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Table of Contents III Table of Contents Volume 3 [For the complete Table of Contents, see the end of this volume] The 100 Ft Vault: The Construction 5. TECHNOLOGY and Geometry - Foundations & Masonry The Achievement ofStructural in the Stability Drystone Iron-Age Broch in North Scotland,, John Barber, Masonry ofthe Sala dei Baroni Naples, Enrique Rabasa Diaz, Miguel Angel Alonso-Rodn'guez, Tomas Gil Lopez, Ana Lopez-Mozo, Jose' Calvo-Lopez, Alberto Sanjurjo Alvarez.... 53 ofthe Castel Nuovo, Dimitris Towers Theodossopoulos, Graeme Cavers, Andy Heald 3 in Constructions as Built Archives: An Innovative AnalyticalApproach of the ofltdlica: Notes the Construction Process, Alberto on Roman Theatre 21 Vega Techniques in the Early Modern 29 Ramparts and Bastions Rosenberg in Kronach, Germany, The Pentagon of Fortress Philip S.C. Caston The Irregular Ribbed Vaidt of the Sacristy ofthe Cathedral ofSaint-fean Baptiste in Perpignan, Rosa Senent Domfnguez, Miguel Angel Alonso Rodriguez, Enrique Rabasa Diaz 37 in Roman Asia Masterpiece ofIranian Construction Minor, Ursula Barbara Thuswaldner Stefania Petralla 45 History, Construction Techniques and New Design Perspectives, Giuseppe Fallacara 91 The Lecce Vault: revinctum in Dome and Barrel Vault Quatember, 83 Safavid Ribbed Vaults Techniques, -Vaults & Stereotomy Constructions 75 with Spanish Ribbed Vaults, Rafael Martin Talaverano, Carmen Perez de los Bios, Rosa Senent Dommguez as a Opus 67 of Vault Design and Their Relationships St. Walpurgis in Antwerp, Maud De Voght, Krista De Jonge - Sanjurjo Alvarez Late German Gothic Methods Low Countries [1600-1750]: A Problematic Case Chambiges and the Construction ofVaulted Stone Spiral Staircases, Francisco Pinto Puerto, ]os Maria Foundation 61 13 The Scaenae Frons Guerrero ofEarly Rib-Vaults Croatia, Marina Simunic Bursic The Reconstructing the Evolution ofImperial Opus Testaceum Brickwork in Rome, to GeroldEfier Construction 99 IV Nuts & Bolts of Construction History Shells & Thin Vaults - Tests on Century, - Tile Vaults in France in the 19th Esther Redondo Martinez Pioneer Concrete Shells in 107 Spanish Architecture: The Innovation System-Design of lldefonso Sdnchez del Rio, Pepa Cassinello 117 Roof Construction, Concrete and Fabric Formwork Technologies, Ciaran Cordon Shell Wars: Franz 125 Reinforced Concrete Shells in during the Two Crystal Palaces: Constructive Technology May 133 United States 1853, Donald Friedman, 215 Wrought Iron and Steel Structures in Berlin with a Focus Ines Prokop 1925, Buildingsfor the Arts, on 225 Estonia A Soviet Period: Science and Practice, Maris Suits 143 Prefabricated Cast Iron Three-Hinged Bridge in Ljubljana, Lara Slivnik Arch Historic -Wood Structures on A New Approach in Studying the Structural Systems ofPrehistoric Wooden Post Buildings: A Case Studyfrom Asagi Pinar in Eastern Thrace, Zeynep Eres, Eylem Ozdogan 149 Roof under One's Feet: Early Neolithic Roof Constructions at Gobekli Tepe, Southeastern 157 Turkey, Dietmar Kurapkat Fan-Shaped Bracket Sets and Their Application in Different Building Materials: A Discussion of the Chinese Fangmu Tradition andJin-dynasty Tomb Architecture in Southwest Shanxi Province, Alexandra Harrer Medieval Timber Structures in Eastern Germany: Archaeological Evidencefrom tberswalde, Christof Krauskopf Bridge Bearings: Material Research Cast Steel, Volker Wetzk The Vierendeel Bridge at 243 its Heyday: Experiments and Brittle Failure, Bernard Espion Interior Environment & Heated Vaulting in Roman Britain ofHollow Terracotta Voussoirs, Lynne C. Lancaster and the Invention The Stube: Constructive Evidencefor the Concept ofa Smoke-Free Heated Living Room between the Alps and Southern Scandinavia, 269 The Construction and Integration ofHistoric 175 Heating Systems Kingdom from the 17th to the Early 20th Century, Spyridon Papavasileiou, Magdalini Makrodimitri, James Campbell of Construction Timber in the Trentino-Verona Comfort versus Industry: Maintenance Area of the Royal Palaces ofMilan during 183 the 1860s, Carlo Manfredi Wooden 'Italian Wide-Span Roof of German 19th Century Theatre Buildings, Anja Clemens Voigts 277 289 The Military Engineers and Hygiene in Barracks Wiinnemann, Stefan M. Holzer, 261 in Churches in the United Categories and Applications [I4th-l6th Centuries], Silvia Dandria.... 253 Energy Rainer Atzbach 167 235 Rational Design, - A Commercial - Brian Bowen in Their Prime from 1875 to Dischinger and Ulrich Finsterwalder, Roland Rebuilding St. Petersburg's Winter Palace in the Context ofEarly European Steel Structures 1838-1850s: Contemporary Sources and Documents, Sergej Fedorov 203 and Practice; Great Britain 1851 James Hardress de Warenne Waller and His Contribution to Shell Metal Structures in the Second 193 Halfofthe 19th Century, Francesca Turri, Emanuele Zamperini 299 Table of Contents The Simplification Scientific Developments ofHeating and Ventilation Professional in France Societies during of the 20th Century, Unions and Learned Frame: Window ofLe Corbusier in the 1920s, Vanessa Fernandez the First Part Emmanuelle Gallo Experiments of the in the Work 309 Rationalization V 405 ofSystems and Materials Innovations in Ventilation: Wind Cowls in the in Construction in the Spanish Modem Movement: 19th Fernando Garcia Mercadal, 1921-1937, Century, Maaike van der Tempel, Filip Descamps, Rafael Hernando de la Cuerda Ine Wouters, DorienAerts 317 Dirk Van deVijver Valley 325 Development ofFloor Cells in Colombia, 1949-1989, between the 17th and 18th Landi RetCel: The Hernando Vargas 333 Milanese: Some Features ofIndustrialization in Construction Applied to Office Buildings in World War Period in 341 Elaine: Mountain The World Health in Geneva Organization Headquarters [1960-1966]: How Mechanical and Electrical Services are Integral to Reading Built Form, Giulia Marino 431 The First ENI-SNAM Headquarters in San Donato Artificial Light in Architecture in France and Italy during the First Years ofthe 20th Century: From Gas Light to Electric Light, Giulio Sampaoli 421 and RoofAssemblies ofPrecast Concrete Centuries, Laura Balboni, Paolo Corradini, Angelo the Netherlands, Rafael Garcia Garcia Artificial Light in the Aristocratic Palaces in the Po Concrete Meccanos: Precast Constructions after the Second World War in Hygiene in Belgian Architecture: The Case ofVictor Horta [1861-1947], 413 351 Italy, City; Techniques the Post Second Laura Greco The 439 Building Altitude Citadel, ofa High Yvan Delemontey 449 Architectural Expression in the 60s and the Prefabrication The Morphological Evolution of the Vertical ofFormwork, Figueres, Jesica Moreno Puchalt, Veronica Llopis Pulido 457 Competing Building Systems: Post-War University Architecture in the Ruhr Area, Sonja Hnilica, Markus Jager 463 Make Palomares Axle Windmill between the Second and the 18th Centuries A. D., Kambiz Mosthtaghe Gohari Constructing a Solar House, c. 359 1959, 367 Natural & Technical Risk Prevention - Daniel A. Barber The Thermal Insulation ofFacades Not Built in after the Oil Crisis of1974 to the 80s, Samaher Wannous 379 a Day: Awareness of Vulnerability and Construction Techniques in Roman - Prefabrication & Industrialization Times, Helene Dessales Cellars: Construction and Insulation Post-War Industrialized Construction Processes the in France and Architectural Flexibility, Antonia Brauchle Leda Dimitriadi 385 The Dismantled War: Barracks and Industrialization ofLight Construction [1914-1918], Kinda Fares 395 471 through Beginning of the 20th Century, 479 Tiled Vaults in Western Sicily: Originality and Continuity ofan Imported Building Technique, Giovanni Fatra, Tiziana Campisi, Calogero Vinci 487 VI Nuts & Bolts of Construction History The Use of Vaults in the Reconstruction Innovation in 19th ofPombaline Downtown Lisbon, Construction, Stefan M. Holzer Joao Caldas, Rita Lisboa 495 The Timber Trusses The First Earthquake-Resistant Structures Design Japan: Lessons from the Forgotten Earthquake oflschia [1883], Nobi [1891] Sarah in and San Francisco [1906], Akio Sassa The RoofFrame 515 Techniques and History - A Way to Territory <?/Capitanata between the 18th and 19th Centuries, Giuseppe Rociola Construction Process 533 Technological and Architectural of the Tsujun Irrigation Canal's fa Cultural Landscape [Shiraito Plateau, 549 Water Pumping Plants for Land Drainage Valley, of The Mantua Region [1866-1940]: People, Techniques, Materials, Carlo Togliani 557 A Case Study 565 Bridges ofthe Via Traiana: An Innovative Building System, Ivan Ferrari 627 the Interbellum: The Makris Project, 637 ofMisumi Port, Yuji Hoshino, Sachiko Okada, Daijiro Kitagawa 647 The Development ofMulti-Cable-Stayed Bridges, Eberhard Pelke, Karl-Eugen Kurrer 657 Sunderland, Birdsall and the Roebling Co: Development and Diffusion ofConstruction Technologiesfor Suspension Bridges, 1928-1952, Dario A. Gasparini 667 Technical Systems and Networks in Sondalo Italy: The Project, the Plan, the Construction, Carla Maria Amici City: for a Modern High Altitude Settlement: The Construction of the Sanatorium Village & Public Works A Cloaca Maxima in the Roman Town Lazio, the American Automobility, Urbanity and the Functioning of City Streets, Ted Shelton and Construction 541 Construction and Maintenance in the Creation Infrastructure to Historical Researchfor the Planning in the Edo Kumamoto, Japan], Naoto Tanaka 617 Paschalis Samarinis, Areti Sakellaridou Period, Yasuhiro Honda, Keiko Nagamura, Kobayashi Substations, 1880-1915, Evangelia Chatzikonstantinou, Case Study ofJapanese Bridge Construction The Roman 607 Munoz Road Construction in Greece during of the Tsujunkyo Aqueduct Bridge [1854]-A o/Privernum, on The Highway Comes 525 Wooden Embankments in the Lagoon - Construction in Bahia's Important Matteo Porrino Know, Anna Deed in the Po Notes 599 Century History: Salvador's Mountain Stations and The Historical Aqueduct of Genoa: Materials, rhe Role Ebright, Alex Smith Aspects ofLondon Transport Power Hydraulics Ichiro ofR. W. Smith: History, Stephen Buonopane, Retaining Wall, Rosana ofthe Salon Carre, Guillaume Fonkenell - 19th 589 and Behavior, The Most 503 Century Vaulted Bridge [1932-1946], Davide Del Curto, Francesco Carlo Toso Postscript: For a multilingual Dictionary of Construction History, Andre Guillerme 685 Author Index 691 General Index 697 573 Development and Use ofMechanized Heavy Construction Equipment in the United States, Richard C. Ryan 579 675 Complete Table of Contents 717 The Roman Bridges of the Via Traiana: An Innovative Building System Ivan Ferrari University of Salento, Lecce, Italy The extraordinary organization and technical competence of the ancient Romans in several building fields enabled them to design and build numberless monuments and facilities in order to satisfy any military, civil, religious and entertaining need. Among these structures, the monumental road network and the numerous bridges built along it had a primary role since it permitted to move all over the Empire. One of their masterpieces was the Via Appia connecting Roma to Brindisi, but the increasing importance of the port of Brindisi as a strategic link with eastern Roman provinces needed a faster connection with Rome. Emperor Trajan financed the construction of a new majestic road linking Benevento to Brindisi by a farther north path, in the South of Italy, aware of the high prestige and the great military and commercial advantages. The road construction started between 108 AD and 109 AD and lasted about five years (Ceraudo 2008, 9-10). This road was called Via Traiana as documented by some gold coins minted in 112 AD (Mattingly 1966, 3: 99-99, 208-209) (Fig. 1). Fig. 1: The paths of the Via Traiana and Via Appia in southern Italy. Although at present some parts of its ancient layout are still uncertain, the few visible bridges along it constitute an important landmark for research. A study on these structures has been carried out within the sphere of a PhD in Ancient Topography at Cultural Heritage Department based at University of Salento [Lecce, Italy] through 3D elaborations. It aimed at retracing all phases of construction characterizing each single structure and at highlighting the architectural solutions which were adopted. The 3D reconstructions have helped in rejecting or confirming reconstruction hypothesis about several bridges, by making the architectural solutions which were proposed more scientifically reliable. The DTM [Digital Terrain Model] has permitted to contextualize each structure in its natural environment, reproducing the site morphology. Data derive from bibliographic archive researches and have been completed by surveys of structures, which produced a rich documentation of photos and technical drawings: planimetries, fronts and sections, often unpublished, but extremely useful for carrying out comparisons among the various bridges. The greatest difficulty arose from the neglected state of the remains, mostly underground and hidden by thick vegetation. Most of these structures have never been object of archeological researches and only partial essays on them have been published. Moreover, the current bibliography is purely descriptive and based on surveys dating back to the beginning of last century (Ashby and Gardner 1916). At present, many of the original bridges built along the Via Traiana are unknown and their remains still in situ call for 573 Technology / Infrastructure & Public Works more accurate structural analyses (Quilici 1989; Galliazzo 1995). The bridges in the first section of the Via Traiana run from Benevento to Aecae [Troia] and cross over the Apennines towards a roughly SW-NE direction, due to their construction and to the presence of many mountain streams having a considerable torrential regime in winter. Here, Ponte delle Chianche and Ponte Santo Spirito are the most noteworthy structures. The former in the territory of Buonalbergo, about 1km far from the urban centre, towards S, is the best preserved structure although only three of its original arches survive. It is the only bridge which presents the original paving stones of the Via Traiana, called chianche in local language and placed on its top (Fig. 2). However, the high ground level hides almost entirely the pillars [pilae] grazing the arches. The latter, Ponte Santo Spirito, is in the territory of Montecalvo Irpino about three km far from urban centre towards NNE. Only its eastern end is still in situ and consists of several buried ruins and a stately pillar supporting part of the gable [tympanum] and the two lateral arches. These bridges present the same construction technique: pillars are made of a nucleus of concrete with a facing of rows of large square limestone blocks supporting arches. These present a double ring of two-ft large overlapping bricks [bipedales], while tympana, placed between the arches, have a nucleus of concrete faced with brickwork [opus latericium]. On both sides of the bridges and in line with the shoulders, there were viaducts made of opus latericium which banked the roads and afterwards joined them to the ground level. Ponte Santo Spirito, owing to the erosive activity of the stream called Torrente della Ginestra, has been Fig. 2: Ponte delle Chianche: view from S of the three original arches still in situ. 574 Fig. 3: Ponte Santo Spirito: view from N-W of the single pylon in opus quadratum still in situ. completely demolished and the rocky riverbed results 2m lower than its original level. This situation has made possible to observe the cross section of the monument and to highlight the presence of a large platform at the pillar base (Fig. 3). This platform is 18,40m large thus resulting much wider than the pillars, beyond which it extends more than 5m both upstream and downstream. The platform is composed of large square limestone blocks variable in height, lying on a bed of concrete [opus caementicium] which, placed in direct contact with the rocky riverbed gradually increases in height while sloping downstream, as shown in section. It is ascertained that this platform is not a supporting surface for pillars, but envelops their foundations. The upper horizontal surface is devoid of relevant inclinations and its downstream front is covered with opus latericium. It is reasonably deduced from this technique that platform construction was carried out in a dry site. In most cases the bridges construction took place in summer when the water level was not particularly high; therefore, the platform was realized by conveying river water with bulkheads or embank- I Ferrari / The Roman Bridges of the Via Traiana ments. This hypothesis is further strengthened by the presence of holes in the blocks, used to insert big pincers [ferrei forfices] for their lifting, which required elevator machines and many workers able to move and drive them as well as place and assemble the blocks on the concrete bed. It can be deduced that, after selecting a suitable site and choosing which side of the bridge was to be built first, the initial operations consisted in driving the corresponding part of the riverbed and installing the yard. The lack of water and moisture guaranteed workers a high security and swift movements. Afterwards, the rocky riverbed was cleaned of debris and levelled to ensure a better adherence to the large square limestone blocks forming the pilae foundations. The following phase regarded the big platform construction composed of a first layer of mortar and stones directly placed over the bedrock which was covered with opus latericium on the downstream side and paved with big square stone blocks on the upper side. Such platform cancelled the steep slope of riverbed, thus creating a wide and nimble space around pillars to transport and storage building materials and, contemporaneously, ensure swift movements of workers, animals, machines and tools during the bridge construction. Moreover, this stately platform, wrapping pilae foundations, protected them from the erosive activity of river water, dangerous for the structural stability of the bridge and constituted a great help for the maintenance works such as cleaning the lower part of pilae and, more generally, the whole riverbed close to the bridge. Successively, works proceeded with the erection of pilae whose nucleus of opus caementicium consisted of irregular shaped and medium sized stones, manually placed in the mortar. This is evident from the horizontal lying of each stone and lack of air pockets in concrete. The opus caementicium was covered with rows of large and square stone blocks [opus quadratum] presenting holes for their lifting. These blocks, though devoid of mortar on both jointing and laying planes, were closely held together horizontally with metal clamps and vertically with metal dowels. After erecting the pilae, at a height of about 3m, wooden centres were placed on the blocks forming the upper rows of pillars (Adam 1998, 189-192), which often overhang about 10cm laterally the vertical plane of the lower rows, offered wooden structures a solid supporting corbel. Bipedales were radially arranged to build the first ring of the arch and contemporaneously or immediately after, the second ring overlapping the first was built following the same method. This innovative technique, first applied to the Via Traiana bridges, typified them and gave the vault a double guarantee of solidity and durability. This can be verified in Ponte delle Chianche whose surviving arches show whole or partial collapses of the lower ring, but the upper integral ring still supports a paved road on the bridge top. Immediately after arches, tympana were built with a nucleus of opus caementicium faced with opus latericium. Unlike the tympanum placed between the last arch and the shoulder contiguous to the viaduct, the one placed on the opposite side of the yard and close to the walls containing river water, was built at least halfway to ensure a minimum of back pressure to the new double arch. After building a half of the bridge, river water was conveyed towards the pillars just realized in order to drain the opposite riverbed and install a new yard. Successively, all operations previously described were repeated in order to construct the remaining part of the bridge (Fig. 4). The hypothesis here proposed, based on cross analyses of several structures, stands in contrast Fig. 4: Ponte Santo Spirito: 3D reconstruction of the starting (A) and final yard (B). 575 Technology / Infrastructure & Public Works Fig. 5: Ponte delle Chianche: the brick-wall face of the central tympanum showing the vertical suture. with the theory supported by surveys dealing exclusively with Ponte delle Chianche, which conjectures the presence of two different and parallel teams of workers starting contemporaneously from the opposite sides of the bridge and meeting exactly at the centre of it (Galliazzo 1995, 2: 115). This assumption comes from an element visible on the downstream brick wall face of the central tympanum, showing a vertical suture considered the workers meeting point. This suture is also visible on the opposite side, where, though lacking in bricks, the concrete of tympanum presents a vertical line indicating two different phases of realization (Fig. 5). Looking carefully at the suture, it is noted that it is not exactly in the middle of the tympanum but grazes the E arch, which is supposed to be the first part of the bridge to be built otherwise there could not be enough space to allow workers an easy construction of the double ring and the remaining half of the tympanum. Furthermore, there is a high probability of the presence of a platform at the base of pilae, as found in the coeval Ponte Santo Spirito, and the need for draining a part of the yard. This supports the theory that such a suture was not the meeting point of two different teams, but of an only group of skilled workers employed firstly in building the E part of the bridge and secondly the W part (Fig. 6). One of the final phases of the bridge construction was represented by the realization of two rows of square blocks running parallel along lateral walls of tympana and having a threefold func- 576 tion: to create the outside crowning cornice of the bridge with a slight projection, act as pavement on the opposite side outlining the cart-road and form the base of railings on the upper side. These completed the bridge construction and incorporated two rectangular limestone blocks, with a carved box hosting a commemorative inscription, which ascribed emperor Trajan the paternity of the structure with the final sentence: “viam et pontes a Benevento Brundisium pecunia sua fecit” (Silvestrini 1999, 88-90). A considerably important feature of the Via Traiana bridges is represented by the viaducts, whose foundations were made by installing wooden boxes after excavating the ground and reaching the rocky stratum. They acted as containers of opus caementicium and were removed when concrete was dried in order to level the upper plane by laying bipedales. These bricks formed the base of two parallel walls about 90cm thick constituting the natural continuation of the bridge sides. Both walls presented a nucleus of opus caementicium, but the outer side was covered with opus latericium and the inner side with opus incertum. The decision to face the inner wall with irregularly shaped stones and not with bricks, was probably due to a lower cost of the former, more- Fig. 6: Ponte delle Chianche: 3D elaborations of the starting (A) and final yard (B), with the final construction of the road (C). I Ferrari / The Roman Bridges of the Via Traiana Fig. 7: Ponte Rotto on the Carapelle river: 3D reconstruction. over, this side was not visible, but relegated to stay in direct contact with ground. Couples of quadrangular buttresses of opus latericium were built externally and on both sides of the viaduct at almost regular intervals to offer to it a greater stability and to oppose the internal soil pressure. The viaducts present several variable forms and aspects according to the site morphology and hydrology, in order to avoid steep slopes between arches and soil as well as guarantee safety precaution against possible river overflows. This is the case of the colossal Ponte Rotto on the Carapelle river (De Felice 2000, 215-230), whose structure was originally intended to reach the remarkable length of 450m (Fig. 7). It is about 2km far from Ordona towards WNW in Apulia, a flat land characterized of rivers with a greater range of water and subject to numerous changes in their course. To obviate this, the bridge was equipped in the E end with a long straight viaduct, which originally reached the considerable length of 200m. It was designed to permit the water down flow through several arched openings. In other contexts, viaducts adapted to roads subject to sudden changes in direction just before or just after the bridge, even reaching digressions close to 70° as verified in Ponte Ladrone, another bridge along the Via Traiana (Fig. 8). The complexity of such structures suggests the presence of a military genius: architects, engineers and technicians who were present in the Roman imperial army, able to plan and build bridges through a high coordinated work, an efficient setting up and organization of yards such as supplying, transporting and storing building materials and tools until reaching the bridge construction in the shortest possible time. Everything had to be assisted by teams of highly skilled workers in every processing phase: smiths [fabri], woodworkers specialized both in cutting long boards [sectores materiarum] and producing dowels to joint and assemble beams [clavarii materiarum], carpenters [tignarii], lime producers [coctores calcis], experts at laying concrete [caementari], experts at cutting both small irregular stones [siliconi et lapidarli] and large square blocks [quadratoni], pins and clamps producers [plumbarii], builders specialized in opus latericium [structores] and in arches and vaults construction [arcuarli] (Galliazzo 1995, 1: 196-197). The discovery of some stamps on the bricks utilized for constructing Ponte delle Chianche (Ashby and Gardner 1916, 119) strengthens the hypothesis about the use of special furnaces producing lateres in loco and, therefore, the employment of specific workers. The Via Traiana bridges have a strong pragmatic character both in design and construction. Though a standardized and highly organized modus operandi was employed in their realization, Roman engineers often opted for immediate architectural solutions to tackle problems arising during works. Therefore, these structures are not imprisoned in rigid aesthetic rules, but suitable for any kind of planimetric composition according to ground morphology and hydrography. This technique clearly proves that the Via Traiana bridges were planned in order to achieve pre-established aims in the shortest time with the slightest effort, resulting conceptually modern from different points of view. Fig. 8: Ponte Ladrone: 3D reconstruction. 577 Technology / Infrastructure & Public Works R  A T. and R. G, 1916. The via Traiana . Papers British School Rome VIII, 104-171. G C, F., 1998. L’edilizia nell’antichità. Roma: Carocci Editore. C, G., 2008. Sulle trace della Via Traiana. Indagini aerotopografiche da Aecae a Herdonia. Foggia: Claudio Grenzi Editore. M, H., 1966. Coins of the roman empire in the British Museum. London: British Museum Publications. D F, G., 2000. Il ponte romano sul Carapelle. Ordona X, 215-230. G, V., 1995. I ponti romani. Treviso: Canova Editore. 578 Q, L., 1989. Via Appia: dalla pianura pontina a Brindisi. Roma: Fratelli Palombi Editori. S, M., 1999. Un itinerario epigrafico lungo la via Traiana: Aecae, Herdonia, Canusium. Bari: Edipuglia.