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2019, Ars Sacra
ARS SACRA Church Art from the Art Department Collections of the Regional Museum in Jagodina
ARS ISLAMICA. In Honor of Stanislav Mikhailovich PROZOROV. Edited by Mikhail B. Piotrovsky and Alikber K. Alikberov, 2016
This long-awaited volume is dedicated to Stanislav Mikhailovich Prozorov, a prominent Russian Islamologist, and one of the founders of the Leningrad/St. Petersburg school of Islamic studies. Few, if any, researchers in Russia can equal Prozorov’s expertise in the study of classical Islam. The catalogue of his published works includes translations of important Islamic treatises, critical editions of Arabic texts, facsimile editions of sources, ground-breaking monographs, and didactic works on Islam, all of which are unrivalled in Russia. The two encyclopaedic dictionaries of Islam prepared and published by Prozorov deserve particular attention. The first, entitled Islam: An Encyclopedic Dictionary, was published in Moscow in 1991, and constituted an important milestone in the history of Islamic studies in Russian. The second, Islam in the Territory of the Former Russian Empire, currently consists of five volumes and has been reprinted twice. This title, work on which is still ongoing, brought together Russian and foreign orientalists, resulting in an edition which contains unique material. Stanislav Prozorov continued to develop the scholarly traditions of the St. Petersburg school of Russian Oriental Studies, established by A.E. Schmidt, V.V. Barthold, I.Y. Krachkovsky, E.A. Belyaev and I.P. Petrushevsky among others. The methods of this school are based on the study of original sources and classical texts, using specific research methods and techniques developed within the framework of the school. As noted in one of the articles in this Festschrift, Stanislav Prozorov managed to fulfill the dream of A.E. Schmidt by establishing an independent academic school of classical Islamic Studies in St. Petersburg, and so was central to the development of these disciplines. After the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, it became clear that the Soviet Union with its extensive Muslim population badly needed an objective and comprehensive knowledge of Islam. By the time Soviet officials became aware of this state of affairs, Stanislav Prozorov had already been working in the field of classical Islamic Studies for two decades, despite the ideological restrictions on, and state aversion to, religious studies at that time. The uncompromising attitude of Stanislav Prozorov to Islamic studies as a serious subject of study stemmed from an approach which required rigorous objectivity and so deserves the highest respect and admiration. In general, his highly principled attitude towards scholarship is one of the most remarkable traits of our colleague and one which he fully demonstrated in his capacity as Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (until his resignation in 2015). Nowadays, when Islam is at the centre of intense public scrutiny, an unbiased and objective study which does not accept either fanatical proselytism or narrow-minded Islamophobia is of overarching importance. Stanislav Prozorov’s rigorous methodological approach bases itself on the most accurate transmission of reliable knowledge about Islam as a comprehensive religion and philosophical worldview. Prozorov has not shied away from any uncomfortable facts and has striven to counter any belittling of the significant role of this religion in world culture. One can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is an example of devoted service to a noble cause. This volume consists of several dozen articles, mostly written by Prozorov’s close colleagues, associates and former students. The editors felt it improper to intervene in the contributions by these authors and hence the published version of these articles may display differences in transliteration and other stylistic conventions. St. Petersburg — Moscow, 18 January 2016
С.-х. рода, лат. ardea. [Serbo-Croatian roda, Latin ardea.] Зборник Матице српске за филологију и лингвистику 55 II/2012, 21–28. Paper. Argues that Latin ardea, when compared to Serbo-Croatian roda ‘stork’, appears to show the so-called a-prothesis, a phenomenon found in certain zero grades in Indo-European, such as e.g. in OHG amsla ‘blackbird’ next to Latin merula ‘blackbird’.
SACRIFICIUM INTELLECTUS. A PHYSIOGNOMY OF CONTEMPORARY DOGMATISM Автор полемизирует с киевским философом Владимиром Демьяновым (1949 г.р.). Статья определяет место догматической метафизики В. Демьянова в традиции русскоязычной религиозной философии. На основе анализа главной работы В. Демьянова «Идеи к метафизике православной догматики» (2010–2011) сделан вывод, что в Киеве эта традиция пришла в полный упадок. Завершение традиции показано как ироническое и противоречивое возвращение В. Демьянова к православному догматизму, который русскоязычная религиозная мысль пыталась в основном преодолеть. Автор подробно опровергает суждения В. Демьянова о конфессиональной принадлежности всякой философии, о ложности «дискурсивной» философии Запада, а также о вечной правде патернализма. Ключевые слова: метафизика, критическая философия, вера, догмат, разум.
Et in Arcadia ego, 2024
a cura di Valeriia Pliekhotko _ postmedia books 2024 _ _ testi in italiano, inglese e ucraino _ isbn 9788874904075 _ Il catalogo documenta Et in Arcadia ego una residenza per artisti ucraini in dialogo con artisti italiani organizzata dalla Quadriennale di Roma, su invito del Ministero della Cultura, realizzata con il sostegno di Ministero della Cultura, Regione Lazio, Fondazione di Sardegna, IED Cagliari. L'iniziativa nasce dalla volontà di contribuire a mettere in atto azioni concrete di sostegno a giovani autori la cui crescita artistica e il cui impegno professionale all'interno del proprio Paese stanno conoscendo un periodo di grande sofferenza.
Purpose of Article. The purposes of the article are to determinate the contents and limits of the notions "Sacral art", "Ecclesiastical art", "Christian" art", to trace the reasons and causes of the changes in the domestic usage of those notions within 20th century in the Art’ history, as well as in the Artists’ practice. Methodology. On the background of his own professional experience and analysis of the special literature the author has prepared an essay on the border of Art History and Cultural Anthropology with applying of historical and historiographical approaches. Scientific Novelty. The provenance of the abovementioned relative but not synonymic notions is traced; their contents and limits are précised; adequacy of using in contemporary Ukrainian and possibility to translate on other languages are checked. Conclusions. The domestic phenomena of our days, known as a "sacral art", do not fully combine an artistic and ecclesiastical...
Пяты выпуск Acta Archaeologica Albaruthenica прысвечаны васьмідзесяцігоддзю славутага беларускага археолага Георгія Васільевіча Штыхава. У зборніку змешчаны артыкулы беларускіх і расійскіх даследчыкаў, у якіх разглядаюцца пытанні археалогіі, гісторыі і нумізматыкі Беларусі і сумежных рэгіёнаў у Сярэднявеччы. Зборнік разлічаны на археолагаў, гісторыкаў, нумізматаў, музейных супрацоўнікаў, студэнтаў, краязнаўцаў і ўсіх, хто цікавіцца археалогіяй і гісторыяй Беларусі. УДК 902/904(476)(082) ББК 63.4 (4Беи)я43
В статье рассматривается метафора епископского бремени в наследии блаженного Августина. Она имеет широкий круг значений, от вполне конкретных повседневных обязанностей епископа до ответственности, которую он несет за всю свою паству на Страшном Суде. При этом отрицательные коннотации источника метафоры не переносятся на ее цель – епископское служение, что позволяет говорить о метафоре sarcina episcopatus как о примере парадоксального языка Августина. Помимо значений метафоры, анализируются ее возможные источники: новозаветные стихи Мф. 11:30 и Гал. 6:5, а также произведения античных авторов, которые могли входить в круг чтения Августина.
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Studia ceranea, 2023
Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, 2022
ICMA News, 2022
RoSE – Research on Steiner Education, 2013
Research Policy, 2018
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2015
PAR. Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka, 2022
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2017
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Ciência & Saúde Coletiva