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U N I V E R S I T Y OF T H E A E G E A N S C HO OL OF H U M A N I T I E S DE PA R T M E N T OF M E DI T E R RA N E A N S T U DI E S R e l ig i o n a n d C u l t i n t h e D od e c a n e se d u r i ng t h e fi r s t m i l l e n n i u m B C R e c e n t d i sc o ve r i e s a n d re se a rc h re su l t s In t e r n a t i o n a l C o n fe re n c e R h od e s , Oc t obe r 2 018 SECOND CIRCULAR Deadline Extension of Title and Abstract Submission to 15th January 2018 R hodes, 10 November 2017 Dear colleagues and friends, We are pleased to invite proposals for papers at the international conference Religion and Cult in the Dodecanese dur ing the first millennium BC to be held at the University of the Aegean on R hodes in October 2018. Religion has always been one of the major components of peoples’ lives, an integral part of social, economic and political contexts, contributing to the formation of culture and history. In order to study and understand the religious and cult practices of a particular region, it is necessary to explore their various expressions through material culture and written sources. The oldest known cult remains in the Dodecanese can be dated to the end of the tenth and early ninth centuries B.C. and throughout the first millennium B.C. These display the existence of a vibrant island society with various evolving cult practices. As a major stopover on maritime trade routes, the southeastern Aegean was influenced by contacts from throughout the Greek world and beyond. This conference will explore the archaeology and literature that testify to the development and continuation of cults in the Dodecanese, from the Early Iron Age through to the first century B.C. The conference will particularly welcome papers in the following thematic circles: • New archaeological finds on sanctuaries and cult practices in the Dodecanese • Epigraphical and literary evidence on the religion and cults in the Dodecanese • The context of religion and cult practice in the Dodecanese • Theoretical issues on the relation of archaeology, religion and cult Please complete and return the attached participation form by Monday 15th January 2018 to the Colloquium Secretariat at the following e-mail address: rac@rhodes.aegean.gr Notifications of acceptance will be announced in late January of 2018. A third circular with further information concerning the conference and a provisional programme will be circulated in early February 2018. The duration of papers should not exceed 20 minutes. U N I V E R S I T Y OF T H E A E G E A N S C HO OL OF H U M A N I T I E S DE PA R T M E N T OF M E DI T E R RA N E A N S T U DI E S R e l ig i o n a n d C u l t i n t h e D od e c a n e se d u r i ng t h e fi r s t m i l l e n n i u m B C R e c e n t d i sc o ve r i e s a n d re se a rc h re su l t s In t e r n a t i o n a l C o n fe re n c e R h od e s , Oc t obe r 2 018 CONFER ENCE LA NGUAGE English R EGISTRATION There is no registration fee. Participants are required to cover their own travel and other costs. ACTS of the Conference The acts of the Conference will be published (following peer review) in a volume by Archaeopress Publishing Limited, Oxford. CONTACT INFOR M ATION Conference Secretariat: rac@rhodes.aegean.gr CONFER ENCE W EBSITE Religion and Cult in the Dodecanese http://dms.aegean.gr/rac/ For the Organizing Committee, Manolis I. Stefanakis (Chair)