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VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Historia Militar (ASEHISMI) - Dominio político y expansionismo militar en la Historia. Granada, 21-24/V/2019: Las guerras dácicas de Trajano (101-106 d.C.) se saldaron con las mayores... more
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      GeopoliticsRoman DaciaDacian civilizationMoesia inferior
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      Greek ColonisationGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek HistoryThracian Archaeology
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      Roman ArmyBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBosporan KingdomBlack Sea ancient history and archaeology
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      Black Sea StudiesBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBlack Sea ancient history and archaeologyAncient Greek Colonies of the Northern Black Sea Shore
Stella Ghervas (2018). "The Black Sea", in Oceanic Histories, ed. David Armitage, Alison Bashford and Sujit Sivasundaram (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), pp. 234-266. Abstract of the volume: "Oceanic Histories is the... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryGeography
This is a published doctoral thesis in Turkish language at the Dokuz Eylül University, submitted by Gülseren Kan Şahin in 2015. In this dissertation pottery finds from Hadrianopolis and its chora in southwestern Paphlagonia (northwestern... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Anatolian Archaeology
Bu kitap, Pontos Kralı Mithradates VI Eupator Dionysos’un biyografisidir. 2003 yılında Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Eskiçağ Dilleri ve Kültürleri Bölümü’nde tamamladığım Mithradates VI Eupator ve Roma başlıklı doktora tezimin dört senelik... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGreek HistoryRoman History
During the first half of the 1st century BC the geto-dacians became the greatest superpower of Eastern Europe under the leadership of one of their most famous kings: Burebista. After founding the Dacian Estate through the unification of... more
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      GeopoliticsDacian civilizationGeopolitcs and GeostrategyBlack Sea ancient history and archaeology
ПредвАрительные зАмечАния к IOSPE II 2. ЭПигрАфические ПАмятники из фондов Херсонского крАеведческого музея в статье републикуются две надгробные стелы, известные по кБн, но изданные с серьезными ошибками (кБн 450, кБн 575), и впервые... more
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    • Black Sea ancient history and archaeology
Offered by the School of Humanities of the International Hellenic University. See more at http://www.hum.ihu.edu.gr/index.php/en/courses/masters/ma-in-black-sea-cultural-studies
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      HistoryEastern European StudiesArchaeologyRefugee Studies
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      ArchaeobotanyArchaeozoologyFood HistoryHistory of Everyday Life
At noon on September 25, 15,124 BP (13,174 BC; 12,680 C14 BP), gravity from a close pass of planet Nibiru raised a tide in West Siberian Lake that breached the outlet sill and created a wide channel to the Aral Sea. Over a period of six... more
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      Romanian ArchaeologyAral SeaBlack Sea ancient history and archaeologyFloods
In: Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. 2012. № 1005: Історія. Вип. 45. С. 82–92. (соавтор Е. В. Семененко). Ruchinskaya O. A., Semenenko O. V. The Question about the Temple Medicine in the Ancient Cities... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient ReligionAncient MedicineAncient Greek History
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAnatolian StudiesAnatolian ArchaeologyAnatolian History
This paper was presented at the Spartakos a lu Monthly Pontic Conference organised by Dr. Thibaut Castelli and on 19/05/2021. Abstract: Identifying migrant groups to the Pontus in the Archaic period is a difficult task. While the... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ColonisationMigration StudiesGreek Pottery
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      Classical ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Black Sea Region ArchaeologyBosporan Kingdom
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      Ancient Greek HistoryBulgarian historyBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyCoastal geoarchaeology
Today's province Ordu, called as ''Kotyora'' in the ancient time, is a city located between the two big coastal cities Amisos (Samsun) and Trapezous (Trabzon) in the south coasts of Black Sea. It is one of the colonies established by... more
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      ArchaeologyHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorBlack Sea regionBlack Sea Studies
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      Greek ColonisationBlack Sea regionBlack Sea StudiesBlack Sea Region Archaeology
Книга посвящена всестороннему изучению уникального культа Партенос - верховной богини - покровительницы и сакральной защитницы Херсонесского государства и всей античной Таврики. Проанализированы взаимосвязанные с ним основные особенности... more
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      Ancient Greek ReligionHerodotusBlack Sea StudiesBlack Sea Region Archaeology
The paper is a preliminary publication of an enormous hoard of Pantikapaion copper coins of the 3rd century BC found near a group of Hellenistic estates in the vicinity of the farmstead of Usatova Balka (Anapa district). This territory... more
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      Ancient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Greek NumismaticsBosporan KingdomBlack Sea ancient history and archaeology
The article presents the silver gilt phalerae found in the course of earthworks in the area of Kuban stanitza Uspenskaya in 1866 and now kept in the State Museum of Georgia. The central part of two large phalerae is decorated with... more
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      Eurasian NomadsMetalwork (Archaeology)Ancient Greek and Roman ArtToreutics
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      Historical GeographyHistorical ArchaeologyAnatolian StudiesHittitology
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
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      Classical ArchaeologyEnvironmental HistoryAnatolian ArchaeologyGeographically-Integrated History
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      AnthropologyBiological AnthropologyMedieval HistoryAnatolian Studies
Книга посвящена опыту биоархеологического изучения палеоантропологических материалов, отражающих историю населения крупнейшего города Азиатского Боспора – Фанагории. Античный город в окружении местного населения – один из наиболее ярких... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesStable Isotope AnalysisHellenistic HistoryPaleodiet
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      Hellenistic HistoryArmenian HistoryHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorBlack Sea region
The ancient city of Amastris, about which little is known archaeologically, is situated on the southern shore of the Black Sea, between the important settlements of Heraclea Pontica in the west and Sinope in the east. With its location,... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBlack Sea
Asırlardır Karadeniz’in çevresinde birlikte yaşayan ve dünya politikalarını yönlendiren bu iki devlet, önümüzdeki süreçte de Karadeniz bölgesinde kriz yerine iş birliğini seçerek bölgede istikrar ve refahı egemen kılacaktır. Aksi bir... more
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      Military and PoliticsCrimean TatarBlack Sea regionBlack Sea Studies
"Die Publikation zu den Drei-Brüder-Kurganen untersucht drei Grabhügel, die in spätklassischfrühhellenistischer Zeit auf der Krim, ganz im Osten der Kertscher Halbinsel, errichtet wurden und deren Fundgebiet in der Antike zum Territorium... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBosporan KingdomBlack Sea ancient history and archaeology
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      Historical GeographyArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology
The book presents priceless masterpieces of ancient goldsmiths and jewelers found during the excavations Gorgippia and stored in the Anapa archaeological
Museum and in the Krasnodar state historical-archaeological Museum-reserve.
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      Museum StudiesAncient jewelleryBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBosporan Kingdom
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      Black Sea Region ArchaeologyBosporan KingdomBlack Sea ancient history and archaeologyAncient Greek Colonies of the Northern Black Sea Shore
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      Anatolian StudiesHellenistic HistoryAnatolian HistoryAncient Historiography
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman ReligionAncient Religion
The Sinop Regional Archaeological Project (SRAP) conducted our first season of excavation at the Sinop kale during July and August 2015. Sinop (ancient Sinope) was one of the earliest Ionian Greek colonies in the Black Sea and the... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyAnatolian ArchaeologyColonialism
Things have reached a point to study carefully the depictions of arms on the Bosporan gravestones and to correlate them with archaeological finds, both from the area of the Bosporan Kingdom and from the nomadic cultures of Eurasia and... more
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      Eurasian NomadsCentral Asian ArchaeologyBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBosporan Kingdom
Лисин В.П. Античные хозяйства в районе Камышовой бухты (I–IV вв.): диссертация на степень кандидата исторических наук. – Севастополь: Альбатрос, 2019. – 278 с., илл. 29 марта 1941 года решением Ученого совета Государственного... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsAgricultural HistoryAncient Agriculture & Farming (Archaeology)Black Sea Region Archaeology
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ К РУССКОМУ ИЗДАНИЮ: Предлагаемая читателю книга представляет собой описание некоторых феноменальных и загадочных явлений, связанных с общей и геологической историей уникального по своей природе внутриконтинентального Чёрного... more
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      GeoarchaeologyBlack Sea ancient history and archaeologyHydrogen SulfideSapropel
The ancient site of Tios (modern Filyos) lies at the mouth of the river Billaios (Filyos Çayı), towards the western end of the southern Black Sea coast, in Zonguldak province. In ancient sources the city is spelt in various ways,... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyBlack Sea region
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      Metalwork (Archaeology)Scythian archaeologyToreuticsBlack Sea Region Archaeology
A heavy accumulation of exotica and valuables, such as gold, copper, carnelian and Mediterranean shells, distinguishes the Black Sea littoral from other parts of the east Balkans in the fifth millennium BC.Recent discoveries shed new... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyChalcolithic Archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryEpigraphy (Archaeology)Roman Religion
Очередной выпуск «Херсонесского сборника» посвящён памяти Мирона Ильича Золотарёва, многие годы работавшего в музее-заповеднике «Херсонес Таврический», жизнь и творчество которого было тесно связано с Херсонесом. Исследования и публикации... more
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      Scythian archaeologyBlack Sea StudiesByzantine SigillographyThe Crimea under Russian Imperial Rule
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      MagicAncient Greek HistoryBlack Sea regionAncient Greek Epigraphy
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      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
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      Black Sea StudiesBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyMithridatesBlack Sea ancient history and archaeology
This volume collects 23 papers authored by leading experts from seven European countries, Turkey, and Canada. Multiple aspects of mobility between individuals, cities and regions of the Black Sea in antiquity are studied, such as... more
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      Black Sea regionBlack Sea StudiesBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBlack Sea