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The Lepidoptera Research Foundation


Menthe and olive leaves is belong to Lamiaceae and Olea europaea family respectively. both a popular plant in Iraq and which. is possess antimicrobial, insecticidal properties and antifungal functions and an essential component in commercial..medicine, The aim. of this study: Menthe and olive leaves were extracted by acetone through cold method of extraction called maceration and screened Phytochemical to showed present and absent some chemical compound as showed in table no 1,2. In vitro antibacterial activity results were summarized in table No2.of Menthe and olive leaves against some pathogenic bacterial strains E.coli, klebsiella which separated from patients urine.

The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera The Lepidoptera Research Foundation. June 2019 ISSN 0022-4324 (print) ISSN 2156-5457 (online) Volume 50 (2): 51-56 Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Study of Acetone Extracts of Menthe and Olive Leaves FADIL M. HAMED1, SEMMAH. SHALAAL2, AFRAH T. HLAIL3 AND BASSAM A. HASSAN4* 1 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Thi-Qar University, Iraq. 2 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Thi-Qar University, Iraq. 3 Department of Clinical Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, Thi-Qar University, Iraq. 4 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Thi-Qar University, Iraq. 4 bassam-abd@utq.edu.iq and Bassam_org@yahoo.com Abstract. Menthe and olive leaves is belong to Lamiaceae and Olea europaea family respectively. both a popular plant in Iraq and which. is possess antimicrobial, insecticidal properties and antifungal functions and an essential component in commercial..medicine, The aim. of this study: Menthe and olive leaves were extracted by acetone through cold method of extraction called maceration and screened Phytochemical to showed present and absent some chemical compound as showed in table no 1,2. In vitro antibacterial activity results were summarized in table No2.of Menthe and olive leaves against some pathogenic bacterial strains E.coli, klebsiella which separated from patients urine. Keywords. Menthe, Olive, Phytochemical, Antibacterial a Activity and Maceration. Received: 14 May 2019 Accepted: 02 June 2019 51 The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera The Lepidoptera Research Foundation. June 2019 ISSN 0022-4324 (print) ISSN 2156-5457 (online) Volume 50 (2): 51-56 INTRODUCTION Photochemistryorthe chemistry of plants is important branch of chemistry concerned with plants and plant products. The chemical constituents in plants that occur naturally are responsible for colour and organoleptic advantage, such as the dark purple of smell of garlic and blueberries [1]. Many natural product occurring compounds found in herbalof plants and spices have various activity compounds [2]. In the past 15decade, pharmacists and chemists have been Isolated, extracted and identified the active compound from plants as try to produce vital pharmaceutical drugs. For example, Digoxine from Digitalis purpureaplant, morphinee from opium poppyand reserpine (Indian snakeroot) Rauwolfia serpentine [3]. Mentha plant botanical name is mintbelongs to the.family of Lamiaceae. It is a public plant in Iraq, Europe, Australia and South Africa. Mentha vital plant consumed in beverage. Bioactivities have been notify for species of Mentha, such as antimicrobial, insecticidal properties and antifungal. Because of to the appearance of active chemical constituents like flavonoids, menthone, menthol, rosmarinic acid and carvone consider as good antioxidant properties[4]. Olive (Oleaeuropaea) asbotanical name is belongs to the. Oleaceae family. It is widely exceedingly used in folk medicine for many diseases such as feversand malaria, Olive leaf extract has the ability to reduced the blood pressure in animals and increases blood flow in coronary arteries, prevents intestinal muscle spasms and relieves arrhythmia. The olive leaves are well known for many useful pharmacological effects. Olive leaves extracts have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant anti-hypertensive, anti-hypercholestermic, anti-hyperglycemic, antithrombotic, diuretic and anti-tumor properties. Due to the appearance of active constituents like chemical constituents in unprocessed olive leaf are oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol, as well as polyphenols and flavonoids, including luteolin, rutin, caffeic acid, catech in and apigenin[5]. The present study revealed maceration extracted, phytochemical screened, and vitro.antibacterial studied of Menthe and olive leaves against some pathogenic bacterial strains(E.coli, klebsiella ) separated from urine of patients. Results were summarized in table No2. MATERIAL AND METHODS Materials Menthe and olive leaves were collected from the local. Garden of Nasiriya and dried then grounded to a powder then kept in dry container. 52 The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera The Lepidoptera Research Foundation. June 2019 ISSN 0022-4324 (print) ISSN 2156-5457 (online) Volume 50 (2): 51-56 All chemicals. obtained from the college. laboratory The work was performed at the organic. chemistry laboratory. Preliminary phytochemical screening Preparation of acetone extract by maceratde50 grams of menthe and olive leaves powder in250 mL of acetone for one week. The extract solution was filtered and acetone was evaporated on a rotator evaporator under vacuum at a temperature of 450 0C one to fifth. The filtrate was used for phytochemical screening to confirm the phytochemicals present by the following test [6,7]. Bassam Alkaloids (dragendorff’s tests), flavonoids (shinoda), glycosides (molish tests), tannis acid (10%fecl3 test), saponins (foam tests), sterols (liberman-burchard test), coumarin (test of filter paper soaked by diluted naoh), anthraquinons (borntrager's test) were carried out. As showed in (table 1) [8]. Table 1. Phytochemical screening (where,– absent and + present) 53 The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera The Lepidoptera Research Foundation. June 2019 ISSN 0022-4324 (print) ISSN 2156-5457 (online) Volume 50 (2): 51-56 Stock Solution Preparation The stock solution of menthe and olive leaves was done by dissolving 0.5 gm of the menthe and olive leaves extracts and its in 10 ml of acetone to get a 50 mg/ml which was the concentration tested as shown in table (No3). Sterilization was done by filtration..wares through a Millipore 0.45 mm and 0.22 mm. Baioloical Activity After Sample collection, isolation and identification of bacteria to know the biological effect of olive extract and mintha. The extract was tested on two types of bacteria isolated from the urine were tested for antibacterial activity using the diffusion technique on Mueller-Hinton agar, where it was noted that the bacteria[9,10] Klebsiella are more sensitive to min tha compared to the E. coli bacteria the were resistant the analysis were defined as the minimum concentration of an extract with the capacity to inhibit bacterial growth. The result are summarized in table2.[11-13]. Table 2. Diameter zone of inhibition (mm) of bacterial growth by plant extracts Bacterial strains Inhibition zone diameters in mm Inhibition zone diameters mm (olive ) (Mintha) Klebsiella 21mm(S) 14mm(R) E.coli 16mm(R) 12mm(R) Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. R:0-14 S:17…… Figure 1. Klebsiella 0f susceptible to Mintha in well number 3 in Mueller-Hintonagar 54 The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera The Lepidoptera Research Foundation. June 2019 ISSN 0022-4324 (print) ISSN 2156-5457 (online) Volume 50 (2): 51-56 CONCLUSION As discussed previously, Mentha leave macerated by acetone, Phytochemical screening of Mentheleaves showed the absence of flavonoids, Coumarin, terpenoids and steroids while presence of alkaloids, saponins, tannins, glycosides, anthraquinons. Phytochemical screening of olive leaves showed the absence of alkaloids saponins, anthraquinons, terpenoids and steroids while presence of, flavonoids, tannins, Carbohydrate, glycosides, Coumarin. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 80% of the world’s inhabitants depend mainly on traditional medicine for their primary health care.It is difficult to speculate the mechanism by which these bioactive compounds act as bactericidal. Where we note in this study that the types of bacteria isolated sensitive to mintha and olive paper respectively, the result of biological activity study suggest that the aceton extraction of menthol founded very much effective against Klebsiella can see sensivity to menth while E.coli resistances to same while compare to olive that resistance to Klebsiellaba and E.coli. The most important in our study the mentha more effective in biological activity than oliveas shoed in figure No 1&No2. REFERENCES Berad BN, Bhiwagade SM (2012). 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