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2020, MATLAB Research Project
5 pages
1 file
This paper relates to the information on creating a MATLAB application with resistor value calculation program. In this application, use Graphical User Interface (GUI) for ease to use. It notes the use of color code technique to manually calculate value of resistors. This color code calculator will help to determine the value of resistors marked with color bands and tolerance band. It can be used for 3 and 4 band resistors. We can input the color of bands in the GUI and then it calculates the value of resistor and its tolerance in ohms.
This paper investigates the tools and principles needed to make resistor applications easier with the help of flexible computer-based resistance calculation principles. The paper reveals that the application of circuit laws and other applications require the routine calculation of resistor values from colour codes, combination of series and parallel arrangement of resistors or in some cases apply delta-to-wye conversion or wye-to-delta conversion. This work considers the computerised design of various sources of resistances all bundled into one programme called the Resistor Companion. This programme is useful especially in the laboratory as teaching and learning aid.
MAPAN, 2011
The calibration of resistances was being performed manually at National Institute of Standards (NIS), Egypt till now. In this paper, a fully automated system for the remote calibrations of resistances is described. This sytem is mainly used for routine calibrations for low precision calibrations. The calibration of many resistors can be performed in this system automatically through the Resistors Automatic Changer which is controlled by a LabVIEW program developed and described in the present research work. Not only these calibrations of resistances are performed automatically but are also controlled remotely via an internet connection. Some simple remote and automated resistance measurements are carried out just to confirm our new measuring system.
This paper investigates the tools and principles needed to make resistor applications easier with the help of flexible computer-based resistance calculation principles. The paper reveals that the application of circuit laws and other applications require the routine calculation of resistor values from colour codes, combination of series and parallel arrangement of resistors or in some cases apply delta-to-wye conversion or wye-to-delta conversion. This work considers the computerised design of various sources of resistances all bundled into one programme called the Resistor Companion. This programme is useful especially in the laboratory as teaching and learning aid.
A digital resistivity meter was designed and constructed using microcontroller (PIC16F877A) and other carefully selected components. The meter was developed, using the state of the art technology, to measure the earth's electrical resistivity through application of direct current electrical resistivity method. It was designed as a system with various subunits implemented as modules, to help greatly in trouble shooting the system in case of system failure. This meter injected currents of 0.1mA, 1mA and 10mA and two, 6V batteries connected in series powered it. Its capability of accepting analog input and displaying digital output gives it advantage of minimizing errors associated with output display. Microcontroller operated using a configuration of hardware components and functional software written and burnt into the microcontroller's memory. The meter was tested with a specially designed test unit and the generated results were compared with the calculated values, the two agreed.
Russian Electrical Engineering, 2018
А software method is considered for converting a resistance into binary code that makes it possible to control the current flowing through a transformable resistance. The resolving power of the microcontroller measuring converter (MMC) is set by programmatically in the range from 2 to 16 bits. The resistive sensors with different nominal resistance values not lower than 50 Ω can be used as a transformable resistance. A block diagram of an MMC with an explanation of its operation algorithm, an oscillogram of output signals of a double-channel pulse-width modulator (PWM) built into the microcontroller, and an example of MMС calculation are presented. It is found from the calculated and experimental data that the transforming characteristic of MMC is linear in the range of the most relevant resolution from 8 to 16 bits. The operation of two PWM channels at the same frequency when supplying the measuring and reference circuits with current of the same value makes it possible to exclude the negative influence of external factors: temperature, instability of supply voltage, electromagnetic fields, and changes of parameters of elements as a result of their aging.
Automated multi-electrode resistivity systems have triggered rapid and efficient data acquisition of resistivity measurements to address a wide range of applications. This study describes development of an automated multi- electrode resistivity system for laboratory measurements. A flexible data acquisition and control software automatically switches electrodes interchangeably. The system has been tested with 16 electrodes but is expandable to larger arrays. The user can remotely control the power source, set the desired current and voltage and multiplex the electrodes to collect resistivity data using different electrode arrangments in a stacking procedure. The system has been tested using a wide range of high precision reference resistors, and the results have been correlated with those acquired with a commercial resistivity system. The laboratory testing demonstrates repeatability, resolution and accuracy of the collected data.
Proceedings of the 12th Wseas International Conference on Automatic Control Modelling Simulation, 2010
Measurement and automation technology were changed once the National Instruments company introduced the concept of virtual instruments, using the graphical programming LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench). LabVIEW, originally developed for the measurement and automation technology, has been advancing more and more as an alternative to conventional programming languages. This graphical programming represents crucial reading and work for instructors, scientists, students, hardware and software developers, and decision-makers in research, academia and industry. This article presents theoretical considerations regarding electrical resistance measurement in D.C. circuits and applications for their study and analysis using the LabVIEW graphical programming.
Computers & Geosciences, 1990
A microcomputer program is presented for direct interpretation of resistivity sounding curves measured with the two-electrode, Wenner0 Schlumberger, and dipole arrays. Any other array may be included into the program. The unequally spaced apparent resistivity data are converted to the resistivity transform data by a least-squares method. The parameters of the first layer are determined from the early part of the resistivity transform curve. The top layer is removed by the Pekeris recurrence equation. The successive application of the proposed method and the recurrence equation on each part of the resistivity transform curve determines all the layer parameters. The program is written in BASIC.
With the technological demands of today, we must increase the number of individuals that successfully complete a degree in science and engineering. To accomplish this goal, the first obstacle to overcome is the year semester mathematical calculating course. It has historically been a graveyard for students in engineering and science. Multiuse Expert Electrical Calculator System designed as a system which has many functions and also user friendly. This system is an expert system because by using this system, we can show formula and also can analyze the calculation. Calculator technologies nowadays not widely use because we cannot get the analysis of the calculation after we get the result of calculation. Most of calculator cannot appear circuit that we want to calculate and need a lot of time to get an accurate result and make learning slower, difficult and not interesting. This system was designed by using Visual Basic Language and window based to produce the calculator system and f...
The resistor is a passive electrical component to create resistance in the flow of electric current. A few examples for applications include delimit electric current, voltage division, and fix time constants. Practically all leaded resistors with a power rating up to one watt are marked with color bands. Together they specify the resistance value, the tolerance and sometimes the reliability. The resistance color code calculator will help to determine the value of resistors marked with color bands. It can be used for 4 band resistors. So we can enter the color of the corresponding bands in the table. Then, calculates the value of the resistor and display it on the output table.
The color code is given by several bands. Together they specify the resistance value, the tolerance. The number of bands varies from three to six. As a minimum, two bands indicate the resistance value and one band serves as multiplier.
Table1. Resistance Color-Code chart with tolerance, temperature co-efficient and failure rate. .m file -contains the code in MATLAB 2018 that controls the GUI. In this file, we can program the callbacks in this file using the M-file editor. This resistor color code calculator will help to determine the value of resistors marked with color bands. It can be used for 4 band resistor. We can put the colors of the corresponding bands in the table. The output panel will display the value of the resistor in ohms, Kilo ohms and tolerance in ohms.
This resistor color code calculator will help to determine the value of resistors marked with color bands. It can be used for 4 band resistor. We can put the color of the corresponding bands in the input panel. Finally, the output panel will display the value of the resistor.
In future, this application will be use for the measurement of resistance value, tolerance and temperature co-efficient and failure rate for 6 band color code resistor.
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