Our deep gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, due to His blessings, grace and guidance so that this paper can be completed on time and in accordance with what is expected. In this paper we discuss "Curdling God and Big Sins", a fifth material in the Islamic Education course.
We realize that in the preparation of this paper, there are not a few obstacles we face, but thanks to the earnestness and maximum effort and good participation, thank God this paper can be completed on time and in accordance with what is expected.
We also do not forget to say thank you very much to the supervisor who gave us direction in the completion of this paper, and hopefully with this discussion will increase the courage of students as material that can later be taught to students.
Hopefully this paper can be useful and can also broaden students' insights in learning Islamic Education. Amin ...
1. Definition Of Technology According To Experts 3
2. Technological Developments In The World Of Education In Indonesia 4
3. Positive Influence Of Technology In The World Of Education In Indonesia 6
4. The Negative Effect Of Technology On The World Of Education In Indonesia 8
A. Conclusions 12
Information and Communication Technology is a set of media or aids which are used to obtain data and an information that can be seen or used by the public as well as tools to interact both individuals and more. Information and Communication Technology has a technology base such as fax, internet, wireless and others.
Today's globalized technological advances have influenced all aspects of life in the fields of politics, economics, art and culture, even in the field of education. Technological progress is something we cannot avoid in this modern era, because technological progress will go according to scientific progress. Every innovation was created to provide positive benefits for human life. Provides many conveniences, as well as a new way of doing human activities. Specifically in the field of information technology, we have enjoyed many benefits derived from the innovations that have been produced in the last decade. However, in addition to providing positive benefits, technology can also have adverse effects if we are not careful in using this technology.
The formulation of the problem is as follows:
What is the definition of technology according to experts?
How is the development of technology in the world of education in Indonesia?
What is the positive influence of technology on education in Indonesia?
What is the negative influence of technology on education in Indonesia?
The purpose of the authors make this paper are as follows:
To explain the definition of technology according to experts.
To explain the development of technology in the world of education in Indonesia.
To explain the positive influence of technology on education in Indonesia.
To explain the negative influence of technology on education in Indonesia.
Definition Of Technology According To Experts
Nana Syaodih S. stated that in fact the technology had already existed or humans used technology. If humans in ancient times broke candlenut with stones or plucked fruit with poles, in fact they already used technology, which is simple technology.
Regarding technology, Anglin defines technology as the application of behavioral and natural sciences and other knowledge in a systemic and systematic way to solve problems. Another expert, Kast & Rosenweig stated that Technology is the art of utilizing scientific knowledge. While Iskandar Alisyahbana (1980: 1) formulates a clearer and more complete definition of technology, namely how to do something to meet human needs with the help of tools and reason so as to extend, strengthen, or make more powerful members of the body, five senses, and the human brain .
According to Iskandar Alisyahbana Technology has been known to humans since millions of years ago because of the drive for a more comfortable, more prosperous and more prosperous life. So since the beginning of civilization there has actually been technology, although the term "technology" has not been used. The term "technology" comes from "techne" or means and "logos" or knowledge. So literally technology can be interpreted knowledge of ways. According to him, understanding technology itself is a way of doing something to meet human needs with the help of reason and tools, so as to extend, strengthen or make more powerful members of the body, senses and the human brain. Meanwhile according to Jaques Ellul gives the meaning of technology as "the whole method rational leads and has the characteristic of efficiency in every field of human activity.
Technological Developments In The World Of Education In Indonesia
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as part of science and technology in general are all technologies related to the collection, collection, processing, storage, dissemination and presentation of information. (State Ministry of Research and Technology, 2006: 6).
When viewed at the present time the development of information technology, especially in Indonesia, is growing. With the information and communication technology can make it easier for us to learn and get the information we need from anywhere, anytime, and from anyone. In the world of education the development of information technology is starting to have a positive impact because with the development of information technology the world of education is starting to show significant changes. Many things are felt differently and changed compared to the way that developed before. Nowadays distance and time are not a significant problem to gain knowledge, various applications are created to facilitate it.
In Indonesia, which in fact is a developing country where the availability of communication infrastructure is still minimal, it causes limited opportunities for everyone to obtain information and knowledge. The availability of this infrastructure is very much felt in areas where the process of obtaining information is still limited. This is because in Indonesia the spread of information and communication technology is not evenly distributed, currently only in big cities that have easily enjoyed and made use of the available facilities. Thus the development of education is hampered and uneven.
One of the platforms that is considered the most important role in the world of information and communication technology in Indonesia today is the internet. In Indonesia, especially in big cities, there are already many people who have internet access, so that the use of the internet as a medium of learning and information and knowledge search can be maximized even though internet access in Indonesia is not yet fully felt by everyone.
Information through the internet media, can be one of the keys to making the world of education in Indonesia have the same standards as other countries. By using internet media, the government and educational institutions have begun to apply learning patterns that are effective enough to be applied to people who have problems with distance and time to get information, especially information in the world of education. One method that has begun to be applied is distance learning. Distance learning method is an alternative method in equal distribution of opportunities in education. This system is expected to be able to overcome several problems caused by the limited quality of teaching staff. Distance learning method is very helpful for students or the public in learning things or new sciences with a view that is more interesting and easier to understand. In accessing and utilizing this method, the role of the internet is very necessary, because through the internet one can send files or upload files that you want to publish and through the internet also someone can access the files you want to find. In addition to distance learning methods, there are still many other methods that are very helpful in improving the quality of education in Indonesia, including the availability of free learning modules, online learning portals, etc.
If we look at other countries, the development of information and communication technology in Indonesia is quite behind. The role of the government is expected to increase the growth and development of information and communication technology in Indonesia. The government is expected to generalize the development of information technology in all regions of the country. The government is expected to be able to assist regions where the delivery of information processes is still minimal and not only focus on regions or big cities as is happening now, because in reality the role of regions in supporting the development of information technology and the development of education in Indonesia is very important .
With the uneven distribution of information technology will affect the process of educational development. This is because the role of information technology in education is very important. With the existence of information technology all kinds of science and information can be received and obtained easily and quickly. In our lives in the future, the information and communication technology sector is the most dominant sector. Anyone who masters this technology, then he will become a leader in his world.
Positive Influence Of Technology In The World Of Education In Indonesia
The emergence of Mass Media, especially electronic media as a source of knowledge and Education center. Like the Internet network, Lab. School Computers and others. The impact of this is that the teacher is not the only source of knowledge, so students in learning do not need to be too fixated on the information taught by the teacher, but also can access subject matter directly from the Internet, therefore the teacher here is not only as a teacher, but also as a guide for students to direct and monitor the course of education, so students do not misdirected in using Information and Communication Media in learning.
The emergence of new learning methods, which facilitate students and teachers in the learning process. With the advancement of technology, new methods have been created that enable students to understand abstract materials, because these materials can be made abstract, and can be easily understood by students.
The learning system does not have to go through face-to-face. During this time, the learning process that we know is that there is learning that is delivered only by face to face, but with the advancement of technology, the learning process does not have to bring students together with teachers, but can also use the services of the Internet post and others.
The existence of an assessment data processing system that uses technology utilization. In the past, when people did a study, to analyze the data that had been obtained had to be analyzed and calculated manually. But after the development of science and technology, all the tasks that were previously done manually and require quite a long time, become something that is easy to do, namely by using media technology, such as computers, which can process data by utilizing various programs that have been installed.
Meeting the needs of educational facilities can be met quickly. In the field of education, of course many things and materials must be prepared, one example, namely; The multiplication of exam questions, with a copy machine, to meet the need for a large number of questions would require a long time to do it if done manually. But with the development of technology, all that can be done only in a short time. Specifically in learning activities, there are several benefits that can be obtained from the development of science and technology, namely:
Learning becomes more effective and inteesting.
Can explain something difficult / complex.
Speed up the old process.
Presenting rare events.
Shows events that are dangerous or out of reach.
The Negative Effect Of Technology On The World Of Education In Indonesia
In addition to the positive impacts caused by the development of science and technology, negative impacts will also arise from the development of science and technology in the education process, including:
Students become lazy learning
With the tools that should be able to facilitate students in learning, such as laptops with internet networks, this often makes students lazy to learn, sometimes many of them spend their time on the internet which only brings pleasure, such as Facebook, Twitter, line, etc. others all of which will certainly affect student interest in learning.
The violation of Asusila.
We often hear in the news, where there is an immoral offender committed by a student against other students, such as brawls between students, prisex, student rape and others.
The emergence of mass media, especially electronic media as a source of knowledge and knowledge centers that are misused by students.
With the emergence of mass media generated by the development of science and technology, this can lead to a variety of deviant behavior that can occur, such as students who often spend time playing Games, playing PS, playing Facebook, chatting, so that the time that should be used for learning is actually used to play, so that learning is used up in vain. Finally all of that will be able to negatively affect student learning outcomes and even there is a moral deterioration from students to students
d. The emergence of new learning methods, which facilitate students and teachers in the learning process, thus making students lazy.
With the facilities that can be used easily in the learning process, this sometimes often makes students lazy and feel more pampered, for example when students are given the task of making papers, then they feel they don't need to bother, because they simply search for material via the Internet and copy and paste other people's work, so students become lazy trying and learning.
e. The secrecy of the test kits for education is increasingly threatened
During this time we often see and hear on TV broadcasts, about the leakage of exam questions, this is one result of misuse of technology, because with the development of increasingly sophisticated technology, it can easily access information from one region to another, this is what carried out by unscrupulous people to commit fraud related to leakage of exam questions, so that this incident often unsettles the government and the community.
f. Misuse of knowledge for certain people to commit a crime.
Initially the education was intended to get positive changes, but in the end often the goal was distorted with various reasons. Example ; a Heker with the ability to break through an office or company system, they can robbery by not needing to rob directly to the bank or offices, simply by breaking into the financial system or important information, then they will be able to profit, and difficult to track the perpetrators
There is an abuse of data processing systems that use technology.
With the existence of data processing with a technology system, we often find that there is fraud in conducting data analysis of research results conducted by students and even students, this they do to facilitate personal interests, by ignoring the results of research conducted.
The Impact of Information and Communication Technology in Education
Information and Communication Technology is a set of media or aids which are used to obtain data and an information that can be seen or used by the public as well as tools to interact both individuals and more. Information and Communication Technology has a technology base such as fax, internet, wireless and others.
understanding of information technology according to :
1. Haaq and Keen
A set of tools that help work with information and perform tasks related to information processing.
2. According to Martin
Information technology is not only limited to computer technology (hardware and software) that is used to process and store information, but also includes communication technology for sending information.
In the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology can not be separated also from the development of science. The advancement of science in Information and Communication Technology is something that we cannot avoid in life, because all advances in technology will go according to scientific progress. ICT covers two aspects, namely information technology and communication technology.
Information Technology covers all matters relating to the process, use as a tool, manipulation, and management of information.
Communication Technology is everything related to the use of tools to process and transfer data from one device to another.
Science and technology will always develop, even today the development of technology takes place rapidly. The development is not only in a matter of years, months, or days, but hours, even minutes or seconds, especially related to information and communication technology that is supported by electronic technology. Its influence extends to various fields of life, including education. The influence of the rapid development of science and technology has positive and negative impacts. The development of science and technology has a positive impact with the increasingly open and spread of information and knowledge from and to all over the world through the boundaries of space and time. The negative impact is the occurrence of changes in values, norms, rules, or moral life that is contrary to the values in life adopted by our society. In response to this situation, the role of education is very important to develop positive impacts and minimize their negative impacts. Education is not antipathy or allergic to the development of science and technology, but instead becomes a subject or a pioneer in its development.
REFERENCE: Pendidikan-di-indonesia/