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CRNOGORSKA SPORTSKA AKADEMIJA, „Sport Mont“ časopis br. 43,44,45. UDC 379.8-057.875(497.115) Besnik Morina, Shemsedin Vehapi, Bahri Gjinovci, Besim Halilaj, Ilir Gllareva, Malsor Gjonbalaj, Leon Dukaj University of Prishtina (Prishtin, Kosovo) LEASURE TIME ACTIVITY AMONG STUDENTS FROM UNIVERSITY OF PRISHTINA, FAKULTY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT Introduction This paper presents the results of the research on the physical activity of students in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” Kosovo. The purpose of this cognitive study was to diagnose certain aspects of the lifestyle of students, with a particular focus on physical activity and, the difference in sex. The practical aim, however, was an indication of such actions, arising from past experience that would aim at improving lifestyle, and could lead to the elimination or prevention of certain causes of not making movement activity by the students in our country. For the sake of clarity, first the term of leisure requires clarification. For the first time it was defined during an international conference held in 1956. As defined by the French sociologist Dumazedier [4], leisure means all the activities taken by an individual for entertainment or self-development, voluntary participation in social life out of social and family responsibilities. This definition considers only adults. In turn, according to Dąbrowski [3] leisure time of young people is the time, which remains to their own disposal after fulfilling their body's needs and completing the duties at home and school, in which they can conduct their activities in agreement with their tastes, related to leisure, entertainment and satisfying their own interests. Aims of the research The cognitive objective [2] of the present study was to diagnose certain aspects of the lifestyle of student aged 18-37 from Kosovo, with particular focus on physical activity. The practical aim was an indication of such actions, arising from past experience that would improve lifestyle, and could lead to the elimination or prevention of certain causes of not making movement activity by the students of our country. Material and method The research was conducted by the use of diagnostic survey in the group of 120 people aged 18-37, among whom there were 56 girls and 64 boys. The research material 211 časopis br. 43,44,45. CRNOGORSKA SPORTSKA AKADEMIJA, „Sport Mont“ was collected in 2014. A research tool used to evaluate the lifestyle of students was a questionnaire "My lifestyle", developed by a team of European researchers [Telama R., Naul R., Nupponen H., Rychtecky A.,Vuolle P., 2002]. To determine the strength of the relationship between variable non-parametric test chi was used. Significance level p < 0,05 was accepted. Results Table 1 show the way on spending leisure time of students. Frequently provided response was listening to music. This considers both students (girls 58.9 boys 39.1%). Other activities taken mostly in leisure time include watching television, video (girls 44.6%, boys 37.5%), meeting friends (girls 21.4%, boys 39.1%, and do sport in a club or sports section (boys 42.2%, boys 57.1%). No girls answered play instruments, sing in a choir, play cards or board games, play computer. Table 1. Distribution of responses of students to the question: "How do you spend your free time?”.[%] Leisure activities a) listen to music b) play instruments, sing in a choir, etc. c) watch TV, video d) meet friends e) play cards or board games f) play computer g) read books, magazines h) do sport in a club or sports section i) do sport individually j) attend sports events k) go to discos l) go to the cinema, theatre, concerts m) spend time on hobbies n) visit family o) do nothing p) play with peers q) others KOSOVO GIRLS 58.9% BOYS 39.1% 0.0% 4.7% 44.6% 21.4% 0.0% 0.0% 48.2% 37.5% 39.1% 1.6% 6.3% 29.7% 57.1% 42.2% 7.1% 3.6% 1.8% 5.4% 10.7% 21.4% 7.1% 8.9% 1.8% 18.8% 20.3% 6.3% 4.7% 12.5% 18.8% 4.7% 9.4% 7.8% Answers do not sum up to 100% because respondents could choose three answers. In the next table are presented (Tab.2) forms of physical activity taken in leisure time most often were presented. To those that are taken often by the surveyed boys belong: soccer (71.9% of the boys. Among the forms of physical activity that are never taken by the boys we can find roller-skating (93.8%). 212 časopis br. 43,44,45. CRNOGORSKA SPORTSKA AKADEMIJA, „Sport Mont“ Table 2. Distribution of responses of boys to the question: "In which forms of leisuretime physical activity do you participate?". Frequency of taking various forms of physical activity by boys in % Forms of motor Never Rarely Often activity Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 40.6 28.6 57.8 a) running 1.6 0,0 71.4 18.8 25.0 3.1 3.6 b) swimming 78.1 71.4 29.7 23.2 46.9 58.9 23.4 17.9 c) cycling d) roller-skating 93.8 94.6 4.7 5.4 1.6 0.0 12.5 19.6 71.9 64.3 15.6 16.1 e) basketball 15.6 10.7 65.6 50.0 18.8 39.3 f) volleyball 4.7 50.0 23.4 23.2 26.8 g) football 71.9 50.0 33.9 42.2 35.7 7.8 30.4 h) handball 68.8 48.2 23.4 37.5 7.8 14.3 i) aerobics 35.9 82.1 43.8 14.3 20.3 3.6 j) gym 84.4 89.3 12.5 7.1 3.1 3.6 k)skateboarding 90.6 85.7 7.8 12.5 1.6 1.8 l) skating 39,2 60.7 28.1 39.3 m) skiing 1.6 0,0 84.4 82.1 15.6 12.5 0,0 5.4 n) snowboarding 54.7 26.8 29.7 57.1 15.6 16.1 p) gymnastics 40.6 48.2 51.6 33.9 7.8 17.9 q) martial arts 3.1 7.1 70.3 26.6 19.6 r) others 73.2 Respondents could choose three answers. The results do not sum up to 100%. Table 3 show the motivation to participate in physical activities. Respondents had the option of choosing three of the 13 responses given. The factor that motivates the surveyed most to participate in a variety of physical activities is that girls want to make a sports career (62.5% of the girls, 34.4% of boys), and for boys the most factor that motivates was I participate for health (76.6% of boys, 53.6% of girls). Quite often there were also answers: want to be in good shape (39.3% of girls, 70.3% of boys), for relaxation (23.2% of the girls and, 25.0% of the boys), for fun (21.4% of girls and 17.2% of boys) and can realize in sport (41.1% of girls and 31.3% of boys). Table 3. Distribution of responses to the question: "I participate in a variety of motor activities because: . . . " [%] Motives to take motor activity in free time a) want to make a sports career b) this is an opportunity to make new friends c) like competing d) want to be in good shape e) this is relaxation for me f) for health g) to gain nice appearance KOSOVO Girls 62.5% 14.3% 39.3% 39.3% 23.2% 53.6% 0,0 Boys 34.4% 6.3% 21.9% 70.3% 25.0% 76.6% 3.1% 213 časopis br. 43,44,45. CRNOGORSKA SPORTSKA AKADEMIJA, „Sport Mont“ 1.8% 1.8% 21.4% 41.1% 0,0 1.8% h) want to get a better mark in PE i) this is an opportunity to meet friends j) for fun k) can realize in sport l) I’m encouraged by friends and siblings m) to gain material profits 4.7% 4.7% 17.2% 31.3% 1.6% 3.1% Respondents could choose three answers. The results do not sum up to 100%. Table 4 present with whom respondents take physical activities in their leisure time and they had five options to choose from. The vast majority of the respondents take movement activities in their leisure time with her friends. There is no statistically significant differences between girls and boys (p<0,05) Table 4. The distribution of responses to the question: I take motor activities in my free time mostly with..." I take motor activities most often with… a) with parents b) with siblings c) with friends d) on my own e) with other persons N 2 1 51 8 3 Kosovo BOYS % 1.7% .8% 42.5% 6.7% 1.7% N 3 5 38 6 2 Chi²= .332 p < 0,05 Chi square Kosovo GIRLS % 2.5% 4.2% 31.7% 5.0% 2.5% Table 5 concern the evaluation of one’s health condition, where respondents had five options to choose from. Most of the of respondents have evaluated their health condition as healthy. There is no statistically significant differences between girls and boys (p<0,05) Table 5. The distribution of responses to the question: "I believe I am… " Kosovo BOYS I believe I am a) very healthy b) healthy c) ill d) cannot evaluate my health condition Chi square 214 Kosovo GIRLS N 26 30 1 % 21.7% 25.0% .8% N 16 37 0 % 13.3% 30.8% 0,0 7 5.8% 3 2.5% Chi²= .158 p < 0,05 časopis br. 43,44,45. CRNOGORSKA SPORTSKA AKADEMIJA, „Sport Mont“ Respondents were asked also to assess their physical condition. Table 6 show the results. The boys (30,0%), girls (21,7%) appreciated their agility as very good. However, the boys (13,3%), and girls (17,5%), rated their physical condition as good. There is no statistically significant differences between girls and boys (p<0,05) Table 6. Distribution of responses to the question:" I evaluate my physical condition as…” My motor skills evaluate as… a) outstanding b) very good c) good d) sufficient e) poor Chi square Kosovo BOYS N 9 36 16 3 0 Kosovo GIRLS % 7.5% 30.0% 13.3% 2.5% 0,0 N 6 26 21 3 0 % 5.0% 21.7% 17.5% 2.5% 0,0 Chi²=.500 p < 0,05 Discussion and Conclusion Leisure time is one of the major social problems. It is getting more difficult for the youth to resist the temptation of spending their leisure time in the form of passively. Therefore, a very important aspect is providing a good model to imitate by parents, teachers end education. The educational system steps into man’s life in the period of its greatest spiritual and physical plasticity when one’s lifestyle is created. According to Nowak-Starz [6]: “lifestyle is the image of the individual’s and/or group’s functioning. The process of forming a given lifestyle runs parallel to the educational activity. The information collected in the course of our research has made it possible to specify the leisure time, the frequency of the physical activity of the enterprise, participation in various activities, and physical activity it’s taken by parents of students. Obtained results indicate that the factors encouraging the surveyed to physical activity are: relaxation, good physical condition, the benefits for health, the desire to have fun and sports career. What's interesting for girls at this age getting a nice appearance is not the most motivating factor. The girls as a motivator enumerated: their health, can realize in sport, want to be in good shape, like competing, the desire to be in good physical condition, an opportunity to meet new people, and the desire to have fun. The results of the research correspond to the results of the studies carried out among young people by Skawiński et al. [9], who pointed out that young people spend most of their leisure time in front of the computer or TV. The results of the research indicate that most frequently taken forms of spending leisure time by young people in my country surveyed are listening to music, meeting friends, playing computer and watching TV, video. Among the forms of activity never taken by students from Kosovo there are: roller-skating, snowboarding, skateboarding and skating, those forms can be classified 215 CRNOGORSKA SPORTSKA AKADEMIJA, „Sport Mont“ časopis br. 43,44,45. as “expensive” (due to the need to have an expensive sports equipment), and poorly available (fitness club, sports halls, skating rinks). Only 1,8% of the girls indicated going to discos, which may result from cultural and religious differences. On the other hand, while a higher percentage of respondents among girls 48.2%, pointed out to reading books. Interestingly, also the youth girls 21.4% and boys 18.8% in their free time are more likely to visit family, The need for action for the health of young people is noted in the important international documents in which a lot of joint recommendations are repeated on the need to improve the health care system, promote healthy lifestyles, improving life skills as a modern strategy for prevention of many disorders. An important idea is to enable young people to prioritize and build programs for the benefit of their health [11]. It seems that in some countries as (Kosovo) this is difficult to achieve at the present stage of the development of local education systems and often very authoritarian educational traditions. Bridging social inequality can contribute to the overall improvement of health of the public and selected age groups. The relationship between social factors and teenagers’ health is complex. Drawing conclusions on differences depends on accepted health and social factors. It is believed that during the period of adolescence health differences show not that strongly as in early childhood and during adulthood [8]. The reason for that is smaller influence of factors connected with family life, and bigger of those connected with a peer group. The research shows that the level of wealth (not so much of the family, but of the whole country) may have an impact on the choice of activities taken by the youth. Undoubtedly, socio-cultural factors and the tradition of social life also have great impact and impose certain ways of spending leisure time (as can be seen particularly in the case of the Kosovo youth). The above observations, the future taking into account local conditions, should be a starting point for those planning changes in physical education systems in our country. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Bajurna B., Jakubek E. (2008) Zachowania zdrowotne młodzieży w aspekcie umiejętno ci spędzania wolnego czasu W: Szanse i bariery w ochronie zdrowia. 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LEASURE TIME ACTIVITY AMONG STUDENTS FROM UNIVERSITY OF PRISHTINA, FAKULTY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT This paper presents the results of the research on the physical activity of students in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” Kosovo. The purpose of this cognitive study was to diagnose certain aspects of the lifestyle of students, with a particular focus on physical activity and, the difference in sex. The practical aim, however, was an indication of such actions, arising from past experience that would aim at improving lifestyle, and could lead to the elimination or prevention of certain causes of not making movement activity by the students in our country. The research was conducted by the use of diagnostic survey in the group of 120 people aged 18-37, among whom there were 56 girls and 64 boys. The research material was collected in 2014. The research that was carried out shows that the level of wealth (not so much of the family, but of the whole country) may have an impact on the choice of activities taken by the students. Undoubtedly socio-cultural factors and the tradition of social life, which impose certain ways of spending leisure time (particularly in the case of the students) as we can see in the results obtained, where we also found that there is no statistically significant differences between girls and boys. The above observations, taking into account local conditions, should be the starting point for all those who plan introducing changes in physical education systems in my country in the future. 217