Stacks from scratch
Nina Otter
30 June 2016
La conclusion pratique à laquelle je
suis arrivé dès maintenant, c’est que
chaque fois que en vertu de mes
critères, une variété de modules (ou
plutôt, un schéma de modules) pour la
classification des variations (globales,
ou infinitésimales) de certaines
structures (variétés complètes non
singulières, fibrés vectoriels etc) ne
peut exister, malgré de bonnes
hypothèses de platitude, propreté, et
non singularité éventuellement, la
raison en est seulement l’existence
d’automorphismes de la structure qui
empêche la technique de descente de
Alexandre Grothendieck
Paris 11.5.1959 [GCS04]
We give an introduction to stacks assuming a minimal background of algebraic
geometry, consisting of varieties and elementary properties of schemes. We focus on
motivating definitions and new constructions, and illustrate all new notions using the
example of the stack of elliptic curves.
Stacks were introduced in the 1960s to deal with issues arising in the study of moduli
problems in algebraic geometry. A moduli problem is a classification problem: we have
a class of objects, a notion of what it means for these objects to be equivalent and
we would like to classify these equivalence classes. In these notes the objects will be
elliptic curves and the equivalence relation will be given by isomorphisms. In a first
encounter with elliptic curves, one defines an elliptic curve over a field. However, often
we are more interested in studying not single mathematical objects, but rather how
they vary in families. Families of elliptic curves are elliptic curves parametrised by a
scheme. If one studies families of elliptic curves parametrised by a scheme S, then we
can define a functor
Schop → Set
which to every scheme assigns the set of isomorphism classes of elliptic curves
parametrised by that scheme. This functor is the moduli functor for elliptic curves.
We would then have a solution to the classification problem, or in other words, a fine
moduli scheme of elliptic curves, if this functor were representable. However, due to
the presence of non-trivial automorphisms of elliptic curves, the moduli functor for
elliptic curves does not have a fine moduli scheme.
There are several solutions to this problem. One solution is given by the coarse
moduli scheme, which we will discuss in Section 2. Other solutions are given by rigidifying the problem, namely by looking at objects with some extra structure, like marked
points or level structures. Such moduli problems have been studied e.g. in [KM85].
These two approaches, even if useful, are however still unsatisfactory, since they
forget some information about the structure of elliptic curves. One comes to a general
solution if one observes that the source of trouble - namely the presence of non-trivial
automorphism - is not a bug, but a feature of the moduli space of elliptic curves. The
solution thus lies in considering not only the isomorphism classes of elliptic curves, but
also their automorphisms. We thus pass from studying representability of the functor
Schop → Set to studying representability of the functor
Schop → Groupoid
from the category of schemes to the category of groupoids, which to every family of
elliptic curves over a scheme S assigns the category with objects isomorphism classes
of elliptic curves and morphisms given by automorphisms.
The category of groupoids is not a category, but a 2-category, therefore making the
previous statements precise involves translating the theory of schemes from the setting
of categories into that of 2-categories. The 2-categorical generalisation of a sheaf is
called stack, while the 2-categorical equivalent of a scheme is, roughly1 , an algebraic
stack. Via the Yoneda lemma we can identify any scheme over a scheme S with the
functor Sch/S op → Set that it represents. One way to pass from schemes to algebraic
stacks is given by generalising the properties that a presheaf Sch/S → Set needs to
An algebraic stack corresponds more closely to a 2-categorical version of an algebraic space, see Section
satisfy to be a scheme, namely (i) that it is a sheaf (in the Zariski topology2 ) and (ii)
that it is representable. The 2-categorical version of a scheme will therefore be a stack
satisfying conditions analogous to those that a sheaf in the Zariski topology needs to
satisfy to be representable. First, to develop the notion of stack (see Definition 3.26)
one needs:
1. A more general notion of topology: Grothendieck topologies (see Section 3.1)
generalise the Zariski topology, and one can define a more general notion of
sheaves on such topologies
2. The 2-categorical equivalent of the gluing conditions for a presheaf to be a sheaf,
which goes under the name of descent theory - (see Section 3.3, and Section 3.2
for fibered categories, which give the right framework to develop descent theory).
Second, we need to impose some conditions on stacks to be algebraic. A sheaf
X in the Zariski topology is representable if the diagonal morphism X → X × X
is representable and if the sheaf can be covered by affine schemes (see, e.g. [Ols16,
1.4.13]). An algebraic stack is therefore a stack which satisfies conditions analogous to
these (see Section 4).
Now we come back to our example of the moduli functor of elliptic curves: we
will see in Example 3.17 that this functor is not a sheaf in the Zariski topology, and
therefore there is no hope for it to be representable; however, the moduli stack of
elliptic curves (see Examples 3.22 and 3.30) is a particularly nice kind of algebraic
stack called Deligne-Mumford (DM) stack (see Theorem 4.10).
We conclude this introduction with the following diagram, which illustrates the zoo
of geometric objects in algebraic geometry, of which we discuss but a few in this paper:
DM stacks
Alg. stacks
Presh. of groupoids
Alg. spaces
Sep. presh.
Presh. of sets
The geometric objects on the bottom level of the diagram are formulated in the theory
of (1-) categories, while on the next level we need the formalism of 2-categories, and
the n-th level from the bottom requires the formalism of n-categories. Finally, the
colimit of this diagram requires the formalism of ∞-categories (see [Lur09]).
Fine moduli spaces
Let S be a scheme, and let O(S) be a class of objects over S, which we construe as a
‘family’ of objects parametrized by S, that we want to classify, and suppose that we
have a notion of what it means for two such objects to be equivalent. Such objects
In fact, representable functors Sch/S op → Set are sheaves in topologies finer than the Zariski topology
(see Example 3.16).
could, e.g., be curves of genus g over S up to isomorphism, or closed subschemes of PnS
up to Hilbert polynomial, and so on.
Ideally, we would like to have a geometric object whose points are in bijection with
the equivalence classes of such objects, and such that its geometric structure gives
information about how the objects vary in families. We define a functor
M : Schop → Set
which to every scheme S assigns the set of equivalence classes of objects over S. We
call such a functor a moduli functor for O.
By the Yoneda lemma we know that there is an embedding (i.e. a fully faithful
functor) of the category of schemes Sch into the category of presheaves over Sch, that
is, the category of functors Schop → Set. Therefore we can ask when the moduli functor
is in fact a geometric object, or in other words, when is it representable?
In the following we make the previous statements precise using the example of
isomorphism classes of elliptic curves. We begin by recalling the definition of elliptic curves. One of the classic references for the theory of elliptic curves is [Sil86].
Throughout these notes we assume that k is an algebraically closed field.
Definition 1.1. An elliptic curve over k is a smooth proper curve X over k which is
connected and has genus 1 together with a rational point O ∈ X.
To every elliptic curve (X, O) over k we can assign an element j(X) of k called
the j-invariant of (X, O). Two elliptic curves have the same j-invariant iff they are
isomorphic, and furthermore for every c ∈ k there is an elliptic curve (X, O) with
j(X) = c. Therefore the set of isomorphism classes of elliptic curves is in bijection
with the closed points of the affine line A1k .
Usually one is not interested in studying moduli problems for individual curves,
but rather in moduli spaces that capture how curves vary in ‘families’. One therefore
considers families of elliptic curves:
Definition 1.2. Let k be an algebraically closed field, and let S be a scheme over
k. An elliptic curve over S (also called a family over S) is a morphism of schemes
π : X → S which is proper, smooth and such that the geometric fibers are connected
curves of genus 1 together with a section o : S → X. We denote an elliptic curve (X, O)
over S by X/S if the section is clear from context.
Note that an elliptic curve over spec(k) is the same thing as an elliptic curve over
k, and therefore this definition generalises Definition 1.1. Furthermore, similarly to
elliptic curves over fields, an elliptic curve over a scheme S has a natural structure of
a group scheme over S, see e.g. [KM85].
Given an elliptic curve X/S and a morphism S ′ → S, the pullback X/S ×S S ′
together with the induced section O′ : S ′ → X/S ×S S ′ is an elliptic curve X ′ over S ′ .
One says that elliptic curves are ‘preserved under base change’. This motivates the
following definition:
Definition 1.3. Given two elliptic curves X/S and X ′ /S ′ we define a morphism of
elliptic curves X/S → X ′ /S ′ to be a pair of morphisms of schemes f : X → X ′ and
g : S → S ′ such that the resulting square is cartesian.
Now, given a scheme S, we denote by M1,1 (S) the set of isomorphism classes of
elliptic curves over S. A morphism S ′ → S induces a map M1,1 (S) → M1,1 (S ′ ), and we
thus get a contravariant functor M1,1 : Sch/k → Set which we call the moduli functor
for elliptic curves.
Definition 1.4. Let F : Sch/k op → Set be a functor. A fine moduli space for F
is a scheme M together with a natural isomorphism F → hM , where we denote by
hM the functor HomSch (−, M ) : Schop → Set which sends a scheme N to the set
HomSch (N, M ).
The moduli functor for elliptic curves does not have a fine moduli scheme. There are
several ways to prove this. One way is given by the existence of non-trivial ‘isotrivial
Definition 1.5. An elliptic curve X/S is isotrivial if all the fibers are isomorphic. An
elliptic cuve X/S is trivial if it is the pullback of a family over a one-point scheme.
If M1,1 were represented by a scheme M , then any isotrivial family would necessarily
be trivial. To see this, let φ : M1,1 → hM denote the natural isomorphism, and denote
by U the elliptic curve over U given by φ−1
M (idM ). Suppose that X/S is an isotrivial
family; then X/S is the pullback of U/M along the morphism S → M which sends
every s ∈ S to a single point of M , and hence the family X/S is trivial. Now, there
exist isotrivial families of elliptic curves which are not trivial, as for example if one
considers the family given by the equation y 2 = x3 + t over S = spec(k[t, t−1 ]). For
each t one gets a curve C with j(C) = 0, but there is no isomorphism between this
family and the constant family y 2 = x3 +1, therefore the family is not trivial. Summing
up, we have the following:
Theorem 1.6. The moduli functor M1,1 does not have a fine moduli scheme.
We will see in Example 3.17 that M1,1 fails to be a scheme more spectacularly.
Coarse moduli spaces
We have seen in the previous section that the functor M1,1 is not representable. In
analogy with the case of elliptic curves over a field, we could ask for a scheme M such
that for every elliptic curve X/S there is a morphism φX : S → M such that for
each closed point s ∈ S the point φX (s) in M corresponds to the isomorphism class
of the fiber over s in X. Furthermore, we could ask for the assignment X/S 7→ φX
to be functorial, namely we want this assignment to induce a natural transformation
φ : M1,1 → hM . We would also like M to be unique up to a unique isomorphism
satisfying some properties. More precisely, we can give the definition of coarse moduli
space as follows:
Definition 2.1. Let F : Sch/k op → Set be a functor. A coarse moduli scheme for F
is a scheme M together with a natural transformation φ : F → hM and such that:
1. The map φ(spec(k)) is a bijection.
2. The scheme M satisfies the following universal property: whenever N is a scheme
together with a natural transformation ψ : F → hN , then there exists a unique
morphism of schemes ψ : M → N such that φ ◦ hψ = ψ.
Note that every fine moduli scheme is a coarse moduli scheme: item (1) in the definition of coarse moduli scheme is satisfied since φ(S) is a bijection for every scheme S.
To show that item (2) is satisfied it is enough to show that the natural transformation
hM ∼
= F → hN is induced by a unique morphism M → N . This follows from the
Yoneda lemma, namely, from the fact that the functor h : Sch/k → Fun(Sch/k op , Set)
is fully faithful.
Now we prove that the moduli functor for elliptic curves has a coarse moduli space:
Theorem 2.2. The affine line A1k is a coarse moduli space for M1,1 .
Proof sketch. First, for every elliptic curve X/S it is possible to define a morphism
S → A1k which assigns to a point s the j-invariant of the fiber over s. One can define
locally over open affine subsets spec(R) ⊂ S an embedding of the fiber over spec(R)
into P2R . The image of the fiber can be brought into a certain Weierstrass form, using
which one can define a j-function on spec(R). Gluing gives a morphism φS : S → A1k
with the property that for every closed point s ∈ S the image φS (s) is the j-invariant
of the fiber over s. For more details we refer the reader to [KM85] or [Del].
We already know from the theory of elliptic curves over fields that the closed points
of A1k are in bijection with the isomorphism classes of elliptic curves over k. This in
turn implies that φ(spec(k)) : F (spec(k)) → hM (spec(k)) is a bijection.
It remains to show that A1k satisfies the universal property of a coarse scheme. For
this, let N be a scheme and ψ : F → hN a natural transformation. Then one can
construct a morphism A1k → N in the following way: consider the family of elliptic
curves given by the equation y 2 = x(x − 1)(x − λ) over spec(k[λ, λ−1 , (λ − 1)−1 ]).
We denote the ring k[λ, λ−1 , (λ − 1)−1 ] by R. Then one shows that the morphism
ψ(spec(R)) : spec(R) → N factors through spec(RΣ3 ), where Σ3 is the symmetric
group of order 6 acting on R and RΣ3 is the ring of invariants under this action. One
further shows that A1k can be identified with spec(RΣ3 ) and thus we obtain a morphism
A1k → N . Uniqueness of this morphism follows by construction.
We have seen that every fine moduli scheme is a coarse moduli scheme. On the
other hand, suppose that we are given a coarse moduli scheme M . Then if we can pull
back any scheme X over S along a ‘universal’ family U over M , the moduli space is
More precisely, we give the following definition:
Definition 2.3. Let F : Sch/k op → Set be a functor. If a coarse moduli space M for
F exists, then a universal family over M for F is a scheme U over M such that for
any scheme X over S there is a unique morphism S → M such that X is isomorphic
to the pullback S ×M U .
If such a scheme M and universal family U/M exist, then the functor F is represented by M ; in other words, the natural transformation φ : F → hM is an isomorphism. The converse is also true: if F is represented by a scheme M , then the scheme
M (idM ) is a universal family over M for F . Therefore a fine moduli scheme is the
same thing as a coarse moduli scheme together with a universal family.
As we have seen in the previous sections, not every moduli functor is representable.
The problem, as in the case of elliptic curves, is often given by objects with non-trivial
automorphisms. As mentioned in the introduction, the solution lies in considering
not functors valued in sets, but in groupoids. Any scheme can be identified with a
functor Schop → Set that is a sheaf in the Zariski topology. To generalise this, we
will on one hand need a more general definition of topology, and on the other hand
a more general notion of sheaf, or in other words, of gluing. Grothendieck topologies
generalise the Zariski topology, while the gluing condition for sheaves is generalised
by the theory of descent. The right framework to develop descent theory is given by
categories fibered in groupoids. We can then say that, roughly, a stack is a functor
Schop → Groupoid satisfying gluing conditions similar to those of a sheaf, with the
difference that while a sheaf takes values in a 1-category, a stack takes values in a
2-category. This generalisation is not gratuitous: there are stacks, e.g. the stack of
elliptic curves, which are not sheaves.
Grothendieck topologies
In this section we introduce the definition of a Grothendieck topology using sieves, as
it is given e.g. in [GV72].3
A sieve on an object U of a category C can be thought of as a choice of morphisms to
U that is closed under precomposition. A Grothendieck topology on C is the assignment
of a collection of sieves to every object, so that these collections of sieves satisfy some
conditions, like e.g. being closed under ‘pullbacks’. A site is a category together with
a Grothendieck topology, and a pretopology is the analogous of a basis for a topology
in the classical sense. After we develop the basic facts about Grothendieck topologies,
we introduce sheaves on sites in Section 3.1.1. These are Set-valued contravariant
functors on a site satisfying a gluing condition which generalises the gluing conditions
for a presheaf to be a sheaf in the Zariski topology. We end this section with two
important examples: schemes are sheaves in Grothendieck topologies finer than the
Zariski topology (see Example 3.16); the moduli functor of elliptic curves is not a sheaf
(see Example 3.17).
For this section we follow the exposition in [MM92].
Definition 3.1. A sieve of a category C is a full subcategory S of C such that for
any U ∈ obS and for any morphism f : U ′ → U of C the object U ′ is in S. A sieve of
an object U of C is a sieve of the category C/U .
Sieves can be seen as a generalization of ideals:
Note that some authors (see e.g. [FGI+ 05, Part 1]) call Grothendieck topology what is usually known
as a Grothedieck pretopology (see Definition 3.8) or basis.
Example 3.2. Suppose that C has just one object, so that it is a monoid. Then the
sieves on C are its right ideals.
One can also construe sieves on an object U ∈ obC as subfunctors of HomC (−, U ).
Definition 3.3. A subfunctor of a functor F : C → Set is a functor F ′ : C → Set
such that:
• For any U ∈ obC we have F ′ (U ) ⊂ F (U ).
• For any f : U ′ → U the morphism F ′ (f ) is the restriction of F (f ) to F ′ (U ′ ).
Proposition 3.4. A sieve on U ∈ obC is a subfunctor of HomC (−, U ).
If we are given a sieve S on an object U and a morphism f : U ′ → U , then the set
f ⋆ (S) = {g | gf ∈ S}
is a sieve on U ′ .
Definition 3.5. Let C be a small category. A topology J on C is the assignment to
each object U of C of a set J(U ) of sieves on U which satisfies the following:
(i) For any object U of C the maximal sieve Smax = {f | codf = U } is in J(U ).
(ii) For any object U of C for any sieve S ∈ J(U ) and for any morphism f : U ′ → U
in C the sieve f ⋆ (S) is in J(U ′ ).
(iii) If R is any sieve on an object U such that there exists a sieve S ∈ J(U ) so that
for all morphisms f : U ′ → U in S the sieve f ⋆ (R) is in J(U ′ ), then R is in
J(U ).
Definition 3.6. A site is a tuple (C, J) consisting of a small category C together with
a Grothendieck topology J on it.
Example 3.7. Let X be a topological space and denote by O(X) the category with
objects the open subsets of X and morphisms the inclusions. Then a sieve on an object
U of O(X) is a set S of open subsets of U such that V ′ ⊂ V ∈ S implies that V ′ ∈ S.
A Grothendieck topology on O(X) is given by the assignment to every open subset U
of X of a covering {Vi }i∈I , i.e. a set of open subsets of U such that for any point x in
U there exists an i such that x ∈ Vi .
Note that not every cover of an open subset is a sieve. However, to any cover
{Ui }i∈I of an open subset U we can associate a unique sieve generated by it: it is given
by the set of all open subsets V of U such that there exists an i ∈ I with V ⊂ Ui . This
process of generation of a sieve can be generalized to arbitrary categories:
Definition 3.8. A pretopology on a category C is the assignment to each object U of
C of a set Cov(U ) consisting of sets of morphisms with codomain U called coverings
of U such that:
(i′ ) If f : V → U is an isomorphism then {f : V → U } is in Cov(U ).
(ii′ ) If {fi : Ui → U | i ∈ I} is in Cov(U ) and f : V → U is any arrow, then for every
i ∈ I the fibered product (Ui ×U V, πUi , πV ) exists and the collection of morphisms
{πV : Ui ×U V → V | i ∈ I} is in Cov(V ).
(iii′ ) If {Ui → U | i ∈ I} is in Cov(U ) and for any i ∈ I there is a set
{fij : Vij → Ui | j ∈ Ji } ∈ Cov(Ui ) then {fi ◦ fij : Vij → U | i ∈ I, j ∈ Ji } is in
Cov(U ).
Note that in the original definition [?] instead of condition (i′ ) there was the more
restrictive condition
(i′′ ) idU : U → U is in Cov(U ),
however this is not a real difference if we restrict our attention to topologies. Clearly (i′ )
implies (i′′ ). If we consider a family satisfying (ii′ ), (iii′ ) and (i′′ ), then it generates a
pretopology. And it turns out that the topologies generated by the pretopology and by
the original family are the same, since the sieve generated by an isomorphism Y → X
is Hom(−, X).
Because of condition (i′ ), a topology is not a pretopology, however any pretopology
generates a unique topology:
Proposition 3.9. Given a pretopology Cov on a small category C, it generates a
unique topology in the following way
J : U 7→ {S ∈ Siev(U ) | ∃R ∈ Cov(U ) such that R ⊂ S}
where we denote by Siev(U ) the set of sieves on U .
Proof. We first verify that for every object U the maximal sieve is in J(U ): for this
it is enough to note that if f : U ′ → U is an isomorphism, then the sieve generated
by {f : U ′ → U } is the functor HomC (−, U ). For condition (ii) in the definition of a
topology, let S = {fi : Ui → U | i ∈ I} ∈ J(U ) and let f : U ′ → U be a morphism in C.
By (ii′ ) the set T = {πd : U ×U Ui → U ′ | i ∈ I} is a cover of U ′ . Since f ◦πU ′ = πUi ◦fi
for all i ∈ I, we have that T ⊂ f ⋆ (S), hence f ⋆ (S) is in J(U ′ ). For the transitivity
condition, i.e. condition (iii), assume that S ∈ J(U ) and for a sieve R on U and that
for any morphism f : U ′ → U that f ⋆ (R) ∈ J(U ′ ). Let T be a covering contained in S
and for f ∈ T let T ′ be a covering contained in f ⋆ (R). Then by (iii′ ) the collection of
arrows T ′′ = {h ◦ f | h ∈ T ′ , f ∈ T } is a covering of U and since T ′′ ⊂ R, we have that
R is in J(U ).
Example 3.10. [FGI+ 05, Part 1] A pretopology on O(X) is given by assigning to any
open subset U of X the set of open covers of U .
Example 3.11. Let a covering for any topological space U be given by a family
T = {fi : Ui → U | fi is injective, open continuous} such that T is jointly surjective, meaning that ⊔Ui → U is surjective. To see that this defines a pretopology on
Top, it is enough to note that in a pulback square of topological spaces
Ui × Y
f is surjective iff p is.
Similarly to classical topologies, there is a partial order on Grothendieck topologies:
Definition 3.12. Given two Grothendieck topologies J and J ′ on a category C, we
say that J is coarser than J ′ and J ′ finer than J if every sieve in J is also in J ′ .
The coarsest possible topology is clearly the topology given by assigning to each
object U the one-point set J(U ) = {HomC (−, U )}, whilst the finest topology is given
by the assignment J(U ) = Siev(U ).
Examples 3.13. Let S be a scheme. We give some examples of pretopologies on
(i) Zariski (pre)topology: the coverings of any scheme X over S are sets of jointly
surjective open embeddings.
(ii) Étale (pre)topology: the coverings of any scheme X over S are sets of jointly
surjective étale morphisms.
(iii) fppf (pre)topology: the coverings of any scheme X over S are sets of jointly
surjective flat and locally finitely presented morphisms.
Note that the Zariski topology is coarser than the étale topology, which is coarser
than the fppf topology.
Sheaves on a site
We are now ready to give a more general definition of sheaf:
Definition 3.14. A sheaf on a site (C, J) is a presheaf F on C such that for any
object U in C and any S ∈ J(U ) the diagram
F (U ) −→
F (domf ) ⇒
f ∈S
F (domf ′ )
f,f ′
f ∈S
domf =codf ′
is an equalizer of sets, where the maps are defined as follows:
• e sends x ∈ F (U ) to xf := F (f )(x) in the component F (domf ) of the product
• a sends xf to xf ◦f ′ in the component F (domf ′ ) of the product (recall that if f ∈ S
and f and f ′ are composable, then f ◦ f ′ ∈ S.)
• p send xf to F (f ′ )(xf ) in the component F (domf ′ ) of the product.
Here we give an equivalent formulation in terms of a pretopology:
Proposition 3.15. Let C be a category with pullbacks, let Cov be a pretopology on C
and J the unique topology on C generated by Cov. A presheaf F on C is a sheaf on
(C, J) iff for any object U in C and any cover {Ui′ → U }i∈I of U , the following diagram
F (U ) −→
F (Ui′ ) ⇒ F (Ui′ ×U Uj′ )
p2 i,j∈I
is an equalizer, where the map e is defined as above, and the maps p1 and p2 are induced
by the projections Ui′ ×U Uj′ → Ui′ and Ui′ ×U Uj′ → Uj′ .
Example 3.16. Representable functors Sch/S → Set are sheaves in the fppf topology
[Gro71], and therefore also in all coarser topologies. (See also [FGI+ 05, Part 1] for a
Example 3.17. The moduli functor for elliptic curves is not a sheaf in the Zariski
topology (and thus it is not a sheaf in any finer topology). A way to see this is to
construct two families of curves over a scheme S that are not isomorphic but become
isomorphic on some Zariski open subset U of S. For example, let E be an elliptic
curve over k, and consider the constant family E ×k P1k . Let p 6= q ∈ P1k and set
S = P1k /p ∼ q. Define a non-trivial elliptic curve E ′ → S by identifying the fibers over
p and q with a non-trivial automorphism. Then the resulting family X → S is not
isomorphic to the constant family E ×k S → S, however their restrictions to the open
subscheme S \ {[p]} are isomorphic.
Note that the previous two examples give another proof of the fact that the moduli
functor for elliptic curves is not representable.
Fibered categories
Let F and C be categories, and p : F → C a functor. Given an object U in C, we want
to consider the fiber F(U ) of F over U , which is the category with objects η ∈ F such
that p(η) = U and morphisms α : η → η ′ such that p(α) = idU . If we allow F to be
any category, then the notion of fiber would not be very useful (i.e. not functorial),
since we could have objects U ∼
= V in C such that F (U ) is empty while F(V ) is not. It
turns out that this notion is sensible whenever F is a fibered category. Roughly, F is
a fibered category if every morphism in C has a universal lift in F: given a morphism
f : T → S in C and an object ζ ∈ F such that p(ζ) = S, we say that there exists a ‘lift’
of the morphism f to the category F if there exists a morphism α in F with codomain
ζ and such that p(α) = f . Such a lift might not exist, or there might be many different
morphisms giving a lift. When every morphism in C has a universal lift in F, then we
say that F is fibered over C. In the following we will make the previous statements
Definition 3.18. Let F and C be categories, and p : F → C a functor. We say that
F is a category over C. Similarly, if η ∈ F is such that p(η) = T , then we say that η
is an object of F over T . An arrow α : η → ζ is cartesian if given T = p(η), S = p(ζ)
and f = p(α), for all η ′ ∈ F over T and for all u : η ′ → ζ such that p(u) = f there is
exactly one morphism u : η ′ → η such that α ◦ u = u. For such a cartesian arrow α we
also say that η is a pullback of ζ over T .
The definition of cartesian arrow given in the previous definition was introduced
in [Gro71]. Nowadays, a cartesian arrows is usually defined by a stronger universal
condition, see e.g. [FGI+ 05, Part 1]. However, in a fibered category the two notions
are equivalent.
Definition 3.19. A category F over C is fibered if for every morphism f : U → V
and any object η of F over V , there is a cartesian arrow φ : ζ → η such that φ gets
mapped to f . Let π ′ : F ′ → C and π : F → C be fibered categories over C. A morphism
of fibered categories over C is a functor ψ : F ′ → F such that:
(i) π ′ = π ◦ ψ
(ii) ψ sends cartesian arrows to cartesian arrows.
Now, given a fibered category p : F → C, for any U ∈ C one can define the fiber of
F over U to be the category with the following:
• objects: objects of F over U
• morphisms: those morphisms of F that get sent to idU .
Given a fibered category F → C, and for any arrow f : U → V in C and object η
of F over V a choice of cartesian arrow f ⋆ : f ⋆ η → η such that p(f ⋆ ) = f , it is possible
to define a functor f ⋆ : F(V ) → F(U ). This motivates the definition of cleavage, which
is just a choice of pullback:
Definition 3.20. Given a fibered category p : F → C, a cleavage of F is a set C of
cartesian morphisms of F such that for any morphism f : T → S in C and any η over
S, there exists exactly one morphism α in C with codomain η and such that p(α) = f .
To recap, if we have a fibered category F over C and a cleavage of F , then for
every object T of C we can define a category F(T ) and for any morphism f : T → S
a functor f ⋆ : F(T ) → F(S). This assignment induces a pseudofunctor F from the
category C op to Cat, that is, a ‘functor’ from the 1-category C op to the 2-category
Cat which preserves composition and identity not up to equality, but up to a natural
isomorphism. We refer the reader to [FGI+ 05, 3.1.2] for details.
On the other hand, given a category C and a pseudofunctor F : C op → Cat, one
can assign to it a fibered category F over C together with a cleavage: an object of F
is given by a pair (S, η) where S ∈ C and η ∈ F (S), and a morphism (S, η) → (T, ζ)
in F consists of a pair (f, α) where f : S → T is an arrow in C and α : η → F(f )(ζ) is
a morphism in F (S). For more details, see [FGI+ 05, 3.1.3].
In practice, one is often interested in fibered categories where all fibers are sets, or
groupoids. We therefore define the following:
Definition 3.21. A category F over C is fibered in groupoids (resp. sets) if it is
fibered over C and all fibers are groupoids (resp. sets).
Example 3.22. (The fibered category of elliptic curves.) Let M1,1 be the category
with objects elliptic curves, and morphisms morphisms of elliptic curves (see Defs. 1.21.3). Let p : M1,1 → Sch/k be the functor that sends a family over S to S. Then
M1,1 is fibered in groupoids over Sch/k: let f : S ′ → S be a morphism of schemes,
and let π : Y → S be a family over S. Consider the pullback (Y ×S S ′ , f , π). Then the
morphism f is cartesian from general principles (namely by the universal property of
the pullback). Similarly, the fact that for any scheme S the fiber M1,1 (S) is a groupoid
follows from general principles.
We end this section with some remarks on properties of categories fibered in sets,
which we will need in the last section. There is an equivalence of categories between
the category of categories fibered in sets over C and the category of presheaves on
C [FGI+ 05, 3.26]. In particular, if S is a scheme, we can associate to the presheaf
hS : Schop → Set the category fibered in sets HS → Sch defined as follows:
• objects: pairs (U, f ) where U is a scheme and f ∈ hS (U )
• morphisms: commutative triangles.
On the other hand, the category Sch/S is also a category fibered in sets over Sch, and
it is isomorphic over Sch to HS . We can therefore identity a scheme S with the fibered
category Sch/S → Sch.
Descent and stacks
Recall from the previous section that given a fibered category F over C together with a
cleavage, then for any morphism f : S ′ → S in C, we have a functor f ⋆ : F(S) → F(S ′ ).
The basic aim of descent theory is to characterise the image of the functor f ⋆ .
The solution given by Grothendieck is to take S ′′ = S ′ ×S S ′ and consider the
two projections p1 , p2 : S ′′ ⇒ S ′ . A covering datum for an object η of F over S ′ is
an isomorphism p⋆1 (η) → p⋆2 (η). One can then define a category of objects of F(S ′ )
together with covering data with respect to the two projections. The functor f ⋆ factors
canonically through this category. Further, one defines a descent datum for an object
η of F over S ′ to be a covering datum that satisfies a certain cocycle condition, and
one sees again that the functor f ⋆ factors through the full subcategory of the category
of covering data given by objects with descent data.
The problem of descent is thus reduced to the following question: when is the
functor f ⋆ : F(S) → F(S ′ )desc an equivalence?
In the following we will make all of this precise. The diagram that one should keep
in mind is the following:
S ′ ×S S ′ ×S S ′
S ′ ×S S ′
The basic idea of descent is that objects in the essential image of the functor f ⋆
satisfy some coherence condition described by the simplicial diagram on the left-hand
side. For the theory of 1-stacks it is enough to consider only the coherence conditions
given by the pullback S ′ ×S S ′ and the iterated pullback S ′ ×S S ′ ×S S ′ , while for higher
stacks one considers also higher coherence conditions given by higher iterations of the
Descent theory was first introduced in [Gro60], and this is also the main reference
for the material in this section.
Definition 3.23. Let F be a category fibered over C together with a cleavage. Let
β1 , β2 : S ′′ → S ′ be two morphisms in C, and let ζ be an object in F(S ′ ). A covering
datum for ζ with respect to (β1 , β2 ) is an isomorphism β1⋆ (ζ) → β2⋆ (ζ).
One can define a category F(S ′ )cov of covering data with respect to (β1 , β2 ):
• its objects are pairs (ζ, φ) where ζ ∈ F(S ′ ) and φ is a covering datum for ζ
• a morphism (ζ, φ) → (ζ ′ , φ′ ) is a pair (f : β1⋆ (ζ) → β1⋆ (ζ ′ ), g : β2⋆ (ζ) → β2⋆ (ζ ′ ) of
morphisms in F(S ′′ ) such that f ◦ φ′ = φ ◦ g.
Furthermore, to any morphism α : S ′ → S such that α◦β1 = α◦β2 we can associate
a canonical functor F(S) → F(S ′ )cov in the following way:
• to any object η over S we can associate the object α⋆ (η) over S ′ , which has a
canonical covering datum since βi⋆ α⋆ (η) ∼
= (αβi )⋆ (η), and αβ1 = αβ2 by assumption.
• to any morphism f : η → ζ in F(S) we can assign the morphism α⋆ (f ) : α⋆ (η) →
α⋆ (ζ) which is compatible with the covering data.
Usually, one considers S ′′ = S ′ ×S S ′ . In this case one has that an object in the
essential image of f ⋆ necessarily satisfies the following cocycle condition:
p⋆12 p⋆1
12 φ
p⋆12 p⋆2
p⋆23 p⋆1
23 φ
p⋆13 p⋆1
13 φ
p⋆13 p⋆2
p⋆23 p⋆2
where we denote by the equal sign the canonical isomorphisms given by the pullbacks.
This motivates the following definition:
Definition 3.24. Let (ζ, φ) be an object in F(S ′ )cov . We say that φ is a descent
datum if p⋆23 φ ◦ p⋆12 φ = p⋆13 φ.
We can summarise the previous discussion with the following commutative diagram:
F(S ′ )desc
F(S ′ )
F(S ′ )cov
The morphisms f that we are most interested in are those for which f ⋆ is an
equivalence, and they thus get their own name:
Definition 3.25. One calls a morphism f an effective descent morphism if
f ⋆ : F(S) → F(S ′ )desc is an equivalence.
Now, if C is a site, what one is really interested in is usually not a morphism
f : S ′ → S, but a covering {fi : Si′ → S}i∈I of an object S in the site C. One can
generalise what we have discussed to this setting: the category F(Si′ , i ∈ I)cov has as
objects pairs ({Si′ }i∈I , {φi,j }i,j∈I ) where for any pair of objects ζi′ in F(Si′ ) and ζj′ in
F(Sj′ ) we have that φi,j : p⋆1 (ζi′ ) → p⋆2 (ζj′ ) is an isomorphism in F(Si ×S Sj′ ).
Furthermore, one generalises the cocycle condition by requiring that the following
diagram commutes in F(Si ×S Sj ×S Sk ):
p⋆12 p1 (ζi )⋆
12 φ
p⋆12 p⋆2 (ζj )
p⋆23 p⋆1 (ζj )
23 φ
p⋆13 p⋆1 (ζi )
13 φ
p⋆13 p⋆2 (ζk )
p⋆23 p⋆2 (ζk )
Similarly to the case of one morphism, there is a functor f ⋆ : F(S) → F(Si′ , i ∈
I)desc , and one says that the covering {fi : Si′ → S}i∈I is of effective descent if the
functor f ⋆ is an equivalence.
We can now give the following definition:
Definition 3.26. Let C be a site. Let F be a category fibered in groupoids over C
together with a cleavage. Then F is a stack if for every S ∈ C and any covering
{Si′ → S}i∈I of S, the functor F(S) → F(Si , i ∈ I)desc is an equivalence.
In nice cases we only need to prove descent for coverings consisting of a single
Lemma 3.27. [Ols16, Lemma 4.2.7]. Let C be a site in which coproducts exist, and
such that coproducts commute with fiber products when they exist. Let F be a category
fibered over C, and assume that there is an equivalence
F (Ui )
Ui →
Let {Si′ → S}i∈I be a collection of morphisms in C. Then
F(S) → F (Si′ , i ∈ I)desc
is an equivalence iff
F(S) → F
As a first example of descent, we consider sheaves on a site. Let C be a site. For
any object S in C, denote by Sh(X) the category of sheaves on the site C/S. Any
morphism f : S ′ → S induces a functor f ⋆ : Sh(S) → Sh(S ′ ) in a natural way (see
[Ols16, 4.2.11] for details). Let Sh be the following category:
(i) objects: pairs (S, F ) where S ∈ C and F ∈ Sh(S)
(ii) morphisms: pairs (f, α) : (S ′ , F ′ ) → (S, F ) where f : S ′ → S is a morphism in C
and α : F ′ → f ⋆ (F ) is a morphism in Sh(F ′ ).
The assignment (S, F ) 7→ F induces a functor p : Sh → C which makes Sh into a
category fibered over C with fiber over an object S given by the category Sh(S) of
sheaves on Sch/S. Then one has the following result:
Theorem 3.28. [Ols16] For any object Y in C and any cover f : U → Y , the functor
f ⋆ : Sh(Y ) → Sh(U )desc is an equivalence.
To prove descent for elliptic curves, we follow [Ols16]. A polarized scheme is a pair
(f : X → Y, L) where f is a proper and flat morphism of schemes and L is a relatively
ample invertible sheaf on X. Morphisms of polarized schemes are cartesian squares.
Let Pol denote the category of polarized schemes. The functor
Pol → Sch
sending a pair (f : X → Y, L) to Y makes Pol a fibered category. One has the following:
Theorem 3.29. For any covering S ′ → S in the fppf topology the functor f ⋆ : F(S) →
F(S ′ )desc is an equivalence.
Example 3.30. (Descent for elliptic curves.) Consider Sch/k together with the fppf
topology. Here we choose a cleavage for M1,1 and show that M1,1 → Sch/k (see
Example 3.22) is a stack in the fppf topology, hence also in the étale topology. By
Lemma 3.27 we know that it is enough to prove that f ⋆ : F(S) → F(S ′ )desc is an
equivalence for any covering f : S ′ → S consisting of a single morphism.
We show that for any covering f : S ′ → S the functor f ⋆ : M1,1 (S) → M1,1 (S ′ )desc
is fully faithful. This is a consequence of the result for descent for sheaves on a site
stated in Theorem 3.28. Let X/S and X ′ /S be in M1,1 (S), and let f : S ′ → S be an
fppf cover. Suppose that α : f ⋆ (X/S) → f ⋆ (X ′ /S) is a morphism in F(S ′ ) such that
p⋆1 α = p⋆2 α, where as usual we denote by p1 and p2 the projections S ′ ×S S ′ ⇒ S.
Then α is induced by a unique morphism h : X/S → X ′ /S in F(S): to see this, denote
by hX : Sch/S → Set the sheaf represented by a scheme X over S and note that
the morphism α amounts to giving an isomorphism ((hX×S S ′ ), φ) → hX ′ ×S S ′ , φ′ ), in
Sh(S ′ → S)desc , where φ, resp. φ′ , is the canonical covering datum. By Theorem 3.28
this corresponds to a unique isomorphism hX → hX ′ , which in turn correponds to a
unique isomorphism X → X ′ by the Yoneda lemma. This therefore gives a unique
morphism X/S → X ′ /S in F(S).
Now, we prove that the functor f ⋆ is essentially surjective. To do this we use
descent for polarized schemes. First note that every elliptic curve X/S has a canonical
ample invertible sheaf LX/S (see, e.g., [Ols16, 13.1.4]). There is therefore a morphism
M1,1 → Pol of fibered categories given by sending an elliptic curve (π : X → S, s : S →
X) to the pair (π : X → S, LX/S ). One then gets the following commutative diagram
M1,1 (S)
M1,1 (S ′ )desc
Pol(S ′ )desc
where fPol
is an equivalence, and therefore f ⋆ is essentially surjective.
Algebraic spaces and stacks
At the beginning of Section 3 we motivated the concept of stack – and the related concepts of Grothendieck topology, fibered categories and descent – by explaining that
we need a more general notion of sheaf Sch/S → Set, since schemes are sheaves
Sch/S → Set that are representable. In this sense, a stack satisfies descent conditions which generalise the gluing conditions which are valid for a scheme. On the other
hand, the reason we really can work with schemes is that every schemes has a cover by
affine schemes. Algebraic stacks are then, roughly, stacks that have a smooth cover by
a scheme. When the cover is not only smooth but étale, the algebraic stack is called
Deligne-Mumford stack.
We have seen in the previous sections that while the moduli functor M1,1 for elliptic
curves is not a sheaf in the Zariski topology, and thus neither in the étale of fppf
topology, the category fibered in groupoids M1,1 is a stack in the fppf topology, and
thus also in all coarser topologies. In this section we will see that the stack of elliptic
curves is a Deligne-Mumford stack, and therefore we have a very nice geometric object
encoding isomorphism classes of elliptic curves.
The definition of algebraic stack requires the notion of algebraic spaces, which are
sheaves on the étale site of the category of schemes satisfying properties similar to the
properties needed to construct a scheme from affine schemes.
Algebraic spaces
Algebraic spaces are the generalisation of the concept of schemes from the Zariski
topology to the étale topology. There are mainly two ways in which one can define
an algebraic space, which are derived by the two ways in which one can construe a
scheme: as a quotient of an affine scheme by an étale equivalence relation, or as a
sheaf in the Zariski topology satisfying certain properties4 . One therefore defines an
algebraic space as a quotient of a scheme by an étale equivalence relation, or as a sheaf
in the étale topology that satisfies properties analogous to those that one needs of a
Zariski sheaf to be a scheme. The latter definition is often easier to work with, since
it does not depend on a particular quotient presentation of the algebraic space. Here
we will therefore present the definition of an algebraic space as a sheaf satisfying some
In the following let S be a scheme, and consider the category Sch/S together with
the étale topology.
Definition 4.1. Let F ′ and F be sheaves on Sch/S, and f : F ′ → F be a natural
transformation. We say that f is representable if for any scheme T over S and any
natural transformation hT → F , the fiber product F ′ ×F hT is representable.
Any morphism between representable sheaves is representable. On the other hand,
if we have a representable sheaf F ′ and a sheaf F , then we could ask for conditions on
the sheaf F so that any morphism between the sheaves is representable. In a certain
sense, this is the best we can hope for if F is not representable. It turns out that a
sufficient condition for this is that the diagonal morphism of F is representable. Recall
that the diagonal morphism ∆ : F → F ×hS F is the unique morphism F → F ×hS F
whose composition with the projections is the identity on F . In fact we have the
following stronger result:
Proposition 4.2. Let F be a sheaf on Sch/S. The diagonal morphism ∆ : F →
F ×hS F is representable if and only if for any representable sheaf F ′ any morphism
F ′ → F is representable.
Proof. See [Sta14, Tag 025W]. (Note also that the statement is still valid if instead of
sheaves one considers presheaves and the fppf topology instead of the étale topology,
this is the version of the statement that is proven in [Sta14].)
Given a representable morphism of sheaves f : F ′ → F and a property (⋆) of morphisms of schemes we say that f has property (⋆) if for any representable sheaf X the
For a discussion of how schemes are Zariski sheaves satisfying some properties we refer the reader to
[Ols16, 1.4] or [EH00, VI.2.1].
morphism F ′ ×F X → X has property (⋆). We are now ready to give the following
Definition 4.3. An algebraic space over S is a sheaf X : Sch/S op → Set such that
(i) The diagonal ∆ : X → X ×S X is representable.
(ii) There exists a scheme U over S and a surjective étale morphism hU → X.
Note that every scheme X over S is an algebraic space over S: the diagonal is
representable since fiber products exist in the category of schemes, and the identity
morphism idX : X → X is surjective and étale.
Remark 4.4. Knutson [Knu71] and [LMB00] in addition require the diagonal morphism to be quasi-compact, but to other authors it seems to be unnecessary to add this
separation property in the definition of algebraic space, see e.g. the discussion in [Sta14,
Tag 025X].
Algebraic stacks
Roughly, algebraic stacks are stacks on Sch/S that satisfy the same properties needed
from a sheaf on Sch/S to be an algebraic space. Similarly as for algebraic spaces, one
can define an algebraic stack as a quotient of an algebraic space by an étale equivalence
relation, or as a stack satisfying certain properties. Here we will again discuss the
second definition, since it does not depend on a particular presentation of the quotient.
Let U be a scheme over S, then the functor hU : Sch/S op → Set is the same thing as
a category fibered in sets over Sch/S (see the discussion at the end of Section 3.2), and
thus can be construed as a category fibered in groupoids over Sch/S. If F is a category
fibered in groupoids over Sch/S by a morphism hU → F we just mean a morphism of
categories fibered in groupoids over Sch/S.
The Yoneda lemma plays a fundamental role in the study of schemes and algebraic
spaces, and there is an equivalent 2-categorical version of it which we need for stacks.
Let F be a fibered category over C and let S ∈ C. Then C/S is fibered in sets over C
(again, see the discussion at the end of Section 3.2). To any morphism f : C/S → F
of fibered categories over C we can assign the object f (idS ) ∈ F(S). This induces a
φS : HomFib/C (C/S, F) → F(S)
where HomFib/C (C/S, F) is the category with objects morphisms C/S → F of categories fibered over C and morphisms natural transformations. Then the 2-categorical
version of the Yoneda lemma states that φS is an equivalence of categories. We refer
the reader to [FGI+ 05, 3.6.2] for details.
Analogously as we have done for algebraic spaces, we define representability for
morphisms of algebraic stacks:
Definition 4.5. A morphism of stacks f : F ′ → F is representable if for any scheme
U and any morphism g : hU → F the (2-categorical) fiber product F ′ ×F hU is an
algebraic space.
Note that if a morphism of stacks f : F ′ → F is representable, then given any
algebraic space V and morphism V → F, the fiber product F ′ ×F V is an algebraic
space. Now, similarly as for algebraic spaces, representability of the diagonal ∆ : F →
F ×S F implies that for any scheme U any morphism hU → F is representable.
We are now ready to give the definition of algebraic stack.
Definition 4.6. A stack F → Sch/S is algebraic if the following two conditions are
(i) The diagonal morphism F → F ×S F is representable
(ii) There is a scheme U and a smooth surjective morphism π : U → F.
Theorem 4.7. The stack M1,1 is a an algebraic stack over Sch/spec(Z).
Proof sketch. We have seen in the Examples 3.22 and 3.30 that M1,1 is a stack. For
the proof of the representability of the diagonal, we refer the reader to [Ols16, 13.1.5].
Consider the Weierstrass equation
w(X, Y, Z) = ZY 2 + a1 XY Z + a3 Y Z 2 = X 3 + a2 X 2 Z + a4 XZ 2 + a6 Z 3
and let ∆ ∈ Z[a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , a5 ] be the discriminant. Let A5Z = spec(Z[x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 ])
and let U = spec(Z[a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , a5 , ∆−1 ]) be the complement of the vanishing locus
of the discriminant in A5Z . Let X ⊂ P2U be the solution set of the Weierstrass equation,
denote by π : X → U the projection, and by s : U → X the section given by the point
(0 : 1 : 0). We thus have an elliptic curve X/U .
Note that for any scheme S, morphisms hS → M1,1 can be identified with objects
of M1,1 (S) by the 2-categorical version Yoneda lemma and by the remarks at the end
of Section 3.2, therefore the datum of an elliptic curve X over U is the same as a
morphism p : hU → M1,1 . Now, p is surjective since every elliptic curve over a field
can be given by a Weierstrass equation. For one way to prove that the map p is smooth,
we refer the reader to [Ols16, 13.1.9].
Definition 4.8. A Deligne-Mumford stack is an algebraic stack F such that there
exists a scheme U and an étale surjective morphism π : U → F.
There is a characterization of Deligne-Mumford stacks, which can be found e.g. in
[LMB00, Chapter 8]. (See also the discussion in [Ols16, 8.3.4].)
Theorem 4.9. Let X : Sch/S → Groupoid be an algebraic stack. Then X is a DeligneMumford stack if and only if the diagonal morphism is unramified (i.e. locally of finite
presentation and formally unramified).
Using this characterisation of Deligne-Mumford stacks one can prove the following
(see e.g. [Ols16]):
Theorem 4.10. The stack M1,1 is a Deligne-Mumford stack.
To conclude these notes, we list a few of the properties of the stack of elliptic curves
M1,1 that one can compute via the étale cover p : hU → M1,1 :
1. Quasi-compactness: one can derive that M1,1 is quasi-compact from the fact that
U is [Sta14, Tag 04YC].
2. Its Picard group, which is Z/12Z (the original computation for fields of characteristic different from 2 and 3 is in [Mum], while the computation for fields of
arbitrary characteristic is in [FO07]).
3. Quasi-coherent sheaves on M1,1 can be obtained from quasi-coherent sheaves on
U (see [Ols16, 9.2.12]).
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