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The next section addresses a very pertinent issue: the significance of cover letters vis-i-vis the electronic age. Rowh attributes it to the experts that even when resumes are posted electronically, the cover letter still has its role to play; as discussed in the previous section. However, this may take the form of a covering e-mail message or be a conventional covering letter in the form of an attachment file. Moreover, electronic submissions are sometimes a follow up to a traditional letter. Finally, a cover letter helps place the resume in context even if sent electronically and waters the job scene sufficiently for the resume to take roots. Among the basic elements of cover letters, Rowh touches upon the return address; date; inside address; subject line; salutation; body; complimentary close; name and signature; and notations. The subsection on the aesthetic aspects of a cover letter is useful. Rowh suggests that the paper be a standard 8.5 by 11 inch white sheet of heavy paper, preferably the same size as the resume. The chapter concludes with special tips for electronic submissions. Chapter 3 is devoted to the two basic styles of cover letters. Which one the writer chooses is a matter of personal choice and dependent on the recipient it is intended for. The first type is the standard, polite, and formal type that has an undertone of respect for the employer. The second type is what Rowh calls the 'Bold and Brassy letter'. A feature wise comparison of the two styles allows the writer to decide upon his/ her choice. Included among the samples of both the types are scores of letters to give the reader a good glimpse of how sihe can go about the task. Stylistic elements may be varied to suit the specific job requirements and the employers. The penultimate chapter of the book is much like a conclusion for the writer and has little relevance for the reader. It could well have been dropped from the book without having any impact on its general feel or layout. The final chapter is a collection of thirty Slam Dunk Cover Letters as Rowh calls them, of which some are in the form of e-mail messages, though the need for a separate such chapter escapes the reader when chapter 3 was already devoted to the purpose. The samples themselves offer a wide variety and are useful to not only the new but also the veteranjob seeker. Thr sue the nat ous Hu Paying attention to the tools of thd e-age is certainly strength of this book. Overall, the book has been well conceived and well begun, but the inspiration and energy of the author appears to wane somewhere by the middle of the book. Despite its usefulness, the book betrays a few notable and at times glaring shortcomings. Instead of skipping a section on grammar altogether, some practical tips for dealing with grammar wouid have been of great value to the users. A numbbr of unnecessary repetitions of concepts and ideas do not apparently serve any useful purpose: they rather have a perplexing effect upon the reader. Finally, the front and back covers of the book declare that the book carries more than 100 sample cover letters, though the fact is the number of letters in the book is much smaller (80)! The section titled 'helpful words and phrases to use in cover letters' is indeed an innovative approach, but a more detailed and better designed list would have been more in place. spe issr cor intt fror edi cha cer Th pre alsr sue tali enl teg pro Par Reviewed bv: plo me bee vid Urvashi PJain Formerly Lecturer, Trinity Institute of Higher Education (Affiliated with the Guru Gobind Singh Indrapras atha University) In Chapter 4,'PIaying the Cover Letter Game', Rowh elaborates on the microelements of the components broadly discussed in chapter 2. Much of the chapter gives in to repetition, though the section on making the most use of the information gleaned from the job insert is additional.In the same chapter, a worthwhile section is the one giving out tips on how not to be 'annoying'in the cover letters. Elements best avoided are slip-shoddiness, excessive punctuation, highlighting, hyperbole, pushiness, and definitely, humor. The section on the use of internet and e-mail. however. tends to repeat a greatdeal of what has been presented in earlier chapters. Even so, tips on sources, such as, reference books can be useful. Also useful is the discussion on how to be honest in presenting your weaknesses carefully in a positive language. cur lett stur oft cus Dr. Prasannanshu Assistant Professor, Skyline University College. Sharjah, U.,A..E. prasannanshu @ hotmail.com selt Au sris afr anc Chi bot dus 84 Skyline Business Joumal, Volme IV - No. 2 Spring 2008