used: View Dashboard, View registered course Business Rules: BR-24 Special Requirements/ Other Information: If students fail some quiz or sessional or are weak in any particular CLO, then that CLO must be highlighted Assumptions: By checking the marks students can look their academic performance and can easily check their weak areas. Notes and Issues: NONE Use Case(View Register Course) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.19 Use Case Name: View Register Course Created By: Zubair Shaheen Last Updated By: Zubair Shaheen Date Created: 19/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Student Description: Students can see their registered course, attendance in that course and marks in that course. Trigger: If student want to see anything related to the course, will use this use case to view everything. Preconditions: User must log in to their account. Student must have already registered course to view progress in them. Postconditions: Student can see lectures that have been delivered in that course. User can view marks of quizzes, assignments and sessional. Student can view his academic performance in different CLO’s. Normal Flow: Student enters the registration no. and password. Now system shows different options. Clicking on view registered courses shows all the list of courses. Selecting any particular course will display all the information regarding that course. Information includes marks, attendance and gpa. Alternative Flows: Students can also see their attendance from the dashboard. User can also see their marks using View marks option. Exceptions: If no course is registered. Message is showed that no course is registered, first register your course. Includes: Use case that might be use are: View Marks Business Rules: BR-25 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System shall show the registered courses to the user. Assumptions: Students can see all of their registered courses and view their performance in different CLO’s. And can see that in which clo they are weak. Notes and Issues: User must be registered in courses to view their registered courses. Use Case(Monitor Progress) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.20 Use Case Name: Monitor Progress Created By: Muhammad Umair Last Updated By: Muhammad Umair Date Created: 18/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Student Description: Student can check the progress by selecting a course from the registered courses. System shows the CLO result sheet to the user regarding the course selected. Trigger: The student indicates that he wants to Check the Course Progress. Preconditions: PRE-1. User must be logged in to the system. PRE-2. A Course must be selected to view the progress. PRE-3. Student’s marks database must be online. Postconditions: POST-1. System will show the CLO result sheet according to the course selected. POST-2. Student monitors his/her progress. Normal Flow: User shall select the Check Course Progress option. User shall specifies the course name. System will show the CLO Result sheet in tabular form. Use case ends Alternative Flows: NA Exceptions: System displays Message: No marks are uploaded Error Loading data from the database. No internet connection. Includes: Marks in the CLOs of the Course. Business Rules: BR-1, BR-13, BR-14, BR-26 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System has to be fast and efficient to convert the data into the Graphical Representation. Assumptions: Student can compare the progress of one subject to another on the same page. Notes and Issues: NONE Use Case(View Result) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.21 Use Case Name: View Result Created By: Muhammad Umair Last Updated By: Muhammad Umair Date Created: 18/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Students Description: Student can view result of each semester and the CGPA of all the semester he has passed in graphical and tabular form. System will show result to the user against the student’s Registration No. Student can also print the result. System will show a message: Print command has been sent to the printer. Trigger: The Student indicates that he wants to View the Result. Preconditions: PRE-1. User must be logged in to the system. PRE-2. Student’s marks database must be online. Postconditions: POST-1. System will display a screen of containing results of all the passed semester. Normal Flow: User shall click on the View Result option. System will show result to the user in tabular and graphical form. User shall click on Print Result label to carry out a print. If user click on “Print” than system send command to the printer and display a message “Print Command sent” Use case ends Alternative Flows: NA Exceptions: System displays message: No passed semester found. No Printer found. Error loading data from the database. No Internet connection. Includes: Each Semester Result, CGPA of all the semester Business Rules: BR-1, BR-27, BR-30 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System has to be fast and efficient to convert the data into tabular and graphical form. System shall be able to send command to the printer for the print. Assumptions: NONE Notes and Issues: NONE Use Case(Post on Discussion Forum) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.22 Use Case Name: Post on Discussion Forum Created By: Muhammad Umair Last Updated By: Muhammad Umair Date Created: 18/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Student Description: Student can post any query publicly or privately on the discussion forum. System will send notification to the teacher for the solution. Student will also get notifications if someone respond to his/her query. Trigger: The student indicates that he wants to contact with the course Teacher. Preconditions: PRE-1. Student must be logged in. PRE-2. Student must select a course. Postconditions: POST-1. If Discussion is mark private only teacher will get notification else all the students and course teacher of the class will get notifications. Normal Flow: User shall select the “Discussion Forum” label on the panel. Mark the discussion public or private. Write the query he wants to ask. User can upload the picture. Click on Send to post the discussion. Use case ends. Alternative Flows: In step-5 of the normal flow, if internet is not available: System cannot post the discussion. A message will display “Check your internet connection and try again” If internet is connected in 1 minute than discussion will be posted else user has to repeat the step-2 Exceptions: System will display the message: No internet connection. Query cannot be longer than 150 words. Only PNG and JPEG file format is accepted for picture. Session expired, Login again Discussion forum cannot be empty. Includes: Discussion on query Business Rules: BR-1, BR-15, BR-16, BR-17, BR-18, BR-28 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System shall be able to send and receive notifications. Assumptions: An audio clip can be sent to discuss a query. Notes and Issues: System will display the following notes: Student can only discuss query with their course teacher. Query will not be longer than 150 words. Query will be posted only in text or image format. Use Case(View Fee Challan) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.23 Use Case Name: View Fee Challan Created By: Muhammad Umair Last Updated By: Muhammad Umair Date Created: 18/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Student Description: Student can view his/her fee challan. System will show fee challan to the user against the Student’s Registration no. Student can also print the Fee Challan. System will display a message: print command has been sent to the printer. Trigger: Student indicates that he wants to view the Fee challan. Preconditions: PRE-1. User must be logged in to the system. PRE-2. Student’s Fee database must be online. Postconditions: POST-1. System will show a screen which has the student fee challan. Normal Flow: User shall click the Fee Challan option. System will show the fee challan to the user User shall click on the print label to carry out a print. If user click “Print” System will send command to the printer and display the message “Print Command Sent”. Use case ends. Alternative Flows: [Alternative Flow 1 – Not in Network] In step-3 of the normal flow, if system unable to find the printer System will display a message “No Printer found, Press “Try Again” for a print” If system able to find a printer a print will carry out. System will show the message “Print Conformed”. Exceptions: System will display the message: No Fee Challan found. No printer found, Unable to print. No Internet Connection. Includes: View Fee Challan, Print Fee Challan Business Rules: BR-1, BR-29 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System shall be able to send command to the printer for the print. Assumptions: NONE Notes and Issues: NONE Use Case(Edit Info) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.24 Use Case Name: Edit Info Created By: Muhammad Umair Last Updated By: Muhammad Umair Date Created: 18/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Students Description: User can edit and change some of his info(e.g. email, contact number). System will notify the user if changes are made. Trigger: Student indicates that he wants to Edit the Info. Preconditions: PRE-1. User must be logged in to the system. PRE-2. Fields are to be editable to made the changes Postconditions: POST-1. System will display a message “Changes Saved” Normal Flow: User shall click on the Edit Info option. User shall select the field which he/she wants to change. User shall provide the correct information. User shall click on the “Done” button to save the changes. Use Case ends. Alternative Flows: NONE Exceptions: System will display the message: No internet connection. Provide the correct information Includes: View info, Edit Info Business Rules: BR-1, BR-10, BR-31 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System shall be able to replace the new information with the new one of the user. Assumptions: A user can add two contact numbers into the system. Notes and Issues: System will show the following notes: Only some information can be editable. Provide correct information for replacement. Use Case(Register New User) Use Case ID: UC-1.2.25 Use Case Name: Register New User Created By: Muhammad Umair Last Updated By: Muhammad Umair Date Created: 18/11/2016 Last Revision Date: 20/11/2016 Actors: Student Description: Student can register himself into the system if he/she is selected by the University. Student has to complete the registration form with correct information. System will display a message “User Added” Trigger: Student indicates that he wants to register himself. Preconditions: PRE-1. User data must be in the database. PRE-2. System’s Database must be online. Postconditions: POST-1. System will show a message “User Added” POST-2. User will be able to use the system. Normal Flow: User shall go to the link of the system. User shall click on “Register New User”. Enter the correct data asked in the registration form and click “Done”. System will search against the given information in the database. If information found matches with the database system will notify “User Added” else user cannot be added. Use Case ends. Alternative Flows: NONE Exceptions: System will show the Message: No internet Connection. Given Information does not match with the database. Password must be greater than 8 characters. Includes: User Registration. Business Rules: BR-1, BR-2, BR-11 Special Requirements/ Other Information: System shall be fast and efficient to match the given information with the database. Assumptions: The System will notify the user by email that you have added to our system. Notes and Issues: System will show following notes: Enter the information you given at the time of admission. Your password must be greater than 8 characters. Business Rules: All these business rules have been derived from our client and in our case the client is our teacher. ID Description Type of Rule Static or Dynamic Source BR-1 The user must be logged in to the system. Facts Static Teacher BR-2 User Password must have at least 8 characters. Constraint Static Teacher BR-3 Teacher has to enter at least 4 Quiz Marks. Constraint Static Teacher BR-4 Teacher has to enter at least 4 Assignments Marks. Constraint Static Teacher BR-5 Teacher has to enter at least 2 Sessional and Terminal Marks. Constraint Static Teacher BR-6 Teacher has to enter at least 1 Quiz and 1 Assignment marks before the 1st sessional, 2 Quiz and 2 Assignments before 2nd Sessional and 1 Quiz and 1 Assignment before Terminals. Facts Dynamic Teacher BR-7 Uploaded file must be in .Zip Format. Constraint Static Teacher BR-8 Maximum size of the uploaded files is 25 MB. Constraint Static Teacher BR-9 After a specific time interval the marks can’t be edited by teachers. Inferences Static Teacher BR-10 Only Email and contact Number is editable. Constraint Static Teacher BR-11 User must be selected by the university on merit and his/her data will be in the database. Facts Static Teacher BR-12 Teacher has to register the courses which he wants to teach. Facts Dynamic Teacher BR-13 Courses must be registered to view the progress Constraint Static Teacher BR-14 Teacher has entered the CLOs marks of the course to view the progress. Constraint Static Teacher BR-15 The discussion has to be marked public or private Constraint Static Teacher BR-16 Problem or query will not extend 150 words. Constraint Static Teacher BR-17 Only PNG and JPEG file format is accepted to upload a picture. Constraint Static Teacher BR-18 Discussion forum cannot be empty Constraint Static Teacher BR-19 If the class has got over all 60% marks than the goal has achieved. Computation Static Teacher BR-20 The user will get notified when he has notifications left unread. Action Enablers Dynamic Teacher BR-21 The Teacher has to deliver at least 30 lectures in a semester. Constraint Static Teacher BR-22 Total registered courses must have credit hours less than or equal to 21. Fact Static Teacher BR-23 All the notification from the teachers must be replied and have high priority. Constraint Dynamic Teacher BR-24 Students must have got 50% marks to get themselves promoted to the next semester. Students who got below 50% must repeat the whole semester. Fact Static Teacher BR-25 Student must not be on probation so that they can register course and then can view registered courses. Constraint Static Teacher BR-26 Student can only view his progress. Constraint Static Teacher BR-27 At least 1 semester has been passed to view the result Constraint Static Teacher BR-28 User shall select a course for discussion Constraint Static Teacher BR-29 Previous Fee will be paid in order to get a new fee challan form. Action Enablers Static Teacher BR-30 Student can only view his result. Constraint Static Teacher BR-31 Provide the correct information in order to change the data. Constraint Dynamic Teacher 7 Requirements List Req. Author Req. Id Requirement Description Mubashra Sajjad R-01 The user shall register his/herself into the system. Mubashra Sajjad R-02 The system shall show a Message “User Verified” Mubashra Sajjad R-03 The system shall display a message “Registration failed”. Muhammad Umair R-04 The user shall be able to login to the system. Muhammad Umair R-05 The system shall display a message “Login Successfully”. Muhammad Umair R-06 The user shall be able to view dashboard. Rai Ahmad Fraz R-07 The System shall display alert on Dashboard. Rai Ahmad Fraz R-08 The user shall be able to reply the alerts. Rai Ahmad Fraz R-09 The user shall be able to upload quiz marks by clicking the “upload” button. Rai Ahmad Fraz R-10 The System shall confirm upload marks by showing message. Rai Ahmad Fraz R-11 The system shall display a message “Upload Marks Failed”. Rai Ahmad Fraz R-12 The user shall be able to upload assignment marks by clicking the “upload” button. Rai Ahmad Fraz R-13 The System shall confirm upload marks by showing message. Rai Ahmad Fraz R-14 The system shall display a message “Upload Marks Failed”. Rai Ahmad Fraz R-15 The user shall be able to upload exam marks by clicking the “upload” button. Rai Ahmad Fraz R-16 The System shall confirm upload marks by showing message. Rai Ahmad Fraz R-17 The system shall display a message “Upload Marks Failed”. Mubashra Sajjad R-18 The user shall be able to edit the entered marks. Mubashra Sajjad R-19 The system shall show the edited marks by showing a message. Mubashra Sajjad R-20 The user shall be able to cancel the edit marks by clicking the “Cancel” button. Sadia Ayub R-21 User shall be able to register his/her courses. Sadia Ayub R-22 The teacher shall be able see his student’s previous semester result and the current quizzes sessional and CLO wise result. Sadia Ayub R-23 The teacher shall be able to review the current course status. Sadia Ayub R-24 The user shall be able to view notification. Sadia Ayub R-25 The user shall be able to mark the notification as read. Zubair Shaheen R-26 Students can see their quiz, assignments and sessional marks. Zubair Shaheen R-27 After registration students can also see their registered course. Zubair Shaheen R-28 The system shall display a message “No Registered Course Found”. Zubair Shaheen R-29 The user shall be able to see progress in the courses by clicking “Monitor Progress” button. Zubair Shaheen R-30 The system shall be able to show the student’s progress in the form of table and graph. Muhammad Umair R-31 The user shall be able to view result by clicking on “View Result” button. Muhammad Umair R-32 The system shall be able to show the Student Result in the specific format. Muhammad Umair R-33 The user shall be able to post any text on the discussion forum. Muhammad Umair R-34 The user shall be able to post images on the discussion forum Muhammad Umair R-35 The user shall click on “Post” button to confirm the post. Muhammad Umair R-36 The user shall be able to view Fee Challan by clicking on “Fee Challan” button. The system shall be able to show the Fee Challan in a specific format. Muhammad Umair R-37 The system shall be able to show the Fee Challan in a specific format. Muhammad Umair R-38 The user shall be able to update the information by changing the fields like address, email and phone no. Muhammad Umair R-39 The system shall display a message “Information Changed” 7.1 Functional Requirement: User Registration Identifier R-01 Title User Registration Requirement The user shall register his/herself into the system. Source Atique Zafar Rationale The user data must be found in the database. Restrictions and Risk All the mandatory fields are not filled properly. Dependencies R-02, R-04, R-06 Priority High Verify Registration Identifier R-02 Title Verify registration Requirement The system shall show a Message “User Verified” Source Atique Zafar Rationale User Registered into the system. Restrictions and Risk All the entered data must be correct. Dependencies R-03 Priority High Registration Failed Identifier R-03 Title Registration Failed Requirement The system shall display a message “Registration failed”. Source Atique Zafar Rationale We want to create an account for a new user. Restrictions and Risk The user shall give the right information required by system to Sign up Dependencies Priority High Login Identifier R-04 Title Login Requirement The user shall be able to login to the system. Source Atique Zafar Rationale User login into the system Restrictions and Risk The username and password must be correct and matches with the database. Dependencies R-05 Priority High Confirm Login Identifier R-05 Title Verify registration Requirement The system shall display a message “Login Successfully”. Source Atique Zafar Rationale User enter into the system. Restrictions and Risk All the entered data must be correct. Dependencies R-06, R-09, R-12, R-15, R-21 Priority High View Dashboard Identifier R-06 Title View Dashboard Requirement The user shall be able to view dashboard. Source Atique Zafar Rationale User can monitor his/her progress. Restrictions and Risk Dependencies R-07, R-24 Priority High Alerts on Dashboard Identifier R-07 Title Alert on Dashboard Requirement The System shall display alert on Dashboard Source Atique Zafar Rationale User read alerts and respond. Restrictions and Risk User must be logged in to the system Dependencies R-08 Priority High Response Alerts Identifier R-08 Title Response Alerts Requirement The user shall be able to reply the alerts. Source Atique Zafar Rationale To make a reply, submitting request is important. Restrictions and Risk The text must be within 150-200. Dependencies Priority High Upload Quiz Marks Identifier R-09 Title Upload quiz marks Requirement The user shall be able to upload quiz marks by clicking the “Upload” button. Source Atique Zafar Rationale User wants to upload marks. Restrictions and Risk At least 4 quiz marks must be entered. Dependencies R-10, R-18 Priority High Confirm Upload quiz marks Identifier R-10 Title Confirm uploading quiz marks Requirement The System shall confirm upload marks by showing message. Source Atique Zafar Rationale Student Quiz marks uploaded. Restrictions and Risk User must enter marks into the field. Dependencies R-11, R-22, R-26, R-29, R-31 Priority High Upload Quiz Marks Failed Identifier R-11 Title Upload Quiz Marks Failed Requirement The system shall display a message “Upload Marks Failed” Source Atique Zafar Rationale Student marks do not upload. Restrictions and Risk All the mandatory field must be filled Dependencies Priority High Upload Assignment Marks Identifier R-12 Title Upload Assignment marks Requirement The user shall be able to upload assignment marks by clicking the “upload” button. Source Atique Zafar Rationale User wants to upload assignment marks. Restrictions and Risk At least 4 Assignments marks must be entered. Dependencies R-13, R-18 Priority High Confirm upload assignment marks Identifier R-13 Title Confirm uploading assignment marks Requirement The System shall confirm upload marks by showing message. Source Atique Zafar Rationale Student’s Assignment marks uploaded. Restrictions and Risk At least 4 quiz marks must be entered. Dependencies R-14, R-22, R-26, R-29, R-31 Priority High Upload Assignment Marks Failed Identifier R-14 Title Upload Assignment Marks Failed Requirement The system shall display a message “Upload Marks Failed”. Source Atique Zafar Rationale Uploading can fail because of any given reason Restrictions and Risk Mandatory field will not be blank. Dependencies Priority High Upload Exam Marks Identifier R-15 Title Upload Exam marks Requirement The user shall be able to upload exam marks by clicking the “upload” button. Source Atique Zafar Rationale User wants to upload exam marks. Restrictions and Risk 2 Sessional and 1 terminal marks must be entered. Dependencies R-16, R-18 Priority High Confirm Upload Exam Marks Identifier R-16 Title Confirm uploading exam marks Requirement The System shall confirm upload marks by showing message. Source Atique Zafar Rationale To confirm user must upload marks by clicking “upload” button. Restrictions and Risk 2 Sessional and 1 terminal marks must be entered. Dependencies R-17, R-22, R-26, R-29, R-31 Priority High Upload Exam Marks Failed Identifier R-17 Title Upload Exam Marks Failed Requirement The system shall display a message “Upload Marks Failed”. Source Atique Zafar Rationale Uploading can fail because of any given reason Restrictions and Risk Mandatory field will not be blank. Dependencies Priority High Edit Marks Identifier R-18 Title Upload marks Requirement The user shall be able to edit the entered marks. Source Atique Zafar Rationale User want to edit the marks. Restrictions and Risk All the necessary field must be filled. Dependencies R-19, R-20 Priority High Confirm Edit Marks Identifier R-19 Title Confirm Edit Marks Requirement The system shall show the edited marks by showing a message. Source Atique Zafar Rationale In order to allow the user to come to know that editing is done or not. Restrictions and Risk User must edit and enter new marks. Dependencies Priority High Cancel Edit Marks Identifier R-20 Title Cancel Edit Marks Requirement The user shall be able to cancel the edit marks by clicking the “Cancel” button. Source Atique Zafar Rationale In order to cancel the edited marks. Restrictions and Risk The user must edit marks. Dependencies Priority High Register Course Identifier R-21 Title Register course Requirement User shall be able to register his/her courses. Source Atique Zafar Rationale User register the current semester courses. Restrictions and Risk User must be logged into the system. User previous fee must be paid. Dependencies R-22, R-27, R-28, R-29, R-31 Priority High View Class Result Identifier R-22 Title View class result Requirement The teacher shall be able see his student’s previous semester result and the current quizzes sessional and CLO wise result. Source Atique Zafar Rationale The teacher will be able to have a complete performance pattern of the student and the class. Restrictions and Risk 1-Internet connection must be maintained. 2-Section registration must be confirmed. 3-The system database should be updated. 4-Student must be currently studying the course. Dependencies Priority Medium Check Lectures Delivered Identifier R-23 Title Check lectures delivered Requirement The teacher shall be able to review the current course status. Source Atique Zafar Rationale The teacher shall be able to review the current course covered and how much is left and how he is going to manage to cover rest of the course in the given time. Restrictions and Risk 1-Internet connection must be maintained. 2-Database must be updated. 3-The system must be able to show the total delivered and non-delivered lectures. 4-.teacher’s course teaching sections must be confirmed. Dependencies Priority Low View Notification Identifier R-24 Title View Notification Requirement The user shall be able to view notification. Source Atique Zafar Rationale User get notified. Restrictions and Risk User must be logged into the system Dependencies R-25 Priority High Mark Notification as read Identifier R-25 Title Mark notification as read Requirement The user shall be able to mark the notification as read. Source Atique Zafar Rationale User do not want to read the full message. Restrictions and Risk Notification must be found unread to mark as read. Dependencies Priority High View Marks Identifier R-26 Title View Marks Requirement Students can see their quiz, assignments and sessional marks. Source Atique Zafar Rationale User can see their marks and can keep track of their progress in all courses. Restrictions and Risk User must be registered in any of the courses to view their marks Dependencies Priority High View Registered Course Identifier R-27 Title View Registered Course Requirement After registration students can also see their registered course. Source Atique Zafar Rationale For users so that they can see their registerd course and all the information about them. Restrictions and Risk User must register courses to view registered courses Dependencies Priority High No Course Registered Identifier R-28 Title No Course Registered Requirement The system shall display a message “No Registered Course Found”. Source Atique Zafar Rationale So that the user get himself registered. Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority High Monitor Progress Identifier R-29 Title Monitor Progress Requirement The user shall be able to see progress in the courses by clicking “Monitor Progress” button. Source Atique Zafar Rationale Student must be registered into the system. Restrictions and Risk Courses must be registered and marks are uploaded. Dependencies R-30 Priority High Show Progress Identifier R-30 Title Show Progress Requirement The system shall be able to show the student’s progress in the form of table and graph. Source Atique Zafar Rationale Student must be registered into the system. Restrictions and Risk Courses must be registered and marks are uploaded. Dependencies Priority High View Result Identifier R-31 Title View Result Requirement The user shall be able to view result by clicking on “View Result” button. Source Atique Zafar Rationale Student’s Semester Result must entered into the system. Restrictions and Risk At least one semester is passed to view the result. Dependencies R-32 Priority High Show Result Identifier R-32 Title Show Result Requirement The system shall be able to show the Student Result in the specific format. Source Atique Zafar Rationale Student’s Semester Result must entered into the system. Restrictions and Risk At least one semester is passed to view the result. Dependencies Priority High Post on Discussion Forum Text Post on Discussion Forum Identifier R-33 Title Text Post on Discussion Forum Requirement The user shall be able to post any text on the discussion forum. Source Atique Zafar Rationale User posts query so that he/she could get solution. Restrictions and Risk Text cannot be longer than 150 words. Dependencies R-35, R-36 Priority High Images Post on Discussion Forum Identifier R-34 Title Images Post On Discussion Forum Requirement The user shall be able to post images on the discussion forum Source Atique Zafar Rationale User posts query with images so that other can easily understand the problem. Restrictions and Risk Images must be in .PNG or .JPEG format. Dependencies Priority High Confirm Post Identifier R-35 Title Confirm Post Requirement The user shall click on “Post” button to confirm the post. The System shall show a message “Posted Successfully”. Source Atique Zafar Rationale Submitting post is necessary to post a query. Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority High View Fee Challan Identifier R-36 Title View Fee Challan Requirement The user shall be able to view Fee Challan by clicking on “Fee Challan” button. The system shall be able to show the Fee Challan in a specific format. Source Atique Zafar Rationale Student must be registered into the system to view the challan. Restrictions and Risk Dependencies R-38 Priority High Show Fee Challan Identifier R-37 Title Show Fee Challan Requirement The system shall be able to show the Fee Challan in a specific format. Source Atique Zafar Rationale Student must be registered into the system to view the challan. Restrictions and Risk User must be logged into the system. Dependencies Priority High Edit Info Identifier R-38 Title Edit User Info Requirement The user shall be able to update the information by changing the fields like address, email and phone no. Source Atique Zafar Rationale User must be registered into the system. Restrictions and Risk All the entered information must be correct Dependencies Priority High Confirm Edit Info Identifier R-39 Title Confirm Edit Info Requirement The system shall display a message “Information Changed” Source Atique Zafar Rationale User must Edit Info Restrictions and Risk All the mandatory filled must be filled correctly. Dependencies Priority High Non Functional Requirements 1. Availability RL-1 The availability of the system should be 98% on weekdays throughout the semester time. RL-2 The system modules of Lecture Schedule and Uploading Messages are availability critical core functionalities RL-3 Mean Time to Repair failures during semester is 2 weeks RL-4 Maintenance during the semester should be done on time interval of 12AM-7AM throughout the week 2. Integrity IN-1 It should compare the original data with backup for any missing files IN-2 System shall protect against the unauthorized data changes and deletion IN-3 System shall change the data completely or particular data at all during the backups if interruption occurs IN-4 System shall log all the backup details that backup was initiated on schedule or manually by an authenticated user 3. Interoperability IN-1 The System shall be able to import any valid data IN-2 The System must satisfy the authorization of user. IN-3 The System shall be able to import fee challan and result by using authorized user. 4. Robustness RL-1  The system should work properly under unexpected operating systems. RL-2 Testing should be done to check how the system works when some wrong input. RL-3 Robustness used to refer to the system’s behavior degrading gracefully so that it still operates partially correctly or provides acceptable functionality in spite of errors RL-4 And if there is some problem that the system cannot figure that out then there should be a message that system is not working try later. 5. Safety RL-1 The probability that the system will not meet any catastrophic failures in time interval. RL-2 And the system should have a backup for the safety of the information. RL-3 System should define all failure modes and protection requirements:- Actions of function actually achieve safe state. IN-4 The description should address the safe state eg: Which flow should be started or stopped 6. Security RL-1 The System should be secure to use and all the data should also be viewed by the authorized users. RL-2 And if some user forget his password then the new password should be send to his email address. RL-3 There should be good security system so that system can be saved from different hackers. RL-4 Every user can view the material of their own interest after logging in eg Teachers can add or change marks but students can just view marks. 7. Reliability <Reliability Requirement One> The availability of the system should be 99.99%. The maintenance time should not exceed 180 minutes per month <Reliability Requirement Two> Failures shall not be greater than 120 minutes per month <Reliability Requirement Three> Mean Time to Repair should not exceed 180 minutes per month <Reliability Requirement Four> Maximum errors should not be more than 1 in 100 lines of code. Performance <Performance Requirement One> The average response time for web pages loading should be 3 second per user query and the maximum response time should not be greater than 7 second per user query <Performance Requirement Two> The system should process every request within 5 seconds for 100kBps of internet speed <Performance Requirement Three> The system should capable to handle 3mbps downloading. <Performance Requirement Four> System shall have at least 1mbps internet speed to operate the software. <Performance Requirement Five> System shall be able to store at least 3mb files per subjects. 9. Installability <Installability Requirement One> An average time of downloading and installing the software should be 15 minutes for an average trained person. <Installability Requirement Two> While downloading the upgraded version of the software the upgraded system shall be compatible with the previous user provided information necessary for the user profile. <Installability Requirement Three> The system shall verify the correctness of the installation before and after the process . <Installability Requirement Four> Once the system is being upgraded it should be able to delete previous unnecessary files, data, information . 10 Usability 10.1 < Usability Requirement one> User shall be able to get the exposure of whole system within a few minutes. 10.2 < Usability Requirement Two> All the features provided by the system shall be self explanatory. 10.3 < Usability Requirement Three> Help is provided in self section of the system. 11 Efficiency 11.1 < Efficiency Requirement one> The system shall be able to load the page within one minute. 11.2 < Efficiency Requirement Two> The system shall be able to load and display the data within one minute of user request/query generation. 12 Modifiability 12.1 < Modifiability Requirement one> System shall have less coupling, so it easy to bring change in existing modules. 12.2 < Modifiability Requirement Two> System shall not disturb the user while enhancing any of its features. 12.3 < Modifiability Requirement Three> The procedure of maintenance of system shall not take more than 2 hours. 13 Portability 13.1 <Portability Requirement one> The Code shall be written in high level language and according to the IBM standards. 13.2 <Portability Requirement Two> The system shall be able to adopt the operating environment changes. 14 Reusability 14.1 <Reusability Requirement one> The calculate result function shall be reusable at the object code level in other application. 14.2 < Reusability Requirement Two> At least 30 % of the application architecture must be reusable. 15 Scalability 5.1 <Scalability Requirement one> The system shall be able to manage the multiple user. 15.2 < Scalability Requirement Two> The system shall be able to retrieve data from multiple servers if the traffic rate is high. 15.3 < Scalability Requirement Three> The system shall be able to save data on multiple servers for security purposes. 16 Verifiability 16.1 <Verifiability Requirement one> The system shall be verified by the testers to avoid irreproducible testing failures. 16.2 < Verifiability Requirement Two> A tester shall be able to configure which execution results are logged during testing. Vision and Scope for <Project> Page ii Copyright © by Karl E. Wiegers. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.