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Bibliography of research on the regional ethnic Chinese of East Asia in Business 1 Foreword The list of references presented here is the early product of a research project aimed at a review of the state of Chinese capitalism in the early years of the millennium. This component addresses the ethnic Chinese of East and Southeast Asia; it is not designed to cover China as such, although there will be some overlap. There are several types of Chinese capitalism, and this bibliography focuses on the type found in the region around the South China Sea. Although there is again variety within it, it has certain internal consistencies and common features, such as family ownership, centralized control, and an entrepreneurial spirit. These characteristics are also increasingly visible in China’s private sector, which is evolving rapidly. As the larger project progresses, we hope to annotate this bibliography, or at least the key references, and also to classify it more precisely. That work will take considerable resources to complete, and rather than wait, we thought it worthwhile to publish this list with simple classification, with the aim of giving scholars access to a reasonably full collection of references and reducing the burden of having to sift through library shelves, data banks, and lists of references. We regret that the work of poring over the list is still necessary, but we trust that the yielding of new insights may justify the inconvenience. The format of the list follows the 15th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. It was compiled by Ulla Fionna and classified by Cheon Kheong Tan under the supervision of Michael A. Witt, all based at INSEAD in Singapore, and of Gordon Redding, based at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France. The larger project on Chinese capitalism is undertaken under the umbrella of the Euro-Asia and Comparative Research Centre at INSEAD, a research centre devoted to the study of comparative 2 management. It forms part of a new series of research publications under the aegis of the Centre that will take the form of bibliographies and monographs. The Centre’s studies of Chinese management including the preparation of this bibliography have benefited greatly from the support of the Lee Foundation, and that support is most gratefully acknowledged. We also wish to acknowledge the stimulus to the project from the Second International Conference of Institutes and Libraries for Overseas Chinese Studies held at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in March 2003 on the subject of bibliographies on Chinese-related research. It is impossible for works such as this to be complete. All they can hope for is to be reasonably comprehensive, and we make no claims to being exhaustive. In that light we would appreciate the further input of readers who see glaring omissions, or who have reference sets they might be happy to see added. As always with business in Asia, this is work in progress. Euro-Asia and Comparative Research Centre, INSEAD The Euro-Asia and Comparative Research Centre at INSEAD is devoted to the study of comparative management. Founded in 1980, most of its work has been directed towards the understanding of Asian business, although its field of work has increasingly come to cover other regions as well. The Centre is a major part of the research landscape at INSEAD, a leading international business school with campuses in France and Singapore. It can draw on a dedicated library, staff in both Europe and Asia with approximately a dozen specialist faculty, and a global network of research collaborators. 3 The Centre’s current main project is a series of books on the business systems of various societies, which involves comparison of cultures, institutions, and systems of owning, organizing, and managing. This multi-disciplinary work falls within the general field of socio-economics and takes the view that societies, and not only economic forces, influence the ways in which business systems evolve. The references presented in this volume are part of a series of studies of Chinese capitalism in its various forms. The intention of this line of research is to facilitate the prediction of the future nature of business in China and the Asian region more generally by increasing our understanding of the trajectory taken so far. 4 Categories used for classification 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 alliances citizenship culture economy education and training entrepreneurship ethnicity finance guanxi history human resources industry sector(s): agriculture industry sector(s): banking industry sector(s): catering trade industry sector(s): commerce industry sector(s): commerce, retail industry sector(s): construction industry sector(s): electronics industry sector(s): IT industry sector(s): manufacturing industry sector(s): media industry sector(s): mining industry sector(s): real estate industry sector(s): retail industry sector(s): semiconductor industry sector(s): shipping industry sector(s): textile industry sector(s): truck transport joint ventures law leadership style management style marketing migration networks ownership people philosophy politics relations with China religion social development strategy 5 1. Alliances Saxenian, AnnaLee, and Chuen-Yueh Li. 2003. Bay-to-bay strategic alliances: The network linkages between Taiwan and the U.S. venture capital industries. International Journal of Technology Management 25 (1/2):136-150. 2. Citizenship (JCWI), Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants. 1989. A matter of honour: The nationality question in Hong Kong. London: JCWI. Balibar, Etienne. 1991. The nation form: History and ideology. In Race, nation, class: Ambiguous identities, edited by E. Balibar and I. Wallerstein. London: Verso. Bilbao, Rene. 1965. Le droit malgache de la nationalite (The nationality law in Madagascar). Paris: Cujas. Cheah, Boon Kheng. 1978. Malayan Chinese and the citizenship issue. Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Association 12 (2). Cheung, Fuk-yuen. 1983. The dual nationality of the Overseas Chinese in Indonesia, 1949-1962, with reference to Sino-Indonesian relations. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong. Chiew, Seen Kong. 1971. Singaporean national identity, Sociology, University of Singapore, Singapore. Citizenship for Indonesia Chinese. 1980. Bangkok Post, 1 April 1980. Cui, Gui Qiang. 1989. Xinma huaren guojia rentong di zhuanxiang 1945-1959 (The change of national identification of Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia 19451959): Xiamen Daxue Chubanshe. Dittmer, Lowell, and Samuel Kim. 1993. China's quest for national identity. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Fogel, Joshua A., and Peter G. Zarrow, eds. 1997. Imagining the people: Chinese intellectuals and the concept of citizenship, 1890-1920. New York: M.E. Sharpe. Huang, Tsen-ming. 1954. The legal status of the Chinese abroad. Taipei: China Cultural Service. Husodo, Siswono Yudo. 1985. Warga baru (kasus Cina di Indonesia). Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbitan Yayasan Padamu Negeri. Ip, Manying. 1990. From sojourners to citizens: Metamorphosis of the New Zealand Chinese since World War II. Asian Culture 14:195-204. 6 Jakarta offering citizenship to alien Chinese residents. 1980. Asian Wall Street Journal, 1 March 1980. Jan, George Pokung. 1960. Nationality and treatment of Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, New York University, New York. Kheng, Cheah Boon. Malayan Chinese and the citizenship 1945-1948. Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs (Sydney) 12 (2):95-122. Kong, Chiew Seen. 1997. From Overseas Chinese to Chinese Singaporeans. In Ethnic Chinese as Southeast Asians, edited by L. Suryadinata. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Lin, Man-Houng. 2001. Overseas Chinese merchants and multiple nationality: A means for reducing commercial risk (1895-1935). Modern Asian Studies 35 (4):985-1009. MacNair, H.F. 1923. Chinese acquisition of foreign nationality. Chinese social and political science review 7 (4):1-39. Mozingo, David P. 1961. The Sino-Indonesian dual nationality treaty. Asian Survey 1 (10):25-31. Ong, Aihwa. 1993. On the edge of empires: Flexible citizenship among Chinese in diaspora. Positions 1 (3):745-778. ———. 2000. Flexible citizenship: The cultural logics of transnationality. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Oommen, T.K., ed. 1997. Citizenship and national identity: From colonialism to globalism. California: Sage Publications. Prasenjit, Duara. 1997. Nationalist among transnationals: Overseas Chinese and the idea of China, 1900-1911. In Ungrounded empires: The cultural politics of modern Chinese transnationalism, edited by A. Ong and D. Nonini. New York: Routledge. Purcell, Victor. 1955. The dual nationality of the Chinese in South-East Asia. Indian quarterly 11:344-354. Rolls, Eric. 1996. Citizens. Brisbane: University of Queensland Press. Siddique, Sharon, and Leo Suryadinata. 1981-1982. Bumiputra and pribumi: Economic nationalism (indiginism) in Malaysia and Indonesia. Pacific Affairs 54 (5):662-687. Siong, Gouw Giok. 1960. Warga negara dan orang asing (Citizens and foreigners). Jakarta: Keng Po. Smith, Anthony. 1989. The origins of nations. Ethnic and Racial Studies 12 (3):340367. 7 ———. 1991. National identity. Nevada: University of Nevada Press. Somers Heidhues, Mary F. 1988. Citizenship and identity - Ethnic Chinese and the Indonesian revolution. In Changing identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II, edited by J. W. Cushman and G. Wang. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Suryadinata, Leo. 1989. National integration and the Chinese in Southeast Asia. Solidarity 123. Tan, Antonio S. 1972. The Chinese in the Philippines, 1898-1935: A study of their national awakening. Quezon City: R.P. Garcia. ———. 1985. The Chinese mestizos and the formation of Filipino nationality. In Chinese in the Philippines, edited by T. Carino. Manila: De La Salle University. Tan, Samuel K. 1992. The Chinese of Siasi: A case of successful integration. In China across the seas: The Chinese as Filipinos, edited by A. S. P. Baviera and T. Ang See. Quezon City: Philippine Association for Chinese Studies. Tsai, Robert. 1974. Citizenship issue and the national economy. In Philippine-Chinese profile: Essays and studies, edited by C. J. McCarthy. Manila: Unity for Progress. Willmott, Donald Earl. 1961. The national status of the Chinese in Indonesia 19001958. Ithaca: Cornell University Modern Indonesia Project. Willmott, W.E. 1989. The emergence of nationalism. In Management of success: The molding of modern Singapore, edited by K. S. Sandhu and P. Wheatley. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Zheng, Liren. 1997. Overseas Chinese nationalism in British Malaya, 1894-1941, Cornell University. 3. Culture Abbott, Kenneth. 1970. Harmony and individualism. In Response to changes, edited by G. DeVos. New York: D. van Nostrand. Ah, Cheng. 1985. Three Kings. Translated by B. S. M. a. t. f. S. Wang). London: Collins Harvilla. Anderson, Eugene N., Jr. 1973. Chinese fishermen in Hong Kong and Malaysia. Paper read at International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 9th, at Chicago. Ang See, Teresita. 1990. Integration and identity: Social changes in the post-World War Philippine Chinese community. Asian Culture 14:38-46. ———. 1993. Philippine-Chinese literature in English and Filipino. Asian Culture 17:83-90. 8 ———. 1995a. The Chinese in the Philippines: Continuity and change. In Southeast Asian Chinese: The socio-cultural dimension, edited by L. Suryadinata. Singapore: Times Academic Press. ———. 1995b. The culture of nationalism and the local Chinese community. In Culture of nationalism in contemporary Philippine society (conference proceedings). Baguio City: Cordillera Studies Center. Backman, M. 2000. Asian eclipse - Exposing the dark side of business in Asia. Singapore: John Wiley. Bai, Xianyong. 1983. Niezi (Crystal boys). Taipei: Yuanjing Chuban Gongsi. Baker, D.R. Hugh. 1983. Life in the cities: The emergence of Hong Kong man. China Quarterly 95:469-479. Barth, Frederik, ed. 1969. Ethnic groups and boundaries: The social organization of culture differences. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company. Bas, Rene Q. 1979. Baba culture ("straits-born" Chinese). Orientations (Hong Kong) 10 (4):47-49. Basu, Ellen Oxfeld. 1991a. Profit, loss and fate: The entrepreneurial ethic and the practice of gambling in an Overseas Chinese community. Modern China 17:227-259. ———. 1991b. The sexual division of labor and the organization of family and firm in an Overseas Chinese community. American Ethnologist 18 (4):700-718. Benjamin, Geoffrey. 1994. The cultural logic of 'multiracialism'. In Singapore: Society in transition, edited by R. Hassan. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press. Birch, Cyril. 1977. Change and continuity in Chinese fiction. In Modern Chinese literature in the May fourth era, edited by M. Goldman. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Buck, D.D. 1994. Dimensions of ethnic and cultural nationalism in Asia - A symposium. Journal of Asian Studies 53 (1):3-9. Carstens, Sharon. 1988. Chinese publications and the transformation of Chinese culture in Singapore and Malaysia. In Changing identities of Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II, edited by G. Wang and J. Cushman. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. ———. 1999. Dancing lions and disappearing history: The national culture debates and Chinese Malaysian culture. Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 13 (1):11-64. Carstens, Sharon A. 1996. Form and content in Hakka Malaysian culture. In Guest people: Hakka identity in China and abroad, edited by N. Constable. Seattle: University of Washington Press. 9 Ch'en, Tu-hsiu. 1915. Tung hsi min-tsu ken-pen ssu-hsiang chih ch'a-i (Differences of basic thought between eastern and western people). Hsin ch'ing-nien (New youth), 15 December 1915, 283. Chang, J. 1996. Contemporary Chinese writing in Chinese in Australia. Paper read at Chinese in Australasia and Oceania, September 1996, at Melbourne. Chang, Pat Foh. 1989. Cultural interaction (Chinese in Sarawak). Sarawak Museum Journal (Kuching) 40 (61):171-183. Chen, Han-seng. 1936. Landlord and peasant in South China. New York: International Publishers. Chen, Liefu. 1968. Feilubin de minzu wenhua yu huaqiao tonghua wenti (Philippine national culture and the Chinese assimilation problem). Taipei: Zhengzhong Shuju. Cheng, Lim Keak. 1990a. Reflections and the changing roles of Chinese clan associations in Singapore. Asian Culture (14):57-71. ———. 1990b. Reflections on the changing roles of Chinese clan associations in Singapore. Ya-chou wen-hua (Asian culture) 14:57-71. Cheung, Sidney C.H., and Siumi Maria Tam. 1999. Culture and society of Hong Kong: A bibliography. Hong Kong: Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Chia, Felix. 1994. The Babas revisited. Singapore: Heinemann Asia. Chou, Ta Kuan (Zhou Daguan). 1967. Notes on the customs of Cambodia (Zhenlai fengtu ji). Translated by T. i. E. f. F. v. b. P. P. o. C. s. o. b. J. G. d. A. Paul). Bangkok: Social Science Association Press. Clammer, John R. 1981. Straits Chinese literature: A minority literature as a vehicle of identity. In Literature and society in Southeast Asia: Political and sociological perspectives, edited by S. Tham. Singapore: Singapore University Press. Clegg, S.R., and Gordon Redding, eds. 1990. Capitalism in contrasting cultures. New York: Walter de Gruyter. Clifford, James. 1988. The predicament of culture: Twentieth-century ethnography, literature, and art. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. ———. 1992. Traveling cultures. In Cultural studies, edited by L. Grossberg, C. Nelson and P. Treichler. New York: Routledge. Cohen, Myron L. 1968. The Hakka or 'guest people': Dialect as a sociocultural variable in Southeastern China. Ethnohistory 15 (13):237-292. Cohen, Paul A. 1993. Cultural China: Some definitional issues. Philosophy East and West 43:557-562. 10 de la Costa, Horacio S.J. 1974. Chinese values in Philippine cultural development. In Philippine Chinese profile, edited by C. J. McCarthy. Manila: Pagkakaisa sa Pag-unlad, Inc. Diamond, Norma. 1985. Rural collectivitisation and decollectivitisation in China - A review article. Journal of Asian Studies 44 (4):785-792. Djao, A. Wei. 1981. Traditional Chinese culture in the small factory of Hong Kong. Journal of Contemporary Asia 11 (4):413-425. Doran, Christine. 1997. The Chinese cultural reform movement in Singapore: Singaporean Chinese identities and reconstruction of gender. Sojourn 12 (1):92-107. Douw, Leo M., and Peter Post, eds. 1996. South China: State, culture and social change during the 20th century. Amsterdam; New York: North-Holland. Durand, Dominique, and Jean Hin-Tung. 1981. Les Chinois de la Reunion (Chinese of reunion). Capetown: Australes Editions. Fang, Hsiu. 1972. Ma-hua hsin wen-hsueh ta-hsi (A comprehensive anthology of modern Malaysian Chinese literature). Singapore: Hsing-chou shi-chieh shuchu. ———. 1973. Ma-hua hsin wen-hsueh chi ch'i li-shih lun-ts'ung (Collected articles on the history of Malayan-Chinese new literature). Singapore: Wan-li wenhua ch'i-yeh. Faure, David, and Tao Tao Liu, eds. 1996. Unity and diversity: Local cultures and identities in China. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Feuchtwang, Stephen D.R. 1974. An anthropological analysis of Chinese Geomancy. Vientiane: Vithagna. Fock-Yee, Jeanne. 1974. Les Chinois a la Reunion (The Chinese in reunion), Universite de Toulouse, le Mirail. Goh, Then Chye. 1989. Modern Malaysian Chinese literature: Past, present and future. In Social change and Southeast Asian Chinese literature, edited by T. C. Carino. (Philippines): China Studies Program of De la Salle University and Philippine Association of Chinese Studies. Gold, T.B. 1996. Civil society in Taiwan: The Confucian dimension. 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