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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 02, February 2019, pp.,1355-1364 Article ID: IJCIET_10_02_131 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijciet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=02 ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed EFFECTS OF POLYPROPYLENE FIBRE ON CEMENT STABILIZED SOIL S.W. Langade PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Katol Road, Nagpur, India Dr. P.P. Dahale Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Katol Road, Nagpur, India Dr. A.A. Mehta Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Katol Road, Nagpur, India ABSTRACT Expansive soil causing problems due to its swelling and shrinkage characteristics. Expansive soils are a worldwide problem that poses several challenges for civil Engineers. Various methods are adapted to improve the engineering characteristics of expansive. Literature is available on adding and mixing the fiber into the soil as this technique has been incorporated since ancient times. Cement created in the ignition of sub bituminous coals shows self-cementing characteristics and can be utilized as a part of an extensive variety of application. In this paper the main focused on increasing the Compressive strength and CBR value of the Black Cotton soil by varying the percentage of Polypropylene fibre in the range of 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and the Cement is varied as 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% 10%, 12% & 14% by weight of soil mass. Keywords: Clayey soil, stabilization, Polypropylene fiber, cement, CBR value, UCS test. Cite this Article: S.W. Langade Dr. P.P. Dahale And Dr. A.A. Mehta,,Effects Of Polypropylene Fibre On Cement Stabilized Soil International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, IJCIET (10)(2) pp;1355-1364 http://www.iaeme.com/ijciet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=02 1. INTRODUCTION Black cotton soil is one of the major soil deposits of India. They exhibit high percentage of swelling and shrinkage when exposed to changes in moisture content and hence have been found to be most troublesome from engineering consideration. The percentage of http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1355 editor@iaeme.com : S.W. Langade Dr. P.P. Dahale And Dr. A.A. Mehta,Effects montmorillonite is more in black cotton soil which causes expansiveness and crack occurs in soil without any warning which is dangerous for construction. These soils expand and become sticky during rainy season and contract during the dry season causing deep cracks into the soil. Chemically black soils consist of lime, iron, magnesium, alumina and potash but they lack in nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter. Due to capacity to hold water, these soils are suitable for the cultivation of cotton hence called as black cotton soil. The word “soil” is derived from the latin word solium which according to dictionary means the upper layer of the earth that may be dug or plowed; specifically, the loose surface material of earth in which plant grows. The term soil in soil engineering is defined as an unconsolidated material, composed of solid particles produced by disintegration of rocks. The voids space between particles may contain air, water or both. The solid particles may contain organic matter. The soil particles maybe separated by such mechanical means as agitation and water. Soil deposits in nature exist in an extremely erratic manner producing thereby an infinite variety of possible combination which will affect the strength of the soil and the procedures to make it purposeful. So is the particular case of black cotton soil with a wide range of challenges associated with the construction at sites. 2. SOIL STABILIZATION Soil stabilization is that the alteration of soils to boost their physical and engineering properties. Stabilization will increase the shear strength and / or improves shrink-swell behavior of soil. Stabilization is a proven solution useful for roadways, parking areas, site development projects, airports and many other situations where sub-soils are not suitable for construction. Stabilization can be used to treat a wide range of sub-grade materials, varying from expansive clays to granular materials. Variety of stabilizers is used as additives, including lime, flyash, and cement. Other material byproducts are also used in stabilization include limekiln dust (LKD), cement-kiln dust (CKD), Granular blast furnace slag (GGBS), etc. 3. REVIEW OF LITERATURE This chapter presents the overview of the process of soil Stabilization (i.e. stabilization by using cement and further reinforced by using polypropylene fiber). Expansive soil known to cause damage to all types of structure and road pavements. The losses due to extensive damage are much higher. Various alternatives like soil replacement, rare-wetting, moisture control cement stabilization have been practice with varied degree of success. However, these techniques suffer from certain limitation which are varies for a longer time for critical soil. Difficulties in construction, pulverization and mixing problems in case of cement stabilization. 4.MATERIALS 4.1SOIL The clayey soil is one of the most problematic soil existing on the earth. Almost 20% of the entire ground area in India is covered with this type of soil which indicates that it is available in a very huge quantity (Gundaliya P.J., 2015). Such soil contains clay minerals which are Kaolinite, Illite and Montmorillonite which imparts expanding and swelling properties into the soil especially if Montmorillonite mineral content is dominant. Expansive soils, popularly known as black cotton soils in India are, amongst the most problematic soils from Civil Engineering construction point of view. Soil suction is another quality that can be used to characterize a soil’s affinity for water on its volume change behavior. Black cotton soil is http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1356 editor@iaeme.com Effects of Polypropylene Fibre On Cement Stabilized Soil heavy clay soil, varying from clay to loam; it is generally light to dark grey in color. The soil prevails usually in central and southern part of India. The most important characteristic of the soil is, when dry, it shrinks and is hard like stone and has very high bearing capacity. 4.2 CEMENT This grade was introduced in the country by BIS in the year 1987 and commercial production started from 1991. Advent of this grade in the country owes it to the improved technology adopted by modern cement plants. OPC 53 Grade cement is required to conform to BIS specification IS:12269-1987 with a designed strength for 28 days being a minimum of 53 MPa or 530 kg/Sq.cm. Properties of Opc 53 Grade Cement Sr.No. Properties Typical range Result IS Code 1 Consistency (%) Setting time Initial (minutes) Final (minutes) Soundness (mm) (by Le-Chat Expansion) Comp. Strength (kg/sq.cm) 7 days 28 days 26-33% 27.5 IS 4031- 4 30 – 600 min 125 250 2 3 4 IS 4031- 5 IS 4031- 3 -- 1.0 -- 45 58 IS 4031-6 4.3 POLYPROPYLENE FIBERS The raw material of polypropylene is derived from monomeric C3H6 which hydrocarbon is purely. Its mode of polymerization, its high molecular weight and the way it is processed into fibers combine to give polypropylene fibers very useful properties as explained below. In this study of a mixture of polypropylene fiber and cement is described and reported in this paper. In this report 12mm length of polypropylene fiber is used in various proportions with the cement stabilized soil. The percentage of 0.5, 1, 1.5 % PPF are added with 12% cement and soil and 14% cement and soil. This fiber is safe and easy to use, it also helps in reducing shrinkage. Properties of Polypropylene (PPF) Properties Range Diameter Length Tensile Strength Flexural Strength Elongation Shrinkage Length 0.002 mm 12 mm 32 N/mm2 41 N/mm2 40-100 N/mm2 1.5-2 % 5. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM The experimental program was planned with an objective to understand the following index and engineering properties of soil, soil stabilized using cement with or without PPF such as http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1357 editor@iaeme.com : S.W. Langade Dr. P.P. Dahale And Dr. A.A. Mehta,Effects grain size distribution, specific gravity, Atterberg’s standard proctor test, unconfined compressive strength, Soak California bearing ratio test. 6. MIX PROPORTION Weigh batching is adopted and following mix combinations (total 7 nos) were planned in the proposed work. Mix proportions Material Soil 98% Cement 2% 96% 4% Combinations 92% 90% 8% 10% 94% 6% 88% 12% 86% 14% Mix proportions for optimum cement-soil and PPF Material Soil Cement Polypropylene 88% 12% 0.5% Values in percentage contribution of sample 88% 88% 86% 86% 86% 12% 12% 14% 14% 14% 1% 1.5% 0.5% 1% 1.5% Wraping the sample tightly in a polythene covered and place it in a desiccators containing little water and placed in a constant room temperature. Then for soil cement, directly coated the casted specimens with wax to prevent the water evaporation throughout the curing process so that the available water content will be consumed by the cement during hydration process. Soil samples were sealed in airtight plastic bags at specified moisture content. The test specimens were cured under constant temperature and relatively humidity condition. Sample was prepared in cylindrical mould. Curing period for testing samples are 7, 14 and 28 days. 7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Test and results on soil Properties of black cotton soil Sr. No. Properties 1 2 3 4 5 Silt & clay content (%) Liquid limit (%) Plastic limit (%) Shrinkage limit Specific gravity 6 7 8 Typical range 40-60 50-60 25-40 9-18 2.6- 2.8 Standard Proctor Test Maximum Dry Density (g/cc) 1.4-1.8 Optimum Moisture Content (%) 15-30 California Bearing Ratio (%) 2–6% Unconfined Compressive Strength (kN/m2) 40 – 95 Observed IS code 84% 65.25 28.15 --2.63 IS (2720-4) IS (2720-4) IS (2720-6) IS (2720-6) IS (2720-4) 1.749 16.4 2.341 74 IS (2720-7) IS (2720-7) IS (2720-16) IS (2720-10) Test and results on cement stabilized soil Various doses of cement are added into black cotton soil and all the tests were performed to analyses the strength of black cotton soil. http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1358 editor@iaeme.com Effects of Polypropylene Fibre On Cement Stabilized Soil Tests on Black Cotton Soil Using Cement Cement addition by weight Virgin Soil 2% 65.01 4% 63.92 6% 60.02 8% 59.01 10% 55.92 12% 55.36 14% 54.08 30.88 37.89 38.01 38.21 37.11 36.10 35.85 Liquid limit 65.25 Plastic Limit 28.15 Maximum dry density 1.749 g/cc 17.22 17.41 17.86 18.22 18.60 19.50 19.70 Optimum moisture content 16.4% 1.745 1.743 1.741 1.738 1.701 1.682 1.663 IP 37.1 34.13 26.03 22.01 20.8 18.81 19.26 18.23 OMC & MDD CBR results for various doses of cement with soil Sr no Sample 0 days 7 days 14 days 28 days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Soil Soil+ 2% c Soil+ 4% c Soil+ 6% c Soil+ 8% c Soil+ 10% c Soil+ 12% c Soil+ 14% c 2.341 2.383 2.461 2.535 2.787 3.142 3.314 3.369 2.431 3.784 4.743 5.179 5.817 6.075 6.881 3.652 4.881 5.941 6.476 7.162 7.482 8.281 4.028 5.573 6.742 7.474 8.264 8.631 10.018 http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1359 editor@iaeme.com : S.W. Langade Dr. P.P. Dahale And Dr. A.A. Mehta,Effects CBR results for various doses of cement with soil and 0.5%,1.0%,1.5% PPF (polypropylene fibre) CBR result 12% and 14% With PPF Sr no. Optimum limit 1 soil +12% cement 2 soil +14% cement Nomenclature 0 Days (%) 7 Days (%) S0+12%C+0.5%PPF S0+12%C+1.0%PPF S0+12%C+1.5%PPF S0+14%C+0.5%PPF S0+14%C+1.0%PPF S0+14%C+1.5%PPF 5.762 6.441 6.763 5.981 6.593 7.061 8.763 9.574 10.217 8.972 10.718 11.241 http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1360 14 Days 28 Days (%) (%) 10.481 11.523 12.446 10.843 12.421 14.236 12.174 13.183 15.286 13.217 14.421 16.215 editor@iaeme.com Effects of Polypropylene Fibre On Cement Stabilized Soil UCS results for various doses of cement with soil and 0.5%,1.0%,1.5% PPF (polypropylene fibre) UCS results for various doses of cement with soil Sr NO Nomenclature 0 Days 7 Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Soil Soil+2%C Soil+4%C Soil+6%C Soil+8%C Soil+10%C Soil+12%C Soil+14%C 106.023 138.156 156.251 196.013 218.132 229.152 258.209 181.147 184.092 187.554 223.571 245.691 412.493 424.793 14 Days 28 Days 254.164 315.942 356.930 402.155 424.273 504.161 540.418 378.056 419.963 446.871 506.842 528.967 612.495 631.866 74 UCS results 12% and 14% With PPF http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1361 editor@iaeme.com : S.W. Langade Dr. P.P. Dahale And Dr. A.A. Mehta,Effects Sr NO Optimum limit 1 Soil+12% cement 2 Soil+14% cement Nomenclature S0+12%C+0.5%PPF S0+12%C+1.0%PPF S0+12%C+1.5%PPF S0+14%C+0.5%PPF S0+14%C+1.0%PPF S0+14%C+1.5%PPF 0 Days (kn/m2) 1013.691 1223.912 1421.036 1053.174 1264.485 1472.609 7 Days (kn/m2) 1521.152 1828.144 2120.316 1534.284 1846.24 2147.412 14 Days (kn/m2) 1835.843 1948.091 2056.346 1886.631 2006.413 2119.668 28 Days (kn/m2) 2188.096 2368.218 2548.331 2196.253 2384.501 2580.614 8. CONCLUSIONS In this study a series of tests were conducted to study the effect of polypropylene fiber. This work was suggesting that if content of polypropylene fibers is properly mixed, it can used as good soil stabilization technique. This paper was intended to evaluate strength tests and engineering properties. The conclusions drawn from the study are - Swelling of soil sample decreased with increasing percentages of PPF. Maximum dry density of soil sample was achieved at 1.5% of polypropylene fiber. - The optimum moisture content decreased with increasing percentages of polypropylene fiber the optimum value was obtained at 1.5% polypropylene fiber. - By increasing the doses of cement into soil, the compressive strength of soil along with bearing capacity of soil increases. As with the increase of polypropylene fibre content, http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1362 editor@iaeme.com Effects of Polypropylene Fibre On Cement Stabilized Soil unconfined compressive strength, CBR (soaked) values increase. This suggests its suitability as good stabilizer to improve performance of soft soils. 9. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] Consoli, N.C., Scapini, B., Festugato, L., 2013a. A practical methodology for the determination of failure envelopes of fiber-reinforced cemented sands. Geotext. Geomemb. 41, 50e54. 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