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This summary is made of twenty thesis reviewed on the topic of employee absenteeism and it impact on the overall organization. The thesis reviewed had different titles but were all about employee absenteeism and factors that affect absenteeism or is affected by absenteeism. The different studies used different research strategies including qualitative, quantitative, mixed method and survey method. Most of the studies were conducted in the United States of America and Canada. The studies were made in all types of organizations including schools, universities, Retail stores, Manufacturing companies, healthcare centers and all types of organization. Most of the studies used purposive sampling and also used employees and managers as target population of their studies. Findings summary: This section presents the summary of findings from the different studies reviewed and how absenteeism is related to different variables between different organizations. In this study by Brad M. Wagner 2016 while no statistically significant relationship between absenteeism and defense manufacturing schedules or quality was found, a weak but statistically significant positive relationship between absenteeism and manufacturing productivity was uncovered. In this study by Marjorie D Waye 2017 found that employee absenteeism can be reduced using different mechanisms such as employee wellness programs, work life balance programs, giving employees a flexible work schedule and giving them motivation. On the other hand in another study by Devin J. Warnsley, 2015 its findings indicated that by integrating supportive management practices, effective absenteeism policies, and health management programs into their organizational culture, leaders at this university could develop specific strategies to decrease health-related absenteeism. Also another study by Dawn R. Johnson-Tate, 2018, the findings revealed themes that represented restaurant managers' strategies for reducing employee absenteeism including communication, consistent enforcement of management policies, and a positive environment.
Excerpt] Over one million American workers who are otherwise employed will not attend work on any given day: they will be absent. Given the expense and disruption associated with such widespread employee absenteeism, it will come as no surprise that a great deal of time has been spent to determine the causes of employee absenteeism and how its incidence might be reduced. Sadly, however, it has been concluded that the heavy investment of research effort on absenteeism has failed to generate significant dividends, whether one’s criterion is the prediction, explanation, or control of absence (Chadwick-Jones, Nicholson, & Brown, 1982). While prior absence research has not and does not serve the practicing manager very well, new research on employee absenteeism provides promising avenues for management. This chapter will provide an overview of the magnitude of the absenteeism problem and a rationale for why much of the earlier study of workplace absenteeism did not, as a practical matter...
Employee absenteeism is the nonappearance of a worker from work. It is a noteworthy issue confronted by all associations today. The methodology used in this research paper is 25 research study for information investigation Mean, Dependability examination and connection investigation are utilized from different data bases and journals. The study uncovered Occupation fulfillment, Association with others, working conditions, advancement, Pay, Dealing with others and Age are the Most Powerful Influential Factor in employee absenteeism.
This study investigates the relationship of employee absenteeism with various factors. We gather the literature from different articles and after literature review we have find that there are many factors which affects employee absenteeism but we take only four independent variables for conduct a research, and we have find that if health of an employee will be affected then employee will also absent from the work, if life stress are increased then absenteeism also increased, Transport facility are not good then absenteeism increased and if employee are not satisfied with job then absenteeism are will also increased. And For this paper we collect the data from 30 employees of through questionnaire on 5 point likert scale in which we check the reliability of each variable and the reliability of dependent variable (EA) is 0.784, reliability of (H) is .313, reliability of (S) is 0766,reliability of (T) is 0.734 and the reliability of (JS) is 0.751, after checking the reliability after checking the reliability we check the correlation of all variables and prove that the correlation of independent variables with dependent variable is highly positive +1. After check the correlation we have find the regression line which tells us that if we change the 1 unit of beta how much change will in dependent variable. Finally the paper concludes with a discussion of employee absenteeism as it relates to all four factors.
Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1977
Human Resource Management, 1976
The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that influence absenteeism in a sample of workers from a leading textile company in Turkey. The statistical analysis indicated that absenteeism was significantly correlated with age, tenure, type of work and marital status. An interesting finding was that absenteeism was found to be positively and significantly related to astrological signs. Finally, the regression analysis revealed that tenure and level of education were found to be the significant predictors of absenteeism.
The objective of this study was to examine the factors that are responsible for employee absenteeism in the hospitality industry. A combination of quantitative and qualitative data collections and analysis has been used in this study. The study is based on the primary data and secondary data also used for better insight. A semi-structured questionnaire has been used to collect data from the respondents. Every employee of the hospitality industry has been considered as population. The convenience sampling method has been used to determine the sample size. The sample size of the study was 120. All the ethical guidelines of research have been followed to conduct the study. Factor analysis has been used to find out the significant factors which influence absenteeism. In this study mean, standard deviation, standard error and descriptive statistics also used to achieve the objectives. The study finds out that personal and family issue, motivational issues, Transportation issues and strike issues are the substantial factors which influence absenteeism. The study also finds out that level of average absence rate in hospitality industry of Sylhet. Monitor individual absenteeism, monitor overall absence levels, motivate employees, create a climate of open communication and trust, and ensure healthy working conditions were the significant method to manage the absenteeism in the hospitality industry. The study also recommends ways which can reduce the level of absenteeism in the hospitality industry. As customer incentive industry, it's very essential for hospitality industry to reduce the level of absenteeism. The outcome of the study might be helpful for the concerned policymakers and interested groups or individuals to understand the influencing factors of absenteeism.
The economic viability and success of a hotel depends on the optimisation of all resources, including Human Resources (HR). Absenteeism is an occurrence that can have a significant negative impact on optimising HR in South African hotels in the Gauteng Province. The objective of this study is to identify the factors that contribute to employee absenteeism, as well as describing the hotel employers’ perceptions of employee absenteeism. A quantitative research approach was followed in this study. A survey questionnaire was developed in order to collect data from 13 establishments, with a 3-star to 5-star grading, in the Gauteng Province. The findings reveal that absenteeism is mainly due to family responsibilities including childcare, other causes identified were strikes, fatigue, transport problem and genuine illness. It is evident from the findings that delivery of quality services can be affected negatively, due to abuse of sick leave and the cost associated with absenteeism. The r...
أدرکت الحکومات في جميع أنحاء العالم أهمية التعليم الريادي، وعلى جميع المستويات ظهرت حملة لتعزيز المشروعات من خلال تدريس ريادة الأعمال. صارت النظم الإيکولوجية الريادية مجالا بحثيا نشطا، وحظيت باهتمام متزايد ومناقشات سياسية معاصرة حول العالم، وبرغم هذه الواجهة الواضحة بين الثقافة وريادة الأعمال، إلا أن الجهود البحثية الموجهة نحوهما محدودة، لذا فنحن بحاجة إلى تقديم تفسيرات أعمق لبحوث ثقافة ريادة الأعمال، وهناک عديد من الدعواتفي هذا الصدد، وربما الأکثر إلحاحا البحث في تحديد مدى التوجه الثقافي لأصحاب المشروعات الفردية، وميلهم نحو ريادة الأعمال. وتبحث الدراسة الحالية کيفية تعزيز ثقافة ريادة الأعمال في مؤسسات التعليم العالي المصرية، حيث تعد لبنة في الأدبيات حول النظم الإيکولوجية لريادة الأعمال، خاصة المتعلقة بالثقافة الريادية، کما تهدف إلى تعرف النهوج التعليمية في ريادة الأعمال، وتطويرها، والتي يمکن أن توفر هياکل تحليلية لتحسين دور ريادة الأعمال في التعليم العالي، وکيفية الإفادة منها في التعليم العالي المصري، مستعينة في ذلک بتصميم إطار مقترح للعناصر الرئيسة في ثقافة ريادة الأعمال، و...
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