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This paper builds upon my the work which I wrote with Victor Mair - the 2010 book, Sacred Display: Divine and Magical Female Figures of Eurasia—and continuing work, some of which was published on the internet in September, 2013, in an... more
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      Ancient Female FiguresAncient Scripts
Çeviri / Translation
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      American LiteratureEnglish LiteratureWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
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      ClassicsGreek TragedyTheatre StudiesReception Studies
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyAncient Female Figures
This paper builds upon one I gave in Sibiu, Romania, a few years ago. In that paper I discussed the fact that the Danube Script is essential in understanding the possible intersections of language, archaeology, and religion/myth. The... more
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      Ancient Female FiguresAncient Scripts
Educommunicative poster showing one of the GWUA Goddesses from Karphi, a female idol dated ca. 1200 1100 B.C.E., which was made in terracotta by the island's artisans during the Postpalacial period. The piece in question comes from the... more
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      Ancient Female FiguresAncient Mediterranean ReligionsAncient ReligionBronze Age (Archaeology)
In this article, we examine the iconography surrounding the Irish Sheela na gigs, and we compare it with descriptions of female figures in ancient Irish myth and epic.
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      MythologyAncient Female Figures
Proto-Indo-European Goddeses were few in number and they largely reflected natural phenomena. Their personification was slight. As evidenced by comparative linguistic and mythological data, most powerful goddesses and heroines in the... more
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    • Ancient Female Figures
Introduction In this paper, I shall discuss several interrelated topics. First, we look at the underlying matrilineal traditions of the Irish, reflected in several phenomena: the bestowal of the Dumezilian first and second functions... more
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    • Ancient Female Figures
Comparisons are drawn between the indie Surya, the Baltic Saules Meita, and the Greek Helen, as daughters of the sun. Just as Surya and Saules Mieta were married to both a moon god and a set of divine twins, so Helen's brothers were the... more
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    • Ancient Female Figures
This book is a source book in two ways. It traces the sources of early historic Indo-European (Greco-Roman, Indic, Iranian, Germanic, Lithuanian, Latvian, Slavic, Irish, and Welsh) goddesses and heroines, beginning with Neolithic... more
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      Ancient Female FiguresFeminist SpiritualityComparative mythology
In this paper, we look at female figures in early historic Indo-European cultures and make use of recent archaeological and biological evidence to consider anew who the Proto-Indo-Europeans were—their religion and social structure, the... more
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      Ancient Female FiguresAncient DNA (Archaeology)
Starr Goode and Miriam Robbins Dexter. In both human social structure and divine pantheons, the ancient Irish exhibited a legacy of powerful female figures. These female figures appear in both their iconography – as Sheela na gigs – and... more
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    • Ancient Female Figures
I examine the Greco-Roman Gorgon, Medusa, cross-culturally, through most of the significant Greek and Roman texts and iconography, in order to examine her origins as well as her multifaceted functions. I will show that Medusa is a... more
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    • Ancient Female Figures
This paper will explore the motif referred to as the “Shameless Woman” which appears in the art of many cultures around the world. I will discuss some of the meanings associated with it and more importantly, its probable origins, using... more
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      Art HistoryAncient Female FiguresSymbolism (Art History)Paleolithic Europe
Abstract: Thousands of female figurines have been excavated from Neolithic prehistoric archaeological sites. I believe that some—or many—of them represent powerful Goddesses of the life continuum: birth, death, and regeneration. These... more
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    • Ancient Female Figures
Truncated figurines, otherwise known as fertility figurines, lack legs below the knees. This significant feature is not the only characteristic which distinguishes this type of figurine from other types in the established typology. In an... more
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      Ancient Female FiguresAncient Egyptian IconographyAncient Egyptian MagicAncient Egyptian Art and Archaeology
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      HistoryArchaeologyWomen's StudiesWomen's History
The goal of this paper is to ascertain the difference between the Indo-European Dawn goddess as she appeared in Northern Indo- European, particularly in Baltic folk songs, as opposed to the manner in which she was celebrated in Southern... more
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    • Ancient Female Figures
Discussion of the Greek golden lamellae transmitting instructions on the afterlife. Discussion of possible differences in the text for women.
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      Ancient Female FiguresPythagoreanismOrphic lamellaeAfterlife Ancient Greece
The Danube Script offers the earliest evidence of a place where archaeology, language and myth – or archaeology, language and religion – intersect. Along with many others, I theorize that the Danube Script was used for religious, rather... more
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      Ancient Female FiguresAncient Scripts
This paper exposes some observations on the female figurines of Sardinia prehistory. Through a qualitative classification and a quantitative study on their distribution in the island, we might be reading on the proposals for their use,... more
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      Sardinia (Archaeology)Ancient Female FiguresNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
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    • Ancient Female Figures
Il patrimonio epigrafico lapidario modenese, che attualmente comprende circa 300 iscrizioni, ha restituito più di 160 menzioni relative a schiave, liberte e ingenuae vissute a Mutina e nell'ager Mutinensis tra la seconda metà del I secolo... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Virginity was expected of both unmarried mortal women and unmarried goddesses in most ancient Indo-European patriarchal societies. This virginity indicated two phenomena: chastity and autonomy. Chastity was a requisite for purposes of... more
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    • Ancient Female Figures
In Dutch - "Female Images during the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period: Truncated Figurines". A general overview of the existing figurine typology and the relationship between paddle dolls and truncated figurines, together... more
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      Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyAncient Female FiguresAncient Egyptian MagicMiddle Kingdom (Egyptology)
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnatolian StudiesMediterranean prehistory
From Irpinia to Sardinia to recall some stories and traditions of magical women that mark the identity of my country. The origin of these figures begins with the cult of Diana and Isis. This article aims to analyse the figures of Irpinia... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreWomen's HistoryFolk MedicineSardinia (Archaeology)
Abstract: Like Socrates, Aspasia did not leave any writings. We know about her from secondary sources. In this paper, I will show a number of things in the reports of what Aspasia said and did that are philosophically interesting,... more
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      Ancient HistoryPhilosophyAncient Female FiguresFeminism
This monograph updates and expands upon our book Sacred Display: Divine and Magical Female Figures of Eurasia (Cambria Press, 2010). Female figures doing a “sacred display” of their genitals are found in two iconographic forms: (1) a... more
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      MythologyAncient Female Figures
In this paper, I discuss the Proto-Indo-European sun maiden, daughter of the sun, and her appearance in the myths of several historic-age cultures. I discuss as well the interrelated dawn goddesses. Although the dawn is consistently... more
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      Ancient Female FiguresProto-Indo-European Mythology
These chapters examine the codes transmitted by Western artists to design the pose of Humanist figures in Classical and Renaissance art - specifically the figure's will and repose to express soul, life-likeness, and the passions. Types of... more
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      Art HistoryAncient Female FiguresPaintingNineteenth Century Academic Painting
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistoryAncient History
En: Educommunicative poster showing one of the GWUA Goddesses from Karphi, a female idol dated ca. 1200 1100 B.C.E., which was made in terracotta by the island's artisans during the Postpalacial period. The piece in question comes from... more
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      Ancient Female FiguresAncient Mediterranean ReligionsAncient ReligionEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)
This study focuses on 103 tombs unearthed over the period 1991-2007. Most of these belong to the second half of the 4th century and only a few to the early 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. Traces of both inhumations and cremations were found.... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ancient Female FiguresGreek Epigraphy
Female images are quite varied within the Celtic world, and most of them date to Roman times. Therefore, their identification tends to reflect the Roman world, also because written material of that era is scarce, and archaeological data... more
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      ArchaeologyAncient Female Figures
The interpretation of Type 1 figurines, also known as fertility figurines, of the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period, relies on the established typology set out by Pinch. Type 1 figurines, those lacking lower legs, here termed... more
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      Ancient Female FiguresAncient Egyptian IconographyAncient Egyptian MagicFigurines
Since the discovery of the first Palaeolithic “Venus” figurines it became apparent that hominins had been reflecting on their identity and their place in the universe at least since the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic. It is this... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyAncient Female FiguresUpper PaleolithicMagdalenian
A ce jour, on dénombre environ 470 figures féminines en terre cuite de l'âge du fer connues dans les musées et des fouilles en Jordanie. Cet article présente un fragment de figurine récemment découvert à Jneneh dans le Wadi az-Zarqa au... more
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      Ancient Female FiguresFigurinesTerracotta FigurinesAnthropomorphic Figurines
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArt HistoryArt
Analysis of Robinson Jeffers’strategies in recreating Medea. The drama, “freely adapted from Euripides”, was written on demand of the actress Judith Andersen, and was first performed at the National Theatre in New York during the 1947/8... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyAncient Female Figures
In this chapter, we look at several love goddesses, beginning with “Venus”-figures of the earliest Upper Palaeolithic and Neolithic; then we concentrate upon goddesses named in early historic texts. Powerful multi-functional... more
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    • Ancient Female Figures
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyAncient Female Figures
The Demeter Ode in the Helen has no obvious connection to the plot of the play: commentators traditionally explained it away as being merely decorative. This article follows from the work of Guepin and Foley, who see Persephone’s story as... more
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      Greek TragedyAncient Female FiguresEuripidesFemale Sexuality
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      Gender StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesAncient Female FiguresCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)
Starr Goode and Miriam Robbins Dexter. In both human social structure and divine pantheons, the ancient Irish exhibited a legacy of powerful female figures. These female figures appear in both their iconography – as Sheela na gigs – and... more
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      Ancient Female FiguresIrish Feminist Studies
Coined by French antiquarians in the 19th century, the term “Vénus à gaine” or “corseted Venus” is still used today to describe a small female figurine in a hieratic pose. The body seems to be enclosed in a rectangular tablet decorated... more
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      ArchaeologyAncient Female Figures
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArt HistoryMediterranean prehistory
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyTheatre Studies