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GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Understanding the Reception of MuralGaga MuralGaga refers to the essay I published on my academic page “Chris S Friel” at Academia.edu and tweeted @ChrisFriel7 from July 2018. GagaPhooey refers to the reception of MuralGaga. The overt reception may be considered prior to publication and after, both positive and negative. However, the CSV data file for the visits to the academic site permits an analysis of the covert reaction, one that can shine a light on the overt reaction, one that can tell us “what’s going on.” 1. I present data on the reception of MuralGaga on the first day of its discovery on July 18th to reveal an early visitor who takes precedence, 1111 from Watford, discovering the site, tweeting to 2 or 3 others (in London and Hong Kong), and meeting up with 1121 from Berkhamsted. I reveal the existence of a hidden “Facebook” group (or “inner ring”) of around 12 distinct members taking an interest during that week. 2. I note a positive reception, quite independent of my own efforts at self-publication, through channels such as Skwawkbox commencing noon July 26th, as seen in a spike at the beginning of the second week. 3. I present some of the negative, abusive, and dishonest tweets that reacted within hours of my declaration to publish, presumably to stop me going ahead. These include handles such as @GnasherJew, and from Jerusalem, @_Samisaviv who is closely implicated with the MuralGate plotters. 4. I identify (as per the previous week) several invisible tweets, either deleted or protected. These show many dependencies implying the existence of private groups most likely be hostile to the thesis of MuralGaga. I point out the assiduous reader @Hughster as one member. 5. I track visitors 1111 and 1121 (and alter egos) as they monitor the corpus of the MuralGaga writings and offer some speculation as to their roles. 6. I present an informed reading of the “overt” reaction, having presented the “covert” reaction. I point out the visits from @TwllDun from Cardiff, and reassess his role (underestimated in MuralGaga). I note his discovery via Skwawkbox on 26th, his careful reading of the text, and his efforts at “refutation,” designed to prevent MuralGaga from entering the discourse. 7. I examine the role in the second week of @JimmySecUK and also @Hughster, completely overlooked in MuralGaga, again emphasising the links with Nick Cohen. 8. I examine the cases of @JBickertonUK and @NJStone9 and their responses to my questions in August, again pointing out the links with Cohen. 9. I examine the case of @KenOhora and his attempts at refutation in September. I identify him as 1121, namely, @CQuilty52, and hypothesise that 1111 is @MarcusDysch. 10. I spot, by tapping and hopefully unlocking @TwllDun’s “filing cabinet,” the identity of Hong Kong. The essay has six parts. In the first I introduce the CSV file and explain the principles that I will use to analyse the data for the first week. The aim will be to establish the identity or difference between visitors viewing my academic site. In the second part I attend especially to the data on those visits referred by tweets. The aim is to match those referrals with the corresponding tweet where this is available. Where the tweets are not publically accessible the aim will be to get some insight into what appear to be the private groups to which the tweets are sent. In the third part I attend to two early visitors who continue to pay multiple visits to the sight. The aim is to establish the continuity of identity throughout the time span and to describe common patterns of behaviour. Having provided an analysis of the “covert” reaction, the fourth part will attempt to show the relevance of this analysis for an understanding of the “overt” reaction. Making use of the pattern of visits from significant locations, and as well, the private correspondence I sent out, then, part 4 shines a light on the attempts to demean MuralGaga by abuse and ad hominem attack, and also to show the varieties of response by the opponents in what was an ongoing situation. I revisit key players with a view to reassessing their role, and show how this can be used to corroborate, correct, and extend the conclusions of MuralGaga. This approach will afford a consideration of a series of individual cases. Part 5 offers a more accessible sketch of what was going on in a short concluding narrative. Part 6 is an appendix taking the form of a time line which, with some repetition, assembles key events. It is followed by a bibliography of the MuralGaga writings. Because the CSV file involves much data, which seems to assign distinct visitor numbers to the same visitor, and often refers to URLs in tweets that are not publicly accessible, much of the labour of this essay involves getting down to detail to render the data readable. However, as indicated, the concluding narrative on pages 28–9 briefly summarises the main conclusions. 1 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Introduction Decline has a still deeper level. Not only does it compromise and distort progress. Not only do inattention, obtuseness, unreasonableness, irresponsibility produce objectively absurd situations. Not only do ideologies corrupt minds. But compromise and distortion discredit progress. Objectively absurd situations do not yield treatment. Corrupt minds have a flair for picking the mistaken solution and insisting that it alone is intelligent, reasonable, good. Imperceptibly the corruption spreads from the harsh sphere of material advantage and power to the mass media, the stylish journals, the literary movements, the educational process, the reigning philosophies. A civilization in decline digs its own grave with a relentless consistency.1 Throughout the hottest of British summers Labour antisemitism scandals were the staple fare of the MSM. The recipe for what an Israeli General once called “purposely timed hysteria” is standard. An ancient ambiguity is taken from cold storage and spiced with mendacious threads to add clarity and menace. The matter is saturated in the Press, roasted with political hot air, and then served with an echo chamber of august indignation, whether from Board of Deputies, former Chief Rabbis, or the Prime Minister. Again and again the dish was on the menu during that period traditionally called the silly season. Etiquette dictates that we do not ask just how the whole plate became gingered up, or who the fabricators of outrage were. Even Corbyn’s camp was muted as it tried to weather the storm and hold the party together. That said, Trades Union members such as Len McCluskey accused truculent Jewish leaders of not taking “yes” for an answer, and Mark Serwotka claimed that the stories were created as a distraction from the atrocities of the IDF. Their judgement was essentially vindicated by MuralGaga, the essay I made public in July, and moreover, by the subsequent events that only confirm its central findings. But this essay is on the Reception of MuralGaga. My account allows me to access data regarding the visitors viewing the essay and this permits an analysis of the reception, notably, by the early and covert interest taken by around twelve visitors – some of whom viewed it from outside the UK. My side of the inside story is presented here. I have to get down to details, and I am aware that the presentation may get bogged down in them. Along the way I will explain my principles, present the evidence, and give brief summaries in repetition. As stated in the abstract, for those wanting something shorter and more accessible I offer a narrative conclusion towards the end (pages 28–9). The essay now proceeds to the data base on which the analysis is grounded. 1 Bernard Lonergan, Method in Theology ed. Robert M. Doran and John D. Dadosky, CW 14 (Toronto: University of Toronto, 2017) 53. 2 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Part 1 The Reception of MuralGaga in the Octave after Discovery In this first part I attempt a brief analysis of the early reception of MuralGaga, a work I wrote from around mid-April to mid-June in order to make sense of what I took to be the discrepancy between the nugatory coverage of the killings in Gaza in the MSM and the inflated attention to Labour antisemitism. I argued for a coordinated effort at “purposely timed hysteria.” While that analysis was based sources open to all, this analysis makes use of data provided by my Academia account available only to myself. Context for July 18th to 25th On July 16th I placed MuralGaga on my Academia.edu site Chris S Friel and started tweeting it in 400 tweets @ChrisFriel7, providing a link to the site only on 28th July. On July 17th around 40-50 relevant parties were mentioned in tweets, and very quickly I received abuse aimed presumably at preventing publication. On July 18th I made public some key findings including the time of capture of Corbyn’s comment regarding the Mear One mural (which would clearly undermine the “official position” of Clare Quilty @CQuilty52 and Marcus Dysch @MarcusDysch). Just past midnight visitor 1111 from Watford would make the first of numerous visits closely followed by 1121 at Berkhamsted. Around a dozen or so interested parties from around the world also visited swelling the total by about 160 up to July 26th at which time it spikes as a result of a plug from Skwawkbox. This is followed by some influential tweets. The following time-slice (with preceding keys) pertains to that octave of discovery. Key to Relevant Pages The relevant pages that were viewed in the first week include the following. Profile (with URL in top left): Website: 3 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 The paper (at first a “session,”) MuralGaga: Key to CSV File (Edited) I shall edit and adapt the CSV file of around 180 entries, removing around 20 that pertain to my academic work or followers. For illustration, the beginning of the unedited file (of around 12,000 lines) actually looks like: “Time” refers to the date and time in USA followed by an adjustment for the UK. Despite what will be shown in the screenshot, this involves adding 8 hours (for BST in the summer months) not 7 (as per “-0700”). The visitor ID shows that, first visitor 0, then visitor 1, then visitor 1 again (who revisits), and then a fourth visit from visitor 2 – that is, three “unique” visitors (0, 1, and 2). Obviously, we are reading the earliest from the top. “Referrer” tells us how the viewer came across the paper or profile, for example, “t.co” indicates a link from a tweet, and “m.facebook” some kind of Facebook message. “Search” tells us the search term, for example, “MuralGaga.” “Rank” concerns the importance that Academia attaches to the viewer. “City” and “Country” are self-explanatory, though not always picked up. Thus we can see that visitor 1 remained in Trowbridge – he or she could hardly have done anything else in the space of 31 seconds. A simplified (edited) version is presented and explained by a colour code: Jul 18 16:15:50,1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK Time and Date: USA Time, add 8 hours for BST and 15 hours for Hong Kong Time Visitor Number: Each visit has unique number that increases as visitors deemed unique arrive. Pages Visited: maryvale.academia.edu/CF = Profile CF.academia.edu = Website CF.academia.edu/Research = Website (page with papers) www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA = MuralGaga Referral Site: www.google.co.uk = Google search etc. t.co/H9PXfXkmgn = Tweet (containing that shortened URL code visible when one inspects source) m.facebook.com = Facebook message https://www.academia.edu = Academia site etc. Location: Town and Country if known. 4 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Principles of Analysis Because MuralGaga viewers would not ordinarily be already familiar with my academic site they would need to be notified of the work either by my #MuralGaga tweets (mentioning key players) or by a particular person, most likely, 1111. The methods of communication could include Facebook posts as well. Following a link “lands” one in a distinctive page: a tweet to the profile; a Facebook post to the website (say). Having arrived in the academic pages one can then move around. Obviously, one cannot move from page to page within the site unless one has already arrived, and so the page previously visited must be the referral of the subsequent visit. This may provide a clue to a continuity of identity despite different visitor numbers. Sometimes, moreover, contiguous visits (those close in space and time) indicate continuity of identity. Or some visitors, even, may volunteer information (whether true or false) that suggest identity or difference. In the next section I shall provide a running commentary from Wednesday night when MuralGaga was discovered that applies these principles. Lightly Edited CSV File from July 18th to July 25th with Commentary Jul 18 16:15:50, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK Jul 18 16:18:20, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK Jul 18 16:18:28, 1111, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Watford, UK Jul 18 16:25:03, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford, UK Jul 18 16:25:33, 1111, http://CF.academia.edu/research,, ””, ””, Watford, UK 1111 (Watford) finds my profile by a Google search, visits again, and when on the site finds my website with papers. In UK it is nearly half past midnight, technically Thursday 19th (BST). Jul 18 16:27:14,450, http://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””, London, UK Jul 18 16:28:27, 1112, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://t.co/H9PXfXkmgn,””,””,London,UK Jul 18 16:28:48, 1112, https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA, http://5maryvale.academia.edu/CF, “”,””, London, UK Jul 18 16:29:04, 1112, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://t.co/H9PXfXkmgn,””,””,London,UK Jul 18 16:32:45, 1112, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga?source=work, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, “”,””, London, UK We assume that 450 is not a distinct identity but a means of access, for example, a Facebook group. 450 (London) visits the papers on the website directly. 1112 is notified by a tweet and visits the profile and from there searches and finds MuralGaga, and then repeats. Jul 18 16:33:54, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/ CF,,””,””, Watford, UK Jul 18 16:33:56, 1112, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://t.co/H9PXfXkmgn,””,””,London,UK Jul 18 16:38:15, 1111, http://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””, Watford, UK Jul 18 16:38:43, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,,””,””, Watford, UK 1111 revisits the profile, as does 1112, and then 1111 pays two more visits. Jul 18 16:50:32, 1113, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.academia.edu/,””,””,London,UK Jul 18 17:04:45, 1113, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.academia.edu/,””,””,London,UK Jul 18 17:06:03, 1113, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga?source=work, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, “”,””, London, UK Jul 18 17:17:17, 1113, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga, https://www.academia.edu/Documents/in/MuralGaga, “”,””, London, UK Jul 18 17:17:33, 1113, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga, https://www.academia.edu/Documents/in/MuralGaga, “”,””,London, UK Jul 18 17:18:07, 1113, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,,””,””, London, UK 1113 visits the profile from the academic site, and so we can infer that 1113 just is 1112 (London). As before 1112/1113 goes on to visit MuralGaga. 5 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Jul 18 18:02:06, 450, http://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””, London, UK Jul 18 18:02:54, 450, http://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””, London, UK 450 (London) pays two more visits to the papers on the website. It is past 2am. Jul 18 18:04:46, 1114, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://t.co/H9PXfXkmgn?amp=1,””,””,London,UK 1114 now visits the profile as 1112 had done from the same tweet, so perhaps 1114=1112. However, only 1114 has the associated metric “amp=1,” an “accelerated mobile page”? Suggesting that 1114 accessed the link via something like a phone? So maybe this suggests nonidentity? (We are unsure about this). We have omitted 1115 who visits an academic piece from America. Jul 18 20:11:48, 1116, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://t.co/H9PXfXkmgn,””,””,Central District, Hong Kong Jul 18 20:13:44, 1116, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF/CurriculumVitae, http://6maryvale.academia.edu/CF,””,””, Central District, Hong Kong Jul 18 20:16:33, 1116, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF/Mentions, http://6maryvale.academia.edu/CF,””,””, Central District, Hong Kong Jul 18 20:16:55, 1116, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Central District, Hong Kong Jul 18 20:18:37, 450, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Central District, Hong Kong Jul 18 20:20:49, 450, http://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””, Central District, Hong Kong Jul 18 20:24:50, 450, https://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””,, France Jul 18 21:11:08, 1116, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga, http://www.academia.edu/,””,””,Central District, Hong Kong 1116 now behaves like 1112 in that he or she visits the profile from a text but goes on to look at my CV and Mentions and Website. It is 11.11am in Hong Kong, four hours after the tweet was sent. Note. 1116 does not identify as a Liverpool Hope department member. 450 (Hong Kong) does not seem independent of 1116, and visits the website and then papers on the website. Similarly, 450 (France) visits the website, and 1116 views MuralGaga. Jul 18 21:11:48, 1117, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga,,””,””,, Jul 18 21:19:29, 1118, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga, https://www.academia.edu/login?post_login_redirect_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.academia.edu%2Fs%2Fb29d2865d2%2Fmur algaga,””,””,, Jul 18 21:20:09, 1118, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga, “”,””,, Jul 18 21:20:23, 1118, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga,,””,””,, Jul 18 21:29:41, 1118, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga,””,””,, Jul 18 21:34:19, 1118, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF/Mentions, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF/Papers,””,””,, 1117 visits MuralGaga, but no information is given about how or where. 1118 is perhaps 1117 logging in again. Note. 1118 identifies as a Liverpool Hope department member. Like 1116 1117/1118 views the Mentions but unlike 1116 1117/1118 does not visit the website. Jul 18 21:41:39, 1116, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.com/,,,Central District, Hong Kong 1116 finds the profile via a Google search. Jul 18 21:43:13, 450, http://CF.academia.edu/research, ,””,””, Hvidovre, Denmark 450 (Hvidovre) visits the papers on the website early in the morning. Jul 18 22:13:24, 1116, http://www.academia.edu/32765780/CREDIBILITY_AND_VALUE, https://www.google.com/,,,Central District, Hong Kong Jul 18 22:13:52, 1119, https://www.academia.edu/32765780/CREDIBILITY_AND_VALUE,, “”,””,, Jul 18 22:15:58, 1120, https://www.academia.edu/32765780/CREDIBILITY_AND_VALUE?auto=download, https://www.academia.edu/login?post_login_redirect_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.academia.edu%2F32765780%2FCREDIBILITY _AND_VALUE %3Fauto%3Ddownload,””,””,, 6 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 1116 now views my doctorate (“Credibility and Value”) as does 1119 and 1120. Probably these represent breaks in continuity of 1116 and this adds weight to the idea that 1119/1120 = 1116 = 1117/1118. Note, at 22:15 1120 identifies as a Liverpool Hope department member (logging in again?). Jul 18 22:18:55, 1111, http://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””, Watford, UK Jul 18 22:26:31, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,,””,””, Watford, UK Jul 19 00:07:36, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK Jul 19 00:07:44, 1121, https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA, http://7maryvale.academia.edu/CF, “”,””, Watford, UK Jul 19 00:08:40, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””, Watford, UK Jul 19 00:34:59, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK Jul 19 00:35:08, 1121, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga? Source=work, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, “”,””, Watford, UK Jul 19 00:36:02, 1121, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga? Source=work, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, “”,””, Watford, UK Jul 19 00:36:06, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK Jul 19 00:36:18, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Watford, UK At 6.18 1111 is up early Thursday morning in Watford and views papers on the website and profile, and most likely is joined by 1121 usually based in Berkhamsted just after breakfast. Together (?) they search for my profile, view MuralGaga, and see the papers on the website, and MuralGaga again in various ways. Jul 19 07:25:21, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 19 07:25:56, 1121, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga?source=work, http://7maryvale.academia.edu/CF/Drafts,””,””, Berkhamsted, UK Jul 19 07:27:42, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 19 07:28:29, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF/Mentions, http://7maryvale.academia.edu/CF,””,””, Berkhamsted, UK Jul 19 07:28:42, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 19 07:28:53, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Berkhamsted, UK 1121 now returns to Berkhamsted and that afternoon searches for profile, moves to MuralGaga, later the Mentions, and also the website. Jul 19 10:20:52, 1122, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.facebook.com/,””,””,London, UK Jul 19 10:22:53, 1122, https://www.academia.edu/s/b29d2865d2/muralgaga?source=work, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,””,””,London, UK Jul 19 10:23:16, 1122, http://CF.academia.edu/research,, ””,””,London, UK In London that evening 1122 views the profile via a link from Facebook. 1122 is perhaps 450 (London), for although the website is not immediately viewed, it is shortly, and then papers. At any rate, there is a link on Facebook. Jul 19 10:30:56, 450, http://CF.academia.edu/research,, ””,””,,UK 450 (UK) views the papers on the website. Jul 19 11:20:53, 1114, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://t.co/H9PXfXkmgn?amp=1,””,””,,UK 1114 views the profile via the text sent to 1112 and 1116. Jul 19 13:45:28, 1123, https://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””, Winlaton, UK Jul 19 13:45:30, 1123, https://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””, Winlaton, UK 1123 immediately views the papers on the website, so presumably 1123=450 (UK) and is based in Winlaton. Jul 19 16:21:32, 450, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, http://m.facebook.com,””,””,Menlo Park, USA Menlo Park is the main campus of Facebook and we suppose that this visit is for admin purposes. 7 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Jul 19 17:59:32, 1124, https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA, https://www.academia.edu/,””,””,Mexico, Mexico Perhaps 1124 is unrelated to 1111 etc., finding MuralGaga through an Academia search. Jul 19 21:07:12, 1125, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.com.hk/,,,Central District, Hong Kong Jul 19 21:07:3, 1126, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,,””,””, Central District, Hong Kong Jul 19 21:07:55, 1125, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Central District, Hong Kong Jul 19 21:10:00, 450, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Central District, Hong Kong Jul 19 21:18:50, 1125, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.com.hk/,,,Central District, Hong Kong Jul 19 21:44:44, 1127, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,,””,””, Central District, Hong Kong Jul 19 21:44:57, 1127, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Central District, Hong Kong These visits from Hong Kong have similarities with 1116. 1125 finds the profile via Google, accesses it, moves to the website, repeats the Google search. Perhaps he or she is showing another visitor what to do. In the above 1125 (only) identifies as a Liverpool Hope department member. Jul 20 01:56:31, 1121, http:// maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 20 01:56:39, 1121, http:// maryvale.academia.edu/CF/CurriculumVitae, http://8maryvale.academia.edu/CF, “”,””, Berkhamsted, UK Jul 20 01:56:49, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 20 01:56:54, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Berkhamsted, UK Friday Morning, and 1121 searches, accessed profile, then CV, and finally website. Jul 20 02:45:13, 450, http://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””,, UK One hour later, the papers on the website is viewed via the “Facebook” Group, possibly by 1121 who carries on in the afternoon. Jul 20 05:00:57, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,,””,””, Berkhamsted, UK Jul 20 05:07:32, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 20 05:13:02, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Berkhamsted, UK Jul 20 07:25:04, 1121, http:// maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK That afternoon 1121 visits profile, searches for website, and views profile. The personal message “Oh For Goodness Sake, Ben” is placed on the site. Jul 20 16:20:53, 1130, https://www.academia.edu/37088985/Oh_for_goodness_sake_Ben,androidapp://com.google.android.gm,””,””,Scarborough,Canada Jul 20 16:47:24, 1004, https://www.academia.edu/37088985/Oh_for_goodness_sake_Ben,,””,””,Franklin Square, USA Jul 21 01:30:00, 1131, https://www.academia.edu/37088985/Oh_for_goodness_sake_Ben,,””,””,,Australia Jul 21 01:30:02, 1132, https://www.academia.edu/37088985/Oh_for_goodness_sake_Ben,,””,””,,Australia Jul 21 01:30:14, 1106, https://www.academia.edu/37088985/Oh_for_goodness_sake_Ben,,””,””,Melbourne,Australia Jul 21 03:09:26, 1135, https://www.academia.edu/37088985/Oh_for_goodness_sake_Ben, http://webmailtin.pc.tim.it/cp/ps/mail/Slcommands/SLEmailBody?l=it,””,””,Conegliano,Italy Jul 21 10:13:04, 1013, https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA,,””,””,Arlington,USA These views may be unrelated to 1111. Jul 21 12:00:52, 1137, https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA, https://www.academia.edu/,””,””,,Ireland Jul 21 12:02:39, 1137, https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA, https://www.academia.edu/,””,””,,Ireland This view from Ireland may also be unrelated to 1111 given that access is via Academia. Jul 21 12:03:24, 1138, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,,””,””,, 8 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Jul 21 12:04:06, 1138, https://www.academia.edu/37088985/Oh_for_goodness_sake_Ben, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, “”,””,, France Jul 21 12:08:02, 450, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Pekin, USA Jul 21 12:10:24, 1138, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,,””,””, Chisinau, Moldova Jul 21 12:10:52, 1138, https://CF.academia.edu/, https://9maryvale.academia.edu/CF,””,””, Chisinau, Moldova Jul 21 12:10:58, 1138, https://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Chisinau, Moldova Jul 21 12:11:21, 1138, https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,””,””,Chisinau, Moldova Jul 21 12:12:38, 1138, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,,””,””,, Germany Jul 21 12:14:45, 1138, https://CF.academia.edu/, https://9maryvale.academia.edu/CF,””,””,, Slovakia Jul 21 12:14:50, 1138, https://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,,Slovakia This sequence of 1138s may be another version of the group associated with the 450s given that we see visits from multiple locations (France, Moldova, Germany, and Slovakia) and that Moldova and Slovakia visit the website. We also see a 450 website view from Pekin, Illinois (?). Jul 21 14:16:25, 1135, https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA, http://webmailtin.pc.tim.it/cp/ps/mail/Slcommands/SLEmailBody?l=it, “”,””, Conegliano, Italy Perhaps visit 1135 is unrelated to 1111. Jul 21 14:41:39, 450, http://CF.academia.edu/research, ,””,””,Farnborough, UK Another visit to the papers on the website via 450, this time from Farnborough. Jul 22 04:03:44, 1139, https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA? Amp=&auto=download&campaign=weekly_digest,, ””,””,,USA MuralGaga is downloaded from USA. Jul 23 02:07:35, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Berkhamsted, UK Jul 23 02:09:50, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 23 02:11:51, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Berkhamsted, UK Jul 23 04:53:46, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 23 06:35:23, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Berkhamsted, UK Jul 23 08:34:48, 1121, http://www.academia.edu/37088985/Oh_for_goodness_sake_Ben, https://www.google.co.uk/,,, Berkhamsted, UK Before and after lunch on Monday sees six visits from 1121 to website and profile and the letter written to Ben. Jul 23 11:55:12, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK Jul 23 14:14:30, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/ CF,,””,””, Watford, UK Jul 23 23:07:01, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK Jul 24 02:28:01, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK 1111 makes four visits to the profile on Monday evening and one Tuesday morning. Jul 24 05:30:46, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 24 05:32:27, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 24 05:32:55, 1140, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,,””,””, Berkhamsted, UK Jul 24 05:33:27, 1121, http://www.academia.edu/37088985/Oh_for_goodness_sake_Ben,,””,””,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 24 05:34:02, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””, Berkhamsted, UK 9 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 We see five visits from Berkhamsted which may all be from 1121, although 1121 may be sharing with 1140. Jul 24 05:34:22, 450, http://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””, Berkhamsted, UK Now Berkhamsted is viewing from the “Facebook” group. Jul 24 05:59:44, 1141, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.de/,,,Stuttgart,Germany Jul 24 05:59:48, 1141, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.de/,,,Stuttgart,Germany Jul 24 05:59:49, 1141, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.de/,,,Stuttgart,Germany Jul 24 05:59:51, 1141, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.de/,,,Stuttgart,Germany Jul 24 05:59:53, 1141, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.de/,,,Stuttgart,Germany Jul 24 05:59:54, 1141, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.de/,,,Stuttgart,Germany Jul 24 05:59:57, 1141, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.de/,,,Stuttgart,Germany Jul 24 05:59:57, 1141, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.de/,,,Stuttgart,Germany Jul 24 05:59:59, 1141, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.de/,,,Stuttgart,Germany We see nine profile visits from Stuttgart after a Google search. Jul 24 08:07:30, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 24 09:11:48, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 24 09:12:06, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Berkhamsted, UK Jul 24 09:12:28, 1121, http://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, “”,””, Berkhamsted, UK Jul 24 09:12:44, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 24 09:23:00, 1121, http://www.academia.edu/36465709/Durham_talk.pdf, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 24 09:44:34, 1121, http:// maryvale.academia.edu/CF, http://www.academia.edu/Documents/in/Peter_Geach, “”,””, Berkhamsted, UK 1121 visits profile and website and then Durham talk (as recommended in the letter I sent Ben!) Tuesday afternoon. Jul 24 11:33:13, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,,UK Jul 24 23:55:50, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Watford, UK Jul 24 23:56:11, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK That evening and early Wednesday morning 1111 visits profile and website. Jul 25 00:03:06, 1121, http://www.academia.edu/37088985/ Oh_for_goodness_sake_Ben, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, “”,””, Watford, UK Jul 25 02:16:50, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 25 02:16:54, 1121, http://www.academia.edu/37088985/Oh_for_goodness_sake_Ben, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,””,””,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 25 03:33:10, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 25 04:41:06, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Berkhamsted, UK Jul 25 05:07:48, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Berkhamsted, UK Jul 25 06:09:57, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK Jul 25 08:03:19, 1121, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK On Wednesday 1121 visits the profile, letter, and website. Jul 25 09:54:24, 1143, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.com/,,,Dublin,Ireland 10 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Jul 25 09:56:47, 1143, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.com/,,,Dublin,Ireland Another search from Ireland which may or may not be related (see below). Jul 25 11:39:37, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK Jul 25 11:42:41, 450, http://CF.academia.edu/research,,””,””,, UK Jul 25 13:10:54, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK Wednesday evening sees two profile visits from 1111 and a website visit from UK (on the “research” page). Jul 26 02:19:46, 1143, https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA,,””,””,,UK 1143 has travelled (back?) to UK. Jul 26 02:23:01, 1121, http://CF.academia.edu/,,””,””,Berkhamsted, UK 1121 visits website Thursday morning. Jul 26 04:36:33, 1145, https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA, https://11skwawkbox.org/2018/07/26/exclusivesecond-mp-lodges-complaint-v-austin-over-two-separate-incidents/,””,””, Leeds, UK First view of MuralGaga via Skwawkbox around noon. Common Features     Generally, visits to the website are rare, but in this week, and from “450,” it is extremely common 450 visits are from multiple locations as is 1138, and are often to the website On six occasions referral is via a tweet to the profile The regular visitors are 1111 (Watford) and 1121 (Berkhamsted). The remaining parties lie hidden, for the most part, in the shadows. Distinguishing Identities An analysis of the CSV file affords some idea of the distinct identities of the visitors and their communication. We think the following are merged or distinct as follows:                1111 = Watford, UK 450 (London)/1122 = London, UK 1112/1113 = London, UK 1114 = London, UK (possibly = 1112) 1116/450 (Hong Kong)/1117/1119/1126/1127 = Central District, Hong Kong 1118/1120/1125 = Hong Kong (possibly = 1116) 1121/1140 = Berkhamsted, UK 450 (UK)/1123 = Winlaton, UK 1138 (France) = France 450 (Pekin) = Pekin, USA 1138 (Chisinau) = Chisinau, Moldova 1138 (Germany) = Germany 1141 = Stuttgart, Germany 1138 (Slovakia) = Slovakia 450 (Farnborough) = Farnborough, UK That is, a group of a dozen interested parties have been appraised by the two regular visitors (1111 and 1121). Summary and Conclusions My reading of the reception of MuralGaga in the first week is as follows. 1111 from Watford takes precedence, discovering the site, tweeting to 2 or 3 others (in London and Hong Kong), notifying a “Facebook” group of around 12 members at least, and meeting up with 1121 who together agree to monitor the situation (1121 from Berkhamsted). Hong Kong (who accesses via tweet and Facebook) seems especially interested in that he or she (or they) view the profile, website, paper, mentions, doctoral thesis and CV. The early visitors do not appear to revisit, perhaps being updated via their Facebook group. As argued below we are not of the opinion that it is difficult to guess the identities of 1111 and 1121, for our study of MuralGaga identified the proximate instruments involved in capturing, storing, releasing, and interpreting images that would incriminate Jeremy Corbyn of antisemitism. However, the “support group” is another matter. For example, we have found no clue as to the early tweet that was read in Hong Kong and London. Still, this absence of discovery is itself a discovery, a fact that will be exploited later on. 11 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Part 2 The Reception of MuralGaga on July 26th and 27th In the second part I explore some of the visits referred to MuralGaga via tweets just after views spiked around July 26th and 27th. The CSV file indicates that a large percentage of views resulted from just a few channels, in particular, select tweets only some of which are accessible. Nevertheless, it is possible to make some sense of what is going on, and of whether the groups responding to particular tweets might be judged as friendly or unfriendly to the thesis of MuralGaga. Context for Tweets of July 26th and 27th On 26th July MuralGaga received a plug in Skwawkbox around noon, which led to over 100 hits in the next few hours, and this interest was sustained by a few influential tweets so that before I had even tweeted a link on 28th July the essay had received nearly 1,000 hits (67% from tweets). The CSV file indicates many repeats of the compressed URL code that Twitter uses. For example, “https://t.co/c3rnXLnVaT?amp=1” with or without the “amp” value scored 102, 93 times prior to July 28th. In fact, just 5 tweets were responsible for 90% of these views. Whilst in general it may be presumed that those sympathetic to Skwawkbox would be sympathetic to MuralGaga, those referred by tweets sometimes viewed from hostile sources, indeed, such tweets appear to be in reaction to the success that was noted in Skwawkbox. Again, referrals from Facebook related sites (including messaging services) were responsible for around 80 visits in these two days. Quite possibly these “Corbyn FB Groups” (as @noose27 will refer to them in an early tweet discussed below) were “friendly.” The spike may be visualised in this graph for July of MuralGaga engagement: Principles of Analysis Tweets may carry a link that connects to a site, and excepting the case where someone cuts and pastes that link into many tweets (as I was wont to do later on) the link will be associated with the tweet. Given any tweet a right click affords the option of “inspecting source,” and when that source is scanned for the link (typically after the message in the tweet) one can observes a ten digit compressed URL code after the “t.co” that may also appear in the CSV file as the reference. So, one can always tell whether any given tweet yielded hits, and how many etc. In the period in question such tweets may be searched for, either by using the search term “MuralGaga” or by searching for a URL containing that word (using the prefix “URL:”). At times searching for that ten digit code will yield results if the tweet happens to have been cached. However, while the influence of any given tweet may be determined, it will not always be possible to ascertain the identity of an influential tweet: it may be protected or deleted. For example, I have not been able to uncover the tweet on the night of discovery, presumably from 1111. Otherwise, however, I presume, tweets are recoverable. Of course, if the CSV file indicates a referral via a tweet, the sender of the tweet must also have visited (or someone else before that) in order to cut and paste the link when creating the tweet. We should note, however, that problems arise when extending this methodology beyond the time when I began to tweet. Obviously, these were public, and intentionally so. But it could happen that someone monitoring my tweets accessed a new work via the link I created, and being on my site, cut and pasted the link through which he or she was viewing and then pasted this link (which in fact was the very same as my public link) and used it to send out tweets to a private group. Then, members of that group might access my work, indirectly through the link I provided. I suspect that this explains why later on we see those who are probably members of private groups accessing via public tweets. A case in point, perhaps, is the MuralGaga link L5onUEGqV6 which is viewed first on July 31st going on to yield 12 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 409 hits. But 112 of these (27%) result from a 4 day burst starting in the afternoon of September 14th and after that date 10 from Watford, 6 from Berkhamsted, and even a recent stray hit from Hong Kong. Matching CSV entries with Corresponding Tweets I shall now run through a dozen early tweets, in chronological order, presenting its first appearance, and then recording its influence, and where possible, establishing the corresponding tweet. In both instances I shall work in BST (in hours and minutes but not seconds). Jul 26 18:21, 1225, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/c3rnXLnVaT?amp=1,"","", Bristol, UK This URL was responsible for 102 hits, but I was unable to locate the corresponding tweet. Jul 26 18.52, 1394, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/c3rnXLFwzt?amp=1,"","",,UK This URL was responsible for 11 hits, but I was unable to locate the corresponding tweet. Jul 26 19:18, 1257, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/Ncci6cdNEe,"","",Southampton,UK This URL was responsible for 64 hits, and corresponds to: https://twitter.com/Noose27/status/1022540867091886080 (on July 26 at what must be 18.55am). Jul 26 19:48, 1257, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/p7oXXJZgDg,"","",Southampton,UK This URL was responsible for 1 hit, but I was unable to locate the corresponding tweet. Jul 27 00:04, 1271, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/TEMirLdvJP?amp=1,"","",,UK This URL was responsible for 94 hits, but I was unable to locate the corresponding tweet. Jul 27 02:49, 1383, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/XH7JWMSwyB,"","",Saint Paul, USA This URL was responsible for 5 hits, but I was unable to locate the corresponding tweet. Jul 27 15:06, 1474, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/L5zrhxyyhA?amp=1,"","",London,UK This URL was responsible for 7 hits, but I was unable to establish the corresponding tweet. Jul 27 15:23, 1474, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/2thomM9mfp?amp=1,"","",London,UK This URL was responsible for 20 hits, but I was unable to locate the corresponding tweet. Jul 27 16:00, 1478, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/Frone3w9Yy,"","",Stow On The Wold, UK This URL was responsible for 7 hits, but I was unable to locate the corresponding tweet. Jul 27 16:24, 1502, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/93dWSrOgT4?amp=1,"","",,UK This URL was responsible for 1 hit, but I was unable to locate the corresponding tweet. Jul 27 16:26, 1503, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/DYtQj5Qb7D,"","",London,UK This URL was responsible for 291 hits, and corresponds to: https://twitter.com/JimmySecUK/status/1022872239203655680 (on Jul 27 16:52). Jul 27 17:13, 1540 MURALGAGA, https://t.co/np1DYpw4ju,"","", London, UK This URL was responsible for 146 hits, and corresponds to: https://twitter.com/twlldun/status/1022877632361324545 (on Jul 27 17.13). Jul 27 19:15, 1799, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/2b6BaHDdr1?amp=1,””,””,Coventry,UK This URL was responsible for 2 hits, but I was unable to locate the corresponding tweet. Jul 27 21.35, 1905, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/YK0zjHmWPD,"","",Watford,UK This URL was responsible for 3 hits, but I was unable to locate the corresponding tweet. Jul 28 09.35, 2024, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/jrMEQOAQQ9?amp=1,"","",,UK This URL was responsible for 23 hits, but I was unable to locate the corresponding tweet. Jul 28 10.41, 2039, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/txCXZVUFVE?amp=1,"","",,UK This URL was responsible for 2 hits, but I was unable to locate the corresponding tweet. 13 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 From the above we have located three influential tweets, and identified two that we have been unable to locate. In fact, all the other early links (not mentioned here) to MuralGaga proved futile. We can now examine these tweets for further clues. Negative Reactions from Influential Tweets A first tweet at 18.55 July 26th from @Noose27 is addressed to @GillianLazarus. “Any idea what this is about, its doing the rounds I’m instructed on the Corbyn FB Groups - noticed you were mentioned, so could you give an early warning to the others: (followed by link).” Lazarus replies: “Chris Friel was robbed if he doesn’t get a PhD for this. The title I’d suggest for his thesis is ‘Somebody with a Grudge against Clare Q has a Breakdown on the Internet.’” @Noose27 returns: “I thought it was a Novel when the original PDF file arrived via email - however, certainly did not understand all the IT babble he was going on about – I’m too long in the tooth for that I’m afraid. Hard enough posting on Twitter occasionally, never mind anything else!!!”2 @GillianLazarus may have already seen MuralGaga having received notification via a tweet from @ChrisFriel7 on July 17th and had tweeted with @GnasherJew about me that evening.3 On the assumption that she duly visited after receiving @Noose27’s tweet, and was the first to do so, and that this was before she replied to @Noose27 at 19.26, then it follows that @GillianLazarus must be visitor 1257 from Southampton. This visitor was the sole clicker on the p7oXXJZgDg link (see above), and we observe a Southampton viewer even earlier, namely, 1237 at 18.48, via c3rnXLnVaT. Another public tweet the next day at 15.37 BST July 27th from @JimmySecUK makes a point of ridiculing the essay: “Some Corbyn supporter has written a 60-page (!!!) thesis about ‘Mural Gate’ that concludes @TwllDun, @Make_Trouble, and @NickCohen4 (amongst others) were part of an elaborate conspiracy to defame Jeremy Corbyn. Absolutely and truly unhinged.”4 The link is supplied in a further tweet at 16.52. The screenshot of MuralGaga displays 435 hits at around 14.58 BST (half an hour before @JimmySecUK’s tweet). Here is the relevant section of (the original) CSV for visit 435: Presumably, @JimmySecUK was notified by a private tweet (the Skwawkbox spike having ended). Obviously, @JimmySecUK is holding forth to a hostile audience, in fact, @TwllDun and @NickCohen4 are among the contributors. The context here seems to be an awareness of an incipient positive reaction (@JimmySecUK also liked @GillianLazarus’ reply) and, given @TwllDun’s attempt at refuting my work (in a tweet mentioning @ChrisFriel7 that evening), an intention to forestall that influence. @TwllDun himself retweets later at 17.13, adding: “Whilst I’m pleased to have hit the big time as finally being part of an actual conspiracy theory, I’m annoyed that I’m not the evil mastermind at the centre of it (especially as I wrote the first fucking piece). For shame. Rectify this, tinfoil bros.”5 Later, a careful thread will be constructed volunteering his account of how he came across Corbyn’s mural comment which will be discussed below. Presumably those linking to MuralGaga via these tweets shared the antipathy of @GillianLazarus, @JimmySecUK, and @TwllDun, and had no desire to foster its influence. Similarly, it seems plausible that the two other influential links were hostile – for if the Corbyn camp were now openly plugging the work, why (as seems likely) would such tweets be protected? Thus the groups corresponding to c3rnXLnVaT and TEMirLdvJP are most likely displeased with my findings. One corroborating factor here is from visitor 1343 at 21.13 BST, Jul 26: Jul 26 13:13:30, 1343, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/TEMirLdvJP,"","", Altrincham, UK This visitor seems to be @Hughster, someone who took a close interest in the MuralGaga Writings, doubtless because he or she was concerned as to whether or not I had ascertained his or her role in the plot – which I had not done until studying the reception of MuralGaga. Again, @Hughster will be discussed below. Principles of Analysis Although several tweets were obviously private they are nonetheless amenable to analysis in that those who access via the link carried by the tweet tend to form groups (as can be seen when the locations for any given referral are listed alphabetically and compared with those for a different referral). An insight into the similarities and differences between slightly overlapping groups may be obtained insofar as these are interrogated in the light of the location of the visitors from the first week (see page 11). Common Recipients of Less-Influential Tweets 2 https://twitter.com/Noose27/status/1022540867091886080 https://twitter.com/Noose27/status/1022540867091886080 https://twitter.com/GillianLazarus/status/1019237563461177345 4 https://twitter.com/JimmySecUK/status/1022853520771432449 5 https://twitter.com/twlldun/status/1022877632361324545 3 14 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Despite not being able to trace a dozen tweets that led to early views, it is unlikely that these were sent to disjoint groups. Rather, it seems likely that the groups had members in common. This cannot be proved absolutely, but the following facts can be observed:         c3rnXLFwzt shares six digits with c3rnXLnVaT and perhaps both URLs were formed at around the same time c3rnXLFwzt was viewed by 1395 (Ilford) and 2thomM9mfp by 1501 (Ilford) and np1DYpw4ju by 1547 (Ilford) and DYtQj5Qb7D by 1557 (Ilford) 2thomM9mfp was viewed by 1481/1507 (Cardiff) and DYtQj5Qb7D by 1646/1680/1740/1759/1918 (Cardiff) and np1DYpw4ju by 1890 (Cardiff) 2thomM9mfp was viewed by 1476 (Stow on the Wold) and Frone3w9Yy by 1478 (Stow) and DYtQj5Qb7D by 1478 (Stow) np1DYpw4ju was viewed by 1555 (Lincoln) and TEMirLdvJP by 2042 (Lincoln) TEMirLdvJP was viewed by 2044 (Enfield) and Ncci6cdNEe by 1297 (Enfield) TEMirLdvJP was viewed by 1282 (Stoke on Trent) and 2thomM9mfp by 1482 (Stoke) and DYtQj5Qb7D by 1601/1941 (Stoke) c3rnXLnVaT was viewed by 1237 (Southampton) and Ncci6cdNEe by 1257 and 1262 (Southampton). 1257 was the sole viewer of p7oXXJZgDg. It seems fairly likely that the following are identical (or at least, not independent):        1395=1501=1547=1557 1481=1507=1646=1680=1740=759=1918=1890 1476=1478 1555=2042 2044=1297 1282=1482=1601=1941 1237=1257=1262 Supposing the above, it follows that the following groups are related:        c3rnXLnVaT and c3rnXLFwzt c3rnXLFwzt and 2thomM9mfp and np1DYpw4ju and DYtQj5Qb7D 2thomM9mfp and DYtQj5Qb7D and np1DYpw4ju TEMirLdvJP and Ncci6cdNEe TEMirLdvJP and np1DYpw4ju 2thomM9mfp and TEMirLdvJP and DYtQj5Qb7D c3rnXLnVaT and Ncci6cdNEe and p7oXXJZgDg Once again, as with the “more influential tweet groups,” it would seem that the “less influential” (and private) are “unfriendly” to the conclusions of MuralGaga, and are probably interdependent. It is even possible that the tweets were all sent to the same group, but on inspection we observe that, excepting the frequent locations “London” and “UK,” only a minority of locations seem to visit via more than one tweet. Although the evidence is not shown, this becomes clear when the locations for distinct tweets are listed alphabetically. Here it is possible to review the “inner ring” of the first week (above, page 11) and to observe visits from:             Watford via c3rnXLnVaT and np1DYpw4ju Hong Kong via c3rnXLnVaT “Berkhamwest” via TEMirLdvJP Gateshead (near Winlaton) via TEMirLdvJP and c3rnXLnVaT and DYtQj5Qb7D France via Ncci6cdNEe (Toulouse) and TEMirLdvJP and DYtQj5Qb7D and np1DYpw4ju Denmark via Ncci6cdNEe and TEMirLdvJP and DYtQj5Qb7D Romania (bordering Moldova) via c3rnXLnVaT Germany via Ncci6cdNEe and DYtQj5Qb7D and c3rnXLnVaT and np1DYpw4ju Camberley (near Farnborough) via c3rnXLnVaT Bloomfield Hills (Illinois? Michigan?) via TEMirLdvJP Ireland via TEMirLdvJP and c3rnXLnVaT and DYtQj5Qb7D and 2thomM9mfp and np1DYpw4ju Israel via TEMirLdvJP and c3rnXLnVaT and DYtQj5Qb7D. Summary and Conclusions In the first part we traced the reaction to the tweeting of MuralGaga, a reaction that presumably was one of alarm. We identified but did not locate a tweet sent most probably by 1111. In this second part we have noted the positive reaction (as we suppose) that was signalled by the Skwawkbox Spike (accompanied perhaps by the “Corbyn Facebook Groups”). This was around noon of July 26th, but that evening a second wave of alarm can be detected as MuralGaga is tweeted. As in the previous week, there are several invisible tweets, either deleted or protected. Nevertheless, there are many dependencies that indicate that the audience would most likely be hostile to the thesis of MuralGaga. Perhaps those contacted in the first week are key members of the private groups notified in the second week. A corroborating factor here is the identity of the particular persons involved about which we have some clues that will lead us to further discoveries. 15 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Part 3 The Reception of MuralGaga Visits from Watford and Berkhamsted From the time of its discovery two visitors have regularly viewed my academic site, usually from Watford and Berkhamsted. In this part we track their behaviour. For the student of MuralGaga their identities are easy to guess. Context for Subsequent Visits from Watford and Berkhamsted We have introduced 1111 from Watford as the early discoverer of MuralGaga. In fact, 1111 will go on to notch up many subsequent visits, manifesting a similar behaviour to 1121 who usually visits from Berkhamsted. Because I went on to write nearly 30 supplements to MuralGaga, this means that the pair dutifully worked through the corpus – though the identifying number changes from time to time. Thus we see that the pair do not always visit from the same place. Principles of Analysis We assume that the typical pattern established early on whereby visits take a particular interest in my profile and website is continued so that all the MuralGaga writings are covered. Although we see breaks in continuity in the visitor number (so that 1111 becomes 3839 and so on) we will not, as a rule, expect reversions, that is, reappearances of 1111 after 1111 has reincarnated into 3839 and so on. For illustration we will show a slice of the unedited CSV file (which we take to be a meeting between 1111 and 1121 on Thursday morning, in Watford). However, we will adapt the CSV file and show only the first and last visits for visitor number. After this, we will aggregate and tabulate the visits to indicate when particular papers were viewed. Visits based in Watford We begin be presenting again 1111’s first visit (at 15 minutes past midnight on what is now July 19th, BST): Jul 18 16:15:50, 1111, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK 1111 continues to view the site, even in Spain: Aug 15 13:20:28, 1111, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF, https://www.academia.edu/37238622/They_came_back, "","",, Spain The pattern is continued by 3839 beginning: Aug 18 01:36:32, 3839, https://www.academia.edu/s/c000a61c86/reason-and-conspiracy-theory, https://t.co/RJsgBiqN4p?amp=1,"","",,Spain 3839 continues to view the site from Watford: Aug 22 10:26:20, 3839, https://www.academia.edu/s/c094267b6f/the-strategists-smearing-corbyn-a-plea-forjournalism,https://t.co/SVJue2wYqT,"","",Watford,UK 3839 visits York: Sep 11 02:17:12,3839,https://www.academia.edu/37365397/The_Tweets_of_Nick_Cohen_Concerning_Jeremy_Corbyn, https://t.co/sbYADrcDbe?amp=1,"","",York,UK 3839 continues to Glasgow: Sep 11 04:31:07, 3839 https://www.academia.edu/37365397/The_Tweets_of_Nick_Cohen_Concerning_Jeremy_Corbyn, https://t.co/sbYADrcDbe?amp=1,"","", Glasgow, UK 3839 returns to Watford: Sep 11 15:33:08, 3839, https://www.academia.edu/37379708/Who_Let_the_Dogs_Out_-_MuralGaga, https://t.co/FNhJAQ5Y1w?amp=1,"","",Watford,UK 3839 continues to view from Watford: 16 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Sep 16 11:12:14, 3839, https://www.academia.edu/37275150/The_Strategists_Smearing_Corbyn_A_Plea_for_Journalism, https://t.co/dHsN06hlrR?amp=1,"","",Watford,UK The pattern is continued by Sep 19 06:14:29, 6373,https://www.academia.edu/37442104/Reason_and_Investigative_Journalism, https://t.co/MQVHFNIKke?amp=1, "","", Watford, UK The visits conclude here: Oct 16 11:27:09, 6373, https://www.academia.edu/37401358/Brick_Lane_Revisited, https://t.co/zuE0dTCWay?amp=1, "","", Watford, UK 1111 and 3839 and 6373 pay in total 56+39+35=130 visits. A table showing the papers viewed is presented here (Pacific Time): Paper Title Visited Oh For Goodness Sake Ben Amos of Tekoa Mis-attribution in the Jewish Chronicle They Came Back Reason and Conspiracy Theory The Strategists Smearing Corbyn: A Plea for Journalism The Locking of the Gates The Lamb in Millets Clothing MURALGAGA A Letter to the Chief Rabbi in the Octave After Easter On the Ohoran Deletion Argument The Tweets of Nick Cohen Concerning Jeremy Corbyn Who Let the Dogs Out - MuralGaga Brick Lane Revisited Reason and Investigative Journalism Fascism and Dual Loyalty One Hundred Days of MuralGaga Black and White and Red All Over Date and Time 2018-07-31 12:26:06 2018-08-01 13:58:31 2018-08-12 12:56:33 2018-08-15 13:20:08 2018-08-18 01:36:32 2018-08-22 10:26:20 2018-08-24 13:23:31 2018-09-16 11:12:14 2018-08-26 00:42:27 2018-08-27 00:10:10 2018-08-27 14:01:34 2018-09-19 09:53:12 2018-08-28 12:38:36 ID / Location 1111 Watford 1111 Watford 1111 Watford 1111 Spain 3839 Spain 3839 Watford 2018-09-06 11:14:26 2018-09-11 02:17:12 2018-09-11 04:31:07 2018-09-11 15:33:08 2018-09-13 12:31:57 2018-09-19 06:14:29 2018-09-20 11:13:38 2018-09-21 13:38:17 2018-09-22 01:14:14 2018-09-22 09:56:21 2018-09-22 14:16:18 2018-09-23 00:48:22 3839 Watford 3839 York 3839 Glasgow 3839 Watford 3839 Watford 6373 Watford 6373 Watford 6373 Watford 3839 Watford 3839 Watford 3839 Watford 6373 Watford 3839 UK 6373 Watford 6556 Watford Visits based in Berkhamsted Turning now to Berkhamsted we begin with 1121, repeating what we take to be a visit to Watford in the morning: Jul 19 00:07:36,1121,http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Watford,UK 1121 continues to view from Berkhamsted: Jul 19 07:25:21, 1121,http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,https://www.google.co.uk/,,,Berkhamsted,UK The views conclude here: Aug 13 09:55:35, 1121,http://CF.academia.edu/,,"","",Berkhamsted, UK The pattern is continued by 3914: Aug 22 05:22:05, 3914, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,,"","", Berkhamsted, UK The views conclude here: Sep 09 20 01:38:18, 3914,https://www.academia.edu/37379708/Blowback_for_the_Jewish_Community,,"","",Berkhamsted,UK The pattern is continued by 6596: Sep 24 04:13:59, 6596, http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,,"","", Berkhamsted, UK The views conclude here: Sep 26 06:35:48, 6596,http://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,, "","",Berkhamsted, UK 17 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 The pattern is continued by 6693: Sep 26 06:37:29, 6693, https://maryvale.academia.edu/CF,,"","", Berkhamsted, UK The views conclude here: Oct 15 05:56:07, 6693,https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA,https://t.co/L5onUEGqV6,"","",Berkhamsted,UK 1121 and 3914 and 6596 and 6693 pay in total 110+48+10+23=191 visits. A table showing the papers viewed is presented here, however, for reasons that will be explained later, the table also includes a Sunday view from a place we shall call “Berkhamwest.” Paper Title Visited Oh For Goodness Sake Ben ID / Location 1121 Berkhamsted 1121 Berkhamsted 1121 Watford 1121 Berkhamsted Durham Talk Has the Jewish Chronicle been Telling the Truth about Muralgate? Why I Wrote MuralGaga Date and Time 2018-07-23 08:34:48 2018-07-24 05:33:27 2018-07-25 00:03:06 2018-07-25 02:16:54 2018-08-01 03:49:49 2018-07-24 09:23:00 2018-08-01 09:23:30 2018-08-02 06:01:58 2018-08-06 06:25:31 Douglas Murray: Antisemitism and Self-deception 2018-08-07 05:34:03 1121 Berkhamsted Being Present and Being Involved: Berger or Corbyn? The Strategists Smearing Corbyn A Plea for Journalism Prophets: True and False Corbyn’s Cricket Test Response to Ken Ohara on the Composite Nature of an Incriminating Image 2018-08-13 09:55:14 1121 Berkhamsted 2018-08-23 08:09:18 3914 Berkhamsted 2018-08-29 05:35:20 2018-08-31 03:04:23 2018-09-04 08:20:51 2018-09-05 07:06:03 3914 Berkhamsted 3914 Berkhamsted 3914 Berkhamsted Counting to Comment 192 How Does Israel Do It? or We Help Them Actually 2018-09-06 02:09:55 2018-09-06 08:22:11 3914 Berkhamsted 3914 Berkhamsted On the Ohoran Deletion Argument Introduction to MuralGaga Writings The Tweets of Nick Cohen Concerning Jeremy Corbyn 2018-09-06 09:15:21 2018-09-07 09:14:31 2018-09-15 08:18:42 (Sunday) 2018-09-18 06:05:22 2018-09-20 01:38:18 2018-09-24 04:20:22 2018-09-24 04:20:54 3914 Berkhamsted 3914 Berkhamsted 6155 Berkhamwest Cohen and Susskind Living Together Blowback for the Jewish Community Counting to Comment 192 On the Ohoran Deletion Argument 1121 Berkhamsted 1121 Berkhamsted 1121 Berkhamsted 3914 Berkhamsted 3914 Berkhamsted 6596 Berkhamsted 6596 Berkhamsted Common Features     Watford and Berkhamsted are both regular and frequent visitors methodically following the corpus as it is being published The visitors have a common work pattern. Watford sometimes works late, but as a rule, Berkhamsted puts in office hours – though some exceptions (which can be explained) are to be noted While Watford sometimes travels (to Spain, Glasgow, and somewhere near York) Berkhamsted is more permanent, occasionally viewing from Watford and (at home) in “Berkhamwest” when necessary. Watford may be assumed to have a certain priority given that (he) made the initial discovery, alerted others (including 1121), and presumably meeting up with 1121 to discuss progress. Summary and Conclusions Our analysis so far permits a brief summary of what’s going on after I began tweeting MuralGaga. On the third day it became clear to the conspirators that they had been found out, and moreover, that the distinct name I created was also the name of a freely available essay I had placed on my academic site. Working late at night “Watford” (the 1111th visitor to my site) notified the other interested parties, about twelve of them. Perhaps a policy was created which was then implemented, namely, that “Watford” and “Berkhamsted” should monitor the situation. I had no idea then that I would continue to write a score of supplements, and obviously, neither did they. Still, that’s what I did and the pair faithfully worked their way through the “collected works.” It is tempting to think that the results of such donkey work was transmitted back to the masters who have left no further traces on the site, and perhaps it was they who authored, or set in motion, the various tweets notifying others of the Skwawkbox Spike just one week after I had begun tweeting. Nor would it be rash to guess the identities of Watford and Berkhamsted given the analysis of MuralGaga. 18 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Part 4 The Covert Reaction as Lens for the Overt Reaction We have presented and analysed private data on the reception of MuralGaga (and subsequent writings) detailing the sequence, repetition, means, and location whereby visitors have viewed our site: the “covert” reception, so to speak. This was in response to our decision to publish and to promote, indeed to tweet our long essay. However, as well as the covert reaction an overt reaction, obviously, is publically accessible for anyone who views the replies to those tweets or the tweets that mention the work. Now, the covert reaction can be used as a lens that helps make sense of that overt reaction. In this part we will look at the overt reaction in the first, second, and later weeks in the light of what the visiting data has revealed is significant. Significantly, this reaction will serve to vindicate the main conclusions of MuralGaga and develop the argument where it is incomplete, for example, by refocussing on those who seemed particularly concerned, and by implicating some of their contacts. Part 4 will conclude with a consideration of some individual cases. General Context for the Overt Reaction After it was published MuralGaga occasioned a definite but global interest, a concerted and methodical policy of monitoring, and communications apparently sent out in warning (given that an incipient, positive reaction was detected). An analysis of the visiting data indicates a reaction of consternation and alarm, and this analysis can help shed further light on (a) the early public tweets of the first week clearly trying to dissuade me from carrying on, (b) the slighting and abusive tweets of the second week which must be seen as a defence mechanism, and (c) the subsequent unfolding especially as, quite unexpectedly, the Labour antisemitism “scandals” went on and on throughout the summer. Context for the First Week MuralGaga was written and rewritten over a period from mid-April to mid-June, after which I attempted to (a) elicit responses to those concerned in case my facts needed correcting, (b) stimulate interest in the Press in what I believed a scoop, and (c) garner support from others who might be supportive. Generally, these efforts were unsuccessful, for example, the ex-MP who campaigned for the Birmingham Six, Chris Mullin, who had originally suspected a smear campaign but who subsequently apologised, wrote that although my conclusions might be accurate he was not going to get involved since the whole atmosphere was toxic and he had received too much hassle; the Independent had around three emails and two phone calls from me to which they did not reply; and a polite letter to Ruth Deech (a trustee of the CST) requesting claims regarding her daughter’s exaggeration was ignored. In view of @GnasherJew’s insinuation that I was “harassing Jews and their families” and even making death threats, this letter can be presented in full (though without my address): Friday 13 July Dear Sarah and Ruth, I find my train of thought completely distracted as I think of your beautiful names – “my people shall be your people” – from the Book of Ruth! How sad that my email will probably cause you distress. Certainly, can’t those sentiments from Ruth one day apply to Jews and Palestinians in Israel? I hope so! I think that what is needed is truth and reconciliation. Now, back to my email. I’m writing because I have been thinking a lot recently about the weaponising of accusations of antisemitism to undermine critics of Israel, most especially Jeremy Corbyn. In fact, he was being monitored from 2012, as my analysis shows. And so I wanted to get to the bottom of that. One thing that surprised me Sarah was your claim in November 2015 about the complainants to @jeremycorbyn. I would be grateful if you could elucidate. And generally, I would be extremely grateful if you could point out where I have gone wrong and why. Give me evidence and I shall change my mind. My document is long, but the first page has an abstract. Let’s hope that the reconciliation follows the truth! God bless, Chris Friel. Obviously, I would contest the claim that this letter to the Baroness constituted harassment. Reactions from the First Week In light of this failure to generate interest I decided to promote MuralGaga myself by putting the essay on my academic site on July 16th, tweeting an abbreviated version in 400 tweet from July 16th to 28th, and finally tweeting a link to that essay on the 28th. On the first day I announced the plan tweeting the contents page, so to speak; on the second day I announced what I called the dramatis personae, contacting those involved; and on the third day I went on to present substantial evidence, for example, regarding the date of capture of the “incriminating image” of Corbyn’s comment. In MuralGaga I had explained what can be called the functional relations in the manufacture of outrage between different parties. A pack of cards was the metaphor: spades for those digging in the press, clubs for the hawks, diamonds for the establishment, and hearts for the politicians who have won us over. Given that two comedians appeared in the story I also included two “jokers.” The neat conceit was a way of communicating what I understood as the gingering up process. It fitted quite well, and thus, wisely or not, I thereby informed those I was writing about by sending around 50 tweets to the Twitter handles using that playing card. Thus @GnasherJew received a Seven of 19 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Clubs, and @ShaiMasot the Ace, and so on. Within a couple of hours I was abused and slandered by @GnasherJew and others (including a pro-Israel hawk in Jerusalem, @_Samisaviv who was “liked” by Clare Quilty) and threatened by ghosts, one of which arrived in the form of a Nazi follower – I had none till then. Presumably, @_Samisaviv was notified via @GnasherJew given that @_Samisaviv mentions that handle 369 times since November 2017.6 We also see links with Pollard (February 20187), Hodges (March 9 20188), and then from November 2017: @GillianLazarus,9 CAA @Antisemitism (50 times10), LAAS @LabourAgainstAS (70 times11), @GuidoFawkes,12 and from December 2017, @NickCohen4.13 Perhaps this gives us a clue as to when the conspiracy was hatched, for MuralGaga argues that MuralGate was planned in connection with the social media trawls which would have taken a couple of months and which were completed early March. I responded politely, but when abuse persisted I dismissed the trolls with a prayer of exorcism. 14 Obviously, the preventers guessed what I was going to say and didn’t like it. I was also blocked, even by those I had never heard of as I later found out including: @StephenPollard, @MarcusDysch, @Quilty52, @Make_Trouble, @BaronessDeech and Sarah Deech @Londonette, as well as some others I had not had any dealings with such as @EmmaCPicken, @JewishTelegraph, @den_jw, @Closely_watched, @Matzoballing, @MsJulieLennarz, Timescorbyn, @Sussexfriends, @DavidHirsh, @scynic1, @omgstater, @Karen_E_Leon, @JamesWJacobs, @Gilena25, @Jake_Wilde, @78solentgreen. On the Wednesday I explained the evidence that gave the lie to the “official” account promulgated by Clare Quilty and Marcus Dysch to the effect that Corbyn’s comment had been discovered independently in 2015: in fact the number of comments on the image show it was captured in 2012 and Quilty and Dysch were far from independent. On the 21st I noticed that Clare Quilty had disappeared from Twitter, only to return two weeks after which I was blocked.15 As we have seen, that night 1111 discovered MuralGaga and notified various people, and most probably met with 1121 the next morning. Given that this pair continued to follow my work closely it is reasonable to conclude that the efforts on the second day of tweeting against someone with no followers can only be explained as an attempt to prevent me broadcasting the essay. Context for the Second Week I quickly noticed the interest on my Academia site which related the visits from Watford and Berkhamsted. In fact I immediately assumed that 1121 was Clare Quilty, or as I shall call him, “Ben from Berkhamwest.” This is because I had identified Ben as living near Berkhamsted and I thought that the data referred to that location – when I later saw visits from “Berkhamwest” I then changed my mind having a mental block for I had forgotten that Ben works in Berkhamsted. For this reason I communicated in a quasi-direct way by posting (and quickly removing when Berkhamsted had read it) a letter entitled: Oh for goodness sake Ben. 16 This letter is presented in its entirety: Oh for goodness sake, Ben! The thought of you struggling through my profile is giving me a head-ache! Honestly, MuralGaga is one of a kind. The closest and most relevant to that is my Durham talk on responding to Liberalism. You know, pretty much everything in MuralGaga I learned from scratch. I didn’t even know what a Twitter handle was (or what my own was!). I knew no Jewish MPs. To prove how dumb I was I had a distant recollection of someone confronting Livingstone. I had a sense that he had an “a” in his name, and so I found myself searching for “Ben Bradley” instead of “John Mann.” That’s how apolitical I was. But when the killings started in Gaza, then I took note. So, you see, I am no Corbynista. Let me ask you something. Can you honestly say that I have been unfair to you? You had no right to like that tweet of Sami, by the way. That was unworthy of you. No, one of my reasons for getting involved is to help you gain some self-knowledge. We can all be self-deceived at times. You know, you need to rethink. What you don’t actually get is that antisemitism is a real problem that is resurfacing in the world along with many other nationalisms. Trump, Orban, and so on. And Netanyahu is just one more example. You probably can’t bring yourself to admit it but basically, you are in that number. Those like Corbyn who would, say, introduce targeted sanctions – arms sales e.g. – they are in the best interests of Israel. What Israel needs is Truth and Reconciliation. In many ways you are a decent person, a family man, sense of humour, hard-working, conservative in the best sense of the word (like the families of those Thai boys who put many of the West to shame). But you are unjust to help the militarised and 6 https://twitter.com/_samisaviv/status/932617824983425024 7 https://twitter.com/_samisaviv/status/959774177254293505 8 https://twitter.com/_samisaviv/status/972083045208600577 9 https://twitter.com/_samisaviv/status/933268305829232641 10 https://twitter.com/_samisaviv/status/933268305829232641 11 https://twitter.com/_samisaviv/status/934062765123158016 12 https://twitter.com/_samisaviv/status/936151571695464454 13 https://twitter.com/_samisaviv/status/943941480099471360 14 For details search for tweets from @GnasherJew mentioning @ChrisFriel7. I also have screenshots. I noticed when in reference to “@CQuilty52” the handle did not appear in blue font. A search for tweets to @CQuilty52 will indicate no further tweets until August 3rd. 16 The page was replaced by an image of Amos of Tekoa, and later renamed “Amos of Tekoa.” 15 20 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 increasingly racist state. You could do good – genuinely targeting antisemitism instead of promoting it. For that’s what those who support Netanyahu want. They want to say, antisemitism is the oldest hatred, that’s why we are so in need of a Jewish State. So, antisemitism becomes their vindication. And so the increasingly toxic atmosphere is just what they want. It will only do harm. Yet as I say – just look at Eastern Europe. The rise in fascism. If you were to start acting a bit more honestly you could do some good! You need a reincarnation, Ben! 1121 duly read my Durham talk and, as I will argue, on the 25th took up my advice about reincarnation. Hopefully, this letter may dispel some of the fears of @GnasherJew who reported me to the CST as someone making veiled death threats against Clare Quilty. His reasoning was based on the fact that I had found that someone using Ben’s id had engaged in some literary criticism which I used to end MuralGaga. This read: The irony here regards the fact that as a result of an accidental mistake the incriminator has found himself incriminated, the Yinger Yinged. It would be ironic were, in this section dedicated to Jewish jokes, such irony would go overlooked. Reactions from the Second Week: We now return to look at a couple of “tweets of refutation” revisiting, in particular, the case of @TwllDun. Individual Cases: @TwllDun and @Hughster As we have seen, MuralGaga would receive a boost from Skwawkbox and, if @Noose27 is accurate, from “Corbyn FB Groups.” This was duly noted, and presumably a dozen protected tweets warning “the others” was sent out (boosting viewing numbers if not popularity). We have also noted that @JimmySecUK and @TwllDun tweeted negatively (@JimmySecUK honestly enough explaining that he did not understand my account of the functional relations in the gingering up process figured by the pack of cards trope). @NickCohen4 also tweeted to others to “Butt out of [his and @TwllDun’s and possibly Victoria Freeman @Make_Trouble] conspiracy.”17 @TwllDun also wrote a careful thread18 at 21.31 BST on July 27th: So, I’ve found Chris’ account, so I’ll explain to him - as he’s perpetuating a conspiracy that’s been taken up on Gallowayesque Twitter, the timeline: [Here @TwllDun retweets one of my tweets that had mentioned him: And Quilty has a mastery of detail. When he tells @DouglasKMurray and @NickCohen4 about the FB page (after @TwllDun did in October) he mentions the time – that’s not in the blog. (11/15)]. Like (1) a friend of mine (unnamed, not anyone you’ve referenced, not part of the sinister Jewish conspiracy, just local, into graffiti art and wall art and murals) mentions to me about the Facebook comment in DM. Wait, what? I ask. He gives me the link. I go look. Take a screenshot. Next day, I wake up and there’s an anti-austerity march happening. The kind I would (and have) generally attend. And a kid with a Rothschild banker banner is getting Twitter attention. I connect the two, write a blogpost. 17 18 https://twitter.com/NickCohen4/status/1022967215916818432 https://twitter.com/twlldun/status/1022939994615410688 21 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 I assume from there, the story bubbles. The differences in the screenshots is because people keep going back to the Facebook post for a good while after and taking new screenshots. There is no conspiracy. There’s just a slow building of knowledge of this instance of blindness to Antisemitism. There is no manufacture. There’s a genuine story about the labour leader being blind to Antisemitism. You have written a voluminous screed chasing after a malign conspiracy, based on nothing. This is the essential issue with Antisemitism - it is the urconspiracy theory. If it enters the discourse, then all sort of nonsense follows (not that it isn’t, of course, nonsense to begin) You need to turn off the internet for six months. Go out. Smell the flowers. Stop paddling in this id iocy. Eco put it right “to the paranoid mind, everything signifies something”. @chrisfriel7? This signifies exactly what it said on the tin. There was a mural. It was antisemitic. Jeremy was blind to that. That’s the entire story. Go out and live your life, don’t end up a weird basement dweller chasing after fixations. Therapy session ends. The stated intention is clear enough. @TwllDun does not want MuralGaga to “enter the discourse,” which is presumably why he ignored it the first week. The thesis is nonsense, in fact dangerous (“a sinister Jewish conspiracy”). Moreover, it is wrong in a significant detail for which @TwllDun can vouch. I did not respond immediately, partly because the intervention puzzled me. I had tended to overlook (him) in favour of Quilty (@TwllDun does not fail to note that I had repeated @GillianLazarus regarding Quilty as eminence grise), but the thread aroused new suspicions. First of all, we can wonder just how @TwllDun knew that MuralGaga had been taken up on “Gallowayesque Twitter.” Second, we may note how little detail he offers in his “refutation” (given that he has some familiarity with the long document). Third, it appears that he defends himself against charges that are not actually made, for the focus of the essay is on @CQuilty52 rather than himself. In fact he is merely repeating his own account that I had read but not referenced in the essay; that he had heard about Corbyn’s mural comment from an unmentioned friend from the area and that this had led to him taking a screenshot “take a screenshot” – the subject is missing (!) - and then writing a blog (October 4th 2015). If what @TwllDun says is true, however, an anomaly must indeed be recognised. For the way that Facebook now presents comments (in text-bubbles, and with “2y” to denote the time when comments were made two years ago) must have been different from the way it presented them in 2015 when, certainly, the photographs of those making comments are square (and not in text bubbles). @TwllDun’s blog image gives the actual date of Corbyn’s comment (“2 October 2012”), a fact that would suggest that the actual dates of two or three years previous were indeed accessible in 2015 - if what @TwllDun is saying is true. But @TwllDun uses this to explain the other images – or rather the November 2015 image in the Chronicle. Yet this could not be captured subsequent to @TwllDun’s October image since it shows more precisely date and time (“2 October 2012 at 10.51”) – this is the detail referred to in my tweet retweeted by @TwllDun that Quilty does not miss. And in any case a flurry of interest in the mural, long since destroyed, is evident on Facebook just after Corbyn was elected on September 12th. This may have been the result of a newsfeed, which again would suggest an image earlier than @TwllDun’s. In itself these do not prove that @TwllDun is telling lies (though if the “2y” system was already in place in 2015 we must suppose that – a factor that @TwllDun simply ignores in his “refutation”), but it does show the weakness of his argument. He is instructing us that MuralGaga is a baseless conspiracy theory because his discovery arose naturally. But since I always supposed that that might be the case with some people, it is hardly relevant. And @TwllDun completely bypasses the cogency of the argument for 2012 capture based on the number of comments displayed (something not displayed on his reproduction of the Facebook page). @TwllDun seems to be trying too hard, and on closer examination he becomes more suspicious. For even before 2014 when he started tweeting19 he has had close links with @NickCohen4 who I had also underestimated at first. Indeed, rereading the Socialism of Fools blog shows an awareness of the context of Bangladeshi politics that Cohen had referenced in 2013.20 And just had I failed to appreciate the significance of Cohen’s “fascist art” tweet at 7.20am (as I wrongly thought – it was actually at 14.20 and although Berger had complained in the morning she had tweeted at 14.00) MuralGate day, one minute after his friend Bickerton’s carefully crafted thread, so I had not appreciated just when @TwllDun commented, on the evening after @LucianaBerger complained (it is @TwllDun’s only thread of two tweets that day, 21 and he has averaged ten tweets daily over the last four years and six months). Again, there definitely is contact with @TwllDun and @CQuilty52 from December 2015, and the photo that @TwllDun refers to22 also appears in @CQuilty52’s blog Proudzionist.23 And in coupling Yvonne Ridley with Jeremy Corbyn he deploys what we take to be Quilty’s modus operandi – quite unnecessarily in Twll Dun’s context, though probably intelligible to those in 2012 gathering anti-Palestinian data. @TwllDun is using poor arguments, which are overdrawn, perhaps to shore up the truthfulness of his original account. He is at best placing his head in the sand so as to avoid addressing more substantial arguments. Perhaps he has been prevailed upon to supply what does duty as an alibi, and given that he has not taken up subsequent invitations for discussion, the possibility is that it has started to dawn on him that something is afoot, a can of worms he would rather not open. Of course, had I taken myself off Twitter for six months as he suggested I would not have published the score of articles on the subsequent smears that were about to unfold. For these reasons it is worth examining both @TwllDun’s tweets and the CSV file in order to ascertain his reading of MuralGaga. He claims to be someone who comes from the “arse end” of the Valleys – not the Rhondda, then, nor the Cynon, but the Taf. And given the meaning 19 https://twlldunyrpobsais.wordpress.com/2012/02/15/you-cant-read-this-book-nick-cohen/ 20 For details see Brick Lane Revisited. 21 https://twitter.com/twlldun/status/977262887050805248 22 https://twitter.com/twlldun/status/650643433632178177 23 https://proudzionist.wordpress.com/2016/04/14/why-cant-we-criticise-rothschild/ 22 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 of “Twll,” well, it is not too difficult to guess whereabouts. Currently, it seems, @TwllDun lives or works in Cardiff.24 Now, the CSV file notes 85 visits, including those from someone dubiously named “Linda Davies.” This person appears as a dedicated reader, of seven of the later writings including the rarely viewed “On the Ohoran Deletion Argument.” It seems incredible that “Linda” would not have read MuralGaga earlier, and so it is tempting to recall that one viewer from Cardiff accessed via the hidden tweets:  2thomM9mfp was viewed by 1481/1507 (Cardiff) and DYtQj5Qb7D by 1646/1680/1740/1759/1918 (Cardiff) and np1DYpw4ju by 1890 (Cardiff) Perhaps, then, an early visit from @TwllDun was: Jul 27 07:36, 1481, https://t.co/2thomM9mfp?amp=1,"","",Cardiff, UK However, most probably, the first couple of views from Cardiff were his also, namely (and also in Pacific Time): Jul 26 06:14, 1178, MURALGAGA, https://skwawkbox.org,"","",Cardiff, UK Jul 26 10:59, 1243, MURALGAGA, https://www.facebook.com,"","",Cardiff, UK And this Cardiff visitor read 54 pages: Jul 26 14:46, 1373, MURALGAGA, https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA,"","",Cardiff, UK The picture that emerges is as follows. On July 26th, 1178 gets wind of the publicity in Skwawkbox around a quarter past two in the afternoon, pays a couple more visits via Facebook in the evening as 1243 and 1372, before settling down to some bedtime reading (as 1373). The next day, from afternoon until night, Cardiff pays a dozen visits (1481 twice, 1507, 1646, 1680, 1740, 1754, 1890, 1918 thrice, and 1933). In between @TwllDun composes his thread of refutation. The irony, one might say, is that it is not only @ChrisFriel7 who is spending too much time on the internet. Moreover, by basing his refutation on the alibi @TwllDun thought I had overlooked he made himself suspect in my eyes where formerly I had tended to believe the alibi. Also, in a tweet liked by @JimmySecUK, @Hughster tweeted: “Stalky and creepy in the extreme. Plus, I’m disappointed my own discovery (of the mural author’s own admission that it depicted ‘Rothschild demons’) wasn’t acknowledged. I mean, it was two tweets down from the first tweet he screenshotted. Poor effort.”25 I had noticed an engaged reader from Altrincham by that improbable name (“You stir”) and I see that this was shortly after I had actually replied to the “creepy and stalky” remark (it was probably one of many tweets in which I supplied a link to Why I Wrote MuralGaga). Hugh Ster’s view was on August 6th, after 12 previous visits from Altrincham (though not then self-identified as @Hughster), the first having been notified by a hidden tweet. At 21.13 BST (13.13 Pacific Time): Jul 26 13:13, 1343, https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA, https://t.co/TEMirLdvJP,"","", Altrincham, UK Again, this is earlier than @JimmySecUK’s view notwithstanding the fact that @Hughster will reply to @JimmySecUK’s tweet. Briefly, and in response to my failure to reference @Hughster (who had tweeted early in the morning of March 22nd in reply to @GuidoFawkes and @CQuilty52 when releasing the comment incriminating Corbyn to the effect that Mear One had conceded antisemitism), I had in fact seen the content of the tweet. However, I now realise that I had not clearly noticed who sent it (since the same material was sent by @Hughster’s associate @JBickertonUK) and in any case, I had seen it in Odoni’s blog. Just as I had completely missed the significance Bickerton, so Hugh Ster was completely outside my horizons. This is now rectified in the latest versions of MuralGaga. Once again, the irony is that I would probably never have “stalked” @Hughster had he never mentioned stalking. Principles of Analysis In general, we stand by the reasoning of MuralGaga that argued for a conspiracy, and so we do not take at face value what those we implicated in the conspiracy say about our account of the conspiracy. For example, if X seems to reply to Y we do not rule out the possibility of collusion so that X’s original contribution was made precisely so that Y could reply to it. And we do not take seriously the public statements to the effect that our work should not be taken seriously made by those who obviously do take our work seriously by their many viewings. Plainly, the intention of such utterances is that others do not take it seriously lest the work “enters the discourse.” As to detail, though not absolutely probative, we think that the number of views on a screenshot gives us a rough idea of when a viewer visited the site (and certainly that person could not have first visited the site after that date in order to take the screenshot). Again, we take it that those very interested in the later readings of the MuralGaga corpus (Cardiff, Altrincham) could scarcely have been not bothered to read earlier the ur-text. And we take it that those who view from the early hidden tweets are quite probably implicated in some way. Moreover, we suppose that those early detractors of MuralGaga who had escaped our net, more than likely, re-enter our nets by their very disingenuity in arguing so speciously that there was no conspiracy. Reactions from the Summer Months The Labour antisemitism scandals continued throughout the summer months with several historic cases re-emerging. Concomitantly, my perspective shifted as I began to focus on those with links to Nick Cohen, something reflected in later versions of MuralGaga. The Case of Jamie Bickerton As we have indicated, the reaction to MuralGaga throws retrospective light on MuralGate, and throws up further clues that provide further leads. Thus, while the methods deployed were fundamentally sound, they were not always implemented comprehensively. The 24 25 https://twitter.com/twlldun/status/629001970767036417 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/1022907732968517633 23 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 truth is, the name of pro-Israeli hawks is Legion for they are many, and I simply had not spotted half of what they were up to. A case in point was Bickerton, who I finally noticed (regarding his early intervention on March 23rd and his association with Cohen and others). By coincidence this was immediately before he intervened, thread-ready, after the Mail reworked the Tunisia story. Hi Chris - thanks for getting in touch. I’ll briefly explain what I think happened and it is, of course, up to you whether you want to believe me. I’ve been aware of the mural for some time - was preparing a piece on it for The Backbencher when I saw Berger’s Tweet and decided I needed to push the story out early (because of the interest it was generating). I never discussed it with Cohen, Berger or indeed anyone else (I was a student at the time - technically still am - they would have had no reason to collaborate with me though I’m flattered by the suggestion). However sources within the UK Jewish community have helped me with other stories about anti-Semitism within the Labour Party. No grand conspiracy as far as I’m aware (I am as I’m sure you're aware centre-right and very anti-Corbyn) - if there is they haven’t invited me yet! I hope this helps and as I said before it’s up to you whether you want to believe me :) Best wishes, James My response to this decision, apparently made promptly (as I thought) between 7am and 7.08am when “interest was generating” included: So, you happened to have six tweets lined up? A thread 1 to 6. Though they aren’t numbered, and then your friend [Cohen] tweets within one minute? If so, you are unlucky in that you look suspicious. But tell me, how did you hear of the mural comment? I also showed him the new paragraph of MuralGaga whereupon Bickerton was silent.26 I should correct a mistake of mine here. At the time my Twitter settings were adjusted to Pacific Time, so that I had thought that Bickerton had replied within 8 minutes in the morning, but in fact had replied within 8 minutes in the afternoon. He did not discuss the matter further when confronted with the evidence of the coda to his thread, and I have little doubt of his involvement. The Case of @NJStone9 As well as Bickerton, @NJStone9, tweeting from Singapore, was ready with a thread to incriminate Corbyn in the wake of the Tunisia story. He had aerial photographs and translations from the Arabic in order to prove that Corbyn was indeed laying a wreath for terrorists. He was willing for a while to discuss the case with me, though I charged him with evasiveness – I thought him too quick to see things as “perfectly clear” as Bickerton had done. Once again, he has links with Nick Cohen – 60 tweets from November 2015.27 The Case of Ken Ohora As the summer drew on it seemed to me that all roads led to Cohen, and this was reflected in my supplementary writings, a fact that was not lost on one new tweeter. For early September I found myself in conversation with @KenOhora. I had not noticed @KenOhora at first. The handle was created July 25th (when Ben had visited Watford, and after I had suggested to him a reincarnation) and it quickly gathered a few followers despite Ken only retweeting. Three of his earliest had pre-emptively blocked me though I had had no dealings with them: (((DeDe)))@HermanDHerman, (((Matzo))) (((Balls))) @MatzoBalling, and Doris the Cat @Karen_E_Leon. However, we started tweeting with each other from September 2nd over “Irony-gate,” both of us sending the other over 50 tweets in the next couple of weeks. Ken was the only person who has ever engaged with the detail of the argument, something that Bickerton had written, incidentally, that he had discussed specifics with David Collier, so presumably, this would have included Corbyn’s mural comment – about which the two part Palestine Live is silent. 26 27 https://twitter.com/njstone9/status/666222682627702784 24 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 immediately impressed me. Another insight on September 3rd that took me aback was his awareness that in the evolution of my thought the “Henry Jackson Society” had acquired prominence: “Final point - I don’t think Nick Cohen and Pollard are in the Henry Jackson Society (which you don’t mention in your essay but seems to have evolved in to your outlook).” 28 Very quickly I noticed that Ken was in fact visiting from “Berkhamsted,” but I was suffering from a mental block thinking that this was pointing to the place where he lived rather than the place I that knew he worked (and which I had forgotten about) so when the analytics later did register “Berkhamwest” (where I know Ben Lives) I wrongly inferred that Berkhamsted could not be Ben. Eventually it became obvious to me that he was. Ken was a reincarnation of Ben (1121 from Berkhamsted). Ben-Ken made some good points that I readily conceded, some clever but specious ones that I took time to refute, and some ridiculous ones I lambasted. As a rule his focus was narrow, concerned to argue that the image used by Quilty in 2018 was not the composite that I showed it was. One of my assumptions (I had made them explicit) was that “comments” could not really mean comments but commentators when Facebook counted them. In fact they did, as Ben-Ken showed by the simple experiment of adding and deleting comments. But what had influenced me was the fact that, as per Fig. 17 in MuralGaga, the commentators were listed, and the number of remaining comments given, which sum to 216.29 One of these, Love Truth Devotion, had made around 9 comments but I reasoned that these could not really all count. The same shot taken in September, however, removed the repetitious commentator altogether and it turns out that what I overlooked made no difference to my conclusions whatsoever. As a matter of fact, I had originally deduced that the screenshot was captured in 2015 shortly after Corbyn was elected (counting 9 extra comments from Love Truth Devotion). I found it very hard to think outside this self-imposed box as there was also a flurry of interest in the long removed mural at that time. But eventually I realised that the 192 comments on the Quilty image could not date from 2015 as this would be inconsistent with the 197 on the Dysch/Deech image which was published November 2015. Ineluctably I was led to 2012. The problem with counting to 192 is that not all comments are actually visible, but I was able to circumvent this problem in September by inspecting the actual batches of comments as they load and counting to see whether the nominal total matches the real. There are two ways of doing it, and one is conclusive – vindicating my 2012 thesis. With some speciousness Ben-Ken tried to argue that my choice of method was arbitrary – as if it was arbitrary to believe the person downstairs in the hall who can see someone at the door rather than the person upstairs who cannot tell! Plainly, the motive here was to bamboozle onlookers. The reader should work through Counting to 192 to assure themselves of this. But to underline the absurdity of what Ken was saying I added an extra section that simplifies the argument. It is repeated here: The argument is cogent, but in view of the fact that Facebook allows an alternative method of accessing the comments in batches of 4, 50 more, another 50, 50, 50, and finally 12, and that this does not indicate that there are no invisibles in the last 37 (as per the argument above), and given that @KenOhora has wilfully or otherwise misunderstood our argument, it may be worth taking things slowly. Imagine then a family of three who use three eggs to make scrambled egg for breakfast on four consecutive days. They buy a dozen eggs in two boxes, six in one, half a dozen in the other. Each breakfast they take out the eggs systematically, three, and then another three from the same box before starting on the second box. And suppose that one egg is bad, and that it is in the second box. They will discover this fact (that the bad egg was in the second box) by reasoning that on the first two mornings the scrambled egg was good. However, had they been a family of four making scrambled egg using four eggs on three consecutive mornings so that on the first day the scrambled egg was good but on the second day it wasn’t, they would not know whether the contaminating egg came from the first or the second box. For on the second day they would have taken out four eggs, two from the first box, and two more from the second, and they would not have known where the bad egg came from. The particular sequence of batching does not permit such conclusions, though an alternative sequencing may do (as we have seen in the previous paragraph). Our method of counting to 192 uses a method that, fortunately, permits the discovery that there are no invisibles in the last 37, even though a similar approach does not yield such definitive results. We are like the family who has three eggs for breakfast, and who therefore know that the first box of six were all clean. My replies were carefully reasoned, and simply ignored by Ben-Ken. Another rarefied essay dealt with “The Ohoran Deletion Argument.” The image Quilty released on March 22nd 2018 bore 192 comments, but one used by Dysch/Deech released in 2015 showed that by then the image had amassed 197 comments – and this fact convinced me of the early provenance (as I had not then come up with my “batching” argument). Ohora argued that commentators could – would – have deleted comments so that actually, the image with fewer comments was taken later! This specious argument needs a little time to see through, and I presented a careful reply in On the Ohoran Deletion Argument. The gist being that although by way of a special case comments can go down, this is only when they had been previously artificially inflated, but that in any case these comments must go up again (to whatever total it is now), so that this does not help the point that Ben-Ken was trying to make. This esoteric point surprisingly found a new visitor from Bayside (a wealthy area of New York) who had also looked at the “batching” essay. Two consecutive entries suggest that expert advice was being called upon: Oct 03 13:23:53, 5819, On the Ohoran Deletion Argument, https://maryvale.academia.edu/ChrisFriel,"","",Bayside,USA 28 https://twitter.com/kenohora/status/1036561982323916801. Punctuation and capitals added. 29 For the more recent version in September that excludes Love Truth Devotion, see https://twitter.com/ChrisFriel7/status/1037660777258332160 25 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Oct 03 13:35:01, 6373, MURALGAGA, https://t.co/L5onUEGqV6?amp=1,"","",Watford, UK As noted, Ben-Ken had tried to deflect any links between Pollard and Cohen and the HJS. Officially or otherwise, an affinity does exist, as with the Honest Reporting group that shared offices with the HJS, and so it is surprising that the point should be contested. 30 Our conversations were generally amicable, though at one point I referred to The Tweets of Nick Cohen Concerning Jeremy Corbyn. On September 12th I got a strange reply that was emotive and hardly to the point: “You’ve got NOTHING. All you demonstrate is what was already obvious. Pre-2015 he was under the radar. 2015-2018, a lack of evidence, goodwill & manners kept people from calling him an outright antisemite. Now the evidence has been revealed, people are free to say it.”31 In fact, the analytics indicate that on that Sunday Ben-Ken had not actually read the article at that point, though a visitor from “Berkhamwest” did later on. It was as if the very mention of HJS hit a sensitive spot that must be rebuffed at all costs. The Case of Marcus Dysch Just as it is easy to guess that 1121 is the “elusive, shadowy nemesis”32 Clare Quilty, so we think that 1111 is most likely Marcus Dysch, Quilty’s partner in crime. A sample of Dysch’s tweets makes plausible the claim that he has been monitoring us: Watford, Scotland and Spain are each referenced in around 40 tweets, and Hull more than 100. Electronic Intifada also make some connections between Dysch and Honest Reporting from 2012.33 Given that MuralGaga establishes that both Ben and Dysch deployed images captured in 2012, perhaps this is to be expected – even if it is not Dysch (and certainly not Quilty) who is the eminence grise. However, should this hypothesis be falsified, then we would then suggest that 1111 provides us with some clue as to @GnasherJew. Hong Kong Phooey? As can be recalled, we argued that 1111 must have sent out a text informing an inner ring of MuralGaga. One visitor was 1116 from Hong Kong. Who is this super hero?34 In studying the reception of MuralGaga it occurred to me to search for @TwllDun and “Hong Kong.” The search gets over 20 hits including: MuralGaga has now been updated. It should be acknowledged, however, that Murray seems to have moved to Singapore. It would be interesting to find out where he was in July. Could be … Summary and Conclusions MuralGaga had underestimated @TwllDun, and had missed @Hughster and @JimmySecUK completely. In part this was because in the early versions I had not seen quite how closely the conspirators were linked to @NickCohen4, a fact that became more obvious during the summer. However, @TwllDun’s kind attempts to offer therapy (never subsequently repeated) made me think again. It seems very likely 30 Pollard is cited as a founding member: https://web.archive.org/web/20060430054251/http://zope06.v.servelocity.net/hjs/principles_html For links with Cohen: https://henryjacksonsociety.org/2010/12/13/hjs-jj-panel-discussion-squaring-the-circle-britain-the-de-legitimisationof-israel-2/ 31 https://twitter.com/kenohora/status/1039821981561106432 https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/790574063051759616 33 https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/israeli-propaganda-group-honestreporting-denies-encouraging-employee-smear-uk 32 34 https://www.lyricsfreak.com/s/sublime/hong+kong+phooey_20216625.html 26 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 that he has been regularly viewing from Cardiff even as @Hughster has viewed from Altrincham, both covering most of the corpus. This is only reasonable of them for they would quite naturally be interested in how much I missed or had not yet worked out. We now think that a plausible reading of events is as follows. A couple of hours after MuralGaga has been plugged in Skwawkbox on the 26th it starts to gain traction. @TwllDun (we suppose) visits from Cardiff and reads 54 pages (at 22.46 BST as visitor 1373). Thereafter he gives notice to those who send warning tweets (or else @TwllDun sends them himself). The former looks more likely since with some redundancy he visits from the tweets, perhaps discussing points of detail in private. Among those notified are @JimmySecUK and @Hughster – the latter was certainly involved as he had been ready on March 22nd with incriminating tweets on Mear One in support of @CQuilty52. To try to stem the influence of MuralGaga the text is ridiculed. Even Nick Cohen makes a sneaky appearance. For in jokily confessing that it “our” conspiracy, he gives notice that such a thesis is a joke. More subtly, by implying an extended scope (Freeman seems to be “one of us”) the thesis is misrepresented. Actually, I had given some thought to whether Freeman was involved, and my decision to reject was based on my readings of her tweets with @TwllDun. I surmised that she would have known and recalled his mural blog from 2015 and was letting the cat out of the bag without knowing that the cat was being kept in the bag prior to the appointed time when it was to be let out among the pigeons. In fact, as a footnote in the new MuralGaga now observes, the non-reaction by @Hughster to that breach of protocol only serves to vindicate my judgement. Victoria Freeman did not know beforehand that Corbyn’s incriminating comment was to be re-released, but @Hughster did, which is why he keeps mum when @make_trouble accidentally messes up. MuralGaga had also had also missed Bickerton and Murray, and of course, had no inkling of @KenOhora, the handle created on July 25th. Ken viewed from Berkhamsted, and we have no difficulty in identifying Ken with Clare Quilty himself, or as we called him, “Ben from Berkhamwest.” Moreover, after MuralGaga was published others gave responses that in turn would provide clues as to the (worldwide) scope of the MuralGate conspiracy and perhaps its inception. Thus, unknown to the first edition of MuralGaga, we see that @_Samisaviv from Jerusalem is closely connected with @GnasherJew and from late 2017 several of those implicated in the plot; and by drawing attention to his alibi @TwllDun has alerted us to @AlMurray. 27 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Part 5 Concluding Narrative In view of the technical detail just presented it may be helpful to bring things together by sketching in broad lines the reception of MuralGaga. What follows is a less complicated narrative that conveys in Lady Gaga’s words, “What’s going on.” After the killings in Gaza I was struck by the discrepancy in the attention given to the Labour antisemitism crisis, in particular, to MuralGate. The official statement of the Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council only confirmed my suspicions so that by June I had completed a 60 page essay that argued that Muralgate was the result of purposely timed hysteria. In particular, I was able to identify the blogger @CQuilty52 who had released the trigger for MuralGate with an image I showed contained data captured in 2012. And I went on to identify the links with press, politicians, and establishment – even comedians were part of the story. I then contacted several newspapers to interest the Press in what I thought a scoop. But because my efforts to supply a resource for journalists failed to generate enthusiasm I took matters into my own hands and published my essay on my academic site. Also on Monday July 16th I started tweeting #MuralGaga in 400 tweets, and very quickly I encountered reactions: positive and negative, overt and covert. After tweeting the general plan on the first day I signalled the dramatis personae (whether “present” or “involved”) on the Tuesday. I did this by sending out playing cards to the various characters and within a couple of hours provoked a negative response. I was abused and slandered by @GnasherJew and others (including a pro-Israel hawk in Jerusalem) and threatened by ghosts, one of which arrived in the form of a Nazi follower – I had none till then. I responded politely, but when abuse persisted I dismissed the trolls with a prayer of exorcism. Later, as MuralGaga started to spike, @GnasherJew tweeted to CST_UK to the effect that I had been harassing Jews and their families and making death threats. The CST have kindly responded that they are not investigating the complaint. I was also blocked, even by those I had never heard of as I later found out. Obviously, the preventers guessed what I was going to say and didn’t like it. Clare Quilty went off Twitter completely for two weeks. Because my academic site supplies data that permits an analysis of the reception of my work I have been able to learn of the private reaction I am now making public. The covert reaction provides a lens to examine the overt one. For on the third day of tweeting Visitor 1111 from Watford discovered the essay. We can infer that Watford notified around twelve or so others, some by a tweet that I know was sent (because Academia gives the reference) but which is invisible to me. This inner ring, apparently, has members in London, Hong Kong, Denmark, and elsewhere. A plan to monitor me was created, it can also be inferred, one that was implemented the next day. For visitor 1121 met up with 1111 in Watford, and thereafter the pair would give close scrutiny to all my work, 1121 usually viewing from Berkhamsted in office hours. It takes little insight to guess who these were. I knew that Clare Quilty was in reality called Ben, and I knew he worked at Berkhamsted, and I had also argued that he had colluded with the (former) political editor of the Jewish Chronicle Marcus Dysch, associated with the Watford area. As several other antisemitism scandals broke that summer, and as I wrote a score of supplements as they arose, as well as monitoring my profile and website daily the pair would faithfully read through everything I published, over a score of articles. It’s more difficult to guess why. Perhaps they were concerned lest others were discovered. For although the reasoning in MuralGaga was generally cogent, I had missed some key details, and only when subsequent scandals broke did I become more aware of the links with those such as Nick Cohen and Steven Pollard (Dysch’s editor and founding signatory of the Henry Jackson Society). As events developed so my perspective shifted slightly to take in these insights. They were welcome in that I had never thought that Ben and Dysch were the main players, even though my method began by focussing on them. Obviously, my minders were not of the same mind as me. But some who were on my behalf helped publicise my work, and so I found the number of viewers spiking on July 26th even before I had tweeted my link to the essay. This, too, was met with consternation by the adversaries, and elicited ridicule, misrepresentation, and horror. Cue a careful but specious thread from @TwllDun and critical comments from @Hughster. However, the inside story, if my reading of Cardiff and Altrincham is correct, shows how seriously the essay was being taken, and how the concern was communicated in a series of protected tweets. These appear to have been sent to various groups that each have several members from the “inner ring” contacted in the first week. It was by studying this reception I was led to reconsider @TwllDun. I had supposed he was involved only marginally if at all but after his intervention, especially given my understanding of Cohen’s role, I became suspicious. Now I am inclined to think that he might have been prevailed upon to give an “alibi” but I am uncertain about his precise role as Cardiff only seems to have visited in the second week. I had also missed the fact that @Hughster had supplied the name “Hugh Ster” to my academic site, and further investigation showed both how dedicated a reader she was, and how she was involved in MuralGate. Ironically, it was only because these readers tried to persuade others not to take MuralGaga seriously, that MuralGaga has now taken them seriously. And by a piece of luck this led us to Hong Kong, if not the “number one super guy.” Equally unbeknown to myself was the creation of @KenOhora on 25th July, the very day after I had left a message to Ben to the effect that he needed a reincarnation – and after he had travelled to 1111’s place, perhaps to agree a new policy. Ken seldom tweeted, but gathered a few followers, three of whom were not on my radar screen but who had pre-emptively blocked me. Presumably the handle was lying in wait for me, and eventually Ken’s patience paid off. In early September we found ourselves in conversation (polite, for the most part). I could see that he was from Berkhamsted but had a mental block at the time and so did not at first associate Ken with Ben (not realising that Ben was viewing my articles at work, and only occasionally from home). Of this, however, there can be little doubt. I was struck by his insight combined with sheer perversity that can only be explained by a desire to bamboozle onlookers. Thus, he engaged in technical argumentation regarding the composite nature of Quilty’s image. In truth, this is a not the most significant detail, and though he made some good points, helping me to correct some errors, he only strengthened my thesis – though one needs to get down to details to be convinced here. It’s a minor detail in this sense because now it has become clear that Corbyn was monitored prior even to 2012, and besides I had other arguments than the composite nature of the image (which was the topic with which MuralGaga opened). 28 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 But it is worth stressing here that my “foot in the door,” so to speak, was simply a piece of luck. In 2018 Ben (“Clare Quilty”) alerted Luciana Berger to an incriminating comment with an image that had text bubbles from 2018 combined with an image of the mural that bore the number of comments it had received: 192. This metric indicated that it was captured in 2012. In fact, there was no need for Quilty to have included the old image, or even one with a metric on it, and so my luck was grounded on Ben’s blunder. Ken seemed a little obsessed by this, however, often presenting silly arguments to deflect from what was presumably an awkward reminder. A relevant point to make here is that it was straight after I revealed this detail (about the composite nature of the image) which I did Wednesday morning (18th July) that Watford took interest (around midnight) and discovered my academic site. Another point that surprised me was Ken’s awareness of the development of the new perspective on Henry Jackson. This awareness grew as I noticed how Jamie Bickerton was obviously apprised of the plot and had been less than honest with me (in reply to my message he claimed that he had been writing an article on Berger but made the decision to tweet a carefully designed thread when he came across her tweet and sensed the growing awareness of the story: all this in the space of 8 minutes followed by a coda of Nick Cohen’s on fascist art). But as astute as Ken’s HJS observation is, on this all he could muster was an assertion that he “did not think” that Cohen and Pollard were members. But that they are associated takes little research and so we must suppose that Ken was speaking for the masses here. As his profile has it (adjoined to a profile picture of someone looking to me like a young Einstein): “Der oilem iz a goilem,” which is Yiddish for, “The masses are asses.” I also noticed that at times Ken intervened when he sensed my influence growing. In truth, I was the least effectual of self-promoters. I sometimes sent out tweets with my MuralGaga payload to those listed on “Socialist Sunday,” in the hope that the dozen or so handles would retweet me, not too successfully as it happens. On one occasion when it looked as though I was garnering interest there was a slight outburst from Ken and he criticised a short piece on the Tweets of Nick Cohen on Jeremy Corbyn that underscored the disingenuity of Cohen’s accusations of antisemitism. But the analytics suggest that he had not actually read that paper at the time (he did a little later, at home, on Sunday). Oilem goilem, indeed! But very few came anywhere close to substantial argument with my thesis as Ohora did, preferring abuse or ad hominem. Those directly involved such as Dan Hodges or Nick Cohen would assiduously ignore me, even when I planted tanks on their lawns by sub-tweeting them. But presumably, if they are members of the Gaga-Group, such ignorance is feigned. Why else get 1111 and 1121 to report back so faithfully? That said, my work has not been completely missed by the masses. MuralGaga has been viewed 3,000 times, and nearly 25 shorter pieces have on average around 200 views a piece. This is not negligible, as I had only about 2,000 views in total for dozens of academic pieces posted since 2016 but have now totalled 12,000 by the end of summer 2018. This shows that some (but not me) have the power to channel attention. But the MSM have not bothered to explore the facts which led to my discoveries, and certainly, the pleas journalists with skills, contacts, and experience I lack to take up the investigation has fallen on deaf ears. So I have paused tweeting to explore what the CSV file can reveal, and I have presented my side of the inside story here. While MuralGaga has not been ignored it has not had the attention its reasoning deserves - except by those who already know what they did. As we have seen, the counter-position would undermine the position. However, in its effort to undermine the position, the counter-position has undermined itself. And although MuralGaga has not got right to the bottom of the mural nonsense, exactly who was responsible for the “purposely timed hysteria,” by understanding the reception of MuralGaga we may take a small step towards identifying when the conspiracy was planned, who the fabricators were, and of their global reach. Progress has been gradual. In a higher world it is otherwise, but here below, and unlike Hong Kong Phooey, our powers of reasoning are not “quicker than the human eye.” https://t.co/7S13cG94rg?amp=1 29 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Part 6 Time Line of MuralGaga July 16: @ChrisFriel7 makes first tweet, and continues to tweet #MuralGaga in 400 tweets. MuralGaga placed on Chris S Friel Academia site and viewed by academic followers. July 17: @ChrisFriel7 tweets Seven of Clubs to @GnasherJew, receives abusive tweet threatening a ghost, and is “followed” by a Nazi that is blocked and reported to Twitter who uphold the complaint. Margaret Hodge calls Corbyn a racist over non-inclusion of IHRA examples July 18: Chris S Friel Academia Profile/Website viewed by 1111 in Watford. @CQuilty52 closes account until August 3rd when @ChrisFriel7 is blocked. @_Samisaviv calls @ChrisFriel7 a “lying conspiracy theorist” and is blocked. July 19: Profile viewed by 1121 and 1111 both in Watford and also in Hong Kong and London via tweet MuralGaga viewed by 1121 in Watford Israel passes Nation State Law July 20: July 21: Saturday July 22: David Baddiel writes in Guardian Short of a Conspiracy Theory? July 23: Oh For Goodness Sake Ben viewed by 1121 in Berkhamsted CF then replaces this with an image of Amos of Tekoa July 24: Durham Talk viewed by 1121 in Berkhamsted (Mentioned in Oh For Goodness Sake Ben which ends by saying: You need a reincarnation Ben!) July 25: @KenOhora sets up Twitter account. By now a dozen new visitors have made around 160 visits. July 26: MuralGaga referenced by Skwawkbox 12 noon, and on Twitter 6pm. From afternoon to night several visits made from Cardiff. @GnasherJew tweets to CST_UK that @ChrisFriel7 does not know how Twitter works and has been harassing Jews. 289 hits. July 27: @TwllDun tweets thread to @ChrisFriel7 1.21pm, and @NickCohen4 comments. @GnasherJew replies to CST_UK claiming that MuralGaga “appears to be a direct threat of murder to Claire (Quilty).” 689 hits. July 28: Saturday @ChrisFriel7 tweets #MuralGaga with a link to Academia.com and is retweeted just once (by David Miller). July 29: July 30: Jewish Chronicle publishes tape of Pete Willsman referring to “Trump fanatics” and distorts words of Rabbi Laura Janner Klausner. July 31: Oh For Goodness Sake Ben viewed by 1111 in Watford Corbyn apologises for attending an event with Hajo Meyer in 2010 CF contacts Rabbi Laura who affirms that she did not say what was attributed to her in JC. Aug 1 5pm: Has Jewish Chronicle been Telling the Truth? viewed by 1121 Berkhamsted 9pm: Amos of Tekoa viewed by 1111 Watford (Oh For Goodness Sake Ben, renamed) Aug 2: Aug 3: @CQuilty52 opens account but @ChrisFriel7 blocked. 30 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Aug 4: Saturday Aug 5: Aug 6: Why I Wrote MuralGaga viewed by 1121 in Berkhamsted Aug 7: Douglas Murray, Antisemitism and Self-deception viewed by 1121 in Berkhamsted Aug 8: Aug 9: @ChrisFriel7 DM’s @JBickertonUK about his thread of March 23rd. Aug 10: Bickerton replies, but remains silent when the new paragraph of MuralGaga is presented. Aug 11: Saturday Mail repeats story about Corbyn holding a wreath at a cemetery in Tunisia @JBickertonUK tweets a thread stressing that everything is “perfectly clear.” Aug 12: Mis-attribution in the Jewish Chronicle viewed by 1111 in Watford Aug 13: Being Present and Being Involved Berger or Corbyn? seen by 1121 in Berkhamsted Aug 14: Aug 15: They Came Back viewed by 1111 in Spain Aug 16: Aug 17: Aug 18: Saturday Reason and Conspiracy Theory viewed by 3839 in Spain Aug 19: Aug 20: Aug 21: Aug 22: The Strategists Smearing Corbyn: A Plea for Journalism viewed by 3839 in Watford Aug 23: The Strategists Smearing Corbyn: A Plea for Journalism seen by 3914 in Berkhamsted Aug 24: Footage released of 2013 event attended by Richard Millett in which Corbyn criticizes Zionists for lacking irony. Aug 25: Saturday Aug 26: The Locking of the Gates viewed by 3839 in Watford Aug 27 8am: The Lamb in Millets Clothing viewed by 3839 in Watford 10pm: MuralGaga viewed by 3839 in Watford Aug 28: A Letter to the Chief Rabbi in the Octave after Easter viewed by 3839 UK Aug 29: Prophets True and False viewed by 3914 in Berkhamsted Aug 30: Aug 31: Corbyn’s Cricket Test viewed by 3914 in Berkhamsted Sep 1: Saturday Sep 2: @ChrisFriel7 tweets to @KenOhora who raises some technical objections which receive a reply on Academia. Sep 3: Sep 4: Response to Ken Ohara on the Composite Nature of an Incriminating Image viewed by 3914 in Berkhamsted (shortly after it was posted) Sep 5: @ChrisFriel7 tweets with @KenOhora in regard to the issue of whether parts of @CQuilty52’s mural image was made up of materials captured in 2012. Sep 6 10am: Counting to Comment 192 viewed by 3914 in Berkhamsted 31 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Sep 7 4pm: How Does Israel Do It? or We Help Them Actually viewed by 3914 in Berkhamsted 5pm: On the Ohoran Deletion Argument viewed by 3914 in Berkhamsted 7pm: On the Ohoran Deletion Argument viewed by 3839 in Watford 5pm: Introduction to MuralGaga Writings viewed by 3914 in Berkhamsted Sep 8: Saturday Sep 9: Sep 10: Sep 11 am: Tweets of Cohen viewed 10.17 by 3839 in York and 12.31 by 3839 in Glasgow pm: Who Let the Dogs Out? MuralGaga viewed 11.33pm by 3839 in Watford Sep 12 11.38: @KenOHora to @ChrisFriel7 (re The Tweets of Nick Cohen): You've got NOTHING. All you demonstrate is what was already obvious. Pre-2015 he was under the radar. 20152018, a lack of evidence, goodwill & manners kept people from calling him an outright antisemite. Now the evidence has been revealed, people are free to say it. 16.18: Sep 13: The Tweets of Nick Cohen viewed by 6155 in “Berkhamwest” Brick Lane Revisited viewed by 3839 in Watford Sep 14: Sep 15: Sep 16 Saturday pm: @ChrisFriel7 tweets to lists (#SocialistSunday) interrupted by @KenOHora By smearing journalists and bloggers as being involved in an antisemitic conspiracy for which your evidence is baseless, inaccurate and dishonest. But some people don't require evidence for choosing their beliefs. Sep 17: Sep 18: Cohen and Susskind Living Together viewed by 3914 in Berkhamsted Sep 19: Reason and Investigative Journalism viewed by 6373 in Watford Sep 20 9am: Blowback for the Jewish Community viewed by 3914 in Berkhamsted 7pm: Fascism and Dual Loyalty viewed by 6373 in Watford Sep 21: One Hundred Days of MuralGaga viewed by 6373 in UK Sep 22: Saturday pm: Black and White and Red All Over viewed by 6373 in UK 12am: Counting to Comment 192 12am: On the OHoran Deletion Argument both viewed by 6596 in Berkhamsted and later by visitor from Bayside. Sep 23: Sep 24 Sep 25: Sep 26: Sep 27: @ChrisFriel7 sends tweet to @TwllDun suggesting a revisit of MuralGaga Sep 28: Watford views MuralGaga (now as 6373) Sep 29: Watford views MuralGaga. 32 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 Introduction to MuralGaga Writings From June 2018 I published a long essay (which I also tweeted @ChrisFriel7 #MuralGaga) and then a score of supplements. These are available https://maryvale.academia.edu/ChrisFriel https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA has an abstract on the first page. It shows how those working for an anti-BDS agenda “gingered-up” those concerned with LP antisemitism by creating “purposely timed hysteria” over a comment made on the destruction of a mural. The gist may be got from: https://www.academia.edu/37162765/Has_the_Jewish_Chronicle_been_telling_the_truth_about_Muralgate which looks at Luciana Berger’s role. My reasons for writing are explained here: https://www.academia.edu/37178821/Why_I_wrote_MuralGaga and more profoundly: https://www.academia.edu/37163315/A_Letter_to_the_Chief_Rabbi_in_the_Octave_after_Easter Later I reflected on the methodology involved: https://www.academia.edu/37254581/Reason_and_Conspiracy_Theory I also complained about misrepresentation in the Jewish Chronicle: https://www.academia.edu/37222738/Mis-attribution_in_the_Jewish_Chronicle I engaged in a peaceful plea to moderates against IHRA: https://www.academia.edu/37218465/Words_that_Carry_Weight And more polemically against those such as Douglas K Murray stirring up division: https://www.academia.edu/37195819/Douglas_Murray_Antisemitism_and_Self-Deception https://www.academia.edu/37202939/Douglas_Murray_and_the_Cynical_Tactics_of_the_Right In response to “WreathGate” I critiqued the misplaced certainty of the smearers: https://www.academia.edu/37227902/Being_Present_and_Being_Involved_Berger_or_Corbyn https://www.academia.edu/37238622/They_came_back And in response to “IronyGate”: https://www.academia.edu/37288873/The_Locking_of_the_Gates https://www.academia.edu/37293658/The_Lamb_in_Millets_Clothing https://www.academia.edu/37309944/Prophets_True_and_False But especially for concerned moderates I wrote: https://www.academia.edu/37320263/Corbyns_Cricket_Test I have some solutions to technical objections of my “carbon dating method”: https://www.academia.edu/37340696/Response_to_Ken_OHara_on_the_Composite_Nature_of_an_Incriminating_Image https://www.academia.edu/37349151/Counting_to_Comment_192 https://www.academia.edu/37355011/On_the_OHoran_Deletion_Argument I make a plea both for investigative journalism: https://www.academia.edu/37275150/The_Strategists_Smearing_Corbyn_A_Plea_for_Journalism And for academic research into the workings of the UK Israel Lobby: https://www.academia.edu/37352856/How_Does_Israel_Do_It_--_or_--_We_Help_Them_Actually From August my perspective shifted as I began to focus on the role of Nick Cohen, and I examined the development of the antisemitism slur in his tweets here: https://www.academia.edu/37365397/The_Tweets_of_Nick_Cohen_Concerning_Jeremy_Corbyn 33 GAGAPHOOEY Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 October 2018 A similar development may be discerned in the hawks – who at first never accuse Corbyn of antisemitism (the concern, if any, is that he is a friend of terrorists). https://www.academia.edu/37379708/Blowback_for_the_Jewish_Community I take another look at the alleged antisemitism of Mear One’s Freedom for Humanity mural: https://www.academia.edu/37401358/Brick_Lane_Revisited I recall Jamie Susskind’s role and association with Cohen: https://www.academia.edu/37436334/Cohen_and_Susskind_Living_Together And I argue that, despite his intentions, by embracing the pro-Israel hawks Cohen is complicit in their soft fascism. https://www.academia.edu/37449033/Fascism_and_Dual_Loyalty I repeat some points made earlier in the context of “conspiracy theory,” now through the lens of investigative journalism: https://www.academia.edu/37442104/Reason_and_Investigative_Journalism My indictment of the MSM is here: https://www.academia.edu/37460435/Black_and_White_and_Red_All_Over 34