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Euro_2012 report EN-1.pdf

After 7 years of work preparing UEFA EURO 2012 in city of Lviv we decided to share our knowledge with other cities who has the same challenge. Books is rather Best practice for the Management teams from cities or local football federations. We would be glad for your feedback (oleg.zasadny@gmail.com)

CONTENT Chapter I. UEFA EURO 2012TM in Lviv: MAnAgEMEnT STRUcTURE Chapter III. Page 6 1.1. Project mission and vision 1.2. Legal framework and distribution of powers 1.3. Project management within the stages of its implementation Conclusions Chapter II. TRAnSpORT OpERATiOnS Page 20 2.1. Overview of the project 2.2. Project mission, goals, and objectives 2.3. Organizational structure and timeline for the project 2.4. Main phases of the project 2.5. Temporary EURO 2012 signage system in the Lviv Host City 2.5.1. Overview of the project 2.5.2. Purpose, goals and objectives of the project 2.5.3. Main phases of the project 2.5.4. Project outcomes Conclusions AccOMMOdATiOn FOR gUESTS, pARTicipAnTS And FAnS dURing UEFA EURO 2012TM Page 44 in Lviv 3.1. Aim, goals and tasks of the project 3.2. Preparation of the lviv hotel infrastructure 3.3. Accommodation for the UEFA target groups 3.4. Accommodation for fans 3.4.1. General overview of the infrastructure 3.4.2. Student dormitories 3.4.3. Fan camps 3.5. System of accommodation booking during UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv Conclusions Chapter IV. Lviv inFORMATiOn SERvicE + 38 032 297 5555 Page 56 4.1. About the project 4.2. Mission, goals and tasks of the project 4.3. Structure and terms of the project implementation. 4.4. Main stages of the project: 4.5. The project achievements Conclusions 1 Chapter VI. Chapter V. OFFiciAL Lviv FAn ZOnE FOR UEFA EURO 2012™ Page 68 5.1. About the project 5.2. Mission, goal, and tasks of the project 5.3. Terms of the project implementation 5.4. Distribution of resposibilities between UEFA and Host City Lviv 5.5. The project structure 5.5.1. Electric power supply and distribution 5.5.2. Internet 5.5.3. Concert infrastructure: stage, light, sound 5.5.4. Infrastructure for disabled people 5.5.5. Fence. Entrances and exits. Cloakrooms 5.5.6. Ecology 5.5.7. Screens and stage 5.5.8. Concession stands 5.5.9. Media Center 5.5.10. Organizational headquarters 5.5.11. Official restaurant institution and a store of the official sport products distributor 5.5.12. Areas of official sponsors’ activities 5.5.13. Host City stores 5.5.14. First aid post, ambulances and their work 5.5.15. Information point 5.5.16. Family sector 5.6. Quantitative indices of the project Conclusions SAFETY And SEcURiTY ORgAniZATiOn in THE FAn ZOnE Page 90 6.1. Task of the project 6.2. Safety and security system management 6.3. Communication on the fan zone territory 6.4. Security hardware 6.5. Public order defence 6.6. Public safety 6.7. Health care 6.8. The fan zone attendance Conclusions Chapter VII. THE EnTERTAinMEnT pROgRAM OF THE OFFiciAL FAn ZOnE Page 104 7.1. About the project 7.2. Mission, goals and tasks of the project 7.3. Structure and terms of the project implementation 7.4. Distribution of responsibilities between UEFA and Host City Lviv 7.5. Main stages of the Project 7.6. The concept of the concert and entertainment program of the official fan zone for viewing the matches of UEFA EURO 2012™ 7.6.1. Overview 7.6.2. Advertising of the concert and entertainment program 7.6.3. One-day example of the entertainment program (match day in Lviv city, June 17, 2012) 7.7. Quantitative and qualitative indices of the project 7.8. Budget of the project Conclusions 2 Chapter VIII. ORgAniZing THE MEdiA cAMpAign ‘Lviv 2012’ Chapter X. Page 114 8.1. Overview of the project 8.2. Campaign targets and stages 8.3. Communication channels 8.4. Project organizational structure – functions and powers distribution 8.5. Organizing work at the Media Centre ‘Lviv 2012’ 8.5.1. Preparations and services at the Media Centre 8.5.2. Structure and ‘processes’ 8.5.3. Involving partners in work at the Media Centre 8.5.4. Media Centre ‘Lviv 2012’ in figures 8.6. Collaboration with the PR Company ‘Imagine Group’ 8.7. Qualitative and quantitative indicators of the media campaign Chapter IX. THE OFFiciAL WEB SiTE OF THE HOST ciTY Lviv vOLUnTEER SERvicE OF THE HOST ciTY Lviv Page 138 10.1. Goal, tasks, and stages of the project 10.2. Volunteers service organizational structure 10.3. Host city volunteers. Who were they? 10.4. Review of the volunteer service division work 10.4.1. Information and welcome division 10.4.2. Fan zone division 10.4.3. Media Center division 10.4.4. Fan embassy division 10.4.5. Safety and security languagesupport division 10.4.6. City events support division 10.4.7. City dressing division 10.4.8. Medical care division 10.4.9. Volunteer Center division 10.5. Recruiting and selection of volunteer 10.6. Volunteers’ training 10.7. Communication 10.7.1. Communication plan 10.7.2. Communication and information transfer means Page 130 9.1. About the project 9.2. Mission, goal, and tasks of the project 9.3. Organizing structure of the project and terms of implementation 9.4. Main stages of the project 9.5. The concept of filling the pages with information 9.6. Quantitative indices of the project 9.7. Host City Lviv web pages in social networks 9.8. Budget of the project 10.8. Meals 10.9. Transport 10.10. Identification of volunteers 10.11. Motivation 10.12. Budget of the project 3 Chapter XI. UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv: EcOnOMicAL iMpAcT Page 168 11.1. The expected effect 11.2. Volume and directions of investments 11.3. General return 11.4. Guests of the tournament 11.5. Heads of expenditure of tourists 11.6. Hotel business development 11.7. Long-term city development AnnEXES Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 4 Page 180 UEFA EURO 2012TM in Lviv: Management Structure 5 Chapter I. UEFA EURO 2012TM IN LVIV: MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE 1.1. PROJECT MISSION AND VISION MISSION VISION GOALS City Development Boost by means of: • Modern infrastructure development • Creation of a new city image in Europe • Building-up a professional team of people prepared to organize further grand events • Implementation of social responsibility idea UEFA EURO 2012™ – the biggest event for the city from the perspective of its significance and financial investments Timely and effective implementation of all investment projects: • Support , professional project management and budget control for all UEFA EURO 2012™ objects • Effective communication and cooperation among national coordinators of the UEFA EURO 2012™, as well as between national coordinators and UEFA • Accurate planning of investments scope • Risk management • Improvement of local legislation on mass events management • Co-operation improvement between local authorities and business environment • Accumulation and dissemination of best practices, that will assure implementation of developed concepts after the UEFA EURO 2012™ • Establishment of Local experts institute within certain projects and spheres • City promotion within the country and abroad Fig. 1.1.1. Project mission and vision 6 1.2. LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND DISTRIBUTION OF POWERS Preparation of Lviv to the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship (hereinafter – UEFA EURO 2012™) started in 2007 in accordance with the following documents: 1 – Host Country Agreement Requirements 2 – Host City Agreement Requirements 3 – Requirements to implementation and realization of plans 4 – Organizational Structure for implementation and realization 5 – Functional Requirements to the Management of UEFA EURO 2012TM team in Lviv DISTRIBUTION OF POWERS IN THE PROJECT Fig.1.2.1. Distibution of powers in the project Host City Agreement in UEFA EURO 2010/2012 Football Championship as of June 20, 2007 between Union of European Football Associations (‘UEFA’) and the Lviv City Council, 1 Rynok Square, Lviv (‘Host City’) according to paragraph 3.1 stipulated that: ‘The Host City under the terms of this Agreement will create an appropriate body as a part of its administrative structure to assist UEFA, the Host Association and other relevant third parties, as well as, assign a qualified representative (with appropriate responsibility level), who is experienced enough and has adequate authority to assist the abovementioned organizations in the Tournament conduct and to organize the provision of the above mentioned support’ Since for none of the Lviv City Council departments preparation of UEFA EURO 2012™ project was a priority, there were no sufficient instruments or control to influence the fulfillment of the assignments and tasks related to the preparation of the Event. There was also a lack of skilled and professional managers for structural units. It was decided to create a separate department that would aim at establishing a proper environment to ensure successful preparation of the Lviv city for holding the UEFA EURO 2012TM 7 A separate body would ensure project management control, create an atmosphere of attaining a common purpose, and to avoid conflicts and duplication in the vertical of main municipalities (public roads, promotion within the event preparation, etc.). A main rule for Tournament preparation had to be based on the coordination of the Lviv City Council responsible units while following a crucial principle – ‘One project – one team’. The structure stipulated establishment of ‘EURO 2012’ Department as well as its submission to the responsible Deputy Mayor. The latter had to work at least 70% of his working time in Lviv and the rest of the time he was supposed to stay in Kyiv to manage the preparation for the UEFA EURO 2012TM. Working in Kyiv was connected with the necessity to enforce the coordination of central managing board units. Cooperation of responsible parties UKRAINE FOOTBALL FEDERATION PRESIDENT’S ORGANIZING COMMITTEE LOC CABINET OF MINISTERS’ COORDINATION OFFICE UEFA HOST CITY STATE AUTHORIES Fig.1.2.2. Cooperation of responsible parties REGIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE According to Resolution of Lviv City Council as of June 21, 2007 No. 933, the Regulation upon the establishment of ‘EURO 2012’ Department of the Lviv City Council and its structure was approved. The Department consisted of the following divisions: - Staff Office formed to perform organizational and technical, analytical and other functions of the department as well as of the department’s director, subordinate administrations and departments - Office of Administration, Construction and Infrastructure Development established to coordinate operating teams and units within the preparation and holding the events connected with UEFA EURO 2012TM conduct, to perform functions of the building owner, to ensure renovation and reconstruction of the relevant infrastructure objects on the basis of Executive Committee’s Resolutions as well as to fulfill certain tasks within the implementation of Lviv City Council policy in the given area - Office of Information and Promotion created to maintain relations with the society concerning UEFA EURO 2012™ through media; to inform on held and planned activities; to perform subject collection, processing and analysis of media; to provide preparation and coordination of Lviv Host City promotional activities within the UEFA EURO 2012™ preparation stage. 8 1.3. PROJECT MANAGEMENT WITHIN THE STAGES OF ITS IMPLEMENTATION Host City Lviv management structure (2008–2009) Deputy Mayor of EURO 2012 Olexandr Zharikov Assistant Head of ‘EURO 2012’ Department Oleh Zasadnyy Coordination Head of Administration, Construction, and Infrastructure Development Office Oleh Vilyura Accountant Head of Staff Office Bohdan Mandzyk Head of Information and Promotion Office Solomiya Koronenko Head of InterDepartment Coordination Office Victor Horobcov Head of ‘Stadium Construction in Lviv’ Lviv Utility Company Vitaliy Sulyma One project implementation Financial Director 3(2) Administrative manager 3(2) Secretary Deputy Director PR manager Lawyer(1) Technical Director Head of Technical Department 10(6) Head of Coordination Office 10(7) Fig.1.3.1. Host City Lviv management structure (2008–2009) 9 According to the Agreement with UEFA, the Host City had to: • Assist the Host Association in implementation of the UEFA’s requirements • Establish responsible unit within its executive body • Assign a qualified manager (with appropriate responsibility level) who has enough authority and control levers to organize and implement • Ensure safety and security • Establish and provide sufficient traffic coordination; develop public transport concept • Establish and implement medical care concept • Determine the venues in cooperation with UEFA • Implement Clean Site Principles within above mentioned venues To implement the above mentioned tasks, ‘EURO 2012’ Department started its work in the following directions Project Management and Timeline of Implementation Safety and Security Public Transport and Traffic Management Host City Lviv Concept Fig.1.3.2. The main spheres of work Medical Care Concept Program of Intellectual Property Protection Since the city was responsible for stadium construction, one of the project objectives was to satisfy basic stadium requirements: • Capacity (not less than 30 000) • Enough parking spaces • Lighting (2000 luxes) • Clean Site Stadium Principle &Commercial Display Norms • Seats &Seat Rows (visibility from each seat) Specific Stadium Requirements • Technical rooms & pitch • Spaces for VIP, catering, physically challenged people & administration • Media: TV, photographers, press rooms, mixed zone • Safety and Security Transport supply was considered within two levels – national and local, and specified: • Provision of means and opportunities for transportation on the state level should be integrated with UEFA EURO 2012™ transport facilities and include: • Stadium, venues, hotels, training centers, UEFA Headquarters, media centers and parking lots 10 • Provision of all target groups with maximum degree of mobility as well as efficient access to the UEFA EURO 2012™ • Coordination of airport operation and its staff functioning for servicing large number of fans as well as ensuring night time work On the Host City level: • Host City had to develop high quality public transport network to ensure communication between UEFA EURO 2012™ venues and the city centre, airport, railway station and other transport points Accommodation • General Principles Sufficient number of hotel rooms for the UEFA Target Groups and fans must be available on the territory of the Host City and its surrounding area. Requirements concerning the number of hotel rooms for the UEFA Target Groups were the following: 1020 rooms in 5–star hotels, 1250 rooms in 4–star hotels and 310 rooms in 3–star hotels. • Criteria: Capacity, service standards, variety of offers and relevant price levels UEFA’s Specific Accommodation Requirements • UEFA (officials and staff) • Hotels and Team Training Centers • Hotels for Referees and Doping Control Staff Fans Accommodation • Host Cities had to ensure sufficient number of hotel rooms (places) for fans (for Lviv this amount constituted 10000 places (beds)) Medical Care concept should specify the establishment of: • Hospital for UEFA EURO 2012™ Stadium needs • Medical facilities to serve UEFA Target Groups, commercial partners and sponsors • Health care services for large amount of fans and guests of the city • Medical services for city residents To ensure cooperation between UEFA and the Host City in marketing, promotional and intellectual property protection issues, UEFA EURO 2012TM Marketing Guidelines which stipulated the terms of cooperation between UEFA and Host Cities of the UEFA EURO 2012TM, were signed on 26 November 2010. These Marketing Guidelines outlined the terms of cooperation between UEFA and the Host Cities of UEFA EURO 2012™, in particular with respect to the: • Use of certain of UEFA’s marks by the Host City • Certain marketing rights granted to the Host City by UEFA • Host City’s UEFA EURO 2012™-related events • Official Fan Zones 11 • Events for the public viewing of matches of UEFA EURO 2012™ • UEFA’s Events promotion plan The intention of these Marketing Guidelines was to outline the main conditions applicable to the cooperation between UEFA and the Host City and to provide the Host City with comprehensive information and guidance on key aspects of their involvement in the marketing program of UEFA EURO 2012™. According to the Marketing recommendations, the city was supposed to provide UEFA with the Lviv Host City concept setting out the manner in which they intended to promote the Event as well as to exercise the rights contained in the document and perform related obligations. The Host City Concept had to address the following matters: • Plans for Host City Events – including definition and timeline of milestone celebrations and all other promotional activities • Host City Supporter strategy – including rights packages and proposed companies • Official Fan Zone location and planning • Location for UEFA trophy tour • Support for the UEFA hot air trophy balloon • Host City dressing inventory • Inventory of commercial outdoor media spaces for UEFA Sponsors • Other marketing matters relating to the Host City’s involvement in the preparation and staging of UEFA EURO 2012™ that are specified by UEFA Due to the change in cooperation with UEFA, it was decided to improve the structure of department by establishing ‘Agency for Preparation of Lviv to the UEFA European Football Championship 2012’ Lviv Utility Company (hereinafter – ‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’) according to the Resolution of the Lviv City Council as of 3 June 2010 № 3561. Instead of the Office of Information and Promotion, the department included Office of Tourism as a separate unit to ensure implementation of state policies, regional programs, Lviv City Council policy on tourism development and recreation, creating favorable conditions for inner and outer tourism development, tourism and recreational industry, carrying out sightseeing activity and development of tourism infrastructure. 12 Head of ‘EURO 2012’ Department Oleh Zasadnyy Head of Staff Office Bohdan Mandzyk HR Mariya Yurkiv Tourism Office Halyna Hrynyk Accountant Nataliya Hamayunova Lawyer Dmytro Petsiy Secretary Khrystyna Horin Head of Administration, Construction, and Infrastructure Development Office Oleh Vilyura Head of Inter-Department Coordination Office Serhiy Zhurbenko ‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’ Volunteers Marketing and Promotion Fig.1.3.3. Host city Lviv management structure in 2011 ‘LVIV AGENCY FOR EURO 2012’ STRUCTURE Competence of the ‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’ covered fulfillment of UEFA EURO 2012TM Marketing Guidelines obligations and provision of Host City Lviv marketing interests. Director of ‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’ Mykola Padalka Deputy Director of Marketing (UEFA’s rights protection, marketing and communication with sponsors) Solomiya Koronenko Chief Accountant Lesya Hanushchak Fan Zone Technical Manager Victor Kutsyk Senior Fan Zone Manager Andriy Pavliv Senior City Dressing Manager Khrystyna Izhyk Information Support Manager Maryana Vytrykush Senior PR and Communication Manager Lyudmyla Dunets Senior Volunteer Service Manager Mariya Chubata Manager of Information Support of Volunteer Service Oksana Lupynis Lawyer Yuriy Didebashvili Senior Events Manager Markiyan Mykytka Events Manager Sofiya Zasadna Chief Economist Halyna Vartanyants Fig.1.3.4. ‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’ structure 13 According to the authority of the ‘EURO 2012’ Department and regulations of the ‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’, distribution of powers between the state authorities and local authorities has been approved. State level – National Agency ‘UkrEuroinfraproject’, created according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine as of April 2, 2010№ 270/2010 Regional level – ‘EURO 2012’ Office, established according to the instruction of the Head of Lviv Regional State Administration Local level – ‘EURO 2012’ Department of Lviv City Council HOST CITY LVIV Head of Department • Preparation of city infrastructure • Management of municipal property projects (roads, transport) • Venue management Units • Infrastructure and city transport • Medical care concept • Legal aspects and protection and the UEFA’s rights • Information and city promotion • Accommodation of UEFA EURO 2012™ guests in the city • Tourism • Safety and security concept HOST CITY LVIV 14 LVIV REGIONAL STATE ADMINISTRATION Head of the Main Office • Regional infrastructure preparation • Project management of state property Communication with Ministries and state departments Aspects • Customs • State roads • Accommodation in the satellite cities • Airport construction • Construction of training fields • Permission and Agreements • State financing • Regional security concept Communication with Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Emergency Situation Fig.1.3.5. Distribution of powers and tasks between Host City (Lviv city council) and Lviv Regional State Administration LOC/UEFA Head of Department • Preparation of city infrastructure • Project management • Communication with LOC • Venue management LOC/Event manager • Tournament organization • Venue management • Communication with the host city Units • Infrastructure and transport • Safety and Security (stewards, volunteers) • Legal and financial aspects (Protection of intellectual property rights) • Information and promotion • Guest service • Fan zone organisation Venue management • Technical services, planning • Facility management • Matches organization • Interdepartmental coordination • Logistic for target groups • Media and Broadcasting • Hospitality principles • Concessions and merchandising • Accreditation • Marketing • Ceremonies • Protocol Fig.1.3.6. Distribution of powers and tasks between Host City (Lviv city council) and LOC/UEFA The given structure ensured the preparation of the city to the finals of the UEFA EURO 2012™ according to the authority and time constraints stipulated by the Host City Agreement and The State Target Program, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of February 22, 2008 №107 with relevant amendments made in 2010–2011. In order to hold operational activity during the Tournament, Headquarters (Management Committee) was established in the beginning of March, 2012. To ensure main directions of the operational management the following working groups were established: • ‘Airport’ working group. Head of the • ‘Taxi’ working group. Head of the group group – general manager at Lviv international airport Roman Gontarev. Co-head – head of the Office of International Cooperation Iryna Podolyak. – head of ‘City Mayor Administration’ Department Oleh Berezyuk. Co-heads – a head of the Taxidrivers Association Leonid Boyko, a head of the Local Office of Traffic Police Mykhailo Khariy, a head of the Economic Development Office Viktoriya Dovzhyk, head of the Transport and Connection Office Mykola Zhuk, representatives of Traffic Police Office. • ‘Stadium’ working group. Head of the group – general manager at ‘Arena Lviv’ stadium Oleksiy Zhukovin. Co-head – director of ‘EURO 2012’ Department Oleh Zasadnyy. • ‘Train station’ working group. Head of the group – head of the public carriers at Lviv Railways. Co-head – head of the Office of International Cooperation Iryna Podolyak. • ‘Safety and Security’ working group. Head of the group – First Deputy Mayor Oleh Synyutka. Working group members – representatives of force structures. • ‘Walking in the city’ working group. Head of the group – First Deputy Mayor Oleh Synyutka. Working group members – heads of Lviv city’s districts, representatives of the main unit of the Ukrainian Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs in Lviv region, ‘Lvivteploenergo’, ‘Lvivvodokanal’, ‘Lvivsvitlo’ Lviv Utility Companies. • ‘Transport’ working group. Head of the group – head of the Transport and Connection Office Mykola Zhuk. Co-head – a head of the Local Office of Traffic Police – Mykhailo Khariy. Working group members – to Advisor of City Mayor Oleh Lavryk, head of ‘Lvivelektrotrans’ Lviv Utility Company Orest Kozak, head of the Office of Administration, Construction and Infrastructure Development Oleh Vilyura, transport operators. • ‘Medical care’ working group. Head of the group – head of the Health Care Office Volodymyr Zub. Working group members – heads of the local hospitals. • ‘Restaurants’ working group. Head of the group – head of ‘City Mayor Administration’ Department Oleh Berezyuk. Co-heads – Lev Pidlisetskyy, Mark Zarkhin, Vardkes Arzumanyan, director of ‘EURO 2012’ Department Oleh Zasadnyy. • ‘Hotels’ working group. Head of the group – head of ‘City Mayor Administration’ Oleh Berezyuk. Co-heads – Lev Pidlisetskyy, Taras Dobryanskyy, director of ‘EURO 2012’ Department Oleh Zasadnyy, head of the Tourist Development Centre Nadiya Radionenko. • ‘Protocol’ working group. Head of the group – Deputy Mayor for Humanities Vasyl Kosiv. Working group members – head of the Office of International Cooperation Iryna Podolyak, head of Administration of Foreign Economic Affairs and Investments Serhiy Kiral. • ‘Media’ working group. Head of the group – to Advisor of City Mayor Ostap Protsyk. Working 15 16 Executive Secretary of Host City Lviv Headquarters Ihor Sirko Oleh Sunyutka – 1st Deputy Mayor, Deputy Head of Host City Lviv Headquarters Vasyl Kosiv – Deputy Mayor for Humanities Volodymyr Shevchuk – Deputy Mayor for Urban Development and Infrastructure Oleh Zasadnyy – Head of ‘EURO 2012’ Department Oleh Berezyuk - Head of ‘City Mayor Administration’ Department Voludymyr Zub – Acting Head of ‘Humanitarian Policy’ Department Iryna Kulynych – Head of ‘Economic Policy’ Department Helena Payonkevych – Head of Legal Office Legal Support Dmytro Petsiy Volunteer Service Mariya Chubata Fig. 1.3.6. Structure of Host City Lviv Headquarters Volunteer Centre Volodymyr Shnaider Stadium Oleksiy Zhukovin Oleh Zasadnyy Culture and Tourism Andriy Voronovskyy Solomiya Koronenko Halyna Hrynyk Cultural Events Markiyan Mykytka Advisory Committee Oleh Ishchuk – Head of Finance Office Head of Police Department in Lviv region Head of Fire Department in Lviv region President of Tourism Alliance Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Lviv Ostap Protsyk – City Mayor Advisor Yuriy Hladun – Safety Oleksiy Zhukovin – General Manager at ‘Arena Lviv’ stadium Roman Gontarev – General Manager at Lviv international airport Management Committee Hospitality (protocol) Vasyl Kosiv Iryna Podolyak Tourist information Nadiya Radionenko Media Centre Ostap Medical Care Transport Hotels Protsyk Volodymyr Mykola Zhuk Restaurants Andriy Zub Oleh Vilyura Victoriya Moskalenko Ihor Dovzhyk Lyudmyla Stoyanovskyy Lev Pidlisetskyy Dunets Media partners Airport Roman Gontarev Iryna Podolyak Train station Mykola Kozak Iryna Podolyak Taxi Oleh Berezyuk Public Transport Andriy Bilous ‘Lvivelektrotrans’ Lviv Utility Company, private carriers Safety Serhiy Zhurbenko ‘Walking in the city’ (City Outdoor Cleaning) AdvertiseVolodymyr ments Oliynyk Inna Svystun Iryna Khrystyna Marunyak Zoryana Izhyk Chorna ‘Lvivsvitlo’ Utility Company Maryna Stroyeva ‘Lvivvodokanal’ Utility Company Stepan Pakizh Lviv Utility Companies, service organization Call Centre Valentyna Bartoshyk Official Fan Zone Mykola Padalka Andriy Pavliv ‘Adelina’ call centre Commercial Partners MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 2012 Head of Host City Lviv Headquarters Andriy Sadovyy group members – head of the Office of Information Policy and External Affairs Andriy Moskalenko, Advisor of City Mayor Nataliya Mikhnova. of the group – head of the HR–office Halyna Bordun, director of MBA programs Oksana Kulakovska, head of ‘City Mayor Administration’ Department Oleh Berezyuk • ‘Call–centre’ working group. Heads of the group – head of the Administrative and Economic Office, head of ‘City Mayor Administration’ Department Oleh Berezyuk • ‘Volunteers’ working group. Head of the group – Host City Volunteer project coordinator Mariya Chubata. Co-heads – director of ‘EURO 2012’ department Oleh Zasadnyy, head of ‘City Mayor Administration’ Department Oleh Berezyuk, head of the Office of Internal Affairs Volodymyr Shnaider • ‘Culture and Tourism’ working group. Head of the group – head of the Culture Office Andriy Voronovskyy. Co-heads – deputy director of ‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’ Solomiya Koronenko, head of the Tourism Office Halyna Hrynyk. • ‘Fan Zone’ working group. Head of the group – director of ‘EURO 2012’ Department Oleh Zasadnyy. Co-heads – director of ‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’ Mykola Padalka, senior Fan Zone manager Andriy Pavliv. • ‘Communication’ working group. Head 17 CONCLUSIONS Due to appropriate organization of the UEFA EURO 2012™ preparation in Lviv, city obtained positive short-term results as well as long-term dividends. Short-term results are visible in: Additional workplaces City was invested 10.5 billion UAH, namely: – 77% (8.1 billion UAH) – public funds – 2,0% (0.28 billionUAH) – local budget – 21% (2.2 billion UAH) – investments 3000 workplaces have been created while constructing UEFA EURO 2012™ infrastructure More than 150 million UAH of income has been received from the tourists, who visited Lviv during the Tournament Approximately 1000 work places created in tourism during the Tournament 18 Transport Operations 19 Chapter II. TRANSPORT OPERATIONS 2.1. OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT One of the key elements of the UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv was the provision of transport services for all the Tournament fans, visitors and participants. The Host City Lviv Transport Concept or Mobility Plan was developed for the purpose of ensuring smooth operations and interaction of all means of transport to provide for the coordinated, stress–free and timely movement of supporters from and to the main UEFA EURO 2012™ sites in Lviv (airport, city center, stadium, railway station and official fan zone). 2.2. PROJECT MISSION, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The mission of the project was to provide high quality transport services for UEFA EURO 2012™ fans in Host City Lviv. Project goals: * To extend public transport offer in the city * To increase the passenger capacity of routes between the main UEFA EURO 2012™ sites * To provide fans with transport services in all means of public transport in Lviv city by applying a combi-ticket concept * To develop and implement a temporary traffic and pedestrian signposting system for the main UEFA EURO 2012™ sites * To improve public transport information and its communication channels Objectives: * To ensure 24/7 transport operations on match days * To provide for the post match transfer of spectators from the stadium * To ensure dissemination of comprehensive and clear (including in foreign languages) information about traffic and transport operations in the city Implementing bodies: * ‘EURO 2012’ Department of Lviv City Council * Transport and Communications Office * Capital Construction Office 20 2.3. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND TIMELINE FOR THE PROJECT Fig.2.3.1. illustrates the project organizational structure in Host City Lviv during the UEFA EURO 2012™. Head of ‘EURO 2012’ Department Transport coordinator Capital Construction Office Office of Transport and Connection ‘Lvivavtodor’ LME ‘Lvivelektrotrans’ LME Transport Police ‘Lvivsvitlo’ LME LATP 14630 ‘Lvivvodokanal’ LME ‘ATP #1’ LME ‘Phiakr Lviv’ LLC ‘Uspih BM’ LLC ‘Mira and K’ LLC Fig.2.3.1. Organizational structure of the project The project was implemented during 2007-2012. 21 2.4. MAIN PHASES OF THE PROJECT The project implementation encompassed two elements: road infrastructure and transport operations during the Tournament in Lviv city. Road infrastructure included repairs and reconstruction of the city’s existing roads, as well as construction of new roads and avenues in relation to the stadium and new airport terminal to ensure traffic movement between UEFA EURO 2012™ sites. Transport operations implied providing the city with sufficient public transport rolling stock and developing public transport schedules and routes between the main UEFA EURO 2012™ sites based on the forecasted number of fans and visitors. Main phases of the project: * Preparation * Development of road reconstruction, repairs and construction plans * Development of public transport capacity building plans * Execution of plans * Monitoring and annual adjustment of plans * Development of public transport routes and schedules * Project testing * Execution of transport operations during the Tournament * Completion of the project In the preparation phase the specialists of the ‘EURO 2012’ Department of Lviv City Council together with the experts of the City Planning Department, Capital Construction Office, and Transport and Communications Office: * Studied the organization of transport operations during the FIFA World Cup 2006™ in Germany and UEFA EURO 2008™ in Austria and Switzerland * Created a digital model of the street network and resident flows using VISUM software and analyzed expected UEFA EURO 2012™ flows on the existing street and road networks within the German Technical Cooperation Bureau (GTZ) project * Analyzed the existing transport system and public transport rolling stock 22 ЦЕНТРАЛЬНА ЧАСТИНА МІСТА У ДЕНЬ ПРОВЕДЕННЯ МАТЧУ ПІШОХІДНА ЗОНА У ДЕНЬ МАТЧУ Умовні позначення Вулично-дорожня мережа Рівень завантаження транспортом Загрузка ИТ(ПА) <=40% <= 60% <= 80 <= 100% - затор 0 90 180 270 360 450 m Fig. 2.4.1. Volume capacity ration in the city center on match days ПІВДЕННА ЧАСТИНА МІСТА У ДЕНЬ ПРОВЕДЕННЯ МАТЧУ ПІШОХІДНА ЗОНА У ДЕНЬ МАТЧУ Транспортний периметр Початок 14:00 Умовні позначення Транспортний периметр Початок 6:00 Вулично-дорожня мережа Рівень завантаження транспортом Загрузка ИТ(ПА) <=40% <= 60% <= 80 <= 100% - затор 0 400 800 1200 m Fig.2.4.2. Volume capacity ration in the south–western part of the city on match days 23 Road construction and reconstruction plans were developed basing on the location of UEFA EURO 2012™ sites (stadium, airport, railway station and city center), city master plan and results of possible supporter and visitor flows’ analysis. The Host City Lviv also developed funding plans including allocation of funds from the local and state budgets and attracting loan funds. All the plans were analyzed and adjusted on an annual basis. The images below show the sequence of road construction, repairs and reconstruction works year by year: Fig.2.4.3. Repaired and reconstructed roads in 2009 Fig.2.4.4. Repaired and reconstructed roads in 2010 Fig. 2.4.5. Repaired and reconstructed roads in 2011 24 The illustrated examples demonstrate that before the kick-off of the Tournament all the main city roads had been repaired and reconstructed and access roads to the stadium – Vernadskogo Street, designed road #7 and designed road #8 – had been constructed. Unfortunately, due to limited funding the Host City was not able to construct a two-level junction at the crossing of the ring road and designed road #8, which resulted in more complicated access to parking areas P6 and P7. Ryashivska Street construction project was not executed either (the street was to have become part of the city middle ring). To extend public transport offer, the Host City developed a few transport options for the Tournament that were based on the 2007-2011 public transport system – all bus routes were served by minibuses and midi buses. In order to provide for the movement of large numbers of fans from the city center to the stadium on match days, the Host City reached agreement with the Leipzig Transport Company on the lease of 100 large buses (100 passengers each). However, at the beginning of 2012 the city implemented a new route network and transport system; as a result, large buses were put in operation on radial routes. One of such routes (A3) ran from the city center to the stadium. Fig.2.4.6. The scheme of the radial routes buses Fig.2.4.7. The scheme of the chord routes buses The Host City Lviv Transport Concept was adjusted to factor in those changes. 25 In 2011 UEFA provided the Host City Lviv with their forecasts about supporter arrivals to Lviv, which generated 2 arrival scenarios – air scenario and ground scenario (presented below): Fig.2.4.8. Air scenario of spectators’ arrival (UEFA) Fig.2.4.9. Ground scenario of spectators’ arrival (UEFA) 26 The UEFA forecasts turned out to be inaccurate. In the last month before the Tournament the analysis of match ticket sales showed that the above scenarios were not in line with the real situation, which is illustrated below: Fig. 2.4.10 Guest arrivals by transport means Passenger flows at Danylo Halytskyi Lviv International Airport were below expectations. Supporter arrivals by air during the Tournament are presented in Fig. 2.4.11. Fig. 2.4.11. Passenger low at Danylo Halytskyi Lviv International Airport It is noteworthy that fans travelled (mainly) in groups of 3–5. 27 To move supporters from the airport to the city center and the stadium, the existing trolleybus and bus capacities turned out to be sufficient. It should be highlighted that numerous organized groups booked coaches for transfers within the city. To guide fans and visitors in the city, the ‘EURO 2012’ Department of Lviv City Council developed the EURO 2012 traffic and pedestrian signage plan. The signage concept and plans are described in Chapter 2.5. Basing on the transport concept, the Host City implemented traffic restrictions in the central part of Lviv and within the stadium traffic perimeter on match days: Fan -zone Fig.2.4.12. City center traic restrictions on match days Fig.2.4.13. Stadium transport perimeter on match days 28 On match days fans went to the city center and then started moving towards the stadium on the direction ‘fan – zone – stadium’ 3 hours before the match kick-off. To ensure timely transfer of fans on match days, the Host City Lviv implemented a shuttle bus connection from Petrushevycha Square to the stadium in addition to regular public transport lines. The Transport Operations Command and Control Headquarters was formed for the purpose of public transport operational management. It was based on the premises of the Transport and Communications Office of Lviv City Council and comprised the management of the Transport and Communications Office, Host City Transport Coordinator, a city traffic police representative and directors of all carrier companies in the city. On match days the members of the Command and Control Headquarters met to discuss and finalize match day public transport operations. Besides, 4 hours before the match kick-off and right after the match there were dispatchers of the carrier companies and volunteers of the Information and Welcome division of the Host City Volunteer Service at all public transport stops (Petrushevycha Square – before the match; Stryjska Street, Vernadskogo Street and Sokilnytska Street – after the match). Public transport operated as per plan below: A. Before the match kick-off – 4 hours before the match kick-off buses arrived on Shota Rustaveli Street. On the windshield and on the boarding side of each vehicle there were signs with sector colors and indication of the country whose supporters were seated in those sectors. Buses arrived at the stop and departed when full in two directions – Stryjska Street (shopping mall ‘King Cross Leopolis’) and Vernadskogo Street. In all, during the three matches 38.3 thousand supporters were delivered to Stryyska Street and 45.0 thousand to Vernadskogo Street B. After the match – before the end of the match buses arrived on Stryyska Street (31 buses), Stryyska Street – Sokilnytska Street (10 buses) and Vernadskogo Street (30 buses). Like before the match KO, buses arrived at the stop and departed when full. It should be pointed out that the passenger load of buses on the direction ‘city center – stadium’ constituted 74 passengers per vehicle, while the direction ‘stadium – city center’ enjoyed the passenger load of 122 passengers per vehicle. 4 hours before the match kick– off buses departed half empty, while closer to the match kick-off they were over packed. After the match the passenger load of buses exceeded their registered passenger capacity. The use of trolley-buses both before and after the matches was low: the average passenger load of a trolley-bus before the match was 40 passengers, while after the match trolleybuses carried about 23 passengers per vehicle. All the football supporters were transferred from the stadium within less than an hour. The transportation statistics on match days is presented below: 29 BEFORE THE MATCH KICK–OFF Number of buses 09.06.12 Petrushevycha – Vernadskogo Petrushevycha – Stryjska Airport – Stryjska Trolley–bus # 5: Petrushevycha – Bus station Trolley–bus # 5: Airport – Bus station Total 13.06.2012 Petrushevycha – Vernadskogo Petrushevycha – Stryjska Airport – Stryjska Trolley–bus # 5: Petrushevycha – Bus station Trolley–bus # 5: Airport – Bus station Total 17.06.2012 Petrushevycha – Vernadskogo Petrushevycha – Stryjska Airport – Stryjska Trolley–bus # 5: Petrushevycha – Bus station Trolley–bus # 5: Airport – Bus station Total Total (3 matches) Petrushevycha – Vernadskogo Petrushevycha – Stryjska Airport – Stryjska Trolley–bus # 5: Petrushevycha – Bus station Trolley–bus # 5: Airport – Bus station Total 30 Number of passengers Number of flights Bus passenger load (average) 30 27 4 8 13239 11693 68 1877 172 151 4 50 76,97 77,44 17 37,54 8 77 1123 28000 43 420 26,11 66,67 30 27 4 8 14132 12314 78 2111 184 166 4 50 76,80 74,18 19,50 42,22 8 77 1216 29851 42 446 30,02 66,93 33 30 2 8 17681 14319 83 2055 238 212 4 48 74,29 67,54 20,75 42,81 8 81 1210 35348 40 542 30,25 65,22 93 84 10 24 45052 38326 229 6043 594 529 12 148 75,85 72,45 19,08 40,83 24 235 3549 93199 125 1408 28,39 66,19 AFTER THE MATCH Number of buses 09.06.12 Vernadskogo – Petrushevycha Stryjska – Petrushevycha Sokilnytska – Petrushevycha Vernadskogo – Airport Stryjska – Airport Number of passengers Number of flights Bus passenger load (average) 30 27 10605 9212 80 83 132,56 110,99 Total 4 4 65 82 101 20000 4 4 171 20,50 25,25 116,96 Total 30 27 10 4 4 75 10581 8839 1816 84 105 21425 78 84 15 4 4 185 135,65 105,23 121,06 21,00 26,25 115,81 Total 33 30 13 4 4 84 8211 11307 3544 74 98 23234 69 89 30 4 4 196 119,00 127,04 118,13 18,50 24,50 118,54 93 84 23 12 12 29397 29358 5360 240 304 227 256 45 12 12 129,50 114,68 119,11 20,00 25,33 224 64659 552 117,14 13.06.2012 Vernadskogo – Petrushevycha Stryjska – Petrushevycha Sokilnytska – Petrushevycha Vernadskogo – Airport Stryjska – Airport 17.06.2012 Vernadskogo – Petrushevycha Stryjska – Petrushevycha Sokilnytska – Petrushevycha Vernadskogo – Airport Stryjska – Airport Total (3 matches) Vernadskogo – Petrushevycha Stryjska – Petrushevycha Sokilnytska – Petrushevycha Vernadskogo – Airport Stryjska – Airport Total 31 Before the match kick–off Volume of passengers carriage After the match Volume of passengers carriage Stryjska – Airport Trolley–bus # 5: Petrushevycha – Bus station Airport – Stryjska Petrushevycha – Stryjska Petrushevycha – Vernadskogo The number of transport means The number of passengers Number of trips Average transport load 32 The number of transport means The number of passengers Number of trips Average transport load 2.5. TEMPORARY EURO 2012 SIGNAGE SYSTEM IN THE LVIV HOST CITY 2.5.1. OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT The temporary EURO 2012 signage system guided Tournament fans and visitors in the transport system and street network of the Host City and helped them select the best route and means of transport to their final destination (stadium and fan zone). The EURO 2012 signage was integrated in the existing system of public orientation that includes tourist signs and technical means of traffic management (road signposts, road markings and traffic lights), but it was easily and clearly identified and did not interfere with or contradict the existing systems of public orientation. 2.5.2. PURPOSE, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT The purpose of the project was to ensure an efficient, balanced and well-functioning transport system in the city, as well as assist in providing high quality and convenient transport services for fans, visitors and tourists throughout the UEFA EURO 2012™. Goals: * To ensure efficient management of visitor flows and solve the difficulty of public orientation in the city throughout the Tournament * To guide spectators, visitors and tourists between the main UEFA EURO 2012™ sites on the most adapted routes * To ensure segregation of traffic and pedestrian flows in places of mass gathering, around major transport hubs (airport, railway station), within the stadium traffic perimeter, as well as in the city center and areas adjacent to the fan zone Objectives: * To get familiar with the signage concepts implemented at the previous tournaments and study overarching instructions for the EURO 2012 signage system proposed by UEFA * To develop a specific signage plan including location lists and look into mounting possibilities (possibility of fixing them on road facilities) * To install temporary EURO 2012 sings and dismantle them after the Tournament Implementing bodies: ‘EURO 2012’ Department of Lviv City Council, Lviv Public Utility ‘Lvivsvitlo’ 33 2.5.3. MAIN PHASES OF THE PROJECT The process of developing and implementing the EURO 2012 signage system consisted of the following phases: * Study of the EURO 2012 signpost conception rules and instructions developed by UEFA * Development of a specific signage plan including location lists and investigation of mounting possibilities (possibility of fixing them on road facilities) * Alignment and approval of the developed EURO 2012 signage plan by competent city authorities * Production of temporary EURO 2012 signs * Installation of temporary EURO 2012 signs * Monitoring and maintenance of temporary EURO 2012 signs (e.g. condition of mountings) * Dismantling of temporary EURO 2012 signs Fig. Main phases of the project Phase 1: During the first phase of the project the host city analyzed the existing experience of implementing signposting systems at previous large scale events and tournaments, studied the signage concept materials prepared by UEFA, and participated in two EURO 2012 signage workshops held by UEFA to present key signpost conception rules and implementation principles (Fig. 34 Fig. Key signage conception rules and implementation principles Phase 2: The focus of this phase was the development of the signage plan that mainly involved drawing up optimum supporter route maps for the main EURO 2012 sites during the Tournament. At the same time, the host city studied those routes to consider the possibility of fixing temporary signs on the existing road facilities. The selected locations were analyzed from a visual point of view, indicated on the maps and photographed for the record. According to the main provisions of the UEFA Signage Concept (Fig., the Host City signage plan was split into the following three levels: * Temporary road signage * Temporary pedestrian signage * Temporary public transport and parking facilities signage Fig. Levels the Host City signage plan 35 Based on the aforesaid and the Host City Lviv Mobility Plan (or Transport and Mobility Concept), the Host City developed the EURO 2012 signage plan that included EURO 2012 visitor route plans and maps (road and pedestrian signposting plans for the city and areas adjacent to the stadium and airport) and catalogues indicating the quantity and locations of temporary EURO 2012 signs along those routes (Fig., Fig., Fig. The Host City EURO 2012 signage plan also comprised the following elements: * Road signage plan and catalogue for the city * Pedestrian signage plan and catalogue for the city center * Road signage plan and catalogue for the area adjacent to the stadium * Pedestrian signage plan and catalogue for the area adjacent to the stadium * Road and pedestrian signage plan and catalogue for the area adjacent to the airport * Pedestrian signage plan and catalogue for the satellite town of Truskavets * Signage catalogue for the Tournament rolling stock Fig. EURO 2012 signage system for transport means Fig. EURO 2012 signage system for pedestrians (city center) 36 Fig. Extract from the catalogues indicating the quantity and locations of temporary EURO 2012 signage: а) for transport means; b) for pedestrians 37 public transport in Truskavets stadium adjacent territory aiport adjacent territory Fig. Number of EURO 2012 signposts by location in the city centre in the city Road signposting Pedestrian signposting Public transport and parking signposting Fig. Number of EURO 2012 signposts by target groups Fig. Number of EURO 2012 signposts by sizes 38 Phase 3: During the third phase the developed EURO 2012 signage plan (including location lists) was approved by competent city authorities (Lviv Regional State Administration, Transport and Communications Office of Lviv City Council, traffic police, airport, stadium, and railway authorities) and aligned with other UEFA EURO 2012™ projects (official fan zone operations on Svobody Avenue; event transport operations within the stadium traffic perimeter and areas adjacent to the airport; UEFA Family and VIP routes between EURO 2012 sites etc.). Then it was adjusted basing on the received feedback and recommendations. Phase 4: During this phase temporary EURO 2012 posts were produced. The production process took place in the following stages: * Development of EURO 2012 sign templates in an electronic form (done by INART Company from Kharkiv) * Template verification (done by the signage coordinator from the ‘EURO 2012’ Department of Lviv City Council) * Production of EURO 2012 signs (done by INART Company from Kharkiv) * Delivery of EURO 2012 signs to the Host City (done by INART Company from Kharkiv) The Host City and the producer also agreed on the most appropriate type of mounting for each EURO 2012 sign. Phase 5: Phase 5 of the project was about EURO 2012 signage implementation based on the developed signage plan. The installation works were carried out by the maintenance crews of Lviv Public Utility ‘Lvivsvitlo’ under the supervision of the representative of the ‘EURO 2012’ Department of Lviv City Council responsible for signage. The works took place every day during two weeks and required 2-4 maintenance crews daily (3 people per crew). Fig. Number of EURO 2012 signposts by installation types on over-road ropes on the existing road signs on the street light pillars 39 Phase 6: During the sixth phase (Tournament itself) the Host City performed visual monitoring of the signs, condition of their mountings and positions on the road facilities. The integrity of the EURO 2012 signage system was checked by the ‘EURO 2012’ Department on match days – 1 and after the matches (viz on June 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18). The identified faults were registered and then fixed by the operational crews of Lviv Public Utility ‘Lvivsvitlo’ at nighttime. Fig. EURO 2012 signage system in the city during the Tournament Phase 7: During the last phase EURO 2012 signs were dismantled by the maintenance crews of Lviv Public Utility ‘Lvivsvitlo’. The dismantling works were completed by August 1, 2012. 40 2.5.4. PROJECT OUTCOMES The project outcomes should be presented in the form of strong and weak points: Strong points: * The EURO 2012 signage plan was developed on a high level; its high quality was acknowledged at numerous working group meetings and workshops held by UEFA * The temporary EURO 2012 signposting system was well aligned with public transport and event transport operational plans for match days Weak points: * The fan-zone pictogram appeared to be unclear to most supporters (a finding of random interviews on match days) * The use of an apostrophe after a number to indicate the time necessary to walk to the final destination was also confusing (it would have been more appropriate to use the abbreviation ‘min’) (Fig. Fig. EURO 2012 signpost for a pedestrian 41 CONCLUSIONS: The temporary EURO 2012 signage system became an important element in delivering high level mobility for fans, visitors and tourists in HC Lviv throughout the UEFA EURO 2012™. It also helped create a festive atmosphere in the city and contributed significantly to the safety and overall success of the Tournament. Temporary EURO 2012 signage, its key implementation rules, relevant explanations and timelines received extensive coverage in the mass media, on the host city web–site and in other Internet resources. 42 Accommodation for Guests, Participants and Fans during UEFA EURO 2012TM in Lviv 43 Chapter III. ACCOMMODATION FOR GUESTS, PARTICIPANTS AND FANS DURING UEFA EURO 2012TM IN LVIV 3.1. AIM, GOALS AND TASKS OF THE PROJECT The aim – to create organizational, economical and legal grounds in order to provide accommodation for participants, guests and visitors of the event. Goals and tasks # To implement the guarantees the city gave to UEFA, regarding accommodation for major sporting event participants, in particular meeting the UEFA requirements for Target Groups accommodation during the Championship # To develop prestigious image of the Western Region of Ukraine in general and Lviv in particular # To promote city and regional potential in arts and culture; to develop tourist infrastructure and recreational facilities 3.2. PREPARATION OF THE LVIV HOTEL INFRASTRUCTURE Status of Lviv as one of 4 Ukrainian UEFA EURO 2012™ Host Cities led to active development of the hotel infrastructure. Lviv region was ranked the first by the number of active accommodation establishments of Ukraine. In 2010 nearly 10% of all the visitors, putting up at Ukrainian hotels, stayed in Lviv. Between 2008-2012 Lviv and the region hotel market increased by more than 1200 rooms. That means 40 new hotels, including 6 reconstructed by adding more rooms to already operating ones (Annex 1). Hostels as alternative accommodation means have gained considerable popularity during the period of preparation for the Championship. This is the best option for cheap and comfortable stay. In 2008 there were only 8 accommodation establishments, representing themselves as hostels on the territory of Lviv. In 2012 there were around 50 hostels, total capacity of which constituted 1300 places (beds). 44 Another good deal for the guests of the Tournament was apartment rent. Private apartments occupied their considerable niche in Lviv accommodation market. Due to sudden increase of the demand, their amount is constantly growing. Now there are about 800 apartments available to rent for 1 night. 40% of them have central location. Nowadays Lviv has approximately 100 accommodation establishments, not including apartments. Lviv hotel market comprises 2800 rooms, accommodating more than 6 thousand people. 3.3. ACCOMMODATION FOR THE UEFA TARGET GROUPS According to the decision of the UEFA Executive Committee, a tourist company TUI Travel Plc. (UK) was appointed to perform as official UEFA EURO 2012TM Accommodation Agency to ensure accommodation for UEFA EURO 2012TM participants in Poland and Ukraine. It was authorised jointly with Executive Committee, to organize accommodation for the UEFA Family. In March, 2009 the process of contracting between the Official UEFA EURO 2012TM Accommodation Agency Ukraine (TUI Travel Plc.) and Lviv high category hotels (5*,4*,3*) was started to meet the UEFA requirements concerning the accommodation for VIPs and official partners of the Championship. To satisfy the UEFA accommodation requirements, Lviv as the Host City was supposed to provide 2545 hotel rooms for each day of the UEFA EURO 2012™ in the following categories: № 1 2 3 Hotel category 5* 4* 3* Number of rooms according to the UEFA requirements 1020 1315 210 According to the accommodation requirements, it was necessary to ensure accommodation for the following UEFA Target Groups: # UEFA Family # Referees # Doping Control Officers # Host Broadcasters # Unilateral Broadcasters 45 # # # # # Sponsors Corporate VIP-clients Media Suppliers Security The following principles had been taken into account when analysing the existing accommodation capacity to locate the UEFA Family: # Accommodation establishments located within 2 hours drive by car # Possibility to use considerable accommodation infrastructure of Truskavets resort (Lviv region) # Possibility to use existing hotel infrastructure of the satellite cities such as Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, Uzhhorod, Ternopil. In January, 2012 TUI Travel Plc. signed agreements with 46 existing hotels located in Lviv, Lviv region and in the satellite cities for the total amount of 2712 rooms: Hotel Location Number of rooms booked by TUI Travel Plc. 5 stars* Lviv and suburbs Truskavets Satellite cities 4 stars* 141 537 23 3 stars* 508 82 199 741 29 452 *category according to TUI Travel Plc assessment The given table includes data concerning rooms of operating hotels and those under reconstruction. Yet it does not include: # Hotels, construction of which was not finished till 01.05.2012 # Accommodation for fans Thus, taking into account existing infrastructure, Lviv as the Host City satisfied around 106% of required accommodation infrastructure for the UEFA Target Groups during group matches, showing certain deficit in 4-5* category hotel rooms. According to the Accommodation Agency’s release concerning the amount of rooms sold to the UEFA Family during the conduct of the Championship matches in Lviv, issued at the beginning of March 2012, the UEFA Target Groups booked 1481 rooms – 6536 room/nights. 99% of the rooms sold were located in Lviv hotels or in the suburbs. 4-3 star hotels proved to be the ones in the greatest demand: 46 above 100 km Fig.3.3.1. UEFA EURO 2012™ Accommodation Agency’s release on rooms sold to the UEFA Target Groups in Lviv 50 - 100 km on the outskirts of Lviv in Lviv above 100 km 50 - 100 km on the outskirts of Lviv in Lviv above 100 km in Lviv According to the results of the Final Draw, held on December 2, 2012 in Kyiv, Lviv hosted three matches in the Group B. Thus, national football teams of Germany, Portugal and Denmark played in Lviv. Hotels ‘Dnister’ and ‘Nobilis’ were chosen as transfer ones to accommodate above mentioned teams before and after the matches: Lviv game days 09.06.2012 13.06.2012 17.06.2012 ‘Dnister‘ hotel 6 Mateika str., Lviv Germany Denmark Denmark ‘Nobilis’ hotel 5 Fredra str., Lviv Portugal Portugal Germany ‘Leopolis’ Hotel was chosen to be the UEFA’s Official Headquarters. Fig.3.3.2. ‘Leopolis’ Hotel 47 3.4. ACCOMMODATION FOR FANS 3.4.1. GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE According to ‘Y’ scenario, suggested by the UEFA, 50% of UEFA EURO 2012™ participants (stadium capacity) could be accommodated in the city and within the region: 30 000 * 50% = 15 000 pers. It was necessary to accommodate 12 455 ticketed fans arriving to Lviv both by air (6005 pers.), and by ground transport (6450 pers.): 15 000 – 2 545 = 12 455 pers. Accommodation establishments of all categories excluding 5* in Lviv (the 10-15 km area around the city was considered as well) and in Truskavets resort were taken into account to provide enough places for fans and visitors of the Tournament. For example, 1-2-star hotels, private hostels, student dormitories, fan camps, green tourism lodging, apartments, rest rooms etc. Surplus of the UEFA Target Groups accommodation offer (3*, 4*, 5*) was eventually used for fans. Existing accommodation infrastructure in Lviv and suburbs in 2012 Lviv Number of places (beds) 4426 800 1300 199 41 3002 Hotels, motels Apartments Hostels Rest rooms Green tourism lodgings Student dormitories (The Target State Program) Total 9768 Existing accommodation infrastructure in Truskavets in 2012 Truskavets Hotels Villas, apartments, green tourism lodgings Guests houses, sanatoria Total Number of places (beds) 2835 1200 8676 12711 Thus, Lviv offer constituted 22479 places (beds) in terms of accommodation for fans. Fan Accommodation Agency, TUI Travel’s subsection, became Lviv official partner in fan 48 accommodation provision according to the Memorandum between Lviv City Council and TUI Ukraine on the organization of accommodation for fans during the conduct of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012™ in Lviv, signed on the 2nd of November, 2011. As of January, 2012, Lviv Official Fan Accommodation Agency contracted 7700 places (beds) in hotels and alternative accommodation means of Lviv and Lviv region, namely: Type of accommodation Hotels Motels Sanatoria Hostels Dormitories Total Number of places (beds) contracted by Fan Accommodation Agency 2110 179 519 81 4811 7700 On December 2, 2011 official multilingual web-site of Fan Accommodation Agency, offering the wide choice of accommodation means for booking was launched. Fig. Web-site of Fan Accommodation Agency According to Fan Accommodation Agency’s release made at the beginning of March, 2012 concerning the number of rooms sold for fans during the conduct of the Championship matches in Lviv, hotels of famous Lviv region resorts Morshyn and Truskavets were not put on sale because of bad conditions of the roads connecting Lviv with abovementioned towns. Fan Accommodation Agency also excluded several dormitories from its booking list due to their unsatisfactory living conditions. In fact only 1934 rooms were put on sale. As of May, 2012 3030 roomnights in the hotels located in Lviv and in the suburbs were booked. Generally 80% of rooms out of contracted in hotels and 5% out of contracted in dormitories were sold. 70% of rooms sold were located in the hotels, meeting requirements of 2- or 49 3-star accommodation establishments. Essential part of the hotels booked was situated in Lviv or in the suburbs. in Lviv 50 - 100 km on the outskirts of Lviv in Lviv above 100 km 50 - 100 km on the outskirts of Lviv in Lviv Fig. UEFA EURO 2012™ Accommodation Agency’s release on rooms sold to the UEFA Target Groups in Lviv 50 - 100 km on the outskirts of Lviv in Lviv 3.4.2. STUDENT DORMITORIES Beds in dormitories were available to book not only through TUI Travel Plc. Several educational establishments were ready to provide cheap accommodation for fans of the UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv. They were: Educational establishment Lviv Professional Polytechnic Lyceum Lviv College of Tourism and Restaurant Services Lviv Polytechnic University Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism Total Accommodation facility Dormitory(corridor system), rest rooms Hotel ‘Perlyna’ (block system), rest rooms Address of Number Number accommodation facility of rooms of places Lviv, 3b O. Basarab str. 50 173 Lviv, 34a Puliuia str. 32 80 Dormitory №11 (block system) Dormitory (corridor system) Lviv, 5 Lukasha str. 100 250 11 45 Hostel Lviv, 2 Arkhypenka str. 9 30 Lviv, 4 Zolota str. 578 All the information concerning the above mentioned accommodation establishments such as address, description of services and booking data was displayed on the official web-site of the Host City Lviv uefaeuro2012.lviv.ua in the Accommodation section. A web-site link was located on the official UEFA’s web-resource uefa.com. Information on free rooms in certain dormitory for each day of the Tournament was provided by the Lviv Information Centre +38 032 297 5555 created to operate during the games of the UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv. During the Tournament, mentioned accommodation establishments were booked approximately for 7%. 50 3.4.3. FAN CAMPS Several fan camps were organized on the territory of Lviv region to accommodate UEFA EURO 2012™ fans. One of the largest fan camps was located on the territory of Lviv recreation complex ‘Buhta Vikinhiv’, which is situated in Stare Selo village 20 km off Lviv city centre. In addition to the camp, where everybody could book a tent or a place, Danish fans organized their own camp, capacity of which constituted 3 thousand people. Fig. Fan camp Denmark 3 ha of territory were allocated to the fan camp in Soposhyn village, Sokilnyky, Pustomyty district. Capacity of Horodok fan camp constituted 600 people in tents. Specially for the guests of the Tournament, city authorities in cooperation with local entrepreneurs organized parking lots in the following areas: Solonka village, Pustomyty district. Total area – 1 ha. Riasne-Ruska village, Yavoriv district (‘Skania Lviv’). Total area – 8 ha. Riasne-Ruska village, Yavoriv district (‘Tymon’). Total area– 1ha. 659а Lvivska str., Horodok, Lviv region. Total area – 3,5 ha. Soposhyn village, Zhovkva district. Total area – 3 ha. Parking lots for trailers were located in the following areas: Riasne-Ruska village, Yavoriv district (‘Skania Lviv’). Total area – 8 ha. 133, Stryiska Str., Lviv, ‘Jokey’ hotel territory. Basivka village, Pustomyty district, ‘Grand Resort’ hotel territory. 659а, Lvivska Str., Horodok. Total area – 3,5 ha During the conduct of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012TM in the Host City Lviv fans were provided with around 4000 places in fan camps, 110 parking places for busses, 330 parking places for cars, 55 parking places for minibuses and 60 places for trailers. 51 More than 145 thousand fans visited three matches held in Lviv. Mainly they were tourists from Germany, Denmark, Portugal, Poland, Vietnam, Indonesia, South Korea, China, Finland, Netherlands, Austria, Malaysia, the USA, Sweden, France and Spain. More than a half of those tourists, who put up at Lviv hotels for 10 days of the Championship were German fans – 74% as of the 9th of June and 44 % as of the 17th of June respectively. More than 30% out of all hotel visitors during June 09-13 were Portuguese fans. On the days between the matches during June, 13-17 Danish fans constituted a major part of UEFA EURO 2012™ fans staying in Lviv. Among the tourists who accommodated at Lviv hotels during three matches of the Championship there were representatives from France, Poland, Russia, Great Britain, the USA, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Korea, Japan, Panama, Philippines, and Norway – 32 countries in total. Hostels and dormitories had the same accommodation structure. Majority of guests who put up at alternative accommodation means were from Germany, Portugal, Denmark as well as from Ukrainian cities. Lviv cheap accommodation attracted tourists from England, Japan, Australia, the USA, Russia, Hungary, Poland, Israel and Canada. According to ‘EURO 2012’ Department research, conducted during UEFA EURO 2012™ period in Lviv, Host City accommodation establishments were characterized by the following occupancy rate: Type of accommodation Hotels (%) Hostels (%) Dormitories (%) Fan camps (%) Parking lots (%) Trailer parking lots (%) June 9, 2012 June 13, 2012 88 83 37 10 6 56 June 17, 2012 77 55 13 10 0 55 81 65 25 10 2 55 Thus, Lviv accommodation establishments were occupied for approximately 60% during the conduct of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012TM in Lviv. 52 3.5. SYSTEM OF ACCOMMODATION BOOKING DURING UEFA EURO 2012™ IN LVIV Representatives of the UEFA Target Groups were suggested to book the accommodation for UEFA EURO 2012™ period online on the UEFA EURO 2012TM Official Accommodation Agency’s web-site aa-euro2012.com. Fans who were going to visit Lviv, were recommended to use a web-site of the Official Fan Accommodation Agency (accom2012.com) as well as of the main Host City partner in provision of accommodation at Truskavets resort, Hamaliia tourist agency (hotelsukraine. com.ua), while booking the accommodation for Tournament matches. Current information concerning Lviv existing accommodation infrastructure was represented on the official web site of Host City Lviv uefaeuro2012.lviv.ua in the Accommodation section. In terms of cooperation between Host City Lviv and one of the most popular Ukrainian operators for online accommodation booking Hotelsbooking.com.ua, one could book the accommodation directly at uefaeuro2012.lviv.ua. During the UEFA EURO 2012™ period, the information concerning free rooms was accumulated and submitted to Lviv Information Centre +38 032 297 5555 to provide those who wanted to book the place at some accommodation establishment already after arriving in Lviv with the actual data. 11% of all the applications during the match period were connected with accommodation. CONCLUSIONS Lviv status as one of 4 Ukrainian UEFA European Football Championship 2012™ Host Cities led to the considerable development of its accommodation infrastructure. Since 2008 Lviv hotel market enriched by more than 1000 rooms as well as the offer of cheap accommodation (hostels, dormitories and apartments) increased. Developed hotel infrastructure of Lviv attracted international tourist operators. Official UEFA partner in terms of accommodation, TUI Travel Plc, was among them. Lviv offered a wide range of accommodation establishments not only for the UEFA Family and the national teams, but also for guests of the Event. ‘Leopolis’ Hotel was chosen as the UEFA Headquarters. Hotels ‘Dnister’ and ‘Nobilis’ were suggested as team transfer hotels. According to the Accommodation Agency’s release, the UEFA Target Groups booked 6536 roomnights during the matches of the Championship held in Lviv. 53 In addition to 4-, 3-, 2-, 1- star hotels located in Lviv and in the suburbs, EURO 2012 fans could book the place at alternative accommodation establishments of the city such as boarding houses, sanatoria, hostels, student dormitories, private apartments, fan camps etc. As of January 2012 Fan Accommodation Agency contracted 7700 places (beds) at the hotels and alternative accommodation means of Lviv and region, which could be booked online through official multilingual web-site of the Agency, launched on December 2, 2012. In generall, fans booked 80% of the contracted rooms located at the hotels and motels of Lviv and region. Several educational establishments offered accommodation at student dormitories during the UEFA EURO 2012™ matches in Lviv. Cheap accommodation was provided at fan camps, organized on the territory of Lviv region, namely in Horodok town, Soposhyn village and at ‘Buhta Vikinhiv’ recreation complex. The latter also hosted Danish fans, who organized their own fan camp on its territory. Parking lots as well as trailer parkings were organized in the suburbs specially for the guests of the UEFA EURO 2012TM Football Championship. During the conduct of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012TM on the territory of the Host City Lviv fans were provided with around 4000 places in fan camps, 110 parking places for busses, 330 parking places for cars, 55 parking places for minibuses and 60 places with all the necessary infrastructure for trailers. To book a room in Lviv for the UEFA EURO 2012™ period, one had to visit the official Fan Accommodation Agency’s web-site accom2012.com or the web page of Ukrainian travel agency ‘Hamaliia’ hotelsukraine.com.ua, which cooperated with Truskavets resort, famous for its numerous hotels. Information on the accommodation establishments, parking lots, fan camps was represented on Host City Lviv official web-site uefaeuro2012.lviv.ua. Lviv Information Centre +38 032 297 5555, launched at the beginning of June, 2012 provided the fans with information concerning free rooms available to book for a certain day of the Event. After the final match of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012TM, Lviv continues developing its hotel infrastructure. Such masters of world hospitality business as ‘Hyatt’, ‘Sheraton’ and ‘Marriott’ are planning to open their accommodation establishments here. Two more 4-star hotels, ‘Astoria’ and ‘Eurosport’ will open their doors in the spring, 2013. That will bring 80 additional high-class rooms to existing room reserve of Lviv. The experience gained while preparing and conducting the matches of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012TM will promote further development of Lviv hotel infrastructure in accordance with international standards, increase Lviv budget revenues and create positive image of the city as a tourist centre of Ukraine. 54 Lviv Information Service + 38 032 297 5555 55 Chapter IV. LVIV INFORMATION SERVICE + 38 032 297 5555 4.1. ABOUT THE PROJECT In order to provide information support to guests and citizens during the UEFA European Football Championship 2012™in Lviv, a decision on creating an informational hotline was made in March, 2012. The Project was called ‘Lviv Information Service +38 032 297 5555’ An outsourcing call center and the City Hotline were involved in order to provide information support to guests and citizens. ‘Adelina’ call center in Lviv became the official partner in organization of Lviv information support service during the UEFA EURO 2012™. ’Adelina’ Call Center is the largest outsourcing contact center in Ukraine with representative offices in Russia, Belarus and Turkey. During 8 years of operation, ‘Adelina’ call center created over 1000 work places, the most of them being in Lviv. 4.2. MISSION, GOALS AND TASKS OF THE PROJECT Mission of the Project – to create a positive image of Lviv as a friendly city. Goals: Δ Provision of information support to guests and citizens during the UEFA EURO 2012™ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in all languages of the Tournament Δ Equipment modernization and enhancement of communication channels of the City Hotline +38 0322 1580 Tasks: Δ A hotline available around-the-clock during the Championship Δ Provision of information and advisory services, receiving and reviewing complaints and propositions concerning the organization of events in Lviv city in June Δ Coordination between the municipal utility services and the city enterprises in case of emergency or contingency to provide normal city life conditions 56 Δ Providing operational reports to inform the city administration Executives: ‘EURO 2012’ Department of Lviv City Council, Administrative and Economy Department of Lviv City Council, ‘Adelina’ Call Center. 4.3. STRUCTURE AND TERMS OF THE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION Term of the Project implementation: April – June 2012 Budget of the Project: UAH 99, 000. Project Coordinator of ‘Lviv Information Service +38 032 297 5555’ Project Manager Fig.4.3.1. The Project organizational structure 24/7 Technical Manager Head of city ‘hot line’ Operator 6 Shift Leader Operator 1 Operator 7 Operator 2 Operator 8 Operator 3 Operator 9 Operator 4 Operator 10 Operator 5 Heads of divisions Tourism Transport Medicine Matches/Tickets Emergencies/Others General Group 5/10 operators Outsourcing 4.4. STAGES OF THE PROJECT In order to provide successful Project implementation, a detailed plan of the Project implementation was developed, specifying terms, responsible persons, conditions and reporting order. 57 MAIN STAGES OF THE PROJECT: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7.1. 8. 9. A stage name Preparation Defining legal relations of the Project Organization of the Outsourcing Call Center (OCC) Organization of the call center on the basis of Lviv City Council hotline Organization of training for OCC and Lviv City Council Call Center operators Project testing and launching Promotional campaign of the Information Service (+38) 032 297 5555 Advertisement campaign monitoring Implementation of the Project End of the Project Within the first three stages, the existing experience of similar projects implementation has been studied as well as possibilities of well-known companies working in Lviv and providing hotline services have been analyzed. An agreement with ‘Adelina’ call center was made after winning in a competitive bidding. Lviv call center of the company has powerful software and technical base, works with leading telecom and insurance companies, embassies, government agencies, manufacturers of goods and services, processing calls from Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries, Europe and North America. Experienced operators of ‘Adelina’ Call Center speak Ukrainian, Russian, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Polish, so fans from across Europe had a possibility to receive fast and precise information in their native language while staying in Lviv city. 60 additional communication channels were provided for servicing the Project. Responsibility areas were established for members of the Project. ‘EURO 2012’ Department Concept development Algorithms development Structuring Volunteers Involvement ‘Adelina’ call center Building Equipment Lines of Communication Service ‘Hot line 1580’ of city council Manager Shift leader Heads of divisions Operators, Staff 58 Software Organization of internal processes Fig.4.4.1. Cooperation of responsible parties Important part of the Project was to upgrade the existing Lviv City Council call center where the city hotline operates. In order to establish operational interaction between 101, 102, 103, and 104 city services, the meetings were held to exchange experience. Heads of the emergency dispatcher services carried out a training for the Information Support Line employees. Qualitative and quantitative indices: Δ A number easy to remember (+38 032) 297 5555 Δ 60 communication lines Δ From 5 to 30 high quality multilanguage operators Δ 24/7 working schedule Δ Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English, German, Portuguese, French, Italian, Spanish and Polish Δ Database containing a hundred of information materials Δ Modern professional equipment Δ Experience of servicing similar projects both in Ukraine and abroad Δ High working standards Thus, the Information Support Line became a powerful communication channel for all guests and citizens of Lviv, including city services. The Information Support Line services have been provided in two directions: 1. Information support concerning the UEFA EURO 2012™ organization in Lviv. 2. Information support of the city life. THE STRUCTURE OF SERVICES INTERACTION: +38 032 297 5555 +38 032 297 5555 Outsourcing of Call Center Fig.4.4.2. Cooperation of municipal services Hot line 5/8 Operator Medical care Transport Leisure Definition of a situation Emergency services Lviv Utility Companies Host city Lviv Headquarters 59 In order to provide Information Support Line servicing, a specially developed software was filled with various information on 20 most important topics, containing a hundred of information materials. Services of the Information Support Line have been provided in the following directions: 1. Information about Lviv 2. Transport 3. Infrastructure 4. Hotels and hostels 5. Services 6. Car services 7. Active rest 8. Cultural institutions 9. For fans 10. Travel agencies and tours 11. Cultural institutions operating schedule 12. Information on teams 13. Media Center 14. Route search 15. Free rooms in hotels 16. Restaurants 17. ATMs 18. Location of gas stations 19. Hospitals 20. Dental clinics 21. Additional Websites 22. Cooperation with city services 23. City life In order to ensure the Information Support Line operating, 10 volunteer operators were trained, as well as Portugal and English speaking volunteers were involved into the work for the period of games. In general, almost 10 operators were servicing the Information Support Line daily. 4.5. THE PROJECT ACHIEVEMENTS During the period of the Tournament held in Lviv, the city information services processed more than 11,524 phone calls concerning the following: Δ Information support of the UEFA EURO 2012™ organization in Lviv – 1838 phone calls Δ Information support of the city life – 9686 phone calls 60 Information support of the UEFA EURO 2012™ organization in Lviv Information support of the city life Fig.4.5.1. Number of processed phone calls SUBJECT AREA OF INQUIRIES MADE BY GUESTS OF LVIV: Additional Websites Dental clinics Cultural institutions operating schedule Active rest Hospitals Fig. 4.5.2. Subject area of inquires ATMs Car services .Location of gas stations Food and Beverages Services Media Center Information on teams Hotels and hostels Infrastructure Transport. Route search Cultural program Information about Lviv Travel agencies and tours For fans 61 Thus, the most important problems for our city guests were the following: Δ Transport issues (route search, how to get to the main sites of the city: airport, railway station, stadium, fan zone) – 45% Δ Information for fans (fan zone, fan embassies, games, tickets, loss of documents, fan camping, etc.) – 13% Δ Accommodation in hotels and hostels (search for free rooms) – 11% Δ Activities (culture, coffee houses) – 10% Δ Information about Lviv – 6% Δ Car services, gas stations, everyday life – 6% There were also problems concerning loss of belongings, overnight parking and orientation in the city. There were more than 120 contacts with city services, including 101, 102, 103, 104, etc. The citizens of the following countries made the majority of phone calls: Germany, Portugal, Russia, Poland, England, Denmark, Belarus, Italy, Czech Republic, France, USA, Russia, Canada, Belgium, Spain, Indonesia, Greece and Japan. DAILY SITUATION MONITORING Operational reports were made twice a day to inform the city authorities, showing the number of calls, conversation time, average conversation duration, lines occupancy, information about users, subject matters, general statistics and more. The Project supervision, analysis of conversations, data bases updating, operators’ training, contact with all agencies involved in the Championship preparation and providing the quality city functioning were also carried out on daily basis. According to the monitoring results, the information was forwarded to relevant inquiry and compliance response services and published in the media as well, helping to understand the level of guests’ awareness, their needs and the most frequently asked questions during the UEFA EURO 2012™ held in Lviv. 62 CONCLUSIONS During the period of its work, the city Information Service became well known both among the guests and Lviv citizens. The Information Service phone number was widely popularized by all city websites, fan guidebooks and city maps, billboards and transport. In total, thousands of the Information Service visit cards and advertisement fliers were distributed among city institutions. One of Portuguese tourists continued addressing the city Information Service with questions while staying in Kharkiv after visiting Lviv. Besides, taxi drivers, State Traffic Patrol Department, volunteers, coffee house workers and other people also called the Information Service in order to get professional support in communication with foreign tourists. Summing up the results of work, it should be mentioned that due to the work of the Information Service +380322975555, Lviv city obtained its first experience of providing information support during the conduct of a large–scale event such as the European Football Championship. Basing on the experience of the Information Service, Lviv will organize other major projects, attracting guests and tourists. Further operation of the Information Service line for tourist purposes after the UEFA EURO 2012™ is being considered now. 63 64 65 66 Official Lviv Fan Zone for UEFA EURO 2012™ 67 Chapter V. OFFICIAL LVIV FAN ZONE FOR UEFA EURO 2012™ 5.1. ABOUT THE PROJECT: According to the UEFA EURO 2012™ Marketing Guidelines Lviv city responsibilities included organization of a fan zone for football matches viewing. As a result of the work performed, Svobody Avenue as a main city street with rich historical and cultural heritage was chosen a place of the official fan zone organization, where fans could not only enjoy a football festival but also receive unforgettable impressions of the city architecture. The official fan zone Project has been prepared for over two years. In particular, electrical network was built specifically for functioning of the internal official fan zone infrastructure. In addition, great efforts were made to provide maximum convenience and security for fans and city guests. 5.2. MISSION, GOAL AND TASKS OF THE PROJECT: Mission of the Project – creation of a positive image of Lviv as a friendly city. Goal – to provide guests and citizens who did not manage to purchase tickets to the stadium with a possibility to watch all Tournament matches on large screens in unforgettable atmosphere of the football festival in perfectly operating fan zone systems. Tasks: › To provide an alternative way of watching the UEFA EURO 2012™ football matches › To create a safe and convenient infrastructure for fans › To establish cooperation with sponsors and partners › To ensure proper infrastructure operation Executives: ‘EURO 2012’ Department of the Lviv City Council, Lviv Municipal Enterprise ‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’, technical partners: ‘ArtMaks’ and ‘AVE Lviv’ companies 68 5.3. TERMS OF THE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION Term of the Project implementation: June 2010 – July 2012 5.4. DISTRIBUTION OF RESPOSIBILITIES BETWEEN UEFA AND HOST CITY LVIV As the official fan zone of the UEFA EURO 2012™ was a joint project of UEFA and the Host City Lviv, responsibility distribution was the following: UEFA’S SUPPORT AND CONTRIBUTION TO THE OFFICIAL FAN ZONE INCLUDED: › Provision of basic infrastructure package: (a) One giant screen (b) Main stage for entertainment program (c) Sound and light equipment (d) Technical support (equipment and technicians) (e) Satellite receiver and decoder ¸ › Branding concept and production/delivery of key materials (a) Creation of overall ‘look and feel’ for the official fan zone on the brand identity of UEFA EURO 2012™ (b) Provision of design templates for all applications (c) Production, delivery and installation of all branding materials for screens, stage, fences and entrance gate ¸ › Official UEFA content (e.g., archive clips and other UEFA programs) › Central and global promotional support and activities › UEFA personnel to support the overall fan zone Project, including support of on–site event management and operations › Provision of public viewing license and TV-signal HOST CITY LVIV COMMITMENT/OPERATIONS: ¸ › The local event management and on-site operation of the official fan zone › Provision, preparation and operation of venue › Safety and security in relation to the official fan zone › Entertainment programme/stage and screen operations › Source and operate additional infrastructure required › Produce, deliver and install additional branding required in accordance with UEFA’s applicable look & feel and design templates 69 5.5. THE PROJECT STRUCTURE 5.5.1. ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION In order to satisfy fan zone needs in electric power, in accordance with a preliminary load plan, a scheme of a fan zone power supply with total capacity of 950 kW was designed and implemented. The scheme of the fan zone power supply included 4 wiring closets (400 kW, 250 kW, 150 kW, 150 kW) and two diesel generators with total capacity of 500 kW performing the function of emergency supply for main infrastructure elements such as the stage, screens, director’s deck cabin, entrances and exits lighting, sanitary zone, medical center and a VIP zone. Electric power distribution throughout the fan zone territory was performed by means of electric cables installed in the air, electric towers and under the ground. Fig. Scheme of wiring closets location 70 THE FOLLOWING CHART BELOW SHOWS THE FAN ZONE ELECTRIC LOAD Sector А Number of units Media center Screen Lighting equipment Sound equipment Deck cabin Technical containers 1 110 200 60 3 4 378 0,5 55 100 30 3 2 190,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 1 0,5 11 110 55 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,25 0,5 0,5 1 0,5 0,5 2 2 1,6 0,8 Sport goods shop 10 1 2 1 1 10 10 8 0,8 VIP sector WCs (containers) Cloakroom Additional lighting Medical container Warehouse Carlsberg Iconic bar 1 14 0,5 3 1 1 1 90 0,8 1 1 2 0,2 30 90 11,2 0,5 3 2 0,2 30 260,4 1 0,8 1 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Public catering 14 11 154 90 8,96 0,5 1,5 1 0,1 15 182,41 77 Information center Sponsor activities Warehouse Additional lighting 1 5 1 3 0,5 8,5 0,2 1 Public catering Screen Sound equipment Sponsor activities Cloakroom WCs (containers) Additional lighting 6 1 1 1 2 2 2 11 25 20 10 0,5 0,8 1 0,5 42,5 0,2 3 200,2 66 25 20 10 1 1,6 2 125,6 0,25 34 0,1 1,5 112,85 33 12,5 10 8 1 1,6 1 67,1 964,2 552,86 Souvenirs Sponsor activities D Connection coefficient 1 60 1 3 2 2 Information center C kW/ unit 1 1 1 110 1 200 Public catering B Capacity Maximal connected Estabsimultanelished ously Total capacity 0,5 0,5 0,8 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,8 1 1 0,5 71 Fig. Electric power distribution scheme 5.5.2. INTERNET Wire and wireless (Wi-Fi) access to the Internet was provided on the fan zone territory for fans, partners and sponsors. Wire access to the Internet was provided for needs of sponsors and technical services of the fan zone. In order to provide wire access on the fan zone territory, over 1000 m of fiberoptic cable was installed. Wireless (Wi-Fi) access was provided for fans. In order to provide wireless access covering the whole fan zone territory, 6 access pints (antennas) were installed.They continue functioning for citizens and guests after the Championship as well. 72 5.5.3. CONCERT INFRASTRUCTURE: STAGE, LIGHT, SOUND The size of the stage is given below: Fig. Technical characteristics of the stage and the giant screen (front view) Fig. Technical characteristics of the stage and the giant screen (back view) Fig. Lviv fan zone stage and the giant screen Schedule of construction of the official fan zone infrastructure (Annex 2) 73 5.5.4. INFRASTRUCTURE FOR DISABLED PEOPLE In order to get into the official fan zone territory, fans could use one of three entrances, each of them having a separate entrance and exit for people with disabilities. Comfortable stay on the fan zone territory during the football matches view for people with disabilities was provided by a specially equipped sector near the additional screen, on the square in front of the Taras Shevchenko monument. Fig. A sector for disabled people WC for people with disabilities was installed near this sector. Signs and maps with infrastructure symbols for disabled people were installed throughout the fan zone territory for better orientation. For maximal convenience and comfort throughout the fan zone territory, where it was not provided by the existing infrastructure, wheel chair ramps were equipped. Fig. Infrastructure for people with disabilities 74 Fig. Infrastructure for people with disabilities 5.5.5. FENCE. ENTRANCES AND EXITS. CLOAKROOMS The fan zone territory was fenced around with mobile fence sections with total length of 875 m. The section size: 1.9 m high and 3.5 m wide. In order to fix these sections, ‘concealed’ screw nut fastener was used. The key was kept by security and organizers, providing additional safety in fence and perimeter integrity guarding. Also in order to provide additional fence stability, antilifting fastening was used, making it impossible to take out a section from heel notches as well as additional supports against wind influence on advertising structures together with heavy vinyl banners. Support frames were installed at the internal fence side of the fan zone with intervals – one support for two fence sections. In the places of increased wind blow support frames were installed for each section. Additional external supports were also installed where it was possible. From left to right: Fig. Branded fence Fig. Sections The fan zone had three entrances with channels. The entrances themselves were organized with help of entrance arches. Information stands providing information on rules of conduct in the fan zone and a list of forbidden items were installed near each entrance. Exits functioning as entrances for persons with disabilities were installed near each entrance with help of movable fence sections. On the whole, 11 exits, 3 of them for evacuation (emergency) needs, were installed on the fan zone territory. 75 From left to right: Fig. One of fan zone exits Fig. One of fan zone entrances A cloakroom was located near the main entrance (from Gnatyuka Street) Fig. Cloakroom Two drives, on each side of Opera Theater, were arranged for maintenance staff, food and drinks suppliers, cleaning and other equipment. Fig. Map of entrances for staf Emergency services Evacuation 76 Fig. The fan zone infrastructure 77 5.5.6. ECOLOGY According to the UEFA EURO 2012™ Marketing Guidelines the Host City Lviv was entitled to appoint two technical suppliers to the official fan zones as Host City Supporters. ‘AVE Lviv’ company became the technical supporter of collection and removal of solid waste in the official fan zone. According to the final report of ‘AVE Lviv’ company the following numbers of the different types of the waste containters were installed on the fan zone territory: › Containers for solid waste (SW) collection (the volume was 1100 l)¸ – 70 pcs. › Hot-dip galvanized mesh containers for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) collection (the volume was 1100 l )¸ – 30 pcs. › Hot-dip galvanized containers for paper collection (the volume was 1100 l.) – 4 pcs. › Press container for waste collection – 1 pcs. General cleaning of the fan zone was held after the end of work from 00.00 AM to 01.00 AM, waste disposal was held once a day from 05.00 AM to 08.00 AM by a single car. Ten technical units were cleaning the territory. Two shifts of workers (consisted of 25 persons each) were working every day. 16 WCs of container type (7 for men, 7 for women, 2 mixed) and one dry closet for people with disabilities were installed for the comfort of guests and citizens. Total number of devices in these containers is 69 pcs, urinals – 42 pcs, and washbasins – 45 pcs. Calculations of WCs number were conducted in accordance with the standard: 1 device for 500 persons. Dispensers with liquid soap and paper towels were installed in WCs. WCs connection to centralized water supply and drainage system providing additional comfort and convenience was unique for the Host City. Maintenance of WCs was held after the closing of the fan zone from 00.00 AM to 01.00 AM. Fig. Waste containers 78 Fig. Cleaning equipment Fig. WCs outside Fig. Water supply of WCs Fig. WCs inside 79 5.5.7. SCREENS AND STAGE Two screens and one stage with in-built main screen were installed on the fan zone territory in front of Solomiya Krushelnytska Lviv National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet. The main screen size was 79.02 sq.m providing visibility for a distance of 140 meters and viewing angle of 60 degrees. It ensured high–quality image for the maximum number of fans at the square. The second screen (the size of 23.04 sq. m) was installed at the square in front of the Taras Shevchenko monument. Additional visibility was provided by screen installed on Carlsberg Iconic bar. Fig. Main screen of the fan zone Fig. Additional screen at the square in front of the Taras Shevchenko monument Fig. Screen on Carlsberg Iconic bar 80 5.5.8. CONCESSION STANDS Thirty concession stands sized 5m x 5m with food and beverages were installed on the fan zone territory for servicing of fans. The process of sale: › Quick sale with a possibility of ‘food to go’ › Soft drinks and beer, as well as light snacks and food that can be eaten with hands were priorities in selling › High quality standards and compliance with sanitary requirements › Single price structure Working schedule of catering establishments: daily from 02.00 PM to 00.00 AM. Food and drinks delivery: 07.00 AM – 12.00 PM. The range of drinks and dishes approved for quick visitor service: › Fried sausages with buns, French fries, pizza etc. › Cola, Fanta, Sprite, water, beer Waste bins were installed near each concession stands. Concession stands structure: › Metal frame › Wooden flooring Carlsberg Iconic bar and VIP zone were installed on the fan zone territory as well. 5.5.9. MEDIA CENTER The Media Center was organized in the premises of Lviv City Council situated at1, Rynok Square (for more details see VIII Chapter). A media platform for photography and video filming was equipped on the fan zone territory. Fig. Media platform at fan zone 81 5.5.10. ORGANIZATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Organizational headquarters was working in the premises of the secondary comprehensive school No.65 located at 15, Teatralna Str. Fan zone video surveillance control panel was installed in Organizational headquarters. The following representatives were members of the Organization headquarters: › Organizer’s representative (Lviv Municipal Enterprise ‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’) › A customer’s representative from Lviv City Council › UEFA fan zone manager › A representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Chief Administration in Lviv Region (Lviv Regional Administration of Ministry of Internal Affairs in Lviv Region) › A representative of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine Chief Administration in Lviv Region › A representative of Security Service of Ukraine in Lviv Region › A representative of security agency providing safety and law order on the fan zone territory › A representative of the local health care office › Head of the ‘Fan Zone’ division of Volunteer Service 5.5.11. OFFICIAL RESTAURANT INSTITUTION AND A STORE OF THE OFFICIAL SPORT PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTOR The official restaurant institution was represented by McDonalds’ dining facilities. As one of McDonalds’ restaurants was located in the fan zone (35, Svodoby Ave.), only one exhibition stand with McDonalds’ entertainment was installed on the fan zone territory. The store of the official sport products distributor, Adidas, with the area of 28.8 sq. m, was situated on the central alley and offered different sport products (vests, T–shirts, caps, tracksuits) with the UEFA European Football Championship 2012™ logo to citizens and guests. From left to right Fig. Oicial sport products distributing store Adidas Fig. McDonalds’ exhibition stand 82 5.5.12. AREAS OF OFFICIAL SPONSORS’ ACTIVITIES Fig. Area of Coca Cola activities Fig. Area of UniCredit Bank activities Fig. Area of Ukrtelecom activities Fig. Area of Carlsberg activities 83 Fig. Area of Hyundai activities Fig. Area of Epicenter activities 5.5.13. HOST CITY STORES Two Host City stores selling local souvenir products were organized on the fan zone territory. Fig. The Host City stores 5.5.14. FIRST AID POST, AMBULANCES AND THEIR WORK For medical provision the fan zone was equipped by: › Outpatient medical center › Mobile medical teams (ambulance cars). 84 The outpatient medical center was arranged at the square in front of the Economic Department of Ivan Franko Lviv National University located at 18, Svobody Ave. One ambulance car was located near the medical center; two more cars performing functions of outpatient medical centers were situated on the fan zone territory. 5.5.15. INFORMATION POINT The main task of the information point was to provide quick and comprehensive information to citizens and guests during the UEFA EURO 2012™ concerning all events taking place in the city, place and time of their conduct, possible traffic, location of medical centers, and access to the Internet and telephone communications. Two information points were operating on the fan zone territory throughout the Tournament; two persons who spoke languages of the countries playing in Lviv were working in each of these centers in three shifts. Fig. Information point on the fan zone territory 5.5.16. FAMILY SECTOR The main task of the family sector: creation of comfortable and safe conditions for football matches viewing by families and disabled people. Location: Svobody Ave, area in front of the Taras Shevchenko monument, in the official fan zone of Host City Lviv for UEFA EURO 2012™. Total area: 1 380 sq. m Area for fans: 850sq. m Room for a screen: 75 sq. m Public catering: 150 sq. m Places for people with disabilities: 180 sq. m 85 Fig. Scheme of family sector on fan zone Fig. Family sector infrastructure 5.6. QUANTITATIVE INDICES OF THE PROJECT The official fan zone for viewing the final matches of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012™ in the city of Lviv can be considered one of the most successful projects of the city during the Tournament. Total number of Lviv city fan zone attendance – over half million fans, both foreigners and Ukrainians; and this exceeds the number of fans who attended ‘Arena Lviv’ stadium. Total number of Lviv city fan zone attendance At the same time Fig.5.6.1. Oicial fan zone attendance 86 On match days of Ukrainian team, the highest number of people who stayed in the fan zone at the same time (over 30,000 prs.) was recorded. On match days in Lviv, the highest fan zone bandwidth was recorded during the day. During the last match held in the City of Lions, more than 100 thousand people passed through the fan zone. This number exceeded the expectations of the city twice. Total number of Lviv city fan zone attendance – over half million tourists, both foreigners and Ukrainians. On days off and match days in Lviv as well as match days of the Ukrainian team, the fan zone began operating at noon and was working until midnight. On the other days, the fan zone began operating at 02.00 PM and was working until midnight A total number of mass media representatives who attended the official fan zone – over 750 including approximately 250 representatives of foreign mass media; a maximal number of mass media representatives attending at the same time – over 70. CONCLUSIONS Organization of the official fan zone on the main street of Lviv did not cause mass disturbances and protests among citizens. It proved a high level of awareness among the urban community and understanding of the importance of the Tournament for Lviv. The Project implementation process was organized according to pre-planned stages except of minor changes and corrections that only served to improve final results. On the whole, the event was held at a very high level, not least due to the involvement of high qualified partners who helped to solve important sub-projects. 87 88 Safety and security organization in the fan zone 89 Chapter VI. SAFETY AND SECURITY ORGANIZATION IN THE FAN ZONE 6.1. TASK OF THE PROJECT For organizational provision of safety and security in the official fan zone thefollowing measures were developed: Concept of safety and security in the official Lviv fan zone during the UEFA European Football Championship 2012™ in Lviv city Program of emergency response, fire and other hazardous natural events or man-made disasters response in the official Lviv fan zone Evacuation plans from the official Lviv fan zone Plan of fan zone security and public safety institutes interaction; Rules of conduct in official Lviv fan. In particular, the Concept declared the core principles of providing security and law order in fan zone, and the plans listed specified the use of forces and means in different situations. The main tasks of safety and security system: Creating and providing a festive, cordial and friendly atmosphere for all Championship visitors (demonstration of hospitality by the locals) Providing the competence of the correspondent structures’ staff Crime prevention and control Security measures restraint and reticence in accordance to the situation Fire prevention and anthropogenic safety Road safety of public and private transport A guarantee of quality medical care Sanitary and epidemiological welfare provision Rapid response in case of fires and emergencies The main principles of safety and security in the official fan zone are adequacy and practicality. 90 6.2. SAFETY AND SECURITY SYSTEM MANAGEMENT Maintenance of safety and security on the fan zone territory and around it (in downtown) was achieved by the complex use of forces and means. Safety and security system management was carried out with help of the fan zone object operational headquarters, which was the component of safety and security management system in Lviv city and the region. This organizational headquarters was an independent unit, but when making important decisions it had to obtain a permission for raising additional forces and equipment (including police reserve) from the regional coordinating authority (information and analytical centre) which was established at the Security Service of Ukraine Administration in Lviv Region and included persons authorized to make decisions in all directions concerning safety and security in the Host City and the region (Lviv Region). However, in practice, a situation in the fan zone was generally controlled and did not require involvement of additional forces and means. The headquarters comprised of: Representative of the Host City, the fan zone customer (safety and security coordinator) Representative of the fan zone organizer, the head of the municipal enterprise Representatives of the safety support unit: Ministry of Emergency Situations, State Anthropogenic Safety Department, and medical care workers Representatives of the security support unit, Security Service of Ukraine Administration, State Security Service Head of the Fan Zone division of volunteer service A special separate premise near the fan zone territory (computer classroom of the secondary school) was rented for the headquarters. It must be mentioned that this choice was the most reasonable. The advantages included the following: Availability of sufficient life support infrastructure: WCs, washstands, cold and hot water supply, well organized cleaning system, janitor (security) service Stable power supply, independent from the fan zone Free access, no need for accreditation for guests Location near the fan zone (20 m), giving the opportunity of operational influence and isolation of the fan zone noise impact due to location in an old building at the same time In the same room, the surveillance system operator was located, and images from surveillance system cameras were displayed on monitors, which enabled controlling the situation at the entrances and in the most crowded public places. Daily information sheets were prepared according to the fan zone work results, containing the following information: Number of visitors 91 Number of people apprehended Description of incidents in the fan zone 6.3. COMMUNICATION ON THE FAN ZONE TERRITORY Noise effect caused by concert events and broadcasts of football matches complicated the communication via mobile phones greatly. The most effective way was to use radio stations with appropriate headsets for operational communication, or SMS, if having a time reserve. Several radio communication networks were created on the fan zone territory: Security communication Volunteers’ communication Police departments’ communication The fan zone organizers’ communication Besides, the emergency teams were working in its radio network as well. 6.4. SECURITY HARDWARE The fan zone territory was fenced with the fence 1,9 m high and with a total length of 875 m. Due to the indistinct order from UEFA concerning a branding type, the branding made of thick material was installed. It significantly increased wind load on the fence. The aforementioned led to the fence fall in two cases: once at the stage of construction before the fan zone opening on June 5, and during the fan zone operation on June 15. In order to reduce the wind load, holes were made in the coverage, spoiled the appearance. Building entrances in a tunnel system enabled effective passing in the fan zone entrances and exits. 92 Fig.6.4.1. Entrance channels The work of entrances and exits during the broadcasts completion showed the effectiveness of their location, except of the exit to the Nyz’ky Zamok Street where the maximum time of people mass movement did not exceed 4-6 minutes. A video surveillance system with five cameras was installed on the fan zone territory. 3 cameras were located along the entrances to the fan zone and enabled controlling the situations during the fans’ going in and out, as well as counting of visitors’ (manually), 1 camera was showing the situation in the area in front of a small screen near the T. Shevchenko monument, and 1 reversing camera with zoom capabilities and automatic work was monitoring the situation in front of a large screen. All cameras were colour, adapted to work at night. Video signals from the cameras were duplicated to the Information and Analytical Centre at Security Service Administration of Ukraine in Lviv Region. Security workers at the entrances could use hand metal detectors. Hand megaphones were also planned to be used at the entrances, however, they were not. Fig.6.4.2. Video surveillance in Headquarters 93 6.5. PUBLIC ORDER DEFENCE The main function of the fan zone territory security, enforcing rules of fans’ and guests’ behaviour in the fan zone, primary measures on law and order support were performed by an independent security agency which won the competition for the right to provide security services on the official fan zone territory. According to the competition results (state purchase procedures), the State Security Service at the Main Unit of the Ukrainian Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Lviv Region, which is a self-supporting enterprise, was entitled to perform these functions. It should be mentioned that private security structures appeared to be not ready to provide security or stewarding services on the fan zone territory. The main counterarguments of such companies were the following: Absence of sufficient reserves of security guards available that do not work at the other locations, which required hiring of additional staff who did not pass adequate trainings, did not have necessary skills and appropriate uniform; Private entities tried to include the projected costs of equipping and training of the security guards into the price of services. Consequence the latter increased by 2-3 times in comparison with standard rates of security agencies for provision of public events protection services; Impossibility of following a flexible working schedule for security guards. According to this schedule the number of staff used in different periods of the day and on different days varied. In this case, the host city ignored a reasonable sufficiency principle and a corresponding costs economy, while the private companies followed a principle of constant security guards number during the fan zone working hours, that was unacceptable for the city (large number of security guards is not needed when the fan zone does not have many visitors which has been permanently observed on working days, when there were no matches in Lviv city, and, actually, at this time the fan zone was attended by a certain number of tourists and children who took part in competitions that were held in sponsor activities). In this situation only the State Security Service appeared to be ready to provide services according to the developed schedule of security staff involvement and had sufficient staff reserves. Moreover, the advantages of the State Security Service were as follows: A strict well-tested mechanism of cooperation with regional departments of public order police A general strict system of management, operational management inside the units that were involved into the performance of security functions, due to the created management vertical and distribution of powers, which sometimes is not typical for private security agencies Opportunity of operative reserves attraction Availability of trained and duly certified staff Availability of their own powerful technical base 94 Disadvantages of the State Security Service were the following: Absence of female security guards (although, this disadvantage is also typical for private security agencies that do not have female security guards in their staff and that are not ready to provide them); A certain negative attitude to police subdivisions in Ukraine and in Lviv city in the whole as a result of certain events that took place in the past, which was by fault applied to the State Security Service guards wearing similar uniform and equipment. In the whole, involvement of the State Security Service into the protection of the official fan zone can be considered a positive achievement of the Host City Lviv. The number of security guards that were involved into work on the fan zone territory was planned before execution of the security agreement within 21 195 man-hours. The number of security guards was planned to be different on different days with regard to match category, day of a week, concert program attractiveness and other factors. Differentiation of the number of security guards with regard to time of a day was also performed. The maximum number of security officers in the fan zone reached 110 people. Security guards arrangement was performed according to the following scheme (the variant of maximal power and means use): Fig.6.5.1. The location and the number of security guards in the fan zone Calculation of security guards use: Pass on entrances Control on exits 3 х 16 48 8х2 16 Control on evacuation and technological exits 7 Stage protection 6 Media platform protection 1 Small screen protection 2 Medical centre and sanitary zone protection 2 Director’s container protection 1 Area of T. Shevchenko monument protection Patrols Video surveillance operator 2 5х2 10 1 95 Management group 4 Reserve 10 Total: 110 In case of small load of the fan zone by visitors, the number of security guards was proportionally decreased. For example, only 30 security guards worked on days without matches during the day time. This was, in fact, the minimum number needed to provide the operation of control system at the entrances and exits and protection of the main fan zone objects. On non-working hours the fan zone was protected by 10 security guards. Example of security guards involvement differentiated by days and hours: 08.06.2012 Мандри 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-03:00 08:00-09:00 09:00-10:00 10:00-11:00 11:00-12:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-15:00 15:00-16:00 16:00-17:00 17:00-18:00 18:00-19:00 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-00:00 Сума 96 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 40 40 40 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 825 09.06.2012 Ger-Por 21:45 Mad Heads 40 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 60 60 80 ЗО 100 100 100 100 80 80 1015 10.06.12 Джамала 40 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 40 40 40 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 855 11.06.12 Ukr-Swe 21:45 ТНМК 40 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 60 60 80 80 100 100 110 110 110 80 1065 12.06.12 Божик 40 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 40 40 40 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 855 In the course of the fan zone visitor control at the entrances, the main objects forbidden for entering into the fan zone were: various beverages, including glassware, representing 90% prohibitions. The other objects were represented by a few flags with large poles, animals, and propaganda and advertising products. In three cases, visitors with knives that are not cold arms were not permitted to enter the fan zone. In general, there were no cases of carrying weapons, fireworks and other dangerous items to the fan zone territory. The attempts to throw alcohol beverages over the fence or under it were fixed. It was the consequence of a significant difference in prices for beer on the fan zone territory and in nearby stores. To control the fence areas where such cases were observed the most often, special Security Service duty units were engaged. There were certain problems with the accredited fan zone visitors (music band employees and journalists) – attempts of accreditation card transfer to the third parties (2 cases) and carrying beverages in glassware into the fan zone territory (2 cases) were recorded. Fig.6.5.2. Fan zone visitor control at the entrance The majority of conflict situations occurred during the fan zone closing. It must be mentioned that UEFA representatives recommended to close the entrance to the fan zone at 11.15 PM, i.e., 15 minutes before the Championship matches broadcast end. After the test closing on June 9th was established that there were many fans coming by the end of a match with an intention to learn the score. For example, on the date stated, their number reached 120 prs. In connection with aforementioned, a decision was made to close the entrance to the fan zone at 11.30 PM, a few minutes before the broadcast end. The time stated was enough to prepare the entrance groups for the exit work. This decision decreased the number of conflict situations in the fan zone. The fan zone territory examination for revealing forbidden objects and substances was carried out by security daily 1 hour before the fan zone opening. Major attention was paid to the search of weapon and explosives; it engaged instructors with guard dogs trained for the search in this category. 97 Fig. 6.5.3. The fan zone territory examination completed before the opening for visitors Means of the police were used outside the fan zone and partially on its territory. The following police powers were involved into the public order protection: ¸ 10 prs. – posts near the entrances to the fan zone 10 prs. – patrols inside the fan zone 40 prs. – patrols around the fan zone 14 prs. – State Traffic Inspectorate posts 250 prs. – two-shift reserve It must be mentioned that in most cases there was no need in police interference into the fan zone territory. Police reserves for active measures were not used. 1 incident connected with the short-time skirmish of Russian and Ukrainian fans took place on June 8 near the fan zone, within its territory. On the whole, 8 persons were arrested during the term of the fan zone functioning for public order violation on the fan zone territory: ¸ 6 persons – disorderly conduct; 2 persons – pocket-picking. In 1 case a German citizen whose telephone was stolen while he was sleeping on the fan zone territory, addressed security. The investigative team from the territorial subdivision of Ministry of Emergencies was engaged. Volunteers helped security officers greatly. This was especially obvious on the days of matches in Lviv city when an influx of foreigners was considerable. The volunteers worked mostly on the fan zone entrances where they were arranged in three lines: Outside the fan zone territory – information help to visitors, explanation of the fan zone infrastructure On the control line – language support to security officers On the fan zone territory near the entrance – language support during the conduct of advanced inspections, information help to visitors, explanation of the fan zone infrastructure Volunteers also provided language support to security officers on the exits and to patrols. 98 6.6. PUBLIC SAFETY Public safety support was performed by the powers and means of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine Chief Territorial Administration in Lviv Region, the State Anthropogenic Safety Department of Ukraine Chief Administration in Lviv Region, the Lviv City Council health Care Administration. The powers and means of the Ministry of Emergencies were present in the guard mode in permanent locations. Due to uncertainty of the issue concerning free provision of Ministry of Emergencies services in the form of duty near the fan zone, a decision to cancel the Ministry of Emergencies staff duty near the fan zone was made. The State Anthropogenic Safety Department of Ukraine Chief Administration provided 2 fire-prevention patrols, 2 prs. each to work near the fan zone.They were patrolling the fan zone neighbouring territory with the purpose of timely revealing of possible fire areas and violations that can lead to fire or any other emergency situations. During the fan zone functioning, 1 case of a small fire in the speaker was recorded. The fire was put out by the employees and the security guards. On June 13, storm alert was received, although there were no impact of weather conditions upon the fan zone, and no means were conducted to stop operating of the fan zone. On June 15, 20 m of fence fell as a result of puff; the fence was repaired in 15 minutes. 6.7. HEALTH CARE In order to provide medical services on the fan zone territory, a medical centre was created, and 2 movable medical centres were arranged on the basis of ambulance cars. The scheme of medical centres arrangement is the following: Fig.6.7.1. Scheme of medical centres arrangement in fan zone 99 On the whole, 4 emergency teams consisting of 13 medical workers and 4 medical volunteers worked on the fan zone territory. After a decrease of the fan zone visitors’ number, beginning from June 20, 7 medical workers were working on the fan zone territory, 1 team was in reserve and was additionally used on July 1 during the final Championship match broadcast. In total, 41 people resorted to the fan zone for medical aid; 3 persons were hospitalized. Including: Lviv citizens – resorted – 19, hospitalized – 2 Citizens of other Ukrainian cities – resorted – 10, hospitalized – 0 Foreigners – resorted – 12, hospitalized – 1 The main reasons for addressing medical centres were cardiovascular diseases, small injuries and consequences of alcohol consumption. There were no problem issues in the operating of the fan zone medical centres. Fig.6.7.2. Stationary medical point in the fan zone (outward) Fig.6.7.3. Stationary medical point in the fan zone (inside) 100 6.8. THE FAN ZONE ATTENDANCE The number of fans who visited the fan zone was correlated with the attractiveness of the Championship match that was broadcasted on a given day as well as the day of a week (it increased on week-ends), attractiveness of the concert events and weather. The attendance report of Lviv fan zone during UEFA EURO 2012™ is given below: Date Number of visitors during the working hours Max. number of visitors at the same time Weather Precipitation Detained t, o С Wind m/ sec 07.06.2012 5000 4000 – Dry + 20 2-4 08.06.2012 23000 11000 – Dry +24 3-5 09.06.2012 30000 18000 1 citizen of Ukraine – hooliganism Drizzling +25 3-4 10.06.2012 26000 15000 – Drizzling +24 2-4 11.06.2012 38000 27000 – Drizzling +20 3-4 12.06.2012 8000 4000 +17 2-4 12.06.2012 45000 20000 2 citizens of Ukraine pickpocketing – Raining heavily Dry +28 6-7 14.06.2012 14000 8000 – Dry + 14 7-3 15 06.2012 48000 35000 2 citizens of Ukraine pickpocketing Dry + 13 5-7 16.06.2012 25000 18000 1 citizen of Ukraine – hooliganism Dry +25 3-4 17.06.2012 45000 19000 – Dry + 29 4-5 18.06.2012 11000 7000 – Dry +30 4-6 19.06.2012 39000 31000 – Dry +31 3-4 20.06.2012 3000 1000 – Dry +38 4-5 21.06.2012 9000 6000 – Dry +31 3-4 22.06.2012 5000 2000 – Drizzling +22 3-4 23.06.2012 6000 4000 – Dry +22 3-4 24.06.2012 8000 3000 – Dry +25 2-3 25.06.2012 2500 800 – дощ + 18 2-5 26.06.2012 4000 1000 – Dry + 16 7-8 27.06.2012 16000 12000 – Dry + 18 6-3 28.06.2012 5000 3000 – Drizzling + 17 2-3 29.06.2012 4000 1000 2 citizens of Ukraine pickpocketing Dry +23 2-3 30.06.2012 2500 600 – Dry +28 0-2 01.07.2012 25000 18000 – Dry +30 3-4 101 CONCLUSION The fan zone was working for the fans. The fan zone has never been closed for visitors in the operating hours. There were no incidents that would have an impact on the fans’ safety in the fan zone. Match and concert program viewing was conducted in a friendly atmosphere. Public order and public safety authorities provided a proper law order and security in the fan zone by working in the mode of minimal interference. During the work of the fan zone, the issue of car transport parking on the fan zone territory during their working hours was not completely solved. This rule was violated by many employees including the accredited UEFA employees and UEFA transport. Attempts to prohibit the entrance to the fan zone led to conflict situations. At the preparation stage, in the course of the fan zone infrastructure planning and rules of conduct development, no measures were provided concerning the use of bicycles, and no bicycle parks on the fan zone territory or near it were provided. Prohibition for the visitors to come with umbrellas was a mistake. This rule was introduced on UEFA request in order not to decrease the screens visibility for other fans. But due to Lviv weather conditions during the first 15 days of the fan zone work, it was raining almost every day, and 90% visitors came with umbrellas. In fact, if this requirement had been met, the fan zone would have been empty. That is why this rule was neglected after consultations with UEFA. 102 The entertainment program of the official fan zone 103 Chapter VII. THE ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM OF THE OFFICIAL FAN ZONE 7.1. ABOUT THE PROJECT The official Lviv fan zone on Svobody Avenue became a meeting place for tourists and Lviv citizens, for all football fans who came to support their team during the matches of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012™. In the first place, the fan zone was constructed to provide an opportunity for all people without tickets to feel the atmosphere of the football festival and to support their team together by watching matches on giant screens for free on all match days. Being a cultural capital of Ukraine, Lviv city offered visitors of the official fan zone not only the possibility to watch football matches on big screens, but to enjoy an interesting entertainment program. Non-governmental organizations, event agencies, and tournament sponsors were involved into organization of the concert events and entertainment program of the official fan zone in Lviv. Among them: ‘The Institute of Topical Art’ NGO organized a large-scale ‘FanARTia’ Project in the official fan zone of Lviv on non-match days. The purpose of this Project was to unite culture fans. It offered fan zone visitors to enjoy four different art and music styles in five days, namely: 1) literature and music; 2) classical music; 3) jazz; 4) electronic music. ‘Virmens’ka 35’ NGO organized a festival of young performers called ‘Football Format’ in the official fan zone of Lviv, in the course of which 24 youth music bands from Lviv, Kharkiv, Donetsk and Kyiv performed on Lviv stage. Among them: ‘Antytila’, ‘Chornobryvtsi’, ‘Jack o Lantern’, ‘APRIL’, ‘Singleton’, ‘Green Silence’ and others, and also young singers Yaryna Romaniv, Oksana Mocherad, Lyudmyla Yasins’ka and Marisen. Embassies and cultural unions of the countries participating in UEFA EURO 2012™, namely, the Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine and Goethe Institute provided performance of a German freestyler Cheffket together with Ukrainian music band Flyzza in Lviv fan zone, and ‘Alliance francaise’ NGO in the city organized performance of a French music band called ‘L’avion Rose’. PE ‘Festival agency ‘OSOBLYVA PODIYA’ attracted sponsors and organized concerts of famous Ukrainian music bands: ‘Mandry’, ‘TNMK’, ‘Mad Heads’, ‘Druha Rika’, ‘Haidamaky’ and ‘Boombox’ in Lviv city fan zone. ‘Nash Format’ union organized performances of famous Ukrainian music bands ‘Kozack System’ and ‘Tartak’. 12 DJs played modern electronic music on Lviv stage daily. Oleksandr Bozhyk, Bozhyk Band music band, and ‘Bravissimo Orchestra’ were headliners 104 at the opening ceremony of the official fan zone in the city of Lviv. 7.2. MISSION, GOALS AND TASKS OF THE PROJECT: Mission of the Project – creating a positive image of Lviv city as a cultural capital of Ukraine. Goals of the Project: Organization of eventful concert and entertainment program and positive atmosphere in the fan zone during the whole tournament. Creation of a daily by-the-minute program of work of the fan zone in Lviv city together with UEFA. Tasks of the Project: Due technical support of band performances Development of the concert and entertainment program of the fan zone in Lviv city and of its content Provision of advertising and PR of the concert and entertainment program of the fan zone in Lviv city Providing accommodation, transportation and meals for performers of the concert and entertainment program in the fan zone in Lviv city Provision of impresario’s work for the fan zone in Lviv city Provision of reports on work of the fan zone in Lviv city, namely, video trailers and photo stories 105 7.3. STRUCTURE AND TERMS OF THE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION Executive: Lviv Municipal Enterprise ‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’. Term of the Project implementation: April – July 2012 STRUCTURE OF HOST CITY LVIV FAN ZONE IMPLEMENTATION Project Manager Deputy Marketing Director Lviv Municipal Enterprise ‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’ Entertainment program director Organizers of performances. Stage Operational management Senior Events Manager (‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’) ‘The Institute of Topical Art’ NGO ‘Virmens’ka 35’ NGO Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany and Goethe Institute Technical management Senior Fan Zone Manager (‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’) Operational group Camera-control engineer, photographer, transport provision Alliance Francoise’ NGO Festival agency ‘Osoblyva podiya’ Accommodation. Meals Chief Economist (‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’) Nash Format Union Dj’s Official sponsors of the Tournament Organizer of pyrotechnic show Impresario 106 Fig. Project organizational structure (Host City) 7.4. DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONSIBILITIES BETWEEN UEFA AND HOST CITY LVIV As the official fan zone of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012™ was a common project of UEFA and the city, strict distribution of responsibilities concerning the fan zone work was established. UEFA responsibilities included: Provision ofthe UEFA EURO 2012™ matches broadcasting on the main and additional screens Provision of the official Tournament sponsors advertising within a so-called ‘protected window’, namely, in breaks and after the matches Provision ofthe UEFA football content – video trailers with the best football moments of previous tournaments Provision of daily UEFA football content – the best football moments from previous day matches, video from the other city fan zones Provision of Camera Control Engineer’s and Operators’ work and ‘live’ video on the screen Host City responsibilities included: Organization of concert events and the entertainment program (performances of music bands and DJs) Provision of an chormen work Provision of the Host City and its Supporters advertising General directing and coordination of each day of the fan zone work Creating a daily by-the-minute program for the fan zone work Provision of sponsors’ activities on the main stage of the fan zone Fireworks supply Creation and display of video trailers about the work of the Host City Lviv fan zone (fan zone construction, match days in Lviv, match days of the national team of Ukraine) Creation and display of ads and pictures of the Host City Lviv on the screen 107 7.5. MAIN STAGES OF THE PROJECT In order to ensure successful implementation of the Project, a special detailed plan of the Project implementation was developed, containing concrete terms, responsible persons and terms and conditions of its harmonization and reporting order. No. 108 Term Main stages of the Project Responsible persons 1 April - May Study of previous tournaments experience Project Manager 2 May - June The concert and entertainment program concept development Entertainment program director, Project Manager 3 May Negotiations concerning performances with music bands, groups, performers, and DJs within the concert and entertainment program Entertainment program director, Project Manager 4 May Negotiations with partners concerning the organization of the Entertainment concert and entertainment program of the official fan zone program director, Project Manager 5 May Definition of accommodation need, transportation and meals for music bands, groups, performers, and DJs within the concert and entertainment program of the official fan zone Entertainment program director, Project Manager 6 May Development of daily scenariosfor impresario’s work within the concert and entertainment program of the official fan zone Coordinator of Impresario’s work 7 May Development of the frame-by-frame scenariosfor10 video trailers: 1) Lviv City – a Host City for the UEFA European Football Championship 2012™ 2) Open ceremony of the official fan zone for viewing the final matches of UEFA EURO 2012™ on the match day June 09, 2012 3) Football festival atmosphere of the official fan zone for viewingthe final matches of UEFA EURO 2012™on the match day June 09, 2012 4) Football festival atmosphere of the official fan zone for viewing the final matches of UEFA EURO 2012™ on the match day June 13, 2012 5) Football festival atmosphere of the official fan zone for viewing the final matches of UEFA EURO 2012™on the match day June 17, 2012 6) The concert events and the entertainment program of the official fan zone for viewing the final matches of UEFA EURO 2012™ 7) Work of security, Ministry of Emergency Response, Ministry of Internal Affairs and medical specialists in the official fan zone for viewing the final matches of UEFA EURO 2012™ 8) Volunteers’ work in the official fan zone for viewing the final matches of UEFA EURO 2012™ 9) Organizers’ work in the official fan zonefor viewing the final matches of UEFA EURO 2012™ 10) Construction and deconstruction of the fan zone for viewing the final matches of UEFA EURO 2012™ Project Manager, Entertainment program director 8 End of May Confirmation of daily scenarios for Impresario’s work within Project Manager, the concert and entertainment program of the official fan Coordinator of zone by Entertainment program director and technical Impresario’s work staff and its amendments 9 End of May Development of a by-the-minute scenario plan for Impresario’s work Coordinator of Impresario’s work 10 End of May Conduct of rehearsals and Impresarios’ production work Coordinator of Impresario’s work 11 End of May Approvalof the concert and entertainment programconcept by UEFA Project Manager 12 End of May Development of a daily by-the-minute program of the official fan zone Entertainment program director, Project Manager 13 End of May Approval of a daily by-the-minute program of the official fan zone by UEFA Project Manager 14 End of May Development of a daily scenario of video filming in the official fan zone Project Manager, Camera-Control Engineer 15 End of May Approval of frame-by-frame scenarios of video trailers about the work of the official fan zone for viewing final matches of UEFA European Football Championship 2012™ by UEFA, Entertainment program director of the official fan zone for viewing final matches of UEFA EURO 2012™ and technical staff. Making amendments. Project Manager, Camera-Control Engineer 16 June Author supervision and provision of work of two Impresarios. Coordinator of Impresario’s work 17 June Directing and author supervision of the concert and entertainment program of the official fan zone Entertainment program director 18 June Daily control over the stage and screens work, video editing Project Manager, Senior Event Manager, UEFA 19 June Daily control over the stage and screens technical work, video editing Project Manager, Senior Fan Zone Manager, UEFA 20 June Provision of transportation, accommodation and meals for the performers of the concert and entertainment program of the official fan zone Project Manager, Chief Economist 21 June Daily video filming of the official fan zone for watching matches of the final part of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012™, including days of construction and deconstruction. Camera-Control Engineer 22 June Daily video editing of the official fan zone, including the days of construction and deconstructionof the official fan zone for watching matches of the final part of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012™ Camera-Control Engineer 23 June Daily photographing of the official fan zone Photographers 24 June-July Creation of 10 video trailers and a movie Camera-Control Engineer 7.6. THE CONCEPT OF THE CONCERT AND ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM OF THE OFFICIAL FAN ZONE FOR VIEWING THE MATCHES OF UEFA EURO 2012™ 7.6.1. OVERVIEW Tasks to be performed: Organization of quality and interesting leisure for fan zone guests Popularization of Lviv among foreign and national tourists Main features of the entertainment program: Attractiveness 109 Interactivity Elements of the entertainment program: Performances of music bands and performers (including music, vocal, dance, DJs, original genre, etc.). Interactive games with the audience (competitions on stage or at the square, kicker competitions, mass performances: vocal, dance, etc.) Broadcasting (best matches/moments in the history of teams, contemporary short movies/animation, Lviv promo trailers, etc.) Fireworks and multimedia shows Approximate membership of the organizational group: Director –1 prs. Administrators – 2 prs. – volunteers Anchormen – 3 prs. Assistant animators – 2-4 prs. – volunteers Technical group – 3-6 prs. – volunteers With regard to the expected number of visitors, the most interesting program was offered on the match days in Lviv, on the match days of Ukrainian team as well as days off and holidays. 7.6.2. ADVERTISING OF THE CONCERT AND ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM In order to attract Lviv citizens and guests to the official fan zone, a long-term advertisement campaign was developed and implemented. Advertisement campaign duration: from May 15, 2012 to June 30,2012. Main advertisement campaign elements: Placing advertisement of the concert and entertainment program of the official fan zone on the Host City Web site: www.uefaeuro2012.lviv.ua Advertisement campaign organized in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte etc.) by creating separate profiles and user groups Advertisement (placement of audio track) on FM stations (May, 15 – June, 07)Radio Lux – aired 75 times Advertisement (placement of external advertising) in press (May, 15 – June, 07) ‘Friendly City’ newspaper, dedicated to the UEFA EURO 2012™ held in Lviv – 2 issues –80 000 copies Production and distribution of printed products: - Publications concerning events in Lviv during the UEFA EURO 2012™ – 80 000 copies in three languages (4 +1) - Fliers, 10 000 pcs. Placing of external advertisements in Lviv: - Billboards (13 pcs.), - City lights(20 pcs.), - Case tones (3 pcs.), - Non-standart billboards (3 pcs.) 110 - Posters – 10 000 pcs. – 3-time placement Advertising in mobile applications ‘Lviv Events’ for iOS and Android Eight informational events: - Press conference ‘The entertainment program of the Lviv official fan zone’ - Press conference ‘The Lviv official fan zone opening ceremony’ - 6 briefings of group members in the Lviv City Media Center on June 07, 2012 Fig. Press conference of German freestyler Chefket 7.6.3. ONE-DAY EXAMPLE OF THE ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM (MATCH DAY IN LVIV CITY, JUNE 17, 2012) 111 7.7. QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE INDICES OF THE PROJECT Number of artists and bands involved – over 50; DJs – 12 Over 15 hours of Full HD footage were filmed, taking about 1 TB total. 10 trailers, 3 min. each were made on the basis of this material. In addition, a film about the UEFA European Championship 2012™ in Lviv city was also made. 35 photo stories were made (all photo stories fall in two groups: performances on the stage and fan-zone visitors/volunteers) totaling about 18.6 GB, i.e. 6000 photos total. 7.8. BUDGET OF THE PROJECT Budget of the Project: UAH 705,000. CONCLUSIONS While summing up amonth holiday, it can be said that Lviv has proven its status of a ‘Cultural Capital of Ukraine’ to the whole Europe. During the UEFA EURO 2012™, especially at the group stage, the city prepared a unique program of events, both in the fan zone and on other stages of the city for guests. Over 50 music bands gave performances only in the fan zone at Svobody Avenue alone. A large-scale ‘FаnARTia’ art project was conducted during the play-off in the official fan zone for viewing the matches of the final part of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012™ in Lviv. Every day of this project was dedicated to some separate culture sphere: literature, rock, ethnic, jazz and symphonic music. The program of electronic music was especially rich and separated as an independent ‘FanARTia’: Electronic days unit, where leaders of the world electronic music were playing on one stage in Ukraine. There were a Drum & Bass style founder, a British musician, a producer, a DJ and an actor – GOLDIE from MC LOWQUI, leaders of the world break beat stage ATOMIC HOOLIGAN. 112 Organizing the Media Campaign ‘Lviv 2012’ 113 Chapter VIII. ORGANIZING THE MEDIA CAMPAIGN ‘LVIV 2012’ 8.1. OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT In March 2012, the Media working group was created at the municipal preparation headquarters for UEFA EURO 2012™. The main objective of the group was to develop and implement a comprehensive campaign to promote the Tournament in Lviv and the city of Lviv during the Tournament. The main characteristics and circumstances that were taken into consideration when planning the campaign and that had an impact on its course were as follows: ¸Negative material in the mass media. The whole process of preparing the city for UEFA EURO 2012™ was accompanied by active diffusion of negative material in the mass media. The beginning of March, 2012 saw the peak of diffusion of such material in the western press. A particularly critical situation arose due to the fact that the most actively negative material was diffused in one of the most important target markets for Lviv – in Germany. The fact that politicians also widely took advantage of the UEFA EURO 2012™ theme just before the election campaign for the Ukrainian parliament also complicated a difficult situation. These factors led to many European countries calling for a boycott of the actual Tournament, which was used, to a greater or lesser extent, as a lever of influence on Ukrainian authorities. ¸Limited campaign budget. Given the difficulties of balancing Lviv’s budget, media campaign ‘Lviv 2012’ could not be financed according to the most optimistic scenario. Therefore, the main objective during the planning phase was to achieve maximum effects with minimal financial investments. We had to refuse placements of paid advertisements, thus limiting partnership arrangements with the mass media and attracting the attention of independent media channels to the city of Lviv. ¸Complex management structure. The planning and organizational processes of media campaign ‘Lviv 2012’ included various subdivisions and players that were structural elements of different mutually independent units that had to be considered when developing the management structure of the campaign. Some elements of the campaign were carried out by PR managers of the ‘Agency for EURO 2012’ LME, Office of Information Policies and External Affairs of Lviv City Council, ‘Imagine Group’ PR company, the ‘Volunteer Centre’ division of Volunteer Service, representatives of independent media and independent contractors. ¸An important component of the media campaign ‘Lviv 2012’ was the program called ‘Friendly City’, which was decided in early March, 2012. The campaign was aimed at enhancing services of municipal entities and organizations, which were expected to contribute the 114 largest amount of work during UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv. 8.2. CAMPAIGN TARGETS AND STAGES The main objectives of media campaign ‘Lviv 2012’ was to diffuse key ‘positive’ messages, which the mass media would use together with information about UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv. All the tasks were divided by time implementation – before the Tournament, during the Tournament, after the Tournament – and the main target audiences. ¸ Choosing target audiences ¸ One of the key target audiences of the media campaign were Lvivers. The visitors’ impressions of the city depended largely on Lvivers’ views of the event and the work motivation of relevant services. It was highly expected that if Lviv residents lived a positive experience during UEFA EURO 2012™, they would support the development of tourism infrastructure, urban modernization and more competitiveness of Lviv in global tourism markets and in the field of information technology in future. The Ukrainian market is and will always be of great importance for Lviv (as a prime tourist destination), so UEFA EURO 2012™ was a significant event, which was to strengthen and consolidate the city’s position in Ukraine. It should be noted that the main foreign target groups of the campaign were defined not only with regard to the national teams scheduled to play in Lviv, but also in terms of important target markets that would mark Lviv as a prime tourist destination. Seeing that Germany constitutes one of the most promising markets for the development of tourism in Lviv, and the fact that the German national team was scheduled to play two matches in Lviv, the city expected to welcome the largest numbers of guests and journalists from Germany. We can confirm that our media campaign targeted this country as a priority among all the other foreign audiences. 115 KEY CAMPAIGN MESSAGES before UEFA EURO 2012™ during UEFA EURO 2012™ Lviv ‘It’s good for the city right now!’ – it was important to show Lvivers that preparations for the Tournament would bring many benefits to the city – new infrastructure, an airport, and a new stadium. It was also important not to give cause for further speculation that the investments would not be paid off by foreign guests staying a few days during UEFA EURO 2012™. Except for the stadium, which was built thanks to government funds, all the investments were greatly needed even if the Tournament had not been held in Lviv. ‘Visitors remark’ the good organization of the event and the beauty of our city. From the first days of the Tournament it was important to show the ‘view from outside’, and dispel Lvivers’ doubts about not being capable of carrying out large-scale quality projects. It was expected that such positive feedback from the first visitors would give Lvivers a sense of confidence, friendliness, and positivity. It was important to show that ‘tourists would be beneficial’ to the city. The Tournament was used as a showcase to show Lvivers specific large-scale examples that tourism would clearly be good for the city – new jobs, investments that do not create environmental problems, but improve the appearance of the city, contacts with people from other countries, knowledge of foreign languages, etc. ‘A positive atmosphere in the city’ – we tried to create a positive atmosphere in the city, to prevent Lvivers from viewing the Tournament as an expensive event that would cause only inconvenience, financial loss, and disappointed visitors. It was important to convince Lvivers that everything depended on them, how thousands of visitors would see and remember the city. This was especially true of Lvivers who worked in the service sphere. The ‘Good work carried out by municipal services and message was mainly diffused within the framework of the volunteers’– our main message – ‘We can do it!’ Detailed campaign called ‘Friendly City’. plans were drawn up to show the work of all the services, to demonstrate life stories of ordinary people involved in ‘Hosts always feel some inconvenience when guests UEFA EURO 2012™ – caretakers, public transport drivers, arrive’– it was important to let Lvivers know in advance waiters and waitresses, volunteers, etc. It was important about all the inconveniences that they might have to to show other Lvivers that people like them, their friends, deal with during UEFA EURO 2012™ and so avoid many of neighbors, and fellow countrymen were directly involved them, or play down their importance. in this large–scale event, and that they could do their job efficiently and faithfully, expressing pride in their city and their colleagues. Practical information for residents – despite the fact that Lvivers were well prepared for many inconveniences, there was a general understanding that many different situations could arise during the Tournament, about which the people needed to be informed – changes in public transport schedules and runs, streets barred to traffic, etc. Crisis reaction – we developed an emergency system to notify Lvivers in case of crisis situations. Ukraine ‘Lviv made the most of this opportunity’ – despite the reluctance of media campaign managers to compete with other cities hosting the Tournament, the media were always ready to compare the level of preparation of all the host cities. It was important not win this side of the contest, but to clearly convey information to the Ukrainian media that Lviv would use this opportunity as a host city of UEFA EURO 2012™ for future sustainable development. Not only because the city received investments for important infrastructure projects, but also because it effectively included the preparation process in its strategic development program and had a clear vision of ‘Life after the Tournament’. 116 ‘Positive echoes from visitors’ – about the city and the organization of the event. It was important to show the Ukrainian audience that visitors from Western Europe had come away with very good impression of the city. It would be an additional argument for Ukrainians to see the city as a tourist curiosity, In fact, if German, Danish, and Portuguese guests, who are used to all sorts of tourist attractions, recognize that ‘Lviv is really beautiful!’, then it means that it truly is. In addition, it was important that these echoes should have another impact – Ukrainian pride in the fact that their country has a city that can impress the whole world. ‘Lviv’s become even better!’ – this message was important to strengthen the position of Lviv as a tourist destination in the Ukrainian market, which has become a priority for the city. It was important to convey to Ukrainian visitors that ‘Lviv had become even better’ (new hotels, hostels and apartments, a new airport, new eating places, etc.), and so it would be a city worth visiting again. Moreover, we should encourage Ukrainians, who had never visited Lviv before, to plan such a trip after UEFA EURO 2012™. ‘Lviv is doing a great job organizing the Tournament’ – staging information events about the organization of UEFA EURO 2012™, quality work and services, etc. ‘Lviv is so interesting!’ – active information about the atmosphere in the city, cultural events, and the fan zone. This element was important as Lviv’s cultural life and festivals are key elements of the city’s brand positioning. Consequently, the festive atmosphere in Lviv during UEFA EURO 2012™ once again demonstrated that Lviv knows how to throw a big party and that this is a place worth visiting not just once, but every time that a festive occasion is organized here. World Priority 1: Germany, English – language news publications ‘Wow!’ – this was to be the leitmotif of the first impressions of Lviv perceived by Tournament visitors. From the very first days, these vivid impressions were Priority 2 meant to dispel any negative expectations about making Denmark, Portugal, Poland, France, the Netherlands, the the trip to Lviv, even among potential visitors who had not USA, Russia planned to come for different reasons, or had canceled their trip over fear of the unknown. ‘The last unknown treasure of Europe’ – it was important that material gathered by journalists, who ‘Lviv – a tourist destination’, ‘the last unknown treasure had come to Lviv before the Tournament and who would of Europe’ – it was important that the media covering be writing about UEFA EURO 2012™, should contain the events during the Tournament should write not only descriptions with ‘Wow!’- effects and stories that would about UEFA EURO 2012™, but draw readers’ attention to interest the audience. It was expected that given so the future prospects of Lviv as a tourist destination, and much negative news and publications about Ukraine, the encourage them to visit the city after the Tournament or positive surprise would be even stronger when visitors in the next few years. saw our city, and would promote qualitative changes in the nature of articles and reports on Lviv in particular and ‘Lviv means good service’ – it was important to draw Ukraine as a whole. visitors’ attention to the beauty of the city itself and to the excellent work performed by tourism services, to our ‘A safe city with modern infrastructure’ – the message people’s friendliness, knowledge of foreign languages, was to be aimed mainly at potential Tournament visitors. and to the well-organized Tournament itself. There were fears that negative material would cause fans to massively refuse to attend the matches in Ukraine. It ‘Lviv – another Europe, another Ukraine’ – this was one was important to actively communicate to the audience of the key components of our city’s brand positioning. They information about our city’s good tourist infrastructure are clearly outlined in the promotional concept of the city, and relatively inexpensive and friendly services. and UEFA EURO 2012™ gave us a good opportunity to use them for the promotion of Lviv. Our city has a European mentality, and adheres to Western values and traditions. Moreover, it is a city that presents itself as a stronghold of Ukrainian national values. 8.3. COMMUNICATION CHANNELS Minimum costs but maximum effect – this was the main criterion in selecting distribution channels for important campaign messages. Local media Under the agreement with UEFA, our city had the right to choose media partners. After a tender, Radio Lux was selected as the official partner. This allowed us to make maximum use of this resource in order to diffuse selected messages among the target audience ‘Lviv’. Work operations were organized with all the other local media within the framework of the Media Centre (see below). In addition, informal meetings were held with reporters and editors of local media prior to UEFA EURO 2012™ in order to deliver campaign objectives and their benefits for the city and its future development. 117 As part of the ‘Friendly City’ campaign, two issues of newspapers called ‘Friendly City’ were released with a circulation of 200,000 copies. Social networks Disseminating key messages in social networks become one of our priority areas and had a very great impact on the results. Several persons were appointed in the organizational structure of the campaign; they were responsible for creating and spreading the necessary information about the city in these networks. Ukrainian national and regional media We put our main stake on establishing active cooperation with our own correspondents working in national media, as well as organizing direct information deliveries to central offices of the national media. Information travelled directly and quickly from Lviv to Kyiv; mass media channels used this information operatively thanks to its credibility and interest factor. An important element of making the campaign successful in the target audience ‘Ukraine’ was the establishment of cooperation with the Ukrainian multimedia company – UMH Group. As a result, Lviv had the opportunity to deliver correct news and information in such publications as ‘Korrespondent’ and ‘Football.ua’, as well as such magazines as ‘Football’ and ‘Focus’. Prior to UEFA EURO 2012™, press tours to Lviv were organized for regional and national media so that they would focus on the development of tourism infrastructure and preparations for the Tournament. Foreign media Due to limited finances and the impossibility to organize a strong promotional campaign on the eve of UEFA EURO 2012™, it was decided to carry out maximum quality work with journalists who would come to Lviv to cover the preparation phase and the course of the Tournament. In addition, news about UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv was dispatched in English, German, and Polish to journalists and publications that had at some time turned to Lviv for information about the city or had expressed interest to receive news from the Media Centre ‘Lviv 2012’. 118 8.4. PROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE – FUNCTIONS AND POWERS DISTRIBUTION MEDIA working group Fig.8.4.1. Distribution of powers and responsibilities in the project Media Production Media Distribution Functions: production Functions: distribution of video clips, press of produced content releases, photo and among journalists, video sets for journalists through social networks, and social nets, release e-mails. of ‘Friendly city’ newspaper, guides, Executives: ‘Lviv 2012’ promotional materials Media Center, ‘Imagine Group’ PR company, Executives: ‘Lviv 2012’ ‘Agency for EURO 2012’ Media Center, ‘Imagine LME Group’ PR company, ‘Agency for EURO 2012’ LME Monitoring Media Centre Functions: Monitoring of all target markets (printed mass media, social networks, online media, etc) Functions: ‘Lviv 2012’ Media Centre maintenance Executives: ‘Lviv 2012’ Media Center, ‘Imagine Group’ PR company Executives: Office of Information Policy and External Affairs of lviv City Council, Volunteer Service 8.5. ORGANIZING WORK AT THE MEDIA CENTRE ‘LVIV 2012’ 8.5.1. PREPARATIONS AND SERVICES AT THE MEDIA CENTRE The Media Centre ‘Lviv 2012’ was a working area for journalists; it functioned in the large assembly hall of the City Council (1 Ploshcha Rynok (Market Square). The Media Centre started functioning on April 9, 2012 when news was mailed to journalists and different information requests were handled. It began operating in the test mode on June 4, 2012, and on June 6, 2012, the working area in the assembly hall was officially opened. Media Centre services: ¸Equipped working places for journalists Free Wi–Fi Free printing/scanning/photo copying Access to and use of photo- video- audio materials Breaking news (organizing press conferences with stars, VIP guests, politicians and specialists) Journalist techniques Rest and relaxation zones (complimentary coffee/tea) Media Cafe¸ in the City Hall courtyard 119 8.5.2. STRUCTURE AND ‘PROCESSES’ Media Centre structure: ¸ Media office ¸ Office in charge of entertainment and leisure programs for journalists ¸ Organizational office ¸ Escort office for journalists ¸ Technical and information support office Preparation stages of Media Centre ‘Lviv 2012’: ¸ ¸April-May, 2012 – search for partners of Media Centre ‘Lviv 2012’ ¸ ¸May – volunteer training ¸ ¸1-5 June – preparing premises (re-equipment, technical improvements, installation of computer technologies) Media Centre processes during UEFA EURO 2012™: ¸ ¸Process 1. A journalist’s first visit to the Media Centre ¸ ¸Process 2. Journalist work processes at the Media Center ¸ ¸Process 3. Creating an information product ¸ ¸Process 4. Diffusing information products ¸ ¸Process 5. Organizing leisure and entertainment programs for journalists ¸ ¸Process 6. Resolving day-to-day problems for journalists ¸ ¸Process 7. Organizing escort services for journalists ¸ ¸Process 8. Providing technical support at the Media Centre ¸ ¸Process 9. Organizing work for the Media Centre team Process 1. A journalist’s first visit to the Media Centre The journalist entered the City Hall. On the first floor, a volunteer welcomed him and explained where the Media Centre was located. The journalist followed the signs and went up to the second floor. Another volunteer was waiting for him on the second floor; he/she showed the journalist the way to the Media Centre. Once in the Media Centre, the journalist approached the reception desk where four volunteers had been appointed for shift work. The journalist gave his/her contact details and indicated his/her accreditation. The volunteers issued a special badge with a pass to accredited journalists. Non-accredited journalists filled out an application form and received a badge with a pass. Then, a volunteer from the escort office came up to the journalist and gave him/her a brief tour of the Media Centre – lounge area, comment ordering sector, information service, working area for journalists and press conference locations. The tour was over. The journalist decided what to do next. Process 2. Journalistic work processes at the Media Centre The Media Centre was open from 8.00 AM till midnight (to 2.00 AM – on match days), if necessary, to 4.00 AM. Journalists could work on computers provided by the Media Centre, use Wi-Fi services, resolve daily problems at the information desk (ticket bookings, card unblocking, passport renewal); at the comment sector, he/she could make arrangements to get comments from officials or any prominent Lviv residents; in the lounge area, he/she could relax with a 120 complimentary cup of coffee, tea, mineral water or kvas, or get a cup of coffee at a lower price from the coffee machine. Process 3. Creating an information product Two to eight events were organized for journalists at the Media Centre every day – press conferences, briefings and visits. The journalists were informed of these events by e-mails, telephone or direct contact. Journalists were informed of less important events via online newsletters posted by the Media Centre, which had more than two thousand e-mail addresses. Every day, journalists received more than twenty messages via a shared mailing list and about one to two messages via newsletters. Process 4. Diffusing information products Information was diffused via newsletters sent to two thousand e-mail addresses, through social networking, on the UEFA EURO 2012™ website of Host City, the official website of the Lviv City Council and YouTube. Process 5. Organizing leisure and entertainment programs for journalists A leisure and entertainment program was organized for journalists every day. These included visiting museums, the water park, bowling centers, climbing the City Hall tower and parties at nightclubs – over forty different attractions in all. The journalist had to choose one or more events on the Media Centre directory and register with a volunteer from the leisure and entertainment direction at the information desk. If a journalist was not familiar with the location of a specific place or establishment, he/she was escorted by a volunteer from the Media Centre. Process 6. Resolving day-to-day problems for journalists The Media Centre had an information desk, where journalists could resolve problems related to their accommodation, meals, technical repairs, passport renewal, lost and found, and check in their personal belongings (ten lockers were situated in the Media Centre). They could also arrange to park their vehicles on a specially equipped car parks reserved for journalists. Process 7. Organizing escort services for journalists To visit specific places, a journalist could turn to the information desk and ask if a volunteer might escort him/her. Volunteers sometimes accompanied journalists all day. Process 8. Providing technical support at the Media Centre The Media Centre employed three people (one employee and two volunteers), who were responsible for making sure that different articles and products were available at the Media Centre (stationery, water, etc.). Process 9. Organizing work for the Media Centre team Coordination meetings of the heads of all the offices, key personnel members and Media Centre volunteers were organized in order to coordinate work operations at the Media Centre at 8.00 AM and 8.00 PM. 121 Volunteer work at the Media Center ‘Lviv 2012’ The largest number of volunteers worked at the escort office and the Media office. Meetings were held with volunteers in April and May in order to organize their respective duties at the Media Centre ‘Lviv 2012’. As of May, some volunteers helped in offices that formed the basis of the Media Center ‘Lviv 2012’ – Press and Promotion Offices of the Information Policies and External Affairs Office of the Lviv City Council. Signage system for the Media Centre A canvas featuring the Media Centre logo was posted on the column in front of the City Hall. The first and second floors had arrows showing the way to different rooms of the Media Centre and press conference locations – a small assembly room, the white room, Media Caf¸, and public bathrooms. Different signage was posted for other premises of the Media Centre – working area for journalists and organizers, lounge area, comment ordering sector, information desk and reception. Signs were bilingual – in English and Ukrainian. Complimentary handouts Every journalist received complimentary handouts at the reception desk – a folder with the logo of the Media Centre ‘Lviv 2012’, a media guide with useful information about Lviv, a media directory with information about the Media Centre and available services, brief factual information about Lviv, a USB flash drive with information, photos, and videos about Lviv and a map of the city. 8.5.3. INVOLVING PARTNERS IN WORK AT THE MEDIA CENTRE Eight partners were involved in work at the Media Centre: ¸The SoftServe Company provided the Media Centre with computers for journalists (monitors, system units, web cameras, and headsets). Twenty pieces all together. The most advanced computers with widescreen monitors were provided for journalistic use. ¸The Incom Company provided servers for Media Centre computers, as well as Wi–Fi connection areas. ¸Lvivoblenergo Company PJSC. As Media Centre premises were not designed for working with a large number of computers, the room was outfitted with a special power supply unit with required voltage; cables were laid in the Media Centre from the electric control panel located on the first floor of the City Hall, where a reserve unit was mounted near the existing one. During UEFA EURO 2012™, this power unit was reconnected to lighting and computer systems and household appliances – coolers and the coffee machine. Lvivoblenergo also laid 220–volt cables between the tables and provided sockets. ¸Niko–Zakhid provided the Media Centre ‘Lviv 2012’ with a service vehicle – escorting journalists and taking employees and volunteers home late at night. ¸The Carlsberg Company provided kvas to the Media Centre for both journalists and employees. ¸The Metro Company provided consumables – paper, markers, tea, sugar, etc. 122 ¸The Foxtrot Company provided laptops for journalists – they could draft articles anywhere in Lviv. The Led Slims Company mounted another monitor in the Media Centre to broadcast matches. 8.5.4. MEDIA CENTRE ‘LVIV 2012’ IN FIGURES Media Centre ‘Lviv 2012’ in figures: ¸ ¸Opening hours: June 4 – 20 (from 7.30 AM to 24.00; 4.00 AM – on match days) ¸ ¸The Media Centre employed twenty workers from the Office of Information Policy and External Affairs of the Lviv City Council and 104 volunteers ¸ ¸706 journalists were accredited; 200 of them were from foreign mass media ¸ ¸22,000 publications about Lviv in mass media channels during UEFA EURO 2012™ ¸ ¸The Media Centre sent journalists over 500 press releases ¸ ¸70 press conferences and briefings were organized ¸ ¸Thirty VIP guests visited the Media Centre (mayors of other cities, ambassadors, famous bands, and athletes). ¸ ¸Over one million video views of YouTube at the Media Centre in ten days. 8.6. COLLABORATION WITH THE PR COMPANY ‘IMAGINE GROUP’ The PR company ‘Imagine Group’ was involved in implementing the ‘Lviv 2012’ campaign; it performed the following work: Project Volume of work performed Promotional video clips Concept development and implementation Promotional videos of the city (‘Lviv – Friendly City’ – famous Lvivers: Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, Ruslana, and Myroslav Skoryk address Lviv residents and call upon them to cordially welcome guests to Lviv; ‘Klychko invites you to Lviv’, Los Colorados – ‘Only in Lemberg’, ‘Patriarch Sviatoslav about UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv’) Production and subtitling Newspaper ‘Friendly City’ Concept development, preparing material, editing, releasing two issues of the newsletter ‘Friendly City’ project as social advertising Competition for children’s creative work ‘Lviv – Friendly City’ in municipal schools. Photo sessions with the winners; preparing models for billboards and city lights. Road signage Producing a series of infographics for road closures in municipal districts during the whole Tournament, and particularly on match days. Videos and photo stories of city streets Producing and processing photos and videos about the course of the Tournament in Lviv. Subtitling foreign language videos, adding to YouTube at the Media Centre, showing video clips on social networks. Media guide Designing, writing texts, selecting photos, printing the media guide in two languages – English and Ukrainian. 123 Promotional tourist products from Lviv at the Organizing a catalogue of tourist products from Lviv (concept tourist exhibition ITB 2012 in Berlin development, design, content, printing); Tantamaresk Lviv Arena (photos, layout); A4 booklet with tourist products; Visiting card of Lviv stand with QR codes. Advertisements for Lviv in the Official Program Developing and producing models with translations into four languages. of UEFA EURO 2012™ Collaboration with Ukrainian Media Holding Approving provisions for collaboration, and implementing agreements. Advertisement models for Lviv designed for Working out and producing three different advertisement models ‘Korrespondent’ for Lviv designed for three issues of ‘Korespondent’ magazine. 8.7. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE INDICATORS OF THE MEDIA CAMPAIGN As expected, media campaign objectives described in the first sections had both shortterm and long-term results. To assess Lvivers’ perception (target audience ‘Lviv’) of the Tournament immediately after the matches in Lviv, the sociological company ‘Fama’ conducted a survey among city residents. It is worth noting the answers to the following questions: The percentage of positive perception of UEFA EURO 2012™ among Lvivers compared to the survey before the Tournament increased by 6%. In late April 2012, in a survey conducted by the same company using similar techniques, 56.8% Lvivers stated that they were waiting for UEFA EURO 2012™ with a positive attitude. The percentage of Lvivers with a negative attitude (8.2%) dropped to 5.3% after the Championship. How in your opinion, did the UEFA EURO 2012™ affect the following situations in Lviv? (1 – got worse, 3 – any changes, 5 – improved) 1 2 Roads repair 3,8% 13% 33,3% Comfort transport 7,3% 15% Modern airport 0,5% 0,8% New stadium 4 5 88 40% 8,5% 1,4% 34,8% 28,5% 9,8% 4,6% 2,5% 26,3% 46% 23,9% 0,8% 1,3% 4,8% 28,3% 50,8% 14% 13,8% 18,3% 25,8% 19,3% 5,5% 17,3% Improvement of hotels/restaurants services quality 0,8% 4,8% 22,8% 34,5% 10,5% 26,6% Lviv became better known city in the world 0,5% 1,2% 2,5% 20,3% 74,5% 1% Tourism development 0,2% 0,5% 10% 35,3% 50% 4% New work places Increasing the number of cultural events in the city 1,0% 2,5% 18,3% 36% 35,3% 6,9% Construction revitalization 3,3% 12,8% 31,1% 30,1% 9,3% 13,4% Rising the national pride and pride for the city in Lviv citizens 0,3% 1% 4,3% 22% 71% 1,4% 3% 14% 35% 29,5% 9,8% 8,7% Knowledge of foreign languages 124 3 Lvivers were mostly positive and very positively evaluated the impact of UEFA EURO 2012™ on everyday life. Lvivers placed their city first among other Ukrainian host cities with regard to the preparation level for UEFA EURO 2012™. In your opinion, which of the Ukrainian Host Cities was best prepared for UEFA EURO 2012™? Lviv 72,3% Lvivers attributed the highest rating for preparations to such spheres/ Kyyiv 16,4% projects as the stadium, airport, Donetsk 10.6% urban security, street cleaning and organization of cultural events. Kharkiv 0.7% Most doubts and reserves were expressed in relation to transport infrastructure. However, it should be noted that a few months before UEFA EURO 2012™ the public transport network underwent major reform, which, like any reforms, sparked mixed feelings among the local population. However, it should be noted that in this sector 39.3% of all Lvivers evaluated the preparation level at four points out of five, 7% gave a five, and only less than 20% gave a definite negative assessment. In your opinion, how well the city was prepared for UEFA EURO 2012™ in terms of the following issues? (1 – very bad, 5 – excellent) 1 2 3 Transport infrastructure 5,5% 13,3% Stadium 0,8% Airport 0,3% Hotels and hostels construction 2,5% 4 5 difficult to answer 30,5% 39,3% 7% 4,5% 1,8% 6% 31,1% 47,6% 12,8% 0,8% 4,5% 25,5% 48,3% 20,8% 8% 23,6% 36,3% 13,3% 16,3% Host city signage 1,3% 2,8% 12% 44,6% 28,6% 10,8% Volunteers involvement and training 1,3% 1,8% 11,8% 32,8% 26,8% 25,8% Knowledge of foreign language 1,8% 8,5% 26,8% 30,3% 9,5% 23,3% Cultural events organization 1,3% 2% 12,5% 52,5% 25,5% 6,3% Safety 0,8% 3,3% 10,5% 41,3% 41,3% 3% Streets cleaning 3,5% 4,8% 10,5% 38,8% 40,3% 2,3% Would you like Lviv to host European Basketball Championship or other big scale events (Olympic Games, Formula 1 etc) diicult to answer No Yes 125 An important result of Lvivers’ perception of UEFA EURO 2012™ was their clear desire to organize new major projects. Lviv was also ranked at the top by target audience ‘Ukraine’. Sociological surveys were not conducted throughout Ukraine on this topic, but other survey results point to such a conclusion. Influential online editions – Football 24, the news site ‘24’, and zaxid.net – conducted a joint survey. In response to the question ‘Which Ukrainian Euro 2012 host city extended the best welcome to Championship visitors?’ 78.6% of all respondents voted for Lviv. Second place went to Kyiv – 11.5%. Kharkiv was in third place – (5.1%). Donetsk was fourth – with only 4.8%. In response to the question ‘Which Ukrainian Euro 2012 host city will make the most of the Championship for promotion purposes and further development?’ 77.9% of all respondents reported that Lviv made best use of the dividends from the football Tournament. 12.4% of the respondents voted for the capital. Donetsk was third – 5.1%, and Kharkiv was fourth – only 4.6%. Within the framework of national media, which reported on UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv, 90% of the material was positive or neutral. Within the framework of foreign media (target audience ‘World’), the feedback was mostly neutral or positive. Here is a small selection of quotes from the western press: ‘Partisans open to the world’ ‘There are over one thousand volunteers in the city of Lviv and it is hard not to notice them. If tourists stop and examine architectural monuments of the Old Town a bit longer or in a hesitant manner, two or three volunteers in yellow T–shirts will probably come up to them. Do you need help? Where do you want to go? Do you need to have something translated?’ ‘Der Tagesspiegel’ (German newspaper) ‘Lviv – Eastern Sleeping Beauty’ ‘Eastern Sleeping Beauty’ finally awakening from a deep sleep, still considered the most enchanting place in the whole country. As soon as you reach the top of Castle Hill, you are bound to hear the echo of countless confessions of love; if you have come up without your beloved, you can find your own true love up there, when you look down and immediately fall in love with the city.’ ‘Der SPIEGEL’ (German magazine) 126 ‘Lviv – the perfect place to live’ ‘Before UEFA EURO 2012฀, Lviv and all of Ukraine got very unfavorable reviews. But, this was before the Tournament. Today, German and Portuguese tourists can fully enjoy Lviv: a lovely city centre, great atmosphere, and rich historical and cultural heritage. Fans can really enjoy themselves. Lviv residents, especially young people, do their utmost to show the best side of the city. Everywhere you look you can see people in ‘vyshyvanky’ (traditional embroidered shirts) – live music, lots of tourist shops, and even a beer bicycle! Lviv is the perfect place for fans and living.’ ‘De TELEGRAF’ (Dutch newspaper) ‘Little Vienna’ ‘Little Vienna’ – a second name attributed to Lviv thanks to its pedestrian streets and romantic street cafes, so very different from the big eastern cities of Kharkiv and Donetsk, which are located close to the Russian border. A city whose central district is on the UNESCO World Heritage List, its beautiful opera house, and countless churches.’ RMCSPORT (French edition) ‘Everything in Lviv is in tune’ ‘Everything in Lviv is in tune – lots of events that just take your breath away. According to the Danish police, who came to assist their German colleagues, Danish fans had no problems in the city. Fears and misgivings were not proved correct. Lviv confirmed that the city could organize a massive sporting event and turn it into a great party.’ POLITIKEN (Danish newspaper) ‘The obvious winner!’ ‘The obvious winner!’ – headlines of an article about Lviv. ‘The German national team will play its first match in Lviv – a central European chest of treasures dating back to the Renaissance and Modernism periods, with cobblestone streets, the aroma of coffee in the air, and church bells tolling.’ writes the journalist. ‘The city now has the best streets in all of its history.’ stresses the report. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (German newspaper) 127 ‘Good mix of football fans and local residents’ ‘The atmosphere that prevailed in the famous historic section of Lviv on Saturday evening, before the game with Portugal, was a wonderful reward for all the football fans who had travelled here. An unusual and great mix of football fans and local residents. It’s not often that you see such things at large events. Elderly gentlemen sitting on benches and playing cards, a brass band playing on Market Square, a group of young girls performing nearby. 200 meters away, a newly-wed couple leaves the Dominican Cathedral and makes its way among the fans.’ Morgenweb.de (German edition) ‘Lviv–cultural centre of Western Ukraine’ ‘Lviv would like to offer only the best to guests arriving from Europe. The twenty-meter UEFA stage now stands in the heart of the city, where couples in love stroll along the avenue and pensioners play chess or checkers on wooden benches. The UEFA UFO has landed. A visit from another world or galaxy. Lviv is both the academic and cultural centre of Western Ukraine – 40 museums, 15 theatres, and 104 churches. Extraordinary 120 hectares of World Heritage – the Old Town with Market Square and other architectural monuments with amazing facades stretching from the Gothic period to Modernism. Lviv expects that this incredible combination will open the city to the world and help it become a well-known tourist destination.’ Neues Deutschland (German edition) During UEFA EURO 2012฀, the city showed its best side – ‘openness, friendliness, and modernity.’ Deutsche Welle (German channel) We would also like to emphasize the effective use of social networks for content distribution. More than one million users of YouTube watched video clips created within the framework of the ‘Lviv 2012’ campaign during the ten days of UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv. 128 The Official Web Page of the Host City Lviv 129 Chapter IX. THE OFFICIAL WEB PAGE OF THE HOST CITY LVIV 9.1. ABOUT THE PROJECT In November 2010 a decision to create a dedicated web site to represent Lviv as a Host City for the UEFA European Football Championship 2012 in the Internet was made. uefaeuro2012.lviv.ua was chosen as a domain name. E-design Company became partner in this project (resource development). 9.2. MISSION, GOAL, AND TASKS OF THE PROJECT Mission – to create an impression of an open, positive, and friendly city. Goal – to provide city guests and citizens with useful and current information about the events related to the conduct and organization of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012 in Lviv. Tasks ¸ Regular update of all information on the Web page in Ukrainian, English, German, and Portuguese. ¸ Permanent upload of topical news in Ukrainian and other languages, along with photo and video reports. ¸ Distribution of information through mailing lists and social networks, Facebook and VKontakte. ¸ Quick inquiry processing and responses to readers of the Web site via e-mail and social networks. 9.3. ORGANIZING STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT AND TERMS OF IMPLEMENTATION Executives: Lviv Municipal Enterprise ‘Lviv Agency for EURO 2012’ and E-design Company. Terms of the Project implementation: November 2010 – August 2012 130 9.4. MAIN STAGES OF THE PROJECT Main stages of the Project: ¸ Exploration of the previous Host Cities’ experience ¸ Design development ¸ Terms of Reference ¸ Programming of the main menu and sub menus, main sections and typical pages ¸ Filling the pages with text and graphic information ¸ Translation into English, German, and Portuguese ¸ Promotion of the Project To start with, we have learned the experience of the previous Host Cities that developed Web sites specifically to represent preparation process and promote Championships as well. In particular, Klagenfurt, which was a Host City for UEFA European Championship 2008TM, and also Germany – Host Country for FIFA World Championship 2006TM. The contract was concluded with ‘E-design’ company, which has a significant experience in web design, as well as in cooperation with the Lviv City Council and have developed successful non-profit city projects. 9.5. THE CONCEPT OF FILLING THE PAGES WITH INFORMATION The concept of the site as the sole Host City official page was to provide desired and useful information only. That is why it was decided to develop the following sections: Lviv (basic information about Lviv as a Host City, accommodation, useful phone numbers, main places of tourist attractions) News (news feed, photo and video galleries) Media Center ‘Lviv 2012’ (brief information about the ‘Lviv 2012’ media center, its services, accreditation, recent announcements, press releases, copyright-free downloadable photos) Events (Lviv promotional events and events during the Tournament) Making it happen (brief information about the newly built Arena Lviv stadium and the airport), For Fans (about the fan zone and entertainment, brief information about the Fan Embassies) For Volunteers (what is a volunteer project in Lviv, how to become a volunteer, honored volunteers) For Lvivers (a possibility to obtain a permit for entry into the central part of the city and how to get the UEFA license for souvenir manufacturing) 131 Fig.9.5.1. The oicial web page of Host City Lviv (Ukrainian version) For the purpose of Web site promotion, the web-site address was published in all printed products and media of the Host City, including the ‘Welcome to Lviv 2012’ guide , ‘The Fan’s Guide in Lviv’, Host City Volunteer’s Handbook, Media Guide, in press releases, on banners, in outdoor advertising, etc. In addition, there were also the Host City Web site relevant pages in VKontakte and Facebook social networks where the traffic greatly exceeded the number of site guests. A number of resource visitors was also growing during different contests, gift and souvenir drawings. From the beginning of creation and during the Championship, approximately 1500 pages in Ukrainian, 360 pages in English, 83 pages in Portuguese and 179 pages in German were created on the Host City Lviv Web page. In the period from June 1, more than 530 news blocks in Ukrainian were generated and approximately 100 of them were translated into English, German and Portuguese. 9.6. QUANTITATIVE INDICES OF THE PROJECT From June 15 to July 14, 2011 traffic of the Host City Lviv Web page amounted to 110 users per day in average. Fig.9.6.1. Host City Lviv web page visitors’ overview in June 15 - July 14, 2011 132 For comparison: in January 2012 – 11 150 per month, i.e., 370 daily; in April 2012 – 16 200 per month, 540 daily. But already in May 2012 the site traffic amounted to 39 150 per month, 1300 daily, with a considerable increase in the second part of the month. Fig.9.6.2. Host City Lviv web page visitors’ overview in May 2012 During June 2012 official traffic of the Host City Lviv Web page amounted to 104 989, in average 4400 visitors per day: 80% Ukrainians, and 20% visitors from Germany, Poland, USA, Denmark, Great Britain, Italy, Canada and Portugal. Country/Territory Fig.9.6.3. Host City Lviv oicial web page visitors’ geography in June 2012 1 Ukraine 2 Visits % Visits 82.721 78.79% Germany 3.681 3.51% 3 (not set) 3.107 2.96% 4 Poland 2.695 2.57% 5 United States 2.249 2.14% 6 Denmark 1.029 0.98% 7 United Kingdom 940 0.90% 8 Portugal 839 0.80% 9 Italy 670 0.64% 10 Canada 658 0.63% In the course of the UEFA European Championship 2012 in Lviv itself, i.e., in the period from June 7 to June 20, the traffic amounted to 78 250, i.e., approximately 5600 persons were reading the official Lviv EURO portal regularly. Fig.9.6.4. Host City Lviv web page visitors’ overview during UEFA EURO 2012™ 133 Considering the thematic interest of visitors, Ukrainians were the most interested in entertainment program in the fan zone, along with video and picture galleries with foreign fans. In addition, foreigners were also often reviewing the places of tourist interest worth visiting in Lviv, description of public transport, useful telephone numbers, and also the stadium construction history. 9.7. HOST CITY LVIV WEB PAGES IN SOCIAL NETWORKS As of June 30, 2012, 1510 Ukrainians and 410 foreigners like the Host City page in Facebook, 999 of them like its page in VKontakte network. From left to right Fig.9.7.1. Host City Lviv web pages in Facebook Fig.9.7.2. Host City Lviv web pages in VKontakte Host City Lviv web pages in social networks attendance Ukrainian page of Host City Lviv in Facebook Fig. 9.7.3. Host City Lviv Ukrainian Facebook web page visitors’ overview 134 Foreign page of Host City Lviv in Facebook Fig. 9.7.4. Host City Lviv foreign Facebook web page visitors’ overview Audience ratings according to age and sex According to VKontakte network statistics, 56%of the visitors are women, 44% are men. Fig.9.7.5. Host City Lviv Vkontakte page audience ratings according to age and sex 135 9.8. BUDGET OF THE PROJECT The total budget of the project is UAH 118 176.21, including the following: ¸ Hosting: UAH 869.76 ¸ Programming: UAH 87 909.1 ¸ Translation of Ukrainian texts into German: UAH 3 577, and Portugyese: UAH 25 820.35. 136 Volunteer service of the Host city Lviv 137 Chapter X. VOLUNTEER SERVICE OF THE HOST CITY LVIV 10.1. GOAL, TASKS, AND STAGES OF THE PROJECT Goal – creation of organizational, economical and legal conditions for efficient Volunteer Service activity within preparation and conduct of the final part of the EURO 2012™ in Lviv as a platform to create and develop volunteer culture in the city. Main tasks of the Project: • To provide members and guests of the UEFA EURO 2012™ Tournament in Lviv with efficient, professional and polite customer service • To create optimal work conditions for people willing to take part in organization of the Tournament in Lviv: to describe tasks for each volunteer clearly, to provide all necessary information and relevant means for tasks execution • To promote Lviv and UEFA EURO 2012™ among citizens and guests Main stages of the Project: 1. Concept development: June – July 2010 2. General plan development: July – December 2010 3. Promotional campaign the day before recruiting: March – August 2011 4. Acceptance of application forms: September 2011 – March 2012 5. Interviewing candidates: December 2011 – April 2012 6. Volunteers’ training: March – June 2012 7. Management organization: May 2012 8. Project implementation: June 2012 Target groups city volunteers worked with: • Fans • Tourists; • Journalists; • Organizers of the Tournament in Lviv – Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Emergencies services, medical service, ‘EURO 2012’ Department of the Lviv City Council, etc. 138 10.2. VOLUNTEER SERVICE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Organizational structure of the Volunteer Service of the Host City (hereinafter referred to as VS) consisted of: VS manager, division heads, activity and/or group leaders. VS manager controlled VS preparation and operation, established schedules of divisions work, was responsible for performance of the tasks set, involved specialists to work in VS, was responsible for VS material support, following safety regulations on the places of volunteers’ duty performance, provided communication between VS and authorities involved in the organization of the Tournament in Lviv. The main tasks of division heads included: volunteer qualification, organization of operation of their own division – volunteers’ work schedule, communication with activity and group leaders, provision of task execution for each division and direction, help in issuing uniform, telephone cards, badges, equipment needed to execute duties, conduct any additional meetings with volunteers, report on the subdivision operation to Volunteer Service manager. Activity leaders assisted heads of divisions in organizing, in particular, in presenting information to volunteers and on-site situation management. For better coordination of the Volunteer Service operation and its efficient organization, separate directions of the Volunteer Service were divided into groups (no more than 12 persons) headed by a leader. Organizational structure and managerial personnel of the Volunteer Service of Lviv city during the UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv is shown in Fig.10.2.1. Activity leader Volunteer Centre Petro Hoshovskyy Group leader Facilitation. Provision Safety and Security Language Support Kseniya Terenteva City Dressing Lilya Chura Medical Care Volodymyr Bovhyrya City Events Support Kateryna Chernyak Fan Zone Andriy Kholyavko Media Centre Olha Bychkova Fan Embassy Sofiya Pysarenko Fig. 10.2.1. VS organizational structure Information and Welcome Oleh Hlushko Project Manager Mariya Chubata 139 Heads of VS divisions, activity and group leaders were chosen from candidates for volunteers of Host City Lviv during interwiewing and were assisting under volunteer conditions. 10.3. HOST CITY VOLUNTEERS. WHO WERE THEY? 850 volunteers helped to organize the European Football Championship 2012 in Lviv. The majority of volunteers helped in the ‘Information and Welcome’ division, the ‘Fan zone’ and the ‘Media Center’. There were 130 volunteers last year. Most of the host city volunteers were 1-3 year students. Information and Welcome Fan Zone Media Centre Safety and Security Fig. 10.3.1. Number of volunteers by VS divisions, % Language Support Medical Care City Events Support Volunteer Centre Fan Embassy City Dressing Fig. 10.3.2. Number of men and women in VS, % Women Men 140 Fig. 10.3.3. Age structure of the Volunteer Service Age Ukraine USA Germany Russia Fig.10.3.4. National structure of the Volunteer Service Canada Czech Republic Greece Netherlands France South Korea Australia Fig. 10.3.5. Number of volunteers involved by days 141 10.4. REVIEW OF THE VOLUNTEER SERVICE DIVISION WORK 10.4.1. INFORMATION AND WELCOME DIVISION The main task of these volunteers was to provide members and guests of the UEFA EURO 2012™ Tournament in Lviv with all necessary information. Form of communication: • Oral, using a language understandable for a guest/fan. • In the form of distribution materials – free city maps, fan’s guidebook (in Ukrainian, English, Polish, German and Portuguese), and calendar of events taking place in the city. Locations of information points: airport (old and new terminals), the main railway station, the commuter railway station, the University, Rynok Square, A. Mickiewicz monument, fan zone territory, I. Fedorov monument, King Danylo monument, Volunteer Center, Petrushevych Square, the Media Center, the main bus station, King Cross Shopping Mall, Stryiska Vernadskogo street, Bus Station #2, Bus Station #5,and also work in the city hotline service. Fig. Volunteers of Stryiska – Vernadskogo street direction Information point was a branded tent (if the point is situated outside) or a stand (if situated inside). Each tent was also equipped with a table where volunteers placed their distribution materials. 142 From left to right Fig. Information point at the airport Fig. Information point at the main railway station Algorithm of information points operation 1. The tent was prefabricated and easy in structure, thus a volunteer team managed to install it in a short time 2. After the end of work a team of volunteers folded the tent and brought it to a place intended for storage needs (Tourist Information Center - for tents situated in the central part of the city, the bus station – for King Cross Shopping Mall and Stryiska - Vernadskogo street, for other outside points, a car provided transportation to the place of storage). 3. If volunteers ran out of distribution materials, they informed Volunteer Center, and volunteers of this division delivered printed products by car. 4. After the end of work volunteers went to Volunteer Center to have dinner. 5. Meals were delivered to the place of work for volunteers who worked in late shifts. 6. Duration of the volunteers’ shift was 5-6 hours. NOTE. Tents were available starting from the end of May. The schedule of trainings to unfold a tent for each group was developed. Thus, each group had fully mastered this skill before the beginning of the Tournament. Number of volunteers involved and working schedule With regard to match dates in Lviv (June 9, 13, 17), the load of information and reference service was divided into three periods: ¸ June 9, 13, 17 June 7,8,10,11,12,14,15,16,18 June 19– July 1 Technological charts with shift duration, number of volunteers involved and definition of these volunteers, details about meals and volunteers’ transportation requirement were developed for each period and direction. Though hardly predictable, an information point with the greatest fan/guest traffic was the railway station, where Volunteer Service worked around the clock on match days. On the other hand, there was no need to work after 10.00 PM in the airport. Fans were coming in groups, and buses as well as accompanying persons were waiting for them, so volunteers were not 100%involved. 143 Information and Welcome division technological chart (June, 9, 13, 17) Direction Airport Train station University Petrushevycha sq Rynok sq Location New terminal Number of points Number of shifts Shift work schedule Number of volunteers per shift Meals (when, where) 2 3 08.00-14.00 10 Volunteer centre (after shift) NO 14.00-20.00 10 VC (after shift) NO Old terminal 1 The main train station (next to the main exit) 2 The commuter railway station 1 University bus stop 1 Shuttle bus stop 2 Lviv City Council entrance 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 Home transfer 20.00-00.00 8 On-site Yes 07.00-13.00 3 VC (after shift) NO 13.00-19.00 3 VC (after shift) NO 19.00-00.00 3 On-site Yes 07.00-13.00 8 VC (after shift) NO 13.00-19.00 15 VC (after shift) NO 19.00-01.00 8 On-site Yes 08.00-14.00 3 VC (after shift) NO 14.00-20.00 3 VC (after shift) NO 20.00-02.30 3 On-site Yes 8.00-14.00 5 VC (after shift) NO 14.00-20.00 5 VC (after shift) NO 9.00-14.00 2 VC (after shift) NO 14.00-20.00 8 VC (after shift) NO 20.00-02.00 6 VC (before shift) Yes 9.00-15.ЗО 5 VC (after shift) NO 15.30-21.ЗО 5 VC (after shift) NO Responsible person Roman Melnyk Additional information Information support – 4 prs Transport support – 6 prs Information support Hamernyk Oles Information support – 6 prs Hupalo Olena Information support – 3 prs Dmytrakh Vasyl Information support Rakocha Khrystyna ‘City centre – stadium’ shuttle buses – 02.00 PM Holodzun Nazar Fig. Extract from technological charts Call-centre. Volunteers of this direction provided information support via telephone. Eleven thousand five hundred calls were accepted and processed during the Tournament. Inquiries were transferred to appropriate services, and citizens confirmed their fulfillment. Volunteers were working in three shifts during the Tournament, providing telephone advice on the issues concerning the city life and the conduct of matches. Volunteers also assisted in collecting the information used for consultations for citizens and guests, contacted relevant services responsible for traffic control, event organization etc. 10.4.2. FAN ZONE DIVISION Main tasks of the volunteers of this division: • Helping stewards on entrances and exits 144 Fig. Volunteers’ work in the City call-center • • • • Conduct of informational and educational work with fan zone visitors Providing reference information Work with lost or found belongings Response in case of emergencies Calculated number of volunteers involved On match days the number of volunteers on the Fan Zone amounted to 68 persons: • Entrances – 34 volunteers • 6 exits – 1 volunteer each • 3 emergency exits – 2 volunteers each • Family zone – 2 volunteers • VIP-zone – 4 volunteers • Reserve – 10 volunteers • Leaders – 5 volunteers • Head of division Places of volunteers’ location are indicated with red in Fig. Fig. Volunteers’ location in the fan zone (June 9,13,17) Fig. Volunteers’ location at the fan zone entrance On non-match days in Lviv the number of volunteers in the Fan Zone amounted to 38 persons: ¸ Entrances – 17 volunteers 6 exits – 1 volunteer each Family zone – 2 volunteers VIP-zone – 4 volunteers Reserve – 5 volunteers Leaders – 3 volunteers Head of division 145 Places of volunteers’ location are indicated with red in Fig.10 4.2.3. Fig. Volunteers’ location in the Fan Zone(nonmatch days) Schedule of volunteers’ work: 1st shift: from 2.00 pm to 7.00 PM (on match days) and from 12.00 PM to 5.00 PM (non-match days) 2nd shift: from 7 pm to 00.00 PM (on match days) and from 5.00 PM to 10.00 PM (non-match days) Organization of meals Volunteers of the 1st shift had their meals in the Volunteer Center during 1-1.5 hours after the shift end. Volunteers of the 2nd shift had their meals in the Volunteer Center in 1-1.5 hours before the shift start. 10.4.3. MEDIA CENTER DIVISION The task of this division was to help in the Media Center of Host City Lviv. Media Center began operating late in May 2012 and was situated in the Lviv City Council Session Hall (room 202). Services provided by the Media Center: • Equipped working places for journalists • Free Wi-Fi • Free printing/scanning/copying • Access and use of photo, video and sound materials • Recent information (organization of press conferences with celebrities, VIP guests, politicians and specialists) • Storage of journalists’ equipment • Leisure area (free coffee/tea) • Media caf¸ Main directions of volunteers’ work: Media direction. Volunteers of this direction were writing news, organizing press conferences, briefings, and taking comments. This direction also included photographers. In order to receive comments, a volunteer journalist had to speak English at least at the intermediate level. Comments organization. This option was included both for Ukrainian and foreign journalists. Volunteers communicated with journalists both by phone and in person and arranged taking comments of the officials and 146 others. Translation. News translation, foreign mass media monitoring, simultaneous translation on press conferences. Escort of journalists. Volunteers of this division accompanied foreign journalists, including their escort to press conferences and during interviews, assistance in finding materials for articles, buying tickets, currency exchange, free time inthe mediacafe, and view of matches. The schedule of these volunteers was completely unstandardized because a journalist could come at any time and pick up a volunteer for any period of time. Requirement to these volunteers – excellent knowledge of English and/or German. Reception. Three receptions were operating in general. On the ground floor of the Lviv City Council, two persons welcomed all visitors and gave all necessary information. Similar tasks were performed by volunteers at the reception situated on the second floor of the City Hall. A reception in the Media Center (entrance hall to room No. 202) functioned as accreditation for journalists, separately for Ukrainian and foreign representatives. Tasks of this direction also included work in the lounge zone – place where a journalist could have water, kvass, tea or coffee. References. Telephone and personal references. A journalist could leave his or her belongings in a cloakroom. Technical support. Mailing, web site, mass media monitoring. Entertainment program for journalists. Organization of excursions parties and escort. Besides, all volunteers were involved in distributing materials (newspapers, booklets). The leaders of the aforementioned directions were not volunteers but employees of the Lviv City Council – Press Service and City Promotion Department of the Information Policy and Foreign Affairs Administration. Despite the fact that officially approved schedule of volunteers’ work specified two shifts – from 8.00 pm to 4.00 pm and from 4.00 pm to 00.00 pm, situations occurred when volunteers worked longer (which required making immediate corrections in the schedule of meals and number of servings). The work of Media Center division volunteers, unlike the other divisions, began with the opening of Media Center. After June, 20 volunteers were not involved. Fig. Work of ‘Comments’ direction volunteers 10.4.4. FAN EMBASSY DIVISION The main task of this division of volunteers was to provide necessary information and help to the members and guests of the UEFA EURO 2012™ Tournament in Lviv. From the very beginning the Fan Embassy Project has been oriented to work with fans but, as the result, volunteers also worked with Lviv citizens. The Fan Embassy Project was organized jointly with Football Supporters Europe – FSE Organization. 147 Fan Embassy location – Svobody Avenue (on the Alley of the Virgin Mary statue) An umbrella, a table and armchairs composed the appearance of the volunteers’ working place. Schedule of volunteer’s work 1st shift – from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm. 2nd shift – from 2.00 pm to 7 pm. 3rd shift – from 7.00 pm to 00.00 pm. Time of volunteer’s work – from June 8 to June 18. Volunteers who were willing to help after June 18 had a chance to join the Information and Welcome division. It was agreed that this subdivision of volunteers would wear T-shirts different from those worn by the rest of volunteers. Fig. Fan Embassy volunteers 10.4.5. SAFETY AND SECURITY LANGUAGE SUPPORT DIVISION The main task of this division of volunteers was to provide language support to law enforcement officers, who had language difficulties while communicating with foreign fans and tourists during the UEFA EURO 2012™ Tournament in Lviv. Language Support of security services division worked in these directions: • Ministry of Internal Affairs Chief Administration • Ministry of Internal Affairs City Administration • State Traffic Inspectorate • Patrol Duty Squadron • Airport 148 Duty was performed daily in the following directions: • Ministry of Internal Affairs Chief Administration • Ministry of Internal Affairs City Administration • Airport Regarding State Traffic Inspectorate and Patrol Duty Squadron, the duty there was performed in shifts in different points of Lviv, depending on events occurring and the number of foreign tourists on the city territory and outside. Extract from division work technological chart Direction Shift work Location schedule City Centre 07.30 AM – 02.00 PM Road Police 01.30 PM – 08.00 PM Volunteers Additional Information Huk Car Accident Demyanovska Airport Kruvyuk Work at local department Train Station Krynytska City Centre Lutsenko Zymna Vosa village Paluvoda Regional department provides transfer Buzkyy district Turchynyak Regional department provides transfer City Centre Yavoriv Stryy city Romanus City Centre Hirnyak Car Accident Dudych Airport Holovatyy Train Station Horodechna City Centre Karpa Zymna Vosa village Leshchyshyn Regional department provides transfer Buzkyy district Savitska Regional department provides transfer City Centre Lyzanets Stryy city Udovenko Regional department provides transfer Work at local department Regional department provides transfer Fig. Extract from division work technological chart 149 Fig. Work of State Traic Inspectorate Direction volunteers 10.4.6. CITY EVENTS SUPPORT DIVISION The main task of this division of volunteers was to help entertainment program organizers of the Fan Zone. Main directions of work: • Back-stage – technical assistance behind the scenes • Screen – assistance to operator • Work with artists – meeting, issuing badges, escort to the place of a press conference, technical rider check • Work with sponsors Schedule of volunteer’s work in this division was different from the rest – every volunteer worked for 2 days (from 10.00 am to 00.00 am), and had a rest for the next two. This was caused by schedule of artists’ arrival and the fact that this division was actually responsible for ensuring that all organizational and technical issues related to the stage and screen operation were resolved before the start of the fan zone work. 10.4.7. CITY DRESSING DIVISION This division was the least by the amount of volunteers involved. Volunteers performed city monitoring and informed corresponding bodies about cases of promotional materials dismantling, and made photo reports. 10.4.8. MEDICAL CARE DIVISION Medical volunteers were involved only at the stadium and assisted qualified doctors only on match days. Students of Danylo Halytskyy Lviv National Medical University, who were assisting in the medical institutions of the city and the region as well as the Fan Zone, were not volunteers. 150 Their role was defined as ‘students undergoing a compulsory annual practice’. 10.4.9. VOLUNTEER CENTER DIVISION Division was responsible for functioning of the center for volunteers – provision of administrative, organizational and information services to coordinators and volunteers. Volunteer Center (VC) was organized on the basis of the secondary comprehensive school No. 35 (2 Shukhevycha st.) Period of work – June 1 to July 1, 2012. Working hours – 08.00 am to 02.00 am (on match days in Lviv), from 09.00 am to 11.00 pm (on non-match days). Main work directions: • Reception (welcome service) • Meals logistics • Transport logistics (delivery) • Media support • Entertainment program organization for volunteers • Work with material values (warehouse) • Administration and communication (office-room) Fig. Reception in the Volunteer Center Quantitative and qualitative indices: • 30 SMS distributions (in total, volunteers received 9,000 SMS-messages) • VC volunteers wrote 20 pieces of news about volunteers of Host City Lviv. They were distributed by the city Media Center • Reports about the events initiated by Volunteer Center were shown by 3 Ukrainian, 2 foreign and regional TV channels. • Volunteer photo journalists took 10, 000 pictures • The following sports were provided for leisure: • Darts 151 • Basketball • Football • Foosball • Badminton • 3 large sport tournaments were conducted • Mini football (9 teams – 7 boys and 2 girls) • Foosball (6 teams) • Ping pong (34 members) • 150 volunteers participated in sport tournaments • Free master classes were conducted in: • Hip-hop • Waltz • Contemporary dance • Speedminton • Aikido • 200 volunteers took part in master classes • The ‘What? Where? When?’ intellectual game was conducted. 50 persons participated (8 teams) • A meeting with a foreign volunteer was organized • 3 large flash mobs to support Ukrainian football team were conducted: • ‘Hang out your flag’– volunteers called upon all Ukrainians to hang the blue and yellow flag for the period of UEFA EURO 2012™ • ‘Ukraine, Lviv is with you’ – volunteers painted themselves in blue and yellow colors to support the Ukrainian football team. • ‘We are the 12th player’ – having created a T-shirt by themselves, volunteers became the 12th player of the national team • 300 volunteers took part in patriotic flash mobs • 2 Ukrainian movies were watched: ‘Silver Land. The Chronicle of Carpathian Ukraine 1919-1939’ and ‘Golden September’. After the watch, volunteers met the producer of these movies T. Choliy and their director T. Himich • Spiritual conversations with Redemptorines Fig. A master class in hiphop 152 10.5. RECRUITING AND SELECTION OF VOLUNTEER Reception of application forms from candidates for Host City volunteers began on September 12, 2011 and ended on March 31, 2012. 1872 application forms were received during this period. Bilingual application form was placed on 3 Web sites: the official Web site of Host City Lviv (www.uefaeuro2012.lviv.ua), the official Web site of the Lviv City Council (www.cityadm.lviv.ua) and the official travel web site of the city (http://lviv.travel/). A promotional campaign before and in the process of recruiting was conducted under the motto ‘Let’s do it together!’ and included: • Press conferences • Information in mass media • Airing of audio trailer on radio ‘Lux’ • Conduct of public lectures ‘We are hosts of the UEFA EURO 2012™’ in higher educational establishments of Lviv • Participation in theme programs on local television channels • Placing information on external advertising carriers (billboards and city lights) • Involving famous persons – television anchor woman Olga Freimuth and football player of local FC ‘Karpaty’ Igor Khudobiak, awarding them with the status of ‘honorary volunteers of Lviv’ Interviews with candidates for Host City volunteers began on December 3, 2011. Interviews took place on Saturdays and Sundays from 08.00 AM to 9.30 PM. (except of January 7 and 8, 2012) till April 8, 2012. Meetings with 1300 candidates in person and with 80 candidates online (Skype was used for conversations with candidates not residing/not studying in Lviv) were conducted during this period. Each interview lasted about 30 minutes in English. The conversation was conducted in Ukrainian with candidates who declared that they did not speak English. The main goal was to find out how well the candidate meets the requirements to a Host City volunteer, whether his abilities, skills and qualities are sufficient to work in one of three subdivisions, marked by a candidate as priority in his/her application form. The interviewers’ task was to allow the candidate to become a part of the third largest event in the world. So, if the candidate’s 153 skills/abilities were insufficient to work in the desired subdivision, he/she was offered an alternative one. After the interview each interviewer entered a brief candidate’s description (personal qualities, skills, language skills) into a database and defined the final subdivision, and, if possible, the direction in which this volunteer would be helping. Candidates were invited for interviews in order of questionnaires received (first, those who sent them in September, then – in October, and so on). A proposition was sent to a candidate by e-mail 10 days in advance with time and day when he/she could come for an interview and with request to confirm the attendance. In addition, SMS- message ‘Congratulations on the stage 2. We invite you for an interview. Details were sent to your e-mail. Sincerely, the team of Volunteer Project of Host City Lviv’ was sent to his/her telephone number. During December and February, the interviews were conducted by the Volunteer Service project coordinator Mariya Chubata and by psychologist Adriana Kuzmich, coordinator of international programs of ‘Union Forum’ NGO Elena Kolosovych and manager of information support of Volunteer Service Oksana Lupynis. Since mid-February, Oleh Hlushko, Andriy Kholyavko and Roman Melnyk – future heads of division of the Volunteer Service – joined the process. A special training was conducted concerning the purpose of the interview, their role and tasks at this stage. In addition, a special instruction on how to start and finish the interview, and examples of typical questions were developed. As a result, 960 persons were selected to help during the Tournament. Late in May, this number decreased by 110 persons – reasons for refusal were different: problems with accommodation, change of plans, participation in the UEFA Volunteer Project, some candidates did not respond to phone calls and so their participation was ended ‘by default’. All volunteers who successfully passed the stage 2 received confirmations that they were accepted to the Volunteer Project team. Fig. 10. 5.2. Conirmation of participation in the Project in Ukrainian 154 Mistakes made at this stage: 1. Absence of electronic registration. The questionnaire was designed in a Word document; consequently, a lot of time was spent on transferring information to Excel tables. 2. Additional interviewers were involved too late. 10.6. VOLUNTEERS’ TRAINING Volunteers’ training started with preparation of leaders. During an interview each volunteer leader agreed on his/her role as a leader in this Project. The first training ‘Football, youth, society – language of understanding’ was conducted on Saturday, March 3, 2012. The following trainings were dedicated to leadership, leaders’ role in the ‘Volunteer Service of the host city’ Project, conflict management, communication with media and general Project overview. Coordinator of the Volunteer Service Mariya Chubata and coordinator of international programs of ‘Union Forum’ NGO Elena Kolosovych trained leaders. Reliable partners at this stage were East European Institute of Development and Media Reform Center. Program of the preparation of Host City Volunteers consisted of general training and a number of special trainings. A general training required participation of all volunteers at the same time providing them with necessary information. In the course of the general training, volunteers received information about: • Lviv as a Host City and its tourism positioning • Information about UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv • Existence and distribution of responsibility levels in the Tournament organization • Volunteers’ responsibility for success of the UEFA EURO 2012™ • The role of volunteers as a city visit card • Main rules and prohibitions • Features of the first aid • Actions in emergency situations Such training was conducted on May 5, 2012 in a large concert hall of ‘Lviv Polytechnics’ National University and lasted from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm. Trainers: Mariya Chubata (the Project Manager), Oleg Zasadnyy (Director of the ‘EURO 2012’ Department of the Lviv City Council), Olena Golysheva (Director of the Tourist Information Center), representatives of medical service and the Ministry of Emergencies service. A special training provided instruction on the tasks to perform in a certain division, work places, provision of necessary information, materials and tools to perform the tasks. Such trainings were interactive and conducted in small groups. Trainers were those who worked with volunteers during the Tournament – head of the Lviv City Council press service 155 conducted trainings for Media Center division volunteers, head of EURO 2012 sector in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Chief Administration in Lviv Region – for volunteers of Safety and Security Language Support division. Special attention was paid to preparation of volunteers from Information and Welcome division. Therefore, the list of questions that could potentially be asked by a person coming to the city for the first time was developed, and answers were prepared. Since the questions were concerning how to get to certain objects, such ‘collections’ of responses were different for each direction of the division (total number of ‘collections’ – 15 pcs.). Information processing scheme: electronic provision of questions and answers to volunteers – personal meeting and discussion of these answers with role plays – providing the volunteers with ‘collections’ of responses. It was expected that volunteers from Information and Welcome division would most often communicate with tourists, fans and citizens. For that reasons the next training was dedicated to hospitality, basics of efficient communication, intercultural diversity, and emotional stability. Schedule of training was developed for each group, but since the same training was conducted 10 days in a row, volunteers who couldn’t make it with their group had a chance to come another day. On June 6, 2012 (two days before the Tournament kick-off) initiation into Host City volunteers took place. The Lviv City Mayor maid a little speech for volunteers. Volunteer Handbook. At the beginning of 2012 a ‘Handbook of the Host City Volunteer’ was developed and issued, containing information about the first medical aid, rules of conduct in case of fire, emergency threat or storm alert. Besides, the publication included the following subjects: ‘Football hooliganism’, ‘Crowd psychology’, ‘The official fan zone and forbidden items’, lists of important telephone numbers, volunteer’s duties and ethical code. 156 10.7. COMMUNICATION 10.7.1. COMMUNICATION PLAN For the purpose to provide efficient communication, all information was spread in a vertical order – the Volunteer Service coordinator provided information to heads of divisions, heads of divisions provided information to activity leaders or directly to volunteers. In certain cases the coordinator communicated directly with activity leaders and vice versa. VS Project Manager Fig. Information spread algorithm Division Head Division Head Division Head Emergencies Activity leader Group leader Group leader Group leader 10.7.2. COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION TRANSFER MEANS Communication and information transfer between volunteers and administration was conducted by means of mobile communication and speaking devices. MTS mobile communication operator provided Volunteer Service with start packages according to the following calculations: Volunteer Service manager: • Unlimited free communication within the network • UAH 450 for telephone calls to subscribers of other operators Heads of Volunteer Service divisions • Unlimited free communication within the network • UAH 150 for telephone calls to subscribers of other operators Volunteers • Unlimited free communication within the network • UAH 75 for telephone calls to subscribers of other operators Besides, SMS delivery was functioning, enabling quick delivery of information to a 157 large number of volunteers at the same time. Telephone subscribers’ numbers could be downloaded from Excel table that allowed sampling if necessary. Fig. SMS delivery The Volunteer Service also had ‘walkie-talkie’ speaking devices in use. Each information point, the Volunteer Center, the Fan Zone coordination headquarters, the Volunteer Project Coordinator, persons responsible for transport organization were equipped with one speaking device. As the Fan Zone division was the only division with a large number of people working at the same time on limited territory and in a crowd, volunteers of this division were equipped with walkie-talkies of the other type only for communication with each other. From left to right Fig. Speaking device used by VS coordinator, Fan Zone coordination headquarters, divisions heads and transport coordinator Fig. Speaking device of Fan Zone division of volunteers 158 Revealed advantages of speaking devices: • high efficiency - there was no need to waste time for dialing or selecting a necessary number from the address book and wait for connection • possibility to communicate and coordinate actions with multiple persons simultaneously • ‘free hands’ - possibility to receive / hear information while performing another task 10.8. MEALS Volunteer’s menu consisted of: a sandwich (French bread, butter, ham/chicken or fish chop/ cold baked pork, vegetables), sweet dessert, coffee /tea. Water was given to volunteers in 0.5 l bottles at request but no more than 2 l per day. Besides, Volunteer Center had several coolers with water that could be consumed in unlimited quantities. Volunteers of the City Event Support division received 2 meals a day as they were working for 12 hours. Ready-to-eat food was provided by Lviv Higher Professional School of Restaurant Service and Tourism that won tender for provision. Serving price (with ketchup, mustard, disposable tableware and a wet napkin) was UAH 18.29. Meals were delivered to the Volunteer Center twice a day at 1.00 pm and 6.00 pm with regard to quantities provided the day before by the Volunteer Service, responsible for meals logistics and delivery. Meals organization on match days in Lviv was different: • On match days delivery service provided delivery of food for volunteers of 3rd and 4th shifts to their work place • On non-match days volunteers or their leader had to come to Volunteer Center in person in order to receive their meals Logistics of drinking water delivery remained the same during the whole period of Volunteer Service operation – in the morning, water in the amount of 1.5 l for volunteers of all shifts was delivered to each point. It was expected that 0.5 l left they could take personally in the Volunteer Center. As the first 10 days of the Tournament were rainy, hot drinks, coffee and tea, were the most popular among volunteers. Fig. 10.8.1. Sandwiches 159 10.9. TRANSPORT Volunteer Service had a bus that provided volunteers’ transportation home. It started operating at 00.00 AM – 00.15 AM from Solomiya Krushelnytska Lviv National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet and was meant to transport volunteers from the Fan Zone division, whose shift ended daily at 00.00 AM, home. Although on match days volunteers who helped in the hotline joined this group. On match days 2 additional mini vans were used: 1st – for transportation of volunteers, who worked on the shuttle bus stops near the stadium and helped with fans boarding, 2nd – for transportation of volunteers of the 3rd shift, direction – ‘Railway Station’ (ended at 01.00 am) and delivery of volunteers of the 4th shift to job. A car that the Volunteer Service had at its disposal during the Tournament and mostly used by logistic service throughout the day was also used on match days to deliver home volunteers from the Volunteers Center division, who worked longer. 10.10. IDENTIFICATION OF VOLUNTEERS In order to be easily recognizable and thus to perform their main task (to help) volunteers had to wear the uniform of the established pattern. Each volunteer received a badge – confirmation that this person is a host city volunteer, providing possibility to use public transport for free. Uniform of a host city volunteer The set of volunteer’s uniform consisted of: two T-shirts, shorts, a windbreaker, a cap and a bag. In addition, each volunteer received a raincoat. Early in April 2012 one of the working groups responsible for city visualization during the Tournament has developed design of the uniform of the host city volunteer. Uniform color: yellow and brown. Main design elements: ‘VOLUNTEER’ word, a host city promotional logo (‘pyatyhatky’), ‘ASK ME’ expression. A bag had a map of the central part of the city and QR codes for free loading of Lviv Fan Guide and Lviv Events Guide mobile applications. 160 From left to right Fig. 10.10.1 Volunteer Yulia Bren’ Fig. 10.10.2 Volunteer Olga Bychkova Fig. 10.10.3 Volunteers Yaroslav Kostiv and Galyna Mykhailyuk help the transport service after the end of the match Volunteer’s badge ‘Access areas’ were defined during the Tournament in Lviv: MC – the Media Center, VC – the Volunteers Center, FZ – the fan zone, 1 – organizational headquarters, 2 – stage, backstage, dressing room, 3 – media platform, 4 - VIP zone. With regard to specifics of every volunteer subdivision work and their location, volunteers received badges with ‘access areas’ listed. In total, the Volunteer Service had 3 badge types: 1st – for Media Center division volunteers, 2nd – for Events Support division volunteers, 3rd – for the rest of divisions. 161 From left to right Fig. 10.10.4 Volunteer’s badge A side Fig. 10.10.5 Volunteer’s badge B side Fig. 10.10.6. Badges of the Fan Zone division volunteers 10.11. MOTIVATION One of the main questions to candidates to volunteers of Host City Lviv were: ‘Why do you want to become part of the Volunteer Project team?’ and ‘What do you expect?’ The main motivation of the most candidates was a possibility to gain practical skills of foreign languages. We can mark out the following motivation among the others: • desire to be involved in the UEFA EURO 2012™ • possibility to meet new people/meet friends • ‘because it is prestigious’ • possibility to gain practical experience related to future profession • possibility to gain new experience • desire to help Lviv • no other plans for the period of the Tournament • possibility to be useful 162 We consider the bonuses received by each volunteer to be additional motivation: • Free access to public transport • Volunteer’s uniform • Meals • Accident and health insurance • Access to the Volunteers Center and a chance to participate in tournaments, competitions, master classes • E-photobook • Certificate • Possibility to relax at the party Fig. 10.11.1. The Volunteer’s Certiicate The final party ‘Volunteers Invite You’ was organized two days before the end of the Tournament, on June 29, on the territory of Leo Fan – the fan zone under a tent. Lviv city Mayor Andriy Sadovyi came to thank volunteers in person. On this day, volunteers enjoyed the music of: Natalka Karpa and KARPARATION, Abukasinovy Kaptsi music band, Serhii Prytula, DjBuratino and Andriy Zholob. The culmination of evening show program was a fire installation called ‘Lviv Labyrinths’ from ‘Voskresinnya’ Theatre Fig. 10.11.2. Performance of Natalka Karpa Points with meals and non-alcoholic beverages were working for volunteers for free during the whole evening. A special present was a 60 kg and 2 meter long cake. 163 10.12. BUDGET OF THE PROJECT In accordance with the Decision of the Executive Committee No. 363 as of May 25, 2012 ‘On amending the Decision of the Executive Committee as of April 20, 2012’ the total budget of the Project amounted to UAH 1,227 020. Preliminarily the Program of Volunteer Service of the Host City Lviv was approved by the Resolution of theLviv City Council session No. 1484 as of April 26, 2012. 164 165 166 UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv: economical impact 167 Chapter XI. UEFA EURO 2012™ IN LVIV: ECONOMICAL IMPACT 11.1. THE EXPECTED EFFECT According to the expectations of the government, UEFA EURO 2012™ must provide gross national product growth in the amount of 2.8% during 2008 - 2012. 70% of the effect must be brought by investments into the infrastructure projects. Impact related to the tourist growth is foreseen in a small volume due to small popularity of Ukraine as a tourist region, low image of Ukraine on the political arena, and high prices for hotel services. In 2007 Ukraine and Poland were entitled to conduct the UEFA EURO 2012™ that took place from June 8 to July 1, 2012. 31 football matches were conducted within the Championship, 16 of them were conducted on the territory of Ukraine, together with the final match that took place on July 1 at the National Stadium in Kyiv city. 3 group tournament matches took place in Lviv city: on June 9, national teams of Germany and Portugal played at the ‘Arena Lviv’ stadium, on June 13, national teams of Denmark and Portugal, and on June 17, national teams of Germany and Denmark played there. Lviv city has never hosted sportive events of such a high level before, consequently, preparation to the Tournament required large investments into the city infrastructure (construction of a new airport terminal, stadium, road reconstruction and public transport improvement). 168 11.2. VOLUME AND DIRECTIONS OF INVESTMENTS The investments on the state level were distributed by directions in the following amounts in accordance with The State Target Program of Ukraine preparation to the final part of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012™ approved by the Order of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of April 14, 2010 No. 357 (with amendments and supplements): Sport facilities Fig.11.2.1. Investment directions Hotels Airports Railway Roads Public transport Other In accordance with The State Target Program, preparation to the UEFA EURO 2012™ was estimated as UAH 105.4 bln. (USD 13 bln.), which amounts to 8% from GDP 2011 for the period 2008 – 2012. The peak expenditures were foreseen for 2011 and amount to more than 40% of the general preparation cost. 15% of expenditures were foreseen for 2012. Approximately 80% of expenditures was planned to finance from the State budget, which is UAH 55 bln from budgets of different levels (State, regional, city), UAH 30 bln. from the accounts of state enterprises, such as Ukrzaliznytsa, SE ‘Boryspil Airport’, SE ‘International Lviv Airport’, and others. The ‘UkrEuroinfraproekt’ State Agency, subjected to Ministry of Infrastructure and the Vice Prime Minister, was appointed as a funds administrator. The infrastructure projects became the main heads of expenditure (approximately 75%), including roads (32.5 bln. or 30% of all expenditures), 169 airports (21.0 bln or 20% of all expenditures), railway communication (UAH18.3 bln. or 17% of all expenditures), public transport (6.4 bln. or 6% of all expenditures). The preparation of Lviv Region has been conducted in accordance with The State Target Program of preparation to the UEFA European Football Championship 2012™. The Program provided financing in the amount of almost UAH 12,4bln. The actual amount of the money provided is UAH 10,5bln, of which: 77% (UAH 8,1 bln) – state money 2, 0% (UAH 0,28 bln) – local budgets 21% (UAH 2,2 bln) – investors’ money The funds of state budget were directed to the following objects: ¸Danylo Galytskyi Lviv International Airport – UAH 4,6 bln ¸Stadiums: Arena Lviv’ stadium - UAH 2,94 bln ¸ Stadium of Lviv State Physical Training University - UAH 78,5 mln Stadium in Slavs’ke urban city, Skole District (the sum of UAH 22,0 mln was financed) ¸ Construction and reconstruction of intercity roads (Lviv - Krakivets’, Lviv – Rava – Rus’ka, Lviv - Shegyni, Lviv Western detour, lowering of the part of Lviv – Pustomyty road and access road to Truskavets’) - UAH 647,09 mln.) ¸ construction, reconstruction and repair of Lviv municipal roads - UAH 256,17mln repair of dormitories - UAH 24,6 mln; ¸ The funds of Lviv city budget were directed to the following objects: ¸ Construction, reconstruction and repair of Lviv city municipal roads – UAH 55,0 mln ¸ Reconstruction and repair of Lviv city medical care institutions - UAH 28,98 mln Private investors’ money was directed to the following objects: Construction, reconstruction and repair of hotels - UAH 2,1 bln Сonstruction of transmission lines (own funds of Lvivoblenergo PJSC) - UAH 131,28 mln 170 11.3. GENERAL RETURN Economical results of the conduct of UEFA EURO 2012™ by directions in total throughout Ukraine are shown on the diagram: Operational budget Tourism income Stadia construction Infrastructure development Hotel Construction Other Fig.11.3.1. Economical results of the conduct of UEFA EURO 2012™ (Ukraine) Taking into account the experience of the UEFA European Football Championship 2008™ in Austria and Switzerland, the results can be divided into the short-term (income from tourism) and the long-term (investment attractiveness increase) results. It was expected to receive the following income from tourism in total throughout Ukraine Number of tourists Basic scenario Number of tourists without tickets Total tourists Pessimistic scenario Number of tourists without tickets Total tourists Optimistic scenario Number of tourists without tickets Total tourists Days of staying Expenditures per Total expenditures 1 person, day (USD, mln) (USD) 0.35 262500 3.1 350 284.8125 2.7 315 191.3625 3.5 400 420 0.30 225000 0.40 300000 Reifaizen research 171 11.4. GUESTS OF THE TOURNAMENT Based on the results of polls conducted by the Institute of World Politics, approximately 89% of the guests of the Championship were men, the main age group of 25-34 years old (44.28%), at that, over 45% of the guests had higher education. It must be also noted that 88.6% of the guests arrived to Ukraine for the first time and only 37% of them visited other cities, except of the host cities of the game they arrived to watch. Regarding occupation, according to the poll results, the main group was represented by the employees (Fig. 11.4.1.) Company employed Entrepreneur Fig.11.4.1. Occupation of the guests, % Unemployed Pensioner Household Student Other Military Lviv city hosted over 70 000 of foreign tourists from more than 90 countries: Ukraine Germany Other Denmark Russia Poland Fig.11.4.2. Nationality of the guests (with tickets) of the Tournament in Lviv, % Switzerland Portugal This quantity varied by matches depending on the countries participating. Match: Germany – Portugal 172 match 04 Ukrainians incl. Lviv residents Fig.11.4.3. Number of the guests in Lviv by nationality (9th of June) Poles Germans Portuguese Danes other foreign tourists VIP guests UEFA Family Sponsors Hospitality program Match: Denmark – Portugal match 11 Ukrainians Fig.11.4.4. Number of the guests in Lviv by nationality (13th of June) incl. Lviv residents Poles Germans Portuguese Danes other foreign tourists VIP guests UEFA Family Sponsors Match: Germany – Denmark Hospitality program match 20 Ukrainians incl. Lviv residents Poles Fig.11.4.5. Number of the guests in Lviv by nationality (17th of June) Germans Portuguese Danes other foreign tourists VIP guests UEFA Family Sponsors Hospitality program 173 The numbers are impressive: 410 000 guests from more than 90 countries attended the stadium and the fan zone in Lviv during 10 days 1 million viewings of video trailers in ‘Lviv 2012’ Media Center about the progress of events of UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv 940 volunteers were working in the city 706 journalists were accredited in the Media Center 3500 tourists addressed the Lviv tourist and information centers, and the city information services accepted about 7000 calls. It is also known that 150 thousand tourists came to Lviv; among them, approximately 70,000 foreign fans, who attended the matches of the Championship. The airport has also set up its own record: during UEFA EURO 2012™, Danylo Galytskyi Lviv International Airport serviced 600 flights. Large D class Airbus 380 and Boeing-767 airplanes landed in Lviv city for the first time. Number of passengers Number of flights Fig.11.4.6. Passengers low at Danylo Galytskyi Lviv International Airport 11.5. HEADS OF EXPENDITURE OF TOURISTS To calculate the expenditures of tourists, it is also important to have a notion about expenditures made by representatives of different target groups. For example, according to financial experts’ evaluations, representatives of the national teams spend approximately EUR 300, official delegations and VIP guests spend approximately EUR 400, sponsors – EUR 250, fans – EUR 110-150, depending on the term of staying. Considering the fact that the number of fans represents the largest share among all guest groups, this group provides the main income. 174 Fig. 11.5.1 Revenue from the diferent guest groups, % UEFA Official Guests UEFA Family Sponsors& Hospitality program Fans Media In order to calculate the expenditures of the guests by heads (transport, accommodation, meals), we conducted a poll, the goal of which was to determine what type of transport was used by guests arriving and if they stayed overnight. The poll results are shown on the diagram: Fig.11.5.2. Guest arrivals by transport means, % Source of information: GIZ polls The period of stay diagram indicates that due to long distances between Ukraine and the places of the guests’ residence, the guests usually stayed overnight: Fig.11.5.3. UERO 2012 guests’ duration of stay 175 However, due to the lack of information, a large share of fans stayed not in Lviv city but on the territory of Poland which is a member of the European Union and in the cities situated near the boundary of fearing inexpensive accommodation. in Lviv In Truskavets Direct return/on ward journey Other place Fig.11.5.4. Accommodation of UEFA EURO 2012™ guests’, % Source of information: GIZ polls Summing up the received information on the average expenditures, term of staying and the number of guests by groups, total amount of Lviv enterprises income was calculated by directions Transport Stadium tickets (EUR) Accommodation (EUR) Catering (EUR) Entertainments Fig.11.5.5. Total amount of Lviv enterprises income, % Source of information: GIZ polls Fan zone If we consider expenditures by target groups, the most attractive one was the fan group, the representatives of which spent the largest amount of money. Media Fan zone visitors UEFA guests UEFA Family Ukrainian fans at the stadium Foreign fans at the stadium 176 Fig.11.5.6. Overall spending by diferent guest groups Total amount is approximately UAH 320 mln; without transport expenditures it is UAH 150 mln. Average prices and number of overnight stays by accommodation types Match 4 Hotels Number of rooms Occupancy 7000 65.00% Rooms occupied 4550 Average number of days Price 2.5 Income (EUR) 120 1365000 Hostels 1200 70.00% 840 2.5 50 105000 Dormitories and camping 5400 15.00% 810 3.5 30 85050 Apartments 1200 70.00% 840 3 75 189000 7040 1744050 Match 11 Hotels 7000 55.00% 3850 2.5 120 1155000 Hostels 1200 65.00% 780 2.5 50 97500 Dormitories and campings 5400 0.00% 750 3.5 30 78750 Apartments 1200 70.00% 840 3 75 189000 6220 1520250 Match 20 Hotels 7000 70.00% 4900 2.5 120 1470000 Hostels 1200 70.00% 840 2.5 50 105000 Dormitories and campings 5400 15.00% 1560 3.5 30 163800 Apartments 1200 70.00% 840 3 75 189000 8140 1927800 Total 5192100 Income from the food sales in the official fan zone during the period of the Championship amounted to UAH 3 million approximately, taking into account the fact that the fan zone was attended by more than 400 thousand fans, which is UAH 7.5 per person. Concerning the long-term effect, some basic results should be reported: Tourist attractiveness of the city will improve Increase of rooms number in the city hotels will provide a possibility to accommodate more guests at the same time Development of tourism sphere will provide increase of income in the coming years ensuring a long-term scale economic development 1000 work places approximately were created in the tourism branch Due to infrastructure development, investment attractiveness of the region has been increased. 177 11.6. HOTEL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT In 2008, ‘EURO 2012’ Department of Lviv City Council, jointly with the Institute of Innovation & Entrepreneurship at the Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne, conducted a hotel business research in Lviv and provided a forecast of hotel rooms increase. According to the forecast data of 2012, Lviv would possess more than 2500 rooms in hotels of various categories due to preparation to UEFA EURO 2012™, encouraging active growth of tourism in the city. As of July 2012 the city could offer its guests 2,909 rooms in hotels and more than 1,300 rooms in hostels. Fig.11.6.1. Lviv hotel supply Taking into account the fact that during 2008-2012, 1226 rooms in 41 hotels of different categories, and 1300 beds in hostels were set into operation, as well as the price for provision of necessary facilities for one room, the investment value, by estimations, exceeds 900 mln ,and more than 100 additional working places were created. 178 11.7. LONG-TERM CITY DEVELOPMENT Fig.11.7.1. UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv city in numbers The organization of the UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv became a landmark event in the history of the city, taking into consideration the fact that the Tournament is considered to be the 3rd largest sport event after the Summer Olympics and the FIFA World Cup. Besides the fans’ attention, a huge attention of the international media is attracted to this event which promotes the city to a quite different popularity level. More than 700 journalists were accredited at the Lviv city Media Center, more than 500 messages dedicated to the city appeared in print media on the match days, international news channels (CNN, BBC, Spiegel) awarded the city with such epithets as ‘Sleeping Beauty of the East’, ‘The Winner is Obvious’ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung German news paper published its article about Lviv city with such heading. On the other hand, conduct of the Tournament of such a high level requires a modern transport, hotel and sports infrastructure, the issues of health care and security are also important. It is important that the interests of Lviv citizens who will enjoy these achievements after the Championship were the most important for the city. UEFA EURO 2012™ gave us the opportunity to update mostly obsolete infrastructure with attraction of public and private investment. According to the international experts’ calculations, the GDP growth can amount to approximately 2.8% during 2008 - 2012. Over 70% of expenditures are related to investment into infrastructure, these expenditures forming the most part of the GDP. According to UEFA President Michel Platini, ‘The Tournament left a striking heritage to Ukraine. The country infrastructure was modernized in a few years, while usually such changes require 20-30 years. Airports, roads, trains, buses stadiums – these are all the material results. This large-scale project became a national idea, united people and created a new page in the history of this new state. In my opinion, Ukraine opened to the world due to UEFA EURO 2012™’ 179 Annex 1. LIST OF HOTELS BUILT IN LVIV CITY, BY THE YEARS: Year of opening 2008 2009 2010 2011 180 No. Name of establishment Address 1 Drevnii Grad 23-28Staroyevreys’kaSt. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Vintazh SatriiKrakiv Delis EuroHotel Citadel Inn ReikarzDvorzhetz Irena Zisar Gelikon Andriivskii Guesthouse Kupava Sonata Reikarz Medieval Edem Shopen Mars (2nd turn) Status SV Na Ozeri Rafael Bogema Kopa Lesopolis (2nd turn) Nobilis Delis (2nd turn) ZisarBankir Europa 21Shpytal’naSt. 8SamchukaSt. BrativTershakovtsivSt. 11GrabovskogoSt. 105GorodotskyiSt. 21StorozhenkaSt. 3Kotlyars’kaSt. Zaputivvillage, Lviv Region 112K. LevytskogoSt. 17KomarovaSt. 14MoroznaSt. 9Drukars’kaSt. 95’а’Gorodots’kaSt. 7Malaniuka Square Lviv-Malehiv Road Lviv-Malehiv Road 5’б’OrlykaSt. 2’б’PovitryanaSt. Zubravillage,Lviv Region Solonkavillage, Lviv Region Pasiky-Zubritski village, Lviv Region 14Shevs’kaSt. 5FredraSt. 8SamchukaSt. 23KhmelnitskogoSt. 31StryiskaSt. 14OkruzhnaSt. Number of rooms 71 12 10 7 93 26 52 27 15 47 7 13 122 23 20 16 36 20 44 8 9 5 40 33 49 8 5 15 2012 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 RayskeYablyko Leotel Pans’kaGora Vintage (2nd turn) BuhtaVikingiv Uzlissya Shveitsarskyi(2nd turn) 36 37 39 40 41 Ramada Ekotel’ Skifia Etna Pal’ma 3LykianovychaSt. Sokil’nykyvillage, Lviv Region 23-28Staroyevreys’kaSt. Vodnykyvillage, Lviv Region Strilkyvillage,Lviv Region. 20/22KnyazaRomanaSt. Gorodets’ka St. and Kil’tseva Roadcrossroads 42SaharovaSt. ZimnaVoda village, Lviv Region 13YeroshenkaSt. 44Bogdanivs’kaSt вул. Богданівська, 44 4 20 62 17 52 60 11 103 11 9 13 31 181 182 Name of works 2012 May 7 Power supply of the fan zone 2 Starting–up and adjustment 3 Entrance gate 4 Cloakrooms 5 Medical container 6 Technical container 9 External fence, entrance tunnels 10 Internal fence 11 Internal power supply network of the fan zone 12 Stage and screen stands 13 Screen 14 Sound equipment 15 Branding elements 16 WCs 17 Public catering 1 18 Public catering 2 19 Iconic bar 20 VIP zone 21 Media platform 22 Fountain covering 23 Hyundai Motor Company Ltd. 24 PE McDonalds’ Ukraine Ltd. 25 Coca Cola Ukraine Limited Ltd. 26 Ukrsotzbank PJSC 27 Slavutcih Carlsberg Group Ltd. 28 Epicenter K Ltd. 29 Adidas–Ukraine SE 30 Ukrtelecom PJSC 32 Information centers 33 Souvenier trade 34 Security systems 36 Infrastructure for persons with disabilities 37 Open distribution units for record–free connection 38 Wireless Internet (Wi Fi) 39 Wire Internet 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 June 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Schedule of construction of the official fan zone infrastructure 1 8 Annex 2. № Annex 3. SCHEDULE OF DECONSTRUCTING OF THE OFFICIAL FAN ZONE INFRASTRUCTURE No. Name of works Time of execution, days 1 Entrance gate 1 2 Cloakrooms 1 3 Medical container 1 4 Technical container 1 5 External section fence, entrance tunnels 2 6 Internal fence 1 7 Internal power supply network of the fan zone 2 8 Stage and screen stands 4 9 Screen 2 10 Sound equipment 2 11 Branding elements 2 12 WCs 2 13 Public catering (sole proprietor Drin’ R.) 2 14 Public catering (HTPW) 2 15 Iconic bar 4 16 VIP zone 2 17 Media platform 1 18 Fountain covering (+branding) 2 19 Hyundai Motor Company Ltd. 1 20 PE McDonalds’ Ukraine Ltd. 1 21 Coca Cola Ukraine Limited Ltd. 2 22 Ukrsotzbank PJSC 1 23 Slavutcih Carlsberg Group Ltd. 1 24 Epicenter K Ltd. 1 25 Adidas–Ukraine SE 1 26 Ukrtelecom PJSC 1 27 Information centers 1 28 Souvenir trade 1 29 Security systems 1 30 Infrastructure for persons with disabilities 1 31 Open distribution units for record–free connection 1 32 Wireless Internet (Wi Fi) 1 33 Wire Internet 1 2012 July 183 DEFINITIONS ¸ In this Final Report, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below ‘Clean Site Principle’ In relation to any location, free of any advertising, branding or other promotions for or of any person not expressly permitted by UEFA EURO 2012™ Marketing Guidelines ‘Event’ UEFA EURO 2012™ ‘Host City’ The local governmental body that holds and exercises administrative political and/or legislative responsibility for the city ‘Host City Agreements’ The Host City agreements entered in by the Host Cities and UEFA in relation to hosting UEFA EURO 2012™ ‘Host City Concept’ The Host City’s concept provided to, and agreed with, UEFA in accordance with the Host City Agreement and UEFA EURO 2012™ Marketing Guidelines ‘Host City Event’ Any event or activity organized by the Host City relating to UEFA EURO 2012™ and promoting the Host City’s status as a Host City. This does not include the official fan zone as they are governed by specific conditions. ‘Host City Supporter’ A local or regional entity or person that has been approved by UEFA and fulfils the relevant criteria and to which the Host City may grant the relevant rights with regards to Host City Events and the Official Fan Zone ‘Host City Website’ A UEFA EURO 2012™-related website created and maintained by the Host City in order to promote its role in relation to the Event. This can either be a sub-section of the Host City’s existing city website or an own website with information on Host City Events, the Official Fan Zone and any other Event-related issues for visitors and travelling fans to the host city ‘LOC’ The entity in the relevant Host Country which UEFA has appointed to organise certain aspects of UEFA EURO 2012™ ‘Official Sports Retailer‘ The entity appointed directly or indirectly by UEFA as the official UEFA EURO 2012™ sports 184 shop and/or retailer of Official Licensed Products in the Host Country ‘Official Fan Zone’ An area in the host city that is set aside for fan entertainment and public viewing of live coverage of matches of UEFA EURO 2012™ by members of the general public which is operated in accordance with UEFA EURO 2012™ Marketing Guidelines 185 THE FINAL REPORT WAS COMPILED BY: ¸ Oleh Zasadnyy ‘UEFA EURO 2012TM in Lviv: management structure’ and ‘UEFA EURO 2012™ in Lviv: economical impact’ chapters Oleh Vilyura, Roman Zubachyk ‘Transport operations’ chapter Yaryna Kopets ‘Accommodation for guests, participants and fans during UEFA EURO 2012TM in Lviv’ chapter Valentyna Bartoshyk ‘Lviv information service + 38 032 297 5555’ chapter Mykola Padalka, Andriy Pavliv ‘Official Lviv fan zone for UEFA EURO 2012™’ chapter Serhiy Zhurbenko ‘Safety and security organization in the fan zone’ chapter Solomiya Koronenko The entertainment program of the official fan zone Ostap Protsyk, Andriy Moskalenko ‘Organizing the media campaign ‘Lviv 2012’ chapter Lyudmyla Dunets ‘The Official web site of the Host City Lviv’ chapter Mariya Chubata ‘Volunteer service site of the Host City Lviv’ chapter ‘Lviv Agency for 2012’, ‘EURO 2012’ Department, Lviv City Council, tel. (032) 297-07-90 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be printed, copied or published electronically without written permission of the ‘EURO 2012’ department 186