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1999, Anthropology Today
Cm 4262. 1999. The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry. London: The Stationery Office. One America in the 21st Century: Forging a New Future. The Advisory Board's Report to the President. Washington: US Government Printing Office. Banton, Michael. 1964. The Policeman in ...
The ‘paperless arrest’ scheme in Australia is a detention regime in which motion and documentation are central to crime control and community protection. This article interrogates paperlessness as a political fantasy for policing alongside the routine documentary practices of police administration, including their effects on the movement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Operative since 2014 in Australia’s Northern Territory (NT), the paperless arrest scheme provides police with the power to take an individual into custody for up to four hours if they believe, on reasonable grounds, that the individual has committed, or was about to commit, an infringement notice offence. This article frames paperless arrests as an instance of preventive detention continuous with the long-term regulation of alcohol consumption by Indigenous people in Australia, in relation to racialised norms of public propriety in urban space. It considers preventive detention beyond issues of legality and efficacy, examining local and material relations that organise the everyday governance of preventive detention in Northern Australia.
Abstract Keywords: unique Irish museum, intercultural dialogue, intercultural learning, diverse communities, active engagement, active participation Introduction The Chester Beatty Library is a unique art museum and library situated in the centre of Dublin. Its uniqueness derives from the collection, which in an Irish context is one-of-a-kind. The Library’s rich collection is from across Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. Through its exhibitions and learning programmes Irish people and new multi-ethnic communities can share and discover diverse cultures as represented in the collections. Intercultural dialogue and learning plays a key role in the Library’s mission and encourages visitors to compare, contrast and explore the historical, cultural, scientific and religious aspects of its collections.
Libraries & the Cultural Record, 2007
The Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research, 2020
Museums are sites where members of the public learn about history and dominant social institutions. One little examined cultural and heritage site in Canada is the police museum. These sites are full of relics from the early 20th century that tend to depict a limited version of public police in Canada by focusing primarily on the establishment of police services. One emerging trend we have discovered in our fieldwork is that some Canadian police museums are moving toward digital displays. According to interviews with those working in these heritage spaces, their digitization initiatives are an effort to draw from best practices in the field of museum design and curation. It is also an attempt to connect with more diverse and younger audiences whom the police are supposed to serve. Drawing from critical media and information studies we liken these new digital displays at police museums in Canada to a kind of camouflage that (1) deters critiques, (2) distracts from major controversies that are unfolding concerning police, as well as (3) boosts the perception of police legitimacy and transparency. In our discussion, we draw attention to critical museum and curation practices that could be used to disrupt the current maintenance and promotion of the policing status quo that occurs within these cultural sites.
Canadian journal of law and society, 2000
RésuméCet article décrit la pratique du «tourisme de la profession de sage-femme» par laquelle, les sages-femmes en Ontario ont fait des stages dans des cliniques de maternité de pays du Tiers-monde en vue d'obtenir l'expérience clinique qu'elles ne pouvaient pas obtenir ici avant la légalisation de la profession dans la province. Plusieurs sages-femmes ont aussi pu mieux se faire reconnaître sur le plan professionnel pour leurs connaissances directes des méthodes obstétriques utilisées par les femmes du Tiers-monde, c'est-à-dire par des femmes qui, selon une mythologie soutenue dans le mouvement pour l'accouchement naturel, posséderaient, en ce qui concerne les accouchements, des connaissances féminines innées qui n'auraient pas encore été corrompues par les pratiques médicales des pays de l'Ouest. L'émergence nouvelle de la profession de sage-femme en Amérique du Nord est un exemple convaincant de la manière dont, par des affirmations épistémologiqu...
Zeitschrift für Disability Studies, 2023
This is a conference report that presents ethnographic field notes on the experiences of roaming the hosting city of the 2022 annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Seattle has one of the largest unhoused populations in the United States and presents a case study in an "unsettling landscape"-the overarching conference theme. Everyday moments of struggle and kindness among people on the bus and in the cityscape, raise questions as to when and whom is granted "disability expertise" (Hartblay, 2020), humanizing some folks and criminalizing or erasing others. The text focuses on the intersection of homelessness and disability and wonders about the relationship between "hostile architecture" (de Fine Licht, 2017) and accessibility measures (Chellew, 2020).
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Budapest: Balassi Kiadó, 2024, 575 old. ISBN 978-963-456-148-4
(In) Subordinações Contemporâneas: Linguística, Letras e Artes, 2019
AkiNik Publications, 2024
Obervatório de la Economía Latinoamericana, 2024
Elsa Edizioni, 2023
Criterios y estándares para el control judicial de las sanciones administrativas, 2023
Revista Getsemaní, 2021
Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2019
AAAI-94 workshop on knowledge discovery in …
Journal of Biological Education, 2014
Sustainability, 2021
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 1996
Actualidades en Psicología, 2014
Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi dergisi, 2015