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BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE major How many functional cell(s) is/are produced after oogenesis? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 In which growing conditions would you find xerophytes, hydrophytes, and halophytes (respectively)? A. Mineral-rich, aquatic, dry B. Aquatic, dry, mineral-rich C. Dry, aquatic, mineral-rich D. Dry, mineral-rich, aquatic Which of the following pairs in mismatched? A. Gastropod — mantle cavity B. Bivalvia — water vascular system C. Oligochaete — segments D. Hirudinea — suckers Meiosis results in the production of A. two diploid daughter cells B. four diploid daughter cells C. two haploid daughter cells D. four haploid daughter cells What are the location and function of endosperm? A. In a flower to attract pollen B. In fruit to protect the embryo C. In a seed to feed the embryo D. Part of pollen required for fertilization What disease common among cigarette smokers affects the air sacs of the lungs? A.       Tuberculosis B.       Asthma C.  Emphysema D.      Tracheal disorder The Bipolar nature of the cell membrane is due to  ___?                   .             A. Presence of carriers             B. presence of glycolipids             C. Phospholipids bilayer             D. Integral bilayer What do you call the animals that ingest both plants and animals? A.      Carnivores B.      Omnivores C.      Herbivores D.      Saprophytes The fact that some flowers close up at night and open up during the day is an example of A. continuity B. interactions C. homeostasis D. structural adaptations Limbs are attached to the vertebral column as follows: A. pelvic are on the left; pectoral are on the right B. pelvic are on the right; pectoral are on the left C. pelvic are anterior; pectoral are posterior D. pelvic are posterior; pectoral are anterior Canis familiaris is the scientific name of a dog, Canis is the: A. Specie B. Genus C. Phylum D.  Class Which of the following is the correct sequence of the digestive organs through which material pass in a rat? A. Mouth, trachea, stomach, small intestine, anus B. Mouth, esophagus, crop, gizzard, intestine C. Mouth, stomach, rectum, large intestine, anus D. Mouth, stomach, small intestine, caecum, large intestine How can decomposition affect an ecosystem? a. It lessens the amount of biodegradable waste b. It enriches the soil with inorganic materials needed c. It promotes the absorption of materials d. Both B and C Alellopathy is the inhibition of plant growth due to the release of biochemicals by another plant. Which of the following does alellopathy compares to the nearest? a. Mutualism b. Commensalism c. Parasitism d. Amensalism Soil erosion can be prevented by various farming techniques. Which of the following is useful in preventing surface runoff due to elevation and preventing much destruction of the landscape? a. Strip cropping b. Stubble planting c. Terracing d. Contour plowing  Which of the following sequences correctly specifies the study of insects? A. Biology – botany – entomology B. Zoology – biology – insectology C. Biology – zoology – entomology D. Biology – zoology – microbiology Which of the following scientists conducted experiments that led to his belief that the cause of tobacco mosaic disease was either a very small bacterium or a toxin produced by the bacteria? A. Miller B. Meyer C. Beijerinick D. Iwanowski s A food web is a network of interacting             A. producers             B. food chains             C. consumers             D. habitats A rare allele may become common in a small population in a relatively short period of time due to A. genetic drift. B. adaptive radiation. C. divergent evolution. D. convergent evolution. A litter of puppies being born to a dog is an example of A. continuity. B. interactions. C. changes through time. D. structural adaptations. Which tissue is specialized to carry out the message sent by neurons to lift a book? a. Nervous b. Muscular c. Epithelial d. Connective Which gas is essential to plants during cellular respiration? a. carbon dioxide b. oxygen c. nitrogen             d. hydrogen Select the TRUE statement from among the following statements about moss. A. The sporophyte is photosynthetic, but the gametophyte is not B. The gametophyte is photosynthetic, but the sporophyte is not C. Both the gametophyte and the sporophyte are photosynthetic D. Neither the sporophyte not the gametophyte is photosynthetic Which of the following is the BEST description of the role of a substrate in relation to a fungus? A. Defense B. Camouflage C. Reproduction D. Source of nutrients A hyphal strand that is termed coenocytic usually A. has nuclei and cross walls B. lacks nuclei and crosswalls C. lacks nuclei, but has cross walls D. has nuclei, but lacks cross walls During mitosis, a double-stranded chromosome is attached to a spindle fiber at the __________  .                         .             A. Cell Plate             B. Centromere             C. Centrosome             D. Centriole       Which of the following is not true about science and technology? A.       Technology helps improve man’s life B.       Science is an organized knowledge about the environment C.  Technology can provide all the solutions to the problems of the society D.      Science taught man the relationship of living things with their environment Which best describes meiosis as another form of cell division with accompanying nuclear changes?             A. The nuclear changes follow one another indefinitely             B. Each new cell has double the amount from both parents             C. The nucleoli break uo unto teo parts and disappear             D. Each new cell has half the number of chromosomes Hyphae that exhibit positive chemotaxis will grow A. towards each other for reproductive purposes B. towards each other to share a rich food source C. away from each other to ensure distribution of spores D. away from each other to avoid the rapid depletion of nutrients in one area Why does the final consumer obtain the least amount of energy from the producer? a. The statement is not true b. Energy is lost at each transfer c. It is the last in the chain of consumer d. It is an animal Biologists who classify organisms are called A. organists B. taxonomists C. taxidermists D. taxorganists Creatively is a desirable trait that should be developed among our students. Describe a creative person?             A. Creates beautiful set-ups             B. Imitates scientists a work             C. Originates own procedures             D. Announces same solutions Which of the following levels of study in biology is MORE GENERAL than “community”? A. Species B. Ecosystem C. Population D. Organ system Linnaeus based his classification of plants on A. usefulness to man B. evolutionary changes C. environmental factors D. structural characteristics All taxa larger than "species" are A. arbitrary B. written in italics C. biologically useless D. artificial, defined by man In one hour, given ideal growing conditions, a small colony of 10 cells could grow to include A. 13 cells B. 40 cells C. 80 cells D. Hundreds of cells The following steps occur during conjugation. What is the correct sequence of these steps? 1. DNA replication 2. genetic recombination 3. genetic transfer between cells A. 1, 3, 2 B. 2, 3, 1 C. 3, 1, 2 D. 1, 2, 3 Which of the following most accurately applies to endospore production? A. Sexual; during poor growing conditions B. Sexual; during good growing conditions C. Asexual; during poor growing conditions D. Asexual; during good growing conditions Bacterial cells are called gram positive if their cell walls containing A. lipids absorb safranine B. lipids absorb crystal violet C. carbohydrates absorb safranine D. carbohydrates absorb crystal violet Which part of an alga is NOT correctly matched with its function? A. Float — buoyancy B. Holdfast — anchorage C. Stipe — conduct water D. Blade — photsynthesis Green algae is considered to be the most related to land plants because it A. has vascular tissue, which other algae lack B. is equipped with guard cells and stomata to control gas exchange C. is predominantly a sporophyte, where other algae are gametophytes D. stores glucose as starch, rather than oils or other complex carbohydrates What is the process of removing salt from seawater?             A. Detoxification             B. Water Treatment             C. Purification             D. Desalination Which of the following is LEAST useful when distinguishing betweenChlamydomonas and Euglena? A. Flagella B. Eyespots C. Pyrenoid body D. Contractile proteins Which of the following ideas does NOT support the notion that Volvox is a multicellular colony? A. It has simple tissues and organs B. Most of the component cells are all very similar to each other C. If broken apart, it can reassemble or replace the missing parts D. There is some communication and coordination between the component cells Why is it difficult to dispose off high-level nuclear wastes?             A. They have long half-lives             B. They are large and bulky             C. They emit radiation             D. They have short half-lives What is the benefit obtained from greenhouse effect?             A. Speeds the growth of plants             B. Serves as a thermal blanket             C. Allows release of heat energy             D. Serves as a source of light energy The holdfasts of Spirogyra are an advantage and a disadvantage because they A. anchor the plant and absorb chemicals from the soil B. anchor the plant and make it an easier target for herbivores C. enable it to absorb chemicals from the soil, which may to toxic to its growth D. enable it to grow taller increasing the possibility of breaking the filamentous structure The process of replication ensures that daughter cells will have exact copies of A. chromosomes without any mutations B. all the genetic information for the organism C. suitable segments of DNA required for cell survival D. the genetic information to be used by those particular cells Pollution has become a major problem largely because of the             A. use of renewable sources             B. dependence on fossils fuels             C. abundance of natural resources             D. decrease in energy resources The burning of coat could be made less polluting by using a                            .             A. offshore drilling             B. motor vehicle device             C. scrubber system             D. recycling Which of the following is true about stinging cells and collar cells? A. They are homologous structures associated with the digestive system B. Stinging cells are specializations of the ectoderm; collar cells are specializations of endoderm C. Collar cells are specializations of the ectoderm; stinging cells are specializations of endoderm D. Collar cells are members of colonies of cells; stinging cells are specializations of the ectoderm What are the functions of a gastrovascular cavity? A. Digestion and excretion only B. Excretion and circulation only C. Digestion and circulation only D. Digestion, excretion and, circulation  Which of the following animals has a nerve net? A. Sponge B. Jellyfish C. Planaria D. Tapeworm What system do flame cells and nephridiopores belong to? A. Excretory system of planaria B. Circulatory system of planaria C. Excretory system of roundworms D. Circulatory system of roundworms What is the advantage to a parasitic worm of having multiple hosts during its life cycle? A. Finding a mate B. Distributing their young C. Infecting a wider range of animals            D. Sampling a wider range of nutrient sources