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نظرية إدارة الاقتصاد الإسلامي ونظريات الاقتصاد الوضعي "الاقتصاد الرأسمالي والاقتصاد الاشتراكي نموذجاً" "دراسة مقارنة" The Theory of the Management of Islamic Economics and the theories of Positive Low Economics "the Capitalistic Economics and Social Economics as Models" "a Comparative Study"
Roa Iktissadia Review, 2020
Ijtihad : Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Islam, 2017
مجلة الواحات للبحوث والدراسات, 2021
يهدف البحث إلى بيان نظام الحسبة في الفقه الاسلامي وأثره في ضبط حركة السلع في الأسواق و تنظيمها، ومراقبة أحوال التجار في البيع والشراء ومحاربة الغش والتدليس ، حماية للمستهلكين، وإحقاقا للحق وإبطالا للباطل، فقد أمر القرآن الكريم عموم المؤمنين بعدم أكل أموالهم بينهم بالباطل، إلا عن طريق التجارة الحلال، المبنية على قواعد النزاهة والعدالة الاجتماعية، بعيدا عن الظلم والجور كما حاولت هذه الدراسة مقارنة المبادئ الشرعية بالأحكام القانونية الواردة في قانون حماية المستهلك وقمع الغش رقم 09-03 وخلصت الدراسة إلى ضرورة تفعيل دور جهاز الرقابة في مختلف مراحل العمليات التجارية؛ سواء في مراحل التخزين والتموين، أو في مراحل التسويق بالجملة أو التجزئة، حماية للمصالح المادية والمعنوية لجمهور المستهلكين.
Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences
journal of King Abdulaziz University Economics and Administration, 2016
يتناول البحث باختصار تعريف المصلحة العامة وبعض المتغيرات والمزال والعوائق التي تعتري تقديرها وقياسها. بالإضافة إلى بيان خمسة أنماط من العقليات الإدارية لدى المدراء ومتطلبات المصلحة العامة في كل منها. كما تناول مشروعًا لفكرٍ إداريٍّ محفزٍ للنفع العام وعمل الخير كمتطلبٍ أساس لجودةِ العمل على رعاية المصلحة العامة، وأهمية وجود ثقافة مشتركة للنفع العام بين المواطن والمسؤول في المجتمع.
مجلة تطویر الأداء الجامعى, 2020
المجلة الاجتماعية القومية, 2018
The present electronic monograph (E-monograph) is divided into eight chapters are followed by: The first chapter introduces the full autonomous artificial intelligence in attack or defense decisions making in military drones’ system box (The NeuronDrone-Box): the hardware, algorithm, and a new special military Drone or UAV. The first section presents the full autonomous artificial intelligence in attack or defense decisions making in military drones’ system box (The NeuronDrone-Box) to adapt to any drone to the main control system of any drone. Second section is the algorithm is using chaos theory and Econographicology. third section we present the groundbreaking prototype known as the "Black Nightmare V.7." The Black Nightmare V.7 drone bombardier boasts a range of distinctive features and applications, which are detailed in this technical report. Firstly, we advocate for the implementation of the full autonomous artificial intelligence in attack or defense decisions making in military drones’ system box (The NeuronDrone-Box) to control the Multiple Ailerons System (MAS) and Multi-Missiles System (MM-System) connected to the full autonomous artificial intelligence in attack or defense decisions making in military drones’ system box (The NeuronDrone-Box). The second chapter introduces a groundbreaking prototype known as the " WATER DRONE PROPULSION SYSTEM MAR777." The Water Drone Propulsion System MAR777 boasts a range of distinctive features and applications, which are detailed in this technical report. Firstly, we advocate for the implementation of the "Multiple Sensors System (MSS)" in the water drone propulsion system MAR777 to detect survivors or missing people in rain floods and Tsunami. This involves strategically placing all cameras (under water and sea level) of the WATER DRONE PROPULSION SYSTEM MAR777 to observe the damage of floods and Tsunami in real-time. Additionally, the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR777 features an innovative autopilot design referred to as the "AI Searching System (AISS)." This system incorporates a system to scanning and locate possible areas with large damage by the rain floods or Tsunami, accompanied by a series of specialized detectors that operate in precise synchronization to searching people to rescue with a high accuracy of 99.5%. Furthermore, a cutting-edge concept called the "Searching and Rescue Emergency for Rain Floods and Tsunami System (SRERFT-System)" is integrated, leveraging artificial intelligence for enhanced performance. In a bid for sustainability, the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR777 is equipped with storage box to support survivors with suppliers and medicine. Notably, the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR777 is capable of carrying also any suppliers, be it water or life jackets, in the rain floods or Tsunami anytime and everywhere. Finally, its versatile capabilities render the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR777 indispensable for a wide array of natural disasters emergency missions. The third chapter introduces a groundbreaking prototype known as the "Water Drone Propulsion System MAR37." The Water Drone Propulsion System MAR37 boasts a range of distinctive features and applications, which are detailed in this technical report. Firstly, we advocate for the implementation of the "Multiple Sensors System (MSS)" in the MAR37. This involves strategically placing all 2 large motors within the main body structure of the MAR37. Additionally, the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR37 features an innovative propeller design referred to as the "Silent Propeller System (SPS)." This system incorporates 2 potent motors within the main structure, accompanied by a series of specialized propellers that operate in precise synchronization to reduce noise levels by an impressive 99.5%. Furthermore, a cutting-edge concept called the "Sensibility Waves System (SWS)" is integrated, leveraging artificial intelligence for enhanced performance. In a bid for sustainability, the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR37 is equipped with storage box to support armies with suppliers and military equipment simultaneously. Notably, the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR37 can supply any cargo anytime and everywhere. Finally, its versatile capabilities render the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR37 indispensable for a wide array of natural disasters emergency missions. The fourth chapter introduces a groundbreaking prototype known as the " WATER DRONE PROPULSION SYSTEM MAR25." The Water Drone Propulsion System MAR25 boasts a range of distinctive features and applications, which are detailed in this technical report. Firstly, we advocate for the implementation of the "Multiple Sensors System (MSS)" in the water drone propulsion system. This involves strategically placing all ailerons within the main body structure of the WATER DRONE PROPULSION SYSTEM MAR25. Additionally, the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR25features an innovative propeller design referred to as the "Silent Propeller System (SPS)." This system incorporates a potent motor within the main structure, accompanied by a series of specialized propellers that operate in precise synchronization to reduce noise levels by an impressive 99.5%. Furthermore, a cutting-edge concept called the "Sensibility Waves System (SWS)" is integrated, leveraging artificial intelligence for enhanced performance. In a bid for sustainability, the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR25 is equipped with storage box to support armies with suppliers and military equipment simultaneously. Notably, the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR25 is capable of carrying military suppliers, be it guns or munitions, in the field of action anytime and everywhere. Finally, its versatile capabilities render the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR25 indispensable for a wide array of military and natural disasters emergency missions. The fifth chapter introduces a groundbreaking prototype known as the "Water Drone Propulsion System MAR31." The Water Drone Propulsion System MAR31 boasts a range of distinctive features and applications, which are detailed in this technical report. Firstly, we advocate for the implementation of the "Multiple Sensors System (MSS)" in the MAR31. This involves strategically placing all 3 large motors within the main body structure of the MAR31. Additionally, the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR31 features an innovative propeller design referred to as the "Silent Propeller System (SPS)." This system incorporates 3 potent motors within the main structure, accompanied by a series of specialized propellers that operate in precise synchronization to reduce noise levels by an impressive 99.5%. Furthermore, a cutting-edge concept called the "Sensibility Waves System (SWS)" is integrated, leveraging artificial intelligence for enhanced performance. In a bid for sustainability, the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR31 is equipped with storage box to support armies with suppliers and military equipment simultaneously. Notably, the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR31 can supply any cargo anytime and everywhere. Finally, its versatile capabilities render the Water Drone Propulsion System MAR31 indispensable for a wide array of natural disasters emergency missions. The sixth chapter introduces a groundbreaking prototype known as the "Black Nightmare V.7." The Black Nightmare V.7 drone bombardier boasts a range of distinctive features and applications, which are detailed in this technical report. Firstly, we advocate for the implementation of the "Multiple Ailerons System (MAS) and Multi-Missiles System (MM-System)" in the Black Nightmare V.7 drone bombardier. This involves strategically placing all ailerons within the main body structure of the aircraft. Additionally, the Black Nightmare V.7 drone bombardier features an innovative propeller design referred to as the "Silent Propeller System (SPS)." This system incorporates a potent motor within the main structure, accompanied by a series of specialized propellers that operate in precise synchronization to reduce departure and landing noise levels by an impressive 99.5%. Furthermore, a cutting-edge concept called the "Sensibility Winds System (SWS)" is integrated, leveraging artificial intelligence for enhanced performance. In a bid for sustainability, the Black Nightmare V.7 drone bombardier is equipped with solar panels, ensuring a continuous charge to support its four powerful motors simultaneously. Notably, the Black Nightmare V.7 drone bombardier is capable of carrying four heavy bombs and three missiles (air-air). Finally, its versatile capabilities render the Black Nightmare V.7 drone bombardier indispensable for a wide array of military and national emergency missions. The seventh chapter presents an innovative military sea security defense system never introduced before. We present the first aquatic smart platforms carrier system (Hydronescarrier) and different aquatic smart platforms that is a vital part of the military equipment for the Hydronescarrier. We aim to present all the features and functionalities of this new military defense system, which can play an important role in defense and attack operations more quickly and efficiently. The Hydronescarrier includes an artificial intelligence system, autonomous defense systems, energy systems, and smart control systems. These components form a complex and dynamic defense system that provides immediate high-level protection to strategic areas, even at a distance. Some specifications are withheld for national security reasons. Additionally, this basic manual introduces the NeuronDrone-Box and Mega-NeuronDrone-Box: the hardware, algorithm, and a new special military Hydrone. In a special section, we like to mention that all algorithms in this basic manual use chaos theory and Econographicology. Subsequently, we present the groundbreaking prototypes known as the MAR107X aquatic smart platform, The MAR107Y aquatic smart platform, and the MAR107Z aqua...
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