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This article is presented as a response to the increasing need for rigorous impact assessment in ICT4D. The research reported here empirically examines whether ICTs enable microenterprise growth, to what degree, and under what conditions. We created two theoretical models that predict relationships between selected antecedents of ICT access, ICT use, and business growth. Using data collected through a multistage probability survey of women micro-entrepreneurs in Mumbai, India, we tested the models by structural equation modeling (SEM). Both models predicted a statistically signiªcant, but limited causal relationship between access to ICTs (as the independent variable) and business growth (as the dependent variable). The theoretical model and the analytical techniques suggest that future research should pay greater attention to the speciªc factors that mediate the impact of ICTs on the growth of very small businesses.
This paper investigates the impact of information and communication technologies, especially landline and mobile phones, computers, and Internet cafés in facilitating economic growth in the developing world. Data on access to ICTs, as well as business-relevant behaviors and attitudes, was collected by a multi-stage probability sample of women microentrepreneurs in Mumbai, India. Main findings include evidence that in urban microenterprises owned by women, business growth is a function of ICT access and is related to motivation to use ICTs for business purposes; and that the more positive a woman microentrepreneur feels about her status and power because of her business, the more she will be motivated to use ICTs in support of her business. Implications for the study of digital divides and strategies for studies of communication and technology more generally are considered.
The research reported here was guided by three questions: (1) What are the current and potential patterns of mobile phone, landline, PC, and Internet café use among urban microentrepreneurs? (2) Are mobile phones, PCs, and Internet cafés related to the stability or growth of urban microenterprises? (3) Can we identify those urban microentrepreneurs and/or microenterprises for which ICT use is associated with economic growth? We conducted in-depth interviews in Mumbai City, India, with 329 male owners or managers of microenterprises and 231 female owners of microenterprises from April through June 2009. In addition, data from a convenience sample of 102 men and women was carried out in September and November 2009. We defined microenterprises as businesses that had more than one but fewer than twenty hired workers. We found that: ? Nearly everyone who owned or managed a microenterprise—regardless of sex—had a mobile phone. ? Many female and male microentrepreneurs who owned or managed microenterprises and who used a mobile for business communication reported that the year-over-year income of their business had risen. ? Urban microentrepreneurs experience different levels of economic growth depending on how they use their mobiles for business communication. ? The positive impact of mobile phones on microenterprises might emerge only after two years of use. Microentrepreneurs who owned a mobile for two years or less saw some growth in business income; those who had begun to use their mobile more than two years earlier experienced even greater income growth. ? Levels of PC ownership and usage at home and work were low. ? Few microentrepreneurs frequented Internet cafés for business purposes. ? Only small numbers used their mobiles for the full range of business-enhancing activities. ? Consideration of a microentrepreneur’s full repertoire of ICT use showed a positive relationship with microenterprise growth, especially when other factors such as gender and motivation were also taken into account. ? Compared to women-owned microenterprises, microenterprises owned or managed by men had much greater increases in business income, although female owned microenterprises also experience some growth ? The more positive a female microentrepreneur felt about her status and power because of her business, the more she was motivated to use ICTs in support of her business. ? The more that a woman entrepreneur used mobile phones, workplace computers, etc., the more her microenterprise grew, especially businesses in the trade sector of the informal economy
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The importance of Information and Communication Technology has been recognized but often undervalued by small businesses. Furthermore, best practices of ICT use in large companies do not always translate to a small business environment. Few studies have been done at the intersection of ICT and Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in a ‘holistic’ manner taking into consideration various aspects of ICT adoption and use. The LIAISE framework provides guidelines for investigating various aspects of ICT adoption and use, including ICT literacy, information, and content, access, infrastructure and support, and evaluation. The framework was originally developed for the non-profit sector and has been applied in the small business context by examining MSEs in developing countries. Using a case study in Indonesia, this paper will use LIAISE as an analytical framework to investigate mobile phone adoption and use by micro-entrepreneurs.
International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices (ISSN:2320-7523), Publishing India Group, 2017
Women constitute almost half of the population of India ( and similar is the case in rural areas. They contribute very significantly for economic development as well as increased per capita output and income. This has more significance to entrepreneurial women when ICT applications have become important for their business growth. Infact, the adaptation to the ICT is not an optional but has become a necessity in all business organisations including micro-enterprises. Therefore, an attempt has been made through a field enquiry to disclose the adoption of ICTs by women micro-entrepreneurs. The study finds that women micro-entrepreneurs are aware about the significance of ICTs for their entrepreneurial development. Among ICTs, mobile phones are prominently used by employing Facebook, WhatsApp, and other social media applications. High level of adoption is found among women micro-entrepreneurs in services sector particularly among educated youth and among those who have vocational skill. The entrepreneurs who ventured recently have adopted ICTs to a greater extent than the experienced entrepreneurs. The study concludes with the emphasis on institutional arrangements for non-formal vocational skill training on ICTs to women in general and women micro-entrepreneurs in particular.
International Journal of E-Politics, 2011
The advancing pace of women’s entrepreneurial activity across the globe is a promising trend to fuel economic development and social progress (Fitzsimons & O’Gorman, 2005). Analysis of the reasons why women start a new business, the choice of product/service, and industry sector highlight the home-based female entrepreneur. These entrepreneurs constitutes a segment referred to as the mompreneurs—mothers who establish a business operated from home. Thus, although mompreneurs gain benefits of operating their business from home, they also experience additional challenges. One such issue is their dependence on ICT. To succeed and grow, mompreneurs’ businesses must use ICT as a backbone for the business in an integrated manner. In this article, the author examines the adoption and application of ICT in the mompreneur business, as well as the challenges encountered in its effective use. A specific emphasis is placed on the issue of ICT and its use by the mompreneur in undertaking business...
It is well known that Information, and communication technology, (ICT) has, in many ways, improved the quality of life. It has also changed the way businesses promote themselves. Application of Information and communication technology for business promotion is often termed as Digital Marketing. It is a very effective tool available for marketing. its effectiveness has not only reduced marketing costs but also assisted business owners in improving customer engagement. Additionally, it aids in gathering and analysing consumer behaviour data to enable business owners to develop more effective plans for achieving their objectives. In 2023, Sheoliha et al. Numerous research projects have examined how entrepreneurs use digital marketing. Nonetheless, further research needs to be done on how India's rural microentrepreneurs use digital marketing tools. Purpose of study: Presented study aims at Identifying the factors effecting the utilisation of ICT in the form of Digital Marketing by micro entrepreneurs of rural South Odisha. Methodology used: The study employs the combination of UTAUT and TOE model. It is done on the basis of primary data obtained from 386 respondents from the region. The data is then subjected to EFA for factor extraction and CFA for hypothesis testing.
Microenterprises has emerged as promising opportunities to eliminate poverty and create jobs in Africa. Despite their preponderance in society and the economy, there is still a huge lack of exact figures and social research regarding ICTs in very small businesses. This paper explores ICT adoption and use by and capabilities of self-employed persons and micro-enterprises. The question is whether or not one can speak of a digital divide among those very small businesses. The subsequent issue is then to find the main characteristics that help explain the current situation. For this an analytical framework is used, based on former qualitative research, which incorporates relevant factors relating to the meaning and significance of ICT for the owner of a microenterprise. These questions are translated into measurable elements, which are fitted into a quantitative survey. The paper looked at three key indicators: the presence of a computer in the business, the frequency of use by the selfemployed owner and the self-assessed computer knowledge of the latter. However, key figures on other ICTs are also included. Based on these indicators we find a digital divide among micro-enterprises on the level of adoption and use as well as knowledge. The paper makes a case for application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in small businesses against the broader backdrop of the developing economy of African countries.
Journal of Governance and Regulation, 2020
This study aims to investigate the effects of financial and digital literacy on growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) managed by women in Indonesia. Data were collected through questionnaires of women entrepreneurs in Palembang, Indonesia. For the purpose of comparison, data of men entrepreneurs were also collected. The variables employed are latent variables such as financial literacy, digital literacy, SME’s growth which are derived from a series of questions to indicate each variable. A total of 240 women and 240 men were analyzed using structural equation modelling (SEM). The results reveal that both financial and digital literacy had positive and significant effects on return on assets. On the other hand, only digital literacy had positive and significant effects on growth. The findings further evidence that women had a lower level of digital knowledge compared to men. Furthermore, the results show that in the short term, financial literacy and digital literacy are impo...
International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 2015
A strong industrial base is required for the socially and economic development of any country. The paper explores the advantages and disadvantages of small and medium scale enterprises with a comprehensive review on various aspects of ICT adoption. The study addresses the ICT adoption in their Small and Medium scale enterprises. There is significant difference between the SMEs growth that employed ICT adoption and that did not employed ICT adoption. Small and Medium Enterprises are considered to be the backbone of Punjab Economy.
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Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle, 2016
Federico II e l’architettura sacra tra Regno e Impero, a cura di Francesco Gangemi e Tanja Michalsky, Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana Editoriale 2021 (Studi della Biblioteca Hertziana 14), ISBN 9788836650941, pp. 165-179., 2021
Asian Social Science , 2023
Rome, IAI, June 2024, 13 p. (IAI Papers ; 24|19), ISBN 978-88-9368-336-4, 2024
Revista Internacional Tecnologías en la Educación, 2018
Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics, 2016
Frontiers in Public Health
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2018
The American Journal of Pathology, 2004
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2006
Journal of Clinical Virology, 2022