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      Greek PotteryAncient Greek JewellerySanctuary/Temple and CultGreek Geometric Pottery
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      Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Ancient jewelleryAncient Greek Jewellery
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      ArchaeologyGreek HistoryStraboGreek Archaeology
Delos, history, finds
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      Ancient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryAncient Seals and SealingsHellenistic Delos
This paper extends one published in 2006 where I addressed the question: can we estimate the proportion of coined gold and silver in Hellenistic times out of the total amount of available precious metals? There a rather coherent answer... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryNumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Alexander the Great
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      Ancient jewelleryGold jewelry in Ancient Near EastAncient Goldsmith TechniquesEtruscan and Greek jewellery
Course Description: This course looks at jewelry throughout history and from around the world. We will explore aesthetics, design, materials, and production techniques across cultures. We will investigate the role of adornment in... more
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      History of DressCostume and IdentityDecorative ArtsAncient jewellery
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      Art History, Jewellery HistoryEtruscan and Greek jewelleryAncient Greek Jewellery
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyHellenistic History
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      Ukrainian StudiesScythian archaeologyBlack Sea StudiesAncient jewellery
В монографии рассматриваются древние способы изготовления различных предметов из золота, серебра, меди и железа: литье, холодная обработка, пайка. Исследуются методы нанесения на изделия покрытий из инородных металлов. Особое внимание... more
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      Eurasian NomadsScythian archaeologyAncient Craftmanship (Archaeology)Ancient jewellery
Overview of the Greek Gold Exhibition, shown in London, New York and St. Petersburg 1994-5
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      Ancient jewelleryArt History, Jewellery HistoryEtruscan and Greek jewelleryAncient Greek Jewellery
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      IconographyRoman ReligionDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Greek Archaeology
The Ancient City of Parion is located in the village of Kemer, in the Biga district of Çanakkale province, north of Troas Region. Parion, which had its golden age during the Roman Empire period, has been a center of religious and cultural... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAncient Greek and Roman ArtAncient jewelleryAncient Metallurgy
Among all the hoards consisting the ceremonial akinakai, defining swords and daggers of Iranian origin), the assemblage of items discovered in 1882 near the Vettersfelde village (Poland) is the most reliable. Judging by the plots... more
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      Scythian archaeologyAncient Greek and Roman ArtAncient GreeceEarly European Nomads
Greek Gold Earrings – a Celtic Armlet? On the Gold Objects of Grave 115 from Mannersdorf on the Leitha (Bez. Bruck a. d. Leitha / A) Celtic pillages in Greece are an often cited topos of La Tène archaeology, but material culture gives... more
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      Celtic ArchaeologyIron Age (Archaeology)Celtic ArtArchaic Greece
The paper is devoted to burial no. 19/2015 of Vinogradnyi 7 necropolis in the Taman peninsula. Its contents allow to attribute it to the time not later than the first decades of the 1st century BC. A special attention attracts a... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyMetalwork (Archaeology)ToreuticsAphrodite
The jewellery and mirrors from Naukratis comprise a diverse group of objects that testify to the changing fashions of adornment at Naukratis between its founding in in the late 7th century BC until the end of the 4th century BC. They... more
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      Graeco-Roman EgyptAncient jewelleryEgyptian jewelleryJewellery
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      Mediterranean prehistoryBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Archaeology of Personal Adornment
K. Tzanavari, Ancient Lete. The city and its cemeteries. Rescue excavations and epigraphic evidence that refer to ancient Lete have shown that the city was located on the hills and the plain that spread after the Derveni pass, on the... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyCultural HeritageRoman VillaeDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
Eleven pieces of gold jewellery were found in tomb Z at Derveni in 1962, and these differ from those which were found in the other six tombs rescued at the same site. The tomb is dated to 300 – 280 BC, and the finds are now preserved in... more
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      Black Sea regionAncient MacedoniaAncient Greek JewelleryComparative Technical Analysis
Ancient hydriai made from bronze or other precious materials occupy an important place within the field of toreutic studies. These vessels, in addition to their principal purpose of holding liquids, were also preferred as containers for... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyToreuticsGreek bronze vessels
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyCelts (Archaeology)Balkan prehistoryLate Iron Age (Archaeology)
Die Picadoras sind eine Allegorie auf das Zusammenspiel von Weiblichkeit und Männlichkeit. Die symbolische Kombination des weiblichen Torsos mit dem Horn als Verkörperung der Männlichkeit ist nicht beliebig. Jeder Torso passt auf ein... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
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      Ancient jewelleryAncient ThraceAncient Greek JewelleryClassical and Hellenistic Period
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      Manufacturing techniqueAncient MacedoniaAncient Greek JewelleryComparative Technical Analysis
"In the Ancient world, children are regarded as frail, requiring care and special protection because of their transitional biological state. Different sets of jewels and amulets found in infant graves from southern Italian cemeteries... more
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      History of Childhood and YouthArchaeology of ChildhoodGreek colonies in Magna GraeciaDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
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      History of CollectionsAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek PotteryGreek bronze vessels
Αντικείμενο μελέτης της παρούσας ανακοίνωσης αποτελεί ένας τάφος από το δυτικό νεκροταφείο της Αμβρακίας, ο τάφος Χ, που ήρθε στο φως κατά τη διενέργεια σωστικών ανασκαφών το 1995 στο οικόπεδο Θεοδώρου, στην οδό Κομμένου στην Άρτα.... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAncient jewelleryAncient Greek Jewellery
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      Ancient jewelleryHistory of JewelryJewellery GranulationMedieval jewellery
μια ταβερνούλα στη Δήλο
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      Hellenistic PotteryHellenistic DelosAmphoraeRoman Amphorae
Parion which is in the borders of Antique Troad Region in the west of the line stretching to Adramytteion (Edremit) Bay in the south of Mount İda (Kazdağı) where River Aisepos spring from is located in the region where Dardanelles Strait... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryGreek
A small tavern in ancient Delos
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      ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyAmphorae (Archaeology)Ancient jewellery
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      Ancient HistoryGreek ComedyMenanderTheatre Studies
The article presents a new approach to the analysis of representative gold jewellery with polychrome decoration found in 1975 in the rich barrow grave of a Thracian noblewoman from the city of Anchialos, on the west coast of the Black... more
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      Ancient jewelleryAncient Greek JewelleryThracian Jewellery
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      Hellenistic HistoryAncient jewelleryAncient Goldsmith TechniquesAncient Greek Jewellery
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      Ancient jewelleryPrecious MetalsBritish MuseumRoman Triumph
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyBlack Sea regionJewellery
Soloi, situated in the Morphou/Güzelyurt region, is known as one of the most important Iron Age polities of ancient Cyprus. Named after the Athenian lawmaker Solon, Soloi pledged loyalty to the Assyrian kings, resisted a fierce Achaemenid... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyCypriot ArchaeologyCyprus StudiesFunerary Archaeology
Qu’elles soient propitiatoires ou gratulatoires, les offrandes racontent la vie des donateurs, parfois célèbres mais le plus souvent anonymes, qui sont venus exprimer leurs craintes, leurs maux, leurs joies, leurs espoirs par le dépôt... more
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      Jewellery (Craft Knowledge)Ancient jewelleryParureSémantique
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      Ancient jewelleryEngraved gemsBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBlack Sea ancient history and archaeology
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      EgyptologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryLevantine Archaeology
In this paper concentration will be given to intaglio and cameo from the Museums of Izmir. A total of 140 engraved gems as well as some other decorated stones from Archaic to Late Roman period were studied. The largest group is gems with... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyGemologyAnatolian Archaeology
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      Greek ReligionEphesosAncient BronzesPhrygian Archaeology
The Griffin Warrior Ring No. 2 is a gold Minoan-style engraved signet ring from Pylos dating to the Late Helladic IIA (1580–1490 BCE). The ring’s bezel depicts a seascape with a columnar tree shrine flanked by palm trees situated on a... more
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      Ancient TextilesMinoan ReligionMinoan art and archaeologyMinoan Archaeology
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      Classical ArchaeologyBlack Sea regionAncient Goldsmith TechniquesAncient Greek Jewellery
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyAncient jewelleryHistory of Archaeology
Girls or Boys? Meanings and Interpretations of the Grave Goods in Greek Infant Burials Because of their transitional biological and social state, infants are highly dependent on the other members of the Greek society, which implies... more
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      Gender StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of Childhood and YouthFunerary Archaeology
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      Ancient Greek IconographyGreek burial praticesAncient Greek MythologyAncient Greek Jewellery
This study focuses on 103 tombs unearthed over the period 1991-2007. Most of these belong to the second half of the 4th century and only a few to the early 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. Traces of both inhumations and cremations were found.... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ancient Female FiguresGreek Epigraphy