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Competency can be defined as behaviors that were shown from employees who have the potential to work perfect consistently and effectively compared with the potential working averagely. PT. Aneka Regalin-do is a company engaged in manufacturing furniture which to develop a competency model that integrates with benchmark the competency development model in performing their duties and responsibilities effectively. The method of this study used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study explains that the compe-tency development model based on performance orientation and team work can be identified, analyzed and then created a model of competency development relevantly and significantly to overcome the problems of human resources in the rattan unit of PT. Aneka Regalindo.

JMK, VOL. 18, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER 2016, 152–162 ISSN 1411-1438 print / ISSN 2338-8234 online DOI: 10.9744/jmk.18.2.152–162 THE COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT MODEL BASED ON PERFORMANCE ORIENTATION AND TEAM WORK Dimas Agung Trisliatanto1, Windijarto2, Sutinah3 123 Master Program Study of Human Resource Development, Postgraduate School of Airlangga University Kampus B, Airlangga No. 4–6, Surabaya 60286, Indonesia * Corresponding author; Email: triztanagung90@gmail.com Abstract Competency can be defined as behaviors that were shown from employees who have the potential to work perfect consistently and effectively compared with the potential working averagely. PT. Aneka Regalindo is a company engaged in manufacturing furniture which to develop a competency model that integrates with benchmark the competency development model in performing their duties and responsibilities effectively. The method of this study used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study explains that the competency development model based on performance orientation and team work can be identified, analyzed and then created a model of competency development relevantly and significantly to overcome the problems of human resources in the rattan unit of PT. Aneka Regalindo. Keywords: Competency, competency development, competency development model, performance orientation, team work. In Table 1 which is a description of the number of employees from several departments on a rattan unit. The problem that occurred in the implementation of competency improvement is the employees in the organization of the company don’t have equal opportunities to participate in the development of procedures and improving the competency. This location is chosen because it found many problems associated with competency issues. Based on preliminary observations made of the obtained information are problems relating to the competence, among others: 1) some employees have relationship exclusively and closely with the owner of the company, causing a mismatch between position with competence; 2) accounting staff are not holding by scholars or experts of financial accounting; 3) from the production department, mostly of employees acquired from vocational experts but they are not supported from industry experts as well as businesses in the industrial field; 4) security personnel do not have the experiences and the certificate of education as a security; 5) some of partly, department supervisor were graduating from senior high school and vocational high school who did not have special competence in their field; 6) about 60% of the employees do not come from an expert but It based on work experiences so that the performance orientation could not maximum yet; 7) the team work should not in accordance with many purposes of work programs in the organizational company. Introduction Human resource issues are still in the spotlight, and the foundation for the company to still be able to survive in the current era of globalization MEA. Human resources have a major role in any company's organizational activities. Although supported by the infrastructure and resources pooled funding, but without the support of qualified human resources, the company's activities will not be good achieved. This indicates that human resources is the key principal that must be considered with all it needs. Human resources as the key will determine the successful implementation of the company's activities. Demands companies to reach, develop and retain qualified human resources increasingly urgent in accordance with the dynamics of an ever-changing environment. Changes need to have the support of top management as an important first step have to be done in the form of guidance, support resources such as providing adequate equipment to facilitate the achievement of the objectives to be reached in mentoring, guidance, training and development will further facilitate the performance assessments objectively. Competency is the ability of each individual that covers aspects of knowledge, skill and working attitude accordance with established standards (Velde, 2010). Competency development should not only be concentrated on the opportunities that exist but should also be focused on the psychological achievements should not always need the opportunity. 152 Trisliatanto: The Competency Development Model Based 153 Table 1 The List of Employee All Departements in Rattan Unit of PT. Aneka Regalindo Departement Persistent Male Female Outsourcing by Company Male Female 1 1 5 Materials Quality Control 1 Frame 1 1 Frame 2 1 Frame 3 1 Decoration 1 1 Wicker String 1 Sandpaper 1 Painting 6 Sanding 1 Packing & Checking 3 Jock 1 R & D + Designer 2 Cleaning 3 Warehouse 2 Driver 1 Maintenance 1 Staff 6 Cooperation Security 12 Total : 19 12 21 Source: Production Departement Unit Rattan of PT. Aneka Regalindo Based on the background of the problems that have been mentioned above can be formulated research problems is how competency development models in terms of performance and teamwork orientation that can be used to improve the competency of employees in PT. Aneka Regalindo. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the development of competency models in terms of performance orientation and teamwork that can be used to improve the competency of employees PT. Aneka Regalindo. Research Method Researcher chooses to use the qualitative research methods to determine how to find, collect, process and analyze data from the research. The purpose of this approach is to obtain in-depth data, the data containing the meaning and intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the subjects holistically, and by way of description in the form of words and language, in a specific context that is naturally and with using various scientific methods (Moleong, 2007). The reasons of researcher use descriptive research is because the study was able to provide a comprehensive picture of the situation and clearly against the social situation to another or from a specific time to another time, or to find patterns of relationships between certain aspects with other aspects, and can 1 1 2 1 3 Outsourcing by Vendor Male Female 11 9 10 9 7 4 5 16 2 19 1 1 48 46 2 2 14 Total 2 6 12 11 11 11 12 8 18 6 20 9 2 4 3 2 1 1 6 2 12 160 describe a process and a set of categories or patterns of how the application of the competency model in terms of performance orientation and team work can improve employee competencys unit of rattan in PT. Aneka Regalindo deeply and comperehensively. The location is in PT. Aneka Regalindo, Jalan Raya Trosobo Number 111, Taman, Sidoarjo. The population is total number of units of analysis would allegedly characteristics and a set of objects that were targeted research and data resources research (Sugiyono, 2014). In this study, the researchers took population that the rattan unit employees of PT. Aneka Regalindo and sampling technique used purposive sampling, the sampling technique with particular consideration of both traits or characteristics of the informants (Sugiyono, 2010). Moleong (2007) stated that to obtain complete information in accordance with the focus of the research were used as data collection techniques the following are interview, observation techniques, technical documentation, literature, and focus group discussion as seen in Picture 1. The data processing techniques used are: (1) Reading and annotating the data; (2) Categorizing the data; (3) Splitting and slicing; (4) Linking and connecting; (5) Corroborating evidence; (6) Producing something that we find out. Data analysis techniques are used to reduce the data, present data, conclude the data, and test of credibility until complementary. 154 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN, VOL.18, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER 2016: 152–162 Interviewing Observation Similarity Data Sources and Relevantly Documentation Literature Review Focus Group Discussion Picture 1. Technics of data collecting Source: Moleong, 2007 The next development in the above study using R & D model (Research and Development model) developed by Borg and Gall (2007). Model development by Borg and Gall (2007) include procedures, such as: (1) specifying products; (2) theoretical study; (3) development planning; (4) initial model development; (5) model validation; and (6) the discovery of the final product. Furthermore, Borg and Gall (2007) identified 10 phases of working procedures in research and development models, then it was simplified by Syamsudin (2009) into three main phases based on the characteristics of the problems and limits the scope of research. The three phases are: (1) the preliminary phase; (2) the development and validation phase; and (3) the validation phase to get the final model/product. Phases have been being taken in this study is limited to the second stage of the model development stage or until the discovery stage hypothetical model. The procedures have been taken in this study shown in Picture 2. Results and Discussion Competency, Components of Competency and Benefits of Competency According to Spencer and Spencer (2010) a person who is competent to do the job skills easy, fast, and intuitive and very rarely or never make mistakes. According to Byars and Rue in Bahua (2013) competency is defined as a attributes or characteristics required by a holder of office in order to carry out the office well, or it could also mean the characteristics/ traits a person who is easily seen, including knowledge, skills, and behavior that allow for performing. Sanghi (2007) mentioned that the competency consists of the unique properties of each individual expressed in the process of interaction with others in a social context, so not only limited to the specific knowledge and skills or standards of performance expected and the behavior shown. The use of competency as the basis of various aspects of human resources is increasingly becoming a trend in creating an education and training organization. Competency distinguishes a working knowledge of the employee's underlying behaviors in the organization. Spencer and Spencer (2010) said that there are five components of the competency needed such as personal credibility, ablitiy to manage changes, ablity to manage culture, delivery of human rosources practice, dan knowledge of the business. According to Gomes (2008) there are several benefits of competency such as (1) Predictors of success of the work; (2) Recruiting employees are reliable; (3) The basis of assessment and development for employee. Standard Aspects of Competency Personal credibility includes the individual's track record of success, such as can be trusted, be able to instill confidence in others, mingle with key constituencies, demonstrate high integrity in performing their duties and responsibilities, may ask the important questions, have a brilliant idea can take a risk right, has observed, have an alternative business issues. Competency both according to research results its ablitiy to manage changes among other things, able to build trust and credibility in dealing with other parties, has a vision to be proactive in change, build supportive relationships with others, to encourage the creativity of others, for example subordinates, able to put specific issues in the context of the broader system, and can identify the subject matter into business success. Ability to manage culture is a third competency needs to have the human resources, in this case includes several capabilities such like first is competency knowledge sharing across organizations within the organization is limited (organizational boundaris), second is ability to fight the process of cultural transformation, third is desired culture into specific behaviors, fourth is competency challenge status quo, fifth is able to recognize the desired culture to discover the company's business strategy and cultural frame in order to stimulate employee, sixth has should be able to encourage executives to behave consistent with the desired culture, the latest focus on the internal culture to determine and meet the desires and needs external customer which will determine the success of a company because without satisfaction of external customer efforts will be in vain. Trisliatanto: The Competency Development Model Based 1. The Preliminary Phase Literature Review 2. Descriptive study with qualitative approach through multiple data collection techniques Description and analysis of findings (Factual Model) The Development And Validation Phase Interview dan Forum Group Discussion Evaluation and Improvement Hypothetical Model 3. 155 The Trial Phase (Limited Scale) 1. 2. 3. Preliminary Test Impelementation Model Final Test Formulating development model design Preparation of the development model Final Model Picture 2. Phases of research and development Source: Borg and Gall, 2007 Delivery of human resources practice, one of various capabilities include the ability to express verbal communication effective, can work with the manager to send a clear and consistent message to all involved in an organization to achieve the agreed objectives, to facilitate the process of organizational restructuring, designing development programs that facilitating to change, facilitating the design of internal communication, ability to attract the right staff, capable of designing the compensation system, facilitating the deployment of human resource information. Last competency is knowledge of the business, where competency which specified further into the understanding of human resource practices, organizational structure, analyze competitors, financial management, marketing and sales, and computer information systems. Performance Orientation Orientation performance by Sanghi (2007) was a concept that can create harmony in the work and that can lead to increased performance of individual employees in a company. Orientation performance by Boulter, Thompson, & Hill (2008) was the meaning of a work above an individual based on their hope embodied in his work and how these individual is trying hardly to make it happen. The Types and Purposes of Performance Orientation There are several types of employee performance orientation by Boulter et al. (2008), such as: (1) Instrumentally, on this approach to other types of employees see work as an end goal where employees are working under one reason is to meet the needs of life everyday; (2) Solidaristic, which the approach to performance orientation of this type every employee looking for a job is not as simple as the final destination only, but as something to be fore that have relationships and social activities to be had and this was seen as a form of emotionally rewarding; (3) Bureaucratic, is everything that makes an employee of employment and optimizes themselves to the work 156 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN, VOL.18, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER 2016: 152–162 chosen it is the things that are provided by the company where the employee works. Performance orientation is a mental framework that aims to make people able to interpret and respond to situations or events that faces (Sanghi, 2007). Specifically, there are two kinds of performance orientation, named performance goals and performance learning. Performance orientation in getting the achievement is classified into two: the performance goal orientation and learning performance orientation (Mangkunegara, 2010). Team Work, Types, and Characteristics of Team Work The team is a unit consisting of two or more people who interact and coordinate their work for a specific purpose (Sanghi, 2007). This definition has three components. First, it takes two or more people. Second, people in a team have regular interaction. Third, people in a team have the same performance goals. The effectiveness of work teams based on two things: the results are productive and personal satisfaction of employees (Usman, 2010). According to Sofo (2008) there are some factors that influence the effectiveness of the team, i.e. the organizational context, structure, strategy, cultural environment, and reward systems. According to Kunandar (2007) there are some kinds of teamwork that exist in the company's organization in order to increase the effectiveness of employee performance and support better organizational systems, the following are: (1) Team work formally, created by the organization as a representative part of the formal structure of the organization; (2) Team work vertically, consisting of a manager and his subordinates in the chain of command team work functional or command; (3) Team work horizontally consists of employee from nearly the same hierarchical level, but from different expertise areas; (4) Team work with the specific purpose of a team that was created outside of formal organizations to work on projects of interest or special creativity; (5) Working with independent leadership team formed in the same department and its members is employee to discuss ways of improving the quality, efficiency and so forth; (6) The team work in a new work environment that is working virtual team and team work globally. Team work has characteristics that consist of two important things, there are the size (number of employees) that measured in quantity and also the role of members (behavior) that are measurable quality (Sanghi, 2007). According to Curtis in Kunandar (2007) when the team size increases, it would be difficult for any employees to be able to interact and influence each other. Team Work Process and the Influence Factors of Team Work According to Luthans (2008) team work has been built by some people who must have a strategic process steps in order to focus on the achievement of organizational objectives to the fullest, there are: (1) Formation rate team work is a period of orientation and introductions; (2) The level of individual personality tempest where this level appears marked by conflict and disagreement; (3) Determining levels of the norm where the conflicts that arise can be resolved; (4) The implementation level where the main emphasis is on problem solving and completion of a given task; (5) The level appears in the dissolution of committees, task forces, and the team whose task is limited to work and disbanded thereafter. Pierce (2008) said that the team work that made two important factors that must be observed members to the work to get the optimal result which is nothing but team work and team norms. Team work is defined as the extent to which the members are interested in the team and motivated to staying (Isa, 2011). Norms of team are standards of behavior equally owned by the team members and to guide their behavior as well as the rules and procedures that identify the core values, clarifying the role of employee expectations and facilitate the survival of the team (Romley, 2008). Interpretation Descriptive Study of Competency Development Model To obtain a form of competency development model from interviews and focus group discussion coupled with analytical methods such as affinity diagram which grouped the results of data collection that are homogeneity. The table below shows the mapping of indicators and reviews concepts related the components of competency development model. Discussion on the analysis of the competency development model is intended to describe relation to review performance orientation and team work as well describe the concepts included in this study. Knowledge In the organization of the company, especially in PT. Aneka Regalindo, Hutapea (2008) said that often embedded knowledge to employees not only in do- Trisliatanto: The Competency Development Model Based 157 Table 2 Indicator Mapping Concepts, Perspectives, and Description of Components for Competency Development Model Code Indicator Concepts A Knowledge B Skill C Attitude D Personal Credibility E Ability to manage changes F Ability to manage culture G Delivery of human resources practice H Knowledge of the business Indicator of Observations Performance Orientation Team Work √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Component Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. cuments or repositories but also in organizational-routinized, processes, practices and norms, one of the informant said about that, the following: “….Sharpness and knowledge manager of PT. Aneka Regalindo should possess knowledge relevantly about trends, practices, and policies Creativity Inovation Technology Thinking strategically Critical and analysis Good resilience Communication Adaptability Management conflict Personal development Developing others Self-awareness Initiative Implement the vision and mission of personal and organization Concern for quality of productivity Conduct in work performance Responsbility Building partnership and relationship Commitment and consistent Politic Intellegence Ability to influencing and negotiating Interpersonal skills Thinking and solving any problems to reach the innovation (changes) Management technology Management innovation Agent of change Learning continuously Organizational commitment Impact and influence Thinking analytically Anticipating issues Awareness of the organizational culture Integrity and honesty Managing organizational culture Human resource management Looking for information Achieving the reliability of the work-expertise technically Assertiveness Establish interpersonal and team skills Oral communication Result-oriented of production and capacity Financial management Business management Profitability Ability to manage business that affect the industry and business. Each comperehension strongly about the competitors and a good grasp of effective strategies and tactics that can be implemented at the market (For sales of production) in order to increase its profits...." (Informant 1) 158 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN, VOL.18, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER 2016: 152–162 Skill In comperehension of solving problems about business processes and contribute to be a team and a working group successfully although individual can inspire and give rise to the belief in self development and social practices in their work environment, some of the informants said about several things, the following: “…Most employees of PT. Aneka Regalindo still oriented to the internal organization alone, yet oriented to interested parties, so still oriented only on the aspect of the input only, not oriented to outputs and outcomes in the development and the associated increase their capabilities so that they are less familiar with improvement...” (Informant 2) “…They (employees) do a planning model oriented to work standards and performance standards, not oriented to strategic planning yet. As a result, the planning of PT. Aneka Regalindo still oriented to procurement planning and not service planning..." (Informant 1) Attitude Associated with behavior that is one of elements from this competency (Robbins, 2007), many informant said several things, the following: “...Sometimes the behavioral aspects of employees have received less attention and all production activities are still running properly. But still, if we have problems so it must be people among us (employees) to mediate and sometimes people that are respected..." (Informant 4) “...Actions of employees here is good and as employees according to the rules of the company and their supervisor, but sometimes there are some people who had a disrespect because they feel closer to their supervisor so courteous behavior and averse to It being neglected the supervisor..." (Informant 2) Personal Credibility From the analysis of the dimensions that exist in the first modeling, it appears that the personal credibility included in dimensions of competency and strengthened by input from a manager or supervisor where the informants said that: “…That the manager or supervisor is not only serves to lead and change the state to improve health services... but that is more because they are always supervised by one of the adminis- trators who are under their supervisor as the right hand (the trust one) PT. Aneka Regalindo...” (Informant 3) “.... In terms of manager’s skills take us (employees) to the family situation and the company sometimes. In the context of globalization in the field of industrial production PT. Aneka Regalindo must be critical and related to the challenges that we are facing as labor issues, production, marketing, or logistic... It will give us such personal credibility globally..." (Informant 4) Ability to Manage Changes The main function of change management is a management development in changing work processes and make strategic planning at the level of integration in increasing company profit by doing good interpersonal relationships and this is said by some informants as follows: “…Good personal relationship and responsible in leading, directing and managing organizational change in industrial development is very important to PT. Aneka Regalindo…indeed, if PT. Aneka Regalindo have less attention to it and the average they are comfortable and don’t want to improve their skills..." (Informant 1) “…Managers are expected to change PT. Aneka Regalindo become better if they have access to knowledge and networks to help continuous learning in addressing employment issues… because round table discussion or regular meetings will provide new insights for managers to be able to improve and enable efektivitis can educate and teach the supervisory ranks nicely….” (Informant 2) Ability to Manage Culture In accordance with the results of interviews from informants related to the ability to manage and set up an organizational culture within the company PT. Aneka Regalindo, the employees need good social relationships (Robbins, 2007) and they said that following: “…Even some employees who have tenure so long and experienced in their field in PT. Aneka Regalindo… so that they still want to be paid under the standard and ultimately in terms of developing ideas and provide motivation to junior-juniors they still do not dare ..." (Informant 1) Trisliatanto: The Competency Development Model Based “...Willingness of subordinates in PT. Aneka Regalindo was drawn from first comment about modeling research that is… I am expecting a leadership (both of the manager and supervisor) PT. Aneka Regalindo have the courage to fight for the welfare of many people...capable as the savior of their men..." (Informant 4) Delivery of Human Resource Practice Covey (2010) said that the practice of human resources as a treatment against individuals subjectively associated with attributes that may or may not be accepted by the company as a resource (labor) relating to how it is applied conceptually and contextually to employees span the hierarchy, as following: “…challenge for managers of PT. Aneka Regalindo dependent on the level of productivity… whether they are able to fight for the success of increasing production while employee welfare and even on the increase in corporate’s profits or whether only run according to the wishes of the owner.... " (Informant 1) “…The practice of human resource development is indispensable not only for imaging alone but also It can make a breakthrough means for the survival and the success of the company's organizational life PT. Aneka Regalindo…” (Informant 2) Knowledge of the Business Theoretically, knowledge of the business's employees will manage the organization's high standards of performance and ongoing as to what was said by informants, the following: “…Candidates of ideal-employee will thrive in a fast paced environment. They should be competent and clear in defining objectives and priorities related to the work carried out and help milestones and ensure proper follow-up on all their jobs...” (Informant 3) “…They (employees) must have the courage to accept the challenge and be able to inspire his team to be superior and will develop and apply work processes that ensure the achievement of the PT. Aneka Regalindo’s operational mission timely manner and within the budget set out in its business operations...” (Informant 4) 159 Performance Orientation Performance orientation serves to organize the steps and procedures work as they should improve productivity and make it more effective and to predict the performance implications on the environment which are: “...What we do is in accordance with standard operating procedures have been established PT. Aneka Regalindo so we also give attention to the performance of employees is more optimal...” (Informant 1) “...We focus our work in accordance with the portion rather than the number of additional instructions are sometimes less obvious in our opinion...” (Informant 4) Team Work Team work is a good tool in combining the talents and can provide innovative solutions which establish an approach which the informant said that: “…In an increase of production… managers must be able to work together with all employees ... We want the manager has an open nature and willing to accept criticism and suggestions from employees... " (Informant 4) “…Our managers are expected to form a good team and can work in teams able to run well so that the message can solve the problem... or example in their daily activities with both managers have the nature of discipline and not arbitrarily to subordinates..." (Informant 3) The Visualization of Competency Development Model Based on Performance Orientation and Team Work Based on the mapping of the search-related components of competency development model both in terms of performance orientation and team work then the researcher make an image visualization of the competency development model that has been seen from these two things. Picture 3 is a visualization model of the competency development in terms of performance and team work orientation as the mapping of the search-related components of a model in it have been identified and examined: 160 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN, VOL.18, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER 2016: 152–162 Identification Components of Competency Development Model Employee of PT. Aneka Regalindo Interview dan Focus Group Discussion for Digging Data and Information Description and Finding Analysis about Competency Development Model Formulating Design and Preparating Competency Development Model Evaluation and Improvement Hypothetical Model of Competency Development (Preliminary Model) Preliminary Test Knowledge: Knowledge: Creativity, Innovation, Technology, Thinking Strategically, Critical and analysis Creativity, Innovation, Technology, Thinking Strategically, Critical and analysis Skill: Skill: Resiliance, Communication, Adaptability, Personal development Management conflict, Developing others Attitude: Attitude: Self-awareness, Inisiative, VisionMission, Concern, Conduct Vision-Mission, Concern, Conduct Personal credibility: Personal credibility: Responsbility, Partnership, Commitment, Politic Intellegence, Negotiating, Ability Responsbility, Commitment Ability to manage change: Agent of change, Learning, Organizational Commitment Ability to manage change: Conceptor, Technologist, Inovator, Agent of change, Learning, Organizational Commitment Ability to manage culture: Impact and influence, Analitical, Cultureawareness, Integrity, Organizational culture Ability to manage culture: Impact and influence, Analitical, Issues, Cultureawareness, Integrity, Organizational culture Delivery HR practice: HRM, Information, Work-expertise, Assertiveness, Interpersonal & team, Oral Communication Delivery HR Practice: HRM, Information, Work-expertise, Interpersonal & team, Oral Communication Knowledge of the business: Knowledge of the business: Result-oriented, Financial, Business, Profitability, Ability to manage business Result-oriented, Financial, Business, Profitability, Ability to manage The purposes are going to enhancing productivity and performance Feedbac k Affect and Impact Performance Orientation Team Work COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT MODEL Final Test Implementation of Competency Development Model Picture 3. The visualization of competency development model based on performance orientation and team Conclusions and Implications Generally, this research aims to implement a model of competence development has been able to improve the employees competency of PT. Aneka Regalindo. From the results of the identification and implementation of the condition of employees before and after implementation competency development model in terms of performance orientation and team work, the researcher finds many things, such as: The Condition of PT. Aneka Regalindo Employees a. Before had been intervention by the model, what happens is irregularity working system and way of solving problems in work encountered in team work because employees rely more on leadership as managers and supervisors to solving any problems of work and also the lack of employee’s creativities in their work and give more contribute to the company. b. After had been intervention by the model, what happen is oppositely, the work systems become more regularly, employees were able to face and solve their problems of work because they studied the indicators that exist in the competency development model and applied It on their work so their performance have improved and the relationship between the teams in the department become more solid. Result of Competency Development Model Based on the findings of the test results of the model can be summarized as follows: a. Conceptualization of competency development model, departing from the values of the company organizational culture that prefer the pattern of kinship that exists between employees and systematically performance, has able to provide a powerful inspiration in the conceptual framework underlying the competency development models in terms of performance orientation and team work. The informants assume that a competency model developed in according with their needs. This competency development model consists of Trisliatanto: The Competency Development Model Based three stages: 1) test of the research phase; 2) test of development and validation phase; 3) test of trial model phase. b. Implementation of competency development model, based on the results of the implementation or trial conducted, competency development model has been deemed appropriate to empowering employees in terms of performance orientation and teamwork. In the implementation and results of observation of the model tested all stages, in fact capable of making a positive contribution to increasing employee’s competency. Those contributions have been in accordance with the employee’s needs in order to improve and enhance the competency indicators according mapped in terms of performance orientation and team work, among others: knowledge, skill, attitude, personal credibility, ability to manage changes, ability to manage culture, delivery of human resources practice, and knowledge of the business. Theoritical Implication From the results of research conducted showed consistently that the implementation competency development model can improve employees’ competency, which have positive impact on improving performance orientation and their team work. Construction model is built by looking at the indicators of employee’s competency and mapping as an indigenous learning system. The process of construction model is based on a careful monitoring through qualitative methods by focus group discussions and tested using a research and development model. The theoretical implication of this study concerned with competency theories, performance orientation theories, and team work theories. Practical Implication The practical implications of this research also apply to some of the parties, as following: a. Human resource development program of PT. Aneka Regalindo. The implementation needs to be adapted and developed in line with the characteristics of the program organized. This research has resulted in a competency development model as an instrument to improve and develop the employee’s competency in terms of performance orientation and team work. b. This research has result of competency development model that has been done comperehensively in PT. Aneka Regalindo. Comprehensive intend in this model involves all components of human re- 161 source development program, leaders, managers, supervisors, employees, and other participatory parties. References Bahua, M. I. (2012). 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