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Catholic University in Ruiomberok Faculty of Education Conferencezupport TheFacultvofEducationof theCatholicUniversitv CATHOLIC UNIVERSITYIN RUZOMBEROK Facultyof Education,DepartmentofManagementPoprrd and INSTITUTJURAJAPALESAV LEvoEI, SLoVENSKO VYSOKA STOTE KARLOVY VARY, EESKAREPUBLIKA PANSTWOWAWYZSZASZKOLAZAWODOWAW CHELMIE,POLSKA KLINIKA DTARCHJLF UK A SUDTARCH, N.O.,DOLNf SMOKOVEC,SIOVENSKO VYSOKASTOm MEDZINARoDNEHoPoDNIKANIAISM SLoVAKIA PRESOV. SLOVENSKO VfCHODOEUR6PSKAAGENTORAPREROZVOJ.n. o.. PoDHAJSKA.SLOVENSKO MESSAGEOF JOHN PAUL II.2016 ttCurrent challengesand trends in the socialsciences" Ruiomberok 2017 Editors: doc. PaedDr.ThDr. Anton Lisnik, PhD.- I(atolicka univerzitav Rulomberku,PF Poprad podnikaniaISM Slovakia PhDr.Mari6nAmbr6zy,PhD.-Vysok6 lkola medzinrirodneho v PreSove Editorial board doc.PaedDr.ThDr.AntonLisnik,PhD. PhDr.KatarinaGrefiovi Mgr. Mariin Ambrozy,PhD. Ing. JanaJanilkovi, PhD. Mgr. Anna Chochol6kov6 PhDr.lngrid Mlad6 Ing. Anna Diadikov6,CSc. Ing. PaedDr.PetrVyhnal, PhD. Bc. JozefCisarik MESSAGE OF JOHN PAUL II. 2016 andtrendsin thesocialsciences" "Currentchallenges Reviewerc prof. Ing. BohuslavaMihaldovtLPhD. doc. JUDr. PhDr.Jiii Bilf, CSc. prof. dr hab.Piotr Mazur,PhD. Ing. AnnaDiadikoy.i,PhD. Mgr. PeterMadzik, PhD. Mgr. IGrol damogunkf, PhD. Mgr. Anna Chochol6kov6,PhD. Technicalcoopentlon: PaedDr.JdnGera,PhD. Ing. Miloslav Korba This publicrtion has not undergonelanguegerwition All papersunderwenta double-blindreview SL, ll VERBUM Rulomberok 2017 Publisher: VERBUM - vydavatel'stvoKatolickej univerzityv RuZomberku Hrabovskd cesta5512/lA,0340l RuZomberok verbum@ku.sk rsBN 978{0-561-0439-2 OBSAH PREFACE ......................8 OBLOMKY THEVALUEOF HUMANLIFEIN TRILOGYODTIENENE /TONEDSPLINTERS/ BY LA.IOSGRENDEL ................................9 Mag da l6nBar a 6ny iovTibor 6. Zilk a THE SPECIFICATION PROBLEMSIN ADOLESCENCE OF SOCIALIZATION . . , ,l 8 M d r i a B o r o v 6 ......... CURRENT PROBLEMS OF POOR ROMA COMMUNITIES G i z e l aB r u t o v sk6........................ SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF FUTURE TEACHER'S TRAININC O l e n aB u d n y k... A PO MATURZE CHODZILISA(I'NA KREMOWKI... LEXICAL TRACES O F J O H N P A U L II' S PRESENCE IN T HE POL ISH L AN GU A GE Iwona Burkacka 34 .43 NEWPARADICMIN PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE Peter Kohirt....... t45 THE PERSONAL STRUCTURE OFSELF.DETERMINATION IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF KAROLWO.TTYLA HansKrichler.... t54 WHY ISTHE INTROSPECTION PROBLEMATIC? FOUCAULT'S RESISTANCE AGAINSTINTERIORITY Matui K ol oi i k ...... ..........1 5 9 THE ABILITY OF COLLEGE STUDENTS TO THINK _ A REFLECTION OF U N DE R C R A D U A TE S TU D IE S IN TH E C ON TE X T OF TH E A B ILITY TO COPE WITH EDUCATIONAL CHALLENGES Marti naK os turk ov d. V al enti naS ut' dk ov 6..l ankFc a rc nc ov d 164 .................. LOVE IN LIFE OF.TOHNPAUL II AS MORAL MESSAGE FOR S OC IA L S E R V IC E S Lfdi al choc z k 6,K atari naV ank or,6........................ B A S I C N E E D S IN EDUCAT ION M i h a i l C a l a l b .... ................................... 54 P O L I T I C A L L E A DERS AS PUBL IC ACT ORS IN SL OVA K IA A I e x a n d e r f e rn e 2 ........................ MARRIAGE SATISFACTION AND THE LEVEL OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF PARTNERS Jacekl - uk as i ew i c zK. az i mi erzS w i 9s ................. ...................................61 PROCRASTINATION IN TERMS OF PERSONALITY TRAITS JanaMatochovri CHALLENGES IN THE EDUCATION OF FUTURE DIPLOMATS IN 20I6 FOCUSED N O T O N L Y O N T HE SECURIT Y SECT OR ....................6S L a d i s l a vC e r i ................... IN T HE L EVEL OF E MP A TH Y A N D P R O-S OC IA L I N T E R S E X U A LDIF F ERENCES BEHAVIOURIN LATE ADOLESCENCE ..................76 D o m i r r i k aD o kto r o va ......... 86 WITHINTHE INNOVATION OFTHE STUDYPROGRAM OFNURSING AMONGEU COUNTRIES AND THEWESTERN BALKAN COOPERATION Kuriplachov6, AnnaHuddkov6, AnnaEliaSovri, DagmarMagurov6,Gabriela ...........96 Stefrinia Andra$dikovd. LubicaRyb6rov6........... THE DEVELOPMENT SPACEA MOUNTAINSCHOOLS OF EDUCATIONAL OFTHE CARPATHIANREGIONOFUKRAINE l n n a C h e r v i n ska ...... BY STUDENTSAND THEIRRESILIENCE DIFFICULTIES EXPERIENCED r ko sz........ . . . . . . . . . . . .1.0. .9. J u s t y n aI s k r a ,Wa ld e n r aKlin F O R G I V E N E SSAS A SPIRIT UAL DIM ENSION OF MA N A N D H IS LIFE E l e n aI S nd u o vd ,Kr istin a1 Stvd n o vd ................... ...... I l8 RAISING A CHILD IN THE CONTEMPORARY TIMES JolantaKarbowniczek t2'7 S T U D E N T S ' I N T ERPERSONALREL AT IONSHIPSA N D TH E IR P E R S ON A LITY .......................... 135 W a l d e r r a rK l i n ko sz.Ju stvn alskr a ..... 184 .......... 195 THE REFORM OF THE EXISTING LECAL EDUCATION AND HUMANITIES OR R E TU R N TO TH E P ILLA R S OF TH E ME D IE V A L U N IV E R S ITY E D U C A TION P eterM os ny .Mi ri anrLac l av i k ov i iS. tel anS i s k ov i i ............ ...................200 N IE TZS C HE , FOU C A U LT,GE N E A LOGY S tani s l avO1ej ar........... .... ANOMIE IN THE FAMILY? P ctcrO ndrc j k ov i d........................ P E R C E P T I O NOF A F AIRY T AL E HEROINE BY CHILD AND ADULTAUDI ENCES LenkaGogov6- LenkaRegrutov6 .......175 216 ................. .................................222 U N D E R STA N D IN GA S A ME A N S OF R E V E A LIN G TH E ME A N IN G P eterO ndrej k ov i d........................ .................................230 COMPARISON OF VALUEPREFERENCE IN YOUNG PEOPLE Lenka Pastemtikov6. !) | THE POLITICAL IMAGE . ANALYSIS OF THE PROCESS OF MEDIATIZATION AND THEATRICALIZATION IN TERMS OF ELECTORAL SUCCESS Mal gorz ataP os y 1ek .............. .............246 C R ITIQUE OF GU Y E R ' S R E A D IN C OF K A N T' S R E FU TA TIONOF ID E A LIS M IN ..K A N T A N D TH E C LA IMS OF K N OW LE D GE ' ' MazdakR aj abi .. .................................261 NURSING EDUCATION IN CONTEXT OF THE BOLOGNA PROCESS Gabricla Stcfkova.MiriaZarnboriovS 272 IN N OV A TION IN P S Y C H OLOGY Marian Zdzislau'Stepulak........... 278 WHY DO WE NEEDHUMANITIES? LukdSSvihura 288 THE OUTLINEOF THE PROFESSION OF EARLY CHILDHOODEDUCATION TEACHER IN THE VISEGRADCOTJNTRIES. LITERATUREOVERVIEW AnnaSzkolak ..........293 SYMBOLSOF CRIMINAL TATTOOS- INTERPRETATION AND MEANINC Ba6oraVegrichtov6 .................. ........ 301 BETWEENINSTINCTAND JOHNPAUL II AS A FAMILY SUPPORTER. A PROJECT. PARENTHOODAS A CONTEMPORARYLIFE CONDITIONS' TOLERANCEEXAM. BIPOLARITYOF TODAY'SPARENTHOOD. INTRODUCTIONTO RESEARCH MonikaWojtkowiak,WiolettaSzumilas-Praszek .......312 GLOBALDEVELOPMENTEDUCATIONIN THE EDUCATIONALPROCESS AT SECONDARY SCHOOLS TimeaSebenZafkovA, DenisaPetru3kovi...................... .......................320 WHY DO WE NEED HUMANITIES?g0 Luk65Svihura Abstract Thearticleis a philosophical reflectionofthe cun'entslatusoflhe hunmnities in Slovakia. ln rnanvarcasof oul socictythcrc is au cvidcut dcficit in humanitics-scicnc!' krowledgc, reflectedalso in parliarnentary electionresultsin 20I 6 and haviug seriousconsequences on our society.The afiicle lhereforesuggeststhe possibilityoftransposingthe knorvledge parlicularlyphilosophy, oftlre humanities, processapprupriale in the educational to tlre characler in thc 2lsl ccntury. ofa pluralisticlibcraldcmocracv Keyrvords: Hurlanities,Philosophy,Education,Plurality,Ethics Introduction The public discourseis firll of statenrents backing up the idea to reducenot only the nunrber of universitiesand colleges but also the nunrber of coursesand studentsof the lrunranities.The argurnentsirr favor of this propositionare backed up by the iuterestsof the impcrsonalcntity callcd "labor markct". Howcvcr, as pointcd out by E. Vi3novskli (2014), universitieshave cultural and intellectualmission and do not ainr to fill the market. It also rreans the nrission of universitiesis to createpeople who will be able to live in tlre everchanging and contingent''renvironrnent.This processshould be backed up by hurnanities educationbecauseit provides knowledge that can be applied in the context of individual human existence:when solving couflictsofvalues, moral dilernnras.critical attitudeto social issucsclc. Apparently,this thinking was proposcdby.l. Dcwcy (1998,p. 478) whcn hc said that "the absenceof a genuinelyhumanisticknowledge is a great sourceof our problernsthat is wlry we need activehuman science."Furthennore,he addstlrat "Today, it is especially ilnpofiant to dcvclop mcthods of scicntific rcscarch which would providc us with humanitarianor ethicalknowledgewe rnissso much" (ibid., p. 479). Pluralism uersa.suniformity In this article we would like to outline the value of humanitieseducationtlrroughtlre philosophicalanalysisofthe problemofpluralisrn, relying on the findingsofselectedauthors who support thcir findings with thcir cmpirical rcscarchin thc ficld of sociology.cultural studiesand other scierces.The philosophicalanalysisof the problem of pluralism is up-todate sincewe are confrontedwith radicaldifferencein lifestylesand the rights ofthose who vehementlyarticulatelbr this otlremess.We are speakingabout tlre emancipationof sexual rurinoritiesand following the influenceof massiveDrigrationflows. we nrust also addresslhe plurality of culturcsthat have fixed differentcivilizational pattemsof belravior'.In slrorl.we are in the tirne of tlreboonringpluralism. In temrs ofethnic and cognitivecertaintyand traditionalvaluesthe cunent pluralistic situationis often unclear.Z. Baumanexpressedtlris situationas follorvs(1996,p.213): "The social spaccof a modcm mall is madc up of thc islandsof impofiancc,sprcadacrosshugc areasdeprivedoflneaning: eachislandis a paradiseofknowledge in the rniddleofa senrantic dcscrt dcprivcd ofcharacteristicfcaturcsand focal points." ln a situationofradical pluralisnr without ontic and cognitive certaintya need to hold on the nearestfixed point ostensibly providing such an assuranceeasily arises.With regarclto politics, this tlend is gradually 'n'This articfc rvrs wriltcn undcr tlre grarl pr(iccl VE(iA no. li()481/15 Projahr csteti:acie etistcncie v sri[asnej lilo:olii o kultire. "' The fact that the contingency is a fundanenlal ath'ibute of rhe contemporary uorld was highlighter.l in the work Corllrrger<;r', Iron', und Solidtin by the American pragmatist Rony R. (cf. Rony 1996). 288 becomingvisible with the rise ofthe radicallight in the EuropeanUnione:.Potentialoutbreak of this negative aspect,manifesting itself aI dernocraticpolitical scenesand in societles themselvesrvas clescribedby the postnrodemisrntheorisl and philosopherW. Welsch who dealt with the problenrs of pluralisnr. and who despite the affinnative attitude towards poslntodem pluralisrn stated: "whers people part theil u,ays with the usual staudardsand wltclc thc transition to a largc nunrbcr of diffcrcnt oricDtationslcads to a situation of arbitrarinessa call lor a leadermay get followels" (Welsch I 993b, p. | 8). The inrportantthrng is not to get hold ofthe first populistand denragogicrlretorrcbut ratherleanrhow to navigate through the situation of radical pluralisrn.This is also one of the reasonsfor presen,ing hurnani ti es and uni v ers i tyeduc ati on. However, we do not waDtto give the mistakenimpressionthat pluralisrnis a negative phcnomcnouthat has to bc perccivcdin a ncgativcways. Thc articlc also providcsa positivc definition of pluralism, as statedby SisrikovriO. (2001, p. 177): "The plurality of options gives a positive feeling from the wealth a life gives us, its unique rrotnents,unrepealable dccisions and so on. Thc apprcciationof pluralisnr as thc valuc of life is rcflcctcd in thc emphasisthat is being put on othenlessof its individual nranifestations - the plurality and the cnjoynent of thc plural. ln othcr words plurality is thc conccrn rcgarding aesthctics cultivation." Despitepositive-mindedattributesofplurality today's enrpiricismconvincesus ofa negativeappl'oachtowardsthe plurality, as evidencedby the successofthe radical rightwing party in the parliarnentaryelection of 2016, let alone by the discussionson social netwolks. This negative anitude is starting to manifest itself in the totalitariau political thinking rvhich does not oppress (only) nrinorities but also intelferes iuto the artists perfomrances,not providing alreadyapprovedfunds allocatedby the Ministry ofCulture for organizing cultural events etc.e3With this continuing trend we can expecl that with the supportof such arguments(in relationto the labor market) humanities,social sciences.arts bodies and various inslitutions u,orking on the basis of plLrralism,without which therr existenceis rneaningless,will be dissolvedand abolished.These clairns are in no way a forecast,they arejust sirnply outlining a possiblestateof thingsthat needsto be avoidedearly on. That is rvhy we insist on the view that we should not negatepluralisrn,as only pluralisnr preventstotalitarianunifbnnity. We shouldconfornrto the plurality and try to understandi1. As shown by Welsch (1993a),the so-called"aestheticthinking" that can be refined thlough thc pcrccption of art can hclp us in thc sinration of thc radical plurality. Wclsh statcs that ifwe are equippedwith an aestheticsensitivityin relationto tlre lnodem art, our aeslhetic thinking can be also useclin our everyday life. This nreansthe recognitionof the radical pluralisrn- the recognitionthat eachindividualhas different assurnptions. It follou,sthen that each individual is organizedundersrrigenerrs.On the basis ofthat knowledgewe aftlrn) the inconrnrensurablestatus of these singularities, which means that rve understand that the critelia for" assessingone singularity cannot be applied to the assessmentof anolher singularity'".Through such a cognitiveprocessingofpluralisrn we will be able to understarrd and acknowledgethe pluralism insteadof suppressingit and feeding totalitalian thinking. With rcgard to this Wclsch (1993) assurnesthat the acsthcliccxpcricnccflom art that rnixcs plurality of styles,genres,fonns, contentetc. without negatingeaclrother can be transposed to nonnal life and serveas a model for specificactionsin a situationfull ofradical pluralism. In this sensewe can perceivethis aestheticthinking to be alsoan ethicalthinking. The philosophl' and conceptsof private ethics by a politicalparty of M. Kotleba- Ludovi strunaNasc Slovcnsko. ': In Slovakia.thc cxlrcmisimis represcntcd which in thc lasl plrliamcntary c'lcctirrrsgot 8.(,4% of thc popular volc (Slatisticsarc availablc al: htlp://volby.slatislics.skhrsilnrsr2(l | 6/sk/data(l2.hrrrl). o' The abouerssuesrook placeundertlresupervision of M. KotIeba'" The art canbe reflectedin a siuglepieceofan work and life canbe reflectedin a singlelife form. 289 The reasonswhy it is necessaryin the responseto the philosophicalanalysisof the plurality to consider the aestheticthinking to be ethics and ethics to be aestheticsare as follows: a human being is able to think in tenns of ethicsand aesthetic,ie. a human being is able to live in a pluralistic environmentand be a personcorrespondingto the political and social framework ofthe 2l'"s century culture. Such a pelson cau respectdifferencesand undcmtand particulal lnotivations, intentions and rncthods of sclf-rcalization and sclfinterpretation.Such a personimplicilly understandsthat in dre situationofanti-essentialisrrr and historicisnrofthe conternporarynrodem society it is not enouglrto refer to the conrmon ground.A personthus becomesaware of ethical relativisrn,however,which does not mean that his/herown actionsare relativized.On the contrary,he/sheunderstandsthat the ethical relativism is simply about forming and shaping one's own ethos accordiDglo oDe' own taste (if thosc critcria do Dot cDdangcrothcr individuals). Hc/shc shall also undcrstandthat onc person'sethos is incommensurablewith another person's ethos,which, however, does not mean that eachofthem should not act accordingto the rules oftheir own ethos- that is why individualcthcacomc into cxistonccin thc first placc. These words are not stating the leality but rather outlining a vision. However, the qucstionis horv to irnplcmcnt such a vision. Going back to thc introduction,wc rcmcmbcr Dewey (1998) accordinglo whonr the sourceofmany problemsis the lack oftruly hunranistic knowledge. With the regard to the problenr of ethics - aestheticsrve see a way which humanities and highel education should take at the vely basic level. Generalizatron disregardingspecificsof the hurnanitieswould be a major mistake.though.Theretbrewe rvill lirnit the notiou ofhumanitarian scienceto a philosophy,which, however,could also provide a base to rnany other lrumanities,social and educationalsciencesand higher educationrn general.We respect its status as a science with a strong traditional position within the university education which. under the lau,no. 131/2002on Higher Education "[should] developa hannoniouspersonality.knowledge,wisdom. goodnessand creativity in a person," thus createa hurnanbeing equippedwith a high degleeofethical knowledge(Dervey, 1998). With regardto the postmodemphilosophicalconceptsand the real picture ofthe world today we see thal universalistic,inrperativeand essentialistphilosophicaland ethical conceptsare simply not enough in the world of proliferative pluralism. That is also why the culrent philosophy perceives ethics as aesthetics- ethos crcated in a creative and individualgcncmtcd proccss. Dcspitc the fact thc ethos is not fixcd to any cssence,it may act as an indicativesclremeas flexible as our presenceneeds.Foucault(2003a,2003b,2005,2010) in his last phaseofhis philosophicalthinking thoughtofthe antiqueconceptoftlre aestheticsof existenceand assumedthat ifwe reject essentialism,we need lo create ethics b1,otu'selves. The ernergenceofprivate ethics,suclr as e. g. Rorty'(1996) private ethics,is subjectto R. Shnstennan's(2003, p. 373) explanation,accordingto which this trend "can be explained largely as a result of tlre decline of the rnore traditional model of ethics" related 1o the - largely rejectedby the contemporaryphilosophy.Shustennan(2003) statesone essentialism rnorereasou- traditionalmorality rs quite rigid, thus unableto adaptto real humansituations. So if wc thiuk about cthics as of acsthctics,it meansthc following: "Ethical dccisions- likc art - shouldnol be the result ofstrict applicationofthe rulesbut the productsofcreative and critical imagination"(Shustennan2003. p. 382). This doesnot. however,mean resignationto the order and rules,it isjust a rejectionoftlreir strict and inrperativeenforcenrent. Thinking about privateethics,i.e. ethicscreatedindividuallyand creatively- thinking aboutaestheticallyfonned ethosalsohas political consequences sinceit is connectedwith the affinnatiolr of tlre pluralistic natureof the contemporaryworld. ln the ideal casewhere the hrnuanitiestaught at universitieswould provide hunranisticeducationon the groundsof the above mentioned philosophicaland ethical ideas, it would not be possible for people to pluralism bccausethcy would pcrccivc plulalisrn cnfbrcc thc political powcl that suppresscs 290 as a couceptthey belong into. However,such a vision doesnol con'espondwith the real state of affairs. Therefore, this reflection wants airns to show the way university environment shouldbe lbcusingon - creatingintellectualcultureand culturally responsibleindividuals. Conclusion Thc rcasoningsuggeststhat we shouldthink about initiating public discussionson thc real role of tlre hurranilies as well as social and educationalsciencesin our society.Sociocultural and political reality of a globalized world in fact convincesus tlrat we need the hurnanilieseducation rnore than ever befbre, as evidencedby the ernpirical example of attenrptsregardingpolitical uniformity and negationofpluralism and creativity.It would be inespousible to ignore the consequencesof the rise of the extreme riglrt whiclr explicitly promotesthc priDciplcof unifonnity. Wc shouldtakc thc last ccntury as a waming. Thc fact that we need humanitiesknowledge- as claimed by Dewey is in theselnomentslhe most visible. Horvever,as \r/eknow. lrurnanitieseducationis not absentin our society.However, thc qucstion is whcthcr such an cducation providcs rcal hurnaniticscducalion and cthical knowledge.If it were true tlral witlr the incrcasingquantity of peopleeducatedin etlricsarrd humanitics also grorvs humanitarianisrn and solidarity, passivity or indiffcrencc to thc problemsthat affecl hunranitylike the suppression ofpluralisrn rvouldbe he hard to irnagine. The critical analysis of the unir,ersityeducation and lrumanitieseducation would requitea separaleexamination.Despitethe absenceof suclrexamination.however,we would like to expressour opinion that today we shouldthink about suchan educationthat is suitable for our presenttimes.Humanitiesand scienceknowledgecamrotbe only critical,as criticism, if uot backed up by a real altenrative,often tum into tlre anaclrronisticand dysfunctional concepts.T'he criticism of individualisnt generally brings about the idea of socialisnrand Marxisnr, which can again give rise to dangerouspolitical tendencies.In contrast,it seelnsto be a better alternalive to stoically affimr a given state. howevel conflicting it rnight be, and leam to deal with it. With regardto this we can tum to private ethicsthat can be perceivedas a nerv way of thinkiug nansported into the humanities. Prir,ate ethics is not a criticism of historicisnrand anti-essentialisnr due to u,hich we can no longer constructuniversalethical systems,right on the contrary. We recognizedcontingency,individualisrn,pluralisrn and other fundametrtalfeatut'esofthe presentbut we took advantageofthenr irr favor ofa thinking that would tur up to bc up-to-dalc and yct humanistic and cthical bccauscit would carc about - itr the caseofprivale aestheticethics- tlre creationofnew, own ethicalvaluesthat govenr humanexistence.Shouldn'tbe the humanitieseducationexactlyaboutthesenotions- creating individualscapableof forrningand creatingethicalvahresin the conflictedwolld? Bibliography BAUMAN, 2., 1996. Etyka ponowocze.sno.Wanzawa: WydarvnictrvoNaukowe PWN. IS B N 83-01-t2050-9. DEWEY, J., 1998. Budricnost'filozofie v na3ej6re vedy fiej rola nikdy nebola viid5ia).ln: l|ald antol6gia -lilozofie XX. storoiia. Pragmatiznus. Ch. S. Pcirce. llt. ,lames..1. Dewey. R. Ror4'. 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