Abstract DH2017
Machine Vision algorithms on cadaster plans
Sofia Ares Oliveira, Frederic Kaplan, Isabella di Lenardo {sofia.oliveiraares, frederic.kaplan,
Digital Humanities Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
March 27, 2017
Cadaster plans are cornerstones for reconstructing dense representations of the history of the city
[1]. They provide information about the city urban shape, enabling to reconstruct footprints
of most important urban components (buildings, streets, canals, bridges) as well as information
about the urban population and city functions (census information, property, rent prices, etc.)
[2]. Cadasters plans are usually the results of coordinated campaigns with standardised methods
of measurement and representation. This means that large sets of documents follow the same
representation conventions. This regularity opens the possibly of efficient automated process for
analysing them and possibly transforming the information they contain in georeferenced databases
that can be used as part of historical geographical information system [3].
However, as some of these handwritten documents are more than 200 years old, the establishment
of processing pipeline for interpreting them remains extremely challenging. This may explain why,
to our knowledge, no such system exists in the literature. This article reports our effort in this
domain, presenting the first implementation of a fully automated process capable of segmenting
and interpreting Napoleonic Cadaster Maps of the Veneto Region dating from the beginning of
the 19th century. Our system extracts the geometry of each of the drawn parcels, classifies, reads
and interprets the handwritten labels. We believe the general principle of technologies used in the
process could be adapted to other cadastral funds, but this has not been tested in the present
Literature on map processing includes works on many different types of maps, from roads to topographic maps, including hydrographic and cadastral maps. Most studies focus on particular
problems and features and thus develop techniques that are highly map specific [4].
Our work addresses the particular case of the Napoleonic cadaster of Venice dated 1808, but aims
at developing a method highly adaptable to other cadasters with little extra effort.
We propose a system that segments the cadastral map, identifies and extract segmented objects
such as parcels and identifiers and recognises the extracted hand-written digits. A demo code with
examples of the results can be found at https://github.com/dhlab-epfl/cadasters. The method is
summarized in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Overview of the system
Usually, the processed images are ancient documents that have been digitised. To deal with the
natural ageing of paper and eventual spots on the map without losing details, we use a non-local
means denoising method [5] to smooth the image.
We address the task of extracting the desired information from the document as a segmentation
problem, which is a recurrent problem in image processing. A graph-based segmentation approach
is adopted, which models the image as a weighted undirected graph. This allows to process the
pixels or regions in the spatial domain of the image but also to use higher level information such
as connections, similarities and dependencies between the elements.
Because a group of pixels sharing some similarities are more perceptually meaningful than a simple
pixel, we use SLIC method [6] to create superpixels. Superpixels are clusters of pixels that share
similarities and spatial proximity and have the advantage of reducing the complexity of image
processing tasks.
A graph is a mathematical structure composed of vertices and edges, representing a system of
connections or interrelations among a set of objects. It is widely used to model relations, to study
information systems or to organise data. In our case, the graph representing the image is initialized
with superpixels as vertices. Its edges connect neighbouring vertices (superpixels) and each edge
has a weight which is a measure of the dissimilarity between neighbouring elements. The distance
(or dissimilarity) metric is based on color and edge/ridge features.
The oversegmentation of the image resulting from superpixel generation is then reduced by grouping
superpixels into homogeneous regions and merging the corresponding graph vertices. Our approach
uses global homogeneity, meaning that the method minimize intragroup dissimilarity and maximize
intergroup dissimilarity. The ‘dispersion’ of edge weights (i.e standard deviation within a region)
allows to spot high weighted edges within a group and thus disconnect dissimilar vertices (i.e remove
their edge) to end up with independent homogeneous regions.
Region classification
The merged regions are classified into 3 classes : text, contour/delimitations and background
(smooth textures such as parcels or streets) using a SVM classifier. The training data is composed
of manually annotated samples of maps coming from the Napoleonic cadaster of Venice.
Parcel extraction
Classification results allow to determine possible parcels candidates and flood fill algorithm is
applied, using a ridge detector to indicate boundaries. The chosen ridge detector was originally
developed as a vessel enhancement filter [7] and looks for multiscale second order local structures
of the image that can be regarded as tubular. The obtained measure indicates how similar the
structure is to a tube, and so it is able to detect ridges. Starting from one point in the regions
labelled as background (seed point), the flood fill algorithm floods each flat’ zone, i.e parcels, streets,
etc. and stops at the boundaries (output of ridge detector).
Each parcel of the image is extracted as a polygonal shape and the polygon’s corner points are
stored in GeoJSON format. If the image file is georeferenced and contains geographical information
(GTIFF file for instance), polygons are exported according to the spatial reference system provided.
This allows a fast an easy integration of the shapes into a geographic information system (GIS)
and thus geographic information on the parcels can easily be collected.
Digit extraction
Parcel’s identifier is usually contained within the parcel. This observation and extracted polygons’
information can be used to correct misclassified text regions and improve identifiers extraction.
Elements labelled as text regions are localised, delimited by bounding boxes and grouped so that
neighbouring characters are extracted together. Again, information from polygons is used to determine whether neighbouring digits belong to the same identifier or not (i.e whether neighbouring
digits are located in the same parcel/polygon). Boxes that do not correspond to identifiers or
digits are removed according to some criteria. Finally, the boxes containing parcels’ identifiers are
Since the digit recognition step requires horizontally oriented digits to output accurate prediction,
the identifiers’ boxes are rotated. Principal analysis component is applied on the binary image of
the extracted numbers to determine the angle of the rotation.
Digit recognition
The horizontally oriented numbers are separated into digits that are processed individually. A good
digit segmentation is primordial since connected or overlapping digits lead to incorrect recognition.
A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with two convolutional layers, two fully connected layer
and a final softmax layer for multiclass classification is used to predict the identifiers. The CNN
is trained on a mixed dataset composed of MNIST dataset [8] and digit samples from Sommarioni
register and has a performance of 99.1%. When predicting the numbers, the network outputs the
inferred number with a confidence level, which indicates the reliability of the result.
The proposed approach shows promising results in parcel extraction and identifiers recognition. We
performed the first ‘proof-of-concept’ evaluations on manually labelled data taken from different
cadaster samples. The total number of annotated object are shown in Table 1.
Most parcels and identifiers were correctly extracted (Table 2 & 3), which comforted us on the
feasibility of their automatic extraction. The precision can still be increased for example by using
feedback from digit recognition results, i.e the prediction and its confidence level would allow to
discard regions where no reliable identifier has been recognised.
Figure 2: Sample of results : (a) original image, (b) polygon approximation of parcels, (c) extracted
parcels and (d) identifiers localization
Parcels with labels
All parcels (with and without labels)
Parcels’ numbers
Table 1: Count of ground-truth objects
Concerning the digit recognition, only around 10% of the identifiers had their digits correctly
recognised. Since the models used have shown good performance on nicely detached digits, the
fault is not on the recognition algorithm itself but rather on the digit segmentation procedure.
The current segmentation is the main hindrance to an efficient digit recognition, thus, further
work should focus on a better number processing algorithm. Another alternative is to avoid the
segmentation problem and use a recurrent neural network such as LTSM to process the number as
a sequence.
Our work shows promising results to ease and accelerate cadaster processing, especially with its
efficient parcel segmentation and digit identification. Moreover, the export of parcel’s geometry into
GeoJSON format opens up further perspectives to efficiently georeference ancient maps. The system
can be extended and integrated into a user interface to take better advantage from the results, for
example by allowing the user to correct or add information about parcels and identifiers.
The proposed method makes a bridge between two data types that were so far separated:
the raster object and the vector object. Currently, web-mapping tools consider vector objects as
separate layers on the raster maps and each object needs to be manually redesigned. The automatic
vectorization process enables to perform the visualisation and annotation processes directly on the
cartographic source without the necessity prerequisite of complex geomatics skills. It should greatly
facilitate the large scale exploitation of such kind of documents.
Total extracted
Labelled parcels
All parcels
> 0.6 > 0.7 > 0.8 > 0.6 > 0.7 > 0.8
Table 2: Results of parcel extraction with different Intersection over Union (IoU) thresholds
Total localized
> 0.5
> 0.7
> 0.9
Table 3: Results of parcels’ number localization with different Intersection (overlapping percentage)
Correct number
Total localized
58 (.09)
66 (.10)
4 digits
17 (.03)
20 (.03)
3 digits
105 (.16)
90 (.14)
2 digits
94 (.14)
103 (.16)
Table 4: Results of parcels’ number recognition
1 digit
165 (0.25)
163 (.26)
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