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Remote sensing images are representation of the earth's surface as seen from space without any physical contact. It generally detects the surface feature through reflectance of matter and represents various Digital Number (DN) values. In the context of water it also represent DN values according to reflectance of water properties, whatever it can detect from the space. Landsat Operational Land Image (OLI) is more effective to detect the surface features. It has been used to detect water body. The surface water quality is not same all over the surface so the energy absorption and relaxation is not the same. The DN value of surface water is changed due to the change of chemical properties of water. It will be a fundamental study to explore the relationship between DN value and water quality. This research explores a complete integration of DN values of Landsat OLI satellite image with same surface water quality, which are collected from several points. The chemical properties of collected surface water, which are analyzed through lab and is integrated with DN value of the Landsat OLI satellite images. The variations among the chemical properties of collected surface water and the DN values of the exact Landsat OLI images are categorized within an index. The correlations between surface water quality and DN values of Landsat OLI are investigated in this research.
Rapid development of countries can cause many environmental problems. One of the problem is water pollution which is the result of urban runoff from industrial and resident area. It has become a major global problem as it can lead to many deaths and diseases among human being. One of the main sources of water pollution is the suspended or colloidal particles which commonly referred as total suspended solids (TSS). Before the launch of satellite imagery technology, the biological parameters of ocean is obtained by using traditional sampling method which is time consuming and expensive. With remote sensing technique, water quality monitoring can be carried out by using a large coverage of satellite images analysis for water quality mapping. It is proven to be effective as it has been widely used in many environmental studies such as environmental pollution monitoring and oceanography. The purpose of this study is to obtain the water quality over Penang Straits using remote sensing imagery data. By using four scenes of Landsat TM images and in-situ data sets of particular dates, the new algorithm for water quality mapping which is based on optical model of water is developed. First, the images were atmospherically corrected and filtered using PCI Geomatica software as it gave better results compared to raw data especially when performing multi-date analysis. The digital numbers of each images were extracted and regressed using Excel. The efficiency of the algorithm was determined based on the observations of correlation coefficient (R) and root-mean-square (RMS) deviations with in-situ data. The accuracy of the algorithm, in comparison of other algorithm was also investigated. Finally, the calibrated TSS algorithm was used to generate the water quality table of difference and this study shows that the research of water quality can be carried out using remote sensing technique.
This study was undertaken by analyzing data from satellite image (Landsat-8 OLI) and geographical information system (GIS) to find the relationship between water parameters and water indices of spectral images. The main purpose of this research was to develop a model for the physical and chemical parameters of Gharraf stream in Iraq. The water parameters used in this study included: acidity (PH), Total Dissolved Solids (T.D.S), Alkalinity(ALK), Electrical Conductivity (E.C), Calcium(Ca), Chloride (CL), Sodium (Na), Sulfate (SO4), Potassium (k), Total suspended solid (T.S.S), Total Hardness (TH).Where the samples were taken to seventeen stations with two seasons and at the same time took a satellite image on 4/FEB, 11 / MAY.GIS techniques were used in the beginning to project the coordinates of seventeen stations along the stream in Landsat-8 satellite image for extract data. Then, these data are treated in SPSS software for purpose finding correlation and regression equations. Pos...
It is impractical to monitor water quality more than a small fraction of lakes by conventional field methods because of expense and time requirements. High resolution satellite image is more convenient to be applied to collect the required data for monitoring and assessing water quality in the lakes. Therefore, this study aims to estimate the water quality indices and concentration of some parameters (Temperature, DO, BOD, pH, Turbidity, TSS, TDS, EC, NO3, PO4 and E. coli) through applying developed water quality estimation models based on the remote sensing and GIS techniques on the Landsat 8 OLI satellite image using twenty points in Dokan Lake, Kurdistan Region, Iraq at two different seasons. Four standard mathematical methods (NSFWQI, CCMEWQI, OWQI and AWWQI) are used to find the water quality indices at the twenty stations in Dokan Lake. Results of NSFWQI method are found as medium class for all stations except station 11, 12 and 13 which are classified as bad class for Spring season. The second method (CCMEWQI), all stations are classified as good for Autumn Season except station 1 and 2 as marginal and 16 as fair. In third method (OWQI) are classified as good for all stations except station 1 and 8 which classified as fair. However, it has shown very poor for Spring season. Finally, in the fourth method (AWWQI), all stations are classified as poor except station 15 and 19 which classified as very poor while station 16 is classified as unsuitable for drinking. The Secchi Disk Transparency (SDT) and the Trophic State Index (TSI) was come up with high variance for all stations. Multiple linear regression is used to obtain mathematical models for estimating the water quality indices and concentration of some parameters depending on spectral reflectance of Landsat 8 OLI. In this study, new band (coastal blue) of Landsat 8 OLI has been undertaken in developing of models. Moreover, new Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and new 7 band ratios with 16 band combinations have been used. The best model is the AWWQI which has the highest coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.993 for Autumn season and slightly low (0.612) for Spring season. The highest determination coefficient for SDT and TSI is 0.982 and 0.873 for Autumn Season and (0.951, 0.973) for Spring season respectively. However, high R2 of 0.982, 0.982, 0.832 for TSS, Turbidity and DO are resulted respectively. Generally, for Spring season, the performance of all models is reduced due to seasonal change, variance of parameters and other factors. However, high R2 of 0.862 has been shown for Temperature. Once the developed models applied in order to have maps with a variation of colors. This facilitates to predict how the results of WQPs can be distributed within the lake and all the results are reasonable. The conclusions present that correlation of all bands of Landsat 8 OLI is appropriate to water quality indices and parameters. This study suggests further researching about how remote sensing of water quality index and parameters at different depths in Dokan Lake can be detected.
It is impractical to monitor water quality more than a small fraction of lakes by conventional field methods because of expense and time requirements. Satellite image is more convenient to be applied to collect the required data for monitoring and assessing water quality in the lakes. Therefore, this study aims to estimate the concentration of some water quality parameters (Temperature, DO, BOD, pH, Turbidity, TSS, TDS, EC, NO 3 , PO 4 and E. coli) by applying developed models based on the remote sensing and GIS techniques on the Landsat 8 OLI satellite image using twenty points in Dokan lake, Kurdistan Region, Iraq at two different seasons. Multiple linear regression is used to obtain mathematical models for estimating the concentration of some water quality parameters depending on spectral reflectance of Landsat 8 OLI. In this study, new band (coastal blue) of Landsat 8 OLI has been undertaken in developing of models. Moreover, new Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and new 7 band ratios with 16 band combinations have been used. The best models are obtained for TSS, Turbidity and DO with coefficient of determination (R 2 ) of 0.98, 0.98, and 0.83 respectively. Generally, for spring season, the performance of all models is reduced due to seasonal change, variance of parameters and other factors. However, high R 2 of 0.86 has been shown for Temperature. The results of the developed WQPs models have been mapped to show the water quality parameters concentration distribution within Dokan lake. The conclusions present that correlation of all bands of Landsat 8 OLI is appropriate to water quality parameters.
Geocarto International, 2016
Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2019
Progressive anthropogenic intrusion and increasing water demand necessitate frequent water quality monitoring for sustainability management. Unlike laborious, time consuming field-based measurements, remote sensing-based water quality retrieval proved promising to overcome difficulties with temporal and spatial coverage. However, remotely estimated water quality parameters are mostly related to visibility characteristic and optically active property of water. This study presents results of an investigated approach to derive oxygen-related water quality parameter, namely Dissolved Oxygen (DO), in a shallow inland water body from satellite imagery. The approach deduces DO levels based on interrelated optical properties that dictate oxygen consumption and release in waters. Comparative analysis of multiple regression algorithms was carried out, using various combinations of parameters; namely, Turbidity, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Chlorophyll-a, and Temperature. To cover the wide range of conditions that is experienced by Edku coastal lake, ground truth measurements covering the four seasons were used with corresponding satellite imageries. While results show successful statistically significant correlation in certain combinations considered, yet optimal results were concluded with Turbidity and natural logarithm of temperature. The algorithm model was developed with summer and fall data (R2 0.79), then validated with winter and spring data (R2 0.67). Retrieved DO concentrations highlighted the variability in pollution degree and zonation nature within that coastal lake, as related to boundary interactions and irregularity in flow dynamics within. The approach presented in this study encourages expanded applications with space-based earth observation products for exploring non-detectable water quality parameters that are interlinked with optically active properties in water.
2011 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2011
Environmental monitoring through the method of traditional ship sampling is time consuming and requires a high survey cost. This study uses an empirical model, based on actual water quality of total suspended solids (TSS) measurements from the Penang Island, Malaysia to predict the TSS values based on optical properties of Oceansat satellite digital imagery. The proposed algorithm is based on the reflectance model that is a function of the inherent optical properties of water, which can be related to its constituent's concentrations. Water samples were collected simultaneously with the airborne image acquisition and later analyzed in the laboratory. Water sample's locations were determined by using a handheld GPS. The digital numbers for each band corresponding to the sea-truth locations were extracted and then converted into radiance values and reflectance values. The reflectance values were used for calibration of the water quality algorithm. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm was investigated based on the observations of correlation coefficient (R) of 0.98 and root-mean-square deviations (RMS) of 8.5121 mg/l with the sea-truth data. This algorithm was then used to map the TSS concentration over Penang Island, Malaysia. The TSS map was color-coded and geometrically corrected for visual interpretation. This study indicates that TSS mapping can be carried out using remote sensing technique of the satellite digital photography system over Penang Island, Malaysia.
Remotely sensed data can reinforce the abilities of water resources researchers and decision makers to monitor waterbodies more effectively. Remote sensing techniques have been widely used to measure the qualitative parameters of waterbodies (i.e., suspended sediments, colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), chlorophyll-a, and pollutants). A large number of different sensors on board various satellites and other platforms, such as airplanes, are currently used to measure the amount of radiation at different wavelengths reflected from the water's surface. In this review paper, various properties (spectral, spatial and temporal, etc.) of the more commonly employed spaceborne and airborne sensors are tabulated to be used as a sensor selection guide. Furthermore, this paper investigates the commonly used approaches and sensors employed in evaluating and quantifying the eleven water quality parameters. The parameters include: chlorophyll-a (chl-a), colored dissolved organic matters (CDOM), Secchi disk depth (SDD), turbidity, total suspended sediments (TSS), water temperature (WT), total phosphorus (TP), sea surface salinity (SSS), dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD).
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2007
Water quality at Ömerli Dam, which is a vital potable water resource of Istanbul City, Turkey was assessed using the first four bands of Landsat 7-ETM satellite data, acquired in May 2001 and water quality parameters, such as chlorophyll-a, suspended solid matter, secchi disk and total phosphate measured at several measurement stations at Ömerli Dam during satellite image acquisition time and archived at the Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology laboratory of the Marmara Research Center, where this study was carried out. Establishing a relationship between this data, and the pixel reflectance values in the satellite image, chlorophyll-a, suspended solid matter, secchi disk and total phosphate maps were produced for the Ömerli Dam.
tempat pkl di tangerang jurusan administrasi perkantoran, 2002
Tourism and Travel Research Institute, 2002
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2011
RMUTTO Social Science Journal, 2018
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2001
Research Paper , 2020
Costruire il passato in Etruria Il senso dell’archeologia nella società contemporanea, 2018
Supernatural Studies, 2017
Progress in Oceanography, 2007
Empirical Software Engineering, 2007
Journal of Geometry, 2009
Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici Zabytkoznawstwo i Konserwatorstwo, 2011
Pacific Health, 2021
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019
All-azimuth: a journal of foreign policy and peace, 2021
International journal of preventive medicine, 2013
Nursing and Midwifery Studies, 2017
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, 2018
Euroasian Journal of Hepato-Gastroenterology, 2013