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opini audit going concern, 2019
Opini audit going concern adalah opini yang dikeluarkan oleh auditor untuk mengevaluasi apakah ada kesangsian tentang kemampuan perusahaan untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya
Napis Pismo poświęcone literaturze okolicznościowej i użytkowej, 1997
FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History Vol. 11, No2, 2012, pp. 201 - 210, 2012
The sudden changes that the contemporary world has seen during the last several years pose the following question: to what extent can sociology provide an answer, theoretically and methodologically. Ever since it emerged as a science, sociology has been faced with various difficulties, including those pertaining to the definition of its object, which is the result of the underdeveloped state of this particular science and the specificities of its subject matter (primarily its historicalness). Within the discipline itself, there is some confusion about what it actually means to be a sociologist. The fact that many people outside sociology (including nonsociologists at universities) do not take sociology seriously would be easier to accept if sociologists themselves did not occasionally have such thoughts as well. Still, anyone who participates in the various sociological gatherings cannot help noticing the self-doubt and even clear dissatisfaction with the fate of the sociologist today. Sociology must go back to the ''great'' questions, say Berger and Kelner, thereby referring to the questions about the very nature and structure of the modern world. In other words, it is not important only how to be, but also what it means to be a sociologist. The paper analyses the position of sociology as a profession. Because of the way in which it emerged after the Second World War and the way it has been developing, the position of sociology has oscillated with political changes, which have determined its development. Sociology has developed against two backgrounds: the political and sociological context, in which it has been instrumentalized by politics, on the one hand, and the ontological and theoretical one, as a "younger and more immature sister of philosophy''. Since the classic results of sociology represent the foundation of all the important social sciences and the humanities, sociology could be a transdisciplinary spiritual field in which those sciences can cooperate and communicate most profitably. It is through a rational dialogue among the humanities that sociology can be best and sustainably revived. In that way, it would not only regain the status it used to have but would also attain a new, more lasting one.
The paper presents disaggregated data for gender, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes to understand inequalities and exclusions so as to translate the Sustainable Development Goals into reality and ‘leave no one behind’. Data on the current status of the goals and targets achieved for the socially excluded and most vulnerable population groups is also important for the formulation of resource allocation and implementation strategies. An important section in the discussion under each goal is a set of recommendations that can contribute to achieving the various goals.
Atlas Deprem Özel sayısı çıktı. Bu sayının geliri depremzede öğrenciler yararına Türk Eğitim Vakfı’na bağışlanacak. Bu sayıda benim de “Acı, Vatandaşlık ve Siyasal Kimlik” başlıklı bir yazım bulunuyor. Link:
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Ayer. Revista de Historia Contemporánea, 2022
Theory, Culture & Society, 2018
Forthcoming in Douglas Moggach, Nadime Mooren, Michael Quante (eds.): Perfektionismus der Autonomie. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
Journal of European Tort Law, 2013
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Revista Docencia Universitaria, 2021
Wirkendes Wort, 2012
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2017
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2003
The Journal of Pediatric Research
RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218
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American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2000